97-1370council File # 9 /� Green Sheet # lv0 � L�J� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIfdNESOTA Presented Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee Bilco, Inc. d/bfa Billy's On Grand (License ID No. 18526), located at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of two thousand ($2,000.00) for violating license conditions contained in C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487, which requires ali employees to check for valid identification from persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages, prior to the sale being made. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tivity (30) days of the adopfion of this resolution by the Council and signatuie by the Mayor. This Resolution and the action taken by the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Saint Paul Police Report CN 97-124-101, the facts of which aze summarized in the August 21, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts of the sale were not contested by the licensee. �3 Requested by Department of: � /�,' ,,./ Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY= � � � i �n.�.-�_ �- Approved by May� Date I d I 21(S �— By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: - �/ l sy: Adopted by Council: Date �l7 ' i,3�° November 6, 1997 Dave Thune ST BE ON COt1NCIL AGEN[ November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60?45 � u �.,�,�,.� � �„� _ cors ❑ urc�Tran�av ❑ arvncuc _ ❑ wuur�stsmuc¢ao.� ❑ nux�.�aoniKCro ❑ wvatloM�sosru� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., dba Billy's On Grand, 857 Grand Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION I.!NY AM1tOUNT OF TRANSACTION 10 SOURCE . RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1�85 �1116 PQ���IIII EV2f WOIkBd IIMIM d COIIf18C1 fiN �fll6 LfpHI�ITEI1l7 V6 NO Nas mis pewoMrtm a`er been a ci1Y �PbY� . YES NO Does fhis Pe«rm P� a sidll not �wrmal�YP�� M' aM cu�rerR citY emW%�ee7 YES NO IsthispersoMimaWpe[etivenda? . YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDIiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO AGiNITY NUMBER (owwM 9� -i,3 �o UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand Address: 857 Grand Avenue Council Hearing Date: November 12, 1997 Violation: Failure to follow license conditions, specifically the requirement to card persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages before the sale is made (C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487) Date of Violation: August 5, 1997 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $2000.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee's attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Letter of representation of licensee 4, Notice of Viotation 5. C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487 6. License information 7. License Restrictions 8. Police Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlc CiryAttorney � � ,/� 7 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Ma}ror CIvi1 Divisian 400 Ciry Ha71 IS West KeRogg Blvd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 612166-8710 Facabxile: 672 298-5679 August 28, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Brian D. Alton McClay, Alton, P.L.L.P. 951 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 RE: All licenses held by Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand located at 857 Grand Avenue in St. Paul License ID No.: 18526 Our File Number: G97-0420 Dear Mr. Alton: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled £or 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawful sale of alcohol to underage persons and the failure to adhere to license conditions, specifically the failure to check the identification of persons before they are permitted to purchase alcohol, as requir.ed by the license conditions, have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$2,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��� ��� Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chris Trost, Executive Director, Summit FIill Assoc., 86A St. Claire Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 M�CLAY • ALTON PL.L.F A7TORNEYS ROBEfZi M. M�CLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' xAlso Licensed in �sconsin Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Keilogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55102 Re: Bilco, Inc., d!b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: �������� OCT 9 1997 �� � - `r � : r �Ft :f ="s3P��'-°-=" �7 -i3�� 951 GRAND AVENUE SAINT PAU� MN 55105 FAX 6 1 2/290.25 02 612290-0301 Billy's on Grand has chosen not to contest the factual statement contained in your letter dated August 21, 1997. We understand that the Office of License, inspections and Environmental Protection will be recommending that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by Bilco, Inc. For your information, enciosed is a copy of the Compliance Inspection report of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, Inc, dated December 2, 7 996 indicating that Biliy's passed the inspection. We understand a copy of this letter has been sent to LIEP. Billy's has not been informed that the warning procedure outlined in a memo dated f�ugust 25, 1995 from Robert Kessier and Lt. Gary Briggs has been modified. Billy's has not been informed about any complaints or allegations that they were selting liquos to minors. Bi!{y's has not received any warning letters. Bilty's on Grand does not wish to be selling to underage drinkers. They make every effort to train their staff oR proper procedures, Of course, the system is not infa(lible. Accordingly, we believe that the warning procedure should be followed. If you have complaints or allegations or warnings regarding Billy's in your file, we wouid appreciate any information you can provide to us regarding those matters. October 8, 1997 For purposes of the presumptive penalty which you and I have discussed pursuant to Section 409.26 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the seating capaciYy of Billy's �� -/37 Virginia D. Pa{mer, Esq. October 8, 1997 Page 2 patio is less than 100 seats. We believe that the appropriate penalty should be based upon that seating capacity. Please let us know the date of the appearance before the City Council. BDA/cjk Enclosure cc: Bill Wengler Very truly yours, �,- 1 �� % t.�� �, �"-���,� , /3 �� � i�11NNE:SO"1'A LI('I?NSf:U BGVERA(.1? ASSUCIA'I'1ON, INC. .lohn E BeiglmM E.�r�nHC n n'3f4ceSU^.M Su�n 1�'1 December 2, 1996 ° "6,'���;;o" � �z.m� f.�[ F1J �fK If:P� Bill Wengler Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Dear Bill: RE: COMPLfANCE INSPE�TION Pursuant to your participation in St. Paul's program to increase self enforcement and reduce violations, our office sent an underage inspector to your business for the purpose of buying an alcohol beverage without producing identification. We are pleased to inform you that identification was requested and a sale was not made. Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Check Reporter compieted by the inspector. A copy of this report has been sent to the city of St. Paul licensing division, and a copy will be maintained at our office. Congratulations to you and your employees. This is an annuai inspection, however, shouid you desire another inspection in the next tew months for your own purposes simply call our office and arrangements will be made. There would be a fee charge not to exceed $30. Our office will maintain surveillance visits in an effort to continue assisting you and your employees in your seif-regulatory methods. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me. Very t ly y� rs, j�7� John F. Berglund Executive Director JFB/mb Enclosure , �.i I�+�R�d�tJ PRES�DENT E%ECUT�VE VICE Pf1ESIDENT VICE PfiEEIDFNI ON CAI F VICF PRES�bENT OFF-SALE SECRETARY TqEASURER T��n n'q� DnnniS Zwillinp Oave Chase ne�,��: naro Jack Lanners HOwie Zimmer Kathy Huber h7c�nbc� n(lhc National Rectaur.�n� A�uriation an.l'Ih�• N:ni�.�c�l A«<u•iatiun of Rc�cr.�ec 2cuiilcrc � ' � � cj �7 _/� 7v COMPLIANCE CHECK REPORTER , (PLEASE PRINn Inapector'; Name: Inspecto�'s Direct llCei188d [C ��� �� � ��� ��� � � "� � � Date Inapected: � ' - Tlme Inspected: ' , . � " 1 PRODUCT ATTEMPTED TO PtlRCHASE: � A (�� / �l / "t( 'I /t 1'� � �T (NSPECTOR'S LOCATIQN RURING ATTEMPT• '-Ji I� 1� " INSPECTOR ALONE (YM) (F NO, NA1�1E ANO AGE OF PERSON ACCOMPANYtNG THEM : WA$ INSPECYOR ASKED FQR ID? (Y/N) IF YE$, Pleasi► des any dlalogue that occurred; Including whether a sale was made: "-�ih 0 111�YD/'� .�,^:/ YYII! 7_ l� -`i s'1 PI /y: t�d,5 �; 7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION OF SERVER: AIA&,RU$INESS DURING INSPECTION: (Check One) � ... _ J ,i , �� : f ` _ Busy _ Moderately Busy , �low s IF A SALE, MONEY INSP�CTOR SPENT ON PRODUCT: � COAAMENTS: � -.0 � _. r OFFlCE USE ONLY: Licenses: Date letter Is mailed to Licensee with results: _ PASS or FAtL . if a fail, does Licensee request a follow-up vJsft: MSCLAY • ALTON P.L.LP. ATfORNEYS ROBERi M. NLGLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' 'Also Licensed in �sconsin August 28, 1997 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55702 Re: Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: 9� -i.��� 451 GRAPlD AVENUE SAIM PfUJI� MN 55105 FAX 612290-Z502 612/290-0301 Our office represents the above-referenced licensee. We are in �eceipt of your letter constituting a Notice of Violation dated August 21, 1997. In your correspondence, you request that you be informed no fater than September 2, 1997 as to how the licensee wishes to proceed. Thank you for consenting to an extension ot time to respond. We will be in contact with you soon. Ve ruly yours, Brian D. Alton BDA/cjk cc: Bill Wengler N �'g��� : - � LY S�� ��� �'��� �� , �� �Ye� u������ � �-� OFFIC�F THE CITY ATTORNEY , Peg Bi�,[' ` y Anorney . - 9� -/,3�r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmmt, Mayos Civi1 Division 400 City HaA IS Wur KeIIogg Blvd Saint Pau� M'mnesom 55102 . Telepho�: 671166-8710 Facsimi/e; 67129&5679 August 21, 1997 NOTIC$ OF VIOLATION Bill Wengler, President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 RE: All Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's On Grand License #: 18526 Dear Mr. Wengler: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by you at the above- named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: On August 5, 1997, two females under the age of tweaty-oae went to Billy's on Graad at approximately 2:U0 p.m. aad ordered aad were served Miller Lite beer. The waitress who served them stated that she was busy aad did aot check their ID's. It is a ecaditioa of your licease that all employees be required to card every person under the age of 35 before they are permi.tted to purchase alcohol. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effecC so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate action to take against your license. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that y9u are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the , - -� - � 9� -�s�� administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Please note that this is being treated as a violation of the conditions of your license, rather than the actual violation of the sale of alcohol to an underage person. You should also be receiving a warning letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection informing you that a subsequent sale of alcohol to an underage person will result in adverse action for the violation. Please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about-these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � ��/ ��� ��-�. Virgini Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY :`�a 9 7 — i� � � ss. ARFIDAVIT OR SERVIC$ BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 25, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Bill Wengler President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55105 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Mi nneGC�ta _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of August, 1997. � �/� � �. 1 /�iJCL..r/ � Notary Public • RITA M. BOSS!� RO 2 � �.... NOTAflYPUBLIC s R.SMSEY COUNTY � � My Comrti. Expires Jan. 31. 2000 :: t � ORIG_WAt Czeen Sheet � RESOLUTION INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Ey � l. The licensee shall prepaze a new set of policies within 60 days from the dau of this Resolut�on, and submit such policies to this Council for rcview and approval after having submitted them to the i3anse Division for its review and commentc'IT�is requirement is a co:�didon of the two days's st8y of Suspemion. Refersed J.��..�. 97 /�37d �'� �� � � :�; :.� _ _., Couneil File • - .'Z�.ZC� � � , . Co�ittea: Data RFSOLVED, that the Into�dcating L�quor On Sale, Sunday On Sale Iiquor. Entertainmen!, Restaurant and Catering lianses hdd by Bilco Inc, dba Billy's on Grand for the premises at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul aze henby suspended for a period of seven conseeutive day(s), provided that tavo of the days of suspeuion are stayed for a period of umil Ju1y 17, 1993 (which is a period of 30 months from the first violation oe Jam�ary i�, 1991), with the five days actual suspension to take plaa on the umnd Sunday following publiqtion of this resolution. The condidom of the stay for the two days are as follows: • Z. '!be lieenue shaIi adopt a policy of uniform carding, which shall require aU empioyees to eard every person seeking to purchase an alcoholic beverage at the lianud establishment beforc the saTe is mada By ageemem of the licemee, this condiUOn ;s �t onty a condition of the stay of two days' suspe�ion, but is also irrcorporated into the on-sale imm�icating liquor lioeraes hetd by the above lianue as a condition of the eontimiation M such lianses. Failurc to abide by this condidon shall conttimu independem groundt for tafdng adverse action against snch liattses. � ,,..-: .- � '':;; .,.;:, , � � //-/9�9/ ' _.. . _ �. :� L: A " ��O�tG�� ~-- --- i@IlRAE4 JQY 4'92 ;' -' This Resolution and tbe action taken above are baud_upon the facts cantained In f the attached polix report dated September iT,199L The facts as outlined in the poiice � report were not eontested by t6e liansee, as evidcnad by the attached letter signed by William T. Wengier, PresidenL Tl�e action taken is also baud on the facts, �� circumstanas and argumeau presented by aad on behalf of tbe lianue during the , public hearing. Tlvs action represeau a dowmward departure from the presumptive ; penalry in Section 40926 of the Saint Paul iegislative Coda T!u reaso� for such departure are that the lixnsee did in fad impieme� the proadura he outlined in his letter of Febmary il, 1991; that the establishment is large and has maay employKS, maidng it more diffiailt to convol all such empioyees; that it is a high wtume businas; and that the licxusee haz agseed to aoccpt a mndition upon his intoricating liquor lianscs that w71 require the carding of every person who seeks to purchau an alcoholic Ixverage in the establishment ; Requested b� Dapartsent ot: n�: Adopted by Cwneil: Dat� Adoption Gr,t�i�l�d�b� Cou Ey: / !! /L I Apptmn8 b� �iay � , /.-. � a � '. _�__r.�a.,. q� -Y3�� ��.._r.�...� -. n�: ' —_ , - . , . . . . _ �..::, : �E� 9 9 � Foz� Appreoed by Cit� Attoiner � . P'E r�urq a� _��� //�1 • �� � Ayproved Dy Mayor fot SuDaistion to �EC 2� Coimeil a � �...____._..._..,,.. �_,_�__P�..,�_.._.._.___ ; ___.� .._ _._ __ , ,.,..., . • i �.� • 1� ���� cmws�nrrr►ac nr�nmrz�ctxr�t �o�'�,'M �� w� L.a..r r..... xw-sui g������ ���p � f tl DATE: November 19, 1991 T0: Dava Triune FROM: Phil Byrne� gE; Billys on Gmnd 1►ttached is the oriqinal ot the resolution on Billys on Grand. Please note that both of the conditions that tha Council impoaed ralata to tha two days' atay. but that tha second conctition on'unitorm cardinq alao becoa�ea a condition on tha licenae. The Licenas Divfsion should prini' a.nev license for Siilys which has this condiiion an at it elt on�r n e wal of the lieenser computer so that it viil repe -Z! you tsave arry questions, pleaae qivs me a'call. � cc: Hob Ifas�ler Licena� Inspector }Ioliy O'Rourks City Cltrk )y � _ _ _. � _._ . _ _ _._ _.. __..,.., ............,..�,.:�...�.,«.y,�.a�. w �': . _. _ ..:�"' ; .��:":ii . W� . _ , " . . � �,. �;�s 4 . � . e � � -a— .-- . . � DFI/Ul7NE�?O'FLKAt� A� NA,�AGF]��TSEltwlff J�ri�ICe�++t� c��—/3�0 �/�- / � u � ,� : y il QtY OF SAINT PAUL J�ra Sd1HDr;1Vi�er lXFMEAIJDIFJPFGl nn�s� ISW.1G+teII� Aca�� 70i l!d Sd�rlr(M� J.STPt Daormbez 12, 1991 l� Nllliaa ?. Wenaler, Pres�ent+�EO Eileo Inc., dba El11�•s,m Cza�d d57 Csand Avem�� Saint Paul, 2Sirmeiota ¢I05 RL: Suspsniion of aX li��nso h�ld br Eilee Iac. D�as tiz. Xangler: . ..., .a. • .a a A En�los�d ii a eopq nt th� Ciq Cout+eil Re=olutiot� t)ut msP�nds all of �o�a City o! SaintPanl Lieansa for swan (7) eosu�eoiiw day= �1tA Lvo e! t2�a. swsn dayastayed for apariod of 30 sonel+i. it+i� =�solutioa yas pused b� th� Cis� Coun�il in rezDal fors afs�z th� Publie Aaazis� that rai h�ld en Rove�z 19, 1991. Sh� rssolutioa is ser�duled co b� a6ept�d ir fina�Kitten fora en D�aes�= 19, 1991. TA�r� �� ���d for �on te b� p�s�ni and th� wst�z is uot sel»dul�d ai a publin ,- h�aFix�t. , 2t d» rasoln�on 3s �dopt�d as��sxp�ated en tM 19eh"o! D�eesMr ie viil '" b� puDliabed !p �� 1�f+1 Z�dfes au D�cesber 2!. 1991. �►+ a r�sult th� swp�rMion vil� b� effeetiw SiuiEq. 3a:+u�zT S. 1992 and r111 zun threuah ae�d Sncl� YMasda�. Janu+=7 9. 1992. tS2f �J1M SBA2 lOWI _ Et2A17SS�t KOt2 1= CSASLD ?0 48E TCEL2C OII �A110A1T 529. �SH. 7SN. �g. �pp n8 1f92. Fallnn to tospl7 oit2� tM Cit� C°�a+eil esA�s !i �tamds fos Sie�us� revoeation. �- M�u� l�e N lawr i! �eu luw a*zy Q��sitons i��ardinj t1�is fatt�l. Eineezely, / �W�M r'�E!�/ Robaz� K�i�l�s Lieand 6 Paiais lSan�ps ec: Phil D7rn�. Asiisunt Citr Attern�� Lt. 1Paner DiP�rna, 91c� Cesasidat l�e127 0•Reatk�, CitJ Cletk Chris 2rese, S�St-Rill Assxt�t�en Ja:at Odalin, Lieans� Offie� lSanat�r 1Cri� Vaa Hero, Lic�nsa Enfore�wsst Earb Aasr, Liiens� Ieu�peeter � � � � _._,,.,�°: 9�'���� ' � Mr. William Wengler Billy•s on Grand/Bilco inc. 857 Grand Avenue St. Yaul, !Qi 55105 (612) 292-9140 i November 5, 1991 � - .�..� �� � , 1 F � RECElVED Nov 3 s �ss� i:1�Y An�RN� � Mr. Philiip B. Syrne ; Assiatant City attorney t 647 C1ty HII11 Saint Paul, ?4t 55102 � RE: Liquor licenae held by Bilco Inc., dba Billy's On Grand i Dear tir. Hyrne: � Z am vritinq to intora you that Billy�s on Grand will not coatest that we aze at fauit !or servinq beer to tWO minora accoapnnied b�� the St.,Paul Police Department's vice squad on Septeaber 27. 1991. 1 underatand thet Citl ha� aPi�w►ity Yo speak on this iasue at an_npcos 4 Y siacsroly yours. � . . .. — ��� xillias T. Nenqlar, er Billy's on Crand ces Robert 1Cesslar, Licena� Diviaion City Council sembers _ . �� _;: :� ��.�3�D � � � ., .-e O+ V � � � J Z � i �• . � i _ • Y� � V : rf � � � A , � : ''e{ 6aci Y< E� 6 m �r = �m Ym � � . � : - .��; : ri : o ��. i '" ', • : ■ � S� : � �� +^ � 4 �N . O � f°' E� �` �� � t � "�,� ,� �8 �� �z'��''Ib � �" � 3 � i s ._ i �: .� �; : Y : i = {p ��o� � . 1! � g 4 C N "o � � �� ���� � �o �� � �'m�"'� M i . ��� �_ ��� � � o m ��- ��6�a �� � ��� .-� . � - � O QM ���V � �"`��� � �� ���=� a���� b � � �-��=`�� -� � . ��'�` �� �.::� �� ����y���� o ��� : ��� � �$ h w x � �� ���� a� � g a'� • ° a� �i � u � � r ,�Lj � �6 � ,� � "� � w �: .�i' �a � .-3 °' p � � � � � � ..`,' �` ,"j.. ` ,'� �>.>:' `• y,r � m y N a� . � . ��� � �� •:� "+ ' '°fi�'� + �h�ws 01 . 7 �•..'�. . _ .k�,. N O �O G� � ��'S � .:, _ � � `� �..' � �... ., � � � a a �� � g'�' � ��'�` � ''�P����~'�� � I M ��� �� � �� �� � L�. �� �� �� ° � C � y ; � �� y�aT� '�. ���� . 4.O�a� �S , '�����a�. M � 'F7.��..� o�� ° 1° � �'�- .�i � >. �.'�i ' ` • � -, aa � «, : � �,. �� p .•� �'' ' �� �� ���' � � {,� � �0 ��.�•� ���8� '. �N� : � ��� �.��� �=•.g - �,�ww �� �. 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K18526) a� 857 Grand Anernie : ;t 3 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Everq peraon attempting to purehase an aleoholic beverage under tha aga of 35 vill be checked for a valid ID. All walt staff ax�d nanagera vill ensure that ID's are Daing checked. At 6:00 Plt, extzc ataff <host or hostess) vill ba addad to ensur� ID's aza va21d, At 8:00 PlS, door�i«'�i rill be atampina the ha�a of tAoa� individuals that have pteaent valid ID. All employees vill be lII.BA eartified. i � � i i' i ; ". ' ? s ,t ::. � � .'Y� � � �- ��� lhqu�st�d bl D�parta�nt oi� � � ,���i� � �:. � �+. i Licanr� i P�rmi! M�i�ion � M1 � }: �� �/ � / �� [ /�j . ������/ / / // � ) / w ' � � , ..r.;4�;W �� �T� a���j�C�f���'i1� ;'n%.. � � � t � 11AOpt�d by Ceuneil� Dat� � ' '��;�� �- Tor� 71 by Citr Attorn�Y - �: '� 1�option Grti Coun 1 t � �/ // , � syi . h/4 �2 � � � u ey: l '.:r � Dr rd'_ 5 Z ; '- ..�x, �; xpprw�d xa r: • �PF�b bf MaTor !or avDwi��ion to ,;;�::,r� � j , i , 9 �:� ;: �� - i.,.,.�y �" i- • : ;�}� _ 'e°`� aP4I8'32 �. .s_x, ° i ,:,��, >5 : � � S� �a�/tC.ayC.. �. .. I 5�'i.".. �L . 2 ,. . + ^ � �'�� ,. , , ..,. _ �_ z, ,a �:;L;�3�`a'Yr� ?kim - . - wa�„a° .^4t.a ,��� �YSg t g -+�� ��` �t t�.��.w _t'7s`. 4w�.^v-4 , :�iax`?�,.e��N#KL�UOr.. z � ' S�. . . " ��vn� , , . . ' . '-' ���1�-,'S-�`,'w 3 . �'i ; µ..: � _ .�. . _ - � _.. .w._ a.M1,rpti��, I +b� 9� ��3�0 �� .,. � �,. u GREEN SHEET N°• 187�5� _ FSnanee Lieenae i�C PEn • ODEAlIT4EMfp�l[ OpT'GOVtiI. _�Rr3a Van Aorn 298-5056 ,� m ��� "Eb 4P�S'"14}�Y wre � ' S� f g "°"'°'° � ni°°eT °i"c"° g rn�. a rar auv�ecs w�. � Kue be to Ci Clezk �a �� � °1Yp " fO " + �� O.S�uncil - TOTAL ! OF 3NihATURE VAOES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIfiNATURE) '. Ci�ONREWE3tE6. Addition of Reatrietiona to an On Sale Liquor and Supporting Claaa III Licenses (I.D. /18526) ' 4E�OM�ENWTIOMS MR� IA1O WKf IRI reasoMU scmnc� courn�rn rusr �nswE� rnc souanra oucsrwMS: __'LArM�MO fAMmS40M _ CMl SFRVILC � 7. Ibs QW D��m rnr wareW t�Wt � CanR�Ct 10r Qib GpnMwiA _ _ pe COYMRE[ _ YES NO - 2 Nn InN o�'Mm wror Dwn � eMy �nqbyw7 — dT '� — YES NO _ oermcr oamr _ a. Do.. ews o��T o�+�*+ • skw noe �wm+b veor..e M+^I �^� af «�obrN* - 9JTORTBWMCNCOIRICILOLIE(.TMC9 1'E$ NC e� .a rn.�...� e�..w�.u.�.w.�s.�n r w..� anw � mm�rmo rnoe�cr. nwc. onrarru�m mro. wn.c wnon. w�.o. w�s�� In accozdance vith Ccuncil File /9I-2320 adopted by Council on 12/19/91. Che lieenaea n muat pzovid• Council vith a vritten policy to be revieved by Council and incorporated lnto tdez licenae as conditions of coatiauatioa of sueh lieenaes (See Attac�ed Resolution). ,„ .wwr�oear•rrrovca � . .. 9 �� - - .�_ � , �_ � : � aa.nnurt�oess.rvro�en � . .. - " - . . _ � _ ;{ -. .' _ : _ , . � ;i. . . .. . - . .- _ � � ,. ,,. _ . _., , � OOIIOWMflltiEt/MOfN�l10V[P. _ ., ' ' ., .. , . ' : 3:':�: e..:'4 q ' ._- � .r- i.�� 1 �'f � RECEIVED ' ` � cou��� �^��,�'+ C�ter ; � APR O 1 1992 � Mrfl27� ; `_ ; CITY CLERK � b . � lOTlK AMOIIRf OR TIU/M�CTq11 • GOfi/ll[11lIIIR /110f�lTlO (d11Gtt ON!) R� • NO .• � a � 3 HIIIOIIIO�OV�Ct KtTNT�IItlA[11 i .,�..�.,�.�..^ dw ; � � � "�. i ; ; \< , �>r: ,::x � BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVEKUE ST. PAIIL MN. 55105 FEBRIIARY 19, 1992 ROBERT RE33LER LICENSE AND PERHIT MANAGER RH. 203 CITY BALL ST. PAIIL HN. 55202 RE: BILLY'S ON GRAND NEW I.D. CHECKINl3 POLICIES DEAR MR. RESSLER: q�-���a G N -,� p .o � w t1f m =3 _, "; _= '_T � �s � EPCLOSED I3 A SET Oa POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHICH BILLY'S ON CRaND HJ�3 ADOPTED AND IMPLEMENTED. EVERY PaTROH WHO ]►TTEMPTS TO FURCHASE AN ACHOLIC SEVERAGE l.ND 2S IINDER 35 YEaR3 OP AGE, WILL BE CFiECRED FOR PROPER I.D. DIIRIPC3 THE Dl1Y 11ND E11RLY EVENINCi, OUR W71IT ST?�F!' ]1ND B1IRTENDER3 PLIIS A MlINACER WILL 2YSIIRE THl1T Pl�TRON3 ARE BEINf3 CHEClCED FOR I.D. 111' 6:00 P.M. FYERy DllY NE WILL El1PL07 ]1 HOST OR HOSTESS TO INSURE TH71T OOR STaFF IS FOLLOSiINC3 OIIR NEW POLIC2E5. !IT 8:00 P.M. WE EMPL07 ]1 DOORlS7�N TO STAMP THE HAADS OF ALL PliTRONS UNDER TAE l,fiE OF 35. iiE CONTINQE TO REQUIRE THAT ALL ElfPLOYEES BE M.L.B.l1. CERTIF2ED I1ND F1E COdTIIPUE.TO CONDUCT M.L.S.11. SII!INARS THROIICHOUT TIiS YEAR, SECIIUSE O! OVR LOC7ITION I!f !! lS71LL, HE HlIVB NUMEROVS ENTRANCEg iiHjCl� PRBVEIfTB IIS lROM pglRp 1► 32PfiLL EHTRY POINT FRO!! iiH2CI! WE CO(TLD EETTLR OSSERVt aLL Pl1TRONS EtPTERIlIti BILL!'S ON GRI�IfD. NE ARS INVESTIfi1►T2NC THE p08SIBiLITY 0! U32Nf3 A SITiOLB ENTR7 POIflT aFTER Tlit OTHER MaLL TEltANTg CL03R. sircaxar.:, ��� ETLL RBRCLER � � i i i t' I ; . _'�" ,. � : =:; � �?F iT :::_ `.�Fu . . . _ _.�;� �� r,_:; :` „��=' .f J : .4r �..��� / 0 . ; � i � . . ,. .. x._...+.:�a 9�-i�?d Lic ID ................... STAT ................••••• Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ 18526 RS BILCO INC BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVE 55105 06/13/98 PATIO SERVICE CIGARETTE CATERING (C)-ADD ON ENTERTAINMENT-CLASS B RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SALE-OVER 200 SEATS-A GAMBLING LOCATION (CLASS A) INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 12296 061990 PA ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQUOR A, SUNDAY , ENTERTAINMENT III & RESTAURANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-1032 (FORMERLY LICENSED BY R.B.S., INC. DBA BIL LY'S ON GRAND ID16186) 030591 PH ON SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR 3 CONSECU TIVE DAYS (ONE DAY SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS - TWO DAYS SUSPENSION TO TAKE PLACE 3/24/91 AND 3/ 25/91) 031491 C.F. 91-378 WAS ADOPTED BX COUNCIL FOR THE ABOVE SUSPENSION. 053091 REQUEST FOR ONE DAY EXTENSION OF SERVICE AR EA FOR 6/2/91 FROM 12:00 NOON TO 5:00 P.M. TO THE PARKING LOT ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING APPROVED WITH RESTRICTIONS AS FOLLOWS: C.F. 91-1005 1. SECURITY MUST BE AT DOORS TO ENSURE THAT NO ALC OHOLIC BEVERAGES LEAVE THE PREMISES AND AT THE OUT SIDE AREA EXITS OR GATES. 2. OUTDOOR SERVICE IS LIMITED TO ON SALE MALT BEV ERAGES ONLY WHICH SHALL BE CONSUMED ON THE PREMISE S. 111991 C.F. 91-2108 APP'D VERBALLY FOR 7 DAY SUSP W/2 DAY STAYED & MANDITORY CARDING (RESOL. NEEDS T O BE RE-WRITTEN & APP'D BY COUNCIL) 121991 C.F. 91-2320 ADOPTED BY COUNCIL SUSPENDED A LL LICENSES FOR 7 CONSECUTIVE DAYS WITH 2 DAYS STA YED TIL 7/17/93. 5 DAY SUSPENSION EFFECTIVE 1/5/9 2 THRU 1/9/92 (CONDITIONS OF THE TWO DAY STAY.,ARE) 1. TF3E LICENSEE SHALL PREPARE A NEW SET OF POLICI ES WITF�IN 60 DAYS FROM TAE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION , AND SUBMIT SUCH POI,ICIES TO THIS COIINCIL FOR REV ZEW AND APPROVAL AFTER HAVING SUBMITTED THEM TO TH E LICENSE DIVISION FOR ITS REVIEW AND COMMENTS. T HIS REQUIREMENT IS A CONDITION OF THE TWO DAYS'S S TAY OF SUSPENSION. , 2. TIiE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CP.RD EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE RAGE AT THE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 9�-/�7D ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D AYS' SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES HELD BY THE ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION q�-i3�Q Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS CONDIT ION SHALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN G ADVERSE ACTION AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 040992 PH ADDING RESTRICTIONS TO AN ON SALE LIQUOR AND SUPPORTING III LICENSES APP'D C.F. 92-487 (LETTER ADVISING LICENSEE OF COUNCIL'S ACTION NOT SENT PER BOB BECAUSE "THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS SI NCE BILCO DID NOT AGREE TO THESE STIPULATIONS BUT THE COUNCIL APPROVED THEM P.NYWAY". 052892 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SERVICE AREA FOR 6 /7/92 FROM NOON TO 5:00 PM TO TAE PARKING LOT ADJA CENT TO THE OUTDOOR PATIO WITH CONDITION THAT BILL Y'S ON GRAND SHALL PROVIDE AT LEAST FOUR (4) OUTSI DE RESTROOM FACILITIES ON SITE APP'D UNDER SUSPENS ION OF RULES C.F. 92-729 ALL CONDITIONS BEING MET 8-10-94 RJ MET WITH WENGLER 4/24/95 HE STATED THAT ALL CONDIT IONS ALL BEING FOLLOWED. R JENTS 6/22/95 - WARNING NOTICE SENT FOR SERVING ALCOHOL TO MINORS AT GRAND OLD DAYS 6/4/95 UNDER EXTENSTON OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPN #36711 - T,AR 1995-7o DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 3/12/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 52744--LAP-LIC 1996-7% DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 7/18/96 PATIO SERVICE CODE ADDED W/NO FEE PAID. PER C.ROZEK--LAP-LIC 12/26/96 C.F. #96-1604 APP'D IMPOSING $200 FINE FOR THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR 3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) TFiE EXTENSION OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE P ATIO AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF TFiREE (3) OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FROM THE VC P ARKING MANAGMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. 1/15/97 - SENT FINE LETTER (DUE 1/27/97) - T,AR 1/17/97 - PAID $200.00 CIGARETTE FINE - LAB 6/22/95 LIQUOR SALE TO MINOR: WARNING 4/29/97 GAMB LOC-A CODE ADDED FR/ID #34166 - CURRENTLY HAS SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER AT THIS LOCATION--LAP-LIC 1997 - 7% DISC REQUIREMENTS MET--LAP-LIC MOUNT VERNON FIRE INS CO CL2087273 08/15/97 06/13/98 WILLIAM T WENGLER KEVIN Fi EDHOLM Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... 3907311 Worker Comp Exp Date..... 04/01/94 Telephone ................ 292-9140 ��,���o Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE: 1:IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONLITZON NUMBER 2 ON C.F. 91-2 2:320 ADOPTED BY CITY COL'�TCIL ON 121991 AS FOLLOWS: 3:2. THE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C 4:ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CARD S:EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE 6:RAGE AT TFiE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE 7: IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 8:ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D 9:AYS� SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE 10: ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES AELD BY THE 11:ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION 12:OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY TfIIS CONDIT 13:ION SIiALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN 14:G ADVERSE ACTZON AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 15:IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.F. 92-487 TAE FOLLOWING CONDI q � ,�370 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:I6:TIONS WERE AbDED ON 040992. 17:1. EVERY PERSON ATTII+fPTING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOL 18:IC BEVERAGE UNDER THE AGE OF 35 WILL BE CHECKED FO 19:R A VALID ID. 20:2. ALL WAIT STAFF AND MANAGERS WILL ENSURE THAT 21:ID'S ARE BEING CHECKED. 22:3. AT 6:00 PM, EXTRA STAFF (HOST OR HOSTESS) 23:WILL BE ADDED TO ESURE ID�S ARE VALID. 24:4. AT 8:00 P.M., DOORPEOPLE WILL BE STAMPZNG THE 25:HANDS OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE PRESENT VALID 26:ID. 27:5. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL BE MLBA CERTIFIED. 28:3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) THE EXTENSION 29:OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE PA 30:TI0 AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:3I:THREE 32:RKING 33: 34• 35• 36: 37• 38- 39- 40• 41• 42• 43• 44• 45: (3) OFF STREET PARKING SPACES FROM TIiE VC PA MANAGEMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. ��-i31� Date.: Oct 20 • 09/06/1997 11:46 i -. • � i Pnm � nl �_ 61229Z6523 `�S�Z 15TPAULVICEUNIT _., ST. PAUL POIICE DEPARTMENT GENERA! REPOR7 PAGE 04 97.�3� � `.>e�'�} 1 (S�6t�Z.Y-..t.k- `� ,kn.�J � �7cl.t,,•ei�.. wc t�k�..�,� A \c.i.�:'� ���;.,s�, �i �� � C�t�r�o �c' �;11k`s �n, (r�rw�a �,�•? �1 `_,t '��:�• \e �.t,-tS TL• `j�\`���y iu n-rTr.�_Cc c �= Q..�,� t��-.�x�C �•-t c. L�� , e�.. t�� �.0 �Lr S S3) f�v y!� ��-.:� u S ir�= t � E�:e: r�'i -t•�\ ,�:. k�... �'� �. �. S i��J re. = E ���=a-�:• ��-.,,_ C..e�e. e. �: i_ { ti� , �j..kL 4�tt.c"t�. �v�rt. �,�����. (x "��.�`�.- �.�4�oec?lL T��xS �cti0� i...y�jC�F \,UCn.� �:� Y).`\k�4 h��..l �')C�t� � �t�1"�S i l L.. •�� G� bC¢C� �L�..��ei� �sCC� . ��.¢ ��.i�:lc� �cs��t µ�� �c�� a��l ��EV� �•=E.�� `ai�v�\ �7 G. �,�'� we�t,P-ta� C.. ��cc,c� ��civ tkv,� j C}S 1`�1 5`,-.;•�1l"=, . 1. �^�(�'` :o u.rt.��..SS ��Sr'cy A�.�uv2 Sl� �ri (�' � S C�Ue� 1�...1.v N� L�-51� 1.�� +� 1�i L �(l� . SL.�.`Lt��xr�N 'ST+���� ��,a�' S�.i: �.�-�'S l�7t.5>'i Fr+•h _� c.�,( c\.A.�'�' �c� - ��-�c Z'l,-:L s �e ��:l�C • T {.�\�01� , \ l•.rte,i`S : i�Y"i.+� .�C�C\L `?c l..�t?�..�h.ti � C,�.,1;�(1 i�..i.�.... ��.\�-Z�LV r�•c��z. '��c b�.�y.,R.� �V,t, �C..{ \.��r. ��•b.oe�,,.k. u��c,c� �Y�..c\ S�-�. .r.n� ���.¢ c:��..�..� bw,��c 4�,,,,Pn.l.� `"1,•t (?A..Y.��e, � � . . � ' �Yes � No I ' ❑ CMF 0 Hom ❑ RoD ❑ Jw Q Cead j] !D ❑ Lsb [] A�a ❑ 7oam ❑ Ssx Q Apb ❑ pvhx ❑ D(C ❑ 9uig ❑ Theh � Prop 0 CAU ❑ F&F 0 Auto ❑ OAO ❑ CO 0 HumSon RUG-06-1997 12�07 6122926523 97i n z � J 1 � l_) Ne.: PM 621-B2R P.04 r��^��_. ,., x��s���'��'�"��" NARRA V =�r��` *;�",�='�+�'c�.;:�k �z. .��';9 ArrestNumber LeslNeme fus2 M�dd�e Adtlrees DOB � Age SeX Reoa council File # 9 /� Green Sheet # lv0 � L�J� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIfdNESOTA Presented Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee Bilco, Inc. d/bfa Billy's On Grand (License ID No. 18526), located at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of two thousand ($2,000.00) for violating license conditions contained in C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487, which requires ali employees to check for valid identification from persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages, prior to the sale being made. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tivity (30) days of the adopfion of this resolution by the Council and signatuie by the Mayor. This Resolution and the action taken by the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Saint Paul Police Report CN 97-124-101, the facts of which aze summarized in the August 21, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts of the sale were not contested by the licensee. �3 Requested by Department of: � /�,' ,,./ Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY= � � � i �n.�.-�_ �- Approved by May� Date I d I 21(S �— By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: - �/ l sy: Adopted by Council: Date �l7 ' i,3�° November 6, 1997 Dave Thune ST BE ON COt1NCIL AGEN[ November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60?45 � u �.,�,�,.� � �„� _ cors ❑ urc�Tran�av ❑ arvncuc _ ❑ wuur�stsmuc¢ao.� ❑ nux�.�aoniKCro ❑ wvatloM�sosru� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., dba Billy's On Grand, 857 Grand Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION I.!NY AM1tOUNT OF TRANSACTION 10 SOURCE . RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1�85 �1116 PQ���IIII EV2f WOIkBd IIMIM d COIIf18C1 fiN �fll6 LfpHI�ITEI1l7 V6 NO Nas mis pewoMrtm a`er been a ci1Y �PbY� . YES NO Does fhis Pe«rm P� a sidll not �wrmal�YP�� M' aM cu�rerR citY emW%�ee7 YES NO IsthispersoMimaWpe[etivenda? . YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDIiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO AGiNITY NUMBER (owwM 9� -i,3 �o UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand Address: 857 Grand Avenue Council Hearing Date: November 12, 1997 Violation: Failure to follow license conditions, specifically the requirement to card persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages before the sale is made (C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487) Date of Violation: August 5, 1997 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $2000.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee's attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Letter of representation of licensee 4, Notice of Viotation 5. C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487 6. License information 7. License Restrictions 8. Police Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlc CiryAttorney � � ,/� 7 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Ma}ror CIvi1 Divisian 400 Ciry Ha71 IS West KeRogg Blvd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 612166-8710 Facabxile: 672 298-5679 August 28, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Brian D. Alton McClay, Alton, P.L.L.P. 951 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 RE: All licenses held by Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand located at 857 Grand Avenue in St. Paul License ID No.: 18526 Our File Number: G97-0420 Dear Mr. Alton: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled £or 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawful sale of alcohol to underage persons and the failure to adhere to license conditions, specifically the failure to check the identification of persons before they are permitted to purchase alcohol, as requir.ed by the license conditions, have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$2,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��� ��� Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chris Trost, Executive Director, Summit FIill Assoc., 86A St. Claire Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 M�CLAY • ALTON PL.L.F A7TORNEYS ROBEfZi M. M�CLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' xAlso Licensed in �sconsin Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Keilogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55102 Re: Bilco, Inc., d!b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: �������� OCT 9 1997 �� � - `r � : r �Ft :f ="s3P��'-°-=" �7 -i3�� 951 GRAND AVENUE SAINT PAU� MN 55105 FAX 6 1 2/290.25 02 612290-0301 Billy's on Grand has chosen not to contest the factual statement contained in your letter dated August 21, 1997. We understand that the Office of License, inspections and Environmental Protection will be recommending that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by Bilco, Inc. For your information, enciosed is a copy of the Compliance Inspection report of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, Inc, dated December 2, 7 996 indicating that Biliy's passed the inspection. We understand a copy of this letter has been sent to LIEP. Billy's has not been informed that the warning procedure outlined in a memo dated f�ugust 25, 1995 from Robert Kessier and Lt. Gary Briggs has been modified. Billy's has not been informed about any complaints or allegations that they were selting liquos to minors. Bi!{y's has not received any warning letters. Bilty's on Grand does not wish to be selling to underage drinkers. They make every effort to train their staff oR proper procedures, Of course, the system is not infa(lible. Accordingly, we believe that the warning procedure should be followed. If you have complaints or allegations or warnings regarding Billy's in your file, we wouid appreciate any information you can provide to us regarding those matters. October 8, 1997 For purposes of the presumptive penalty which you and I have discussed pursuant to Section 409.26 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the seating capaciYy of Billy's �� -/37 Virginia D. Pa{mer, Esq. October 8, 1997 Page 2 patio is less than 100 seats. We believe that the appropriate penalty should be based upon that seating capacity. Please let us know the date of the appearance before the City Council. BDA/cjk Enclosure cc: Bill Wengler Very truly yours, �,- 1 �� % t.�� �, �"-���,� , /3 �� � i�11NNE:SO"1'A LI('I?NSf:U BGVERA(.1? ASSUCIA'I'1ON, INC. .lohn E BeiglmM E.�r�nHC n n'3f4ceSU^.M Su�n 1�'1 December 2, 1996 ° "6,'���;;o" � �z.m� f.�[ F1J �fK If:P� Bill Wengler Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Dear Bill: RE: COMPLfANCE INSPE�TION Pursuant to your participation in St. Paul's program to increase self enforcement and reduce violations, our office sent an underage inspector to your business for the purpose of buying an alcohol beverage without producing identification. We are pleased to inform you that identification was requested and a sale was not made. Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Check Reporter compieted by the inspector. A copy of this report has been sent to the city of St. Paul licensing division, and a copy will be maintained at our office. Congratulations to you and your employees. This is an annuai inspection, however, shouid you desire another inspection in the next tew months for your own purposes simply call our office and arrangements will be made. There would be a fee charge not to exceed $30. Our office will maintain surveillance visits in an effort to continue assisting you and your employees in your seif-regulatory methods. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me. Very t ly y� rs, j�7� John F. Berglund Executive Director JFB/mb Enclosure , �.i I�+�R�d�tJ PRES�DENT E%ECUT�VE VICE Pf1ESIDENT VICE PfiEEIDFNI ON CAI F VICF PRES�bENT OFF-SALE SECRETARY TqEASURER T��n n'q� DnnniS Zwillinp Oave Chase ne�,��: naro Jack Lanners HOwie Zimmer Kathy Huber h7c�nbc� n(lhc National Rectaur.�n� A�uriation an.l'Ih�• N:ni�.�c�l A«<u•iatiun of Rc�cr.�ec 2cuiilcrc � ' � � cj �7 _/� 7v COMPLIANCE CHECK REPORTER , (PLEASE PRINn Inapector'; Name: Inspecto�'s Direct llCei188d [C ��� �� � ��� ��� � � "� � � Date Inapected: � ' - Tlme Inspected: ' , . � " 1 PRODUCT ATTEMPTED TO PtlRCHASE: � A (�� / �l / "t( 'I /t 1'� � �T (NSPECTOR'S LOCATIQN RURING ATTEMPT• '-Ji I� 1� " INSPECTOR ALONE (YM) (F NO, NA1�1E ANO AGE OF PERSON ACCOMPANYtNG THEM : WA$ INSPECYOR ASKED FQR ID? (Y/N) IF YE$, Pleasi► des any dlalogue that occurred; Including whether a sale was made: "-�ih 0 111�YD/'� .�,^:/ YYII! 7_ l� -`i s'1 PI /y: t�d,5 �; 7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION OF SERVER: AIA&,RU$INESS DURING INSPECTION: (Check One) � ... _ J ,i , �� : f ` _ Busy _ Moderately Busy , �low s IF A SALE, MONEY INSP�CTOR SPENT ON PRODUCT: � COAAMENTS: � -.0 � _. r OFFlCE USE ONLY: Licenses: Date letter Is mailed to Licensee with results: _ PASS or FAtL . if a fail, does Licensee request a follow-up vJsft: MSCLAY • ALTON P.L.LP. ATfORNEYS ROBERi M. NLGLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' 'Also Licensed in �sconsin August 28, 1997 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55702 Re: Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: 9� -i.��� 451 GRAPlD AVENUE SAIM PfUJI� MN 55105 FAX 612290-Z502 612/290-0301 Our office represents the above-referenced licensee. We are in �eceipt of your letter constituting a Notice of Violation dated August 21, 1997. In your correspondence, you request that you be informed no fater than September 2, 1997 as to how the licensee wishes to proceed. Thank you for consenting to an extension ot time to respond. We will be in contact with you soon. Ve ruly yours, Brian D. Alton BDA/cjk cc: Bill Wengler N �'g��� : - � LY S�� ��� �'��� �� , �� �Ye� u������ � �-� OFFIC�F THE CITY ATTORNEY , Peg Bi�,[' ` y Anorney . - 9� -/,3�r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmmt, Mayos Civi1 Division 400 City HaA IS Wur KeIIogg Blvd Saint Pau� M'mnesom 55102 . Telepho�: 671166-8710 Facsimi/e; 67129&5679 August 21, 1997 NOTIC$ OF VIOLATION Bill Wengler, President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 RE: All Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's On Grand License #: 18526 Dear Mr. Wengler: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by you at the above- named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: On August 5, 1997, two females under the age of tweaty-oae went to Billy's on Graad at approximately 2:U0 p.m. aad ordered aad were served Miller Lite beer. The waitress who served them stated that she was busy aad did aot check their ID's. It is a ecaditioa of your licease that all employees be required to card every person under the age of 35 before they are permi.tted to purchase alcohol. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effecC so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate action to take against your license. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that y9u are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the , - -� - � 9� -�s�� administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Please note that this is being treated as a violation of the conditions of your license, rather than the actual violation of the sale of alcohol to an underage person. You should also be receiving a warning letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection informing you that a subsequent sale of alcohol to an underage person will result in adverse action for the violation. Please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about-these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � ��/ ��� ��-�. Virgini Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY :`�a 9 7 — i� � � ss. ARFIDAVIT OR SERVIC$ BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 25, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Bill Wengler President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55105 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Mi nneGC�ta _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of August, 1997. � �/� � �. 1 /�iJCL..r/ � Notary Public • RITA M. BOSS!� RO 2 � �.... NOTAflYPUBLIC s R.SMSEY COUNTY � � My Comrti. Expires Jan. 31. 2000 :: t � ORIG_WAt Czeen Sheet � RESOLUTION INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Ey � l. The licensee shall prepaze a new set of policies within 60 days from the dau of this Resolut�on, and submit such policies to this Council for rcview and approval after having submitted them to the i3anse Division for its review and commentc'IT�is requirement is a co:�didon of the two days's st8y of Suspemion. Refersed J.��..�. 97 /�37d �'� �� � � :�; :.� _ _., Couneil File • - .'Z�.ZC� � � , . Co�ittea: Data RFSOLVED, that the Into�dcating L�quor On Sale, Sunday On Sale Iiquor. Entertainmen!, Restaurant and Catering lianses hdd by Bilco Inc, dba Billy's on Grand for the premises at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul aze henby suspended for a period of seven conseeutive day(s), provided that tavo of the days of suspeuion are stayed for a period of umil Ju1y 17, 1993 (which is a period of 30 months from the first violation oe Jam�ary i�, 1991), with the five days actual suspension to take plaa on the umnd Sunday following publiqtion of this resolution. The condidom of the stay for the two days are as follows: • Z. '!be lieenue shaIi adopt a policy of uniform carding, which shall require aU empioyees to eard every person seeking to purchase an alcoholic beverage at the lianud establishment beforc the saTe is mada By ageemem of the licemee, this condiUOn ;s �t onty a condition of the stay of two days' suspe�ion, but is also irrcorporated into the on-sale imm�icating liquor lioeraes hetd by the above lianue as a condition of the eontimiation M such lianses. Failurc to abide by this condidon shall conttimu independem groundt for tafdng adverse action against snch liattses. � ,,..-: .- � '':;; .,.;:, , � � //-/9�9/ ' _.. . _ �. :� L: A " ��O�tG�� ~-- --- i@IlRAE4 JQY 4'92 ;' -' This Resolution and tbe action taken above are baud_upon the facts cantained In f the attached polix report dated September iT,199L The facts as outlined in the poiice � report were not eontested by t6e liansee, as evidcnad by the attached letter signed by William T. Wengier, PresidenL Tl�e action taken is also baud on the facts, �� circumstanas and argumeau presented by aad on behalf of tbe lianue during the , public hearing. Tlvs action represeau a dowmward departure from the presumptive ; penalry in Section 40926 of the Saint Paul iegislative Coda T!u reaso� for such departure are that the lixnsee did in fad impieme� the proadura he outlined in his letter of Febmary il, 1991; that the establishment is large and has maay employKS, maidng it more diffiailt to convol all such empioyees; that it is a high wtume businas; and that the licxusee haz agseed to aoccpt a mndition upon his intoricating liquor lianscs that w71 require the carding of every person who seeks to purchau an alcoholic Ixverage in the establishment ; Requested b� Dapartsent ot: n�: Adopted by Cwneil: Dat� Adoption Gr,t�i�l�d�b� Cou Ey: / !! /L I Apptmn8 b� �iay � , /.-. � a � '. _�__r.�a.,. q� -Y3�� ��.._r.�...� -. n�: ' —_ , - . , . . . . _ �..::, : �E� 9 9 � Foz� Appreoed by Cit� Attoiner � . P'E r�urq a� _��� //�1 • �� � Ayproved Dy Mayor fot SuDaistion to �EC 2� Coimeil a �.,..� m.___ _ ..� �_,_�__P�.�_�. _.___ ; __.._ ._____ , ...�� .. : �:= • 1� ���� cmws�nrrr►ac nr�nmrz�ctxr�t �o�'�,'M �� w� L.a..r r..... xw-sui g������ ���a � Jy X tl DATE: November 19, 1991 T0: Dava Triune FROM: Phil Byrne� gE; Billys on Gmnd 1►ttached is the oriqinal ot the resolution on Billys on Grand. Please note that both of the conditions that tha Council impoaed ralata to tha two days' atay. but that tha second conctition on'unitorm cardinq alao becoa�ea a condition on tha licenae. The Licenas Divfsion should prini' a.nev license for Siilys which has this condiiion an at it elt on�r n e wal of the lieenser computer so that it viil repe -Z! you tsave arry questions, pleaae qivs me a'call. � cc: Hob Ifas�ler Licena� Inspector }Ioliy O'Rourks City Cltrk � _ _ _. � _._ . _ _ _._ _.. __..,.., ............,..�,.:�...�.,«.y,�.a�. w �': . _. _ ..:�"' ; .��:":ii . W� . _ , " . . � �,. �;�s 4 . � . e � � -a— .-- . . � DFI/Ul7NE�?O'FLKAt� A� NA,�AGF]��TSEltwlff J�ri�ICe�++t� c��—/3�0 �/�- / � u � ,� : y il QtY OF SAINT PAUL J�ra Sd1HDr;1Vi�er lXFMEAIJDIFJPFGl nn�s� ISW.1G+teII� Aca�� 70i l!d Sd�rlr(M� J.STPt Daormbez 12, 1991 l� Nllliaa ?. Wenaler, Pres�ent+�EO Eileo Inc., dba El11�•s,m Cza�d d57 Csand Avem�� Saint Paul, 2Sirmeiota ¢I05 RL: Suspsniion of aX li��nso h�ld br Eilee Iac. D�as tiz. Xangler: . ..., .a. • .a a A En�los�d ii a eopq nt th� Ciq Cout+eil Re=olutiot� t)ut msP�nds all of �o�a City o! SaintPanl Lieansa for swan (7) eosu�eoiiw day= �1tA Lvo e! t2�a. swsn dayastayed for apariod of 30 sonel+i. it+i� =�solutioa yas pused b� th� Cis� Coun�il in rezDal fors afs�z th� Publie Aaazis� that rai h�ld en Rove�z 19, 1991. Sh� rssolutioa is ser�duled co b� a6ept�d ir fina�Kitten fora en D�aes�= 19, 1991. TA�r� �� ���d for �on te b� p�s�ni and th� wst�z is uot sel»dul�d ai a publin ,- h�aFix�t. , 2t d» rasoln�on 3s �dopt�d as��sxp�ated en tM 19eh"o! D�eesMr ie viil '" b� puDliabed !p �� 1�f+1 Z�dfes au D�cesber 2!. 1991. �►+ a r�sult th� swp�rMion vil� b� effeetiw SiuiEq. 3a:+u�zT S. 1992 and r111 zun threuah ae�d Sncl� YMasda�. Janu+=7 9. 1992. tS2f �J1M SBA2 lOWI _ Et2A17SS�t KOt2 1= CSASLD ?0 48E TCEL2C OII �A110A1T 529. �SH. 7SN. �g. �pp n8 1f92. Fallnn to tospl7 oit2� tM Cit� C°�a+eil esA�s !i �tamds fos Sie�us� revoeation. �- M�u� l�e N lawr i! �eu luw a*zy Q��sitons i��ardinj t1�is fatt�l. Eineezely, / �W�M r'�E!�/ Robaz� K�i�l�s Lieand 6 Paiais lSan�ps ec: Phil D7rn�. Asiisunt Citr Attern�� Lt. 1Paner DiP�rna, 91c� Cesasidat l�e127 0•Reatk�, CitJ Cletk Chris 2rese, S�St-Rill Assxt�t�en Ja:at Odalin, Lieans� Offie� lSanat�r 1Cri� Vaa Hero, Lic�nsa Enfore�wsst Earb Aasr, Liiens� Ieu�peeter � � � � _._,,.,�°: 9�'���� ' � Mr. William Wengler Billy•s on Grand/Bilco inc. 857 Grand Avenue St. Yaul, !Qi 55105 (612) 292-9140 i November 5, 1991 � - .�..� �� � , 1 F � RECElVED Nov 3 s �ss� i:1�Y An�RN� � Mr. Philiip B. Syrne ; Assiatant City attorney t 647 C1ty HII11 Saint Paul, ?4t 55102 � RE: Liquor licenae held by Bilco Inc., dba Billy's On Grand i Dear tir. Hyrne: � Z am vritinq to intora you that Billy�s on Grand will not coatest that we aze at fauit !or servinq beer to tWO minora accoapnnied b�� the St.,Paul Police Department's vice squad on Septeaber 27. 1991. 1 underatand thet Citl ha� aPi�w►ity Yo speak on this iasue at an_npcos 4 Y siacsroly yours. � . . .. — ��� xillias T. Nenqlar, er Billy's on Crand ces Robert 1Cesslar, Licena� Diviaion City Council sembers _ . �� _;: :� ��.�3�D � � � ., .-e O+ V � � � J Z � i �• . � i _ • Y� � V : rf � � � A , � : ''e{ 6aci Y< E� 6 m �r = �m Ym � � . � : - .��; : ri : o ��. i '" ', • : ■ � S� : � �� +^ � 4 �N . O � f°' E� �` �� � t � "�,� ,� �8 �� �z'��''Ib � �" � 3 � i s ._ i �: .� �; : Y : i = {p ��o� � . 1! � g 4 C N "o � � �� ���� � �o �� � �'m�"'� M i . ��� �_ ��� � � o m ��- ��6�a �� � ��� .-� . � - � O QM ���V � �"`��� � �� ���=� a���� b � � �-��=`�� -� � . ��'�` �� �.::� �� ����y���� o ��� : ��� � �$ h w x � �� ���� a� � g a'� • ° a� �i � u � � r ,�Lj � �6 � ,� � "� � w �: .�i' �a � .-3 °' p � � � � � � ..`,' �` ,"j.. ` ,'� �>.>:' `• y,r � m y N a� . � . ��� � �� •:� "+ ' '°fi�'� + �h�ws 01 . 7 �•..'�. . _ .k�,. N O �O G� � ��'S � .:, _ � � `� �..' � �... ., � � � a a �� � g'�' � ��'�` � ''�P����~'�� � I M ��� �� � �� �� � L�. �� �� �� ° � C � y ; � �� y�aT� '�. ���� . 4.O�a� �S , '�����a�. M � 'F7.��..� o�� ° 1° � �'�- .�i � >. �.'�i ' ` • � -, aa � «, : � �,. �� p .•� �'' ' �� �� ���' � � {,� � �0 ��.�•� ���8� '. �N� : � ��� �.��� �=•.g - �,�ww �� �. 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K18526) a� 857 Grand Anernie : ;t 3 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Everq peraon attempting to purehase an aleoholic beverage under tha aga of 35 vill be checked for a valid ID. All walt staff ax�d nanagera vill ensure that ID's are Daing checked. At 6:00 Plt, extzc ataff <host or hostess) vill ba addad to ensur� ID's aza va21d, At 8:00 PlS, door�i«'�i rill be atampina the ha�a of tAoa� individuals that have pteaent valid ID. All employees vill be lII.BA eartified. i � � i i' i ; ". ' ? s ,t ::. � � .'Y� � � �- ��� lhqu�st�d bl D�parta�nt oi� � � ,���i� � �:. � �+. i Licanr� i P�rmi! M�i�ion � M1 � }: �� �/ � / �� [ /�j . ������/ / / // � ) / w ' � � , ..r.;4�;W �� �T� a���j�C�f���'i1� ;'n%.. � � � t � 11AOpt�d by Ceuneil� Dat� � ' '��;�� �- Tor� 71 by Citr Attorn�Y - �: '� 1�option Grti Coun 1 t � �/ // , � syi . h/4 �2 � � � u ey: l '.:r � Dr rd'_ 5 Z ; '- ..�x, �; xpprw�d xa r: • �PF�b bf MaTor !or avDwi��ion to ,;;�::,r� � j , i , 9 �:� ;: �� - i.,.,.�y �" i- • : ;�}� _ 'e°`� aP4I8'32 �. .s_x, ° i ,:,��, >5 : � � S� �a�/tC.ayC.. �. .. I 5�'i.".. �L . 2 ,. . + ^ � �'�� ,. , , ..,. _ �_ z, ,a �:;L;�3�`a'Yr� ?kim - . - wa�„a° .^4t.a ,��� �YSg t g -+�� ��` �t t�.��.w _t'7s`. 4w�.^v-4 , :�iax`?�,.e��N#KL�UOr.. z � ' S�. . . " ��vn� , , . . ' . '-' ���1�-,'S-�`,'w 3 . �'i ; µ..: � _ .�. . _ - � _.. .w._ a.M1,rpti��, I +b� 9� ��3�0 �� .,. � �,. u GREEN SHEET N°• 187�5� _ FSnanee Lieenae i�C PEn • ODEAlIT4EMfp�l[ OpT'GOVtiI. _�Rr3a Van Aorn 298-5056 ,� m ��� "Eb 4P�S'"14}�Y wre � ' S� f g "°"'°'° � ni°°eT °i"c"° g rn�. a rar auv�ecs w�. � Kue be to Ci Clezk �a �� � °1Yp " fO " + �� O.S�uncil - TOTAL ! OF 3NihATURE VAOES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIfiNATURE) '. Ci�ONREWE3tE6. Addition of Reatrietiona to an On Sale Liquor and Supporting Claaa III Licenses (I.D. /18526) ' 4E�OM�ENWTIOMS MR� IA1O WKf IRI reasoMU scmnc� courn�rn rusr �nswE� rnc souanra oucsrwMS: __'LArM�MO fAMmS40M _ CMl SFRVILC � 7. Ibs QW D��m rnr wareW t�Wt � CanR�Ct 10r Qib GpnMwiA _ _ pe COYMRE[ _ YES NO - 2 Nn InN o�'Mm wror Dwn � eMy �nqbyw7 — dT '� — YES NO _ oermcr oamr _ a. Do.. ews o��T o�+�*+ • skw noe �wm+b veor..e M+^I �^� af «�obrN* - 9JTORTBWMCNCOIRICILOLIE(.TMC9 1'E$ NC e� .a rn.�...� e�..w�.u.�.w.�s.�n r w..� anw � mm�rmo rnoe�cr. nwc. onrarru�m mro. wn.c wnon. w�.o. w�s�� In accozdance vith Ccuncil File /9I-2320 adopted by Council on 12/19/91. Che lieenaea n muat pzovid• Council vith a vritten policy to be revieved by Council and incorporated lnto tdez licenae as conditions of coatiauatioa of sueh lieenaes (See Attac�ed Resolution). ,„ .wwr�oear•rrrovca � . .. 9 �� - - .�_ � , �_ � : � aa.nnurt�oess.rvro�en � . .. - " - . . _ � _ ;{ -. .' _ : _ , . � ;i. . . .. . - . .- _ � � ,. ,,. _ . _., , � OOIIOWMflltiEt/MOfN�l10V[P. _ ., ' ' ., .. , . ' : 3:':�: e..:'4 q ' ._- � .r- i.�� 1 �'f � RECEIVED ' ` � cou��� �^��,�'+ C�ter ; � APR O 1 1992 � Mrfl27� ; `_ ; CITY CLERK � b . � lOTlK AMOIIRf OR TIU/M�CTq11 • GOfi/ll[11lIIIR /110f�lTlO (d11Gtt ON!) R� • NO .• � a � 3 HIIIOIIIO�OV�Ct KtTNT�IItlA[11 i .,�..�.,�.�..^ dw ; � � � "�. i ; ; \< , �>r: ,::x � BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVEKUE ST. PAIIL MN. 55105 FEBRIIARY 19, 1992 ROBERT RE33LER LICENSE AND PERHIT MANAGER RH. 203 CITY BALL ST. PAIIL HN. 55202 RE: BILLY'S ON GRAND NEW I.D. CHECKINl3 POLICIES DEAR MR. RESSLER: q�-���a G N -,� p .o � w t1f m =3 _, "; _= '_T � �s � EPCLOSED I3 A SET Oa POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHICH BILLY'S ON CRaND HJ�3 ADOPTED AND IMPLEMENTED. EVERY PaTROH WHO ]►TTEMPTS TO FURCHASE AN ACHOLIC SEVERAGE l.ND 2S IINDER 35 YEaR3 OP AGE, WILL BE CFiECRED FOR PROPER I.D. DIIRIPC3 THE Dl1Y 11ND E11RLY EVENINCi, OUR W71IT ST?�F!' ]1ND B1IRTENDER3 PLIIS A MlINACER WILL 2YSIIRE THl1T Pl�TRON3 ARE BEINf3 CHEClCED FOR I.D. 111' 6:00 P.M. FYERy DllY NE WILL El1PL07 ]1 HOST OR HOSTESS TO INSURE TH71T OOR STaFF IS FOLLOSiINC3 OIIR NEW POLIC2E5. !IT 8:00 P.M. WE EMPL07 ]1 DOORlS7�N TO STAMP THE HAADS OF ALL PliTRONS UNDER TAE l,fiE OF 35. iiE CONTINQE TO REQUIRE THAT ALL ElfPLOYEES BE M.L.B.l1. CERTIF2ED I1ND F1E COdTIIPUE.TO CONDUCT M.L.S.11. SII!INARS THROIICHOUT TIiS YEAR, SECIIUSE O! OVR LOC7ITION I!f !! lS71LL, HE HlIVB NUMEROVS ENTRANCEg iiHjCl� PRBVEIfTB IIS lROM pglRp 1► 32PfiLL EHTRY POINT FRO!! iiH2CI! WE CO(TLD EETTLR OSSERVt aLL Pl1TRONS EtPTERIlIti BILL!'S ON GRI�IfD. NE ARS INVESTIfi1►T2NC THE p08SIBiLITY 0! U32Nf3 A SITiOLB ENTR7 POIflT aFTER Tlit OTHER MaLL TEltANTg CL03R. sircaxar.:, ��� ETLL RBRCLER � � i i i t' I ; . _'�" ,. � : =:; � �?F iT :::_ `.�Fu . . . _ _.�;� �� r,_:; :` „��=' .f J : .4r �..��� / 0 . ; � i � . . ,. .. x._...+.:�a 9�-i�?d Lic ID ................... STAT ................••••• Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ 18526 RS BILCO INC BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVE 55105 06/13/98 PATIO SERVICE CIGARETTE CATERING (C)-ADD ON ENTERTAINMENT-CLASS B RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SALE-OVER 200 SEATS-A GAMBLING LOCATION (CLASS A) INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 12296 061990 PA ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQUOR A, SUNDAY , ENTERTAINMENT III & RESTAURANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-1032 (FORMERLY LICENSED BY R.B.S., INC. DBA BIL LY'S ON GRAND ID16186) 030591 PH ON SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR 3 CONSECU TIVE DAYS (ONE DAY SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS - TWO DAYS SUSPENSION TO TAKE PLACE 3/24/91 AND 3/ 25/91) 031491 C.F. 91-378 WAS ADOPTED BX COUNCIL FOR THE ABOVE SUSPENSION. 053091 REQUEST FOR ONE DAY EXTENSION OF SERVICE AR EA FOR 6/2/91 FROM 12:00 NOON TO 5:00 P.M. TO THE PARKING LOT ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING APPROVED WITH RESTRICTIONS AS FOLLOWS: C.F. 91-1005 1. SECURITY MUST BE AT DOORS TO ENSURE THAT NO ALC OHOLIC BEVERAGES LEAVE THE PREMISES AND AT THE OUT SIDE AREA EXITS OR GATES. 2. OUTDOOR SERVICE IS LIMITED TO ON SALE MALT BEV ERAGES ONLY WHICH SHALL BE CONSUMED ON THE PREMISE S. 111991 C.F. 91-2108 APP'D VERBALLY FOR 7 DAY SUSP W/2 DAY STAYED & MANDITORY CARDING (RESOL. NEEDS T O BE RE-WRITTEN & APP'D BY COUNCIL) 121991 C.F. 91-2320 ADOPTED BY COUNCIL SUSPENDED A LL LICENSES FOR 7 CONSECUTIVE DAYS WITH 2 DAYS STA YED TIL 7/17/93. 5 DAY SUSPENSION EFFECTIVE 1/5/9 2 THRU 1/9/92 (CONDITIONS OF THE TWO DAY STAY.,ARE) 1. TF3E LICENSEE SHALL PREPARE A NEW SET OF POLICI ES WITF�IN 60 DAYS FROM TAE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION , AND SUBMIT SUCH POI,ICIES TO THIS COIINCIL FOR REV ZEW AND APPROVAL AFTER HAVING SUBMITTED THEM TO TH E LICENSE DIVISION FOR ITS REVIEW AND COMMENTS. T HIS REQUIREMENT IS A CONDITION OF THE TWO DAYS'S S TAY OF SUSPENSION. , 2. TIiE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CP.RD EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE RAGE AT THE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 9�-/�7D ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D AYS' SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES HELD BY THE ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION q�-i3�Q Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS CONDIT ION SHALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN G ADVERSE ACTION AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 040992 PH ADDING RESTRICTIONS TO AN ON SALE LIQUOR AND SUPPORTING III LICENSES APP'D C.F. 92-487 (LETTER ADVISING LICENSEE OF COUNCIL'S ACTION NOT SENT PER BOB BECAUSE "THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS SI NCE BILCO DID NOT AGREE TO THESE STIPULATIONS BUT THE COUNCIL APPROVED THEM P.NYWAY". 052892 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SERVICE AREA FOR 6 /7/92 FROM NOON TO 5:00 PM TO TAE PARKING LOT ADJA CENT TO THE OUTDOOR PATIO WITH CONDITION THAT BILL Y'S ON GRAND SHALL PROVIDE AT LEAST FOUR (4) OUTSI DE RESTROOM FACILITIES ON SITE APP'D UNDER SUSPENS ION OF RULES C.F. 92-729 ALL CONDITIONS BEING MET 8-10-94 RJ MET WITH WENGLER 4/24/95 HE STATED THAT ALL CONDIT IONS ALL BEING FOLLOWED. R JENTS 6/22/95 - WARNING NOTICE SENT FOR SERVING ALCOHOL TO MINORS AT GRAND OLD DAYS 6/4/95 UNDER EXTENSTON OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPN #36711 - T,AR 1995-7o DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 3/12/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 52744--LAP-LIC 1996-7% DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 7/18/96 PATIO SERVICE CODE ADDED W/NO FEE PAID. PER C.ROZEK--LAP-LIC 12/26/96 C.F. #96-1604 APP'D IMPOSING $200 FINE FOR THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR 3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) TFiE EXTENSION OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE P ATIO AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF TFiREE (3) OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FROM THE VC P ARKING MANAGMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. 1/15/97 - SENT FINE LETTER (DUE 1/27/97) - T,AR 1/17/97 - PAID $200.00 CIGARETTE FINE - LAB 6/22/95 LIQUOR SALE TO MINOR: WARNING 4/29/97 GAMB LOC-A CODE ADDED FR/ID #34166 - CURRENTLY HAS SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER AT THIS LOCATION--LAP-LIC 1997 - 7% DISC REQUIREMENTS MET--LAP-LIC MOUNT VERNON FIRE INS CO CL2087273 08/15/97 06/13/98 WILLIAM T WENGLER KEVIN Fi EDHOLM Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... 3907311 Worker Comp Exp Date..... 04/01/94 Telephone ................ 292-9140 ��,���o Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE: 1:IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONLITZON NUMBER 2 ON C.F. 91-2 2:320 ADOPTED BY CITY COL'�TCIL ON 121991 AS FOLLOWS: 3:2. THE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C 4:ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CARD S:EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE 6:RAGE AT TFiE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE 7: IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 8:ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D 9:AYS� SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE 10: ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES AELD BY THE 11:ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION 12:OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY TfIIS CONDIT 13:ION SIiALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN 14:G ADVERSE ACTZON AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 15:IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.F. 92-487 TAE FOLLOWING CONDI q � ,�370 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:I6:TIONS WERE AbDED ON 040992. 17:1. EVERY PERSON ATTII+fPTING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOL 18:IC BEVERAGE UNDER THE AGE OF 35 WILL BE CHECKED FO 19:R A VALID ID. 20:2. ALL WAIT STAFF AND MANAGERS WILL ENSURE THAT 21:ID'S ARE BEING CHECKED. 22:3. AT 6:00 PM, EXTRA STAFF (HOST OR HOSTESS) 23:WILL BE ADDED TO ESURE ID�S ARE VALID. 24:4. AT 8:00 P.M., DOORPEOPLE WILL BE STAMPZNG THE 25:HANDS OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE PRESENT VALID 26:ID. 27:5. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL BE MLBA CERTIFIED. 28:3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) THE EXTENSION 29:OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE PA 30:TI0 AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:3I:THREE 32:RKING 33: 34• 35• 36: 37• 38- 39- 40• 41• 42• 43• 44• 45: (3) OFF STREET PARKING SPACES FROM TIiE VC PA MANAGEMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. ��-i31� Date.: Oct 20 • 09/06/1997 11:46 i -. • � i Pnm � nl �_ 61229Z6523 `�S�Z 15TPAULVICEUNIT _., ST. PAUL POIICE DEPARTMENT GENERA! REPOR7 PAGE 04 97.�3� � `.>e�'�} 1 (S�6t�Z.Y-..t.k- `� ,kn.�J � �7cl.t,,•ei�.. wc t�k�..�,� A \c.i.�:'� ���;.,s�, �i �� � C�t�r�o �c' �;11k`s �n, (r�rw�a �,�•? �1 `_,t '��:�• \e �.t,-tS TL• `j�\`���y iu n-rTr.�_Cc c �= Q..�,� t��-.�x�C �•-t c. L�� , e�.. t�� �.0 �Lr S S3) f�v y!� ��-.:� u S ir�= t � E�:e: r�'i -t•�\ ,�:. k�... �'� �. �. S i��J re. = E ���=a-�:• ��-.,,_ C..e�e. e. �: i_ { ti� , �j..kL 4�tt.c"t�. �v�rt. �,�����. (x "��.�`�.- �.�4�oec?lL T��xS �cti0� i...y�jC�F \,UCn.� �:� Y).`\k�4 h��..l �')C�t� � �t�1"�S i l L.. •�� G� bC¢C� �L�..��ei� �sCC� . ��.¢ ��.i�:lc� �cs��t µ�� �c�� a��l ��EV� �•=E.�� `ai�v�\ �7 G. �,�'� we�t,P-ta� C.. ��cc,c� ��civ tkv,� j C}S 1`�1 5`,-.;•�1l"=, . 1. �^�(�'` :o u.rt.��..SS ��Sr'cy A�.�uv2 Sl� �ri (�' � S C�Ue� 1�...1.v N� L�-51� 1.�� +� 1�i L �(l� . SL.�.`Lt��xr�N 'ST+���� ��,a�' S�.i: �.�-�'S l�7t.5>'i Fr+•h _� c.�,( c\.A.�'�' �c� - ��-�c Z'l,-:L s �e ��:l�C • T {.�\�01� , \ l•.rte,i`S : i�Y"i.+� .�C�C\L `?c l..�t?�..�h.ti � C,�.,1;�(1 i�..i.�.... ��.\�-Z�LV r�•c��z. '��c b�.�y.,R.� �V,t, �C..{ \.��r. ��•b.oe�,,.k. u��c,c� �Y�..c\ S�-�. .r.n� ���.¢ c:��..�..� bw,��c 4�,,,,Pn.l.� `"1,•t (?A..Y.��e, � � . . � ' �Yes � No I ' ❑ CMF 0 Hom ❑ RoD ❑ Jw Q Cead j] !D ❑ Lsb [] A�a ❑ 7oam ❑ Ssx Q Apb ❑ pvhx ❑ D(C ❑ 9uig ❑ Theh � Prop 0 CAU ❑ F&F 0 Auto ❑ OAO ❑ CO 0 HumSon RUG-06-1997 12�07 6122926523 97i n z � J 1 � l_) Ne.: PM 621-B2R P.04 r��^��_. ,., x��s���'��'�"��" NARRA V =�r��` *;�",�='�+�'c�.;:�k �z. .��';9 ArrestNumber LeslNeme fus2 M�dd�e Adtlrees DOB � Age SeX Reoa council File # 9 /� Green Sheet # lv0 � L�J� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIfdNESOTA Presented Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee Bilco, Inc. d/bfa Billy's On Grand (License ID No. 18526), located at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of two thousand ($2,000.00) for violating license conditions contained in C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487, which requires ali employees to check for valid identification from persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages, prior to the sale being made. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tivity (30) days of the adopfion of this resolution by the Council and signatuie by the Mayor. This Resolution and the action taken by the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Saint Paul Police Report CN 97-124-101, the facts of which aze summarized in the August 21, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts of the sale were not contested by the licensee. �3 Requested by Department of: � /�,' ,,./ Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY= � � � i �n.�.-�_ �- Approved by May� Date I d I 21(S �— By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: - �/ l sy: Adopted by Council: Date �l7 ' i,3�° November 6, 1997 Dave Thune ST BE ON COt1NCIL AGEN[ November 12, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 60?45 � u �.,�,�,.� � �„� _ cors ❑ urc�Tran�av ❑ arvncuc _ ❑ wuur�stsmuc¢ao.� ❑ nux�.�aoniKCro ❑ wvatloM�sosru� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., dba Billy's On Grand, 857 Grand Avenue. (Uncontested) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION I.!NY AM1tOUNT OF TRANSACTION 10 SOURCE . RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1�85 �1116 PQ���IIII EV2f WOIkBd IIMIM d COIIf18C1 fiN �fll6 LfpHI�ITEI1l7 V6 NO Nas mis pewoMrtm a`er been a ci1Y �PbY� . YES NO Does fhis Pe«rm P� a sidll not �wrmal�YP�� M' aM cu�rerR citY emW%�ee7 YES NO IsthispersoMimaWpe[etivenda? . YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDIiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO AGiNITY NUMBER (owwM 9� -i,3 �o UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand Address: 857 Grand Avenue Council Hearing Date: November 12, 1997 Violation: Failure to follow license conditions, specifically the requirement to card persons seeking to purchase alcoholic beverages before the sale is made (C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487) Date of Violation: August 5, 1997 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $2000.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee's attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Letter of representation of licensee 4, Notice of Viotation 5. C.F.91-2320 and C.F.92-487 6. License information 7. License Restrictions 8. Police Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlc CiryAttorney � � ,/� 7 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Ma}ror CIvi1 Divisian 400 Ciry Ha71 IS West KeRogg Blvd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 612166-8710 Facabxile: 672 298-5679 August 28, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Brian D. Alton McClay, Alton, P.L.L.P. 951 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 RE: All licenses held by Bilco, Inc. d/b/a Billy's On Grand located at 857 Grand Avenue in St. Paul License ID No.: 18526 Our File Number: G97-0420 Dear Mr. Alton: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled £or 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawful sale of alcohol to underage persons and the failure to adhere to license conditions, specifically the failure to check the identification of persons before they are permitted to purchase alcohol, as requir.ed by the license conditions, have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$2,000.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��� ��� Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chris Trost, Executive Director, Summit FIill Assoc., 86A St. Claire Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 M�CLAY • ALTON PL.L.F A7TORNEYS ROBEfZi M. M�CLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' xAlso Licensed in �sconsin Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Keilogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55102 Re: Bilco, Inc., d!b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: �������� OCT 9 1997 �� � - `r � : r �Ft :f ="s3P��'-°-=" �7 -i3�� 951 GRAND AVENUE SAINT PAU� MN 55105 FAX 6 1 2/290.25 02 612290-0301 Billy's on Grand has chosen not to contest the factual statement contained in your letter dated August 21, 1997. We understand that the Office of License, inspections and Environmental Protection will be recommending that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by Bilco, Inc. For your information, enciosed is a copy of the Compliance Inspection report of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, Inc, dated December 2, 7 996 indicating that Biliy's passed the inspection. We understand a copy of this letter has been sent to LIEP. Billy's has not been informed that the warning procedure outlined in a memo dated f�ugust 25, 1995 from Robert Kessier and Lt. Gary Briggs has been modified. Billy's has not been informed about any complaints or allegations that they were selting liquos to minors. Bi!{y's has not received any warning letters. Bilty's on Grand does not wish to be selling to underage drinkers. They make every effort to train their staff oR proper procedures, Of course, the system is not infa(lible. Accordingly, we believe that the warning procedure should be followed. If you have complaints or allegations or warnings regarding Billy's in your file, we wouid appreciate any information you can provide to us regarding those matters. October 8, 1997 For purposes of the presumptive penalty which you and I have discussed pursuant to Section 409.26 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the seating capaciYy of Billy's �� -/37 Virginia D. Pa{mer, Esq. October 8, 1997 Page 2 patio is less than 100 seats. We believe that the appropriate penalty should be based upon that seating capacity. Please let us know the date of the appearance before the City Council. BDA/cjk Enclosure cc: Bill Wengler Very truly yours, �,- 1 �� % t.�� �, �"-���,� , /3 �� � i�11NNE:SO"1'A LI('I?NSf:U BGVERA(.1? ASSUCIA'I'1ON, INC. .lohn E BeiglmM E.�r�nHC n n'3f4ceSU^.M Su�n 1�'1 December 2, 1996 ° "6,'���;;o" � �z.m� f.�[ F1J �fK If:P� Bill Wengler Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Dear Bill: RE: COMPLfANCE INSPE�TION Pursuant to your participation in St. Paul's program to increase self enforcement and reduce violations, our office sent an underage inspector to your business for the purpose of buying an alcohol beverage without producing identification. We are pleased to inform you that identification was requested and a sale was not made. Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Check Reporter compieted by the inspector. A copy of this report has been sent to the city of St. Paul licensing division, and a copy will be maintained at our office. Congratulations to you and your employees. This is an annuai inspection, however, shouid you desire another inspection in the next tew months for your own purposes simply call our office and arrangements will be made. There would be a fee charge not to exceed $30. Our office will maintain surveillance visits in an effort to continue assisting you and your employees in your seif-regulatory methods. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me. Very t ly y� rs, j�7� John F. Berglund Executive Director JFB/mb Enclosure , �.i I�+�R�d�tJ PRES�DENT E%ECUT�VE VICE Pf1ESIDENT VICE PfiEEIDFNI ON CAI F VICF PRES�bENT OFF-SALE SECRETARY TqEASURER T��n n'q� DnnniS Zwillinp Oave Chase ne�,��: naro Jack Lanners HOwie Zimmer Kathy Huber h7c�nbc� n(lhc National Rectaur.�n� A�uriation an.l'Ih�• N:ni�.�c�l A«<u•iatiun of Rc�cr.�ec 2cuiilcrc � ' � � cj �7 _/� 7v COMPLIANCE CHECK REPORTER , (PLEASE PRINn Inapector'; Name: Inspecto�'s Direct llCei188d [C ��� �� � ��� ��� � � "� � � Date Inapected: � ' - Tlme Inspected: ' , . � " 1 PRODUCT ATTEMPTED TO PtlRCHASE: � A (�� / �l / "t( 'I /t 1'� � �T (NSPECTOR'S LOCATIQN RURING ATTEMPT• '-Ji I� 1� " INSPECTOR ALONE (YM) (F NO, NA1�1E ANO AGE OF PERSON ACCOMPANYtNG THEM : WA$ INSPECYOR ASKED FQR ID? (Y/N) IF YE$, Pleasi► des any dlalogue that occurred; Including whether a sale was made: "-�ih 0 111�YD/'� .�,^:/ YYII! 7_ l� -`i s'1 PI /y: t�d,5 �; 7 NAME OR DESCRIPTION OF SERVER: AIA&,RU$INESS DURING INSPECTION: (Check One) � ... _ J ,i , �� : f ` _ Busy _ Moderately Busy , �low s IF A SALE, MONEY INSP�CTOR SPENT ON PRODUCT: � COAAMENTS: � -.0 � _. r OFFlCE USE ONLY: Licenses: Date letter Is mailed to Licensee with results: _ PASS or FAtL . if a fail, does Licensee request a follow-up vJsft: MSCLAY • ALTON P.L.LP. ATfORNEYS ROBERi M. NLGLAY BRIAN D. ALTON' 'Also Licensed in �sconsin August 28, 1997 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney CITY OF ST. PAUL 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paui, MN 55702 Re: Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's on Grand Patio Service License No. 18526 Dear Ms. Palmer: 9� -i.��� 451 GRAPlD AVENUE SAIM PfUJI� MN 55105 FAX 612290-Z502 612/290-0301 Our office represents the above-referenced licensee. We are in �eceipt of your letter constituting a Notice of Violation dated August 21, 1997. In your correspondence, you request that you be informed no fater than September 2, 1997 as to how the licensee wishes to proceed. Thank you for consenting to an extension ot time to respond. We will be in contact with you soon. Ve ruly yours, Brian D. Alton BDA/cjk cc: Bill Wengler N �'g��� : - � LY S�� ��� �'��� �� , �� �Ye� u������ � �-� OFFIC�F THE CITY ATTORNEY , Peg Bi�,[' ` y Anorney . - 9� -/,3�r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmmt, Mayos Civi1 Division 400 City HaA IS Wur KeIIogg Blvd Saint Pau� M'mnesom 55102 . Telepho�: 671166-8710 Facsimi/e; 67129&5679 August 21, 1997 NOTIC$ OF VIOLATION Bill Wengler, President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 RE: All Licenses held by Bilco, Inc., d/b/a Billy's On Grand License #: 18526 Dear Mr. Wengler: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the patio service license held by you at the above- named premises. This recommendation is based on the following information: On August 5, 1997, two females under the age of tweaty-oae went to Billy's on Graad at approximately 2:U0 p.m. aad ordered aad were served Miller Lite beer. The waitress who served them stated that she was busy aad did aot check their ID's. It is a ecaditioa of your licease that all employees be required to card every person under the age of 35 before they are permi.tted to purchase alcohol. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effecC so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate action to take against your license. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that y9u are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place of the hearing, the name of the , - -� - � 9� -�s�� administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Please note that this is being treated as a violation of the conditions of your license, rather than the actual violation of the sale of alcohol to an underage person. You should also be receiving a warning letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection informing you that a subsequent sale of alcohol to an underage person will result in adverse action for the violation. Please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 1997 how you wish to proceed. If you have questions about-these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � ��/ ��� ��-�. Virgini Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY :`�a 9 7 — i� � � ss. ARFIDAVIT OR SERVIC$ BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 25, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Bill Wengler President Billy's on Grand 857 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55105 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Mi nneGC�ta _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of August, 1997. � �/� � �. 1 /�iJCL..r/ � Notary Public • RITA M. BOSS!� RO 2 � �.... NOTAflYPUBLIC s R.SMSEY COUNTY � � My Comrti. Expires Jan. 31. 2000 :: t � ORIG_WAt Czeen Sheet � RESOLUTION INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Ey � l. The licensee shall prepaze a new set of policies within 60 days from the dau of this Resolut�on, and submit such policies to this Council for rcview and approval after having submitted them to the i3anse Division for its review and commentc'IT�is requirement is a co:�didon of the two days's st8y of Suspemion. Refersed J.��..�. 97 /�37d �'� �� � � :�; :.� _ _., Couneil File • - .'Z�.ZC� � � , . Co�ittea: Data RFSOLVED, that the Into�dcating L�quor On Sale, Sunday On Sale Iiquor. Entertainmen!, Restaurant and Catering lianses hdd by Bilco Inc, dba Billy's on Grand for the premises at 857 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul aze henby suspended for a period of seven conseeutive day(s), provided that tavo of the days of suspeuion are stayed for a period of umil Ju1y 17, 1993 (which is a period of 30 months from the first violation oe Jam�ary i�, 1991), with the five days actual suspension to take plaa on the umnd Sunday following publiqtion of this resolution. The condidom of the stay for the two days are as follows: • Z. '!be lieenue shaIi adopt a policy of uniform carding, which shall require aU empioyees to eard every person seeking to purchase an alcoholic beverage at the lianud establishment beforc the saTe is mada By ageemem of the licemee, this condiUOn ;s �t onty a condition of the stay of two days' suspe�ion, but is also irrcorporated into the on-sale imm�icating liquor lioeraes hetd by the above lianue as a condition of the eontimiation M such lianses. Failurc to abide by this condidon shall conttimu independem groundt for tafdng adverse action against snch liattses. � ,,..-: .- � '':;; .,.;:, , � � //-/9�9/ ' _.. . _ �. :� L: A " ��O�tG�� ~-- --- i@IlRAE4 JQY 4'92 ;' -' This Resolution and tbe action taken above are baud_upon the facts cantained In f the attached polix report dated September iT,199L The facts as outlined in the poiice � report were not eontested by t6e liansee, as evidcnad by the attached letter signed by William T. Wengier, PresidenL Tl�e action taken is also baud on the facts, �� circumstanas and argumeau presented by aad on behalf of tbe lianue during the , public hearing. Tlvs action represeau a dowmward departure from the presumptive ; penalry in Section 40926 of the Saint Paul iegislative Coda T!u reaso� for such departure are that the lixnsee did in fad impieme� the proadura he outlined in his letter of Febmary il, 1991; that the establishment is large and has maay employKS, maidng it more diffiailt to convol all such empioyees; that it is a high wtume businas; and that the licxusee haz agseed to aoccpt a mndition upon his intoricating liquor lianscs that w71 require the carding of every person who seeks to purchau an alcoholic Ixverage in the establishment ; Requested b� Dapartsent ot: n�: Adopted by Cwneil: Dat� Adoption Gr,t�i�l�d�b� Cou Ey: / !! /L I Apptmn8 b� �iay � , /.-. � a � '. _�__r.�a.,. q� -Y3�� ��.._r.�...� -. n�: ' —_ , - . , . . . . _ �..::, : �E� 9 9 � Foz� Appreoed by Cit� Attoiner � . P'E r�urq a� _��� //�1 • �� � Ayproved Dy Mayor fot SuDaistion to �EC 2� Coimeil a �.,..� m.___ _ ..� �_,_�__P�.�_�. _.___ ; __.._ ._____ , ...�� .. : �:= • 1� ���� cmws�nrrr►ac nr�nmrz�ctxr�t �o�'�,'M �� w� L.a..r r..... xw-sui g������ ���a � Jy X tl DATE: November 19, 1991 T0: Dava Triune FROM: Phil Byrne� gE; Billys on Gmnd 1►ttached is the oriqinal ot the resolution on Billys on Grand. Please note that both of the conditions that tha Council impoaed ralata to tha two days' atay. but that tha second conctition on'unitorm cardinq alao becoa�ea a condition on tha licenae. The Licenas Divfsion should prini' a.nev license for Siilys which has this condiiion an at it elt on�r n e wal of the lieenser computer so that it viil repe -Z! you tsave arry questions, pleaae qivs me a'call. � cc: Hob Ifas�ler Licena� Inspector }Ioliy O'Rourks City Cltrk � _ _ _. � _._ . _ _ _._ _.. __..,.., ............,..�,.:�...�.,«.y,�.a�. w �': . _. _ ..:�"' ; .��:":ii . W� . _ , " . . � �,. �;�s 4 . � . e � � -a— .-- . . � DFI/Ul7NE�?O'FLKAt� A� NA,�AGF]��TSEltwlff J�ri�ICe�++t� c��—/3�0 �/�- / � u � ,� : y il QtY OF SAINT PAUL J�ra Sd1HDr;1Vi�er lXFMEAIJDIFJPFGl nn�s� ISW.1G+teII� Aca�� 70i l!d Sd�rlr(M� J.STPt Daormbez 12, 1991 l� Nllliaa ?. Wenaler, Pres�ent+�EO Eileo Inc., dba El11�•s,m Cza�d d57 Csand Avem�� Saint Paul, 2Sirmeiota ¢I05 RL: Suspsniion of aX li��nso h�ld br Eilee Iac. D�as tiz. Xangler: . ..., .a. • .a a A En�los�d ii a eopq nt th� Ciq Cout+eil Re=olutiot� t)ut msP�nds all of �o�a City o! SaintPanl Lieansa for swan (7) eosu�eoiiw day= �1tA Lvo e! t2�a. swsn dayastayed for apariod of 30 sonel+i. it+i� =�solutioa yas pused b� th� Cis� Coun�il in rezDal fors afs�z th� Publie Aaazis� that rai h�ld en Rove�z 19, 1991. Sh� rssolutioa is ser�duled co b� a6ept�d ir fina�Kitten fora en D�aes�= 19, 1991. TA�r� �� ���d for �on te b� p�s�ni and th� wst�z is uot sel»dul�d ai a publin ,- h�aFix�t. , 2t d» rasoln�on 3s �dopt�d as��sxp�ated en tM 19eh"o! D�eesMr ie viil '" b� puDliabed !p �� 1�f+1 Z�dfes au D�cesber 2!. 1991. �►+ a r�sult th� swp�rMion vil� b� effeetiw SiuiEq. 3a:+u�zT S. 1992 and r111 zun threuah ae�d Sncl� YMasda�. Janu+=7 9. 1992. tS2f �J1M SBA2 lOWI _ Et2A17SS�t KOt2 1= CSASLD ?0 48E TCEL2C OII �A110A1T 529. �SH. 7SN. �g. �pp n8 1f92. Fallnn to tospl7 oit2� tM Cit� C°�a+eil esA�s !i �tamds fos Sie�us� revoeation. �- M�u� l�e N lawr i! �eu luw a*zy Q��sitons i��ardinj t1�is fatt�l. Eineezely, / �W�M r'�E!�/ Robaz� K�i�l�s Lieand 6 Paiais lSan�ps ec: Phil D7rn�. Asiisunt Citr Attern�� Lt. 1Paner DiP�rna, 91c� Cesasidat l�e127 0•Reatk�, CitJ Cletk Chris 2rese, S�St-Rill Assxt�t�en Ja:at Odalin, Lieans� Offie� lSanat�r 1Cri� Vaa Hero, Lic�nsa Enfore�wsst Earb Aasr, Liiens� Ieu�peeter � � � � _._,,.,�°: 9�'���� ' � Mr. William Wengler Billy•s on Grand/Bilco inc. 857 Grand Avenue St. Yaul, !Qi 55105 (612) 292-9140 i November 5, 1991 � - .�..� �� � , 1 F � RECElVED Nov 3 s �ss� i:1�Y An�RN� � Mr. Philiip B. Syrne ; Assiatant City attorney t 647 C1ty HII11 Saint Paul, ?4t 55102 � RE: Liquor licenae held by Bilco Inc., dba Billy's On Grand i Dear tir. Hyrne: � Z am vritinq to intora you that Billy�s on Grand will not coatest that we aze at fauit !or servinq beer to tWO minora accoapnnied b�� the St.,Paul Police Department's vice squad on Septeaber 27. 1991. 1 underatand thet Citl ha� aPi�w►ity Yo speak on this iasue at an_npcos 4 Y siacsroly yours. � . . .. — ��� xillias T. Nenqlar, er Billy's on Crand ces Robert 1Cesslar, Licena� Diviaion City Council sembers _ . �� _;: :� ��.�3�D � � � ., .-e O+ V � � � J Z � i �• . � i _ • Y� � V : rf � � � A , � : ''e{ 6aci Y< E� 6 m �r = �m Ym � � . � : - .��; : ri : o ��. i '" ', • : ■ � S� : � �� +^ � 4 �N . O � f°' E� �` �� � t � "�,� ,� �8 �� �z'��''Ib � �" � 3 � i s ._ i �: .� �; : Y : i = {p ��o� � . 1! � g 4 C N "o � � �� ���� � �o �� � �'m�"'� M i . ��� �_ ��� � � o m ��- ��6�a �� � ��� .-� . � - � O QM ���V � �"`��� � �� ���=� a���� b � � �-��=`�� -� � . ��'�` �� �.::� �� ����y���� o ��� : ��� � �$ h w x � �� ���� a� � g a'� • ° a� �i � u � � r ,�Lj � �6 � ,� � "� � w �: .�i' �a � .-3 °' p � � � � � � ..`,' �` ,"j.. ` ,'� �>.>:' `• y,r � m y N a� . � . ��� � �� •:� "+ ' '°fi�'� + �h�ws 01 . 7 �•..'�. . _ .k�,. N O �O G� � ��'S � .:, _ � � `� �..' � �... ., � � � a a �� � g'�' � ��'�` � ''�P����~'�� � I M ��� �� � �� �� � L�. �� �� �� ° � C � y ; � �� y�aT� '�. ���� . 4.O�a� �S , '�����a�. M � 'F7.��..� o�� ° 1° � �'�- .�i � >. �.'�i ' ` • � -, aa � «, : � �,. �� p .•� �'' ' �� �� ���' � � {,� � �0 ��.�•� ���8� '. �N� : � ��� �.��� �=•.g - �,�ww �� �. 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K18526) a� 857 Grand Anernie : ;t 3 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Everq peraon attempting to purehase an aleoholic beverage under tha aga of 35 vill be checked for a valid ID. All walt staff ax�d nanagera vill ensure that ID's are Daing checked. At 6:00 Plt, extzc ataff <host or hostess) vill ba addad to ensur� ID's aza va21d, At 8:00 PlS, door�i«'�i rill be atampina the ha�a of tAoa� individuals that have pteaent valid ID. All employees vill be lII.BA eartified. i � � i i' i ; ". ' ? s ,t ::. � � .'Y� � � �- ��� lhqu�st�d bl D�parta�nt oi� � � ,���i� � �:. � �+. i Licanr� i P�rmi! M�i�ion � M1 � }: �� �/ � / �� [ /�j . ������/ / / // � ) / w ' � � , ..r.;4�;W �� �T� a���j�C�f���'i1� ;'n%.. � � � t � 11AOpt�d by Ceuneil� Dat� � ' '��;�� �- Tor� 71 by Citr Attorn�Y - �: '� 1�option Grti Coun 1 t � �/ // , � syi . h/4 �2 � � � u ey: l '.:r � Dr rd'_ 5 Z ; '- ..�x, �; xpprw�d xa r: • �PF�b bf MaTor !or avDwi��ion to ,;;�::,r� � j , i , 9 �:� ;: �� - i.,.,.�y �" i- • : ;�}� _ 'e°`� aP4I8'32 �. .s_x, ° i ,:,��, >5 : � � S� �a�/tC.ayC.. �. .. I 5�'i.".. �L . 2 ,. . + ^ � �'�� ,. , , ..,. _ �_ z, ,a �:;L;�3�`a'Yr� ?kim - . - wa�„a° .^4t.a ,��� �YSg t g -+�� ��` �t t�.��.w _t'7s`. 4w�.^v-4 , :�iax`?�,.e��N#KL�UOr.. z � ' S�. . . " ��vn� , , . . ' . '-' ���1�-,'S-�`,'w 3 . �'i ; µ..: � _ .�. . _ - � _.. .w._ a.M1,rpti��, I +b� 9� ��3�0 �� .,. � �,. u GREEN SHEET N°• 187�5� _ FSnanee Lieenae i�C PEn • ODEAlIT4EMfp�l[ OpT'GOVtiI. _�Rr3a Van Aorn 298-5056 ,� m ��� "Eb 4P�S'"14}�Y wre � ' S� f g "°"'°'° � ni°°eT °i"c"° g rn�. a rar auv�ecs w�. � Kue be to Ci Clezk �a �� � °1Yp " fO " + �� O.S�uncil - TOTAL ! OF 3NihATURE VAOES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIfiNATURE) '. Ci�ONREWE3tE6. Addition of Reatrietiona to an On Sale Liquor and Supporting Claaa III Licenses (I.D. /18526) ' 4E�OM�ENWTIOMS MR� IA1O WKf IRI reasoMU scmnc� courn�rn rusr �nswE� rnc souanra oucsrwMS: __'LArM�MO fAMmS40M _ CMl SFRVILC � 7. Ibs QW D��m rnr wareW t�Wt � CanR�Ct 10r Qib GpnMwiA _ _ pe COYMRE[ _ YES NO - 2 Nn InN o�'Mm wror Dwn � eMy �nqbyw7 — dT '� — YES NO _ oermcr oamr _ a. Do.. ews o��T o�+�*+ • skw noe �wm+b veor..e M+^I �^� af «�obrN* - 9JTORTBWMCNCOIRICILOLIE(.TMC9 1'E$ NC e� .a rn.�...� e�..w�.u.�.w.�s.�n r w..� anw � mm�rmo rnoe�cr. nwc. onrarru�m mro. wn.c wnon. w�.o. w�s�� In accozdance vith Ccuncil File /9I-2320 adopted by Council on 12/19/91. Che lieenaea n muat pzovid• Council vith a vritten policy to be revieved by Council and incorporated lnto tdez licenae as conditions of coatiauatioa of sueh lieenaes (See Attac�ed Resolution). ,„ .wwr�oear•rrrovca � . .. 9 �� - - .�_ � , �_ � : � aa.nnurt�oess.rvro�en � . .. - " - . . _ � _ ;{ -. .' _ : _ , . � ;i. . . .. . - . .- _ � � ,. ,,. _ . _., , � OOIIOWMflltiEt/MOfN�l10V[P. _ ., ' ' ., .. , . ' : 3:':�: e..:'4 q ' ._- � .r- i.�� 1 �'f � RECEIVED ' ` � cou��� �^��,�'+ C�ter ; � APR O 1 1992 � Mrfl27� ; `_ ; CITY CLERK � b . � lOTlK AMOIIRf OR TIU/M�CTq11 • GOfi/ll[11lIIIR /110f�lTlO (d11Gtt ON!) R� • NO .• � a � 3 HIIIOIIIO�OV�Ct KtTNT�IItlA[11 i .,�..�.,�.�..^ dw ; � � � "�. i ; ; \< , �>r: ,::x � BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVEKUE ST. PAIIL MN. 55105 FEBRIIARY 19, 1992 ROBERT RE33LER LICENSE AND PERHIT MANAGER RH. 203 CITY BALL ST. PAIIL HN. 55202 RE: BILLY'S ON GRAND NEW I.D. CHECKINl3 POLICIES DEAR MR. RESSLER: q�-���a G N -,� p .o � w t1f m =3 _, "; _= '_T � �s � EPCLOSED I3 A SET Oa POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHICH BILLY'S ON CRaND HJ�3 ADOPTED AND IMPLEMENTED. EVERY PaTROH WHO ]►TTEMPTS TO FURCHASE AN ACHOLIC SEVERAGE l.ND 2S IINDER 35 YEaR3 OP AGE, WILL BE CFiECRED FOR PROPER I.D. DIIRIPC3 THE Dl1Y 11ND E11RLY EVENINCi, OUR W71IT ST?�F!' ]1ND B1IRTENDER3 PLIIS A MlINACER WILL 2YSIIRE THl1T Pl�TRON3 ARE BEINf3 CHEClCED FOR I.D. 111' 6:00 P.M. FYERy DllY NE WILL El1PL07 ]1 HOST OR HOSTESS TO INSURE TH71T OOR STaFF IS FOLLOSiINC3 OIIR NEW POLIC2E5. !IT 8:00 P.M. WE EMPL07 ]1 DOORlS7�N TO STAMP THE HAADS OF ALL PliTRONS UNDER TAE l,fiE OF 35. iiE CONTINQE TO REQUIRE THAT ALL ElfPLOYEES BE M.L.B.l1. CERTIF2ED I1ND F1E COdTIIPUE.TO CONDUCT M.L.S.11. SII!INARS THROIICHOUT TIiS YEAR, SECIIUSE O! OVR LOC7ITION I!f !! lS71LL, HE HlIVB NUMEROVS ENTRANCEg iiHjCl� PRBVEIfTB IIS lROM pglRp 1► 32PfiLL EHTRY POINT FRO!! iiH2CI! WE CO(TLD EETTLR OSSERVt aLL Pl1TRONS EtPTERIlIti BILL!'S ON GRI�IfD. NE ARS INVESTIfi1►T2NC THE p08SIBiLITY 0! U32Nf3 A SITiOLB ENTR7 POIflT aFTER Tlit OTHER MaLL TEltANTg CL03R. sircaxar.:, ��� ETLL RBRCLER � � i i i t' I ; . _'�" ,. � : =:; � �?F iT :::_ `.�Fu . . . _ _.�;� �� r,_:; :` „��=' .f J : .4r �..��� / 0 . ; � i � . . ,. .. x._...+.:�a 9�-i�?d Lic ID ................... STAT ................••••• Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ 18526 RS BILCO INC BILLY'S ON GRAND 857 GRAND AVE 55105 06/13/98 PATIO SERVICE CIGARETTE CATERING (C)-ADD ON ENTERTAINMENT-CLASS B RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SALE-OVER 200 SEATS-A GAMBLING LOCATION (CLASS A) INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 12296 061990 PA ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQUOR A, SUNDAY , ENTERTAINMENT III & RESTAURANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-1032 (FORMERLY LICENSED BY R.B.S., INC. DBA BIL LY'S ON GRAND ID16186) 030591 PH ON SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR 3 CONSECU TIVE DAYS (ONE DAY SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS - TWO DAYS SUSPENSION TO TAKE PLACE 3/24/91 AND 3/ 25/91) 031491 C.F. 91-378 WAS ADOPTED BX COUNCIL FOR THE ABOVE SUSPENSION. 053091 REQUEST FOR ONE DAY EXTENSION OF SERVICE AR EA FOR 6/2/91 FROM 12:00 NOON TO 5:00 P.M. TO THE PARKING LOT ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING APPROVED WITH RESTRICTIONS AS FOLLOWS: C.F. 91-1005 1. SECURITY MUST BE AT DOORS TO ENSURE THAT NO ALC OHOLIC BEVERAGES LEAVE THE PREMISES AND AT THE OUT SIDE AREA EXITS OR GATES. 2. OUTDOOR SERVICE IS LIMITED TO ON SALE MALT BEV ERAGES ONLY WHICH SHALL BE CONSUMED ON THE PREMISE S. 111991 C.F. 91-2108 APP'D VERBALLY FOR 7 DAY SUSP W/2 DAY STAYED & MANDITORY CARDING (RESOL. NEEDS T O BE RE-WRITTEN & APP'D BY COUNCIL) 121991 C.F. 91-2320 ADOPTED BY COUNCIL SUSPENDED A LL LICENSES FOR 7 CONSECUTIVE DAYS WITH 2 DAYS STA YED TIL 7/17/93. 5 DAY SUSPENSION EFFECTIVE 1/5/9 2 THRU 1/9/92 (CONDITIONS OF THE TWO DAY STAY.,ARE) 1. TF3E LICENSEE SHALL PREPARE A NEW SET OF POLICI ES WITF�IN 60 DAYS FROM TAE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION , AND SUBMIT SUCH POI,ICIES TO THIS COIINCIL FOR REV ZEW AND APPROVAL AFTER HAVING SUBMITTED THEM TO TH E LICENSE DIVISION FOR ITS REVIEW AND COMMENTS. T HIS REQUIREMENT IS A CONDITION OF THE TWO DAYS'S S TAY OF SUSPENSION. , 2. TIiE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CP.RD EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE RAGE AT THE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 9�-/�7D ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D AYS' SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES HELD BY THE ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION q�-i3�Q Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS CONDIT ION SHALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN G ADVERSE ACTION AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 040992 PH ADDING RESTRICTIONS TO AN ON SALE LIQUOR AND SUPPORTING III LICENSES APP'D C.F. 92-487 (LETTER ADVISING LICENSEE OF COUNCIL'S ACTION NOT SENT PER BOB BECAUSE "THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS SI NCE BILCO DID NOT AGREE TO THESE STIPULATIONS BUT THE COUNCIL APPROVED THEM P.NYWAY". 052892 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SERVICE AREA FOR 6 /7/92 FROM NOON TO 5:00 PM TO TAE PARKING LOT ADJA CENT TO THE OUTDOOR PATIO WITH CONDITION THAT BILL Y'S ON GRAND SHALL PROVIDE AT LEAST FOUR (4) OUTSI DE RESTROOM FACILITIES ON SITE APP'D UNDER SUSPENS ION OF RULES C.F. 92-729 ALL CONDITIONS BEING MET 8-10-94 RJ MET WITH WENGLER 4/24/95 HE STATED THAT ALL CONDIT IONS ALL BEING FOLLOWED. R JENTS 6/22/95 - WARNING NOTICE SENT FOR SERVING ALCOHOL TO MINORS AT GRAND OLD DAYS 6/4/95 UNDER EXTENSTON OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPN #36711 - T,AR 1995-7o DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 3/12/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 52744--LAP-LIC 1996-7% DISC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 7/18/96 PATIO SERVICE CODE ADDED W/NO FEE PAID. PER C.ROZEK--LAP-LIC 12/26/96 C.F. #96-1604 APP'D IMPOSING $200 FINE FOR THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR 3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) TFiE EXTENSION OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE P ATIO AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF TFiREE (3) OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FROM THE VC P ARKING MANAGMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. 1/15/97 - SENT FINE LETTER (DUE 1/27/97) - T,AR 1/17/97 - PAID $200.00 CIGARETTE FINE - LAB 6/22/95 LIQUOR SALE TO MINOR: WARNING 4/29/97 GAMB LOC-A CODE ADDED FR/ID #34166 - CURRENTLY HAS SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER AT THIS LOCATION--LAP-LIC 1997 - 7% DISC REQUIREMENTS MET--LAP-LIC MOUNT VERNON FIRE INS CO CL2087273 08/15/97 06/13/98 WILLIAM T WENGLER KEVIN Fi EDHOLM Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... 3907311 Worker Comp Exp Date..... 04/01/94 Telephone ................ 292-9140 ��,���o Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE: 1:IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONLITZON NUMBER 2 ON C.F. 91-2 2:320 ADOPTED BY CITY COL'�TCIL ON 121991 AS FOLLOWS: 3:2. THE LICENSEE SHALL ADOPT A POLICY OF UNIFORM C 4:ARDING, WHICH SHALL REQUIRE ALL EMPLOYEES TO CARD S:EVERY PERSON SEEKING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOLIC BEVE 6:RAGE AT TFiE LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT BEFORE THE SALE 7: IS MADE. BY AGREEMENT OF THE LICENSEE, THIS COND 8:ITION IS NOT ONLY A CONDITION OF THE STAY OF TWO D 9:AYS� SUSPENSION, BUT IS ALSO INCORPORATED INTO THE 10: ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES AELD BY THE 11:ABOVE LICENSEE AS A CONDITION OF THE CONTINUATION 12:OF SUCH LICENSES. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY TfIIS CONDIT 13:ION SIiALL CONSTITUTE INDEPENDENT GROUNDS FOR TAKIN 14:G ADVERSE ACTZON AGAINST SUCH LICENSES. 15:IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.F. 92-487 TAE FOLLOWING CONDI q � ,�370 RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:I6:TIONS WERE AbDED ON 040992. 17:1. EVERY PERSON ATTII+fPTING TO PURCHASE AN ALCOHOL 18:IC BEVERAGE UNDER THE AGE OF 35 WILL BE CHECKED FO 19:R A VALID ID. 20:2. ALL WAIT STAFF AND MANAGERS WILL ENSURE THAT 21:ID'S ARE BEING CHECKED. 22:3. AT 6:00 PM, EXTRA STAFF (HOST OR HOSTESS) 23:WILL BE ADDED TO ESURE ID�S ARE VALID. 24:4. AT 8:00 P.M., DOORPEOPLE WILL BE STAMPZNG THE 25:HANDS OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE PRESENT VALID 26:ID. 27:5. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL BE MLBA CERTIFIED. 28:3/28/96 SIGNED AFFIDAVIT STATING 1) THE EXTENSION 29:OF SERVICE AS A RESULT OF THE RENOVATION OF THE PA 30:TI0 AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF Date: Aug 17 RESTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 18526 DBA:BILLY'S ON GRAND NOTE:3I:THREE 32:RKING 33: 34• 35• 36: 37• 38- 39- 40• 41• 42• 43• 44• 45: (3) OFF STREET PARKING SPACES FROM TIiE VC PA MANAGEMENT CO AT THE VIC II PARKING LOT. ��-i31� Date.: Oct 20 • 09/06/1997 11:46 i -. • � i Pnm � nl �_ 61229Z6523 `�S�Z 15TPAULVICEUNIT _., ST. PAUL POIICE DEPARTMENT GENERA! REPOR7 PAGE 04 97.�3� � `.>e�'�} 1 (S�6t�Z.Y-..t.k- `� ,kn.�J � �7cl.t,,•ei�.. wc t�k�..�,� A \c.i.�:'� ���;.,s�, �i �� � C�t�r�o �c' �;11k`s �n, (r�rw�a �,�•? �1 `_,t '��:�• \e �.t,-tS TL• `j�\`���y iu n-rTr.�_Cc c �= Q..�,� t��-.�x�C �•-t c. L�� , e�.. t�� �.0 �Lr S S3) f�v y!� ��-.:� u S ir�= t � E�:e: r�'i -t•�\ ,�:. k�... �'� �. �. S i��J re. = E ���=a-�:• ��-.,,_ C..e�e. e. �: i_ { ti� , �j..kL 4�tt.c"t�. �v�rt. �,�����. (x "��.�`�.- �.�4�oec?lL T��xS �cti0� i...y�jC�F \,UCn.� �:� Y).`\k�4 h��..l �')C�t� � �t�1"�S i l L.. •�� G� bC¢C� �L�..��ei� �sCC� . ��.¢ ��.i�:lc� �cs��t µ�� �c�� a��l ��EV� �•=E.�� `ai�v�\ �7 G. �,�'� we�t,P-ta� C.. ��cc,c� ��civ tkv,� j C}S 1`�1 5`,-.;•�1l"=, . 1. �^�(�'` :o u.rt.��..SS ��Sr'cy A�.�uv2 Sl� �ri (�' � S C�Ue� 1�...1.v N� L�-51� 1.�� +� 1�i L �(l� . SL.�.`Lt��xr�N 'ST+���� ��,a�' S�.i: �.�-�'S l�7t.5>'i Fr+•h _� c.�,( c\.A.�'�' �c� - ��-�c Z'l,-:L s �e ��:l�C • T {.�\�01� , \ l•.rte,i`S : i�Y"i.+� .�C�C\L `?c l..�t?�..�h.ti � C,�.,1;�(1 i�..i.�.... ��.\�-Z�LV r�•c��z. '��c b�.�y.,R.� �V,t, �C..{ \.��r. ��•b.oe�,,.k. u��c,c� �Y�..c\ S�-�. .r.n� ���.¢ c:��..�..� bw,��c 4�,,,,Pn.l.� `"1,•t (?A..Y.��e, � � . . � ' �Yes � No I ' ❑ CMF 0 Hom ❑ RoD ❑ Jw Q Cead j] !D ❑ Lsb [] A�a ❑ 7oam ❑ Ssx Q Apb ❑ pvhx ❑ D(C ❑ 9uig ❑ Theh � Prop 0 CAU ❑ F&F 0 Auto ❑ OAO ❑ CO 0 HumSon RUG-06-1997 12�07 6122926523 97i n z � J 1 � l_) Ne.: PM 621-B2R P.04 r��^��_. ,., x��s���'��'�"��" NARRA V =�r��` *;�",�='�+�'c�.;:�k �z. .��';9 ArrestNumber LeslNeme fus2 M�dd�e Adtlrees DOB � Age SeX Reoa