97-1302Cpuncil File # Q�_ 13O •'�.
Green Sheet # �0� � �
Presented By
Referred To
2 VJI�REAS, Brigitte Bachmeier, made application to the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning
3 Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code
4 for property located at 459 Portland Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as
5 Property Identification Number 012823240260 and Property Identification Number
6 012823240261;and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the applicafion was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code to ailow parking within a required side yazd; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on Apri121, 1997,
after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Board of Zoning Appeals, by
its Resolution 97-061, adopted May 5, 1997, granting the variance application based upon the
following findings and conclusions:
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant
to a permit issued by the Public Works Department. The applicant also
received approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission for the
driveway. For some reason, the applicant was not directed to consult with
Zoning. The driveway is paued and has stone curbs as required for
historical confornury. The pazking available in this driveway, as we11 as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-
family dwelling.
25 2. The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except
26 Zoning. There were several times during the various approval
27 processes where the appiicant should have been directed to Zoning.
28 The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with
Heritage Preservation guidelines is an keeping with the spirit and
intent of the code.
The surrounding property owners have been norified of the
applicant's desire to convert the building to a triplex and have had
an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking in
question. The only comments received from the neighborhood
have been that the e�sting pazking should remain and that
additional pazking be provided. Since the driveway meets Heritage
Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the sunounding area.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning
classificarion of the property.
The request for variance is not based prunarily on a desire to
increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land.
9`l -�30�.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, William
and Kathryn Babcock, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by
the Board of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the
purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and
WI�EREAS, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205 through 64.208, and
upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Pau1 City
Council on August 25, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard;
VJfIEREA5, the Council, hauing heard the statements made, and hauing considered the
variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolu6on of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, does hereby
IZESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of
the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter based upon the following fmdings of the Council:
Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this
matter, the Council finds no enor as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the
Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
adopts and incorporates as its own the findings of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals as
set forth above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, based upon the above findings, that the appeai of
William and Kathryn Babcock be and is hereby denied; and
°l°'t -13 oa.
2 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolufion to
3 VJilliam and Kathryn Babcock, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, the Plazming Commission and the
4 Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
Requested by Department o£:
Form Approved by City Attorney
BY: ��d/l��-. /�-1?-�'i7
Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Cossncil
Adopted by Council: Date �__ �_ �{_9'1
Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy
x�oy nna��n
October 29�1997 Consent
Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 27, 1997 denying ihe appeal of William and Kathryn Babcock to a decision
of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting a variance to allow parldng within a required side yazd to continue at 459
Portland Avenue.
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swxaa.amvr.�sm� ❑ rtuxw�s�c.a�cero
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Hes mis aersoMrm ever wnAced under a canVact for fhic departmeM't
.Flas this P��m ever been a d7Y empbyce?
Doestt�is Pe�n�T�m D� e sldU twt namalNP�eessetl bY �Y cwrent ci�l emPbYee?
Is mia pcvsoNfiim a ta.yetea venda� �
�I� -i3oa.
No sa74a
rega�rk c;ryanomey l l � `�C�-
Norm Colem�m, Mayo>
Civil Divisiorz
400 Ciry HaZl
I S FPest Kellogg BZvd.
Saim Paul, M'uuresota 55702
Tekphoree: 67Z 266-8710
Facsimile: 612 298-5619
October 20, 1997
Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal of William and Katku•yi1 Babcock of Board of Zoning Appeals File 47-137
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Enclosed please find a signed resolution moralizing the decision of the City Council in the
above-entitled matter. Tlus matter should be piaced on the City Council Consent Agenda at your
earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
� G,/����
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
cc: John Hardwick, LIEP
�"��.yw ..�vv--._: �.:.., .
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`�t'1- t 3 n a..
TO: lir. 3ohn Hardt�rick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
From: Rilliam A. fi Aathrpa K. BaY�cock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222�4636
Re: June 24 1997, St. Paul City Council Appeal of Board
of Zoning Appeals decision granting a variance to
allow parking within a required side yard
Date: Sune 10, 1997
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
Jerry McInerny has informed me that it will be possible to'
change the date of this appeal to August 27, 1997. He asked
me to contact you in writing to make this change. Thank you
for your help.
Sincerely, -
� �.
Norm Colemars, Mayor
May 27,1997
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
�xv[R°N'�rr Nan Anderson
Ro6ers Kuskr, l City CounCil Rese3tCh OffiCe
Room 310 City Hall 9.� _ ��p �
IAARY PRO£ESS{ONAL Tekphone: 6t2-266-4090
BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9094
S'dte.?00 672-2669124
350 St. Paer Street
Saint Pnu[, Minnuota SSIO2-I510
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
June 11, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision:
File Number:
I,egal Description:
Ptevious Aetion:
William & Kathryn Babcock
Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting a
variance in order to allow puking within a required side yazd
to continue.
459 Portland Ave
PIN's 012823240260 & 012823240261
Distriet 8 took no position on this matter
Staff recommended approval.
Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Granted the request on a vote
of 5-2.
My un rstanding is that this public hearing tequest will appear on the agenda for the
3une , 1997 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint
Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any questions.
S c rely,
hn Hazdwick -
oning Technician
cc: Council Member Blakey
xarr� oF ru s Lica Enxsrc -
�; The Saipt Paut City Cauncff�will conducY a public hearuig ea Wedsesilap.
Jvne�25, 1997 (rescheduled from June 11J aG4:30�p.m. in fhe City`�ovne�7
Chambers, Thivd k7oor City Hall-COUrt House, to consider the appeal nf W3fliam�&
.Kathryn Babcock to a decisioa o£ theBoazd of Zoning Appeals granUnga-varianse
Eo allow pazking within a required side yard to continue at 459 Portland,Aveaue-
Dated: May 29, 199? - - - � - �. � . � '
PtANCY fiNDERSON � . . - "., - . - . - - � , -
AssisZant C3ty Gouncii Secretary . , " � -
- _ _ -t.�ne 7,:1987r . - _- _� � �
Department of Planning and Econo»ric Development
Zoning Section
II00 City Hall Anne�c
25 West Founh Street
Saint Paul, MIV SSIO2
Name W<<l�am ari.� {.(�-t'Krvr,n �-z-lo.ti-(C
Address ' t�oRTURl�P s�ve
City S�. St.M� Zip ss�oz Daytime phone
Zoning File
�'�qa-oc.�t��fsq t'�c�i'land
Address(Location �I�q �og.r�.flNS Av� i S� • aAv� Y�l �f
TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to the:
(�Board ofi Zoning Appeais ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section Z� S, Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to
appeal a decision made by the
o� Maw S ��1q 1
(date of d isio )
File number:__ _ �_►�� I
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feei there has been an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
See q
4u8� V�tI�;;Cc
Attach additional sheef if necessary)
. pt:
ApplicanYs signature /. %��:��`*' Date �J�Z�/��Cify agent
William A. & Itathrpn h!
453 Portiand Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4636
May 22, 1937
Mr. John Hardwick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 5aint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry-Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
This appiication is to appeal the decision
Zoning Appeals to qrant a variance for 459
to allow a parked car in the side yard.
of the Board of
Portland Avenue
We feel that the BZA, in granting this variance, has over-
looked the apparent illegality of the driveway itself. The
first request in 1988 for a"curb cut" was denied by the
£ull HPC (one abstention). Donald Bachmeier never appealed
this decision to the City Council.
When the "Certificate of Approval for Minor F7ork" was issued
a year later (according to HPC records?, circumstances at
459 Portland Avenue were not significantly different than
they were in 1988. Overlooking a variance in I989 meant
that there was no public meeting held to discuss this
alteration to the district -- an alteration that the full
HPC had found significant when it denied this curb cut in
It is nat an unreasonable interpretation to say Ehat the
driveway does require HPC approval. The staff report in
1988 illustrates that HPC approval is necessary because it
is a materiai change to a historic district. A curb cut re-
quires a permit from public works and thus from HPC.
Further, the May 5 1997 decision of the BZA does not address
the negative impact on the neighboring property at 453 Port-
2and Avenue. This includes, water runoff, plowed snow, ex-
haust, noise, and the close proximity of parked cars to the
neighbor's house.
°I� -1� o �--•
May 21, 1997
As the driveway must also function as the only access for
the third floor owners (who are forced to squeeze between
the parked cars and the side o£ the house) cars are being
parked oloser to the property line than before.
Brigitte Bachmeier has told us that her car will be the only
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has o£fered to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small fence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta}. No
details of this were discussed, as such alterations would
not significantly change the situation.
Foliowing the recent conversion of the third floor into a
condominium, there is a plan by the third-floor owners to
add parking in the back yard. The owner o£ the third-£loor
condo, Nei1 Lagos, has informed us that he has offered to
provide a parking space to Mrs. Bachmeier when he adds back-
yard parking. This seems to be a prudent and feasible
alternative which wili be in keeping with the Historic Dis-
trict guidelines and the vote of the fuil HPC in 1988.
Additionally, an enlargement to the qarage door on Mrs.
Bachmeier's existing garage wauid allow easier access for
two cars, in a structure that already houses two
We request that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
oni until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(sometime next year, or prior to the sale of her house,
whichever comes first). Locating all the parking for the
459 structure in the backyard seems a prudent and feasible
alternative, which will be in keeping with historic distriat
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
G'!/ ��us�� � �CJ l�� �������
Recised copy - May 20, 1997
To whom it may concern,
The following is in effort to clarify our position regarding the e�sring driveway Iocated
at 459 Pordand Ace., St. Paul, M1V.
First, we �could like to say that we fully support Brigitta Bachmeie�'s desire to add a third
unit to our building. If this reqnires adding additional allep access parking we would not be
Second, in regards to the esisting street access drive�uay, it is our position that although
cce �uouid rather not have ic, it was in e�istence when we purchased our unit Our primarp
concern is that we ha�e adequate access, especiallp in the winter, to and from our unit
entrance located at the side of rhe house.
T'hird, Re �vould Iike to clarify our position regarding a possible brick driceway. In
preti concersions we have espressed a desire to convert this driveway into a brick
a�all� or patio, but not a brick dri�ecvay.
F'inally; we �vould like to state that we are friends and neighbors to both the Bachmeier's
and the Babcack's and we would like to remain neutral in regards to this issue. However, as
previously mentioned, we are concerned �vith the access to and from our unit er.u�ance. If
the conversion of the street entrance dricewap to a wall�-way or patio is not to be under
taken then a separare �=ralkcvay will need to be added to ensure that we have adequate access
Sincere[y, ` �
%/ ` /p1 / �, ✓�
Neal Lagos �nd Susan Hilt
(Homeowners, �t�A. Dorsey Condominiums - 457/459 Port]and Ave.)
cc: BrigitLa Bachmeier, Biii and Iiathryn Babcock, I.ou Sadheimer
PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. Alton, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and Wilson of the
Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and
Ms. Synstegaazd of the Office of License, Inspecfion, and Environmental Protection.
The meeting was chaired by 3oyce Maddox, Chair.
BRIGIT"1'E BACHMEIER (#97-061) - 459 PORTLAND AVENLTE: A variance to allow pazking within a
required side yard.
The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing.
Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation £or approval.
Several letters were received in support regazding the variance request. One letter was submitted in
Brigitte Bachmeier, 459 Portland-Avenoe, stated that her neighbor phoned her last night stating that she is
not happy with the driveway next to her home. She stated that if she continued the driveway into a garage it
would take away more green space. Her driveway was already existing when her neighbor bought her home.
Mr. Alton asked if the driveway in question ever went into a gazage in the back yazd. Ms. Baci�meier reQlied
Lou Sudheimer, 439 Portland Avenue, Acting Consultant for Ms. Bachmeier, stated that at the last public
hearing a suggestion was made encowaging Ms. Bachmeier to extend the driveway back into the gazage
which would have made it easier for the Board to approve.
Kafluyn Babcock, 453 Portland Avenue, passed azound current pichues of the site to the Boazd. She stated
that her properry abuts the applicant's. She read a letter to the Boazd that she submitted in opposition stating
that they are offering to pay one-half of the cost of dismanding, removal, necessary curb repair and reseeding.
She stated that her main concem is the safety of her young child and the envuonmentai effects on her home
and the historic neighborhood. She stated that the driveway is only a few feet &om her home and sits on the
properry line between the homes. Her daughter's playroom and beclroom abut the driveway and carbon
monoxide fumes fiiter into their home. The close proximity of the driveway poses a safety problem should
their daughter venture onto the adjouung property. Water drains from the driveway into their yard and
basement and no landscaping hides the view of parked cazs and asphalt. It is a detriment to the visual quality
of the district. The driveway violates the HPC Guidelines as was noted in 1988 when the case was fust
heard. The full HPC Boazd denied this case in 1988 and one yeaz later it was granted by staff only and not
File #97-061
Page Two
revie�ved by the full HPC Boazd. Parking is an issue but an additionai garage is being planned for the back
yazd which will legally meet the need for off-street pazldng. She cited secrions in the Legislative Code wlrich
state that the driveway violaYes the design guidelines for their district. She also cited a section from the
Minnesota Environmental Rights Act. She stated she wonld leke to work something out with Ms. Bachmeier
that can be beneficiat for both of them.
Mr. Wilson asked Ms. Bachmeier if the driveway was in existence prior to 1984? Ms. Bachmeier replied no,
the driveway was constructed in 1989.
Mr. Sudheimer stated that the historic curb cut was originatly from across the street even though that block
also has an alIey that serves it. He stated that there aze historical precedence for ttus. The new condowinium
owner and Ms. Bachmeier have been discussing improving the appearance of the driveway with brick
Perhaps Ms. Babcock's offer to split costs might be helpful in resolving to beauti£y the driveway although it
would still be a&ont yazd pazking area.
Mr. Alton asked what the Babcock's side yazd setback is. Mr. Sadheimer stated he be&eves iY is 8 to 10 feet
Mr. Bachmeier stated that the condominium owner has been remodeling the unit and lately many deliveries
have been made along with a dumpster that is curtently in the driveway.
Mr. Sudheimer stated fhat when the Babcock's chose to buy their home this driveway was already in daily
Ms. Maddox asked Mr. Aardwick what the HPC's current decision was on the driveway. Mr. Hazdwick
stated he spoke with the HPC staff person and the"u understanding is that since the HPC approved the matter
back in 2989 there is no recourse for staff or the HPC to review the matter. In 1989 there were different
policies regazding the consideration of minor and major changes. In 1989 this driveway was oonsidered a
minor request
Ms. Bogen pointed out that the HPC approved the driveway buY iL dcesn't say that they approved parking in
ihat driveway. Mr. Hardwick replied that the HPC dcesn't have the authority to approve parking.
Mr. Alton stated that the applicant obtained a permit from PubIic Works, approval &om HPC sta� consent
of fhe neighbor and the driveway plan was not leading to a gazage. In this cucumstance the driveway wasn't
going anywhere so the only logical reason was the use for parking.
Ms. Bogen quesrioned the legality of the driveway regazding the water runoff onto the Babcock's property.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that there aze regulations in the State Building Code about changing the grade for
construction purposes. A building permit isn't required for a driveway and a grading pemut is issued only if
the grade will change inore than 6 inches so a gading permit was not required. However, there is a section in
the building code requirements that states that a grade may not be changed to direct flow onto adjoining
property. EIe stated that he assumes that the grade of the driveway was not changed.
°l � -�� n �---
File #97-061
Page Three
Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Hazdwick if he had spoke to Ms. Babcock. Mr. Hudwick replied that he spoke with
Ms. Babcock for the f�st time today and he encouraged her to speak with Ms. Bachmeier to fiarther discuss
some possible compromises. He stated that the applicant and Ms. Babcock haven't had an oppomuuty to
discuss this thoroughly.
Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mr. Donohue moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6. Mr. Alton
seconded the motion
Mr. Wilson added a friendly amendment to the motion that the neighbors continue the'u discussion to
resolving the issues.
Mr. Donohue stated that possibly continuing the matter may be an option to allow the neighbors to come to
an agregment.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has received no indication that the parties would like to continue the matter.
Mr. Tully amended the motion to add a condition that the applicant take caze of the slope of the driveway so
that water runoff dcesn't occur and obscwe the driveway under the HPC Guidelines.
Mr. Donohue stated he accepts Mr. Tully's friendly amendment.
Mr. Alton stated that although shrubs cou]d be put in, the fact remains thai the driveway gces right up to the
properiy line.
Mr. Wamer stated that there are conditions that aze being proposed for the friendly amendment to initiate
negotiations to elaninate the alleged drainage problem. The neighbor is free to bring whatever acfion they
might choose against the applicant conceming that. There aze a host of legal theories they can groceed on.
Although that is a reasonable condition to place on the motion, the problem is how you aze going to structure
it? You are asldng them to resolve a drainage problem but you need to be precise regarding the time structure
in resolving that. In respect to landscaping, that is also an acceptable condition but he stated he is not
familiaz with the regutations regarding site planing, etc.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that Mt. Alton made a good point in that the neighbor hasn't voiced any wiliingness to
accept the resolution of this matter through compromise. He stated that the he had merely made those
suggestions to Ms. Babcock and he hasn't had a chance to discuss those issues with Ms. Bachmeier. If the
Boazd wants to put landscaping as a condition upon the apgroval of the variance, since the driveway is paved
right up to the properiy line, the landscaping would have to be on the neighboring property. If the Board adds
landscaping as a condition and Ms. Babcock dcesn't agree to it that would put Ms. Bachmeier in a
predicament. Regazding the �vater runoff, he stated that he dcesn't have any first-hand lmowledge that the
drainage problem was caused by the insfallation of the driveway. As Mr. Warner pointed out, there is legal
recourse for Ms. Babcock regazding this issue.
File #97-061
Page Fow
The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 to 4(Tully, Bogen, Wilson, Maddox).
Mr. Wilson questioned the ocvnership of the curb rutming along side of the driveway. He asked if it is part of
the historic curb cut that was put in from across the street? Mr. Hazdwick stated he assumes that
Ms. Bachmeier owns the curb.
Mr. WiIson stated that believing the curbing came from across the street and was installed at the Bachmeier's
request, he moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6 subject to the
condidon that the curbing ba eYtended the length of the driveway to prevent any runoff onto the neighboring
property. Mr. Alton seconded the motion.
Mr. Alton stated that extending the curbing may alleviate the concern of chiidren playing in the area and pose
as a barrier. Mr. Alton asked if any pazking would have to occur beyond the &ont of the building because t}us
is a side yard setback request. Mr. Hazdwick replied yes, this heazing is for parldng in a required side yard
�vhich differs from pazt:ing in a required front yard.
Mr. Tully asked if that will satisfy the parking requirements for the triplex? Mr. Aazdwick replied that in
granting the variances to aIlow a triplex the BZA requ'ued a condition that additional off-street pazking be
provided in the back yazd. This could be a garage or a pazldng pad.
Mr. Wamer stated it is appropriate to take into consideration the impact in granting a variance would have on
adjoining properly owners. The testimoiry heazd today was from the neighboring properiy owner who said
that she has drainage problems. As Mr. Hard�rick pointed out, there is no hazd lrnowledge thaY there is a
drainage probtem. That is not to diminish what the neighbor said, staff just found oat aboat her ooncem on
very short notice so there was no way for staff to investigate that. Staff dcesn't Imow if attaching a condition
to the variance that a new curb be aligned to eliminate the drainage problem will solve the alleged problem.
Possibty regrading will eliminate it but the difficulty lies in being assured that there is a factual basis for
making that condifion and lmowing that condition will solve the anderlying drainage problem He staYe@ that
he dcesn't believe staff and the Boazd have enouglt informarion to do that. The adjoining property owner has
a separate legal remedy available at their disposal to remedy the drainage problem if it indced exists. ff the
idea of the curb is to provide a safety buffer, that wotild be an appropriate consideraUon but to not limit it to
solving an alleged drainage problem.
Mr. Wilson withdrew his motion.
Ms. Bogen moved to deny the variance based on findings 1, 3 and 4. She stated that Finding #1 should be
changed to say that the property can be put to a reasonable use. There is no need £or the driveway on the side
of the house. Finding #3 should be changed to say that the proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit
and intent of the code ..." Finding #4 should be changed to read that the variance will alter the essential
chazacter of ihe surrounding azea ..." The tripl� wili have adequate parldng when the garage is built 4n the
back. Mr. Tully seconded the motion.
Mr. Tnlly asked how long the HPC decisions are in eft'ect Mr. Hazdwick replied that once a project is
established the HPC's approval is legal until something is done to change it.
R� - ►�o�.
Fila #97-061
Page Five
Ms. Bogen pointed out that when the HPC approved this, they approved it as a duplex and now it is being
converted into a triplex. The Board has made additional conditions in parldng in the back yazd. The only
need for pazking in the side yard is for convenience.
Mr. Donohue suggested that rather than deny tivs variance the Board should continue the matter and allow
the neighbors to come to a compromise.
Mr. Donohue moved to continue the matter. Mr. Scherman seconded the motion.
Mr. Tully asked if the Boazd would then be beyond the 60-day deadline? Mr. Wamer replied that the Board
couid continue the matter until the next meeting and be within the 60-day deadline.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has no indication that it will be beneficial to the parties to continue the
matter. The neighbor gave a generous offer to pay for half of the removal of the driveway but he doubts that
the neig�bor would pay for letting the driveway stay.
The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 2(Tully, Bogen).
Ms. Maddox stated that the motion to deny the variance request continues until the May 5, 1997, hearing at
which time it will be voted on. Ms. Maddox urged Ms. Bachmeier and Ms. Babcock to contact Mr. Hazdwick
prior to the May 5 hearing date.
3u 'tted b�����
hn Hardwick
p oved by: n /
i 1 v
� hn Tully, Secretary
DATE May 5, 1997
WI�REAS, BRIGETTE BACHMEIER has applied for a variance from the strict application of
the provisions of Section 62.104 (11) of Yhe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the
continued use of pazking within a required side yard in the zoning disYrict at 459 PORTLAND
AVE; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/21/97 and
OS/OS/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the
Legislative Code; and
WE�REAS, the Saint Paui Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the pub&c
hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
The property in quesYion cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut issued
by the Public Works Department. The applicant also received approval fzom the Heritage
Preservation Commission for Yhe driveway. For some reason the applicant was not directed to
consult with zoning. The driveway is paved aad has stone curbs as requ'ued for historical
conformity. The parking available in this driveway, as well as additional parking, is necessary
for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were several
times during the various approval processes where the applicant should have been directed to
Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the heaith, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paut.
The desire Yo provide off-street pazldng that complies with Heritage Preservation guideline is
in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate suppIy of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonabIy
diminish established property values within the surrounding azea.
q1 — 13 0 �.
Ffle #9?-061
Page Two
The sunounding property owners have been notified of the applicant's desire to convert the
bu�lding to a tri-plex and have had an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking
in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that the existing
parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the driveway meets
Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the character of the
surrounding azea.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions
of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter
or change the zoning district class�fication of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the property.
6. Th� request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the parcel of land.
NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
provisions of Section 62.104 (I 1) be hereby waived to allow to allow parking within a required
side yard on property located at 459 PORTLA�iD AVENUE and legally described as PINs
012823240260 and 012823240261; in accordance with the application for variance and the site
plan on file with the Zoning Administrator.
MOVED BY: ntton
SECONDED BY: scherman
MASLED: May 6,1997
TIME LIMIT: � No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erec6on or alteration
of a building or off-street parldng facility shali be valid for a period longer than
one year, uniess a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained
within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the
terms of such permi� The Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may
grant an eztension not to eaceed one year. In granting such extension, the
Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing.
Fite #97-061
Page Three
APPEAL Decisions of tfie Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the �ty
Council within 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buitding permifs
shall not be issued after an appeat has been filed. If perrtuts have been issued
before an appeal has been Fled, theu the permits are suspended and
construcfion shall cease untit the City Councit has made a f nal detenvination of
the appeal.
CERTTFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoaing Appeals for the Gty of
Saint Paul, Minnesofa, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
copy with the original record in my office; and fmd tfie sarae to be a true and
conecY copy of said orig'u�,al and of the whole thereof, as based on approved
minutes of We Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeYing held on
Apri121,1997, and May 5,1997, and on record in the Qffice of License
Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St Peter Street, Saint Paul,
' Minnesota.
Sue Synstegaard
Secretary to the Board
9'1 - 1 � a �--
To: Mr. John 4{ardwick
Board of Zoning Appeais
350 Saint Peter Street �
Suite 300 �
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnespta 55102 �
From: Wiltiam A. & Kathryn M. Babcock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222-4636
Re: May 5 Zoning Board of Appeais Meeting
Date: May 2, 1997
We have attached a letter pertinent to the first agenda item
on your Monday, May 5, Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.
Also, please find enclosed ten {10) additional copies of
this lettier for the members of the 8oard of Zoning Appeals
and for the City Attorney.
Please let us know if there is any other material that you
might need.
Willia�a A. & Katfiryn M.
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4638
May 2, 1997
Mr. John Hardwick
Board oY Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Bear Mr. Hardwick:
At the request of the Board of Zoning Appeals, we have Yur-
ther discussed the side-yard parking variance with our
neighbor, &rigitte Bachmeier.
Mrs. Bachmeier has told us that her car will he the onl.v
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has offereci to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small Yence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta). vo
details of fihis were discussed, as it would not significant-
ly alter the situation.
We suggested that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
only until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(somefime next year, or prior ta the sale of her house).
Locating all the parking for the 459 structure in the back-
yard seems a prudent and feasible atiernative, which will be
in keeping with historic district guidelines.
These guidelines will be tested again later this month by
the full Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) when it
reviews two similar curb-cut requests for Summit Avenue.,
It is notable that Donald Bachmeier never appealed to the
City Council after the HPC denied curb cuts in 1988. Also
(aecording to HPC records), when the "Certificate of Ap-
proval for Minor Work" was issued a year later, circum-
stances at 459 Portland Avenue were not significantly dif-
ferent than Yhey wece in 2988. This "Minor 11'ork" certifi-
cate did not obviafe fhe need.fo meef zoning codes (specifi-
cally parking a car in a small side yard).
a� - «o �..
i�tay 2, 1997
The public process in Saint Paul's Historic District has
been key since the District's inception. Overlooking a var-
iance in 1989 meant that there was no public meeting held to
discuss this aiteration to the district -- an alteration
that the Yull HPC had found significant mhen it denied this
curb cut in 1988.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
�� � �� � ���
2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance
F7I.E # 97-061
4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PIN's 012823240260 and 012823240261
A. PURPOSE: A variance to allow pazking within a required side yazd.
B. ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the continued use
of a pazking space within the required 15 foot side setback.
C. SITE AND AREA CONDTI'IONS: Tlus is a 65 by 144 foot pazcel with alley access to a
detached twacar garage in the rear yard. There is also a nonconforming parking space on the
east side of the house.
Surrounding Land Use: A miYture of single- and multiple-family housing.
D. BACKGROUND: The applicant was ganted a tot size and density variance by the BZA in
February of this year to convert the building into a three-family dwetling. At the public
hearing it was noted that the parking space along side of the house was estabIished without
zoning approval. The variances ganted for the conversion to a tri-plex were subject to the
condition that the applicant resolve this illegal parking situarion.
The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict. provisions of
the code. '
° I'? - 1 � o �
File #97-061
Page Two
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut
issued by the Public Works Department. The applicaut also received approval from the
Heritage Preservation Commission for the driveway. For some reason the applicant was
not directed to consult with zoning. The driveway is paved and has stone curbs as
required for historical confomuty. The parking available in this driveway, as well as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to ttus property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were
several times during the various approvai processes where the applicant should have been
directed to Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with Iieritage Preservation guideline
is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably
dimuush established property values within the sunounding area.
The surrounding property owners have been notified of the applicanYs desire to convert
the building to a tri-plex and have had an oppornxnity to express any concerns about the
parking in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that
the existing parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the
driveway meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the surrounding area.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pemut any use that is not pernutted under the
provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the
F�e #97-06I
Page Three
6. The request for variance is not based primariiy on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the pazcet of land.
F. DISTRICT COITNCIL ItECOM1VIENDATION: Since District 8 recommended approval
of the variance to convert this building to a tri-plex and reviewed the site plan at that time
with a recommendation for approval, they decided that a fiuther review of this request would
not be necessary.
G. STAF'F RECONIlbiENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends
approval of the variance.
� . . �� ^ �
� ,-o�L-
�� PEALS 70 PERMiT THE C w� �� �'f o/ f� �/!{� Ci C I I.�( UP��GN PROPERTY
t. ProQerty interest of applica�t (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)
C�wNP� '�-� �uNt�vi'N/N/ul� ��/•��Rll�
2. Name ot owner (if different)
B. PropertyDescription: ADDRESS `��� �U� ���fV` '��
1. Legal description: LOT . BLOCK ��-�--�-�—�=� ADD. ^�
2. �otsize:
loS" x /y3 °.;,
U�pitx, r,�,r R7'- Z
3. PresentUse .4nnn�od/��is � presentZoningDist.
G. Reasons for Request: } � ,
t. Proposed use : ( �
-1 E+� CL�/'_"'
2. What physicai characteristics of the property preve�t i[s being used for any of the permitted
uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size arW shape of lot, etc.)
/ � / .
�°� G lli�'r� (i �p,'/j,E
3. State the specific variation requested, giving distances where appropriate.
+`�i s 1`s ar��c�rY��N is�k'r; ]�� v e Ro u�ts ��` �%
a rvfr`ssjria .�PPnoc/a/ a� �N� y�� c�Nr�e -
4. Expfain how your case conforms to each of the foUowing: ;
a. That the strict appiication of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance wouid result in pecuiiar ;
or exceptional practical difficuities, or exceptional undue hardships. � '
.Sr� !��, � ��
-�--- �i.�,� �
, b. That the granting of a variance wi11 -�� -
rwt be a substantial detriment to �e�i��A'
pubiic good or a substantial impair- ��.,�,
. ment of the intent and purpose of "�'"�`
� the Zoning Ordinance.
• 5 �'f lD ���
�,- � �� � r7� � �
� Signature� ,�n5" F �-� %'�I� c-i
RS ONLY -. �.- "..
. �••�_ ty3.:�-
, t���.? £.
5t. Anthony Management, Inc.
439 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Department
G`ity of Saint Pavl
350 St. Peter, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102
March 19th, 1997
Re: 459 Portland Avenue -- Existing FrontJside Yard Driveway Approval Request
Deaz Mr. Hardwick:
As you most likely recall, Brigitte Bachmeier, is the condomirrium Declarant, and the
occupant owner of Condominium unit #2 at 459 Portiand which encompasses the
majority of the basement, first and second floors. The third floor condominium is unit
#1 and is owned and occupied by another party. The W.A. Dorsey Condominium, at
459 Portland, was recently created as an expandable condominium with the intention
of completing the basement rental unit which was begun by a previous owner,
Accordingly, a zoning application was submitted to request transition from a duplex,
two unit property ta a legal tri-pleg, tbree unit property. This approval was granted
by the BZA. During this approval pracess it was discovered that the effisting
driveway which was consfixucted in 1989 along the parcel's east property line from
PorGland Avenue north through the front yard to between 459 and the house to the
east, had somehow not received an o�cial approval from zoning.
This is strange since it was thought that all the appropriate G`ity permits and
approvals for the driveway had been applied for and obtained. The Building
Department, Public Works for the curbcut and the HPC, all tbree did give their
blessing ans approvals to Doanald Bachmeier, as has been verified from official G`ity
records, (see attachments). Therefore, it is a mystery as to how come the zoning
bureaucracy wasn't also informed and involved at that time?
At Ms Bachmeier's appearance before the BZA, a11 parties agreed that she should re-
apply for a zoning variance for the existing driveway as a separate matter. The
purpose of this letter is to fulfill that obligation.
Presently, there are 1.5 to two existing garage stall spaces, and two front driveway
parl�ng spaces in use. The official Condominium Plat's site plan (enclosed previously)
shows future provisions have been made for up to three more aIley-accessed parking
stalls to be constructed in the future on the NE corner of the parcel in the back yard,
(either garaged or hard-surfaced?.
a'l -13 0 �--
There have been no known complaints from any neighbors regarding the e�sting
driveway from 1989 to present. As you know, recently, a substantial number of
neighbors provided lettzrs of support to the G�ty endorsing and approving of Ms
Bachmeier's request for conversion from a dupleg to a tri-plex, all of them were fully
awaze of the e�sting driveway. It is particulazly significant, that the only inquiries
received by staff in response to the recent rezoning actions' neighbor notification
mailing specifically mentioned neighborhood concems that adequate off-street
parl�ng be preserved, not eliminated.
With respect to the BZA's 6-24-96 "required yard" parking request conditions:
a. Re: Contanuous use since October of 1975? The owner applied to the City
for and was granted permission to construct this driveway by Public Works, HPC and
the Building Department in 1989.
b. The assumed "hardship" in 1989 was apparently topography. The level of
the rear yard is nearly 3' above the alley, and is bordered by a cement wall.
c. Consent from nearby property owners within 10� feet. Ms Bachmeier just
recently provided signatures from her neighbors as part of the recent rezoning
process. No compiaints have been received regarding the existing driveway.
d. The existang driveway is paved as required.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact me at 648-7718,
or Brigitte Bachmeier directly at 225-0880.
For: St. Anthony Management, Inc.
Project Consultant
Louis C. Sudheimer
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May 16, 1989
„g, -�t� #
459 Portland Avenue
Hill District
Donald Bachmeier
Allan L. Torstenson
STTE DESCRIPTION: The Boyden-Dorsey house at 459 Portland Avenue is a
Neoclassicai style residence constructed in 1901 and categorized
as pivotal to the Historic Hili Heritage Preservation District.
PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to construct a new curb-cut on Porttand
and a new driveway along the east side of his house.
GUIDELII3E5 CITATIONS: 1. Section C. II. Garages and Parking of the Hill District
Guidelines for Design Review states that, "If an alley is
adjacent to the property, garages and parking shouid be
located off of the alley." Driveway curb-cuts may be
acceptable where aileys do not exist.
2. Section C. IX. Landscaping states that, "Granite curbs
should be preserved."
FINDING5 OF FACT: i. Because of the width and condition of the ailey at the
back of the house, and because of the size and topography
of the rear yard, providing for adequate off-street parking
off of the aliey wouid be difficult and would result in loss
of aimost all of the usable back yard open spaco.
2. The applicant will reinstall the historic granite curbing
removed for the proposed new curb-cut to an abandoned
driveway curb-cut across the street and reuse the curved
granite curbing from the abandoned curb-cut aczoss ihe
street for the proposed new curb-cut.
'.Z d a. 3 � 9 � /�c.-, �
2 �- 2 . Ga c� C7Tj-/c2
�159 Portland Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
April 17 19a9
Mr. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Conmission
1100 City Hall Armex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paut, MMt�II 55102
Dear Allen:
�closed are drawings i7lustrating the driveway I would like to
install at rrty residence located at 459 po�land Avenue.
I am aware this installat3on varies fran the HPC guidelines and
request your support in varying from the guidelines for the
followir� reasons.
1) We wi.11 agr�ee to reinstall historic granite removed
from our diveway to an abandoned driveway curb cut
across the street. The net lineal footage of granite
curb on our block would then be unchanged and an
unsightly Lmcurbed boulevard would be enhanced at no
expense to the city.
2) Our neighbor to the east most affected by the driveway
dces not ob3ect. (see enclosed letter)
3) The driveway provides additonal off street parking.
The existing structure of approxiamtely 9600 square
feet has only a single car garage. 'Prrice a week we
park 3/�+ of a block away and regularly carry groceries
fr� a distance of 150 feet.
4) Installing the drive from the alley would be difficult
because of the following.
The approximate 3 foot elevation cY�ar�ge from
the alley.
Zero lot line of structures and slabs beh3nd
oi.m hane which restrict turning radius.
Position of power pole at east property line.
°l� - �30�
N�. Allan Torstenson
Apri1 17, 198g
Page Two
Al1ey paving briek has settled like tire ruts
whi.ch is ent�nced in the wlnter by normal snow and
ice rutting. We are located in middle of bloek
which requires longest alley drive.
The comb3nation of these issues has cost us
thousands of dollars in auto repairs and
significantly elevated stress.
If there are any further questions please contact me.
Sincerely, c �� - ��
I�nald L. &�chmeier
�53 Partland Avenue
St. Paul, 1�I 55103
April 18, 1989
Nm. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Comnission
1100 City Hall Annex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paul., MiV 55102
Dear Mr. Torstenson:
We have discussed the matter of Mr. Bachmeier's driveway
9nstallation and have decided to not ob�ect to th3.s proposal.
Mentor C. Addicks Jr. `
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4l5 GSY HALL �
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Nov. 18 1992 09:29PM P1
u,,,o �,,;,,,��.,.�,,,..,........ __ .
FROM : HISTORIC HILL FiOMES Inc PFIONE N0. :+291 0226 Nw. 18 1992 09:30PM P2
n+�. �ro�, x�am�
Zoning Techniaan
Building bepartuient
City of Saint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St, Paul, MN 66102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeie�'s property at �58 Partland Ave.
Doar Mr, Iiarflwick:
aate: � �aa � `�
I Aril A�VVO &CD)1307gI]}lOT(8) Uf B11�1tt8'BaCh3'A81.Ox� and li.ve at:
���7 / oRTr.�-r� FJ �Nw. �� 7 / f�+-r c. , 1`�!N J�J'r c�c�
I am (We ara) �vriting in suppart of Brigitto's zoning request to complete the
renovatian of tlae garden level (basoment? rental unit hegun by her ex•husband.
I iWo1 undorstand that Bzigitta's 458 Portland proPo�y is currently zoned RT-2
which allows up to four living units under certazn conditiong, however apparently
additional variances are also requixed in order for Brigitt� ta havo more than two
living wnita on the property.
9� -l�o�..
The hauso at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
coneidezabio orx�ate hiatoric dfltailing. It has over 7,OOQ square feet of finiehed interior
fo'otage, enough footage for a amall apsrtment building. As such, it is very expensive
to maintain, and I(�,ve) believe that tkie granting of the variances Brigitta Bachmeier
is requesting in order to allow her to completz and rent her basement living unit is
Very Truiy Yours,
I��. �.L._..� A^-
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Techniaan
Buflding Degarf,ment
City of Saint Paut
360 St� Feter, Suite 3a0
sc. �a�, Mrr �sioa
Re: Brigitta Baehmeie�s properG�y at 459 Portland Ave.
Doar Mr. Iiardwick:
Nw. 18 1992 09:31PM P1
17ate: �•'� � 1
I azn a CWe are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
tlz;�l p(N�X t(�!� 1�YE:.. ,�'1�. �i���, 4�j �;In�.-
T am (We are) wrlting iu support of Brigif�te's zoning reques� f,o complete the
ronovation of the garden level (basament} rontal uxuC begun by her ex-huaband.
I(We) understar,d that Brigitte's 458 Portland property is currently zonod RT-2
which allows up to four living vnits under certain conditions, howeve.r apparently
addiGionai variances are also required in order for Brigitte to have more than two
living units an the progar�y. ,
Tho housv st 469 Portland is a hugo 19D0 vra wood frarne exteriar buitding with
consi.derable ornato laistaric detailiag. It has over 7,000 aquare feet of finished in,terior
footage, enough footage for a amall aparttnent building. As such, it is very expensive
tR maintain, and I(wo) believe that the granting o4'the variances Sr;gitte Bachmeier,
is requeating in order to allow her to complete and rent her basoment living unit is .
Very Truly ,Y
.�t ( r< ,�
pFqt� N0, : +291 0226
Fbv. 18 1992 09:32PM P2
q r1 - �'� O }-
Mr. John Hazdwlck
Zoning Techniciaa
Building Depariment
City of Saint Paut
350 S� Petar, Suite 390
5t. Paul, MN 65102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiez's property at 459 Portlaad Ave.
DoarMr. Hardwick:
Aate: �' � q �
I am a f We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitts Bachmeier, and live at»
'f5� �� .
I am (t�e are) writing in support of Brigitte's zoning request to complete the
ronovation of the gardsn level (basemant) roatal unit bo�sn by her ex-hueband.
I(We) underatend that Brigitte's 468 Portland propertyie cuxrent�y zonod RT•2
which ullowe ug � four living uuita �nder cortaia conditions, however npgarantly
ndditional variancas aro aleo required in order for Hrigitte to hava more than two
living units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frama exterior building with
considerable ornate historic dotailing. It has ovor 7,000 square feeE of finished interior
footago, enough footage for a small apartment building. As euch, it is very expensive
eu maintain, and I(Nre) 6elieve that tha graaGing o£the variancea Brigitto Bachmoior
is requesting in order to allow her to compiete axid rent her basement living uivt is
Very Truly Youra,
�ro•( �"�.�4'
r ������-P _ _ _ __
� .a •• �as � /8' 6 A
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoxiing Technician
Building DeparLment
City of Saiat Paul
350 St, Peter, Suite 900
SC. Pavl, MN G5302
Ite: I3rigitta Bactimeier's proporty at 469 Portland Ave.
Date: , /� / / 9 �� -
ll�nr Mr. Iiardwick:
._. �
Denr Mr. Hardvrick:
I am a(We are neighbor{e) of Brigitte B ier, and liva aL:
'y'S.3 /' Y1`la,a1 ��'. .f'7'�ltr.�-/ /yl/I� S�%Dl
� am (4Vo aro) writang ia eupport of Brigitte's zonIng request W comploW tho
ronovation of f]ie gurdea lovol (basement) rental unit begun by hor ex•husb�nd.
I(Wo) understand that Brigitte's 469 PortJand proporty is currontly zoned RT-2
which allowa up to four living units under cerW'ui conditione, however apparently
additional variances ere also requirod in order for $rigitte W havo moro Wan two
]iv3ng units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
considerabte ornate Iuetoric det '�. It hae uvet' 7,000 equaco foot of Sniehod intorior
footage, enough footage for a emall apartment building. A9 euch, it is very expensive
to moin�;aia, and I(we) beliavs thnf. tho granting of the variences Brigitfa Bachmeier
ie rpquosting in arder i,o allow hor ta completa ¢nd rent har basc,mant living unit is
Very Truly Yours,
W• �v
pl-I� N0. :+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P3
9'� -13oa.
Mr. John I3ardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Depart�nent
City of Saint Paul
3G0 St. Pot;er, Suite 3Q0
St.l�aul, MN 56102
Ro; Brigitl.a 13achmeiez's proporty at 459 Portland Ave,
riear Mr, Hardwick:
Aate: 2 �
] Am a(We ara) neighb�r(s) of Brigii�to Bachmoier, and live at:
�/y9 �eti:i�r�� /�rf Sr`, ���. m�� 'ia z- --- --- �
I am (We arc�) writang in suppori� of Bz�gitto's zoning request to construeL and
x•anovato hor garden ]evei (basamont) as a third living unit.
I(Wo) understand thai� �irigitto's 4�8 Portland propex�i.q is cuxxently zonod RT•2
wluch allowg up to four living units under certain conditiona, howavor apparently
nddiLionul variances are also requirsd in ordor fnr $rigitte to have more t�an two
living units on the progvxty.
The house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era woad frame extexior building wi�Ii
congiderable ornato historic detailing. It has ovor 7,000 �quars feet of finished inCerior
footxige, enou�h fnotago for a smrxll aparCment lauilding. Aa such, it is very expensiva
to znain,tain, und Y(we) belie�ve Lhat the granting of ths variances Brigitte Bachmeier
is requoating ai order to allow hor to coniplete and rent hor basomant living unit is
Very'!'ruly Xours,
/ , /�
. . � �.�....►
1 �, ���.
�" r�
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Dopartmont
City of Snint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St. Paul, MN 55102
Ii�e: Brigitta Bachmeier's propsrty at 459 Portland Ave.
I�ear Mr. Hardwick;
Datz: � � 7
I am a(We aro) neighbor(s) of Brigitte BAChmoier, end live aL:
,` J1Cl �
I am (We are) writing in suppor� of Brigitte'e zoning request to complotv the
renovation of the garden lovel (baeement) mntal unit begun by har ex-husband,
J{We) understand thut Brigitte's 459 Portland properLy is currontly zoned RT•2
w�ich allows up to faur living units undor certain conditiona, however apparently
additionul variances are aIsa raquired in ordor for Brigitte to havo moro than two
living uiuts on the proporty.
The housa at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood fxamo axterior building with
considerable ornato Iiietoric detailing. It has over 7,fl00 square feet of finishod interior
footag�s, enough footage for a small apartment buiiding, Ae such, it is vory expensivo
to maintain, and I(we} believe that the grAnting of the variances Brigittc+ Bachmeier
is requesi�ing in order to allow her to comploto �►nd rent her baseraent living unit i s
�� ���
PHONE N0. �+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P4
�Tnrv Trnlv Ynnr�t
PHONE N0. :+291 0226 Nov. 18 1992 09:34PM PS
Mr. John xardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Deparhnent
City of Saint Paul
350 St. Petor, Suite 800
St. PAUl, MN 55102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiex's property at 459 Portland Ave.
Daar Mr. Hardwick:
Date: /'2�'- °
I axn n(We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
��vz/ �i�G4rFi-ar✓�•?" /'�^�.
T�Tn (We are) writing in support of Brigi.tte's zoning request to completca the
rexiovation oF the garden level (basement) rental unit begun by her eu-husband,
I(We) understand that Brigitte's 469 PorCland property zs currentiy zoned RT-2
wluch'allows up to four living tuui•s under certain conditions, however apparently
additional variances are also roquired in order for Brigi�te to hava moro tlian two
living unite on the properEy.
The house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior bui.lding with
considexablo ornate historic detfailing. It has over 7,0110 squsra feet a£finished interior
foot�ge, enough footage for a sma1� apartment building. t1s such, it is very oxpensive
to maintair�, and I(we) believe �na� the granting af i;he variances Brigitte $achmeier
is requesting in order to atlow her to complete and rent hear basement living unit is
Ap�x•opriate. •
Very Truly'Youre,
19 .. 29, „ 21
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q�- I�o�-
May 1, 1997
Board of Zoning Appeals
Building Department
City of St. Paul
350 St. Peter Street Suite 300
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attention: Mr. John Hardwick, Zoning Technician
File No.: 97-061
Location: 459 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Zoning: RT-2, HPL
Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE to Allow Parking within a Required Side
Dear Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals:
I respectfutly request thatyou grant approval of the above-captioned minor variance request
for the purpose of allowing me to preserve intact a driveway which has existed on my
property at 459 Portland Avenue since 1989. That your approval of this request was statled
on April 21st because of the objections of my neighbors, the Babcocks, is a deja vu experience
for me because it took Don, my ex-husband, two arduous years (involving many meetings,
hearings and negotiations) to get the installation of that driveway approved by the Heritage
Preservation Commission (HPC). That application process began in 1987 with Don's
submission of an application to construct the driveway to the Building Inspection and Design
Division (BIDD) and ended up in the office of the Department of Public Works (DPW) on May
11, 1989 with the issuance of permit, we rightfully thought, to install the driveway. We
installed the driveway in the Summer of 1989. It cost two years' time and aggravation and
$5,000 to install.
A(lan Torstenson, who back then was Planner-in-Charge of the HPC, distinctly remembers the
Bachmeier driveway matter before the HPC as a"long and drawn out application process". It
was so protracted, in fact, that one of tne HaC members sent Con a ietter afrer it was over
apotogizing to us for the length of time it took the HPC to finally approve our application.
I wanted to give you this brief background so that you did not think that Don and I simply
installed the driveway in the middle of the night. On the contrary, we jumped through all of
the hoops the City asked us to starting with the application to BIDD, then to HPC and finally
to DPW. We did exactly what we were told to do. No one from BIDD, HPC or DPW told us that
further approval needed to be obtained from the BZA. In going through the HPC approval
process, we obtained consents from surrounding neighbors induding the previous owner of
the 8abcocks' house (an attorney).
After you postponed your decision on April 21st, I started to explore the labyrinth of city
departments to find out why we were not required--in 1987-9--to seek zoning approval of this
simple project. I first called BIDD and was informed that it did not issue permits for
driveways and that I should talk to DPW. When I told A[lan Torstenson of this comment, his
459 Portland Avenue • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 •(612) 225-0880
Letter to BZA
May 1, 1997
response was: "If a building permit is not required, then zoning approval is not needed".
I then called DPW and talked with Cindy Wood, an official in that department. She and her
superior were surprised to hear that a driveway applicant needs to get approval not only
from HPC but also from BZA. She said that DPW's procedure for curb-cut/driveway projects
in the Historic Hill DistricC is first to check to see if the HPC has approved it; and if the HPC
has, to issue the permit.
The consensus of the city officials I talked to, thus, is that zoning approval is and has not
been required in circumstances of this sort; that is, there is no procedure for sending an
applicant who has run the HPC gauntlet to get the HPC's approval, and then gotten a permit
from DPW, to the BZA for variance approval. If in fact zoning approval is necessary, there
seems to be no mechanism for communicating that requirement to unwitting applicants
such as us. No one told us back in i989 that we needed io getyour approval of the variance
being sought today, nor, it seems, would anyone applying nowadays be given that direction.
I talked about this matter to Jim Lynden, the attorney who drafted the condominiuin
documents for my conversion of 459 Portland Avenue to a condominium. He used to live on
the next block of Portland Avenue, helped draft the legislation creating the Historic Hill
District and the HPC regulations, was a city attorney for 16 years, and was the first President
of the Ramsey Hill Association and President of Old Town Restorations, Inc.. He was
surprised that I was being required to obtain a variance where clearly some city official or
department failed to apprise Don that we needed to get zoning approval--if, in fact, we really
did need to get such additional approval. Jim told me about a case where the Minnesota
Supreme Court or Court of Appeals held that a city could not require an owner to tear down
a structure built pursuant to a permit where the city--after the issuance of the permit and
consfi of the structure---discovered that the structure violated the zoning ordinance of
the city.
This letter is accompanied by letters supporting my variance request by many of the
surrounding neighbors except for the Babcocks. It also includes a letter from Roger Hankey--
a certified member of the American Society of Home Inspectors--which rePudiates Mrs.
Babcock's drainage contentions. Please take time to read them.
The Babcocks moved into the house next door--453 Portland Avenue--six years ago. The
driveway which so offends them now was there then. The previous owner of their house--
Mentor Addicks--consented to the instatlation of the driveway.
I am an Austrian immigrant and, as such, a compulsive gardener. I am proud of the
grounds of my house. My yard is immaculate. Neighbors have commented about how nice it
always looks. In fact, right after the Babcocks moved in, Bill Babcock told me that one of the
prime reasons they bought their house was my beautiful yard. Every summer since, the
Babcocks have complimented me on it. To have Mrs. Babcock suggest to you otherwise, and
to show you an unrepresentative photo (i.e., the vans of the remodelers of the third floor
were parked on the driveway at the time she took the shot, a once in 20-30 years
occurrence), thus is quite upsetting to me.
In opposing my variance request, Mrs. Babcock is being opportunistic. Neither she nor
her husband raised objection to the driveway in the earlier proceeding in which you
9� - �3 0�-
Leiter to BZA
May 1, 1997
approved conversion of my duplex to a triplex (Zoning File No. 97-0OS) nor did they
appear in opposition to my application at the District 8 level. In fact, they gave their rvritten
consent to it.
With respect to Mrs. Babcock's concerns for the safety her child, I have the following
comments and solution: If her 3 year old child is wandering around in her front yard,
PorEland Avenue is much more dangerous than the Iitt(e driveway in question. A betEer place
for the chiid to play is in the back yard. That is where my children played when they were
younger. With that in mind, I propose to pay to the Babcocks one-half--not to exceed
$1,000--of the cost of fencing or high shrubs along the eastern perimeter of my property or
else one-half--not to exceed $1,000--of the cost of the erection of a fence running east-west
from my property to the Babcock's house so that their child can safely play in an enclosed
Mrs. Babcock has rejected all such proposals up to this point. She perhaps senses she can
prevail with you and, therefore, need not compromise with me. She has been totally
uncaoperative, insisting that the law must be upheld above all other things. I have tried my
best to resolve this matter with her to no avail.
In regard to Mrs. Babcock's contention that the driveway is causing water to drain into the
basement of her house, I had Roger Hankey--a certified member of the American Society of
Home Inspectors--inspect the driveway and surroundings today. His report accompanies this
letter. It thoroughly refutes Mrs. Babcock's contention. In it, Mr. Hankey indicates that, in
fact, the Babcocks' drainage problems are caused by the lack of gutters on the roof of their
house (at least on the west side thereo�. He proposes solutions for each of us to implement
to improve drainage.
I am not a rich developer. I am a single mother fighting to stay in a beautiful house that
costs alot to finance, maintain and repair. I want to stay here as long as I can. I have lived
here with my family for 12 years. I converted the property to a condominium as the
solution to a financial problem that arose during the dissolution of my marriage to Don and
as a means to save the properly as a place to live for me and my children. I need to be able to
create a third unit (the purpose of the previous variance application you granted) and to sell
or rent it in order to reduce my debt load or make it more easy to handle.
Parking, unfortunately, is the tail that wags the dog. It is critical. If I lose one parking space
on the driveway because of your denial of the requested variance and my having to remove
the driveway, I will be forced to construct an unnecessary garage along the alley to the rear
of my residence. My backyard will become a solid wall of garages. The costs I would have to
incur would be monumental for me--i.e., $6,000 to $8,000 for the demolition of the
driveway and re-landscaping and $8,000 to $10,000 for the construc of a new garage.
Those costs, of course, would be in addition to the $5,000 Don and I invested in the driveway
backin 1989.
For all of the reasons stated above, I would appreciate your granfing my variance request.
Sincerely yours, ''p
Brigitte R. Bachmeier
11833 Thomhiil Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3274
612 - 829 - 0044 Fax: 612 - 94i - 8023
Certified Members of the American Society of Home Inspectorsm
459 Portland, St. Paui, MN 55102
Brigitte Bachmeier
459 Portland, St. Paui MN 55102
Certified Member of ASHI O Roger Hankey
Driveway drainage consuit.
I have today examined the east side of the subject property including the driveway. The purpose of this visual
examination was to determine if the driveway contributed to any,significant drainage toward the adjoining
property to the east.
The driveway drainage was fested using water from the hose connection at the SE comer of the house. The
majority of water piaced near the house, and at a point 2 feet east of the house flowed to Portland Ave. A smail
quantity of water did flow to the adjoining property to the east. However, this water does NOT flow to the area
ne� to the foundation of 453 Portland.
Any water from 459 that flows to 453 is diverted toward the street by a low ridge of soil between 453 and the
east edge of the driveway at 459.
The drainage at 453 is poor. The roof of 453 (at least on the W. side) has no rain gatters. Roofi runoff fands
alortg the foundation and can't flow away due to setiled walks and low areas of soil near the house.
One option that would improve the drainage at BOTH properties would be to create a swale (a shallow vailey)
in the west yard of 453 about 2 to 3 feet from the east edge of the 459 driveway.
Another option that would capture water from the 459 driveway would be to cut out a smali strip of fhe 459
driveway (say &8'� and replace the cut out portion with a concrete curb & gutter. This gutter wouid drain to the
street. The curb would ensure that vehicies using the 459 driveway wouid not encroach on the 453 yard.
This curb and gutter system would NOT aid in reducing the primary drainage problem near the foundation of
453, however it could serve as the high sidz oi a swale in the yard of 453, if BOTN of these options are
i suggest that both options be adopted, with each property owner taking responsibitity for improvements on their
own property.
These recommendations do not constitute an assurance that the basement of either property will remain dry.
Water controi issues must also include proper use and maintenance of gufters & downspouts. Limestone
foundations are we2 not intended to be waterproof.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
q1- \3oa-
467 Portland Avenue
St Paul, MN 55102
April 30, 1997
3ohn Hardwick
St. Paul City Council
Dear Mr. Hardwick,
Re: Drivewav at 459 Portland Avenue
I am writing this letter to support Brigitte Bachmeiez's
request for zoning pezmission for the driveway which is
in situ at the above address.
The driveway was apparently built nine years ago and, for the
five years during which we have owned and occupied 467
Portland Avenue, we have not experienced any problems with it
- nor have we ever heard of any other neighbors having a
problem with it. With the esception of the last few months
when there has been a remodeling project in progress on the
third floor of 459 Portland Avenue, the driveway has always
been well maintained and kept clean and, as soon as that
remodeling project is completed, we would expect her driveway
to return to its normal standard of cleanliness.
The alternatives, presumably, would be for Mrs. Bachmeier to
park on the street or build a new garage behind her property.
The former is always a touchy situation in a neighborhood
such as ours where street parking is somewhat limited, and,
from the point of view of someone who curren�ly looks at 46
feet of garage roof shingles courtesy of a new garage built
on Holly Avenue, I would prefer to maintain as much qreen
space in the neighborhood as possible.
I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to express my
opinion on the above issue and I should be happy to discuss
this further at any time should you think it necessary.
Lynda Salway
May 2, 1997
To Whom It May Concem:
We live at 449 Portland Avenue in St. Paul.
€'or#land Av�.
Our house is 6 feet to the east of Mr. and Mrs. Babcock's residence. Neither their house
nor ours have down spouts or gutters. About three years ago and couple of times since
then, we have suggested to Mr. and Mrs. Babcock that we create a proper drainage
system between our houses (estimated cost $500.00 total).
Each time they have responded by saying that they have a dry basement. Needless to say
we were snrprised to heaz that the Babcock's claim that Mrs. Bachmeier's driveway was
causing them to have a wet basement.
Also we found their offer to split the cost to remove the driveway unbelievable. 'I'heir
home including the front porch need massive amount of money to restore its structurat
integrity. In the s'vi yeazs that we have lived at 449 Portland, tfiey haue never fully repaired
anything. Tlus leads us to believe that they either do not care or can not afford to repair
their home. In addidon their house sheds shingles like dandruff, creating safety concem for
our two children. Our children aze not even ,cafe on their own properry. The Babcocks
haue shown no concem about these safety issues.
We strongly support the necessary approvals for Mrs. Bacluneier's driveway. We feel that
our view represents the overwh ' g majority ofMrs. Bachmeiere's neighbors.
Khalid EI. Effendi
Faezeh O. Effendi
Cpuncil File # Q�_ 13O •'�.
Green Sheet # �0� � �
Presented By
Referred To
2 VJI�REAS, Brigitte Bachmeier, made application to the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning
3 Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code
4 for property located at 459 Portland Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as
5 Property Identification Number 012823240260 and Property Identification Number
6 012823240261;and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the applicafion was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code to ailow parking within a required side yazd; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on Apri121, 1997,
after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Board of Zoning Appeals, by
its Resolution 97-061, adopted May 5, 1997, granting the variance application based upon the
following findings and conclusions:
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant
to a permit issued by the Public Works Department. The applicant also
received approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission for the
driveway. For some reason, the applicant was not directed to consult with
Zoning. The driveway is paued and has stone curbs as required for
historical confornury. The pazking available in this driveway, as we11 as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-
family dwelling.
25 2. The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except
26 Zoning. There were several times during the various approval
27 processes where the appiicant should have been directed to Zoning.
28 The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with
Heritage Preservation guidelines is an keeping with the spirit and
intent of the code.
The surrounding property owners have been norified of the
applicant's desire to convert the building to a triplex and have had
an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking in
question. The only comments received from the neighborhood
have been that the e�sting pazking should remain and that
additional pazking be provided. Since the driveway meets Heritage
Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the sunounding area.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning
classificarion of the property.
The request for variance is not based prunarily on a desire to
increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land.
9`l -�30�.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, William
and Kathryn Babcock, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by
the Board of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the
purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and
WI�EREAS, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205 through 64.208, and
upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Pau1 City
Council on August 25, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard;
VJfIEREA5, the Council, hauing heard the statements made, and hauing considered the
variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolu6on of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, does hereby
IZESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of
the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter based upon the following fmdings of the Council:
Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this
matter, the Council finds no enor as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the
Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
adopts and incorporates as its own the findings of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals as
set forth above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, based upon the above findings, that the appeai of
William and Kathryn Babcock be and is hereby denied; and
°l°'t -13 oa.
2 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolufion to
3 VJilliam and Kathryn Babcock, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, the Plazming Commission and the
4 Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
Requested by Department o£:
Form Approved by City Attorney
BY: ��d/l��-. /�-1?-�'i7
Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Cossncil
Adopted by Council: Date �__ �_ �{_9'1
Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy
x�oy nna��n
October 29�1997 Consent
Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 27, 1997 denying ihe appeal of William and Kathryn Babcock to a decision
of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting a variance to allow parldng within a required side yazd to continue at 459
Portland Avenue.
�,�,�� U ��.w. _
�,n� ❑ �p.w�
swxaa.amvr.�sm� ❑ rtuxw�s�c.a�cero
�.wvaeron�ssaawn ❑
Hes mis aersoMrm ever wnAced under a canVact for fhic departmeM't
.Flas this P��m ever been a d7Y empbyce?
Doestt�is Pe�n�T�m D� e sldU twt namalNP�eessetl bY �Y cwrent ci�l emPbYee?
Is mia pcvsoNfiim a ta.yetea venda� �
�I� -i3oa.
No sa74a
rega�rk c;ryanomey l l � `�C�-
Norm Colem�m, Mayo>
Civil Divisiorz
400 Ciry HaZl
I S FPest Kellogg BZvd.
Saim Paul, M'uuresota 55702
Tekphoree: 67Z 266-8710
Facsimile: 612 298-5619
October 20, 1997
Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal of William and Katku•yi1 Babcock of Board of Zoning Appeals File 47-137
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Enclosed please find a signed resolution moralizing the decision of the City Council in the
above-entitled matter. Tlus matter should be piaced on the City Council Consent Agenda at your
earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
� G,/����
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
cc: John Hardwick, LIEP
�"��.yw ..�vv--._: �.:.., .
�� . � _ `e,
`�t'1- t 3 n a..
TO: lir. 3ohn Hardt�rick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
From: Rilliam A. fi Aathrpa K. BaY�cock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222�4636
Re: June 24 1997, St. Paul City Council Appeal of Board
of Zoning Appeals decision granting a variance to
allow parking within a required side yard
Date: Sune 10, 1997
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
Jerry McInerny has informed me that it will be possible to'
change the date of this appeal to August 27, 1997. He asked
me to contact you in writing to make this change. Thank you
for your help.
Sincerely, -
� �.
Norm Colemars, Mayor
May 27,1997
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
�xv[R°N'�rr Nan Anderson
Ro6ers Kuskr, l City CounCil Rese3tCh OffiCe
Room 310 City Hall 9.� _ ��p �
IAARY PRO£ESS{ONAL Tekphone: 6t2-266-4090
BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9094
S'dte.?00 672-2669124
350 St. Paer Street
Saint Pnu[, Minnuota SSIO2-I510
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
June 11, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision:
File Number:
I,egal Description:
Ptevious Aetion:
William & Kathryn Babcock
Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting a
variance in order to allow puking within a required side yazd
to continue.
459 Portland Ave
PIN's 012823240260 & 012823240261
Distriet 8 took no position on this matter
Staff recommended approval.
Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Granted the request on a vote
of 5-2.
My un rstanding is that this public hearing tequest will appear on the agenda for the
3une , 1997 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint
Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any questions.
S c rely,
hn Hazdwick -
oning Technician
cc: Council Member Blakey
xarr� oF ru s Lica Enxsrc -
�; The Saipt Paut City Cauncff�will conducY a public hearuig ea Wedsesilap.
Jvne�25, 1997 (rescheduled from June 11J aG4:30�p.m. in fhe City`�ovne�7
Chambers, Thivd k7oor City Hall-COUrt House, to consider the appeal nf W3fliam�&
.Kathryn Babcock to a decisioa o£ theBoazd of Zoning Appeals granUnga-varianse
Eo allow pazking within a required side yard to continue at 459 Portland,Aveaue-
Dated: May 29, 199? - - - � - �. � . � '
PtANCY fiNDERSON � . . - "., - . - . - - � , -
AssisZant C3ty Gouncii Secretary . , " � -
- _ _ -t.�ne 7,:1987r . - _- _� � �
Department of Planning and Econo»ric Development
Zoning Section
II00 City Hall Anne�c
25 West Founh Street
Saint Paul, MIV SSIO2
Name W<<l�am ari.� {.(�-t'Krvr,n �-z-lo.ti-(C
Address ' t�oRTURl�P s�ve
City S�. St.M� Zip ss�oz Daytime phone
Zoning File
�'�qa-oc.�t��fsq t'�c�i'land
Address(Location �I�q �og.r�.flNS Av� i S� • aAv� Y�l �f
TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to the:
(�Board ofi Zoning Appeais ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section Z� S, Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to
appeal a decision made by the
o� Maw S ��1q 1
(date of d isio )
File number:__ _ �_►�� I
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feei there has been an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
See q
4u8� V�tI�;;Cc
Attach additional sheef if necessary)
. pt:
ApplicanYs signature /. %��:��`*' Date �J�Z�/��Cify agent
William A. & Itathrpn h!
453 Portiand Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4636
May 22, 1937
Mr. John Hardwick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 5aint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry-Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
This appiication is to appeal the decision
Zoning Appeals to qrant a variance for 459
to allow a parked car in the side yard.
of the Board of
Portland Avenue
We feel that the BZA, in granting this variance, has over-
looked the apparent illegality of the driveway itself. The
first request in 1988 for a"curb cut" was denied by the
£ull HPC (one abstention). Donald Bachmeier never appealed
this decision to the City Council.
When the "Certificate of Approval for Minor F7ork" was issued
a year later (according to HPC records?, circumstances at
459 Portland Avenue were not significantly different than
they were in 1988. Overlooking a variance in I989 meant
that there was no public meeting held to discuss this
alteration to the district -- an alteration that the full
HPC had found significant when it denied this curb cut in
It is nat an unreasonable interpretation to say Ehat the
driveway does require HPC approval. The staff report in
1988 illustrates that HPC approval is necessary because it
is a materiai change to a historic district. A curb cut re-
quires a permit from public works and thus from HPC.
Further, the May 5 1997 decision of the BZA does not address
the negative impact on the neighboring property at 453 Port-
2and Avenue. This includes, water runoff, plowed snow, ex-
haust, noise, and the close proximity of parked cars to the
neighbor's house.
°I� -1� o �--•
May 21, 1997
As the driveway must also function as the only access for
the third floor owners (who are forced to squeeze between
the parked cars and the side o£ the house) cars are being
parked oloser to the property line than before.
Brigitte Bachmeier has told us that her car will be the only
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has o£fered to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small fence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta}. No
details of this were discussed, as such alterations would
not significantly change the situation.
Foliowing the recent conversion of the third floor into a
condominium, there is a plan by the third-floor owners to
add parking in the back yard. The owner o£ the third-£loor
condo, Nei1 Lagos, has informed us that he has offered to
provide a parking space to Mrs. Bachmeier when he adds back-
yard parking. This seems to be a prudent and feasible
alternative which wili be in keeping with the Historic Dis-
trict guidelines and the vote of the fuil HPC in 1988.
Additionally, an enlargement to the qarage door on Mrs.
Bachmeier's existing garage wauid allow easier access for
two cars, in a structure that already houses two
We request that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
oni until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(sometime next year, or prior to the sale of her house,
whichever comes first). Locating all the parking for the
459 structure in the backyard seems a prudent and feasible
alternative, which will be in keeping with historic distriat
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
G'!/ ��us�� � �CJ l�� �������
Recised copy - May 20, 1997
To whom it may concern,
The following is in effort to clarify our position regarding the e�sring driveway Iocated
at 459 Pordand Ace., St. Paul, M1V.
First, we �could like to say that we fully support Brigitta Bachmeie�'s desire to add a third
unit to our building. If this reqnires adding additional allep access parking we would not be
Second, in regards to the esisting street access drive�uay, it is our position that although
cce �uouid rather not have ic, it was in e�istence when we purchased our unit Our primarp
concern is that we ha�e adequate access, especiallp in the winter, to and from our unit
entrance located at the side of rhe house.
T'hird, Re �vould Iike to clarify our position regarding a possible brick driceway. In
preti concersions we have espressed a desire to convert this driveway into a brick
a�all� or patio, but not a brick dri�ecvay.
F'inally; we �vould like to state that we are friends and neighbors to both the Bachmeier's
and the Babcack's and we would like to remain neutral in regards to this issue. However, as
previously mentioned, we are concerned �vith the access to and from our unit er.u�ance. If
the conversion of the street entrance dricewap to a wall�-way or patio is not to be under
taken then a separare �=ralkcvay will need to be added to ensure that we have adequate access
Sincere[y, ` �
%/ ` /p1 / �, ✓�
Neal Lagos �nd Susan Hilt
(Homeowners, �t�A. Dorsey Condominiums - 457/459 Port]and Ave.)
cc: BrigitLa Bachmeier, Biii and Iiathryn Babcock, I.ou Sadheimer
PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. Alton, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and Wilson of the
Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and
Ms. Synstegaazd of the Office of License, Inspecfion, and Environmental Protection.
The meeting was chaired by 3oyce Maddox, Chair.
BRIGIT"1'E BACHMEIER (#97-061) - 459 PORTLAND AVENLTE: A variance to allow pazking within a
required side yard.
The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing.
Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation £or approval.
Several letters were received in support regazding the variance request. One letter was submitted in
Brigitte Bachmeier, 459 Portland-Avenoe, stated that her neighbor phoned her last night stating that she is
not happy with the driveway next to her home. She stated that if she continued the driveway into a garage it
would take away more green space. Her driveway was already existing when her neighbor bought her home.
Mr. Alton asked if the driveway in question ever went into a gazage in the back yazd. Ms. Baci�meier reQlied
Lou Sudheimer, 439 Portland Avenue, Acting Consultant for Ms. Bachmeier, stated that at the last public
hearing a suggestion was made encowaging Ms. Bachmeier to extend the driveway back into the gazage
which would have made it easier for the Board to approve.
Kafluyn Babcock, 453 Portland Avenue, passed azound current pichues of the site to the Boazd. She stated
that her properry abuts the applicant's. She read a letter to the Boazd that she submitted in opposition stating
that they are offering to pay one-half of the cost of dismanding, removal, necessary curb repair and reseeding.
She stated that her main concem is the safety of her young child and the envuonmentai effects on her home
and the historic neighborhood. She stated that the driveway is only a few feet &om her home and sits on the
properry line between the homes. Her daughter's playroom and beclroom abut the driveway and carbon
monoxide fumes fiiter into their home. The close proximity of the driveway poses a safety problem should
their daughter venture onto the adjouung property. Water drains from the driveway into their yard and
basement and no landscaping hides the view of parked cazs and asphalt. It is a detriment to the visual quality
of the district. The driveway violates the HPC Guidelines as was noted in 1988 when the case was fust
heard. The full HPC Boazd denied this case in 1988 and one yeaz later it was granted by staff only and not
File #97-061
Page Two
revie�ved by the full HPC Boazd. Parking is an issue but an additionai garage is being planned for the back
yazd which will legally meet the need for off-street pazldng. She cited secrions in the Legislative Code wlrich
state that the driveway violaYes the design guidelines for their district. She also cited a section from the
Minnesota Environmental Rights Act. She stated she wonld leke to work something out with Ms. Bachmeier
that can be beneficiat for both of them.
Mr. Wilson asked Ms. Bachmeier if the driveway was in existence prior to 1984? Ms. Bachmeier replied no,
the driveway was constructed in 1989.
Mr. Sudheimer stated that the historic curb cut was originatly from across the street even though that block
also has an alIey that serves it. He stated that there aze historical precedence for ttus. The new condowinium
owner and Ms. Bachmeier have been discussing improving the appearance of the driveway with brick
Perhaps Ms. Babcock's offer to split costs might be helpful in resolving to beauti£y the driveway although it
would still be a&ont yazd pazking area.
Mr. Alton asked what the Babcock's side yazd setback is. Mr. Sadheimer stated he be&eves iY is 8 to 10 feet
Mr. Bachmeier stated that the condominium owner has been remodeling the unit and lately many deliveries
have been made along with a dumpster that is curtently in the driveway.
Mr. Sudheimer stated fhat when the Babcock's chose to buy their home this driveway was already in daily
Ms. Maddox asked Mr. Aardwick what the HPC's current decision was on the driveway. Mr. Hazdwick
stated he spoke with the HPC staff person and the"u understanding is that since the HPC approved the matter
back in 2989 there is no recourse for staff or the HPC to review the matter. In 1989 there were different
policies regazding the consideration of minor and major changes. In 1989 this driveway was oonsidered a
minor request
Ms. Bogen pointed out that the HPC approved the driveway buY iL dcesn't say that they approved parking in
ihat driveway. Mr. Hardwick replied that the HPC dcesn't have the authority to approve parking.
Mr. Alton stated that the applicant obtained a permit from PubIic Works, approval &om HPC sta� consent
of fhe neighbor and the driveway plan was not leading to a gazage. In this cucumstance the driveway wasn't
going anywhere so the only logical reason was the use for parking.
Ms. Bogen quesrioned the legality of the driveway regazding the water runoff onto the Babcock's property.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that there aze regulations in the State Building Code about changing the grade for
construction purposes. A building permit isn't required for a driveway and a grading pemut is issued only if
the grade will change inore than 6 inches so a gading permit was not required. However, there is a section in
the building code requirements that states that a grade may not be changed to direct flow onto adjoining
property. EIe stated that he assumes that the grade of the driveway was not changed.
°l � -�� n �---
File #97-061
Page Three
Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Hazdwick if he had spoke to Ms. Babcock. Mr. Hudwick replied that he spoke with
Ms. Babcock for the f�st time today and he encouraged her to speak with Ms. Bachmeier to fiarther discuss
some possible compromises. He stated that the applicant and Ms. Babcock haven't had an oppomuuty to
discuss this thoroughly.
Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mr. Donohue moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6. Mr. Alton
seconded the motion
Mr. Wilson added a friendly amendment to the motion that the neighbors continue the'u discussion to
resolving the issues.
Mr. Donohue stated that possibly continuing the matter may be an option to allow the neighbors to come to
an agregment.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has received no indication that the parties would like to continue the matter.
Mr. Tully amended the motion to add a condition that the applicant take caze of the slope of the driveway so
that water runoff dcesn't occur and obscwe the driveway under the HPC Guidelines.
Mr. Donohue stated he accepts Mr. Tully's friendly amendment.
Mr. Alton stated that although shrubs cou]d be put in, the fact remains thai the driveway gces right up to the
properiy line.
Mr. Wamer stated that there are conditions that aze being proposed for the friendly amendment to initiate
negotiations to elaninate the alleged drainage problem. The neighbor is free to bring whatever acfion they
might choose against the applicant conceming that. There aze a host of legal theories they can groceed on.
Although that is a reasonable condition to place on the motion, the problem is how you aze going to structure
it? You are asldng them to resolve a drainage problem but you need to be precise regarding the time structure
in resolving that. In respect to landscaping, that is also an acceptable condition but he stated he is not
familiaz with the regutations regarding site planing, etc.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that Mt. Alton made a good point in that the neighbor hasn't voiced any wiliingness to
accept the resolution of this matter through compromise. He stated that the he had merely made those
suggestions to Ms. Babcock and he hasn't had a chance to discuss those issues with Ms. Bachmeier. If the
Boazd wants to put landscaping as a condition upon the apgroval of the variance, since the driveway is paved
right up to the properiy line, the landscaping would have to be on the neighboring property. If the Board adds
landscaping as a condition and Ms. Babcock dcesn't agree to it that would put Ms. Bachmeier in a
predicament. Regazding the �vater runoff, he stated that he dcesn't have any first-hand lmowledge that the
drainage problem was caused by the insfallation of the driveway. As Mr. Warner pointed out, there is legal
recourse for Ms. Babcock regazding this issue.
File #97-061
Page Fow
The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 to 4(Tully, Bogen, Wilson, Maddox).
Mr. Wilson questioned the ocvnership of the curb rutming along side of the driveway. He asked if it is part of
the historic curb cut that was put in from across the street? Mr. Hazdwick stated he assumes that
Ms. Bachmeier owns the curb.
Mr. WiIson stated that believing the curbing came from across the street and was installed at the Bachmeier's
request, he moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6 subject to the
condidon that the curbing ba eYtended the length of the driveway to prevent any runoff onto the neighboring
property. Mr. Alton seconded the motion.
Mr. Alton stated that extending the curbing may alleviate the concern of chiidren playing in the area and pose
as a barrier. Mr. Alton asked if any pazking would have to occur beyond the &ont of the building because t}us
is a side yard setback request. Mr. Hazdwick replied yes, this heazing is for parldng in a required side yard
�vhich differs from pazt:ing in a required front yard.
Mr. Tully asked if that will satisfy the parking requirements for the triplex? Mr. Aazdwick replied that in
granting the variances to aIlow a triplex the BZA requ'ued a condition that additional off-street pazking be
provided in the back yazd. This could be a garage or a pazldng pad.
Mr. Wamer stated it is appropriate to take into consideration the impact in granting a variance would have on
adjoining properly owners. The testimoiry heazd today was from the neighboring properiy owner who said
that she has drainage problems. As Mr. Hard�rick pointed out, there is no hazd lrnowledge thaY there is a
drainage probtem. That is not to diminish what the neighbor said, staff just found oat aboat her ooncem on
very short notice so there was no way for staff to investigate that. Staff dcesn't Imow if attaching a condition
to the variance that a new curb be aligned to eliminate the drainage problem will solve the alleged problem.
Possibty regrading will eliminate it but the difficulty lies in being assured that there is a factual basis for
making that condifion and lmowing that condition will solve the anderlying drainage problem He staYe@ that
he dcesn't believe staff and the Boazd have enouglt informarion to do that. The adjoining property owner has
a separate legal remedy available at their disposal to remedy the drainage problem if it indced exists. ff the
idea of the curb is to provide a safety buffer, that wotild be an appropriate consideraUon but to not limit it to
solving an alleged drainage problem.
Mr. Wilson withdrew his motion.
Ms. Bogen moved to deny the variance based on findings 1, 3 and 4. She stated that Finding #1 should be
changed to say that the property can be put to a reasonable use. There is no need £or the driveway on the side
of the house. Finding #3 should be changed to say that the proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit
and intent of the code ..." Finding #4 should be changed to read that the variance will alter the essential
chazacter of ihe surrounding azea ..." The tripl� wili have adequate parldng when the garage is built 4n the
back. Mr. Tully seconded the motion.
Mr. Tnlly asked how long the HPC decisions are in eft'ect Mr. Hazdwick replied that once a project is
established the HPC's approval is legal until something is done to change it.
R� - ►�o�.
Fila #97-061
Page Five
Ms. Bogen pointed out that when the HPC approved this, they approved it as a duplex and now it is being
converted into a triplex. The Board has made additional conditions in parldng in the back yazd. The only
need for pazking in the side yard is for convenience.
Mr. Donohue suggested that rather than deny tivs variance the Board should continue the matter and allow
the neighbors to come to a compromise.
Mr. Donohue moved to continue the matter. Mr. Scherman seconded the motion.
Mr. Tully asked if the Boazd would then be beyond the 60-day deadline? Mr. Wamer replied that the Board
couid continue the matter until the next meeting and be within the 60-day deadline.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has no indication that it will be beneficial to the parties to continue the
matter. The neighbor gave a generous offer to pay for half of the removal of the driveway but he doubts that
the neig�bor would pay for letting the driveway stay.
The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 2(Tully, Bogen).
Ms. Maddox stated that the motion to deny the variance request continues until the May 5, 1997, hearing at
which time it will be voted on. Ms. Maddox urged Ms. Bachmeier and Ms. Babcock to contact Mr. Hazdwick
prior to the May 5 hearing date.
3u 'tted b�����
hn Hardwick
p oved by: n /
i 1 v
� hn Tully, Secretary
DATE May 5, 1997
WI�REAS, BRIGETTE BACHMEIER has applied for a variance from the strict application of
the provisions of Section 62.104 (11) of Yhe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the
continued use of pazking within a required side yard in the zoning disYrict at 459 PORTLAND
AVE; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/21/97 and
OS/OS/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the
Legislative Code; and
WE�REAS, the Saint Paui Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the pub&c
hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
The property in quesYion cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut issued
by the Public Works Department. The applicant also received approval fzom the Heritage
Preservation Commission for Yhe driveway. For some reason the applicant was not directed to
consult with zoning. The driveway is paved aad has stone curbs as requ'ued for historical
conformity. The parking available in this driveway, as well as additional parking, is necessary
for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were several
times during the various approval processes where the applicant should have been directed to
Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the heaith, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paut.
The desire Yo provide off-street pazldng that complies with Heritage Preservation guideline is
in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate suppIy of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonabIy
diminish established property values within the surrounding azea.
q1 — 13 0 �.
Ffle #9?-061
Page Two
The sunounding property owners have been notified of the applicant's desire to convert the
bu�lding to a tri-plex and have had an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking
in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that the existing
parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the driveway meets
Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the character of the
surrounding azea.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions
of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter
or change the zoning district class�fication of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the property.
6. Th� request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the parcel of land.
NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
provisions of Section 62.104 (I 1) be hereby waived to allow to allow parking within a required
side yard on property located at 459 PORTLA�iD AVENUE and legally described as PINs
012823240260 and 012823240261; in accordance with the application for variance and the site
plan on file with the Zoning Administrator.
MOVED BY: ntton
SECONDED BY: scherman
MASLED: May 6,1997
TIME LIMIT: � No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erec6on or alteration
of a building or off-street parldng facility shali be valid for a period longer than
one year, uniess a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained
within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the
terms of such permi� The Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may
grant an eztension not to eaceed one year. In granting such extension, the
Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing.
Fite #97-061
Page Three
APPEAL Decisions of tfie Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the �ty
Council within 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buitding permifs
shall not be issued after an appeat has been filed. If perrtuts have been issued
before an appeal has been Fled, theu the permits are suspended and
construcfion shall cease untit the City Councit has made a f nal detenvination of
the appeal.
CERTTFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoaing Appeals for the Gty of
Saint Paul, Minnesofa, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
copy with the original record in my office; and fmd tfie sarae to be a true and
conecY copy of said orig'u�,al and of the whole thereof, as based on approved
minutes of We Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeYing held on
Apri121,1997, and May 5,1997, and on record in the Qffice of License
Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St Peter Street, Saint Paul,
' Minnesota.
Sue Synstegaard
Secretary to the Board
9'1 - 1 � a �--
To: Mr. John 4{ardwick
Board of Zoning Appeais
350 Saint Peter Street �
Suite 300 �
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnespta 55102 �
From: Wiltiam A. & Kathryn M. Babcock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222-4636
Re: May 5 Zoning Board of Appeais Meeting
Date: May 2, 1997
We have attached a letter pertinent to the first agenda item
on your Monday, May 5, Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.
Also, please find enclosed ten {10) additional copies of
this lettier for the members of the 8oard of Zoning Appeals
and for the City Attorney.
Please let us know if there is any other material that you
might need.
Willia�a A. & Katfiryn M.
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4638
May 2, 1997
Mr. John Hardwick
Board oY Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Bear Mr. Hardwick:
At the request of the Board of Zoning Appeals, we have Yur-
ther discussed the side-yard parking variance with our
neighbor, &rigitte Bachmeier.
Mrs. Bachmeier has told us that her car will he the onl.v
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has offereci to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small Yence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta). vo
details of fihis were discussed, as it would not significant-
ly alter the situation.
We suggested that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
only until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(somefime next year, or prior ta the sale of her house).
Locating all the parking for the 459 structure in the back-
yard seems a prudent and feasible atiernative, which will be
in keeping with historic district guidelines.
These guidelines will be tested again later this month by
the full Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) when it
reviews two similar curb-cut requests for Summit Avenue.,
It is notable that Donald Bachmeier never appealed to the
City Council after the HPC denied curb cuts in 1988. Also
(aecording to HPC records), when the "Certificate of Ap-
proval for Minor Work" was issued a year later, circum-
stances at 459 Portland Avenue were not significantly dif-
ferent than Yhey wece in 2988. This "Minor 11'ork" certifi-
cate did not obviafe fhe need.fo meef zoning codes (specifi-
cally parking a car in a small side yard).
a� - «o �..
i�tay 2, 1997
The public process in Saint Paul's Historic District has
been key since the District's inception. Overlooking a var-
iance in 1989 meant that there was no public meeting held to
discuss this aiteration to the district -- an alteration
that the Yull HPC had found significant mhen it denied this
curb cut in 1988.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
�� � �� � ���
2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance
F7I.E # 97-061
4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PIN's 012823240260 and 012823240261
A. PURPOSE: A variance to allow pazking within a required side yazd.
B. ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the continued use
of a pazking space within the required 15 foot side setback.
C. SITE AND AREA CONDTI'IONS: Tlus is a 65 by 144 foot pazcel with alley access to a
detached twacar garage in the rear yard. There is also a nonconforming parking space on the
east side of the house.
Surrounding Land Use: A miYture of single- and multiple-family housing.
D. BACKGROUND: The applicant was ganted a tot size and density variance by the BZA in
February of this year to convert the building into a three-family dwetling. At the public
hearing it was noted that the parking space along side of the house was estabIished without
zoning approval. The variances ganted for the conversion to a tri-plex were subject to the
condition that the applicant resolve this illegal parking situarion.
The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict. provisions of
the code. '
° I'? - 1 � o �
File #97-061
Page Two
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut
issued by the Public Works Department. The applicaut also received approval from the
Heritage Preservation Commission for the driveway. For some reason the applicant was
not directed to consult with zoning. The driveway is paved and has stone curbs as
required for historical confomuty. The parking available in this driveway, as well as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to ttus property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were
several times during the various approvai processes where the applicant should have been
directed to Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with Iieritage Preservation guideline
is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably
dimuush established property values within the sunounding area.
The surrounding property owners have been notified of the applicanYs desire to convert
the building to a tri-plex and have had an oppornxnity to express any concerns about the
parking in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that
the existing parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the
driveway meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the surrounding area.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pemut any use that is not pernutted under the
provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the
F�e #97-06I
Page Three
6. The request for variance is not based primariiy on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the pazcet of land.
F. DISTRICT COITNCIL ItECOM1VIENDATION: Since District 8 recommended approval
of the variance to convert this building to a tri-plex and reviewed the site plan at that time
with a recommendation for approval, they decided that a fiuther review of this request would
not be necessary.
G. STAF'F RECONIlbiENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends
approval of the variance.
� . . �� ^ �
� ,-o�L-
�� PEALS 70 PERMiT THE C w� �� �'f o/ f� �/!{� Ci C I I.�( UP��GN PROPERTY
t. ProQerty interest of applica�t (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)
C�wNP� '�-� �uNt�vi'N/N/ul� ��/•��Rll�
2. Name ot owner (if different)
B. PropertyDescription: ADDRESS `��� �U� ���fV` '��
1. Legal description: LOT . BLOCK ��-�--�-�—�=� ADD. ^�
2. �otsize:
loS" x /y3 °.;,
U�pitx, r,�,r R7'- Z
3. PresentUse .4nnn�od/��is � presentZoningDist.
G. Reasons for Request: } � ,
t. Proposed use : ( �
-1 E+� CL�/'_"'
2. What physicai characteristics of the property preve�t i[s being used for any of the permitted
uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size arW shape of lot, etc.)
/ � / .
�°� G lli�'r� (i �p,'/j,E
3. State the specific variation requested, giving distances where appropriate.
+`�i s 1`s ar��c�rY��N is�k'r; ]�� v e Ro u�ts ��` �%
a rvfr`ssjria .�PPnoc/a/ a� �N� y�� c�Nr�e -
4. Expfain how your case conforms to each of the foUowing: ;
a. That the strict appiication of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance wouid result in pecuiiar ;
or exceptional practical difficuities, or exceptional undue hardships. � '
.Sr� !��, � ��
-�--- �i.�,� �
, b. That the granting of a variance wi11 -�� -
rwt be a substantial detriment to �e�i��A'
pubiic good or a substantial impair- ��.,�,
. ment of the intent and purpose of "�'"�`
� the Zoning Ordinance.
• 5 �'f lD ���
�,- � �� � r7� � �
� Signature� ,�n5" F �-� %'�I� c-i
RS ONLY -. �.- "..
. �••�_ ty3.:�-
, t���.? £.
5t. Anthony Management, Inc.
439 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Department
G`ity of Saint Pavl
350 St. Peter, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102
March 19th, 1997
Re: 459 Portland Avenue -- Existing FrontJside Yard Driveway Approval Request
Deaz Mr. Hardwick:
As you most likely recall, Brigitte Bachmeier, is the condomirrium Declarant, and the
occupant owner of Condominium unit #2 at 459 Portiand which encompasses the
majority of the basement, first and second floors. The third floor condominium is unit
#1 and is owned and occupied by another party. The W.A. Dorsey Condominium, at
459 Portland, was recently created as an expandable condominium with the intention
of completing the basement rental unit which was begun by a previous owner,
Accordingly, a zoning application was submitted to request transition from a duplex,
two unit property ta a legal tri-pleg, tbree unit property. This approval was granted
by the BZA. During this approval pracess it was discovered that the effisting
driveway which was consfixucted in 1989 along the parcel's east property line from
PorGland Avenue north through the front yard to between 459 and the house to the
east, had somehow not received an o�cial approval from zoning.
This is strange since it was thought that all the appropriate G`ity permits and
approvals for the driveway had been applied for and obtained. The Building
Department, Public Works for the curbcut and the HPC, all tbree did give their
blessing ans approvals to Doanald Bachmeier, as has been verified from official G`ity
records, (see attachments). Therefore, it is a mystery as to how come the zoning
bureaucracy wasn't also informed and involved at that time?
At Ms Bachmeier's appearance before the BZA, a11 parties agreed that she should re-
apply for a zoning variance for the existing driveway as a separate matter. The
purpose of this letter is to fulfill that obligation.
Presently, there are 1.5 to two existing garage stall spaces, and two front driveway
parl�ng spaces in use. The official Condominium Plat's site plan (enclosed previously)
shows future provisions have been made for up to three more aIley-accessed parking
stalls to be constructed in the future on the NE corner of the parcel in the back yard,
(either garaged or hard-surfaced?.
a'l -13 0 �--
There have been no known complaints from any neighbors regarding the e�sting
driveway from 1989 to present. As you know, recently, a substantial number of
neighbors provided lettzrs of support to the G�ty endorsing and approving of Ms
Bachmeier's request for conversion from a dupleg to a tri-plex, all of them were fully
awaze of the e�sting driveway. It is particulazly significant, that the only inquiries
received by staff in response to the recent rezoning actions' neighbor notification
mailing specifically mentioned neighborhood concems that adequate off-street
parl�ng be preserved, not eliminated.
With respect to the BZA's 6-24-96 "required yard" parking request conditions:
a. Re: Contanuous use since October of 1975? The owner applied to the City
for and was granted permission to construct this driveway by Public Works, HPC and
the Building Department in 1989.
b. The assumed "hardship" in 1989 was apparently topography. The level of
the rear yard is nearly 3' above the alley, and is bordered by a cement wall.
c. Consent from nearby property owners within 10� feet. Ms Bachmeier just
recently provided signatures from her neighbors as part of the recent rezoning
process. No compiaints have been received regarding the existing driveway.
d. The existang driveway is paved as required.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact me at 648-7718,
or Brigitte Bachmeier directly at 225-0880.
For: St. Anthony Management, Inc.
Project Consultant
Louis C. Sudheimer
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May 16, 1989
„g, -�t� #
459 Portland Avenue
Hill District
Donald Bachmeier
Allan L. Torstenson
STTE DESCRIPTION: The Boyden-Dorsey house at 459 Portland Avenue is a
Neoclassicai style residence constructed in 1901 and categorized
as pivotal to the Historic Hili Heritage Preservation District.
PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to construct a new curb-cut on Porttand
and a new driveway along the east side of his house.
GUIDELII3E5 CITATIONS: 1. Section C. II. Garages and Parking of the Hill District
Guidelines for Design Review states that, "If an alley is
adjacent to the property, garages and parking shouid be
located off of the alley." Driveway curb-cuts may be
acceptable where aileys do not exist.
2. Section C. IX. Landscaping states that, "Granite curbs
should be preserved."
FINDING5 OF FACT: i. Because of the width and condition of the ailey at the
back of the house, and because of the size and topography
of the rear yard, providing for adequate off-street parking
off of the aliey wouid be difficult and would result in loss
of aimost all of the usable back yard open spaco.
2. The applicant will reinstall the historic granite curbing
removed for the proposed new curb-cut to an abandoned
driveway curb-cut across the street and reuse the curved
granite curbing from the abandoned curb-cut aczoss ihe
street for the proposed new curb-cut.
'.Z d a. 3 � 9 � /�c.-, �
2 �- 2 . Ga c� C7Tj-/c2
�159 Portland Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
April 17 19a9
Mr. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Conmission
1100 City Hall Armex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paut, MMt�II 55102
Dear Allen:
�closed are drawings i7lustrating the driveway I would like to
install at rrty residence located at 459 po�land Avenue.
I am aware this installat3on varies fran the HPC guidelines and
request your support in varying from the guidelines for the
followir� reasons.
1) We wi.11 agr�ee to reinstall historic granite removed
from our diveway to an abandoned driveway curb cut
across the street. The net lineal footage of granite
curb on our block would then be unchanged and an
unsightly Lmcurbed boulevard would be enhanced at no
expense to the city.
2) Our neighbor to the east most affected by the driveway
dces not ob3ect. (see enclosed letter)
3) The driveway provides additonal off street parking.
The existing structure of approxiamtely 9600 square
feet has only a single car garage. 'Prrice a week we
park 3/�+ of a block away and regularly carry groceries
fr� a distance of 150 feet.
4) Installing the drive from the alley would be difficult
because of the following.
The approximate 3 foot elevation cY�ar�ge from
the alley.
Zero lot line of structures and slabs beh3nd
oi.m hane which restrict turning radius.
Position of power pole at east property line.
°l� - �30�
N�. Allan Torstenson
Apri1 17, 198g
Page Two
Al1ey paving briek has settled like tire ruts
whi.ch is ent�nced in the wlnter by normal snow and
ice rutting. We are located in middle of bloek
which requires longest alley drive.
The comb3nation of these issues has cost us
thousands of dollars in auto repairs and
significantly elevated stress.
If there are any further questions please contact me.
Sincerely, c �� - ��
I�nald L. &�chmeier
�53 Partland Avenue
St. Paul, 1�I 55103
April 18, 1989
Nm. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Comnission
1100 City Hall Annex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paul., MiV 55102
Dear Mr. Torstenson:
We have discussed the matter of Mr. Bachmeier's driveway
9nstallation and have decided to not ob�ect to th3.s proposal.
Mentor C. Addicks Jr. `
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4l5 GSY HALL �
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Nov. 18 1992 09:29PM P1
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FROM : HISTORIC HILL FiOMES Inc PFIONE N0. :+291 0226 Nw. 18 1992 09:30PM P2
n+�. �ro�, x�am�
Zoning Techniaan
Building bepartuient
City of Saint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St, Paul, MN 66102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeie�'s property at �58 Partland Ave.
Doar Mr, Iiarflwick:
aate: � �aa � `�
I Aril A�VVO &CD)1307gI]}lOT(8) Uf B11�1tt8'BaCh3'A81.Ox� and li.ve at:
���7 / oRTr.�-r� FJ �Nw. �� 7 / f�+-r c. , 1`�!N J�J'r c�c�
I am (We ara) �vriting in suppart of Brigitto's zoning request to complete the
renovatian of tlae garden level (basoment? rental unit hegun by her ex•husband.
I iWo1 undorstand that Bzigitta's 458 Portland proPo�y is currently zoned RT-2
which allows up to four living units under certazn conditiong, however apparently
additional variances are also requixed in order for Brigitt� ta havo more than two
living wnita on the property.
9� -l�o�..
The hauso at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
coneidezabio orx�ate hiatoric dfltailing. It has over 7,OOQ square feet of finiehed interior
fo'otage, enough footage for a amall apsrtment building. As such, it is very expensive
to maintain, and I(�,ve) believe that tkie granting of the variances Brigitta Bachmeier
is requesting in order to allow her to completz and rent her basement living unit is
Very Truiy Yours,
I��. �.L._..� A^-
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Techniaan
Buflding Degarf,ment
City of Saint Paut
360 St� Feter, Suite 3a0
sc. �a�, Mrr �sioa
Re: Brigitta Baehmeie�s properG�y at 459 Portland Ave.
Doar Mr. Iiardwick:
Nw. 18 1992 09:31PM P1
17ate: �•'� � 1
I azn a CWe are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
tlz;�l p(N�X t(�!� 1�YE:.. ,�'1�. �i���, 4�j �;In�.-
T am (We are) wrlting iu support of Brigif�te's zoning reques� f,o complete the
ronovation of the garden level (basament} rontal uxuC begun by her ex-huaband.
I(We) understar,d that Brigitte's 458 Portland property is currently zonod RT-2
which allows up to four living vnits under certain conditions, howeve.r apparently
addiGionai variances are also required in order for Brigitte to have more than two
living units an the progar�y. ,
Tho housv st 469 Portland is a hugo 19D0 vra wood frarne exteriar buitding with
consi.derable ornato laistaric detailiag. It has over 7,000 aquare feet of finished in,terior
footage, enough footage for a amall aparttnent building. As such, it is very expensive
tR maintain, and I(wo) believe that the granting o4'the variances Sr;gitte Bachmeier,
is requeating in order to allow her to complete and rent her basoment living unit is .
Very Truly ,Y
.�t ( r< ,�
pFqt� N0, : +291 0226
Fbv. 18 1992 09:32PM P2
q r1 - �'� O }-
Mr. John Hazdwlck
Zoning Techniciaa
Building Depariment
City of Saint Paut
350 S� Petar, Suite 390
5t. Paul, MN 65102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiez's property at 459 Portlaad Ave.
DoarMr. Hardwick:
Aate: �' � q �
I am a f We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitts Bachmeier, and live at»
'f5� �� .
I am (t�e are) writing in support of Brigitte's zoning request to complete the
ronovation of the gardsn level (basemant) roatal unit bo�sn by her ex-hueband.
I(We) underatend that Brigitte's 468 Portland propertyie cuxrent�y zonod RT•2
which ullowe ug � four living uuita �nder cortaia conditions, however npgarantly
ndditional variancas aro aleo required in order for Hrigitte to hava more than two
living units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frama exterior building with
considerable ornate historic dotailing. It has ovor 7,000 square feeE of finished interior
footago, enough footage for a small apartment building. As euch, it is very expensive
eu maintain, and I(Nre) 6elieve that tha graaGing o£the variancea Brigitto Bachmoior
is requesting in order to allow her to compiete axid rent her basement living uivt is
Very Truly Youra,
�ro•( �"�.�4'
r ������-P _ _ _ __
� .a •• �as � /8' 6 A
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoxiing Technician
Building DeparLment
City of Saiat Paul
350 St, Peter, Suite 900
SC. Pavl, MN G5302
Ite: I3rigitta Bactimeier's proporty at 469 Portland Ave.
Date: , /� / / 9 �� -
ll�nr Mr. Iiardwick:
._. �
Denr Mr. Hardvrick:
I am a(We are neighbor{e) of Brigitte B ier, and liva aL:
'y'S.3 /' Y1`la,a1 ��'. .f'7'�ltr.�-/ /yl/I� S�%Dl
� am (4Vo aro) writang ia eupport of Brigitte's zonIng request W comploW tho
ronovation of f]ie gurdea lovol (basement) rental unit begun by hor ex•husb�nd.
I(Wo) understand that Brigitte's 469 PortJand proporty is currontly zoned RT-2
which allowa up to four living units under cerW'ui conditione, however apparently
additional variances ere also requirod in order for $rigitte W havo moro Wan two
]iv3ng units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
considerabte ornate Iuetoric det '�. It hae uvet' 7,000 equaco foot of Sniehod intorior
footage, enough footage for a emall apartment building. A9 euch, it is very expensive
to moin�;aia, and I(we) beliavs thnf. tho granting of the variences Brigitfa Bachmeier
ie rpquosting in arder i,o allow hor ta completa ¢nd rent har basc,mant living unit is
Very Truly Yours,
W• �v
pl-I� N0. :+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P3
9'� -13oa.
Mr. John I3ardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Depart�nent
City of Saint Paul
3G0 St. Pot;er, Suite 3Q0
St.l�aul, MN 56102
Ro; Brigitl.a 13achmeiez's proporty at 459 Portland Ave,
riear Mr, Hardwick:
Aate: 2 �
] Am a(We ara) neighb�r(s) of Brigii�to Bachmoier, and live at:
�/y9 �eti:i�r�� /�rf Sr`, ���. m�� 'ia z- --- --- �
I am (We arc�) writang in suppori� of Bz�gitto's zoning request to construeL and
x•anovato hor garden ]evei (basamont) as a third living unit.
I(Wo) understand thai� �irigitto's 4�8 Portland propex�i.q is cuxxently zonod RT•2
wluch allowg up to four living units under certain conditiona, howavor apparently
nddiLionul variances are also requirsd in ordor fnr $rigitte to have more t�an two
living units on the progvxty.
The house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era woad frame extexior building wi�Ii
congiderable ornato historic detailing. It has ovor 7,000 �quars feet of finished inCerior
footxige, enou�h fnotago for a smrxll aparCment lauilding. Aa such, it is very expensiva
to znain,tain, und Y(we) belie�ve Lhat the granting of ths variances Brigitte Bachmeier
is requoating ai order to allow hor to coniplete and rent hor basomant living unit is
Very'!'ruly Xours,
/ , /�
. . � �.�....►
1 �, ���.
�" r�
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Dopartmont
City of Snint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St. Paul, MN 55102
Ii�e: Brigitta Bachmeier's propsrty at 459 Portland Ave.
I�ear Mr. Hardwick;
Datz: � � 7
I am a(We aro) neighbor(s) of Brigitte BAChmoier, end live aL:
,` J1Cl �
I am (We are) writing in suppor� of Brigitte'e zoning request to complotv the
renovation of the garden lovel (baeement) mntal unit begun by har ex-husband,
J{We) understand thut Brigitte's 459 Portland properLy is currontly zoned RT•2
w�ich allows up to faur living units undor certain conditiona, however apparently
additionul variances are aIsa raquired in ordor for Brigitte to havo moro than two
living uiuts on the proporty.
The housa at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood fxamo axterior building with
considerable ornato Iiietoric detailing. It has over 7,fl00 square feet of finishod interior
footag�s, enough footage for a small apartment buiiding, Ae such, it is vory expensivo
to maintain, and I(we} believe that the grAnting of the variances Brigittc+ Bachmeier
is requesi�ing in order to allow her to comploto �►nd rent her baseraent living unit i s
�� ���
PHONE N0. �+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P4
�Tnrv Trnlv Ynnr�t
PHONE N0. :+291 0226 Nov. 18 1992 09:34PM PS
Mr. John xardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Deparhnent
City of Saint Paul
350 St. Petor, Suite 800
St. PAUl, MN 55102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiex's property at 459 Portland Ave.
Daar Mr. Hardwick:
Date: /'2�'- °
I axn n(We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
��vz/ �i�G4rFi-ar✓�•?" /'�^�.
T�Tn (We are) writing in support of Brigi.tte's zoning request to completca the
rexiovation oF the garden level (basement) rental unit begun by her eu-husband,
I(We) understand that Brigitte's 469 PorCland property zs currentiy zoned RT-2
wluch'allows up to four living tuui•s under certain conditions, however apparently
additional variances are also roquired in order for Brigi�te to hava moro tlian two
living unite on the properEy.
The house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior bui.lding with
considexablo ornate historic detfailing. It has over 7,0110 squsra feet a£finished interior
foot�ge, enough footage for a sma1� apartment building. t1s such, it is very oxpensive
to maintair�, and I(we) believe �na� the granting af i;he variances Brigitte $achmeier
is requesting in order to atlow her to complete and rent hear basement living unit is
Ap�x•opriate. •
Very Truly'Youre,
19 .. 29, „ 21
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V vacant
q�- I�o�-
May 1, 1997
Board of Zoning Appeals
Building Department
City of St. Paul
350 St. Peter Street Suite 300
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attention: Mr. John Hardwick, Zoning Technician
File No.: 97-061
Location: 459 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Zoning: RT-2, HPL
Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE to Allow Parking within a Required Side
Dear Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals:
I respectfutly request thatyou grant approval of the above-captioned minor variance request
for the purpose of allowing me to preserve intact a driveway which has existed on my
property at 459 Portland Avenue since 1989. That your approval of this request was statled
on April 21st because of the objections of my neighbors, the Babcocks, is a deja vu experience
for me because it took Don, my ex-husband, two arduous years (involving many meetings,
hearings and negotiations) to get the installation of that driveway approved by the Heritage
Preservation Commission (HPC). That application process began in 1987 with Don's
submission of an application to construct the driveway to the Building Inspection and Design
Division (BIDD) and ended up in the office of the Department of Public Works (DPW) on May
11, 1989 with the issuance of permit, we rightfully thought, to install the driveway. We
installed the driveway in the Summer of 1989. It cost two years' time and aggravation and
$5,000 to install.
A(lan Torstenson, who back then was Planner-in-Charge of the HPC, distinctly remembers the
Bachmeier driveway matter before the HPC as a"long and drawn out application process". It
was so protracted, in fact, that one of tne HaC members sent Con a ietter afrer it was over
apotogizing to us for the length of time it took the HPC to finally approve our application.
I wanted to give you this brief background so that you did not think that Don and I simply
installed the driveway in the middle of the night. On the contrary, we jumped through all of
the hoops the City asked us to starting with the application to BIDD, then to HPC and finally
to DPW. We did exactly what we were told to do. No one from BIDD, HPC or DPW told us that
further approval needed to be obtained from the BZA. In going through the HPC approval
process, we obtained consents from surrounding neighbors induding the previous owner of
the 8abcocks' house (an attorney).
After you postponed your decision on April 21st, I started to explore the labyrinth of city
departments to find out why we were not required--in 1987-9--to seek zoning approval of this
simple project. I first called BIDD and was informed that it did not issue permits for
driveways and that I should talk to DPW. When I told A[lan Torstenson of this comment, his
459 Portland Avenue • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 •(612) 225-0880
Letter to BZA
May 1, 1997
response was: "If a building permit is not required, then zoning approval is not needed".
I then called DPW and talked with Cindy Wood, an official in that department. She and her
superior were surprised to hear that a driveway applicant needs to get approval not only
from HPC but also from BZA. She said that DPW's procedure for curb-cut/driveway projects
in the Historic Hill DistricC is first to check to see if the HPC has approved it; and if the HPC
has, to issue the permit.
The consensus of the city officials I talked to, thus, is that zoning approval is and has not
been required in circumstances of this sort; that is, there is no procedure for sending an
applicant who has run the HPC gauntlet to get the HPC's approval, and then gotten a permit
from DPW, to the BZA for variance approval. If in fact zoning approval is necessary, there
seems to be no mechanism for communicating that requirement to unwitting applicants
such as us. No one told us back in i989 that we needed io getyour approval of the variance
being sought today, nor, it seems, would anyone applying nowadays be given that direction.
I talked about this matter to Jim Lynden, the attorney who drafted the condominiuin
documents for my conversion of 459 Portland Avenue to a condominium. He used to live on
the next block of Portland Avenue, helped draft the legislation creating the Historic Hill
District and the HPC regulations, was a city attorney for 16 years, and was the first President
of the Ramsey Hill Association and President of Old Town Restorations, Inc.. He was
surprised that I was being required to obtain a variance where clearly some city official or
department failed to apprise Don that we needed to get zoning approval--if, in fact, we really
did need to get such additional approval. Jim told me about a case where the Minnesota
Supreme Court or Court of Appeals held that a city could not require an owner to tear down
a structure built pursuant to a permit where the city--after the issuance of the permit and
consfi of the structure---discovered that the structure violated the zoning ordinance of
the city.
This letter is accompanied by letters supporting my variance request by many of the
surrounding neighbors except for the Babcocks. It also includes a letter from Roger Hankey--
a certified member of the American Society of Home Inspectors--which rePudiates Mrs.
Babcock's drainage contentions. Please take time to read them.
The Babcocks moved into the house next door--453 Portland Avenue--six years ago. The
driveway which so offends them now was there then. The previous owner of their house--
Mentor Addicks--consented to the instatlation of the driveway.
I am an Austrian immigrant and, as such, a compulsive gardener. I am proud of the
grounds of my house. My yard is immaculate. Neighbors have commented about how nice it
always looks. In fact, right after the Babcocks moved in, Bill Babcock told me that one of the
prime reasons they bought their house was my beautiful yard. Every summer since, the
Babcocks have complimented me on it. To have Mrs. Babcock suggest to you otherwise, and
to show you an unrepresentative photo (i.e., the vans of the remodelers of the third floor
were parked on the driveway at the time she took the shot, a once in 20-30 years
occurrence), thus is quite upsetting to me.
In opposing my variance request, Mrs. Babcock is being opportunistic. Neither she nor
her husband raised objection to the driveway in the earlier proceeding in which you
9� - �3 0�-
Leiter to BZA
May 1, 1997
approved conversion of my duplex to a triplex (Zoning File No. 97-0OS) nor did they
appear in opposition to my application at the District 8 level. In fact, they gave their rvritten
consent to it.
With respect to Mrs. Babcock's concerns for the safety her child, I have the following
comments and solution: If her 3 year old child is wandering around in her front yard,
PorEland Avenue is much more dangerous than the Iitt(e driveway in question. A betEer place
for the chiid to play is in the back yard. That is where my children played when they were
younger. With that in mind, I propose to pay to the Babcocks one-half--not to exceed
$1,000--of the cost of fencing or high shrubs along the eastern perimeter of my property or
else one-half--not to exceed $1,000--of the cost of the erection of a fence running east-west
from my property to the Babcock's house so that their child can safely play in an enclosed
Mrs. Babcock has rejected all such proposals up to this point. She perhaps senses she can
prevail with you and, therefore, need not compromise with me. She has been totally
uncaoperative, insisting that the law must be upheld above all other things. I have tried my
best to resolve this matter with her to no avail.
In regard to Mrs. Babcock's contention that the driveway is causing water to drain into the
basement of her house, I had Roger Hankey--a certified member of the American Society of
Home Inspectors--inspect the driveway and surroundings today. His report accompanies this
letter. It thoroughly refutes Mrs. Babcock's contention. In it, Mr. Hankey indicates that, in
fact, the Babcocks' drainage problems are caused by the lack of gutters on the roof of their
house (at least on the west side thereo�. He proposes solutions for each of us to implement
to improve drainage.
I am not a rich developer. I am a single mother fighting to stay in a beautiful house that
costs alot to finance, maintain and repair. I want to stay here as long as I can. I have lived
here with my family for 12 years. I converted the property to a condominium as the
solution to a financial problem that arose during the dissolution of my marriage to Don and
as a means to save the properly as a place to live for me and my children. I need to be able to
create a third unit (the purpose of the previous variance application you granted) and to sell
or rent it in order to reduce my debt load or make it more easy to handle.
Parking, unfortunately, is the tail that wags the dog. It is critical. If I lose one parking space
on the driveway because of your denial of the requested variance and my having to remove
the driveway, I will be forced to construct an unnecessary garage along the alley to the rear
of my residence. My backyard will become a solid wall of garages. The costs I would have to
incur would be monumental for me--i.e., $6,000 to $8,000 for the demolition of the
driveway and re-landscaping and $8,000 to $10,000 for the construc of a new garage.
Those costs, of course, would be in addition to the $5,000 Don and I invested in the driveway
backin 1989.
For all of the reasons stated above, I would appreciate your granfing my variance request.
Sincerely yours, ''p
Brigitte R. Bachmeier
11833 Thomhiil Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3274
612 - 829 - 0044 Fax: 612 - 94i - 8023
Certified Members of the American Society of Home Inspectorsm
459 Portland, St. Paui, MN 55102
Brigitte Bachmeier
459 Portland, St. Paui MN 55102
Certified Member of ASHI O Roger Hankey
Driveway drainage consuit.
I have today examined the east side of the subject property including the driveway. The purpose of this visual
examination was to determine if the driveway contributed to any,significant drainage toward the adjoining
property to the east.
The driveway drainage was fested using water from the hose connection at the SE comer of the house. The
majority of water piaced near the house, and at a point 2 feet east of the house flowed to Portland Ave. A smail
quantity of water did flow to the adjoining property to the east. However, this water does NOT flow to the area
ne� to the foundation of 453 Portland.
Any water from 459 that flows to 453 is diverted toward the street by a low ridge of soil between 453 and the
east edge of the driveway at 459.
The drainage at 453 is poor. The roof of 453 (at least on the W. side) has no rain gatters. Roofi runoff fands
alortg the foundation and can't flow away due to setiled walks and low areas of soil near the house.
One option that would improve the drainage at BOTH properties would be to create a swale (a shallow vailey)
in the west yard of 453 about 2 to 3 feet from the east edge of the 459 driveway.
Another option that would capture water from the 459 driveway would be to cut out a smali strip of fhe 459
driveway (say &8'� and replace the cut out portion with a concrete curb & gutter. This gutter wouid drain to the
street. The curb would ensure that vehicies using the 459 driveway wouid not encroach on the 453 yard.
This curb and gutter system would NOT aid in reducing the primary drainage problem near the foundation of
453, however it could serve as the high sidz oi a swale in the yard of 453, if BOTN of these options are
i suggest that both options be adopted, with each property owner taking responsibitity for improvements on their
own property.
These recommendations do not constitute an assurance that the basement of either property will remain dry.
Water controi issues must also include proper use and maintenance of gufters & downspouts. Limestone
foundations are we2 not intended to be waterproof.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
q1- \3oa-
467 Portland Avenue
St Paul, MN 55102
April 30, 1997
3ohn Hardwick
St. Paul City Council
Dear Mr. Hardwick,
Re: Drivewav at 459 Portland Avenue
I am writing this letter to support Brigitte Bachmeiez's
request for zoning pezmission for the driveway which is
in situ at the above address.
The driveway was apparently built nine years ago and, for the
five years during which we have owned and occupied 467
Portland Avenue, we have not experienced any problems with it
- nor have we ever heard of any other neighbors having a
problem with it. With the esception of the last few months
when there has been a remodeling project in progress on the
third floor of 459 Portland Avenue, the driveway has always
been well maintained and kept clean and, as soon as that
remodeling project is completed, we would expect her driveway
to return to its normal standard of cleanliness.
The alternatives, presumably, would be for Mrs. Bachmeier to
park on the street or build a new garage behind her property.
The former is always a touchy situation in a neighborhood
such as ours where street parking is somewhat limited, and,
from the point of view of someone who curren�ly looks at 46
feet of garage roof shingles courtesy of a new garage built
on Holly Avenue, I would prefer to maintain as much qreen
space in the neighborhood as possible.
I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to express my
opinion on the above issue and I should be happy to discuss
this further at any time should you think it necessary.
Lynda Salway
May 2, 1997
To Whom It May Concem:
We live at 449 Portland Avenue in St. Paul.
€'or#land Av�.
Our house is 6 feet to the east of Mr. and Mrs. Babcock's residence. Neither their house
nor ours have down spouts or gutters. About three years ago and couple of times since
then, we have suggested to Mr. and Mrs. Babcock that we create a proper drainage
system between our houses (estimated cost $500.00 total).
Each time they have responded by saying that they have a dry basement. Needless to say
we were snrprised to heaz that the Babcock's claim that Mrs. Bachmeier's driveway was
causing them to have a wet basement.
Also we found their offer to split the cost to remove the driveway unbelievable. 'I'heir
home including the front porch need massive amount of money to restore its structurat
integrity. In the s'vi yeazs that we have lived at 449 Portland, tfiey haue never fully repaired
anything. Tlus leads us to believe that they either do not care or can not afford to repair
their home. In addidon their house sheds shingles like dandruff, creating safety concem for
our two children. Our children aze not even ,cafe on their own properry. The Babcocks
haue shown no concem about these safety issues.
We strongly support the necessary approvals for Mrs. Bacluneier's driveway. We feel that
our view represents the overwh ' g majority ofMrs. Bachmeiere's neighbors.
Khalid EI. Effendi
Faezeh O. Effendi
Cpuncil File # Q�_ 13O •'�.
Green Sheet # �0� � �
Presented By
Referred To
2 VJI�REAS, Brigitte Bachmeier, made application to the Saint Paul Boazd of Zoning
3 Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code
4 for property located at 459 Portland Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as
5 Property Identification Number 012823240260 and Property Identification Number
6 012823240261;and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the applicafion was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code to ailow parking within a required side yazd; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on Apri121, 1997,
after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Board of Zoning Appeals, by
its Resolution 97-061, adopted May 5, 1997, granting the variance application based upon the
following findings and conclusions:
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant
to a permit issued by the Public Works Department. The applicant also
received approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission for the
driveway. For some reason, the applicant was not directed to consult with
Zoning. The driveway is paued and has stone curbs as required for
historical confornury. The pazking available in this driveway, as we11 as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-
family dwelling.
25 2. The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except
26 Zoning. There were several times during the various approval
27 processes where the appiicant should have been directed to Zoning.
28 The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with
Heritage Preservation guidelines is an keeping with the spirit and
intent of the code.
The surrounding property owners have been norified of the
applicant's desire to convert the building to a triplex and have had
an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking in
question. The only comments received from the neighborhood
have been that the e�sting pazking should remain and that
additional pazking be provided. Since the driveway meets Heritage
Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the sunounding area.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning
classificarion of the property.
The request for variance is not based prunarily on a desire to
increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land.
9`l -�30�.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, William
and Kathryn Babcock, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by
the Board of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the
purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and
WI�EREAS, acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205 through 64.208, and
upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Pau1 City
Council on August 25, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard;
VJfIEREA5, the Council, hauing heard the statements made, and hauing considered the
variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolu6on of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, does hereby
IZESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of
the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter based upon the following fmdings of the Council:
Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this
matter, the Council finds no enor as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the
Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
adopts and incorporates as its own the findings of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals as
set forth above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, based upon the above findings, that the appeai of
William and Kathryn Babcock be and is hereby denied; and
°l°'t -13 oa.
2 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolufion to
3 VJilliam and Kathryn Babcock, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, the Plazming Commission and the
4 Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
Requested by Department o£:
Form Approved by City Attorney
BY: ��d/l��-. /�-1?-�'i7
Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Cossncil
Adopted by Council: Date �__ �_ �{_9'1
Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy
x�oy nna��n
October 29�1997 Consent
Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 27, 1997 denying ihe appeal of William and Kathryn Babcock to a decision
of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting a variance to allow parldng within a required side yazd to continue at 459
Portland Avenue.
�,�,�� U ��.w. _
�,n� ❑ �p.w�
swxaa.amvr.�sm� ❑ rtuxw�s�c.a�cero
�.wvaeron�ssaawn ❑
Hes mis aersoMrm ever wnAced under a canVact for fhic departmeM't
.Flas this P��m ever been a d7Y empbyce?
Doestt�is Pe�n�T�m D� e sldU twt namalNP�eessetl bY �Y cwrent ci�l emPbYee?
Is mia pcvsoNfiim a ta.yetea venda� �
�I� -i3oa.
No sa74a
rega�rk c;ryanomey l l � `�C�-
Norm Colem�m, Mayo>
Civil Divisiorz
400 Ciry HaZl
I S FPest Kellogg BZvd.
Saim Paul, M'uuresota 55702
Tekphoree: 67Z 266-8710
Facsimile: 612 298-5619
October 20, 1997
Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal of William and Katku•yi1 Babcock of Board of Zoning Appeals File 47-137
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Enclosed please find a signed resolution moralizing the decision of the City Council in the
above-entitled matter. Tlus matter should be piaced on the City Council Consent Agenda at your
earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
� G,/����
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
cc: John Hardwick, LIEP
�"��.yw ..�vv--._: �.:.., .
�� . � _ `e,
`�t'1- t 3 n a..
TO: lir. 3ohn Hardt�rick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
From: Rilliam A. fi Aathrpa K. BaY�cock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222�4636
Re: June 24 1997, St. Paul City Council Appeal of Board
of Zoning Appeals decision granting a variance to
allow parking within a required side yard
Date: Sune 10, 1997
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
Jerry McInerny has informed me that it will be possible to'
change the date of this appeal to August 27, 1997. He asked
me to contact you in writing to make this change. Thank you
for your help.
Sincerely, -
� �.
Norm Colemars, Mayor
May 27,1997
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
�xv[R°N'�rr Nan Anderson
Ro6ers Kuskr, l City CounCil Rese3tCh OffiCe
Room 310 City Hall 9.� _ ��p �
IAARY PRO£ESS{ONAL Tekphone: 6t2-266-4090
BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9094
S'dte.?00 672-2669124
350 St. Paer Street
Saint Pnu[, Minnuota SSIO2-I510
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
June 11, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision:
File Number:
I,egal Description:
Ptevious Aetion:
William & Kathryn Babcock
Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting a
variance in order to allow puking within a required side yazd
to continue.
459 Portland Ave
PIN's 012823240260 & 012823240261
Distriet 8 took no position on this matter
Staff recommended approval.
Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Granted the request on a vote
of 5-2.
My un rstanding is that this public hearing tequest will appear on the agenda for the
3une , 1997 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint
Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any questions.
S c rely,
hn Hazdwick -
oning Technician
cc: Council Member Blakey
xarr� oF ru s Lica Enxsrc -
�; The Saipt Paut City Cauncff�will conducY a public hearuig ea Wedsesilap.
Jvne�25, 1997 (rescheduled from June 11J aG4:30�p.m. in fhe City`�ovne�7
Chambers, Thivd k7oor City Hall-COUrt House, to consider the appeal nf W3fliam�&
.Kathryn Babcock to a decisioa o£ theBoazd of Zoning Appeals granUnga-varianse
Eo allow pazking within a required side yard to continue at 459 Portland,Aveaue-
Dated: May 29, 199? - - - � - �. � . � '
PtANCY fiNDERSON � . . - "., - . - . - - � , -
AssisZant C3ty Gouncii Secretary . , " � -
- _ _ -t.�ne 7,:1987r . - _- _� � �
Department of Planning and Econo»ric Development
Zoning Section
II00 City Hall Anne�c
25 West Founh Street
Saint Paul, MIV SSIO2
Name W<<l�am ari.� {.(�-t'Krvr,n �-z-lo.ti-(C
Address ' t�oRTURl�P s�ve
City S�. St.M� Zip ss�oz Daytime phone
Zoning File
�'�qa-oc.�t��fsq t'�c�i'land
Address(Location �I�q �og.r�.flNS Av� i S� • aAv� Y�l �f
TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to the:
(�Board ofi Zoning Appeais ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section Z� S, Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to
appeal a decision made by the
o� Maw S ��1q 1
(date of d isio )
File number:__ _ �_►�� I
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feei there has been an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
See q
4u8� V�tI�;;Cc
Attach additional sheef if necessary)
. pt:
ApplicanYs signature /. %��:��`*' Date �J�Z�/��Cify agent
William A. & Itathrpn h!
453 Portiand Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4636
May 22, 1937
Mr. John Hardwick
Board of Zoning Appeals
350 5aint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry-Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
This appiication is to appeal the decision
Zoning Appeals to qrant a variance for 459
to allow a parked car in the side yard.
of the Board of
Portland Avenue
We feel that the BZA, in granting this variance, has over-
looked the apparent illegality of the driveway itself. The
first request in 1988 for a"curb cut" was denied by the
£ull HPC (one abstention). Donald Bachmeier never appealed
this decision to the City Council.
When the "Certificate of Approval for Minor F7ork" was issued
a year later (according to HPC records?, circumstances at
459 Portland Avenue were not significantly different than
they were in 1988. Overlooking a variance in I989 meant
that there was no public meeting held to discuss this
alteration to the district -- an alteration that the full
HPC had found significant when it denied this curb cut in
It is nat an unreasonable interpretation to say Ehat the
driveway does require HPC approval. The staff report in
1988 illustrates that HPC approval is necessary because it
is a materiai change to a historic district. A curb cut re-
quires a permit from public works and thus from HPC.
Further, the May 5 1997 decision of the BZA does not address
the negative impact on the neighboring property at 453 Port-
2and Avenue. This includes, water runoff, plowed snow, ex-
haust, noise, and the close proximity of parked cars to the
neighbor's house.
°I� -1� o �--•
May 21, 1997
As the driveway must also function as the only access for
the third floor owners (who are forced to squeeze between
the parked cars and the side o£ the house) cars are being
parked oloser to the property line than before.
Brigitte Bachmeier has told us that her car will be the only
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has o£fered to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small fence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta}. No
details of this were discussed, as such alterations would
not significantly change the situation.
Foliowing the recent conversion of the third floor into a
condominium, there is a plan by the third-floor owners to
add parking in the back yard. The owner o£ the third-£loor
condo, Nei1 Lagos, has informed us that he has offered to
provide a parking space to Mrs. Bachmeier when he adds back-
yard parking. This seems to be a prudent and feasible
alternative which wili be in keeping with the Historic Dis-
trict guidelines and the vote of the fuil HPC in 1988.
Additionally, an enlargement to the qarage door on Mrs.
Bachmeier's existing garage wauid allow easier access for
two cars, in a structure that already houses two
We request that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
oni until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(sometime next year, or prior to the sale of her house,
whichever comes first). Locating all the parking for the
459 structure in the backyard seems a prudent and feasible
alternative, which will be in keeping with historic distriat
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
G'!/ ��us�� � �CJ l�� �������
Recised copy - May 20, 1997
To whom it may concern,
The following is in effort to clarify our position regarding the e�sring driveway Iocated
at 459 Pordand Ace., St. Paul, M1V.
First, we �could like to say that we fully support Brigitta Bachmeie�'s desire to add a third
unit to our building. If this reqnires adding additional allep access parking we would not be
Second, in regards to the esisting street access drive�uay, it is our position that although
cce �uouid rather not have ic, it was in e�istence when we purchased our unit Our primarp
concern is that we ha�e adequate access, especiallp in the winter, to and from our unit
entrance located at the side of rhe house.
T'hird, Re �vould Iike to clarify our position regarding a possible brick driceway. In
preti concersions we have espressed a desire to convert this driveway into a brick
a�all� or patio, but not a brick dri�ecvay.
F'inally; we �vould like to state that we are friends and neighbors to both the Bachmeier's
and the Babcack's and we would like to remain neutral in regards to this issue. However, as
previously mentioned, we are concerned �vith the access to and from our unit er.u�ance. If
the conversion of the street entrance dricewap to a wall�-way or patio is not to be under
taken then a separare �=ralkcvay will need to be added to ensure that we have adequate access
Sincere[y, ` �
%/ ` /p1 / �, ✓�
Neal Lagos �nd Susan Hilt
(Homeowners, �t�A. Dorsey Condominiums - 457/459 Port]and Ave.)
cc: BrigitLa Bachmeier, Biii and Iiathryn Babcock, I.ou Sadheimer
PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. Alton, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and Wilson of the
Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and
Ms. Synstegaazd of the Office of License, Inspecfion, and Environmental Protection.
The meeting was chaired by 3oyce Maddox, Chair.
BRIGIT"1'E BACHMEIER (#97-061) - 459 PORTLAND AVENLTE: A variance to allow pazking within a
required side yard.
The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing.
Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation £or approval.
Several letters were received in support regazding the variance request. One letter was submitted in
Brigitte Bachmeier, 459 Portland-Avenoe, stated that her neighbor phoned her last night stating that she is
not happy with the driveway next to her home. She stated that if she continued the driveway into a garage it
would take away more green space. Her driveway was already existing when her neighbor bought her home.
Mr. Alton asked if the driveway in question ever went into a gazage in the back yazd. Ms. Baci�meier reQlied
Lou Sudheimer, 439 Portland Avenue, Acting Consultant for Ms. Bachmeier, stated that at the last public
hearing a suggestion was made encowaging Ms. Bachmeier to extend the driveway back into the gazage
which would have made it easier for the Board to approve.
Kafluyn Babcock, 453 Portland Avenue, passed azound current pichues of the site to the Boazd. She stated
that her properry abuts the applicant's. She read a letter to the Boazd that she submitted in opposition stating
that they are offering to pay one-half of the cost of dismanding, removal, necessary curb repair and reseeding.
She stated that her main concem is the safety of her young child and the envuonmentai effects on her home
and the historic neighborhood. She stated that the driveway is only a few feet &om her home and sits on the
properry line between the homes. Her daughter's playroom and beclroom abut the driveway and carbon
monoxide fumes fiiter into their home. The close proximity of the driveway poses a safety problem should
their daughter venture onto the adjouung property. Water drains from the driveway into their yard and
basement and no landscaping hides the view of parked cazs and asphalt. It is a detriment to the visual quality
of the district. The driveway violates the HPC Guidelines as was noted in 1988 when the case was fust
heard. The full HPC Boazd denied this case in 1988 and one yeaz later it was granted by staff only and not
File #97-061
Page Two
revie�ved by the full HPC Boazd. Parking is an issue but an additionai garage is being planned for the back
yazd which will legally meet the need for off-street pazldng. She cited secrions in the Legislative Code wlrich
state that the driveway violaYes the design guidelines for their district. She also cited a section from the
Minnesota Environmental Rights Act. She stated she wonld leke to work something out with Ms. Bachmeier
that can be beneficiat for both of them.
Mr. Wilson asked Ms. Bachmeier if the driveway was in existence prior to 1984? Ms. Bachmeier replied no,
the driveway was constructed in 1989.
Mr. Sudheimer stated that the historic curb cut was originatly from across the street even though that block
also has an alIey that serves it. He stated that there aze historical precedence for ttus. The new condowinium
owner and Ms. Bachmeier have been discussing improving the appearance of the driveway with brick
Perhaps Ms. Babcock's offer to split costs might be helpful in resolving to beauti£y the driveway although it
would still be a&ont yazd pazking area.
Mr. Alton asked what the Babcock's side yazd setback is. Mr. Sadheimer stated he be&eves iY is 8 to 10 feet
Mr. Bachmeier stated that the condominium owner has been remodeling the unit and lately many deliveries
have been made along with a dumpster that is curtently in the driveway.
Mr. Sudheimer stated fhat when the Babcock's chose to buy their home this driveway was already in daily
Ms. Maddox asked Mr. Aardwick what the HPC's current decision was on the driveway. Mr. Hazdwick
stated he spoke with the HPC staff person and the"u understanding is that since the HPC approved the matter
back in 2989 there is no recourse for staff or the HPC to review the matter. In 1989 there were different
policies regazding the consideration of minor and major changes. In 1989 this driveway was oonsidered a
minor request
Ms. Bogen pointed out that the HPC approved the driveway buY iL dcesn't say that they approved parking in
ihat driveway. Mr. Hardwick replied that the HPC dcesn't have the authority to approve parking.
Mr. Alton stated that the applicant obtained a permit from PubIic Works, approval &om HPC sta� consent
of fhe neighbor and the driveway plan was not leading to a gazage. In this cucumstance the driveway wasn't
going anywhere so the only logical reason was the use for parking.
Ms. Bogen quesrioned the legality of the driveway regazding the water runoff onto the Babcock's property.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that there aze regulations in the State Building Code about changing the grade for
construction purposes. A building permit isn't required for a driveway and a grading pemut is issued only if
the grade will change inore than 6 inches so a gading permit was not required. However, there is a section in
the building code requirements that states that a grade may not be changed to direct flow onto adjoining
property. EIe stated that he assumes that the grade of the driveway was not changed.
°l � -�� n �---
File #97-061
Page Three
Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Hazdwick if he had spoke to Ms. Babcock. Mr. Hudwick replied that he spoke with
Ms. Babcock for the f�st time today and he encouraged her to speak with Ms. Bachmeier to fiarther discuss
some possible compromises. He stated that the applicant and Ms. Babcock haven't had an oppomuuty to
discuss this thoroughly.
Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting.
Mr. Donohue moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6. Mr. Alton
seconded the motion
Mr. Wilson added a friendly amendment to the motion that the neighbors continue the'u discussion to
resolving the issues.
Mr. Donohue stated that possibly continuing the matter may be an option to allow the neighbors to come to
an agregment.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has received no indication that the parties would like to continue the matter.
Mr. Tully amended the motion to add a condition that the applicant take caze of the slope of the driveway so
that water runoff dcesn't occur and obscwe the driveway under the HPC Guidelines.
Mr. Donohue stated he accepts Mr. Tully's friendly amendment.
Mr. Alton stated that although shrubs cou]d be put in, the fact remains thai the driveway gces right up to the
properiy line.
Mr. Wamer stated that there are conditions that aze being proposed for the friendly amendment to initiate
negotiations to elaninate the alleged drainage problem. The neighbor is free to bring whatever acfion they
might choose against the applicant conceming that. There aze a host of legal theories they can groceed on.
Although that is a reasonable condition to place on the motion, the problem is how you aze going to structure
it? You are asldng them to resolve a drainage problem but you need to be precise regarding the time structure
in resolving that. In respect to landscaping, that is also an acceptable condition but he stated he is not
familiaz with the regutations regarding site planing, etc.
Mr. Hazdwick stated that Mt. Alton made a good point in that the neighbor hasn't voiced any wiliingness to
accept the resolution of this matter through compromise. He stated that the he had merely made those
suggestions to Ms. Babcock and he hasn't had a chance to discuss those issues with Ms. Bachmeier. If the
Boazd wants to put landscaping as a condition upon the apgroval of the variance, since the driveway is paved
right up to the properiy line, the landscaping would have to be on the neighboring property. If the Board adds
landscaping as a condition and Ms. Babcock dcesn't agree to it that would put Ms. Bachmeier in a
predicament. Regazding the �vater runoff, he stated that he dcesn't have any first-hand lmowledge that the
drainage problem was caused by the insfallation of the driveway. As Mr. Warner pointed out, there is legal
recourse for Ms. Babcock regazding this issue.
File #97-061
Page Fow
The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 to 4(Tully, Bogen, Wilson, Maddox).
Mr. Wilson questioned the ocvnership of the curb rutming along side of the driveway. He asked if it is part of
the historic curb cut that was put in from across the street? Mr. Hazdwick stated he assumes that
Ms. Bachmeier owns the curb.
Mr. WiIson stated that believing the curbing came from across the street and was installed at the Bachmeier's
request, he moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6 subject to the
condidon that the curbing ba eYtended the length of the driveway to prevent any runoff onto the neighboring
property. Mr. Alton seconded the motion.
Mr. Alton stated that extending the curbing may alleviate the concern of chiidren playing in the area and pose
as a barrier. Mr. Alton asked if any pazking would have to occur beyond the &ont of the building because t}us
is a side yard setback request. Mr. Hazdwick replied yes, this heazing is for parldng in a required side yard
�vhich differs from pazt:ing in a required front yard.
Mr. Tully asked if that will satisfy the parking requirements for the triplex? Mr. Aazdwick replied that in
granting the variances to aIlow a triplex the BZA requ'ued a condition that additional off-street pazking be
provided in the back yazd. This could be a garage or a pazldng pad.
Mr. Wamer stated it is appropriate to take into consideration the impact in granting a variance would have on
adjoining properly owners. The testimoiry heazd today was from the neighboring properiy owner who said
that she has drainage problems. As Mr. Hard�rick pointed out, there is no hazd lrnowledge thaY there is a
drainage probtem. That is not to diminish what the neighbor said, staff just found oat aboat her ooncem on
very short notice so there was no way for staff to investigate that. Staff dcesn't Imow if attaching a condition
to the variance that a new curb be aligned to eliminate the drainage problem will solve the alleged problem.
Possibty regrading will eliminate it but the difficulty lies in being assured that there is a factual basis for
making that condifion and lmowing that condition will solve the anderlying drainage problem He staYe@ that
he dcesn't believe staff and the Boazd have enouglt informarion to do that. The adjoining property owner has
a separate legal remedy available at their disposal to remedy the drainage problem if it indced exists. ff the
idea of the curb is to provide a safety buffer, that wotild be an appropriate consideraUon but to not limit it to
solving an alleged drainage problem.
Mr. Wilson withdrew his motion.
Ms. Bogen moved to deny the variance based on findings 1, 3 and 4. She stated that Finding #1 should be
changed to say that the property can be put to a reasonable use. There is no need £or the driveway on the side
of the house. Finding #3 should be changed to say that the proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit
and intent of the code ..." Finding #4 should be changed to read that the variance will alter the essential
chazacter of ihe surrounding azea ..." The tripl� wili have adequate parldng when the garage is built 4n the
back. Mr. Tully seconded the motion.
Mr. Tnlly asked how long the HPC decisions are in eft'ect Mr. Hazdwick replied that once a project is
established the HPC's approval is legal until something is done to change it.
R� - ►�o�.
Fila #97-061
Page Five
Ms. Bogen pointed out that when the HPC approved this, they approved it as a duplex and now it is being
converted into a triplex. The Board has made additional conditions in parldng in the back yazd. The only
need for pazking in the side yard is for convenience.
Mr. Donohue suggested that rather than deny tivs variance the Board should continue the matter and allow
the neighbors to come to a compromise.
Mr. Donohue moved to continue the matter. Mr. Scherman seconded the motion.
Mr. Tully asked if the Boazd would then be beyond the 60-day deadline? Mr. Wamer replied that the Board
couid continue the matter until the next meeting and be within the 60-day deadline.
Mr. Alton stated that the Board has no indication that it will be beneficial to the parties to continue the
matter. The neighbor gave a generous offer to pay for half of the removal of the driveway but he doubts that
the neig�bor would pay for letting the driveway stay.
The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 2(Tully, Bogen).
Ms. Maddox stated that the motion to deny the variance request continues until the May 5, 1997, hearing at
which time it will be voted on. Ms. Maddox urged Ms. Bachmeier and Ms. Babcock to contact Mr. Hazdwick
prior to the May 5 hearing date.
3u 'tted b�����
hn Hardwick
p oved by: n /
i 1 v
� hn Tully, Secretary
DATE May 5, 1997
WI�REAS, BRIGETTE BACHMEIER has applied for a variance from the strict application of
the provisions of Section 62.104 (11) of Yhe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the
continued use of pazking within a required side yard in the zoning disYrict at 459 PORTLAND
AVE; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/21/97 and
OS/OS/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the
Legislative Code; and
WE�REAS, the Saint Paui Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the pub&c
hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
The property in quesYion cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut issued
by the Public Works Department. The applicant also received approval fzom the Heritage
Preservation Commission for Yhe driveway. For some reason the applicant was not directed to
consult with zoning. The driveway is paved aad has stone curbs as requ'ued for historical
conformity. The parking available in this driveway, as well as additional parking, is necessary
for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were several
times during the various approval processes where the applicant should have been directed to
Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the heaith, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paut.
The desire Yo provide off-street pazldng that complies with Heritage Preservation guideline is
in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate suppIy of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonabIy
diminish established property values within the surrounding azea.
q1 — 13 0 �.
Ffle #9?-061
Page Two
The sunounding property owners have been notified of the applicant's desire to convert the
bu�lding to a tri-plex and have had an opportunity to express any concerns about the parking
in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that the existing
parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the driveway meets
Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the character of the
surrounding azea.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions
of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter
or change the zoning district class�fication of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the property.
6. Th� request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the parcel of land.
NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
provisions of Section 62.104 (I 1) be hereby waived to allow to allow parking within a required
side yard on property located at 459 PORTLA�iD AVENUE and legally described as PINs
012823240260 and 012823240261; in accordance with the application for variance and the site
plan on file with the Zoning Administrator.
MOVED BY: ntton
SECONDED BY: scherman
MASLED: May 6,1997
TIME LIMIT: � No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erec6on or alteration
of a building or off-street parldng facility shali be valid for a period longer than
one year, uniess a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained
within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the
terms of such permi� The Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may
grant an eztension not to eaceed one year. In granting such extension, the
Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing.
Fite #97-061
Page Three
APPEAL Decisions of tfie Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the �ty
Council within 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buitding permifs
shall not be issued after an appeat has been filed. If perrtuts have been issued
before an appeal has been Fled, theu the permits are suspended and
construcfion shall cease untit the City Councit has made a f nal detenvination of
the appeal.
CERTTFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoaing Appeals for the Gty of
Saint Paul, Minnesofa, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
copy with the original record in my office; and fmd tfie sarae to be a true and
conecY copy of said orig'u�,al and of the whole thereof, as based on approved
minutes of We Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeYing held on
Apri121,1997, and May 5,1997, and on record in the Qffice of License
Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St Peter Street, Saint Paul,
' Minnesota.
Sue Synstegaard
Secretary to the Board
9'1 - 1 � a �--
To: Mr. John 4{ardwick
Board of Zoning Appeais
350 Saint Peter Street �
Suite 300 �
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnespta 55102 �
From: Wiltiam A. & Kathryn M. Babcock
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
phone: (612) 222-4636
Re: May 5 Zoning Board of Appeais Meeting
Date: May 2, 1997
We have attached a letter pertinent to the first agenda item
on your Monday, May 5, Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.
Also, please find enclosed ten {10) additional copies of
this lettier for the members of the 8oard of Zoning Appeals
and for the City Attorney.
Please let us know if there is any other material that you
might need.
Willia�a A. & Katfiryn M.
453 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
phone: (612) 222-4638
May 2, 1997
Mr. John Hardwick
Board oY Zoning Appeals
350 Saint Peter Street
Suite 300
Lowry Professional Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Bear Mr. Hardwick:
At the request of the Board of Zoning Appeals, we have Yur-
ther discussed the side-yard parking variance with our
neighbor, &rigitte Bachmeier.
Mrs. Bachmeier has told us that her car will he the onl.v
vehicle to park in the driveway at 459 Portland Avenue. She
has offereci to put us in touch with a drainage expert, erect
a small Yence, and plant some low shrubs (hosta). vo
details of fihis were discussed, as it would not significant-
ly alter the situation.
We suggested that Mrs. Bachmeier be able to use the driveway
only until the plan of parking in the backyard is realized
(somefime next year, or prior ta the sale of her house).
Locating all the parking for the 459 structure in the back-
yard seems a prudent and feasible atiernative, which will be
in keeping with historic district guidelines.
These guidelines will be tested again later this month by
the full Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) when it
reviews two similar curb-cut requests for Summit Avenue.,
It is notable that Donald Bachmeier never appealed to the
City Council after the HPC denied curb cuts in 1988. Also
(aecording to HPC records), when the "Certificate of Ap-
proval for Minor Work" was issued a year later, circum-
stances at 459 Portland Avenue were not significantly dif-
ferent than Yhey wece in 2988. This "Minor 11'ork" certifi-
cate did not obviafe fhe need.fo meef zoning codes (specifi-
cally parking a car in a small side yard).
a� - «o �..
i�tay 2, 1997
The public process in Saint Paul's Historic District has
been key since the District's inception. Overlooking a var-
iance in 1989 meant that there was no public meeting held to
discuss this aiteration to the district -- an alteration
that the Yull HPC had found significant mhen it denied this
curb cut in 1988.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
�� � �� � ���
2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance
F7I.E # 97-061
4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PIN's 012823240260 and 012823240261
A. PURPOSE: A variance to allow pazking within a required side yazd.
B. ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the continued use
of a pazking space within the required 15 foot side setback.
C. SITE AND AREA CONDTI'IONS: Tlus is a 65 by 144 foot pazcel with alley access to a
detached twacar garage in the rear yard. There is also a nonconforming parking space on the
east side of the house.
Surrounding Land Use: A miYture of single- and multiple-family housing.
D. BACKGROUND: The applicant was ganted a tot size and density variance by the BZA in
February of this year to convert the building into a three-family dwetling. At the public
hearing it was noted that the parking space along side of the house was estabIished without
zoning approval. The variances ganted for the conversion to a tri-plex were subject to the
condition that the applicant resolve this illegal parking situarion.
The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict. provisions of
the code. '
° I'? - 1 � o �
File #97-061
Page Two
The applicant established the driveway and parking space in 1989 pursuant to a pernut
issued by the Public Works Department. The applicaut also received approval from the
Heritage Preservation Commission for the driveway. For some reason the applicant was
not directed to consult with zoning. The driveway is paved and has stone curbs as
required for historical confomuty. The parking available in this driveway, as well as
additional parking, is necessary for the use of the building as a three-family dwelling.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to ttus property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The applicant received approvals from all City agencies except Zoning. There were
several times during the various approvai processes where the applicant should have been
directed to Zoning. The fact that she was not is a circumstance that she did not create.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St.
The desire to provide off-street parking that complies with Iieritage Preservation guideline
is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably
dimuush established property values within the sunounding area.
The surrounding property owners have been notified of the applicanYs desire to convert
the building to a tri-plex and have had an oppornxnity to express any concerns about the
parking in question. The only comments received from the neighborhood have been that
the existing parking should remain and that additional parking be provided. Since the
driveway meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, there should be no adverse effect on the
character of the surrounding area.
5. The variance, if granted, would not pemut any use that is not pernutted under the
provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not change the zoning classification of the
F�e #97-06I
Page Three
6. The request for variance is not based primariiy on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the pazcet of land.
F. DISTRICT COITNCIL ItECOM1VIENDATION: Since District 8 recommended approval
of the variance to convert this building to a tri-plex and reviewed the site plan at that time
with a recommendation for approval, they decided that a fiuther review of this request would
not be necessary.
G. STAF'F RECONIlbiENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends
approval of the variance.
� . . �� ^ �
� ,-o�L-
�� PEALS 70 PERMiT THE C w� �� �'f o/ f� �/!{� Ci C I I.�( UP��GN PROPERTY
t. ProQerty interest of applica�t (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)
C�wNP� '�-� �uNt�vi'N/N/ul� ��/•��Rll�
2. Name ot owner (if different)
B. PropertyDescription: ADDRESS `��� �U� ���fV` '��
1. Legal description: LOT . BLOCK ��-�--�-�—�=� ADD. ^�
2. �otsize:
loS" x /y3 °.;,
U�pitx, r,�,r R7'- Z
3. PresentUse .4nnn�od/��is � presentZoningDist.
G. Reasons for Request: } � ,
t. Proposed use : ( �
-1 E+� CL�/'_"'
2. What physicai characteristics of the property preve�t i[s being used for any of the permitted
uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size arW shape of lot, etc.)
/ � / .
�°� G lli�'r� (i �p,'/j,E
3. State the specific variation requested, giving distances where appropriate.
+`�i s 1`s ar��c�rY��N is�k'r; ]�� v e Ro u�ts ��` �%
a rvfr`ssjria .�PPnoc/a/ a� �N� y�� c�Nr�e -
4. Expfain how your case conforms to each of the foUowing: ;
a. That the strict appiication of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance wouid result in pecuiiar ;
or exceptional practical difficuities, or exceptional undue hardships. � '
.Sr� !��, � ��
-�--- �i.�,� �
, b. That the granting of a variance wi11 -�� -
rwt be a substantial detriment to �e�i��A'
pubiic good or a substantial impair- ��.,�,
. ment of the intent and purpose of "�'"�`
� the Zoning Ordinance.
• 5 �'f lD ���
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� Signature� ,�n5" F �-� %'�I� c-i
RS ONLY -. �.- "..
. �••�_ ty3.:�-
, t���.? £.
5t. Anthony Management, Inc.
439 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Department
G`ity of Saint Pavl
350 St. Peter, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102
March 19th, 1997
Re: 459 Portland Avenue -- Existing FrontJside Yard Driveway Approval Request
Deaz Mr. Hardwick:
As you most likely recall, Brigitte Bachmeier, is the condomirrium Declarant, and the
occupant owner of Condominium unit #2 at 459 Portiand which encompasses the
majority of the basement, first and second floors. The third floor condominium is unit
#1 and is owned and occupied by another party. The W.A. Dorsey Condominium, at
459 Portland, was recently created as an expandable condominium with the intention
of completing the basement rental unit which was begun by a previous owner,
Accordingly, a zoning application was submitted to request transition from a duplex,
two unit property ta a legal tri-pleg, tbree unit property. This approval was granted
by the BZA. During this approval pracess it was discovered that the effisting
driveway which was consfixucted in 1989 along the parcel's east property line from
PorGland Avenue north through the front yard to between 459 and the house to the
east, had somehow not received an o�cial approval from zoning.
This is strange since it was thought that all the appropriate G`ity permits and
approvals for the driveway had been applied for and obtained. The Building
Department, Public Works for the curbcut and the HPC, all tbree did give their
blessing ans approvals to Doanald Bachmeier, as has been verified from official G`ity
records, (see attachments). Therefore, it is a mystery as to how come the zoning
bureaucracy wasn't also informed and involved at that time?
At Ms Bachmeier's appearance before the BZA, a11 parties agreed that she should re-
apply for a zoning variance for the existing driveway as a separate matter. The
purpose of this letter is to fulfill that obligation.
Presently, there are 1.5 to two existing garage stall spaces, and two front driveway
parl�ng spaces in use. The official Condominium Plat's site plan (enclosed previously)
shows future provisions have been made for up to three more aIley-accessed parking
stalls to be constructed in the future on the NE corner of the parcel in the back yard,
(either garaged or hard-surfaced?.
a'l -13 0 �--
There have been no known complaints from any neighbors regarding the e�sting
driveway from 1989 to present. As you know, recently, a substantial number of
neighbors provided lettzrs of support to the G�ty endorsing and approving of Ms
Bachmeier's request for conversion from a dupleg to a tri-plex, all of them were fully
awaze of the e�sting driveway. It is particulazly significant, that the only inquiries
received by staff in response to the recent rezoning actions' neighbor notification
mailing specifically mentioned neighborhood concems that adequate off-street
parl�ng be preserved, not eliminated.
With respect to the BZA's 6-24-96 "required yard" parking request conditions:
a. Re: Contanuous use since October of 1975? The owner applied to the City
for and was granted permission to construct this driveway by Public Works, HPC and
the Building Department in 1989.
b. The assumed "hardship" in 1989 was apparently topography. The level of
the rear yard is nearly 3' above the alley, and is bordered by a cement wall.
c. Consent from nearby property owners within 10� feet. Ms Bachmeier just
recently provided signatures from her neighbors as part of the recent rezoning
process. No compiaints have been received regarding the existing driveway.
d. The existang driveway is paved as required.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact me at 648-7718,
or Brigitte Bachmeier directly at 225-0880.
For: St. Anthony Management, Inc.
Project Consultant
Louis C. Sudheimer
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May 16, 1989
„g, -�t� #
459 Portland Avenue
Hill District
Donald Bachmeier
Allan L. Torstenson
STTE DESCRIPTION: The Boyden-Dorsey house at 459 Portland Avenue is a
Neoclassicai style residence constructed in 1901 and categorized
as pivotal to the Historic Hili Heritage Preservation District.
PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to construct a new curb-cut on Porttand
and a new driveway along the east side of his house.
GUIDELII3E5 CITATIONS: 1. Section C. II. Garages and Parking of the Hill District
Guidelines for Design Review states that, "If an alley is
adjacent to the property, garages and parking shouid be
located off of the alley." Driveway curb-cuts may be
acceptable where aileys do not exist.
2. Section C. IX. Landscaping states that, "Granite curbs
should be preserved."
FINDING5 OF FACT: i. Because of the width and condition of the ailey at the
back of the house, and because of the size and topography
of the rear yard, providing for adequate off-street parking
off of the aliey wouid be difficult and would result in loss
of aimost all of the usable back yard open spaco.
2. The applicant will reinstall the historic granite curbing
removed for the proposed new curb-cut to an abandoned
driveway curb-cut across the street and reuse the curved
granite curbing from the abandoned curb-cut aczoss ihe
street for the proposed new curb-cut.
'.Z d a. 3 � 9 � /�c.-, �
2 �- 2 . Ga c� C7Tj-/c2
�159 Portland Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
April 17 19a9
Mr. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Conmission
1100 City Hall Armex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paut, MMt�II 55102
Dear Allen:
�closed are drawings i7lustrating the driveway I would like to
install at rrty residence located at 459 po�land Avenue.
I am aware this installat3on varies fran the HPC guidelines and
request your support in varying from the guidelines for the
followir� reasons.
1) We wi.11 agr�ee to reinstall historic granite removed
from our diveway to an abandoned driveway curb cut
across the street. The net lineal footage of granite
curb on our block would then be unchanged and an
unsightly Lmcurbed boulevard would be enhanced at no
expense to the city.
2) Our neighbor to the east most affected by the driveway
dces not ob3ect. (see enclosed letter)
3) The driveway provides additonal off street parking.
The existing structure of approxiamtely 9600 square
feet has only a single car garage. 'Prrice a week we
park 3/�+ of a block away and regularly carry groceries
fr� a distance of 150 feet.
4) Installing the drive from the alley would be difficult
because of the following.
The approximate 3 foot elevation cY�ar�ge from
the alley.
Zero lot line of structures and slabs beh3nd
oi.m hane which restrict turning radius.
Position of power pole at east property line.
°l� - �30�
N�. Allan Torstenson
Apri1 17, 198g
Page Two
Al1ey paving briek has settled like tire ruts
whi.ch is ent�nced in the wlnter by normal snow and
ice rutting. We are located in middle of bloek
which requires longest alley drive.
The comb3nation of these issues has cost us
thousands of dollars in auto repairs and
significantly elevated stress.
If there are any further questions please contact me.
Sincerely, c �� - ��
I�nald L. &�chmeier
�53 Partland Avenue
St. Paul, 1�I 55103
April 18, 1989
Nm. Allan Torstenson, AICP
St. Paul Heritage Preservation Comnission
1100 City Hall Annex
25 W. Fourth Street
St. Paul., MiV 55102
Dear Mr. Torstenson:
We have discussed the matter of Mr. Bachmeier's driveway
9nstallation and have decided to not ob�ect to th3.s proposal.
Mentor C. Addicks Jr. `
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4l5 GSY HALL �
ST. PAUL, MN 55102 �
� Permit No.
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Nov. 18 1992 09:29PM P1
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FROM : HISTORIC HILL FiOMES Inc PFIONE N0. :+291 0226 Nw. 18 1992 09:30PM P2
n+�. �ro�, x�am�
Zoning Techniaan
Building bepartuient
City of Saint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St, Paul, MN 66102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeie�'s property at �58 Partland Ave.
Doar Mr, Iiarflwick:
aate: � �aa � `�
I Aril A�VVO &CD)1307gI]}lOT(8) Uf B11�1tt8'BaCh3'A81.Ox� and li.ve at:
���7 / oRTr.�-r� FJ �Nw. �� 7 / f�+-r c. , 1`�!N J�J'r c�c�
I am (We ara) �vriting in suppart of Brigitto's zoning request to complete the
renovatian of tlae garden level (basoment? rental unit hegun by her ex•husband.
I iWo1 undorstand that Bzigitta's 458 Portland proPo�y is currently zoned RT-2
which allows up to four living units under certazn conditiong, however apparently
additional variances are also requixed in order for Brigitt� ta havo more than two
living wnita on the property.
9� -l�o�..
The hauso at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
coneidezabio orx�ate hiatoric dfltailing. It has over 7,OOQ square feet of finiehed interior
fo'otage, enough footage for a amall apsrtment building. As such, it is very expensive
to maintain, and I(�,ve) believe that tkie granting of the variances Brigitta Bachmeier
is requesting in order to allow her to completz and rent her basement living unit is
Very Truiy Yours,
I��. �.L._..� A^-
Mr. John Hardwick
Zoning Techniaan
Buflding Degarf,ment
City of Saint Paut
360 St� Feter, Suite 3a0
sc. �a�, Mrr �sioa
Re: Brigitta Baehmeie�s properG�y at 459 Portland Ave.
Doar Mr. Iiardwick:
Nw. 18 1992 09:31PM P1
17ate: �•'� � 1
I azn a CWe are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
tlz;�l p(N�X t(�!� 1�YE:.. ,�'1�. �i���, 4�j �;In�.-
T am (We are) wrlting iu support of Brigif�te's zoning reques� f,o complete the
ronovation of the garden level (basament} rontal uxuC begun by her ex-huaband.
I(We) understar,d that Brigitte's 458 Portland property is currently zonod RT-2
which allows up to four living vnits under certain conditions, howeve.r apparently
addiGionai variances are also required in order for Brigitte to have more than two
living units an the progar�y. ,
Tho housv st 469 Portland is a hugo 19D0 vra wood frarne exteriar buitding with
consi.derable ornato laistaric detailiag. It has over 7,000 aquare feet of finished in,terior
footage, enough footage for a amall aparttnent building. As such, it is very expensive
tR maintain, and I(wo) believe that the granting o4'the variances Sr;gitte Bachmeier,
is requeating in order to allow her to complete and rent her basoment living unit is .
Very Truly ,Y
.�t ( r< ,�
pFqt� N0, : +291 0226
Fbv. 18 1992 09:32PM P2
q r1 - �'� O }-
Mr. John Hazdwlck
Zoning Techniciaa
Building Depariment
City of Saint Paut
350 S� Petar, Suite 390
5t. Paul, MN 65102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiez's property at 459 Portlaad Ave.
DoarMr. Hardwick:
Aate: �' � q �
I am a f We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitts Bachmeier, and live at»
'f5� �� .
I am (t�e are) writing in support of Brigitte's zoning request to complete the
ronovation of the gardsn level (basemant) roatal unit bo�sn by her ex-hueband.
I(We) underatend that Brigitte's 468 Portland propertyie cuxrent�y zonod RT•2
which ullowe ug � four living uuita �nder cortaia conditions, however npgarantly
ndditional variancas aro aleo required in order for Hrigitte to hava more than two
living units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frama exterior building with
considerable ornate historic dotailing. It has ovor 7,000 square feeE of finished interior
footago, enough footage for a small apartment building. As euch, it is very expensive
eu maintain, and I(Nre) 6elieve that tha graaGing o£the variancea Brigitto Bachmoior
is requesting in order to allow her to compiete axid rent her basement living uivt is
Very Truly Youra,
�ro•( �"�.�4'
r ������-P _ _ _ __
� .a •• �as � /8' 6 A
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoxiing Technician
Building DeparLment
City of Saiat Paul
350 St, Peter, Suite 900
SC. Pavl, MN G5302
Ite: I3rigitta Bactimeier's proporty at 469 Portland Ave.
Date: , /� / / 9 �� -
ll�nr Mr. Iiardwick:
._. �
Denr Mr. Hardvrick:
I am a(We are neighbor{e) of Brigitte B ier, and liva aL:
'y'S.3 /' Y1`la,a1 ��'. .f'7'�ltr.�-/ /yl/I� S�%Dl
� am (4Vo aro) writang ia eupport of Brigitte's zonIng request W comploW tho
ronovation of f]ie gurdea lovol (basement) rental unit begun by hor ex•husb�nd.
I(Wo) understand that Brigitte's 469 PortJand proporty is currontly zoned RT-2
which allowa up to four living units under cerW'ui conditione, however apparently
additional variances ere also requirod in order for $rigitte W havo moro Wan two
]iv3ng units on the property.
Tho house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior building with
considerabte ornate Iuetoric det '�. It hae uvet' 7,000 equaco foot of Sniehod intorior
footage, enough footage for a emall apartment building. A9 euch, it is very expensive
to moin�;aia, and I(we) beliavs thnf. tho granting of the variences Brigitfa Bachmeier
ie rpquosting in arder i,o allow hor ta completa ¢nd rent har basc,mant living unit is
Very Truly Yours,
W• �v
pl-I� N0. :+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P3
9'� -13oa.
Mr. John I3ardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Depart�nent
City of Saint Paul
3G0 St. Pot;er, Suite 3Q0
St.l�aul, MN 56102
Ro; Brigitl.a 13achmeiez's proporty at 459 Portland Ave,
riear Mr, Hardwick:
Aate: 2 �
] Am a(We ara) neighb�r(s) of Brigii�to Bachmoier, and live at:
�/y9 �eti:i�r�� /�rf Sr`, ���. m�� 'ia z- --- --- �
I am (We arc�) writang in suppori� of Bz�gitto's zoning request to construeL and
x•anovato hor garden ]evei (basamont) as a third living unit.
I(Wo) understand thai� �irigitto's 4�8 Portland propex�i.q is cuxxently zonod RT•2
wluch allowg up to four living units under certain conditiona, howavor apparently
nddiLionul variances are also requirsd in ordor fnr $rigitte to have more t�an two
living units on the progvxty.
The house at 459 Portland ie a huge 1900 era woad frame extexior building wi�Ii
congiderable ornato historic detailing. It has ovor 7,000 �quars feet of finished inCerior
footxige, enou�h fnotago for a smrxll aparCment lauilding. Aa such, it is very expensiva
to znain,tain, und Y(we) belie�ve Lhat the granting of ths variances Brigitte Bachmeier
is requoating ai order to allow hor to coniplete and rent hor basomant living unit is
Very'!'ruly Xours,
/ , /�
. . � �.�....►
1 �, ���.
�" r�
Mr. Jokui Hardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Dopartmont
City of Snint Paul
360 St. Peter, Suite 800
St. Paul, MN 55102
Ii�e: Brigitta Bachmeier's propsrty at 459 Portland Ave.
I�ear Mr. Hardwick;
Datz: � � 7
I am a(We aro) neighbor(s) of Brigitte BAChmoier, end live aL:
,` J1Cl �
I am (We are) writing in suppor� of Brigitte'e zoning request to complotv the
renovation of the garden lovel (baeement) mntal unit begun by har ex-husband,
J{We) understand thut Brigitte's 459 Portland properLy is currontly zoned RT•2
w�ich allows up to faur living units undor certain conditiona, however apparently
additionul variances are aIsa raquired in ordor for Brigitte to havo moro than two
living uiuts on the proporty.
The housa at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood fxamo axterior building with
considerable ornato Iiietoric detailing. It has over 7,fl00 square feet of finishod interior
footag�s, enough footage for a small apartment buiiding, Ae such, it is vory expensivo
to maintain, and I(we} believe that the grAnting of the variances Brigittc+ Bachmeier
is requesi�ing in order to allow her to comploto �►nd rent her baseraent living unit i s
�� ���
PHONE N0. �+291 0226 No�. 18 1992 09:33PM P4
�Tnrv Trnlv Ynnr�t
PHONE N0. :+291 0226 Nov. 18 1992 09:34PM PS
Mr. John xardwick
Zoning Technician
Building Deparhnent
City of Saint Paul
350 St. Petor, Suite 800
St. PAUl, MN 55102
Re: Brigitta Bachmeiex's property at 459 Portland Ave.
Daar Mr. Hardwick:
Date: /'2�'- °
I axn n(We are) neighbor(s) of Brigitte Bachmeier, and live at:
��vz/ �i�G4rFi-ar✓�•?" /'�^�.
T�Tn (We are) writing in support of Brigi.tte's zoning request to completca the
rexiovation oF the garden level (basement) rental unit begun by her eu-husband,
I(We) understand that Brigitte's 469 PorCland property zs currentiy zoned RT-2
wluch'allows up to four living tuui•s under certain conditions, however apparently
additional variances are also roquired in order for Brigi�te to hava moro tlian two
living unite on the properEy.
The house at 459 Portland is a huge 1900 era wood frame exterior bui.lding with
considexablo ornate historic detfailing. It has over 7,0110 squsra feet a£finished interior
foot�ge, enough footage for a sma1� apartment building. t1s such, it is very oxpensive
to maintair�, and I(we) believe �na� the granting af i;he variances Brigitte $achmeier
is requesting in order to atlow her to complete and rent hear basement living unit is
Ap�x•opriate. •
Very Truly'Youre,
19 .. 29, „ 21
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V vacant
q�- I�o�-
May 1, 1997
Board of Zoning Appeals
Building Department
City of St. Paul
350 St. Peter Street Suite 300
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attention: Mr. John Hardwick, Zoning Technician
File No.: 97-061
Location: 459 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Zoning: RT-2, HPL
Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE to Allow Parking within a Required Side
Dear Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals:
I respectfutly request thatyou grant approval of the above-captioned minor variance request
for the purpose of allowing me to preserve intact a driveway which has existed on my
property at 459 Portland Avenue since 1989. That your approval of this request was statled
on April 21st because of the objections of my neighbors, the Babcocks, is a deja vu experience
for me because it took Don, my ex-husband, two arduous years (involving many meetings,
hearings and negotiations) to get the installation of that driveway approved by the Heritage
Preservation Commission (HPC). That application process began in 1987 with Don's
submission of an application to construct the driveway to the Building Inspection and Design
Division (BIDD) and ended up in the office of the Department of Public Works (DPW) on May
11, 1989 with the issuance of permit, we rightfully thought, to install the driveway. We
installed the driveway in the Summer of 1989. It cost two years' time and aggravation and
$5,000 to install.
A(lan Torstenson, who back then was Planner-in-Charge of the HPC, distinctly remembers the
Bachmeier driveway matter before the HPC as a"long and drawn out application process". It
was so protracted, in fact, that one of tne HaC members sent Con a ietter afrer it was over
apotogizing to us for the length of time it took the HPC to finally approve our application.
I wanted to give you this brief background so that you did not think that Don and I simply
installed the driveway in the middle of the night. On the contrary, we jumped through all of
the hoops the City asked us to starting with the application to BIDD, then to HPC and finally
to DPW. We did exactly what we were told to do. No one from BIDD, HPC or DPW told us that
further approval needed to be obtained from the BZA. In going through the HPC approval
process, we obtained consents from surrounding neighbors induding the previous owner of
the 8abcocks' house (an attorney).
After you postponed your decision on April 21st, I started to explore the labyrinth of city
departments to find out why we were not required--in 1987-9--to seek zoning approval of this
simple project. I first called BIDD and was informed that it did not issue permits for
driveways and that I should talk to DPW. When I told A[lan Torstenson of this comment, his
459 Portland Avenue • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 •(612) 225-0880
Letter to BZA
May 1, 1997
response was: "If a building permit is not required, then zoning approval is not needed".
I then called DPW and talked with Cindy Wood, an official in that department. She and her
superior were surprised to hear that a driveway applicant needs to get approval not only
from HPC but also from BZA. She said that DPW's procedure for curb-cut/driveway projects
in the Historic Hill DistricC is first to check to see if the HPC has approved it; and if the HPC
has, to issue the permit.
The consensus of the city officials I talked to, thus, is that zoning approval is and has not
been required in circumstances of this sort; that is, there is no procedure for sending an
applicant who has run the HPC gauntlet to get the HPC's approval, and then gotten a permit
from DPW, to the BZA for variance approval. If in fact zoning approval is necessary, there
seems to be no mechanism for communicating that requirement to unwitting applicants
such as us. No one told us back in i989 that we needed io getyour approval of the variance
being sought today, nor, it seems, would anyone applying nowadays be given that direction.
I talked about this matter to Jim Lynden, the attorney who drafted the condominiuin
documents for my conversion of 459 Portland Avenue to a condominium. He used to live on
the next block of Portland Avenue, helped draft the legislation creating the Historic Hill
District and the HPC regulations, was a city attorney for 16 years, and was the first President
of the Ramsey Hill Association and President of Old Town Restorations, Inc.. He was
surprised that I was being required to obtain a variance where clearly some city official or
department failed to apprise Don that we needed to get zoning approval--if, in fact, we really
did need to get such additional approval. Jim told me about a case where the Minnesota
Supreme Court or Court of Appeals held that a city could not require an owner to tear down
a structure built pursuant to a permit where the city--after the issuance of the permit and
consfi of the structure---discovered that the structure violated the zoning ordinance of
the city.
This letter is accompanied by letters supporting my variance request by many of the
surrounding neighbors except for the Babcocks. It also includes a letter from Roger Hankey--
a certified member of the American Society of Home Inspectors--which rePudiates Mrs.
Babcock's drainage contentions. Please take time to read them.
The Babcocks moved into the house next door--453 Portland Avenue--six years ago. The
driveway which so offends them now was there then. The previous owner of their house--
Mentor Addicks--consented to the instatlation of the driveway.
I am an Austrian immigrant and, as such, a compulsive gardener. I am proud of the
grounds of my house. My yard is immaculate. Neighbors have commented about how nice it
always looks. In fact, right after the Babcocks moved in, Bill Babcock told me that one of the
prime reasons they bought their house was my beautiful yard. Every summer since, the
Babcocks have complimented me on it. To have Mrs. Babcock suggest to you otherwise, and
to show you an unrepresentative photo (i.e., the vans of the remodelers of the third floor
were parked on the driveway at the time she took the shot, a once in 20-30 years
occurrence), thus is quite upsetting to me.
In opposing my variance request, Mrs. Babcock is being opportunistic. Neither she nor
her husband raised objection to the driveway in the earlier proceeding in which you
9� - �3 0�-
Leiter to BZA
May 1, 1997
approved conversion of my duplex to a triplex (Zoning File No. 97-0OS) nor did they
appear in opposition to my application at the District 8 level. In fact, they gave their rvritten
consent to it.
With respect to Mrs. Babcock's concerns for the safety her child, I have the following
comments and solution: If her 3 year old child is wandering around in her front yard,
PorEland Avenue is much more dangerous than the Iitt(e driveway in question. A betEer place
for the chiid to play is in the back yard. That is where my children played when they were
younger. With that in mind, I propose to pay to the Babcocks one-half--not to exceed
$1,000--of the cost of fencing or high shrubs along the eastern perimeter of my property or
else one-half--not to exceed $1,000--of the cost of the erection of a fence running east-west
from my property to the Babcock's house so that their child can safely play in an enclosed
Mrs. Babcock has rejected all such proposals up to this point. She perhaps senses she can
prevail with you and, therefore, need not compromise with me. She has been totally
uncaoperative, insisting that the law must be upheld above all other things. I have tried my
best to resolve this matter with her to no avail.
In regard to Mrs. Babcock's contention that the driveway is causing water to drain into the
basement of her house, I had Roger Hankey--a certified member of the American Society of
Home Inspectors--inspect the driveway and surroundings today. His report accompanies this
letter. It thoroughly refutes Mrs. Babcock's contention. In it, Mr. Hankey indicates that, in
fact, the Babcocks' drainage problems are caused by the lack of gutters on the roof of their
house (at least on the west side thereo�. He proposes solutions for each of us to implement
to improve drainage.
I am not a rich developer. I am a single mother fighting to stay in a beautiful house that
costs alot to finance, maintain and repair. I want to stay here as long as I can. I have lived
here with my family for 12 years. I converted the property to a condominium as the
solution to a financial problem that arose during the dissolution of my marriage to Don and
as a means to save the properly as a place to live for me and my children. I need to be able to
create a third unit (the purpose of the previous variance application you granted) and to sell
or rent it in order to reduce my debt load or make it more easy to handle.
Parking, unfortunately, is the tail that wags the dog. It is critical. If I lose one parking space
on the driveway because of your denial of the requested variance and my having to remove
the driveway, I will be forced to construct an unnecessary garage along the alley to the rear
of my residence. My backyard will become a solid wall of garages. The costs I would have to
incur would be monumental for me--i.e., $6,000 to $8,000 for the demolition of the
driveway and re-landscaping and $8,000 to $10,000 for the construc of a new garage.
Those costs, of course, would be in addition to the $5,000 Don and I invested in the driveway
backin 1989.
For all of the reasons stated above, I would appreciate your granfing my variance request.
Sincerely yours, ''p
Brigitte R. Bachmeier
11833 Thomhiil Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3274
612 - 829 - 0044 Fax: 612 - 94i - 8023
Certified Members of the American Society of Home Inspectorsm
459 Portland, St. Paui, MN 55102
Brigitte Bachmeier
459 Portland, St. Paui MN 55102
Certified Member of ASHI O Roger Hankey
Driveway drainage consuit.
I have today examined the east side of the subject property including the driveway. The purpose of this visual
examination was to determine if the driveway contributed to any,significant drainage toward the adjoining
property to the east.
The driveway drainage was fested using water from the hose connection at the SE comer of the house. The
majority of water piaced near the house, and at a point 2 feet east of the house flowed to Portland Ave. A smail
quantity of water did flow to the adjoining property to the east. However, this water does NOT flow to the area
ne� to the foundation of 453 Portland.
Any water from 459 that flows to 453 is diverted toward the street by a low ridge of soil between 453 and the
east edge of the driveway at 459.
The drainage at 453 is poor. The roof of 453 (at least on the W. side) has no rain gatters. Roofi runoff fands
alortg the foundation and can't flow away due to setiled walks and low areas of soil near the house.
One option that would improve the drainage at BOTH properties would be to create a swale (a shallow vailey)
in the west yard of 453 about 2 to 3 feet from the east edge of the 459 driveway.
Another option that would capture water from the 459 driveway would be to cut out a smali strip of fhe 459
driveway (say &8'� and replace the cut out portion with a concrete curb & gutter. This gutter wouid drain to the
street. The curb would ensure that vehicies using the 459 driveway wouid not encroach on the 453 yard.
This curb and gutter system would NOT aid in reducing the primary drainage problem near the foundation of
453, however it could serve as the high sidz oi a swale in the yard of 453, if BOTN of these options are
i suggest that both options be adopted, with each property owner taking responsibitity for improvements on their
own property.
These recommendations do not constitute an assurance that the basement of either property will remain dry.
Water controi issues must also include proper use and maintenance of gufters & downspouts. Limestone
foundations are we2 not intended to be waterproof.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
q1- \3oa-
467 Portland Avenue
St Paul, MN 55102
April 30, 1997
3ohn Hardwick
St. Paul City Council
Dear Mr. Hardwick,
Re: Drivewav at 459 Portland Avenue
I am writing this letter to support Brigitte Bachmeiez's
request for zoning pezmission for the driveway which is
in situ at the above address.
The driveway was apparently built nine years ago and, for the
five years during which we have owned and occupied 467
Portland Avenue, we have not experienced any problems with it
- nor have we ever heard of any other neighbors having a
problem with it. With the esception of the last few months
when there has been a remodeling project in progress on the
third floor of 459 Portland Avenue, the driveway has always
been well maintained and kept clean and, as soon as that
remodeling project is completed, we would expect her driveway
to return to its normal standard of cleanliness.
The alternatives, presumably, would be for Mrs. Bachmeier to
park on the street or build a new garage behind her property.
The former is always a touchy situation in a neighborhood
such as ours where street parking is somewhat limited, and,
from the point of view of someone who curren�ly looks at 46
feet of garage roof shingles courtesy of a new garage built
on Holly Avenue, I would prefer to maintain as much qreen
space in the neighborhood as possible.
I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to express my
opinion on the above issue and I should be happy to discuss
this further at any time should you think it necessary.
Lynda Salway
May 2, 1997
To Whom It May Concem:
We live at 449 Portland Avenue in St. Paul.
€'or#land Av�.
Our house is 6 feet to the east of Mr. and Mrs. Babcock's residence. Neither their house
nor ours have down spouts or gutters. About three years ago and couple of times since
then, we have suggested to Mr. and Mrs. Babcock that we create a proper drainage
system between our houses (estimated cost $500.00 total).
Each time they have responded by saying that they have a dry basement. Needless to say
we were snrprised to heaz that the Babcock's claim that Mrs. Bachmeier's driveway was
causing them to have a wet basement.
Also we found their offer to split the cost to remove the driveway unbelievable. 'I'heir
home including the front porch need massive amount of money to restore its structurat
integrity. In the s'vi yeazs that we have lived at 449 Portland, tfiey haue never fully repaired
anything. Tlus leads us to believe that they either do not care or can not afford to repair
their home. In addidon their house sheds shingles like dandruff, creating safety concem for
our two children. Our children aze not even ,cafe on their own properry. The Babcocks
haue shown no concem about these safety issues.
We strongly support the necessary approvals for Mrs. Bacluneier's driveway. We feel that
our view represents the overwh ' g majority ofMrs. Bachmeiere's neighbors.
Khalid EI. Effendi
Faezeh O. Effendi