97-1361council File # 9 7 - /3l�/ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 7 % �� � . , Presented By Referred To PAUL, Committee: Date �35� RESOLVED: That application, ID #85297, for a Dance or Rental Hall License by Windmill Market Attraction5 Inc. A MN Corp. DBA Windmill Market (William C. Norris, Jr.) at 122 Wabasha Street South, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition: 1. The licensee shall obtain all necessary building permits for any planned construction or remodeling. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY : c� . � � � Approved by Mayor: Date ti'21,�� r By: �� Offi of i,icense, n pect�ons and .nv� omm � al ro c ion By : � V-� �" �`-�'1.t,._/ Form Approved by City Atto ey By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date � a�l _��. `�`�cl I7 DEPlJiTINENTlOFFICEACOUNGL DATE INfT1ATED 3 7 9�10 LIEP GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE � OEPAFiTMENT DIflECTOF O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY CINCLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUYBERFOq � � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p0U'fING � BUDGET DIflECTOA � FIN. & MGT. SERVIC DIR. � OROER O MAYOR (Ofl A3315TAtJn O Hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNA URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURfl) ACiION REQUESTED: Windmill Market Attractions Inc. A M DBA Windmill Market requests Council approva of their application for a Dance or Rental Hall License (William C. Norris, Jr.)at 122 Wabasha St. S. (ID 1185297) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) PEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANhING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEPVICE COMMISSION �� � this parsoalFrm ever worked under a cortrnci foc this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMIiTEE __ VES NO 2. Has this perso�ffirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�S7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any Current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Exqlafn ell yes answers on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: a3�%.2;::,��:'., , . . ... :ro.�.,-.r,.,; r- . L'� � I �v'� /; DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORHiATION: (EXPLAIN) .- ��-���� ��a97 ` �� � CLASS III �-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AAIlA T}pe of License(s) being applied for: i)1v,� o I�.t� '�Z:�C Z� SsS' S l �{ -L%p /"1 `� r 1/� n � I -� - i yl. i.-- , --•--� 5 --�--�'--• Ilanro nr Ran+al HallG S 164 .00 LICENSE APPLICATION office ort��, �a;� and Environmana7 Protection 350 Sc Pefa St S:pe 3IX1 � Ss'�zPev�!J.��z 55102 ����� ��� ��)2669090fu(6@)2659126 � r .a p � T�IIS APPLICATION IS Si3BJECT TO RF VIEW BY TI� PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT II3 Il�SK CompanyNazne:]ei'inAmill Markat Attrartinns� Tnr 9 a MinnaGnt^ ('ornnr^tion Coiporation / Partncrship / Sole Proptietonhip Ifbusinessisincorporated,givedateofincorporation: December 30th� 1993 DoingBusinzssAs:Windmill Market (Assumed Name) BasinessPhone BusinessAddress: 122 South Wabasha Street St. Paul MN 55107 so-� aaa� Gry sw� z;p Betweenwhatcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocated� Plato - Fillmore Whichsideofthestreet? East ��Arethepremisesnowoccupied9y�_ WhatTypeofBusiness? Aueti�n House/Flea Markets/Craft Shows ;+.,�TOr".QdTesS:'���pf}mill NiArkat Si�ita 11(l� 122 S� Wa�hs��ha St � S�� Ml� 5510'� - Strcet Addian CrtS Sfate Zip Applicant Infoimation. Name and Title: Wi11 . Norris Jr.. President Fi�at ?vliddie (MsSden) I.ast Title HomeAddress: 315 North Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 � s+�naa,ri, c�ry s�r� vP DateofBirth: 7�16/45 PlaceofBnth: washington� D.G. HomePhone:� 5�'7)357-6612 r.�:-� ::.-_: _,-_- `°�_: .: �.. :, „v., . ,+ or 1 c 2Ao � - �, c ,. ,., .;� v�c *nX ,. � • t ' .,r� a; .�_.._ ........ ._o - ., �°� �,�,_�»,,, : ..:.'�i:...., Date of arrest: Charge: _ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist the names and residences of three petsons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or Snancially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: NAME Thomas P. Sexton r. ADDRESS 14?2 Gherryhill Rd.,Mendota �� Andrew t.. St. Pau PHONE 55�18 (612)455-1118 List licenses which you cuirently hol� formerly beid, or may have sn interest in: �Y�d Hand Dealer-Exhibition (City of St Paul) Auctioneer (County of LeSueur) Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES x NO Jf yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18l47 Aie ou oin to o erate this business enonall '� X 9? l�J � f Y S g p p��. y. YES NO Ifnot, who will operate it? � .: . Pi;. \ame M;aa�e (Vtaiaa,) Last - Daee otsirih FIome Addros: Strcet'.�amc Ci.y Sutc Zip P6onc!3umber Are you going to tiave a m�ager or assistant in this business? YES X NO Tf the manager is not the same zs the operator, pleue complete the following information: Fsrn r�m� f�Iome Addrsss: 54u1 i�*amc CiTy Please list your employment history for the pre�nous five (5} yeaz period: I� Stste Zip Dafc ofBirth Phonc\�bcr Business(Emplovment Address Will�am Norris, Attorney, 25 So. Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 (1978—�3) FastGrow, I"nc.,/Norris Management Co., Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. Atty. R. E. Manager 122 So. Wabasha St., St. Paul, MN 55107 (1993-97) List all other officers of the corporation: CF'FICER TITLE HOME HOME BtISINESS DATE OF NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIl2TH William C. Norris Jr. Att ./M r. 3�5 North Park Ave. Le Center, MN 56�57 507 357- 1 2 1z z 2 7- If business is a partnership, please include the following information for each par�er (use additionai pages if necessary): N/A Fixrtivmc MiddleInitiel (Mnidcn) Last DaieofBirTh HomeAddroe: Street\ame HomeAddtxv: SVeetName Middle Initial City (Msdcn) CiTy Stefe Zip I.aQ s�r� zip Phonc Number Dste of Birth Phone Nimmber MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorilies are required to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota t+usiness tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Tax Id No — Windmill 41-17b7165 f William Norris 469-48=8048 Under the Minnesota Croveinment Data Ptaclices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - T4us information may be used to deuy ttie issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withhoiding or motor vehicle eaccise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licEnsing authority w�l supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. IvSnnesota Tmt Identificalion Niu¢bers (Sa1es & Use Tax Number) may be obtained &am the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (632-296-6181). SocialSecuriryNumber: 469-48-8048 �y���TaxldentificationNumber: 41-1 7671 65 _ If a Minnesota Tax Identificarion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. Middlc Initisl (!.4aiden) 2/18l47 97 -�3�/ CER; IFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?y^'�NSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MT' �iESOTA STANTE 176.182 I haeL� certifp t2ial I, pr my contpyny, am iti. .apliance �nith the �i�orkers' compensation insurai. overage requirements of Nunnesota Stztute 176. i 82, subdi�-izion 2. I atso understand that provision of faLse infomiation in this certification cons[itutes sufficient grotL*�ds for adverse zction against a11 licenses held, including revocation and saspension of said licenses. NameofInsuranceCompany: American States Insurance C PolicyNumber: 01—WC-1 3 421 3-00 Coverzgefrom_ 6101 /97 to 6101 /98 T have no employ�s covered under w orkers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB Al\SR'ERS GNEN OR MATERIAL STJBMIITED WILL RESCTLT IN DEi�'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I heteby sfate that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and ihat the infoTmation contained herein is hue and corrzct to the best of my lmowledge and belief I hereby scate further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way o£ Ioan, gift, conh or othenuise, otha than aiready disclosed in the spplication wivch I haewith submitted I also understand this premise may be uupected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. Aug. 07, 1997 �f�>z--���-� for all applications) Date We will accept pa} ment by cash, cbeck (made payable to City of Saint Paun or credit card (MIC or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOIZMAT70N �MasterCazd ❑Visa EXPIIZA TION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑���� ���❑ ��i�❑ ❑dL�. �u' �L1C'.J❑ for aII '�'Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anUCipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to appiy for building pumiu. If there are mry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. ��— All appGcations mquire the following documents. Please attach tLese documents wheu submitting your application: � I. A detai]ed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (przferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of atl pertinent features of Yhe interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are� paricing, rest rooms, etc. ; If a request is for an addition or e�cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansion. �2. A copy ofyow lease agreEment or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFOItMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETA_II,S >>>> 2nais� g � �i3b1 License Application Dated Aug. 7th, 1997 FastGrow, Inc. William C. Norris, Jr, Norris Management Co., Inc. Pres. Windmill Market Attractions, Inc.- Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. 122 So. Wabasha St., #110 � St. Paul, MN 55107 g�a� Tel: (612) 291-7353 ��� II ��� � � N � C Hk79�toAK ���?-K� £ �Cl �- z � � oPEnt sF�R�T� a -� � AP,EA �i�� Ica X j0 a ;,� n -c. P � r � =1� 1r � �� Il N � M� x n� �� � � a r�� . o 0 0 _ N ��l�t�� QQV� ���� ��C� ���� �o 0 o��� a� ���. C7C38]L�� o QO C C��l ��C�I�A� C�� a OQaC� � O C-7 `s' C�C�I � [� �' C��� ���� i� 71� » I L� l [� � � C� o� v D z � A � � n s m F.tisXC-ENPSj ri' Y � 0 a � G� rn � � �� �RCnm . wv�as WoMFJJ's �w�ros k�s�aooM 1Q❑ � � z so� °� Ll�8� ° A ° � � h� U DO O< ��A� � ojo O O � 0 Vl � O �� D � m ._. �7 L1 �c a � � —F�+�/1— � �Y 1�1 � 2 �..�o,(,� W F,n�Y ' &n�d.sey 8 � � p ' > EXI7' - �. dc rt' o g 4 u o cr council File # 9 7 - /3l�/ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 7 % �� � . , Presented By Referred To PAUL, Committee: Date �35� RESOLVED: That application, ID #85297, for a Dance or Rental Hall License by Windmill Market Attraction5 Inc. A MN Corp. DBA Windmill Market (William C. Norris, Jr.) at 122 Wabasha Street South, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition: 1. The licensee shall obtain all necessary building permits for any planned construction or remodeling. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: c� . ��^_r� � Approved by Mayor: Date ti'21,�� r By: �� Offi of i,icense, n pect�ons and .nv� omm � al ro c ion By : � V-� �" �`-�'1.t,._/ Form Approved by City Atto ey By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date � a�l _��. `�`�cl I7 DEPlJiTINENTlOFFICEACOUNGL DATE INfT1ATED 3 7 9�10 LIEP GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE � OEPAFiTMENT DIflECTOF O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY CINCLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUYBERFOq � � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p0U'fING � BUDGET DIflECTOA � FIN. & MGT. SERVIC DIR. � OROER O MAYOR (Ofl A3315TAtJn O Hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNA URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURfl) ACiION REQUESTED: Windmill Market Attractions Inc. A M DBA Windmill Market requests Council approva of their application for a Dance or Rental Hall License (William C. Norris, Jr.)at 122 Wabasha St. S. (ID 1185297) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) PEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANhING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEPVICE COMMISSION �� � this parsoalFrm ever worked under a cortrnci foc this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMIiTEE __ VES NO 2. Has this perso�ffirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�S7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any Current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Exqlafn ell yes answers on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: a3�%.2;::,��:'., , . . ... :ro.�.,-.r,.,; r- . L'� � I �v'� /; DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORHiATION: (EXPLAIN) .- ��-���� ��a97 ` �� � CLASS III �-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AAIlA T}pe of License(s) being applied for: i)1v,� o I�.t� '�Z:�C Z� SsS' S l �{ -L%p /"1 `� r 1/� n � I -� - i yl. i.-- , --•--� 5 --�--�'--• Ilanro nr Ran+al HallG S 164 .00 LICENSE APPLICATION office ort��, �a;� and Environmana7 Protection 350 Sc Pefa St S:pe 3IX1 � Ss'�zPev�!J.��z 55102 ����� ��� ��)2669090fu(6@)2659126 � r .a p � T�IIS APPLICATION IS Si3BJECT TO RF VIEW BY TI� PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT II3 Il�SK CompanyNazne:]ei'inAmill Markat Attrartinns� Tnr 9 a MinnaGnt^ ('ornnr^tion Coiporation / Partncrship / Sole Proptietonhip Ifbusinessisincorporated,givedateofincorporation: December 30th� 1993 DoingBusinzssAs:Windmill Market (Assumed Name) BasinessPhone BusinessAddress: 122 South Wabasha Street St. Paul MN 55107 so-� aaa� Gry sw� z;p Betweenwhatcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocated� Plato - Fillmore Whichsideofthestreet? East ��Arethepremisesnowoccupied9y�_ WhatTypeofBusiness? Aueti�n House/Flea Markets/Craft Shows ;+.,�TOr".QdTesS:'���pf}mill NiArkat Si�ita 11(l� 122 S� Wa�hs��ha St � S�� Ml� 5510'� - Strcet Addian CrtS Sfate Zip Applicant Infoimation. Name and Title: Wi11 . Norris Jr.. President Fi�at ?vliddie (MsSden) I.ast Title HomeAddress: 315 North Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 � s+�naa,ri, c�ry s�r� vP DateofBirth: 7�16/45 PlaceofBnth: washington� D.G. HomePhone:� 5�'7)357-6612 r.�:-� ::.-_: _,-_- `°�_: .: �.. :, „v., . ,+ or 1 c 2Ao � - �, c ,. ,., .;� v�c *nX ,. � • t ' .,r� a; .�_.._ ........ ._o - ., �°� �,�,_�»,,, : ..:.'�i:...., Date of arrest: Charge: _ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist the names and residences of three petsons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or Snancially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: NAME Thomas P. Sexton r. ADDRESS 14?2 Gherryhill Rd.,Mendota �� Andrew t.. St. Pau PHONE 55�18 (612)455-1118 List licenses which you cuirently hol� formerly beid, or may have sn interest in: �Y�d Hand Dealer-Exhibition (City of St Paul) Auctioneer (County of LeSueur) Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES x NO Jf yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18l47 Aie ou oin to o erate this business enonall '� X 9? l�J � f Y S g p p��. y. YES NO Ifnot, who will operate it? � .: . Pi;. \ame M;aa�e (Vtaiaa,) Last - Daee otsirih FIome Addros: Strcet'.�amc Ci.y Sutc Zip P6onc!3umber Are you going to tiave a m�ager or assistant in this business? YES X NO Tf the manager is not the same zs the operator, pleue complete the following information: Fsrn r�m� f�Iome Addrsss: 54u1 i�*amc CiTy Please list your employment history for the pre�nous five (5} yeaz period: I� Stste Zip Dafc ofBirth Phonc\�bcr Business(Emplovment Address Will�am Norris, Attorney, 25 So. Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 (1978—�3) FastGrow, I"nc.,/Norris Management Co., Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. Atty. R. E. Manager 122 So. Wabasha St., St. Paul, MN 55107 (1993-97) List all other officers of the corporation: CF'FICER TITLE HOME HOME BtISINESS DATE OF NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIl2TH William C. Norris Jr. Att ./M r. 3�5 North Park Ave. Le Center, MN 56�57 507 357- 1 2 1z z 2 7- If business is a partnership, please include the following information for each par�er (use additionai pages if necessary): N/A Fixrtivmc MiddleInitiel (Mnidcn) Last DaieofBirTh HomeAddroe: Street\ame HomeAddtxv: SVeetName Middle Initial City (Msdcn) CiTy Stefe Zip I.aQ s�r� zip Phonc Number Dste of Birth Phone Nimmber MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorilies are required to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota t+usiness tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Tax Id No — Windmill 41-17b7165 f William Norris 469-48=8048 Under the Minnesota Croveinment Data Ptaclices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - T4us information may be used to deuy ttie issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withhoiding or motor vehicle eaccise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licEnsing authority w�l supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. IvSnnesota Tmt Identificalion Niu¢bers (Sa1es & Use Tax Number) may be obtained &am the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (632-296-6181). SocialSecuriryNumber: 469-48-8048 �y���TaxldentificationNumber: 41-1 7671 65 _ If a Minnesota Tax Identificarion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. Middlc Initisl (!.4aiden) 2/18l47 97 -�3�/ CER; IFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?y^'�NSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MT' �iESOTA STANTE 176.182 I haeL� certifp t2ial I, pr my contpyny, am iti. .apliance �nith the �i�orkers' compensation insurai. overage requirements of Nunnesota Stztute 176. i 82, subdi�-izion 2. I atso understand that provision of faLse infomiation in this certification cons[itutes sufficient grotL*�ds for adverse zction against a11 licenses held, including revocation and saspension of said licenses. NameofInsuranceCompany: American States Insurance C PolicyNumber: 01—WC-1 3 421 3-00 Coverzgefrom_ 6101 /97 to 6101 /98 T have no employ�s covered under w orkers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB Al\SR'ERS GNEN OR MATERIAL STJBMIITED WILL RESCTLT IN DEi�'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I heteby sfate that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and ihat the infoTmation contained herein is hue and corrzct to the best of my lmowledge and belief I hereby scate further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way o£ Ioan, gift, conh or othenuise, otha than aiready disclosed in the spplication wivch I haewith submitted I also understand this premise may be uupected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. Aug. 07, 1997 �f�>z--���-� for all applications) Date We will accept pa} ment by cash, cbeck (made payable to City of Saint Paun or credit card (MIC or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOIZMAT70N �MasterCazd ❑Visa EXPIIZA TION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑���� ���❑ ��i�❑ ❑dL�. �u' �L1C'.J❑ for aII '�'Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anUCipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to appiy for building pumiu. If there are mry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. ��— All appGcations mquire the following documents. Please attach tLese documents wheu submitting your application: � I. A detai]ed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (przferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of atl pertinent features of Yhe interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are� paricing, rest rooms, etc. ; If a request is for an addition or e�cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansion. �2. A copy ofyow lease agreEment or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFOItMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETA_II,S >>>> 2nais� g � �i3b1 License Application Dated Aug. 7th, 1997 FastGrow, Inc. William C. Norris, Jr, Norris Management Co., Inc. Pres. Windmill Market Attractions, Inc.- Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. 122 So. Wabasha St., #110 � St. Paul, MN 55107 g�a� Tel: (612) 291-7353 ��� II ��� � � N � C Hk79�toAK ���?-K� £ �Cl �- z � � oPEnt sF�R�T� a -� � AP,EA �i�� Ica X j0 a ;,� n -c. P � r � =1� 1r � �� Il N � M� x n� �� � � a r�� . o 0 0 _ N ��l�t�� QQV� ���� ��C� ���� �o 0 o��� a� ���. C7C38]L�� o QO C C��l ��C�I�A� C�� a OQaC� � O C-7 `s' C�C�I � [� �' C��� ���� i� 71� » I L� l [� � � C� o� v D z � A � � n s m F.tisXC-ENPSj ri' Y � 0 a � G� rn � � �� �RCnm . wv�as WoMFJJ's �w�ros k�s�aooM 1Q❑ � � z so� °� Ll�8� ° A ° � � h� U DO O< ��A� � ojo O O � 0 Vl � O �� D � m ._. �7 L1 �c a � � —F�+�/1— � �Y 1�1 � 2 �..�o,(,� W F,n�Y ' &n�d.sey 8 � � p ' > EXI7' - �. dc rt' o g 4 u o cr council File # 9 7 - /3l�/ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 7 % �� � . , Presented By Referred To PAUL, Committee: Date �35� RESOLVED: That application, ID #85297, for a Dance or Rental Hall License by Windmill Market Attraction5 Inc. A MN Corp. DBA Windmill Market (William C. Norris, Jr.) at 122 Wabasha Street South, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition: 1. The licensee shall obtain all necessary building permits for any planned construction or remodeling. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: c� . ��^_r� � Approved by Mayor: Date ti'21,�� r By: �� Offi of i,icense, n pect�ons and .nv� omm � al ro c ion By : � V-� �" �`-�'1.t,._/ Form Approved by City Atto ey By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date � a�l _��. `�`�cl I7 DEPlJiTINENTlOFFICEACOUNGL DATE INfT1ATED 3 7 9�10 LIEP GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE � OEPAFiTMENT DIflECTOF O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY CINCLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUYBERFOq � � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) p0U'fING � BUDGET DIflECTOA � FIN. & MGT. SERVIC DIR. � OROER O MAYOR (Ofl A3315TAtJn O Hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNA URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURfl) ACiION REQUESTED: Windmill Market Attractions Inc. A M DBA Windmill Market requests Council approva of their application for a Dance or Rental Hall License (William C. Norris, Jr.)at 122 Wabasha St. S. (ID 1185297) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) PEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANhING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEPVICE COMMISSION �� � this parsoalFrm ever worked under a cortrnci foc this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMIiTEE __ VES NO 2. Has this perso�ffirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�S7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any Current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Exqlafn ell yes answers on separate sheet and anach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: a3�%.2;::,��:'., , . . ... :ro.�.,-.r,.,; r- . L'� � I �v'� /; DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORHiATION: (EXPLAIN) .- ��-���� ��a97 ` �� � CLASS III �-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AAIlA T}pe of License(s) being applied for: i)1v,� o I�.t� '�Z:�C Z� SsS' S l �{ -L%p /"1 `� r 1/� n � I -� - i yl. i.-- , --•--� 5 --�--�'--• Ilanro nr Ran+al HallG S 164 .00 LICENSE APPLICATION office ort��, �a;� and Environmana7 Protection 350 Sc Pefa St S:pe 3IX1 � Ss'�zPev�!J.��z 55102 ����� ��� ��)2669090fu(6@)2659126 � r .a p � T�IIS APPLICATION IS Si3BJECT TO RF VIEW BY TI� PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT II3 Il�SK CompanyNazne:]ei'inAmill Markat Attrartinns� Tnr 9 a MinnaGnt^ ('ornnr^tion Coiporation / Partncrship / Sole Proptietonhip Ifbusinessisincorporated,givedateofincorporation: December 30th� 1993 DoingBusinzssAs:Windmill Market (Assumed Name) BasinessPhone BusinessAddress: 122 South Wabasha Street St. Paul MN 55107 so-� aaa� Gry sw� z;p Betweenwhatcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocated� Plato - Fillmore Whichsideofthestreet? East ��Arethepremisesnowoccupied9y�_ WhatTypeofBusiness? Aueti�n House/Flea Markets/Craft Shows ;+.,�TOr".QdTesS:'���pf}mill NiArkat Si�ita 11(l� 122 S� Wa�hs��ha St � S�� Ml� 5510'� - Strcet Addian CrtS Sfate Zip Applicant Infoimation. Name and Title: Wi11 . Norris Jr.. President Fi�at ?vliddie (MsSden) I.ast Title HomeAddress: 315 North Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 � s+�naa,ri, c�ry s�r� vP DateofBirth: 7�16/45 PlaceofBnth: washington� D.G. HomePhone:� 5�'7)357-6612 r.�:-� ::.-_: _,-_- `°�_: .: �.. :, „v., . ,+ or 1 c 2Ao � - �, c ,. ,., .;� v�c *nX ,. � • t ' .,r� a; .�_.._ ........ ._o - ., �°� �,�,_�»,,, : ..:.'�i:...., Date of arrest: Charge: _ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist the names and residences of three petsons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or Snancially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: NAME Thomas P. Sexton r. ADDRESS 14?2 Gherryhill Rd.,Mendota �� Andrew t.. St. Pau PHONE 55�18 (612)455-1118 List licenses which you cuirently hol� formerly beid, or may have sn interest in: �Y�d Hand Dealer-Exhibition (City of St Paul) Auctioneer (County of LeSueur) Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES x NO Jf yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18l47 Aie ou oin to o erate this business enonall '� X 9? l�J � f Y S g p p��. y. YES NO Ifnot, who will operate it? � .: . Pi;. \ame M;aa�e (Vtaiaa,) Last - Daee otsirih FIome Addros: Strcet'.�amc Ci.y Sutc Zip P6onc!3umber Are you going to tiave a m�ager or assistant in this business? YES X NO Tf the manager is not the same zs the operator, pleue complete the following information: Fsrn r�m� f�Iome Addrsss: 54u1 i�*amc CiTy Please list your employment history for the pre�nous five (5} yeaz period: I� Stste Zip Dafc ofBirth Phonc\�bcr Business(Emplovment Address Will�am Norris, Attorney, 25 So. Park Avenue, Le Center, MN 56057 (1978—�3) FastGrow, I"nc.,/Norris Management Co., Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. Atty. R. E. Manager 122 So. Wabasha St., St. Paul, MN 55107 (1993-97) List all other officers of the corporation: CF'FICER TITLE HOME HOME BtISINESS DATE OF NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIl2TH William C. Norris Jr. Att ./M r. 3�5 North Park Ave. Le Center, MN 56�57 507 357- 1 2 1z z 2 7- If business is a partnership, please include the following information for each par�er (use additionai pages if necessary): N/A Fixrtivmc MiddleInitiel (Mnidcn) Last DaieofBirTh HomeAddroe: Street\ame HomeAddtxv: SVeetName Middle Initial City (Msdcn) CiTy Stefe Zip I.aQ s�r� zip Phonc Number Dste of Birth Phone Nimmber MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesot� 1984, Chapter 502, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorilies are required to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota t+usiness tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Tax Id No — Windmill 41-17b7165 f William Norris 469-48=8048 Under the Minnesota Croveinment Data Ptaclices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - T4us information may be used to deuy ttie issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withhoiding or motor vehicle eaccise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licEnsing authority w�l supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. IvSnnesota Tmt Identificalion Niu¢bers (Sa1es & Use Tax Number) may be obtained &am the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (632-296-6181). SocialSecuriryNumber: 469-48-8048 �y���TaxldentificationNumber: 41-1 7671 65 _ If a Minnesota Tax Identificarion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. Middlc Initisl (!.4aiden) 2/18l47 97 -�3�/ CER; IFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?y^'�NSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MT' �iESOTA STANTE 176.182 I haeL� certifp t2ial I, pr my contpyny, am iti. .apliance �nith the �i�orkers' compensation insurai. overage requirements of Nunnesota Stztute 176. i 82, subdi�-izion 2. I atso understand that provision of faLse infomiation in this certification cons[itutes sufficient grotL*�ds for adverse zction against a11 licenses held, including revocation and saspension of said licenses. NameofInsuranceCompany: American States Insurance C PolicyNumber: 01—WC-1 3 421 3-00 Coverzgefrom_ 6101 /97 to 6101 /98 T have no employ�s covered under w orkers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OB Al\SR'ERS GNEN OR MATERIAL STJBMIITED WILL RESCTLT IN DEi�'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I heteby sfate that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and ihat the infoTmation contained herein is hue and corrzct to the best of my lmowledge and belief I hereby scate further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way o£ Ioan, gift, conh or othenuise, otha than aiready disclosed in the spplication wivch I haewith submitted I also understand this premise may be uupected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. Aug. 07, 1997 �f�>z--���-� for all applications) Date We will accept pa} ment by cash, cbeck (made payable to City of Saint Paun or credit card (MIC or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOIZMAT70N �MasterCazd ❑Visa EXPIIZA TION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑���� ���❑ ��i�❑ ❑dL�. �u' �L1C'.J❑ for aII '�'Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anUCipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to appiy for building pumiu. If there are mry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. ��— All appGcations mquire the following documents. Please attach tLese documents wheu submitting your application: � I. A detai]ed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (przferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shou]d be indicated toward the top. - Placement of atl pertinent features of Yhe interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are� paricing, rest rooms, etc. ; If a request is for an addition or e�cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansion. �2. A copy ofyow lease agreEment or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFOItMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETA_II,S >>>> 2nais� g � �i3b1 License Application Dated Aug. 7th, 1997 FastGrow, Inc. William C. Norris, Jr, Norris Management Co., Inc. Pres. Windmill Market Attractions, Inc.- Windmill Market Attractions, Inc. 122 So. Wabasha St., #110 � St. Paul, MN 55107 g�a� Tel: (612) 291-7353 ��� II ��� � � N � C Hk79�toAK ���?-K� £ �Cl �- z � � oPEnt sF�R�T� a -� � AP,EA �i�� Ica X j0 a ;,� n -c. P � r � =1� 1r � �� Il N � M� x n� �� � � a r�� . o 0 0 _ N ��l�t�� QQV� ���� ��C� ���� �o 0 o��� a� ���. C7C38]L�� o QO C C��l ��C�I�A� C�� a OQaC� � O C-7 `s' C�C�I � [� �' C��� ���� i� 71� » I L� l [� � � C� o� v D z � A � � n s m F.tisXC-ENPSj ri' Y � 0 a � G� rn � � �� �RCnm . wv�as WoMFJJ's �w�ros k�s�aooM 1Q❑ � � z so� °� Ll�8� ° A ° � � h� U DO O< ��A� � ojo O O � 0 Vl � O �� D � m ._. �7 L1 �c a � � —F�+�/1— � �Y 1�1 � 2 �..�o,(,� W F,n�Y ' &n�d.sey 8 � � p ' > EXI7' - �. dc rt' o g 4 u o cr