97-1297City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT � �e� e� �� ����� . � • • l��'1/.i� /// � - File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9709AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3? 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-Ju1y 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J97�6Q61 (9765) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 5ims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to - July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767).Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July.3, 1947 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 Y'c�e V�� Vre.l�.� — O �-\ �T � �_�j� n� �,� \� C�Se� �J � • ��9?D`�A> Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified_ - RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas�. Nays ✓Blakey ,/�o s trom � 11 ins �rris �qard �In Favor �rton Thune ��bscv.�"_QAgains t \ ��OSeY� 1 Adopted by the Council: Date c� �- �9� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � Mayor ; .. .._ To I.egislative Aearing Otficer - 10-7-97 laid over by Council on 10-1-97 to 10-22-97 RE 10-2-97 .M.S./Rea1 Estate Division Flink �/5 266-8854 JUNCIIAGENDAB (DATE) �ID OVER BY N° 50063 - �� 9��z�7 9-30-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAVOATE Q DEPARTMENTDIFE � CITYCOUNqL bSIGN O CITV ATTOqNEY � CITY CLERK IUMBER FOR � BUDGET plqECiOfl � FIN 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIH. IOUTING HtDEH � MAYOR (ORAS515 � C011IICll R esearch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATI6TIS FOR SIGNATURE) �EO:At Council's iequest on i0-1-9! to lU-'LZ-9/ 5umm Abate thru miQ-JUiy iyN1 at b1S Ave E, Boarding-up from June 9-28, 1997 at 613 Minnehai�a Ave E, Summ Abate from to mid-May 1997 at 694 Sims Ave, Summ Abate from mid-May to July 3, 1997 at 694 and Boarding-up for July 1997 at 694 Sims Ave. were laid over for further discussion d9710BB. 59706061, J9709AA � 597101BB. _ PLANNIN(3 COMMIS$10N _ GIVIL SERVICE CAMMigSION __ CIB COMMIT7EE _ �sruF A Public Health _ DISTRICT CoURT _ SU7POflTS WNICH COUNCI� O&IECTVH WdTCl �L PEASONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TFiE FOLIOWfNG �UESTIONS: i. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this departmentt YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonRfrm ever heen a ciry empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current ciy empioyee? YES NO ExplaVn all yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOATUNITY (Who. What, When. Where. Why): "SEE ORIGINIAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 40008, 40013 & 40020" �TALAMOUNT OFTpANSACTION COSTfREtlENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) , � o . ' W zx�� ��"c�,� Lst�«i•." � �;`� 7 � i�J� YES NO iNUlidG SOURCE ACTiViTV IANGIAL MFORIkAT10N. (EXPLAIN� ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - September ]G, 1997 Public Hearing Date - September 24, 1997 T.M.S.IR.EAL ESTATE DIVISION � Date: 'ovtaa Persoa and Phone `:umber. Ro�cana Flink `� � sst be oa Coundl Agenda b}: �st be in Counal Recearc3 O�ce noon oa Friday 266-8559 8-6-97 7-25-47 OF RE-7-73-97 97/�9; 7/1�/97 GreenSheetNumber: 40008 I EPARTA��'C DII2EGTQR IiY COL�CIL A7TOA\'EY :ET DII2ECf.OR �R (OR ASSISfA'.� � CLERK 8 7.iGT. 5�'C. DIA. L`�2?n34-i Setting date of public hearing. Approve assmts for Suminary Abatemenfs (Property clean-up) from tnid-April to mid-Maq 1997 and Summary Abafemenfs (Properfy clean-up) from mid- May fo July 3, 1997. J970606, 4752 and J9709A, 9753. �L'.g\"DAT1055: APPRO\'E (A) OR REJE (A) O\A ER�7C£ CO\TRAC2S 19tiST.i\SN THE FOLLONL�G: ru��TC cmntutsto� A sr.� . Hu tte person/1'irm e�•u w�orxed under a contran tor mis aepartmem? 1BS 2:0 rn�n. ssrt�ics co�s+uss�o� ,� wnc� xwm • A� this Pe*`onlfirm ecer been a Gty employ�ee? 1'ES 10 c� co.n�rrrFS A rLS W�hidh Conn<ii Objecti��e \eighborhoods �4'ard 2 Does thu person/firm possess a sl:ill not normally possessed by any 7'ES `:O curren[ Cit)• emplopee? Ezplain all YES answers on a separate sLeet and attach. PROBYEM, ISSliE, OPPORTU`CITY (�i'ho, 11Zat, N'hen� �13ere, �\'h}'".): Property o�i�ners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paui when their properfy is not kept up. IF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �•eeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refriberators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In �i�inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�alk and cross walks. IF APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund wouId be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payabie over 1}ear and coIIected ��ith the property taxes if not —�, .. AGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;v'eighborhoods w�ould be left to deferiorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, fiith, garbage and trash wouid accumulafe evert��here. Disease and pests could become a problem. ATtOU7�'I' OF 2RA�SACf10N: �4Z ,606.Q2 cosrrxs��.vE svncEZ�en cciRCLe on� ��es �o SOURCE: Assessmenfs oniy ACTIVITYT'UMBER: 4L B.'FORJ'fAT70N: (£�LAR.� 100 properfy ow�ners will be notified of the public hearing and TG Legislati�•e Hearing Offcer - September 16, 1997 Public Hearin2 Date - Ocfober l, 1997 T.R'I.S.lREA.L ESTATE DIV'ISION 'ontaa Persoa and Phon \u a: Roxana F1ink ��� 366-8559 be oa CouvcH Agenda by: be in Council Research Office noon on Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 Date: OF SSGIATCRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATTOI:S FOR (OR ASSISTA\'t� I 1 Set dafe of public hearing. Appro��e asmts. for Boardings-up of �ac. bldgs. from June 9 fo June 2$, 1997 and Summary abate. (Properfy clean-np & Grass cutting} thru mid-Tuly 1997. File rTo.'s J9ilOB, 9754; TDBC97, 9755. LME.\DAT O> : APPRO\� (A) OR T(R) ERSO�AL SERt'10E COSTRACT 3iL`ST AXSN'ER THE FOLLQR�L�G: ru��'c:c co�t+ns,nov A srntF i. Hu tLe persou/fmn e`¢ Worked nnder a contract for this departmentl 1'ES ?:O rn�n. sen��¢ co�s+uss�oy A r,�nvc H�a . Hu t6is personlfirm ever been a City empioyee? YES NO cm co��+tm� rts w'hidh Conncil Objxvre \eighborhoods Doec this person/lvm possess a si:ill not normallv possessed by any YES NO a ��"'"' B��' curreut Ciep emp]opee? E>plain all 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. tii'azd 2 PROBLE'�1� ISSC'£, OPPOR7l,\ITY (lt'ho, ti1'hay Rfien� {i'Lere, �i'h�?): Property owners or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their properf.y is not kept up. ff APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover ezpenses for Boardings-up and Sumznary Abatements. This includes cutting tali grass and «�eeds, fiauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In ��inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross w�alks. IF' APPRO�'ED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund w�ould be required to pay fhe assessment. Assessments are pa}�able over 1 year and collected u�ith the property taxes if not ..,.:a -. g:�or arrxo«n: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorafe and progerty values would decline. Nobody wouId take care of their propertp, especially vacant or renfal properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate e��er� Disease and nests could become a nroblem. AMOU!�70FTRA�SAC270N: $19 ,306.12 COST14tEVEt.1BBUDGETED(CIRCLEO?.'E7 �s no sourccs: Assessments only ^�'�T�rti��' RE-7-25-97 ; 9� 12� 7/21/97 Green Sheet \`umber: 40013 EPARTff�TDIItECTOR QT1'COL:�CTL �. 12Y ATfOR'�'EY I7Y CLERK ' UDGET DIAECTOR '. 8?AGT. SVC DIR. A�'ORt�SA270N: (AYLAL�� ; property owners w'iil be noti�ed of the public hearing and "Ta Legislative Hearing OfTicer - September 16, 1997 Public HearinQ Date - October 1, 1997 T.D4.S.IREAL ESTATE BIVISION :ontad PerSOU and PLone umb Roxana Flink � � �6-8859 be ua Counca agenaa by: be in Cound Research O�ce a�a on �a�� pll Date: �� •a m. RE-8-18-97 8/15/97 Green Sheet \'umber: 40020 EPAATSE.\T DIItECfOR CITY COL'�CII. ATfOR�'EY CIT1' CLERK UUGET DIItECTOR '. & MGT. Sl'C. pIR Set dafe of public hearing. �pprove assmfs for Summ Abate (property clean-up) for July & JuIy thru mid-Aug 1997, Boardings-up of vac bldg for 3uly 1997, Cost to install sno��fencing along property Iine of 393 Sherburne Ave and fo collect ea�penses in�otved for toK aband. vehicles from properties for 1996. File No.'s TDBC1097, 9756; J97101B, 9757; JSUMISCA, 9758; J97IOV. rvA��:. co��ass�ov Q\IL yiAl'ICE CO'.L+fl5570.�' CIB CO�L�SRTEE rts x'hidh Council Objecfi.�e :�eighborhoods R'azd 2 Ezplain al] YES ansxers oa a separate sheet and attach. (OR ASSLSCA.'�T1 �7X'f��47 YES :i0 S'ES NO S'ES �O :ITIATLIG PROBLE'vI, ISStiE, OPPOR7'C:�'ITY (�t'Lo, �i3at, li'6en, �ifiere� Rfiy?): Property o�aers or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their oronertv is not kent uo. TF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up, Cost to insfall snow�fencing and collect expenses for towing aband. vehicles. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other ifems. In �infer this includes the removal of snow and ice from sSdewalk and cross walks. AGES TF APPRO}'ED: If Council does aot approve these charges, General Fund wou3d be required to pay tfie assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property faxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: r`eighborboods would be left fo deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumu2ate everywhere. Disease and pesfs could become a problem. aMOUn�oFrxarsarno�v: $32,123.15 COST/REVEh[JEBUDGETED(CIItCLEONE) �s no err.9L�.c souncs: Assessments TT�A.�'CIAL A'FORMA770N: (EJ:PLAIf� 108 property owners will be 9-3-97 8'2�'9� 9761. rECr �c� a �� A PubGc Neaith c, czraniEldy. Raz the persunli�rm e��u xnrked uuder a cuauact for thi� department? �m Hu t7us person/firm e.er been a City emp3oyee? Does this person/fum possas a sl;ill not normally possessed b)• avy current City emplopee? ACTMTY h'UfvSBER: of the a City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. oP Techaology & Managemeat Serv. COUNCIL FILE NO. '� d-/ RBPORT OF COMPLSTION OF File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9704AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of henefits, cost and expenses for 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cuttinq) thru mid-July 1997 £or property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9706061 (9765) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767) Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLA.TIVT SEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 J ��-�.z p � Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making o£ the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement 5ervice Charge $2,398.5 $ $_50.00 $_100. 00 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $2,638.54 $ $2,638.5 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $2,638.54 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereo£, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s h action thereon as may be considered proper. � /� nated /� - � - 9 7 � .� � � . _ � li/�(iu�l'�. � and Assessment Engineer �C" 97-�z9� � � wo 0 � o ¢ n r � tn � v � • W N 6 N O rG P 6 N P N W • 00011 0 i- � O O O 11 O Z r . fl �� O 1(1 Vl 11 O O� N N r 11 N y� E r ��q � 11 N (} Q • W 11 fA II � C � II . W O � 11 U i- � II Q U . II 2 4 � 11 2 �- � II . £ 4J � 000 i- � 000 M � O O O �D 2 � 000 ti � P O�� C W # O r F- U £ 6 ' • N y ` Q W� O O O r�000 • ¢�000 � N K � � . � � � P r- rv � U (L 2 O � ' F F- f� W O K K 6 • W W • W NC� C � r K O W� Q E 6 LL 'E � ( L O S 4 � 6 U U F 2 � 41 � T Y W C � 1' U U J O 4W �+ I- Ex> t� U • £UK a ¢��ww rnzw z ¢ w z x o w r- i- x a w w z�a 8 O � O � w a a > �- ¢ o n � v� � o w a � � w H �- £ U � Z O .-. N � Y 1- Y W � 6 O M U 0• 4 J J W J Y �n � � r , oa.. .j¢o. , t0 H• 2 6 O m w P� � ��a �m, o- w � • i- .-ao � a� n_ i- u. .- N �v � o � � vi t rs . z m a o� a�oo do • • mf-w�.� 3 � A P Q I� W w � t�. J �' W � • WJ"� � oa.-¢t� P K � 60 O W � 2 �-6 P > � <4Y�x .. . N Q� K S Vt Q LL R� 6 6 2 O P X � (DS2 W O Q� W 2 2 f7 � �- • eUa...z ¢ z�.- I� 2' W �+ £ U' O� U E J Z � � M � �O C� W W Q a^ p M W � C 6�U2 Z� Q M O W .Y 3 � �t-02 r O � U�pN# i� � 000110 000110 . 11 O V1 vt II O pON� 14 N �IAfR11N � II � n u n n u 11 11 y II J 11 W 11 U II K II 6 n a � n • W W II I- w m w n a i- � n s G £ 2 11 W m O 2 I I X QUU 11 W II f Y W II J O CLUUIIG R W � II k- $ 2 � I I O f U K 11 F� N a W W II N d' VJ II F- W 11 U U JJJ II W 6' 6 4 Q I �� 4 f- r- r- n o n OOOiIz f- i- r n n � 97-�z�� � � wo a � o < 6 i � M ti v C W N d N O • • z P 6 N P N w. v o o n v �- . P O O 1� P • 2 � • II 'J � �O N v1 II �D O •+++�+� nP G F� W w tA n(A U 6 � 11 it � � r 11 w O • II co �- � n ¢ U � li 2 Q i II Q 11 £ N � O O O F- � 000 v � �t00 �O 2 � POO f� J P �0 �- •- s in it O �- `- u F a N LL N 6 W� O O O 1- � 000 a�000 m �� � m � vi v� O i- . N� h 2 P � > ti U W O K 1 W N t� C U K � O W � 6 � 4 LL £ � � N x Q � �- U 1- 2 � U' tlf � N � 3 p W y r .. U U J O O F � � . ] . U' U r Q f� 8 6� O O w � � 6l G N K d YI . 2 Y � O W F- • 1- X 2 W W S � � £ O • o O w � ¢ z > t- , ¢ o a � ui � o w n � � w N r- £ U � 2 O � N r � ti Z W � Q O M U O� 6 J � W � ]6 N � Y. p 6� J 6 M F- � 260 [D W 'J K � Q JI� � C uf � • Y- v6P � 4 � O.�-u LLN \ � O� 7 N f O� K � K W tiit a � 00 �00 `. ' � M F W f- � � p � n LL P Q I` W � W V b r W � J w v � r� c>.-ar P C � QO O W 2 e� Q P Y � ¢¢v�x .. . N Q, � KS1(16� o. � ¢¢ s O P X i N x z W O Q� W Z Z N � 1� � M2�+Z6 2£�+ Y� K r LL] .-. £ U' �T � i Ug� 2 � S � M .-. , �O 1' � W W Q r' � M uf � K d�O a 2� 6 M O W �} 3 � JrF-Od � s O . U�D4fi k • �i O O il .Y O` O O II P . 11 �O N 1ll 11 b I[� N � 11 P ��� II � 11 11 II 11 fl II II 11 N 11 � 11 W 11 U 11 C II 6 u a lV W 11 F- vi co n a U d' II 'C 6 � 6 Il W �j lA 2 11 X r v u w ('J N 11 aow n .� o � 4l U 11 6 p �+ 11 F Q' • 9 11 O Q S K 11 F- 4J O � W 11 J m 4 pJ II 1- w �i U U J J J 11 W 2' 4G4 11 > 6 � '- F- n o a OOOIis �- �- F- il a �- �7-��97 _ o wa � o � O_ Y � N F- . �1 C W N O. N O C U 6 N P N (-0 � 000110 F- � 000 1� O Z . • II � � AN Vt il t� C �� M N�' p I� U f• in fA (A �� v� ¢ � f9 11 (A K 11 W ry� • 11 ('J O � II 6 Y + 1� 2 U . 11 6 4 ' II E If m�000 �n r- � o 0 0 • .a , o00 • r� z� o 0 0 P � ��� # K • M O N F- F- £ U tq 6 N 6 W • O O O 1- � 000 Q • O O O O K . • • O � U1 1!1 �O ti . N � . O I+ Z P � � U • W O K K a • w w • w�nca � � � � o w , a f ¢ �. f � mos Q � Q U U i- a fn � Ty W K � C U U -� O ¢ W � i-- � S x � U' U � £ U K 2 Q� J W W '.. � (� K V� K Q W T 2 r- . h O 2 N `+ W 2 � 1- E O Y � W U O > �- • O � O C� N J Q 2 z - m a w 6 K• W N�^ 1- � U � pu.JE O r (n � r-� Q J Z W � W �n U p � 3ZS.�Nw O � N W � J s- � �+a6Y4P � lC F- � 1' tn O 6�1 W O� � � d' � �-+ F- !L J 1!1 � o. w � x>ca � a� � 6 • d�-+ Z 1-� N O � W O l7 % • K• UJ G J �- # O• o. � O�m00 � NQI-J 3i . N . P z � , i-- o o � C N I� � £ � M �O P z� O O N o W � oC U i� P T � F- �- W • N Q� N F �� �- O_ � JNN6� � P X� K W N O 6� Q K ln �% 1- � U U 2£ 6 Q $ '� N K� O z Ul ('J O • O .� 2 (n � �} r �n s� Q N¢ P � M iY • SN1�02 g� O ro o w �y $ i 2�1-�06 � O � �-Oy# x � 0 0 0 II O 000110 . �� . r � � 11 M1 MN�- Ilh NfRtlf 11 V� � II � i u II II n 11 I I h 1� J 11 W 11 U 11 K 11 Q ❑ n c n �ww n � w(A U' I I 2 1- C II £ ¢ f ¢ n w M O x II X Q U CJ 11 W 1 )- Y W 11 J O L'UU 11 6 Q W �-. 11 F- £27110 £ U C 11 I-� N '> W W 11 J N1'N 11 F W II V U JJJ 11 W 6' 4441� � 4 t- i- � n o a OOOIIC F- 1- !- 11 4 � 9�- r�. 97 L � � � L � , � � � � � � N �} O W p U' � O � O 4 O. r � �T r N ti v K W � N � N 6 • N � N O C . P � A 1 � N � N • P P N N P� o O � 11 O • O O O 11 O 1� � 000II O � 000 p O Z � • 11 � O �� t� N Ifl 11 h � N I(1 Yl 11 LO O� O N•- li V � M N.- II (� • C� S' N tA tA �1 N � O iP fA 11 O Ci q� W II fR I� II II � � � � 11 � � 11 � W O � 11 II C9 F � 11 11 6 U • 11 0 2 6 r 11 II Q II 11 £ W• O O O • O O O �• O O O � O O O �O � 000 � COO �O 2� O O O � O O O n � . . . . . P • I�.�� � N�� K • O • M �t O • N � O H F U £ Q y W . N 4 w� O O O • O O o • F- � 000 � 000 Q� O O O • O O O 4 K Q �-- N V1 �^ VI V1 P i-- � N � N e- O A 2 P 7 � r U W � O AA K C � ; d' a �ww •ww � w m c� � wrnc� � , �- � , � � O W. Q g Q �¢ S¢ � F� m O s � m O x . Q� 6 U U � 4 V U F- Z N � Y Y W � T Y W C� 1' U C J � K U U J O� 6 W�+ � Q W� 1- � £ S J � £ 2 �i C'1 U � gU CC � �UK 2 Q�� W W •� W W W� N K N � N¢ N K Q W 2 2 h O I� O Z N W 2 ' F F- £ O � Y � W � U p J r� o O o o a�a �m�az � w - m z w n �� m r- . w w.. r- E U� O � � u J^� O ... r� � � PW z ..0� z w • .. �� � w .- -r U p� 2 J W • 3 Z S J N W > > Y vi O � �n J Y i$ Q 1' J Q �� r Z 4 Y Q W� C9 1- � O d Z m lY �� K N O 6. .J W O � � 6' � 1- ti JO � �!- fOJO � u w� u. .r n..o � x y ca . a�o � O. � BF�� � �....5!^N .- O� N�T #.� W �... 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M M lA �l �Y 4 • dl 11 (A � il W 6' � 11 (� O ' 11 G f� � 1� Z V � II 6 6 r il L W i I� Vf • 000 I� I- � O O O �O • 000 t� Z • �0 0 0 P � P<< � K � t` O M H r L v N Q y LL ♦ 6 W � O O O N • O O O tL Q � 000 t0 5 � N N O `- N � r 2 P � � • U • W 0 ' K 6 W N t'J K f� K O W � 2 � 6 �+- E • � �n x Q � 1- G.1 F� 2 � U' N N � Y O W C � � U U J O � 1- . K . ? t] U � ¢S K 2 6. O G u a �+. . f0 4 N C 6 W Z �- 1� O 2 N � w z• r £ O � Y � W • U p 7 ti � O O O d� N...I Q Z K - m Z W a z� w m-I r Z U� O W J f O .. v� • � O � Z W � W -h V O� 3 i x � N w o � n J Y � '-� 26Y6 IL Y- � �vlOd J W � C � •• � 0 � 6 W � S�lU' dh � 6� 6� Z N N P• O r W P��A # \ � d' • NmJ F# N � 6� O 7 K O O \• i -'a N 4 I- � I� � r P N f- P N R' N I� � EDM I� P z• O O N p w. rtuti P T . F- �' W .• N Q• Vi f- �- } LL 6 • �t�v�60 P X • K W �n IJ Q� QK N N �- � UU2£6 Qfr Q d' . O 2 4J U' N O � O � 2 • N p V '�` N oe. Q�06Pp M W � SNC�02 Z� O N O W .7 3•x��oa � o � �orn« s � OOO llo .O O O 11 �O . n . P N N 11 P AN� II� M Wtl+ 11.t � 11 � I tl II 11 N II li N {1 J II W 11 U u z I I ¢ n n II W �I Y- N l•! Il d U C �I 'F a • ¢ n w � m x u x !- U II W U' N 11 2 p lL 11 J O � U U II Q O � 11 f L' . 7 11 O 4£ N � I r N O � W 11 J 616N II f W �1 U V J J J II W K C66 II � Q r- r- 1- n o a 0 0 o u z r rr n n .- . F " ' , . ��-�zq7 REPORT LEGISLATNE HEARING Date: October 7, 1997 Tnne: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Gerty Stratlunan L,egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratiPyiug assessment of beneGts, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the foliowing: TBDC972 - Summary Ahatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-July, 1997. 79710BB - Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9'" to 3une 28` 1997. J9706061 - 5ummary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May, 1997. J9709AA - Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3r , 1997. 797101BB - Boardings-up of vacant build'angs for July, 1997. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exception: 719 Case Avenue -( J9709AA) - Assessment deleted. 2. Summary Abatement appeal for 662 Burr Street; Neil K. Schwattz, appellant. Legislative Hearing Off�cer recommended denying appeal. Work completed. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 1451 Sherburne e e, Legislative Hearing pfficer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 613 Minnehaha Avenue Eact. Legislative I-Iearing Of�cer recommended allowing six months to repair, provided a $2,000 Bond is posted and necessary permits are pulled by Noon, Octoher 22'd. ��-iz9� 5. ResoIution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 800 omo v u. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,000 Bond is posted and a code compliance inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 0 r e ve e. Legislative Hearing Of�cer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,Q00 Bond is posted and a certificate of occupancy inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" Resolution ordering the owtter to remove or repair tt�e building located at 1561 Jackson ee . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to rehabilitate, providing a$2,000 Bond is posted by Noon, October 22"". 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 78 Mag,n�li Avenne We�. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 9. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the huilding located at905 York veiru . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. y7- i�,y7 � MINCTTES OF LEGISLATIVE I3EARING October 7, 1997 Room 33Q, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Roxanna Flink, Cathy Ries and Dick Lippert Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, cailed the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. 719 Case Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, presented a video showing overflowing garbage containers and more bags on the ground. Calvin Burton, owner, appeared and stated that they had switched trash companies and it was a few days before everything was picked up. Gerry Strathman stated that he felt the assessment of $207.Q0 was excessive for the amount of � cleanup required. Mr. Willits and Chuck Votel concurred that this was not cleared by the zegulaz crew and that there were problems. Mr. Strathman recommended that the assessment be deleted. 2. 413 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recoi�mended approval. 3. 644 Sims Avenue No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 4. 562 Burr Street Neil Schwartz, owner, appeared and stated that the sewer repair was complete. Dick Lippert, Public Aealth, contirnied that this was the case. Mr. Schwartz added that this project proved to be more extensive, and therefore more time consuming, due to the fact that there had been trolley lines running through the area. Mr. Strathman recommended that the matter be closed. � �7-�z97 � � 5. 1451 Sherburne Avenue (Laid over from September 2ad) James Geske, attorney for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. appeared, stating that Countrywade has been the owner for nine days and is waiting for instructions from Fannie Mae with respect to this property. Mr. Geske added that, if necessary, it would be more ecottoixucally feasible for tbem to demolish the property themselves. They are asking for a short extension of time to make that determination. Several neighbors spoke indicating that this properiy has been an eyesore for years, also noting that there is no plumbing on site and that drug and gun use is taking place there. Beth Randail from a local non-profit housing group in the community stated that something needs to happen soon and supports aggessive action regarding this matter. Mr. Strathman recommended to approve the order to repair or remove within 15 days. 5. 613 Minneh ha Avenue Fact (j,aid over from September 16u) Tim Nelson, a friend of Clazence Leaf, Jr, the owner, stated that most of the repairs have been made and that Sunset Realtor, Ken Latson, had sold for the property for $29,085 just before it was condemned. Mr. Nelson acknowledged the fact that he has a copy of an inspection report dated July 16'" which indicates there aze some needed repairs which would require permits. Gerry Strathman recommettded that the City Council give the owner six months to rehabilitate the building, subject to the condifions that a$2,000 bond be posted and that all necessary permits are obtained by noon, October 22'� . r� 6. 800 Como Avenue Burton Murdock, owner, appeared, and advised he has owned this property since 1959 and stated that he intends to rehabilitate this building by converting it back into a single family dwelling before selling it. Crerry Strathman recommended that if Mr. Murdock pays the vacant building fee, posts a $2,000 bond and obtains a code compliance inspecfion by noon, October 22°� , he be given 180 days to rehabilitate the building. � 97�/�9'7 , � 8. 2Q3 Forbes Avenue Clodetta Pratt, the new owner, appeared, advising that she intends to occupy one apar�nent upstairs with her family and use the other as a lazge office azea. She indicated that the downstairs is, and would continue to be, used for dry storage - with no heat, very little lig�ting and no plumbing. Ms. Pratt also stated that the rear portion of the building would be used for storage Purposes only. Ms. Pratt stated tiiat she had spoken with Phil Owens and understood that the fire deparhnent inspection of July 18"' was srill valid. Gerry Strathman advised that if that is the case, she wili not have to have another inspection done. Mr. Strathman recommended that if Ms. Pratt pays the vacant building fee of $200, posts a $2,000 bond, and obtains necessary permits by noon, October 22" she be given six months to rehabilitate the building. 9. 1561 Jackson treet Gerry Strathnsan advised that he has had a number of telephone conversations with Mr. Hoff, the owner, during which it was indicated that he intends to rehabilitate the building. Betsy Kay Hudecek appeared, stating that the property was purchased in May, 1445. � Chuck Votel, Public Health, noted that the code compliance of May 16�' states thaz the building is a gutted shell about as large as a two-car garage with no windows. Mr. Votel informed Ms. Hudecek that new building code staudards with azchitecturai drawings and specifications wouid be necessary. If the $2,000 bond is posted by noon, October 22n , Mr. Strathman recommended giving the owner 180 days to complete the rehabilif�tion. 1Q. 78 Magnolia Avenue West No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recomtnended that the order be approved. I 1. 906 York Avenue No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recommended that the order be approved. Adjourned at 10:47 a.m. L� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT � �e� e� �� ����� . � • • l��'1/.i� /// � - File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9709AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3? 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-Ju1y 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J97�6Q61 (9765) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 5ims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to - July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767).Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July.3, 1947 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 Y'c�e V�� Vre.l�.� — O �-\ �T � �_�j� n� �,� \� C�Se� �J � • ��9?D`�A> Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified_ - RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas�. Nays ✓Blakey ,/�o s trom � 11 ins �rris �qard �In Favor �rton Thune ��bscv.�"_QAgains t \ ��OSeY� 1 Adopted by the Council: Date c� �- �9� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � Mayor ; .. .._ To I.egislative Aearing Otficer - 10-7-97 laid over by Council on 10-1-97 to 10-22-97 RE 10-2-97 .M.S./Rea1 Estate Division Flink �/5 266-8854 JUNCIIAGENDAB (DATE) �ID OVER BY N° 50063 - �� 9��z�7 9-30-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAVOATE Q DEPARTMENTDIFE � CITYCOUNqL bSIGN O CITV ATTOqNEY � CITY CLERK IUMBER FOR � BUDGET plqECiOfl � FIN 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIH. IOUTING HtDEH � MAYOR (ORAS515 � C011IICll R esearch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATI6TIS FOR SIGNATURE) �EO:At Council's iequest on i0-1-9! to lU-'LZ-9/ 5umm Abate thru miQ-JUiy iyN1 at b1S Ave E, Boarding-up from June 9-28, 1997 at 613 Minnehai�a Ave E, Summ Abate from to mid-May 1997 at 694 Sims Ave, Summ Abate from mid-May to July 3, 1997 at 694 and Boarding-up for July 1997 at 694 Sims Ave. were laid over for further discussion d9710BB. 59706061, J9709AA � 597101BB. _ PLANNIN(3 COMMIS$10N _ GIVIL SERVICE CAMMigSION __ CIB COMMIT7EE _ �sruF A Public Health _ DISTRICT CoURT _ SU7POflTS WNICH COUNCI� O&IECTVH WdTCl �L PEASONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TFiE FOLIOWfNG �UESTIONS: i. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this departmentt YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonRfrm ever heen a ciry empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current ciy empioyee? YES NO ExplaVn all yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOATUNITY (Who. What, When. Where. Why): "SEE ORIGINIAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 40008, 40013 & 40020" �TALAMOUNT OFTpANSACTION COSTfREtlENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) , � o . ' W zx�� ��"c�,� Lst�«i•." � �;`� 7 � i�J� YES NO iNUlidG SOURCE ACTiViTV IANGIAL MFORIkAT10N. (EXPLAIN� ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - September ]G, 1997 Public Hearing Date - September 24, 1997 T.M.S.IR.EAL ESTATE DIVISION � Date: 'ovtaa Persoa and Phone `:umber. Ro�cana Flink `� � sst be oa Coundl Agenda b}: �st be in Counal Recearc3 O�ce noon oa Friday 266-8559 8-6-97 7-25-47 OF RE-7-73-97 97/�9; 7/1�/97 GreenSheetNumber: 40008 I EPARTA��'C DII2EGTQR IiY COL�CIL A7TOA\'EY :ET DII2ECf.OR �R (OR ASSISfA'.� � CLERK 8 7.iGT. 5�'C. DIA. L`�2?n34-i Setting date of public hearing. Approve assmts for Suminary Abatemenfs (Property clean-up) from tnid-April to mid-Maq 1997 and Summary Abafemenfs (Properfy clean-up) from mid- May fo July 3, 1997. J970606, 4752 and J9709A, 9753. �L'.g\"DAT1055: APPRO\'E (A) OR REJE (A) O\A ER�7C£ CO\TRAC2S 19tiST.i\SN THE FOLLONL�G: ru��TC cmntutsto� A sr.� . Hu tte person/1'irm e�•u w�orxed under a contran tor mis aepartmem? 1BS 2:0 rn�n. ssrt�ics co�s+uss�o� ,� wnc� xwm • A� this Pe*`onlfirm ecer been a Gty employ�ee? 1'ES 10 c� co.n�rrrFS A rLS W�hidh Conn<ii Objecti��e \eighborhoods �4'ard 2 Does thu person/firm possess a sl:ill not normally possessed by any 7'ES `:O curren[ Cit)• emplopee? Ezplain all YES answers on a separate sLeet and attach. PROBYEM, ISSliE, OPPORTU`CITY (�i'ho, 11Zat, N'hen� �13ere, �\'h}'".): Property o�i�ners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paui when their properfy is not kept up. IF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �•eeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refriberators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In �i�inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�alk and cross walks. IF APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund wouId be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payabie over 1}ear and coIIected ��ith the property taxes if not —�, .. AGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;v'eighborhoods w�ould be left to deferiorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, fiith, garbage and trash wouid accumulafe evert��here. Disease and pests could become a problem. ATtOU7�'I' OF 2RA�SACf10N: �4Z ,606.Q2 cosrrxs��.vE svncEZ�en cciRCLe on� ��es �o SOURCE: Assessmenfs oniy ACTIVITYT'UMBER: 4L B.'FORJ'fAT70N: (£�LAR.� 100 properfy ow�ners will be notified of the public hearing and TG Legislati�•e Hearing Offcer - September 16, 1997 Public Hearin2 Date - Ocfober l, 1997 T.R'I.S.lREA.L ESTATE DIV'ISION 'ontaa Persoa and Phon \u a: Roxana F1ink ��� 366-8559 be oa CouvcH Agenda by: be in Council Research Office noon on Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 Date: OF SSGIATCRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATTOI:S FOR (OR ASSISTA\'t� I 1 Set dafe of public hearing. Appro��e asmts. for Boardings-up of �ac. bldgs. from June 9 fo June 2$, 1997 and Summary abate. (Properfy clean-np & Grass cutting} thru mid-Tuly 1997. File rTo.'s J9ilOB, 9754; TDBC97, 9755. LME.\DAT O> : APPRO\� (A) OR T(R) ERSO�AL SERt'10E COSTRACT 3iL`ST AXSN'ER THE FOLLQR�L�G: ru��'c:c co�t+ns,nov A srntF i. Hu tLe persou/fmn e`¢ Worked nnder a contract for this departmentl 1'ES ?:O rn�n. sen��¢ co�s+uss�oy A r,�nvc H�a . Hu t6is personlfirm ever been a City empioyee? YES NO cm co��+tm� rts w'hidh Conncil Objxvre \eighborhoods Doec this person/lvm possess a si:ill not normallv possessed by any YES NO a ��"'"' B��' curreut Ciep emp]opee? E>plain all 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. tii'azd 2 PROBLE'�1� ISSC'£, OPPOR7l,\ITY (lt'ho, ti1'hay Rfien� {i'Lere, �i'h�?): Property owners or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their properf.y is not kept up. ff APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover ezpenses for Boardings-up and Sumznary Abatements. This includes cutting tali grass and «�eeds, fiauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In ��inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross w�alks. IF' APPRO�'ED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund w�ould be required to pay fhe assessment. Assessments are pa}�able over 1 year and collected u�ith the property taxes if not ..,.:a -. g:�or arrxo«n: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorafe and progerty values would decline. Nobody wouId take care of their propertp, especially vacant or renfal properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate e��er� Disease and nests could become a nroblem. AMOU!�70FTRA�SAC270N: $19 ,306.12 COST14tEVEt.1BBUDGETED(CIRCLEO?.'E7 �s no sourccs: Assessments only ^�'�T�rti��' RE-7-25-97 ; 9� 12� 7/21/97 Green Sheet \`umber: 40013 EPARTff�TDIItECTOR QT1'COL:�CTL �. 12Y ATfOR'�'EY I7Y CLERK ' UDGET DIAECTOR '. 8?AGT. SVC DIR. A�'ORt�SA270N: (AYLAL�� ; property owners w'iil be noti�ed of the public hearing and "Ta Legislative Hearing OfTicer - September 16, 1997 Public HearinQ Date - October 1, 1997 T.D4.S.IREAL ESTATE BIVISION :ontad PerSOU and PLone umb Roxana Flink � � �6-8859 be ua Counca agenaa by: be in Cound Research O�ce a�a on �a�� pll Date: �� •a m. RE-8-18-97 8/15/97 Green Sheet \'umber: 40020 EPAATSE.\T DIItECfOR CITY COL'�CII. ATfOR�'EY CIT1' CLERK UUGET DIItECTOR '. & MGT. Sl'C. pIR Set dafe of public hearing. �pprove assmfs for Summ Abate (property clean-up) for July & JuIy thru mid-Aug 1997, Boardings-up of vac bldg for 3uly 1997, Cost to install sno��fencing along property Iine of 393 Sherburne Ave and fo collect ea�penses in�otved for toK aband. vehicles from properties for 1996. File No.'s TDBC1097, 9756; J97101B, 9757; JSUMISCA, 9758; J97IOV. rvA��:. co��ass�ov Q\IL yiAl'ICE CO'.L+fl5570.�' CIB CO�L�SRTEE rts x'hidh Council Objecfi.�e :�eighborhoods R'azd 2 Ezplain al] YES ansxers oa a separate sheet and attach. (OR ASSLSCA.'�T1 �7X'f��47 YES :i0 S'ES NO S'ES �O :ITIATLIG PROBLE'vI, ISStiE, OPPOR7'C:�'ITY (�t'Lo, �i3at, li'6en, �ifiere� Rfiy?): Property o�aers or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their oronertv is not kent uo. TF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up, Cost to insfall snow�fencing and collect expenses for towing aband. vehicles. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other ifems. In �infer this includes the removal of snow and ice from sSdewalk and cross walks. AGES TF APPRO}'ED: If Council does aot approve these charges, General Fund wou3d be required to pay tfie assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property faxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: r`eighborboods would be left fo deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumu2ate everywhere. Disease and pesfs could become a problem. aMOUn�oFrxarsarno�v: $32,123.15 COST/REVEh[JEBUDGETED(CIItCLEONE) �s no err.9L�.c souncs: Assessments TT�A.�'CIAL A'FORMA770N: (EJ:PLAIf� 108 property owners will be 9-3-97 8'2�'9� 9761. rECr �c� a �� A PubGc Neaith c, czraniEldy. Raz the persunli�rm e��u xnrked uuder a cuauact for thi� department? �m Hu t7us person/firm e.er been a City emp3oyee? Does this person/fum possas a sl;ill not normally possessed b)• avy current City emplopee? ACTMTY h'UfvSBER: of the a City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. oP Techaology & Managemeat Serv. COUNCIL FILE NO. '� d-/ RBPORT OF COMPLSTION OF File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9704AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of henefits, cost and expenses for 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cuttinq) thru mid-July 1997 £or property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9706061 (9765) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767) Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLA.TIVT SEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 J ��-�.z p � Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making o£ the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement 5ervice Charge $2,398.5 $ $_50.00 $_100. 00 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $2,638.54 $ $2,638.5 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $2,638.54 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereo£, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s h action thereon as may be considered proper. � /� nated /� - � - 9 7 � .� � � . _ � li/�(iu�l'�. � and Assessment Engineer �C" 97-�z9� � � wo 0 � o ¢ n r � tn � v � • W N 6 N O rG P 6 N P N W • 00011 0 i- � O O O 11 O Z r . fl �� O 1(1 Vl 11 O O� N N r 11 N y� E r ��q � 11 N (} Q • W 11 fA II � C � II . W O � 11 U i- � II Q U . II 2 4 � 11 2 �- � II . £ 4J � 000 i- � 000 M � O O O �D 2 � 000 ti � P O�� C W # O r F- U £ 6 ' • N y ` Q W� O O O r�000 • ¢�000 � N K � � . � � � P r- rv � U (L 2 O � ' F F- f� W O K K 6 • W W • W NC� C � r K O W� Q E 6 LL 'E � ( L O S 4 � 6 U U F 2 � 41 � T Y W C � 1' U U J O 4W �+ I- Ex> t� U • £UK a ¢��ww rnzw z ¢ w z x o w r- i- x a w w z�a 8 O � O � w a a > �- ¢ o n � v� � o w a � � w H �- £ U � Z O .-. N � Y 1- Y W � 6 O M U 0• 4 J J W J Y �n � � r , oa.. .j¢o. , t0 H• 2 6 O m w P� � ��a �m, o- w � • i- .-ao � a� n_ i- u. .- N �v � o � � vi t rs . z m a o� a�oo do • • mf-w�.� 3 � A P Q I� W w � t�. J �' W � • WJ"� � oa.-¢t� P K � 60 O W � 2 �-6 P > � <4Y�x .. . 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U�D4fi k • �i O O il .Y O` O O II P . 11 �O N 1ll 11 b I[� N � 11 P ��� II � 11 11 II 11 fl II II 11 N 11 � 11 W 11 U 11 C II 6 u a lV W 11 F- vi co n a U d' II 'C 6 � 6 Il W �j lA 2 11 X r v u w ('J N 11 aow n .� o � 4l U 11 6 p �+ 11 F Q' • 9 11 O Q S K 11 F- 4J O � W 11 J m 4 pJ II 1- w �i U U J J J 11 W 2' 4G4 11 > 6 � '- F- n o a OOOIis �- �- F- il a �- �7-��97 _ o wa � o � O_ Y � N F- . �1 C W N O. N O C U 6 N P N (-0 � 000110 F- � 000 1� O Z . • II � � AN Vt il t� C �� M N�' p I� U f• in fA (A �� v� ¢ � f9 11 (A K 11 W ry� • 11 ('J O � II 6 Y + 1� 2 U . 11 6 4 ' II E If m�000 �n r- � o 0 0 • .a , o00 • r� z� o 0 0 P � ��� # K • M O N F- F- £ U tq 6 N 6 W • O O O 1- � 000 Q • O O O O K . • • O � U1 1!1 �O ti . N � . 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M M lA �l �Y 4 • dl 11 (A � il W 6' � 11 (� O ' 11 G f� � 1� Z V � II 6 6 r il L W i I� Vf • 000 I� I- � O O O �O • 000 t� Z • �0 0 0 P � P<< � K � t` O M H r L v N Q y LL ♦ 6 W � O O O N • O O O tL Q � 000 t0 5 � N N O `- N � r 2 P � � • U • W 0 ' K 6 W N t'J K f� K O W � 2 � 6 �+- E • � �n x Q � 1- G.1 F� 2 � U' N N � Y O W C � � U U J O � 1- . K . ? t] U � ¢S K 2 6. O G u a �+. . f0 4 N C 6 W Z �- 1� O 2 N � w z• r £ O � Y � W • U p 7 ti � O O O d� N...I Q Z K - m Z W a z� w m-I r Z U� O W J f O .. v� • � O � Z W � W -h V O� 3 i x � N w o � n J Y � '-� 26Y6 IL Y- � �vlOd J W � C � •• � 0 � 6 W � S�lU' dh � 6� 6� Z N N P• O r W P��A # \ � d' • NmJ F# N � 6� O 7 K O O \• i -'a N 4 I- � I� � r P N f- P N R' N I� � EDM I� P z• O O N p w. rtuti P T . F- �' W .• N Q• Vi f- �- } LL 6 • �t�v�60 P X • K W �n IJ Q� QK N N �- � UU2£6 Qfr Q d' . O 2 4J U' N O � O � 2 • N p V '�` N oe. Q�06Pp M W � SNC�02 Z� O N O W .7 3•x��oa � o � �orn« s � OOO llo .O O O 11 �O . n . P N N 11 P AN� II� M Wtl+ 11.t � 11 � I tl II 11 N II li N {1 J II W 11 U u z I I ¢ n n II W �I Y- N l•! Il d U C �I 'F a • ¢ n w � m x u x !- U II W U' N 11 2 p lL 11 J O � U U II Q O � 11 f L' . 7 11 O 4£ N � I r N O � W 11 J 616N II f W �1 U V J J J II W K C66 II � Q r- r- 1- n o a 0 0 o u z r rr n n .- . F " ' , . ��-�zq7 REPORT LEGISLATNE HEARING Date: October 7, 1997 Tnne: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Gerty Stratlunan L,egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratiPyiug assessment of beneGts, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the foliowing: TBDC972 - Summary Ahatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-July, 1997. 79710BB - Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9'" to 3une 28` 1997. J9706061 - 5ummary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May, 1997. J9709AA - Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3r , 1997. 797101BB - Boardings-up of vacant build'angs for July, 1997. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exception: 719 Case Avenue -( J9709AA) - Assessment deleted. 2. Summary Abatement appeal for 662 Burr Street; Neil K. Schwattz, appellant. Legislative Hearing Off�cer recommended denying appeal. Work completed. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 1451 Sherburne e e, Legislative Hearing pfficer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 613 Minnehaha Avenue Eact. Legislative I-Iearing Of�cer recommended allowing six months to repair, provided a $2,000 Bond is posted and necessary permits are pulled by Noon, Octoher 22'd. ��-iz9� 5. ResoIution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 800 omo v u. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,000 Bond is posted and a code compliance inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 0 r e ve e. Legislative Hearing Of�cer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,Q00 Bond is posted and a certificate of occupancy inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" Resolution ordering the owtter to remove or repair tt�e building located at 1561 Jackson ee . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to rehabilitate, providing a$2,000 Bond is posted by Noon, October 22"". 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 78 Mag,n�li Avenne We�. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 9. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the huilding located at905 York veiru . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. y7- i�,y7 � MINCTTES OF LEGISLATIVE I3EARING October 7, 1997 Room 33Q, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Roxanna Flink, Cathy Ries and Dick Lippert Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, cailed the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. 719 Case Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, presented a video showing overflowing garbage containers and more bags on the ground. Calvin Burton, owner, appeared and stated that they had switched trash companies and it was a few days before everything was picked up. Gerry Strathman stated that he felt the assessment of $207.Q0 was excessive for the amount of � cleanup required. Mr. Willits and Chuck Votel concurred that this was not cleared by the zegulaz crew and that there were problems. Mr. Strathman recommended that the assessment be deleted. 2. 413 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recoi�mended approval. 3. 644 Sims Avenue No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 4. 562 Burr Street Neil Schwartz, owner, appeared and stated that the sewer repair was complete. Dick Lippert, Public Aealth, contirnied that this was the case. Mr. Schwartz added that this project proved to be more extensive, and therefore more time consuming, due to the fact that there had been trolley lines running through the area. Mr. Strathman recommended that the matter be closed. � �7-�z97 � � 5. 1451 Sherburne Avenue (Laid over from September 2ad) James Geske, attorney for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. appeared, stating that Countrywade has been the owner for nine days and is waiting for instructions from Fannie Mae with respect to this property. Mr. Geske added that, if necessary, it would be more ecottoixucally feasible for tbem to demolish the property themselves. They are asking for a short extension of time to make that determination. Several neighbors spoke indicating that this properiy has been an eyesore for years, also noting that there is no plumbing on site and that drug and gun use is taking place there. Beth Randail from a local non-profit housing group in the community stated that something needs to happen soon and supports aggessive action regarding this matter. Mr. Strathman recommended to approve the order to repair or remove within 15 days. 5. 613 Minneh ha Avenue Fact (j,aid over from September 16u) Tim Nelson, a friend of Clazence Leaf, Jr, the owner, stated that most of the repairs have been made and that Sunset Realtor, Ken Latson, had sold for the property for $29,085 just before it was condemned. Mr. Nelson acknowledged the fact that he has a copy of an inspection report dated July 16'" which indicates there aze some needed repairs which would require permits. Gerry Strathman recommettded that the City Council give the owner six months to rehabilitate the building, subject to the condifions that a$2,000 bond be posted and that all necessary permits are obtained by noon, October 22'� . r� 6. 800 Como Avenue Burton Murdock, owner, appeared, and advised he has owned this property since 1959 and stated that he intends to rehabilitate this building by converting it back into a single family dwelling before selling it. Crerry Strathman recommended that if Mr. Murdock pays the vacant building fee, posts a $2,000 bond and obtains a code compliance inspecfion by noon, October 22°� , he be given 180 days to rehabilitate the building. � 97�/�9'7 , � 8. 2Q3 Forbes Avenue Clodetta Pratt, the new owner, appeared, advising that she intends to occupy one apar�nent upstairs with her family and use the other as a lazge office azea. She indicated that the downstairs is, and would continue to be, used for dry storage - with no heat, very little lig�ting and no plumbing. Ms. Pratt also stated that the rear portion of the building would be used for storage Purposes only. Ms. Pratt stated tiiat she had spoken with Phil Owens and understood that the fire deparhnent inspection of July 18"' was srill valid. Gerry Strathman advised that if that is the case, she wili not have to have another inspection done. Mr. Strathman recommended that if Ms. Pratt pays the vacant building fee of $200, posts a $2,000 bond, and obtains necessary permits by noon, October 22" she be given six months to rehabilitate the building. 9. 1561 Jackson treet Gerry Strathnsan advised that he has had a number of telephone conversations with Mr. Hoff, the owner, during which it was indicated that he intends to rehabilitate the building. Betsy Kay Hudecek appeared, stating that the property was purchased in May, 1445. � Chuck Votel, Public Health, noted that the code compliance of May 16�' states thaz the building is a gutted shell about as large as a two-car garage with no windows. Mr. Votel informed Ms. Hudecek that new building code staudards with azchitecturai drawings and specifications wouid be necessary. If the $2,000 bond is posted by noon, October 22n , Mr. Strathman recommended giving the owner 180 days to complete the rehabilif�tion. 1Q. 78 Magnolia Avenue West No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recomtnended that the order be approved. I 1. 906 York Avenue No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recommended that the order be approved. Adjourned at 10:47 a.m. L� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT � �e� e� �� ����� . � • • l��'1/.i� /// � - File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9709AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 3? 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-Ju1y 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J97�6Q61 (9765) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 5ims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to - July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767).Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July.3, 1947 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 Y'c�e V�� Vre.l�.� — O �-\ �T � �_�j� n� �,� \� C�Se� �J � • ��9?D`�A> Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified_ - RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas�. Nays ✓Blakey ,/�o s trom � 11 ins �rris �qard �In Favor �rton Thune ��bscv.�"_QAgains t \ ��OSeY� 1 Adopted by the Council: Date c� �- �9� Certified Passes by Council Secretary � Mayor ; .. .._ To I.egislative Aearing Otficer - 10-7-97 laid over by Council on 10-1-97 to 10-22-97 RE 10-2-97 .M.S./Rea1 Estate Division Flink �/5 266-8854 JUNCIIAGENDAB (DATE) �ID OVER BY N° 50063 - �� 9��z�7 9-30-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE INITIAVOATE Q DEPARTMENTDIFE � CITYCOUNqL bSIGN O CITV ATTOqNEY � CITY CLERK IUMBER FOR � BUDGET plqECiOfl � FIN 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIH. IOUTING HtDEH � MAYOR (ORAS515 � C011IICll R esearch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATI6TIS FOR SIGNATURE) �EO:At Council's iequest on i0-1-9! to lU-'LZ-9/ 5umm Abate thru miQ-JUiy iyN1 at b1S Ave E, Boarding-up from June 9-28, 1997 at 613 Minnehai�a Ave E, Summ Abate from to mid-May 1997 at 694 Sims Ave, Summ Abate from mid-May to July 3, 1997 at 694 and Boarding-up for July 1997 at 694 Sims Ave. were laid over for further discussion d9710BB. 59706061, J9709AA � 597101BB. _ PLANNIN(3 COMMIS$10N _ GIVIL SERVICE CAMMigSION __ CIB COMMIT7EE _ �sruF A Public Health _ DISTRICT CoURT _ SU7POflTS WNICH COUNCI� O&IECTVH WdTCl �L PEASONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TFiE FOLIOWfNG �UESTIONS: i. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this departmentt YES NO 2. Has this pe�sonRfrm ever heen a ciry empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current ciy empioyee? YES NO ExplaVn all yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOATUNITY (Who. What, When. Where. Why): "SEE ORIGINIAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 40008, 40013 & 40020" �TALAMOUNT OFTpANSACTION COSTfREtlENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) , � o . ' W zx�� ��"c�,� Lst�«i•." � �;`� 7 � i�J� YES NO iNUlidG SOURCE ACTiViTV IANGIAL MFORIkAT10N. (EXPLAIN� ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - September ]G, 1997 Public Hearing Date - September 24, 1997 T.M.S.IR.EAL ESTATE DIVISION � Date: 'ovtaa Persoa and Phone `:umber. Ro�cana Flink `� � sst be oa Coundl Agenda b}: �st be in Counal Recearc3 O�ce noon oa Friday 266-8559 8-6-97 7-25-47 OF RE-7-73-97 97/�9; 7/1�/97 GreenSheetNumber: 40008 I EPARTA��'C DII2EGTQR IiY COL�CIL A7TOA\'EY :ET DII2ECf.OR �R (OR ASSISfA'.� � CLERK 8 7.iGT. 5�'C. DIA. L`�2?n34-i Setting date of public hearing. Approve assmts for Suminary Abatemenfs (Property clean-up) from tnid-April to mid-Maq 1997 and Summary Abafemenfs (Properfy clean-up) from mid- May fo July 3, 1997. J970606, 4752 and J9709A, 9753. �L'.g\"DAT1055: APPRO\'E (A) OR REJE (A) O\A ER�7C£ CO\TRAC2S 19tiST.i\SN THE FOLLONL�G: ru��TC cmntutsto� A sr.� . Hu tte person/1'irm e�•u w�orxed under a contran tor mis aepartmem? 1BS 2:0 rn�n. ssrt�ics co�s+uss�o� ,� wnc� xwm • A� this Pe*`onlfirm ecer been a Gty employ�ee? 1'ES 10 c� co.n�rrrFS A rLS W�hidh Conn<ii Objecti��e \eighborhoods �4'ard 2 Does thu person/firm possess a sl:ill not normally possessed by any 7'ES `:O curren[ Cit)• emplopee? Ezplain all YES answers on a separate sLeet and attach. PROBYEM, ISSliE, OPPORTU`CITY (�i'ho, 11Zat, N'hen� �13ere, �\'h}'".): Property o�i�ners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paui when their properfy is not kept up. IF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and �•eeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refriberators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In �i�inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�alk and cross walks. IF APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund wouId be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payabie over 1}ear and coIIected ��ith the property taxes if not —�, .. AGES IF NOT APPROVED: ;v'eighborhoods w�ould be left to deferiorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, fiith, garbage and trash wouid accumulafe evert��here. Disease and pests could become a problem. ATtOU7�'I' OF 2RA�SACf10N: �4Z ,606.Q2 cosrrxs��.vE svncEZ�en cciRCLe on� ��es �o SOURCE: Assessmenfs oniy ACTIVITYT'UMBER: 4L B.'FORJ'fAT70N: (£�LAR.� 100 properfy ow�ners will be notified of the public hearing and TG Legislati�•e Hearing Offcer - September 16, 1997 Public Hearin2 Date - Ocfober l, 1997 T.R'I.S.lREA.L ESTATE DIV'ISION 'ontaa Persoa and Phon \u a: Roxana F1ink ��� 366-8559 be oa CouvcH Agenda by: be in Council Research Office noon on Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 Date: OF SSGIATCRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATTOI:S FOR (OR ASSISTA\'t� I 1 Set dafe of public hearing. Appro��e asmts. for Boardings-up of �ac. bldgs. from June 9 fo June 2$, 1997 and Summary abate. (Properfy clean-np & Grass cutting} thru mid-Tuly 1997. File rTo.'s J9ilOB, 9754; TDBC97, 9755. LME.\DAT O> : APPRO\� (A) OR T(R) ERSO�AL SERt'10E COSTRACT 3iL`ST AXSN'ER THE FOLLQR�L�G: ru��'c:c co�t+ns,nov A srntF i. Hu tLe persou/fmn e`¢ Worked nnder a contract for this departmentl 1'ES ?:O rn�n. sen��¢ co�s+uss�oy A r,�nvc H�a . Hu t6is personlfirm ever been a City empioyee? YES NO cm co��+tm� rts w'hidh Conncil Objxvre \eighborhoods Doec this person/lvm possess a si:ill not normallv possessed by any YES NO a ��"'"' B��' curreut Ciep emp]opee? E>plain all 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. tii'azd 2 PROBLE'�1� ISSC'£, OPPOR7l,\ITY (lt'ho, ti1'hay Rfien� {i'Lere, �i'h�?): Property owners or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their properf.y is not kept up. ff APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover ezpenses for Boardings-up and Sumznary Abatements. This includes cutting tali grass and «�eeds, fiauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In ��inter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross w�alks. IF' APPRO�'ED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund w�ould be required to pay fhe assessment. Assessments are pa}�able over 1 year and collected u�ith the property taxes if not ..,.:a -. g:�or arrxo«n: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorafe and progerty values would decline. Nobody wouId take care of their propertp, especially vacant or renfal properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate e��er� Disease and nests could become a nroblem. AMOU!�70FTRA�SAC270N: $19 ,306.12 COST14tEVEt.1BBUDGETED(CIRCLEO?.'E7 �s no sourccs: Assessments only ^�'�T�rti��' RE-7-25-97 ; 9� 12� 7/21/97 Green Sheet \`umber: 40013 EPARTff�TDIItECTOR QT1'COL:�CTL �. 12Y ATfOR'�'EY I7Y CLERK ' UDGET DIAECTOR '. 8?AGT. SVC DIR. A�'ORt�SA270N: (AYLAL�� ; property owners w'iil be noti�ed of the public hearing and "Ta Legislative Hearing OfTicer - September 16, 1997 Public HearinQ Date - October 1, 1997 T.D4.S.IREAL ESTATE BIVISION :ontad PerSOU and PLone umb Roxana Flink � � �6-8859 be ua Counca agenaa by: be in Cound Research O�ce a�a on �a�� pll Date: �� •a m. RE-8-18-97 8/15/97 Green Sheet \'umber: 40020 EPAATSE.\T DIItECfOR CITY COL'�CII. ATfOR�'EY CIT1' CLERK UUGET DIItECTOR '. & MGT. Sl'C. pIR Set dafe of public hearing. �pprove assmfs for Summ Abate (property clean-up) for July & JuIy thru mid-Aug 1997, Boardings-up of vac bldg for 3uly 1997, Cost to install sno��fencing along property Iine of 393 Sherburne Ave and fo collect ea�penses in�otved for toK aband. vehicles from properties for 1996. File No.'s TDBC1097, 9756; J97101B, 9757; JSUMISCA, 9758; J97IOV. rvA��:. co��ass�ov Q\IL yiAl'ICE CO'.L+fl5570.�' CIB CO�L�SRTEE rts x'hidh Council Objecfi.�e :�eighborhoods R'azd 2 Ezplain al] YES ansxers oa a separate sheet and attach. (OR ASSLSCA.'�T1 �7X'f��47 YES :i0 S'ES NO S'ES �O :ITIATLIG PROBLE'vI, ISStiE, OPPOR7'C:�'ITY (�t'Lo, �i3at, li'6en, �ifiere� Rfiy?): Property o�aers or renfers create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their oronertv is not kent uo. TF APPRO�'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up, Cost to insfall snow�fencing and collect expenses for towing aband. vehicles. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other ifems. In �infer this includes the removal of snow and ice from sSdewalk and cross walks. AGES TF APPRO}'ED: If Council does aot approve these charges, General Fund wou3d be required to pay tfie assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property faxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: r`eighborboods would be left fo deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumu2ate everywhere. Disease and pesfs could become a problem. aMOUn�oFrxarsarno�v: $32,123.15 COST/REVEh[JEBUDGETED(CIItCLEONE) �s no err.9L�.c souncs: Assessments TT�A.�'CIAL A'FORMA770N: (EJ:PLAIf� 108 property owners will be 9-3-97 8'2�'9� 9761. rECr �c� a �� A PubGc Neaith c, czraniEldy. Raz the persunli�rm e��u xnrked uuder a cuauact for thi� department? �m Hu t7us person/firm e.er been a City emp3oyee? Does this person/fum possas a sl;ill not normally possessed b)• avy current City emplopee? ACTMTY h'UfvSBER: of the a City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. oP Techaology & Managemeat Serv. COUNCIL FILE NO. '� d-/ RBPORT OF COMPLSTION OF File No. TDBC972,J9710BB, J9706061,J9704AA,J97101BB Assessment No. 9763,9764,9765, 9766,9767 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of henefits, cost and expenses for 2 TDBC972 (9763) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & grass cuttinq) thru mid-July 1997 £or property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9710BB (9764) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997 for property at: 613 Minnehaha Ave E J9706061 (9765) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA {9766) Sununary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J97101BB (9767) Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1997 for property at: 694 Sims Ave J9709AA (9766) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3, 1997 for property at: 719 Case Ave. TO LEGISLA.TIVT SEARING OFFICER - 10-7-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 10-1-97 TO 10-22-97 J ��-�.z p � Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order xx approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making o£ the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement 5ervice Charge $2,398.5 $ $_50.00 $_100. 00 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $2,638.54 $ $2,638.5 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $2,638.54 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereo£, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s h action thereon as may be considered proper. � /� nated /� - � - 9 7 � .� � � . _ � li/�(iu�l'�. � and Assessment Engineer �C" 97-�z9� � � wo 0 � o ¢ n r � tn � v � • W N 6 N O rG P 6 N P N W • 00011 0 i- � O O O 11 O Z r . fl �� O 1(1 Vl 11 O O� N N r 11 N y� E r ��q � 11 N (} Q • W 11 fA II � C � II . W O � 11 U i- � II Q U . II 2 4 � 11 2 �- � II . £ 4J � 000 i- � 000 M � O O O �D 2 � 000 ti � P O�� C W # O r F- U £ 6 ' • N y ` Q W� O O O r�000 • ¢�000 � N K � � . � � � P r- rv � U (L 2 O � ' F F- f� W O K K 6 • W W • W NC� C � r K O W� Q E 6 LL 'E � ( L O S 4 � 6 U U F 2 � 41 � T Y W C � 1' U U J O 4W �+ I- Ex> t� U • £UK a ¢��ww rnzw z ¢ w z x o w r- i- x a w w z�a 8 O � O � w a a > �- ¢ o n � v� � o w a � � w H �- £ U � Z O .-. N � Y 1- Y W � 6 O M U 0• 4 J J W J Y �n � � r , oa.. .j¢o. , t0 H• 2 6 O m w P� � ��a �m, o- w � • i- .-ao � a� n_ i- u. .- N �v � o � � vi t rs . z m a o� a�oo do • • mf-w�.� 3 � A P Q I� W w � t�. J �' W � • WJ"� � oa.-¢t� P K � 60 O W � 2 �-6 P > � <4Y�x .. . N Q� K S Vt Q LL R� 6 6 2 O P X � (DS2 W O Q� W 2 2 f7 � �- • eUa...z ¢ z�.- I� 2' W �+ £ U' O� U E J Z � � M � �O C� W W Q a^ p M W � C 6�U2 Z� Q M O W .Y 3 � �t-02 r O � U�pN# i� � 000110 000110 . 11 O V1 vt II O pON� 14 N �IAfR11N � II � n u n n u 11 11 y II J 11 W 11 U II K II 6 n a � n • W W II I- w m w n a i- � n s G £ 2 11 W m O 2 I I X QUU 11 W II f Y W II J O CLUUIIG R W � II k- $ 2 � I I O f U K 11 F� N a W W II N d' VJ II F- W 11 U U JJJ II W 6' 6 4 Q I �� 4 f- r- r- n o n OOOiIz f- i- r n n � 97-�z�� � � wo a � o < 6 i � M ti v C W N d N O • • z P 6 N P N w. v o o n v �- . P O O 1� P • 2 � • II 'J � �O N v1 II �D O •+++�+� nP G F� W w tA n(A U 6 � 11 it � � r 11 w O • II co �- � n ¢ U � li 2 Q i II Q 11 £ N � O O O F- � 000 v � �t00 �O 2 � POO f� J P �0 �- •- s in it O �- `- u F a N LL N 6 W� O O O 1- � 000 a�000 m �� � m � vi v� O i- . N� h 2 P � > ti U W O K 1 W N t� C U K � O W � 6 � 4 LL £ � � N x Q � �- U 1- 2 � U' tlf � N � 3 p W y r .. U U J O O F � � . ] . U' U r Q f� 8 6� O O w � � 6l G N K d YI . 2 Y � O W F- • 1- X 2 W W S � � £ O • o O w � ¢ z > t- , ¢ o a � ui � o w n � � w N r- £ U � 2 O � N r � ti Z W � Q O M U O� 6 J � W � ]6 N � Y. p 6� J 6 M F- � 260 [D W 'J K � Q JI� � C uf � • Y- v6P � 4 � O.�-u LLN \ � O� 7 N f O� K � K W tiit a � 00 �00 `. ' � M F W f- � � p � n LL P Q I` W � W V b r W � J w v � r� c>.-ar P C � QO O W 2 e� Q P Y � ¢¢v�x .. . N Q, � KS1(16� o. � ¢¢ s O P X i N x z W O Q� W Z Z N � 1� � M2�+Z6 2£�+ Y� K r LL] .-. £ U' �T � i Ug� 2 � S � M .-. , �O 1' � W W Q r' � M uf � K d�O a 2� 6 M O W �} 3 � JrF-Od � s O . U�D4fi k • �i O O il .Y O` O O II P . 11 �O N 1ll 11 b I[� N � 11 P ��� II � 11 11 II 11 fl II II 11 N 11 � 11 W 11 U 11 C II 6 u a lV W 11 F- vi co n a U d' II 'C 6 � 6 Il W �j lA 2 11 X r v u w ('J N 11 aow n .� o � 4l U 11 6 p �+ 11 F Q' • 9 11 O Q S K 11 F- 4J O � W 11 J m 4 pJ II 1- w �i U U J J J 11 W 2' 4G4 11 > 6 � '- F- n o a OOOIis �- �- F- il a �- �7-��97 _ o wa � o � O_ Y � N F- . �1 C W N O. N O C U 6 N P N (-0 � 000110 F- � 000 1� O Z . • II � � AN Vt il t� C �� M N�' p I� U f• in fA (A �� v� ¢ � f9 11 (A K 11 W ry� • 11 ('J O � II 6 Y + 1� 2 U . 11 6 4 ' II E If m�000 �n r- � o 0 0 • .a , o00 • r� z� o 0 0 P � ��� # K • M O N F- F- £ U tq 6 N 6 W • O O O 1- � 000 Q • O O O O K . • • O � U1 1!1 �O ti . N � . 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P N N 11 P AN� II� M Wtl+ 11.t � 11 � I tl II 11 N II li N {1 J II W 11 U u z I I ¢ n n II W �I Y- N l•! Il d U C �I 'F a • ¢ n w � m x u x !- U II W U' N 11 2 p lL 11 J O � U U II Q O � 11 f L' . 7 11 O 4£ N � I r N O � W 11 J 616N II f W �1 U V J J J II W K C66 II � Q r- r- 1- n o a 0 0 o u z r rr n n .- . F " ' , . ��-�zq7 REPORT LEGISLATNE HEARING Date: October 7, 1997 Tnne: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Gerty Stratlunan L,egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratiPyiug assessment of beneGts, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the foliowing: TBDC972 - Summary Ahatements (Property clean-up & grass cutting) thru mid-July, 1997. 79710BB - Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9'" to 3une 28` 1997. J9706061 - 5ummary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-April to mid-May, 1997. J9709AA - Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) from mid-May to July 3r , 1997. 797101BB - Boardings-up of vacant build'angs for July, 1997. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exception: 719 Case Avenue -( J9709AA) - Assessment deleted. 2. Summary Abatement appeal for 662 Burr Street; Neil K. Schwattz, appellant. Legislative Hearing Off�cer recommended denying appeal. Work completed. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 1451 Sherburne e e, Legislative Hearing pfficer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 613 Minnehaha Avenue Eact. Legislative I-Iearing Of�cer recommended allowing six months to repair, provided a $2,000 Bond is posted and necessary permits are pulled by Noon, Octoher 22'd. ��-iz9� 5. ResoIution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 800 omo v u. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,000 Bond is posted and a code compliance inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 0 r e ve e. Legislative Hearing Of�cer recommended allowing six-months to repair, providing the vacant building fee is paid, a$2,Q00 Bond is posted and a certificate of occupancy inspection is obtained by Noon, October 22" Resolution ordering the owtter to remove or repair tt�e building located at 1561 Jackson ee . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended allowing six-months to rehabilitate, providing a$2,000 Bond is posted by Noon, October 22"". 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building located at 78 Mag,n�li Avenne We�. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 9. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the huilding located at905 York veiru . Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. y7- i�,y7 � MINCTTES OF LEGISLATIVE I3EARING October 7, 1997 Room 33Q, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Roxanna Flink, Cathy Ries and Dick Lippert Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, cailed the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. 719 Case Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, presented a video showing overflowing garbage containers and more bags on the ground. Calvin Burton, owner, appeared and stated that they had switched trash companies and it was a few days before everything was picked up. Gerry Strathman stated that he felt the assessment of $207.Q0 was excessive for the amount of � cleanup required. Mr. Willits and Chuck Votel concurred that this was not cleared by the zegulaz crew and that there were problems. Mr. Strathman recommended that the assessment be deleted. 2. 413 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recoi�mended approval. 3. 644 Sims Avenue No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 4. 562 Burr Street Neil Schwartz, owner, appeared and stated that the sewer repair was complete. Dick Lippert, Public Aealth, contirnied that this was the case. Mr. Schwartz added that this project proved to be more extensive, and therefore more time consuming, due to the fact that there had been trolley lines running through the area. Mr. Strathman recommended that the matter be closed. � �7-�z97 � � 5. 1451 Sherburne Avenue (Laid over from September 2ad) James Geske, attorney for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. appeared, stating that Countrywade has been the owner for nine days and is waiting for instructions from Fannie Mae with respect to this property. Mr. Geske added that, if necessary, it would be more ecottoixucally feasible for tbem to demolish the property themselves. They are asking for a short extension of time to make that determination. Several neighbors spoke indicating that this properiy has been an eyesore for years, also noting that there is no plumbing on site and that drug and gun use is taking place there. Beth Randail from a local non-profit housing group in the community stated that something needs to happen soon and supports aggessive action regarding this matter. Mr. Strathman recommended to approve the order to repair or remove within 15 days. 5. 613 Minneh ha Avenue Fact (j,aid over from September 16u) Tim Nelson, a friend of Clazence Leaf, Jr, the owner, stated that most of the repairs have been made and that Sunset Realtor, Ken Latson, had sold for the property for $29,085 just before it was condemned. Mr. Nelson acknowledged the fact that he has a copy of an inspection report dated July 16'" which indicates there aze some needed repairs which would require permits. Gerry Strathman recommettded that the City Council give the owner six months to rehabilitate the building, subject to the condifions that a$2,000 bond be posted and that all necessary permits are obtained by noon, October 22'� . r� 6. 800 Como Avenue Burton Murdock, owner, appeared, and advised he has owned this property since 1959 and stated that he intends to rehabilitate this building by converting it back into a single family dwelling before selling it. Crerry Strathman recommended that if Mr. Murdock pays the vacant building fee, posts a $2,000 bond and obtains a code compliance inspecfion by noon, October 22°� , he be given 180 days to rehabilitate the building. � 97�/�9'7 , � 8. 2Q3 Forbes Avenue Clodetta Pratt, the new owner, appeared, advising that she intends to occupy one apar�nent upstairs with her family and use the other as a lazge office azea. She indicated that the downstairs is, and would continue to be, used for dry storage - with no heat, very little lig�ting and no plumbing. Ms. Pratt also stated that the rear portion of the building would be used for storage Purposes only. Ms. Pratt stated tiiat she had spoken with Phil Owens and understood that the fire deparhnent inspection of July 18"' was srill valid. Gerry Strathman advised that if that is the case, she wili not have to have another inspection done. Mr. Strathman recommended that if Ms. Pratt pays the vacant building fee of $200, posts a $2,000 bond, and obtains necessary permits by noon, October 22" she be given six months to rehabilitate the building. 9. 1561 Jackson treet Gerry Strathnsan advised that he has had a number of telephone conversations with Mr. Hoff, the owner, during which it was indicated that he intends to rehabilitate the building. Betsy Kay Hudecek appeared, stating that the property was purchased in May, 1445. � Chuck Votel, Public Health, noted that the code compliance of May 16�' states thaz the building is a gutted shell about as large as a two-car garage with no windows. Mr. Votel informed Ms. Hudecek that new building code staudards with azchitecturai drawings and specifications wouid be necessary. If the $2,000 bond is posted by noon, October 22n , Mr. Strathman recommended giving the owner 180 days to complete the rehabilif�tion. 1Q. 78 Magnolia Avenue West No one appeazed. Gerry Strathman recomtnended that the order be approved. I 1. 906 York Avenue No one appeared. Gerry Strathman recommended that the order be approved. Adjourned at 10:47 a.m. L�