97-1384Council File # 97-/�� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ,3�33_3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, MINNESOTA b � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (ffie "HRA") has 2 heretofote created the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelogment Project Area (the "Project Area") and has 3 proposed that the redevelopment plan and tae increment financing plan (collectively the "Redevelopment 4 Plan") for the Project Area be modified (the "Modificauon") to enlazge the Project Area to include that 5 property described and shown in Eachibit "A" attached hereto (the Project Area as so enlarged being the 6 "Enlarged Project Area"), and provide for tax increment and other public assistance within the Enlarged 7 Project Area, all under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.028 and 439.029, subdivision 6 8 (collectively the "Act"); and WHEREA5, the HRA has refened the proposed Modification to the City Planniitg Commission, and the Ciry Planning Commission recommended approval of the Modificauon in its Resolution No. 97-51, adopted on July 25, 1997; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to consider the proposed Modificafion; and WHEREAS, The City Council has investigated the facts, and the Ciry and HRA have performed all acfions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption of the Modificafion, including, but not lunited to, notification of Ramsey Counry and Tndependent School Distict No. 625 and the holding of a public hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, by the Ciry CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. Fin� The Ciry Council hereby finds that: (i) the land to be added to the Project Area by the Modifacauon would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought by the Modificarion; and (ii) the Modification will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of ihe City as a whole for the redevelapment of the azea by private enterprise; and (iii) the Modification conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. u.. .� . .� :-�- - �.n ' <� .. �� ,- -. ... . -. 3. Tax increment Diatricts, The Ciry is not modifying the boundaries of any of the t� increment financing districts (the "Tax Increment Districts") located within the Enlarged Project Area. 4. Fi�. The City Clerk is authocized and directed to file a copy of the Modification with the Commissioner of Revenue. 9� i��� Adopted by Council: Date � �.\��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � a J�..�...�va—�__ _ \ Approved by Mayor: Date f Z G c By: Requested by Department of: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By : �� �' ti '���— ,. � b �F PED Dan Pahl;d266-6610 November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 10 FOfl � GREEN � DEPARTMENT DIRE p CfiYATTOqNEV Ye O BUDGET DIRECTOA e � MAYOR (OR FSSlSTAM1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) EET 9� i3s�� 3��3� wmnware CffY COUNpL CITY CLEflK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Schedule public hearing on November 12, 1997 before City Council, make necessary findings in connection w/ modification of Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area, and approve modification of same (see attached memo and resolution) REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RBlect (R) �, PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CqMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT �_ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCfL OBJECTIVE'1 Job creation PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/Firm ever worked untler a coMrect for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this per5onlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current city employee4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attecP to grcen shcet HRA in its Resolution No. 97-SJ13-3 requested that the City Council schedule a public hearing to make necessary findings and approve modification of Psom/3M Redevelopment Project Area. Will facilitate implementation of potential redevelopment in the Project Area. None � NOV o' 1997 A�A�IC3�' s ��F!Cf � � .� �' ,�.� Potential redevelopment may not move forward without public support. AM�UNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATIOM (EXPLAIN) 9� /3�� I�terdepartmental Memorandum (.7TY OF SAIlVT' PAUL DATE: November 12, 1997 TO: Council President and Members of the City Council FROM: Marie Franchette Dan Pahl RE: Public Hearing to Make Necessary Findings in Connection with Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to hold a public hearing on November 12, 1997 to make necessary fmdings in connection with the modification of the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan by enlarging the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the area generally bounded by University Avenue West on the north; North Lexington Pazkway on the east; Saint Anthony Avenue on the south; and North Dunlap Street on the west (the "Site"), which is shown on the attached map. Background The Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan as approved by the Ciry in 1987 and as amended in 1988 established a geographic Project Area which qualifies as a Redevelopment Project under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Secrion 469.002, Subdivision 14. The Redevelopment Plan also established a Redevelopment District under the Tas Increment Financing Act Seciion 469.175, Subdivision 1. A sepazate Tas Increment District was established at the same tnne as a major source of public assistance for most of the redevelopment within the Project Area. The Redevelopment Project Area is synonymous with the Redevelopment District, but separate and distinct from the TaY Increment District. Within the geographic area of the Redevelopment District, powers of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) can be exercised, and tax increment generated from captured net taY capacity within the Tas Increment District can be expended for public and other qualifying purposes. 9�-i3�'� The e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area was established in 1988 to provide an impetus for redevelopment of the 3M office buitding and the old Prom Ballroom site located south of University Avenue between Dunlap Stteet and Griggs Street. In response to establishing the Redevelopment District, an Abra Auto Body plant and Bally's Fimess Center were developed. The purpose of the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project is to undertake urban renewal within ihe Redevelopment Project Area in conformance with the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan, and to implement recommendations such as are made in small azea plans. Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Proyect Area to include the Site is identi�ied as a priority in the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study, which was adopted by the City Council on March 23, 1993. The Small Area Plan states the following as a reason for this recommendation: "...at various times in the past, (the subject area) has experienced high vacancy rates, low property maintenauce, disinvestment, and underutilization of land. Inclusion in the redevelopment district would help the City work towazds removing blight and deterioration, providing public improvements to stunulate private investment, redeveloping acquired land, increasing employment, enhancing the taY base, improving the visual quality of the azea, and recruiting new businesses." The HRA Board in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings in connection with the proposed modification. Prior to designation as a Redevelopment Project Area, a site must be found to be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements that aze structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. In addition, it must be found that development of the site would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future, and therefore the use of tax increment financing would be necessary. Modifying Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Staff proposes to modify the Proml3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging it to include the Site. The Site is comprised of a Shopping Center with small retail outlets, White Castle restaurant, Super America service station, Keys Well Drilling office, and Plastic Surgery clinic. Staff believes that the White Casfle restaurant, Super America service station, and Plastic Surgery clinic are not likely to be targeted for redevelopment, but they are included in accordance with the Small Area Plan so as not to be precluded from poten6al redevelopment. Each parcel in the Site has been surveyed by staff, and the overall Site has been determined to meet the statutory definition of blighted, deteriorated, under used or inappropriately used properry as found by an exterior building condition survey. ��-i3ri� Staff believes that some form of public involvement is required to redevelop the Site. Furthermore, staff believes that enlarging the e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the Site would facilitate the amplementation of any forthcoming development proposals. Planning Coinmission Review The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed modificarion on July 25, 1997. Since specific development proposals do not exist for the Site, the Planning Commission's review focused only on the appropriateness of the Site as a Redevelopment Project Area. The Plauning Commission recommended approval of the amendment proposed herein in a resolution on July 25, 1997 and found that the proposed amendment is consistent with the City's Land Use Plan and Economic Development Strategy, and with the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study. The Planning Commission also recommends changing the name of the redevelopment district from the Prom/3M Redevelopment District to the University/Lexington Redevelopment District to update the historical name. Further Planning Commission review of a specific development proposal by the Planning Commission would be necessazy to ensure confonnauce to the Comprehensive Plan. Final Approval by the HRA The Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will consider final approval of the proposed modification at its meeting on November 26, 1997. Neighborhood Review Staff has advised the Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council of the proposed modification as described herein. Recommendation Staff recommends making the necessary findings to approve modification of the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging the existing Project Area to include the Site as proposed herein. Staff submits the attached Resolution for the City Council's consideration. DGP EXHIBIT "A" .........................,.............................. �................................, ...................... _..........__ _................ :: �. _ ,. :. : ,. .: � - �: .. , ,. ;; . i' . i : .; � . : : • ' � ' . ...............................� .............................._.... .; I 2 > C ST. 97- i3a�s� c ...-- ' - ......................: .._... _ 951TV AVENUE � , :-.,.......... � '. f f` ; i I I � � � � � � � � � -:' 'I CE�v*aA� i �II ���� :i- 1�� €..- --.. �..�.�..... . _.........�..... `�-�.. _ ........................... ...... � ..... ..... ....._............... ......... _................... ..... :i .......................... '::. i ................... ................................ ......... i ....... ........ _ ........ .... ._ - -....._.._.._...----� . d u:-.... � � •.., < , ...............................: .....................:6�...............: � ��QO� I cohcoao�a � o ❑p l r COII'cGE � I'`. P ^n I � fF��T�n: f:.riL� � DUNNING FIEID r-, n .ayQ ._........ q� , ....._.... , Proml3M Site Redevelopment District r. STUOY AREA • � - - �� EXISTING REDEVELOPtdENT D�STRIGT � EXYANDED REDEVELOP6IENT DIS7RICT V1ITHIN S�dALL AREA PLAN BOUHDARY __.....___........_ '........_ _. _ ..._.._ ... .... _. ... ._ .... _.. .._. .. __..... _. .. . .._ ............................. ........................_._ ..... ......._ _ _ ........._ . . ...... ... _... ._ ... ...... .. Illi II �; LA'J�^'. 1I1 I 4 i _ II�II Z' ASH�AhD O f� � �� �. z. _ IIIIIIIIII W J Po=.TLa�.D I ! II I II I I SU�"+iITAVcNUE Lc�ington ffaniline timatl Area Plan and 40 Acre Studr 9� i3�� E�ibit "A" ' 1� �._��.• 34-29-23-41-0001 34-29-23-41-0002 34-29-23-41-0003 1•.. r��ii .�� �%, •� __ 1•<. r�e�� Subj to Ave and Pkwy and Ex W 350 ft the N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the E 60 ft of W 230 ft of N 382 ft of I,ots 34 and 35 and the E 120 ft of W 350 ft of N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the N 382-45/100 ft on W 1 to 382 ft on E 1 of W 170 ft of Lots 35 and Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk 34-29-23-41-0004 Ex W 68 ft beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 382-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 230 ft to a pt 382 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 th S to pt 441-8/10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 then W 230 ft to pt 60 ft S from beg then to beg on W L of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0005 Subj to Pkwy and ex W 230 ft the fol ex N 220 ft mol Lot 34 and the N ll 1-6f 10 ft of Lot 36 and all of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0006 E 162 ft of W 230 ft of fol N 82-4/10 ft of I,ot 36 and part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 442-45(100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 the E 230 ft to pt 441-8f 10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 being part of Lots 36 and Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0007 W 68 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of Lot 36 and W 68 ft of part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 3&2-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 170 ft to pt 382 ft S from N I of Lot 34 also 5 29-2/10 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of E lb2 ft of W 230 ft of Lot 36 being part of Lots 36 and 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0008 34-29-23-41-0009 34-29-23-41-0010 With benefits and burdens of esmts of recorrd part of Taylor Ave vac adj and ex N 111-6f 10 ft the W 40 ft of Lot 36,Ha11 and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts and ex N 111-6/10 ft part of Taylor Ave vac adj and fol the E 80 ft of W 120 ft of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts; vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N ll l.b ft& ex W 120 ft& ex E 175 ft; Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 9 �—ij�s� �U. �i,• 34-29-23-41-0O1 l 34-29-23-41-0012 34-29-23-41-0033 �':. M 1 I I � I 1 ''I, '� � i. 11 � I 1 Subj to esmts vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N 111.6 ft; the E 175 ft E of Pkwy of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Pkwy I.ots 1 thru Lot 6, Blk 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk Lot 28 and subj to Pkwy Lots 24 thru Lot 32, Blk 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Council File # 97-/�� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ,3�33_3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, MINNESOTA b � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (ffie "HRA") has 2 heretofote created the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelogment Project Area (the "Project Area") and has 3 proposed that the redevelopment plan and tae increment financing plan (collectively the "Redevelopment 4 Plan") for the Project Area be modified (the "Modificauon") to enlazge the Project Area to include that 5 property described and shown in Eachibit "A" attached hereto (the Project Area as so enlarged being the 6 "Enlarged Project Area"), and provide for tax increment and other public assistance within the Enlarged 7 Project Area, all under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.028 and 439.029, subdivision 6 8 (collectively the "Act"); and WHEREA5, the HRA has refened the proposed Modification to the City Planniitg Commission, and the Ciry Planning Commission recommended approval of the Modificauon in its Resolution No. 97-51, adopted on July 25, 1997; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to consider the proposed Modificafion; and WHEREAS, The City Council has investigated the facts, and the Ciry and HRA have performed all acfions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption of the Modificafion, including, but not lunited to, notification of Ramsey Counry and Tndependent School Distict No. 625 and the holding of a public hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, by the Ciry CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. Fin� The Ciry Council hereby finds that: (i) the land to be added to the Project Area by the Modifacauon would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought by the Modificarion; and (ii) the Modification will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of ihe City as a whole for the redevelapment of the azea by private enterprise; and (iii) the Modification conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. u.. .� . .� :-�- - �.n ' <� .. �� ,- -. ... . -. 3. Tax increment Diatricts, The Ciry is not modifying the boundaries of any of the t� increment financing districts (the "Tax Increment Districts") located within the Enlarged Project Area. 4. Fi�. The City Clerk is authocized and directed to file a copy of the Modification with the Commissioner of Revenue. 9� i��� Adopted by Council: Date � �.\��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � a J�..�...�va—�__ _ \ Approved by Mayor: Date f Z G c By: Requested by Department of: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By : �� �' ti '���— ,. � b �F PED Dan Pahl;d266-6610 November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 10 FOfl � GREEN � DEPARTMENT DIRE p CfiYATTOqNEV Ye O BUDGET DIRECTOA e � MAYOR (OR FSSlSTAM1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) EET 9� i3s�� 3��3� wmnware CffY COUNpL CITY CLEflK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Schedule public hearing on November 12, 1997 before City Council, make necessary findings in connection w/ modification of Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area, and approve modification of same (see attached memo and resolution) REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RBlect (R) �, PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CqMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT �_ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCfL OBJECTIVE'1 Job creation PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/Firm ever worked untler a coMrect for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this per5onlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current city employee4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attecP to grcen shcet HRA in its Resolution No. 97-SJ13-3 requested that the City Council schedule a public hearing to make necessary findings and approve modification of Psom/3M Redevelopment Project Area. Will facilitate implementation of potential redevelopment in the Project Area. None � NOV o' 1997 A�A�IC3�' s ��F!Cf � � .� �' ,�.� Potential redevelopment may not move forward without public support. AM�UNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATIOM (EXPLAIN) 9� /3�� I�terdepartmental Memorandum (.7TY OF SAIlVT' PAUL DATE: November 12, 1997 TO: Council President and Members of the City Council FROM: Marie Franchette Dan Pahl RE: Public Hearing to Make Necessary Findings in Connection with Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to hold a public hearing on November 12, 1997 to make necessary fmdings in connection with the modification of the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan by enlarging the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the area generally bounded by University Avenue West on the north; North Lexington Pazkway on the east; Saint Anthony Avenue on the south; and North Dunlap Street on the west (the "Site"), which is shown on the attached map. Background The Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan as approved by the Ciry in 1987 and as amended in 1988 established a geographic Project Area which qualifies as a Redevelopment Project under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Secrion 469.002, Subdivision 14. The Redevelopment Plan also established a Redevelopment District under the Tas Increment Financing Act Seciion 469.175, Subdivision 1. A sepazate Tas Increment District was established at the same tnne as a major source of public assistance for most of the redevelopment within the Project Area. The Redevelopment Project Area is synonymous with the Redevelopment District, but separate and distinct from the TaY Increment District. Within the geographic area of the Redevelopment District, powers of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) can be exercised, and tax increment generated from captured net taY capacity within the Tas Increment District can be expended for public and other qualifying purposes. 9�-i3�'� The e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area was established in 1988 to provide an impetus for redevelopment of the 3M office buitding and the old Prom Ballroom site located south of University Avenue between Dunlap Stteet and Griggs Street. In response to establishing the Redevelopment District, an Abra Auto Body plant and Bally's Fimess Center were developed. The purpose of the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project is to undertake urban renewal within ihe Redevelopment Project Area in conformance with the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan, and to implement recommendations such as are made in small azea plans. Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Proyect Area to include the Site is identi�ied as a priority in the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study, which was adopted by the City Council on March 23, 1993. The Small Area Plan states the following as a reason for this recommendation: "...at various times in the past, (the subject area) has experienced high vacancy rates, low property maintenauce, disinvestment, and underutilization of land. Inclusion in the redevelopment district would help the City work towazds removing blight and deterioration, providing public improvements to stunulate private investment, redeveloping acquired land, increasing employment, enhancing the taY base, improving the visual quality of the azea, and recruiting new businesses." The HRA Board in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings in connection with the proposed modification. Prior to designation as a Redevelopment Project Area, a site must be found to be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements that aze structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. In addition, it must be found that development of the site would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future, and therefore the use of tax increment financing would be necessary. Modifying Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Staff proposes to modify the Proml3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging it to include the Site. The Site is comprised of a Shopping Center with small retail outlets, White Castle restaurant, Super America service station, Keys Well Drilling office, and Plastic Surgery clinic. Staff believes that the White Casfle restaurant, Super America service station, and Plastic Surgery clinic are not likely to be targeted for redevelopment, but they are included in accordance with the Small Area Plan so as not to be precluded from poten6al redevelopment. Each parcel in the Site has been surveyed by staff, and the overall Site has been determined to meet the statutory definition of blighted, deteriorated, under used or inappropriately used properry as found by an exterior building condition survey. ��-i3ri� Staff believes that some form of public involvement is required to redevelop the Site. Furthermore, staff believes that enlarging the e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the Site would facilitate the amplementation of any forthcoming development proposals. Planning Coinmission Review The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed modificarion on July 25, 1997. Since specific development proposals do not exist for the Site, the Planning Commission's review focused only on the appropriateness of the Site as a Redevelopment Project Area. The Plauning Commission recommended approval of the amendment proposed herein in a resolution on July 25, 1997 and found that the proposed amendment is consistent with the City's Land Use Plan and Economic Development Strategy, and with the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study. The Planning Commission also recommends changing the name of the redevelopment district from the Prom/3M Redevelopment District to the University/Lexington Redevelopment District to update the historical name. Further Planning Commission review of a specific development proposal by the Planning Commission would be necessazy to ensure confonnauce to the Comprehensive Plan. Final Approval by the HRA The Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will consider final approval of the proposed modification at its meeting on November 26, 1997. Neighborhood Review Staff has advised the Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council of the proposed modification as described herein. Recommendation Staff recommends making the necessary findings to approve modification of the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging the existing Project Area to include the Site as proposed herein. Staff submits the attached Resolution for the City Council's consideration. DGP EXHIBIT "A" .........................,.............................. �................................, ...................... _..........__ _................ :: �. _ ,. :. : ,. .: � - �: .. , ,. ;; . i' . i : .; � . : : • ' � ' . ...............................� .............................._.... .; I 2 > C ST. 97- i3a�s� c ...-- ' - ......................: .._... _ 951TV AVENUE � , :-.,.......... � '. f f` ; i I I � � � � � � � � � -:' 'I CE�v*aA� i �II ���� :i- 1�� €..- --.. �..�.�..... . _.........�..... `�-�.. _ ........................... ...... � ..... ..... ....._............... ......... _................... ..... :i .......................... '::. i ................... ................................ ......... i ....... ........ _ ........ .... ._ - -....._.._.._...----� . d u:-.... � � •.., < , ...............................: .....................:6�...............: � ��QO� I cohcoao�a � o ❑p l r COII'cGE � I'`. P ^n I � fF��T�n: f:.riL� � DUNNING FIEID r-, n .ayQ ._........ q� , ....._.... , Proml3M Site Redevelopment District r. STUOY AREA • � - - �� EXISTING REDEVELOPtdENT D�STRIGT � EXYANDED REDEVELOP6IENT DIS7RICT V1ITHIN S�dALL AREA PLAN BOUHDARY __.....___........_ '........_ _. _ ..._.._ ... .... _. ... ._ .... _.. .._. .. __..... _. .. . .._ ............................. ........................_._ ..... ......._ _ _ ........._ . . ...... ... _... ._ ... ...... .. Illi II �; LA'J�^'. 1I1 I 4 i _ II�II Z' ASH�AhD O f� � �� �. z. _ IIIIIIIIII W J Po=.TLa�.D I ! II I II I I SU�"+iITAVcNUE Lc�ington ffaniline timatl Area Plan and 40 Acre Studr 9� i3�� E�ibit "A" ' 1� �._��.• 34-29-23-41-0001 34-29-23-41-0002 34-29-23-41-0003 1•.. r��ii .�� �%, •� __ 1•<. r�e�� Subj to Ave and Pkwy and Ex W 350 ft the N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the E 60 ft of W 230 ft of N 382 ft of I,ots 34 and 35 and the E 120 ft of W 350 ft of N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the N 382-45/100 ft on W 1 to 382 ft on E 1 of W 170 ft of Lots 35 and Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk 34-29-23-41-0004 Ex W 68 ft beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 382-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 230 ft to a pt 382 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 th S to pt 441-8/10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 then W 230 ft to pt 60 ft S from beg then to beg on W L of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0005 Subj to Pkwy and ex W 230 ft the fol ex N 220 ft mol Lot 34 and the N ll 1-6f 10 ft of Lot 36 and all of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0006 E 162 ft of W 230 ft of fol N 82-4/10 ft of I,ot 36 and part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 442-45(100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 the E 230 ft to pt 441-8f 10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 being part of Lots 36 and Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0007 W 68 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of Lot 36 and W 68 ft of part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 3&2-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 170 ft to pt 382 ft S from N I of Lot 34 also 5 29-2/10 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of E lb2 ft of W 230 ft of Lot 36 being part of Lots 36 and 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0008 34-29-23-41-0009 34-29-23-41-0010 With benefits and burdens of esmts of recorrd part of Taylor Ave vac adj and ex N 111-6f 10 ft the W 40 ft of Lot 36,Ha11 and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts and ex N 111-6/10 ft part of Taylor Ave vac adj and fol the E 80 ft of W 120 ft of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts; vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N ll l.b ft& ex W 120 ft& ex E 175 ft; Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 9 �—ij�s� �U. �i,• 34-29-23-41-0O1 l 34-29-23-41-0012 34-29-23-41-0033 �':. M 1 I I � I 1 ''I, '� � i. 11 � I 1 Subj to esmts vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N 111.6 ft; the E 175 ft E of Pkwy of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Pkwy I.ots 1 thru Lot 6, Blk 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk Lot 28 and subj to Pkwy Lots 24 thru Lot 32, Blk 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Council File # 97-/�� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ,3�33_3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, MINNESOTA b � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (ffie "HRA") has 2 heretofote created the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelogment Project Area (the "Project Area") and has 3 proposed that the redevelopment plan and tae increment financing plan (collectively the "Redevelopment 4 Plan") for the Project Area be modified (the "Modificauon") to enlazge the Project Area to include that 5 property described and shown in Eachibit "A" attached hereto (the Project Area as so enlarged being the 6 "Enlarged Project Area"), and provide for tax increment and other public assistance within the Enlarged 7 Project Area, all under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.028 and 439.029, subdivision 6 8 (collectively the "Act"); and WHEREA5, the HRA has refened the proposed Modification to the City Planniitg Commission, and the Ciry Planning Commission recommended approval of the Modificauon in its Resolution No. 97-51, adopted on July 25, 1997; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to consider the proposed Modificafion; and WHEREAS, The City Council has investigated the facts, and the Ciry and HRA have performed all acfions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption of the Modificafion, including, but not lunited to, notification of Ramsey Counry and Tndependent School Distict No. 625 and the holding of a public hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, by the Ciry CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. Fin� The Ciry Council hereby finds that: (i) the land to be added to the Project Area by the Modifacauon would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought by the Modificarion; and (ii) the Modification will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of ihe City as a whole for the redevelapment of the azea by private enterprise; and (iii) the Modification conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. u.. .� . .� :-�- - �.n ' <� .. �� ,- -. ... . -. 3. Tax increment Diatricts, The Ciry is not modifying the boundaries of any of the t� increment financing districts (the "Tax Increment Districts") located within the Enlarged Project Area. 4. Fi�. The City Clerk is authocized and directed to file a copy of the Modification with the Commissioner of Revenue. 9� i��� Adopted by Council: Date � �.\��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � a J�..�...�va—�__ _ \ Approved by Mayor: Date f Z G c By: Requested by Department of: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By : �� �' ti '���— ,. � b �F PED Dan Pahl;d266-6610 November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 10 FOfl � GREEN � DEPARTMENT DIRE p CfiYATTOqNEV Ye O BUDGET DIRECTOA e � MAYOR (OR FSSlSTAM1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) EET 9� i3s�� 3��3� wmnware CffY COUNpL CITY CLEflK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Schedule public hearing on November 12, 1997 before City Council, make necessary findings in connection w/ modification of Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area, and approve modification of same (see attached memo and resolution) REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RBlect (R) �, PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CqMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT �_ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCfL OBJECTIVE'1 Job creation PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/Firm ever worked untler a coMrect for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this per5onlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current city employee4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attecP to grcen shcet HRA in its Resolution No. 97-SJ13-3 requested that the City Council schedule a public hearing to make necessary findings and approve modification of Psom/3M Redevelopment Project Area. Will facilitate implementation of potential redevelopment in the Project Area. None � NOV o' 1997 A�A�IC3�' s ��F!Cf � � .� �' ,�.� Potential redevelopment may not move forward without public support. AM�UNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATIOM (EXPLAIN) 9� /3�� I�terdepartmental Memorandum (.7TY OF SAIlVT' PAUL DATE: November 12, 1997 TO: Council President and Members of the City Council FROM: Marie Franchette Dan Pahl RE: Public Hearing to Make Necessary Findings in Connection with Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to hold a public hearing on November 12, 1997 to make necessary fmdings in connection with the modification of the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan by enlarging the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the area generally bounded by University Avenue West on the north; North Lexington Pazkway on the east; Saint Anthony Avenue on the south; and North Dunlap Street on the west (the "Site"), which is shown on the attached map. Background The Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan as approved by the Ciry in 1987 and as amended in 1988 established a geographic Project Area which qualifies as a Redevelopment Project under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Secrion 469.002, Subdivision 14. The Redevelopment Plan also established a Redevelopment District under the Tas Increment Financing Act Seciion 469.175, Subdivision 1. A sepazate Tas Increment District was established at the same tnne as a major source of public assistance for most of the redevelopment within the Project Area. The Redevelopment Project Area is synonymous with the Redevelopment District, but separate and distinct from the TaY Increment District. Within the geographic area of the Redevelopment District, powers of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) can be exercised, and tax increment generated from captured net taY capacity within the Tas Increment District can be expended for public and other qualifying purposes. 9�-i3�'� The e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area was established in 1988 to provide an impetus for redevelopment of the 3M office buitding and the old Prom Ballroom site located south of University Avenue between Dunlap Stteet and Griggs Street. In response to establishing the Redevelopment District, an Abra Auto Body plant and Bally's Fimess Center were developed. The purpose of the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project is to undertake urban renewal within ihe Redevelopment Project Area in conformance with the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan, and to implement recommendations such as are made in small azea plans. Modifying the Prom/3M Redevelopment Proyect Area to include the Site is identi�ied as a priority in the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study, which was adopted by the City Council on March 23, 1993. The Small Area Plan states the following as a reason for this recommendation: "...at various times in the past, (the subject area) has experienced high vacancy rates, low property maintenauce, disinvestment, and underutilization of land. Inclusion in the redevelopment district would help the City work towazds removing blight and deterioration, providing public improvements to stunulate private investment, redeveloping acquired land, increasing employment, enhancing the taY base, improving the visual quality of the azea, and recruiting new businesses." The HRA Board in its Resolution No. 97-8/13-3 authorized staff to schedule a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings in connection with the proposed modification. Prior to designation as a Redevelopment Project Area, a site must be found to be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements that aze structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. In addition, it must be found that development of the site would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future, and therefore the use of tax increment financing would be necessary. Modifying Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area Staff proposes to modify the Proml3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging it to include the Site. The Site is comprised of a Shopping Center with small retail outlets, White Castle restaurant, Super America service station, Keys Well Drilling office, and Plastic Surgery clinic. Staff believes that the White Casfle restaurant, Super America service station, and Plastic Surgery clinic are not likely to be targeted for redevelopment, but they are included in accordance with the Small Area Plan so as not to be precluded from poten6al redevelopment. Each parcel in the Site has been surveyed by staff, and the overall Site has been determined to meet the statutory definition of blighted, deteriorated, under used or inappropriately used properry as found by an exterior building condition survey. ��-i3ri� Staff believes that some form of public involvement is required to redevelop the Site. Furthermore, staff believes that enlarging the e�sting Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area to include the Site would facilitate the amplementation of any forthcoming development proposals. Planning Coinmission Review The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed modificarion on July 25, 1997. Since specific development proposals do not exist for the Site, the Planning Commission's review focused only on the appropriateness of the Site as a Redevelopment Project Area. The Plauning Commission recommended approval of the amendment proposed herein in a resolution on July 25, 1997 and found that the proposed amendment is consistent with the City's Land Use Plan and Economic Development Strategy, and with the Lexington Hamline Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study. The Planning Commission also recommends changing the name of the redevelopment district from the Prom/3M Redevelopment District to the University/Lexington Redevelopment District to update the historical name. Further Planning Commission review of a specific development proposal by the Planning Commission would be necessazy to ensure confonnauce to the Comprehensive Plan. Final Approval by the HRA The Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will consider final approval of the proposed modification at its meeting on November 26, 1997. Neighborhood Review Staff has advised the Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council of the proposed modification as described herein. Recommendation Staff recommends making the necessary findings to approve modification of the Prom/3M Redevelopment Project Area by enlarging the existing Project Area to include the Site as proposed herein. Staff submits the attached Resolution for the City Council's consideration. DGP EXHIBIT "A" .........................,.............................. �................................, ...................... _..........__ _................ :: �. _ ,. :. : ,. .: � - �: .. , ,. ;; . i' . i : .; � . : : • ' � ' . ...............................� .............................._.... .; I 2 > C ST. 97- i3a�s� c ...-- ' - ......................: .._... _ 951TV AVENUE � , :-.,.......... � '. f f` ; i I I � � � � � � � � � -:' 'I CE�v*aA� i �II ���� :i- 1�� €..- --.. �..�.�..... . _.........�..... `�-�.. _ ........................... ...... � ..... ..... ....._............... ......... _................... ..... :i .......................... '::. i ................... ................................ ......... i ....... ........ _ ........ .... ._ - -....._.._.._...----� . d u:-.... � � •.., < , ...............................: .....................:6�...............: � ��QO� I cohcoao�a � o ❑p l r COII'cGE � I'`. P ^n I � fF��T�n: f:.riL� � DUNNING FIEID r-, n .ayQ ._........ q� , ....._.... , Proml3M Site Redevelopment District r. STUOY AREA • � - - �� EXISTING REDEVELOPtdENT D�STRIGT � EXYANDED REDEVELOP6IENT DIS7RICT V1ITHIN S�dALL AREA PLAN BOUHDARY __.....___........_ '........_ _. _ ..._.._ ... .... _. ... ._ .... _.. .._. .. __..... _. .. . .._ ............................. ........................_._ ..... ......._ _ _ ........._ . . ...... ... _... ._ ... ...... .. Illi II �; LA'J�^'. 1I1 I 4 i _ II�II Z' ASH�AhD O f� � �� �. z. _ IIIIIIIIII W J Po=.TLa�.D I ! II I II I I SU�"+iITAVcNUE Lc�ington ffaniline timatl Area Plan and 40 Acre Studr 9� i3�� E�ibit "A" ' 1� �._��.• 34-29-23-41-0001 34-29-23-41-0002 34-29-23-41-0003 1•.. r��ii .�� �%, •� __ 1•<. r�e�� Subj to Ave and Pkwy and Ex W 350 ft the N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the E 60 ft of W 230 ft of N 382 ft of I,ots 34 and 35 and the E 120 ft of W 350 ft of N 220 ft mol of Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Ave the N 382-45/100 ft on W 1 to 382 ft on E 1 of W 170 ft of Lots 35 and Lot 34, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk 34-29-23-41-0004 Ex W 68 ft beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 382-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 230 ft to a pt 382 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 th S to pt 441-8/10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 then W 230 ft to pt 60 ft S from beg then to beg on W L of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0005 Subj to Pkwy and ex W 230 ft the fol ex N 220 ft mol Lot 34 and the N ll 1-6f 10 ft of Lot 36 and all of Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0006 E 162 ft of W 230 ft of fol N 82-4/10 ft of I,ot 36 and part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 442-45(100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 the E 230 ft to pt 441-8f 10 ft S from N 1 of Lot 34 being part of Lots 36 and Lot 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0007 W 68 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of Lot 36 and W 68 ft of part of Lot 35 S of 1 beg on W 1 of Lot 35 and 3&2-45/100 ft S from NW cor of Lot 34 th E 170 ft to pt 382 ft S from N I of Lot 34 also 5 29-2/10 ft of N 111-6/10 ft of E lb2 ft of W 230 ft of Lot 36 being part of Lots 36 and 35, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 34-29-23-41-0008 34-29-23-41-0009 34-29-23-41-0010 With benefits and burdens of esmts of recorrd part of Taylor Ave vac adj and ex N 111-6f 10 ft the W 40 ft of Lot 36,Ha11 and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts and ex N 111-6/10 ft part of Taylor Ave vac adj and fol the E 80 ft of W 120 ft of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to esmts; vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N ll l.b ft& ex W 120 ft& ex E 175 ft; Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park 9 �—ij�s� �U. �i,• 34-29-23-41-0O1 l 34-29-23-41-0012 34-29-23-41-0033 �':. M 1 I I � I 1 ''I, '� � i. 11 � I 1 Subj to esmts vac Ave accruing & fol; ex N 111.6 ft; the E 175 ft E of Pkwy of Lot 36, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park Subj to Pkwy I.ots 1 thru Lot 6, Blk 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Pazk Lot 28 and subj to Pkwy Lots 24 thru Lot 32, Blk 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Add to Hyde Park