D00507C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �Proved Copies to: - City qerk (Originaq - Rnance Dept.'s AccouMing Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATNE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: "�00 50� Date: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the reques[ of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1995 budget of the Police Special Projec[s Fund, the Director of the Department of Fnance and Management Services is auihorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FROM: BUDGET 436 - Police Special Projects 34127 - Narcotics Control Grant Surveillance 0298 - Investiga6ons 49,160 (7,000) 42,160 49,160 (7,000) 42,160 TO: 436 - Police Specfal Projects • 34127 - Narcotics ConVOI Grant S�rveiltance 0251 - Transportation 0252 - Lodging - Meals - Etc 0253 - Registration Fees 0255 - Dues 0256 - Registration Fees - Local NetChange 0 2,500 0 3,500 0 700 0 200 0 100 0 7,000 � 2,500 3,500 700 200 i00 7,000 The above change wi(1 enable the 1995 Narcotics Surveiliance Grant budget to reflect the manner in which these funds wil! be spent. �� �3=�1�-�Q s�-a�-� �bproved by: Budget Director Date A030395A I t ' 05a°7 GREEN SHEET N_ 31485 mmnu�are iNmawnre DEPAFiTh1ENT DIRECTOR � cm couNCi� CITYAI"lORNEY � �CINCLERK ' BUDGE! DIRECTOR FlN. & MOT. $ERVICES DIR. MAYOp (OR ASSIST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL lOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval ofthe attached Administrative Order. ++� ca� _ GVILSERVICECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ . _ STAFF _ . __OISTFi1CTCAUflT _. SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE7 MIRIATINGPFiOBLEM.ISSUE. WAEIR7UNITY(WM. When. PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis personffrtm ever wOrked ander a coMrac[ for ihi5 departlnenK � YES NO 2. Hes ihu person/firtn ever 6een a ciry emplqee? , YES NO 3. Does this personfirtn passess a skill not normally possessed by arry curterrt city employae? VES NO Explain all yek etl8wers on separate sheet antl at[ech M gfeen ahcet Tbe Saint Paul Police Department desiies to reallocate its spending authority in the Nazcotics Control Surveillance Grant of the Police Special Pmjects Fund. The Sanrt Paul Police DePartment spendinS Plan in the Nazcotics Survedlance Grant will properly reflect the a�icipated 1995 e�cpendimres. RECEIVED None. MAR 2 81995 CITY CLERK The 1995 Narcolics Surveillance Grant budget will not properly reflect the ma�mer in which the fimds aze to be spent. AMOUNT OF TPANSACTION S COSTlXEVENUE BUOGETEO (CfRCLE ONEj YES NO , PUNDING SOUACE Police �ial P�jec c(436) pCTIVISY NUMBER 341 �7 ' FINqNC1AL INFOPMATION: {EXPLAIN) ' ��