97-1309Council File � 9� -1 � 0 q Green Sheet # _5'aa83 Presented By _ Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /S Committee: Date i z 3 4 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Cily Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Kurt Schroeder to serve as the City Council Ward 6 representative on the BICI'CLE ADVISORY BOARD. This is a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Requested by Department of: �Y - � � / - - - ,/�� ���' i Adopted by Council: Date "(��,.�� �j \�jq'� -� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 3 Approved by Ma Date � By: �-/ � " Form Approved by City Attorney B � /a-z7- 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: N° 52283 °t� -�aaq r� coie��s off��e io—zu-9� GREEN SHEE CON7AGT GERSON 8 PHONE INITiAVDATE WITIAVDATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR (� C�'R'COUNCII Alberto Quintela 266-8529 nss�cx �p�7YATfORNEY �cmc�ernc NUMBER FON �J MUST BE ON COUNQL AGEN�A BY (DAT� qQ��� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. OHOEH Q MqYOR (OR 0.$$ISlANT] � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE ?AGES i (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schroeder [o serve as the City Council T3ard 6 representative on the BIGYCLE ADVISORY BOARD. _ PLqNNING GOMMIS$ION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ $TAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOiiTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE'+ PERSONAL SEHVICE CON�RACTS MUS7 AP7SVfER THE FOLLOWING allEStIONS: t. Has Ynis personA�rm ever worketl un0er a cont2ct for this department? YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonlfirm ever been a city empioyea? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a SkNI not nmmally possessad by arry curreM ciry empioyaB? YES NO Explain eli yes answera on separate aheet end attach to green sheet VWBf�r� 1.^�G'�'�1.it V�IPt� OCT 2 7 3997 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEp IF NOT 'OTpL AMOUMT OF TRANSACTION UNDIHG SOURCE NANCIAL WFORHiATION:(E%PLAIN) C6STIREYENUE BLSDGETED (CIACLE ONE) VES NO ACT7VITY NUMBER q� -�3oq Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom FROM: DATE: Councilmember 3oseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton A1beRo Quintela Assistant to the Mayor October 27, 1997 RE: Bicycte Advisory Board Appointments Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment ofKurt Schroeder to serve as the Council Ward 6 representative on the Bicycle Advisory Board. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Mr. Schroeder's application and an applicant report listing Bicycle Advisory Board applicants on file since January l, 1944. Fee] free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Counci] Reseazch Greg Reese, Bicycle Advisory Board Staff GiMlCi ���i �13N` uc� �`� �sr ,_ �------..�._._ . ..�. � _.._ . - - - ��CEiVE� � OFFICE OF THE 23AypR ' � Z ` �?�,�? . - s90 cz�y xazx� . . '. J.UC 3 � -1997 . / � ✓ SAINT PAUL�_ 142N23£SOTA': `t.'55102 :.-''-:_.,_- . ' _ . _ . 266-8525__ - _.: FAX: 266-8513 ::' �7 (J1 a' � - �� xa::.e: - Kurt Schroeder � l: �/ (� -.-� • / Eome Address: �-��J� �F�lZiSG'-� �S� ('�c-� ,�s //CI' ��` �' � Stzeet Telepaone tiu�ber: (Eoae) P1zrL*iing pistrict Council: . j Preferred Hailing Address: Rhat is youx occupation? � P1ace�of Eaplopsent:�_'�j Co�ittee(s) �pplied For: Citp Citp Covncil � � . S� r��UT. :`J 7-� c c4,y� khat skills/training or esnerience do Sou possess for the conmittee(s) for vnich yoc seek appoint�ent? _,_, � � F C� he infor,�ation included in this application is considered private data acco=ding to the lTT esota Goveiment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not relezsed to he general pu'61ic. ' (OP'LTt) n Rev.��?1/93 pExsoNAL xEFY�.ExcES , Name: Address: � r . . ' Phone • -(Home) fS7ozk) �' / � ' �i ��J Rame :� � l v"1 L"�tXl Y' b 1� Address � -.d.. / L�w� ' <<� w � v r-� / i Phone _ (Home) � Z � ��/ �� CAork) `- `� / � �S fi Z. Naiae Add=ess iaone Reasons £or your interest in tnis particular coamittee: { r r'/�161 Gl �r �L.� �Z'a �3Q�C_ G' l��Ct�� � ,[�� , � �Y � I l i,V� ! a �� Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for chich you are �king application. If so, chen, and circu�stances7 S i In an attempt to ensure t'at committee =epresentation reflects the ,a�keup of oi:r coasunitp, please check the 2ine apg2icable to you. This inforraation is strictly volsantarp. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic $Iack (Afzican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Tsl�nder lLnezican Tndian or Alaskaa Eskimo L'�a1e !� Femaie Date of $irth: � ��� / Disabled: Yes __ No If special acco�aodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou heaz about this openingT `'('i� �vC�'�-J� 5 Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-551? w) 34$-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hil1, 551�2 hj 227-4351 Tim and Relli Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h] 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER D1J01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COF4IENTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER C0t�46ZTTEES SERVING ONy ---------------------------------�- ----' -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003166 Butler, Peter R. 3 15 OS/20/96 W M 214� Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT 003295 Clausen, Allen C. 214 Frank Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3647 Traffice Mtce. Worker John Maczko 751 Cheyenne Lane Mendota Hgta, M23 55120 h) 454-5961 w) 487-7206 Tim Baker 1426 Hague Avenue, 55104 h) 641-7593 Russell Bludorn 1971 Nortonia Avenue, 55119 h) 735-7561 w) 489-6338 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Aolly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-Q083 Attorney PAGE 1 04/23/97 I3A 1 8 65A 06J04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tasc Board Planning Commiseion George Lati.mer Hamline University School of Law 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT �t.�-IaO�( COMHITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APYLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COM61ENT5 WARIf PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN ➢IS � DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVING ONj -°-'------------------------------ --° -------- -------- --°°-- °- --- --- 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Rellogg Blvd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Aall 15 Kellogg Blvd., W., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Psogram David McDonell 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St., 55102 h) 670°1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver Grove Aeights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-4445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-8055 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 e 03j27/95 W M Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, $1 St. Pau1, MN 55104 H) 647-5253 Peter Pascale 203� Yorkshire St. Paul, HN 55116 H) 69D-9924 John Copens 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board `� �� FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REPERENCE CO2�4SENTS WARD PLANRZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) �-°.--°----�-------°------------ ---- -------- °°---- -------- --- --- --- 1600 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-fi00� 003326 Schroeder, Kurt Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Work - 296-8593 Hydrologist 6 2 07J31J97 U M Neal Wileon 1409 Juliet Avenue w) 296-8595 Tim Thurnblad 1278 Norway Point, �7 Eagan, MN 55123 h) 452-5615 w) 296-8582 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 5511? Home - 778-8807 Televiaion Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 wJ 688-4100 George Rinkead 21b2 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 785-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heighta, MN h) 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 699-4403 Sudqe 3 15 03J26/97 W M OSf17/96 W F 09'-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT Q a� - ��o � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AF2ER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMML+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER COMMS2TEE5 SERVZNG ON) --------------°------------------- ---- �°----- -------_ __------ -- --- --- Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0965 w) 348-2043 Sudy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 Rev. Paul Tidemann St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church 100 N. Oxford, 55104 h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371 Council File � 9� -1 � 0 q Green Sheet # _5'aa83 Presented By _ Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /S Committee: Date i z 3 4 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Cily Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Kurt Schroeder to serve as the City Council Ward 6 representative on the BICI'CLE ADVISORY BOARD. This is a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Requested by Department of: �Y - � � / - - - ,/�� ���' i Adopted by Council: Date "(��,.�� �j \�jq'� -� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 3 Approved by Ma Date � By: �-/ � " Form Approved by City Attorney B � /a-z7- 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: N° 52283 °t� -�aaq r� coie��s off��e io—zu-9� GREEN SHEE CON7AGT GERSON 8 PHONE INITiAVDATE WITIAVDATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR (� C�'R'COUNCII Alberto Quintela 266-8529 nss�cx �p�7YATfORNEY �cmc�ernc NUMBER FON �J MUST BE ON COUNQL AGEN�A BY (DAT� qQ��� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. OHOEH Q MqYOR (OR 0.$$ISlANT] � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE ?AGES i (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schroeder [o serve as the City Council T3ard 6 representative on the BIGYCLE ADVISORY BOARD. _ PLqNNING GOMMIS$ION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ $TAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOiiTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE'+ PERSONAL SEHVICE CON�RACTS MUS7 AP7SVfER THE FOLLOWING allEStIONS: t. Has Ynis personA�rm ever worketl un0er a cont2ct for this department? YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonlfirm ever been a city empioyea? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a SkNI not nmmally possessad by arry curreM ciry empioyaB? YES NO Explain eli yes answera on separate aheet end attach to green sheet VWBf�r� 1.^�G'�'�1.it V�IPt� OCT 2 7 3997 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEp IF NOT 'OTpL AMOUMT OF TRANSACTION UNDIHG SOURCE NANCIAL WFORHiATION:(E%PLAIN) C6STIREYENUE BLSDGETED (CIACLE ONE) VES NO ACT7VITY NUMBER q� -�3oq Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom FROM: DATE: Councilmember 3oseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton A1beRo Quintela Assistant to the Mayor October 27, 1997 RE: Bicycte Advisory Board Appointments Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment ofKurt Schroeder to serve as the Council Ward 6 representative on the Bicycle Advisory Board. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Mr. Schroeder's application and an applicant report listing Bicycle Advisory Board applicants on file since January l, 1944. Fee] free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Counci] Reseazch Greg Reese, Bicycle Advisory Board Staff GiMlCi ���i �13N` uc� �`� �sr ,_ �------..�._._ . ..�. � _.._ . - - - ��CEiVE� � OFFICE OF THE 23AypR ' � Z ` �?�,�? . - s90 cz�y xazx� . . '. J.UC 3 � -1997 . / � ✓ SAINT PAUL�_ 142N23£SOTA': `t.'55102 :.-''-:_.,_- . ' _ . _ . 266-8525__ - _.: FAX: 266-8513 ::' �7 (J1 a' � - �� xa::.e: - Kurt Schroeder � l: �/ (� -.-� • / Eome Address: �-��J� �F�lZiSG'-� �S� ('�c-� ,�s //CI' ��` �' � Stzeet Telepaone tiu�ber: (Eoae) P1zrL*iing pistrict Council: . j Preferred Hailing Address: Rhat is youx occupation? � P1ace�of Eaplopsent:�_'�j Co�ittee(s) �pplied For: Citp Citp Covncil � � . S� r��UT. :`J 7-� c c4,y� khat skills/training or esnerience do Sou possess for the conmittee(s) for vnich yoc seek appoint�ent? _,_, � � F C� he infor,�ation included in this application is considered private data acco=ding to the lTT esota Goveiment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not relezsed to he general pu'61ic. ' (OP'LTt) n Rev.��?1/93 pExsoNAL xEFY�.ExcES , Name: Address: � r . . ' Phone • -(Home) fS7ozk) �' / � ' �i ��J Rame :� � l v"1 L"�tXl Y' b 1� Address � -.d.. / L�w� ' <<� w � v r-� / i Phone _ (Home) � Z � ��/ �� CAork) `- `� / � �S fi Z. Naiae Add=ess iaone Reasons £or your interest in tnis particular coamittee: { r r'/�161 Gl �r �L.� �Z'a �3Q�C_ G' l��Ct�� � ,[�� , � �Y � I l i,V� ! a �� Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for chich you are �king application. If so, chen, and circu�stances7 S i In an attempt to ensure t'at committee =epresentation reflects the ,a�keup of oi:r coasunitp, please check the 2ine apg2icable to you. This inforraation is strictly volsantarp. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic $Iack (Afzican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Tsl�nder lLnezican Tndian or Alaskaa Eskimo L'�a1e !� Femaie Date of $irth: � ��� / Disabled: Yes __ No If special acco�aodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou heaz about this openingT `'('i� �vC�'�-J� 5 Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-551? w) 34$-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hil1, 551�2 hj 227-4351 Tim and Relli Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h] 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER D1J01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COF4IENTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER C0t�46ZTTEES SERVING ONy ---------------------------------�- ----' -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003166 Butler, Peter R. 3 15 OS/20/96 W M 214� Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT 003295 Clausen, Allen C. 214 Frank Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3647 Traffice Mtce. Worker John Maczko 751 Cheyenne Lane Mendota Hgta, M23 55120 h) 454-5961 w) 487-7206 Tim Baker 1426 Hague Avenue, 55104 h) 641-7593 Russell Bludorn 1971 Nortonia Avenue, 55119 h) 735-7561 w) 489-6338 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Aolly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-Q083 Attorney PAGE 1 04/23/97 I3A 1 8 65A 06J04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tasc Board Planning Commiseion George Lati.mer Hamline University School of Law 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT �t.�-IaO�( COMHITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APYLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COM61ENT5 WARIf PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN ➢IS � DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVING ONj -°-'------------------------------ --° -------- -------- --°°-- °- --- --- 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Rellogg Blvd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Aall 15 Kellogg Blvd., W., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Psogram David McDonell 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St., 55102 h) 670°1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver Grove Aeights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-4445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-8055 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 e 03j27/95 W M Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, $1 St. Pau1, MN 55104 H) 647-5253 Peter Pascale 203� Yorkshire St. Paul, HN 55116 H) 69D-9924 John Copens 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board `� �� FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REPERENCE CO2�4SENTS WARD PLANRZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) �-°.--°----�-------°------------ ---- -------- °°---- -------- --- --- --- 1600 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-fi00� 003326 Schroeder, Kurt Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Work - 296-8593 Hydrologist 6 2 07J31J97 U M Neal Wileon 1409 Juliet Avenue w) 296-8595 Tim Thurnblad 1278 Norway Point, �7 Eagan, MN 55123 h) 452-5615 w) 296-8582 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 5511? Home - 778-8807 Televiaion Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 wJ 688-4100 George Rinkead 21b2 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 785-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heighta, MN h) 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 699-4403 Sudqe 3 15 03J26/97 W M OSf17/96 W F 09'-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT Q a� - ��o � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AF2ER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMML+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER COMMS2TEE5 SERVZNG ON) --------------°------------------- ---- �°----- -------_ __------ -- --- --- Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0965 w) 348-2043 Sudy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 Rev. Paul Tidemann St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church 100 N. Oxford, 55104 h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371 Council File � 9� -1 � 0 q Green Sheet # _5'aa83 Presented By _ Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /S Committee: Date i z 3 4 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Cily Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Kurt Schroeder to serve as the City Council Ward 6 representative on the BICI'CLE ADVISORY BOARD. This is a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Requested by Department of: �Y - � � / - - - ,/�� ���' i Adopted by Council: Date "(��,.�� �j \�jq'� -� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 3 Approved by Ma Date � By: �-/ � " Form Approved by City Attorney B � /a-z7- 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: N° 52283 °t� -�aaq r� coie��s off��e io—zu-9� GREEN SHEE CON7AGT GERSON 8 PHONE INITiAVDATE WITIAVDATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR (� C�'R'COUNCII Alberto Quintela 266-8529 nss�cx �p�7YATfORNEY �cmc�ernc NUMBER FON �J MUST BE ON COUNQL AGEN�A BY (DAT� qQ��� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. OHOEH Q MqYOR (OR 0.$$ISlANT] � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE ?AGES i (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schroeder [o serve as the City Council T3ard 6 representative on the BIGYCLE ADVISORY BOARD. _ PLqNNING GOMMIS$ION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ $TAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOiiTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE'+ PERSONAL SEHVICE CON�RACTS MUS7 AP7SVfER THE FOLLOWING allEStIONS: t. Has Ynis personA�rm ever worketl un0er a cont2ct for this department? YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonlfirm ever been a city empioyea? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a SkNI not nmmally possessad by arry curreM ciry empioyaB? YES NO Explain eli yes answera on separate aheet end attach to green sheet VWBf�r� 1.^�G'�'�1.it V�IPt� OCT 2 7 3997 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEp IF NOT 'OTpL AMOUMT OF TRANSACTION UNDIHG SOURCE NANCIAL WFORHiATION:(E%PLAIN) C6STIREYENUE BLSDGETED (CIACLE ONE) VES NO ACT7VITY NUMBER q� -�3oq Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom FROM: DATE: Councilmember 3oseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton A1beRo Quintela Assistant to the Mayor October 27, 1997 RE: Bicycte Advisory Board Appointments Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment ofKurt Schroeder to serve as the Council Ward 6 representative on the Bicycle Advisory Board. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Mr. Schroeder's application and an applicant report listing Bicycle Advisory Board applicants on file since January l, 1944. Fee] free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Counci] Reseazch Greg Reese, Bicycle Advisory Board Staff GiMlCi ���i �13N` uc� �`� �sr ,_ �------..�._._ . ..�. � _.._ . - - - ��CEiVE� � OFFICE OF THE 23AypR ' � Z ` �?�,�? . - s90 cz�y xazx� . . '. J.UC 3 � -1997 . / � ✓ SAINT PAUL�_ 142N23£SOTA': `t.'55102 :.-''-:_.,_- . ' _ . _ . 266-8525__ - _.: FAX: 266-8513 ::' �7 (J1 a' � - �� xa::.e: - Kurt Schroeder � l: �/ (� -.-� • / Eome Address: �-��J� �F�lZiSG'-� �S� ('�c-� ,�s //CI' ��` �' � Stzeet Telepaone tiu�ber: (Eoae) P1zrL*iing pistrict Council: . j Preferred Hailing Address: Rhat is youx occupation? � P1ace�of Eaplopsent:�_'�j Co�ittee(s) �pplied For: Citp Citp Covncil � � . S� r��UT. :`J 7-� c c4,y� khat skills/training or esnerience do Sou possess for the conmittee(s) for vnich yoc seek appoint�ent? _,_, � � F C� he infor,�ation included in this application is considered private data acco=ding to the lTT esota Goveiment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not relezsed to he general pu'61ic. ' (OP'LTt) n Rev.��?1/93 pExsoNAL xEFY�.ExcES , Name: Address: � r . . ' Phone • -(Home) fS7ozk) �' / � ' �i ��J Rame :� � l v"1 L"�tXl Y' b 1� Address � -.d.. / L�w� ' <<� w � v r-� / i Phone _ (Home) � Z � ��/ �� CAork) `- `� / � �S fi Z. Naiae Add=ess iaone Reasons £or your interest in tnis particular coamittee: { r r'/�161 Gl �r �L.� �Z'a �3Q�C_ G' l��Ct�� � ,[�� , � �Y � I l i,V� ! a �� Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for chich you are �king application. If so, chen, and circu�stances7 S i In an attempt to ensure t'at committee =epresentation reflects the ,a�keup of oi:r coasunitp, please check the 2ine apg2icable to you. This inforraation is strictly volsantarp. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic $Iack (Afzican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Tsl�nder lLnezican Tndian or Alaskaa Eskimo L'�a1e !� Femaie Date of $irth: � ��� / Disabled: Yes __ No If special acco�aodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou heaz about this openingT `'('i� �vC�'�-J� 5 Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-551? w) 34$-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hil1, 551�2 hj 227-4351 Tim and Relli Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h] 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER D1J01/94 APPLICA23T / REFERENCE COF4IENTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER C0t�46ZTTEES SERVING ONy ---------------------------------�- ----' -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003166 Butler, Peter R. 3 15 OS/20/96 W M 214� Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT 003295 Clausen, Allen C. 214 Frank Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3647 Traffice Mtce. Worker John Maczko 751 Cheyenne Lane Mendota Hgta, M23 55120 h) 454-5961 w) 487-7206 Tim Baker 1426 Hague Avenue, 55104 h) 641-7593 Russell Bludorn 1971 Nortonia Avenue, 55119 h) 735-7561 w) 489-6338 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Aolly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-Q083 Attorney PAGE 1 04/23/97 I3A 1 8 65A 06J04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tasc Board Planning Commiseion George Lati.mer Hamline University School of Law 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT �t.�-IaO�( COMHITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APYLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COM61ENT5 WARIf PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN ➢IS � DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVING ONj -°-'------------------------------ --° -------- -------- --°°-- °- --- --- 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Rellogg Blvd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Aall 15 Kellogg Blvd., W., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Psogram David McDonell 1100 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St., 55102 h) 670°1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver Grove Aeights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-4445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-8055 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 e 03j27/95 W M Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, $1 St. Pau1, MN 55104 H) 647-5253 Peter Pascale 203� Yorkshire St. Paul, HN 55116 H) 69D-9924 John Copens 09-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board `� �� FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REPERENCE CO2�4SENTS WARD PLANRZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) �-°.--°----�-------°------------ ---- -------- °°---- -------- --- --- --- 1600 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-fi00� 003326 Schroeder, Kurt Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Work - 296-8593 Hydrologist 6 2 07J31J97 U M Neal Wileon 1409 Juliet Avenue w) 296-8595 Tim Thurnblad 1278 Norway Point, �7 Eagan, MN 55123 h) 452-5615 w) 296-8582 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 5511? Home - 778-8807 Televiaion Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 wJ 688-4100 George Rinkead 21b2 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 785-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heighta, MN h) 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 699-4403 Sudqe 3 15 03J26/97 W M OSf17/96 W F 09'-18-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT Q a� - ��o � COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AF2ER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMML+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER COMMS2TEE5 SERVZNG ON) --------------°------------------- ---- �°----- -------_ __------ -- --- --- Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0965 w) 348-2043 Sudy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 Rev. Paul Tidemann St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church 100 N. Oxford, 55104 h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371