97-131�.r� t ��� E��`� E�.`r; i.�, CiTY Presented By ., File # \ 1 — � 3 � reen Sheet � 32201 � Refer=ed To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the DepartmeM of Public Works has let bids for the construdion of a storm sewer in the BuAington Pond area (Energy Pk Or & Prior), WHEREAS, there are certain economies and efficlencies reaBZetl by ihe Ciiy under an agreement between the Ciry, BuAing[on Northem Railroad and Minnesota Commercial Railway, WHEREAS, the fwo railroads have agreed to share in ihe cost of this work in the amount of $67,000, leaving the City's share to be paid out of major sewer repair funds of $104,605, and WHEREAS, this project was originalfy approved by Council under CF 95-963 with a budget of $94,000, so �S THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upo� recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capitat fmprovemeN Butlget, as heretofore adopted and amentled by this Council is hereby further amended in tollowing particular: Cuvent AmendeB Budget Ghange Budget FINANCING PLAN Burli�gton Pontl-EOergy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Mn Commercial RR 75,000.00 15,000.00 Burlingto� Northern RR 39,OOO.W 73,000.00 52,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 40,000.00 77,000.00 �'17,0OO.OD 94,000.00 90,000.00 184,000.00 SPENDIMG PLAN Burlington Pond-Energy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Pians & Construction FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 7996 C96-2T619 Sewer Service Fund 94,000.00 90,000.00 iS4,000.00 94,000.00 90,000,00 184,000.00 1,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,SOd.40 7,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,804.40 �'; � � P" F, t f; �` r . : � . . ,. : � SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs -1996 C962T619 Constrtiction 1.831,804.40 -77.WO.W 1,754.804.4Q 1,837,504.40 -7T.000.�0 1,754.8Q4.4� Budgai Director �t�t-�3t .����_�..�-�-�... . Adoption Cestified by Council Secretary BY: �—��s���'"`�-- Approver3 b Mayor: Date 2 -//4 ��'?– By : ____��� �Z � z _ Requested by pa=tment of: /j'JM/'ab Pubiic Works 1-29-97 v gy; QC6Z+��mx.�-t Form Ap ved by City ttorney y; �e�� 1 � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY: � � <���� -- Adopted by Council: Date ���'+. �a �`��� Public Works Joe Mueller - 266-6149 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �rzoi9s GREEN SHEET iNm Te - a DEPAPTMENT ��AECT�R AS'K'N 5 CIN ATfORNEY M1MBEfl FOp ❑ ROViiNG BUOGElOFFICE �� � MAYORIOA ASSIS (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS H1R $IGNANR� �3 q�l -�3 � N O. 32201 cm courva� CITY CLERK � DEPAR"fNEt�T Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1995 Capital Improvement Pro�am by adding financino and spending for the Burlington Pond from agreements with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Commercial Railways and utilizing major sewer repair funds from the Sewer Service Fund - 260. RECqMMEN�0.'RONS:qoprove (A) or R�pct (R) PLANNING COMMISSION QVIL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ DISTR(CTCqUNG1L SUPP�RTS WHICN COUNCII.O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personNirm ever wofketl u'Wer a cont2ct for tMs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has ihis personlfimi ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sftill not normally possessetl by arry curtem city employee? YES NO Expiain all yes answels on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIAT7NG PROBLEAA, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY)� The Department of Public Works has iet bids for consuucGon of a storm sewer at Energy Pk Drive and Prior, called Burlington Pond. There aze economies to be realized by the City under an ageement with the Burlington Northem and Mn Commerciai Railways to do this work. T1us resolution amends the original budget approved under Council File 95-963. The City's shaze of this work will be funded by the Sewer Service Fund - major sewer repairs. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED' The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd contract for the Burlington Pond. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED� None. DISA�VAN"fAGE$ IF NOT APPRQVED: Awazd of conh�act will be delayed until sufficient financing is in place. �"�� �3 ���1� fOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTION$ 90,000 COSTIREVENUEeU�GETEO(CIRCLEONE� YES N� FUNOING SOURGE BurlingtOn NoRhem & Sew Serv ACTVITY NUMBER C95-2K00, C96-2T619 �� FINANGqt INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Additions - $13,000 Transfers - $71,000 Interdeparhnental Memorandum CITY �F SAINT PAUL nEra.R�rroF rusuc worucs TO: Bruce Engeibrekt FROM: Rogar Puchreiter ` DATE: January 27, 1997 SUBJECT: Fairview North Pond Outlet �`�t -1`3 � With regard to a budget amendment for the above mentioned project, it is our understanding that the CIB committee had some concerns about the project itself. The first area of concern is whether the pond is a wetland. The Fairview North Pond is owner by Buriington Northern and is a designated wetland. We have a permit issued by the Department of Naturai Resources {pNR) for the outlet construction. The DNR has reviewed the project and authorized us to proceed. The outlet control will enhance the wetland by allowing the water level to function more naturally with wet and dry periods. Furthermore, after rainfalls, the outiet wili only drain the pond water down to the natural water level designated by the DNR. Another area of concern is hazardous waste. During the preliminary stages of the project three soi{ borings were taken. One of the soil borings indicated contaminated soil. The elevation of the contaminated soil is we14 be{ow any of the planned construction activities; therefore, contaminated soii should not be an issue with this project. As with afl our projects, if contaminated soi! is eneountered, it wiil be separated and deait with accordingly. The third concem is with spending Public Works money to apparentfy solve a private railroad probtem. The City of Saint Paul and Burlington Northem Railroad both contribute stormwater to the pond and to the serious fiooding problem that has frequently disrupted the Minnesota Transfer Raitroad operations. The Gity has identified a need for an outlet from this pond for the past 25 years. In 1 g59 Buriington Northern allowed the City to discharge stormwater from the area bounded by Prior, Minnehaha and Snelling Avenues. However, permission was granled with the pravision that either party could terminate the agreement with a 30 day notice. Later storm sewer construction increased the amount of city property draining to this pond. The outlet is described in the °Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Saint Paul" dated March 1984 (project SAP6A page 75). A portion of the outiet pipe was constructed in 1990 jointly by the Port Authority and Public Works during theconstruction of Dayton's Warehouse on Energy Park Drive. This project connects the existing pipe with the pond '+tseif (approximately 250'). The Department has spent a great deal of time negotiating with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Transfer to come up with an equatab{e agreement to construct this project. The agreement not only covered construction costs, but also easement issues for both the outlet pipe and the pond itseif. �.r� t ��� E��`� E�.`r; i.�, CiTY Presented By ., File # \ 1 — � 3 � reen Sheet � 32201 � Refer=ed To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the DepartmeM of Public Works has let bids for the construdion of a storm sewer in the BuAington Pond area (Energy Pk Or & Prior), WHEREAS, there are certain economies and efficlencies reaBZetl by ihe Ciiy under an agreement between the Ciry, BuAing[on Northem Railroad and Minnesota Commercial Railway, WHEREAS, the fwo railroads have agreed to share in ihe cost of this work in the amount of $67,000, leaving the City's share to be paid out of major sewer repair funds of $104,605, and WHEREAS, this project was originalfy approved by Council under CF 95-963 with a budget of $94,000, so �S THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upo� recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capitat fmprovemeN Butlget, as heretofore adopted and amentled by this Council is hereby further amended in tollowing particular: Cuvent AmendeB Budget Ghange Budget FINANCING PLAN Burli�gton Pontl-EOergy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Mn Commercial RR 75,000.00 15,000.00 Burlingto� Northern RR 39,OOO.W 73,000.00 52,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 40,000.00 77,000.00 �'17,0OO.OD 94,000.00 90,000.00 184,000.00 SPENDIMG PLAN Burlington Pond-Energy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Pians & Construction FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 7996 C96-2T619 Sewer Service Fund 94,000.00 90,000.00 iS4,000.00 94,000.00 90,000,00 184,000.00 1,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,SOd.40 7,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,804.40 �'; � � P" F, t f; �` r . : � . . ,. : � SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs -1996 C962T619 Constrtiction 1.831,804.40 -77.WO.W 1,754.804.4Q 1,837,504.40 -7T.000.�0 1,754.8Q4.4� Budgai Director �t�t-�3t .����_�..�-�-�... . Adoption Cestified by Council Secretary BY: �—��s���'"`�-- Approver3 b Mayor: Date 2 -//4 ��'?– By : ____��� �Z � z _ Requested by pa=tment of: /j'JM/'ab Pubiic Works 1-29-97 v gy; QC6Z+��mx.�-t Form Ap ved by City ttorney y; �e�� 1 � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY: � � <���� -- Adopted by Council: Date ���'+. �a �`��� Public Works Joe Mueller - 266-6149 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �rzoi9s GREEN SHEET iNm Te - a DEPAPTMENT ��AECT�R AS'K'N 5 CIN ATfORNEY M1MBEfl FOp ❑ ROViiNG BUOGElOFFICE �� � MAYORIOA ASSIS (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS H1R $IGNANR� �3 q�l -�3 � N O. 32201 cm courva� CITY CLERK � DEPAR"fNEt�T Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1995 Capital Improvement Pro�am by adding financino and spending for the Burlington Pond from agreements with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Commercial Railways and utilizing major sewer repair funds from the Sewer Service Fund - 260. RECqMMEN�0.'RONS:qoprove (A) or R�pct (R) PLANNING COMMISSION QVIL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ DISTR(CTCqUNG1L SUPP�RTS WHICN COUNCII.O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personNirm ever wofketl u'Wer a cont2ct for tMs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has ihis personlfimi ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sftill not normally possessetl by arry curtem city employee? YES NO Expiain all yes answels on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIAT7NG PROBLEAA, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY)� The Department of Public Works has iet bids for consuucGon of a storm sewer at Energy Pk Drive and Prior, called Burlington Pond. There aze economies to be realized by the City under an ageement with the Burlington Northem and Mn Commerciai Railways to do this work. T1us resolution amends the original budget approved under Council File 95-963. The City's shaze of this work will be funded by the Sewer Service Fund - major sewer repairs. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED' The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd contract for the Burlington Pond. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED� None. DISA�VAN"fAGE$ IF NOT APPRQVED: Awazd of conh�act will be delayed until sufficient financing is in place. �"�� �3 ���1� fOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTION$ 90,000 COSTIREVENUEeU�GETEO(CIRCLEONE� YES N� FUNOING SOURGE BurlingtOn NoRhem & Sew Serv ACTVITY NUMBER C95-2K00, C96-2T619 �� FINANGqt INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Additions - $13,000 Transfers - $71,000 Interdeparhnental Memorandum CITY �F SAINT PAUL nEra.R�rroF rusuc worucs TO: Bruce Engeibrekt FROM: Rogar Puchreiter ` DATE: January 27, 1997 SUBJECT: Fairview North Pond Outlet �`�t -1`3 � With regard to a budget amendment for the above mentioned project, it is our understanding that the CIB committee had some concerns about the project itself. The first area of concern is whether the pond is a wetland. The Fairview North Pond is owner by Buriington Northern and is a designated wetland. We have a permit issued by the Department of Naturai Resources {pNR) for the outlet construction. The DNR has reviewed the project and authorized us to proceed. The outlet control will enhance the wetland by allowing the water level to function more naturally with wet and dry periods. Furthermore, after rainfalls, the outiet wili only drain the pond water down to the natural water level designated by the DNR. Another area of concern is hazardous waste. During the preliminary stages of the project three soi{ borings were taken. One of the soil borings indicated contaminated soil. The elevation of the contaminated soil is we14 be{ow any of the planned construction activities; therefore, contaminated soii should not be an issue with this project. As with afl our projects, if contaminated soi! is eneountered, it wiil be separated and deait with accordingly. The third concem is with spending Public Works money to apparentfy solve a private railroad probtem. The City of Saint Paul and Burlington Northem Railroad both contribute stormwater to the pond and to the serious fiooding problem that has frequently disrupted the Minnesota Transfer Raitroad operations. The Gity has identified a need for an outlet from this pond for the past 25 years. In 1 g59 Buriington Northern allowed the City to discharge stormwater from the area bounded by Prior, Minnehaha and Snelling Avenues. However, permission was granled with the pravision that either party could terminate the agreement with a 30 day notice. Later storm sewer construction increased the amount of city property draining to this pond. The outlet is described in the °Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Saint Paul" dated March 1984 (project SAP6A page 75). A portion of the outiet pipe was constructed in 1990 jointly by the Port Authority and Public Works during theconstruction of Dayton's Warehouse on Energy Park Drive. This project connects the existing pipe with the pond '+tseif (approximately 250'). The Department has spent a great deal of time negotiating with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Transfer to come up with an equatab{e agreement to construct this project. The agreement not only covered construction costs, but also easement issues for both the outlet pipe and the pond itseif. �.r� t ��� E��`� E�.`r; i.�, CiTY Presented By ., File # \ 1 — � 3 � reen Sheet � 32201 � Refer=ed To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the DepartmeM of Public Works has let bids for the construdion of a storm sewer in the BuAington Pond area (Energy Pk Or & Prior), WHEREAS, there are certain economies and efficlencies reaBZetl by ihe Ciiy under an agreement between the Ciry, BuAing[on Northem Railroad and Minnesota Commercial Railway, WHEREAS, the fwo railroads have agreed to share in ihe cost of this work in the amount of $67,000, leaving the City's share to be paid out of major sewer repair funds of $104,605, and WHEREAS, this project was originalfy approved by Council under CF 95-963 with a budget of $94,000, so �S THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upo� recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capitat fmprovemeN Butlget, as heretofore adopted and amentled by this Council is hereby further amended in tollowing particular: Cuvent AmendeB Budget Ghange Budget FINANCING PLAN Burli�gton Pontl-EOergy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Mn Commercial RR 75,000.00 15,000.00 Burlingto� Northern RR 39,OOO.W 73,000.00 52,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 40,000.00 77,000.00 �'17,0OO.OD 94,000.00 90,000.00 184,000.00 SPENDIMG PLAN Burlington Pond-Energy Pk Dr C95-2K009 Pians & Construction FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 7996 C96-2T619 Sewer Service Fund 94,000.00 90,000.00 iS4,000.00 94,000.00 90,000,00 184,000.00 1,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,SOd.40 7,831,804.40 -77,000.00 1,754,804.40 �'; � � P" F, t f; �` r . : � . . ,. : � SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs -1996 C962T619 Constrtiction 1.831,804.40 -77.WO.W 1,754.804.4Q 1,837,504.40 -7T.000.�0 1,754.8Q4.4� Budgai Director �t�t-�3t .����_�..�-�-�... . Adoption Cestified by Council Secretary BY: �—��s���'"`�-- Approver3 b Mayor: Date 2 -//4 ��'?– By : ____��� �Z � z _ Requested by pa=tment of: /j'JM/'ab Pubiic Works 1-29-97 v gy; QC6Z+��mx.�-t Form Ap ved by City ttorney y; �e�� 1 � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY: � � <���� -- Adopted by Council: Date ���'+. �a �`��� Public Works Joe Mueller - 266-6149 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �rzoi9s GREEN SHEET iNm Te - a DEPAPTMENT ��AECT�R AS'K'N 5 CIN ATfORNEY M1MBEfl FOp ❑ ROViiNG BUOGElOFFICE �� � MAYORIOA ASSIS (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS H1R $IGNANR� �3 q�l -�3 � N O. 32201 cm courva� CITY CLERK � DEPAR"fNEt�T Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1995 Capital Improvement Pro�am by adding financino and spending for the Burlington Pond from agreements with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Commercial Railways and utilizing major sewer repair funds from the Sewer Service Fund - 260. RECqMMEN�0.'RONS:qoprove (A) or R�pct (R) PLANNING COMMISSION QVIL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ DISTR(CTCqUNG1L SUPP�RTS WHICN COUNCII.O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personNirm ever wofketl u'Wer a cont2ct for tMs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has ihis personlfimi ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sftill not normally possessetl by arry curtem city employee? YES NO Expiain all yes answels on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIAT7NG PROBLEAA, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY)� The Department of Public Works has iet bids for consuucGon of a storm sewer at Energy Pk Drive and Prior, called Burlington Pond. There aze economies to be realized by the City under an ageement with the Burlington Northem and Mn Commerciai Railways to do this work. T1us resolution amends the original budget approved under Council File 95-963. The City's shaze of this work will be funded by the Sewer Service Fund - major sewer repairs. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED' The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd contract for the Burlington Pond. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED� None. DISA�VAN"fAGE$ IF NOT APPRQVED: Awazd of conh�act will be delayed until sufficient financing is in place. �"�� �3 ���1� fOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTION$ 90,000 COSTIREVENUEeU�GETEO(CIRCLEONE� YES N� FUNOING SOURGE BurlingtOn NoRhem & Sew Serv ACTVITY NUMBER C95-2K00, C96-2T619 �� FINANGqt INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Additions - $13,000 Transfers - $71,000 Interdeparhnental Memorandum CITY �F SAINT PAUL nEra.R�rroF rusuc worucs TO: Bruce Engeibrekt FROM: Rogar Puchreiter ` DATE: January 27, 1997 SUBJECT: Fairview North Pond Outlet �`�t -1`3 � With regard to a budget amendment for the above mentioned project, it is our understanding that the CIB committee had some concerns about the project itself. The first area of concern is whether the pond is a wetland. The Fairview North Pond is owner by Buriington Northern and is a designated wetland. We have a permit issued by the Department of Naturai Resources {pNR) for the outlet construction. The DNR has reviewed the project and authorized us to proceed. The outlet control will enhance the wetland by allowing the water level to function more naturally with wet and dry periods. Furthermore, after rainfalls, the outiet wili only drain the pond water down to the natural water level designated by the DNR. Another area of concern is hazardous waste. During the preliminary stages of the project three soi{ borings were taken. One of the soil borings indicated contaminated soil. The elevation of the contaminated soil is we14 be{ow any of the planned construction activities; therefore, contaminated soii should not be an issue with this project. As with afl our projects, if contaminated soi! is eneountered, it wiil be separated and deait with accordingly. The third concem is with spending Public Works money to apparentfy solve a private railroad probtem. The City of Saint Paul and Burlington Northem Railroad both contribute stormwater to the pond and to the serious fiooding problem that has frequently disrupted the Minnesota Transfer Raitroad operations. The Gity has identified a need for an outlet from this pond for the past 25 years. In 1 g59 Buriington Northern allowed the City to discharge stormwater from the area bounded by Prior, Minnehaha and Snelling Avenues. However, permission was granled with the pravision that either party could terminate the agreement with a 30 day notice. Later storm sewer construction increased the amount of city property draining to this pond. The outlet is described in the °Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Saint Paul" dated March 1984 (project SAP6A page 75). A portion of the outiet pipe was constructed in 1990 jointly by the Port Authority and Public Works during theconstruction of Dayton's Warehouse on Energy Park Drive. This project connects the existing pipe with the pond '+tseif (approximately 250'). The Department has spent a great deal of time negotiating with Burlington Northern and Minnesota Transfer to come up with an equatab{e agreement to construct this project. The agreement not only covered construction costs, but also easement issues for both the outlet pipe and the pond itseif.