97-137Retur:i copy to: (bn) � ReaI Estate Division 1�0 rtG� y�all Presented By Referred To Councii F'ile # q� —13''( Green Sheet # ����' RESC?LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date Wf�REAS, the City of Sai�n Paul, acting through its Valuarion Engineer, has secured an agreement for rhe purcl�ase of an Easemem over real property, described as follows: Puce17. Easement for Biuff Preservadon over Lots 45, 46 & 47, Block 9, Burlington Hei�ts Division Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesora 9 WHEREAS, said groperiy described is necessary for Biuff Preservation in the Highwood Biuff Acquisition io Project, said property was Finai Qrdered for acquisition an May 1, 1996 with ConncH File #46-435. The vaine of u the property for Parcel7 Fow Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500), this being a fair and reasonable value as �a determined by an independent appraiser; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the gurchase of said propeny at the recommended value; is ie NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City off'iciais are hereby authorized and directed to pay �� James A. Zweber and Kenneth M. Biake the sum of $4,500 for the purchase of said property. Said sum to be is charged to Activity Code: CPL-C96-2A020-0786-QC1000. 19 rp Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana�ement Services 1= ,,► ✓ Mayor for Submission to Council 'hune I��] Form Approv by Ciry Attorney —_10�� ����rd--- �dopted by Council: Date ��.�� By: F.M.S.rREAL ESTATE DIVISION � ��� Person and P6one Nwn6er. White � .�. ..�a. � 1121l97 Green Sheet Number. EPAR7MENCDIBEC70R A CSTYCOifi 1 ATTORNEY � J Q.IIi F.����YC�� ne � c��a r.�� ny: 2/5/97 3 pHAYOH (OR s1SS75fAN1) AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNAT(JRE) ION REQUESTED: Sign Council Resolution authorizing the purchase of 1 parcel of vacant land for the Highwaod Bluff Acquisition Project. Council F51e #96-435 (attached) RSONAL SERV(CE CpNTRACTS M[1Sf ANSWF.R THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/ffim ever worked imder a contrac! for khis department? YES NO PLANN4YG CORNII56WN 6fADF Hes this persontfirm ever been a ll:ity wnployee? cm co��n�ae WI�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? covrrcu, waxnts� YES NO Dces this perswJfirm possess a sla`71 not normally pmsessed by any YES NO current GSty emptoyee? �:�, Explein ell YFS answers on a separate sheet end attach. >en Space and Bluff Preservation 7 DISfWCT PLANMNG COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, 7SS(lE, OPP'ORTUNA'fY {Wpo, What, When, Whem, Why?): The properties are to steep to build on per City building codes. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The city will have acquired the properties that are to sfeep to build on and will not have to turn down future building permits. iADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. �,�_.;.�.� -� � _ . �_�s, ._ . __ _., _ . _ _. Jr,�� 2 � i��7 IDVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� The Citp could be required by the courts to purchase the progertp for not grantiiig a�uilding �. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: ��r�� vc sovxcs: CIB and Federal Funds 'IAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAI� COSf1RfiVIiNUE BLJDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTM�r x�mtBER: CPL-C96-2AO2O-0786-OOOOO � xr: . zr'... .�.; y: ;:v : _ �:m. >:,'; ;. ;:��`:� $. tf'. y` . 'i . 0 � co I rn N CO Q I W }— � � LC� � � O � O � V � � v> } � U W 7 Q � � Z � ' i � } � �.�..� � w � a. � Z 0 H {'� H � H � d U Q I.L ti � m � L1.� - ' 0 �� : ' • , � e � N �� .1'tY1 I � F '� ' � � � � � ('jp , •e :._.y�_ a='"` i/ ` �--------.._ �. � . ..._--• i° _ �'� , • ti �k •u i '�• i ` , y t.� 1 .0 P `e ��• _,(_ `i; _; � �_ .�� � �:�^^ i v M ; �i. � ` •csi � � H � � 1 � � C � x � � Q � h 0 Q ) ..,� ce � 1JIYSZIC - o � - :o p �i� gk �e• - ' *wVw `"' �3 ' c�� '� e {�i ��� � . �' _ � �3nY d `?CR '... � W Q Q O y m a^ Ni 2 m g Q X ��,. � t3 N YJ � � P U'� E�§'� N t ' c.- �s€�s s w W 6 D I o y.'I �� � � , o � ~ m 6 w �s �� M... „� �o �a N R � t1 LL ' W � 6 � � a S " ^ � � N Q � M W Y �V Y `"w N N � ¢ � ?� 3 W m W 2 4 W Y N N � W ~ 4 i N-0. ' r> Y � O i � 0 � 0 i 4 (.O d. N � J _ Q 2 r z Q Ln ti O � h— H U r O � W Q a l(7 � I -r.,T - .sr�.c ; r '.-' -. �' ..$.:'��'�.�, ';. = r, : ;i CITY 0� SAIN2 PAifE� k � - j . FINAL ORDEB ?IH" . p_ CONDEMNATIOR PgaCEEDI�tGS �r .- �MEt�1DE'�_ s( � 1 ����_�3`1 s t • , � � r ► l_ ` , : _ BY FILH N0. 18817 DOTING AABD 7 � In the Matter cf Acquiring of property for bZu£f preservation and open space the following describ'ed praperty: Lot 12, Block I; Lots 24 thru 26, Slock 6; _ Lot 31, 82ock 6, ` , Except the South bl/104 feet of Lot 40, Block fi; Except South 30 feet of Lazs 1 thru 3, Block 6; Beg3nning on the A'orthwest cornez of Lot 54 thence to a point on the Southerly line of and 60 feet from the t�*est line of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 5I thence to Seginning and all of Lot 55, Block 10; - Lot So and 57, Slock 10; Vacated alley East of and adjacent to and the East 35 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lots 58 and 59, Block ld; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 10; Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being 50 feet on the North line and 38 feet on the tdest line and aI1 of Let 8, Block 10; Subject to road, The following; Beginning on the Northwesterly line of Lot il at a point SO feet Northerly oF the Southwesterly line, thence Southeasterly parallel witk and 50 feet Northerl of the Soathwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasterly line of Lot 12, thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly Iines of Lot 12 an 49 to the Northeasterly line of Lot 49,thence ivorthWesterly and k�esterly alon the Northerly lines of Lot 49 and 50 to the Northwesterly line oF Lot 50,'t ence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line' of Lot 50 and its Southw�,�terly extension to the intersectian of� the Northwesterly line of Lot I1, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterlp line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning; being part of Lots 11, 12, 44 and Let 50, Block 30;' Lots 2 and 3, Block 11; _ Lats 14 and li, Block 11; Lot 42, Block 12; Burl3ngLOn Heights, Division Aumber 1, Ramseq Countq, Mfnnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and subject to road easeaents; beginning at the�corner of Garden Avenue and Weymouth Sireat thence Northwesterly on.said >treet 150 feet thence Northeasterlq parallel with said avenue 5� and 4/10 feet, , :hence Southeasterly 150 feet to paint on said Avenue 50 feet ATartheasterly from aid street thence Southwesterly 50 feet to the beginning in Northwest 1J4 of he Northeast 1/4 of Section I4 Township 28 Range 22; ` _.\, � - i�� . - ` . y _ . � � � � 0 - - ..l ���e�voEti - s�tla� : �";:� - �. ��._;. �I�t -13� ���� ti Lot 17, Block 1; � � Except widened Afton Road, Lot 13 thru 16, Block 1; Lot 37 and 38 and the ad3acent 1/2 of vaeated Edgewood Ylace, Block 6; ' Lots 26 and 27, 31ock 7; Lat 33, Block 7; Lot 35, Slock 7; Lat 17, Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47, Block 9; Lot 69, Block 9; Lot 66 aad 68, Block 9; - ` ' _ . . . a . t a�a ��rc t3�s ��-� �-r� e -e�f-e�e-�• 'r;�e . r-. ., > >c F _ . C�"eFT': – �rr'cr'rci—= v'�'rtT`P �a�'=�:��� '` �,�a-=;==�z1�•-- , Bnrlington Heights, Divisicn Nvmber 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. under Preliminary Order ��— p�Q� approved "�..�. ag . �qq� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, 3nd the Council having heard a11 persons, ob�ections and tecoccmettdations relative thareto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESQLGED, That the Council of the City of Saint Psul hezeby orders said inprovement to be nade � � RES6LYEI} FUATHSR, That the Council hereby determines the estate required ' for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described ,_J' above; and the City off3cers and City Attorney are hereby authorized aad directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real eetate by purchase or eminent domain. -�nrti�er-Haao��ed;-��at-rkr Eounc'r}-herrbp-�ctermfaes-tkat-the-estate-- xtqefrrd offfcers Sa aaseaameats;-f4-aay;-agaf�at-tfie-�eat£4tted-property: COUHCILPEBSOAS Yeas Nays . ' a �a • �i:i � °� - t: , B akey ✓ �o trom vG erin ✓karris �+t�egard ✓�ttman �TFiune Adopted bp Council: Date(�.�„�. ��Q�L, ti Certified Passed bq Council Secretary �_In Favor By�=��_ �}, . �,,;_,�.,,� Q AgainsC l��t.. � �] s� Mayor Retur:i copy to: (bn) � ReaI Estate Division 1�0 rtG� y�all Presented By Referred To Councii F'ile # q� —13''( Green Sheet # ����' RESC?LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date Wf�REAS, the City of Sai�n Paul, acting through its Valuarion Engineer, has secured an agreement for rhe purcl�ase of an Easemem over real property, described as follows: Puce17. Easement for Biuff Preservadon over Lots 45, 46 & 47, Block 9, Burlington Hei�ts Division Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesora 9 WHEREAS, said groperiy described is necessary for Biuff Preservation in the Highwood Biuff Acquisition io Project, said property was Finai Qrdered for acquisition an May 1, 1996 with ConncH File #46-435. The vaine of u the property for Parcel7 Fow Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500), this being a fair and reasonable value as �a determined by an independent appraiser; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the gurchase of said propeny at the recommended value; is ie NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City off'iciais are hereby authorized and directed to pay �� James A. Zweber and Kenneth M. Biake the sum of $4,500 for the purchase of said property. Said sum to be is charged to Activity Code: CPL-C96-2A020-0786-QC1000. 19 rp Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana�ement Services 1= ,,► ✓ Mayor for Submission to Council 'hune I��] Form Approv by Ciry Attorney —_10�� ����rd--- �dopted by Council: Date ��.�� By: F.M.S.rREAL ESTATE DIVISION � ��� Person and P6one Nwn6er. White � .�. ..�a. � 1121l97 Green Sheet Number. EPAR7MENCDIBEC70R A CSTYCOifi 1 ATTORNEY � J Q.IIi F.����YC�� ne � c��a r.�� ny: 2/5/97 3 pHAYOH (OR s1SS75fAN1) AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNAT(JRE) ION REQUESTED: Sign Council Resolution authorizing the purchase of 1 parcel of vacant land for the Highwaod Bluff Acquisition Project. Council F51e #96-435 (attached) RSONAL SERV(CE CpNTRACTS M[1Sf ANSWF.R THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/ffim ever worked imder a contrac! for khis department? YES NO PLANN4YG CORNII56WN 6fADF Hes this persontfirm ever been a ll:ity wnployee? cm co��n�ae WI�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? covrrcu, waxnts� YES NO Dces this perswJfirm possess a sla`71 not normally pmsessed by any YES NO current GSty emptoyee? �:�, Explein ell YFS answers on a separate sheet end attach. >en Space and Bluff Preservation 7 DISfWCT PLANMNG COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, 7SS(lE, OPP'ORTUNA'fY {Wpo, What, When, Whem, Why?): The properties are to steep to build on per City building codes. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The city will have acquired the properties that are to sfeep to build on and will not have to turn down future building permits. iADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. �,�_.;.�.� -� � _ . �_�s, ._ . __ _., _ . _ _. Jr,�� 2 � i��7 IDVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� The Citp could be required by the courts to purchase the progertp for not grantiiig a�uilding �. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: ��r�� vc sovxcs: CIB and Federal Funds 'IAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAI� COSf1RfiVIiNUE BLJDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTM�r x�mtBER: CPL-C96-2AO2O-0786-OOOOO � xr: . zr'... .�.; y: ;:v : _ �:m. >:,'; ;. ;:��`:� $. tf'. y` . 'i . 0 � co I rn N CO Q I W }— � � LC� � � O � O � V � � v> } � U W 7 Q � � Z � ' i � } � �.�..� � w � a. � Z 0 H {'� H � H � d U Q I.L ti � m � L1.� - ' 0 �� : ' • , � e � N �� .1'tY1 I � F '� ' � � � � � ('jp , •e :._.y�_ a='"` i/ ` �--------.._ �. � . ..._--• i° _ �'� , • ti �k •u i '�• i ` , y t.� 1 .0 P `e ��• _,(_ `i; _; � �_ .�� � �:�^^ i v M ; �i. � ` •csi � � H � � 1 � � C � x � � Q � h 0 Q ) ..,� ce � 1JIYSZIC - o � - :o p �i� gk �e• - ' *wVw `"' �3 ' c�� '� e {�i ��� � . �' _ � �3nY d `?CR '... � W Q Q O y m a^ Ni 2 m g Q X ��,. � t3 N YJ � � P U'� E�§'� N t ' c.- �s€�s s w W 6 D I o y.'I �� � � , o � ~ m 6 w �s �� M... „� �o �a N R � t1 LL ' W � 6 � � a S " ^ � � N Q � M W Y �V Y `"w N N � ¢ � ?� 3 W m W 2 4 W Y N N � W ~ 4 i N-0. ' r> Y � O i � 0 � 0 i 4 (.O d. N � J _ Q 2 r z Q Ln ti O � h— H U r O � W Q a l(7 � I -r.,T - .sr�.c ; r '.-' -. �' ..$.:'��'�.�, ';. = r, : ;i CITY 0� SAIN2 PAifE� k � - j . FINAL ORDEB ?IH" . p_ CONDEMNATIOR PgaCEEDI�tGS �r .- �MEt�1DE'�_ s( � 1 ����_�3`1 s t • , � � r ► l_ ` , : _ BY FILH N0. 18817 DOTING AABD 7 � In the Matter cf Acquiring of property for bZu£f preservation and open space the following describ'ed praperty: Lot 12, Block I; Lots 24 thru 26, Slock 6; _ Lot 31, 82ock 6, ` , Except the South bl/104 feet of Lot 40, Block fi; Except South 30 feet of Lazs 1 thru 3, Block 6; Beg3nning on the A'orthwest cornez of Lot 54 thence to a point on the Southerly line of and 60 feet from the t�*est line of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 5I thence to Seginning and all of Lot 55, Block 10; - Lot So and 57, Slock 10; Vacated alley East of and adjacent to and the East 35 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lots 58 and 59, Block ld; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 10; Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being 50 feet on the North line and 38 feet on the tdest line and aI1 of Let 8, Block 10; Subject to road, The following; Beginning on the Northwesterly line of Lot il at a point SO feet Northerly oF the Southwesterly line, thence Southeasterly parallel witk and 50 feet Northerl of the Soathwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasterly line of Lot 12, thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly Iines of Lot 12 an 49 to the Northeasterly line of Lot 49,thence ivorthWesterly and k�esterly alon the Northerly lines of Lot 49 and 50 to the Northwesterly line oF Lot 50,'t ence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line' of Lot 50 and its Southw�,�terly extension to the intersectian of� the Northwesterly line of Lot I1, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterlp line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning; being part of Lots 11, 12, 44 and Let 50, Block 30;' Lots 2 and 3, Block 11; _ Lats 14 and li, Block 11; Lot 42, Block 12; Burl3ngLOn Heights, Division Aumber 1, Ramseq Countq, Mfnnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and subject to road easeaents; beginning at the�corner of Garden Avenue and Weymouth Sireat thence Northwesterly on.said >treet 150 feet thence Northeasterlq parallel with said avenue 5� and 4/10 feet, , :hence Southeasterly 150 feet to paint on said Avenue 50 feet ATartheasterly from aid street thence Southwesterly 50 feet to the beginning in Northwest 1J4 of he Northeast 1/4 of Section I4 Township 28 Range 22; ` _.\, � - i�� . - ` . y _ . � � � � 0 - - ..l ���e�voEti - s�tla� : �";:� - �. ��._;. �I�t -13� ���� ti Lot 17, Block 1; � � Except widened Afton Road, Lot 13 thru 16, Block 1; Lot 37 and 38 and the ad3acent 1/2 of vaeated Edgewood Ylace, Block 6; ' Lots 26 and 27, 31ock 7; Lat 33, Block 7; Lot 35, Slock 7; Lat 17, Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47, Block 9; Lot 69, Block 9; Lot 66 aad 68, Block 9; - ` ' _ . . . a . t a�a ��rc t3�s ��-� �-r� e -e�f-e�e-�• 'r;�e . r-. ., > >c F _ . C�"eFT': – �rr'cr'rci—= v'�'rtT`P �a�'=�:��� '` �,�a-=;==�z1�•-- , Bnrlington Heights, Divisicn Nvmber 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. under Preliminary Order ��— p�Q� approved "�..�. ag . �qq� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, 3nd the Council having heard a11 persons, ob�ections and tecoccmettdations relative thareto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESQLGED, That the Council of the City of Saint Psul hezeby orders said inprovement to be nade � � RES6LYEI} FUATHSR, That the Council hereby determines the estate required ' for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described ,_J' above; and the City off3cers and City Attorney are hereby authorized aad directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real eetate by purchase or eminent domain. -�nrti�er-Haao��ed;-��at-rkr Eounc'r}-herrbp-�ctermfaes-tkat-the-estate-- xtqefrrd offfcers Sa aaseaameats;-f4-aay;-agaf�at-tfie-�eat£4tted-property: COUHCILPEBSOAS Yeas Nays . ' a �a • �i:i � °� - t: , B akey ✓ �o trom vG erin ✓karris �+t�egard ✓�ttman �TFiune Adopted bp Council: Date(�.�„�. ��Q�L, ti Certified Passed bq Council Secretary �_In Favor By�=��_ �}, . �,,;_,�.,,� Q AgainsC l��t.. � �] s� Mayor Retur:i copy to: (bn) � ReaI Estate Division 1�0 rtG� y�all Presented By Referred To Councii F'ile # q� —13''( Green Sheet # ����' RESC?LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date Wf�REAS, the City of Sai�n Paul, acting through its Valuarion Engineer, has secured an agreement for rhe purcl�ase of an Easemem over real property, described as follows: Puce17. Easement for Biuff Preservadon over Lots 45, 46 & 47, Block 9, Burlington Hei�ts Division Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesora 9 WHEREAS, said groperiy described is necessary for Biuff Preservation in the Highwood Biuff Acquisition io Project, said property was Finai Qrdered for acquisition an May 1, 1996 with ConncH File #46-435. The vaine of u the property for Parcel7 Fow Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500), this being a fair and reasonable value as �a determined by an independent appraiser; and 13 ia WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the gurchase of said propeny at the recommended value; is ie NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City off'iciais are hereby authorized and directed to pay �� James A. Zweber and Kenneth M. Biake the sum of $4,500 for the purchase of said property. Said sum to be is charged to Activity Code: CPL-C96-2A020-0786-QC1000. 19 rp Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana�ement Services 1= ,,► ✓ Mayor for Submission to Council 'hune I��] Form Approv by Ciry Attorney —_10�� ����rd--- �dopted by Council: Date ��.�� By: F.M.S.rREAL ESTATE DIVISION � ��� Person and P6one Nwn6er. White � .�. ..�a. � 1121l97 Green Sheet Number. EPAR7MENCDIBEC70R A CSTYCOifi 1 ATTORNEY � J Q.IIi F.����YC�� ne � c��a r.�� ny: 2/5/97 3 pHAYOH (OR s1SS75fAN1) AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNAT(JRE) ION REQUESTED: Sign Council Resolution authorizing the purchase of 1 parcel of vacant land for the Highwaod Bluff Acquisition Project. Council F51e #96-435 (attached) RSONAL SERV(CE CpNTRACTS M[1Sf ANSWF.R THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/ffim ever worked imder a contrac! for khis department? YES NO PLANN4YG CORNII56WN 6fADF Hes this persontfirm ever been a ll:ity wnployee? cm co��n�ae WI�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? covrrcu, waxnts� YES NO Dces this perswJfirm possess a sla`71 not normally pmsessed by any YES NO current GSty emptoyee? �:�, Explein ell YFS answers on a separate sheet end attach. >en Space and Bluff Preservation 7 DISfWCT PLANMNG COUNCIL � NG PROBLEM, 7SS(lE, OPP'ORTUNA'fY {Wpo, What, When, Whem, Why?): The properties are to steep to build on per City building codes. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The city will have acquired the properties that are to sfeep to build on and will not have to turn down future building permits. iADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. �,�_.;.�.� -� � _ . �_�s, ._ . __ _., _ . _ _. Jr,�� 2 � i��7 IDVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� The Citp could be required by the courts to purchase the progertp for not grantiiig a�uilding �. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: ��r�� vc sovxcs: CIB and Federal Funds 'IAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAI� COSf1RfiVIiNUE BLJDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTM�r x�mtBER: CPL-C96-2AO2O-0786-OOOOO � xr: . zr'... .�.; y: ;:v : _ �:m. >:,'; ;. ;:��`:� $. tf'. y` . 'i . 0 � co I rn N CO Q I W }— � � LC� � � O � O � V � � v> } � U W 7 Q � � Z � ' i � } � �.�..� � w � a. � Z 0 H {'� H � H � d U Q I.L ti � m � L1.� - ' 0 �� : ' • , � e � N �� .1'tY1 I � F '� ' � � � � � ('jp , •e :._.y�_ a='"` i/ ` �--------.._ �. � . ..._--• i° _ �'� , • ti �k •u i '�• i ` , y t.� 1 .0 P `e ��• _,(_ `i; _; � �_ .�� � �:�^^ i v M ; �i. � ` •csi � � H � � 1 � � C � x � � Q � h 0 Q ) ..,� ce � 1JIYSZIC - o � - :o p �i� gk �e• - ' *wVw `"' �3 ' c�� '� e {�i ��� � . �' _ � �3nY d `?CR '... � W Q Q O y m a^ Ni 2 m g Q X ��,. � t3 N YJ � � P U'� E�§'� N t ' c.- �s€�s s w W 6 D I o y.'I �� � � , o � ~ m 6 w �s �� M... „� �o �a N R � t1 LL ' W � 6 � � a S " ^ � � N Q � M W Y �V Y `"w N N � ¢ � ?� 3 W m W 2 4 W Y N N � W ~ 4 i N-0. ' r> Y � O i � 0 � 0 i 4 (.O d. N � J _ Q 2 r z Q Ln ti O � h— H U r O � W Q a l(7 � I -r.,T - .sr�.c ; r '.-' -. �' ..$.:'��'�.�, ';. = r, : ;i CITY 0� SAIN2 PAifE� k � - j . FINAL ORDEB ?IH" . p_ CONDEMNATIOR PgaCEEDI�tGS �r .- �MEt�1DE'�_ s( � 1 ����_�3`1 s t • , � � r ► l_ ` , : _ BY FILH N0. 18817 DOTING AABD 7 � In the Matter cf Acquiring of property for bZu£f preservation and open space the following describ'ed praperty: Lot 12, Block I; Lots 24 thru 26, Slock 6; _ Lot 31, 82ock 6, ` , Except the South bl/104 feet of Lot 40, Block fi; Except South 30 feet of Lazs 1 thru 3, Block 6; Beg3nning on the A'orthwest cornez of Lot 54 thence to a point on the Southerly line of and 60 feet from the t�*est line of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 5I thence to Seginning and all of Lot 55, Block 10; - Lot So and 57, Slock 10; Vacated alley East of and adjacent to and the East 35 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lots 58 and 59, Block ld; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 10; Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being 50 feet on the North line and 38 feet on the tdest line and aI1 of Let 8, Block 10; Subject to road, The following; Beginning on the Northwesterly line of Lot il at a point SO feet Northerly oF the Southwesterly line, thence Southeasterly parallel witk and 50 feet Northerl of the Soathwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasterly line of Lot 12, thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly Iines of Lot 12 an 49 to the Northeasterly line of Lot 49,thence ivorthWesterly and k�esterly alon the Northerly lines of Lot 49 and 50 to the Northwesterly line oF Lot 50,'t ence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line' of Lot 50 and its Southw�,�terly extension to the intersectian of� the Northwesterly line of Lot I1, thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterlp line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning; being part of Lots 11, 12, 44 and Let 50, Block 30;' Lots 2 and 3, Block 11; _ Lats 14 and li, Block 11; Lot 42, Block 12; Burl3ngLOn Heights, Division Aumber 1, Ramseq Countq, Mfnnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and subject to road easeaents; beginning at the�corner of Garden Avenue and Weymouth Sireat thence Northwesterly on.said >treet 150 feet thence Northeasterlq parallel with said avenue 5� and 4/10 feet, , :hence Southeasterly 150 feet to paint on said Avenue 50 feet ATartheasterly from aid street thence Southwesterly 50 feet to the beginning in Northwest 1J4 of he Northeast 1/4 of Section I4 Township 28 Range 22; ` _.\, � - i�� . - ` . y _ . � � � � 0 - - ..l ���e�voEti - s�tla� : �";:� - �. ��._;. �I�t -13� ���� ti Lot 17, Block 1; � � Except widened Afton Road, Lot 13 thru 16, Block 1; Lot 37 and 38 and the ad3acent 1/2 of vaeated Edgewood Ylace, Block 6; ' Lots 26 and 27, 31ock 7; Lat 33, Block 7; Lot 35, Slock 7; Lat 17, Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47, Block 9; Lot 69, Block 9; Lot 66 aad 68, Block 9; - ` ' _ . . . a . t a�a ��rc t3�s ��-� �-r� e -e�f-e�e-�• 'r;�e . r-. ., > >c F _ . C�"eFT': – �rr'cr'rci—= v'�'rtT`P �a�'=�:��� '` �,�a-=;==�z1�•-- , Bnrlington Heights, Divisicn Nvmber 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. under Preliminary Order ��— p�Q� approved "�..�. ag . �qq� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, 3nd the Council having heard a11 persons, ob�ections and tecoccmettdations relative thareto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESQLGED, That the Council of the City of Saint Psul hezeby orders said inprovement to be nade � � RES6LYEI} FUATHSR, That the Council hereby determines the estate required ' for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described ,_J' above; and the City off3cers and City Attorney are hereby authorized aad directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real eetate by purchase or eminent domain. -�nrti�er-Haao��ed;-��at-rkr Eounc'r}-herrbp-�ctermfaes-tkat-the-estate-- xtqefrrd offfcers Sa aaseaameats;-f4-aay;-agaf�at-tfie-�eat£4tted-property: COUHCILPEBSOAS Yeas Nays . ' a �a • �i:i � °� - t: , B akey ✓ �o trom vG erin ✓karris �+t�egard ✓�ttman �TFiune Adopted bp Council: Date(�.�„�. ��Q�L, ti Certified Passed bq Council Secretary �_In Favor By�=��_ �}, . �,,;_,�.,,� Q AgainsC l��t.. � �] s� Mayor