97-1316Council Pile n ` t'� J�.� 7 WHEREAS, the Department oi 2 Council File No. 97-7048, antl RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 32�8(1 NajT PAUL, MINNESOTA Works 1997 Sewer Service Fund capital budgei has been increased by 4 WHEREAS, these capital budgets were to finance projects approved in the 7997 Capital Improvement Program 5 budget, and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for construction of 8 capital projecis, so 9 1 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Coundl ot the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice— 7 1 ot the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital ImprovemeM Budgei, as heretofore ffi 1 2 adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: m o �3 O.. �a p a � 1 S CurreM Amended .7 � 16 Budget Change Budget ro" 1 7 ll .� 1 8 FINANCING PLAN U..d 1 9 Inflowflntiltration Corr 97 �' 20 C97-2T675 q �m 21 '� � 22 SewerServiceFUnd 2,769,607.61 1,a3a,392.39 3,SQOO��.Q,Q �� 23 2,769,607.61 1,03Q392.39 3,SOQ000. 24 � �' 25 SPENDING PLAN � � �� 26 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 97 4 U 27 C97-2T675 � � 28 � .p 29 Construction & Design 2,769,607.6� 1,030,392.39 3.80QOOCF�7� 30 2,769,607.61 1,030,392.39 3,SOQ000.00 31 32 � m fi 0 v q m � � � � m � ro 'C Yeas Nays BZakev � Bostrom � ('n77itta 13arsi= MPaa r�i ✓ I�orton Thune , Adopted by Council: Date � s\qq� �—� Certified by Council Secretary BY= Approved By Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: . � • By: Approval Recj6mmended by Budget Director: By: YY'�—� �_ _ "'�. Form App�q�ved�y/�s,ty �torney: Appro ed by M r for S mission to Council: By: '.�" & 7ce Mueller 266-6149 SIGNATURE PAGES 9��9�96 � GREEN SHEET INITIA ATE - ASSIGN ODEPAflTMEMDIRECTOR NuMBEp FOR Q CI7Y ATiOflNEY ROUTING ❑q BUD6ETSECTION �� (5 � MAYOR(OR ASS15fANn (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOfl SIGNATURE) ❑1 � �� � No. s22s� CIT' COUNCIL CITYCIFAK 0 0���� Approvai of auached Council Resolution increasing the 1997 Inflow/Infdtrafion project bud=et from Sewer Service Fund PFA loan revenues. RECAMMENDa7iaNS:Approve (A) w Reject (a) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION �, � q��s personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? ^\ CIB CAMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DISTAICi COUNqL _ 3. Does this person/firm po^.,SesS a skill not nortnally posSeSSed by an cu6en emplDyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Euplain all yes answers on separa[e sheet antl attach to green sh t J INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORSUNI}Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE, WHV)- The 1997 Sewer Service Fund's capital budgei to finance projects approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Ptogram budget was increased on CF 97-1048. The Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for conshvction of these projects, necessitating the attached resolution. Sewers in the Lincoln/St Albans azea can be repaired. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEP None. �.:.: .. ! .�• � a F : r 1 +'. � _ n 45ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEO: �onsaucdon of above referenced project will be delayed. f�t.��� ��; � �;'t� t,� i � � ..,�I (ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTiON$ �1 p30'�q23 COST/flEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) �DING SOURCE �ew Srv Fund - PFA Loans ACTiVI'fY NUMBER C97-2T675 NO WCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPWN) Public 3ce MueIIer, 266-b149 � TOTAL -.''. OF SlGNATURE PAGES �o� `( c�.� w r� �.c I��i�i�nrareo GREEN.SHEET No .32142� irvmnwarE iNmwc � s�oEa,wnnexroiaecroa � crrrcouka� rv�en e�nwe � Q crnc�ax � p 6 CffYATTOFNEY �O �G. �5 BUDGcTO�RECiOR y � FlNANCEACf.OUNTiN �MAYOFi(ORA5515T1Wn ❑ p � ;m ,� a �� (CUPALLLOCATiONSFOR5IGNANqEj C�yIQR��—j�� I�tOEppR{,bQ,Rp.�p _ ..v_.-r- i_..t ?,pptove Resolution applying addiIIOnal Public Facilities Aurhority (PFA) loans to the-1997 Capital Projects Fund (C9"7) for sewer inflow• and infiltraflon conscruction_ �� ` � � � � ei£CAMMENOAilO VS-.?ppipre (A) o[ Rz�v.vx (ft) __ PIANNING COMMISSION _pVIL $EFiVICE CqMMISSiON CIS COMMITTF� __ � STAFF _ OISCR4CTCWNqI _ SUPP00.T5 WHICH COUNd�08JECTiVE? PEASONAL SERV7C£ CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILO WING QUESTIONSc 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a contract for this depamnent? YES NO 2 Has Nis person/firtn ever been a city empioyee7 YES NO 3. Dces ihts persoNfirtn possess a 51611 rrot nortnally poss¢ss¢A by any wrrent ciry empbyes? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to gteen sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WFfEN, WHEFE, WFI`n: Since the 1997 Budget was adopted, addiaonal spending needs have arisen. The State of Ntinnesota, through the Dept. of Tsade and Economic Dzvelopmen[ has available additional Pubiic Facilities Authoriry Financin� Ihat has been approved for St Paul's use on the foliowin� projects: Lincoln Ave. Avon SC. to Grand Ave. ($193,000); Grand Ave. Avon St. Co Grotto St. ($43,000); Summit Ave_ Victoria St. to Avon St_ (540,000); Summit Ave. Kent St. to Mackubin St. ($42,000); Port]and Ave. Avon St. to Date SL (132,000); Portland Ave. Albert to 327' E($39,000); PoNand Ave. Kent St to Mackubin St. ($30,0�0); Hotly Ave. Avon St_ to Dale.St. ($138,000); Ashland Ave. Avon St_ ro Grotto SC ($43,000); Dayton Ave_ Kent St. to Mackubin St. (�26,000); Farrington SC_ Setby Ave, to Mazshall Ave. ($55,000); Czdar SL 7th St, to 4th St. ($132,000); Sth St. Robert St. to Sibiey St. ($50,000); 6ch St_ Minnesota St. to Wabasha St_ ($37,000). AOVANYAG^c51FAPPROVEP. The above mentioned orojec[ locauons aze know as the Lincoln/St. Albans Sewer Relinin� Project. The sewers at these locadons have 4 arzas of severe cractting and are generaily in a deterioraung condition, The proQosed project would repair the severeiy cracked sewers and reline the sawers. I O�SADVANTA�iES IF APPflOVEO: I None. � OISADVANiAGFS.iFNOTAPPFOVE6_ 'Ihe idenafied sewerpmjec[s wilI eithernot be consffucCedorwiIL be deferred_ Tbese sewets aze exhzmely deteriora[edand is danger of collapsing: A collapse would cause interruption of sewersexvice to the effactedproperIIes andresultia eatensive sewesandsffeet repair_ � ' ' _ �-.,s: �:`"' - - - _ ' _ ' ' ' � ��'?'-- - — -.' __ _ _ � -� . .. "�.. _ t.^ay:_t� _ -"'• ,�' ~ `=r SACftOFlS-' -. -� �•�=teY:�-iY.-�PCO5TJR t,. �K'.:. - :. - ---- S(S-7?7T4=FrZ(iR^" �� - _'.,-.'�..�"�'xs�.�AGTiVII � �-.vns-as XPfAI�� r � ._-"�� - -,.a...,a � F�ss.ti - "c-..v.�t_ -�— :� �-n..-n-+.__ "'� _.". "- �� � . . �� "3'� � : '`^' .s.R"' . ` - '_'r�.._ _....._.�_...�-_'.:,3.;�' .L�� til . % I�UJ l��=Cf r,C� . l4YllJ l��1�1_. ITY OF ��,���;,.�;,� t. � � i �`�; 1 Q Presented By �� Fceferred To '� a� -�3ti1. Council File % 6 1� LUTION Green sheet x �>>a� AUL, MiNNESOTA _ > » Committee: Date 2 there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 3 4 «' ��P-S Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1951, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and' 5 g W�nEn� Additional loans for �1,000,000 are available for Inflow and Infiltration Contruction ^re 7 available from the State of Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development; and 8 9 W xE&EA$ The Lincoln/St. Albans area has sewers in various locations that have severe cracking and are 10 generally in a deteriorated condition; and 11 12 W FIEREA$ Council approval of the associated loan documents will occur later in 1997; and 13 14 W FIE�A� Additional spendino authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund; 15 and 16 � 17 W FiEREA$ The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 199� budget: 18 19 P'inancine Plan Current Bud�et Chan�c Revised Bud�et aJ 260 Sewer Secvice �nterprise Pund 21 22214 SAC Proorlm 22 6201 Bond Salc $2,100,000 �a1,000,000 $3,100,000 23 Alt other Financing the Same �30.161,OG9 $0 $4 16t Of� 2r3 Totnl I'inancing Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,0�9 2i 26 S�endinc PI1n Current Bud�t hanRe Revised Budect. 27 260 Sewer Service Gnterprise G'und � 222I4-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $2,800,000 $1,000,000 $3,800,000 29 Al1 other Spending the Same �w39.461.069 �0 �39.461069 ?A Total Spending Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,OG9 31 32 Notiv, therefore, be it RESOLVEl� That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1997 budget. i; 3lakev i� 3ostrom i i ('n 7 7 i na i; �+� i < i; .xaaart? � Vorton 1 ?'hune Absent Requested by Department of: ✓ =3opted by Council: Date \ c .3ootion Certi=ied by Council Secreta=y � � � � �-_. :.pproved By Mayor: Date �-'Z`t /`�-'— � --� �-L-'�-,� Public Works By: P.pp`roLal Recommenaed by Budget Director: By : i�'� U L-�'—c �32! 7 �� `F ?orm AopT ed by City t orney: Bv� � - Apnrov Mayor for ubmission to Council: By: �` / �. /�/ / `�fld/%2��� _ Council Pile n ` t'� J�.� 7 WHEREAS, the Department oi 2 Council File No. 97-7048, antl RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 32�8(1 NajT PAUL, MINNESOTA Works 1997 Sewer Service Fund capital budgei has been increased by 4 WHEREAS, these capital budgets were to finance projects approved in the 7997 Capital Improvement Program 5 budget, and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for construction of 8 capital projecis, so 9 1 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Coundl ot the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice— 7 1 ot the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital ImprovemeM Budgei, as heretofore ffi 1 2 adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: m o �3 O.. �a p a � 1 S CurreM Amended .7 � 16 Budget Change Budget ro" 1 7 ll .� 1 8 FINANCING PLAN U..d 1 9 Inflowflntiltration Corr 97 �' 20 C97-2T675 q �m 21 '� � 22 SewerServiceFUnd 2,769,607.61 1,a3a,392.39 3,SQOO��.Q,Q �� 23 2,769,607.61 1,03Q392.39 3,SOQ000. 24 � �' 25 SPENDING PLAN � � �� 26 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 97 4 U 27 C97-2T675 � � 28 � .p 29 Construction & Design 2,769,607.6� 1,030,392.39 3.80QOOCF�7� 30 2,769,607.61 1,030,392.39 3,SOQ000.00 31 32 � m fi 0 v q m � � � � m � ro 'C Yeas Nays BZakev � Bostrom � ('n77itta 13arsi= MPaa r�i ✓ I�orton Thune , Adopted by Council: Date � s\qq� �—� Certified by Council Secretary BY= Approved By Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: . � • By: Approval Recj6mmended by Budget Director: By: YY'�—� �_ _ "'�. Form App�q�ved�y/�s,ty �torney: Appro ed by M r for S mission to Council: By: '.�" & 7ce Mueller 266-6149 SIGNATURE PAGES 9��9�96 � GREEN SHEET INITIA ATE - ASSIGN ODEPAflTMEMDIRECTOR NuMBEp FOR Q CI7Y ATiOflNEY ROUTING ❑q BUD6ETSECTION �� (5 � MAYOR(OR ASS15fANn (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOfl SIGNATURE) ❑1 � �� � No. s22s� CIT' COUNCIL CITYCIFAK 0 0���� Approvai of auached Council Resolution increasing the 1997 Inflow/Infdtrafion project bud=et from Sewer Service Fund PFA loan revenues. RECAMMENDa7iaNS:Approve (A) w Reject (a) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION �, � q��s personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? ^\ CIB CAMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DISTAICi COUNqL _ 3. Does this person/firm po^.,SesS a skill not nortnally posSeSSed by an cu6en emplDyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Euplain all yes answers on separa[e sheet antl attach to green sh t J INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORSUNI}Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE, WHV)- The 1997 Sewer Service Fund's capital budgei to finance projects approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Ptogram budget was increased on CF 97-1048. The Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for conshvction of these projects, necessitating the attached resolution. Sewers in the Lincoln/St Albans azea can be repaired. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEP None. �.:.: .. ! .�• � a F : r 1 +'. � _ n 45ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEO: �onsaucdon of above referenced project will be delayed. f�t.��� ��; � �;'t� t,� i � � ..,�I (ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTiON$ �1 p30'�q23 COST/flEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) �DING SOURCE �ew Srv Fund - PFA Loans ACTiVI'fY NUMBER C97-2T675 NO WCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPWN) Public 3ce MueIIer, 266-b149 � TOTAL -.''. OF SlGNATURE PAGES �o� `( c�.� w r� �.c I��i�i�nrareo GREEN.SHEET No .32142� irvmnwarE iNmwc � s�oEa,wnnexroiaecroa � crrrcouka� rv�en e�nwe � Q crnc�ax � p 6 CffYATTOFNEY �O �G. �5 BUDGcTO�RECiOR y � FlNANCEACf.OUNTiN �MAYOFi(ORA5515T1Wn ❑ p � ;m ,� a �� (CUPALLLOCATiONSFOR5IGNANqEj C�yIQR��—j�� I�tOEppR{,bQ,Rp.�p _ ..v_.-r- i_..t ?,pptove Resolution applying addiIIOnal Public Facilities Aurhority (PFA) loans to the-1997 Capital Projects Fund (C9"7) for sewer inflow• and infiltraflon conscruction_ �� ` � � � � ei£CAMMENOAilO VS-.?ppipre (A) o[ Rz�v.vx (ft) __ PIANNING COMMISSION _pVIL $EFiVICE CqMMISSiON CIS COMMITTF� __ � STAFF _ OISCR4CTCWNqI _ SUPP00.T5 WHICH COUNd�08JECTiVE? PEASONAL SERV7C£ CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILO WING QUESTIONSc 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a contract for this depamnent? YES NO 2 Has Nis person/firtn ever been a city empioyee7 YES NO 3. Dces ihts persoNfirtn possess a 51611 rrot nortnally poss¢ss¢A by any wrrent ciry empbyes? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to gteen sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WFfEN, WHEFE, WFI`n: Since the 1997 Budget was adopted, addiaonal spending needs have arisen. The State of Ntinnesota, through the Dept. of Tsade and Economic Dzvelopmen[ has available additional Pubiic Facilities Authoriry Financin� Ihat has been approved for St Paul's use on the foliowin� projects: Lincoln Ave. Avon SC. to Grand Ave. ($193,000); Grand Ave. Avon St. Co Grotto St. ($43,000); Summit Ave_ Victoria St. to Avon St_ (540,000); Summit Ave. Kent St. to Mackubin St. ($42,000); Port]and Ave. Avon St. to Date SL (132,000); Portland Ave. Albert to 327' E($39,000); PoNand Ave. Kent St to Mackubin St. ($30,0�0); Hotly Ave. Avon St_ to Dale.St. ($138,000); Ashland Ave. Avon St_ ro Grotto SC ($43,000); Dayton Ave_ Kent St. to Mackubin St. (�26,000); Farrington SC_ Setby Ave, to Mazshall Ave. ($55,000); Czdar SL 7th St, to 4th St. ($132,000); Sth St. Robert St. to Sibiey St. ($50,000); 6ch St_ Minnesota St. to Wabasha St_ ($37,000). AOVANYAG^c51FAPPROVEP. The above mentioned orojec[ locauons aze know as the Lincoln/St. Albans Sewer Relinin� Project. The sewers at these locadons have 4 arzas of severe cractting and are generaily in a deterioraung condition, The proQosed project would repair the severeiy cracked sewers and reline the sawers. I O�SADVANTA�iES IF APPflOVEO: I None. � OISADVANiAGFS.iFNOTAPPFOVE6_ 'Ihe idenafied sewerpmjec[s wilI eithernot be consffucCedorwiIL be deferred_ Tbese sewets aze exhzmely deteriora[edand is danger of collapsing: A collapse would cause interruption of sewersexvice to the effactedproperIIes andresultia eatensive sewesandsffeet repair_ � ' ' _ �-.,s: �:`"' - - - _ ' _ ' ' ' � ��'?'-- - — -.' __ _ _ � -� . .. "�.. _ t.^ay:_t� _ -"'• ,�' ~ `=r SACftOFlS-' -. -� �•�=teY:�-iY.-�PCO5TJR t,. �K'.:. - :. - ---- S(S-7?7T4=FrZ(iR^" �� - _'.,-.'�..�"�'xs�.�AGTiVII � �-.vns-as XPfAI�� r � ._-"�� - -,.a...,a � F�ss.ti - "c-..v.�t_ -�— :� �-n..-n-+.__ "'� _.". "- �� � . . �� "3'� � : '`^' .s.R"' . ` - '_'r�.._ _....._.�_...�-_'.:,3.;�' .L�� til . % I�UJ l��=Cf r,C� . l4YllJ l��1�1_. ITY OF ��,���;,.�;,� t. � � i �`�; 1 Q Presented By �� Fceferred To '� a� -�3ti1. Council File % 6 1� LUTION Green sheet x �>>a� AUL, MiNNESOTA _ > » Committee: Date 2 there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 3 4 «' ��P-S Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1951, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and' 5 g W�nEn� Additional loans for �1,000,000 are available for Inflow and Infiltration Contruction ^re 7 available from the State of Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development; and 8 9 W xE&EA$ The Lincoln/St. Albans area has sewers in various locations that have severe cracking and are 10 generally in a deteriorated condition; and 11 12 W FIEREA$ Council approval of the associated loan documents will occur later in 1997; and 13 14 W FIE�A� Additional spendino authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund; 15 and 16 � 17 W FiEREA$ The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 199� budget: 18 19 P'inancine Plan Current Bud�et Chan�c Revised Bud�et aJ 260 Sewer Secvice �nterprise Pund 21 22214 SAC Proorlm 22 6201 Bond Salc $2,100,000 �a1,000,000 $3,100,000 23 Alt other Financing the Same �30.161,OG9 $0 $4 16t Of� 2r3 Totnl I'inancing Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,0�9 2i 26 S�endinc PI1n Current Bud�t hanRe Revised Budect. 27 260 Sewer Service Gnterprise G'und � 222I4-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $2,800,000 $1,000,000 $3,800,000 29 Al1 other Spending the Same �w39.461.069 �0 �39.461069 ?A Total Spending Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,OG9 31 32 Notiv, therefore, be it RESOLVEl� That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1997 budget. i; 3lakev i� 3ostrom i i ('n 7 7 i na i; �+� i < i; .xaaart? � Vorton 1 ?'hune Absent Requested by Department of: ✓ =3opted by Council: Date \ c .3ootion Certi=ied by Council Secreta=y � � � � �-_. :.pproved By Mayor: Date �-'Z`t /`�-'— � --� �-L-'�-,� Public Works By: P.pp`roLal Recommenaed by Budget Director: By : i�'� U L-�'—c �32! 7 �� `F ?orm AopT ed by City t orney: Bv� � - Apnrov Mayor for ubmission to Council: By: �` / �. /�/ / `�fld/%2��� _ Council Pile n ` t'� J�.� 7 WHEREAS, the Department oi 2 Council File No. 97-7048, antl RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 32�8(1 NajT PAUL, MINNESOTA Works 1997 Sewer Service Fund capital budgei has been increased by 4 WHEREAS, these capital budgets were to finance projects approved in the 7997 Capital Improvement Program 5 budget, and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for construction of 8 capital projecis, so 9 1 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Coundl ot the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice— 7 1 ot the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital ImprovemeM Budgei, as heretofore ffi 1 2 adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: m o �3 O.. �a p a � 1 S CurreM Amended .7 � 16 Budget Change Budget ro" 1 7 ll .� 1 8 FINANCING PLAN U..d 1 9 Inflowflntiltration Corr 97 �' 20 C97-2T675 q �m 21 '� � 22 SewerServiceFUnd 2,769,607.61 1,a3a,392.39 3,SQOO��.Q,Q �� 23 2,769,607.61 1,03Q392.39 3,SOQ000. 24 � �' 25 SPENDING PLAN � � �� 26 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 97 4 U 27 C97-2T675 � � 28 � .p 29 Construction & Design 2,769,607.6� 1,030,392.39 3.80QOOCF�7� 30 2,769,607.61 1,030,392.39 3,SOQ000.00 31 32 � m fi 0 v q m � � � � m � ro 'C Yeas Nays BZakev � Bostrom � ('n77itta 13arsi= MPaa r�i ✓ I�orton Thune , Adopted by Council: Date � s\qq� �—� Certified by Council Secretary BY= Approved By Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: . � • By: Approval Recj6mmended by Budget Director: By: YY'�—� �_ _ "'�. Form App�q�ved�y/�s,ty �torney: Appro ed by M r for S mission to Council: By: '.�" & 7ce Mueller 266-6149 SIGNATURE PAGES 9��9�96 � GREEN SHEET INITIA ATE - ASSIGN ODEPAflTMEMDIRECTOR NuMBEp FOR Q CI7Y ATiOflNEY ROUTING ❑q BUD6ETSECTION �� (5 � MAYOR(OR ASS15fANn (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOfl SIGNATURE) ❑1 � �� � No. s22s� CIT' COUNCIL CITYCIFAK 0 0���� Approvai of auached Council Resolution increasing the 1997 Inflow/Infdtrafion project bud=et from Sewer Service Fund PFA loan revenues. RECAMMENDa7iaNS:Approve (A) w Reject (a) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION �, � q��s personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? ^\ CIB CAMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DISTAICi COUNqL _ 3. Does this person/firm po^.,SesS a skill not nortnally posSeSSed by an cu6en emplDyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Euplain all yes answers on separa[e sheet antl attach to green sh t J INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORSUNI}Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE, WHV)- The 1997 Sewer Service Fund's capital budgei to finance projects approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Ptogram budget was increased on CF 97-1048. The Capital Improvement budget needs to reflect the proper amount of financing for conshvction of these projects, necessitating the attached resolution. Sewers in the Lincoln/St Albans azea can be repaired. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEP None. �.:.: .. ! .�• � a F : r 1 +'. � _ n 45ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEO: �onsaucdon of above referenced project will be delayed. f�t.��� ��; � �;'t� t,� i � � ..,�I (ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTiON$ �1 p30'�q23 COST/flEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) �DING SOURCE �ew Srv Fund - PFA Loans ACTiVI'fY NUMBER C97-2T675 NO WCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPWN) Public 3ce MueIIer, 266-b149 � TOTAL -.''. OF SlGNATURE PAGES �o� `( c�.� w r� �.c I��i�i�nrareo GREEN.SHEET No .32142� irvmnwarE iNmwc � s�oEa,wnnexroiaecroa � crrrcouka� rv�en e�nwe � Q crnc�ax � p 6 CffYATTOFNEY �O �G. �5 BUDGcTO�RECiOR y � FlNANCEACf.OUNTiN �MAYOFi(ORA5515T1Wn ❑ p � ;m ,� a �� (CUPALLLOCATiONSFOR5IGNANqEj C�yIQR��—j�� I�tOEppR{,bQ,Rp.�p _ ..v_.-r- i_..t ?,pptove Resolution applying addiIIOnal Public Facilities Aurhority (PFA) loans to the-1997 Capital Projects Fund (C9"7) for sewer inflow• and infiltraflon conscruction_ �� ` � � � � ei£CAMMENOAilO VS-.?ppipre (A) o[ Rz�v.vx (ft) __ PIANNING COMMISSION _pVIL $EFiVICE CqMMISSiON CIS COMMITTF� __ � STAFF _ OISCR4CTCWNqI _ SUPP00.T5 WHICH COUNd�08JECTiVE? PEASONAL SERV7C£ CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILO WING QUESTIONSc 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a contract for this depamnent? YES NO 2 Has Nis person/firtn ever been a city empioyee7 YES NO 3. Dces ihts persoNfirtn possess a 51611 rrot nortnally poss¢ss¢A by any wrrent ciry empbyes? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to gteen sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WFfEN, WHEFE, WFI`n: Since the 1997 Budget was adopted, addiaonal spending needs have arisen. The State of Ntinnesota, through the Dept. of Tsade and Economic Dzvelopmen[ has available additional Pubiic Facilities Authoriry Financin� Ihat has been approved for St Paul's use on the foliowin� projects: Lincoln Ave. Avon SC. to Grand Ave. ($193,000); Grand Ave. Avon St. Co Grotto St. ($43,000); Summit Ave_ Victoria St. to Avon St_ (540,000); Summit Ave. Kent St. to Mackubin St. ($42,000); Port]and Ave. Avon St. to Date SL (132,000); Portland Ave. Albert to 327' E($39,000); PoNand Ave. Kent St to Mackubin St. ($30,0�0); Hotly Ave. Avon St_ to Dale.St. ($138,000); Ashland Ave. Avon St_ ro Grotto SC ($43,000); Dayton Ave_ Kent St. to Mackubin St. (�26,000); Farrington SC_ Setby Ave, to Mazshall Ave. ($55,000); Czdar SL 7th St, to 4th St. ($132,000); Sth St. Robert St. to Sibiey St. ($50,000); 6ch St_ Minnesota St. to Wabasha St_ ($37,000). AOVANYAG^c51FAPPROVEP. The above mentioned orojec[ locauons aze know as the Lincoln/St. Albans Sewer Relinin� Project. The sewers at these locadons have 4 arzas of severe cractting and are generaily in a deterioraung condition, The proQosed project would repair the severeiy cracked sewers and reline the sawers. I O�SADVANTA�iES IF APPflOVEO: I None. � OISADVANiAGFS.iFNOTAPPFOVE6_ 'Ihe idenafied sewerpmjec[s wilI eithernot be consffucCedorwiIL be deferred_ Tbese sewets aze exhzmely deteriora[edand is danger of collapsing: A collapse would cause interruption of sewersexvice to the effactedproperIIes andresultia eatensive sewesandsffeet repair_ � ' ' _ �-.,s: �:`"' - - - _ ' _ ' ' ' � ��'?'-- - — -.' __ _ _ � -� . .. "�.. _ t.^ay:_t� _ -"'• ,�' ~ `=r SACftOFlS-' -. -� �•�=teY:�-iY.-�PCO5TJR t,. �K'.:. - :. - ---- S(S-7?7T4=FrZ(iR^" �� - _'.,-.'�..�"�'xs�.�AGTiVII � �-.vns-as XPfAI�� r � ._-"�� - -,.a...,a � F�ss.ti - "c-..v.�t_ -�— :� �-n..-n-+.__ "'� _.". "- �� � . . �� "3'� � : '`^' .s.R"' . ` - '_'r�.._ _....._.�_...�-_'.:,3.;�' .L�� til . % I�UJ l��=Cf r,C� . l4YllJ l��1�1_. ITY OF ��,���;,.�;,� t. � � i �`�; 1 Q Presented By �� Fceferred To '� a� -�3ti1. Council File % 6 1� LUTION Green sheet x �>>a� AUL, MiNNESOTA _ > » Committee: Date 2 there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 3 4 «' ��P-S Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1951, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and' 5 g W�nEn� Additional loans for �1,000,000 are available for Inflow and Infiltration Contruction ^re 7 available from the State of Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development; and 8 9 W xE&EA$ The Lincoln/St. Albans area has sewers in various locations that have severe cracking and are 10 generally in a deteriorated condition; and 11 12 W FIEREA$ Council approval of the associated loan documents will occur later in 1997; and 13 14 W FIE�A� Additional spendino authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund; 15 and 16 � 17 W FiEREA$ The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 199� budget: 18 19 P'inancine Plan Current Bud�et Chan�c Revised Bud�et aJ 260 Sewer Secvice �nterprise Pund 21 22214 SAC Proorlm 22 6201 Bond Salc $2,100,000 �a1,000,000 $3,100,000 23 Alt other Financing the Same �30.161,OG9 $0 $4 16t Of� 2r3 Totnl I'inancing Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,0�9 2i 26 S�endinc PI1n Current Bud�t hanRe Revised Budect. 27 260 Sewer Service Gnterprise G'und � 222I4-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $2,800,000 $1,000,000 $3,800,000 29 Al1 other Spending the Same �w39.461.069 �0 �39.461069 ?A Total Spending Plan $42,261,069 $1,000,000 $43,261,OG9 31 32 Notiv, therefore, be it RESOLVEl� That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1997 budget. i; 3lakev i� 3ostrom i i ('n 7 7 i na i; �+� i < i; .xaaart? � Vorton 1 ?'hune Absent Requested by Department of: ✓ =3opted by Council: Date \ c .3ootion Certi=ied by Council Secreta=y � � � � �-_. :.pproved By Mayor: Date �-'Z`t /`�-'— � --� �-L-'�-,� Public Works By: P.pp`roLal Recommenaed by Budget Director: By : i�'� U L-�'—c �32! 7 �� `F ?orm AopT ed by City t orney: Bv� � - Apnrov Mayor for ubmission to Council: By: �` / �. /�/ / `�fld/%2��� _