97-1395RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1VIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of 2 Justice Administration (BJA) in the amonnt of $644,215, and WHEREAS, a match of $24,895 is required from the Saint Paul Police Deparfinent, a match of $25,231 is required from the Saint Paul City Attotney's Office, and $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,794, and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department intends to access $&8,614 of the block grant with a required 9 match of $9,846 in 1997 for the purcLase of a Gas Chromatograph for the Crime Lab and the remaining 10 grant balance will be establisLed in the 1998 budget, and il 12 WE�REAS, The Mayor pnrsnant to Secfion 10A71 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 14 IS 'WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 16 17 18 19 FINANCING PLAN: 20 436-Police Special Projects 21 34140-LLEBG II 22 3099-Other Federal Direct Grants 23 7499 - Intrafund - Transfer in 24 25 26 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDG - 88,614 88,614 - 9,846 9,846 - 98,46 98,460 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 436-Police Special Projects 29 34140-LLEBG II 30 084&-Other Specialized Equipment - 98,460 98,46Q 31 - 98,460 8,460 32 33 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 34 Requested by Departryept of: I� Adopted by Council:Date: �� \c` �c�r� Adopfi Certified by Council Secretary: BY� 1 \._ 3- . �.,r� Approved by Mayor:Date: p�� z 4(�� BY� � ,/P/L.� C111297Ax1s Council Fi{e # Q 7 - /�c 5� Green Sheet # � � � r y� /� Recommended ;e.,�. /Z�-�i by I� Services Director: to Council: � DE EN(qFFICE/COUNCIL Police N4 51786 ATEINITIATED �7 �I�/S il/12/9� GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE - ��EPARTMENTDIRECTOR dTYCOUNGL 1SSIGN GiYATTORNEV CITVCIERK lUMBER FOA IOUi1NG BUOGET DIRECTOR FIN 8 MGT SERVICES OIR. � �A�� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Establish spending authority for partial use of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (previouslp accepted by Council) to purchase equipment for the Police Crime Lab. o, _, PIANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERNCE C�MMISSIQN _ C18 COMMiTTEE _ _ STAFG _ _ DISTRICTCOUPT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJEGTIVE> PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: 7. Has this personFirm ever worked unde� a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a skill not normally possessed by any cuttent city employeel YES NO Explaln all yea answers on aeperote aheet and attaeh to green sheet fr1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whffi. When. Whare. Why): The City of Saint Paul Police Departmeut sought and obtained a Local Law En£orcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215. (Please see the attached for detailed in£ormation on the grant.) This grant, in part, includes the purchase of a replacement drug testing machine for the Saint Paul Police Department Crime Lab. iF aPraoveo: Continuation of current drug testing procedures critical to the prosecution of narca�b�s�ss cases iu the Citp of Saint Paul. DISADVqNTAGES �FAPPpOVEO. NOIIC. - i NOV 1 2 iS97 Dragi�esiing equipment is critical to prosecution of narcotics cases. Reliability of equipment requires the purchase of this replacement equipment ASAP. Spending for the remainder of the grant will be established at a later date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 9A�4ft� GOSTlREVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCIE ONE) YES NO See Resolution FUNDIfdGSOURCE GL8IIt $8$�614 ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANdAL INFORI.nAT10N: (EXPLAIN) MdCC]1 $9,846 97 - �39� '"°^ U.S. Department of Jvstice - ; • � F rtii.L��1�D ��� Office of Justice Progtams OCF 28 199T Bureau of Justice Assistance ��i�1Y0R"S U; FiC� Qfficc of thc Director N^shingron. D.C. 2053: September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Ciry Hafl, I S West Kelloo� Bouievard Saint Paul, M1�1 5�103 RE: FY 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the $ureau of 3ustice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City af St. Pau1's apptication for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,21 �. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Encfosed you wi11 find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washinoton, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in re�ard to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, piease do not hesitate to eontact the Grants Administration Branch, Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grants Program Division at (302) 305-2088. I look fonvazd to a continuing par[nership with the City of St. Pau1 in furtherance of this important criminat justice program. Sincere{y yours, N�U"}� ��`�� � �� Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosures - --- ----- --- - - ; - U S. DFPART>fE\T OF 1l`ST10E ' OFFICE OF Jl,'STLCE PROGRAMS � r{ OJP �X j BJA '� OtJDP I � � e�s [i r» �—� ovc i CHECK APPROPRIATE 60X i. GR4VTGE K.A�I[ A�D ADDRESS (Inciudins Zip Code) Ci[y oC$[. Paui Cic�� }Ia1L VS l�est i:elloe; Boulecard Saint Paul. \i\ �?10'_ ! IAGRA\TELIRSNEtiDORNO. 41b0055?t i?. SU6GR.AN(EE NA6fE AND ADDRESS(Includins Zip Code) i �' ?A. SUQGR.���''TEE I2Slb'ENDOR h0. AWARD � cw�� �i COOPERATiCE AGR[Gb1ENT 4. A\4'ARD NU�fBER: i. PROJGCT PERIOD: FR0�1 QU4GET P[RIOD. FROM 6. A�\'ARD DATE 09'i0/97 8. SUPPLEMENT NUM1IBER 9. PREVIOUS A\1"ARD AStOU�'T � 3.PA01ECTTITLE i Local Lmv Eniorcemcn[ BIocA Crtants Pro�ram - FY 1997 10 AMIOUSQT OF THIS AWARD I 1. 70TAL A W'ARD 97 -/39�5 i PAGE I OF 6 97LB�'X392I 10/01/97 TO 09%30/99 !�/O(!47 TO 09r30l99 7. ACT70N � lnitial �� Supplemental S 0.00 5631,2l5 S6JJ,31 i i? SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Chcck, iCapplitable) i ' U THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT SS APPROVED SU61L-CT TO SUCH CONDITIO\S OR LS�fi7AT10NS AS ARE S5T FORTH � ON THE A7TACHED 5 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY' FOR GRAN7' � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME COMROL AND SAFE STREE7S AC7 OF 1963. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMGNDED � TITLE20FTHEJWEN[LEJUSTICEANDDELINQUENCYPREVENTIONACTOFt474 4? lt S.C. 560I, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED U VICi7M5 OF CA7ME ACT OF ]98a . 42 LLS.C. 10601, ET. SL-Q., PUIIllC LAW 98-773. AS ALIENDED OTHEA (SpedF��): Omnibu5 Appropriations Act oC 1997 li. FUTURE FISCA[. YEAR(S) SUPPORT: � SECO\D YGAR'S BUDGET PERIOD. N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS N/A TYPE OF FUNDS: THiRDYEAR'S6UtXiETPERIOD: NfA A�b10UNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FU1�DS: i li. hSETHOD OP PAYp7ENT � THE GR.4NTEE �PILL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT -=-•n,-."-_�.—`�' AGENC}' APPROVAL �=��:".'^is."�.�ra'� i •�"�:.•�.'•c�,•n YES I I h0 G(t4VTEEE ACCEPTAD:CE I� 1 b. Tl'PED KA?tE AND TiTLE OF APPROVItiG OJP OPfICfAL � I8. TYPED NA�tE AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OfFlCIAL Nana� E. Gist. Disector Nortn Colema� Bureau oflus�icc Assisiancc � Mayor 1 Z SIGNATURE OF APPROVfNG OJP OFFICIAL � 19.SIG�`ATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE ( I4A. DA7E � ^,� -� -- �sfi i - — ---------- --- ---- _._._...� ��Vl�l -.;^.« w•...»�—sz.-`---.�m..._..;i AGENC}'US�O\'LY" r`—;.-�.�-^�--;-..:. . -ra�V..-_�.._:..�. ...., . j ..... - ... _ � . _.._. ..... . _. _._.�_..�.—.:; ._ .. _ .__ ___� • - ____`,,,�.,, .__` - �::>'..�:::a;;._..:..�..:�:�.:�::�=:.:�:.:u:.x::._.:�...:.„...._,_;..___ �-�--_,_,_ _ ..__.. ......:.�:.�,..w..m_ � --------- --------------- — 2U ACCOG�7[NGCI.ASS(FICATIO'�CODES ; ?L L17798 FISG4L FLtiD F3L'�p D7V. 1"LAR CODE AC"i'. OfC REQ SUB POJiS A btOt�T \ �' LI 80 00 00 )1P FORlI �0002 (R[V`5-87) PREVIOUS ED1710\S A2E 0650LE7C �� � ��� ^� �7 -i �395 _� � � U.S . DEPART\fEXT OF Il1 STICE OPFICE OF JCSTICE PROGRA>IS �J otr � XJ a�,� j` 1 o»or � s�s � xv �� ovc GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANQUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GIL1�'T � COOPEAA7IVE AGREEMEhT CHECF:APPROPRIATEBOS ` PROIECTKU�f6ER � 9iLB�.I"39?I This pro ec[ is supponed unCcr Titic t of thc Omnibus Gimc Contro( and SaCa Strtzu Act, 4? �SC 370L as amcndzd. This pcoject ii supponed undtr [he Ju.�enile Jus:ice and Delinquency Prevenlion AC[ Of 197-{ ,az amended O[her: OmniSus Appropriation Act ot 1997. L STAfF CO?:TACS (�iamt. addcess R tricphona numbtr) Granu .4dministration Branch LLEBG Division. B1A S!0 7[h S�rctt. N W, 4th Fbor �6a>hin_ton. DC 2051t (?02)30� ?033 ' 3a TITLE OF THE PROGRA��I � Local Lao' Enforcement Block Grants Progrant i 4. TI7LE OF PROIECT Local La�� Enforcemcnt Bbck Gran[s Program - Fy 1997 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF G1LINTEE City of SL Paui CIty Hall. I i 1Vcst }:oiloo_ 6oultvard Saint Paul, bIN >j10? Z PROGW��I PLR10D FROM� 10l01797 T0. 09/30f99 9. AMOIJ�T OF A�YARD � � SGA1,? I S L $ECOND 1"EAR'S BUDGET N/A l TF{[RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERiOD N/A ! 2. SECOND YEAA'S BUDGET Ab10 WT iJA 14.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET A�fOUP1T N/A . SUAt,btARY' DESCRIPTIO*I OF PROIECT The Local La��' En(ortemrnt Bluck Grants Pro_ram was authorized by Ihe Omnibus Fisaal Year I997 Appropriations Act, Public La�v fOd-208 for [he puryose of providine units of Iocal eo��<mment with (unds to underwrim projecu to reduce crime and improve pubfic safety. The 6urcau of JuStice A55i5[ance wi11 make direct a�vards to unit5 o(Iocal eo�emmcnt when a��ard amount� are a[ lea5t SIQ000 to be used con5is[en[ xi[h [he smtutory proeram purpose arcas specified in scction 101(a)('_) Thr Cin oFSt Paul has indicatzd that it intends [o distributt it5 Locai La�r Enforcement Block GranR funds under thc foilo��ine purpose arca(s): I b) Ovenime 51 j7J33 Ic) Equipmrnc 5389,L?Z �) Enhaixine Adjudication S972i9 'enitied compliancc, pursuani to scction 6i?. Yubiic $alcty Offictrs Hzal[h 6rncfits provision. 2. PROJECT D(RECTOR (`ama.addms & tzttphunz number) W'iiliam Finacy Chief of Policc Cit} of St. Paut Ciry Ha11, li West S:eflogg Boukvard Sain[ Paul, FPV >5102 (6S?J?9''3i83 36. PO�IS CODE LE 6. NA61E & ADDRESS OF SUHGRANTEE 8. 6UDGET PERIOD FROM: 101Oii47 TO: 09J30199 70. DATE OF A W ARD 09(30l97 �1tiCF OitV a000/I (REV. a-33� PREVfOU5 EDITIOSS AR}_ OBSOLETE �7 - �3g�' ^ • Councii Filc �=g5 � u,,,�,,,�,� L GanShcctr is�:o OLUTTO?� � � T PAUL, MI�NESOTA Presented I WHE AS, the B eau of Justice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity af 2 Saint Pau cal La�ti• Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of 5644,215 an ,� 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of 550,055 is required from the city of 5aint PauI and a match 5 of S21,453 from Ramsey Count}� is required for a total program cost of 57�5,723 6 and, � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or 5214,717, and 5501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant w•ill be allocated by fhe City of Saint Pavl as follows: 5389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technotogy, and materials directly relafed to basic enforcement functions; 5157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases invoiving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local Lasr� Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fuifil3ed. 20 Requested by Department of Police: ,Approval Recommended by�dg B��:��� Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted b�� CounciC Dace:� �� c 1 �q 5� B�. Adoption Cenified hy Counc'cl.Secreta y: \ Am �y Approved � � �3 �-z- y�� by�vSayor io� Submission to Council: � g y - i�:.s Resolu�ion Board of Rarrzsey County Commissioners PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date July 8, 1997No. 97-286 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Joan Fabian, Community Corrections Bob Fletcher, Sheriff City of St. Pau1 Suzanne A1liegro, Courts Susan Gaertner, County Attorne WHEREAS, In 1996, Ramsey County participated viith the City of Saint Paul in the Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grant; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Soard met on June 9, 1997, and requested that Criminal Justice agencies negotiate with the City of St. Paul and reach agreement on a collaborative plan for use of the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Federal Block Grant funding; and WHEREAS, The agencies have reached agreement on an acceptable plan which provides 300 of the funding to the County; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts and approves the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant plan and budqet; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to accept the local law enforcement block grant; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to make all necessary budget adjustment to implement the Grant. 2AMSEY COUNTY B0,4RD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER �ony Bennett X )ino Guerin X '�ue Haigh X '.afaelOrtega X ictoria Reinhardt X anlce Rettman �_ m �Viessner _,� Susan Haigh. Sonnic C.Jackele � Chief Clerk - upt Bo:vd RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1VIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of 2 Justice Administration (BJA) in the amonnt of $644,215, and WHEREAS, a match of $24,895 is required from the Saint Paul Police Deparfinent, a match of $25,231 is required from the Saint Paul City Attotney's Office, and $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,794, and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department intends to access $&8,614 of the block grant with a required 9 match of $9,846 in 1997 for the purcLase of a Gas Chromatograph for the Crime Lab and the remaining 10 grant balance will be establisLed in the 1998 budget, and il 12 WE�REAS, The Mayor pnrsnant to Secfion 10A71 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 14 IS 'WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 16 17 18 19 FINANCING PLAN: 20 436-Police Special Projects 21 34140-LLEBG II 22 3099-Other Federal Direct Grants 23 7499 - Intrafund - Transfer in 24 25 26 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDG - 88,614 88,614 - 9,846 9,846 - 98,46 98,460 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 436-Police Special Projects 29 34140-LLEBG II 30 084&-Other Specialized Equipment - 98,460 98,46Q 31 - 98,460 8,460 32 33 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 34 Requested by Departryept of: I� Adopted by Council:Date: �� \c` �c�r� Adopfi Certified by Council Secretary: BY� 1 \._ 3- . �.,r� Approved by Mayor:Date: p�� z 4(�� BY� � ,/P/L.� C111297Ax1s Council Fi{e # Q 7 - /�c 5� Green Sheet # � � � r y� /� Recommended ;e.,�. /Z�-�i by I� Services Director: to Council: � DE EN(qFFICE/COUNCIL Police N4 51786 ATEINITIATED �7 �I�/S il/12/9� GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE - ��EPARTMENTDIRECTOR dTYCOUNGL 1SSIGN GiYATTORNEV CITVCIERK lUMBER FOA IOUi1NG BUOGET DIRECTOR FIN 8 MGT SERVICES OIR. � �A�� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Establish spending authority for partial use of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (previouslp accepted by Council) to purchase equipment for the Police Crime Lab. o, _, PIANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERNCE C�MMISSIQN _ C18 COMMiTTEE _ _ STAFG _ _ DISTRICTCOUPT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJEGTIVE> PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: 7. Has this personFirm ever worked unde� a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a skill not normally possessed by any cuttent city employeel YES NO Explaln all yea answers on aeperote aheet and attaeh to green sheet fr1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whffi. When. Whare. Why): The City of Saint Paul Police Departmeut sought and obtained a Local Law En£orcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215. (Please see the attached for detailed in£ormation on the grant.) This grant, in part, includes the purchase of a replacement drug testing machine for the Saint Paul Police Department Crime Lab. iF aPraoveo: Continuation of current drug testing procedures critical to the prosecution of narca�b�s�ss cases iu the Citp of Saint Paul. DISADVqNTAGES �FAPPpOVEO. NOIIC. - i NOV 1 2 iS97 Dragi�esiing equipment is critical to prosecution of narcotics cases. Reliability of equipment requires the purchase of this replacement equipment ASAP. Spending for the remainder of the grant will be established at a later date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 9A�4ft� GOSTlREVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCIE ONE) YES NO See Resolution FUNDIfdGSOURCE GL8IIt $8$�614 ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANdAL INFORI.nAT10N: (EXPLAIN) MdCC]1 $9,846 97 - �39� '"°^ U.S. Department of Jvstice - ; • � F rtii.L��1�D ��� Office of Justice Progtams OCF 28 199T Bureau of Justice Assistance ��i�1Y0R"S U; FiC� Qfficc of thc Director N^shingron. D.C. 2053: September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Ciry Hafl, I S West Kelloo� Bouievard Saint Paul, M1�1 5�103 RE: FY 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the $ureau of 3ustice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City af St. Pau1's apptication for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,21 �. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Encfosed you wi11 find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washinoton, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in re�ard to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, piease do not hesitate to eontact the Grants Administration Branch, Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grants Program Division at (302) 305-2088. I look fonvazd to a continuing par[nership with the City of St. Pau1 in furtherance of this important criminat justice program. Sincere{y yours, N�U"}� ��`�� � �� Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosures - --- ----- --- - - ; - U S. DFPART>fE\T OF 1l`ST10E ' OFFICE OF Jl,'STLCE PROGRAMS � r{ OJP �X j BJA '� OtJDP I � � e�s [i r» �—� ovc i CHECK APPROPRIATE 60X i. GR4VTGE K.A�I[ A�D ADDRESS (Inciudins Zip Code) Ci[y oC$[. Paui Cic�� }Ia1L VS l�est i:elloe; Boulecard Saint Paul. \i\ �?10'_ ! IAGRA\TELIRSNEtiDORNO. 41b0055?t i?. SU6GR.AN(EE NA6fE AND ADDRESS(Includins Zip Code) i �' ?A. SUQGR.���''TEE I2Slb'ENDOR h0. AWARD � cw�� �i COOPERATiCE AGR[Gb1ENT 4. A\4'ARD NU�fBER: i. PROJGCT PERIOD: FR0�1 QU4GET P[RIOD. FROM 6. A�\'ARD DATE 09'i0/97 8. SUPPLEMENT NUM1IBER 9. PREVIOUS A\1"ARD AStOU�'T � 3.PA01ECTTITLE i Local Lmv Eniorcemcn[ BIocA Crtants Pro�ram - FY 1997 10 AMIOUSQT OF THIS AWARD I 1. 70TAL A W'ARD 97 -/39�5 i PAGE I OF 6 97LB�'X392I 10/01/97 TO 09%30/99 !�/O(!47 TO 09r30l99 7. ACT70N � lnitial �� Supplemental S 0.00 5631,2l5 S6JJ,31 i i? SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Chcck, iCapplitable) i ' U THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT SS APPROVED SU61L-CT TO SUCH CONDITIO\S OR LS�fi7AT10NS AS ARE S5T FORTH � ON THE A7TACHED 5 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY' FOR GRAN7' � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME COMROL AND SAFE STREE7S AC7 OF 1963. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMGNDED � TITLE20FTHEJWEN[LEJUSTICEANDDELINQUENCYPREVENTIONACTOFt474 4? lt S.C. 560I, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED U VICi7M5 OF CA7ME ACT OF ]98a . 42 LLS.C. 10601, ET. SL-Q., PUIIllC LAW 98-773. AS ALIENDED OTHEA (SpedF��): Omnibu5 Appropriations Act oC 1997 li. FUTURE FISCA[. YEAR(S) SUPPORT: � SECO\D YGAR'S BUDGET PERIOD. N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS N/A TYPE OF FUNDS: THiRDYEAR'S6UtXiETPERIOD: NfA A�b10UNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FU1�DS: i li. hSETHOD OP PAYp7ENT � THE GR.4NTEE �PILL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT -=-•n,-."-_�.—`�' AGENC}' APPROVAL �=��:".'^is."�.�ra'� i •�"�:.•�.'•c�,•n YES I I h0 G(t4VTEEE ACCEPTAD:CE I� 1 b. Tl'PED KA?tE AND TiTLE OF APPROVItiG OJP OPfICfAL � I8. TYPED NA�tE AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OfFlCIAL Nana� E. Gist. Disector Nortn Colema� Bureau oflus�icc Assisiancc � Mayor 1 Z SIGNATURE OF APPROVfNG OJP OFFICIAL � 19.SIG�`ATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE ( I4A. DA7E � ^,� -� -- �sfi i - — ---------- --- ---- _._._...� ��Vl�l -.;^.« w•...»�—sz.-`---.�m..._..;i AGENC}'US�O\'LY" r`—;.-�.�-^�--;-..:. . -ra�V..-_�.._:..�. ...., . j ..... - ... _ � . _.._. ..... . _. _._.�_..�.—.:; ._ .. _ .__ ___� • - ____`,,,�.,, .__` - �::>'..�:::a;;._..:..�..:�:�.:�::�=:.:�:.:u:.x::._.:�...:.„...._,_;..___ �-�--_,_,_ _ ..__.. ......:.�:.�,..w..m_ � --------- --------------- — 2U ACCOG�7[NGCI.ASS(FICATIO'�CODES ; ?L L17798 FISG4L FLtiD F3L'�p D7V. 1"LAR CODE AC"i'. OfC REQ SUB POJiS A btOt�T \ �' LI 80 00 00 )1P FORlI �0002 (R[V`5-87) PREVIOUS ED1710\S A2E 0650LE7C �� � ��� ^� �7 -i �395 _� � � U.S . DEPART\fEXT OF Il1 STICE OPFICE OF JCSTICE PROGRA>IS �J otr � XJ a�,� j` 1 o»or � s�s � xv �� ovc GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANQUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GIL1�'T � COOPEAA7IVE AGREEMEhT CHECF:APPROPRIATEBOS ` PROIECTKU�f6ER � 9iLB�.I"39?I This pro ec[ is supponed unCcr Titic t of thc Omnibus Gimc Contro( and SaCa Strtzu Act, 4? �SC 370L as amcndzd. This pcoject ii supponed undtr [he Ju.�enile Jus:ice and Delinquency Prevenlion AC[ Of 197-{ ,az amended O[her: OmniSus Appropriation Act ot 1997. L STAfF CO?:TACS (�iamt. addcess R tricphona numbtr) Granu .4dministration Branch LLEBG Division. B1A S!0 7[h S�rctt. N W, 4th Fbor �6a>hin_ton. DC 2051t (?02)30� ?033 ' 3a TITLE OF THE PROGRA��I � Local Lao' Enforcement Block Grants Progrant i 4. TI7LE OF PROIECT Local La�� Enforcemcnt Bbck Gran[s Program - Fy 1997 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF G1LINTEE City of SL Paui CIty Hall. I i 1Vcst }:oiloo_ 6oultvard Saint Paul, bIN >j10? Z PROGW��I PLR10D FROM� 10l01797 T0. 09/30f99 9. AMOIJ�T OF A�YARD � � SGA1,? I S L $ECOND 1"EAR'S BUDGET N/A l TF{[RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERiOD N/A ! 2. SECOND YEAA'S BUDGET Ab10 WT iJA 14.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET A�fOUP1T N/A . SUAt,btARY' DESCRIPTIO*I OF PROIECT The Local La��' En(ortemrnt Bluck Grants Pro_ram was authorized by Ihe Omnibus Fisaal Year I997 Appropriations Act, Public La�v fOd-208 for [he puryose of providine units of Iocal eo��<mment with (unds to underwrim projecu to reduce crime and improve pubfic safety. The 6urcau of JuStice A55i5[ance wi11 make direct a�vards to unit5 o(Iocal eo�emmcnt when a��ard amount� are a[ lea5t SIQ000 to be used con5is[en[ xi[h [he smtutory proeram purpose arcas specified in scction 101(a)('_) Thr Cin oFSt Paul has indicatzd that it intends [o distributt it5 Locai La�r Enforcement Block GranR funds under thc foilo��ine purpose arca(s): I b) Ovenime 51 j7J33 Ic) Equipmrnc 5389,L?Z �) Enhaixine Adjudication S972i9 'enitied compliancc, pursuani to scction 6i?. Yubiic $alcty Offictrs Hzal[h 6rncfits provision. 2. PROJECT D(RECTOR (`ama.addms & tzttphunz number) W'iiliam Finacy Chief of Policc Cit} of St. Paut Ciry Ha11, li West S:eflogg Boukvard Sain[ Paul, FPV >5102 (6S?J?9''3i83 36. PO�IS CODE LE 6. NA61E & ADDRESS OF SUHGRANTEE 8. 6UDGET PERIOD FROM: 101Oii47 TO: 09J30199 70. DATE OF A W ARD 09(30l97 �1tiCF OitV a000/I (REV. a-33� PREVfOU5 EDITIOSS AR}_ OBSOLETE �7 - �3g�' ^ • Councii Filc �=g5 � u,,,�,,,�,� L GanShcctr is�:o OLUTTO?� � � T PAUL, MI�NESOTA Presented I WHE AS, the B eau of Justice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity af 2 Saint Pau cal La�ti• Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of 5644,215 an ,� 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of 550,055 is required from the city of 5aint PauI and a match 5 of S21,453 from Ramsey Count}� is required for a total program cost of 57�5,723 6 and, � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or 5214,717, and 5501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant w•ill be allocated by fhe City of Saint Pavl as follows: 5389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technotogy, and materials directly relafed to basic enforcement functions; 5157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases invoiving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local Lasr� Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fuifil3ed. 20 Requested by Department of Police: ,Approval Recommended by�dg B��:��� Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted b�� CounciC Dace:� �� c 1 �q 5� B�. Adoption Cenified hy Counc'cl.Secreta y: \ Am �y Approved � � �3 �-z- y�� by�vSayor io� Submission to Council: � g y - i�:.s Resolu�ion Board of Rarrzsey County Commissioners PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date July 8, 1997No. 97-286 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Joan Fabian, Community Corrections Bob Fletcher, Sheriff City of St. Pau1 Suzanne A1liegro, Courts Susan Gaertner, County Attorne WHEREAS, In 1996, Ramsey County participated viith the City of Saint Paul in the Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grant; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Soard met on June 9, 1997, and requested that Criminal Justice agencies negotiate with the City of St. Paul and reach agreement on a collaborative plan for use of the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Federal Block Grant funding; and WHEREAS, The agencies have reached agreement on an acceptable plan which provides 300 of the funding to the County; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts and approves the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant plan and budqet; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to accept the local law enforcement block grant; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to make all necessary budget adjustment to implement the Grant. 2AMSEY COUNTY B0,4RD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER �ony Bennett X )ino Guerin X '�ue Haigh X '.afaelOrtega X ictoria Reinhardt X anlce Rettman �_ m �Viessner _,� Susan Haigh. Sonnic C.Jackele � Chief Clerk - upt Bo:vd RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1VIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of 2 Justice Administration (BJA) in the amonnt of $644,215, and WHEREAS, a match of $24,895 is required from the Saint Paul Police Deparfinent, a match of $25,231 is required from the Saint Paul City Attotney's Office, and $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,794, and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department intends to access $&8,614 of the block grant with a required 9 match of $9,846 in 1997 for the purcLase of a Gas Chromatograph for the Crime Lab and the remaining 10 grant balance will be establisLed in the 1998 budget, and il 12 WE�REAS, The Mayor pnrsnant to Secfion 10A71 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 14 IS 'WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 16 17 18 19 FINANCING PLAN: 20 436-Police Special Projects 21 34140-LLEBG II 22 3099-Other Federal Direct Grants 23 7499 - Intrafund - Transfer in 24 25 26 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDG - 88,614 88,614 - 9,846 9,846 - 98,46 98,460 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 436-Police Special Projects 29 34140-LLEBG II 30 084&-Other Specialized Equipment - 98,460 98,46Q 31 - 98,460 8,460 32 33 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 34 Requested by Departryept of: I� Adopted by Council:Date: �� \c` �c�r� Adopfi Certified by Council Secretary: BY� 1 \._ 3- . �.,r� Approved by Mayor:Date: p�� z 4(�� BY� � ,/P/L.� C111297Ax1s Council Fi{e # Q 7 - /�c 5� Green Sheet # � � � r y� /� Recommended ;e.,�. /Z�-�i by I� Services Director: to Council: � DE EN(qFFICE/COUNCIL Police N4 51786 ATEINITIATED �7 �I�/S il/12/9� GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE - ��EPARTMENTDIRECTOR dTYCOUNGL 1SSIGN GiYATTORNEV CITVCIERK lUMBER FOA IOUi1NG BUOGET DIRECTOR FIN 8 MGT SERVICES OIR. � �A�� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Establish spending authority for partial use of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (previouslp accepted by Council) to purchase equipment for the Police Crime Lab. o, _, PIANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERNCE C�MMISSIQN _ C18 COMMiTTEE _ _ STAFG _ _ DISTRICTCOUPT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJEGTIVE> PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: 7. Has this personFirm ever worked unde� a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a skill not normally possessed by any cuttent city employeel YES NO Explaln all yea answers on aeperote aheet and attaeh to green sheet fr1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whffi. When. Whare. Why): The City of Saint Paul Police Departmeut sought and obtained a Local Law En£orcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215. (Please see the attached for detailed in£ormation on the grant.) This grant, in part, includes the purchase of a replacement drug testing machine for the Saint Paul Police Department Crime Lab. iF aPraoveo: Continuation of current drug testing procedures critical to the prosecution of narca�b�s�ss cases iu the Citp of Saint Paul. DISADVqNTAGES �FAPPpOVEO. NOIIC. - i NOV 1 2 iS97 Dragi�esiing equipment is critical to prosecution of narcotics cases. Reliability of equipment requires the purchase of this replacement equipment ASAP. Spending for the remainder of the grant will be established at a later date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 9A�4ft� GOSTlREVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCIE ONE) YES NO See Resolution FUNDIfdGSOURCE GL8IIt $8$�614 ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANdAL INFORI.nAT10N: (EXPLAIN) MdCC]1 $9,846 97 - �39� '"°^ U.S. Department of Jvstice - ; • � F rtii.L��1�D ��� Office of Justice Progtams OCF 28 199T Bureau of Justice Assistance ��i�1Y0R"S U; FiC� Qfficc of thc Director N^shingron. D.C. 2053: September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Ciry Hafl, I S West Kelloo� Bouievard Saint Paul, M1�1 5�103 RE: FY 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the $ureau of 3ustice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City af St. Pau1's apptication for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,21 �. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Encfosed you wi11 find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washinoton, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in re�ard to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, piease do not hesitate to eontact the Grants Administration Branch, Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grants Program Division at (302) 305-2088. I look fonvazd to a continuing par[nership with the City of St. Pau1 in furtherance of this important criminat justice program. Sincere{y yours, N�U"}� ��`�� � �� Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosures - --- ----- --- - - ; - U S. DFPART>fE\T OF 1l`ST10E ' OFFICE OF Jl,'STLCE PROGRAMS � r{ OJP �X j BJA '� OtJDP I � � e�s [i r» �—� ovc i CHECK APPROPRIATE 60X i. GR4VTGE K.A�I[ A�D ADDRESS (Inciudins Zip Code) Ci[y oC$[. Paui Cic�� }Ia1L VS l�est i:elloe; Boulecard Saint Paul. \i\ �?10'_ ! IAGRA\TELIRSNEtiDORNO. 41b0055?t i?. SU6GR.AN(EE NA6fE AND ADDRESS(Includins Zip Code) i �' ?A. SUQGR.���''TEE I2Slb'ENDOR h0. AWARD � cw�� �i COOPERATiCE AGR[Gb1ENT 4. A\4'ARD NU�fBER: i. PROJGCT PERIOD: FR0�1 QU4GET P[RIOD. FROM 6. A�\'ARD DATE 09'i0/97 8. SUPPLEMENT NUM1IBER 9. PREVIOUS A\1"ARD AStOU�'T � 3.PA01ECTTITLE i Local Lmv Eniorcemcn[ BIocA Crtants Pro�ram - FY 1997 10 AMIOUSQT OF THIS AWARD I 1. 70TAL A W'ARD 97 -/39�5 i PAGE I OF 6 97LB�'X392I 10/01/97 TO 09%30/99 !�/O(!47 TO 09r30l99 7. ACT70N � lnitial �� Supplemental S 0.00 5631,2l5 S6JJ,31 i i? SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Chcck, iCapplitable) i ' U THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT SS APPROVED SU61L-CT TO SUCH CONDITIO\S OR LS�fi7AT10NS AS ARE S5T FORTH � ON THE A7TACHED 5 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY' FOR GRAN7' � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME COMROL AND SAFE STREE7S AC7 OF 1963. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMGNDED � TITLE20FTHEJWEN[LEJUSTICEANDDELINQUENCYPREVENTIONACTOFt474 4? lt S.C. 560I, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED U VICi7M5 OF CA7ME ACT OF ]98a . 42 LLS.C. 10601, ET. SL-Q., PUIIllC LAW 98-773. AS ALIENDED OTHEA (SpedF��): Omnibu5 Appropriations Act oC 1997 li. FUTURE FISCA[. YEAR(S) SUPPORT: � SECO\D YGAR'S BUDGET PERIOD. N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS N/A TYPE OF FUNDS: THiRDYEAR'S6UtXiETPERIOD: NfA A�b10UNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FU1�DS: i li. hSETHOD OP PAYp7ENT � THE GR.4NTEE �PILL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT -=-•n,-."-_�.—`�' AGENC}' APPROVAL �=��:".'^is."�.�ra'� i •�"�:.•�.'•c�,•n YES I I h0 G(t4VTEEE ACCEPTAD:CE I� 1 b. Tl'PED KA?tE AND TiTLE OF APPROVItiG OJP OPfICfAL � I8. TYPED NA�tE AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OfFlCIAL Nana� E. Gist. Disector Nortn Colema� Bureau oflus�icc Assisiancc � Mayor 1 Z SIGNATURE OF APPROVfNG OJP OFFICIAL � 19.SIG�`ATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE ( I4A. DA7E � ^,� -� -- �sfi i - — ---------- --- ---- _._._...� ��Vl�l -.;^.« w•...»�—sz.-`---.�m..._..;i AGENC}'US�O\'LY" r`—;.-�.�-^�--;-..:. . -ra�V..-_�.._:..�. ...., . j ..... - ... _ � . _.._. ..... . _. _._.�_..�.—.:; ._ .. _ .__ ___� • - ____`,,,�.,, .__` - �::>'..�:::a;;._..:..�..:�:�.:�::�=:.:�:.:u:.x::._.:�...:.„...._,_;..___ �-�--_,_,_ _ ..__.. ......:.�:.�,..w..m_ � --------- --------------- — 2U ACCOG�7[NGCI.ASS(FICATIO'�CODES ; ?L L17798 FISG4L FLtiD F3L'�p D7V. 1"LAR CODE AC"i'. OfC REQ SUB POJiS A btOt�T \ �' LI 80 00 00 )1P FORlI �0002 (R[V`5-87) PREVIOUS ED1710\S A2E 0650LE7C �� � ��� ^� �7 -i �395 _� � � U.S . DEPART\fEXT OF Il1 STICE OPFICE OF JCSTICE PROGRA>IS �J otr � XJ a�,� j` 1 o»or � s�s � xv �� ovc GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANQUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GIL1�'T � COOPEAA7IVE AGREEMEhT CHECF:APPROPRIATEBOS ` PROIECTKU�f6ER � 9iLB�.I"39?I This pro ec[ is supponed unCcr Titic t of thc Omnibus Gimc Contro( and SaCa Strtzu Act, 4? �SC 370L as amcndzd. This pcoject ii supponed undtr [he Ju.�enile Jus:ice and Delinquency Prevenlion AC[ Of 197-{ ,az amended O[her: OmniSus Appropriation Act ot 1997. L STAfF CO?:TACS (�iamt. addcess R tricphona numbtr) Granu .4dministration Branch LLEBG Division. B1A S!0 7[h S�rctt. N W, 4th Fbor �6a>hin_ton. DC 2051t (?02)30� ?033 ' 3a TITLE OF THE PROGRA��I � Local Lao' Enforcement Block Grants Progrant i 4. TI7LE OF PROIECT Local La�� Enforcemcnt Bbck Gran[s Program - Fy 1997 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF G1LINTEE City of SL Paui CIty Hall. I i 1Vcst }:oiloo_ 6oultvard Saint Paul, bIN >j10? Z PROGW��I PLR10D FROM� 10l01797 T0. 09/30f99 9. AMOIJ�T OF A�YARD � � SGA1,? I S L $ECOND 1"EAR'S BUDGET N/A l TF{[RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERiOD N/A ! 2. SECOND YEAA'S BUDGET Ab10 WT iJA 14.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET A�fOUP1T N/A . SUAt,btARY' DESCRIPTIO*I OF PROIECT The Local La��' En(ortemrnt Bluck Grants Pro_ram was authorized by Ihe Omnibus Fisaal Year I997 Appropriations Act, Public La�v fOd-208 for [he puryose of providine units of Iocal eo��<mment with (unds to underwrim projecu to reduce crime and improve pubfic safety. The 6urcau of JuStice A55i5[ance wi11 make direct a�vards to unit5 o(Iocal eo�emmcnt when a��ard amount� are a[ lea5t SIQ000 to be used con5is[en[ xi[h [he smtutory proeram purpose arcas specified in scction 101(a)('_) Thr Cin oFSt Paul has indicatzd that it intends [o distributt it5 Locai La�r Enforcement Block GranR funds under thc foilo��ine purpose arca(s): I b) Ovenime 51 j7J33 Ic) Equipmrnc 5389,L?Z �) Enhaixine Adjudication S972i9 'enitied compliancc, pursuani to scction 6i?. Yubiic $alcty Offictrs Hzal[h 6rncfits provision. 2. PROJECT D(RECTOR (`ama.addms & tzttphunz number) W'iiliam Finacy Chief of Policc Cit} of St. Paut Ciry Ha11, li West S:eflogg Boukvard Sain[ Paul, FPV >5102 (6S?J?9''3i83 36. PO�IS CODE LE 6. NA61E & ADDRESS OF SUHGRANTEE 8. 6UDGET PERIOD FROM: 101Oii47 TO: 09J30199 70. DATE OF A W ARD 09(30l97 �1tiCF OitV a000/I (REV. a-33� PREVfOU5 EDITIOSS AR}_ OBSOLETE �7 - �3g�' ^ • Councii Filc �=g5 � u,,,�,,,�,� L GanShcctr is�:o OLUTTO?� � � T PAUL, MI�NESOTA Presented I WHE AS, the B eau of Justice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity af 2 Saint Pau cal La�ti• Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of 5644,215 an ,� 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of 550,055 is required from the city of 5aint PauI and a match 5 of S21,453 from Ramsey Count}� is required for a total program cost of 57�5,723 6 and, � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or 5214,717, and 5501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant w•ill be allocated by fhe City of Saint Pavl as follows: 5389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technotogy, and materials directly relafed to basic enforcement functions; 5157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases invoiving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local Lasr� Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fuifil3ed. 20 Requested by Department of Police: ,Approval Recommended by�dg B��:��� Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted b�� CounciC Dace:� �� c 1 �q 5� B�. Adoption Cenified hy Counc'cl.Secreta y: \ Am �y Approved � � �3 �-z- y�� by�vSayor io� Submission to Council: � g y - i�:.s Resolu�ion Board of Rarrzsey County Commissioners PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date July 8, 1997No. 97-286 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Joan Fabian, Community Corrections Bob Fletcher, Sheriff City of St. Pau1 Suzanne A1liegro, Courts Susan Gaertner, County Attorne WHEREAS, In 1996, Ramsey County participated viith the City of Saint Paul in the Local Law Enforcement B1ock Grant; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Soard met on June 9, 1997, and requested that Criminal Justice agencies negotiate with the City of St. Paul and reach agreement on a collaborative plan for use of the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Federal Block Grant funding; and WHEREAS, The agencies have reached agreement on an acceptable plan which provides 300 of the funding to the County; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts and approves the 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant plan and budqet; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to accept the local law enforcement block grant; and Be It Further RESOLVED, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to make all necessary budget adjustment to implement the Grant. 2AMSEY COUNTY B0,4RD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER �ony Bennett X )ino Guerin X '�ue Haigh X '.afaelOrtega X ictoria Reinhardt X anlce Rettman �_ m �Viessner _,� Susan Haigh. Sonnic C.Jackele � Chief Clerk - upt Bo:vd