97-1360council File ,f `f7 - /�3lo v ordinance # Green Sheet # 50245 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 r•: Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #89316, for an On-Sale Malt (Strong Beer) and Wine On- Sale License by Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), at 475 St. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • -�-- �- - e- � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $y' —�-�—� � T —" Approved by Mayor: Date ft L �- � By : �S. RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA g �, Form Approv By: � Approved by Council By: by City for Submiesion to Adopted by Council: Date '� q� � N° 50245 OEPARTMENTNFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � � �`� � � LiEr � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � CITY COUNCIL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nssicx �aTVaTroaNev �QTYCLERK NUMBERFOfl MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI pOtRING O BUOGET OIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT SERVICES DIR. Hearing: � �� Ofl�ER a MAYOR (ORqSSISTAIJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACr10N RE�UESTED Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), requests Council approval of their application for:an'On=Sa�e Mait�(Strong) Beer) and a Wine On-Sale License at 475 St. Peter Street. (ID �689316) FECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEMICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 ihis pefSOnHirm ever Wofked under a contraC� fOr ihls tlepartment? _ CIB CqMMlTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a city emD�oyea? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7HIC7 COU�ti _ 3. Does this personlFirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet enC enach to green aheet IN/TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. W�at, When. Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' n�%3lsi=,:� �.?`u��t °S.I� �i(� Q�i� �: � �d�7 �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' _�.___ _ � � . _ . �.uV..�-�' '..JY�.:�v.�i OISADVANTAC>ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE AC7IVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORF.fATION (EXPLAIN) 7 -� a ,�+'""'`� Mmnesot a Departmeut of Public Safety �v±t� 4 r �' LIQUORCONTROLDIVISION ����;�� s � ' i y\yy� X31 � � 4�4d Cedar St., Suite 100L S[.Pau1,MN 55101-21% 4 �-.,�� �: ''L �� (612)296-b�134 TTY (612)282-b5�5 =��-, � �-, - AFPLICATTON FOR COIJI�TY/CITY ON-SALE WINE LICENSE (Not to exceed 1�4%of alcohol b}'ti olume) EVERY QUESTION MUST BE A1\'SW ERED. If a corporation, an officer shall esecute this applicaiion. If a paztnership, a parmer shall e�ecufethis application.(PS 9114-9�1) ��`orkerscompensaYionm�rancecompany. i3ame �Worker Comp Assinged Ri ��c�J', 6n WC 0059li8—Ol LICENSEE'SSALES&USETAXII?n 586-26-2472 To �forsa]estaY�,call296-6181bi 1-800-b57-3777 Applic�tsNazne(Business,Paztuership,Corporafion) Tradel�IameorDBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe BusinessAddress BusluessPhone ApplicanYsHomePhone 475 St. Peter St. �12 � 290-0067 (12 ) 891-3798 City Counts� Staze Zip Code St. Paul Ramsey Mn 55102 Is this application If a tran�er give name of fonner o«ner License period � 11'eR� «a ❑ Transfer Ftvm To If a co oration. ��e name, title, address �d d�e ofburh of each officcx. If a artnershi ,' name, address and date of bath of each artner. Partner/�cer I�Tame znd title Address DOB Suthavila Suvan hir Bon khamden Pres. 14189 F1a stone Tr. A 1eValle 12-19-57 Pazmerl�cerh'ame �d Title Address DOB Thongsy Suvanphim V.P. 718 Dlizabeth La. M ls Mn. 8-12-32 Pazmer/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Sommana MonthisaneV.P. 2381 Stone Creek La W Chanhassen 8-15—b3 Parmer/�cer Name and Title Address DOB � CORPORATIONS IYdzofncapwaim � fl3eofnoxporaim Ca[�cae'.�umber Iswryaaimau[horizzdtodobusnessn\3au�esaa? - °'6-25-96 Mn 9F-829 Ycs ❑xo If a sibsidiazy� of a�ah a curyoraim, gn�z name � d addrzu ofparart cocporaim BUILDING Al�'D RESTAURANT \arneofbuildmgaana � p,i-ner'saddres Archie L. Gringold 475 St. Peter St. AreProppEyTaxesde3nquaE? Hasthebui7dngo.mera�yarme¢im,direCCrndaed, Re3awartseangcapac'Ly ❑ Yes f� No Kihchea�ti�c? � Yes �,'! No 7-160 HoursCoodwillbea��ailablz :`o.ofpecplere3aurardemploys \o.ofmm[hspayearresaurara. R'illfoodservicebetheprnciplebussess? w�ill be cpat �'7 Yes ❑ No Dasmbethepranisesto be lice�sed Ground Floor of 473-475 St.Peter St. Iflhere3aura�Il is n cmjimaimw)h ar�ciherbusness(resoR,�c.), desmbebusness OTHER INFORMATTON t�}Yes D23o I. Has the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoucating malt beverage (32) and/or a"set-up" license m co� vnction with this �j°ine license? 1� Yes I�No 2. Is the app3icant or a[ry of tLe associates m this application a member of the count�� boad ar tLe city council which will issue dtis licease? Ifyes, m tti$at capacity? .(If the applicant is the spouse of amember ofthe govemmg body, or �otha fmmily relationship exists, the member shall not ��ote on this application.) OYes�iNo 3_ Duringthepa3license}�ear,hasasummonsbeenissuedundestheliquorcivilliability(DramShop)(M.S. 340A.802). Ifycs, attach a copy of the am�mans. NO LICENSE W ILL BE APPROVED OR RELEASED UNTIL THE S20 RETAILER ID CARD FEE IS RECEIVED BY MLC. -i ❑ Ycs � No ❑ Yes � I�TO �. Has applic�t. par[�ers, offieers or emplo}'ees e�•er had any liquor la�v cio]ations in Minnesota or e]se��'hzrz. If so, �rve narnes, dates, violations and fmal outcome. Does azry person other th� the applicants ba�-e anc right, title or interest in the furuilure, Fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? If }'es � e nazues and dztails. ❑ Yes �Iv�o b. Hm�e the applicants any mterests, directIp or ind'uecth', in anV other liquor e�ablishments m Minnesota? if} es, 2ice name and address of the establishment BESTOFr4YOWNKNOWLEDGE�A��Q�.��,.'yS 1 ��SR'ERSARETf��ANi), p C�_ IIIE, U'I�CI i t y � Si�afure fAovlic� t Date The licensee must ha��e one of the folloiring: Qieck me � A. G� B ❑ C ❑ Yes G No Liquar Liabilfi� Insurance (Dram Shop} $50,000 per person; $100.000 more tl�an one person; S 10,000 properly destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for ]oss ofineans of support. ATTACH "CERIIFICA'IE OF INSC7RAI�TCE" TO TFIIS FORM. A Siuet}� bond from a suret�� company «�ith mn�imum co��erage as spec'�ed aboti�e in A. A cert�cate from the Staie Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited ��i1h the State, 1Yus Funds hacing a market �•alue of �]00,000 or $]fl0,000 in cash or securities. IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUi�TY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I ceriit} that to the best of m5 I;nottiledge thz applicants named abo�'e aze elipble to be licen�d. If no, state reason. Signature Count}• Attomey Counry REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF`S DEPARTMEN'f Date lhis is to certif}• thaf the applicant and tLe assa;iates, named herein havc not bcen coneicte� w ithm the pas! frve }'ears for any violation of Latcs of the State of Mmnesota, Municipal or County. Ordinances ielaTiug to Into�icating I,iquor, except as folloH�s 1MPORTANT NOTiCE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICEriSEES MUST HAVE A L'URRENT �'EDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. THIS STAMP IS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND R'IREARMS. FOR INFORMATION, CALL (612)290-3496 council File ,f `f7 - /�3lo v ordinance # Green Sheet # 50245 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 r•: Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #89316, for an On-Sale Malt (Strong Beer) and Wine On- Sale License by Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), at 475 St. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • -�-- �- - e- � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $y' —�-�—� � T —" Approved by Mayor: Date ft L �- � By : �S. RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA g �, Form Approv By: � Approved by Council By: by City for Submiesion to Adopted by Council: Date '� q� � N° 50245 OEPARTMENTNFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � � �`� � � LiEr � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � CITY COUNCIL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nssicx �aTVaTroaNev �QTYCLERK NUMBERFOfl MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI pOtRING O BUOGET OIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT SERVICES DIR. Hearing: � �� Ofl�ER a MAYOR (ORqSSISTAIJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACr10N RE�UESTED Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), requests Council approval of their application for:an'On=Sa�e Mait�(Strong) Beer) and a Wine On-Sale License at 475 St. Peter Street. (ID �689316) FECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEMICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 ihis pefSOnHirm ever Wofked under a contraC� fOr ihls tlepartment? _ CIB CqMMlTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a city emD�oyea? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7HIC7 COU�ti _ 3. Does this personlFirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet enC enach to green aheet IN/TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. W�at, When. Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' n�%3lsi=,:� �.?`u��t °S.I� �i(� Q�i� �: � �d�7 �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' _�.___ _ � � . _ . �.uV..�-�' '..JY�.:�v.�i OISADVANTAC>ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE AC7IVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORF.fATION (EXPLAIN) 7 -� a ,�+'""'`� Mmnesot a Departmeut of Public Safety �v±t� 4 r �' LIQUORCONTROLDIVISION ����;�� s � ' i y\yy� X31 � � 4�4d Cedar St., Suite 100L S[.Pau1,MN 55101-21% 4 �-.,�� �: ''L �� (612)296-b�134 TTY (612)282-b5�5 =��-, � �-, - AFPLICATTON FOR COIJI�TY/CITY ON-SALE WINE LICENSE (Not to exceed 1�4%of alcohol b}'ti olume) EVERY QUESTION MUST BE A1\'SW ERED. If a corporation, an officer shall esecute this applicaiion. If a paztnership, a parmer shall e�ecufethis application.(PS 9114-9�1) ��`orkerscompensaYionm�rancecompany. i3ame �Worker Comp Assinged Ri ��c�J', 6n WC 0059li8—Ol LICENSEE'SSALES&USETAXII?n 586-26-2472 To �forsa]estaY�,call296-6181bi 1-800-b57-3777 Applic�tsNazne(Business,Paztuership,Corporafion) Tradel�IameorDBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe BusinessAddress BusluessPhone ApplicanYsHomePhone 475 St. Peter St. �12 � 290-0067 (12 ) 891-3798 City Counts� Staze Zip Code St. Paul Ramsey Mn 55102 Is this application If a tran�er give name of fonner o«ner License period � 11'eR� «a ❑ Transfer Ftvm To If a co oration. ��e name, title, address �d d�e ofburh of each officcx. If a artnershi ,' name, address and date of bath of each artner. Partner/�cer I�Tame znd title Address DOB Suthavila Suvan hir Bon khamden Pres. 14189 F1a stone Tr. A 1eValle 12-19-57 Pazmerl�cerh'ame �d Title Address DOB Thongsy Suvanphim V.P. 718 Dlizabeth La. M ls Mn. 8-12-32 Pazmer/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Sommana MonthisaneV.P. 2381 Stone Creek La W Chanhassen 8-15—b3 Parmer/�cer Name and Title Address DOB � CORPORATIONS IYdzofncapwaim � fl3eofnoxporaim Ca[�cae'.�umber Iswryaaimau[horizzdtodobusnessn\3au�esaa? - °'6-25-96 Mn 9F-829 Ycs ❑xo If a sibsidiazy� of a�ah a curyoraim, gn�z name � d addrzu ofparart cocporaim BUILDING Al�'D RESTAURANT \arneofbuildmgaana � p,i-ner'saddres Archie L. Gringold 475 St. Peter St. AreProppEyTaxesde3nquaE? Hasthebui7dngo.mera�yarme¢im,direCCrndaed, Re3awartseangcapac'Ly ❑ Yes f� No Kihchea�ti�c? � Yes �,'! No 7-160 HoursCoodwillbea��ailablz :`o.ofpecplere3aurardemploys \o.ofmm[hspayearresaurara. R'illfoodservicebetheprnciplebussess? w�ill be cpat �'7 Yes ❑ No Dasmbethepranisesto be lice�sed Ground Floor of 473-475 St.Peter St. Iflhere3aura�Il is n cmjimaimw)h ar�ciherbusness(resoR,�c.), desmbebusness OTHER INFORMATTON t�}Yes D23o I. Has the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoucating malt beverage (32) and/or a"set-up" license m co� vnction with this �j°ine license? 1� Yes I�No 2. Is the app3icant or a[ry of tLe associates m this application a member of the count�� boad ar tLe city council which will issue dtis licease? Ifyes, m tti$at capacity? .(If the applicant is the spouse of amember ofthe govemmg body, or �otha fmmily relationship exists, the member shall not ��ote on this application.) OYes�iNo 3_ Duringthepa3license}�ear,hasasummonsbeenissuedundestheliquorcivilliability(DramShop)(M.S. 340A.802). Ifycs, attach a copy of the am�mans. NO LICENSE W ILL BE APPROVED OR RELEASED UNTIL THE S20 RETAILER ID CARD FEE IS RECEIVED BY MLC. -i ❑ Ycs � No ❑ Yes � I�TO �. Has applic�t. par[�ers, offieers or emplo}'ees e�•er had any liquor la�v cio]ations in Minnesota or e]se��'hzrz. If so, �rve narnes, dates, violations and fmal outcome. Does azry person other th� the applicants ba�-e anc right, title or interest in the furuilure, Fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? If }'es � e nazues and dztails. ❑ Yes �Iv�o b. Hm�e the applicants any mterests, directIp or ind'uecth', in anV other liquor e�ablishments m Minnesota? if} es, 2ice name and address of the establishment BESTOFr4YOWNKNOWLEDGE�A��Q�.��,.'yS 1 ��SR'ERSARETf��ANi), p C�_ IIIE, U'I�CI i t y � Si�afure fAovlic� t Date The licensee must ha��e one of the folloiring: Qieck me � A. G� B ❑ C ❑ Yes G No Liquar Liabilfi� Insurance (Dram Shop} $50,000 per person; $100.000 more tl�an one person; S 10,000 properly destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for ]oss ofineans of support. ATTACH "CERIIFICA'IE OF INSC7RAI�TCE" TO TFIIS FORM. A Siuet}� bond from a suret�� company «�ith mn�imum co��erage as spec'�ed aboti�e in A. A cert�cate from the Staie Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited ��i1h the State, 1Yus Funds hacing a market �•alue of �]00,000 or $]fl0,000 in cash or securities. IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUi�TY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I ceriit} that to the best of m5 I;nottiledge thz applicants named abo�'e aze elipble to be licen�d. If no, state reason. Signature Count}• Attomey Counry REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF`S DEPARTMEN'f Date lhis is to certif}• thaf the applicant and tLe assa;iates, named herein havc not bcen coneicte� w ithm the pas! frve }'ears for any violation of Latcs of the State of Mmnesota, Municipal or County. Ordinances ielaTiug to Into�icating I,iquor, except as folloH�s 1MPORTANT NOTiCE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICEriSEES MUST HAVE A L'URRENT �'EDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. THIS STAMP IS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND R'IREARMS. FOR INFORMATION, CALL (612)290-3496 council File ,f `f7 - /�3lo v ordinance # Green Sheet # 50245 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 r•: Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #89316, for an On-Sale Malt (Strong Beer) and Wine On- Sale License by Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), at 475 St. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • -�-- �- - e- � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $y' —�-�—� � T —" Approved by Mayor: Date ft L �- � By : �S. RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA g �, Form Approv By: � Approved by Council By: by City for Submiesion to Adopted by Council: Date '� q� � N° 50245 OEPARTMENTNFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � � �`� � � LiEr � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � CITY COUNCIL Christine A. Rozek - 266-9108 nssicx �aTVaTroaNev �QTYCLERK NUMBERFOfl MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI pOtRING O BUOGET OIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT SERVICES DIR. Hearing: � �� Ofl�ER a MAYOR (ORqSSISTAIJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACr10N RE�UESTED Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President), requests Council approval of their application for:an'On=Sa�e Mait�(Strong) Beer) and a Wine On-Sale License at 475 St. Peter Street. (ID �689316) FECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEMICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 ihis pefSOnHirm ever Wofked under a contraC� fOr ihls tlepartment? _ CIB CqMMlTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a city emD�oyea? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7HIC7 COU�ti _ 3. Does this personlFirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet enC enach to green aheet IN/TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. W�at, When. Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' n�%3lsi=,:� �.?`u��t °S.I� �i(� Q�i� �: � �d�7 �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' _�.___ _ � � . _ . �.uV..�-�' '..JY�.:�v.�i OISADVANTAC>ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE AC7IVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORF.fATION (EXPLAIN) 7 -� a ,�+'""'`� Mmnesot a Departmeut of Public Safety �v±t� 4 r �' LIQUORCONTROLDIVISION ����;�� s � ' i y\yy� X31 � � 4�4d Cedar St., Suite 100L S[.Pau1,MN 55101-21% 4 �-.,�� �: ''L �� (612)296-b�134 TTY (612)282-b5�5 =��-, � �-, - AFPLICATTON FOR COIJI�TY/CITY ON-SALE WINE LICENSE (Not to exceed 1�4%of alcohol b}'ti olume) EVERY QUESTION MUST BE A1\'SW ERED. If a corporation, an officer shall esecute this applicaiion. If a paztnership, a parmer shall e�ecufethis application.(PS 9114-9�1) ��`orkerscompensaYionm�rancecompany. i3ame �Worker Comp Assinged Ri ��c�J', 6n WC 0059li8—Ol LICENSEE'SSALES&USETAXII?n 586-26-2472 To �forsa]estaY�,call296-6181bi 1-800-b57-3777 Applic�tsNazne(Business,Paztuership,Corporafion) Tradel�IameorDBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe BusinessAddress BusluessPhone ApplicanYsHomePhone 475 St. Peter St. �12 � 290-0067 (12 ) 891-3798 City Counts� Staze Zip Code St. Paul Ramsey Mn 55102 Is this application If a tran�er give name of fonner o«ner License period � 11'eR� «a ❑ Transfer Ftvm To If a co oration. ��e name, title, address �d d�e ofburh of each officcx. If a artnershi ,' name, address and date of bath of each artner. Partner/�cer I�Tame znd title Address DOB Suthavila Suvan hir Bon khamden Pres. 14189 F1a stone Tr. A 1eValle 12-19-57 Pazmerl�cerh'ame �d Title Address DOB Thongsy Suvanphim V.P. 718 Dlizabeth La. M ls Mn. 8-12-32 Pazmer/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Sommana MonthisaneV.P. 2381 Stone Creek La W Chanhassen 8-15—b3 Parmer/�cer Name and Title Address DOB � CORPORATIONS IYdzofncapwaim � fl3eofnoxporaim Ca[�cae'.�umber Iswryaaimau[horizzdtodobusnessn\3au�esaa? - °'6-25-96 Mn 9F-829 Ycs ❑xo If a sibsidiazy� of a�ah a curyoraim, gn�z name � d addrzu ofparart cocporaim BUILDING Al�'D RESTAURANT \arneofbuildmgaana � p,i-ner'saddres Archie L. Gringold 475 St. Peter St. AreProppEyTaxesde3nquaE? Hasthebui7dngo.mera�yarme¢im,direCCrndaed, Re3awartseangcapac'Ly ❑ Yes f� No Kihchea�ti�c? � Yes �,'! No 7-160 HoursCoodwillbea��ailablz :`o.ofpecplere3aurardemploys \o.ofmm[hspayearresaurara. R'illfoodservicebetheprnciplebussess? w�ill be cpat �'7 Yes ❑ No Dasmbethepranisesto be lice�sed Ground Floor of 473-475 St.Peter St. Iflhere3aura�Il is n cmjimaimw)h ar�ciherbusness(resoR,�c.), desmbebusness OTHER INFORMATTON t�}Yes D23o I. Has the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoucating malt beverage (32) and/or a"set-up" license m co� vnction with this �j°ine license? 1� Yes I�No 2. Is the app3icant or a[ry of tLe associates m this application a member of the count�� boad ar tLe city council which will issue dtis licease? Ifyes, m tti$at capacity? .(If the applicant is the spouse of amember ofthe govemmg body, or �otha fmmily relationship exists, the member shall not ��ote on this application.) OYes�iNo 3_ Duringthepa3license}�ear,hasasummonsbeenissuedundestheliquorcivilliability(DramShop)(M.S. 340A.802). Ifycs, attach a copy of the am�mans. NO LICENSE W ILL BE APPROVED OR RELEASED UNTIL THE S20 RETAILER ID CARD FEE IS RECEIVED BY MLC. -i ❑ Ycs � No ❑ Yes � I�TO �. Has applic�t. par[�ers, offieers or emplo}'ees e�•er had any liquor la�v cio]ations in Minnesota or e]se��'hzrz. If so, �rve narnes, dates, violations and fmal outcome. Does azry person other th� the applicants ba�-e anc right, title or interest in the furuilure, Fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? If }'es � e nazues and dztails. ❑ Yes �Iv�o b. Hm�e the applicants any mterests, directIp or ind'uecth', in anV other liquor e�ablishments m Minnesota? if} es, 2ice name and address of the establishment BESTOFr4YOWNKNOWLEDGE�A��Q�.��,.'yS 1 ��SR'ERSARETf��ANi), p C�_ IIIE, U'I�CI i t y � Si�afure fAovlic� t Date The licensee must ha��e one of the folloiring: Qieck me � A. G� B ❑ C ❑ Yes G No Liquar Liabilfi� Insurance (Dram Shop} $50,000 per person; $100.000 more tl�an one person; S 10,000 properly destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for ]oss ofineans of support. ATTACH "CERIIFICA'IE OF INSC7RAI�TCE" TO TFIIS FORM. A Siuet}� bond from a suret�� company «�ith mn�imum co��erage as spec'�ed aboti�e in A. A cert�cate from the Staie Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited ��i1h the State, 1Yus Funds hacing a market �•alue of �]00,000 or $]fl0,000 in cash or securities. IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUi�TY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I ceriit} that to the best of m5 I;nottiledge thz applicants named abo�'e aze elipble to be licen�d. If no, state reason. Signature Count}• Attomey Counry REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF`S DEPARTMEN'f Date lhis is to certif}• thaf the applicant and tLe assa;iates, named herein havc not bcen coneicte� w ithm the pas! frve }'ears for any violation of Latcs of the State of Mmnesota, Municipal or County. Ordinances ielaTiug to Into�icating I,iquor, except as folloH�s 1MPORTANT NOTiCE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICEriSEES MUST HAVE A L'URRENT �'EDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. THIS STAMP IS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND R'IREARMS. FOR INFORMATION, CALL (612)290-3496