97-1281� , lO�a.'3.1� Council Pile # q`�- 1�g4 �� c..� . d eY e� a r� la �'�-`i. t`�� . d.."1 , ��en Sheet # d Q � �_ r.l=�� c RESOLUTION -w t.s",. �a \��r C OF A���A�L,�If�iNES07A ` �-� . Presented 3y Referred To WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Uri1ity, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the levei monthly or quarterly payment an'd direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85A 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1998. a.�d Q �,..i, �� �}�� q , r ; w= i1 b c. s�F�<� -a� L�.i.s:d.e.r +i�es� \R`l� lr:;�-!er ���� 1998 WATER RATES For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Inside Citv Outside Citv Winter* $1.31 per 100 cu. ft. $1.57 per 100 cu. ft. Summer** 1.41 " " " 1.69 " " " All over ] 00,000 cu. ft. per month Al1 Year $1.19 per l OQ cu. ft. $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shall appiy to biils sent during January through May, and�December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. ��� - � �� � 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER MEfiER ACCOiJNTS "Winter rates shail apply to bills sent during January through April, I�3ovember and December. �*Suminer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMAI.LER METERS Minimunn charges shall be based upon consumptaon of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minnnum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. LATE CHARGES: T1�e imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolufion No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQZ3ENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESTDENTIAL $2,OQ1-$5�,�00 $1�0+0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMETZCIAL $50,001+ $500 I�- I��l 1 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 2 and water biliings. 4 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 5 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 6 7 **Exceprion: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 8 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 9 with established guidelines. 10 11 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial 12 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 13 accordance with established guidelines. �.�����.� �-� � � �.�t , \�`t�"t or-��., �-�� ��-�� �� . � � , Z��'� . Adop" CesfifiedbyCouncil�$ eiazy p By: � c�- I���.-w� APProved bY Mayor: Date i. � L a �6 Z BY: �---�^ T f Requ;sted by Depaztment oF: AdopTion Certified by Cowcil Seaetary 3r ��� c a ��� � �pproved by Mayor; Da[e 3}; Water Utility BY- � Qicrc/t �.���v�'=` nera Manager For;s Approved by Cirj Attorney �. /''_ �- - - - Approve a or for Su mission to Couacil By. ��'v Adopred by Council: Date �i ¢v �]�,2 �� �dopted by Council: Date_(�� t \��{"f r Bernie R. Bullert 66274 w� xUVw+v�wi�nvr.+wno� ��IC HEARING NOVEMBER 12, 1997 SCHEDULED =�-�'/�.�%f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET �,..,r�.w� � /e'8-f) a� -���1 No 60061 M� an�carc�. �CRYAilOR1EY ❑ fJIYCIiRK ❑ twwon�amvc¢so.e. ❑ n1.xr��a�mv.ccrn � � ❑ (CUP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Co�issioners establishing the water rates for 1998. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITI'EE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissioner Resln. No. 4526 Has thie P�iVfxm euerwwked uMer a conhac[ for Nis dHmrtment'7 YES NO Has this De�eoNfirm e�er 6een a ciH emPbYee? YES NO Does this P���m possess a si611 nat normallYPOSSessed M anY curteM citY emWM'ee? YES NO tctlxs pe�saNfitm a Wrgeted �'etWoYt YES NO The Utility needs adequate financing to rsaintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. � Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improyements � that necessitate-£unding through debt issues. .These debt issues require us to maintain s ''.. certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper Budgeting for ✓ANTAGESIFAPPROVED Above goals will be achieved and wi11 provide the average City of Saint.Paul customer with an increase in rates.of less than 3.7 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers COETIREVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY Nl1MBER 1"�3 �`C7 E x £ 1 # c it'" .'Yr:;s&� : ii�9. ' � ifYi:^• f3 ;Z 1 �3 1�397 ClTY OF 5T. PAUI OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM Inside Citv , , i BY DAT - ; .�;�;OMMISSIONER �VEiEI2EAS, After due consideration and scudt of the financial condition of the Water Utiiitv, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budeet the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the Cirv Council have determined that the preszat rate structure is inadequate to continue operations �vithout an adjustment; and `VAEREAS, The Board and City Council r:commend that the residential water billina cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board sta:f contanue the le��el monthiy or quarterl}� pa� ment and direct pay option plans available on a volnntan• basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Szction 85.01 oi the Saint Paul LeQisladve Code the Cin� Council hereby� approves the following Schedule of ��'ater Ratzs for all water bilIs levied on or after Januarv l, 1998. 1998 `G�TER RATES � For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * All over I00,000 cu. ft. per month A11 Year Water Commissioners Yeas In favor Nays Opposed - 51.31 per 100 cu. ft. 1.41 « „ « S I.19 per 100 cu. f[. `"1' �- \a.�\ No 4526 Outside Citv $1.57 per I 00 cu. fr. 1.69 " " " $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners iMPOR7ANT RETURN Tp BOARD MINUT:S FILE SECl. ORIGINAL ciTr c�r sr. r.nu� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �t�-«�� Na 4526 -�PRESENTED BY DAT � -GOMM15510NER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-I\ CH AP3D SR�L4LLER VIETERS * Winter rates sha11 apply to bills sent durins January ihrou�h viay, and December. *"Summer rates shalI apply to bills sent durin� June throush Nocember. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-TtiCH AND LARGER viETERS AND ROSE�TLLE, LITTLE CANADA AND Ll�IASTEI2 �IETER ACCOU�iTS * Winter rates shall apply to bilis sent during 3anuary throuQh April, November and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent durinQ May throuQh October. MIYIVIUA�1 CH_ARGES: FOR ACCOiJNTS HAVING 2-INCH AND SMALLER tiTETERS `�"� Nlinimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billinj. Minimum chazges sha11 be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH A�TD LARGER i�IETERS Minimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Y a�a In favor Naps Oppose� Adopted bp the Boazd of Water Gommissioners iMPORTAN7 RETURN TO BOARD MtiNUTes �tie ORIGINAL secr. CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFfCE OF THE BdARD OF WATER COMMlSS10NERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM � –12,�� N 4526 �-I`�OMMISSIONER MOitOri DAT� SPD mb r R 1997 LATE CHARGES: � The imposition of late payment charQes, as set forth below•, to be imposed upon watzr and sewer service chaz�es �vhich are not paid «ithin thirry (30) days of the billins date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. � CUSTO�'IER AJSOUi�TT OF LATE CLASSIFICATIO\ DELI\QUENCY CHARGE= R.ESTDENTIAL 0- S2,OOQ 5% per annum*" RESIDEl�iTIAL $2,001 - ��0,000 $I00 � 0.83°,'0 RESIDENTIAL 5�0,001T $�OQx*Y COil'IMERCIAL 0-�2,000 5% per annum""" CO�Itl1ERCIAL $2 - ��0,000 $100 + 0.8�% CO�LVIERCIAL S�0,001+ $Sfl0 *Exceptions: Late charce shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint PauI sewer and water billinss. Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner biilines, such as special bi11s, in accordance with established guidelines. � **Exception: 5% late chazge of up to ��0 shall not be collected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late chazge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commerciai account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners y� Naps Arcand Collins Morton � President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 Opposecl �_ �{MDORTANT kETISRN TO BOARD MtNtSTES f{LE September 8, 1997 � / �� SECY. � ORIGINAL PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Section 85.01 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates. The Saint Paul City Council does hereby set a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for the year 1998,�to be held at the Saint Paul City Council Meeting on Wednesday, �7ovember 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m, in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota �5102 , � /� P.�:G�� �.�� � �-� a�,� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk (October 22, 1997) September 30, 1997 �� � ��2,�„�C �/` l �'�J-t ��� ����:�« �. _�. � � �,� . �. ���7 �' jr _____ � - --_�-�� � , lO�a.'3.1� Council Pile # q`�- 1�g4 �� c..� . d eY e� a r� la �'�-`i. t`�� . d.."1 , ��en Sheet # d Q � �_ r.l=�� c RESOLUTION -w t.s",. �a \��r C OF A���A�L,�If�iNES07A ` �-� . Presented 3y Referred To WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Uri1ity, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the levei monthly or quarterly payment an'd direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85A 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1998. a.�d Q �,..i, �� �}�� q , r ; w= i1 b c. s�F�<� -a� L�.i.s:d.e.r +i�es� \R`l� lr:;�-!er ���� 1998 WATER RATES For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Inside Citv Outside Citv Winter* $1.31 per 100 cu. ft. $1.57 per 100 cu. ft. Summer** 1.41 " " " 1.69 " " " All over ] 00,000 cu. ft. per month Al1 Year $1.19 per l OQ cu. ft. $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shall appiy to biils sent during January through May, and�December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. ��� - � �� � 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER MEfiER ACCOiJNTS "Winter rates shail apply to bills sent during January through April, I�3ovember and December. �*Suminer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMAI.LER METERS Minimunn charges shall be based upon consumptaon of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minnnum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. LATE CHARGES: T1�e imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolufion No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQZ3ENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESTDENTIAL $2,OQ1-$5�,�00 $1�0+0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMETZCIAL $50,001+ $500 I�- I��l 1 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 2 and water biliings. 4 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 5 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 6 7 **Exceprion: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 8 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 9 with established guidelines. 10 11 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial 12 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 13 accordance with established guidelines. �.�����.� �-� � � �.�t , \�`t�"t or-��., �-�� ��-�� �� . � � , Z��'� . Adop" CesfifiedbyCouncil�$ eiazy p By: � c�- I���.-w� APProved bY Mayor: Date i. � L a �6 Z BY: �---�^ T f Requ;sted by Depaztment oF: AdopTion Certified by Cowcil Seaetary 3r ��� c a ��� � �pproved by Mayor; Da[e 3}; Water Utility BY- � Qicrc/t �.���v�'=` nera Manager For;s Approved by Cirj Attorney �. /''_ �- - - - Approve a or for Su mission to Couacil By. ��'v Adopred by Council: Date �i ¢v �]�,2 �� �dopted by Council: Date_(�� t \��{"f r Bernie R. Bullert 66274 w� xUVw+v�wi�nvr.+wno� ��IC HEARING NOVEMBER 12, 1997 SCHEDULED =�-�'/�.�%f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET �,..,r�.w� � /e'8-f) a� -���1 No 60061 M� an�carc�. �CRYAilOR1EY ❑ fJIYCIiRK ❑ twwon�amvc¢so.e. ❑ n1.xr��a�mv.ccrn � � ❑ (CUP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Co�issioners establishing the water rates for 1998. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITI'EE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissioner Resln. No. 4526 Has thie P�iVfxm euerwwked uMer a conhac[ for Nis dHmrtment'7 YES NO Has this De�eoNfirm e�er 6een a ciH emPbYee? YES NO Does this P���m possess a si611 nat normallYPOSSessed M anY curteM citY emWM'ee? YES NO tctlxs pe�saNfitm a Wrgeted �'etWoYt YES NO The Utility needs adequate financing to rsaintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. � Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improyements � that necessitate-£unding through debt issues. .These debt issues require us to maintain s ''.. certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper Budgeting for ✓ANTAGESIFAPPROVED Above goals will be achieved and wi11 provide the average City of Saint.Paul customer with an increase in rates.of less than 3.7 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers COETIREVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY Nl1MBER 1"�3 �`C7 E x £ 1 # c it'" .'Yr:;s&� : ii�9. ' � ifYi:^• f3 ;Z 1 �3 1�397 ClTY OF 5T. PAUI OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM Inside Citv , , i BY DAT - ; .�;�;OMMISSIONER �VEiEI2EAS, After due consideration and scudt of the financial condition of the Water Utiiitv, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budeet the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the Cirv Council have determined that the preszat rate structure is inadequate to continue operations �vithout an adjustment; and `VAEREAS, The Board and City Council r:commend that the residential water billina cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board sta:f contanue the le��el monthiy or quarterl}� pa� ment and direct pay option plans available on a volnntan• basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Szction 85.01 oi the Saint Paul LeQisladve Code the Cin� Council hereby� approves the following Schedule of ��'ater Ratzs for all water bilIs levied on or after Januarv l, 1998. 1998 `G�TER RATES � For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * All over I00,000 cu. ft. per month A11 Year Water Commissioners Yeas In favor Nays Opposed - 51.31 per 100 cu. ft. 1.41 « „ « S I.19 per 100 cu. f[. `"1' �- \a.�\ No 4526 Outside Citv $1.57 per I 00 cu. fr. 1.69 " " " $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners iMPOR7ANT RETURN Tp BOARD MINUT:S FILE SECl. ORIGINAL ciTr c�r sr. r.nu� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �t�-«�� Na 4526 -�PRESENTED BY DAT � -GOMM15510NER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-I\ CH AP3D SR�L4LLER VIETERS * Winter rates sha11 apply to bills sent durins January ihrou�h viay, and December. *"Summer rates shalI apply to bills sent durin� June throush Nocember. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-TtiCH AND LARGER viETERS AND ROSE�TLLE, LITTLE CANADA AND Ll�IASTEI2 �IETER ACCOU�iTS * Winter rates shall apply to bilis sent during 3anuary throuQh April, November and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent durinQ May throuQh October. MIYIVIUA�1 CH_ARGES: FOR ACCOiJNTS HAVING 2-INCH AND SMALLER tiTETERS `�"� Nlinimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billinj. Minimum chazges sha11 be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH A�TD LARGER i�IETERS Minimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Y a�a In favor Naps Oppose� Adopted bp the Boazd of Water Gommissioners iMPORTAN7 RETURN TO BOARD MtiNUTes �tie ORIGINAL secr. CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFfCE OF THE BdARD OF WATER COMMlSS10NERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM � –12,�� N 4526 �-I`�OMMISSIONER MOitOri DAT� SPD mb r R 1997 LATE CHARGES: � The imposition of late payment charQes, as set forth below•, to be imposed upon watzr and sewer service chaz�es �vhich are not paid «ithin thirry (30) days of the billins date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. � CUSTO�'IER AJSOUi�TT OF LATE CLASSIFICATIO\ DELI\QUENCY CHARGE= R.ESTDENTIAL 0- S2,OOQ 5% per annum*" RESIDEl�iTIAL $2,001 - ��0,000 $I00 � 0.83°,'0 RESIDENTIAL 5�0,001T $�OQx*Y COil'IMERCIAL 0-�2,000 5% per annum""" CO�Itl1ERCIAL $2 - ��0,000 $100 + 0.8�% CO�LVIERCIAL S�0,001+ $Sfl0 *Exceptions: Late charce shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint PauI sewer and water billinss. Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner biilines, such as special bi11s, in accordance with established guidelines. � **Exception: 5% late chazge of up to ��0 shall not be collected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late chazge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commerciai account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners y� Naps Arcand Collins Morton � President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 Opposecl �_ �{MDORTANT kETISRN TO BOARD MtNtSTES f{LE September 8, 1997 � / �� SECY. � ORIGINAL PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Section 85.01 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates. The Saint Paul City Council does hereby set a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for the year 1998,�to be held at the Saint Paul City Council Meeting on Wednesday, �7ovember 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m, in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota �5102 , � /� P.�:G�� �.�� � �-� a�,� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk (October 22, 1997) September 30, 1997 �� � ��2,�„�C �/` l �'�J-t ��� ����:�« �. _�. � � �,� . �. ���7 �' jr _____ � - --_�-�� � , lO�a.'3.1� Council Pile # q`�- 1�g4 �� c..� . d eY e� a r� la �'�-`i. t`�� . d.."1 , ��en Sheet # d Q � �_ r.l=�� c RESOLUTION -w t.s",. �a \��r C OF A���A�L,�If�iNES07A ` �-� . Presented 3y Referred To WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Uri1ity, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the levei monthly or quarterly payment an'd direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85A 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1998. a.�d Q �,..i, �� �}�� q , r ; w= i1 b c. s�F�<� -a� L�.i.s:d.e.r +i�es� \R`l� lr:;�-!er ���� 1998 WATER RATES For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Inside Citv Outside Citv Winter* $1.31 per 100 cu. ft. $1.57 per 100 cu. ft. Summer** 1.41 " " " 1.69 " " " All over ] 00,000 cu. ft. per month Al1 Year $1.19 per l OQ cu. ft. $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shall appiy to biils sent during January through May, and�December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. ��� - � �� � 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER MEfiER ACCOiJNTS "Winter rates shail apply to bills sent during January through April, I�3ovember and December. �*Suminer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMAI.LER METERS Minimunn charges shall be based upon consumptaon of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minnnum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. LATE CHARGES: T1�e imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolufion No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQZ3ENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESTDENTIAL $2,OQ1-$5�,�00 $1�0+0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMETZCIAL $50,001+ $500 I�- I��l 1 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 2 and water biliings. 4 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 5 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 6 7 **Exceprion: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 8 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 9 with established guidelines. 10 11 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial 12 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 13 accordance with established guidelines. �.�����.� �-� � � �.�t , \�`t�"t or-��., �-�� ��-�� �� . � � , Z��'� . Adop" CesfifiedbyCouncil�$ eiazy p By: � c�- I���.-w� APProved bY Mayor: Date i. � L a �6 Z BY: �---�^ T f Requ;sted by Depaztment oF: AdopTion Certified by Cowcil Seaetary 3r ��� c a ��� � �pproved by Mayor; Da[e 3}; Water Utility BY- � Qicrc/t �.���v�'=` nera Manager For;s Approved by Cirj Attorney �. /''_ �- - - - Approve a or for Su mission to Couacil By. ��'v Adopred by Council: Date �i ¢v �]�,2 �� �dopted by Council: Date_(�� t \��{"f r Bernie R. Bullert 66274 w� xUVw+v�wi�nvr.+wno� ��IC HEARING NOVEMBER 12, 1997 SCHEDULED =�-�'/�.�%f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET �,..,r�.w� � /e'8-f) a� -���1 No 60061 M� an�carc�. �CRYAilOR1EY ❑ fJIYCIiRK ❑ twwon�amvc¢so.e. ❑ n1.xr��a�mv.ccrn � � ❑ (CUP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Co�issioners establishing the water rates for 1998. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1997 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITI'EE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissioner Resln. No. 4526 Has thie P�iVfxm euerwwked uMer a conhac[ for Nis dHmrtment'7 YES NO Has this De�eoNfirm e�er 6een a ciH emPbYee? YES NO Does this P���m possess a si611 nat normallYPOSSessed M anY curteM citY emWM'ee? YES NO tctlxs pe�saNfitm a Wrgeted �'etWoYt YES NO The Utility needs adequate financing to rsaintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. � Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improyements � that necessitate-£unding through debt issues. .These debt issues require us to maintain s ''.. certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper Budgeting for ✓ANTAGESIFAPPROVED Above goals will be achieved and wi11 provide the average City of Saint.Paul customer with an increase in rates.of less than 3.7 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers COETIREVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY Nl1MBER 1"�3 �`C7 E x £ 1 # c it'" .'Yr:;s&� : ii�9. ' � ifYi:^• f3 ;Z 1 �3 1�397 ClTY OF 5T. PAUI OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM Inside Citv , , i BY DAT - ; .�;�;OMMISSIONER �VEiEI2EAS, After due consideration and scudt of the financial condition of the Water Utiiitv, projected future expenses and approval of the 1998 Budeet the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the Cirv Council have determined that the preszat rate structure is inadequate to continue operations �vithout an adjustment; and `VAEREAS, The Board and City Council r:commend that the residential water billina cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board sta:f contanue the le��el monthiy or quarterl}� pa� ment and direct pay option plans available on a volnntan• basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Szction 85.01 oi the Saint Paul LeQisladve Code the Cin� Council hereby� approves the following Schedule of ��'ater Ratzs for all water bilIs levied on or after Januarv l, 1998. 1998 `G�TER RATES � For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * All over I00,000 cu. ft. per month A11 Year Water Commissioners Yeas In favor Nays Opposed - 51.31 per 100 cu. ft. 1.41 « „ « S I.19 per 100 cu. f[. `"1' �- \a.�\ No 4526 Outside Citv $1.57 per I 00 cu. fr. 1.69 " " " $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners iMPOR7ANT RETURN Tp BOARD MINUT:S FILE SECl. ORIGINAL ciTr c�r sr. r.nu� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �t�-«�� Na 4526 -�PRESENTED BY DAT � -GOMM15510NER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-I\ CH AP3D SR�L4LLER VIETERS * Winter rates sha11 apply to bills sent durins January ihrou�h viay, and December. *"Summer rates shalI apply to bills sent durin� June throush Nocember. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-TtiCH AND LARGER viETERS AND ROSE�TLLE, LITTLE CANADA AND Ll�IASTEI2 �IETER ACCOU�iTS * Winter rates shall apply to bilis sent during 3anuary throuQh April, November and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent durinQ May throuQh October. MIYIVIUA�1 CH_ARGES: FOR ACCOiJNTS HAVING 2-INCH AND SMALLER tiTETERS `�"� Nlinimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billinj. Minimum chazges sha11 be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH A�TD LARGER i�IETERS Minimum char�es shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Y a�a In favor Naps Oppose� Adopted bp the Boazd of Water Gommissioners iMPORTAN7 RETURN TO BOARD MtiNUTes �tie ORIGINAL secr. CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFfCE OF THE BdARD OF WATER COMMlSS10NERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM � –12,�� N 4526 �-I`�OMMISSIONER MOitOri DAT� SPD mb r R 1997 LATE CHARGES: � The imposition of late payment charQes, as set forth below•, to be imposed upon watzr and sewer service chaz�es �vhich are not paid «ithin thirry (30) days of the billins date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. � CUSTO�'IER AJSOUi�TT OF LATE CLASSIFICATIO\ DELI\QUENCY CHARGE= R.ESTDENTIAL 0- S2,OOQ 5% per annum*" RESIDEl�iTIAL $2,001 - ��0,000 $I00 � 0.83°,'0 RESIDENTIAL 5�0,001T $�OQx*Y COil'IMERCIAL 0-�2,000 5% per annum""" CO�Itl1ERCIAL $2 - ��0,000 $100 + 0.8�% CO�LVIERCIAL S�0,001+ $Sfl0 *Exceptions: Late charce shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint PauI sewer and water billinss. Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner biilines, such as special bi11s, in accordance with established guidelines. � **Exception: 5% late chazge of up to ��0 shall not be collected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late chazge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commerciai account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners y� Naps Arcand Collins Morton � President Haselmann President Harris In favor 5 Opposecl �_ �{MDORTANT kETISRN TO BOARD MtNtSTES f{LE September 8, 1997 � / �� SECY. � ORIGINAL PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Section 85.01 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates. The Saint Paul City Council does hereby set a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for the year 1998,�to be held at the Saint Paul City Council Meeting on Wednesday, �7ovember 12, 1997 at 4:30 p.m, in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota �5102 , � /� P.�:G�� �.�� � �-� a�,� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk (October 22, 1997) September 30, 1997 �� � ��2,�„�C �/` l �'�J-t ��� ����:�« �. _�. � � �,� . �. ���7 �' jr _____ � - --_�-��