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97-1328council Fi2e # `� �1� S¢ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��✓� � -- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Coromittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #19949) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Kuan Chen DBA Kuan Auto 2 Repair (Kuan Chen, Owner) at 1523 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. with the following conditions: 1. The number of vehicles on the lot sha11 not exceed twenty (20) at any time. This condition acknowledges that there are two special condition use permits on the property at 1523 Como Avenue: one for outdoor sales of automobiles and one for general auto repair. There is also a dwelling unit on the property. Ten (10) off-street parking shall be provided at all times for customers and employees of the two businesses and residents of the dwelling unit. This leaves ten (10) additional off-street parking spaces on the lot either for the disp�.y of vehicles for sale or additional of£-street parking for the auto repair business. 2. The arrangement of vehicles on the 1ot shall be as shown on the site plan dated May 7, 1997. Only on-sire resident vehicles, customer vehicles, and employee vehicles of the permittees shall be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on th� lot shall be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Parking of vehicles that are awaiting repair or that have been repaired shall be prohibited in the public streets. 3 4 Requeated by Department of: 5 Ye Nays Absent 6 B a� 7 Bostrom Office of L•icense, rns�etions and 8 Xa ris 9 Me ar Environmental Protection 10 11 Thune 12 �axTar " n.-+-r, . ��i�� �L.2i 13 /� 14 � y„��_� 15 Adopted by Council: Date 5 By : �sv.( 16 17 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 18 Form Approved by City Attorney 19 20 By: C� ; s�^�� ti�-- � 21 / _ / BY � "'�- 22 Approved by Mayor: Date E� ( ��../�� �3 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � $y: � Council ?6 By: GREEN SHEET cmnnoraNer BUDGET DIRECfOR MAVOR (OR ASSIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Kuan Chen DBA Ruan Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage located at 1523 Como Avenue (ID �/19949). _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CML _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ __ _ DISTRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IEC7IVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS IAUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departrnBM? - YES NO 2. Has �his personffirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaity possessed by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet R'1-13�8' N_ 35304 - - - " iNmavoare cm couNCi� cm c�nK FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIF. INRIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whet, When. Where, Why): lltfln � � � G"7�:�� w _._ .. _._ _,_ �.�._zia V tr f 3 � %`�1�'i'd DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUOGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) , t CLASS � LICENSE APPLICATION /r��V �� :7 THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL LIC � � y,/ 1 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK �� � � Tgpe of License(s) being applied for: �Z�1'}1n� / L� �P� ��� �J Company Nazne: Corpontion / Pa�aship If business is incorporated, give date Doing Business As: Business Address: � / ��GI/1__1/►a CITY OF SAINT PAUL offi« otL;�, ��:o� �a �.;��a,� ��� 350 A?nc Si SuTi }%1 SL^dFz�t�imnaota 53103 (o12)le6.W90 u:6t-)74t5.__ s ?I"7 - Betwezn what cross streets is tne business located7 �J Nf,� A �cP n� � n � � Which side of the sfreet? _ /1/or � Are the premises now occupied? �5 What Type of Business7 _��� s�l�� s Mail To Address: /�'i 2-3 l'2�t> . S �i� �p MiV �S/o �i' so-atndmes.c . . . cicy . S��e z;p Applicant Information: Name and Tide: � i! nnna �� �� ��'� � F;� �aat� �arn) /� i,art ru� Home Address: 1 ��/� S�n s qr, S'�' �'f i�iy�,r ,f' �"/� ,�g'/p � sUectAddrese C;ty "�-_� g� 7� Date of Birth: i— S—/> �i Place of Birth: �i�, f� . h�. �� zi, a Home Phone: 4��' — �S�� Have yon ever been con��cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic9 YES NO ,�' _ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Con�iction: Sentence: - - List the namu and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or busir.ess, who may be refecred to as to the applicant's chazacter: NA1� ADDRESS PHONE �Lt .��C�.CX�t �� 6� Ra.oPif'�s� S� SS� pa� .� � Z 2^ Z2 Z which you currenlly hoid, foimerty held, or may have an interest in: Ha��e ury• of the above nazned licenses ever been revoked7 VJhere? YES d��� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 12/1 R.'9!, 5 �� ��� Cip' Slnte Zip Are you going to operate this business personall}°? �_ YES First�wc HomeA�css: Sim['�amc Middic Instial {.Y.aSdrn) cin _ _ YES Are you going to ]�2ve a manager or assis[ant in this business? please complete the follo«ing infoimation: Fsss[\ame Homc Sddrexr. Street?��ne City Please list your employment history for the previous five (5) }ear period: List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NAME (Office Held) Ifbusiness is a Q�� Middlc Iaitial (�laiden) .��� NO Ifnot, �vho will operate 3t? q�'� �� ��°.� .._-_ _ . , 7 =n Datc of Birth Statr Zip Pl�one \5mtbcr �c I�TO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I.sst State Zip Da�e of Birth Phonc::umber HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BIRTH include the follow*ing information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessat}�): First\ame MiddteInitia] ('..4aiden) Lest DatcofBirtL I Skeci?�ame City Statc Zip PhoneNumber First\eme MiddleInitial (,Maiden) Lsat DetcoFBiRh HomcAddreas: SffxtNamc City State Zip PLoneNumbtr MII�iNESOIA 7AX IDENTIFICATION h�IJMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Mmnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, futicle 8, Section Z(270.72) (TaY Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minn esota business tax identificarion number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Ivfinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 1474, we aze required to advise you of the following regardiag the use of the Mnnesota Tax Identificarion Number. - Ilris information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - L3pon receiving tbis information, the licensing authority will sapply ii only to The Minnesota Deparlment of Revenue. However, under the Fa3eral Exchange of Information Agreement, the Departinent of Revenue may supply this informatian to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mmnesota TaY Ideatification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�c Number) may be obtained fram the State of Mivnesota, Business Records Deparhnent, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Niunber:�- - 7 / — ? / — � � 2 7 Minnesota T� Idrntificarion Number: �—� V /��! � � ff a Minn � TaY Identification Number is not required for the business being operatec� indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. 12/18196 BusinesslEmplo�ment Address L/'/trf°i^ �9 Ll� -r6n4'7i� S�G�[r �.0�� �.r�.( 1'S'G7�/ �� CEP.111�ICATIO\' OF WORKERS' COMPENSA7ION CO�'ERAGE PURSUAh'I TO I�/Ii IvNESOTA STATIJTE 176.182 " t� ���' � T heriby culify tha[ I, or my company, � in compliance u�ith the «orkers' compensation inswance coverage requirzments oi Min*�esota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I rlso lmdecstsnd v'�at pro�isian o£fa� infozmation in this certification constitutes s¢fficient grounds for adl�erse action zgainst all licenses held, including rev�ation 2nd suspension of said licenses. ?�TUne of Insurance Company: Polic}° Number: Co��zrage from to I hace no emplo}'ees cocered under t� orkers' compensation inserance� (II�TITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMTITED R'II.L RESIILT IN DEI�'IAL OF TEIIS APPLICATIOI�I I hereby state that I have answered aIl of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideratio� by wa}� of loan, gift, contribution, or otheruise, orher thmm already disclosed'm the applicatian w�ich I herewzth submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. /�i�nii�, �� _ a'� — 2 �—/ ' Signature {REQUIREIl for all applications) Date We aitl accept payment by cash, check (made pa}'able to Cify of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). PAYING &Y CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INF'ORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑o/o❑ ,ame of ACCOUNT NUM33ER ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ �� for all Date "•Note: If this application is Food/I,iquor related, p]ease contact a City of Saint Paui Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examina at 266-9Q07 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. All applications mquire the following documenta Please attxch t6ese documents when submitting ��our appGcation: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 12" x 11" or 8 1!1" x I4" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^Id should be indicate3 toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent feariues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are,� parlong, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or eapansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of oWnecship of the proper[y. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIO2�'AL I1VF'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> ; ,�„xio� council Fi2e # `� �1� S¢ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��✓� � -- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Coromittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #19949) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Kuan Chen DBA Kuan Auto 2 Repair (Kuan Chen, Owner) at 1523 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. with the following conditions: 1. The number of vehicles on the lot sha11 not exceed twenty (20) at any time. This condition acknowledges that there are two special condition use permits on the property at 1523 Como Avenue: one for outdoor sales of automobiles and one for general auto repair. There is also a dwelling unit on the property. Ten (10) off-street parking shall be provided at all times for customers and employees of the two businesses and residents of the dwelling unit. This leaves ten (10) additional off-street parking spaces on the lot either for the disp�.y of vehicles for sale or additional of£-street parking for the auto repair business. 2. The arrangement of vehicles on the 1ot shall be as shown on the site plan dated May 7, 1997. Only on-sire resident vehicles, customer vehicles, and employee vehicles of the permittees shall be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on th� lot shall be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Parking of vehicles that are awaiting repair or that have been repaired shall be prohibited in the public streets. 3 4 Requeated by Department of: 5 Ye Nays Absent 6 B a� 7 Bostrom Office of L•icense, rns�etions and 8 Xa ris 9 Me ar Environmental Protection 10 11 Thune 12 �axTar " n.-+-r, . ��i�� �L.2i 13 /� 14 � y„��_� 15 Adopted by Council: Date 5 By : �sv.( 16 17 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 18 Form Approved by City Attorney 19 20 By: C� ; s�^�� ti�-- � 21 / _ / BY � "'�- 22 Approved by Mayor: Date E� ( ��../�� �3 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � $y: � Council ?6 By: GREEN SHEET cmnnoraNer BUDGET DIRECfOR MAVOR (OR ASSIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Kuan Chen DBA Ruan Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage located at 1523 Como Avenue (ID �/19949). _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CML _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ __ _ DISTRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IEC7IVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS IAUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departrnBM? - YES NO 2. Has �his personffirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaity possessed by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet R'1-13�8' N_ 35304 - - - " iNmavoare cm couNCi� cm c�nK FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIF. INRIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whet, When. Where, Why): lltfln � � � G"7�:�� w _._ .. _._ _,_ �.�._zia V tr f 3 � %`�1�'i'd DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUOGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) , t CLASS � LICENSE APPLICATION /r��V �� :7 THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL LIC � � y,/ 1 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK �� � � Tgpe of License(s) being applied for: �Z�1'}1n� / L� �P� ��� �J Company Nazne: Corpontion / Pa�aship If business is incorporated, give date Doing Business As: Business Address: � / ��GI/1__1/►a CITY OF SAINT PAUL offi« otL;�, ��:o� �a �.;��a,� ��� 350 A?nc Si SuTi }%1 SL^dFz�t�imnaota 53103 (o12)le6.W90 u:6t-)74t5.__ s ?I"7 - Betwezn what cross streets is tne business located7 �J Nf,� A �cP n� � n � � Which side of the sfreet? _ /1/or � Are the premises now occupied? �5 What Type of Business7 _��� s�l�� s Mail To Address: /�'i 2-3 l'2�t> . S �i� �p MiV �S/o �i' so-atndmes.c . . . cicy . S��e z;p Applicant Information: Name and Tide: � i! nnna �� �� ��'� � F;� �aat� �arn) /� i,art ru� Home Address: 1 ��/� S�n s qr, S'�' �'f i�iy�,r ,f' �"/� ,�g'/p � sUectAddrese C;ty "�-_� g� 7� Date of Birth: i— S—/> �i Place of Birth: �i�, f� . h�. �� zi, a Home Phone: 4��' — �S�� Have yon ever been con��cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic9 YES NO ,�' _ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Con�iction: Sentence: - - List the namu and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or busir.ess, who may be refecred to as to the applicant's chazacter: NA1� ADDRESS PHONE �Lt .��C�.CX�t �� 6� Ra.oPif'�s� S� SS� pa� .� � Z 2^ Z2 Z which you currenlly hoid, foimerty held, or may have an interest in: Ha��e ury• of the above nazned licenses ever been revoked7 VJhere? YES d��� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 12/1 R.'9!, 5 �� ��� Cip' Slnte Zip Are you going to operate this business personall}°? �_ YES First�wc HomeA�css: Sim['�amc Middic Instial {.Y.aSdrn) cin _ _ YES Are you going to ]�2ve a manager or assis[ant in this business? please complete the follo«ing infoimation: Fsss[\ame Homc Sddrexr. Street?��ne City Please list your employment history for the previous five (5) }ear period: List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NAME (Office Held) Ifbusiness is a Q�� Middlc Iaitial (�laiden) .��� NO Ifnot, �vho will operate 3t? q�'� �� ��°.� .._-_ _ . , 7 =n Datc of Birth Statr Zip Pl�one \5mtbcr �c I�TO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I.sst State Zip Da�e of Birth Phonc::umber HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BIRTH include the follow*ing information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessat}�): First\ame MiddteInitia] ('..4aiden) Lest DatcofBirtL I Skeci?�ame City Statc Zip PhoneNumber First\eme MiddleInitial (,Maiden) Lsat DetcoFBiRh HomcAddreas: SffxtNamc City State Zip PLoneNumbtr MII�iNESOIA 7AX IDENTIFICATION h�IJMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Mmnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, futicle 8, Section Z(270.72) (TaY Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minn esota business tax identificarion number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Ivfinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 1474, we aze required to advise you of the following regardiag the use of the Mnnesota Tax Identificarion Number. - Ilris information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - L3pon receiving tbis information, the licensing authority will sapply ii only to The Minnesota Deparlment of Revenue. However, under the Fa3eral Exchange of Information Agreement, the Departinent of Revenue may supply this informatian to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mmnesota TaY Ideatification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�c Number) may be obtained fram the State of Mivnesota, Business Records Deparhnent, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Niunber:�- - 7 / — ? / — � � 2 7 Minnesota T� Idrntificarion Number: �—� V /��! � � ff a Minn � TaY Identification Number is not required for the business being operatec� indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. 12/18196 BusinesslEmplo�ment Address L/'/trf°i^ �9 Ll� -r6n4'7i� S�G�[r �.0�� �.r�.( 1'S'G7�/ �� CEP.111�ICATIO\' OF WORKERS' COMPENSA7ION CO�'ERAGE PURSUAh'I TO I�/Ii IvNESOTA STATIJTE 176.182 " t� ���' � T heriby culify tha[ I, or my company, � in compliance u�ith the «orkers' compensation inswance coverage requirzments oi Min*�esota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I rlso lmdecstsnd v'�at pro�isian o£fa� infozmation in this certification constitutes s¢fficient grounds for adl�erse action zgainst all licenses held, including rev�ation 2nd suspension of said licenses. ?�TUne of Insurance Company: Polic}° Number: Co��zrage from to I hace no emplo}'ees cocered under t� orkers' compensation inserance� (II�TITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMTITED R'II.L RESIILT IN DEI�'IAL OF TEIIS APPLICATIOI�I I hereby state that I have answered aIl of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideratio� by wa}� of loan, gift, contribution, or otheruise, orher thmm already disclosed'm the applicatian w�ich I herewzth submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. /�i�nii�, �� _ a'� — 2 �—/ ' Signature {REQUIREIl for all applications) Date We aitl accept payment by cash, check (made pa}'able to Cify of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). PAYING &Y CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INF'ORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑o/o❑ ,ame of ACCOUNT NUM33ER ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ �� for all Date "•Note: If this application is Food/I,iquor related, p]ease contact a City of Saint Paui Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examina at 266-9Q07 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. All applications mquire the following documenta Please attxch t6ese documents when submitting ��our appGcation: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 12" x 11" or 8 1!1" x I4" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^Id should be indicate3 toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent feariues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are,� parlong, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or eapansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of oWnecship of the proper[y. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIO2�'AL I1VF'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> ; ,�„xio� council Fi2e # `� �1� S¢ Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��✓� � -- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Coromittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #19949) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Kuan Chen DBA Kuan Auto 2 Repair (Kuan Chen, Owner) at 1523 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. with the following conditions: 1. The number of vehicles on the lot sha11 not exceed twenty (20) at any time. This condition acknowledges that there are two special condition use permits on the property at 1523 Como Avenue: one for outdoor sales of automobiles and one for general auto repair. There is also a dwelling unit on the property. Ten (10) off-street parking shall be provided at all times for customers and employees of the two businesses and residents of the dwelling unit. This leaves ten (10) additional off-street parking spaces on the lot either for the disp�.y of vehicles for sale or additional of£-street parking for the auto repair business. 2. The arrangement of vehicles on the 1ot shall be as shown on the site plan dated May 7, 1997. Only on-sire resident vehicles, customer vehicles, and employee vehicles of the permittees shall be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on th� lot shall be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Parking of vehicles that are awaiting repair or that have been repaired shall be prohibited in the public streets. 3 4 Requeated by Department of: 5 Ye Nays Absent 6 B a� 7 Bostrom Office of L•icense, rns�etions and 8 Xa ris 9 Me ar Environmental Protection 10 11 Thune 12 �axTar " n.-+-r, . ��i�� �L.2i 13 /� 14 � y„��_� 15 Adopted by Council: Date 5 By : �sv.( 16 17 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 18 Form Approved by City Attorney 19 20 By: C� ; s�^�� ti�-- � 21 / _ / BY � "'�- 22 Approved by Mayor: Date E� ( ��../�� �3 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � $y: � Council ?6 By: GREEN SHEET cmnnoraNer BUDGET DIRECfOR MAVOR (OR ASSIS TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Kuan Chen DBA Ruan Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage located at 1523 Como Avenue (ID �/19949). _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CML _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ __ _ DISTRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IEC7IVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS IAUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departrnBM? - YES NO 2. Has �his personffirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaity possessed by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet R'1-13�8' N_ 35304 - - - " iNmavoare cm couNCi� cm c�nK FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIF. INRIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whet, When. Where, Why): lltfln � � � G"7�:�� w _._ .. _._ _,_ �.�._zia V tr f 3 � %`�1�'i'd DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUOGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) , t CLASS � LICENSE APPLICATION /r��V �� :7 THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL LIC � � y,/ 1 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK �� � � Tgpe of License(s) being applied for: �Z�1'}1n� / L� �P� ��� �J Company Nazne: Corpontion / Pa�aship If business is incorporated, give date Doing Business As: Business Address: � / ��GI/1__1/►a CITY OF SAINT PAUL offi« otL;�, ��:o� �a �.;��a,� ��� 350 A?nc Si SuTi }%1 SL^dFz�t�imnaota 53103 (o12)le6.W90 u:6t-)74t5.__ s ?I"7 - Betwezn what cross streets is tne business located7 �J Nf,� A �cP n� � n � � Which side of the sfreet? _ /1/or � Are the premises now occupied? �5 What Type of Business7 _��� s�l�� s Mail To Address: /�'i 2-3 l'2�t> . S �i� �p MiV �S/o �i' so-atndmes.c . . . cicy . S��e z;p Applicant Information: Name and Tide: � i! nnna �� �� ��'� � F;� �aat� �arn) /� i,art ru� Home Address: 1 ��/� S�n s qr, S'�' �'f i�iy�,r ,f' �"/� ,�g'/p � sUectAddrese C;ty "�-_� g� 7� Date of Birth: i— S—/> �i Place of Birth: �i�, f� . h�. �� zi, a Home Phone: 4��' — �S�� Have yon ever been con��cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic9 YES NO ,�' _ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Con�iction: Sentence: - - List the namu and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or busir.ess, who may be refecred to as to the applicant's chazacter: NA1� ADDRESS PHONE �Lt .��C�.CX�t �� 6� Ra.oPif'�s� S� SS� pa� .� � Z 2^ Z2 Z which you currenlly hoid, foimerty held, or may have an interest in: Ha��e ury• of the above nazned licenses ever been revoked7 VJhere? YES d��� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 12/1 R.'9!, 5 �� ��� Cip' Slnte Zip Are you going to operate this business personall}°? �_ YES First�wc HomeA�css: Sim['�amc Middic Instial {.Y.aSdrn) cin _ _ YES Are you going to ]�2ve a manager or assis[ant in this business? please complete the follo«ing infoimation: Fsss[\ame Homc Sddrexr. Street?��ne City Please list your employment history for the previous five (5) }ear period: List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NAME (Office Held) Ifbusiness is a Q�� Middlc Iaitial (�laiden) .��� NO Ifnot, �vho will operate 3t? q�'� �� ��°.� .._-_ _ . , 7 =n Datc of Birth Statr Zip Pl�one \5mtbcr �c I�TO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I.sst State Zip Da�e of Birth Phonc::umber HOME BUSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BIRTH include the follow*ing information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessat}�): First\ame MiddteInitia] ('..4aiden) Lest DatcofBirtL I Skeci?�ame City Statc Zip PhoneNumber First\eme MiddleInitial (,Maiden) Lsat DetcoFBiRh HomcAddreas: SffxtNamc City State Zip PLoneNumbtr MII�iNESOIA 7AX IDENTIFICATION h�IJMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Mmnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, futicle 8, Section Z(270.72) (TaY Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minn esota business tax identificarion number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Ivfinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 1474, we aze required to advise you of the following regardiag the use of the Mnnesota Tax Identificarion Number. - Ilris information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - L3pon receiving tbis information, the licensing authority will sapply ii only to The Minnesota Deparlment of Revenue. However, under the Fa3eral Exchange of Information Agreement, the Departinent of Revenue may supply this informatian to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mmnesota TaY Ideatification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�c Number) may be obtained fram the State of Mivnesota, Business Records Deparhnent, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Niunber:�- - 7 / — ? / — � � 2 7 Minnesota T� Idrntificarion Number: �—� V /��! � � ff a Minn � TaY Identification Number is not required for the business being operatec� indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. 12/18196 BusinesslEmplo�ment Address L/'/trf°i^ �9 Ll� -r6n4'7i� S�G�[r �.0�� �.r�.( 1'S'G7�/ �� CEP.111�ICATIO\' OF WORKERS' COMPENSA7ION CO�'ERAGE PURSUAh'I TO I�/Ii IvNESOTA STATIJTE 176.182 " t� ���' � T heriby culify tha[ I, or my company, � in compliance u�ith the «orkers' compensation inswance coverage requirzments oi Min*�esota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I rlso lmdecstsnd v'�at pro�isian o£fa� infozmation in this certification constitutes s¢fficient grounds for adl�erse action zgainst all licenses held, including rev�ation 2nd suspension of said licenses. ?�TUne of Insurance Company: Polic}° Number: Co��zrage from to I hace no emplo}'ees cocered under t� orkers' compensation inserance� (II�TITIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF AI�SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMTITED R'II.L RESIILT IN DEI�'IAL OF TEIIS APPLICATIOI�I I hereby state that I have answered aIl of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideratio� by wa}� of loan, gift, contribution, or otheruise, orher thmm already disclosed'm the applicatian w�ich I herewzth submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. /�i�nii�, �� _ a'� — 2 �—/ ' Signature {REQUIREIl for all applications) Date We aitl accept payment by cash, check (made pa}'able to Cify of Saint Paul) or credit card (M/C or Visa). PAYING &Y CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INF'ORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑o/o❑ ,ame of ACCOUNT NUM33ER ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ �� for all Date "•Note: If this application is Food/I,iquor related, p]ease contact a City of Saint Paui Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examina at 266-9Q07 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26b-9008. All applications mquire the following documenta Please attxch t6ese documents when submitting ��our appGcation: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 12" x 11" or 8 1!1" x I4" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^Id should be indicate3 toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent feariues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair are,� parlong, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or eapansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of oWnecship of the proper[y. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIO2�'AL I1VF'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> ; ,�„xio�