97-1385CouncilFile# � `^ r�� Green Sheet � ��'+�� � RESOLUTION crrY oF s.�uv�r rntn., nmvxESOTa Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date— 1 WFIEREAS the City of Saint Paul has received an award of $644,215 from the 2 Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriafions Act (Pub. L.104-208) and administered 3 via the Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA), and � _; 4 5 6 7 S 9 WHEREAS the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds may be encumbered as of October 1,1997, and there is a desire to access this funding as soon as possible, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept the Local LawEnforcement Block Grant at its earliest convenience. 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , . 22 23 24 of Police: '�?� Chief William K. Finney by S Adopted by Council: Date: � ,� a,19 ��j Form Approved by City Attorney: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary: �'._._ . �. � �i - 6 - �� By . By . Appr ay r: Date: Appro d by yor r Submissi to Council: `��� By: By: //`3 t7 llj4/97 FOR `� � -i385 GREEN SHEET N_ 33377 INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE �EPARTMENTpIRECTOR �' CRYCAUNqL CfTY ATfORNEY O CITY C4ERK BUDG£T DIRELTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAPfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Acceptance of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNR SEFiVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DIS7RICTGOUFT _ SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE2 PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirm ever worked untler a conVaC[ for Nis departmaM? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cify employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet snd nttaeh to green sheet The BJA acting as an admnistrator for the Local Law Enforcement Block �rant Program, from the Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208) has awarded the the City of Saint Paul $644,215. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City of Saint Paul would be able to access the funding. None. IF �OV � � 1997 �, , The City of Saint Paul would not be able to access the funding. ���� � ��il NOU 12 i997 TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSAC710N $ 644 ,ZLS COST/REVENUEBUDCaETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOUHCE BUTedll Of 3ustice AdministraYion qCiIVITVNUMBER FMANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) a, .�"'"'� f s � f ���� oc�� o� � fl��� September 3Q, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor r����i��s �cr z 8 �ss7 �,�,�Y��'S t�; Fi� City of St. Paul Ciry Hall, 1� West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance N4shing�on, pC. 2053: RE: FY 199� Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City of St. Paul's application for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,215. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in regud to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact the Grants AdminisCration Branch, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Division at (202) 305-2088. I look forward to a continuing partnership with the City of St. Paul in furtherance of this important criminal justice program. Sincerely yours, ���-�- ��sfi Nancy E. Gist Director ��-i��� Enclosures U.S. DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUST[CE PROGRAMS � OJP � B7A � Ol7DP I� BSS U Nll ❑ OVC CHECIC APPROPRIATE BOX 1. GR.4h"iEE NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) Ciry ofSt. Paul Cirv Hall. 1± West I:elb�� Boulevazd Saint Paul, 7v1N 55102 IA.GRANTEEIRS/VENDORNO. SI60055?I 2. SUBGRANI'EE NAME AND ADDRESS(Includin� Zip Code) 2A.SUBGRANTEEIRSNENDORNO 3. PROJECT TITLE Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Proeram - FY I447 N/A 11. TOTAL AWARD 563�,215 13. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, ifapplicable) u THE ABOVE GRANT PROIECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LI,b1ITATIONS AS AAE SET FORTH ON THE ATIACHED 5 PAGES 73. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOIt GRANT � T[TLE 1 OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1468. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � TLTLE 2 OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELMQUENCY PREYENTION ACT OF 1914 42 U.S.C. �601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 198A , 42 U.S.C. 1060}, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98-473, AS A.b1ENDED r � OTHEft (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1997 14 FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPOR7: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNTOFFUNDS TH7RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNT OF FUNDS: ���� ❑X GRrV'�T � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENC 4. AWARD NUMBER: 97L6�'X3921 c�� _��3,5 PAGE I OF 6 � 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM ]0/0]!97 TO 09/30l99 - BUDGET PERIOD: FRObI 10/0 U97 TO 09l30/99 6. AWARD DATE 09r0l97 7. ACTION B.SUPPLEMENTNUMBER X❑ Initial � Supplementai 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AbfOUNT S 0.00 lO.AMOUNTOFTHISAWARD $64�,215 TYPEOFFUNpS: I5. METHOD OF PAYMENT � THE GRANTEE WiLL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT nX YES � NO __ AGENCYAPPROVAL I GRANTEEEACCEPTANCE 16. SYPED NA;vSE AND TITLE OF APPROVR3G O1P OFFICIAL � I8. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AU7'HORIZED GRAMEE OFFICIAL Nanc} E. Gist Direcror Nortn Coleman Smeau of JuAice Assistance I Mavor _ __ —_. __ 17. SIGNATURE OF APPROVIIVG O1P OFFICIAL j 19.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE � 19A. DATE ��u-, - ���� i��ti'��.� �i��;,.1 i ��1_�9. ?D. ACCO(,NT[SC� CLASSIFICA; FISCAL FI,tiD BL'D YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. h' L' L l 80 Y V CODES DIV REG. SUB. PO�15 A MOUNT 00 00 2L L17798 i OJP FOR�1 U.S. DEPARTMEN'C OF IUST[CE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP ❑X BJA � O1JDP � BJS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECF APPROPWATE BOX PROJECC NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRA�`7T � COOPERA7'IVEAGREEMEM AWARD DATE 9/30/97 Q� -ti3�5 PAGE 2 OF 6 SPECIAL COI�`DITIONS The recipient a�rees [o comply with the financial and administrative requiremenu set foah in the current edition of the Office ofJustice Pro�rams (OJP) Financial Guide. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requiremenu of the applicable OMB audit circulaz. The first audit report period should be for O1/O1/97 to 12/31/97. The management letter outlining audit findings, submitted by the auditing organization, must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months afrer the close of each fiscal year during the [erm of the aw ard. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more of federal funds durin� their fiscal year, are required to submit an or�anization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who receive S2>,000 to $] 00,000 of federal funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit report as directed by the grantin� agency. Recipienu who receive less than $25,000 of federal funds, are not required to submit a pro�ram or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findin�s or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective action pian containin� the fo]lowing: 1) The name and phone number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action p]an. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable for performance andJor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for all grantees shall be as foliows: IJ Mail original and one (1) copy of the completed audit report to: 2) 3) Office of the Comptroller Office of Justice Pro�rams Attn: Contro] Desk, Sth floor - Audit Division 810 Seventh Street, NW Washin�ton, D.C. 20531 r I O7P FOR'N2 (REV 5•87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE -� U.S. Department of Housin� and Urban Development Mail one (] ) copy of the comp]eted audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau ofthe Census 1201 E, l0th Street Jeffersonvilte, IN 47132 Mail a copy of the Cover (transmittal) letter to: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUS7iCE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O1P ❑X BJA � OJJDP � B35 � NI] ❑ OVC CHECK APPROPR3ATE BOX PROIECTNUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEh1ENT AWAIZDDATE 9/i0/97 �� -1'3� PAGE 3 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The recipient shall submit one copy of a31 reports and proposed publications resultin� from this a�reement twenty (20) days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound), whether published at the recipienPs or eovemmenYs expense, shall contain the following statement: (NOTE: 7his excludes press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses.) "This project was supported by Grant No. 97LBVX3921 awarded by the Bureau of 3ustice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Jnstice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or poticies of the U.S. Department of Justice." 4. The recipient a�rees to provide information required for the national evaluation. 5. The recipient a�rees to provide $71,579 over the grant period in a cash match. The recipient is reminded that the match funds are auditable undet Special Condition #2 and will be bindin� to the recipient. 6. The recipient a�rees to submit, at a minimum, semi-annual reports on its pro�rammatic activities. The first programmatic report will be due on January 30, 1998, coverin� the period of October - December, 1997. The next report will be due on July 31, 1998 and cover the period of January - June, 1998. The next report should cover the next six month period and is due thirty (30) days afrer the end of the six month period for the term of the award. A final report on the programmatic activities is due 120 days followin� the end of the �rant period. �. The recipient agrees to establish a trust fund in which all payments received under this Program must be deposited. For the purposes of this grant, a trust fund is an interest bearing account that is specifically designated for this Program. Only allowable pro�ram expenses can be paid from this account. This fund may not be used to pay debts incurred by other activities beyond the scope of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. The recipient also agrees to obligate and expend the grant funds in the trust fund (including match and interest eamed) durin� the 24 month term of the award. . The recipient agrees to submit quarterly financial reports. The financial report is due 45 days afrer the end of each calendar quarter. A final financial report is due 120 days following the end of the grant period. The recipient a�rees to supplement and not supplant state or local funds. 10. The recipient acknowledees that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant ro 28 CFR section 42302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Ri�hts, is a vioiation of its Certified Assurances and may result in funds from the award being frozen, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 11. The recipient agrees, if the funds are used for the hiring and employin� of new, additional Iaw enforcement officers and support personnel, as described in the applicable Qurpose area of Subpart A section 1Q1 (a)(2), that the recipient unit of local govemment will achieve a net gain in the number of law enforcement officers who perform nonadministrative public safety service. 1 I OJP FOR�1.2 (REV. 5-87) pREV10US EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE - PROJECS' 73UMBER U.S. DEPARTMENT QF IUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OJP X� BJA � OJJDP � BIS � NI3 ❑ OVC AWARD CONTiNUATION SHEET C ❑ GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREE�tE��7' CHEC[: APPROPRIATE BOX � 97LBVX3927 AWARDDATE 9/30/97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12. The recipient a�rees, if the funds are used for the hirin� and employin� of new, additional law enforcement officers and support personnel, that the uniu of local govemment wlll establish procedures to give members of the Armed Forces who, on or after October 1, 1990, were or are selected for involuntary separation (as described in section I 147 of Title 10, United States Code), approved for separation under section 1174a or 1175 of such title, or retired pursuant To the authority provided under section 4403 of the Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Act of 1992 (division D of Public Law 102-484; 10 U.S.C. 1923 note), a suitable preference in the employment of persons as additional law enforcement officers or support personnei. 13. The recipient agrees if funds are used for enhancing securiry or crime prevention, that the unit of local �overnment -- (a) has an adequate process to assess the impact of any enhancement of a school security measure that is undertaken under subparagraph (B) of section 101(a)(2), or any crime prevention programs that are established under subparagraphs (C) and (E) of section ] O] (a)(2), on the incidence of crime in the geographic area where the enhancement is undertaken or the program is established; (b) will conduct such an assessment with respect to each such enhancement or pro�ram; and (c) will submit to the Bureau of Justice Assistance an annual written assessment report. 14. The recipient a�rees that prior to the obli�ation and expenditure of any Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) funds, at least one (i) public heuins will be held regarding the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the contents of the hearing. BJA wi1L review the form for compliance with enablin� le�islation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjusunent Notice (GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obligate or expend LLEBG funds. At that hearing, persons shatl be given an opportuniry to provide written and oral views to the recipient on the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will hold the public hearing at a time 3nd place that allows and encourages public attendance and participation. q� -���5 PAGE 4 OF 6 O1P FORbV2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOL'S EDITIOSS ARE OBSOLETE ---- - U.S. DEPARTMEM OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O7P Xn BJA � OJJDP � BiS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPAIATE BOX PROlECTNUMSER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET L'_`J ❑ ��-1>� PAGE 5 OF 6 GRANT COOPERATfVE AGREEMEh'T I AWARDDATE 9l30l97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15. The recipient agrees that prior to the obli�ation or expenditure of any Local Law Enforcemenc Block Grants (LLEBG} funds, a desi�nated or newiy established advisory 6oard will meet to discuss the proposed (purpose area) use of the grant funds. The recipient will desi�nate the advisory board to make nonbindin� recommendations to the recipient for the use of funds under the LLEBG Pro�ram. Membershig on the advisory boazd must include a representative from the followino, however it may be broader. a) the Iocal police department or local sheriffs deQartment; b) the local prosecutor's office; 3; d) the local court system; the local school system; and e) a local nonprofit, educational, reli�ious, or community �roup active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or treatment. The advisory board must review the proposed use of the funds under the LLEBG Proatam. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the advisory board. BJA will review the form for compliance with enabiin� legislation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjustment Notice {GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obli�ate or expend LLEBG funds. 16. The recipient has certified it is in compliance with the Public Safery Officers Health Benefits Provision (section 615 of the FY 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act) and agrees to remain in compliance durin� the term of the award. This Qrovision requires the unii of govemment which employs a public safety o�cer (as defined by section 1204 of Yitle I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streeu Act of 1968, as amended) who retires or is separated from service due to injury suffered as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of dury while responding to an emergency situation or a hot pursuit (as such terms are defined by state law) with the same or better tevel of health insurance 6enefits as would be paid by the unit of govemment at the time of retirement or separation, under a norcnal retirement plan. O1P FOILN2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PAOGRAMS C OIP X❑ BJA � OJ7DP � BJS � NIl ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPRIATE BOX PROIECT NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑X G[tANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT AWARDDA7E 9/30/97 C� _�1� PAGE 6 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17. By si�nin� below, the recipient is requestin� payment under the LLEBG Pro�ram. In order to ensure prompt payment and compliance with new U.S. Department of Treasury requirements that a13 grant paymenu be issued e{ectronically, the followin,g information must be completed az part of the signed accepted award documents. Failure to supply this information will delay your payment. Grantee Name: (e.g., Ciry_of, Counry of, Parish of, etc.} Vendor or EIN Number: (Please use number provided in #lA on the award document) Financial Institution Financial Institution Address: Bank Contact Name and Phone Number: Nine-di�it Routing Transit Number: Grantee Account Number: (This account should fulfill the trust fund requirement) By signin� these Special Conditions, the recipient is accepting the conditions and agrees to comply with them during the term of the award. The recipient is also requesting payment of the LLEBG funds. � I � — OJP FOR�7/? (REV. 5-87) PREVIpUS EDITIOVS ARE OBSOLETE - '►-1>k� U.S . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP a BJA � OIJDP � BJS � NIJ � OVC CHECA APPROPRIATE 6QX PROJECT NUMBER 97LBVX39?1 GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY O GRAN'I � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT ❑ ❑ � This pm zct is suppoaed undec TiUe 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, 42 �SC 3701, as amended. This project is supponed under the Juvenile lustice and Deiinquency Prevention Act of 1974,a5 amended O[her: Omnibus Appropriation Act of 1997. 1. STAFF CON"fACT (Name, address & telephone number) Grants Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA S I0 7th Sireet. NW, 4th Floor Wuhinston. DC 20531 (20?)305-2088 � 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGR4M Local La��� £nforcement B1ocA Grants Program 2. PROJECT DIRECtOR (Name.address & telephone number) William Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul Ciry Ha(I, li West Relto�g Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN S.i 102 (6t2)292-3588 3b. POMS CODE LE 4. TITLE OF PROIECT Loca1 Lau EnYorcemeni Block Granu Progam - FY 1997 i. NAME & ADDRESS OE GRANTEE Ciry of St. Pau1 City Hall. IS West Kelloeg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 7. PROGRAht PERIOD FROM: 10/OV97 TO: 09l30/99 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 56��,215 ] ]. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET NIA l3. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD NfA l4.TWRD YEAR'S BU6GET AhfOWT NfA IS_ SUMMARY DESCR[PTION OF PROJECT The Loca( Law Enforcement Block Grants PtoeTarn wu authorized by the Omnibus Fisca{ Year 1997 Appropriations Act Public Law 104-208 for the purpose of providin� units of Iocal �ovemment with funds to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safery. The Bureau of Justice Assistance wil( make direct ax�ards to units oflocal �ovemment when award amounts are at leaz[ $10,000 ro be used consistent with the statutory prosram purpose azeas specified in sectio� 101(a) (2). The Ciq of5t. Paul has indicared [hat i[ inrends ro distribure iu Local [,aw Enfotcemen[ Block Granu Cunds under the follouine purpose area(s): (lb)Ovenime $157,734 ' (Ic) Equipment 3389,222 (4) Enhancing Adjudication y97,259 Certified compViance, punuant to section 61 i. Public Safety Officers Hzalth Benefiu provision. 6 NAME & ADDRESS OF SUBGRAVTEE � TO: 09f30/99 8. BUDGET PER[OD FROM: SOf01f97 10. DATE OF AWARD 09/30/97 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDC N/A AAfOUNT NC/tvCF OJP FOR.�I �000/t (REV 1-88) PREVIOUS EDITSONS ARE OBSOLETE �r � us. n�t ot aus�ce �,� . �,��.5 Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Local Law Enforcement Block Grantee: Washingron. AC 20531 Congratulations on your recent award. Because you have submitted Certified Assurance that your agency is in compliance with applicable civil rights laws, this office has determined that you have met this requirement in the Departsnent of Justice regulations governing recipients of Federal financial assistance (see 28 C.F.R. sec. 42.204, Applicants' obligations). As Director of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of dustice Programs, I would like to offer you my assistance in completing the conditions of these Assuxances, specifically Nos. 13, 14, and 15, as the granY goes forward. As you know, equal opportunity for the participation of women and minority individuals in employment and services provided under programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance is required by law. Therefore, if there has been a federai or state court or administrative agency finding of discrimination against your agency, please forward a copy of such order or consent decree, as required by Assurance No. 14, to OCR at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. (1) If you have already submitted an EEOP as part of another awazd from the Office of 7ustice Programs (OJP) during this grant period, or if you have certified that no EEOP is required, it is not necessary for you to submit another at this time. Simply send a copy of the letter you received from OCR showing that your EEOP or certification is acceptable. o� � -1 �`� Additional Instructions For Grantees Receivina $SQQ,000 Or More: In accotdance with Assurance No. 15, and as a recipient of $500,000 or more (or $1,000,000 in an 18-month period), and has 50 or more employees, the recipient must submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) within 60 days from the date of this letter to OCR at the address cited on page 1. Alternatively, the grantee may choose to complete an EEOP Short Form, in lieu of sending its own comprehensive EEOP, and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this letter. This easy-to-follow EEOP Short Form reduces paperwork and prepazation time considerably and will ensure a quicker OCR review and approval. The enclosed Seven-Step Guide to the Design and Development of an EEOP (which includes a Certification Form and an EEOP Short Form) will assist you in completing this requirement. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regazdless of amount of awazd, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. PI3RSUANT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION REGARDING EEOP'S GOVERNING THIS AWARD, RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT FAILURE TO SUBMIT AN ACCEPTABLE EEOP IS A VIOLATION OF ITS CERTIFIED ASSURANCES AND MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF DRAWDOWN OF FUNDS UNTIL EEOP HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving $25,000 Or More, But Under $500,000: Pursuant to Department of Justice regulations, each grantee that receives $25,000 or more and has 50 or more employees is required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) on file for review by OCR upon request. Moreover, if the grantee is awarded $1,000,000 in an eighteen (18) month period, it must submit an acceptable EEOP to OCR. Please complete the applicable section of the attached Certification Form and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this tetter. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regardless of amount of award, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving Under $25,0�0: A recipient of under $2�,000 is not required to maintain or submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) in accordance with Assurance No. 15 2 �.� �1�� Instructions for All Grantees: In addition, all recipients, regardless of their type, the monetary amount awarded, or the number of employees in their workforce, are subject to the prohibitions against discrimination in any funded pro�am or activiry. OCR may require a11 recipients, through selected compliance reviews, to submit data to ensure their services are delivered in an equitable manner to all segments of the service population and their employment (2) are in compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please call the Office of Civil Rights at (202) 307-0690. Sincerely, � ������ Inez Alfonzo-Lasso Director, Office for Civil Rights Enclosure (2) The employment practices of certain Indian Tribes are not covered by Title VTI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. CouncilFile# � `^ r�� Green Sheet � ��'+�� � RESOLUTION crrY oF s.�uv�r rntn., nmvxESOTa Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date— 1 WFIEREAS the City of Saint Paul has received an award of $644,215 from the 2 Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriafions Act (Pub. L.104-208) and administered 3 via the Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA), and � _; 4 5 6 7 S 9 WHEREAS the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds may be encumbered as of October 1,1997, and there is a desire to access this funding as soon as possible, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept the Local LawEnforcement Block Grant at its earliest convenience. 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , . 22 23 24 of Police: '�?� Chief William K. Finney by S Adopted by Council: Date: � ,� a,19 ��j Form Approved by City Attorney: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary: �'._._ . �. � �i - 6 - �� By . By . Appr ay r: Date: Appro d by yor r Submissi to Council: `��� By: By: //`3 t7 llj4/97 FOR `� � -i385 GREEN SHEET N_ 33377 INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE �EPARTMENTpIRECTOR �' CRYCAUNqL CfTY ATfORNEY O CITY C4ERK BUDG£T DIRELTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAPfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Acceptance of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNR SEFiVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DIS7RICTGOUFT _ SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE2 PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirm ever worked untler a conVaC[ for Nis departmaM? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cify employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet snd nttaeh to green sheet The BJA acting as an admnistrator for the Local Law Enforcement Block �rant Program, from the Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208) has awarded the the City of Saint Paul $644,215. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City of Saint Paul would be able to access the funding. None. IF �OV � � 1997 �, , The City of Saint Paul would not be able to access the funding. ���� � ��il NOU 12 i997 TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSAC710N $ 644 ,ZLS COST/REVENUEBUDCaETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOUHCE BUTedll Of 3ustice AdministraYion qCiIVITVNUMBER FMANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) a, .�"'"'� f s � f ���� oc�� o� � fl��� September 3Q, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor r����i��s �cr z 8 �ss7 �,�,�Y��'S t�; Fi� City of St. Paul Ciry Hall, 1� West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance N4shing�on, pC. 2053: RE: FY 199� Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City of St. Paul's application for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,215. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in regud to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact the Grants AdminisCration Branch, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Division at (202) 305-2088. I look forward to a continuing partnership with the City of St. Paul in furtherance of this important criminal justice program. Sincerely yours, ���-�- ��sfi Nancy E. Gist Director ��-i��� Enclosures U.S. DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUST[CE PROGRAMS � OJP � B7A � Ol7DP I� BSS U Nll ❑ OVC CHECIC APPROPRIATE BOX 1. GR.4h"iEE NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) Ciry ofSt. Paul Cirv Hall. 1± West I:elb�� Boulevazd Saint Paul, 7v1N 55102 IA.GRANTEEIRS/VENDORNO. SI60055?I 2. SUBGRANI'EE NAME AND ADDRESS(Includin� Zip Code) 2A.SUBGRANTEEIRSNENDORNO 3. PROJECT TITLE Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Proeram - FY I447 N/A 11. TOTAL AWARD 563�,215 13. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, ifapplicable) u THE ABOVE GRANT PROIECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LI,b1ITATIONS AS AAE SET FORTH ON THE ATIACHED 5 PAGES 73. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOIt GRANT � T[TLE 1 OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1468. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � TLTLE 2 OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELMQUENCY PREYENTION ACT OF 1914 42 U.S.C. �601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 198A , 42 U.S.C. 1060}, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98-473, AS A.b1ENDED r � OTHEft (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1997 14 FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPOR7: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNTOFFUNDS TH7RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNT OF FUNDS: ���� ❑X GRrV'�T � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENC 4. AWARD NUMBER: 97L6�'X3921 c�� _��3,5 PAGE I OF 6 � 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM ]0/0]!97 TO 09/30l99 - BUDGET PERIOD: FRObI 10/0 U97 TO 09l30/99 6. AWARD DATE 09r0l97 7. ACTION B.SUPPLEMENTNUMBER X❑ Initial � Supplementai 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AbfOUNT S 0.00 lO.AMOUNTOFTHISAWARD $64�,215 TYPEOFFUNpS: I5. METHOD OF PAYMENT � THE GRANTEE WiLL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT nX YES � NO __ AGENCYAPPROVAL I GRANTEEEACCEPTANCE 16. SYPED NA;vSE AND TITLE OF APPROVR3G O1P OFFICIAL � I8. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AU7'HORIZED GRAMEE OFFICIAL Nanc} E. Gist Direcror Nortn Coleman Smeau of JuAice Assistance I Mavor _ __ —_. __ 17. SIGNATURE OF APPROVIIVG O1P OFFICIAL j 19.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE � 19A. DATE ��u-, - ���� i��ti'��.� �i��;,.1 i ��1_�9. ?D. ACCO(,NT[SC� CLASSIFICA; FISCAL FI,tiD BL'D YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. h' L' L l 80 Y V CODES DIV REG. SUB. PO�15 A MOUNT 00 00 2L L17798 i OJP FOR�1 U.S. DEPARTMEN'C OF IUST[CE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP ❑X BJA � O1JDP � BJS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECF APPROPWATE BOX PROJECC NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRA�`7T � COOPERA7'IVEAGREEMEM AWARD DATE 9/30/97 Q� -ti3�5 PAGE 2 OF 6 SPECIAL COI�`DITIONS The recipient a�rees [o comply with the financial and administrative requiremenu set foah in the current edition of the Office ofJustice Pro�rams (OJP) Financial Guide. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requiremenu of the applicable OMB audit circulaz. The first audit report period should be for O1/O1/97 to 12/31/97. The management letter outlining audit findings, submitted by the auditing organization, must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months afrer the close of each fiscal year during the [erm of the aw ard. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more of federal funds durin� their fiscal year, are required to submit an or�anization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who receive S2>,000 to $] 00,000 of federal funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit report as directed by the grantin� agency. Recipienu who receive less than $25,000 of federal funds, are not required to submit a pro�ram or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findin�s or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective action pian containin� the fo]lowing: 1) The name and phone number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action p]an. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable for performance andJor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for all grantees shall be as foliows: IJ Mail original and one (1) copy of the completed audit report to: 2) 3) Office of the Comptroller Office of Justice Pro�rams Attn: Contro] Desk, Sth floor - Audit Division 810 Seventh Street, NW Washin�ton, D.C. 20531 r I O7P FOR'N2 (REV 5•87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE -� U.S. Department of Housin� and Urban Development Mail one (] ) copy of the comp]eted audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau ofthe Census 1201 E, l0th Street Jeffersonvilte, IN 47132 Mail a copy of the Cover (transmittal) letter to: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUS7iCE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O1P ❑X BJA � OJJDP � B35 � NI] ❑ OVC CHECK APPROPR3ATE BOX PROIECTNUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEh1ENT AWAIZDDATE 9/i0/97 �� -1'3� PAGE 3 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The recipient shall submit one copy of a31 reports and proposed publications resultin� from this a�reement twenty (20) days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound), whether published at the recipienPs or eovemmenYs expense, shall contain the following statement: (NOTE: 7his excludes press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses.) "This project was supported by Grant No. 97LBVX3921 awarded by the Bureau of 3ustice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Jnstice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or poticies of the U.S. Department of Justice." 4. The recipient a�rees to provide information required for the national evaluation. 5. The recipient a�rees to provide $71,579 over the grant period in a cash match. The recipient is reminded that the match funds are auditable undet Special Condition #2 and will be bindin� to the recipient. 6. The recipient a�rees to submit, at a minimum, semi-annual reports on its pro�rammatic activities. The first programmatic report will be due on January 30, 1998, coverin� the period of October - December, 1997. The next report will be due on July 31, 1998 and cover the period of January - June, 1998. The next report should cover the next six month period and is due thirty (30) days afrer the end of the six month period for the term of the award. A final report on the programmatic activities is due 120 days followin� the end of the �rant period. �. The recipient agrees to establish a trust fund in which all payments received under this Program must be deposited. For the purposes of this grant, a trust fund is an interest bearing account that is specifically designated for this Program. Only allowable pro�ram expenses can be paid from this account. This fund may not be used to pay debts incurred by other activities beyond the scope of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. The recipient also agrees to obligate and expend the grant funds in the trust fund (including match and interest eamed) durin� the 24 month term of the award. . The recipient agrees to submit quarterly financial reports. The financial report is due 45 days afrer the end of each calendar quarter. A final financial report is due 120 days following the end of the grant period. The recipient a�rees to supplement and not supplant state or local funds. 10. The recipient acknowledees that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant ro 28 CFR section 42302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Ri�hts, is a vioiation of its Certified Assurances and may result in funds from the award being frozen, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 11. The recipient agrees, if the funds are used for the hiring and employin� of new, additional Iaw enforcement officers and support personnel, as described in the applicable Qurpose area of Subpart A section 1Q1 (a)(2), that the recipient unit of local govemment will achieve a net gain in the number of law enforcement officers who perform nonadministrative public safety service. 1 I OJP FOR�1.2 (REV. 5-87) pREV10US EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE - PROJECS' 73UMBER U.S. DEPARTMENT QF IUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OJP X� BJA � OJJDP � BIS � NI3 ❑ OVC AWARD CONTiNUATION SHEET C ❑ GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREE�tE��7' CHEC[: APPROPRIATE BOX � 97LBVX3927 AWARDDATE 9/30/97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12. The recipient a�rees, if the funds are used for the hirin� and employin� of new, additional law enforcement officers and support personnel, that the uniu of local govemment wlll establish procedures to give members of the Armed Forces who, on or after October 1, 1990, were or are selected for involuntary separation (as described in section I 147 of Title 10, United States Code), approved for separation under section 1174a or 1175 of such title, or retired pursuant To the authority provided under section 4403 of the Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Act of 1992 (division D of Public Law 102-484; 10 U.S.C. 1923 note), a suitable preference in the employment of persons as additional law enforcement officers or support personnei. 13. The recipient agrees if funds are used for enhancing securiry or crime prevention, that the unit of local �overnment -- (a) has an adequate process to assess the impact of any enhancement of a school security measure that is undertaken under subparagraph (B) of section 101(a)(2), or any crime prevention programs that are established under subparagraphs (C) and (E) of section ] O] (a)(2), on the incidence of crime in the geographic area where the enhancement is undertaken or the program is established; (b) will conduct such an assessment with respect to each such enhancement or pro�ram; and (c) will submit to the Bureau of Justice Assistance an annual written assessment report. 14. The recipient a�rees that prior to the obli�ation and expenditure of any Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) funds, at least one (i) public heuins will be held regarding the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the contents of the hearing. BJA wi1L review the form for compliance with enablin� le�islation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjusunent Notice (GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obligate or expend LLEBG funds. At that hearing, persons shatl be given an opportuniry to provide written and oral views to the recipient on the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will hold the public hearing at a time 3nd place that allows and encourages public attendance and participation. q� -���5 PAGE 4 OF 6 O1P FORbV2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOL'S EDITIOSS ARE OBSOLETE ---- - U.S. DEPARTMEM OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O7P Xn BJA � OJJDP � BiS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPAIATE BOX PROlECTNUMSER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET L'_`J ❑ ��-1>� PAGE 5 OF 6 GRANT COOPERATfVE AGREEMEh'T I AWARDDATE 9l30l97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15. The recipient agrees that prior to the obli�ation or expenditure of any Local Law Enforcemenc Block Grants (LLEBG} funds, a desi�nated or newiy established advisory 6oard will meet to discuss the proposed (purpose area) use of the grant funds. The recipient will desi�nate the advisory board to make nonbindin� recommendations to the recipient for the use of funds under the LLEBG Pro�ram. Membershig on the advisory boazd must include a representative from the followino, however it may be broader. a) the Iocal police department or local sheriffs deQartment; b) the local prosecutor's office; 3; d) the local court system; the local school system; and e) a local nonprofit, educational, reli�ious, or community �roup active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or treatment. The advisory board must review the proposed use of the funds under the LLEBG Proatam. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the advisory board. BJA will review the form for compliance with enabiin� legislation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjustment Notice {GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obli�ate or expend LLEBG funds. 16. The recipient has certified it is in compliance with the Public Safery Officers Health Benefits Provision (section 615 of the FY 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act) and agrees to remain in compliance durin� the term of the award. This Qrovision requires the unii of govemment which employs a public safety o�cer (as defined by section 1204 of Yitle I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streeu Act of 1968, as amended) who retires or is separated from service due to injury suffered as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of dury while responding to an emergency situation or a hot pursuit (as such terms are defined by state law) with the same or better tevel of health insurance 6enefits as would be paid by the unit of govemment at the time of retirement or separation, under a norcnal retirement plan. O1P FOILN2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PAOGRAMS C OIP X❑ BJA � OJ7DP � BJS � NIl ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPRIATE BOX PROIECT NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑X G[tANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT AWARDDA7E 9/30/97 C� _�1� PAGE 6 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17. By si�nin� below, the recipient is requestin� payment under the LLEBG Pro�ram. In order to ensure prompt payment and compliance with new U.S. Department of Treasury requirements that a13 grant paymenu be issued e{ectronically, the followin,g information must be completed az part of the signed accepted award documents. Failure to supply this information will delay your payment. Grantee Name: (e.g., Ciry_of, Counry of, Parish of, etc.} Vendor or EIN Number: (Please use number provided in #lA on the award document) Financial Institution Financial Institution Address: Bank Contact Name and Phone Number: Nine-di�it Routing Transit Number: Grantee Account Number: (This account should fulfill the trust fund requirement) By signin� these Special Conditions, the recipient is accepting the conditions and agrees to comply with them during the term of the award. The recipient is also requesting payment of the LLEBG funds. � I � — OJP FOR�7/? (REV. 5-87) PREVIpUS EDITIOVS ARE OBSOLETE - '►-1>k� U.S . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP a BJA � OIJDP � BJS � NIJ � OVC CHECA APPROPRIATE 6QX PROJECT NUMBER 97LBVX39?1 GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY O GRAN'I � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT ❑ ❑ � This pm zct is suppoaed undec TiUe 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, 42 �SC 3701, as amended. This project is supponed under the Juvenile lustice and Deiinquency Prevention Act of 1974,a5 amended O[her: Omnibus Appropriation Act of 1997. 1. STAFF CON"fACT (Name, address & telephone number) Grants Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA S I0 7th Sireet. NW, 4th Floor Wuhinston. DC 20531 (20?)305-2088 � 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGR4M Local La��� £nforcement B1ocA Grants Program 2. PROJECT DIRECtOR (Name.address & telephone number) William Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul Ciry Ha(I, li West Relto�g Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN S.i 102 (6t2)292-3588 3b. POMS CODE LE 4. TITLE OF PROIECT Loca1 Lau EnYorcemeni Block Granu Progam - FY 1997 i. NAME & ADDRESS OE GRANTEE Ciry of St. Pau1 City Hall. IS West Kelloeg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 7. PROGRAht PERIOD FROM: 10/OV97 TO: 09l30/99 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 56��,215 ] ]. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET NIA l3. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD NfA l4.TWRD YEAR'S BU6GET AhfOWT NfA IS_ SUMMARY DESCR[PTION OF PROJECT The Loca( Law Enforcement Block Grants PtoeTarn wu authorized by the Omnibus Fisca{ Year 1997 Appropriations Act Public Law 104-208 for the purpose of providin� units of Iocal �ovemment with funds to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safery. The Bureau of Justice Assistance wil( make direct ax�ards to units oflocal �ovemment when award amounts are at leaz[ $10,000 ro be used consistent with the statutory prosram purpose azeas specified in sectio� 101(a) (2). The Ciq of5t. Paul has indicared [hat i[ inrends ro distribure iu Local [,aw Enfotcemen[ Block Granu Cunds under the follouine purpose area(s): (lb)Ovenime $157,734 ' (Ic) Equipment 3389,222 (4) Enhancing Adjudication y97,259 Certified compViance, punuant to section 61 i. Public Safety Officers Hzalth Benefiu provision. 6 NAME & ADDRESS OF SUBGRAVTEE � TO: 09f30/99 8. BUDGET PER[OD FROM: SOf01f97 10. DATE OF AWARD 09/30/97 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDC N/A AAfOUNT NC/tvCF OJP FOR.�I �000/t (REV 1-88) PREVIOUS EDITSONS ARE OBSOLETE �r � us. n�t ot aus�ce �,� . �,��.5 Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Local Law Enforcement Block Grantee: Washingron. AC 20531 Congratulations on your recent award. Because you have submitted Certified Assurance that your agency is in compliance with applicable civil rights laws, this office has determined that you have met this requirement in the Departsnent of Justice regulations governing recipients of Federal financial assistance (see 28 C.F.R. sec. 42.204, Applicants' obligations). As Director of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of dustice Programs, I would like to offer you my assistance in completing the conditions of these Assuxances, specifically Nos. 13, 14, and 15, as the granY goes forward. As you know, equal opportunity for the participation of women and minority individuals in employment and services provided under programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance is required by law. Therefore, if there has been a federai or state court or administrative agency finding of discrimination against your agency, please forward a copy of such order or consent decree, as required by Assurance No. 14, to OCR at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. (1) If you have already submitted an EEOP as part of another awazd from the Office of 7ustice Programs (OJP) during this grant period, or if you have certified that no EEOP is required, it is not necessary for you to submit another at this time. Simply send a copy of the letter you received from OCR showing that your EEOP or certification is acceptable. o� � -1 �`� Additional Instructions For Grantees Receivina $SQQ,000 Or More: In accotdance with Assurance No. 15, and as a recipient of $500,000 or more (or $1,000,000 in an 18-month period), and has 50 or more employees, the recipient must submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) within 60 days from the date of this letter to OCR at the address cited on page 1. Alternatively, the grantee may choose to complete an EEOP Short Form, in lieu of sending its own comprehensive EEOP, and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this letter. This easy-to-follow EEOP Short Form reduces paperwork and prepazation time considerably and will ensure a quicker OCR review and approval. The enclosed Seven-Step Guide to the Design and Development of an EEOP (which includes a Certification Form and an EEOP Short Form) will assist you in completing this requirement. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regazdless of amount of awazd, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. PI3RSUANT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION REGARDING EEOP'S GOVERNING THIS AWARD, RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT FAILURE TO SUBMIT AN ACCEPTABLE EEOP IS A VIOLATION OF ITS CERTIFIED ASSURANCES AND MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF DRAWDOWN OF FUNDS UNTIL EEOP HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving $25,000 Or More, But Under $500,000: Pursuant to Department of Justice regulations, each grantee that receives $25,000 or more and has 50 or more employees is required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) on file for review by OCR upon request. Moreover, if the grantee is awarded $1,000,000 in an eighteen (18) month period, it must submit an acceptable EEOP to OCR. Please complete the applicable section of the attached Certification Form and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this tetter. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regardless of amount of award, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving Under $25,0�0: A recipient of under $2�,000 is not required to maintain or submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) in accordance with Assurance No. 15 2 �.� �1�� Instructions for All Grantees: In addition, all recipients, regardless of their type, the monetary amount awarded, or the number of employees in their workforce, are subject to the prohibitions against discrimination in any funded pro�am or activiry. OCR may require a11 recipients, through selected compliance reviews, to submit data to ensure their services are delivered in an equitable manner to all segments of the service population and their employment (2) are in compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please call the Office of Civil Rights at (202) 307-0690. Sincerely, � ������ Inez Alfonzo-Lasso Director, Office for Civil Rights Enclosure (2) The employment practices of certain Indian Tribes are not covered by Title VTI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. CouncilFile# � `^ r�� Green Sheet � ��'+�� � RESOLUTION crrY oF s.�uv�r rntn., nmvxESOTa Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date— 1 WFIEREAS the City of Saint Paul has received an award of $644,215 from the 2 Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriafions Act (Pub. L.104-208) and administered 3 via the Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA), and � _; 4 5 6 7 S 9 WHEREAS the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds may be encumbered as of October 1,1997, and there is a desire to access this funding as soon as possible, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept the Local LawEnforcement Block Grant at its earliest convenience. 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , . 22 23 24 of Police: '�?� Chief William K. Finney by S Adopted by Council: Date: � ,� a,19 ��j Form Approved by City Attorney: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary: �'._._ . �. � �i - 6 - �� By . By . Appr ay r: Date: Appro d by yor r Submissi to Council: `��� By: By: //`3 t7 llj4/97 FOR `� � -i385 GREEN SHEET N_ 33377 INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE �EPARTMENTpIRECTOR �' CRYCAUNqL CfTY ATfORNEY O CITY C4ERK BUDG£T DIRELTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAPfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Acceptance of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNR SEFiVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DIS7RICTGOUFT _ SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE2 PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirm ever worked untler a conVaC[ for Nis departmaM? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cify employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet snd nttaeh to green sheet The BJA acting as an admnistrator for the Local Law Enforcement Block �rant Program, from the Fiscal Year 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208) has awarded the the City of Saint Paul $644,215. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City of Saint Paul would be able to access the funding. None. IF �OV � � 1997 �, , The City of Saint Paul would not be able to access the funding. ���� � ��il NOU 12 i997 TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSAC710N $ 644 ,ZLS COST/REVENUEBUDCaETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOUHCE BUTedll Of 3ustice AdministraYion qCiIVITVNUMBER FMANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) a, .�"'"'� f s � f ���� oc�� o� � fl��� September 3Q, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor r����i��s �cr z 8 �ss7 �,�,�Y��'S t�; Fi� City of St. Paul Ciry Hall, 1� West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance N4shing�on, pC. 2053: RE: FY 199� Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Coleman: I am pleased to inform you that the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has approved the City of St. Paul's application for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, in the amount of $644,215. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the Purpose Areas described in the statute. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these forms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, 4th Floor, BJA, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in regud to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact the Grants AdminisCration Branch, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Division at (202) 305-2088. I look forward to a continuing partnership with the City of St. Paul in furtherance of this important criminal justice program. Sincerely yours, ���-�- ��sfi Nancy E. Gist Director ��-i��� Enclosures U.S. DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUST[CE PROGRAMS � OJP � B7A � Ol7DP I� BSS U Nll ❑ OVC CHECIC APPROPRIATE BOX 1. GR.4h"iEE NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) Ciry ofSt. Paul Cirv Hall. 1± West I:elb�� Boulevazd Saint Paul, 7v1N 55102 IA.GRANTEEIRS/VENDORNO. SI60055?I 2. SUBGRANI'EE NAME AND ADDRESS(Includin� Zip Code) 2A.SUBGRANTEEIRSNENDORNO 3. PROJECT TITLE Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Proeram - FY I447 N/A 11. TOTAL AWARD 563�,215 13. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, ifapplicable) u THE ABOVE GRANT PROIECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LI,b1ITATIONS AS AAE SET FORTH ON THE ATIACHED 5 PAGES 73. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOIt GRANT � T[TLE 1 OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1468. 42 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � TLTLE 2 OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELMQUENCY PREYENTION ACT OF 1914 42 U.S.C. �601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 198A , 42 U.S.C. 1060}, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98-473, AS A.b1ENDED r � OTHEft (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1997 14 FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPOR7: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNTOFFUNDS TH7RD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: AMOUNT OF FUNDS: ���� ❑X GRrV'�T � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENC 4. AWARD NUMBER: 97L6�'X3921 c�� _��3,5 PAGE I OF 6 � 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM ]0/0]!97 TO 09/30l99 - BUDGET PERIOD: FRObI 10/0 U97 TO 09l30/99 6. AWARD DATE 09r0l97 7. ACTION B.SUPPLEMENTNUMBER X❑ Initial � Supplementai 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AbfOUNT S 0.00 lO.AMOUNTOFTHISAWARD $64�,215 TYPEOFFUNpS: I5. METHOD OF PAYMENT � THE GRANTEE WiLL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT nX YES � NO __ AGENCYAPPROVAL I GRANTEEEACCEPTANCE 16. SYPED NA;vSE AND TITLE OF APPROVR3G O1P OFFICIAL � I8. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AU7'HORIZED GRAMEE OFFICIAL Nanc} E. Gist Direcror Nortn Coleman Smeau of JuAice Assistance I Mavor _ __ —_. __ 17. SIGNATURE OF APPROVIIVG O1P OFFICIAL j 19.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE � 19A. DATE ��u-, - ���� i��ti'��.� �i��;,.1 i ��1_�9. ?D. ACCO(,NT[SC� CLASSIFICA; FISCAL FI,tiD BL'D YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. h' L' L l 80 Y V CODES DIV REG. SUB. PO�15 A MOUNT 00 00 2L L17798 i OJP FOR�1 U.S. DEPARTMEN'C OF IUST[CE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP ❑X BJA � O1JDP � BJS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECF APPROPWATE BOX PROJECC NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRA�`7T � COOPERA7'IVEAGREEMEM AWARD DATE 9/30/97 Q� -ti3�5 PAGE 2 OF 6 SPECIAL COI�`DITIONS The recipient a�rees [o comply with the financial and administrative requiremenu set foah in the current edition of the Office ofJustice Pro�rams (OJP) Financial Guide. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requiremenu of the applicable OMB audit circulaz. The first audit report period should be for O1/O1/97 to 12/31/97. The management letter outlining audit findings, submitted by the auditing organization, must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months afrer the close of each fiscal year during the [erm of the aw ard. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more of federal funds durin� their fiscal year, are required to submit an or�anization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who receive S2>,000 to $] 00,000 of federal funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit report as directed by the grantin� agency. Recipienu who receive less than $25,000 of federal funds, are not required to submit a pro�ram or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findin�s or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective action pian containin� the fo]lowing: 1) The name and phone number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action p]an. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable for performance andJor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for all grantees shall be as foliows: IJ Mail original and one (1) copy of the completed audit report to: 2) 3) Office of the Comptroller Office of Justice Pro�rams Attn: Contro] Desk, Sth floor - Audit Division 810 Seventh Street, NW Washin�ton, D.C. 20531 r I O7P FOR'N2 (REV 5•87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE -� U.S. Department of Housin� and Urban Development Mail one (] ) copy of the comp]eted audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau ofthe Census 1201 E, l0th Street Jeffersonvilte, IN 47132 Mail a copy of the Cover (transmittal) letter to: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUS7iCE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O1P ❑X BJA � OJJDP � B35 � NI] ❑ OVC CHECK APPROPR3ATE BOX PROIECTNUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEh1ENT AWAIZDDATE 9/i0/97 �� -1'3� PAGE 3 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The recipient shall submit one copy of a31 reports and proposed publications resultin� from this a�reement twenty (20) days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound), whether published at the recipienPs or eovemmenYs expense, shall contain the following statement: (NOTE: 7his excludes press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses.) "This project was supported by Grant No. 97LBVX3921 awarded by the Bureau of 3ustice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Jnstice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or poticies of the U.S. Department of Justice." 4. The recipient a�rees to provide information required for the national evaluation. 5. The recipient a�rees to provide $71,579 over the grant period in a cash match. The recipient is reminded that the match funds are auditable undet Special Condition #2 and will be bindin� to the recipient. 6. The recipient a�rees to submit, at a minimum, semi-annual reports on its pro�rammatic activities. The first programmatic report will be due on January 30, 1998, coverin� the period of October - December, 1997. The next report will be due on July 31, 1998 and cover the period of January - June, 1998. The next report should cover the next six month period and is due thirty (30) days afrer the end of the six month period for the term of the award. A final report on the programmatic activities is due 120 days followin� the end of the �rant period. �. The recipient agrees to establish a trust fund in which all payments received under this Program must be deposited. For the purposes of this grant, a trust fund is an interest bearing account that is specifically designated for this Program. Only allowable pro�ram expenses can be paid from this account. This fund may not be used to pay debts incurred by other activities beyond the scope of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. The recipient also agrees to obligate and expend the grant funds in the trust fund (including match and interest eamed) durin� the 24 month term of the award. . The recipient agrees to submit quarterly financial reports. The financial report is due 45 days afrer the end of each calendar quarter. A final financial report is due 120 days following the end of the grant period. The recipient a�rees to supplement and not supplant state or local funds. 10. The recipient acknowledees that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant ro 28 CFR section 42302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Ri�hts, is a vioiation of its Certified Assurances and may result in funds from the award being frozen, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 11. The recipient agrees, if the funds are used for the hiring and employin� of new, additional Iaw enforcement officers and support personnel, as described in the applicable Qurpose area of Subpart A section 1Q1 (a)(2), that the recipient unit of local govemment will achieve a net gain in the number of law enforcement officers who perform nonadministrative public safety service. 1 I OJP FOR�1.2 (REV. 5-87) pREV10US EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE - PROJECS' 73UMBER U.S. DEPARTMENT QF IUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OJP X� BJA � OJJDP � BIS � NI3 ❑ OVC AWARD CONTiNUATION SHEET C ❑ GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREE�tE��7' CHEC[: APPROPRIATE BOX � 97LBVX3927 AWARDDATE 9/30/97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12. The recipient a�rees, if the funds are used for the hirin� and employin� of new, additional law enforcement officers and support personnel, that the uniu of local govemment wlll establish procedures to give members of the Armed Forces who, on or after October 1, 1990, were or are selected for involuntary separation (as described in section I 147 of Title 10, United States Code), approved for separation under section 1174a or 1175 of such title, or retired pursuant To the authority provided under section 4403 of the Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Act of 1992 (division D of Public Law 102-484; 10 U.S.C. 1923 note), a suitable preference in the employment of persons as additional law enforcement officers or support personnei. 13. The recipient agrees if funds are used for enhancing securiry or crime prevention, that the unit of local �overnment -- (a) has an adequate process to assess the impact of any enhancement of a school security measure that is undertaken under subparagraph (B) of section 101(a)(2), or any crime prevention programs that are established under subparagraphs (C) and (E) of section ] O] (a)(2), on the incidence of crime in the geographic area where the enhancement is undertaken or the program is established; (b) will conduct such an assessment with respect to each such enhancement or pro�ram; and (c) will submit to the Bureau of Justice Assistance an annual written assessment report. 14. The recipient a�rees that prior to the obli�ation and expenditure of any Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) funds, at least one (i) public heuins will be held regarding the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the contents of the hearing. BJA wi1L review the form for compliance with enablin� le�islation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjusunent Notice (GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obligate or expend LLEBG funds. At that hearing, persons shatl be given an opportuniry to provide written and oral views to the recipient on the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will hold the public hearing at a time 3nd place that allows and encourages public attendance and participation. q� -���5 PAGE 4 OF 6 O1P FORbV2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOL'S EDITIOSS ARE OBSOLETE ---- - U.S. DEPARTMEM OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � O7P Xn BJA � OJJDP � BiS � NIJ ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPAIATE BOX PROlECTNUMSER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET L'_`J ❑ ��-1>� PAGE 5 OF 6 GRANT COOPERATfVE AGREEMEh'T I AWARDDATE 9l30l97 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15. The recipient agrees that prior to the obli�ation or expenditure of any Local Law Enforcemenc Block Grants (LLEBG} funds, a desi�nated or newiy established advisory 6oard will meet to discuss the proposed (purpose area) use of the grant funds. The recipient will desi�nate the advisory board to make nonbindin� recommendations to the recipient for the use of funds under the LLEBG Pro�ram. Membershig on the advisory boazd must include a representative from the followino, however it may be broader. a) the Iocal police department or local sheriffs deQartment; b) the local prosecutor's office; 3; d) the local court system; the local school system; and e) a local nonprofit, educational, reli�ious, or community �roup active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or treatment. The advisory board must review the proposed use of the funds under the LLEBG Proatam. The recipient will provide notification to BJA, through the submission of the Follow-Up Information Form, on the advisory board. BJA will review the form for compliance with enabiin� legislation and issue to the recipient a Grant Adjustment Notice {GAN). Until the issuance of the GAN, the recipient may not obli�ate or expend LLEBG funds. 16. The recipient has certified it is in compliance with the Public Safery Officers Health Benefits Provision (section 615 of the FY 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act) and agrees to remain in compliance durin� the term of the award. This Qrovision requires the unii of govemment which employs a public safety o�cer (as defined by section 1204 of Yitle I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streeu Act of 1968, as amended) who retires or is separated from service due to injury suffered as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of dury while responding to an emergency situation or a hot pursuit (as such terms are defined by state law) with the same or better tevel of health insurance 6enefits as would be paid by the unit of govemment at the time of retirement or separation, under a norcnal retirement plan. O1P FOILN2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PAOGRAMS C OIP X❑ BJA � OJ7DP � BJS � NIl ❑ OVC CHECf: APPROPRIATE BOX PROIECT NUMBER 97LBVX3921 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET ❑X G[tANT � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT AWARDDA7E 9/30/97 C� _�1� PAGE 6 OF 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17. By si�nin� below, the recipient is requestin� payment under the LLEBG Pro�ram. In order to ensure prompt payment and compliance with new U.S. Department of Treasury requirements that a13 grant paymenu be issued e{ectronically, the followin,g information must be completed az part of the signed accepted award documents. Failure to supply this information will delay your payment. Grantee Name: (e.g., Ciry_of, Counry of, Parish of, etc.} Vendor or EIN Number: (Please use number provided in #lA on the award document) Financial Institution Financial Institution Address: Bank Contact Name and Phone Number: Nine-di�it Routing Transit Number: Grantee Account Number: (This account should fulfill the trust fund requirement) By signin� these Special Conditions, the recipient is accepting the conditions and agrees to comply with them during the term of the award. The recipient is also requesting payment of the LLEBG funds. � I � — OJP FOR�7/? (REV. 5-87) PREVIpUS EDITIOVS ARE OBSOLETE - '►-1>k� U.S . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS � OIP a BJA � OIJDP � BJS � NIJ � OVC CHECA APPROPRIATE 6QX PROJECT NUMBER 97LBVX39?1 GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY O GRAN'I � COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT ❑ ❑ � This pm zct is suppoaed undec TiUe 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, 42 �SC 3701, as amended. This project is supponed under the Juvenile lustice and Deiinquency Prevention Act of 1974,a5 amended O[her: Omnibus Appropriation Act of 1997. 1. STAFF CON"fACT (Name, address & telephone number) Grants Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA S I0 7th Sireet. NW, 4th Floor Wuhinston. DC 20531 (20?)305-2088 � 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGR4M Local La��� £nforcement B1ocA Grants Program 2. PROJECT DIRECtOR (Name.address & telephone number) William Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul Ciry Ha(I, li West Relto�g Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN S.i 102 (6t2)292-3588 3b. POMS CODE LE 4. TITLE OF PROIECT Loca1 Lau EnYorcemeni Block Granu Progam - FY 1997 i. NAME & ADDRESS OE GRANTEE Ciry of St. Pau1 City Hall. IS West Kelloeg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 7. PROGRAht PERIOD FROM: 10/OV97 TO: 09l30/99 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 56��,215 ] ]. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET NIA l3. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD NfA l4.TWRD YEAR'S BU6GET AhfOWT NfA IS_ SUMMARY DESCR[PTION OF PROJECT The Loca( Law Enforcement Block Grants PtoeTarn wu authorized by the Omnibus Fisca{ Year 1997 Appropriations Act Public Law 104-208 for the purpose of providin� units of Iocal �ovemment with funds to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safery. The Bureau of Justice Assistance wil( make direct ax�ards to units oflocal �ovemment when award amounts are at leaz[ $10,000 ro be used consistent with the statutory prosram purpose azeas specified in sectio� 101(a) (2). The Ciq of5t. Paul has indicared [hat i[ inrends ro distribure iu Local [,aw Enfotcemen[ Block Granu Cunds under the follouine purpose area(s): (lb)Ovenime $157,734 ' (Ic) Equipment 3389,222 (4) Enhancing Adjudication y97,259 Certified compViance, punuant to section 61 i. Public Safety Officers Hzalth Benefiu provision. 6 NAME & ADDRESS OF SUBGRAVTEE � TO: 09f30/99 8. BUDGET PER[OD FROM: SOf01f97 10. DATE OF AWARD 09/30/97 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDC N/A AAfOUNT NC/tvCF OJP FOR.�I �000/t (REV 1-88) PREVIOUS EDITSONS ARE OBSOLETE �r � us. n�t ot aus�ce �,� . �,��.5 Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights September 30, 1997 Norm Coleman Mayor City of St. Paul Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Local Law Enforcement Block Grantee: Washingron. AC 20531 Congratulations on your recent award. Because you have submitted Certified Assurance that your agency is in compliance with applicable civil rights laws, this office has determined that you have met this requirement in the Departsnent of Justice regulations governing recipients of Federal financial assistance (see 28 C.F.R. sec. 42.204, Applicants' obligations). As Director of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of dustice Programs, I would like to offer you my assistance in completing the conditions of these Assuxances, specifically Nos. 13, 14, and 15, as the granY goes forward. As you know, equal opportunity for the participation of women and minority individuals in employment and services provided under programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance is required by law. Therefore, if there has been a federai or state court or administrative agency finding of discrimination against your agency, please forward a copy of such order or consent decree, as required by Assurance No. 14, to OCR at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. (1) If you have already submitted an EEOP as part of another awazd from the Office of 7ustice Programs (OJP) during this grant period, or if you have certified that no EEOP is required, it is not necessary for you to submit another at this time. Simply send a copy of the letter you received from OCR showing that your EEOP or certification is acceptable. o� � -1 �`� Additional Instructions For Grantees Receivina $SQQ,000 Or More: In accotdance with Assurance No. 15, and as a recipient of $500,000 or more (or $1,000,000 in an 18-month period), and has 50 or more employees, the recipient must submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) within 60 days from the date of this letter to OCR at the address cited on page 1. Alternatively, the grantee may choose to complete an EEOP Short Form, in lieu of sending its own comprehensive EEOP, and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this letter. This easy-to-follow EEOP Short Form reduces paperwork and prepazation time considerably and will ensure a quicker OCR review and approval. The enclosed Seven-Step Guide to the Design and Development of an EEOP (which includes a Certification Form and an EEOP Short Form) will assist you in completing this requirement. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regazdless of amount of awazd, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. PI3RSUANT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION REGARDING EEOP'S GOVERNING THIS AWARD, RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT FAILURE TO SUBMIT AN ACCEPTABLE EEOP IS A VIOLATION OF ITS CERTIFIED ASSURANCES AND MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF DRAWDOWN OF FUNDS UNTIL EEOP HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving $25,000 Or More, But Under $500,000: Pursuant to Department of Justice regulations, each grantee that receives $25,000 or more and has 50 or more employees is required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) on file for review by OCR upon request. Moreover, if the grantee is awarded $1,000,000 in an eighteen (18) month period, it must submit an acceptable EEOP to OCR. Please complete the applicable section of the attached Certification Form and retum it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this tetter. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regardless of amount of award, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving Under $25,0�0: A recipient of under $2�,000 is not required to maintain or submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) in accordance with Assurance No. 15 2 �.� �1�� Instructions for All Grantees: In addition, all recipients, regardless of their type, the monetary amount awarded, or the number of employees in their workforce, are subject to the prohibitions against discrimination in any funded pro�am or activiry. OCR may require a11 recipients, through selected compliance reviews, to submit data to ensure their services are delivered in an equitable manner to all segments of the service population and their employment (2) are in compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please call the Office of Civil Rights at (202) 307-0690. Sincerely, � ������ Inez Alfonzo-Lasso Director, Office for Civil Rights Enclosure (2) The employment practices of certain Indian Tribes are not covered by Title VTI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.