D00503C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �roved copies ro: - City Clerk (Originaq - Finance �epL's Accounting Division - Requestirtg �ept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION • 1i L �- - r� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisient with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of ihe City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Fire Department to amend the 1994 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT APPflOVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET From: 001 - General Fund 05120 - Fire Fighting & Paramedics 011 f- Full Time Permanent 18,736,739 (91,670) 78,645,069 � �. • To: 001 - General Fund 05002 - Data Processing Oi i Y- Full Time Permanent 05700 - Fire Plans and Training 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 05101 - Emergency Medical Services 0215 - Fees - Medical 0352 - Medical Supplies 0628 - Lease Payment - Principal 05120 - Fire Fighting & Paramedics 0349 - Other Eqmt-Parts-Supplies 05050 - Fire Station Maintenance 0898 - Building Improvements 05102 - Health and Fitness 0215 - Fees - Medical 0352 - Medical Supplies 99,514 63,753 187,500 86,247 46,238 1,746 23,077 75,550 100 62 99,576 24,871 88,624 41,218 228,718 23,696 109,943 1 46,239 98 1,844 3 23,074 1,645 77,195 76 176 � ��-� �. � ���.3�� oved by: Mayror Date I�5o3 N° GREEN' 3HEFT z997s,/ - iiumnwnre I� 1 �EYAHIMEWT �IFEGIDN �� YT u GI I Y(:UUNGIL UJ J� - ASSIGN CffVA7TOflNEY CRYCLERK sst Chief Garv Tmdeau 228-621 NUMBEfl FOR � Q STBEONSYIUNCIIAGE ABY(QATE) p��NQ �BUOGEFOIRECiOft, �FIN.BMGT.SEFIVIGESOIq_ Op�� �MAIOR(OFiASSISTANn , QFinanrn 4Crni�r TQTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES '(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,, ', , � Approval of the attached Administrative Order Budget Revision making a final year end a'djustment to the Fire Geitera! Fund Activities. RECAMMENDAiIONS: Approve kN a Reject (R) _ PIANNfNGCOMMISS(ON _ CIVILSERVICE _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISlAICTCOUAT _ SUPPOpTS WHICN COUNGIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MflST ANSWER TffE FOL[AW(NG QUESTIONS: t. Has this person/firm ever worked umler a comract for Mis depanment? ' VES NO 2. Has Mis person/firtn ever been a city empbyee? ' YES NO 3. Does Mris persoNfime passess a skilt no[ nom�aHy possessed by any cument ci[y empioyee? YES NO Explain sll yes an8wers on separete sheet end attaeh M green sheet Fund transfers are needed to close out year end. All accounts will be fully funded. None. RECE[VED MAR 2 71995 CiTY CLERK ' Accounts are required to be fully funded. �IZU 70iAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTiON S COST/REVENt1E BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) General Fund Vanious FUNDIfdG SOURCE " ' AGTIYITY NUMBER � � FUJANCIAL INFOflMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) � ' YES NO U w