97-1381S �..� �,--��fi �. - � � ( � ( � � � Council File # � t.=� 1 Green Sheet � 32167 UTION �AUL MINNESOTA Presented by: Referred to: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Commi ttee : 1998 SArTITARY SEWER CHAI�,GES AND STOR,M SEWER SYSTEM CHAftGES WI�REAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of Public works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater to the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, Sanitary 8ewer Service charges pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including the principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying Saint Paul's share of the Metropolitan Gouncil Wastewater Services's annual budget as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will be increasing their 1998 rate for regional wastewater treatment to the City of Saint Paul by two and four tenths percent; and R'HEREAS, an additional mission of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water to the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of our stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws of Minnesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (6/3/86) establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and WHERF.AS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's anticipated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance provides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and �`1 -1`3 �� 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ss s� as 89 90 91 WHEREAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is used to pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for the construction of the storm sewer system; and WI�REAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs have been imposed upon Saint Paul without accompanying funds; and WHEREAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipated e�penditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer systems as follows: ExAenses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services (MCWS) Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Program Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Utility Sewer System Management Rainleader and InflowlInfiltration Storm Water Discharge Management Storxn Sewer System Charge Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Charge Regional Issues / Mandates Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Other Required Expenses Watershed Management Organizations Total�enses Financin�: Sanitary Sewer Service Charge Storxn Sewer System Charge Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Loans Interest on Investments SAC Revenue Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Financing Contribution to Retained Earnings Sewer Connection Licenses and Permits Tot� r���� $19,440,000 0 652,000 (1,033,404) $19,058,596 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 2,015,000 606,03Q 638,541 621,027 644,256 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,826 108,181 105,988 150,014 34.422 $���h� $29,921,909 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 125,934 403,Q00 (233,002) 70_000 �,e�,s4.3 �`l-l��l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 iQ9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pei•tauiing to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and upon the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 100,000 cubic feet; and $2.39 per lOQ cubic feet for the next 400,QOQ cubic feet; and $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet. Be it FL7RTHER R.ESOLVED, That these rates reflect a three and a half percent increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Charge rates; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sanitary Sewer Service Charge shall be levied and assessed to every property based upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect part of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3/4" and smaller P' 1 ]l4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8 „ 10" 12" Larger than 12" Minimum Ghar�e $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.00 per Month 492.04 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be billed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be billed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall be charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FURTI�R R,ESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two family dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount of water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the amount billed shali never be greater than the amount of water consumed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the first billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum charges; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all ather properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and `�`1-1�� 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Be it FLJRTHER RE50LVED,that pursnant to Section 81A5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: Class Land Use Classification A Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1/3rd acre $ Railroad right of way C 1 and 2 family residential properties less than lf3rd acre D Condominiums and town houses E Public and private schools and community centers F Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogues and government buildings G Commercial and industrial properties 1998 Rate L7nit $SS Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcel $3,ri Unit $481 Acre $642 Acre $865 Acre Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these rates reflect a two percent increase over the 1997 Storrn Sewer System Charge rates. ✓1--- U� Re ested by Department of: � � � / � ��� , � . � � ,� Form App by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary y',,�Wl. `L ���°�? � By: B �'' �^`� " ��'�`� Approved or for Sub 'ssion to Council Approved by Mayo� e �� ` � �4 ; � E�: C�� L L By � � Adopted by Council: Date �a - 3�, 9'/_1�1►1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET wo. 32167 Y, PUb1iC Works 10/23/97 iwn waTe wmnuoare CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � pEppqT}.�EM DIqECTOR � GT' CAUNGI Mike Kassan 266-6?A9 ASSIGN fi c 1�N ATfORNEY - ht � NUMBEpFOR �J CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'iE) ROIIfING � gUDGET DIRECTOR II' FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR November 12, 1997 °RDC � MAypR (OR ASSIST � 70TAL S OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) �ASSOCIATE � �FPf. ACCOUNTANT �O AC(ION PEQUESTFD Apgrove the attached resolufion seuing 1998 Sanitary Sewer rates and settiug 1998 Storm Sewer System Chazges RECOMMErvDA710NS: Apprwe (A) «Reject (R) PERSONAL SERYtCE COM'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SFAVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl uotler a corrtract for tbis department? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO � STAFF 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skili not nomrally possessed by any current city — employee? o1STPICiCqUNCII _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? F�W�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`n: As required in the Legislative Code, sanitary sewer rates must be set annually. The Sewer Division's budget is showing only an inflauonary increase; however, the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services is raising their treatment charges by 4.5%. Public Works is proposing a 3.5% increase in sanitary rates and a 2% increase in the Storm Sewer System Charge. This increase will add $7.00 to a typical homeowner's annual sanitary sewer bill and it will add $1.00 to their annual storm sewer bill. AOVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED: The new rates will provide an adequate revenue to operate and maintain the City's sewer system. Approving the resolution will also satisfy the Ciry's legal requirement to set sanitary sewer rates annually. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Thexe will be an increase in sanitary and storm sewer rates. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Sewer Fund wIl1 not have adequate revenues to pay the increased MCES cost and to operate the Ciry's sewer system in an effective and cost effective mamier. �.,� ���. h€7l� t , 1��7 TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ COSVREYENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES Na FUNDING SOURCE pCENITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) O council File # �� -� 3c� � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL_ Presented by: Referred to: 1998 SArTITARY SEWER 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 STORM SEWER Green Sheet # NNESOTA 32167 3s Date G��� WHEREAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of P lic works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; WHEREAS, Sanitary Sewer Service char s pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including e principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying int Paul's share of the TVIetropolitan Council Wastewater Services's annual bud t as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with e provisions of the Ciean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan 1998 rate for regional � half percent; and nvironmental Services will be increasing their treatment to the City of Saint Paul by four and a WfiEREAS, an additional 'ssion of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water t the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of ur stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City f Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws o innesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Secti 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (61318 establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of nstruction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitat by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the mainten ce, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and iLS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's �ated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer sqstem, is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and f�RFAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance pronides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and ���r3�� 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 &8 89 90 91 RTI�REAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for t construction of the storm sewer system; and WHEREAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs ve been imposed upon Saint Paul without aecompanying funds; and Wf�REAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipat expenditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer stems as follows: Ex en nses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Prograxn Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Util' y Sewer System Management Rainleader and Inflow/Infiltra on Trout Brook Repair Continge y Storm Water Discharge Ma agement Storm Sewer System Char Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Ch ge Regional Issues / Mand tes Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability C rge (SAC) Other Required Eap nses Watershed Manag ment Organizations Total Eape�se Financin�: Sanitary Sew r Service Charge Storm Sew System Charge Minnesot ublic Facilities Authority Loans Interest Investments SAC R enue Belt L' e Interceptor Repayment Inter overnmental Revenue Mi ellaneous Financing S er Connection Licenses and Permits Total �nancing to $19,783,041 0 525,000 (839,977} $19,468,064 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 1,459,000 606,030 638,541 621,027 644,256 576,OQQ 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,&26 108,181 105,98& 150,014 34.422 $46,056,311 $30,026,375 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 375,000 125,934 100,000 7� 000 $46,056,311 °1'1-�� �'� 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 i00 101 102 1Q3 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 742 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77A2 of the Saint aul Legislative Code pertaining to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and up the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of S'nt Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Se ice Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 thro h December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 104,000 cubic $2.39 per 100 cubic feet for the nea�t 400,000 cubi $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet.� Be it �'[7RTHER RESOLVED, That these rates reflect a hree increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Gharge ra s; and ;.� and a half percent Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sa tary Sewer Service Charge shail be levied and assessed to every property ased upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect p of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3f4" and smailer 1" 1 1!4 1 U2" 2" 3" 4" 5" ��, 8 » 10" 12" Larger tha 12" Minimum Charee $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.0� per Month 492.00 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RE LVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be illed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be b' ed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall b charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FITR RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two f ily dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount f water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the am unt billed shall never he greater than the amount of water cons ed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the rst billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum c rges; and 'it �[TR�f�R RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all other properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and q'1-13b'� 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Be it FURTF�R RESOLVED,that pursuant to Section 81.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Cha� to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31� as follows: / Class Land Use Classification A B C D E F G Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1f3rd acre Railroad right of way 1 and 2 family residential properties less than ll3rd acre Condominiums and town houses Public and private schools and community centers Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogue and government buildings Commercial and industrial nronerties Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these the 1997 8torm Sewer System Charge � R te Unit 8 Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcei $35 Unit $481 Acre $G42 Acre $865 Acre reflect a two percent increase over �-`-� Requested by D artment of� Public Works By: �1 ��'""-r `� AdopCed by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C�uncil Secretary By Approved by Mayor � Date Form Approved by City Attorney B ,,: �2!'� t✓�tiv�, !/— Y— � 7 Approved�� r S mission to Council By: � � , �I �-i� $j as • - '�l�.�.�1r, Green Sheet � 32166 �� Presented by: Referred to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 14 � 16 17 ON L MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOL Public HearingNotices For 1998 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Rates Be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 77.02 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970) dealing with Sanitary Sewer Charges, the Council does hereby set a public hearing of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation; and Be it R'LIR.THER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 81.04 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 17359, approved June 3, 1986) dealing with the determination of the Storm Sewer System Charge rates, the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Storm Sewer System Charge for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:3Q p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least ten (10) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, Requested by Department of: Public Works By ��""`�n i° �4L/�--� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: BY: B �'".� �/1,��. �-�.v-q7 --Approved b Mayor for 3ubmission to Council Date i By: / Adopted by Council: Date �2�y'T 9� J DEPARTMEMlOFFlCE/CAUN -�� Public WOiks ', CANTACT PERSDN 8 PHONE ' Mike Kassan 2656: . MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGEN , October 15, 1497 GREEN SHEET R�"�,�ia R �� iNmareo ;. 13 1947 �N A� iNmnvnare �EPARTMEMDIRECiOR �cmcouraci� BERfOR �CITVATTORNEY �� �q'ryCIERK A r' � 6IIDGET OIRECTOR � flN. 8 MGT. SERYIC j DIR. 0 Fnnvoa coa asssrra� ❑ / L PAGES �_ (CLIP ALL LOCAitONS FOR SIGNANRE) rove the attached resolution setting a Public Hearing date of November 12, 1997 for the 1998 Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer rates. n�k.fENDanOMSappare{AJ«RGecc(q) ---- - �-- – p�50NAL5ERVICECONTRACT5MU5TANSWERTHEFOILOWING�UE5T10NS: � -• PLANNING COMMISSION �M��l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNFirtn ever xrorked under a cont2ct fo� this deparUn(@[':�` f` �° _ e p� �p — YES NO = • ; � 0 �g.���� __ 2. Has ihispersorUfirtn ever been a c�ti e�lyee? -`� �/ — YES NU �p� 3. Does this persoNfirm posseu a skill not nortnally possessetl by an current city employee? �uG 'Z Q DISTHICfCOUNCIL _ VES NQ 1997 ORTS WHICH COUNqL 06JECTIVEI E:p�ai^ all yes answars on separate sf1eM and ava�h to green sheet - - --- - �t�� �1 �C��t� Y To meet expected budget needs for 1998, new sanitary and storm sewer rates must be adopted. According to requirements in the City's ordinances, a Public Hearing must be held prior to adopting new rates. The attached resolution sets November 12, 1997 as the date of the hearing. The resoluuon actually setting the new rates will follow under a different Green Sheet. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� A Public Hearing date will be set. �+;�'�f �^t�iuS#! CA�r�� ��'� ?', , �; None IF APPROVED: 1998 sanitary and storm sewer rates cannot be adopted. FlINDING SOUpCE FlNANCIAL INWpMAT10N: (IXPWN) COSDREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� AC[NfiY NUMBER YES NO O S �..� �,--��fi �. - � � ( � ( � � � Council File # � t.=� 1 Green Sheet � 32167 UTION �AUL MINNESOTA Presented by: Referred to: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Commi ttee : 1998 SArTITARY SEWER CHAI�,GES AND STOR,M SEWER SYSTEM CHAftGES WI�REAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of Public works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater to the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, Sanitary 8ewer Service charges pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including the principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying Saint Paul's share of the Metropolitan Gouncil Wastewater Services's annual budget as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will be increasing their 1998 rate for regional wastewater treatment to the City of Saint Paul by two and four tenths percent; and R'HEREAS, an additional mission of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water to the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of our stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws of Minnesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (6/3/86) establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and WHERF.AS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's anticipated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance provides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and �`1 -1`3 �� 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ss s� as 89 90 91 WHEREAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is used to pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for the construction of the storm sewer system; and WI�REAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs have been imposed upon Saint Paul without accompanying funds; and WHEREAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipated e�penditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer systems as follows: ExAenses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services (MCWS) Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Program Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Utility Sewer System Management Rainleader and InflowlInfiltration Storm Water Discharge Management Storxn Sewer System Charge Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Charge Regional Issues / Mandates Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Other Required Expenses Watershed Management Organizations Total�enses Financin�: Sanitary Sewer Service Charge Storxn Sewer System Charge Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Loans Interest on Investments SAC Revenue Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Financing Contribution to Retained Earnings Sewer Connection Licenses and Permits Tot� r���� $19,440,000 0 652,000 (1,033,404) $19,058,596 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 2,015,000 606,03Q 638,541 621,027 644,256 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,826 108,181 105,988 150,014 34.422 $���h� $29,921,909 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 125,934 403,Q00 (233,002) 70_000 �,e�,s4.3 �`l-l��l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 iQ9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pei•tauiing to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and upon the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 100,000 cubic feet; and $2.39 per lOQ cubic feet for the next 400,QOQ cubic feet; and $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet. Be it FL7RTHER R.ESOLVED, That these rates reflect a three and a half percent increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Charge rates; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sanitary Sewer Service Charge shall be levied and assessed to every property based upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect part of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3/4" and smaller P' 1 ]l4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8 „ 10" 12" Larger than 12" Minimum Ghar�e $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.00 per Month 492.04 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be billed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be billed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall be charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FURTI�R R,ESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two family dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount of water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the amount billed shali never be greater than the amount of water consumed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the first billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum charges; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all ather properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and `�`1-1�� 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Be it FLJRTHER RE50LVED,that pursnant to Section 81A5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: Class Land Use Classification A Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1/3rd acre $ Railroad right of way C 1 and 2 family residential properties less than lf3rd acre D Condominiums and town houses E Public and private schools and community centers F Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogues and government buildings G Commercial and industrial properties 1998 Rate L7nit $SS Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcel $3,ri Unit $481 Acre $642 Acre $865 Acre Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these rates reflect a two percent increase over the 1997 Storrn Sewer System Charge rates. ✓1--- U� Re ested by Department of: � � � / � ��� , � . � � ,� Form App by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary y',,�Wl. `L ���°�? � By: B �'' �^`� " ��'�`� Approved or for Sub 'ssion to Council Approved by Mayo� e �� ` � �4 ; � E�: C�� L L By � � Adopted by Council: Date �a - 3�, 9'/_1�1►1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET wo. 32167 Y, PUb1iC Works 10/23/97 iwn waTe wmnuoare CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � pEppqT}.�EM DIqECTOR � GT' CAUNGI Mike Kassan 266-6?A9 ASSIGN fi c 1�N ATfORNEY - ht � NUMBEpFOR �J CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'iE) ROIIfING � gUDGET DIRECTOR II' FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR November 12, 1997 °RDC � MAypR (OR ASSIST � 70TAL S OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) �ASSOCIATE � �FPf. ACCOUNTANT �O AC(ION PEQUESTFD Apgrove the attached resolufion seuing 1998 Sanitary Sewer rates and settiug 1998 Storm Sewer System Chazges RECOMMErvDA710NS: Apprwe (A) «Reject (R) PERSONAL SERYtCE COM'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SFAVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl uotler a corrtract for tbis department? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO � STAFF 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skili not nomrally possessed by any current city — employee? o1STPICiCqUNCII _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? F�W�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`n: As required in the Legislative Code, sanitary sewer rates must be set annually. The Sewer Division's budget is showing only an inflauonary increase; however, the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services is raising their treatment charges by 4.5%. Public Works is proposing a 3.5% increase in sanitary rates and a 2% increase in the Storm Sewer System Charge. This increase will add $7.00 to a typical homeowner's annual sanitary sewer bill and it will add $1.00 to their annual storm sewer bill. AOVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED: The new rates will provide an adequate revenue to operate and maintain the City's sewer system. Approving the resolution will also satisfy the Ciry's legal requirement to set sanitary sewer rates annually. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Thexe will be an increase in sanitary and storm sewer rates. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Sewer Fund wIl1 not have adequate revenues to pay the increased MCES cost and to operate the Ciry's sewer system in an effective and cost effective mamier. �.,� ���. h€7l� t , 1��7 TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ COSVREYENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES Na FUNDING SOURCE pCENITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) O council File # �� -� 3c� � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL_ Presented by: Referred to: 1998 SArTITARY SEWER 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 STORM SEWER Green Sheet # NNESOTA 32167 3s Date G��� WHEREAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of P lic works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; WHEREAS, Sanitary Sewer Service char s pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including e principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying int Paul's share of the TVIetropolitan Council Wastewater Services's annual bud t as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with e provisions of the Ciean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan 1998 rate for regional � half percent; and nvironmental Services will be increasing their treatment to the City of Saint Paul by four and a WfiEREAS, an additional 'ssion of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water t the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of ur stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City f Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws o innesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Secti 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (61318 establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of nstruction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitat by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the mainten ce, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and iLS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's �ated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer sqstem, is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and f�RFAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance pronides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and ���r3�� 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 &8 89 90 91 RTI�REAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for t construction of the storm sewer system; and WHEREAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs ve been imposed upon Saint Paul without aecompanying funds; and Wf�REAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipat expenditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer stems as follows: Ex en nses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Prograxn Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Util' y Sewer System Management Rainleader and Inflow/Infiltra on Trout Brook Repair Continge y Storm Water Discharge Ma agement Storm Sewer System Char Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Ch ge Regional Issues / Mand tes Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability C rge (SAC) Other Required Eap nses Watershed Manag ment Organizations Total Eape�se Financin�: Sanitary Sew r Service Charge Storm Sew System Charge Minnesot ublic Facilities Authority Loans Interest Investments SAC R enue Belt L' e Interceptor Repayment Inter overnmental Revenue Mi ellaneous Financing S er Connection Licenses and Permits Total �nancing to $19,783,041 0 525,000 (839,977} $19,468,064 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 1,459,000 606,030 638,541 621,027 644,256 576,OQQ 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,&26 108,181 105,98& 150,014 34.422 $46,056,311 $30,026,375 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 375,000 125,934 100,000 7� 000 $46,056,311 °1'1-�� �'� 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 i00 101 102 1Q3 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 742 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77A2 of the Saint aul Legislative Code pertaining to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and up the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of S'nt Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Se ice Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 thro h December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 104,000 cubic $2.39 per 100 cubic feet for the nea�t 400,000 cubi $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet.� Be it �'[7RTHER RESOLVED, That these rates reflect a hree increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Gharge ra s; and ;.� and a half percent Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sa tary Sewer Service Charge shail be levied and assessed to every property ased upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect p of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3f4" and smailer 1" 1 1!4 1 U2" 2" 3" 4" 5" ��, 8 » 10" 12" Larger tha 12" Minimum Charee $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.0� per Month 492.00 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RE LVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be illed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be b' ed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall b charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FITR RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two f ily dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount f water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the am unt billed shall never he greater than the amount of water cons ed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the rst billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum c rges; and 'it �[TR�f�R RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all other properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and q'1-13b'� 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Be it FURTF�R RESOLVED,that pursuant to Section 81.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Cha� to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31� as follows: / Class Land Use Classification A B C D E F G Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1f3rd acre Railroad right of way 1 and 2 family residential properties less than ll3rd acre Condominiums and town houses Public and private schools and community centers Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogue and government buildings Commercial and industrial nronerties Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these the 1997 8torm Sewer System Charge � R te Unit 8 Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcei $35 Unit $481 Acre $G42 Acre $865 Acre reflect a two percent increase over �-`-� Requested by D artment of� Public Works By: �1 ��'""-r `� AdopCed by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C�uncil Secretary By Approved by Mayor � Date Form Approved by City Attorney B ,,: �2!'� t✓�tiv�, !/— Y— � 7 Approved�� r S mission to Council By: � � , �I �-i� $j as • - '�l�.�.�1r, Green Sheet � 32166 �� Presented by: Referred to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 14 � 16 17 ON L MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOL Public HearingNotices For 1998 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Rates Be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 77.02 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970) dealing with Sanitary Sewer Charges, the Council does hereby set a public hearing of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation; and Be it R'LIR.THER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 81.04 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 17359, approved June 3, 1986) dealing with the determination of the Storm Sewer System Charge rates, the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Storm Sewer System Charge for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:3Q p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least ten (10) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, Requested by Department of: Public Works By ��""`�n i° �4L/�--� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: BY: B �'".� �/1,��. �-�.v-q7 --Approved b Mayor for 3ubmission to Council Date i By: / Adopted by Council: Date �2�y'T 9� J DEPARTMEMlOFFlCE/CAUN -�� Public WOiks ', CANTACT PERSDN 8 PHONE ' Mike Kassan 2656: . MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGEN , October 15, 1497 GREEN SHEET R�"�,�ia R �� iNmareo ;. 13 1947 �N A� iNmnvnare �EPARTMEMDIRECiOR �cmcouraci� BERfOR �CITVATTORNEY �� �q'ryCIERK A r' � 6IIDGET OIRECTOR � flN. 8 MGT. SERYIC j DIR. 0 Fnnvoa coa asssrra� ❑ / L PAGES �_ (CLIP ALL LOCAitONS FOR SIGNANRE) rove the attached resolution setting a Public Hearing date of November 12, 1997 for the 1998 Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer rates. n�k.fENDanOMSappare{AJ«RGecc(q) ---- - �-- – p�50NAL5ERVICECONTRACT5MU5TANSWERTHEFOILOWING�UE5T10NS: � -• PLANNING COMMISSION �M��l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNFirtn ever xrorked under a cont2ct fo� this deparUn(@[':�` f` �° _ e p� �p — YES NO = • ; � 0 �g.���� __ 2. Has ihispersorUfirtn ever been a c�ti e�lyee? -`� �/ — YES NU �p� 3. Does this persoNfirm posseu a skill not nortnally possessetl by an current city employee? �uG 'Z Q DISTHICfCOUNCIL _ VES NQ 1997 ORTS WHICH COUNqL 06JECTIVEI E:p�ai^ all yes answars on separate sf1eM and ava�h to green sheet - - --- - �t�� �1 �C��t� Y To meet expected budget needs for 1998, new sanitary and storm sewer rates must be adopted. According to requirements in the City's ordinances, a Public Hearing must be held prior to adopting new rates. The attached resolution sets November 12, 1997 as the date of the hearing. The resoluuon actually setting the new rates will follow under a different Green Sheet. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� A Public Hearing date will be set. �+;�'�f �^t�iuS#! CA�r�� ��'� ?', , �; None IF APPROVED: 1998 sanitary and storm sewer rates cannot be adopted. FlINDING SOUpCE FlNANCIAL INWpMAT10N: (IXPWN) COSDREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� AC[NfiY NUMBER YES NO O S �..� �,--��fi �. - � � ( � ( � � � Council File # � t.=� 1 Green Sheet � 32167 UTION �AUL MINNESOTA Presented by: Referred to: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Commi ttee : 1998 SArTITARY SEWER CHAI�,GES AND STOR,M SEWER SYSTEM CHAftGES WI�REAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of Public works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater to the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, Sanitary 8ewer Service charges pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including the principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying Saint Paul's share of the Metropolitan Gouncil Wastewater Services's annual budget as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will be increasing their 1998 rate for regional wastewater treatment to the City of Saint Paul by two and four tenths percent; and R'HEREAS, an additional mission of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water to the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of our stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws of Minnesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (6/3/86) establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and WHERF.AS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's anticipated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance provides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and �`1 -1`3 �� 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ss s� as 89 90 91 WHEREAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is used to pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for the construction of the storm sewer system; and WI�REAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs have been imposed upon Saint Paul without accompanying funds; and WHEREAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipated e�penditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer systems as follows: ExAenses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services (MCWS) Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Program Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Utility Sewer System Management Rainleader and InflowlInfiltration Storm Water Discharge Management Storxn Sewer System Charge Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Charge Regional Issues / Mandates Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Other Required Expenses Watershed Management Organizations Total�enses Financin�: Sanitary Sewer Service Charge Storxn Sewer System Charge Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Loans Interest on Investments SAC Revenue Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Financing Contribution to Retained Earnings Sewer Connection Licenses and Permits Tot� r���� $19,440,000 0 652,000 (1,033,404) $19,058,596 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 2,015,000 606,03Q 638,541 621,027 644,256 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,826 108,181 105,988 150,014 34.422 $���h� $29,921,909 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 125,934 403,Q00 (233,002) 70_000 �,e�,s4.3 �`l-l��l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 iQ9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pei•tauiing to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and upon the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 100,000 cubic feet; and $2.39 per lOQ cubic feet for the next 400,QOQ cubic feet; and $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet. Be it FL7RTHER R.ESOLVED, That these rates reflect a three and a half percent increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Charge rates; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sanitary Sewer Service Charge shall be levied and assessed to every property based upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect part of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3/4" and smaller P' 1 ]l4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8 „ 10" 12" Larger than 12" Minimum Ghar�e $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.00 per Month 492.04 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be billed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be billed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall be charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FURTI�R R,ESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two family dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount of water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the amount billed shali never be greater than the amount of water consumed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the first billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum charges; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all ather properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and `�`1-1�� 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Be it FLJRTHER RE50LVED,that pursnant to Section 81A5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 as follows: Class Land Use Classification A Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1/3rd acre $ Railroad right of way C 1 and 2 family residential properties less than lf3rd acre D Condominiums and town houses E Public and private schools and community centers F Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogues and government buildings G Commercial and industrial properties 1998 Rate L7nit $SS Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcel $3,ri Unit $481 Acre $642 Acre $865 Acre Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these rates reflect a two percent increase over the 1997 Storrn Sewer System Charge rates. ✓1--- U� Re ested by Department of: � � � / � ��� , � . � � ,� Form App by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary y',,�Wl. `L ���°�? � By: B �'' �^`� " ��'�`� Approved or for Sub 'ssion to Council Approved by Mayo� e �� ` � �4 ; � E�: C�� L L By � � Adopted by Council: Date �a - 3�, 9'/_1�1►1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET wo. 32167 Y, PUb1iC Works 10/23/97 iwn waTe wmnuoare CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � pEppqT}.�EM DIqECTOR � GT' CAUNGI Mike Kassan 266-6?A9 ASSIGN fi c 1�N ATfORNEY - ht � NUMBEpFOR �J CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'iE) ROIIfING � gUDGET DIRECTOR II' FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR November 12, 1997 °RDC � MAypR (OR ASSIST � 70TAL S OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) �ASSOCIATE � �FPf. ACCOUNTANT �O AC(ION PEQUESTFD Apgrove the attached resolufion seuing 1998 Sanitary Sewer rates and settiug 1998 Storm Sewer System Chazges RECOMMErvDA710NS: Apprwe (A) «Reject (R) PERSONAL SERYtCE COM'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SFAVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl uotler a corrtract for tbis department? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO � STAFF 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skili not nomrally possessed by any current city — employee? o1STPICiCqUNCII _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? F�W�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`n: As required in the Legislative Code, sanitary sewer rates must be set annually. The Sewer Division's budget is showing only an inflauonary increase; however, the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services is raising their treatment charges by 4.5%. Public Works is proposing a 3.5% increase in sanitary rates and a 2% increase in the Storm Sewer System Charge. This increase will add $7.00 to a typical homeowner's annual sanitary sewer bill and it will add $1.00 to their annual storm sewer bill. AOVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED: The new rates will provide an adequate revenue to operate and maintain the City's sewer system. Approving the resolution will also satisfy the Ciry's legal requirement to set sanitary sewer rates annually. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Thexe will be an increase in sanitary and storm sewer rates. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Sewer Fund wIl1 not have adequate revenues to pay the increased MCES cost and to operate the Ciry's sewer system in an effective and cost effective mamier. �.,� ���. h€7l� t , 1��7 TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ COSVREYENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES Na FUNDING SOURCE pCENITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) O council File # �� -� 3c� � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL_ Presented by: Referred to: 1998 SArTITARY SEWER 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 STORM SEWER Green Sheet # NNESOTA 32167 3s Date G��� WHEREAS, the mission of the Sewer Utility of P lic works is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; WHEREAS, Sanitary Sewer Service char s pay for the cost of operating, maintaining the sewage disposal system including e principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and for paying int Paul's share of the TVIetropolitan Council Wastewater Services's annual bud t as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with e provisions of the Ciean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan 1998 rate for regional � half percent; and nvironmental Services will be increasing their treatment to the City of Saint Paul by four and a WfiEREAS, an additional 'ssion of the Sewer Utility of Public Works is to collect and transport storm water t the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of ur stormwater discharges and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City f Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws o innesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Secti 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (61318 establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of nstruction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitat by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the mainten ce, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system; and iLS, the Storm Sewer System Charge shall be based on a parcel's �ated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer sqstem, is a function of the parcel's size and its land use; and f�RFAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance pronides that the City Council may, from time to time, by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for the various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and ���r3�� 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 &8 89 90 91 RTI�REAS, the revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is pay back the Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for the purpose of paying for t construction of the storm sewer system; and WHEREAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs ve been imposed upon Saint Paul without aecompanying funds; and Wf�REAS, the proposed 1998 Budget will result in anticipat expenditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer stems as follows: Ex en nses: Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services Gross Charges MCWS Debt Payment MCWS Overpayment Adjustment MCWS Current Value Credit Net MCWS Service Charges Debt Service Sewer Maintenance Sewer System Rehabilitation Prograxn Major Sewer Repair Transfers to Other Funds Billing Cost Paid to the Water Util' y Sewer System Management Rainleader and Inflow/Infiltra on Trout Brook Repair Continge y Storm Water Discharge Ma agement Storm Sewer System Char Bad Debts Storm Sewer System Ch ge Regional Issues / Mand tes Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability C rge (SAC) Other Required Eap nses Watershed Manag ment Organizations Total Eape�se Financin�: Sanitary Sew r Service Charge Storm Sew System Charge Minnesot ublic Facilities Authority Loans Interest Investments SAC R enue Belt L' e Interceptor Repayment Inter overnmental Revenue Mi ellaneous Financing S er Connection Licenses and Permits Total �nancing to $19,783,041 0 525,000 (839,977} $19,468,064 11,462,889 4,028,021 5,300,000 1,459,000 606,030 638,541 621,027 644,256 576,OQQ 282,760 211,767 220,525 158,&26 108,181 105,98& 150,014 34.422 $46,056,311 $30,026,375 8,902,580 5,156,000 869,000 431,422 375,000 125,934 100,000 7� 000 $46,056,311 °1'1-�� �'� 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 i00 101 102 1Q3 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 742 143 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77A2 of the Saint aul Legislative Code pertaining to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and up the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of S'nt Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitary Sewer Se ice Charges to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 thro h December 31, 1998 as follows: $2.42 per 100 cubic feet for the first 104,000 cubic $2.39 per 100 cubic feet for the nea�t 400,000 cubi $2.33 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet.� Be it �'[7RTHER RESOLVED, That these rates reflect a hree increase over 1997 Sanitary Sewer Service Gharge ra s; and ;.� and a half percent Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sa tary Sewer Service Charge shail be levied and assessed to every property ased upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect p of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size 3f4" and smailer 1" 1 1!4 1 U2" 2" 3" 4" 5" ��, 8 » 10" 12" Larger tha 12" Minimum Charee $720 per Quarter 12.60 per Quarter 5.60 per Month 8.80 per Month 20.00 per Month 42.00 per Month 104.00 per Month 150.00 per Month 200.00 per Month 344.0� per Month 492.00 per Month 680.00 per Month 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RE LVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be illed quarterly. Properties served by meters larger than one inch shall be b' ed monthly, with the exception of one and two family homes which shall b charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Charges; and Be it FITR RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two f ily dwellings for the billing year shall be determined by the amount f water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the am unt billed shall never he greater than the amount of water cons ed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the rst billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum c rges; and 'it �[TR�f�R RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for all other properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and q'1-13b'� 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Be it FURTF�R RESOLVED,that pursuant to Section 81.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Cha� to be levied and collected effective January 1, 1998 through December 31� as follows: / Class Land Use Classification A B C D E F G Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1f3rd acre Railroad right of way 1 and 2 family residential properties less than ll3rd acre Condominiums and town houses Public and private schools and community centers Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogue and government buildings Commercial and industrial nronerties Be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that these the 1997 8torm Sewer System Charge � R te Unit 8 Acre $332 Acre $52 Parcei $35 Unit $481 Acre $G42 Acre $865 Acre reflect a two percent increase over �-`-� Requested by D artment of� Public Works By: �1 ��'""-r `� AdopCed by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C�uncil Secretary By Approved by Mayor � Date Form Approved by City Attorney B ,,: �2!'� t✓�tiv�, !/— Y— � 7 Approved�� r S mission to Council By: � � , �I �-i� $j as • - '�l�.�.�1r, Green Sheet � 32166 �� Presented by: Referred to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 14 � 16 17 ON L MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOL Public HearingNotices For 1998 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Rates Be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 77.02 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970) dealing with Sanitary Sewer Charges, the Council does hereby set a public hearing of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation; and Be it R'LIR.THER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 81.04 (as ammended by Ordinance No. 17359, approved June 3, 1986) dealing with the determination of the Storm Sewer System Charge rates, the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Storm Sewer System Charge for the year 1998 on November 12, 1997 at 4:3Q p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least ten (10) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, Requested by Department of: Public Works By ��""`�n i° �4L/�--� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: BY: B �'".� �/1,��. �-�.v-q7 --Approved b Mayor for 3ubmission to Council Date i By: / Adopted by Council: Date �2�y'T 9� J DEPARTMEMlOFFlCE/CAUN -�� Public WOiks ', CANTACT PERSDN 8 PHONE ' Mike Kassan 2656: . MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGEN , October 15, 1497 GREEN SHEET R�"�,�ia R �� iNmareo ;. 13 1947 �N A� iNmnvnare �EPARTMEMDIRECiOR �cmcouraci� BERfOR �CITVATTORNEY �� �q'ryCIERK A r' � 6IIDGET OIRECTOR � flN. 8 MGT. SERYIC j DIR. 0 Fnnvoa coa asssrra� ❑ / L PAGES �_ (CLIP ALL LOCAitONS FOR SIGNANRE) rove the attached resolution setting a Public Hearing date of November 12, 1997 for the 1998 Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer rates. n�k.fENDanOMSappare{AJ«RGecc(q) ---- - �-- – p�50NAL5ERVICECONTRACT5MU5TANSWERTHEFOILOWING�UE5T10NS: � -• PLANNING COMMISSION �M��l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has ihis persoNFirtn ever xrorked under a cont2ct fo� this deparUn(@[':�` f` �° _ e p� �p — YES NO = • ; � 0 �g.���� __ 2. Has ihispersorUfirtn ever been a c�ti e�lyee? -`� �/ — YES NU �p� 3. Does this persoNfirm posseu a skill not nortnally possessetl by an current city employee? �uG 'Z Q DISTHICfCOUNCIL _ VES NQ 1997 ORTS WHICH COUNqL 06JECTIVEI E:p�ai^ all yes answars on separate sf1eM and ava�h to green sheet - - --- - �t�� �1 �C��t� Y To meet expected budget needs for 1998, new sanitary and storm sewer rates must be adopted. According to requirements in the City's ordinances, a Public Hearing must be held prior to adopting new rates. The attached resolution sets November 12, 1997 as the date of the hearing. The resoluuon actually setting the new rates will follow under a different Green Sheet. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� A Public Hearing date will be set. �+;�'�f �^t�iuS#! CA�r�� ��'� ?', , �; None IF APPROVED: 1998 sanitary and storm sewer rates cannot be adopted. FlINDING SOUpCE FlNANCIAL INWpMAT10N: (IXPWN) COSDREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� AC[NfiY NUMBER YES NO O