97-1317council File # ��' �'J�7 Green Sheet # �03_�+� cirir Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the °Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, severai issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation ofi the skyway system; and WHEREAS, in order to clarify and address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Council, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the workshops resuited in a set of recommended changes to the existing policy, which were the subject of a public hearing held by the Planning Commissio� on February 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered all pubiic comment and forwarded secommended changes to ihe skyway policy to the Mayor and City Councii on February 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council held a public hearing on the proposed changes on , 1997; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" to reflect the changes recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs staff to reprint the revised policy and distribute to all affected property owners and other affected persons or organizations in the downtown. By: Apps By: Appro by a for i sion t Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Appxoved by City Attorney B �..���i���. �l-J�- i 1 Lucy Thompson 6-6578 4/1J97 � �REEN crn anoar�e� BUW Ef DIRECTOP MAYOF (OF ASSI5Tl TOTAL # OF SIGNATIlRE PAGES 1- (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPtATURE7 CITY GOUNCIL crtv c�aic FlN. & MGT. SE 97 -�s�� 30394 — INRIALIDATE — Amend, via the attached resolution, the "�eneral Policy Statement for the Construction o£ the St. Paul Skyway System" ' �pLANNiNG CAMMSSION _ qVIL SEFYICE COMMISSION , CIB COMMIREE _ _j�S7qFF _ _ DISTpICTCqUflT _ SUPPORTS WNICH CAUNCIL OHJECTiVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 1. Has this pa�son�rm ever worked urWer a CoM2d for this departmerrt? - YES NO 2. Has this parsonlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persunflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arryf curre�t city employee? YES NO ExplBin all yes anawers on seperate Sheet anG attae� to gfeen sheet The city's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council"in1980 and revised in 1987. Many issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the SC. Pau1 Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventual recommendation to the City Council. IF APPRWED: The city's skyway policy will be strengthened. None RE��fV�p APR � 5 i997 ���'�l�?'S ��f[CF N° .....,y:�.� � , . 14� iY���YI . . ,. .�. ... , ,: i��4"a'M�� ��?�t l�;��' ElC i 3 n 1997 The skyway policy will continue to inadequately address issues that have arisen over the years <and continue to arise}. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'ONDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 1NANCIALINF041MATION;(EXPLAIN) DEPART'MENT OF PLANNING & EWNOMIC DEVELOPMENT �'� _\�17 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL D��;�2�r� Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wesr Forvth Street Telephone: 622-266-656i SamzPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 DATE: April 1, 1997 TO: Mayor Norm Coleman Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ken Ford, Pianning Administrator ,. ' RE: Amendments to Saint Paul's Skyway Poficy as Recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission BACKGROUND The City's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987. iVlany issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventuaf recommendation to the City Council. Planning Commission Chair Dave McDoneli chaired the 4 workshops, which were held between October and December, 1996. Representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, the Skyway Governance Committee, the Fleritage Preservation Commission, the CapitolRiver Councif, the Planning Commissfon, the Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Building Owners and Managers Association, Lowertown Redevelopment Gorpo�ation, as well as downtown property owners and architectsldesigners involved in writing the first skyway policy, participated in the workshops. A staff team from PED, LIEP and the Fire Department assisted the workshop participants and prepared the proposed policy changes. ISSUES A comprehensive set of (skyway anly} issues was identified by staff, the Skyway Governance Committee and the workshop participants. They are listed below in order of priority: Update general guidelines (ftom Report of the Skyway Task Force): - Retain system integrity. - Rea�rm value of skyways as dasic to economic health of downtown. - Maintain integrity of original design goals, balance with current needs. q� -���� Mayor Norm Coleman et. al. Apri! 1, 1997 Page Two 2. 3. � 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 10. 11. 12. Wa�nding, orientation - link to security. Definition of the core - extent of system, connection to central elements of City (e.g. Capttol tunnef system). Standard vs. variable design - compatibility with architecture of adjoining buildings. Security - Maintenance. - Gleanliness. - Design - e.g. long corridors, blind corners. ReVationship to streets and street activity. Vertical access to street. Cost to address issues, maintain system - who pays? Who benefits? Integrity of elements (concoursesJcorridorslnodes) re: how system has actually developed. Handicapped accessibifity - e.g. automated doors. Temperature - compatibility with State Energy Code. Definition of skyway as totally enclosed. Public art in interiors. Interior finishes - e.g. floor materials, glass tinting. Signage - directional, incorporating other signage. Additionai uses of skyways - fiber optics, telecommunications. Street furniture - e.g. benches. Exterior accent lighting. Authority, "standing" of policy. THE PROPOSED CHANGES The changes being recommended by the Planning Commission reflect a co�sensus among workshop participants as to the best ways to address the issues listed above, as welf as concerns raised at a public hearing held by the Commission on February 14, 1997. Mew language being proposed is underlined in the enclosed draft; existing language that would be deleted has a+irie through it. Minor changes to clean up the grammar, correct verb tenses, etc. are not indicated; they are simply too numerous to mention and do not change the content or intent of the policy. The major changes being recommended at this time include the addition of language to: 1, Reinforce the philosophy behind the use of a standard design for skyway bridges. 2. Assist in evaluating requests for extension of the skyway system. 3. Encourage and/or require improved access to and movement through the skyway system by persons of limited mobility. 4. Clarify that requests fior exceptions to the standard design will be evaluated on a case- by-case basis, while maintaining system integrity and design continuity. a�-1��� Mayor Coleman et. al. April 1, 1997 Page Three 5. Inciude criteria for allowing private business signs to project from concourse walis. 6. Encourage public art in the skyway system. 7. Clarify who will review exceptions from the poficy's guidelines. ACTION REQUESTED The Planning Commission asks that you forward its recommendation to the City Councii to adopt the attached proposed changes to the City's skyway policy. While not required, it is also recommended that the City Council hoid a public hearing prior to adoption of the new language. Enclosure °t1 ����'� GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM Adopted By The City Council Of Saint Paul, Minnesota January 8, 1980 Revised March 10, 1987 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA This Policy Statement supersedes and replaces the General Policy Statement Pedestrian Concourse System Downtown Urban Renewal Project Minn. R-2� Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Recommended for revision as noted b the Saint Paul Plannina Commission on Februarv 28. 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Q Q PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESGRlPTION DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIONS C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY 1. Bridges 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services 4. Vertical Access Facilities 5. Directionai Signs D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 1. Concourse Corridors (a) Skyway System Symbol (b) Skyway System Graphics (c) Floor Materials (d) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting (e) Skyway System Wal�s (fl Business Signs (g) Skyway Colors � Temperature 2. Nodes 3. Bridges (a) Floor Materiais (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting (c) Bridge Wails � Window-Washing Ladders j� Temperature f.(� Exterior Accent Painting (g) Exterior Accent Liahting � en th (� Number Per Block jjZ Bridge Doors and Ramps .(�k Exceptions from Standard Desiqn 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service 5. Verticaf Access Facilities E. PUBLIC ART F G. SUBMISSIOM OF PLANS EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS H. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS q'1-l�+'1 Page Number 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 q� �t��� A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Beginning with the Downtown Urban Renewa! Project Area - Minn. R-2�, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ofi the City ofi Saint Paui has developed a skyway system in dowrrtown Saint Paul. As used herein, the term "skyway system" °- �--�� encompasses the following: (1) concourse corridors, (2) node points in the concourse corridors, including, where feasible, one major node centrai to each block, generatly at the point where severai concourse corridors intersect, (3) bridges spanning streets, (4) certain vertical access facilities connecting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public propefij. The originai purpose of this skyway system was to divert pedestrians from the minimai-widih street-level sidewalks, enabling pedestrian traffic to move in an enclosed environment protected from adverse weather and vehicular traffic. The skyway system has significantly reduced pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at street level, particularly during periods of peak traffic, thereby permitting a smoother flow of vehicular traffic and greater safety for the pedestrian. become a key factor in maintaining the economic viabilit�of downtown. A�et#�eF-imper#s� ' It has afforded developers ihe opportunity to provide shop and office space abutting the concourse. allowinq people to circulate throughout downtown unhindered by adverse weather conditions and traffi , . The skyway system, through the efforts of the developers, also may contain sculpture, water displays, artworks, and other elements contr+buting to the aesthetic and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the City, thereby becoming a focus of activity in the downtown area. The general location of the existing skyway system, including concourse corridors, nodes, vertical access facilities and bridges, is shown on the attached map. Saint Paui has chosen a neutral. standardized desian for its ublic s ay system to ailow the architecture of the connecting buildings to be a more prominent feature of the streetscape. The key elements of this neutral design include the Vierendeel truss. a dee� brown color and clear qlass. in particular, the Vierendeel truss was chosen because it reftects the architecture of most of the buildings in downtown (i.e simpie horizontaf and vertical lines�. and it is more transparent than other truss types. With the truss. the other standard design elements help the skyway svstem act as a backdrop to the architecture of the ciiv and minimize visuaf obstructions at the street level. in addition. designing the s�{ yways as a system (not as a series of individual bridges) with a standard design �rovides physical and visual continuity and cohesiveness throughout downtown. Architectural tradition is im�ortant in Saint Paul. With 38 skyways built over the last 30 years. the standard sky n�ray design has now become paR of that tradition. B. DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIQNS Incorporation of the public skyway system into private development and buiiding ownership a �_�� t� presents some unique implications for beth the pubiic, owners, and redevelopers. With recognition of the public and private interests involved in the skyway system, certain premises have been estabiished relating to the system, and these premises are basic to the regulations and development criferia established for the skyway system as set forth in the succeeding sections. The following premises apply to the entire skyway system, even though portions of the system may be built by private building owners or developers: 1. The skyway svstem is an above-4round pedestrian system It is one comoonent of a larger downtown transportation system. which aiso inciudes tunneis. arcades and other forms of at-grade. weathervprotected pathways. While this �olicy addresses the elevated skvway system only. the vitality of downtown depends on maintaininq a b�lance between at-grade and non-at-grade pedestrian systems. and fosterinq investment and activity at ail levels. As currentiv conceived the skyway system is th� dominant non-at-qrade-system in downtown. �2. The skyway system will be entirely enclosed and capable of being heated and cooled to temperatures comparable to that maintained in adjacent office and retail areas. and in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The term "enciosed° shali mean protected from the weather, though the area of the skyway system need not necessarily be confined by its own walls. The concourse corridors and bridges will be constructed with a minimum width of 12'- 0" unless, +n the judgment of the City, physical limitations of existing buiidings, such as column spac+ng, fixed vertical element locations, window opening, etc., render the 12'- 0" width impractical, or would constitute an undue hardship to the owner. In such insta�ces, a lesser width� to be approved by the Citv, may be allowed. �3. The success, that is the degree of utilization of the skyway system, wili be directly related to the convenience, a� comfort� safety and efficiency it affords pedestrians in the downtown. The safety of system users shall be maintained in comoliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the document "Design for Public Safety: A Guide for Making a Safer Public Realm." 34. Any and all public expenditures for the skyway system must be limited only to those improvements that are of public benefit. While adjacent buildings may derive peripheral benefit from a public skyway abutting their properties, no segment of the skyway system or its facilities that are of primary benefii to private interests can be constructed with pubiic monies. The City skaH reserves #e-itset€ the sele-and-€iftal a -� `- ripht to determine what improvements are of pubiic benefit. 45. The skyway system must have a design identity of its own, distinguishing it from other areas with public access within buildings as an aid to citizens in finding their way throughout the system. Further, where there is a public easement in the skyway system, it must pe possible to readily identify those public areas so that citizens are cognizant of the location of the skyway path. The system must possess directionai ciarity and be accessible, identifiable and continuous. C� �i� -� �t'r 56. The skyway system must functionally and visually help to unify the downtown ��d reinfiorce the compactness of downtown. Concourse corridors should be urban in character and shall provide a variety of special experiences; they shali not be of monolithic design throughout the system's length. The skyway system shall possess a variety of floor to ceili�g heights and abut spaces of varying design and activities. Nevertheless, it must stiN possess enough common elements to provide 4Fie directional clarity, continuity and identity teqttife�. � The present skyway system standard exterior design with its vierendee{ truss and uniform color has provided a system that is a functional consistent transparent and neutrat backdrop to the architecture of the city. The City shall continue to employ this design. Any exceptions will be evaluated by the City on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. 8. Skywa�access continues to be a ma�or factor in downtown development decisions and the overall economic vitality of downtown. As such. the system needs to be retained andprovisions must be made for its extension. but new investments in the system need to be balanced with investments in the street-levelpedestrian realm. 9. Proeosals to extend the skyway system shall be considered based on the following criteria: � The density of new develoAment to be served by the proposed extension: b. The architectural sig�ificance of the buildings to he connected by the proposed extension: c The impact on views of significant natural and built features: d. The impact on at-grade pedestrian activity and vitalitX; e. The feasibility of aitemative connections such as tunnefs at-c�rade weather- protected walkways. etc.: and f. The impact on system continuitk ... This section has been moved and incorporated into (new) Section D. Design and Materials Requirements and Standards. 9C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY The following cost sharing and funding policy applies to all skyway system elements (concourse corridors, nodes, bridges, bridge support structures and services and vertica{ access facilities) not under a construction contract at the time of the adoption of this policy by the City Council, unless otherwise specifically exempted from this policy by the City Council. Such skyway system efements specifically exempted by the City Council will be covered by , , , . this policy statement. 5 a�-1� This cost sharing and funding policy is considered to be consistent with Saint Paul's adopted Capital Allocation Policies. The skyway system is considered to be a Service System {mprovement, and any proposal for an addition to the existing skyway system must be based on the merits of each proposal as to its economic benefit to the City. The sole and finat determination for each addition to the existing skyway system wili rest with the City Council. Adioining�ro�erty owners must aqree to share in the cost of subseauent improvements to skvway system elements. Bridges - The City may pay a portion of the total cost of each skyway bridge, including construction costs, architecYs fees and other associated costs. The exact amount will be negotiated between appropriate City staff and benefiting building owners or developers based on the City's downtown development priorities. The City Council will make the final determination on the exact cost to be bome by the City. 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes - Benefiting building owners or developers will pay all costs for constructing, remodeling or reconstructing their buildings to provide acceptabie concourse corridors and nodes through their buildings. 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services - The developer or building owner at each end of the bridge will be responsibie and will pay all costs for the provision of structural supports within their respective properties, which are necessary to accommodate the bridge. The City will not be financially responsible for such increased support structure, nor wili the City buiid independent suppoRs for the bridge upon private property ai either end at its expense. With respect to bridge services, the building owner or developer, at hislher expense, will provide and connect the mechanical and electrical systems of hislher buildings to the bridges and supply to all necessary facilities for fresh air, heating, cooling, and electrical power, unless the building owner or developer is advised that a previously constructed building atready supplies such facilities. Where a bridge connects the improvements of one developer or building owner with that of another deveioper or buildi�g owner, each party so connected shall be responsibie for agreeing as to how they will share the cost of providing the required mechanical and electrical services to the bridge. Such a cost-sharing agreement must be reached by the affected parties and submitted to the City for its review prior to the start of bridge construction. For bridges connecting new buildings for which the location is determined at the time of working drawing preparation, the developer's working drawing and specification will include mechanical and electrical equipment design, location and connections to supply necessary services to the bridges. For bridges where precise location is not yet determined at the time of working drawing completion on the building, the developer must agree to retain the service of +ts an architect and/o engineer, ai the time such bridge iocation is determined, to provide necessary design services as stated above. �t�-����1 The building owner or developer must agree to retain the services of an architect/engineer to provide information, drawings, documents, and to spend the time necessary with tlj 'e�et G� staff in order to coordinate the provision of inechaniral and electrical facitities to the bridge and to resolve ail siructural, aesthetic and related matters relative to bridge desian, structure and utilitv connections/easements. All such design, consultation and coordination will be accomplished in a timely manner so as to permit construction of the bridge as soon as the two buifdings to which the bridge connects are capable of receiving the bridge, 4. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities will be instatled by the benefRing building owner or developer at no cost to the City. Existing vertical access facilities shall be used wherever possible. The City Council may, -* �`- --'� ---' `--' �'-�,-�� require the installaiion ofi escalators or elevators as part of the skyway system. The benefiting building owner or developer will pay all costs of such vertical access facilities. 5. Directional Signs - The City will pay for the initial manufacture of all illuminated directional sign boxes and faces within buiidings. The benefiting buiiding owner or developer will pay all costs for supports, electrical service, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such signs. Such directional signs shall be installed by the building owner or developer upon completion of construction of the skyway bridge, or bridges, for public use. E D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS The skyway system's identity, design consistency, and ease of orientation are necessary if the skyway system is to function effectively. The City has established design and materials requirements for the skyway system and its five elements: concourse corridors. nodes. bridaes. bridye sup�ort siructures and vertical access facilities. The design of the skyway system within each biock shall adhere to these requirements. Two major components of the skyway system, bridges and the concourseslnodes, need to be treated differently. While the exterior design and materials of the bridges shall stress uniformity and consistency throughout the downtown, the concourse corridors and nodes shall provide a variety of experiences for the skyway pedestrian. Npthing in these requirements shall prohibit or excuse any element of the system from com�l ina with oertinent local. state and federal requirements. such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Chapter 140 (Skvway Conduct) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Chapter 12 tPublic Art and Desian of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Chapter 73 �Heritage Preservation Commission) of the Saint Pauf Le�slative Code. the State Building Code. the Citks Design for Public Safety Initiative. etc. Concourse Corridors Concourse corridors will run through a block from building face to building face connecting to a skyway bridge. The primary public purpose of such concourse 7 c�1. \'� 1'1 corridors in the accommodation of pedestrian travel firom point to point, and, as such, a minimum width of 12'-0" is established for such elements. Concourse corridors shall be light, arid airy, animated civic places with memorable character . Long, blank-walled corridors shall be avoided. The pedestrian shail encounter a variety of design experiences while traversing the system. (a) Skyway System Symboi - A graphic symbol has been developed for the skyway system. Such symbol shall be used to indicate the location of the skyway system within the building in a manner approved by the City, and on such skyway signage as the City may provide. No other use of the symbol wilf be permitted. (b) Skyway System Graphics - Graphics will play a vital role in orientation in the skyway system, and through consistency of design and piacement, will also constitute a vital element in achieving skyway system identity. The City will be responsible for the design and location of all skyway system graphics; the types of graphics and general location criteria are as follows: Directional Signs - Directional signs are the largest and most conspicuous signs in the skyway system. They are used to give directions to streets and to major baif�ingsdestinations in the skyway system. All directional signs will be suspended below the concourse ceilings, will be perpendicular to the axis of the concourse area in which they are located and will be the only such signs to be mounted in this manner. The most important of such signs will be illuminated. The buiiding owner will provide: 1) support for the directional signs above the ceiling; 2) electrical services to the signs; 3) the pendants which connect the signs to the structure above the ceiling. The City has developed standard designs for the directional signs and will advise the developer or building owner of the specific location of the pendants and signs. ii. Maps and Route Directories - Wall-mounted or free standing maps and route directories of the skyway system will be placed i� prominent locations at the head of vertical access faci{ities, within nodes, or in other appropriate locations so that the pedestrian may, together with the directional signs, determine the skyway route to be used in order to arrive easily and quickly at the desired location. iii. Entry Signs - Entry signs displaying the skyway logo and the lnternational har�dieapped Access Symbol, if appropriate, will be posted on building entrances which identify access points to the system. Entry signs shall include, or be located neut to, a listing of the building hours. When building entries cannot allow disabled access to the skyway system. the buildinq owner shali post a'1-���1. directional sians to the nearest accessible system entry„ iv. Exit signs - Exit signs displaying the skyway logo and the name of the street to which access is available will be posted in the concourse corridors near vertical access facilities. v. Skyway Information Signs - The City eviN shouid supply signs containing the skyway logo and the intemational information symbol to volunteer skyway small businesses. These businesses arf14 should be given a supply ofi skyway maps and wi1F should act as informal skyway information centers. (�c) Floor Materials - In concourse corridors running between bridges and nodes, a consistency of floor material for concourse corridors must be maintained throughout each building. A change in floor material shall help to define the concourse corridors from private areas. lf the buiiding owner chooses to use carpet or other non-permanent flooring material for concourse corridors, ihe building owner must agree to replace such carpet with new carpet or other material matching as closely as possible the original in color and teuture at such intervals as may be determined by the City. (e�) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting - Minimum ceiling height shall be 8'- 0",and no signs or other graphics other than as specified above shall be fastened to, or suspended from, the ceiling. Lighting fixtures shail be instalied in such a manner as to not visually block skyway signage. Luminous ceilings are permitted. Artificial lighting intensity shall ., . comply with the minimum liahting levels established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code. The artificial lighting shall be supplied with electricity �- -� �-��� so that the interruption of service in any circuit inside the building will not result in total interruption of the required lighting. (#e) Skyway System Walis - Where the skyway system is defined by walls or partitions separating ihe concourse from adjacent private building areas, such walls may be of a design and function consistent with the use and architectural design of such private building areas. Skyway system walls shall be of durable, easily maintained, finished materials. jf� Business Signs - One projecting business sign per business is allowed, Ple , , „__,,,,.._„_ ...,,�,_ :_.,, .u_ ,.__„_.._„_ ____,,,_.,. Provided that it meets the foliowing criteria; i. lt includes only the business name andlor symbol. ii. It does not exceed four square feet in size: iii. It is located eight feet above the floor: iv. ft is not internally lit or made of neon. and does not flash. a� -���'� v. It does not block views of directional siqns. Ail other business siqns shaA be parallel to adjacent concourse walls. ..---- - --- -- - - -- - - - - (g) Skyway Colors - Skyway related signs and other graphics will employ a specific coior scheme throughoui the skyway system as developed by the City. Non-skyway related signs and graphics in proximity to the concourse or node area utilizing the same color scheme as skyway-related graphics will not be permitted. j� Temperature - Heatinp. venting and air conditioninp shall be provided as reauired in Chaoter 140 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code. 2. Nodes - Nodes are the points of intersection of seversl two or more concourse corridors andior the location of a vertical access facility. At such points, pedestrian trafific is likely to be heavier and moving in varying directions, directional decisions are made, and other activities may be occurring. Such nodes must clearly possess a desig� ide�tity a�d character separating them from abutting private areas, and must be primarily oriented to the public purpose of accommodating pedestrian travel in the skyway system, including orientation, direction changes, and congregation or vertical movement to street level. The size and configuration of the node will be dependent upon the number of concourse corridors intersecting its location within the downtown and the overall skyway system, and the amount and nature of anticipated pedestrian activity within the node. The node must be large enough to accommodate anticipated pedestrian activity and to constitute a speciai area of importance within the overali skyway system. Therefore, a wider than 12 foot �t�r� concourse area +aiH mav be required, where possible, at one major node in each block and may be necessary at other nodes. Secondary nodes may also occur in some instances, especially at points of veRical access to the street. Where appropriate, such areas shal! also have a width wider than the � 12 feet appropriate for concourse corridors. It is desirable to achieve an integration of the street and skyway levels at the node areas; therefore, exposure to the ground level is encouraged. To achieve prominence and identity for major node areas, the buitding owner, with the approval of the City, is encouraged to provide and maintain skyway furnishings in and near the node areas. Such fumishings may include sculptures, decorative fountains, public telephones, public restrooms, drinking fountains, kiosks for display of material of public interest, benches, trash receptacles, pianter boxes and other furnishings and oublic art as approved by the City and in accordance with Ghaoter 12 (Public Art and Desig� of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. The location of 10 a'1-� ��7 such fumishings in or near node areas will be determined jointly by the City and the building owner or developer, based on analysis of expected traffic pattems within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City and the building owner or developer will jointly approve the design of all such elements to be placed within the skyway system. 3. Bridges - Bridges generally span streets and sidewalks between property lines and perform essentially the same public function as concourse corridors; therefore, the bridges will be built with a minimum clear width of 12'-0". Also, the City of Saint Paul currently requires a minimum bridge height clearance of 17'-4" at the center of the street which it spans. Bridges may span private property but must connect to an acceptable segment of the basic skyway system, giving access to a pubiic street or other public property. Bridges will be of a consistent exterior design and ma erials throughout the downtown area, . Such consistency results in easier orientation for pedestrians, including people with visual disabilities. and allows the system to be read as a system. not just a collection of individual bridges. It is also im�ortant for bridges to emahasize neutrality. becominq a part of the urban streetscape rather than making their own architectural statement. (a) Floor Materials - The preferred floor material for all sk�nrav bridc�es is �+k � a neutrel-colored terrazzo floor, herein referred to as "skyway terrazzo". However. as with concourse corridors. adjoinina buildinq owners may agree to use carpet or some other non-permanent flooring material for skyway bridges as long as such affected parties agree to maintain and/or reolace such carpet with new carpet or other approved material matchi�c�the original as closely as �ossible in color and te�ure at such intervals as may be determined by the Citv. The City shall also ao�rove the quality and type of carpet to be used. (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting - The standard bridge ceiling is linear metal with recessed filler strips and fluorescent lighting. Supplemental decorative lighting may be considered. Ceiling heights and liqhting levels shall meet the minimum reauirements established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (c) Bridge Walis - Bridge curtainwalls shall consist of clear glass to provide maximum visibifity and include exterior dark bronze muilions. The �referred interior mullion color is also dark bronze. but in special circumstances other neutral colors may be considered by the Cit� The vierendeel truss and related elements, `-" '�`�-`�- °�' °�`-��°-, such as window washinq ladders. ladder carriages. exposed icicle melting systems and ramp profiles shafl be painted a deep brown color. 11 �� ��� �� � Window-Washing Ladders - Two window-washing ladders per bridge are reauired. one on each side. j� Temperature - Heatina venting and air conditioning shall be provided as re�uired in Chaoter 140 of the Sairrt Paul Legislative Code. �f. Exterior Accent Painting - The flanges (heam and truss details) shall be painted in a metallic gold color as specified by the City_ {g� Exterior Accent Lighting - Accent liahting on the exterior of bridges shalt be of a consistent desiyn throughout the system. ,(h� Length - Long bridges shall be avoided by not placing them over open space. surfaceparking lots. empty blocks. or intersections. Ji� Number Per Block - Visual clutter shall be avoided by allowing only one skyway bridge connection for each block face. Mid-block bridaes are preferred. intersectina connecting buildings at 90 degrees (i.e. pgrpendicular to the streetl. fjk Bridge Doors and Ramps - Bridqe doors are required. The desiqn configuration. etc, of bridae doors and ramos shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. New doors installed after the effective date of this skyway policy shall be eauipped with motion detectors or other automatic ope�ing devices. Bridge doors already in place on the effective date of this skvway policy shall be equiooed with automatic opening devices according to a schedule determined by the Citk u Exceptions from Standard Desipn - Reauests for exceptions from these auidelines shall be evaluated on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. and shall be strictly viewed in terms of maintaining sk�nrav design continuity and integrity_ 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service - Bridge support structures will support the bridges at either end and wili be contained within the buildings unless it is structuraliy necessary to provide bridge supports independent of the building. New buildings that will connect to the skyway system shall be designed to "prasp" the standard bridge desiqn. so that the bridge and its co�nection are an integral a� rt of the original fiacade design. rather than treated as an add-on.All supports independent of buildings shall be outside existing or proposed rights-of-way of public streets, wherever possible. Bridge services are defined as those etectricat and mechanical systems which supply fresh air and provide heati�g, cooling and electrical service to the bridge. Also included is the roof drainage system. 5. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities in the form of ei�keF stairs, ef escalators and elevators provide access to the concourse nodes, corridors, and the bridges from the street. Vertical access between the concourse and street level wilf 12 a� ���ti� �e is required throughout the skyway system, with escalators or elevators being required at the principal paints of access to the skyway system. Elevators are encouraged in order to retain accessibility of the skvway system to all gecsons.Generally, vertical access shall be provided at or near each end of the bridges crossing streets and may also be required at other locations within the system. . Vertical access points shal! be adequately sianed so that the oedestrian can both visually and phvsically connect the skyway system to the ground New buildings that will connect io the sk�wav system shall be designed to clearly show the vertical connection between the skkwa�and the ground. • .--- - .,- - -- - - - - --- ---- -- - -- -- -=- --- - -- --- E. PUBLIC ART Future skvways makincorporatepublic art in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. nrovided thai such nublic art does noi detract from or otherwise negatively affect pedestrian safety. movement and visibility: or the function maintenance or desiqn continuity of the system. F. SUBMISSION OF PLANS Pfans shal{ be submitted by the building owner for approval by the City, indicating all materials, finishes, sgnaqe. etc. used in the skyway system and the architectural manner in which the skyway system is separated from abutting private building areas where the concourse occurs within the owner's building. The City may make ceRain additions to such drawings, including signs and other graphics, fumiture, and other elements consistent with achieving identity and design continuity for each segment of the skyway system. Any �equested exceptions from the City's . esi n ui elines for sk a concourses and brid s s all be reviewed and approved by the City, with inout from the Heritage Preservation Commission (as aoprooriatel. the District 17 Community Council. and the Building Owners and Managers Association. The City may estabiish an ad hoc design review committee. composed primarily of qualified design qrofessionals. to review requests for exceptions to this policv. G. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS In order to assure �fie-FeFrtrfl� a oublic benefit from the public investment made in development of the skyway system in the downtown, all areas of the skyway system must 13 �� - \"J 1'� be {ocated either on public property or within a public easement granted by the devetoper or building owner. Such easements shali be coterminous with the designated areas of concourse corridors, nodes and vertical access facilities;-alse; and shall extend on the ground floor from the foot of vertical access facilities to a public sidewalk or other public property, giving access to a puhlic sidewalk. Such easements shall be required for both those skyway system elements for which the City is responsible and tfiose elements constituting a fink in the basic system for which private parties may be responsible. The easements wili be in form satisfactory to the City and will be limited to the life of the improvements constituting the skyway system. The easements will grant to the public the right of use of the skyway system for purposes of ingress and egress and pedestrian transit without limitation, except that such easements may attach reasonable conditians regarding closing parts or all of the skyway system within the developer's or owner's structural improvements during non-business hours as dictated by reasonable security requirements of the buildings through with the concourse passes. The City will attempt to negotiate 24 hour easements. fn order to assure the possibility of future expansion of the skyway system, when a building is connected to the skyway system the developer or buitding owner will grant to the City an easement which assumes expansion of the system beyond the building and/or block immediately being connected. , The developer or building owner shall have the right at any time to change the focations or alianments of such easements; °-�' `"- -------'� ', rovide that 1) new easements are granted which permit the continuity of the skyway system; ar�d 21 the developer or owner installs a new pedestrian concourse on the new easement area at the developer's or owner's sole cost and expense: and 3� the new easement meets the Citv's minimum reauirements for width. heig t. etc. In the event the developer or owner elects to substitute a new easement location, it will submit to the City an easement survey and legal description thereof, the plans and specifications therefor, and proof of apility to pay and method of payment therefore for C� approval. . The City shail have 90 days after the submission in which to approve or reject the str�rissiert proposai. If the City rejects the se�rn+ssiert ro osal, it must do so in writing within the 90- day period and, in such writing, set forth in detail the valid reasons for such rejections. In the event the City fails to reject the s�iss'ten ro osal within said 90-day period, the C+ty's consent shall be conclusively presumed. The City shall nat be required to approve any change in easement location unless the easement to be submitted contains at least the same area and dimensions of the existing easement; and the improvements are of the same character, quality and functional characteristics of the initial concourse, including replacement of signs, graphics and furniture provided in the original skyway system. When the City approves the substitution, the parties shall then join in the execution and delivery of an amendatory agreement in recordable form which designates the substitute location and terminates the easement over the old location effective upon compietion of the construction of the new concourse and skyway system. 14 a� -1��� -�I. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The skyway system, including all future additions, is located on public property or within public easements. As such the City has a proprietary obligation for operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the skyway sysfem. NeveRheless, the City will require, as part of the easement agreement, that the developer or buitding owner assume the full responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all segments of the skyway system (ocated within its property, for bridges over streets abutting its property, and carry out such operation, maintenance, repair and rep{acement at its own expense without cost to the City. In the event that the developer or building owner fails to operate, maintain, repair or replace the concourse system, or any part thereof, t�r-a-�easetta�le starjdafd-in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Pau{ Leqislative Code. the City may pertorm such operations and assess all costs incurred in so doing against the developer or building owner in accordance with the normal procedures for assessments related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement in the City of Saint Paul. Where skyway bridges connect the property of one developer or owner with that of another, the developers or owners may share equally, or on whatever other basis is mutually agreeable 48-Het+t, the bridge operation, mairitenance, repair and replacement costs. Public Iiability and casualty insurance coverage including required surety bonds indemnifying and holding harmless the City shall be included as part of this operationlmaintenance agreement between connecting developer(s) or owner(s}. Such written agreement must be submitted to the City for review prior to commencement of bridge construction. 15 a�-���'1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � � � 0 � � 3 0 0 �'1-��� city of saint paul pianning commission resolution file number 97-09 �tE? February 28, 1997 WHEREAS, the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway 5ystem" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Gouncil in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, several issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation of the skyway system; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Pian Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Pau1 Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Councii, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the rote of the workshop participants was to work with staff to identify problems with the current skyway policy, suggest changes to address these problems and review proposed changes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on February 14, 1997 to receive pubiic input on the proposed changes, at which two persons spoke, and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee reviewed public comment and suggested finai changes to the skyway policy based on that comment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission forwards the proposed changes to the "Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paui Skyway System" to the Saint Pau{ City Councif and recommends that the City Councif adopt them after holding a public hearing; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Pianning Commission thanks the workshop participants for their hard work and excellent input in preparing the proposed changes. moved by Ma=de� ry _ �(`(x�d b�( Gordon �n f��r Unanimous a�111St council File # ��' �'J�7 Green Sheet # �03_�+� cirir Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the °Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, severai issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation ofi the skyway system; and WHEREAS, in order to clarify and address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Council, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the workshops resuited in a set of recommended changes to the existing policy, which were the subject of a public hearing held by the Planning Commissio� on February 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered all pubiic comment and forwarded secommended changes to ihe skyway policy to the Mayor and City Councii on February 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council held a public hearing on the proposed changes on , 1997; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" to reflect the changes recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs staff to reprint the revised policy and distribute to all affected property owners and other affected persons or organizations in the downtown. By: Apps By: Appro by a for i sion t Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Appxoved by City Attorney B �..���i���. �l-J�- i 1 Lucy Thompson 6-6578 4/1J97 � �REEN crn anoar�e� BUW Ef DIRECTOP MAYOF (OF ASSI5Tl TOTAL # OF SIGNATIlRE PAGES 1- (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPtATURE7 CITY GOUNCIL crtv c�aic FlN. & MGT. SE 97 -�s�� 30394 — INRIALIDATE — Amend, via the attached resolution, the "�eneral Policy Statement for the Construction o£ the St. Paul Skyway System" ' �pLANNiNG CAMMSSION _ qVIL SEFYICE COMMISSION , CIB COMMIREE _ _j�S7qFF _ _ DISTpICTCqUflT _ SUPPORTS WNICH CAUNCIL OHJECTiVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 1. Has this pa�son�rm ever worked urWer a CoM2d for this departmerrt? - YES NO 2. Has this parsonlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persunflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arryf curre�t city employee? YES NO ExplBin all yes anawers on seperate Sheet anG attae� to gfeen sheet The city's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council"in1980 and revised in 1987. Many issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the SC. Pau1 Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventual recommendation to the City Council. IF APPRWED: The city's skyway policy will be strengthened. None RE��fV�p APR � 5 i997 ���'�l�?'S ��f[CF N° .....,y:�.� � , . 14� iY���YI . . ,. .�. ... , ,: i��4"a'M�� ��?�t l�;��' ElC i 3 n 1997 The skyway policy will continue to inadequately address issues that have arisen over the years <and continue to arise}. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'ONDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 1NANCIALINF041MATION;(EXPLAIN) DEPART'MENT OF PLANNING & EWNOMIC DEVELOPMENT �'� _\�17 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL D��;�2�r� Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wesr Forvth Street Telephone: 622-266-656i SamzPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 DATE: April 1, 1997 TO: Mayor Norm Coleman Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ken Ford, Pianning Administrator ,. ' RE: Amendments to Saint Paul's Skyway Poficy as Recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission BACKGROUND The City's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987. iVlany issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventuaf recommendation to the City Council. Planning Commission Chair Dave McDoneli chaired the 4 workshops, which were held between October and December, 1996. Representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, the Skyway Governance Committee, the Fleritage Preservation Commission, the CapitolRiver Councif, the Planning Commissfon, the Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Building Owners and Managers Association, Lowertown Redevelopment Gorpo�ation, as well as downtown property owners and architectsldesigners involved in writing the first skyway policy, participated in the workshops. A staff team from PED, LIEP and the Fire Department assisted the workshop participants and prepared the proposed policy changes. ISSUES A comprehensive set of (skyway anly} issues was identified by staff, the Skyway Governance Committee and the workshop participants. They are listed below in order of priority: Update general guidelines (ftom Report of the Skyway Task Force): - Retain system integrity. - Rea�rm value of skyways as dasic to economic health of downtown. - Maintain integrity of original design goals, balance with current needs. q� -���� Mayor Norm Coleman et. al. Apri! 1, 1997 Page Two 2. 3. � 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 10. 11. 12. Wa�nding, orientation - link to security. Definition of the core - extent of system, connection to central elements of City (e.g. Capttol tunnef system). Standard vs. variable design - compatibility with architecture of adjoining buildings. Security - Maintenance. - Gleanliness. - Design - e.g. long corridors, blind corners. ReVationship to streets and street activity. Vertical access to street. Cost to address issues, maintain system - who pays? Who benefits? Integrity of elements (concoursesJcorridorslnodes) re: how system has actually developed. Handicapped accessibifity - e.g. automated doors. Temperature - compatibility with State Energy Code. Definition of skyway as totally enclosed. Public art in interiors. Interior finishes - e.g. floor materials, glass tinting. Signage - directional, incorporating other signage. Additionai uses of skyways - fiber optics, telecommunications. Street furniture - e.g. benches. Exterior accent lighting. Authority, "standing" of policy. THE PROPOSED CHANGES The changes being recommended by the Planning Commission reflect a co�sensus among workshop participants as to the best ways to address the issues listed above, as welf as concerns raised at a public hearing held by the Commission on February 14, 1997. Mew language being proposed is underlined in the enclosed draft; existing language that would be deleted has a+irie through it. Minor changes to clean up the grammar, correct verb tenses, etc. are not indicated; they are simply too numerous to mention and do not change the content or intent of the policy. The major changes being recommended at this time include the addition of language to: 1, Reinforce the philosophy behind the use of a standard design for skyway bridges. 2. Assist in evaluating requests for extension of the skyway system. 3. Encourage and/or require improved access to and movement through the skyway system by persons of limited mobility. 4. Clarify that requests fior exceptions to the standard design will be evaluated on a case- by-case basis, while maintaining system integrity and design continuity. a�-1��� Mayor Coleman et. al. April 1, 1997 Page Three 5. Inciude criteria for allowing private business signs to project from concourse walis. 6. Encourage public art in the skyway system. 7. Clarify who will review exceptions from the poficy's guidelines. ACTION REQUESTED The Planning Commission asks that you forward its recommendation to the City Councii to adopt the attached proposed changes to the City's skyway policy. While not required, it is also recommended that the City Council hoid a public hearing prior to adoption of the new language. Enclosure °t1 ����'� GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM Adopted By The City Council Of Saint Paul, Minnesota January 8, 1980 Revised March 10, 1987 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA This Policy Statement supersedes and replaces the General Policy Statement Pedestrian Concourse System Downtown Urban Renewal Project Minn. R-2� Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Recommended for revision as noted b the Saint Paul Plannina Commission on Februarv 28. 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Q Q PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESGRlPTION DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIONS C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY 1. Bridges 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services 4. Vertical Access Facilities 5. Directionai Signs D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 1. Concourse Corridors (a) Skyway System Symbol (b) Skyway System Graphics (c) Floor Materials (d) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting (e) Skyway System Wal�s (fl Business Signs (g) Skyway Colors � Temperature 2. Nodes 3. Bridges (a) Floor Materiais (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting (c) Bridge Wails � Window-Washing Ladders j� Temperature f.(� Exterior Accent Painting (g) Exterior Accent Liahting � en th (� Number Per Block jjZ Bridge Doors and Ramps .(�k Exceptions from Standard Desiqn 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service 5. Verticaf Access Facilities E. PUBLIC ART F G. SUBMISSIOM OF PLANS EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS H. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS q'1-l�+'1 Page Number 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 q� �t��� A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Beginning with the Downtown Urban Renewa! Project Area - Minn. R-2�, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ofi the City ofi Saint Paui has developed a skyway system in dowrrtown Saint Paul. As used herein, the term "skyway system" °- �--�� encompasses the following: (1) concourse corridors, (2) node points in the concourse corridors, including, where feasible, one major node centrai to each block, generatly at the point where severai concourse corridors intersect, (3) bridges spanning streets, (4) certain vertical access facilities connecting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public propefij. The originai purpose of this skyway system was to divert pedestrians from the minimai-widih street-level sidewalks, enabling pedestrian traffic to move in an enclosed environment protected from adverse weather and vehicular traffic. The skyway system has significantly reduced pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at street level, particularly during periods of peak traffic, thereby permitting a smoother flow of vehicular traffic and greater safety for the pedestrian. become a key factor in maintaining the economic viabilit�of downtown. A�et#�eF-imper#s� ' It has afforded developers ihe opportunity to provide shop and office space abutting the concourse. allowinq people to circulate throughout downtown unhindered by adverse weather conditions and traffi , . The skyway system, through the efforts of the developers, also may contain sculpture, water displays, artworks, and other elements contr+buting to the aesthetic and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the City, thereby becoming a focus of activity in the downtown area. The general location of the existing skyway system, including concourse corridors, nodes, vertical access facilities and bridges, is shown on the attached map. Saint Paui has chosen a neutral. standardized desian for its ublic s ay system to ailow the architecture of the connecting buildings to be a more prominent feature of the streetscape. The key elements of this neutral design include the Vierendeel truss. a dee� brown color and clear qlass. in particular, the Vierendeel truss was chosen because it reftects the architecture of most of the buildings in downtown (i.e simpie horizontaf and vertical lines�. and it is more transparent than other truss types. With the truss. the other standard design elements help the skyway svstem act as a backdrop to the architecture of the ciiv and minimize visuaf obstructions at the street level. in addition. designing the s�{ yways as a system (not as a series of individual bridges) with a standard design �rovides physical and visual continuity and cohesiveness throughout downtown. Architectural tradition is im�ortant in Saint Paul. With 38 skyways built over the last 30 years. the standard sky n�ray design has now become paR of that tradition. B. DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIQNS Incorporation of the public skyway system into private development and buiiding ownership a �_�� t� presents some unique implications for beth the pubiic, owners, and redevelopers. With recognition of the public and private interests involved in the skyway system, certain premises have been estabiished relating to the system, and these premises are basic to the regulations and development criferia established for the skyway system as set forth in the succeeding sections. The following premises apply to the entire skyway system, even though portions of the system may be built by private building owners or developers: 1. The skyway svstem is an above-4round pedestrian system It is one comoonent of a larger downtown transportation system. which aiso inciudes tunneis. arcades and other forms of at-grade. weathervprotected pathways. While this �olicy addresses the elevated skvway system only. the vitality of downtown depends on maintaininq a b�lance between at-grade and non-at-grade pedestrian systems. and fosterinq investment and activity at ail levels. As currentiv conceived the skyway system is th� dominant non-at-qrade-system in downtown. �2. The skyway system will be entirely enclosed and capable of being heated and cooled to temperatures comparable to that maintained in adjacent office and retail areas. and in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The term "enciosed° shali mean protected from the weather, though the area of the skyway system need not necessarily be confined by its own walls. The concourse corridors and bridges will be constructed with a minimum width of 12'- 0" unless, +n the judgment of the City, physical limitations of existing buiidings, such as column spac+ng, fixed vertical element locations, window opening, etc., render the 12'- 0" width impractical, or would constitute an undue hardship to the owner. In such insta�ces, a lesser width� to be approved by the Citv, may be allowed. �3. The success, that is the degree of utilization of the skyway system, wili be directly related to the convenience, a� comfort� safety and efficiency it affords pedestrians in the downtown. The safety of system users shall be maintained in comoliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the document "Design for Public Safety: A Guide for Making a Safer Public Realm." 34. Any and all public expenditures for the skyway system must be limited only to those improvements that are of public benefit. While adjacent buildings may derive peripheral benefit from a public skyway abutting their properties, no segment of the skyway system or its facilities that are of primary benefii to private interests can be constructed with pubiic monies. The City skaH reserves #e-itset€ the sele-and-€iftal a -� `- ripht to determine what improvements are of pubiic benefit. 45. The skyway system must have a design identity of its own, distinguishing it from other areas with public access within buildings as an aid to citizens in finding their way throughout the system. Further, where there is a public easement in the skyway system, it must pe possible to readily identify those public areas so that citizens are cognizant of the location of the skyway path. The system must possess directionai ciarity and be accessible, identifiable and continuous. C� �i� -� �t'r 56. The skyway system must functionally and visually help to unify the downtown ��d reinfiorce the compactness of downtown. Concourse corridors should be urban in character and shall provide a variety of special experiences; they shali not be of monolithic design throughout the system's length. The skyway system shall possess a variety of floor to ceili�g heights and abut spaces of varying design and activities. Nevertheless, it must stiN possess enough common elements to provide 4Fie directional clarity, continuity and identity teqttife�. � The present skyway system standard exterior design with its vierendee{ truss and uniform color has provided a system that is a functional consistent transparent and neutrat backdrop to the architecture of the city. The City shall continue to employ this design. Any exceptions will be evaluated by the City on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. 8. Skywa�access continues to be a ma�or factor in downtown development decisions and the overall economic vitality of downtown. As such. the system needs to be retained andprovisions must be made for its extension. but new investments in the system need to be balanced with investments in the street-levelpedestrian realm. 9. Proeosals to extend the skyway system shall be considered based on the following criteria: � The density of new develoAment to be served by the proposed extension: b. The architectural sig�ificance of the buildings to he connected by the proposed extension: c The impact on views of significant natural and built features: d. The impact on at-grade pedestrian activity and vitalitX; e. The feasibility of aitemative connections such as tunnefs at-c�rade weather- protected walkways. etc.: and f. The impact on system continuitk ... This section has been moved and incorporated into (new) Section D. Design and Materials Requirements and Standards. 9C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY The following cost sharing and funding policy applies to all skyway system elements (concourse corridors, nodes, bridges, bridge support structures and services and vertica{ access facilities) not under a construction contract at the time of the adoption of this policy by the City Council, unless otherwise specifically exempted from this policy by the City Council. Such skyway system efements specifically exempted by the City Council will be covered by , , , . this policy statement. 5 a�-1� This cost sharing and funding policy is considered to be consistent with Saint Paul's adopted Capital Allocation Policies. The skyway system is considered to be a Service System {mprovement, and any proposal for an addition to the existing skyway system must be based on the merits of each proposal as to its economic benefit to the City. The sole and finat determination for each addition to the existing skyway system wili rest with the City Council. Adioining�ro�erty owners must aqree to share in the cost of subseauent improvements to skvway system elements. Bridges - The City may pay a portion of the total cost of each skyway bridge, including construction costs, architecYs fees and other associated costs. The exact amount will be negotiated between appropriate City staff and benefiting building owners or developers based on the City's downtown development priorities. The City Council will make the final determination on the exact cost to be bome by the City. 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes - Benefiting building owners or developers will pay all costs for constructing, remodeling or reconstructing their buildings to provide acceptabie concourse corridors and nodes through their buildings. 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services - The developer or building owner at each end of the bridge will be responsibie and will pay all costs for the provision of structural supports within their respective properties, which are necessary to accommodate the bridge. The City will not be financially responsible for such increased support structure, nor wili the City buiid independent suppoRs for the bridge upon private property ai either end at its expense. With respect to bridge services, the building owner or developer, at hislher expense, will provide and connect the mechanical and electrical systems of hislher buildings to the bridges and supply to all necessary facilities for fresh air, heating, cooling, and electrical power, unless the building owner or developer is advised that a previously constructed building atready supplies such facilities. Where a bridge connects the improvements of one developer or building owner with that of another deveioper or buildi�g owner, each party so connected shall be responsibie for agreeing as to how they will share the cost of providing the required mechanical and electrical services to the bridge. Such a cost-sharing agreement must be reached by the affected parties and submitted to the City for its review prior to the start of bridge construction. For bridges connecting new buildings for which the location is determined at the time of working drawing preparation, the developer's working drawing and specification will include mechanical and electrical equipment design, location and connections to supply necessary services to the bridges. For bridges where precise location is not yet determined at the time of working drawing completion on the building, the developer must agree to retain the service of +ts an architect and/o engineer, ai the time such bridge iocation is determined, to provide necessary design services as stated above. �t�-����1 The building owner or developer must agree to retain the services of an architect/engineer to provide information, drawings, documents, and to spend the time necessary with tlj 'e�et G� staff in order to coordinate the provision of inechaniral and electrical facitities to the bridge and to resolve ail siructural, aesthetic and related matters relative to bridge desian, structure and utilitv connections/easements. All such design, consultation and coordination will be accomplished in a timely manner so as to permit construction of the bridge as soon as the two buifdings to which the bridge connects are capable of receiving the bridge, 4. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities will be instatled by the benefRing building owner or developer at no cost to the City. Existing vertical access facilities shall be used wherever possible. The City Council may, -* �`- --'� ---' `--' �'-�,-�� require the installaiion ofi escalators or elevators as part of the skyway system. The benefiting building owner or developer will pay all costs of such vertical access facilities. 5. Directional Signs - The City will pay for the initial manufacture of all illuminated directional sign boxes and faces within buiidings. The benefiting buiiding owner or developer will pay all costs for supports, electrical service, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such signs. Such directional signs shall be installed by the building owner or developer upon completion of construction of the skyway bridge, or bridges, for public use. E D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS The skyway system's identity, design consistency, and ease of orientation are necessary if the skyway system is to function effectively. The City has established design and materials requirements for the skyway system and its five elements: concourse corridors. nodes. bridaes. bridye sup�ort siructures and vertical access facilities. The design of the skyway system within each biock shall adhere to these requirements. Two major components of the skyway system, bridges and the concourseslnodes, need to be treated differently. While the exterior design and materials of the bridges shall stress uniformity and consistency throughout the downtown, the concourse corridors and nodes shall provide a variety of experiences for the skyway pedestrian. Npthing in these requirements shall prohibit or excuse any element of the system from com�l ina with oertinent local. state and federal requirements. such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Chapter 140 (Skvway Conduct) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Chapter 12 tPublic Art and Desian of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Chapter 73 �Heritage Preservation Commission) of the Saint Pauf Le�slative Code. the State Building Code. the Citks Design for Public Safety Initiative. etc. Concourse Corridors Concourse corridors will run through a block from building face to building face connecting to a skyway bridge. The primary public purpose of such concourse 7 c�1. \'� 1'1 corridors in the accommodation of pedestrian travel firom point to point, and, as such, a minimum width of 12'-0" is established for such elements. Concourse corridors shall be light, arid airy, animated civic places with memorable character . Long, blank-walled corridors shall be avoided. The pedestrian shail encounter a variety of design experiences while traversing the system. (a) Skyway System Symboi - A graphic symbol has been developed for the skyway system. Such symbol shall be used to indicate the location of the skyway system within the building in a manner approved by the City, and on such skyway signage as the City may provide. No other use of the symbol wilf be permitted. (b) Skyway System Graphics - Graphics will play a vital role in orientation in the skyway system, and through consistency of design and piacement, will also constitute a vital element in achieving skyway system identity. The City will be responsible for the design and location of all skyway system graphics; the types of graphics and general location criteria are as follows: Directional Signs - Directional signs are the largest and most conspicuous signs in the skyway system. They are used to give directions to streets and to major baif�ingsdestinations in the skyway system. All directional signs will be suspended below the concourse ceilings, will be perpendicular to the axis of the concourse area in which they are located and will be the only such signs to be mounted in this manner. The most important of such signs will be illuminated. The buiiding owner will provide: 1) support for the directional signs above the ceiling; 2) electrical services to the signs; 3) the pendants which connect the signs to the structure above the ceiling. The City has developed standard designs for the directional signs and will advise the developer or building owner of the specific location of the pendants and signs. ii. Maps and Route Directories - Wall-mounted or free standing maps and route directories of the skyway system will be placed i� prominent locations at the head of vertical access faci{ities, within nodes, or in other appropriate locations so that the pedestrian may, together with the directional signs, determine the skyway route to be used in order to arrive easily and quickly at the desired location. iii. Entry Signs - Entry signs displaying the skyway logo and the lnternational har�dieapped Access Symbol, if appropriate, will be posted on building entrances which identify access points to the system. Entry signs shall include, or be located neut to, a listing of the building hours. When building entries cannot allow disabled access to the skyway system. the buildinq owner shali post a'1-���1. directional sians to the nearest accessible system entry„ iv. Exit signs - Exit signs displaying the skyway logo and the name of the street to which access is available will be posted in the concourse corridors near vertical access facilities. v. Skyway Information Signs - The City eviN shouid supply signs containing the skyway logo and the intemational information symbol to volunteer skyway small businesses. These businesses arf14 should be given a supply ofi skyway maps and wi1F should act as informal skyway information centers. (�c) Floor Materials - In concourse corridors running between bridges and nodes, a consistency of floor material for concourse corridors must be maintained throughout each building. A change in floor material shall help to define the concourse corridors from private areas. lf the buiiding owner chooses to use carpet or other non-permanent flooring material for concourse corridors, ihe building owner must agree to replace such carpet with new carpet or other material matching as closely as possible the original in color and teuture at such intervals as may be determined by the City. (e�) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting - Minimum ceiling height shall be 8'- 0",and no signs or other graphics other than as specified above shall be fastened to, or suspended from, the ceiling. Lighting fixtures shail be instalied in such a manner as to not visually block skyway signage. Luminous ceilings are permitted. Artificial lighting intensity shall ., . comply with the minimum liahting levels established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code. The artificial lighting shall be supplied with electricity �- -� �-��� so that the interruption of service in any circuit inside the building will not result in total interruption of the required lighting. (#e) Skyway System Walis - Where the skyway system is defined by walls or partitions separating ihe concourse from adjacent private building areas, such walls may be of a design and function consistent with the use and architectural design of such private building areas. Skyway system walls shall be of durable, easily maintained, finished materials. jf� Business Signs - One projecting business sign per business is allowed, Ple , , „__,,,,.._„_ ...,,�,_ :_.,, .u_ ,.__„_.._„_ ____,,,_.,. Provided that it meets the foliowing criteria; i. lt includes only the business name andlor symbol. ii. It does not exceed four square feet in size: iii. It is located eight feet above the floor: iv. ft is not internally lit or made of neon. and does not flash. a� -���'� v. It does not block views of directional siqns. Ail other business siqns shaA be parallel to adjacent concourse walls. ..---- - --- -- - - -- - - - - (g) Skyway Colors - Skyway related signs and other graphics will employ a specific coior scheme throughoui the skyway system as developed by the City. Non-skyway related signs and graphics in proximity to the concourse or node area utilizing the same color scheme as skyway-related graphics will not be permitted. j� Temperature - Heatinp. venting and air conditioninp shall be provided as reauired in Chaoter 140 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code. 2. Nodes - Nodes are the points of intersection of seversl two or more concourse corridors andior the location of a vertical access facility. At such points, pedestrian trafific is likely to be heavier and moving in varying directions, directional decisions are made, and other activities may be occurring. Such nodes must clearly possess a desig� ide�tity a�d character separating them from abutting private areas, and must be primarily oriented to the public purpose of accommodating pedestrian travel in the skyway system, including orientation, direction changes, and congregation or vertical movement to street level. The size and configuration of the node will be dependent upon the number of concourse corridors intersecting its location within the downtown and the overall skyway system, and the amount and nature of anticipated pedestrian activity within the node. The node must be large enough to accommodate anticipated pedestrian activity and to constitute a speciai area of importance within the overali skyway system. Therefore, a wider than 12 foot �t�r� concourse area +aiH mav be required, where possible, at one major node in each block and may be necessary at other nodes. Secondary nodes may also occur in some instances, especially at points of veRical access to the street. Where appropriate, such areas shal! also have a width wider than the � 12 feet appropriate for concourse corridors. It is desirable to achieve an integration of the street and skyway levels at the node areas; therefore, exposure to the ground level is encouraged. To achieve prominence and identity for major node areas, the buitding owner, with the approval of the City, is encouraged to provide and maintain skyway furnishings in and near the node areas. Such fumishings may include sculptures, decorative fountains, public telephones, public restrooms, drinking fountains, kiosks for display of material of public interest, benches, trash receptacles, pianter boxes and other furnishings and oublic art as approved by the City and in accordance with Ghaoter 12 (Public Art and Desig� of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. The location of 10 a'1-� ��7 such fumishings in or near node areas will be determined jointly by the City and the building owner or developer, based on analysis of expected traffic pattems within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City and the building owner or developer will jointly approve the design of all such elements to be placed within the skyway system. 3. Bridges - Bridges generally span streets and sidewalks between property lines and perform essentially the same public function as concourse corridors; therefore, the bridges will be built with a minimum clear width of 12'-0". Also, the City of Saint Paul currently requires a minimum bridge height clearance of 17'-4" at the center of the street which it spans. Bridges may span private property but must connect to an acceptable segment of the basic skyway system, giving access to a pubiic street or other public property. Bridges will be of a consistent exterior design and ma erials throughout the downtown area, . Such consistency results in easier orientation for pedestrians, including people with visual disabilities. and allows the system to be read as a system. not just a collection of individual bridges. It is also im�ortant for bridges to emahasize neutrality. becominq a part of the urban streetscape rather than making their own architectural statement. (a) Floor Materials - The preferred floor material for all sk�nrav bridc�es is �+k � a neutrel-colored terrazzo floor, herein referred to as "skyway terrazzo". However. as with concourse corridors. adjoinina buildinq owners may agree to use carpet or some other non-permanent flooring material for skyway bridges as long as such affected parties agree to maintain and/or reolace such carpet with new carpet or other approved material matchi�c�the original as closely as �ossible in color and te�ure at such intervals as may be determined by the Citv. The City shall also ao�rove the quality and type of carpet to be used. (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting - The standard bridge ceiling is linear metal with recessed filler strips and fluorescent lighting. Supplemental decorative lighting may be considered. Ceiling heights and liqhting levels shall meet the minimum reauirements established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (c) Bridge Walis - Bridge curtainwalls shall consist of clear glass to provide maximum visibifity and include exterior dark bronze muilions. The �referred interior mullion color is also dark bronze. but in special circumstances other neutral colors may be considered by the Cit� The vierendeel truss and related elements, `-" '�`�-`�- °�' °�`-��°-, such as window washinq ladders. ladder carriages. exposed icicle melting systems and ramp profiles shafl be painted a deep brown color. 11 �� ��� �� � Window-Washing Ladders - Two window-washing ladders per bridge are reauired. one on each side. j� Temperature - Heatina venting and air conditioning shall be provided as re�uired in Chaoter 140 of the Sairrt Paul Legislative Code. �f. Exterior Accent Painting - The flanges (heam and truss details) shall be painted in a metallic gold color as specified by the City_ {g� Exterior Accent Lighting - Accent liahting on the exterior of bridges shalt be of a consistent desiyn throughout the system. ,(h� Length - Long bridges shall be avoided by not placing them over open space. surfaceparking lots. empty blocks. or intersections. Ji� Number Per Block - Visual clutter shall be avoided by allowing only one skyway bridge connection for each block face. Mid-block bridaes are preferred. intersectina connecting buildings at 90 degrees (i.e. pgrpendicular to the streetl. fjk Bridge Doors and Ramps - Bridqe doors are required. The desiqn configuration. etc, of bridae doors and ramos shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. New doors installed after the effective date of this skyway policy shall be eauipped with motion detectors or other automatic ope�ing devices. Bridge doors already in place on the effective date of this skvway policy shall be equiooed with automatic opening devices according to a schedule determined by the Citk u Exceptions from Standard Desipn - Reauests for exceptions from these auidelines shall be evaluated on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. and shall be strictly viewed in terms of maintaining sk�nrav design continuity and integrity_ 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service - Bridge support structures will support the bridges at either end and wili be contained within the buildings unless it is structuraliy necessary to provide bridge supports independent of the building. New buildings that will connect to the skyway system shall be designed to "prasp" the standard bridge desiqn. so that the bridge and its co�nection are an integral a� rt of the original fiacade design. rather than treated as an add-on.All supports independent of buildings shall be outside existing or proposed rights-of-way of public streets, wherever possible. Bridge services are defined as those etectricat and mechanical systems which supply fresh air and provide heati�g, cooling and electrical service to the bridge. Also included is the roof drainage system. 5. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities in the form of ei�keF stairs, ef escalators and elevators provide access to the concourse nodes, corridors, and the bridges from the street. Vertical access between the concourse and street level wilf 12 a� ���ti� �e is required throughout the skyway system, with escalators or elevators being required at the principal paints of access to the skyway system. Elevators are encouraged in order to retain accessibility of the skvway system to all gecsons.Generally, vertical access shall be provided at or near each end of the bridges crossing streets and may also be required at other locations within the system. . Vertical access points shal! be adequately sianed so that the oedestrian can both visually and phvsically connect the skyway system to the ground New buildings that will connect io the sk�wav system shall be designed to clearly show the vertical connection between the skkwa�and the ground. • .--- - .,- - -- - - - - --- ---- -- - -- -- -=- --- - -- --- E. PUBLIC ART Future skvways makincorporatepublic art in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. nrovided thai such nublic art does noi detract from or otherwise negatively affect pedestrian safety. movement and visibility: or the function maintenance or desiqn continuity of the system. F. SUBMISSION OF PLANS Pfans shal{ be submitted by the building owner for approval by the City, indicating all materials, finishes, sgnaqe. etc. used in the skyway system and the architectural manner in which the skyway system is separated from abutting private building areas where the concourse occurs within the owner's building. The City may make ceRain additions to such drawings, including signs and other graphics, fumiture, and other elements consistent with achieving identity and design continuity for each segment of the skyway system. Any �equested exceptions from the City's . esi n ui elines for sk a concourses and brid s s all be reviewed and approved by the City, with inout from the Heritage Preservation Commission (as aoprooriatel. the District 17 Community Council. and the Building Owners and Managers Association. The City may estabiish an ad hoc design review committee. composed primarily of qualified design qrofessionals. to review requests for exceptions to this policv. G. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS In order to assure �fie-FeFrtrfl� a oublic benefit from the public investment made in development of the skyway system in the downtown, all areas of the skyway system must 13 �� - \"J 1'� be {ocated either on public property or within a public easement granted by the devetoper or building owner. Such easements shali be coterminous with the designated areas of concourse corridors, nodes and vertical access facilities;-alse; and shall extend on the ground floor from the foot of vertical access facilities to a public sidewalk or other public property, giving access to a puhlic sidewalk. Such easements shall be required for both those skyway system elements for which the City is responsible and tfiose elements constituting a fink in the basic system for which private parties may be responsible. The easements wili be in form satisfactory to the City and will be limited to the life of the improvements constituting the skyway system. The easements will grant to the public the right of use of the skyway system for purposes of ingress and egress and pedestrian transit without limitation, except that such easements may attach reasonable conditians regarding closing parts or all of the skyway system within the developer's or owner's structural improvements during non-business hours as dictated by reasonable security requirements of the buildings through with the concourse passes. The City will attempt to negotiate 24 hour easements. fn order to assure the possibility of future expansion of the skyway system, when a building is connected to the skyway system the developer or buitding owner will grant to the City an easement which assumes expansion of the system beyond the building and/or block immediately being connected. , The developer or building owner shall have the right at any time to change the focations or alianments of such easements; °-�' `"- -------'� ', rovide that 1) new easements are granted which permit the continuity of the skyway system; ar�d 21 the developer or owner installs a new pedestrian concourse on the new easement area at the developer's or owner's sole cost and expense: and 3� the new easement meets the Citv's minimum reauirements for width. heig t. etc. In the event the developer or owner elects to substitute a new easement location, it will submit to the City an easement survey and legal description thereof, the plans and specifications therefor, and proof of apility to pay and method of payment therefore for C� approval. . The City shail have 90 days after the submission in which to approve or reject the str�rissiert proposai. If the City rejects the se�rn+ssiert ro osal, it must do so in writing within the 90- day period and, in such writing, set forth in detail the valid reasons for such rejections. In the event the City fails to reject the s�iss'ten ro osal within said 90-day period, the C+ty's consent shall be conclusively presumed. The City shall nat be required to approve any change in easement location unless the easement to be submitted contains at least the same area and dimensions of the existing easement; and the improvements are of the same character, quality and functional characteristics of the initial concourse, including replacement of signs, graphics and furniture provided in the original skyway system. When the City approves the substitution, the parties shall then join in the execution and delivery of an amendatory agreement in recordable form which designates the substitute location and terminates the easement over the old location effective upon compietion of the construction of the new concourse and skyway system. 14 a� -1��� -�I. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The skyway system, including all future additions, is located on public property or within public easements. As such the City has a proprietary obligation for operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the skyway sysfem. NeveRheless, the City will require, as part of the easement agreement, that the developer or buitding owner assume the full responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all segments of the skyway system (ocated within its property, for bridges over streets abutting its property, and carry out such operation, maintenance, repair and rep{acement at its own expense without cost to the City. In the event that the developer or building owner fails to operate, maintain, repair or replace the concourse system, or any part thereof, t�r-a-�easetta�le starjdafd-in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Pau{ Leqislative Code. the City may pertorm such operations and assess all costs incurred in so doing against the developer or building owner in accordance with the normal procedures for assessments related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement in the City of Saint Paul. Where skyway bridges connect the property of one developer or owner with that of another, the developers or owners may share equally, or on whatever other basis is mutually agreeable 48-Het+t, the bridge operation, mairitenance, repair and replacement costs. Public Iiability and casualty insurance coverage including required surety bonds indemnifying and holding harmless the City shall be included as part of this operationlmaintenance agreement between connecting developer(s) or owner(s}. Such written agreement must be submitted to the City for review prior to commencement of bridge construction. 15 a�-���'1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � � � 0 � � 3 0 0 �'1-��� city of saint paul pianning commission resolution file number 97-09 �tE? February 28, 1997 WHEREAS, the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway 5ystem" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Gouncil in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, several issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation of the skyway system; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Pian Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Pau1 Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Councii, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the rote of the workshop participants was to work with staff to identify problems with the current skyway policy, suggest changes to address these problems and review proposed changes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on February 14, 1997 to receive pubiic input on the proposed changes, at which two persons spoke, and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee reviewed public comment and suggested finai changes to the skyway policy based on that comment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission forwards the proposed changes to the "Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paui Skyway System" to the Saint Pau{ City Councif and recommends that the City Councif adopt them after holding a public hearing; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Pianning Commission thanks the workshop participants for their hard work and excellent input in preparing the proposed changes. moved by Ma=de� ry _ �(`(x�d b�( Gordon �n f��r Unanimous a�111St council File # ��' �'J�7 Green Sheet # �03_�+� cirir Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the °Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, severai issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation ofi the skyway system; and WHEREAS, in order to clarify and address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Council, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the workshops resuited in a set of recommended changes to the existing policy, which were the subject of a public hearing held by the Planning Commissio� on February 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered all pubiic comment and forwarded secommended changes to ihe skyway policy to the Mayor and City Councii on February 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council held a public hearing on the proposed changes on , 1997; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System" to reflect the changes recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs staff to reprint the revised policy and distribute to all affected property owners and other affected persons or organizations in the downtown. By: Apps By: Appro by a for i sion t Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Appxoved by City Attorney B �..���i���. �l-J�- i 1 Lucy Thompson 6-6578 4/1J97 � �REEN crn anoar�e� BUW Ef DIRECTOP MAYOF (OF ASSI5Tl TOTAL # OF SIGNATIlRE PAGES 1- (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGPtATURE7 CITY GOUNCIL crtv c�aic FlN. & MGT. SE 97 -�s�� 30394 — INRIALIDATE — Amend, via the attached resolution, the "�eneral Policy Statement for the Construction o£ the St. Paul Skyway System" ' �pLANNiNG CAMMSSION _ qVIL SEFYICE COMMISSION , CIB COMMIREE _ _j�S7qFF _ _ DISTpICTCqUflT _ SUPPORTS WNICH CAUNCIL OHJECTiVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 1. Has this pa�son�rm ever worked urWer a CoM2d for this departmerrt? - YES NO 2. Has this parsonlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persunflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arryf curre�t city employee? YES NO ExplBin all yes anawers on seperate Sheet anG attae� to gfeen sheet The city's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council"in1980 and revised in 1987. Many issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the SC. Pau1 Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventual recommendation to the City Council. IF APPRWED: The city's skyway policy will be strengthened. None RE��fV�p APR � 5 i997 ���'�l�?'S ��f[CF N° .....,y:�.� � , . 14� iY���YI . . ,. .�. ... , ,: i��4"a'M�� ��?�t l�;��' ElC i 3 n 1997 The skyway policy will continue to inadequately address issues that have arisen over the years <and continue to arise}. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'ONDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 1NANCIALINF041MATION;(EXPLAIN) DEPART'MENT OF PLANNING & EWNOMIC DEVELOPMENT �'� _\�17 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL D��;�2�r� Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wesr Forvth Street Telephone: 622-266-656i SamzPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 672-228-3374 DATE: April 1, 1997 TO: Mayor Norm Coleman Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ken Ford, Pianning Administrator ,. ' RE: Amendments to Saint Paul's Skyway Poficy as Recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission BACKGROUND The City's current skyway policy was adopted by the City Council in 1980 and revised in 1987. iVlany issues, both in terms of design and operations, have come up since the policy was last evaluated, including interior finishes, exterior design, signage and boundaries of the system. In order to address these issues, the Saint Paul Planning Commission asked that a series of workshops be held and that recommendations for changes to the policy be forwarded to the Commission for review and eventuaf recommendation to the City Council. Planning Commission Chair Dave McDoneli chaired the 4 workshops, which were held between October and December, 1996. Representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Plan Advisory Group, the Skyway Governance Committee, the Fleritage Preservation Commission, the CapitolRiver Councif, the Planning Commissfon, the Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Building Owners and Managers Association, Lowertown Redevelopment Gorpo�ation, as well as downtown property owners and architectsldesigners involved in writing the first skyway policy, participated in the workshops. A staff team from PED, LIEP and the Fire Department assisted the workshop participants and prepared the proposed policy changes. ISSUES A comprehensive set of (skyway anly} issues was identified by staff, the Skyway Governance Committee and the workshop participants. They are listed below in order of priority: Update general guidelines (ftom Report of the Skyway Task Force): - Retain system integrity. - Rea�rm value of skyways as dasic to economic health of downtown. - Maintain integrity of original design goals, balance with current needs. q� -���� Mayor Norm Coleman et. al. Apri! 1, 1997 Page Two 2. 3. � 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 10. 11. 12. Wa�nding, orientation - link to security. Definition of the core - extent of system, connection to central elements of City (e.g. Capttol tunnef system). Standard vs. variable design - compatibility with architecture of adjoining buildings. Security - Maintenance. - Gleanliness. - Design - e.g. long corridors, blind corners. ReVationship to streets and street activity. Vertical access to street. Cost to address issues, maintain system - who pays? Who benefits? Integrity of elements (concoursesJcorridorslnodes) re: how system has actually developed. Handicapped accessibifity - e.g. automated doors. Temperature - compatibility with State Energy Code. Definition of skyway as totally enclosed. Public art in interiors. Interior finishes - e.g. floor materials, glass tinting. Signage - directional, incorporating other signage. Additionai uses of skyways - fiber optics, telecommunications. Street furniture - e.g. benches. Exterior accent lighting. Authority, "standing" of policy. THE PROPOSED CHANGES The changes being recommended by the Planning Commission reflect a co�sensus among workshop participants as to the best ways to address the issues listed above, as welf as concerns raised at a public hearing held by the Commission on February 14, 1997. Mew language being proposed is underlined in the enclosed draft; existing language that would be deleted has a+irie through it. Minor changes to clean up the grammar, correct verb tenses, etc. are not indicated; they are simply too numerous to mention and do not change the content or intent of the policy. The major changes being recommended at this time include the addition of language to: 1, Reinforce the philosophy behind the use of a standard design for skyway bridges. 2. Assist in evaluating requests for extension of the skyway system. 3. Encourage and/or require improved access to and movement through the skyway system by persons of limited mobility. 4. Clarify that requests fior exceptions to the standard design will be evaluated on a case- by-case basis, while maintaining system integrity and design continuity. a�-1��� Mayor Coleman et. al. April 1, 1997 Page Three 5. Inciude criteria for allowing private business signs to project from concourse walis. 6. Encourage public art in the skyway system. 7. Clarify who will review exceptions from the poficy's guidelines. ACTION REQUESTED The Planning Commission asks that you forward its recommendation to the City Councii to adopt the attached proposed changes to the City's skyway policy. While not required, it is also recommended that the City Council hoid a public hearing prior to adoption of the new language. Enclosure °t1 ����'� GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM Adopted By The City Council Of Saint Paul, Minnesota January 8, 1980 Revised March 10, 1987 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA This Policy Statement supersedes and replaces the General Policy Statement Pedestrian Concourse System Downtown Urban Renewal Project Minn. R-2� Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Recommended for revision as noted b the Saint Paul Plannina Commission on Februarv 28. 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Q Q PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESGRlPTION DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIONS C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY 1. Bridges 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services 4. Vertical Access Facilities 5. Directionai Signs D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 1. Concourse Corridors (a) Skyway System Symbol (b) Skyway System Graphics (c) Floor Materials (d) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting (e) Skyway System Wal�s (fl Business Signs (g) Skyway Colors � Temperature 2. Nodes 3. Bridges (a) Floor Materiais (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting (c) Bridge Wails � Window-Washing Ladders j� Temperature f.(� Exterior Accent Painting (g) Exterior Accent Liahting � en th (� Number Per Block jjZ Bridge Doors and Ramps .(�k Exceptions from Standard Desiqn 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service 5. Verticaf Access Facilities E. PUBLIC ART F G. SUBMISSIOM OF PLANS EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS H. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS q'1-l�+'1 Page Number 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 q� �t��� A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Beginning with the Downtown Urban Renewa! Project Area - Minn. R-2�, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ofi the City ofi Saint Paui has developed a skyway system in dowrrtown Saint Paul. As used herein, the term "skyway system" °- �--�� encompasses the following: (1) concourse corridors, (2) node points in the concourse corridors, including, where feasible, one major node centrai to each block, generatly at the point where severai concourse corridors intersect, (3) bridges spanning streets, (4) certain vertical access facilities connecting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public propefij. The originai purpose of this skyway system was to divert pedestrians from the minimai-widih street-level sidewalks, enabling pedestrian traffic to move in an enclosed environment protected from adverse weather and vehicular traffic. The skyway system has significantly reduced pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at street level, particularly during periods of peak traffic, thereby permitting a smoother flow of vehicular traffic and greater safety for the pedestrian. become a key factor in maintaining the economic viabilit�of downtown. A�et#�eF-imper#s� ' It has afforded developers ihe opportunity to provide shop and office space abutting the concourse. allowinq people to circulate throughout downtown unhindered by adverse weather conditions and traffi , . The skyway system, through the efforts of the developers, also may contain sculpture, water displays, artworks, and other elements contr+buting to the aesthetic and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the City, thereby becoming a focus of activity in the downtown area. The general location of the existing skyway system, including concourse corridors, nodes, vertical access facilities and bridges, is shown on the attached map. Saint Paui has chosen a neutral. standardized desian for its ublic s ay system to ailow the architecture of the connecting buildings to be a more prominent feature of the streetscape. The key elements of this neutral design include the Vierendeel truss. a dee� brown color and clear qlass. in particular, the Vierendeel truss was chosen because it reftects the architecture of most of the buildings in downtown (i.e simpie horizontaf and vertical lines�. and it is more transparent than other truss types. With the truss. the other standard design elements help the skyway svstem act as a backdrop to the architecture of the ciiv and minimize visuaf obstructions at the street level. in addition. designing the s�{ yways as a system (not as a series of individual bridges) with a standard design �rovides physical and visual continuity and cohesiveness throughout downtown. Architectural tradition is im�ortant in Saint Paul. With 38 skyways built over the last 30 years. the standard sky n�ray design has now become paR of that tradition. B. DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIQNS Incorporation of the public skyway system into private development and buiiding ownership a �_�� t� presents some unique implications for beth the pubiic, owners, and redevelopers. With recognition of the public and private interests involved in the skyway system, certain premises have been estabiished relating to the system, and these premises are basic to the regulations and development criferia established for the skyway system as set forth in the succeeding sections. The following premises apply to the entire skyway system, even though portions of the system may be built by private building owners or developers: 1. The skyway svstem is an above-4round pedestrian system It is one comoonent of a larger downtown transportation system. which aiso inciudes tunneis. arcades and other forms of at-grade. weathervprotected pathways. While this �olicy addresses the elevated skvway system only. the vitality of downtown depends on maintaininq a b�lance between at-grade and non-at-grade pedestrian systems. and fosterinq investment and activity at ail levels. As currentiv conceived the skyway system is th� dominant non-at-qrade-system in downtown. �2. The skyway system will be entirely enclosed and capable of being heated and cooled to temperatures comparable to that maintained in adjacent office and retail areas. and in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The term "enciosed° shali mean protected from the weather, though the area of the skyway system need not necessarily be confined by its own walls. The concourse corridors and bridges will be constructed with a minimum width of 12'- 0" unless, +n the judgment of the City, physical limitations of existing buiidings, such as column spac+ng, fixed vertical element locations, window opening, etc., render the 12'- 0" width impractical, or would constitute an undue hardship to the owner. In such insta�ces, a lesser width� to be approved by the Citv, may be allowed. �3. The success, that is the degree of utilization of the skyway system, wili be directly related to the convenience, a� comfort� safety and efficiency it affords pedestrians in the downtown. The safety of system users shall be maintained in comoliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the document "Design for Public Safety: A Guide for Making a Safer Public Realm." 34. Any and all public expenditures for the skyway system must be limited only to those improvements that are of public benefit. While adjacent buildings may derive peripheral benefit from a public skyway abutting their properties, no segment of the skyway system or its facilities that are of primary benefii to private interests can be constructed with pubiic monies. The City skaH reserves #e-itset€ the sele-and-€iftal a -� `- ripht to determine what improvements are of pubiic benefit. 45. The skyway system must have a design identity of its own, distinguishing it from other areas with public access within buildings as an aid to citizens in finding their way throughout the system. Further, where there is a public easement in the skyway system, it must pe possible to readily identify those public areas so that citizens are cognizant of the location of the skyway path. The system must possess directionai ciarity and be accessible, identifiable and continuous. C� �i� -� �t'r 56. The skyway system must functionally and visually help to unify the downtown ��d reinfiorce the compactness of downtown. Concourse corridors should be urban in character and shall provide a variety of special experiences; they shali not be of monolithic design throughout the system's length. The skyway system shall possess a variety of floor to ceili�g heights and abut spaces of varying design and activities. Nevertheless, it must stiN possess enough common elements to provide 4Fie directional clarity, continuity and identity teqttife�. � The present skyway system standard exterior design with its vierendee{ truss and uniform color has provided a system that is a functional consistent transparent and neutrat backdrop to the architecture of the city. The City shall continue to employ this design. Any exceptions will be evaluated by the City on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. 8. Skywa�access continues to be a ma�or factor in downtown development decisions and the overall economic vitality of downtown. As such. the system needs to be retained andprovisions must be made for its extension. but new investments in the system need to be balanced with investments in the street-levelpedestrian realm. 9. Proeosals to extend the skyway system shall be considered based on the following criteria: � The density of new develoAment to be served by the proposed extension: b. The architectural sig�ificance of the buildings to he connected by the proposed extension: c The impact on views of significant natural and built features: d. The impact on at-grade pedestrian activity and vitalitX; e. The feasibility of aitemative connections such as tunnefs at-c�rade weather- protected walkways. etc.: and f. The impact on system continuitk ... This section has been moved and incorporated into (new) Section D. Design and Materials Requirements and Standards. 9C. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY The following cost sharing and funding policy applies to all skyway system elements (concourse corridors, nodes, bridges, bridge support structures and services and vertica{ access facilities) not under a construction contract at the time of the adoption of this policy by the City Council, unless otherwise specifically exempted from this policy by the City Council. Such skyway system efements specifically exempted by the City Council will be covered by , , , . this policy statement. 5 a�-1� This cost sharing and funding policy is considered to be consistent with Saint Paul's adopted Capital Allocation Policies. The skyway system is considered to be a Service System {mprovement, and any proposal for an addition to the existing skyway system must be based on the merits of each proposal as to its economic benefit to the City. The sole and finat determination for each addition to the existing skyway system wili rest with the City Council. Adioining�ro�erty owners must aqree to share in the cost of subseauent improvements to skvway system elements. Bridges - The City may pay a portion of the total cost of each skyway bridge, including construction costs, architecYs fees and other associated costs. The exact amount will be negotiated between appropriate City staff and benefiting building owners or developers based on the City's downtown development priorities. The City Council will make the final determination on the exact cost to be bome by the City. 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes - Benefiting building owners or developers will pay all costs for constructing, remodeling or reconstructing their buildings to provide acceptabie concourse corridors and nodes through their buildings. 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services - The developer or building owner at each end of the bridge will be responsibie and will pay all costs for the provision of structural supports within their respective properties, which are necessary to accommodate the bridge. The City will not be financially responsible for such increased support structure, nor wili the City buiid independent suppoRs for the bridge upon private property ai either end at its expense. With respect to bridge services, the building owner or developer, at hislher expense, will provide and connect the mechanical and electrical systems of hislher buildings to the bridges and supply to all necessary facilities for fresh air, heating, cooling, and electrical power, unless the building owner or developer is advised that a previously constructed building atready supplies such facilities. Where a bridge connects the improvements of one developer or building owner with that of another deveioper or buildi�g owner, each party so connected shall be responsibie for agreeing as to how they will share the cost of providing the required mechanical and electrical services to the bridge. Such a cost-sharing agreement must be reached by the affected parties and submitted to the City for its review prior to the start of bridge construction. For bridges connecting new buildings for which the location is determined at the time of working drawing preparation, the developer's working drawing and specification will include mechanical and electrical equipment design, location and connections to supply necessary services to the bridges. For bridges where precise location is not yet determined at the time of working drawing completion on the building, the developer must agree to retain the service of +ts an architect and/o engineer, ai the time such bridge iocation is determined, to provide necessary design services as stated above. �t�-����1 The building owner or developer must agree to retain the services of an architect/engineer to provide information, drawings, documents, and to spend the time necessary with tlj 'e�et G� staff in order to coordinate the provision of inechaniral and electrical facitities to the bridge and to resolve ail siructural, aesthetic and related matters relative to bridge desian, structure and utilitv connections/easements. All such design, consultation and coordination will be accomplished in a timely manner so as to permit construction of the bridge as soon as the two buifdings to which the bridge connects are capable of receiving the bridge, 4. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities will be instatled by the benefRing building owner or developer at no cost to the City. Existing vertical access facilities shall be used wherever possible. The City Council may, -* �`- --'� ---' `--' �'-�,-�� require the installaiion ofi escalators or elevators as part of the skyway system. The benefiting building owner or developer will pay all costs of such vertical access facilities. 5. Directional Signs - The City will pay for the initial manufacture of all illuminated directional sign boxes and faces within buiidings. The benefiting buiiding owner or developer will pay all costs for supports, electrical service, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such signs. Such directional signs shall be installed by the building owner or developer upon completion of construction of the skyway bridge, or bridges, for public use. E D. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS The skyway system's identity, design consistency, and ease of orientation are necessary if the skyway system is to function effectively. The City has established design and materials requirements for the skyway system and its five elements: concourse corridors. nodes. bridaes. bridye sup�ort siructures and vertical access facilities. The design of the skyway system within each biock shall adhere to these requirements. Two major components of the skyway system, bridges and the concourseslnodes, need to be treated differently. While the exterior design and materials of the bridges shall stress uniformity and consistency throughout the downtown, the concourse corridors and nodes shall provide a variety of experiences for the skyway pedestrian. Npthing in these requirements shall prohibit or excuse any element of the system from com�l ina with oertinent local. state and federal requirements. such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Chapter 140 (Skvway Conduct) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Chapter 12 tPublic Art and Desian of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Chapter 73 �Heritage Preservation Commission) of the Saint Pauf Le�slative Code. the State Building Code. the Citks Design for Public Safety Initiative. etc. Concourse Corridors Concourse corridors will run through a block from building face to building face connecting to a skyway bridge. The primary public purpose of such concourse 7 c�1. \'� 1'1 corridors in the accommodation of pedestrian travel firom point to point, and, as such, a minimum width of 12'-0" is established for such elements. Concourse corridors shall be light, arid airy, animated civic places with memorable character . Long, blank-walled corridors shall be avoided. The pedestrian shail encounter a variety of design experiences while traversing the system. (a) Skyway System Symboi - A graphic symbol has been developed for the skyway system. Such symbol shall be used to indicate the location of the skyway system within the building in a manner approved by the City, and on such skyway signage as the City may provide. No other use of the symbol wilf be permitted. (b) Skyway System Graphics - Graphics will play a vital role in orientation in the skyway system, and through consistency of design and piacement, will also constitute a vital element in achieving skyway system identity. The City will be responsible for the design and location of all skyway system graphics; the types of graphics and general location criteria are as follows: Directional Signs - Directional signs are the largest and most conspicuous signs in the skyway system. They are used to give directions to streets and to major baif�ingsdestinations in the skyway system. All directional signs will be suspended below the concourse ceilings, will be perpendicular to the axis of the concourse area in which they are located and will be the only such signs to be mounted in this manner. The most important of such signs will be illuminated. The buiiding owner will provide: 1) support for the directional signs above the ceiling; 2) electrical services to the signs; 3) the pendants which connect the signs to the structure above the ceiling. The City has developed standard designs for the directional signs and will advise the developer or building owner of the specific location of the pendants and signs. ii. Maps and Route Directories - Wall-mounted or free standing maps and route directories of the skyway system will be placed i� prominent locations at the head of vertical access faci{ities, within nodes, or in other appropriate locations so that the pedestrian may, together with the directional signs, determine the skyway route to be used in order to arrive easily and quickly at the desired location. iii. Entry Signs - Entry signs displaying the skyway logo and the lnternational har�dieapped Access Symbol, if appropriate, will be posted on building entrances which identify access points to the system. Entry signs shall include, or be located neut to, a listing of the building hours. When building entries cannot allow disabled access to the skyway system. the buildinq owner shali post a'1-���1. directional sians to the nearest accessible system entry„ iv. Exit signs - Exit signs displaying the skyway logo and the name of the street to which access is available will be posted in the concourse corridors near vertical access facilities. v. Skyway Information Signs - The City eviN shouid supply signs containing the skyway logo and the intemational information symbol to volunteer skyway small businesses. These businesses arf14 should be given a supply ofi skyway maps and wi1F should act as informal skyway information centers. (�c) Floor Materials - In concourse corridors running between bridges and nodes, a consistency of floor material for concourse corridors must be maintained throughout each building. A change in floor material shall help to define the concourse corridors from private areas. lf the buiiding owner chooses to use carpet or other non-permanent flooring material for concourse corridors, ihe building owner must agree to replace such carpet with new carpet or other material matching as closely as possible the original in color and teuture at such intervals as may be determined by the City. (e�) Concourse Ceilings and Lighting - Minimum ceiling height shall be 8'- 0",and no signs or other graphics other than as specified above shall be fastened to, or suspended from, the ceiling. Lighting fixtures shail be instalied in such a manner as to not visually block skyway signage. Luminous ceilings are permitted. Artificial lighting intensity shall ., . comply with the minimum liahting levels established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code. The artificial lighting shall be supplied with electricity �- -� �-��� so that the interruption of service in any circuit inside the building will not result in total interruption of the required lighting. (#e) Skyway System Walis - Where the skyway system is defined by walls or partitions separating ihe concourse from adjacent private building areas, such walls may be of a design and function consistent with the use and architectural design of such private building areas. Skyway system walls shall be of durable, easily maintained, finished materials. jf� Business Signs - One projecting business sign per business is allowed, Ple , , „__,,,,.._„_ ...,,�,_ :_.,, .u_ ,.__„_.._„_ ____,,,_.,. Provided that it meets the foliowing criteria; i. lt includes only the business name andlor symbol. ii. It does not exceed four square feet in size: iii. It is located eight feet above the floor: iv. ft is not internally lit or made of neon. and does not flash. a� -���'� v. It does not block views of directional siqns. Ail other business siqns shaA be parallel to adjacent concourse walls. ..---- - --- -- - - -- - - - - (g) Skyway Colors - Skyway related signs and other graphics will employ a specific coior scheme throughoui the skyway system as developed by the City. Non-skyway related signs and graphics in proximity to the concourse or node area utilizing the same color scheme as skyway-related graphics will not be permitted. j� Temperature - Heatinp. venting and air conditioninp shall be provided as reauired in Chaoter 140 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code. 2. Nodes - Nodes are the points of intersection of seversl two or more concourse corridors andior the location of a vertical access facility. At such points, pedestrian trafific is likely to be heavier and moving in varying directions, directional decisions are made, and other activities may be occurring. Such nodes must clearly possess a desig� ide�tity a�d character separating them from abutting private areas, and must be primarily oriented to the public purpose of accommodating pedestrian travel in the skyway system, including orientation, direction changes, and congregation or vertical movement to street level. The size and configuration of the node will be dependent upon the number of concourse corridors intersecting its location within the downtown and the overall skyway system, and the amount and nature of anticipated pedestrian activity within the node. The node must be large enough to accommodate anticipated pedestrian activity and to constitute a speciai area of importance within the overali skyway system. Therefore, a wider than 12 foot �t�r� concourse area +aiH mav be required, where possible, at one major node in each block and may be necessary at other nodes. Secondary nodes may also occur in some instances, especially at points of veRical access to the street. Where appropriate, such areas shal! also have a width wider than the � 12 feet appropriate for concourse corridors. It is desirable to achieve an integration of the street and skyway levels at the node areas; therefore, exposure to the ground level is encouraged. To achieve prominence and identity for major node areas, the buitding owner, with the approval of the City, is encouraged to provide and maintain skyway furnishings in and near the node areas. Such fumishings may include sculptures, decorative fountains, public telephones, public restrooms, drinking fountains, kiosks for display of material of public interest, benches, trash receptacles, pianter boxes and other furnishings and oublic art as approved by the City and in accordance with Ghaoter 12 (Public Art and Desig� of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. The location of 10 a'1-� ��7 such fumishings in or near node areas will be determined jointly by the City and the building owner or developer, based on analysis of expected traffic pattems within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City and the building owner or developer will jointly approve the design of all such elements to be placed within the skyway system. 3. Bridges - Bridges generally span streets and sidewalks between property lines and perform essentially the same public function as concourse corridors; therefore, the bridges will be built with a minimum clear width of 12'-0". Also, the City of Saint Paul currently requires a minimum bridge height clearance of 17'-4" at the center of the street which it spans. Bridges may span private property but must connect to an acceptable segment of the basic skyway system, giving access to a pubiic street or other public property. Bridges will be of a consistent exterior design and ma erials throughout the downtown area, . Such consistency results in easier orientation for pedestrians, including people with visual disabilities. and allows the system to be read as a system. not just a collection of individual bridges. It is also im�ortant for bridges to emahasize neutrality. becominq a part of the urban streetscape rather than making their own architectural statement. (a) Floor Materials - The preferred floor material for all sk�nrav bridc�es is �+k � a neutrel-colored terrazzo floor, herein referred to as "skyway terrazzo". However. as with concourse corridors. adjoinina buildinq owners may agree to use carpet or some other non-permanent flooring material for skyway bridges as long as such affected parties agree to maintain and/or reolace such carpet with new carpet or other approved material matchi�c�the original as closely as �ossible in color and te�ure at such intervals as may be determined by the Citv. The City shall also ao�rove the quality and type of carpet to be used. (b) Bridge Ceilings and Lighting - The standard bridge ceiling is linear metal with recessed filler strips and fluorescent lighting. Supplemental decorative lighting may be considered. Ceiling heights and liqhting levels shall meet the minimum reauirements established in Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (c) Bridge Walis - Bridge curtainwalls shall consist of clear glass to provide maximum visibifity and include exterior dark bronze muilions. The �referred interior mullion color is also dark bronze. but in special circumstances other neutral colors may be considered by the Cit� The vierendeel truss and related elements, `-" '�`�-`�- °�' °�`-��°-, such as window washinq ladders. ladder carriages. exposed icicle melting systems and ramp profiles shafl be painted a deep brown color. 11 �� ��� �� � Window-Washing Ladders - Two window-washing ladders per bridge are reauired. one on each side. j� Temperature - Heatina venting and air conditioning shall be provided as re�uired in Chaoter 140 of the Sairrt Paul Legislative Code. �f. Exterior Accent Painting - The flanges (heam and truss details) shall be painted in a metallic gold color as specified by the City_ {g� Exterior Accent Lighting - Accent liahting on the exterior of bridges shalt be of a consistent desiyn throughout the system. ,(h� Length - Long bridges shall be avoided by not placing them over open space. surfaceparking lots. empty blocks. or intersections. Ji� Number Per Block - Visual clutter shall be avoided by allowing only one skyway bridge connection for each block face. Mid-block bridaes are preferred. intersectina connecting buildings at 90 degrees (i.e. pgrpendicular to the streetl. fjk Bridge Doors and Ramps - Bridqe doors are required. The desiqn configuration. etc, of bridae doors and ramos shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. New doors installed after the effective date of this skyway policy shall be eauipped with motion detectors or other automatic ope�ing devices. Bridge doors already in place on the effective date of this skvway policy shall be equiooed with automatic opening devices according to a schedule determined by the Citk u Exceptions from Standard Desipn - Reauests for exceptions from these auidelines shall be evaluated on the basis of specific conditions and constraints. and shall be strictly viewed in terms of maintaining sk�nrav design continuity and integrity_ 4. Bridge Support Structures and Service - Bridge support structures will support the bridges at either end and wili be contained within the buildings unless it is structuraliy necessary to provide bridge supports independent of the building. New buildings that will connect to the skyway system shall be designed to "prasp" the standard bridge desiqn. so that the bridge and its co�nection are an integral a� rt of the original fiacade design. rather than treated as an add-on.All supports independent of buildings shall be outside existing or proposed rights-of-way of public streets, wherever possible. Bridge services are defined as those etectricat and mechanical systems which supply fresh air and provide heati�g, cooling and electrical service to the bridge. Also included is the roof drainage system. 5. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities in the form of ei�keF stairs, ef escalators and elevators provide access to the concourse nodes, corridors, and the bridges from the street. Vertical access between the concourse and street level wilf 12 a� ���ti� �e is required throughout the skyway system, with escalators or elevators being required at the principal paints of access to the skyway system. Elevators are encouraged in order to retain accessibility of the skvway system to all gecsons.Generally, vertical access shall be provided at or near each end of the bridges crossing streets and may also be required at other locations within the system. . Vertical access points shal! be adequately sianed so that the oedestrian can both visually and phvsically connect the skyway system to the ground New buildings that will connect io the sk�wav system shall be designed to clearly show the vertical connection between the skkwa�and the ground. • .--- - .,- - -- - - - - --- ---- -- - -- -- -=- --- - -- --- E. PUBLIC ART Future skvways makincorporatepublic art in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. nrovided thai such nublic art does noi detract from or otherwise negatively affect pedestrian safety. movement and visibility: or the function maintenance or desiqn continuity of the system. F. SUBMISSION OF PLANS Pfans shal{ be submitted by the building owner for approval by the City, indicating all materials, finishes, sgnaqe. etc. used in the skyway system and the architectural manner in which the skyway system is separated from abutting private building areas where the concourse occurs within the owner's building. The City may make ceRain additions to such drawings, including signs and other graphics, fumiture, and other elements consistent with achieving identity and design continuity for each segment of the skyway system. Any �equested exceptions from the City's . esi n ui elines for sk a concourses and brid s s all be reviewed and approved by the City, with inout from the Heritage Preservation Commission (as aoprooriatel. the District 17 Community Council. and the Building Owners and Managers Association. The City may estabiish an ad hoc design review committee. composed primarily of qualified design qrofessionals. to review requests for exceptions to this policv. G. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS In order to assure �fie-FeFrtrfl� a oublic benefit from the public investment made in development of the skyway system in the downtown, all areas of the skyway system must 13 �� - \"J 1'� be {ocated either on public property or within a public easement granted by the devetoper or building owner. Such easements shali be coterminous with the designated areas of concourse corridors, nodes and vertical access facilities;-alse; and shall extend on the ground floor from the foot of vertical access facilities to a public sidewalk or other public property, giving access to a puhlic sidewalk. Such easements shall be required for both those skyway system elements for which the City is responsible and tfiose elements constituting a fink in the basic system for which private parties may be responsible. The easements wili be in form satisfactory to the City and will be limited to the life of the improvements constituting the skyway system. The easements will grant to the public the right of use of the skyway system for purposes of ingress and egress and pedestrian transit without limitation, except that such easements may attach reasonable conditians regarding closing parts or all of the skyway system within the developer's or owner's structural improvements during non-business hours as dictated by reasonable security requirements of the buildings through with the concourse passes. The City will attempt to negotiate 24 hour easements. fn order to assure the possibility of future expansion of the skyway system, when a building is connected to the skyway system the developer or buitding owner will grant to the City an easement which assumes expansion of the system beyond the building and/or block immediately being connected. , The developer or building owner shall have the right at any time to change the focations or alianments of such easements; °-�' `"- -------'� ', rovide that 1) new easements are granted which permit the continuity of the skyway system; ar�d 21 the developer or owner installs a new pedestrian concourse on the new easement area at the developer's or owner's sole cost and expense: and 3� the new easement meets the Citv's minimum reauirements for width. heig t. etc. In the event the developer or owner elects to substitute a new easement location, it will submit to the City an easement survey and legal description thereof, the plans and specifications therefor, and proof of apility to pay and method of payment therefore for C� approval. . The City shail have 90 days after the submission in which to approve or reject the str�rissiert proposai. If the City rejects the se�rn+ssiert ro osal, it must do so in writing within the 90- day period and, in such writing, set forth in detail the valid reasons for such rejections. In the event the City fails to reject the s�iss'ten ro osal within said 90-day period, the C+ty's consent shall be conclusively presumed. The City shall nat be required to approve any change in easement location unless the easement to be submitted contains at least the same area and dimensions of the existing easement; and the improvements are of the same character, quality and functional characteristics of the initial concourse, including replacement of signs, graphics and furniture provided in the original skyway system. When the City approves the substitution, the parties shall then join in the execution and delivery of an amendatory agreement in recordable form which designates the substitute location and terminates the easement over the old location effective upon compietion of the construction of the new concourse and skyway system. 14 a� -1��� -�I. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The skyway system, including all future additions, is located on public property or within public easements. As such the City has a proprietary obligation for operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the skyway sysfem. NeveRheless, the City will require, as part of the easement agreement, that the developer or buitding owner assume the full responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all segments of the skyway system (ocated within its property, for bridges over streets abutting its property, and carry out such operation, maintenance, repair and rep{acement at its own expense without cost to the City. In the event that the developer or building owner fails to operate, maintain, repair or replace the concourse system, or any part thereof, t�r-a-�easetta�le starjdafd-in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Saint Pau{ Leqislative Code. the City may pertorm such operations and assess all costs incurred in so doing against the developer or building owner in accordance with the normal procedures for assessments related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement in the City of Saint Paul. Where skyway bridges connect the property of one developer or owner with that of another, the developers or owners may share equally, or on whatever other basis is mutually agreeable 48-Het+t, the bridge operation, mairitenance, repair and replacement costs. Public Iiability and casualty insurance coverage including required surety bonds indemnifying and holding harmless the City shall be included as part of this operationlmaintenance agreement between connecting developer(s) or owner(s}. Such written agreement must be submitted to the City for review prior to commencement of bridge construction. 15 a�-���'1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � � � 0 � � 3 0 0 �'1-��� city of saint paul pianning commission resolution file number 97-09 �tE? February 28, 1997 WHEREAS, the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway 5ystem" was adopted by the Saint Paul City Gouncil in 1980 and revised in 1987; and WHEREAS, several issues have arisen over the years regarding design and operation of the skyway system; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission sponsored a series of four workshops with representatives of the Downtown Urban Design Pian Advisory Group, Skyway Governance Committee, Saint Pau1 Heritage Preservation Commission, CapitolRiver Councii, Saint Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Building Owners and Managers Association and Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation; and WHEREAS, the rote of the workshop participants was to work with staff to identify problems with the current skyway policy, suggest changes to address these problems and review proposed changes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on February 14, 1997 to receive pubiic input on the proposed changes, at which two persons spoke, and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee reviewed public comment and suggested finai changes to the skyway policy based on that comment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission forwards the proposed changes to the "Generai Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paui Skyway System" to the Saint Pau{ City Councif and recommends that the City Councif adopt them after holding a public hearing; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Pianning Commission thanks the workshop participants for their hard work and excellent input in preparing the proposed changes. moved by Ma=de� ry _ �(`(x�d b�( Gordon �n f��r Unanimous a�111St