97-1287Council File # �� 5. � Ordinance # �o � aa--J �� Green Sheet # 50226 RESOLUTION CITY pF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOL�/EA: That application, ID #50226, for a Restaurant-B, Off-Sale Malt, Sunday On- Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale-A, Gambling Location- A and a Patio Sernice License by Minnesota Music Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (Karen Palm, President) at 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The parking lot shall be constructed in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, within one year of the date of that approval. A separate building permit shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. A performance bond ahall be i submitted in an amount sufficient to cover the improvements of trie proposed parking lot to be completed within one year. � 2. There would be no aude dancing or topleas waiters or waitresses, nor � would the applicant ever apply for such license for those uses. 3. The owner will take all reasonable ateps to insure that all patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at closing time. The ownera' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do aot comply with this condition. 4. Parking lot and surrounding neighborhood are to be picked-up of cans, bottles, other litter associated with the bar/restaurant. Applicant shall agree to nightly clean-up schedule. 5. Applicant shall provide and put-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their propezty. Signs would be required to say 'Private-Parking is not allowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. Al1 violators will be towed at their expense,' Applicant shall agree to provide signage upon request of adjacent businesses. Applicant sha11 agree to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking restrictions. i � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 q� ►�� 6. Appliaant shall agree to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting plan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paul Police Department, who have had training in proper lighting strategies £or maximum protection. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secreta=y Approved by Mayor: Date � �';. �S 1— BY� � "" �, Office o£ LiCense Inspections and Environmental Protect+on BY� l /�W��C/ �7 ���. Form Approve by City At rney By: `�/ t.G�.� _ _____ �C t Approved by Mayor for Subcaission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date O,c}, . �� �q�{`'� t N° 50226 DEFBRiMENTADFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ��" )� LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTRCT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCITYCOUNCIL Chiistine Rozek 266-9108 ASSIGN OC�T1'ATfORNEV �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE) NUHBEfl FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN_ 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. NOUTING For Hearing: �O �a2 OFDEH O MpYpR (OR AS51$TADfT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCA'FlONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONpE0UE5TED_ MIIIIIESOt2. MllS1C Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club requests Council approval of its application for a Restaurant-B, Off Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License at 499 Payne Avenue (ID 1186794). RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 Mi5 per50n/firm evef Worketl untlef a COntraC� fOr this tlep3rtment? _ pBCOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _$7AFF 2. Has this perSOnRrm evef been a City employee? — YES NO _ oiSiRICT COURr _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? SUPPOR'B WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE� YES NO Expleln eli yes answero on seperate eheet end aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOFiTUNfrv(Who. Whet. When. Where, Vdhy)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED � ia�llfb4� SvP 17 1�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUND{NG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION (EXPLAIN) Council File � �7 - �a� Ordinance � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # Date aa RESOLVED: That application, ID �86794, for a Restaurant-B, O Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale LiquoY, Entertainment-B�Cigarette, Liquor O Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License by Minnesota Music corporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (ICaren Palm, President) at 499 Pay Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition• The parking lot shall be constructe in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, wit 'n one year of the date of that approval. A separate buildinq p it shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. Requested by Department of: By Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: By: Adopted Council: Date Date Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection sy: ����.t,eil.l..^2J � "'UZ_ L . Form Approved by City Atto t By: `� �Cj L Approved by yor for Submission to Council Byc CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATICJN � Ca�t�� GQ�� � - L-�e�io� ��D�d �112 ��a-(° Lt�G1� THIS APPLICATION IS SUB.TECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL oa� otL���, �s� znd Emvomneatal Ro�ection 330 Sc Pcc Sc S.rite 3J� Si,t Pa:� Y � co•,z SSiCi (67P)166R90 SxC612)265.!]<� � ;�' u7 < <� �i OS�'i . Z� � d � s .3 j 7� � _ <.�� 5�-7. s o �00 s `� �, s � � . Company MI1VN,�iSOIl4� MUS'fG !`/C�l�/ G'(Qf��1,� - ('�o`poration / Partners6ip / Sole Proptictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: Bvsiness Address: Business Phone: s� naa� clry s�m z� Betwcen w•hat cross s4eets is the basiness ]ocated? �,4YdG ��E '�GJDaD� .$f . Which side of the streei? CtJbSi �Are the premises now occupied7 yfJ VJhat Type of Business� Mail To Address: _�� �� l: �'t7J V� s� �� ctTy s� 2ip �Applicant Information: I�Tmme snd Title: �'ZEA� U11A�,P�LI-!�� 7 �7 SF�✓ �/-�LYY1 P�2�SYDf/1/� F;m t,yam� yyt�;am) �n r;a� �Iome Address: StleetAddrese � - - C�h, Date of Birth: C / •.� — y� Place of Birth: .�� ��,dU L ��J Al . Have you ever been conc�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance oihzr than traffic. Date of arrest: Chazge: _ �onviction: Where? Sentence: Sfatc Zip HomePhone: 77�-�'a �jS" � YES NO _� List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant mr 5nancially interested in the premises or business, who may be refesred to as to the applicanYs chuacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �oBs.P. j `'yI�FNS��tip /360 /,c)`a�if�'�t dl'lexdotg �,�'s S�J-0�3 �-Iave snp of the above named licenses eva been rzvoked7 YES l� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: i onoroa PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT IN INK �.ist lieenses which you cusently holc� formerly hel� or may have an interest in: Are you going to oper2te this business personally? � 1`ES � NO If not, who ��iIl operate it? � 1���� 7 Fust\ame vliddielxutisl (Vfaidrn) Last DaeofB'vth Home Addiess: Stxect \eyc City State Zip Phone \umba Are you going to haez a manager or essistant in this business? YES � NO If the manager is not the sazne zs the operator, please completz the follot�ing infoimauon: Fvst \eme Home P.dd�ev: Strect Namc List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS ✓ CiTy HOME PHOI�E I.xst Statr Zip BUSINESS PHONE If business is a partnecship, please include the followiztg information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat :�amo Home AddRV: Strcet Nmme Fust :�ame Home Addresg: Strttt I�`eme hf'iddle Initial (.Vfaidrn) Middle Initiel MidAe Initisl City G'v7eiden) c�Ty I,ast State Zip I,as[ s� z�p Dz!e of Bvth Pf�one \�ber DATE OF BII2TH Dete of Bir�h Phone?.'mmbcr Datc of Birth Phone tiumber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIF'ICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270J2) (Tmc Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesotx Commissioner of Re�enue, the Minnesota business tax identi&cation nutnber and the social securiry number of eacfi license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tas Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority will supply it oniy to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Depamnent of Revenue may supply this informalion to the Internal Revenue Service. Mmnesota Tmc Identification Numbus (Sales & Use Tax Ntmmber) may be obtained &um the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 7 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 1� pZ �` _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box 2/18N7 Please list your emplo}ment history for the pre�2ous five (5) yeaz period: ,_ <v�., CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�39� . GQ�n�-tI L.aca� (ao�a C�i2 �� �r�dr THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO FVIEW g PLTBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied for: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN Rv'K CompanyName: � r /N yU � S D�'� /`f� Cmporetion / Partnctship / Sole Progriebrship If business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: Doing Business As: ryE l N�/ 4 CnL�_ _ Business Address: s�i n`aa� 1G Betu�een ��hat c.oss s�cets is the business located? ��Y. �U Are the premises now occupied'7 N� What T}P ofB Mail To Address: a ��('� __�' � �, 1 7' U� s� n.aa�ri� Applicaatinformation: ciry � Stntc Zip hsame and TiUe: W I I� 14,!✓�. Lti' � ��S � oJ � I<�, 7!'eS I c� �•J� Furt y � hfiddle (\4aidrn) Le+t Tiile Home Address: __�0 O t t' �OV c� !.� S S'} �,J � ('}� � (�'S ( � � / shcct Addxesa `" ` CitY statc zip q / . � DateofBirth; f7`o2.�`�� PlaceofBirth: Sl '{�G,J l HomePhone:�l�� 61' Have you ever been com�cted of any feiony, crime or viotation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of arrest: Cbarge: _ Conviction: Seatence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may he referred to as to the applicant's character: SS �U 4 NAME ADDRESS ���S��rlti MN pun�.r�. e S �- S o�"d��ti, y�toe.� t LU. List licenses which you cuirenily ho]d, foimerly held, or may have an interest in: I:�l. +'£,�J CITY OF SAINT PAUL officc orL;ccacq �;ou znd Emirrnxmrnal Prot�.ion 350 A P;.c A Sti.c307 Saiat n� V�csa•s SA@ (672)?6GS090 �x(617)2ob91i4 � W [r» d D �s, aso < � � d � s 3 0 s_ ����<� s �• �D s ��, D s t/� OU Basiness Phone� �; �.Z- /-� cs� S � s�t� z�� -{- ' W 0 dd t.�0.i-� �ch side of the street� � e S f � �S- 3�6 Have any of the above named licenses ever been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocation: Are you going to operale this business petsonally? � 1'ES � 2�T0 lf not, ufio �iill operate it? First\ame Iiomc Adbraa: �tiddlc Iaitial Are you going tn have a m2nager orrssistant in this business? please complete the following information: �am� �;s�t HomcAEdrw: Street\sne P]ease list pour emplo}mrnt history for the pre�7ous five (5) year period: Husiness/Emplo�7nent Address i. � a �.� F'�o r,�, fc, nn_ ,.-� �:-. � � q'1-1zd'7 !Ri Datc City / 5'.nte Zip P6one V�bcr YES V NO if the manager is not the same as the operator, Q.laidcn) Lvi DaL-ofBinh CiTy StaL- Zip Phonc \vmbcr f.�7 ffbusiaess is a parmersbip, please iac]ude the following information for each pariner (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat::amc HomcAddnsa: Strcct:�am6 Fisst�ame Home Add�rse: Strcet i�'eme Middlc Initini MidAc Initial CMvden) CiTy (:vfa�der+) CiTy I,est S�am Zip T.ast State Zip Phane humber Dazc of Suth Phax Numbcr i✓INNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NIIMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie S, Section 2(270.72) (Tar Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovernment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tUe foilowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identi5calion Number: - This infoTmation may be used to deny ihe issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vetricle excise tates; - Upon receiving this informa5on, the licensing authority wiIl supply it only to the Mmnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of InformaGon Agreement, the Deparhnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Ivfinnesots Tax Idenbfication Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from tbe State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmrnt, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-618t ). � Social Security Number: ry 7 � 6 / 3 �/� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: /`e N C. �/J _ If a Minnesoffi Tax Identificabon Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. 2/18797 List all otha officers of the cozporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE„� ,_,,, � BIRTH �"�� �7-1��"j CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVEkAGE PliRSUANT TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 - I hereby cercify� that I, or m} compary, am in compliance with the w•or3;as' compensation insurance cocerage requiremrnts of Mi.��esot2 Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I zlso tmderstand that pro�ision of faLse infoimarion in this certificx�ion constitutes sufficient grounds for advers: zction against a111icenses hel� including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Nzmz of Insurance Compzny: Polic}�Number: ' J Coveragefrom to I hace no emplogees covered under tcorkeis' compensation insur2��ce (II�ZTIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED , WII.L RESULT IN DEn'IAL OF TfIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�n�ered all of the preceding questions, xad that the infozmalion contained herein is true and cor. �t to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have recei��ed no money or other consideratian, by way of ]oan, gif� conhibuao� or otheiutise, otha than already disclosed in the application which I hereµith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected b}� police, fire, health znd other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation ��.f'.(,�.�:_-_� `"L_. t��� 6- ! � - 57 Signatum (REQliIRED for ali applicatioas) Date We �eill accept pa}'ment 6y cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (MiC or Visa). I �MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATIOIV DATE: ACCOUNC NUMI3ER: ❑l�/�❑ ❑00❑ ❑CICI❑ ❑L70❑ ❑L7C]❑ of of Cazd Holder(required for all **A'ote: If this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�iew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saini Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attaeh t6ese documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desigq location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site p]an). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'_ ^N shoutd be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, o�ces, repz'u azea, parlang, rest rooms, ete. - If a request is for an additien or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cunent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ownetship of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQtTiRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> E � �� � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�t � G� ��l� Locc¢-iox., (ao�5d Or2 �� L�or THIS APPLICATION IS StTBJECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN LNK T}ye oflicense(s) being applied for: Company Name: / Partncn6ip / Sole ProprieWcxhip � �JlLS1I1CSS IS II1CA1� Doing Basiness As: Business Address: Sw.�t nda� Bei�x�een w�hat cross streets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied7 /V � What Mxil To Address: al 1� �. �—�jj� sutte naa�, ofBtuiness? l l CII'Y OF SAINT PAL�I. 05rce of Licensc, Ior znd Emvamnrntat Protutior. 350 SC P_� St Slvtc 3p0 c,; ^ • ?n4Y.vaa�h SSiCl (672J166�9p �x(61l)]06- � �al�< 67� �s, oso. � �' �D s 3J�o s��s'� �� s ��D s 5�.��' � G s_ % OL� / �;�r � sc�� z� 1^ ��kVhich side of the street? ' l�'��� � � �c�.r �-�, �- f /Ui q �i f �c1� �!�-ct.� j /h �- S.� I f� C��Y swe zip • Applicant information ��� 2�TZme and Tiile: _ 11 � �1'rIR �ie� L1 �Q,19 1� ��j ��— �E `Lf ' F� uua<u� �---A�ta�r Gh-oc� .5�� �o (I�i�+�k�0 � �/4 ��`�saa�> �,�n ��s`� 1 ���,6�- r;u� Home Address: _ `Piyqr(, '�'1 le /j--� t�'�, _ �'1)l� .�-� 1 �S i s «naaK„ c;ry s� \ ztp Datz of Birth: 1 Place of Birth: �y ���'t.( �,T Y �� Home Phone: �o I 7 ' ) J� 6�j Ha��e you ever been com�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance ottizr than traffic? YES NO Date of azrest: Where7 Charge: Con�iction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �-�eQ l.��ra�va- �� sC �; �l�z.kr���l C^�._T.��z� G�� l�fds M►-�-ts�-48R3 ri List licenses which you currently hol� foimerly heid, or may bave an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 XES � �� 5�.��1,,�� �fsa-oi3�( �^N 4C�- D�r�� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatios � ��,,,_ Are you going to operate this business personally? � YES NO If not, v.�ho «ill operate it? � q') - �'�'"! Fust�eme VfiCdlcLtival (Vfaidrn) Last DateofBvth Hamc Addcns: Str-t \eme City Statc Zip Phone �uvba Are you gomg to hai�e a manager or essis!ant in this b�iness9 YES � 130 If the manager is not the sazne as the operztor, please complete the follou�ing informztion: First:�ame HamcAdd�m: Strceth�amc City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) year period: I.as[ Date of Buih Sta�c Zip Pfione\immber SRa 6 Q (wz.(c ( �e vrc�- �`��dge �a1 �-u�er � Irv-�,�e 1�1. �tN . ; List all other officers of tl�e corporation: OFFICER TITI.E HOME NAME (OfficeHeld)_ ADpRE HOME BUSINESS DA'IE OF PHONE PHON& BIl2TH If business is a parh�ership, piease include the following information for each partrier (use additional pages if necessary): Fint\�e Middlelnitial (Maidcn) Last DateofBizih HomcAddrtsn: Svutl�amc Fint?�amc Middle Initisl HomeAddltss: StredNamc City ���) City State Zip I.sa State Zip Plione I�'umbcr Dve of Birth Phonc N�bcr MINNESOTA TAX IDENITFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2{270.72) (Tax Clemmmce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�ride to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tt�e foilowing regarding the use of the Minnesota TaY IdentiScation Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[ment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemrnt, the Depazhnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Internal Reveau� Service. Mmnesota TaY Ide¢tification Numbas (Sales � Use Tax Number) may be obtained fivm the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Socisl Security Number. "1 � 6��o.� —`�� J� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: ��� � _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box � I , 2l18/97 Middle Initial (.Viaidcn) � 4:�`� a'I -19-1'� CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGB PURSUAIv'T TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 I hereby certif}� that I, or m}' comp�y, 2m in compliance uith the �� orkers' compensation insurance cocerage requirements of Min.-�esota Satute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undemand thzE provision of faLse information in this cer'ufication constitutes sufficient grounds for zd�•erse action aeainst all licenses hel� including revocation az�{i suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Companp: Polic} ' � Coveragefrom to I hzve no employees cocered under k comp°nsation insura�zce (IIvZI IALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBhIITI'ED , WILI, RESULT IN DEl�'I?,L OF T'HIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansuered all of the preceding questions, and that the informalion contained herein is hue and cor,ecf to the best of my Irnou�ldge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by v.•ay of loaz� gift, conh or otheru�ire, other than already �sclosed in the agplicalion wtuch I herewith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, heaith and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation e We vrill accept pa}vaent by cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOR7NG I1VF'ORMATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NCTMBER: ❑o/o❑ ❑❑o❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ !.a„x or carano�a�� of Card Holder(required tor all charees) Date *•Note: If this application is Foodli.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plws. If any substantial changes to shucture aze anticipated, please wntact a CiTy� of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere m azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquire tLe foIIoning documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: 1. �A detailed description of the desig� location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 I/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. ,_ - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the liceased facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, res[ rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both tue cuirent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownaship of the properiy. �PECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIIZE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> OCT-14-1997 12�57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.01 V D Y IlL Vf Ltt LneC, vy� �a. � �vna �uw "' ETMnONMENTaL PROTK710N A ^ -, r�,Y � F.obatY•e:ater,Dirrc�w — 1 ► 0 s��xr rau � � AA� CI7Y OF SAINT PALR. )�aT Cctemqr�Maycr LOiVh)'t'40�SJOMlL —° Uff�A+G s,j,r�s;a j:Q$f.?HN$JrKf ScrntPovJ.lAir.ne�aa SS)0?-i510 FAX 1'nep5ox. F/b266•9C?� Foai�r.tte: 61 ?.?6 L-A09D p � q EJ�-�ss� A 6���! P �� OCT 4 4 1997 ��Nlt� �OSTRONP � 6 6 - �'�7f� 0 DA7�: �� �� ',� ro• 1 an �i as i �.6i�isr �.r x�: �vreu� (�f1ec-� c s f � of Yagcs � (including co�•cr shcct) FROM: ( "�..hGS77n� ltBz� . �.l E/� qR ��In� �. OCT-14-1997 12=57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02 Greensheet #� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/18/97 / �� -��� In TrackeR App'n Fieceived / app n arocessea llcenselD # 86794 license Type: Restauiant-B. Off Sale Malt Sunday On Sa1e Liauor___ Entertainmen -f�Cig:, e-A, Ga 2ing Location-A, an Company Name:Mianesota Music Incorvorated DBA�innesota Music Clssb Patio Sez' 6USinESS Add�PSSS: k99 Payae Avenue Business Phone: 77b-8295 Corttact Name/Address: �ren Palm, 2114 Hoyt Ave E, 119 � Home Phone: 776-8295 oate to Counca Researcn: �,?a 4�(,?�'�O/%> Public Hearing Date: 2 tabels Ordered: Notice Se to A piicarrt_ � District Councl �: S :.:,n.a.�.���fi�iR1cY► u; ,�co� .tu�i� i.��'/I%�/�D Notice Serrt to f Department/ City Attomey Ernironmental Heaith �1�11•`��- F��e q.11•9� license Lc�t���i� Police c Ward #: U/ Date inspections Comments �-�o � �- � � � �• t�•`i�- p. �C • �,� t �► �� t-4K�a,. ,A PP�o�l�4L - Q K . �.�i �� �h-tiA�ti- ! rl�l�� Site Pian Received:_ Lease Fteceived� ( r�,C (,� ��,!-, �GSS, b �e� C�-,�► .�� s � �.1� . 1a.1 l'T�R C01'�J � Tl Gi'1.5, ��~ TOTRL P.02 ��_��,g7 RAILROAD ISLAND tMPLEMENTA October 6, 1997 Council member Dan Bostrom City of Saint Paul Room 320-B City Hall 15 West Kellogg Soulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: BarlRestaurant Estabiishment License Application No. 86794 Applicant. MN Music Cafe (Karen Pa{mj Address: 499 Payne Avenue Dear Councii member Bostrom: , � On Wednesday, October 1, 1997, the Railroad Isfand Impiementation Task �orce heid a public meeting to discuss the above-noted bar/restaurart license request_ Karen Pa1m, the applicant was present at the meefing. Numerous questions were raised concerning improvements to the b�ilding, parking issues, lighting and management o4 the business. The RRI Implementation Task Force and residents indicated the importance of their neighborhood. The entrance af East Seventh and Payne being a vitaf gateway to ttze neighborhood and the need to encourage an attractive entrance. They stated that this was the first year that their property values had increased in many years and it was encouraging to them that the improvements being made in the neighborhood were having a positive effect on them and their investments. The discussion on this license appiication went on for more than an hour and ended with a list of conditions being identified with the applicant preserf. These conditions were agreed to by the appiicant and are indicated as foilows: issuance of a bartrestaurant ficense should be conditioned upon submission ef a performance bond in an amount s�cient �o cov2r the improvemenYs of the proposed parking lot to be compi�ted within one year. That if the parking lot is not completed wifnin the one year, that the City wiil immediately act upon the performance bond to compiete improvements to the parking lot. 2. Any considerations of a license renewat would be conditioned on parking lot being wmpieted within the one year time frame and complying with other ccndiiions of the license. �,� _ 1��� Page 2 October 6, 1997 3. The appficant agreed that there would be no r.ude dancing or topiess waiters or evaitresses, nor would the applicant ev2r appiy for such license for those uses. 4. The owner wiil take a!I reasonabie steps to insure that ali patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at cfosing time. The owners' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do not comply with this condition. 5. Parking !ot and surrounding neighborhood are picked-up of cans, botties, other litter associated with the barlres!aurant. Applicant agreed to a night{y clean-up schedule. 8. Appiicant has agreed to provide and pu;-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their property. Signs would be required to say, "Privafe - Parking is not a�Iowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. All violators will be towed at their expense." Applicant agrees to provide signage upon �equest of adjacent busine5ses. Applfcant agrees to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking resfrictions. Appiicant agreas to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting ptan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paui Pofice Department, who have had training ir proper lighting stra,egies for ma�cimum protection. The appiicant made us aware that the Payne Aver.ue Bus ness Associafion (PASA) has indicated an interest in placing pul! tabs in the busines,, if it moves forvvard. We would like to request your assistance if this activity moves fo�ward that PABA consider dedicating a portion of the funds to the Merrick Center to help support chifdren activities in the neighborhood. This would need to be fu��ther discussed with PABA and the other appropriate parties if this is a possibility. As you are aware, your ofiice and the Raiiroad Island neighborhood have invested many hours in developing the Railroad Island revitalization plan. The n=ighborhood is now seeing some fruits ofi this �abor, which has given them added strength to continue moving forward with your help. The City has invested substantiaf amounts of funds in the Railroad island neighborhood and has indicated continued support for the revita(ization efforts and we are all very grateful. However, there is much more work that is needed and we hope that you will continue to support us in these continued efforts. Together, we can mak2 a difference. �1�_��� Page 3 October 6, 1997 We ask your support in presenting tnese conditions to the City Council on Wednesday, October 22, 1997, in consideration of this bar/restaurant license request # 86794. Thank you. Sinceramente, V 6 v� Nick Vega Puente, Chair Railroad Island Implementation Task Force (612)774-9139 CC: District 5 Community Councif, t014 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN V Karen Palm, MN Music, Inc., d.b.a. MN Music Cafe, 2114 E. Hoyt Ave., St. Paul, MN Robert Kessler, Licensing, City of Saint Paul , Larry Zangs, City of Saint Paul, Zoning Sheri Pemberton, PED, City of Saint Paui �,� . � a�'I iRUC� � AUiO The Chassis Peopie September 19, 1997 Ms RoseMarie Bomersine Co-Chair Railroad Island Task Force 509 Petit Street St Paul, MN 5A01-4543 Ms Bomersine: We applaod your w�ork and wncem towards the Railroad Island community, as well as the East Side of St. Paul at large. Sir,ce you are an active voice, we wanted to write you regarding a recent concem of ours. As you know, Standard Truck & Auto (formerly known as, and still incorporated as, Standud Spring & Alignment Service, Inc.) has been ai this bcation for many years. Over the years, we have experienced numerous business establishments operating in t};e 49) Payne location. The nightc(ubPoar establishments that have come and gone in that location have not lef[ a positive mazk on our business. Upon officially hearing that the new owners of the locaticn have applied to the City of St. Paul foc numerous nightclub/bar licenses, as indicated in a copy of [he City of St. Paul "File 86794" we received this week, we need to express aur concem. We have also heacd, as indicafed by two September 5` 1497 ietters from Zaning Technician Lawrence Zangs, that the owners of 499 Payne have received zoniig npproval for a 43-space parking lot that must be consWCted within one yeaz of plan approval. This atso concems us. , � Our business hours are from 7:00 a.m. until ] 2:Q0 midnight. We also aze considering four 10-hour evenings, Monday [hrough "Fhursday that woutd end at 2:06 a.m. in the moming. Our business centers around the repair of targe, heavy-duty vehicles such as rubbish collectors, excavarors, municipalities, ete. These vehicles are regulady coming in and oat of oar building, pazking lot, aileys, etc. Our parking facilities, as welt as our plan[ facitities, are atready [oo °cramped" for our productive use. Our concem is towards the welfare and continued operation of our own well-established Railroad Lsland business. We feel that the opportunity for liability Qawsuit) is increased to an uncomfortable level with the opening of a nigh[clublbar again at 499 Payne. Intoxicated people do not belong near heary tmck [raffic. Our technicians do no[ need this ad:ied concem tate at nighL We also know that the nightclub/bar patron traffic in our parking !ot will congest our movement. How do we feel and know [hese things? Experience. We have watched, in the past, the patrons stream in and ou[ of our parking lo?s, leaving [heir beer cans, bo[tles, food containers, and other things for us [o clean up. In the past we have not been open untii midnigh[, Now that we are (and have been for two years), we can oniy see problems. We are not at all fond of being unwitting victims agtin of this type of activity. The new owners of 499 Payne have not asked to us� our pazking facility. However, I balieve tha[ they wiil attempt to use i[ (43 spaces are nat only smal( for the facility, but no[ required [o be conshuc[ed untif one year after approval). Please understand that we are not }udging the owness or pairons of 499 Payne. We just need to voice ourselves in consideration of our own business. Smcerely, �. � i � ! i7t Scott Osvom r l ` � �- �� Copy: Law:ence Zangs, Sheri Pemberton St Paui Minneapolis 520 Payre Avenue 2010 Washington Ave N. SL Paul, b1N 5 51 01-4597 Minneapolis, MN 5541 1-229 8 Pn (s�s) ��a-ssea ph (612) 521-4703 F. (s i 2) ��a�ss i 2 rx (s i z) 5zi -a�os 10/06/9i 1G:Oi F.4T 612 292 125� �PPLIED PHYS SCI • d � /� -' Applied Ptiysical Sciences, lnc. 539 Payne Ave St Paul, MN 55101 October6, 1997 District Five Planning Cauncil Community Planning and Economic Development Committee 1014 Payne Ave St. Pau1, MN 55101 Dear Committee Members: i am unable to attend the Public Meefing scheduled for October 6, 1897, but I wanted to submit my comments regarding City Council file number 86794. I am a business and property owner on Payne Avenue. Four businesses occupy my buiiding at 539 Payne. , I do not want liquor pem+its issued for 499 Payne Avenue. i am concemed about the increase in crime, vandalism, and noise that wiii accompany a(iquor senring establishment. Although my business is nof open at night, I don't like the idea of loud music and patio service late at night wifh all the related problems for �vhich a bar is a magnet. f think granting the requested ficenses sends the wrang message as ta whaf we want to happan in Railroad Istand. i would rathsr see tha Economic Development Commiitea encourage Hght industry snd smafl service companies to grow in the area, not open the door for liquor and entertainment. I think that would erase ali the hard work ihe Railroad Island residents have done to :um this area around. Thank you. Sincerefy, ��. � � . ..,���—.�=�� �lizabeth A. C!�bb Rresident, Applied Rhysical SCi°nces, InC. ` I �.t s- �.Y,,, P�,,, . � �<.n.,�.k� �?��.�,»�.,� �,�,,.,�� ro/b i �� y� Re: !3� �e.�'-..t...f' �. _ �`�'° � �-�/ 4�a�9 7 - iJo, 9�9y ��Y99 P�<,,,,� 1 . ,�.�-�J - �f. a � ��:�-� �'��� C%,�� - ,���� 9 -- - -._. .: ._ . � S�o �" - f��� � �- A_,.�..�-Lti�<J � d ! ��� � �f� �.,`c.v� -ri,,,�!� �.�-�".� � .3 `-,- ;: �rr� ,�,�f J � •� � _.[. 's�.'.�< ,c.v �, �cw�,�i .G=' � . . , , G� J �C�v�c�� �.. � Qul.� G � / ='';^s- (, � � �.-�" ^_,c ,.��:� a,e'�� � .e-+ .�LCJ ��c-c^Lw�'.r� , �,� �c�I�,LLLt^ . G-i^.) C"°C�v7.a-w-�'rL C-c-T.�-� �� d � M�c��vucti'1-Cp-1� T eC�-U.✓�� . 'A<' • � /' , _ �/!c.� ,c.u.: r� C-�cr!:t-a.vtcc: l `�� �G �u�� iv��C. c-FO'�- �"i � ZJc.�f�a-t�-J , �i�a.i _vwcc./1.»uvw�1 �1.v��ti r�� A n'.c , e,7 { " ��-ts.� � L' c.v�s�J a / `� U 1 � // � _, ^ cUn� ..C,�L - rtr' �vvi.✓--�e�� �Gi.c�v �: %�u ' _ c�C " - V L 9 'p /1 r �/� � �//�-+�� / p i � ) i , _ 1L.C-�- lri" Y�`-u-�c-� � I � _.e_!..-l_L-C_� � r .i-C�..:� _C�vL� �-✓✓! c� � _ �� 0 c�" � /, / 9 9 � —,.vL.��� , � �,,; ,� � _,: , _ , , 4 y �+s�`c�'. �''-m�3ZG�'���it1...§'ws. _..� . .� ., _°.: .� , _ ,,.�Mrtii��`..� �.M��F.� t __. ._ q� - ��-�7 City of Saint Paul Office of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 266-8589 INTER-AEPAR'TMENTAL MEMORAND ' DATE: October 8, I997 TO: Scott Renstrom, Legislative Aid FROivi: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �''<� SUBJECT: Lighting Information for Parking L.ots This memorandum is written in response to your questions concerning the relationship between candle foot power and known lighting experiences in relation to parking lot lighting. Parking lot lighting often involves balancing the need to provide adequate lighting to ensure personal security with the concerns of neighboring property owners about glare and overlighting. The use of unnecessarily high wattage lights can actually lead to less secure environment, by creating very dark pockets just outside the range of light. Tailer poles can iiluminate lazger areas (thus reducing the number of poles needed) however, they are more IikeIy to cause light to spill over onto adjacent properties. Low-angle cutoff light fixtures can be used to better direct the light to those areas where it is needed, minimizing glare, spillover effects and light pollution. Illuminance is the intensity of light falling on a surface, measured in footcandles` or "lux." Illumination levels are different not only on horizontal planes, which are at different distances from the light source, but also at various angles. If you hold a light meter horizontally at any point, it usually gives a different reading than if you hold it vertically. Horizontal illuminance does little to aid in the visibility of vertical objects such as signs and keyholes. Therefore, vertical illuminance is an equally important consideration in parking facility lighting. The graph on the next page demonstraces the recommended levels of illumination in footcandle units present in specific outdoor settings. These levels where established by The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) and are widely accepted and used throughout the country. . 'Pootcandle is a unit of illuminance, equal to lm/ft or 10.76 lux. Lux being another unit of illuminance lcm/m'-. �,� _�� Illumination Range in Foot Candles Moon Light Parking Iot Roadways Building Entrance Service Starion .............Daylight 100FC 1.OFC .Sto3.OFC 5.0 FC 20.0 FC 100,000 FC ►� . i �� �, / 9 97 � _ \2-�� �-_ c,� •� �z�n/��ZCr�(s-Gi.� c�Z�col���1�� �x«7`�cc, /,�y �L o J� �-ti cci ..�v-�zc.LC.�!�2J�c-z.c��r✓��ijy�ZC��-y ��/~/4 /L' � � c�cc�fi ��izaC/ �c�c� ��ti�n��yry� �zo/.���c�c/ / y ✓ / C� ' -�-�i c� 1 t .�f ��r�cu�`z� c-�f- �G .1-�j"c�l�-�'C1) � ���� ' /� � C�' L �� �� Sl� l�-- . 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C �/IZLLOIG , G 2 '� C G'CC-<-GGG<QPL ��' Q�-�' POC.� �L-� (�°'1L� ✓L J \ �.f-Ci,C/G'!?G�JCi �.LiI,�V • � / � ;, ��,�a-$7 ; . : ; ..eur� �.��ce� /J�cc'cGS�J Cc�zcG�a�/��iLrzrse� cr�ev� _�:z��Le� o�rJ �t"�.�z,�ei d�'�xc�cq ..«ci�c�, c�l� a�l ��oa�Y�/�'_�.c.�tJ. � ,,«<��o/.�,�j � o du��s�cii�rr«ucic�.���uc�.O_z�-f'� ! �.-C� -L�G.cur,�..�y-.�u z`- ( ✓�`�r�ue� �Zea�ri�c�� tl.�c����-)�� ; �o �wcle� a�t/.�o��G1�ctJ��r��cetyr�� ,�Cj �Gei..�tecoCr� ev �: I ; �.ee�.�i ���.�es.��e�ix� `if��"u � 4 � Q.'Y.r2/ �� .L��c ��...! Q/ /J�2-CYJfCG�',C� CLy'-o/ �LC!2C�(/ �/ � � ,1- /—� �; � � �> �-/L.C/ .!-GC��-C�J'�LL//�'�C�?L�Ge/✓LL�✓�7� �"/�/'G�'2� � � / -", .�.e� -�-ui-eJ� -c�rJ,�E <ocn� . .�ur�c,6�4crr�����C�_ ///� 9 .�JL�(/ ��+L.s �O'7ti � . 11� .��C-Ci% 0 .�tD ..2� .1t�J.�� .�t�� / ��«xc���L G/ �{c�tc.Y�GJ � � �=tKc�r�c c'�iycrs(i���.�>.�ur. �� ��� �/� � I// �/ / ✓-���o� a���wK�i�.att / .�a..e�nnJ�) -�.aQ CGx-9u�Kl c�J �-GGP/ , �eL`�C.� 6LS�C/�J'J2/ vQ�t��G-�4 e/ d�c�,�,l � � !'J'7c_ �L.. (Q� -�'�^-,�^^..ci`i` _ `"7G<� � �s�� ������ �� �_� �� .A - J�=•�:7,Y � i�' =y,,,,; u �I �° u' I, -=�� r�I :�� ��F��'�r�� D I S T R I C T F i V E P L A N N I N G Pa��iu-Phtdrrt Meetin� 1�Totes from the Thursday, October 9�' hieetin� .� �- � a��7 C O U h C { of the District Fice Community Planning and Economic Devetopment Cemmittee 6:30 P.M. at Merrick Community Center 715 Ed�erton Those Present: Buzz Wilson, Ray Mordorski, Phi! Sutherland, Bill (Yarse), Karen Palm, Flo Nlordorski, Rick Brzn�man, Carrie Wasley, Ray O�ren, Les Johnson, Bruce Rinees, RoseMarie Bomersine, Ray Sammons, Bruce Sylvester. The meetin� �vas called to order at 6:30 P.b4. Ray Sammons described the purpose ofthe CPED committee, introduced District Five's new community or�anizer, Bruce Sylvester, and introduced District Five's new president of the board, Rick Bren�man. Item One-- i�Iinnesota l�iusic Cafe. Ray S. explained the application for an On-Sale liquor license for the �linnesota blwic Cafe, to be located at 499 Payne Avenue. Ray S. fuRher explained that the Railroad Island Tas!: Force had reviewed the request and recommended its approval, with the follut�in� conditions • That the parkin� lot be bonded for necessary improvements o That any renewal of an On-Sale license wou(d be dependent upon the improvement of the parkin� lot • That no nudity be a(lotived • That patrons would leave in an orderly fashion • That a nightly clean-up schedule would be created and implemented � That signs be placed on near-6y buildinos which state `no parkin�' • That adequate lijhtin� be pro��ided in the parking lot I<aren Palm, ���ho is o�cner of the restaurant, then explained her plans for the business. The D4innesota �lusic Cafe ��ill be a theme restaurant, with displays and photos related to musicians from hlinnesota. She pians to have a nice restaurant with entertainment. She also expects the business to employ approximately 30 people, and she wants to bz a gocd nei�hbor. The group discussed severa! aspects of the business, induding parkin� lot improvements, which I<zrer. P. exp!ainzd must c�,-ait until the City completes road improvements alon� bZ'ood�vard, ar.d sha;ing tha drive�vay ticith the adjoinin� bi!siness. Car,ie �`'asiey� moved to approve the request, contingent upon the conditions outiined by the �Imute� of October S`" meetin� of District Fi��e��PED committee Pa�e 1 1014 Payne Av2nue Saint Paul, Mir^,esota 55107 Tel# 774-5234 Faxn 774-9745 q� -��� Railroad Island Tzsk Force, and to send it to the Executive Committee. Ray Mordorsl:i seconded the motion. Bruce S}�I� ester distributed copies of a letter recei��ed from R1s. Eliz2beth A. Clubb, esplaining that T1s. Clubb coa]d not attend toni�hYs r.leeting, but she opposed the app!icatioa for the On- Sale !icense at 499 Pa}ne. Ray S. read a letter from another neighbor?iood resident requestin� that the pzrkir.g lot be adequately lit, that any litter from the restauran? be picked-up, and that no � oLtdoor music or nudity be allowed. Rosemary Bumersine stated that the Railroad Island Task Force liked the plans for the restaurant, and that the buildii;� has been for sale for over a year with onl}� one interested party— a dmrch that looked at it. The site is zoned properly and the owner is investine a lot of money to make the business successful. The group then ��oted on the motion, which passed unanimously. The motion will �o to the Etecutive Commi*.tee at their mee±in� on Octeber 21". Item 2— Certificates Of Occupancv_ The City Councit has laid-over discussion of a proposed ordinance n hich ���ould require certificates of occupancy for sin�le and double unit rental properties. Carrie ��'. susgested writin� a letter supportin� such an ordinance, since it �a�ould add or�er 1,000 home� to be inspected. Ray S. asked what the implications �i•ould be for small landlords. Ray Ogren said tl:e proposal needs to be refined to reflect the fact that codes chanoe regularly, and ti� e�i ould need to know which code will be enforced. Ray O. also asked if � la�,d]ords should be treated like a business. While landlords derive income, they do not file taxes like a business. He said he supports the effort to maintain our cor,imunity, but said we need to be sophisticated in our approach. Ray DZordorski sug�ested that the ordinance recognize t���o codes — one for new construction and one for older properties. RoseMarie Bomersine supported the o:dinance, especially since Raitroad Island is 70% rental. Ray S. suagested seeing ��,hen the city council will discuss this ordinauce. If the discussion wi11 be afrer our ne3t reoularly scheduled CPED meeting, hz su�gested we hold that meetin� in conjunction ��-ith the P; oblem Properties Committee and then form a recommendation to fon��ard to the City CounciL If the ordinance w�ili be discussed at City Council bef'ore the ne�t CPED meeting. Ray S suggested holding a special CPED meeting or. October 29�' or 30`", since these are the fifth ��'ednesday and Thursday of the month and they are more like]y to be open on peop:e's czlendars. R;ci: Brea�man said this is a volatile issue and we s;�oald inciude as many people in the discussion as possible. Buzz \Viison sug�ested inviting Council member Bos?rom to the meetina if it s not on a ��'ednesday evenin�. Other sug�ested groups to in��ite �vere the Tenant's Union, ciiy staff Item Three— Soecial L'se Pennit for a U S�Z'est ezllu]ar phone to«-er at 1669 Arcade There �mill be a heari�is or. Octooer 30'". Czrrie `1 asley made a motion to discuss the matter at the next board meetin�. Ra}• O. seconded the motio;,, and suegested informin� nei�nbors, the church, and the piior.e compwry. AS*.er brief discuss:on, the mo:ion passed. \�iau:es of October S" meetina or District Five's CPED committee pase 2 -a�- � Item Four— Artesiar. ��,'ell at the Stroh's Brewerv. Rick B. stated that many people in the community zre concemed about what will happen to public access to the artesian well at the Stroh's bre�a ery afrer the brewery closes. Ray M. suggested zdding the matter to the next CPED meeting a�enda. Ray S. reminded the group that the artesian well is not ir. District Five, and that u•e should be careful about makin� any recommendztions in otner districts. Bruce S. distributed a letter from city o�cials commenting on the closing of the Stroh�s brewery. '�linutes of October S`" meeiin� of District Five's CPED committee Pase 3 Council File # �� 5. � Ordinance # �o � aa--J �� Green Sheet # 50226 RESOLUTION CITY pF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOL�/EA: That application, ID #50226, for a Restaurant-B, Off-Sale Malt, Sunday On- Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale-A, Gambling Location- A and a Patio Sernice License by Minnesota Music Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (Karen Palm, President) at 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The parking lot shall be constructed in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, within one year of the date of that approval. A separate building permit shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. A performance bond ahall be i submitted in an amount sufficient to cover the improvements of trie proposed parking lot to be completed within one year. � 2. There would be no aude dancing or topleas waiters or waitresses, nor � would the applicant ever apply for such license for those uses. 3. The owner will take all reasonable ateps to insure that all patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at closing time. The ownera' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do aot comply with this condition. 4. Parking lot and surrounding neighborhood are to be picked-up of cans, bottles, other litter associated with the bar/restaurant. Applicant shall agree to nightly clean-up schedule. 5. Applicant shall provide and put-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their propezty. Signs would be required to say 'Private-Parking is not allowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. Al1 violators will be towed at their expense,' Applicant shall agree to provide signage upon request of adjacent businesses. Applicant sha11 agree to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking restrictions. i � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 q� ►�� 6. Appliaant shall agree to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting plan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paul Police Department, who have had training in proper lighting strategies £or maximum protection. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secreta=y Approved by Mayor: Date � �';. �S 1— BY� � "" �, Office o£ LiCense Inspections and Environmental Protect+on BY� l /�W��C/ �7 ���. Form Approve by City At rney By: `�/ t.G�.� _ _____ �C t Approved by Mayor for Subcaission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date O,c}, . �� �q�{`'� t N° 50226 DEFBRiMENTADFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ��" )� LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTRCT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCITYCOUNCIL Chiistine Rozek 266-9108 ASSIGN OC�T1'ATfORNEV �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE) NUHBEfl FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN_ 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. NOUTING For Hearing: �O �a2 OFDEH O MpYpR (OR AS51$TADfT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCA'FlONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONpE0UE5TED_ MIIIIIESOt2. MllS1C Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club requests Council approval of its application for a Restaurant-B, Off Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License at 499 Payne Avenue (ID 1186794). RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 Mi5 per50n/firm evef Worketl untlef a COntraC� fOr this tlep3rtment? _ pBCOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _$7AFF 2. Has this perSOnRrm evef been a City employee? — YES NO _ oiSiRICT COURr _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? SUPPOR'B WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE� YES NO Expleln eli yes answero on seperate eheet end aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOFiTUNfrv(Who. Whet. When. Where, Vdhy)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED � ia�llfb4� SvP 17 1�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUND{NG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION (EXPLAIN) Council File � �7 - �a� Ordinance � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # Date aa RESOLVED: That application, ID �86794, for a Restaurant-B, O Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale LiquoY, Entertainment-B�Cigarette, Liquor O Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License by Minnesota Music corporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (ICaren Palm, President) at 499 Pay Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition• The parking lot shall be constructe in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, wit 'n one year of the date of that approval. A separate buildinq p it shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. Requested by Department of: By Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: By: Adopted Council: Date Date Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection sy: ����.t,eil.l..^2J � "'UZ_ L . Form Approved by City Atto t By: `� �Cj L Approved by yor for Submission to Council Byc CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATICJN � Ca�t�� GQ�� � - L-�e�io� ��D�d �112 ��a-(° Lt�G1� THIS APPLICATION IS SUB.TECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL oa� otL���, �s� znd Emvomneatal Ro�ection 330 Sc Pcc Sc S.rite 3J� Si,t Pa:� Y � co•,z SSiCi (67P)166R90 SxC612)265.!]<� � ;�' u7 < <� �i OS�'i . Z� � d � s .3 j 7� � _ <.�� 5�-7. s o �00 s `� �, s � � . Company MI1VN,�iSOIl4� MUS'fG !`/C�l�/ G'(Qf��1,� - ('�o`poration / Partners6ip / Sole Proptictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: Bvsiness Address: Business Phone: s� naa� clry s�m z� Betwcen w•hat cross s4eets is the basiness ]ocated? �,4YdG ��E '�GJDaD� .$f . Which side of the streei? CtJbSi �Are the premises now occupied7 yfJ VJhat Type of Business� Mail To Address: _�� �� l: �'t7J V� s� �� ctTy s� 2ip �Applicant Information: I�Tmme snd Title: �'ZEA� U11A�,P�LI-!�� 7 �7 SF�✓ �/-�LYY1 P�2�SYDf/1/� F;m t,yam� yyt�;am) �n r;a� �Iome Address: StleetAddrese � - - C�h, Date of Birth: C / •.� — y� Place of Birth: .�� ��,dU L ��J Al . Have you ever been conc�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance oihzr than traffic. Date of arrest: Chazge: _ �onviction: Where? Sentence: Sfatc Zip HomePhone: 77�-�'a �jS" � YES NO _� List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant mr 5nancially interested in the premises or business, who may be refesred to as to the applicanYs chuacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �oBs.P. j `'yI�FNS��tip /360 /,c)`a�if�'�t dl'lexdotg �,�'s S�J-0�3 �-Iave snp of the above named licenses eva been rzvoked7 YES l� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: i onoroa PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT IN INK �.ist lieenses which you cusently holc� formerly hel� or may have an interest in: Are you going to oper2te this business personally? � 1`ES � NO If not, who ��iIl operate it? � 1���� 7 Fust\ame vliddielxutisl (Vfaidrn) Last DaeofB'vth Home Addiess: Stxect \eyc City State Zip Phone \umba Are you going to haez a manager or essistant in this business? YES � NO If the manager is not the sazne zs the operator, please completz the follot�ing infoimauon: Fvst \eme Home P.dd�ev: Strect Namc List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS ✓ CiTy HOME PHOI�E I.xst Statr Zip BUSINESS PHONE If business is a partnecship, please include the followiztg information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat :�amo Home AddRV: Strcet Nmme Fust :�ame Home Addresg: Strttt I�`eme hf'iddle Initial (.Vfaidrn) Middle Initiel MidAe Initisl City G'v7eiden) c�Ty I,ast State Zip I,as[ s� z�p Dz!e of Bvth Pf�one \�ber DATE OF BII2TH Dete of Bir�h Phone?.'mmbcr Datc of Birth Phone tiumber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIF'ICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270J2) (Tmc Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesotx Commissioner of Re�enue, the Minnesota business tax identi&cation nutnber and the social securiry number of eacfi license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tas Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority will supply it oniy to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Depamnent of Revenue may supply this informalion to the Internal Revenue Service. Mmnesota Tmc Identification Numbus (Sales & Use Tax Ntmmber) may be obtained &um the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 7 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 1� pZ �` _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box 2/18N7 Please list your emplo}ment history for the pre�2ous five (5) yeaz period: ,_ <v�., CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�39� . GQ�n�-tI L.aca� (ao�a C�i2 �� �r�dr THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO FVIEW g PLTBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied for: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN Rv'K CompanyName: � r /N yU � S D�'� /`f� Cmporetion / Partnctship / Sole Progriebrship If business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: Doing Business As: ryE l N�/ 4 CnL�_ _ Business Address: s�i n`aa� 1G Betu�een ��hat c.oss s�cets is the business located? ��Y. �U Are the premises now occupied'7 N� What T}P ofB Mail To Address: a ��('� __�' � �, 1 7' U� s� n.aa�ri� Applicaatinformation: ciry � Stntc Zip hsame and TiUe: W I I� 14,!✓�. Lti' � ��S � oJ � I<�, 7!'eS I c� �•J� Furt y � hfiddle (\4aidrn) Le+t Tiile Home Address: __�0 O t t' �OV c� !.� S S'} �,J � ('}� � (�'S ( � � / shcct Addxesa `" ` CitY statc zip q / . � DateofBirth; f7`o2.�`�� PlaceofBirth: Sl '{�G,J l HomePhone:�l�� 61' Have you ever been com�cted of any feiony, crime or viotation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of arrest: Cbarge: _ Conviction: Seatence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may he referred to as to the applicant's character: SS �U 4 NAME ADDRESS ���S��rlti MN pun�.r�. e S �- S o�"d��ti, y�toe.� t LU. List licenses which you cuirenily ho]d, foimerly held, or may have an interest in: I:�l. +'£,�J CITY OF SAINT PAUL officc orL;ccacq �;ou znd Emirrnxmrnal Prot�.ion 350 A P;.c A Sti.c307 Saiat n� V�csa•s SA@ (672)?6GS090 �x(617)2ob91i4 � W [r» d D �s, aso < � � d � s 3 0 s_ ����<� s �• �D s ��, D s t/� OU Basiness Phone� �; �.Z- /-� cs� S � s�t� z�� -{- ' W 0 dd t.�0.i-� �ch side of the street� � e S f � �S- 3�6 Have any of the above named licenses ever been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocation: Are you going to operale this business petsonally? � 1'ES � 2�T0 lf not, ufio �iill operate it? First\ame Iiomc Adbraa: �tiddlc Iaitial Are you going tn have a m2nager orrssistant in this business? please complete the following information: �am� �;s�t HomcAEdrw: Street\sne P]ease list pour emplo}mrnt history for the pre�7ous five (5) year period: Husiness/Emplo�7nent Address i. � a �.� F'�o r,�, fc, nn_ ,.-� �:-. � � q'1-1zd'7 !Ri Datc City / 5'.nte Zip P6one V�bcr YES V NO if the manager is not the same as the operator, Q.laidcn) Lvi DaL-ofBinh CiTy StaL- Zip Phonc \vmbcr f.�7 ffbusiaess is a parmersbip, please iac]ude the following information for each pariner (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat::amc HomcAddnsa: Strcct:�am6 Fisst�ame Home Add�rse: Strcet i�'eme Middlc Initini MidAc Initial CMvden) CiTy (:vfa�der+) CiTy I,est S�am Zip T.ast State Zip Phane humber Dazc of Suth Phax Numbcr i✓INNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NIIMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie S, Section 2(270.72) (Tar Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovernment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tUe foilowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identi5calion Number: - This infoTmation may be used to deny ihe issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vetricle excise tates; - Upon receiving this informa5on, the licensing authority wiIl supply it only to the Mmnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of InformaGon Agreement, the Deparhnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Ivfinnesots Tax Idenbfication Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from tbe State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmrnt, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-618t ). � Social Security Number: ry 7 � 6 / 3 �/� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: /`e N C. �/J _ If a Minnesoffi Tax Identificabon Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. 2/18797 List all otha officers of the cozporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE„� ,_,,, � BIRTH �"�� �7-1��"j CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVEkAGE PliRSUANT TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 - I hereby cercify� that I, or m} compary, am in compliance with the w•or3;as' compensation insurance cocerage requiremrnts of Mi.��esot2 Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I zlso tmderstand that pro�ision of faLse infoimarion in this certificx�ion constitutes sufficient grounds for advers: zction against a111icenses hel� including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Nzmz of Insurance Compzny: Polic}�Number: ' J Coveragefrom to I hace no emplogees covered under tcorkeis' compensation insur2��ce (II�ZTIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED , WII.L RESULT IN DEn'IAL OF TfIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�n�ered all of the preceding questions, xad that the infozmalion contained herein is true and cor. �t to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have recei��ed no money or other consideratian, by way of ]oan, gif� conhibuao� or otheiutise, otha than already disclosed in the application which I hereµith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected b}� police, fire, health znd other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation ��.f'.(,�.�:_-_� `"L_. t��� 6- ! � - 57 Signatum (REQliIRED for ali applicatioas) Date We �eill accept pa}'ment 6y cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (MiC or Visa). I �MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATIOIV DATE: ACCOUNC NUMI3ER: ❑l�/�❑ ❑00❑ ❑CICI❑ ❑L70❑ ❑L7C]❑ of of Cazd Holder(required for all **A'ote: If this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�iew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saini Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attaeh t6ese documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desigq location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site p]an). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'_ ^N shoutd be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, o�ces, repz'u azea, parlang, rest rooms, ete. - If a request is for an additien or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cunent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ownetship of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQtTiRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> E � �� � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�t � G� ��l� Locc¢-iox., (ao�5d Or2 �� L�or THIS APPLICATION IS StTBJECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN LNK T}ye oflicense(s) being applied for: Company Name: / Partncn6ip / Sole ProprieWcxhip � �JlLS1I1CSS IS II1CA1� Doing Basiness As: Business Address: Sw.�t nda� Bei�x�een w�hat cross streets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied7 /V � What Mxil To Address: al 1� �. �—�jj� sutte naa�, ofBtuiness? l l CII'Y OF SAINT PAL�I. 05rce of Licensc, Ior znd Emvamnrntat Protutior. 350 SC P_� St Slvtc 3p0 c,; ^ • ?n4Y.vaa�h SSiCl (672J166�9p �x(61l)]06- � �al�< 67� �s, oso. � �' �D s 3J�o s��s'� �� s ��D s 5�.��' � G s_ % OL� / �;�r � sc�� z� 1^ ��kVhich side of the street? ' l�'��� � � �c�.r �-�, �- f /Ui q �i f �c1� �!�-ct.� j /h �- S.� I f� C��Y swe zip • Applicant information ��� 2�TZme and Tiile: _ 11 � �1'rIR �ie� L1 �Q,19 1� ��j ��— �E `Lf ' F� uua<u� �---A�ta�r Gh-oc� .5�� �o (I�i�+�k�0 � �/4 ��`�saa�> �,�n ��s`� 1 ���,6�- r;u� Home Address: _ `Piyqr(, '�'1 le /j--� t�'�, _ �'1)l� .�-� 1 �S i s «naaK„ c;ry s� \ ztp Datz of Birth: 1 Place of Birth: �y ���'t.( �,T Y �� Home Phone: �o I 7 ' ) J� 6�j Ha��e you ever been com�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance ottizr than traffic? YES NO Date of azrest: Where7 Charge: Con�iction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �-�eQ l.��ra�va- �� sC �; �l�z.kr���l C^�._T.��z� G�� l�fds M►-�-ts�-48R3 ri List licenses which you currently hol� foimerly heid, or may bave an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 XES � �� 5�.��1,,�� �fsa-oi3�( �^N 4C�- D�r�� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatios � ��,,,_ Are you going to operate this business personally? � YES NO If not, v.�ho «ill operate it? � q') - �'�'"! Fust�eme VfiCdlcLtival (Vfaidrn) Last DateofBvth Hamc Addcns: Str-t \eme City Statc Zip Phone �uvba Are you gomg to hai�e a manager or essis!ant in this b�iness9 YES � 130 If the manager is not the sazne as the operztor, please complete the follou�ing informztion: First:�ame HamcAdd�m: Strceth�amc City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) year period: I.as[ Date of Buih Sta�c Zip Pfione\immber SRa 6 Q (wz.(c ( �e vrc�- �`��dge �a1 �-u�er � Irv-�,�e 1�1. �tN . ; List all other officers of tl�e corporation: OFFICER TITI.E HOME NAME (OfficeHeld)_ ADpRE HOME BUSINESS DA'IE OF PHONE PHON& BIl2TH If business is a parh�ership, piease include the following information for each partrier (use additional pages if necessary): Fint\�e Middlelnitial (Maidcn) Last DateofBizih HomcAddrtsn: Svutl�amc Fint?�amc Middle Initisl HomeAddltss: StredNamc City ���) City State Zip I.sa State Zip Plione I�'umbcr Dve of Birth Phonc N�bcr MINNESOTA TAX IDENITFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2{270.72) (Tax Clemmmce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�ride to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tt�e foilowing regarding the use of the Minnesota TaY IdentiScation Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[ment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemrnt, the Depazhnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Internal Reveau� Service. Mmnesota TaY Ide¢tification Numbas (Sales � Use Tax Number) may be obtained fivm the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Socisl Security Number. "1 � 6��o.� —`�� J� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: ��� � _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box � I , 2l18/97 Middle Initial (.Viaidcn) � 4:�`� a'I -19-1'� CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGB PURSUAIv'T TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 I hereby certif}� that I, or m}' comp�y, 2m in compliance uith the �� orkers' compensation insurance cocerage requirements of Min.-�esota Satute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undemand thzE provision of faLse information in this cer'ufication constitutes sufficient grounds for zd�•erse action aeainst all licenses hel� including revocation az�{i suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Companp: Polic} ' � Coveragefrom to I hzve no employees cocered under k comp°nsation insura�zce (IIvZI IALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBhIITI'ED , WILI, RESULT IN DEl�'I?,L OF T'HIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansuered all of the preceding questions, and that the informalion contained herein is hue and cor,ecf to the best of my Irnou�ldge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by v.•ay of loaz� gift, conh or otheru�ire, other than already �sclosed in the agplicalion wtuch I herewith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, heaith and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation e We vrill accept pa}vaent by cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOR7NG I1VF'ORMATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NCTMBER: ❑o/o❑ ❑❑o❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ !.a„x or carano�a�� of Card Holder(required tor all charees) Date *•Note: If this application is Foodli.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plws. If any substantial changes to shucture aze anticipated, please wntact a CiTy� of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere m azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquire tLe foIIoning documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: 1. �A detailed description of the desig� location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 I/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. ,_ - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the liceased facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, res[ rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both tue cuirent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownaship of the properiy. �PECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIIZE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> OCT-14-1997 12�57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.01 V D Y IlL Vf Ltt LneC, vy� �a. � �vna �uw "' ETMnONMENTaL PROTK710N A ^ -, r�,Y � F.obatY•e:ater,Dirrc�w — 1 ► 0 s��xr rau � � AA� CI7Y OF SAINT PALR. )�aT Cctemqr�Maycr LOiVh)'t'40�SJOMlL —° Uff�A+G s,j,r�s;a j:Q$f.?HN$JrKf ScrntPovJ.lAir.ne�aa SS)0?-i510 FAX 1'nep5ox. F/b266•9C?� Foai�r.tte: 61 ?.?6 L-A09D p � q EJ�-�ss� A 6���! P �� OCT 4 4 1997 ��Nlt� �OSTRONP � 6 6 - �'�7f� 0 DA7�: �� �� ',� ro• 1 an �i as i �.6i�isr �.r x�: �vreu� (�f1ec-� c s f � of Yagcs � (including co�•cr shcct) FROM: ( "�..hGS77n� ltBz� . �.l E/� qR ��In� �. OCT-14-1997 12=57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02 Greensheet #� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/18/97 / �� -��� In TrackeR App'n Fieceived / app n arocessea llcenselD # 86794 license Type: Restauiant-B. Off Sale Malt Sunday On Sa1e Liauor___ Entertainmen -f�Cig:, e-A, Ga 2ing Location-A, an Company Name:Mianesota Music Incorvorated DBA�innesota Music Clssb Patio Sez' 6USinESS Add�PSSS: k99 Payae Avenue Business Phone: 77b-8295 Corttact Name/Address: �ren Palm, 2114 Hoyt Ave E, 119 � Home Phone: 776-8295 oate to Counca Researcn: �,?a 4�(,?�'�O/%> Public Hearing Date: 2 tabels Ordered: Notice Se to A piicarrt_ � District Councl �: S :.:,n.a.�.���fi�iR1cY► u; ,�co� .tu�i� i.��'/I%�/�D Notice Serrt to f Department/ City Attomey Ernironmental Heaith �1�11•`��- F��e q.11•9� license Lc�t���i� Police c Ward #: U/ Date inspections Comments �-�o � �- � � � �• t�•`i�- p. �C • �,� t �► �� t-4K�a,. ,A PP�o�l�4L - Q K . �.�i �� �h-tiA�ti- ! rl�l�� Site Pian Received:_ Lease Fteceived� ( r�,C (,� ��,!-, �GSS, b �e� C�-,�► .�� s � �.1� . 1a.1 l'T�R C01'�J � Tl Gi'1.5, ��~ TOTRL P.02 ��_��,g7 RAILROAD ISLAND tMPLEMENTA October 6, 1997 Council member Dan Bostrom City of Saint Paul Room 320-B City Hall 15 West Kellogg Soulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: BarlRestaurant Estabiishment License Application No. 86794 Applicant. MN Music Cafe (Karen Pa{mj Address: 499 Payne Avenue Dear Councii member Bostrom: , � On Wednesday, October 1, 1997, the Railroad Isfand Impiementation Task �orce heid a public meeting to discuss the above-noted bar/restaurart license request_ Karen Pa1m, the applicant was present at the meefing. Numerous questions were raised concerning improvements to the b�ilding, parking issues, lighting and management o4 the business. The RRI Implementation Task Force and residents indicated the importance of their neighborhood. The entrance af East Seventh and Payne being a vitaf gateway to ttze neighborhood and the need to encourage an attractive entrance. They stated that this was the first year that their property values had increased in many years and it was encouraging to them that the improvements being made in the neighborhood were having a positive effect on them and their investments. The discussion on this license appiication went on for more than an hour and ended with a list of conditions being identified with the applicant preserf. These conditions were agreed to by the appiicant and are indicated as foilows: issuance of a bartrestaurant ficense should be conditioned upon submission ef a performance bond in an amount s�cient �o cov2r the improvemenYs of the proposed parking lot to be compi�ted within one year. That if the parking lot is not completed wifnin the one year, that the City wiil immediately act upon the performance bond to compiete improvements to the parking lot. 2. Any considerations of a license renewat would be conditioned on parking lot being wmpieted within the one year time frame and complying with other ccndiiions of the license. �,� _ 1��� Page 2 October 6, 1997 3. The appficant agreed that there would be no r.ude dancing or topiess waiters or evaitresses, nor would the applicant ev2r appiy for such license for those uses. 4. The owner wiil take a!I reasonabie steps to insure that ali patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at cfosing time. The owners' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do not comply with this condition. 5. Parking !ot and surrounding neighborhood are picked-up of cans, botties, other litter associated with the barlres!aurant. Applicant agreed to a night{y clean-up schedule. 8. Appiicant has agreed to provide and pu;-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their property. Signs would be required to say, "Privafe - Parking is not a�Iowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. All violators will be towed at their expense." Applicant agrees to provide signage upon �equest of adjacent busine5ses. Applfcant agrees to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking resfrictions. Appiicant agreas to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting ptan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paui Pofice Department, who have had training ir proper lighting stra,egies for ma�cimum protection. The appiicant made us aware that the Payne Aver.ue Bus ness Associafion (PASA) has indicated an interest in placing pul! tabs in the busines,, if it moves forvvard. We would like to request your assistance if this activity moves fo�ward that PABA consider dedicating a portion of the funds to the Merrick Center to help support chifdren activities in the neighborhood. This would need to be fu��ther discussed with PABA and the other appropriate parties if this is a possibility. As you are aware, your ofiice and the Raiiroad Island neighborhood have invested many hours in developing the Railroad Island revitalization plan. The n=ighborhood is now seeing some fruits ofi this �abor, which has given them added strength to continue moving forward with your help. The City has invested substantiaf amounts of funds in the Railroad island neighborhood and has indicated continued support for the revita(ization efforts and we are all very grateful. However, there is much more work that is needed and we hope that you will continue to support us in these continued efforts. Together, we can mak2 a difference. �1�_��� Page 3 October 6, 1997 We ask your support in presenting tnese conditions to the City Council on Wednesday, October 22, 1997, in consideration of this bar/restaurant license request # 86794. Thank you. Sinceramente, V 6 v� Nick Vega Puente, Chair Railroad Island Implementation Task Force (612)774-9139 CC: District 5 Community Councif, t014 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN V Karen Palm, MN Music, Inc., d.b.a. MN Music Cafe, 2114 E. Hoyt Ave., St. Paul, MN Robert Kessler, Licensing, City of Saint Paul , Larry Zangs, City of Saint Paul, Zoning Sheri Pemberton, PED, City of Saint Paui �,� . � a�'I iRUC� � AUiO The Chassis Peopie September 19, 1997 Ms RoseMarie Bomersine Co-Chair Railroad Island Task Force 509 Petit Street St Paul, MN 5A01-4543 Ms Bomersine: We applaod your w�ork and wncem towards the Railroad Island community, as well as the East Side of St. Paul at large. Sir,ce you are an active voice, we wanted to write you regarding a recent concem of ours. As you know, Standard Truck & Auto (formerly known as, and still incorporated as, Standud Spring & Alignment Service, Inc.) has been ai this bcation for many years. Over the years, we have experienced numerous business establishments operating in t};e 49) Payne location. The nightc(ubPoar establishments that have come and gone in that location have not lef[ a positive mazk on our business. Upon officially hearing that the new owners of the locaticn have applied to the City of St. Paul foc numerous nightclub/bar licenses, as indicated in a copy of [he City of St. Paul "File 86794" we received this week, we need to express aur concem. We have also heacd, as indicafed by two September 5` 1497 ietters from Zaning Technician Lawrence Zangs, that the owners of 499 Payne have received zoniig npproval for a 43-space parking lot that must be consWCted within one yeaz of plan approval. This atso concems us. , � Our business hours are from 7:00 a.m. until ] 2:Q0 midnight. We also aze considering four 10-hour evenings, Monday [hrough "Fhursday that woutd end at 2:06 a.m. in the moming. Our business centers around the repair of targe, heavy-duty vehicles such as rubbish collectors, excavarors, municipalities, ete. These vehicles are regulady coming in and oat of oar building, pazking lot, aileys, etc. Our parking facilities, as welt as our plan[ facitities, are atready [oo °cramped" for our productive use. Our concem is towards the welfare and continued operation of our own well-established Railroad Lsland business. We feel that the opportunity for liability Qawsuit) is increased to an uncomfortable level with the opening of a nigh[clublbar again at 499 Payne. Intoxicated people do not belong near heary tmck [raffic. Our technicians do no[ need this ad:ied concem tate at nighL We also know that the nightclub/bar patron traffic in our parking !ot will congest our movement. How do we feel and know [hese things? Experience. We have watched, in the past, the patrons stream in and ou[ of our parking lo?s, leaving [heir beer cans, bo[tles, food containers, and other things for us [o clean up. In the past we have not been open untii midnigh[, Now that we are (and have been for two years), we can oniy see problems. We are not at all fond of being unwitting victims agtin of this type of activity. The new owners of 499 Payne have not asked to us� our pazking facility. However, I balieve tha[ they wiil attempt to use i[ (43 spaces are nat only smal( for the facility, but no[ required [o be conshuc[ed untif one year after approval). Please understand that we are not }udging the owness or pairons of 499 Payne. We just need to voice ourselves in consideration of our own business. Smcerely, �. � i � ! i7t Scott Osvom r l ` � �- �� Copy: Law:ence Zangs, Sheri Pemberton St Paui Minneapolis 520 Payre Avenue 2010 Washington Ave N. SL Paul, b1N 5 51 01-4597 Minneapolis, MN 5541 1-229 8 Pn (s�s) ��a-ssea ph (612) 521-4703 F. (s i 2) ��a�ss i 2 rx (s i z) 5zi -a�os 10/06/9i 1G:Oi F.4T 612 292 125� �PPLIED PHYS SCI • d � /� -' Applied Ptiysical Sciences, lnc. 539 Payne Ave St Paul, MN 55101 October6, 1997 District Five Planning Cauncil Community Planning and Economic Development Committee 1014 Payne Ave St. Pau1, MN 55101 Dear Committee Members: i am unable to attend the Public Meefing scheduled for October 6, 1897, but I wanted to submit my comments regarding City Council file number 86794. I am a business and property owner on Payne Avenue. Four businesses occupy my buiiding at 539 Payne. , I do not want liquor pem+its issued for 499 Payne Avenue. i am concemed about the increase in crime, vandalism, and noise that wiii accompany a(iquor senring establishment. Although my business is nof open at night, I don't like the idea of loud music and patio service late at night wifh all the related problems for �vhich a bar is a magnet. f think granting the requested ficenses sends the wrang message as ta whaf we want to happan in Railroad Istand. i would rathsr see tha Economic Development Commiitea encourage Hght industry snd smafl service companies to grow in the area, not open the door for liquor and entertainment. I think that would erase ali the hard work ihe Railroad Island residents have done to :um this area around. Thank you. Sincerefy, ��. � � . ..,���—.�=�� �lizabeth A. C!�bb Rresident, Applied Rhysical SCi°nces, InC. ` I �.t s- �.Y,,, P�,,, . � �<.n.,�.k� �?��.�,»�.,� �,�,,.,�� ro/b i �� y� Re: !3� �e.�'-..t...f' �. _ �`�'° � �-�/ 4�a�9 7 - iJo, 9�9y ��Y99 P�<,,,,� 1 . ,�.�-�J - �f. a � ��:�-� �'��� C%,�� - ,���� 9 -- - -._. .: ._ . � S�o �" - f��� � �- A_,.�..�-Lti�<J � d ! ��� � �f� �.,`c.v� -ri,,,�!� �.�-�".� � .3 `-,- ;: �rr� ,�,�f J � •� � _.[. 's�.'.�< ,c.v �, �cw�,�i .G=' � . . , , G� J �C�v�c�� �.. � Qul.� G � / ='';^s- (, � � �.-�" ^_,c ,.��:� a,e'�� � .e-+ .�LCJ ��c-c^Lw�'.r� , �,� �c�I�,LLLt^ . G-i^.) C"°C�v7.a-w-�'rL C-c-T.�-� �� d � M�c��vucti'1-Cp-1� T eC�-U.✓�� . 'A<' • � /' , _ �/!c.� ,c.u.: r� C-�cr!:t-a.vtcc: l `�� �G �u�� iv��C. c-FO'�- �"i � ZJc.�f�a-t�-J , �i�a.i _vwcc./1.»uvw�1 �1.v��ti r�� A n'.c , e,7 { " ��-ts.� � L' c.v�s�J a / `� U 1 � // � _, ^ cUn� ..C,�L - rtr' �vvi.✓--�e�� �Gi.c�v �: %�u ' _ c�C " - V L 9 'p /1 r �/� � �//�-+�� / p i � ) i , _ 1L.C-�- lri" Y�`-u-�c-� � I � _.e_!..-l_L-C_� � r .i-C�..:� _C�vL� �-✓✓! c� � _ �� 0 c�" � /, / 9 9 � —,.vL.��� , � �,,; ,� � _,: , _ , , 4 y �+s�`c�'. �''-m�3ZG�'���it1...§'ws. _..� . .� ., _°.: .� , _ ,,.�Mrtii��`..� �.M��F.� t __. ._ q� - ��-�7 City of Saint Paul Office of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 266-8589 INTER-AEPAR'TMENTAL MEMORAND ' DATE: October 8, I997 TO: Scott Renstrom, Legislative Aid FROivi: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �''<� SUBJECT: Lighting Information for Parking L.ots This memorandum is written in response to your questions concerning the relationship between candle foot power and known lighting experiences in relation to parking lot lighting. Parking lot lighting often involves balancing the need to provide adequate lighting to ensure personal security with the concerns of neighboring property owners about glare and overlighting. The use of unnecessarily high wattage lights can actually lead to less secure environment, by creating very dark pockets just outside the range of light. Tailer poles can iiluminate lazger areas (thus reducing the number of poles needed) however, they are more IikeIy to cause light to spill over onto adjacent properties. Low-angle cutoff light fixtures can be used to better direct the light to those areas where it is needed, minimizing glare, spillover effects and light pollution. Illuminance is the intensity of light falling on a surface, measured in footcandles` or "lux." Illumination levels are different not only on horizontal planes, which are at different distances from the light source, but also at various angles. If you hold a light meter horizontally at any point, it usually gives a different reading than if you hold it vertically. Horizontal illuminance does little to aid in the visibility of vertical objects such as signs and keyholes. Therefore, vertical illuminance is an equally important consideration in parking facility lighting. The graph on the next page demonstraces the recommended levels of illumination in footcandle units present in specific outdoor settings. These levels where established by The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) and are widely accepted and used throughout the country. . 'Pootcandle is a unit of illuminance, equal to lm/ft or 10.76 lux. Lux being another unit of illuminance lcm/m'-. �,� _�� Illumination Range in Foot Candles Moon Light Parking Iot Roadways Building Entrance Service Starion .............Daylight 100FC 1.OFC .Sto3.OFC 5.0 FC 20.0 FC 100,000 FC ►� . i �� �, / 9 97 � _ \2-�� �-_ c,� •� �z�n/��ZCr�(s-Gi.� c�Z�col���1�� �x«7`�cc, /,�y �L o J� �-ti cci ..�v-�zc.LC.�!�2J�c-z.c��r✓��ijy�ZC��-y ��/~/4 /L' � � c�cc�fi ��izaC/ �c�c� ��ti�n��yry� �zo/.���c�c/ / y ✓ / C� ' -�-�i c� 1 t .�f ��r�cu�`z� c-�f- �G .1-�j"c�l�-�'C1) � ���� ' /� � C�' L �� �� Sl� l�-- . C � � ��<.. aazc.Li /J..c��i ._to �G�ei ..e�/� c�c?�u�-c�� �z�e���a�-t .�2�/,��ec�ti.hz.�--°�i-� c-c� r ���`�`'<p'` �� �2'7�L� ..G!_.YL�Y�/ CL�!/�'� ct�/J'L�G�x� oy �fC�/ . � U a �' �.�F� �ry -- ��f �/ /-�-�.,t �� .�C� .1�¢iGLK c.G-G-1-Gt< � p � �, �, , � nC� .����.�%.�c� .�_ce/ darr,G-c�.y-�c/ �Q�n Le�...e�c.a��Qi .tt��-- C'i �eG.e �f.C _u�-edJ�'tv �«.c�i .,l-e/�� " -,�.�c ..�i� `-��u ��.�-�z �cE.e.l�:�.9it� a�e. � � � � /72E'.��t��o4'�j.tio� mc�.�e�.�J�.'lacc-�� �?-C� �Ei-,LL�Y.�Gr-E�-C.Y' �G�lGGi�' �e _�.-L�ul� � /��"'//�/•� `�( / t ' � � En _ _.lU�1L C<-�K�-<-Z� .-GL /.��! _�G�iX� lGti.BL/ c�.�G�.<:. �Y}���-t/ ��.G CX-lLL �� �� ,1,L /1Z-1�.� � �S.i Q'9iL/ cL�f.4 /�f1:ht� GlJ�Q��t.�.cs(/ � �-�G.GliC'G- O"�'(/•� �~ ^ �� N- p- /l1-z�CiC.R-�J, « i7/`� v + / �� ' � .--�i «�au���_.C<2 c<�-Qi.��z, - t-o-c«-e�f� . �/ ? - "�.,G�� Q --``�/ �,�cc.c� c�v�Cj. C �/IZLLOIG , G 2 '� C G'CC-<-GGG<QPL ��' Q�-�' POC.� �L-� (�°'1L� ✓L J \ �.f-Ci,C/G'!?G�JCi �.LiI,�V • � / � ;, ��,�a-$7 ; . : ; ..eur� �.��ce� /J�cc'cGS�J Cc�zcG�a�/��iLrzrse� cr�ev� _�:z��Le� o�rJ �t"�.�z,�ei d�'�xc�cq ..«ci�c�, c�l� a�l ��oa�Y�/�'_�.c.�tJ. � ,,«<��o/.�,�j � o du��s�cii�rr«ucic�.���uc�.O_z�-f'� ! �.-C� -L�G.cur,�..�y-.�u z`- ( ✓�`�r�ue� �Zea�ri�c�� tl.�c����-)�� ; �o �wcle� a�t/.�o��G1�ctJ��r��cetyr�� ,�Cj �Gei..�tecoCr� ev �: I ; �.ee�.�i ���.�es.��e�ix� `if��"u � 4 � Q.'Y.r2/ �� .L��c ��...! Q/ /J�2-CYJfCG�',C� CLy'-o/ �LC!2C�(/ �/ � � ,1- /—� �; � � �> �-/L.C/ .!-GC��-C�J'�LL//�'�C�?L�Ge/✓LL�✓�7� �"/�/'G�'2� � � / -", .�.e� -�-ui-eJ� -c�rJ,�E <ocn� . .�ur�c,6�4crr�����C�_ ///� 9 .�JL�(/ ��+L.s �O'7ti � . 11� .��C-Ci% 0 .�tD ..2� .1t�J.�� .�t�� / ��«xc���L G/ �{c�tc.Y�GJ � � �=tKc�r�c c'�iycrs(i���.�>.�ur. �� ��� �/� � I// �/ / ✓-���o� a���wK�i�.att / .�a..e�nnJ�) -�.aQ CGx-9u�Kl c�J �-GGP/ , �eL`�C.� 6LS�C/�J'J2/ vQ�t��G-�4 e/ d�c�,�,l � � !'J'7c_ �L.. (Q� -�'�^-,�^^..ci`i` _ `"7G<� � �s�� ������ �� �_� �� .A - J�=•�:7,Y � i�' =y,,,,; u �I �° u' I, -=�� r�I :�� ��F��'�r�� D I S T R I C T F i V E P L A N N I N G Pa��iu-Phtdrrt Meetin� 1�Totes from the Thursday, October 9�' hieetin� .� �- � a��7 C O U h C { of the District Fice Community Planning and Economic Devetopment Cemmittee 6:30 P.M. at Merrick Community Center 715 Ed�erton Those Present: Buzz Wilson, Ray Mordorski, Phi! Sutherland, Bill (Yarse), Karen Palm, Flo Nlordorski, Rick Brzn�man, Carrie Wasley, Ray O�ren, Les Johnson, Bruce Rinees, RoseMarie Bomersine, Ray Sammons, Bruce Sylvester. The meetin� �vas called to order at 6:30 P.b4. Ray Sammons described the purpose ofthe CPED committee, introduced District Five's new community or�anizer, Bruce Sylvester, and introduced District Five's new president of the board, Rick Bren�man. Item One-- i�Iinnesota l�iusic Cafe. Ray S. explained the application for an On-Sale liquor license for the �linnesota blwic Cafe, to be located at 499 Payne Avenue. Ray S. fuRher explained that the Railroad Island Tas!: Force had reviewed the request and recommended its approval, with the follut�in� conditions • That the parkin� lot be bonded for necessary improvements o That any renewal of an On-Sale license wou(d be dependent upon the improvement of the parkin� lot • That no nudity be a(lotived • That patrons would leave in an orderly fashion • That a nightly clean-up schedule would be created and implemented � That signs be placed on near-6y buildinos which state `no parkin�' • That adequate lijhtin� be pro��ided in the parking lot I<aren Palm, ���ho is o�cner of the restaurant, then explained her plans for the business. The D4innesota �lusic Cafe ��ill be a theme restaurant, with displays and photos related to musicians from hlinnesota. She pians to have a nice restaurant with entertainment. She also expects the business to employ approximately 30 people, and she wants to bz a gocd nei�hbor. The group discussed severa! aspects of the business, induding parkin� lot improvements, which I<zrer. P. exp!ainzd must c�,-ait until the City completes road improvements alon� bZ'ood�vard, ar.d sha;ing tha drive�vay ticith the adjoinin� bi!siness. Car,ie �`'asiey� moved to approve the request, contingent upon the conditions outiined by the �Imute� of October S`" meetin� of District Fi��e��PED committee Pa�e 1 1014 Payne Av2nue Saint Paul, Mir^,esota 55107 Tel# 774-5234 Faxn 774-9745 q� -��� Railroad Island Tzsk Force, and to send it to the Executive Committee. Ray Mordorsl:i seconded the motion. Bruce S}�I� ester distributed copies of a letter recei��ed from R1s. Eliz2beth A. Clubb, esplaining that T1s. Clubb coa]d not attend toni�hYs r.leeting, but she opposed the app!icatioa for the On- Sale !icense at 499 Pa}ne. Ray S. read a letter from another neighbor?iood resident requestin� that the pzrkir.g lot be adequately lit, that any litter from the restauran? be picked-up, and that no � oLtdoor music or nudity be allowed. Rosemary Bumersine stated that the Railroad Island Task Force liked the plans for the restaurant, and that the buildii;� has been for sale for over a year with onl}� one interested party— a dmrch that looked at it. The site is zoned properly and the owner is investine a lot of money to make the business successful. The group then ��oted on the motion, which passed unanimously. The motion will �o to the Etecutive Commi*.tee at their mee±in� on Octeber 21". Item 2— Certificates Of Occupancv_ The City Councit has laid-over discussion of a proposed ordinance n hich ���ould require certificates of occupancy for sin�le and double unit rental properties. Carrie ��'. susgested writin� a letter supportin� such an ordinance, since it �a�ould add or�er 1,000 home� to be inspected. Ray S. asked what the implications �i•ould be for small landlords. Ray Ogren said tl:e proposal needs to be refined to reflect the fact that codes chanoe regularly, and ti� e�i ould need to know which code will be enforced. Ray O. also asked if � la�,d]ords should be treated like a business. While landlords derive income, they do not file taxes like a business. He said he supports the effort to maintain our cor,imunity, but said we need to be sophisticated in our approach. Ray DZordorski sug�ested that the ordinance recognize t���o codes — one for new construction and one for older properties. RoseMarie Bomersine supported the o:dinance, especially since Raitroad Island is 70% rental. Ray S. suagested seeing ��,hen the city council will discuss this ordinauce. If the discussion wi11 be afrer our ne3t reoularly scheduled CPED meeting, hz su�gested we hold that meetin� in conjunction ��-ith the P; oblem Properties Committee and then form a recommendation to fon��ard to the City CounciL If the ordinance w�ili be discussed at City Council bef'ore the ne�t CPED meeting. Ray S suggested holding a special CPED meeting or. October 29�' or 30`", since these are the fifth ��'ednesday and Thursday of the month and they are more like]y to be open on peop:e's czlendars. R;ci: Brea�man said this is a volatile issue and we s;�oald inciude as many people in the discussion as possible. Buzz \Viison sug�ested inviting Council member Bos?rom to the meetina if it s not on a ��'ednesday evenin�. Other sug�ested groups to in��ite �vere the Tenant's Union, ciiy staff Item Three— Soecial L'se Pennit for a U S�Z'est ezllu]ar phone to«-er at 1669 Arcade There �mill be a heari�is or. Octooer 30'". Czrrie `1 asley made a motion to discuss the matter at the next board meetin�. Ra}• O. seconded the motio;,, and suegested informin� nei�nbors, the church, and the piior.e compwry. AS*.er brief discuss:on, the mo:ion passed. \�iau:es of October S" meetina or District Five's CPED committee pase 2 -a�- � Item Four— Artesiar. ��,'ell at the Stroh's Brewerv. Rick B. stated that many people in the community zre concemed about what will happen to public access to the artesian well at the Stroh's bre�a ery afrer the brewery closes. Ray M. suggested zdding the matter to the next CPED meeting a�enda. Ray S. reminded the group that the artesian well is not ir. District Five, and that u•e should be careful about makin� any recommendztions in otner districts. Bruce S. distributed a letter from city o�cials commenting on the closing of the Stroh�s brewery. '�linutes of October S`" meeiin� of District Five's CPED committee Pase 3 Council File # �� 5. � Ordinance # �o � aa--J �� Green Sheet # 50226 RESOLUTION CITY pF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOL�/EA: That application, ID #50226, for a Restaurant-B, Off-Sale Malt, Sunday On- Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale-A, Gambling Location- A and a Patio Sernice License by Minnesota Music Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (Karen Palm, President) at 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The parking lot shall be constructed in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, within one year of the date of that approval. A separate building permit shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. A performance bond ahall be i submitted in an amount sufficient to cover the improvements of trie proposed parking lot to be completed within one year. � 2. There would be no aude dancing or topleas waiters or waitresses, nor � would the applicant ever apply for such license for those uses. 3. The owner will take all reasonable ateps to insure that all patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at closing time. The ownera' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do aot comply with this condition. 4. Parking lot and surrounding neighborhood are to be picked-up of cans, bottles, other litter associated with the bar/restaurant. Applicant shall agree to nightly clean-up schedule. 5. Applicant shall provide and put-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their propezty. Signs would be required to say 'Private-Parking is not allowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. Al1 violators will be towed at their expense,' Applicant shall agree to provide signage upon request of adjacent businesses. Applicant sha11 agree to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking restrictions. i � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 q� ►�� 6. Appliaant shall agree to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting plan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paul Police Department, who have had training in proper lighting strategies £or maximum protection. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secreta=y Approved by Mayor: Date � �';. �S 1— BY� � "" �, Office o£ LiCense Inspections and Environmental Protect+on BY� l /�W��C/ �7 ���. Form Approve by City At rney By: `�/ t.G�.� _ _____ �C t Approved by Mayor for Subcaission to Council By: 2 Adopted by Council: Date O,c}, . �� �q�{`'� t N° 50226 DEFBRiMENTADFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ��" )� LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTRCT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCITYCOUNCIL Chiistine Rozek 266-9108 ASSIGN OC�T1'ATfORNEV �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE) NUHBEfl FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN_ 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. NOUTING For Hearing: �O �a2 OFDEH O MpYpR (OR AS51$TADfT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCA'FlONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONpE0UE5TED_ MIIIIIESOt2. MllS1C Incorporated DBA Minnesota Music Club requests Council approval of its application for a Restaurant-B, Off Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-B, Cigarette, Liquor On Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License at 499 Payne Avenue (ID 1186794). RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 Mi5 per50n/firm evef Worketl untlef a COntraC� fOr this tlep3rtment? _ pBCOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _$7AFF 2. Has this perSOnRrm evef been a City employee? — YES NO _ oiSiRICT COURr _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrrent city employee? SUPPOR'B WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE� YES NO Expleln eli yes answero on seperate eheet end aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOFiTUNfrv(Who. Whet. When. Where, Vdhy)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED � ia�llfb4� SvP 17 1�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUND{NG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION (EXPLAIN) Council File � �7 - �a� Ordinance � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # Date aa RESOLVED: That application, ID �86794, for a Restaurant-B, O Sale Malt, Sunday On Sale LiquoY, Entertainment-B�Cigarette, Liquor O Sale-A, Gambling Location-A and a Patio Service License by Minnesota Music corporated DBA Minnesota Music Club (ICaren Palm, President) at 499 Pay Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition• The parking lot shall be constructe in accordance with the site plan approved by this office, wit 'n one year of the date of that approval. A separate buildinq p it shall be obtained for the construction of this off-street parking facility. Requested by Department of: By Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: By: Adopted Council: Date Date Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection sy: ����.t,eil.l..^2J � "'UZ_ L . Form Approved by City Atto t By: `� �Cj L Approved by yor for Submission to Council Byc CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATICJN � Ca�t�� GQ�� � - L-�e�io� ��D�d �112 ��a-(° Lt�G1� THIS APPLICATION IS SUB.TECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC CITY OF SAINT PAUL oa� otL���, �s� znd Emvomneatal Ro�ection 330 Sc Pcc Sc S.rite 3J� Si,t Pa:� Y � co•,z SSiCi (67P)166R90 SxC612)265.!]<� � ;�' u7 < <� �i OS�'i . Z� � d � s .3 j 7� � _ <.�� 5�-7. s o �00 s `� �, s � � . Company MI1VN,�iSOIl4� MUS'fG !`/C�l�/ G'(Qf��1,� - ('�o`poration / Partners6ip / Sole Proptictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: Bvsiness Address: Business Phone: s� naa� clry s�m z� Betwcen w•hat cross s4eets is the basiness ]ocated? �,4YdG ��E '�GJDaD� .$f . Which side of the streei? CtJbSi �Are the premises now occupied7 yfJ VJhat Type of Business� Mail To Address: _�� �� l: �'t7J V� s� �� ctTy s� 2ip �Applicant Information: I�Tmme snd Title: �'ZEA� U11A�,P�LI-!�� 7 �7 SF�✓ �/-�LYY1 P�2�SYDf/1/� F;m t,yam� yyt�;am) �n r;a� �Iome Address: StleetAddrese � - - C�h, Date of Birth: C / •.� — y� Place of Birth: .�� ��,dU L ��J Al . Have you ever been conc�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance oihzr than traffic. Date of arrest: Chazge: _ �onviction: Where? Sentence: Sfatc Zip HomePhone: 77�-�'a �jS" � YES NO _� List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant mr 5nancially interested in the premises or business, who may be refesred to as to the applicanYs chuacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �oBs.P. j `'yI�FNS��tip /360 /,c)`a�if�'�t dl'lexdotg �,�'s S�J-0�3 �-Iave snp of the above named licenses eva been rzvoked7 YES l� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: i onoroa PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT IN INK �.ist lieenses which you cusently holc� formerly hel� or may have an interest in: Are you going to oper2te this business personally? � 1`ES � NO If not, who ��iIl operate it? � 1���� 7 Fust\ame vliddielxutisl (Vfaidrn) Last DaeofB'vth Home Addiess: Stxect \eyc City State Zip Phone \umba Are you going to haez a manager or essistant in this business? YES � NO If the manager is not the sazne zs the operator, please completz the follot�ing infoimauon: Fvst \eme Home P.dd�ev: Strect Namc List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS ✓ CiTy HOME PHOI�E I.xst Statr Zip BUSINESS PHONE If business is a partnecship, please include the followiztg information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat :�amo Home AddRV: Strcet Nmme Fust :�ame Home Addresg: Strttt I�`eme hf'iddle Initial (.Vfaidrn) Middle Initiel MidAe Initisl City G'v7eiden) c�Ty I,ast State Zip I,as[ s� z�p Dz!e of Bvth Pf�one \�ber DATE OF BII2TH Dete of Bir�h Phone?.'mmbcr Datc of Birth Phone tiumber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIF'ICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270J2) (Tmc Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesotx Commissioner of Re�enue, the Minnesota business tax identi&cation nutnber and the social securiry number of eacfi license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tas Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority will supply it oniy to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Depamnent of Revenue may supply this informalion to the Internal Revenue Service. Mmnesota Tmc Identification Numbus (Sales & Use Tax Ntmmber) may be obtained &um the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 7 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 1� pZ �` _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box 2/18N7 Please list your emplo}ment history for the pre�2ous five (5) yeaz period: ,_ <v�., CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�39� . GQ�n�-tI L.aca� (ao�a C�i2 �� �r�dr THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO FVIEW g PLTBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied for: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN Rv'K CompanyName: � r /N yU � S D�'� /`f� Cmporetion / Partnctship / Sole Progriebrship If business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: Doing Business As: ryE l N�/ 4 CnL�_ _ Business Address: s�i n`aa� 1G Betu�een ��hat c.oss s�cets is the business located? ��Y. �U Are the premises now occupied'7 N� What T}P ofB Mail To Address: a ��('� __�' � �, 1 7' U� s� n.aa�ri� Applicaatinformation: ciry � Stntc Zip hsame and TiUe: W I I� 14,!✓�. Lti' � ��S � oJ � I<�, 7!'eS I c� �•J� Furt y � hfiddle (\4aidrn) Le+t Tiile Home Address: __�0 O t t' �OV c� !.� S S'} �,J � ('}� � (�'S ( � � / shcct Addxesa `" ` CitY statc zip q / . � DateofBirth; f7`o2.�`�� PlaceofBirth: Sl '{�G,J l HomePhone:�l�� 61' Have you ever been com�cted of any feiony, crime or viotation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of arrest: Cbarge: _ Conviction: Seatence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the appiicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may he referred to as to the applicant's character: SS �U 4 NAME ADDRESS ���S��rlti MN pun�.r�. e S �- S o�"d��ti, y�toe.� t LU. List licenses which you cuirenily ho]d, foimerly held, or may have an interest in: I:�l. +'£,�J CITY OF SAINT PAUL officc orL;ccacq �;ou znd Emirrnxmrnal Prot�.ion 350 A P;.c A Sti.c307 Saiat n� V�csa•s SA@ (672)?6GS090 �x(617)2ob91i4 � W [r» d D �s, aso < � � d � s 3 0 s_ ����<� s �• �D s ��, D s t/� OU Basiness Phone� �; �.Z- /-� cs� S � s�t� z�� -{- ' W 0 dd t.�0.i-� �ch side of the street� � e S f � �S- 3�6 Have any of the above named licenses ever been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocation: Are you going to operale this business petsonally? � 1'ES � 2�T0 lf not, ufio �iill operate it? First\ame Iiomc Adbraa: �tiddlc Iaitial Are you going tn have a m2nager orrssistant in this business? please complete the following information: �am� �;s�t HomcAEdrw: Street\sne P]ease list pour emplo}mrnt history for the pre�7ous five (5) year period: Husiness/Emplo�7nent Address i. � a �.� F'�o r,�, fc, nn_ ,.-� �:-. � � q'1-1zd'7 !Ri Datc City / 5'.nte Zip P6one V�bcr YES V NO if the manager is not the same as the operator, Q.laidcn) Lvi DaL-ofBinh CiTy StaL- Zip Phonc \vmbcr f.�7 ffbusiaess is a parmersbip, please iac]ude the following information for each pariner (use additional pages if necessazy): Fuat::amc HomcAddnsa: Strcct:�am6 Fisst�ame Home Add�rse: Strcet i�'eme Middlc Initini MidAc Initial CMvden) CiTy (:vfa�der+) CiTy I,est S�am Zip T.ast State Zip Phane humber Dazc of Suth Phax Numbcr i✓INNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NIIMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie S, Section 2(270.72) (Tar Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovernment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tUe foilowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identi5calion Number: - This infoTmation may be used to deny ihe issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vetricle excise tates; - Upon receiving this informa5on, the licensing authority wiIl supply it only to the Mmnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of InformaGon Agreement, the Deparhnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Ivfinnesots Tax Idenbfication Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from tbe State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmrnt, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-618t ). � Social Security Number: ry 7 � 6 / 3 �/� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: /`e N C. �/J _ If a Minnesoffi Tax Identificabon Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. 2/18797 List all otha officers of the cozporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE„� ,_,,, � BIRTH �"�� �7-1��"j CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVEkAGE PliRSUANT TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 - I hereby cercify� that I, or m} compary, am in compliance with the w•or3;as' compensation insurance cocerage requiremrnts of Mi.��esot2 Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I zlso tmderstand that pro�ision of faLse infoimarion in this certificx�ion constitutes sufficient grounds for advers: zction against a111icenses hel� including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Nzmz of Insurance Compzny: Polic}�Number: ' J Coveragefrom to I hace no emplogees covered under tcorkeis' compensation insur2��ce (II�ZTIALS) ANY FAISIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITI'ED , WII.L RESULT IN DEn'IAL OF TfIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�n�ered all of the preceding questions, xad that the infozmalion contained herein is true and cor. �t to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have recei��ed no money or other consideratian, by way of ]oan, gif� conhibuao� or otheiutise, otha than already disclosed in the application which I hereµith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected b}� police, fire, health znd other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation ��.f'.(,�.�:_-_� `"L_. t��� 6- ! � - 57 Signatum (REQliIRED for ali applicatioas) Date We �eill accept pa}'ment 6y cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (MiC or Visa). I �MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATIOIV DATE: ACCOUNC NUMI3ER: ❑l�/�❑ ❑00❑ ❑CICI❑ ❑L70❑ ❑L7C]❑ of of Cazd Holder(required for all **A'ote: If this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�iew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saini Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attaeh t6ese documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the desigq location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site p]an). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I 1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'_ ^N shoutd be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, o�ces, repz'u azea, parlang, rest rooms, ete. - If a request is for an additien or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cunent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy ofyour lease agreement or proof of ownetship of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQtTiRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> E � �� � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION � Ca�t � G� ��l� Locc¢-iox., (ao�5d Or2 �� L�or THIS APPLICATION IS StTBJECT TO REVIEW B PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN LNK T}ye oflicense(s) being applied for: Company Name: / Partncn6ip / Sole ProprieWcxhip � �JlLS1I1CSS IS II1CA1� Doing Basiness As: Business Address: Sw.�t nda� Bei�x�een w�hat cross streets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied7 /V � What Mxil To Address: al 1� �. �—�jj� sutte naa�, ofBtuiness? l l CII'Y OF SAINT PAL�I. 05rce of Licensc, Ior znd Emvamnrntat Protutior. 350 SC P_� St Slvtc 3p0 c,; ^ • ?n4Y.vaa�h SSiCl (672J166�9p �x(61l)]06- � �al�< 67� �s, oso. � �' �D s 3J�o s��s'� �� s ��D s 5�.��' � G s_ % OL� / �;�r � sc�� z� 1^ ��kVhich side of the street? ' l�'��� � � �c�.r �-�, �- f /Ui q �i f �c1� �!�-ct.� j /h �- S.� I f� C��Y swe zip • Applicant information ��� 2�TZme and Tiile: _ 11 � �1'rIR �ie� L1 �Q,19 1� ��j ��— �E `Lf ' F� uua<u� �---A�ta�r Gh-oc� .5�� �o (I�i�+�k�0 � �/4 ��`�saa�> �,�n ��s`� 1 ���,6�- r;u� Home Address: _ `Piyqr(, '�'1 le /j--� t�'�, _ �'1)l� .�-� 1 �S i s «naaK„ c;ry s� \ ztp Datz of Birth: 1 Place of Birth: �y ���'t.( �,T Y �� Home Phone: �o I 7 ' ) J� 6�j Ha��e you ever been com�icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance ottizr than traffic? YES NO Date of azrest: Where7 Charge: Con�iction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE �-�eQ l.��ra�va- �� sC �; �l�z.kr���l C^�._T.��z� G�� l�fds M►-�-ts�-48R3 ri List licenses which you currently hol� foimerly heid, or may bave an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 XES � �� 5�.��1,,�� �fsa-oi3�( �^N 4C�- D�r�� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatios � ��,,,_ Are you going to operate this business personally? � YES NO If not, v.�ho «ill operate it? � q') - �'�'"! Fust�eme VfiCdlcLtival (Vfaidrn) Last DateofBvth Hamc Addcns: Str-t \eme City Statc Zip Phone �uvba Are you gomg to hai�e a manager or essis!ant in this b�iness9 YES � 130 If the manager is not the sazne as the operztor, please complete the follou�ing informztion: First:�ame HamcAdd�m: Strceth�amc City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) year period: I.as[ Date of Buih Sta�c Zip Pfione\immber SRa 6 Q (wz.(c ( �e vrc�- �`��dge �a1 �-u�er � Irv-�,�e 1�1. �tN . ; List all other officers of tl�e corporation: OFFICER TITI.E HOME NAME (OfficeHeld)_ ADpRE HOME BUSINESS DA'IE OF PHONE PHON& BIl2TH If business is a parh�ership, piease include the following information for each partrier (use additional pages if necessary): Fint\�e Middlelnitial (Maidcn) Last DateofBizih HomcAddrtsn: Svutl�amc Fint?�amc Middle Initisl HomeAddltss: StredNamc City ���) City State Zip I.sa State Zip Plione I�'umbcr Dve of Birth Phonc N�bcr MINNESOTA TAX IDENITFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2{270.72) (Tax Clemmmce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�ride to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of tt�e foilowing regarding the use of the Minnesota TaY IdentiScation Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[ment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemrnt, the Depazhnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Internal Reveau� Service. Mmnesota TaY Ide¢tification Numbas (Sales � Use Tax Number) may be obtained fivm the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Socisl Security Number. "1 � 6��o.� —`�� J� Minnesota Tax Identification Number: ��� � _ If a Minnesofa Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box � I , 2l18/97 Middle Initial (.Viaidcn) � 4:�`� a'I -19-1'� CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGB PURSUAIv'T TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 I hereby certif}� that I, or m}' comp�y, 2m in compliance uith the �� orkers' compensation insurance cocerage requirements of Min.-�esota Satute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undemand thzE provision of faLse information in this cer'ufication constitutes sufficient grounds for zd�•erse action aeainst all licenses hel� including revocation az�{i suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Companp: Polic} ' � Coveragefrom to I hzve no employees cocered under k comp°nsation insura�zce (IIvZI IALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBhIITI'ED , WILI, RESULT IN DEl�'I?,L OF T'HIS APPLICATION I herzby state that I have ansuered all of the preceding questions, and that the informalion contained herein is hue and cor,ecf to the best of my Irnou�ldge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by v.•ay of loaz� gift, conh or otheru�ire, other than already �sclosed in the agplicalion wtuch I herewith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, heaith and other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation e We vrill accept pa}vaent by cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint Paun or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOR7NG I1VF'ORMATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NCTMBER: ❑o/o❑ ❑❑o❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ ❑oo❑ !.a„x or carano�a�� of Card Holder(required tor all charees) Date *•Note: If this application is Foodli.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plws. If any substantial changes to shucture aze anticipated, please wntact a CiTy� of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere m azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquire tLe foIIoning documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: 1. �A detailed description of the desig� location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 I/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. ,_ - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the liceased facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, res[ rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both tue cuirent azea and the proposed e�pansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownaship of the properiy. �PECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIIZE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> OCT-14-1997 12�57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.01 V D Y IlL Vf Ltt LneC, vy� �a. � �vna �uw "' ETMnONMENTaL PROTK710N A ^ -, r�,Y � F.obatY•e:ater,Dirrc�w — 1 ► 0 s��xr rau � � AA� CI7Y OF SAINT PALR. )�aT Cctemqr�Maycr LOiVh)'t'40�SJOMlL —° Uff�A+G s,j,r�s;a j:Q$f.?HN$JrKf ScrntPovJ.lAir.ne�aa SS)0?-i510 FAX 1'nep5ox. F/b266•9C?� Foai�r.tte: 61 ?.?6 L-A09D p � q EJ�-�ss� A 6���! P �� OCT 4 4 1997 ��Nlt� �OSTRONP � 6 6 - �'�7f� 0 DA7�: �� �� ',� ro• 1 an �i as i �.6i�isr �.r x�: �vreu� (�f1ec-� c s f � of Yagcs � (including co�•cr shcct) FROM: ( "�..hGS77n� ltBz� . �.l E/� qR ��In� �. OCT-14-1997 12=57 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02 Greensheet #� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/18/97 / �� -��� In TrackeR App'n Fieceived / app n arocessea llcenselD # 86794 license Type: Restauiant-B. Off Sale Malt Sunday On Sa1e Liauor___ Entertainmen -f�Cig:, e-A, Ga 2ing Location-A, an Company Name:Mianesota Music Incorvorated DBA�innesota Music Clssb Patio Sez' 6USinESS Add�PSSS: k99 Payae Avenue Business Phone: 77b-8295 Corttact Name/Address: �ren Palm, 2114 Hoyt Ave E, 119 � Home Phone: 776-8295 oate to Counca Researcn: �,?a 4�(,?�'�O/%> Public Hearing Date: 2 tabels Ordered: Notice Se to A piicarrt_ � District Councl �: S :.:,n.a.�.���fi�iR1cY► u; ,�co� .tu�i� i.��'/I%�/�D Notice Serrt to f Department/ City Attomey Ernironmental Heaith �1�11•`��- F��e q.11•9� license Lc�t���i� Police c Ward #: U/ Date inspections Comments �-�o � �- � � � �• t�•`i�- p. �C • �,� t �► �� t-4K�a,. ,A PP�o�l�4L - Q K . �.�i �� �h-tiA�ti- ! rl�l�� Site Pian Received:_ Lease Fteceived� ( r�,C (,� ��,!-, �GSS, b �e� C�-,�► .�� s � �.1� . 1a.1 l'T�R C01'�J � Tl Gi'1.5, ��~ TOTRL P.02 ��_��,g7 RAILROAD ISLAND tMPLEMENTA October 6, 1997 Council member Dan Bostrom City of Saint Paul Room 320-B City Hall 15 West Kellogg Soulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: BarlRestaurant Estabiishment License Application No. 86794 Applicant. MN Music Cafe (Karen Pa{mj Address: 499 Payne Avenue Dear Councii member Bostrom: , � On Wednesday, October 1, 1997, the Railroad Isfand Impiementation Task �orce heid a public meeting to discuss the above-noted bar/restaurart license request_ Karen Pa1m, the applicant was present at the meefing. Numerous questions were raised concerning improvements to the b�ilding, parking issues, lighting and management o4 the business. The RRI Implementation Task Force and residents indicated the importance of their neighborhood. The entrance af East Seventh and Payne being a vitaf gateway to ttze neighborhood and the need to encourage an attractive entrance. They stated that this was the first year that their property values had increased in many years and it was encouraging to them that the improvements being made in the neighborhood were having a positive effect on them and their investments. The discussion on this license appiication went on for more than an hour and ended with a list of conditions being identified with the applicant preserf. These conditions were agreed to by the appiicant and are indicated as foilows: issuance of a bartrestaurant ficense should be conditioned upon submission ef a performance bond in an amount s�cient �o cov2r the improvemenYs of the proposed parking lot to be compi�ted within one year. That if the parking lot is not completed wifnin the one year, that the City wiil immediately act upon the performance bond to compiete improvements to the parking lot. 2. Any considerations of a license renewat would be conditioned on parking lot being wmpieted within the one year time frame and complying with other ccndiiions of the license. �,� _ 1��� Page 2 October 6, 1997 3. The appficant agreed that there would be no r.ude dancing or topiess waiters or evaitresses, nor would the applicant ev2r appiy for such license for those uses. 4. The owner wiil take a!I reasonabie steps to insure that ali patrons leave the establishment and the neighborhood in an orderly fashion at cfosing time. The owners' responsibility shall include but not be limited to barring patrons from the establishment who do not comply with this condition. 5. Parking !ot and surrounding neighborhood are picked-up of cans, botties, other litter associated with the barlres!aurant. Applicant agreed to a night{y clean-up schedule. 8. Appiicant has agreed to provide and pu;-up signage at their expense, on other adjacent businesses that have concern about patrons parking on their property. Signs would be required to say, "Privafe - Parking is not a�Iowed for MN MUSIC CAFE patrons. All violators will be towed at their expense." Applicant agrees to provide signage upon �equest of adjacent busine5ses. Applfcant agrees to also monitor the parking situation to insure compliance by patrons in regards to parking resfrictions. Appiicant agreas to provide adequate lighting on the premises. Lighting ptan must be reviewed and approved by the St. Paui Pofice Department, who have had training ir proper lighting stra,egies for ma�cimum protection. The appiicant made us aware that the Payne Aver.ue Bus ness Associafion (PASA) has indicated an interest in placing pul! tabs in the busines,, if it moves forvvard. We would like to request your assistance if this activity moves fo�ward that PABA consider dedicating a portion of the funds to the Merrick Center to help support chifdren activities in the neighborhood. This would need to be fu��ther discussed with PABA and the other appropriate parties if this is a possibility. As you are aware, your ofiice and the Raiiroad Island neighborhood have invested many hours in developing the Railroad Island revitalization plan. The n=ighborhood is now seeing some fruits ofi this �abor, which has given them added strength to continue moving forward with your help. The City has invested substantiaf amounts of funds in the Railroad island neighborhood and has indicated continued support for the revita(ization efforts and we are all very grateful. However, there is much more work that is needed and we hope that you will continue to support us in these continued efforts. Together, we can mak2 a difference. �1�_��� Page 3 October 6, 1997 We ask your support in presenting tnese conditions to the City Council on Wednesday, October 22, 1997, in consideration of this bar/restaurant license request # 86794. Thank you. Sinceramente, V 6 v� Nick Vega Puente, Chair Railroad Island Implementation Task Force (612)774-9139 CC: District 5 Community Councif, t014 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN V Karen Palm, MN Music, Inc., d.b.a. MN Music Cafe, 2114 E. Hoyt Ave., St. Paul, MN Robert Kessler, Licensing, City of Saint Paul , Larry Zangs, City of Saint Paul, Zoning Sheri Pemberton, PED, City of Saint Paui �,� . � a�'I iRUC� � AUiO The Chassis Peopie September 19, 1997 Ms RoseMarie Bomersine Co-Chair Railroad Island Task Force 509 Petit Street St Paul, MN 5A01-4543 Ms Bomersine: We applaod your w�ork and wncem towards the Railroad Island community, as well as the East Side of St. Paul at large. Sir,ce you are an active voice, we wanted to write you regarding a recent concem of ours. As you know, Standard Truck & Auto (formerly known as, and still incorporated as, Standud Spring & Alignment Service, Inc.) has been ai this bcation for many years. Over the years, we have experienced numerous business establishments operating in t};e 49) Payne location. The nightc(ubPoar establishments that have come and gone in that location have not lef[ a positive mazk on our business. Upon officially hearing that the new owners of the locaticn have applied to the City of St. Paul foc numerous nightclub/bar licenses, as indicated in a copy of [he City of St. Paul "File 86794" we received this week, we need to express aur concem. We have also heacd, as indicafed by two September 5` 1497 ietters from Zaning Technician Lawrence Zangs, that the owners of 499 Payne have received zoniig npproval for a 43-space parking lot that must be consWCted within one yeaz of plan approval. This atso concems us. , � Our business hours are from 7:00 a.m. until ] 2:Q0 midnight. We also aze considering four 10-hour evenings, Monday [hrough "Fhursday that woutd end at 2:06 a.m. in the moming. Our business centers around the repair of targe, heavy-duty vehicles such as rubbish collectors, excavarors, municipalities, ete. These vehicles are regulady coming in and oat of oar building, pazking lot, aileys, etc. Our parking facilities, as welt as our plan[ facitities, are atready [oo °cramped" for our productive use. Our concem is towards the welfare and continued operation of our own well-established Railroad Lsland business. We feel that the opportunity for liability Qawsuit) is increased to an uncomfortable level with the opening of a nigh[clublbar again at 499 Payne. Intoxicated people do not belong near heary tmck [raffic. Our technicians do no[ need this ad:ied concem tate at nighL We also know that the nightclub/bar patron traffic in our parking !ot will congest our movement. How do we feel and know [hese things? Experience. We have watched, in the past, the patrons stream in and ou[ of our parking lo?s, leaving [heir beer cans, bo[tles, food containers, and other things for us [o clean up. In the past we have not been open untii midnigh[, Now that we are (and have been for two years), we can oniy see problems. We are not at all fond of being unwitting victims agtin of this type of activity. The new owners of 499 Payne have not asked to us� our pazking facility. However, I balieve tha[ they wiil attempt to use i[ (43 spaces are nat only smal( for the facility, but no[ required [o be conshuc[ed untif one year after approval). Please understand that we are not }udging the owness or pairons of 499 Payne. We just need to voice ourselves in consideration of our own business. Smcerely, �. � i � ! i7t Scott Osvom r l ` � �- �� Copy: Law:ence Zangs, Sheri Pemberton St Paui Minneapolis 520 Payre Avenue 2010 Washington Ave N. SL Paul, b1N 5 51 01-4597 Minneapolis, MN 5541 1-229 8 Pn (s�s) ��a-ssea ph (612) 521-4703 F. (s i 2) ��a�ss i 2 rx (s i z) 5zi -a�os 10/06/9i 1G:Oi F.4T 612 292 125� �PPLIED PHYS SCI • d � /� -' Applied Ptiysical Sciences, lnc. 539 Payne Ave St Paul, MN 55101 October6, 1997 District Five Planning Cauncil Community Planning and Economic Development Committee 1014 Payne Ave St. Pau1, MN 55101 Dear Committee Members: i am unable to attend the Public Meefing scheduled for October 6, 1897, but I wanted to submit my comments regarding City Council file number 86794. I am a business and property owner on Payne Avenue. Four businesses occupy my buiiding at 539 Payne. , I do not want liquor pem+its issued for 499 Payne Avenue. i am concemed about the increase in crime, vandalism, and noise that wiii accompany a(iquor senring establishment. Although my business is nof open at night, I don't like the idea of loud music and patio service late at night wifh all the related problems for �vhich a bar is a magnet. f think granting the requested ficenses sends the wrang message as ta whaf we want to happan in Railroad Istand. i would rathsr see tha Economic Development Commiitea encourage Hght industry snd smafl service companies to grow in the area, not open the door for liquor and entertainment. I think that would erase ali the hard work ihe Railroad Island residents have done to :um this area around. Thank you. Sincerefy, ��. � � . ..,���—.�=�� �lizabeth A. C!�bb Rresident, Applied Rhysical SCi°nces, InC. ` I �.t s- �.Y,,, P�,,, . � �<.n.,�.k� �?��.�,»�.,� �,�,,.,�� ro/b i �� y� Re: !3� �e.�'-..t...f' �. _ �`�'° � �-�/ 4�a�9 7 - iJo, 9�9y ��Y99 P�<,,,,� 1 . ,�.�-�J - �f. a � ��:�-� �'��� C%,�� - ,���� 9 -- - -._. .: ._ . � S�o �" - f��� � �- A_,.�..�-Lti�<J � d ! ��� � �f� �.,`c.v� -ri,,,�!� �.�-�".� � .3 `-,- ;: �rr� ,�,�f J � •� � _.[. 's�.'.�< ,c.v �, �cw�,�i .G=' � . . , , G� J �C�v�c�� �.. � Qul.� G � / ='';^s- (, � � �.-�" ^_,c ,.��:� a,e'�� � .e-+ .�LCJ ��c-c^Lw�'.r� , �,� �c�I�,LLLt^ . G-i^.) C"°C�v7.a-w-�'rL C-c-T.�-� �� d � M�c��vucti'1-Cp-1� T eC�-U.✓�� . 'A<' • � /' , _ �/!c.� ,c.u.: r� C-�cr!:t-a.vtcc: l `�� �G �u�� iv��C. c-FO'�- �"i � ZJc.�f�a-t�-J , �i�a.i _vwcc./1.»uvw�1 �1.v��ti r�� A n'.c , e,7 { " ��-ts.� � L' c.v�s�J a / `� U 1 � // � _, ^ cUn� ..C,�L - rtr' �vvi.✓--�e�� �Gi.c�v �: %�u ' _ c�C " - V L 9 'p /1 r �/� � �//�-+�� / p i � ) i , _ 1L.C-�- lri" Y�`-u-�c-� � I � _.e_!..-l_L-C_� � r .i-C�..:� _C�vL� �-✓✓! c� � _ �� 0 c�" � /, / 9 9 � —,.vL.��� , � �,,; ,� � _,: , _ , , 4 y �+s�`c�'. �''-m�3ZG�'���it1...§'ws. _..� . .� ., _°.: .� , _ ,,.�Mrtii��`..� �.M��F.� t __. ._ q� - ��-�7 City of Saint Paul Office of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 266-8589 INTER-AEPAR'TMENTAL MEMORAND ' DATE: October 8, I997 TO: Scott Renstrom, Legislative Aid FROivi: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �''<� SUBJECT: Lighting Information for Parking L.ots This memorandum is written in response to your questions concerning the relationship between candle foot power and known lighting experiences in relation to parking lot lighting. Parking lot lighting often involves balancing the need to provide adequate lighting to ensure personal security with the concerns of neighboring property owners about glare and overlighting. The use of unnecessarily high wattage lights can actually lead to less secure environment, by creating very dark pockets just outside the range of light. Tailer poles can iiluminate lazger areas (thus reducing the number of poles needed) however, they are more IikeIy to cause light to spill over onto adjacent properties. Low-angle cutoff light fixtures can be used to better direct the light to those areas where it is needed, minimizing glare, spillover effects and light pollution. Illuminance is the intensity of light falling on a surface, measured in footcandles` or "lux." Illumination levels are different not only on horizontal planes, which are at different distances from the light source, but also at various angles. If you hold a light meter horizontally at any point, it usually gives a different reading than if you hold it vertically. Horizontal illuminance does little to aid in the visibility of vertical objects such as signs and keyholes. Therefore, vertical illuminance is an equally important consideration in parking facility lighting. The graph on the next page demonstraces the recommended levels of illumination in footcandle units present in specific outdoor settings. These levels where established by The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) and are widely accepted and used throughout the country. . 'Pootcandle is a unit of illuminance, equal to lm/ft or 10.76 lux. Lux being another unit of illuminance lcm/m'-. �,� _�� Illumination Range in Foot Candles Moon Light Parking Iot Roadways Building Entrance Service Starion .............Daylight 100FC 1.OFC .Sto3.OFC 5.0 FC 20.0 FC 100,000 FC ►� . i �� �, / 9 97 � _ \2-�� �-_ c,� •� �z�n/��ZCr�(s-Gi.� c�Z�col���1�� �x«7`�cc, /,�y �L o J� �-ti cci ..�v-�zc.LC.�!�2J�c-z.c��r✓��ijy�ZC��-y ��/~/4 /L' � � c�cc�fi ��izaC/ �c�c� ��ti�n��yry� �zo/.���c�c/ / y ✓ / C� ' -�-�i c� 1 t .�f ��r�cu�`z� c-�f- �G .1-�j"c�l�-�'C1) � ���� ' /� � C�' L �� �� Sl� l�-- . 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(Q� -�'�^-,�^^..ci`i` _ `"7G<� � �s�� ������ �� �_� �� .A - J�=•�:7,Y � i�' =y,,,,; u �I �° u' I, -=�� r�I :�� ��F��'�r�� D I S T R I C T F i V E P L A N N I N G Pa��iu-Phtdrrt Meetin� 1�Totes from the Thursday, October 9�' hieetin� .� �- � a��7 C O U h C { of the District Fice Community Planning and Economic Devetopment Cemmittee 6:30 P.M. at Merrick Community Center 715 Ed�erton Those Present: Buzz Wilson, Ray Mordorski, Phi! Sutherland, Bill (Yarse), Karen Palm, Flo Nlordorski, Rick Brzn�man, Carrie Wasley, Ray O�ren, Les Johnson, Bruce Rinees, RoseMarie Bomersine, Ray Sammons, Bruce Sylvester. The meetin� �vas called to order at 6:30 P.b4. Ray Sammons described the purpose ofthe CPED committee, introduced District Five's new community or�anizer, Bruce Sylvester, and introduced District Five's new president of the board, Rick Bren�man. Item One-- i�Iinnesota l�iusic Cafe. Ray S. explained the application for an On-Sale liquor license for the �linnesota blwic Cafe, to be located at 499 Payne Avenue. Ray S. fuRher explained that the Railroad Island Tas!: Force had reviewed the request and recommended its approval, with the follut�in� conditions • That the parkin� lot be bonded for necessary improvements o That any renewal of an On-Sale license wou(d be dependent upon the improvement of the parkin� lot • That no nudity be a(lotived • That patrons would leave in an orderly fashion • That a nightly clean-up schedule would be created and implemented � That signs be placed on near-6y buildinos which state `no parkin�' • That adequate lijhtin� be pro��ided in the parking lot I<aren Palm, ���ho is o�cner of the restaurant, then explained her plans for the business. The D4innesota �lusic Cafe ��ill be a theme restaurant, with displays and photos related to musicians from hlinnesota. She pians to have a nice restaurant with entertainment. She also expects the business to employ approximately 30 people, and she wants to bz a gocd nei�hbor. The group discussed severa! aspects of the business, induding parkin� lot improvements, which I<zrer. P. exp!ainzd must c�,-ait until the City completes road improvements alon� bZ'ood�vard, ar.d sha;ing tha drive�vay ticith the adjoinin� bi!siness. Car,ie �`'asiey� moved to approve the request, contingent upon the conditions outiined by the �Imute� of October S`" meetin� of District Fi��e��PED committee Pa�e 1 1014 Payne Av2nue Saint Paul, Mir^,esota 55107 Tel# 774-5234 Faxn 774-9745 q� -��� Railroad Island Tzsk Force, and to send it to the Executive Committee. Ray Mordorsl:i seconded the motion. Bruce S}�I� ester distributed copies of a letter recei��ed from R1s. Eliz2beth A. Clubb, esplaining that T1s. Clubb coa]d not attend toni�hYs r.leeting, but she opposed the app!icatioa for the On- Sale !icense at 499 Pa}ne. Ray S. read a letter from another neighbor?iood resident requestin� that the pzrkir.g lot be adequately lit, that any litter from the restauran? be picked-up, and that no � oLtdoor music or nudity be allowed. Rosemary Bumersine stated that the Railroad Island Task Force liked the plans for the restaurant, and that the buildii;� has been for sale for over a year with onl}� one interested party— a dmrch that looked at it. The site is zoned properly and the owner is investine a lot of money to make the business successful. The group then ��oted on the motion, which passed unanimously. The motion will �o to the Etecutive Commi*.tee at their mee±in� on Octeber 21". Item 2— Certificates Of Occupancv_ The City Councit has laid-over discussion of a proposed ordinance n hich ���ould require certificates of occupancy for sin�le and double unit rental properties. Carrie ��'. susgested writin� a letter supportin� such an ordinance, since it �a�ould add or�er 1,000 home� to be inspected. Ray S. asked what the implications �i•ould be for small landlords. Ray Ogren said tl:e proposal needs to be refined to reflect the fact that codes chanoe regularly, and ti� e�i ould need to know which code will be enforced. Ray O. also asked if � la�,d]ords should be treated like a business. While landlords derive income, they do not file taxes like a business. He said he supports the effort to maintain our cor,imunity, but said we need to be sophisticated in our approach. Ray DZordorski sug�ested that the ordinance recognize t���o codes — one for new construction and one for older properties. RoseMarie Bomersine supported the o:dinance, especially since Raitroad Island is 70% rental. Ray S. suagested seeing ��,hen the city council will discuss this ordinauce. If the discussion wi11 be afrer our ne3t reoularly scheduled CPED meeting, hz su�gested we hold that meetin� in conjunction ��-ith the P; oblem Properties Committee and then form a recommendation to fon��ard to the City CounciL If the ordinance w�ili be discussed at City Council bef'ore the ne�t CPED meeting. Ray S suggested holding a special CPED meeting or. October 29�' or 30`", since these are the fifth ��'ednesday and Thursday of the month and they are more like]y to be open on peop:e's czlendars. R;ci: Brea�man said this is a volatile issue and we s;�oald inciude as many people in the discussion as possible. Buzz \Viison sug�ested inviting Council member Bos?rom to the meetina if it s not on a ��'ednesday evenin�. Other sug�ested groups to in��ite �vere the Tenant's Union, ciiy staff Item Three— Soecial L'se Pennit for a U S�Z'est ezllu]ar phone to«-er at 1669 Arcade There �mill be a heari�is or. Octooer 30'". Czrrie `1 asley made a motion to discuss the matter at the next board meetin�. Ra}• O. seconded the motio;,, and suegested informin� nei�nbors, the church, and the piior.e compwry. AS*.er brief discuss:on, the mo:ion passed. \�iau:es of October S" meetina or District Five's CPED committee pase 2 -a�- � Item Four— Artesiar. ��,'ell at the Stroh's Brewerv. Rick B. stated that many people in the community zre concemed about what will happen to public access to the artesian well at the Stroh's bre�a ery afrer the brewery closes. Ray M. suggested zdding the matter to the next CPED meeting a�enda. Ray S. reminded the group that the artesian well is not ir. District Five, and that u•e should be careful about makin� any recommendztions in otner districts. Bruce S. distributed a letter from city o�cials commenting on the closing of the Stroh�s brewery. '�linutes of October S`" meeiin� of District Five's CPED committee Pase 3