97-1367Council File # 7 � 3 � ����� ����/ ����� l � t ordinance # G=een Sheet # �CS� l'?� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 s 6 7 s 9 l0 11 iz 13 14 15 16 i� is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLVED: That applicafion (ID #54599) for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velucle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlus office. 2. Not more than 10 used cazs for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars must be pazked in the azea at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will also be a used caz sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage in the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for wluch this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation The third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used for deliverylpickup &om the auto parts storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold p . a � The term "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of velucle body parts or the � / painting of the vehicle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on this lot is expressiy forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activiry of removing parts from a velucle on Uris lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 industriat zoning district, in which tlris property is located. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove pazked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Day[on Avenue. No auto repair work or storage to be � on Dayton Avenue. Make the facade improvements including a 12' (nununum), opaque fence, within 2 years. Marshall property line facing north woutd be first improved. Limit caz stacks to no more than three cars lugh. 37 38 39 40 41 11. 12. 13. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer pazlang on Pascal Avenue. Designate I�andicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �i�t -���� �„o� ��� n r �,C Requested by Department of: Office o License Insy�gctions and Fnv+ronmental Protection By: � +'7"�°.GX/�/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Appz BY= Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/ � ��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc 2 Adopted by Counc i1: Date �., ,��, r��", N� 5031� �7 -/3�? DEPhRTAENTXJFFICEICOUNCIL I DATE 1NRIATED G R E E N S H E E LIEP /Licens ing INITIAVDATE INITIAVUATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCOUNCIL Christine %ozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �dTYATTORNEV �CITYCIERK MUST BE ON CqUNQL AGENDA BY (DATEi NUMBEP FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGi SERVICES DIR. NOUTING FOT hearing: If f`� f� ORDER o MAYOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) - ACTION REQUESTED: Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Czosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-MoCor Vehicle License located at 1440 Marshall Avenue (ID �154599). RECOMMENDATIONS: ApProve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIViI SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract fpr this tlepartmentt _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? � — YES NO _ D7STa�C7 COUBi _ 3. Does tTis persoNfirm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ali yes anawero on Separale eheet antl attach to green aFeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITI (Who, Whe6 When. Whare. Why)' ADYANTAGES If APPi{OVED: OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . - � - �a� �EB�`� 4CT 2 3 1" 70TAL AfdOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUIiDifdG SOURCE ACT{VITY NUMBER FINANCIAIINFORMATION'(EXPlA1N) council File # � � "�3� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g � � Presented By Referred To Ordinance Green RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA RESOLVED: That application, ID #54599, for a Second Hand ealer-MOtor Vehicle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto, Al In One-IISed Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall, be and t e same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Requested by Department of: Adoptic+n Byc 1. The building construction and site rk is completed according to the approved site plan on file with th' office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sa may be displayed on the property. Theae cara must be parked in the rea at the northwest corner o£ the site shown on the approved site lan. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts s es counter and fifty-one hundred squars feet of auto parts storage i the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is ermitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end i the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. he third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used f r delivery/pickup from the auto parts atorage area and may not be us d for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east nd o£ the building will be used to recondition cars ao that they c be sold. The tersn 'recondition' ahall not mean the straightening exchanging of vehicle body parts or the apray painting of the v icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body rep r facility. 6. The ealvaging o motor and other vehicle parta on this lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #two above, used parts may be sold from the pr ses. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on this lot fo resale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning district, ' which this property is located. �ied by Council Secretary Approved�by Mayor: Date Off�ce of License Znsoections and Environmental Protection BY������ Form Approved by Cit o ey By: � �n.�.1/+ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: # 50313 yo ttee: Date By: Adopted by Counc�l: Date _ 5.,..z rwut � seiu - i3� � r , ��, � �,, y �i..(L� , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION (�1 j �`�{ � t CITY OF SAPvtT PALZ �a ofliccsc, LnsTccuo.0 z�d Emi:carnc;nzl Pro�ecion ?SD St Pr.c S: S_'�e 3� 5+:.-c Pa.+t N'�noh _'S!C1 (EI.')1369:P] ¢.t(617)TSio! 7�F�S APPLICATIOU IS SL'BTEC7' TO FV�W 3y'II�F pt7gL'C PLEASE TI'PE OR PRIh'T L?�1 L� � T�pe of Lic�-nse(s) zgplied for. (7�Sf � S �_ 3/7� 06 C��.P��J:��.'ne: _ Crosstown Auto. Inc Co:po: avon / Pz2�c-�:p / Solc ?ta�ei�hip If btir:ness is inco;porate,� p� e date of iaco;poration: SentP,nhPr � � 97� DoingBuiaessAs: Crosstown Auto• All in pne - IIsed Autos BrsinessPhone: 645-7715 Busincss Address: 1440 Marshall Avenue sv�x aa�. c;�y sum z� - Betweea w•bat cross y�eeu is the btuiness locatd2 __Marshall and Dayton W]v�b �de ofthe str�t7 South - AreLhcpremisesnowoccupied7 No V auto sales - MailToAddress: 218 North Pascal St Paul N`N 55104 S�a naa�,a — - �� � � Applican2 Informa�on: 2�'amczndTitle: Clvde Russell Payne President Fuat ?.iddlc ���') � Title F3o�eAddress: 996 Wild£Iower Court Ea an MN 55123 s� ,saa.2,. Cs�y Suu Z; DatcofBirth: 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN HomePhone: 454-2999 Hzre }�o� cc•er b�.n ca :i�cied cf z.�p re;on}•, w:�e o: ��clz� � of z^.y ci:}• or3:a�,�:,e c:ha thsn ��c? 1'ES h'O —�_ Date of zsrest V,�y� Cbargc: _ Coati�ction; Sentence: List t�e names and resdences o {�� P�� of good moral c�z acter, li�ing a�ithin the T�in Cities Metro Area, not reJ2ted to tbe xpplicant or financlyl]y interesied �� premises or business, t�fio mzy be referred to u lo tbc applicEnt's character. . I `Ai`'� ADDRESS PHONE L>r_ and Mrs Tom Tiornhom 6645 Oliver Ave S Richfield MN 869 6501 Dr, and Mrs��Jack Murray 1151 Transit Ave W Roseville MN 484 3863 13r. and Mrs David Sebald 1146 Harrison Street Shakopee MN 445 2034 List liceases k•hich pou curzently hold former}y beld, or may h�•e an interest in: auto salvaQe and auto repair (under Crosstown Auto. Inc.) Ha��e zay of tbe nEmcd liccnsa e��a been m�oked7 YES X j�0 Ifya, list ihe dztcs end reasoas for ret•ocation: Are }'ou going to or erate this business pc:s�aell}'7 _� � �S Fint ��e Home Ad.isv: SuGI \xae \Sia'Je lnitil (�Snidn) Ci l' Are }�ou going to hz�•e z mz�e� or2sss,a�t u*3is btsiness7 X YES plezse comp]ete t�e follov.wg info:mztion: !�O If no� ��,ho "-ill operz,e it? I.ast S:atc g7-/.3�e� ;� Dae of Binh Zip Pnr.ie ti-,"y� i�'O lf Lhe mz^.ager is not Lhe sz,-ne zs t�e operztor, Ted G_ Ferguson il/14j41 Fi-st�ac ?�;iddelniGil �:�]L�T� Last DuofBinh 360 Edmund Avenue St. Paul MPI SSI03 228-1515 :iomcAd.a��: Sire�'�ac C:'y State Zip Phr.�c\u�Set Plezse lA your �;plo�ae:it history for t�e p; e�iou 5��e (5) ce�r pe*.io3: Business/£m�lo�r.�e�t Add*ess Crosstown Auto, Inc. 218 North ac a1 St P,1 Nrn 55104 List all other oScr.s of the cmporatioa: O�ICER TITLE ATAUiE (Office He1d) HO?viE -- ADDRESS H01✓.E BUSII�*ESS PHO'� PH02.TE If btuinas is a pErtnaship, plerse include tbe following info�ation for each paYmer (use additional pages ifnecessary): Firu �,me HomeAddrsar. Svxt?:ame First \�e HomeAdd�ess: SLSC?:ame ?.Lddl< Initi.l ('.Lida�) City (\1ai�a) �' ' SuEe Zip I ad Siat< Z.�p � _ DATE OF BII2TH Duc ofBirth PSonc ?:uabc Date of Hinh - P6cae �:�atr 2✓�QNESOTA TAX IDE2SI7FICATION A'L'?�dBER - Purn�t to the I.au�s of Mwnesota, I S84, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� C]ezrc,ce; Issuance of Licenses), liceasing authorities ��e ; equire:i to pro�ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota btLSiness tzx identi5cation number c�d the social s�.urity number ef each license applicznt Under the Miunesota Government Dats Practices Act and t�e Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�3se you of the follou•ing regarding tbe use of iSe NGnnesota Tax Identi5cavon I�TUmb�: - This intormatioa may be use3 to deny the issuanec or renex�rl of youc license in the event pou o���e Mmnesota sales, employer's v.ithbolding or moior vehicle excise tzxes•, ". ". - Upon recei��ing this infoimatio� the licensing autho:ity kill supply it�onty io the Minnesota DepEriment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetai Exchange of Info;mation Agre�eat, tt�e Depuunent of I2evenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Sen�cd _ . Minneso;s Tax Id�ficabon Niunbas (Sales & tSse T�c Numbe) may be obteined fran the Stato of Minnesot� Business Records Depaztment, l 0 Riva Psrk Pleza (612-296-6181). Social Security2�Iumber. 470-48-6907 2,TnnesotsTaxldrntificationNumber. 4354781 _ 1f s Minnesota Trx Identi5calion?.TU..^�ber is not requv ed iw tt,e busincss being operate3, indicate so by placing an"X" in tbe box �R. * I ! � - /�.J f( � �..� CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COVU'ENSATION COyERAGE PURSUA2v'T TO MRv'NESOTA STATUTE I i6.182 I hereb}' cenify that I, or my co:npany, a�n in compliance v.ith tbe tii o�};ers compensztion inswance co� erage requirements of Mi.-mesota S+atute 176.I 82, subdi�is;on 2. I aso u�derstznd that pro��ision offalse iaformation in this certificztion constitutes �cirnt grounds for ad��erse action egzinst all licenses hel� including re� ocation znd suspensioa of said licenses. ?��ne ofinsurance Company: PolicyATUmber: 010078 204 Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 t 4/1/98 I ha�°e no emplo} ees co��ered under u�o.-l:ers' compensation irs�ranrx (II�TITIALS) AR'Y FALSIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR hL4TERIAL_SUBMTiTED , WTLI, REStiLT IN DENIAL OF TfIIS APPLICATiOrT I hereby state that I have ansu�zred all of the preceding questions, and that the infor,nalion contzined berein is hue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie£ I hereby state further that I have rr,,�ii�ed no money or other consideratio� by a�ay of loa� gift, con�ibutio� or otheru other than already di�lose3 in the application which I b�eNith submived I rlso understand t2vs premise may be inspected bp police, fire, hezlth and other ciry o�ci2ls at 2ny znd a11 times when tbe b�siness is in operalion Signature ('�tEQUIRED fbr all applications) Date We aill accept pacment by cash, eheck (made paya6le fo Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IA'FORMATION � MasterCazd ❑ Visa EXPPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER ❑C7/�1� _ ❑OC1❑ ❑�C�❑ ❑0[�❑ ❑OC7❑ of of Cud Holder(required for all charQes) Date '`"Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relate� please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, STeve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plans. tf anY substantiel changes to strucmre aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul P7an Examiner at 266-9007 to applp for building pemvu. ��'� ��Y ��5� ��e p�ng ]o� floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All app6cations requin ihe folloniag documents. Please attach these documeats R•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desi gn, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). lhe following data should be on the site plan (preferably on sn 8 1/2" x 11 " or 8 12" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - Tf�e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, ofiices, repair are� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licen.sed facility, indicate both tbe current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrcement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE A.PPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAII,S >>>> �...,,.. � Snelling ` Hamline � , ,� Community � � Council Board of November 12, 1997 D'uectors 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 ,.. �: e-mail ed.bower@stpaul.gov ,,�, City Councilmember Roberta Megard L'�'�B� Room 310D City Nalf ttep�anw� ���„ St. Paul, MN 55104 �r� sam,ry c�� r��o� a�-.�-� e>,�xon� sn�� x��ae� Tw�R�m� Fmd Scluiler cm�n�v Betey Van Hecke 7oTn Van Hecke r.ar;a� i.�. w� va p��a�e Gary Wma �e w�v,��; Dear Counciimember Megard: ��,���� The Snelling Hamline Community Council voted unanimously at iYs November 6 meeting to request the City Council to attach the following conditions to Mr. Clyde Payne's request for a business license at 1440 Marshall Avenue: 1. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. 2. No more work to be performed on Dayton Avenue. , 3. Make facade improvements inciuding a 12' (minimum) fence. 4. Limit car stacks to no more than three cars high. 5. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. 6. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascai Avenue. 7. Designate handicap parking adjacent to business entrance. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, � d �,�� ���, John Van Hecke President JO . � ' � � � ...•..... • a ,_ _. .r. • �' .� ♦� ��'.LTr�i. N�---- AYE. �----- R�08�YN - r--- AV E • � � � � ~• J� � � m �� --�` �� av E �{���--- � ' • J. W `_ •, � � AvE. � �.^��'==� �AYT � � f-� � �. � � _ -. AY E . � c.�. •Q � �� AVE.- r----- a � N C � Q � z ;:�: :; ::t : .:. ., .• . , .�., E. I � •�� : � . . . . . ;,:•• .;� , ..�••K..+ tA � � C� N a : Mi . � W m J Q q� -1�4� ...• ... �. � ti�'� "� t'. � �� . w � `�� �:•�';:�:.;;.•.- .,::.:• . ,. -. .'�"'',T—�"! ��� � .'.�J.. �•Ji: . �� �i.:;2:;�. l i • i�� �'�w� i' �1 � � Council File # 7 � 3 � ����� ����/ ����� l � t ordinance # G=een Sheet # �CS� l'?� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 s 6 7 s 9 l0 11 iz 13 14 15 16 i� is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLVED: That applicafion (ID #54599) for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velucle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlus office. 2. Not more than 10 used cazs for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars must be pazked in the azea at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will also be a used caz sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage in the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for wluch this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation The third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used for deliverylpickup &om the auto parts storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold p . a � The term "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of velucle body parts or the � / painting of the vehicle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on this lot is expressiy forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activiry of removing parts from a velucle on Uris lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 industriat zoning district, in which tlris property is located. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove pazked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Day[on Avenue. No auto repair work or storage to be � on Dayton Avenue. Make the facade improvements including a 12' (nununum), opaque fence, within 2 years. Marshall property line facing north woutd be first improved. Limit caz stacks to no more than three cars lugh. 37 38 39 40 41 11. 12. 13. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer pazlang on Pascal Avenue. Designate I�andicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �i�t -���� �„o� ��� n r �,C Requested by Department of: Office o License Insy�gctions and Fnv+ronmental Protection By: � +'7"�°.GX/�/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Appz BY= Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/ � ��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc 2 Adopted by Counc i1: Date �., ,��, r��", N� 5031� �7 -/3�? DEPhRTAENTXJFFICEICOUNCIL I DATE 1NRIATED G R E E N S H E E LIEP /Licens ing INITIAVDATE INITIAVUATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCOUNCIL Christine %ozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �dTYATTORNEV �CITYCIERK MUST BE ON CqUNQL AGENDA BY (DATEi NUMBEP FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGi SERVICES DIR. NOUTING FOT hearing: If f`� f� ORDER o MAYOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) - ACTION REQUESTED: Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Czosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-MoCor Vehicle License located at 1440 Marshall Avenue (ID �154599). RECOMMENDATIONS: ApProve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIViI SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract fpr this tlepartmentt _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? � — YES NO _ D7STa�C7 COUBi _ 3. Does tTis persoNfirm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ali yes anawero on Separale eheet antl attach to green aFeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITI (Who, Whe6 When. Whare. Why)' ADYANTAGES If APPi{OVED: OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . - � - �a� �EB�`� 4CT 2 3 1" 70TAL AfdOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUIiDifdG SOURCE ACT{VITY NUMBER FINANCIAIINFORMATION'(EXPlA1N) council File # � � "�3� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g � � Presented By Referred To Ordinance Green RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA RESOLVED: That application, ID #54599, for a Second Hand ealer-MOtor Vehicle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto, Al In One-IISed Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall, be and t e same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Requested by Department of: Adoptic+n Byc 1. The building construction and site rk is completed according to the approved site plan on file with th' office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sa may be displayed on the property. Theae cara must be parked in the rea at the northwest corner o£ the site shown on the approved site lan. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts s es counter and fifty-one hundred squars feet of auto parts storage i the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is ermitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end i the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. he third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used f r delivery/pickup from the auto parts atorage area and may not be us d for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east nd o£ the building will be used to recondition cars ao that they c be sold. The tersn 'recondition' ahall not mean the straightening exchanging of vehicle body parts or the apray painting of the v icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body rep r facility. 6. The ealvaging o motor and other vehicle parta on this lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #two above, used parts may be sold from the pr ses. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on this lot fo resale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning district, ' which this property is located. �ied by Council Secretary Approved�by Mayor: Date Off�ce of License Znsoections and Environmental Protection BY������ Form Approved by Cit o ey By: � �n.�.1/+ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: # 50313 yo ttee: Date By: Adopted by Counc�l: Date _ 5.,..z rwut � seiu - i3� � r , ��, � �,, y �i..(L� , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION (�1 j �`�{ � t CITY OF SAPvtT PALZ �a ofliccsc, LnsTccuo.0 z�d Emi:carnc;nzl Pro�ecion ?SD St Pr.c S: S_'�e 3� 5+:.-c Pa.+t N'�noh _'S!C1 (EI.')1369:P] ¢.t(617)TSio! 7�F�S APPLICATIOU IS SL'BTEC7' TO FV�W 3y'II�F pt7gL'C PLEASE TI'PE OR PRIh'T L?�1 L� � T�pe of Lic�-nse(s) zgplied for. (7�Sf � S �_ 3/7� 06 C��.P��J:��.'ne: _ Crosstown Auto. Inc Co:po: avon / Pz2�c-�:p / Solc ?ta�ei�hip If btir:ness is inco;porate,� p� e date of iaco;poration: SentP,nhPr � � 97� DoingBuiaessAs: Crosstown Auto• All in pne - IIsed Autos BrsinessPhone: 645-7715 Busincss Address: 1440 Marshall Avenue sv�x aa�. c;�y sum z� - Betweea w•bat cross y�eeu is the btuiness locatd2 __Marshall and Dayton W]v�b �de ofthe str�t7 South - AreLhcpremisesnowoccupied7 No V auto sales - MailToAddress: 218 North Pascal St Paul N`N 55104 S�a naa�,a — - �� � � Applican2 Informa�on: 2�'amczndTitle: Clvde Russell Payne President Fuat ?.iddlc ���') � Title F3o�eAddress: 996 Wild£Iower Court Ea an MN 55123 s� ,saa.2,. Cs�y Suu Z; DatcofBirth: 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN HomePhone: 454-2999 Hzre }�o� cc•er b�.n ca :i�cied cf z.�p re;on}•, w:�e o: ��clz� � of z^.y ci:}• or3:a�,�:,e c:ha thsn ��c? 1'ES h'O —�_ Date of zsrest V,�y� Cbargc: _ Coati�ction; Sentence: List t�e names and resdences o {�� P�� of good moral c�z acter, li�ing a�ithin the T�in Cities Metro Area, not reJ2ted to tbe xpplicant or financlyl]y interesied �� premises or business, t�fio mzy be referred to u lo tbc applicEnt's character. . I `Ai`'� ADDRESS PHONE L>r_ and Mrs Tom Tiornhom 6645 Oliver Ave S Richfield MN 869 6501 Dr, and Mrs��Jack Murray 1151 Transit Ave W Roseville MN 484 3863 13r. and Mrs David Sebald 1146 Harrison Street Shakopee MN 445 2034 List liceases k•hich pou curzently hold former}y beld, or may h�•e an interest in: auto salvaQe and auto repair (under Crosstown Auto. Inc.) Ha��e zay of tbe nEmcd liccnsa e��a been m�oked7 YES X j�0 Ifya, list ihe dztcs end reasoas for ret•ocation: Are }'ou going to or erate this business pc:s�aell}'7 _� � �S Fint ��e Home Ad.isv: SuGI \xae \Sia'Je lnitil (�Snidn) Ci l' Are }�ou going to hz�•e z mz�e� or2sss,a�t u*3is btsiness7 X YES plezse comp]ete t�e follov.wg info:mztion: !�O If no� ��,ho "-ill operz,e it? I.ast S:atc g7-/.3�e� ;� Dae of Binh Zip Pnr.ie ti-,"y� i�'O lf Lhe mz^.ager is not Lhe sz,-ne zs t�e operztor, Ted G_ Ferguson il/14j41 Fi-st�ac ?�;iddelniGil �:�]L�T� Last DuofBinh 360 Edmund Avenue St. Paul MPI SSI03 228-1515 :iomcAd.a��: Sire�'�ac C:'y State Zip Phr.�c\u�Set Plezse lA your �;plo�ae:it history for t�e p; e�iou 5��e (5) ce�r pe*.io3: Business/£m�lo�r.�e�t Add*ess Crosstown Auto, Inc. 218 North ac a1 St P,1 Nrn 55104 List all other oScr.s of the cmporatioa: O�ICER TITLE ATAUiE (Office He1d) HO?viE -- ADDRESS H01✓.E BUSII�*ESS PHO'� PH02.TE If btuinas is a pErtnaship, plerse include tbe following info�ation for each paYmer (use additional pages ifnecessary): Firu �,me HomeAddrsar. Svxt?:ame First \�e HomeAdd�ess: SLSC?:ame ?.Lddl< Initi.l ('.Lida�) City (\1ai�a) �' ' SuEe Zip I ad Siat< Z.�p � _ DATE OF BII2TH Duc ofBirth PSonc ?:uabc Date of Hinh - P6cae �:�atr 2✓�QNESOTA TAX IDE2SI7FICATION A'L'?�dBER - Purn�t to the I.au�s of Mwnesota, I S84, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� C]ezrc,ce; Issuance of Licenses), liceasing authorities ��e ; equire:i to pro�ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota btLSiness tzx identi5cation number c�d the social s�.urity number ef each license applicznt Under the Miunesota Government Dats Practices Act and t�e Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�3se you of the follou•ing regarding tbe use of iSe NGnnesota Tax Identi5cavon I�TUmb�: - This intormatioa may be use3 to deny the issuanec or renex�rl of youc license in the event pou o���e Mmnesota sales, employer's v.ithbolding or moior vehicle excise tzxes•, ". ". - Upon recei��ing this infoimatio� the licensing autho:ity kill supply it�onty io the Minnesota DepEriment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetai Exchange of Info;mation Agre�eat, tt�e Depuunent of I2evenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Sen�cd _ . Minneso;s Tax Id�ficabon Niunbas (Sales & tSse T�c Numbe) may be obteined fran the Stato of Minnesot� Business Records Depaztment, l 0 Riva Psrk Pleza (612-296-6181). Social Security2�Iumber. 470-48-6907 2,TnnesotsTaxldrntificationNumber. 4354781 _ 1f s Minnesota Trx Identi5calion?.TU..^�ber is not requv ed iw tt,e busincss being operate3, indicate so by placing an"X" in tbe box �R. * I ! � - /�.J f( � �..� CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COVU'ENSATION COyERAGE PURSUA2v'T TO MRv'NESOTA STATUTE I i6.182 I hereb}' cenify that I, or my co:npany, a�n in compliance v.ith tbe tii o�};ers compensztion inswance co� erage requirements of Mi.-mesota S+atute 176.I 82, subdi�is;on 2. I aso u�derstznd that pro��ision offalse iaformation in this certificztion constitutes �cirnt grounds for ad��erse action egzinst all licenses hel� including re� ocation znd suspensioa of said licenses. ?��ne ofinsurance Company: PolicyATUmber: 010078 204 Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 t 4/1/98 I ha�°e no emplo} ees co��ered under u�o.-l:ers' compensation irs�ranrx (II�TITIALS) AR'Y FALSIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR hL4TERIAL_SUBMTiTED , WTLI, REStiLT IN DENIAL OF TfIIS APPLICATiOrT I hereby state that I have ansu�zred all of the preceding questions, and that the infor,nalion contzined berein is hue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie£ I hereby state further that I have rr,,�ii�ed no money or other consideratio� by a�ay of loa� gift, con�ibutio� or otheru other than already di�lose3 in the application which I b�eNith submived I rlso understand t2vs premise may be inspected bp police, fire, hezlth and other ciry o�ci2ls at 2ny znd a11 times when tbe b�siness is in operalion Signature ('�tEQUIRED fbr all applications) Date We aill accept pacment by cash, eheck (made paya6le fo Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IA'FORMATION � MasterCazd ❑ Visa EXPPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER ❑C7/�1� _ ❑OC1❑ ❑�C�❑ ❑0[�❑ ❑OC7❑ of of Cud Holder(required for all charQes) Date '`"Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relate� please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, STeve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plans. tf anY substantiel changes to strucmre aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul P7an Examiner at 266-9007 to applp for building pemvu. ��'� ��Y ��5� ��e p�ng ]o� floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All app6cations requin ihe folloniag documents. Please attach these documeats R•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desi gn, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). lhe following data should be on the site plan (preferably on sn 8 1/2" x 11 " or 8 12" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - Tf�e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, ofiices, repair are� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licen.sed facility, indicate both tbe current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrcement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE A.PPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAII,S >>>> �...,,.. � Snelling ` Hamline � , ,� Community � � Council Board of November 12, 1997 D'uectors 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 ,.. �: e-mail ed.bower@stpaul.gov ,,�, City Councilmember Roberta Megard L'�'�B� Room 310D City Nalf ttep�anw� ���„ St. Paul, MN 55104 �r� sam,ry c�� r��o� a�-.�-� e>,�xon� sn�� x��ae� Tw�R�m� Fmd Scluiler cm�n�v Betey Van Hecke 7oTn Van Hecke r.ar;a� i.�. w� va p��a�e Gary Wma �e w�v,��; Dear Counciimember Megard: ��,���� The Snelling Hamline Community Council voted unanimously at iYs November 6 meeting to request the City Council to attach the following conditions to Mr. Clyde Payne's request for a business license at 1440 Marshall Avenue: 1. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. 2. No more work to be performed on Dayton Avenue. , 3. Make facade improvements inciuding a 12' (minimum) fence. 4. Limit car stacks to no more than three cars high. 5. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. 6. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascai Avenue. 7. Designate handicap parking adjacent to business entrance. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, � d �,�� ���, John Van Hecke President JO . � ' � � � ...•..... • a ,_ _. .r. • �' .� ♦� ��'.LTr�i. N�---- AYE. �----- R�08�YN - r--- AV E • � � � � ~• J� � � m �� --�` �� av E �{���--- � ' • J. W `_ •, � � AvE. � �.^��'==� �AYT � � f-� � �. � � _ -. AY E . � c.�. •Q � �� AVE.- r----- a � N C � Q � z ;:�: :; ::t : .:. ., .• . , .�., E. I � •�� : � . . . . . ;,:•• .;� , ..�••K..+ tA � � C� N a : Mi . � W m J Q q� -1�4� ...• ... �. � ti�'� "� t'. � �� . w � `�� �:•�';:�:.;;.•.- .,::.:• . ,. -. .'�"'',T—�"! ��� � .'.�J.. �•Ji: . �� �i.:;2:;�. l i • i�� �'�w� i' �1 � � Council File # 7 � 3 � ����� ����/ ����� l � t ordinance # G=een Sheet # �CS� l'?� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 s 6 7 s 9 l0 11 iz 13 14 15 16 i� is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLVED: That applicafion (ID #54599) for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Velucle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The building construction and site work is completed according to the approved site plan on file with tlus office. 2. Not more than 10 used cazs for sale may be displayed on the properiy. These cars must be pazked in the azea at the northwest comer of the site shown on the approved site plan. There will also be a used caz sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts sales counter and fifty-one hundred (5100) squaze feet of auto parts storage in the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is permitted on the property for wluch this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end of the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation The third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used for deliverylpickup &om the auto parts storage azea and may not be used for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east end of the building will be used to recondition cars so that they can be sold p . a � The term "recondition" shall not mean straightening or exchanging of velucle body parts or the � / painting of the vehicle or other customary activities associated with an auto body repair facility. 6. The salvaging of motor and other velucle parts on this lot is expressiy forbidden. As implied in condition #2 above, used parts may be sold from the premises. The activiry of removing parts from a velucle on Uris lot for resale is not permitted in the I-1 industriat zoning district, in which tlris property is located. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove pazked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Day[on Avenue. No auto repair work or storage to be � on Dayton Avenue. Make the facade improvements including a 12' (nununum), opaque fence, within 2 years. Marshall property line facing north woutd be first improved. Limit caz stacks to no more than three cars lugh. 37 38 39 40 41 11. 12. 13. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. Clearly designate customer pazlang on Pascal Avenue. Designate I�andicapped parking adjacent to business entrance. �i�t -���� �„o� ��� n r �,C Requested by Department of: Office o License Insy�gctions and Fnv+ronmental Protection By: � +'7"�°.GX/�/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Appz BY= Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/ � ��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc 2 Adopted by Counc i1: Date �., ,��, r��", N� 5031� �7 -/3�? DEPhRTAENTXJFFICEICOUNCIL I DATE 1NRIATED G R E E N S H E E LIEP /Licens ing INITIAVDATE INITIAVUATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCOUNCIL Christine %ozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �dTYATTORNEV �CITYCIERK MUST BE ON CqUNQL AGENDA BY (DATEi NUMBEP FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGi SERVICES DIR. NOUTING FOT hearing: If f`� f� ORDER o MAYOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) - ACTION REQUESTED: Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Czosstown Auto; All In One-Used Autos requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-MoCor Vehicle License located at 1440 Marshall Avenue (ID �154599). RECOMMENDATIONS: ApProve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIViI SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract fpr this tlepartmentt _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? � — YES NO _ D7STa�C7 COUBi _ 3. Does tTis persoNfirm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ali yes anawero on Separale eheet antl attach to green aFeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITI (Who, Whe6 When. Whare. Why)' ADYANTAGES If APPi{OVED: OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . - � - �a� �EB�`� 4CT 2 3 1" 70TAL AfdOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUIiDifdG SOURCE ACT{VITY NUMBER FINANCIAIINFORMATION'(EXPlA1N) council File # � � "�3� � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g � � Presented By Referred To Ordinance Green RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA RESOLVED: That application, ID #54599, for a Second Hand ealer-MOtor Vehicle License by Crosstown Auto Inc. DBA Crosstown Auto, Al In One-IISed Autos (Clyde Payne, President) at 1440 Marshall, be and t e same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Requested by Department of: Adoptic+n Byc 1. The building construction and site rk is completed according to the approved site plan on file with th' office. 2. Not more than 10 used cars for sa may be displayed on the property. Theae cara must be parked in the rea at the northwest corner o£ the site shown on the approved site lan. There will also be a used car sales office in the building. 3. There will be an auto parts s es counter and fifty-one hundred squars feet of auto parts storage i the building. No outside storage of auto parts, including tires, is ermitted on the property for which this license is issued. 4. Two bays at the west end i the building will be used for auto repair and tire installation. he third overhead door on the west side of the building will be used f r delivery/pickup from the auto parts atorage area and may not be us d for auto repair. 5. Two bays on the east nd o£ the building will be used to recondition cars ao that they c be sold. The tersn 'recondition' ahall not mean the straightening exchanging of vehicle body parts or the apray painting of the v icle or other customary activities associated with an auto body rep r facility. 6. The ealvaging o motor and other vehicle parta on this lot is expressly forbidden. As implied in condition #two above, used parts may be sold from the pr ses. The activity of removing parts from a vehicle on this lot fo resale is not permitted in the I-1 industrial zoning district, ' which this property is located. �ied by Council Secretary Approved�by Mayor: Date Off�ce of License Znsoections and Environmental Protection BY������ Form Approved by Cit o ey By: � �n.�.1/+ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: # 50313 yo ttee: Date By: Adopted by Counc�l: Date _ 5.,..z rwut � seiu - i3� � r , ��, � �,, y �i..(L� , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION (�1 j �`�{ � t CITY OF SAPvtT PALZ �a ofliccsc, LnsTccuo.0 z�d Emi:carnc;nzl Pro�ecion ?SD St Pr.c S: S_'�e 3� 5+:.-c Pa.+t N'�noh _'S!C1 (EI.')1369:P] ¢.t(617)TSio! 7�F�S APPLICATIOU IS SL'BTEC7' TO FV�W 3y'II�F pt7gL'C PLEASE TI'PE OR PRIh'T L?�1 L� � T�pe of Lic�-nse(s) zgplied for. (7�Sf � S �_ 3/7� 06 C��.P��J:��.'ne: _ Crosstown Auto. Inc Co:po: avon / Pz2�c-�:p / Solc ?ta�ei�hip If btir:ness is inco;porate,� p� e date of iaco;poration: SentP,nhPr � � 97� DoingBuiaessAs: Crosstown Auto• All in pne - IIsed Autos BrsinessPhone: 645-7715 Busincss Address: 1440 Marshall Avenue sv�x aa�. c;�y sum z� - Betweea w•bat cross y�eeu is the btuiness locatd2 __Marshall and Dayton W]v�b �de ofthe str�t7 South - AreLhcpremisesnowoccupied7 No V auto sales - MailToAddress: 218 North Pascal St Paul N`N 55104 S�a naa�,a — - �� � � Applican2 Informa�on: 2�'amczndTitle: Clvde Russell Payne President Fuat ?.iddlc ���') � Title F3o�eAddress: 996 Wild£Iower Court Ea an MN 55123 s� ,saa.2,. Cs�y Suu Z; DatcofBirth: 5/25/43 PlaceofBirth: Wadena, MN HomePhone: 454-2999 Hzre }�o� cc•er b�.n ca :i�cied cf z.�p re;on}•, w:�e o: ��clz� � of z^.y ci:}• or3:a�,�:,e c:ha thsn ��c? 1'ES h'O —�_ Date of zsrest V,�y� Cbargc: _ Coati�ction; Sentence: List t�e names and resdences o {�� P�� of good moral c�z acter, li�ing a�ithin the T�in Cities Metro Area, not reJ2ted to tbe xpplicant or financlyl]y interesied �� premises or business, t�fio mzy be referred to u lo tbc applicEnt's character. . I `Ai`'� ADDRESS PHONE L>r_ and Mrs Tom Tiornhom 6645 Oliver Ave S Richfield MN 869 6501 Dr, and Mrs��Jack Murray 1151 Transit Ave W Roseville MN 484 3863 13r. and Mrs David Sebald 1146 Harrison Street Shakopee MN 445 2034 List liceases k•hich pou curzently hold former}y beld, or may h�•e an interest in: auto salvaQe and auto repair (under Crosstown Auto. Inc.) Ha��e zay of tbe nEmcd liccnsa e��a been m�oked7 YES X j�0 Ifya, list ihe dztcs end reasoas for ret•ocation: Are }'ou going to or erate this business pc:s�aell}'7 _� � �S Fint ��e Home Ad.isv: SuGI \xae \Sia'Je lnitil (�Snidn) Ci l' Are }�ou going to hz�•e z mz�e� or2sss,a�t u*3is btsiness7 X YES plezse comp]ete t�e follov.wg info:mztion: !�O If no� ��,ho "-ill operz,e it? I.ast S:atc g7-/.3�e� ;� Dae of Binh Zip Pnr.ie ti-,"y� i�'O lf Lhe mz^.ager is not Lhe sz,-ne zs t�e operztor, Ted G_ Ferguson il/14j41 Fi-st�ac ?�;iddelniGil �:�]L�T� Last DuofBinh 360 Edmund Avenue St. Paul MPI SSI03 228-1515 :iomcAd.a��: Sire�'�ac C:'y State Zip Phr.�c\u�Set Plezse lA your �;plo�ae:it history for t�e p; e�iou 5��e (5) ce�r pe*.io3: Business/£m�lo�r.�e�t Add*ess Crosstown Auto, Inc. 218 North ac a1 St P,1 Nrn 55104 List all other oScr.s of the cmporatioa: O�ICER TITLE ATAUiE (Office He1d) HO?viE -- ADDRESS H01✓.E BUSII�*ESS PHO'� PH02.TE If btuinas is a pErtnaship, plerse include tbe following info�ation for each paYmer (use additional pages ifnecessary): Firu �,me HomeAddrsar. Svxt?:ame First \�e HomeAdd�ess: SLSC?:ame ?.Lddl< Initi.l ('.Lida�) City (\1ai�a) �' ' SuEe Zip I ad Siat< Z.�p � _ DATE OF BII2TH Duc ofBirth PSonc ?:uabc Date of Hinh - P6cae �:�atr 2✓�QNESOTA TAX IDE2SI7FICATION A'L'?�dBER - Purn�t to the I.au�s of Mwnesota, I S84, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (T� C]ezrc,ce; Issuance of Licenses), liceasing authorities ��e ; equire:i to pro�ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota btLSiness tzx identi5cation number c�d the social s�.urity number ef each license applicznt Under the Miunesota Government Dats Practices Act and t�e Federal Pricacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�3se you of the follou•ing regarding tbe use of iSe NGnnesota Tax Identi5cavon I�TUmb�: - This intormatioa may be use3 to deny the issuanec or renex�rl of youc license in the event pou o���e Mmnesota sales, employer's v.ithbolding or moior vehicle excise tzxes•, ". ". - Upon recei��ing this infoimatio� the licensing autho:ity kill supply it�onty io the Minnesota DepEriment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetai Exchange of Info;mation Agre�eat, tt�e Depuunent of I2evenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Sen�cd _ . Minneso;s Tax Id�ficabon Niunbas (Sales & tSse T�c Numbe) may be obteined fran the Stato of Minnesot� Business Records Depaztment, l 0 Riva Psrk Pleza (612-296-6181). Social Security2�Iumber. 470-48-6907 2,TnnesotsTaxldrntificationNumber. 4354781 _ 1f s Minnesota Trx Identi5calion?.TU..^�ber is not requv ed iw tt,e busincss being operate3, indicate so by placing an"X" in tbe box �R. * I ! � - /�.J f( � �..� CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COVU'ENSATION COyERAGE PURSUA2v'T TO MRv'NESOTA STATUTE I i6.182 I hereb}' cenify that I, or my co:npany, a�n in compliance v.ith tbe tii o�};ers compensztion inswance co� erage requirements of Mi.-mesota S+atute 176.I 82, subdi�is;on 2. I aso u�derstznd that pro��ision offalse iaformation in this certificztion constitutes �cirnt grounds for ad��erse action egzinst all licenses hel� including re� ocation znd suspensioa of said licenses. ?��ne ofinsurance Company: PolicyATUmber: 010078 204 Co��eragefrom 4/1/97 t 4/1/98 I ha�°e no emplo} ees co��ered under u�o.-l:ers' compensation irs�ranrx (II�TITIALS) AR'Y FALSIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR hL4TERIAL_SUBMTiTED , WTLI, REStiLT IN DENIAL OF TfIIS APPLICATiOrT I hereby state that I have ansu�zred all of the preceding questions, and that the infor,nalion contzined berein is hue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie£ I hereby state further that I have rr,,�ii�ed no money or other consideratio� by a�ay of loa� gift, con�ibutio� or otheru other than already di�lose3 in the application which I b�eNith submived I rlso understand t2vs premise may be inspected bp police, fire, hezlth and other ciry o�ci2ls at 2ny znd a11 times when tbe b�siness is in operalion Signature ('�tEQUIRED fbr all applications) Date We aill accept pacment by cash, eheck (made paya6le fo Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IA'FORMATION � MasterCazd ❑ Visa EXPPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER ❑C7/�1� _ ❑OC1❑ ❑�C�❑ ❑0[�❑ ❑OC7❑ of of Cud Holder(required for all charQes) Date '`"Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relate� please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, STeve Olson (266-9139), to re�7ew plans. tf anY substantiel changes to strucmre aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul P7an Examiner at 266-9007 to applp for building pemvu. ��'� ��Y ��5� ��e p�ng ]o� floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All app6cations requin ihe folloniag documents. Please attach these documeats R•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desi gn, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). lhe following data should be on the site plan (preferably on sn 8 1/2" x 11 " or 8 12" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - Tf�e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^A* should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, ofiices, repair are� parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licen.sed facility, indicate both tbe current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrcement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE A.PPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAII,S >>>> �...,,.. � Snelling ` Hamline � , ,� Community � � Council Board of November 12, 1997 D'uectors 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 ,.. �: e-mail ed.bower@stpaul.gov ,,�, City Councilmember Roberta Megard L'�'�B� Room 310D City Nalf ttep�anw� ���„ St. Paul, MN 55104 �r� sam,ry c�� r��o� a�-.�-� e>,�xon� sn�� x��ae� Tw�R�m� Fmd Scluiler cm�n�v Betey Van Hecke 7oTn Van Hecke r.ar;a� i.�. w� va p��a�e Gary Wma �e w�v,��; Dear Counciimember Megard: ��,���� The Snelling Hamline Community Council voted unanimously at iYs November 6 meeting to request the City Council to attach the following conditions to Mr. Clyde Payne's request for a business license at 1440 Marshall Avenue: 1. Remove parked semi-trailer with 1983 tabs from Dayton Avenue. 2. No more work to be performed on Dayton Avenue. , 3. Make facade improvements inciuding a 12' (minimum) fence. 4. Limit car stacks to no more than three cars high. 5. Remove cars stored on Pascal Avenue. 6. Clearly designate customer parking on Pascai Avenue. 7. Designate handicap parking adjacent to business entrance. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, � d �,�� ���, John Van Hecke President JO . � ' � � � ...•..... • a ,_ _. .r. • �' .� ♦� ��'.LTr�i. N�---- AYE. �----- R�08�YN - r--- AV E • � � � � ~• J� � � m �� --�` �� av E �{���--- � ' • J. W `_ •, � � AvE. � �.^��'==� �AYT � � f-� � �. � � _ -. AY E . � c.�. •Q � �� AVE.- r----- a � N C � Q � z ;:�: :; ::t : .:. ., .• . , .�., E. I � •�� : � . . . . . ;,:•• .;� , ..�••K..+ tA � � C� N a : Mi . � W m J Q q� -1�4� ...• ... �. � ti�'� "� t'. � �� . w � `�� �:•�';:�:.;;.•.- .,::.:• . ,. -. .'�"'',T—�"! ��� � .'.�J.. �•Ji: . �� �i.:;2:;�. l i • i�� �'�w� i' �1 � �