97-1368Council File # 6'`- RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �����.(f� � �� laGtq� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ° �' � !� Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1RESOLVED: That application (ID #4722'n for an Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velricle 2 Parts Licei�se by All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All 3 In One-Auto Repair (Clyde R Payne, President) at 1440 Mazshall be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlris office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars mus[ be pazked in the area at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will aLso be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There witl be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage ia the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. The third overhead door on the west side of ihe building will be used for delivery/pickup from the auto pazis storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold. The teim "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spay painting of the velricle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on Uils lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activity of removing parts frora a vehicle on Uus lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 indushial wning district, in wluch this properiy is located. 7. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. S. No auto repair work or storage to be preformed on Dayton Avenue. 9. Make the facade imprwements including a 12' (minimum), opaque fence, within 2 ye�s. Marshall property line facing north wouid be Srst unproved. 10. Limit car s[acks to no more than tl�ree cars high. 38 39 40 41 ff� 12. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascal Avenue. S ubS�t:-r��� _ �. a��q*� 13. Designate handicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �� N� a�Q � A�� Requested by Department o£: Off'ce of License Insoections and Environmental Protection sy: � ��1- ��, .� � K�c2 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attorney � sy: ��h � �,/ � Date (L,� �✓�rjj �� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date �.,� _�.( C,�`�`l N° 50242 ��_,��� DEPARIMENLOFfICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATEO �� � r c � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENTDIREGTOR � CITYCOUNQL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nss+cx � c�rrn�o�EV Q CITV CLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDH BV (DATE) NUMBER FOR O BUOGET DIRECTON � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING Hearing: ,/ �z OHDEN oMAVOR(ORASSISTAN� Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC+NATURE) AGTIONREOVESTED: �1 III One-Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All In One-Auto Repair; All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts and Automotive Repair Garage License (ID 1647227), (Clyde Payne, Owner), located at 1440 Marshall Avenue. RECOMMEUDAitows: nppore (n) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _� PLANNMG CqMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person�rm ever worked untler a contrect for this Aepartmentt _CISCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFf — VES NO _ OiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does [his persoNfirm possess a skill rtot normalty possessed 6y any curreM city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE+ YES NO Explain ali yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INiTIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPpRTUNffY (Who. What, When. Where. Why�: ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. ' OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' . .��€a�e �r�. {�t� � � � e�n d y l.:ti� 70TALAMOUNTOFTHANSAC710N S COS7/REYENUE BUDGE7ED(CIPCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFOflFlATION; (E%PLAIN) ' council Fi1e # 9 7 /,�(o � ordinance # 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 Green Sheet # RESOLUTlON C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: �� RESOLVED: That application, ID #47227, for a Second Hand Automotive Repair Garage License by All In One• DSA All In One; All Zn One-Used Paits; All In � IIsed Parts & Auto Sales, (Clyde Payne, Owner), same is hereby approved with the following con� 1. The building construction and site work approved site plan on file with this o f aler otor Vehicle Parts & ed arts & Auto Sales inc. - uto Repair; All In One- 1440 Marshall, be and the ions: completed according to the 2. Not more than 10 used care for sale y be displayed on the property. These aars must be parked in the ar at the northwest corner of the site shown on the approved site pl n. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parta sal counter and fifty-one hundred square feet of auto parts storage in e building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is pe itted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end o the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. t third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used fo delivery/pickup from the auto parts storage area and may not be use for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east d of the buildinq will be used to recondition cara so that they ca be sold. The term 'recondition' shall not mean the straightening o exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spray painting of the ve icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repa'r facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other vehicle pazts on this lot is expreasly forbidden. As plied in condition �two above, used pazts may be sold from the prem' es. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on thia lot for esale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning diatrict, i which this property is located. Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cer fied By: Approv by Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insvections and nv�ro men a1 P o �oII By: l�n�.w� � h- Form Approvecvby City Attor y BY� �'����f'.` � a. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION , ,. .( J r � ' (? � i ,�C� � //r V ( r/� �..�✓ ,v j i l; ° 't�IIS APPLICATTON IS SLBJECT TO RE VIE W BY THE pIJBLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRII�*T IIvT It� � T�pe of Lic..nse(s) being applied for. CITY OF SAI;�T PAt3L a ,u otu�au, � and En.vcnmeatzl Protcrum ?S: St?e.c St S� 3�p Sc�:?lntl✓sxn 5$707 (EI.) 3669:50 5s (61�) 75Soi24 S_ S e CX� s � a C� Y"� �*�. All in One - Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. , Corpo+ation /Pt2�erthip! Solc Prop��im,a}li� Ifbiu�ness is inco;porated, gi��e date ofincorporation: _June 12 1997 DoingBusiaessAs:All in One• All in One-Used Parts• A11 in One_Auto All in One-Used Parts & Auto Sales B�essPhone:�7nP nn h�vP one Business Address: Repair ye t St.. Paul MN 55104 ShecA Addrra City State ZsP • Betweea uhat cross streets is the business ]ocated7 Marshall and Dav+-on — Whichsideofthestreetl South - AreLhepranisesnowoccupied? No WhatT}peofBusiness? Sales of used auto arts; auto repair - MailToAddress: �temnorarv) 996 W'rfd£lower Court Eagan svzaaaa2., M�' S5123 c;ry s� zi (permanent after b�ness is operating) 1440 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Applicant Informaaon: 2�Tame and I'itle: Clvria Russ 11 Home Address: Fuat e }.d'iddlc �� sc,� naa�� _ ary DateofBirth; 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN ='-ave }�o� ecer b� can��cted c: zny pe:on}•, cr.me or �ictati i of z.y ci:y o:3:nance c:ba thsn 5�c? DaTe of zrrest �� � PzY�� President � TiUo MN 55123 Staie Z] Home Phone: 454-2999 YES ?;p g Charge: Con��ction: Sentence: �� n�� �d residences of three persons of good �oral character, living ulttun the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or fin�cially interest� �� pr�� or business, u3�o may be referred to 2s to tl�e applicznt's character. H '`�� ABDRESS 1151 Tr LI Ave. S. Richfield, MN Ave. W. Roseville, MN Street Shakopee, MN PHOI�TE 869-6501 484-3863 445-2034 List licenses u$icb you currenily hol� formerly he]c� or may h�•e an interest in: , uto salva e and auto re air (under Crosstown Auto, Inc.) Have any of the above named licenses ever be� � YES X, �Tp I{ li �� �tes and reasons for rerocation: Are �'ou going to operate tivs business personzll}'7 X 1�S Fitrt \�c �itiil (�fzidc.�) Honc Ad�cu: Strert \zme Ci�' NO lf no� �;ho �a•ill operate it? I.art Sulc q � -i,���� Datc of Birth Zip P6onC \tybct Are }'ou going to have a mz*�ag� or7sss:znt ia this business7 X YES Iv'O If Lhe ma*�ager is not tbe s�.-ne as the operztor, piezse complete the folloW�ing infonnaGOn: ftussell L. Payne 5/40/71 Fi-st!:zoc ?.d'idmeInitiil (�sid.-n) Last DefcafBirth 1975 North Timberwolf Trail Eap�an Mta 55199 688-3063 Home.4c3c�s: Sttul\z�e Ci:y Sizic Zip Phone\�ber Plezse Lst }'our emplo}�ent history for :Le preti�ous 5��e (5) � eu perio3: �usiness/Emplo�mrnt Address Crosstown Auto. Inc. 218 No h PaGCaI 4t Pa„l MN 55104 List all otber o�cers of tbe corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HO.MS NA.ME (Office HeId) ADDRESS HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHO:�B PHOI�B BIRTH If business is a parmaship, pleau include the following info;navon for each parmer {use additional pages ifnecessa�y�): Fuat \�e Home Ad3rer. Strat �amc HmneAd�sn: St�eet?:ame ?.�fid�e Snitiil GVfaidm) City ���) Ciry Lut - Swe Zip I�+a s�u z� _ Da1e of Binh P6one;:icnber Datc of Birt2� - r!:� ��� MIIQIIESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIO.�' ATUM38ER - Pursuent to ttie I,aw•s of Mmnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, P,rticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax C}earance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to proti�de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the 1✓1innesota business tu identi5cation number and The social s»w-iry number ef each license appiicant Under the Minnesota Government Dzta Praclices Act and the Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�ise you of the following regarding the use of the I.�'innewta Tax Identificarion Number , - This information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu•al of }'our license in the event you owe Mumesota sales, employer's u�thholding or motor vehicSe excise taxes; " - - Upori recei��ing this informaGon, the licensing authoriry u�ill supply it only lo the Minnesota pepattment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agrcement, the Depariment of Revenue may supply this information to tbe Intetnal Revenue Service. ' _ . Mmnesota Tax Id�hficarion I3�bers (Sales & Usc Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plzza (612-296-6181). SocialSecurityNumber. 470-48-6907 MinnesotaTa�cIdentifieationNumber: applied for ! Ifa Mumesota Tax Idrntification Numba is not required for thc business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box g� -���� CERTIFICATION OF W ORICERS' CO?.�ENSATION C0�'E.RAGE PURSUANT IO MI?�T�ESOTA STATt;TE 1 i6 182 I hereb}' certif} that I, or m� companv, a� in compliance �+ith thz u o?.;ers' compensation insurance co� erage requ:� ements of ;✓unnesota Stztu±e 176.182, subdi�isiop 2. I aLw undersiznd th�f pro�tision offalse i�fo:matioa in this certificalion co,-�stitutes sufficieat grounds for zd��erse action zezmst zll licenses hel� includu!g re��oca��on znd suspensioa of said licenses. I�TZme ofInsurance Company: State Fund PolicyNumber: 010078 20�+ Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 to 4/1/98 I ha��e no employees coti•ered under u�o�;ers' compensation ins�rance (Il3ITL4LS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB AI�SW�ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED . R'ILI. RESIILT IIV DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansu�ered all of the preceding questioas, znd t�at the information cont2ined berein is hue and cocrect to the best of my k�ow�]edge and belief I hereby state further thai I�ave rrei��ed no money or other consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, conhibution, or otheiuise, other th� already dis;,losed in the application w}iich I h�eu7th submitted I also understand this premise may he inspected bg police, fire, heaith and other ciTy- o�cials at any end all times N ben the business is in operation ? /2 alI applications) We Aitl accept pa} by cash, c6ezk (made pa�•abje to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYING BYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA�FORMATIOK �MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of ACCOUNT NI7MBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,�� "'Note: If this applicaUOn is Food/Liquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plsns. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for ouilang peimiu. If there are a�� cbanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning inspector at 266-9008. All applications requim the folloning documents. Please attach these documents a�hen submittiag your app[ication: I. A detailed description of the desiga, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an S 1/2' x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - I�Tame, address, and phone nimmber. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areu, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc: - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tbe licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ou�nership of the property. SPEC7FIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADpTTIONAL INFOIiMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII..S >>>> Council File # 6'`- RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �����.(f� � �� laGtq� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ° �' � !� Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1RESOLVED: That application (ID #4722'n for an Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velricle 2 Parts Licei�se by All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All 3 In One-Auto Repair (Clyde R Payne, President) at 1440 Mazshall be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlris office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars mus[ be pazked in the area at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will aLso be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There witl be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage ia the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. The third overhead door on the west side of ihe building will be used for delivery/pickup from the auto pazis storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold. The teim "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spay painting of the velricle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on Uils lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activity of removing parts frora a vehicle on Uus lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 indushial wning district, in wluch this properiy is located. 7. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. S. No auto repair work or storage to be preformed on Dayton Avenue. 9. Make the facade imprwements including a 12' (minimum), opaque fence, within 2 ye�s. Marshall property line facing north wouid be Srst unproved. 10. Limit car s[acks to no more than tl�ree cars high. 38 39 40 41 ff� 12. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascal Avenue. S ubS�t:-r��� _ �. a��q*� 13. Designate handicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �� N� a�Q � A�� Requested by Department o£: Off'ce of License Insoections and Environmental Protection By: �� �U-�-aNc� TI NG2Q�i� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attorney � sy: ��h � �,/ � Date (L,� � �� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date �.,� _�.( C,�`�`l N° 50242 ��_,��� DEPARIMENLOFfICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATEO �� � r c � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENTDIREGTOR � CITYCOUNQL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nss+cx � c�rrn�o�EV Q CITV CLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDH BV (DATE) NUMBER FOR O BUOGET DIRECTON � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING Hearing: ,/ �z OHDEN oMAVOR(ORASSISTAN� Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC+NATURE) AGTIONREOVESTED: �1 III One-Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All In One-Auto Repair; All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts and Automotive Repair Garage License (ID 1647227), (Clyde Payne, Owner), located at 1440 Marshall Avenue. RECOMMEUDAitows: nppore (n) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _� PLANNMG CqMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person�rm ever worked untler a contrect for this Aepartmentt _CISCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFf — VES NO _ OiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does [his persoNfirm possess a skill rtot normalty possessed 6y any curreM city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE+ YES NO Explain ali yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INiTIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPpRTUNffY (Who. What, When. Where. Why�: ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. ' OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' . .��€a�e �r�. {�t� � � � e�n d y l.:ti� 70TALAMOUNTOFTHANSAC710N S COS7/REYENUE BUDGE7ED(CIPCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFOflFlATION; (E%PLAIN) ' council Fi1e # 9 7 /,�(o � ordinance # 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 Green Sheet # RESOLUTlON C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: �� RESOLVED: That application, ID #47227, for a Second Hand Automotive Repair Garage License by All In One• DSA All In One; All Zn One-Used Paits; All In � IIsed Parts & Auto Sales, (Clyde Payne, Owner), same is hereby approved with the following con� 1. The building construction and site work approved site plan on file with this o f aler otor Vehicle Parts & ed arts & Auto Sales inc. - uto Repair; All In One- 1440 Marshall, be and the ions: completed according to the 2. Not more than 10 used care for sale y be displayed on the property. These aars must be parked in the ar at the northwest corner of the site shown on the approved site pl n. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parta sal counter and fifty-one hundred square feet of auto parts storage in e building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is pe itted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end o the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. t third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used fo delivery/pickup from the auto parts storage area and may not be use for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east d of the buildinq will be used to recondition cara so that they ca be sold. The term 'recondition' shall not mean the straightening o exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spray painting of the ve icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repa'r facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other vehicle pazts on this lot is expreasly forbidden. As plied in condition �two above, used pazts may be sold from the prem' es. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on thia lot for esale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning diatrict, i which this property is located. Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cer fied By: Approv by Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insvections and nv�ro men a1 P o �oII By: l�n�.w� � h- Form Approvecvby City Attor y BY� �'����f'.` � a. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION , ,. .( J r � ' (? � i ,�C� � //r V ( r/� �..�✓ ,v j i l; ° 't�IIS APPLICATTON IS SLBJECT TO RE VIE W BY THE pIJBLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRII�*T IIvT It� � T�pe of Lic..nse(s) being applied for. CITY OF SAI;�T PAt3L a ,u otu�au, � and En.vcnmeatzl Protcrum ?S: St?e.c St S� 3�p Sc�:?lntl✓sxn 5$707 (EI.) 3669:50 5s (61�) 75Soi24 S_ S e CX� s � a C� Y"� �*�. All in One - Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. , Corpo+ation /Pt2�erthip! Solc Prop��im,a}li� Ifbiu�ness is inco;porated, gi��e date ofincorporation: _June 12 1997 DoingBusiaessAs:All in One• All in One-Used Parts• A11 in One_Auto All in One-Used Parts & Auto Sales B�essPhone:�7nP nn h�vP one Business Address: Repair ye t St.. Paul MN 55104 ShecA Addrra City State ZsP • Betweea uhat cross streets is the business ]ocated7 Marshall and Dav+-on — Whichsideofthestreetl South - AreLhepranisesnowoccupied? No WhatT}peofBusiness? Sales of used auto arts; auto repair - MailToAddress: �temnorarv) 996 W'rfd£lower Court Eagan svzaaaa2., M�' S5123 c;ry s� zi (permanent after b�ness is operating) 1440 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Applicant Informaaon: 2�Tame and I'itle: Clvria Russ 11 Home Address: Fuat e }.d'iddlc �� sc,� naa�� _ ary DateofBirth; 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN ='-ave }�o� ecer b� can��cted c: zny pe:on}•, cr.me or �ictati i of z.y ci:y o:3:nance c:ba thsn 5�c? DaTe of zrrest �� � PzY�� President � TiUo MN 55123 Staie Z] Home Phone: 454-2999 YES ?;p g Charge: Con��ction: Sentence: �� n�� �d residences of three persons of good �oral character, living ulttun the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or fin�cially interest� �� pr�� or business, u3�o may be referred to 2s to tl�e applicznt's character. H '`�� ABDRESS 1151 Tr LI Ave. S. Richfield, MN Ave. W. Roseville, MN Street Shakopee, MN PHOI�TE 869-6501 484-3863 445-2034 List licenses u$icb you currenily hol� formerly he]c� or may h�•e an interest in: , uto salva e and auto re air (under Crosstown Auto, Inc.) Have any of the above named licenses ever be� � YES X, �Tp I{ li �� �tes and reasons for rerocation: Are �'ou going to operate tivs business personzll}'7 X 1�S Fitrt \�c �itiil (�fzidc.�) Honc Ad�cu: Strert \zme Ci�' NO lf no� �;ho �a•ill operate it? I.art Sulc q � -i,���� Datc of Birth Zip P6onC \tybct Are }'ou going to have a mz*�ag� or7sss:znt ia this business7 X YES Iv'O If Lhe ma*�ager is not tbe s�.-ne as the operztor, piezse complete the folloW�ing infonnaGOn: ftussell L. Payne 5/40/71 Fi-st!:zoc ?.d'idmeInitiil (�sid.-n) Last DefcafBirth 1975 North Timberwolf Trail Eap�an Mta 55199 688-3063 Home.4c3c�s: Sttul\z�e Ci:y Sizic Zip Phone\�ber Plezse Lst }'our emplo}�ent history for :Le preti�ous 5��e (5) � eu perio3: �usiness/Emplo�mrnt Address Crosstown Auto. Inc. 218 No h PaGCaI 4t Pa„l MN 55104 List all otber o�cers of tbe corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HO.MS NA.ME (Office HeId) ADDRESS HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHO:�B PHOI�B BIRTH If business is a parmaship, pleau include the following info;navon for each parmer {use additional pages ifnecessa�y�): Fuat \�e Home Ad3rer. Strat �amc HmneAd�sn: St�eet?:ame ?.�fid�e Snitiil GVfaidm) City ���) Ciry Lut - Swe Zip I�+a s�u z� _ Da1e of Binh P6one;:icnber Datc of Birt2� - r!:� ��� MIIQIIESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIO.�' ATUM38ER - Pursuent to ttie I,aw•s of Mmnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, P,rticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax C}earance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to proti�de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the 1✓1innesota business tu identi5cation number and The social s»w-iry number ef each license appiicant Under the Minnesota Government Dzta Praclices Act and the Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�ise you of the following regarding the use of the I.�'innewta Tax Identificarion Number , - This information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu•al of }'our license in the event you owe Mumesota sales, employer's u�thholding or motor vehicSe excise taxes; " - - Upori recei��ing this informaGon, the licensing authoriry u�ill supply it only lo the Minnesota pepattment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agrcement, the Depariment of Revenue may supply this information to tbe Intetnal Revenue Service. ' _ . Mmnesota Tax Id�hficarion I3�bers (Sales & Usc Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plzza (612-296-6181). SocialSecurityNumber. 470-48-6907 MinnesotaTa�cIdentifieationNumber: applied for ! Ifa Mumesota Tax Idrntification Numba is not required for thc business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box g� -���� CERTIFICATION OF W ORICERS' CO?.�ENSATION C0�'E.RAGE PURSUANT IO MI?�T�ESOTA STATt;TE 1 i6 182 I hereb}' certif} that I, or m� companv, a� in compliance �+ith thz u o?.;ers' compensation insurance co� erage requ:� ements of ;✓unnesota Stztu±e 176.182, subdi�isiop 2. I aLw undersiznd th�f pro�tision offalse i�fo:matioa in this certificalion co,-�stitutes sufficieat grounds for zd��erse action zezmst zll licenses hel� includu!g re��oca��on znd suspensioa of said licenses. I�TZme ofInsurance Company: State Fund PolicyNumber: 010078 20�+ Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 to 4/1/98 I ha��e no employees coti•ered under u�o�;ers' compensation ins�rance (Il3ITL4LS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB AI�SW�ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED . R'ILI. RESIILT IIV DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansu�ered all of the preceding questioas, znd t�at the information cont2ined berein is hue and cocrect to the best of my k�ow�]edge and belief I hereby state further thai I�ave rrei��ed no money or other consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, conhibution, or otheiuise, other th� already dis;,losed in the application w}iich I h�eu7th submitted I also understand this premise may he inspected bg police, fire, heaith and other ciTy- o�cials at any end all times N ben the business is in operation ? /2 alI applications) We Aitl accept pa} by cash, c6ezk (made pa�•abje to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYING BYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA�FORMATIOK �MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of ACCOUNT NI7MBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,�� "'Note: If this applicaUOn is Food/Liquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plsns. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for ouilang peimiu. If there are a�� cbanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning inspector at 266-9008. All applications requim the folloning documents. Please attach these documents a�hen submittiag your app[ication: I. A detailed description of the desiga, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an S 1/2' x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - I�Tame, address, and phone nimmber. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areu, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc: - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tbe licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ou�nership of the property. SPEC7FIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADpTTIONAL INFOIiMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII..S >>>> Council File # 6'`- RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �����.(f� � �� laGtq� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ° �' � !� Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1RESOLVED: That application (ID #4722'n for an Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velricle 2 Parts Licei�se by All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All 3 In One-Auto Repair (Clyde R Payne, President) at 1440 Mazshall be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlris office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars mus[ be pazked in the area at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will aLso be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There witl be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage ia the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. The third overhead door on the west side of ihe building will be used for delivery/pickup from the auto pazis storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold. The teim "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spay painting of the velricle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on Uils lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activity of removing parts frora a vehicle on Uus lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 indushial wning district, in wluch this properiy is located. 7. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. S. No auto repair work or storage to be preformed on Dayton Avenue. 9. Make the facade imprwements including a 12' (minimum), opaque fence, within 2 ye�s. Marshall property line facing north wouid be Srst unproved. 10. Limit car s[acks to no more than tl�ree cars high. 38 39 40 41 ff� 12. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascal Avenue. S ubS�t:-r��� _ �. a��q*� 13. Designate handicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �� N� a�Q � A�� Requested by Department o£: Off'ce of License Insoections and Environmental Protection By: �� �U-�-aNc� TI NG2Q�i� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attorney � sy: ��h � �,/ � Date (L,� � �� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date �.,� _�.( C,�`�`l N° 50242 ��_,��� DEPARIMENLOFfICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATEO �� � r c � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENTDIREGTOR � CITYCOUNQL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nss+cx � c�rrn�o�EV Q CITV CLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDH BV (DATE) NUMBER FOR O BUOGET DIRECTON � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING Hearing: ,/ �z OHDEN oMAVOR(ORASSISTAN� Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC+NATURE) AGTIONREOVESTED: �1 III One-Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. DBA All In One; All In One-Used Parts; All In One-Auto Repair; All In One-Used Parts & Auto Sales requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts and Automotive Repair Garage License (ID 1647227), (Clyde Payne, Owner), located at 1440 Marshall Avenue. RECOMMEUDAitows: nppore (n) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _� PLANNMG CqMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person�rm ever worked untler a contrect for this Aepartmentt _CISCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFf — VES NO _ OiS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does [his persoNfirm possess a skill rtot normalty possessed 6y any curreM city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE+ YES NO Explain ali yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INiTIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPpRTUNffY (Who. What, When. Where. Why�: ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. ' OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' . .��€a�e �r�. {�t� � � � e�n d y l.:ti� 70TALAMOUNTOFTHANSAC710N S COS7/REYENUE BUDGE7ED(CIPCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFOflFlATION; (E%PLAIN) ' council Fi1e # 9 7 /,�(o � ordinance # 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 Green Sheet # RESOLUTlON C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: �� RESOLVED: That application, ID #47227, for a Second Hand Automotive Repair Garage License by All In One• DSA All In One; All Zn One-Used Paits; All In � IIsed Parts & Auto Sales, (Clyde Payne, Owner), same is hereby approved with the following con� 1. The building construction and site work approved site plan on file with this o f aler otor Vehicle Parts & ed arts & Auto Sales inc. - uto Repair; All In One- 1440 Marshall, be and the ions: completed according to the 2. Not more than 10 used care for sale y be displayed on the property. These aars must be parked in the ar at the northwest corner of the site shown on the approved site pl n. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parta sal counter and fifty-one hundred square feet of auto parts storage in e building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is pe itted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end o the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. t third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used fo delivery/pickup from the auto parts storage area and may not be use for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east d of the buildinq will be used to recondition cara so that they ca be sold. The term 'recondition' shall not mean the straightening o exchanging of vehicle body parts or the spray painting of the ve icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repa'r facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other vehicle pazts on this lot is expreasly forbidden. As plied in condition �two above, used pazts may be sold from the prem' es. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on thia lot for esale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning diatrict, i which this property is located. Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cer fied By: Approv by Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary Date Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insvections and nv�ro men a1 P o �oII By: l�n�.w� � h- Form Approvecvby City Attor y BY� �'����f'.` � a. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION , ,. .( J r � ' (? � i ,�C� � //r V ( r/� �..�✓ ,v j i l; ° 't�IIS APPLICATTON IS SLBJECT TO RE VIE W BY THE pIJBLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRII�*T IIvT It� � T�pe of Lic..nse(s) being applied for. CITY OF SAI;�T PAt3L a ,u otu�au, � and En.vcnmeatzl Protcrum ?S: St?e.c St S� 3�p Sc�:?lntl✓sxn 5$707 (EI.) 3669:50 5s (61�) 75Soi24 S_ S e CX� s � a C� Y"� �*�. All in One - Used Parts & Auto Sales, Inc. , Corpo+ation /Pt2�erthip! Solc Prop��im,a}li� Ifbiu�ness is inco;porated, gi��e date ofincorporation: _June 12 1997 DoingBusiaessAs:All in One• All in One-Used Parts• A11 in One_Auto All in One-Used Parts & Auto Sales B�essPhone:�7nP nn h�vP one Business Address: Repair ye t St.. Paul MN 55104 ShecA Addrra City State ZsP • Betweea uhat cross streets is the business ]ocated7 Marshall and Dav+-on — Whichsideofthestreetl South - AreLhepranisesnowoccupied? No WhatT}peofBusiness? Sales of used auto arts; auto repair - MailToAddress: �temnorarv) 996 W'rfd£lower Court Eagan svzaaaa2., M�' S5123 c;ry s� zi (permanent after b�ness is operating) 1440 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Applicant Informaaon: 2�Tame and I'itle: Clvria Russ 11 Home Address: Fuat e }.d'iddlc �� sc,� naa�� _ ary DateofBirth; 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN ='-ave }�o� ecer b� can��cted c: zny pe:on}•, cr.me or �ictati i of z.y ci:y o:3:nance c:ba thsn 5�c? DaTe of zrrest �� � PzY�� President � TiUo MN 55123 Staie Z] Home Phone: 454-2999 YES ?;p g Charge: Con��ction: Sentence: �� n�� �d residences of three persons of good �oral character, living ulttun the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or fin�cially interest� �� pr�� or business, u3�o may be referred to 2s to tl�e applicznt's character. H '`�� ABDRESS 1151 Tr LI Ave. S. Richfield, MN Ave. W. Roseville, MN Street Shakopee, MN PHOI�TE 869-6501 484-3863 445-2034 List licenses u$icb you currenily hol� formerly he]c� or may h�•e an interest in: , uto salva e and auto re air (under Crosstown Auto, Inc.) Have any of the above named licenses ever be� � YES X, �Tp I{ li �� �tes and reasons for rerocation: Are �'ou going to operate tivs business personzll}'7 X 1�S Fitrt \�c �itiil (�fzidc.�) Honc Ad�cu: Strert \zme Ci�' NO lf no� �;ho �a•ill operate it? I.art Sulc q � -i,���� Datc of Birth Zip P6onC \tybct Are }'ou going to have a mz*�ag� or7sss:znt ia this business7 X YES Iv'O If Lhe ma*�ager is not tbe s�.-ne as the operztor, piezse complete the folloW�ing infonnaGOn: ftussell L. Payne 5/40/71 Fi-st!:zoc ?.d'idmeInitiil (�sid.-n) Last DefcafBirth 1975 North Timberwolf Trail Eap�an Mta 55199 688-3063 Home.4c3c�s: Sttul\z�e Ci:y Sizic Zip Phone\�ber Plezse Lst }'our emplo}�ent history for :Le preti�ous 5��e (5) � eu perio3: �usiness/Emplo�mrnt Address Crosstown Auto. Inc. 218 No h PaGCaI 4t Pa„l MN 55104 List all otber o�cers of tbe corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HO.MS NA.ME (Office HeId) ADDRESS HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHO:�B PHOI�B BIRTH If business is a parmaship, pleau include the following info;navon for each parmer {use additional pages ifnecessa�y�): Fuat \�e Home Ad3rer. Strat �amc HmneAd�sn: St�eet?:ame ?.�fid�e Snitiil GVfaidm) City ���) Ciry Lut - Swe Zip I�+a s�u z� _ Da1e of Binh P6one;:icnber Datc of Birt2� - r!:� ��� MIIQIIESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATIO.�' ATUM38ER - Pursuent to ttie I,aw•s of Mmnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, P,rticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax C}earance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to proti�de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the 1✓1innesota business tu identi5cation number and The social s»w-iry number ef each license appiicant Under the Minnesota Government Dzta Praclices Act and the Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�ise you of the following regarding the use of the I.�'innewta Tax Identificarion Number , - This information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu•al of }'our license in the event you owe Mumesota sales, employer's u�thholding or motor vehicSe excise taxes; " - - Upori recei��ing this informaGon, the licensing authoriry u�ill supply it only lo the Minnesota pepattment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agrcement, the Depariment of Revenue may supply this information to tbe Intetnal Revenue Service. ' _ . Mmnesota Tax Id�hficarion I3�bers (Sales & Usc Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plzza (612-296-6181). SocialSecurityNumber. 470-48-6907 MinnesotaTa�cIdentifieationNumber: applied for ! Ifa Mumesota Tax Idrntification Numba is not required for thc business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box g� -���� CERTIFICATION OF W ORICERS' CO?.�ENSATION C0�'E.RAGE PURSUANT IO MI?�T�ESOTA STATt;TE 1 i6 182 I hereb}' certif} that I, or m� companv, a� in compliance �+ith thz u o?.;ers' compensation insurance co� erage requ:� ements of ;✓unnesota Stztu±e 176.182, subdi�isiop 2. I aLw undersiznd th�f pro�tision offalse i�fo:matioa in this certificalion co,-�stitutes sufficieat grounds for zd��erse action zezmst zll licenses hel� includu!g re��oca��on znd suspensioa of said licenses. I�TZme ofInsurance Company: State Fund PolicyNumber: 010078 20�+ Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 to 4/1/98 I ha��e no employees coti•ered under u�o�;ers' compensation ins�rance (Il3ITL4LS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB AI�SW�ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED . R'ILI. RESIILT IIV DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansu�ered all of the preceding questioas, znd t�at the information cont2ined berein is hue and cocrect to the best of my k�ow�]edge and belief I hereby state further thai I�ave rrei��ed no money or other consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, conhibution, or otheiuise, other th� already dis;,losed in the application w}iich I h�eu7th submitted I also understand this premise may he inspected bg police, fire, heaith and other ciTy- o�cials at any end all times N ben the business is in operation ? /2 alI applications) We Aitl accept pa} by cash, c6ezk (made pa�•abje to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). Date IFPAYING BYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA�FORMATIOK �MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of ACCOUNT NI7MBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,�� "'Note: If this applicaUOn is Food/Liquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plsns. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for ouilang peimiu. If there are a�� cbanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning inspector at 266-9008. All applications requim the folloning documents. Please attach these documents a�hen submittiag your app[ication: I. A detailed description of the desiga, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an S 1/2' x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - I�Tame, address, and phone nimmber. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areu, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc: - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tbe licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ou�nership of the property. SPEC7FIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADpTTIONAL INFOIiMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII..S >>>>