97-127�,�,�„ „b S � f ` �� 1'4 i��..r • 1� � : �..... Presented Refeaed To Council File # qs( —1 �.� ��\�� Green Sheet # ^`�. MINNESOTA Committee Data An Administrative Resolution estabiishing the Rate of pay for the Zoning Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Zoning Specialist at, shall be changed from Grade 35 to Grade 40 as set forth in Section ID 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. rr-(� e.� Adopuon Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: H�te 2 G/ � f� 3y: ��—� Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resources BY l �_�. � c�l. �CiH+aV`SIDn Form Approved b C" Attorney By. `, ( �22��f� Approved b Mayor for Subi 'ssion to Council By: /�L K. � Adopted by Council: Date � o� , �� t ��q � DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJCOUNCII.: Office of Human Resources CONTACl' PERSOT3 & PHONE: Michael Foley /�. �266-6484 �/l N3UST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possible TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'URE PAGES ACITON REQUESTED: `��-\�.`1 D"'� mrr``'�D GREEN SHEET No .:A0156 � IN717AI.7Da7E INIT(nL�DA1'E ASSIGN 1_DEPAR'I'MENI' D �t���91 5 CITYCOUNCIL 1V�7MBER Z ATTO 6_ CT3Y CLERK FOR BT7DfET DIIt FIN. & MGT. 5EKVICE DIR ROUI'IN 4 MAYOA(ORASS . CIVtL.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist (formerly tifled Zoning Techniaian). RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANNINGCONA-1IS5I4N _CIVILSERVICE COMNIISSIQN CIB CANIll9'ITEE _ S7'AFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WFIICHCOUNCILOBJEC'CIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MUST AN5WER TI3E FOLLOWING QUESCLONS: I. Has this pecson/firtn evec worked under a co�hzct fot this depaztrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain aD yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, I95UE, OPPORT(INI1'1 (Wha, K'ha� When, Where, Wh}�: The work performed by the tide Zoning Technician has changed significantly over the years. Technology and environmental issues have meant that the positions must be familiar with more technological issues and with more aspects of law. The positions also do significanfly more interdeparhnental coordination. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The positions will be compensated commensurate with the more aomplex duties. �t£°;�(��� DISADVAN'tAGES IF APPROVED: �3AN 3Q 1897 There will be an increase in costs due to the increase in salaries. '�'���°��`� �fF6�� � _ r, ���� �� � )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 'he incumbents of the position may request that the work be reassigned since it is not at their grade level. This rould be a very difficult management situation. ITALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION:S15,5Q0(Benefits� & COSTbREVENUEBUDGETED:�udgeted Fringes) �e -�� 'NDING SOURCE: (3eneret Fund - - A@,TIVI'I'Y NIJMSER: ��I-00178 ��;�'�s �''t�'����: ,� .. tANCL4I, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) "' ^ ,� � <F ��1-1�`1 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURC£S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 16, 1996 AFSCME District Council # 14 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Assistant Director 300 Hazdman Ave. South South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 Iahrz Harttikan, Direaar 400 Ciry HaU Annez ZS West Founh Sbeet Sainr Paul, Minnesota 35Z02763I ?etephone: 612-266-6500 7DD/17Y.� 612-266-6501 Jobtine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e.• 672-?92-�656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Technician/Zoning Specialist It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there is a title change from Zoning Technician to Zoning Specialist I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processittg a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tiile of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40 Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �i������ Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. Name Date - - )V objtcFto� /�c2�✓eG r✓'o� ux�o-� aFfe� 3� c'r.��s. �ih.�'� ✓ay /Q i`1'c/7 �� � " -- ;'r ffV�r ::",::'•sJR.r CITY OF SAINT'�1I�G 18 i 3Z :�J i Norm Coteman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert Kessler, Director Off ce of LIEP OFFICE OF IIi3tvIAN RESOURCES Johrt Hamiltan, Director 400 Ciry Hall Mnex ZS West Founh Street Sainz Paul, Minnesota 55102d 631 NIichael Foley �6'! ��� December 16, 1996 Twenty Day Notice - Zaning TechnicianlZoning Specialist Telephone: TDDl17Y. Jabtine. Fncsimite: �1 �i -1 a`1 612-26b6500 bI2-26b-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7b56 It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there has been a titie change from Zoning Tecluiician to Zoning Specialist. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I wiil assume agreement and wili proceed with the proaess. I wi11 also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40, Sectioa ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class speeificatian_ Name Date TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ������� ���:`*; ZONING TECHNICIAN CODE: 349A BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 08/13/88 �� —`� General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and performs related duties as requiYed. Suvervision Received; Works undar the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Suuervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance to zoning regulations. Attends site plan review committee meetings and provides input on requirements for zoning compliance. Explains and interprets provisions of the zoning code and other laws and regulations related to the construction of buildings. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning complaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed foz compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies before City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when required. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ovmership of property and determines propezty information. Reviews license requests, certi£icate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. (continued on reverse side) ZONING TECHNICZAN Page 2 ZONING TECHNICIAN KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS AND ABILZTZES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considezable ability to think and speak clearly in stressful situations, Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do maChematica2 calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively wiLh members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports and give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS An associate degree in building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years o£ experience as a 2oning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Glass C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license with no suspension or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING TECHNICIAN . • CODE: 349A ��$�; ' � BU: 02 ^ F = ��= �� EFFECTIVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 2023ING SPECIALIST � l �"` d"� DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skil2ed work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning aodes, laws, and regulations; snd performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Su,pervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all gositions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance Lo 2oning regulations. Attends site plan review coma�ittee meetings and provides input on requirements for compliance with zoning codes and other related codes and laws. Coordinates reviews with other sections of LIEP, other departments {pED, Public Works), and other agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, the State Soard of Soils Conservation, etc. Explains and interprets provisions of the 2oning code and other laws and regulations related to the constzuction of buildings to exgerts and laypeople. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning comglaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed for compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies be£ore City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when Yequired. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ownership of property and determines groperty information. (continued on reverse side) ZONING SPECIALIST Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS; ZONING SPECIALIST Reviews 2icense requests, certificate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considerable ability to think and speak clearly in sLressful situations. Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do mathematical calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively with members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports snd give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFIGATIONS An associate degree 3n building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesata Glass C driver's license or equivalent aut-of-state driver's license wiLh no suspension oz revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING SPECIALIST DESK AUDIT \� —1 �� REQUEST'ED CLASSIFICAITON: Suilding Inspector (Carpenter, Plasterer, Lather) IlVCLJMBENT: PRESENt CLASSIFICATION: DEPART`MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STI3DY CONDUCTED BY: Vacant Not Applicable - Proposed New TiUe LIEP - BIDD July I5, 1996 Michael Foley�� � APPROVAL OF CLASS. AND COMP. MGR.: (Signature) SUPERVISQR'S COMMENfiS: (Date) (Jan Gasterland, City Building Official). There is a need for an inspector position with expertise as a carpenter, piasterer, or lather. The posiuon wouid be assigned a geographic region of the City and would do general building inspection but would call in experts as needed. In addition, the incumbent of this pasition would serve as an expert in hislher particular field to assist other huilding inspectors. There is enough revenue generated to fund the position. The union believes that a separate title is needed. The Mayor's Office agrees. POSITION COMPARISONS: Interviews revealed that the duties would be essentially the same as other Building Inspectors. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARIS4NS: The proposed class spec reflects duties that are very ciose to the duties described for the Building Inspector. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the new class of Building Inspector (Cazpenter, Plasterer, Lather) be established at the same rate of pay as the existing tifle of Building Inspector. {Note: The QES Ana3ysis suppons this.) �,�,�„ „b S � f ` �� 1'4 i��..r • 1� � : �..... Presented Refeaed To Council File # qs( —1 �.� ��\�� Green Sheet # ^`�. MINNESOTA Committee Data An Administrative Resolution estabiishing the Rate of pay for the Zoning Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Zoning Specialist at, shall be changed from Grade 35 to Grade 40 as set forth in Section ID 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. rr-(� e.� Adopuon Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: H�te 2 G/ � f� 3y: ��—� Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resources BY l �_�. � c�l. �CiH+aV`SIDn Form Approved b C" Attorney By. `, ( �22��f� Approved b Mayor for Subi 'ssion to Council By: /�L K. � Adopted by Council: Date � o� , �� t ��q � DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJCOUNCII.: Office of Human Resources CONTACl' PERSOT3 & PHONE: Michael Foley /�. �266-6484 �/l N3UST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possible TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'URE PAGES ACITON REQUESTED: `��-\�.`1 D"'� mrr``'�D GREEN SHEET No .:A0156 � IN717AI.7Da7E INIT(nL�DA1'E ASSIGN 1_DEPAR'I'MENI' D �t���91 5 CITYCOUNCIL 1V�7MBER Z ATTO 6_ CT3Y CLERK FOR BT7DfET DIIt FIN. & MGT. 5EKVICE DIR ROUI'IN 4 MAYOA(ORASS . CIVtL.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist (formerly tifled Zoning Techniaian). RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANNINGCONA-1IS5I4N _CIVILSERVICE COMNIISSIQN CIB CANIll9'ITEE _ S7'AFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WFIICHCOUNCILOBJEC'CIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MUST AN5WER TI3E FOLLOWING QUESCLONS: I. Has this pecson/firtn evec worked under a co�hzct fot this depaztrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain aD yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, I95UE, OPPORT(INI1'1 (Wha, K'ha� When, Where, Wh}�: The work performed by the tide Zoning Technician has changed significantly over the years. Technology and environmental issues have meant that the positions must be familiar with more technological issues and with more aspects of law. The positions also do significanfly more interdeparhnental coordination. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The positions will be compensated commensurate with the more aomplex duties. �t£°;�(��� DISADVAN'tAGES IF APPROVED: �3AN 3Q 1897 There will be an increase in costs due to the increase in salaries. '�'���°��`� �fF6�� � _ r, ���� �� � )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 'he incumbents of the position may request that the work be reassigned since it is not at their grade level. This rould be a very difficult management situation. ITALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION:S15,5Q0(Benefits� & COSTbREVENUEBUDGETED:�udgeted Fringes) �e -�� 'NDING SOURCE: (3eneret Fund - - A@,TIVI'I'Y NIJMSER: ��I-00178 ��;�'�s �''t�'����: ,� .. tANCL4I, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) "' ^ ,� � <F ��1-1�`1 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURC£S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 16, 1996 AFSCME District Council # 14 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Assistant Director 300 Hazdman Ave. South South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 Iahrz Harttikan, Direaar 400 Ciry HaU Annez ZS West Founh Sbeet Sainr Paul, Minnesota 35Z02763I ?etephone: 612-266-6500 7DD/17Y.� 612-266-6501 Jobtine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e.• 672-?92-�656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Technician/Zoning Specialist It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there is a title change from Zoning Technician to Zoning Specialist I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processittg a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tiile of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40 Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �i������ Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. Name Date - - )V objtcFto� /�c2�✓eG r✓'o� ux�o-� aFfe� 3� c'r.��s. �ih.�'� ✓ay /Q i`1'c/7 �� � " -- ;'r ffV�r ::",::'•sJR.r CITY OF SAINT'�1I�G 18 i 3Z :�J i Norm Coteman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert Kessler, Director Off ce of LIEP OFFICE OF IIi3tvIAN RESOURCES Johrt Hamiltan, Director 400 Ciry Hall Mnex ZS West Founh Street Sainz Paul, Minnesota 55102d 631 NIichael Foley �6'! ��� December 16, 1996 Twenty Day Notice - Zaning TechnicianlZoning Specialist Telephone: TDDl17Y. Jabtine. Fncsimite: �1 �i -1 a`1 612-26b6500 bI2-26b-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7b56 It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there has been a titie change from Zoning Tecluiician to Zoning Specialist. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I wiil assume agreement and wili proceed with the proaess. I wi11 also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40, Sectioa ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class speeificatian_ Name Date TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ������� ���:`*; ZONING TECHNICIAN CODE: 349A BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 08/13/88 �� —`� General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and performs related duties as requiYed. Suvervision Received; Works undar the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Suuervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance to zoning regulations. Attends site plan review committee meetings and provides input on requirements for zoning compliance. Explains and interprets provisions of the zoning code and other laws and regulations related to the construction of buildings. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning complaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed foz compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies before City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when required. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ovmership of property and determines propezty information. Reviews license requests, certi£icate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. (continued on reverse side) ZONING TECHNICZAN Page 2 ZONING TECHNICIAN KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS AND ABILZTZES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considezable ability to think and speak clearly in stressful situations, Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do maChematica2 calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively wiLh members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports and give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS An associate degree in building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years o£ experience as a 2oning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Glass C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license with no suspension or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING TECHNICIAN . • CODE: 349A ��$�; ' � BU: 02 ^ F = ��= �� EFFECTIVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 2023ING SPECIALIST � l �"` d"� DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skil2ed work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning aodes, laws, and regulations; snd performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Su,pervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all gositions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance Lo 2oning regulations. Attends site plan review coma�ittee meetings and provides input on requirements for compliance with zoning codes and other related codes and laws. Coordinates reviews with other sections of LIEP, other departments {pED, Public Works), and other agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, the State Soard of Soils Conservation, etc. Explains and interprets provisions of the 2oning code and other laws and regulations related to the constzuction of buildings to exgerts and laypeople. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning comglaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed for compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies be£ore City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when Yequired. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ownership of property and determines groperty information. (continued on reverse side) ZONING SPECIALIST Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS; ZONING SPECIALIST Reviews 2icense requests, certificate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considerable ability to think and speak clearly in sLressful situations. Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do mathematical calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively with members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports snd give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFIGATIONS An associate degree 3n building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesata Glass C driver's license or equivalent aut-of-state driver's license wiLh no suspension oz revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING SPECIALIST DESK AUDIT \� —1 �� REQUEST'ED CLASSIFICAITON: Suilding Inspector (Carpenter, Plasterer, Lather) IlVCLJMBENT: PRESENt CLASSIFICATION: DEPART`MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STI3DY CONDUCTED BY: Vacant Not Applicable - Proposed New TiUe LIEP - BIDD July I5, 1996 Michael Foley�� � APPROVAL OF CLASS. AND COMP. MGR.: (Signature) SUPERVISQR'S COMMENfiS: (Date) (Jan Gasterland, City Building Official). There is a need for an inspector position with expertise as a carpenter, piasterer, or lather. The posiuon wouid be assigned a geographic region of the City and would do general building inspection but would call in experts as needed. In addition, the incumbent of this pasition would serve as an expert in hislher particular field to assist other huilding inspectors. There is enough revenue generated to fund the position. The union believes that a separate title is needed. The Mayor's Office agrees. POSITION COMPARISONS: Interviews revealed that the duties would be essentially the same as other Building Inspectors. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARIS4NS: The proposed class spec reflects duties that are very ciose to the duties described for the Building Inspector. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the new class of Building Inspector (Cazpenter, Plasterer, Lather) be established at the same rate of pay as the existing tifle of Building Inspector. {Note: The QES Ana3ysis suppons this.) �,�,�„ „b S � f ` �� 1'4 i��..r • 1� � : �..... Presented Refeaed To Council File # qs( —1 �.� ��\�� Green Sheet # ^`�. MINNESOTA Committee Data An Administrative Resolution estabiishing the Rate of pay for the Zoning Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Zoning Specialist at, shall be changed from Grade 35 to Grade 40 as set forth in Section ID 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. rr-(� e.� Adopuon Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: H�te 2 G/ � f� 3y: ��—� Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of Human Resources BY l �_�. � c�l. �CiH+aV`SIDn Form Approved b C" Attorney By. `, ( �22��f� Approved b Mayor for Subi 'ssion to Council By: /�L K. � Adopted by Council: Date � o� , �� t ��q � DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJCOUNCII.: Office of Human Resources CONTACl' PERSOT3 & PHONE: Michael Foley /�. �266-6484 �/l N3UST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possible TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'URE PAGES ACITON REQUESTED: `��-\�.`1 D"'� mrr``'�D GREEN SHEET No .:A0156 � IN717AI.7Da7E INIT(nL�DA1'E ASSIGN 1_DEPAR'I'MENI' D �t���91 5 CITYCOUNCIL 1V�7MBER Z ATTO 6_ CT3Y CLERK FOR BT7DfET DIIt FIN. & MGT. 5EKVICE DIR ROUI'IN 4 MAYOA(ORASS . CIVtL.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist (formerly tifled Zoning Techniaian). RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANNINGCONA-1IS5I4N _CIVILSERVICE COMNIISSIQN CIB CANIll9'ITEE _ S7'AFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WFIICHCOUNCILOBJEC'CIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MUST AN5WER TI3E FOLLOWING QUESCLONS: I. Has this pecson/firtn evec worked under a co�hzct fot this depaztrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain aD yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, I95UE, OPPORT(INI1'1 (Wha, K'ha� When, Where, Wh}�: The work performed by the tide Zoning Technician has changed significantly over the years. Technology and environmental issues have meant that the positions must be familiar with more technological issues and with more aspects of law. The positions also do significanfly more interdeparhnental coordination. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The positions will be compensated commensurate with the more aomplex duties. �t£°;�(��� DISADVAN'tAGES IF APPROVED: �3AN 3Q 1897 There will be an increase in costs due to the increase in salaries. '�'���°��`� �fF6�� � _ r, ���� �� � )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 'he incumbents of the position may request that the work be reassigned since it is not at their grade level. This rould be a very difficult management situation. ITALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION:S15,5Q0(Benefits� & COSTbREVENUEBUDGETED:�udgeted Fringes) �e -�� 'NDING SOURCE: (3eneret Fund - - A@,TIVI'I'Y NIJMSER: ��I-00178 ��;�'�s �''t�'����: ,� .. tANCL4I, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) "' ^ ,� � <F ��1-1�`1 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURC£S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 16, 1996 AFSCME District Council # 14 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Assistant Director 300 Hazdman Ave. South South Saint Paul, MN 55075-2469 Iahrz Harttikan, Direaar 400 Ciry HaU Annez ZS West Founh Sbeet Sainr Paul, Minnesota 35Z02763I ?etephone: 612-266-6500 7DD/17Y.� 612-266-6501 Jobtine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e.• 672-?92-�656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Technician/Zoning Specialist It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there is a title change from Zoning Technician to Zoning Specialist I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processittg a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tiile of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40 Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �i������ Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. Name Date - - )V objtcFto� /�c2�✓eG r✓'o� ux�o-� aFfe� 3� c'r.��s. �ih.�'� ✓ay /Q i`1'c/7 �� � " -- ;'r ffV�r ::",::'•sJR.r CITY OF SAINT'�1I�G 18 i 3Z :�J i Norm Coteman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert Kessler, Director Off ce of LIEP OFFICE OF IIi3tvIAN RESOURCES Johrt Hamiltan, Director 400 Ciry Hall Mnex ZS West Founh Street Sainz Paul, Minnesota 55102d 631 NIichael Foley �6'! ��� December 16, 1996 Twenty Day Notice - Zaning TechnicianlZoning Specialist Telephone: TDDl17Y. Jabtine. Fncsimite: �1 �i -1 a`1 612-26b6500 bI2-26b-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7b56 It has been determined that the class specification of Zoning Technician should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. In addition there has been a titie change from Zoning Tecluiician to Zoning Specialist. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I wiil assume agreement and wili proceed with the proaess. I wi11 also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Zoning Specialist in Grade 40, Sectioa ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class speeificatian_ Name Date TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ������� ���:`*; ZONING TECHNICIAN CODE: 349A BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 08/13/88 �� —`� General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and performs related duties as requiYed. Suvervision Received; Works undar the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Suuervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance to zoning regulations. Attends site plan review committee meetings and provides input on requirements for zoning compliance. Explains and interprets provisions of the zoning code and other laws and regulations related to the construction of buildings. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning complaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed foz compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies before City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when required. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ovmership of property and determines propezty information. Reviews license requests, certi£icate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. (continued on reverse side) ZONING TECHNICZAN Page 2 ZONING TECHNICIAN KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS AND ABILZTZES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considezable ability to think and speak clearly in stressful situations, Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do maChematica2 calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively wiLh members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports and give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS An associate degree in building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years o£ experience as a 2oning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Glass C driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license with no suspension or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING TECHNICIAN . • CODE: 349A ��$�; ' � BU: 02 ^ F = ��= �� EFFECTIVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 2023ING SPECIALIST � l �"` d"� DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skil2ed work in the examination of site plans and the interpretation of zoning aodes, laws, and regulations; snd performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general, technical, and administrative supervision of a unit head. Su,pervision Exercised: May assist in providing technical direction to lower level zoning aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all gositions in this class. Reviews site and construction plans for compliance Lo 2oning regulations. Attends site plan review coma�ittee meetings and provides input on requirements for compliance with zoning codes and other related codes and laws. Coordinates reviews with other sections of LIEP, other departments {pED, Public Works), and other agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, the State Soard of Soils Conservation, etc. Explains and interprets provisions of the 2oning code and other laws and regulations related to the constzuction of buildings to exgerts and laypeople. Receives and investigates routine to complex zoning comglaints. Issues written orders requiring correction of violations. Answers questions regarding zoning code and explains corrections needed for compliance. Issues tags to violators for non-compliance with written orders. Testifies be£ore City Council on zoning matters and appears in court as an expert witness when Yequired. Prepares appropriate reports and maintains accurate records. Determines ownership of property and determines groperty information. (continued on reverse side) ZONING SPECIALIST Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS; ZONING SPECIALIST Reviews 2icense requests, certificate of occupancy requests, and sign permits. Assists applicants in preparing variance and appeals applications, and accepts same. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of zoning and other land use regulations. Working knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read site plans and construction plans. Considerable ability to think and speak clearly in sLressful situations. Considerable ability to understand spatial relationships and do mathematical calculations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and assertively with members of building and construction professions, community groups, and the general public. Working ability to prepare written reports snd give oral presentations. Working ability to use a computer for data entry and retrieval. MINIMUM QUALIFIGATIONS An associate degree 3n building inspection, architecture, or a related degree and one year of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent; or two years of experience as a Zoning Aide or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesata Glass C driver's license or equivalent aut-of-state driver's license wiLh no suspension oz revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of the examination {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). ZONING SPECIALIST DESK AUDIT \� —1 �� REQUEST'ED CLASSIFICAITON: Suilding Inspector (Carpenter, Plasterer, Lather) IlVCLJMBENT: PRESENt CLASSIFICATION: DEPART`MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STI3DY CONDUCTED BY: Vacant Not Applicable - Proposed New TiUe LIEP - BIDD July I5, 1996 Michael Foley�� � APPROVAL OF CLASS. AND COMP. MGR.: (Signature) SUPERVISQR'S COMMENfiS: (Date) (Jan Gasterland, City Building Official). There is a need for an inspector position with expertise as a carpenter, piasterer, or lather. The posiuon wouid be assigned a geographic region of the City and would do general building inspection but would call in experts as needed. In addition, the incumbent of this pasition would serve as an expert in hislher particular field to assist other huilding inspectors. There is enough revenue generated to fund the position. The union believes that a separate title is needed. The Mayor's Office agrees. POSITION COMPARISONS: Interviews revealed that the duties would be essentially the same as other Building Inspectors. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARIS4NS: The proposed class spec reflects duties that are very ciose to the duties described for the Building Inspector. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the new class of Building Inspector (Cazpenter, Plasterer, Lather) be established at the same rate of pay as the existing tifle of Building Inspector. {Note: The QES Ana3ysis suppons this.)