97-1266Council File # . � a Gree� Sheet # 60175 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: Committee: Date 1� � WHEREAS, on 7anuary 12, 1�188 Saint Paul City Council approved procedure for re-allocation of z Emergency Sheker Crrant Funds given to the City by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban a Development (HLTD) (director enfitlement funds); and 4 s P/I�EREAS, the City Council authorized use of this same procedure to determine which nonprofit s organizations to recommend for funding under the State of Minneosta's Emergency Shelter Grant � program; and e s WHEREAS, there aze funds available from HiJD in the 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant cycle as well io as unspent funds from the 1996 cycle; and ,i ,z WI-IEREAS, from July 15, 1997 through September I5, 1997 a review of funding requests was conducted �a in accordance with the approved procedure by the Emergency Shelter Grant Review Team and the ia following recommendations for funding were made: +s �s Ain Dah Yung n Catholic Chazities Family Shelter ia Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse ,s Catholic Charities Safe Waiting zo Emma Norton z� Episcopal Community Service zz Home of the Good Sheperd za Josephs Coat za Listening House ze Lutheran Social Services (Safehouse) ze SMRLS/Project Hope z7 St. Paul Foundation (Reallocation of 1996 ESG Funds) za St. Paui Foundation zs Theresa Living Center ao Twin City Community Voicemail a� West Side Health Clinic az Wilder Family Service sa Wilder - SRO aa YWCA 7,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 16,400.00 13,751.55 11,150.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 25,0�O.�Q 10,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 � as NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the CiTy of St. Paul hereby accepts a� and approves these recommendations for expenditure of Emergency Shelter Grant funds; and be it � as FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council autharizes the appropriate CiTy staff to enter into the ao contracts with the above organizations in accordance with state and federal regulations; and be it ai az FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that upon the recommendaUon of the Mayor, the City Council adopts the attached aa changes to the 1997 budget. 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENT- EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM SPENDING PLAN Agency Name Unspecfied Contingency Ramsey Co Safe Waiting Spaces Adminisfrafion: Joseph's Coat Theresa Living Center Saint Paut Housing infarmation Office Essential Services: SMRLS/Project Hope Wilder Operating & Maintenance: Ain Dah Young Catholic Charities Family Shelter Catholic Charities Safe Waiting Emma Norton Episcopal Community Services Fiome of the Good Shepered Listening House Lutheren Social Services (Safe House) TwinCity Community Voicemail Wiider (SRO) YN/CA AccountCode P6 100-39290-0547-61999 P6 100-39290-0547-61610 P6 'I 00-39290-0547-00563 PS 100-39290-0547-00564 P6100-39290-0547-00565 P6 1��-39290-0547-00566 P6 10039290-�547-00567 P6 100-39290-0547-00582 P6 10039290-0547-00569 P6 100-39290-0547-00570 P6 100-39290-0547-00571 P6 100-39290-0547-00572 P6 100-39290-0547-00573 P6 100-39290-0547-00574 P6 100-39290-0547-00575 P6 100-39290-0547-00576 PS 100-39290-0547-00577 P6 100-39290-0547-00578 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 q� -1 lG G Amended Chanae Budaet (269,000.00) 0.00 (13,751.55) 26,248.45 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,450.00 13,450.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 7,000.0� 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 7,0��.�0 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 Preventive Services Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse P6 1�039290-0547-00579 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-3929�-0547-0�580 0.00 11,150.00 11,150.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-39290-0547-61613 23,200.00 13,751.55 36,951.55 West Side Health Clinic P6 100-39290-0547-00581 0.00 25,000.0� 25,000.00 332,200.00 0.00 332,200.00 Requested by Department of: � �� Saint Paul Housina Information O�ce Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Net Increase Approved by Mayor: Date p a�Z L!4 '� B ��✓v��. BY: Steve Rice Approvai Recomme ded by Budget Director: By: dl°'` � Form Approved by Ci mey� BY: + � l �� �- Approved by Mayor r S� is on o cil: By: Current Budaet 269,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 O.OQ Adopted by Council: Date _("�___,� �� l q q� � Housing Information Office October 10, 1997 � 9/24/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET q�-�a`G No 60175 U ucr�r ow[cra �•v - u anmu�n _ �arc�noaEr� ❑arvctauc � wYwrytamxeFa ❑ n�wo��adm�ce,o 0 � ❑ w���� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .....�..,,...,...,.. �S� CEro+u-Ger,cyS�telt�+ Approval of Grants recommended by Review Committee. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMflTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ESG Review HUD McKinney Funds Has this ceB�rm eves workea under a conf�act forthis decertmerit? YES NO Has tM8 P�a�rm evet been a atY emDbYce9 YES NO Does this persoMrm poasess a sldll not m�maltypossessed by a�ry wrteM city employee? YES NO Is thie persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYt YES NO Gain all v� answe�s on senarate sheet aM altach W afeen sheet . Increased and on-going services to the homeless and near homeless. ����4 �°� a ��T � 1997 None Reduction in existing services. . AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S��- � ��) NoSOURCE NITD MoKinne� RS(: W. MFORMATION (IXPWN) �._.. COST/REVENUE BUpGETm (GRCLE ONE� � YES 1 NO `_'"/ ACTNI7YNUMBER P 100-39290-0547-XXYXX HOUSING INFORMATIOI3 OFFICE Steve Rice, Acting Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrm CoTeman, Mayor September 26, 1997 To: Saint Paul City Council From: Steve Rice � I50 Ciry Ha[I Annex 25 Wesf Fourfh Streef SainlPaul,Minnesom 55702 Subject: Emergency Shelter Cnaut Program for 1997 �['1 -13.Gf Telephone: 612-266-6000 Facsimile: 612-29&5054 A Request for Proposal per City Council instructions established in 1985, has resulted in the submission for recommendations to allocate HUD funding for Emergency Shelters. Requests were mailed to sixty.three agencies and advertised in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. We received twenty-four proposals. Recommendations of the selection committee are listed below along with a brief summary of all grant requests submitted. Persons in attendance Margaret Demko Ron Ross Ron Elwood Mary Nelson Dick Faricy Jeanne Katz Steve Rice Darreli Spears MHFA PED Ramsey County Ramsey County Downtown Business Person, Architect United Way Housing Information Office Housing Information Office The committee used the following criteria in choosing the Grant Recipients for the 1997 funding cycle. A. Rank organizations according to importance of service 1. Single Men (Largest Population served) 2. Prevention services 3. Number of beds a. Emergency Services b. Transitional Housing Beds c. Youth beds PAGE TWO Committee Recoznmendarions �I�-1a�6 4. Transitional Housing Services 5. To reallocate unspent 1996 funds in this cycle of funding B. Money left to give considerafion of material services, i.e.,: clothing, furniture. C. Not to give more money than requested. D. To go through the list consider renewal funding from last year and evaluate if any should be rejected. E. Create a list of those unlikely to get funding for a number of reasons. 1. How the money was to be allocated? 2. Was the program up and running? 3. Track record of the organization making the request F. Allocate remaining funds according to level of request made, percentage of market served and successful operation of programs in the past. a� - � aG� 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant Program Funds And 1996 Emergency Shelter Grant Reallocation of Unspent Funds The attached resolution takes two actions. It recommends the realloca6on of unspent funds totaling 13,751.55 from the 1996 ESG cycle, and it makes recoxnmendations for the 1997 grant cycle. 1996 Grant funds to be reallocated 1997 Crrants funds to be allocated City aduiiuistration fee (1997) $ 13,751.55 $ 255,550.00 $ 13,450.00 Total funds afFected by the resolution $ 282, 751.55 Proposal Comments Ain Dah Yung * Asked for $10,000 * Funded last year good pxogram for youth * Strong other funding sources Catholic Chazities Family Shelter Catholic Chazities: Furnihue Catholic Charities: Safe Waiting * Asked for $42,000 * Already funded by County on per diem contract. * Largest request * Lazgest provider - 55 beds * Asked for $15,000 to operate a furniture warehouse and free moving service - moving service partially operating at present. * Demand exceeds ability to help. * Flexible in category of request - e.g. Operations vs Essential Service. Fundine Recommended $7,000 $30,000 $ 5,000 * Asked for $30,000 $30,000 * Shelter space of last resort for homeless men. * Provides flexible response to winter needs * No other funding availabie. H:\USERS�RICE�W PFILES�fiSG9TESGNOTES. W PD q� - 1z66 1997 ESG notes Page 2 Proposal Comments Emma Norton * Asked for $15,000 �` Now Functioning as overflow shelter for small families. * Operates half of overall program as transitional housing. * Is not seen as a high budget Program - Funding request is supplementary. * Medium size program serves 30 people Episcopal * Asked for $15,000 Community * To assist families facing eviction Services * Ail other sources haue been exhausted * Funds may be used for deposit or first months rent * Families given a loan and stresses Home of the Good Shepard (Rose Center) the importance to repay the loan which is valuable in establishing credit. * Asked for $22,052 * Transitional Housing * Target population, young women ages, 18-23 yrs old. To assist them in finding a stable, self-reliant lifestyle. * Small program serves 8 women Fundine Recommended $10,000 $15,000 $ 5,000 FI:\USERS�RICE\W PFILES�ESCflTESGNOTES. W PD a'1-�1� ]997 ESG notes Page 3 Proposal Comments Joseph's Coat * Asked for $6,000 * A consensus unportant service to the City's poor. Well run on shoe string budget with high level of volunteer help. * Coats and other winter items given to low income individuals and families Listening House * Asked for $20,000 * An important 1 on 1 interaction atmosphere for many of the alienated homeless. * Bilinguai services. * Only downtown mu•furing ahnosphere. Safe House Lutheran Social Service Saint Paul Foundation Community Sharing Fund * Asked for $22,000 * Only self referral teen shelter * Limited number of youth = 6 * Asked for $30,000 * Last resort emergency funding. Fundin¢ Recommended $ 5,000 $ 14,000 $22,000 $24,902 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. WPD °l'1 -I1�G 1997 ESG notes Page a Pro os 1 SMRLS/Project Hope Comments * Asked for $16,400 * Assist homeless persons with mental illness or chemically Dependent issues. * To provide legal assistance to families for the successful return of security deposits. * Assistance in legal services on housing and public assistance issues. Theresa Living * Asked for $15,000 Center * Serves single women and women with young children. * Individualized program. * Very low budget. * Heavy use of volunteers. Twin Cities * Asked for $6,250 Community Voice * To provide homeless clients Mail and individuals in battered women's shelters needing phone answering services to access apartments and safe communications. * Reduces shelter stays West Side Health Clinic/ House Calls * Asked for $25,000 * To conduct home visits and provide prevention assistance in utility shut-offs to keep families housed in their current homes. Recommended Fundin� $ 16,400 $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESG97�ESGNOTES. WPD °►� -► a�� I997 ESG notes Page 5 Proposal Comments VJilder * Asked for $10,400 Shelter * Social Services e�ended to facility. Projecd * Run by Union Gospel Mission for women Naomi and women with young families. * 2.5 : 1 ratio of matching. * Funding to ESG request - need for services is undeniable. Wilder * Asked for $10,300 Shelter * Social Services ea�tended to facility. SRO * Crisis interoention * Stabilize lifestyles of persons at risk. YWCA * Asked for $30,000 Most comprehensive Transitional Housing Program in the City. * Has steady funding stream with State ESG, United Way and HUD directly. * Largest transitional housing program Total of recommended grants Funds available for grants: 1996 reallocation 1997 cycle Sub total available for grants City Administration fee 1997 cycle Total of recommendations and admiuisiration fees $ 13,751.55 255.550.00 $269,301.55 $ 13,450.00 $282,751.55 Recommended Funaing $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $25,000 $269,301.55 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFII.ES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. W PD °t� -►�`� 1997 ESG notes Page 6 Emergency Shelter Grant Request that were not funded per the committee recommendations: Proposal Comments Casa de * Asked for $20,000 Esperanza * Operations request are not considered for these programs because of their secure funding through DOC. Face to Face * Asked for $30,000 Safe Zone * A safe waidng space for youth that are homeless or runaway. * Not funded because funding has come from other sources. Home INC. * Asked for $20,000 * To assist African American males in building a Transitional Housing Program in conjunction with Habitax for Humanity. * Not funded because program does not have sight control. Possible funding if there is any fall out money. Model Cities * Asked for $15,000 * To assist chemically dependant persons in housing, education and homeless Intervention services * Not funded but referred to another source for full funding New Beginning Center Hands Up * Asked for 11,562 * To provide a food shelf for homeless and persons affected by New welfare reform. * Not funded because shelter is not in this proposal H:\USERSV2ICE\W PFILES�ESG9TESGNOTES. WPD Council File # . � a Gree� Sheet # 60175 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: Committee: Date 1� � WHEREAS, on 7anuary 12, 1�188 Saint Paul City Council approved procedure for re-allocation of z Emergency Sheker Crrant Funds given to the City by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban a Development (HLTD) (director enfitlement funds); and 4 s P/I�EREAS, the City Council authorized use of this same procedure to determine which nonprofit s organizations to recommend for funding under the State of Minneosta's Emergency Shelter Grant � program; and e s WHEREAS, there aze funds available from HiJD in the 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant cycle as well io as unspent funds from the 1996 cycle; and ,i ,z WI-IEREAS, from July 15, 1997 through September I5, 1997 a review of funding requests was conducted �a in accordance with the approved procedure by the Emergency Shelter Grant Review Team and the ia following recommendations for funding were made: +s �s Ain Dah Yung n Catholic Chazities Family Shelter ia Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse ,s Catholic Charities Safe Waiting zo Emma Norton z� Episcopal Community Service zz Home of the Good Sheperd za Josephs Coat za Listening House ze Lutheran Social Services (Safehouse) ze SMRLS/Project Hope z7 St. Paul Foundation (Reallocation of 1996 ESG Funds) za St. Paui Foundation zs Theresa Living Center ao Twin City Community Voicemail a� West Side Health Clinic az Wilder Family Service sa Wilder - SRO aa YWCA 7,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 16,400.00 13,751.55 11,150.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 25,0�O.�Q 10,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 � as NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the CiTy of St. Paul hereby accepts a� and approves these recommendations for expenditure of Emergency Shelter Grant funds; and be it � as FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council autharizes the appropriate CiTy staff to enter into the ao contracts with the above organizations in accordance with state and federal regulations; and be it ai az FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that upon the recommendaUon of the Mayor, the City Council adopts the attached aa changes to the 1997 budget. 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENT- EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM SPENDING PLAN Agency Name Unspecfied Contingency Ramsey Co Safe Waiting Spaces Adminisfrafion: Joseph's Coat Theresa Living Center Saint Paut Housing infarmation Office Essential Services: SMRLS/Project Hope Wilder Operating & Maintenance: Ain Dah Young Catholic Charities Family Shelter Catholic Charities Safe Waiting Emma Norton Episcopal Community Services Fiome of the Good Shepered Listening House Lutheren Social Services (Safe House) TwinCity Community Voicemail Wiider (SRO) YN/CA AccountCode P6 100-39290-0547-61999 P6 100-39290-0547-61610 P6 'I 00-39290-0547-00563 PS 100-39290-0547-00564 P6100-39290-0547-00565 P6 1��-39290-0547-00566 P6 10039290-�547-00567 P6 100-39290-0547-00582 P6 10039290-0547-00569 P6 100-39290-0547-00570 P6 100-39290-0547-00571 P6 100-39290-0547-00572 P6 100-39290-0547-00573 P6 100-39290-0547-00574 P6 100-39290-0547-00575 P6 100-39290-0547-00576 PS 100-39290-0547-00577 P6 100-39290-0547-00578 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 q� -1 lG G Amended Chanae Budaet (269,000.00) 0.00 (13,751.55) 26,248.45 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,450.00 13,450.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 7,000.0� 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 7,0��.�0 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 Preventive Services Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse P6 1�039290-0547-00579 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-3929�-0547-0�580 0.00 11,150.00 11,150.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-39290-0547-61613 23,200.00 13,751.55 36,951.55 West Side Health Clinic P6 100-39290-0547-00581 0.00 25,000.0� 25,000.00 332,200.00 0.00 332,200.00 Requested by Department of: � �� Saint Paul Housina Information O�ce Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Net Increase Approved by Mayor: Date p a�Z L!4 '� B ��✓v��. BY: Steve Rice Approvai Recomme ded by Budget Director: By: dl°'` � Form Approved by Ci mey� BY: + � l �� �- Approved by Mayor r S� is on o cil: By: Current Budaet 269,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 O.OQ Adopted by Council: Date _("�___,� �� l q q� � Housing Information Office October 10, 1997 � 9/24/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET q�-�a`G No 60175 U ucr�r ow[cra �•v - u anmu�n _ �arc�noaEr� ❑arvctauc � wYwrytamxeFa ❑ n�wo��adm�ce,o 0 � ❑ w���� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .....�..,,...,...,.. �S� CEro+u-Ger,cyS�telt�+ Approval of Grants recommended by Review Committee. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMflTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ESG Review HUD McKinney Funds Has this ceB�rm eves workea under a conf�act forthis decertmerit? YES NO Has tM8 P�a�rm evet been a atY emDbYce9 YES NO Does this persoMrm poasess a sldll not m�maltypossessed by a�ry wrteM city employee? YES NO Is thie persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYt YES NO Gain all v� answe�s on senarate sheet aM altach W afeen sheet . Increased and on-going services to the homeless and near homeless. ����4 �°� a ��T � 1997 None Reduction in existing services. . AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S��- � ��) NoSOURCE NITD MoKinne� RS(: W. MFORMATION (IXPWN) �._.. COST/REVENUE BUpGETm (GRCLE ONE� � YES 1 NO `_'"/ ACTNI7YNUMBER P 100-39290-0547-XXYXX HOUSING INFORMATIOI3 OFFICE Steve Rice, Acting Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrm CoTeman, Mayor September 26, 1997 To: Saint Paul City Council From: Steve Rice � I50 Ciry Ha[I Annex 25 Wesf Fourfh Streef SainlPaul,Minnesom 55702 Subject: Emergency Shelter Cnaut Program for 1997 �['1 -13.Gf Telephone: 612-266-6000 Facsimile: 612-29&5054 A Request for Proposal per City Council instructions established in 1985, has resulted in the submission for recommendations to allocate HUD funding for Emergency Shelters. Requests were mailed to sixty.three agencies and advertised in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. We received twenty-four proposals. Recommendations of the selection committee are listed below along with a brief summary of all grant requests submitted. Persons in attendance Margaret Demko Ron Ross Ron Elwood Mary Nelson Dick Faricy Jeanne Katz Steve Rice Darreli Spears MHFA PED Ramsey County Ramsey County Downtown Business Person, Architect United Way Housing Information Office Housing Information Office The committee used the following criteria in choosing the Grant Recipients for the 1997 funding cycle. A. Rank organizations according to importance of service 1. Single Men (Largest Population served) 2. Prevention services 3. Number of beds a. Emergency Services b. Transitional Housing Beds c. Youth beds PAGE TWO Committee Recoznmendarions �I�-1a�6 4. Transitional Housing Services 5. To reallocate unspent 1996 funds in this cycle of funding B. Money left to give considerafion of material services, i.e.,: clothing, furniture. C. Not to give more money than requested. D. To go through the list consider renewal funding from last year and evaluate if any should be rejected. E. Create a list of those unlikely to get funding for a number of reasons. 1. How the money was to be allocated? 2. Was the program up and running? 3. Track record of the organization making the request F. Allocate remaining funds according to level of request made, percentage of market served and successful operation of programs in the past. a� - � aG� 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant Program Funds And 1996 Emergency Shelter Grant Reallocation of Unspent Funds The attached resolution takes two actions. It recommends the realloca6on of unspent funds totaling 13,751.55 from the 1996 ESG cycle, and it makes recoxnmendations for the 1997 grant cycle. 1996 Grant funds to be reallocated 1997 Crrants funds to be allocated City aduiiuistration fee (1997) $ 13,751.55 $ 255,550.00 $ 13,450.00 Total funds afFected by the resolution $ 282, 751.55 Proposal Comments Ain Dah Yung * Asked for $10,000 * Funded last year good pxogram for youth * Strong other funding sources Catholic Chazities Family Shelter Catholic Chazities: Furnihue Catholic Charities: Safe Waiting * Asked for $42,000 * Already funded by County on per diem contract. * Largest request * Lazgest provider - 55 beds * Asked for $15,000 to operate a furniture warehouse and free moving service - moving service partially operating at present. * Demand exceeds ability to help. * Flexible in category of request - e.g. Operations vs Essential Service. Fundine Recommended $7,000 $30,000 $ 5,000 * Asked for $30,000 $30,000 * Shelter space of last resort for homeless men. * Provides flexible response to winter needs * No other funding availabie. H:\USERS�RICE�W PFILES�fiSG9TESGNOTES. W PD q� - 1z66 1997 ESG notes Page 2 Proposal Comments Emma Norton * Asked for $15,000 �` Now Functioning as overflow shelter for small families. * Operates half of overall program as transitional housing. * Is not seen as a high budget Program - Funding request is supplementary. * Medium size program serves 30 people Episcopal * Asked for $15,000 Community * To assist families facing eviction Services * Ail other sources haue been exhausted * Funds may be used for deposit or first months rent * Families given a loan and stresses Home of the Good Shepard (Rose Center) the importance to repay the loan which is valuable in establishing credit. * Asked for $22,052 * Transitional Housing * Target population, young women ages, 18-23 yrs old. To assist them in finding a stable, self-reliant lifestyle. * Small program serves 8 women Fundine Recommended $10,000 $15,000 $ 5,000 FI:\USERS�RICE\W PFILES�ESCflTESGNOTES. W PD a'1-�1� ]997 ESG notes Page 3 Proposal Comments Joseph's Coat * Asked for $6,000 * A consensus unportant service to the City's poor. Well run on shoe string budget with high level of volunteer help. * Coats and other winter items given to low income individuals and families Listening House * Asked for $20,000 * An important 1 on 1 interaction atmosphere for many of the alienated homeless. * Bilinguai services. * Only downtown mu•furing ahnosphere. Safe House Lutheran Social Service Saint Paul Foundation Community Sharing Fund * Asked for $22,000 * Only self referral teen shelter * Limited number of youth = 6 * Asked for $30,000 * Last resort emergency funding. Fundin¢ Recommended $ 5,000 $ 14,000 $22,000 $24,902 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. WPD °l'1 -I1�G 1997 ESG notes Page a Pro os 1 SMRLS/Project Hope Comments * Asked for $16,400 * Assist homeless persons with mental illness or chemically Dependent issues. * To provide legal assistance to families for the successful return of security deposits. * Assistance in legal services on housing and public assistance issues. Theresa Living * Asked for $15,000 Center * Serves single women and women with young children. * Individualized program. * Very low budget. * Heavy use of volunteers. Twin Cities * Asked for $6,250 Community Voice * To provide homeless clients Mail and individuals in battered women's shelters needing phone answering services to access apartments and safe communications. * Reduces shelter stays West Side Health Clinic/ House Calls * Asked for $25,000 * To conduct home visits and provide prevention assistance in utility shut-offs to keep families housed in their current homes. Recommended Fundin� $ 16,400 $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESG97�ESGNOTES. WPD °►� -► a�� I997 ESG notes Page 5 Proposal Comments VJilder * Asked for $10,400 Shelter * Social Services e�ended to facility. Projecd * Run by Union Gospel Mission for women Naomi and women with young families. * 2.5 : 1 ratio of matching. * Funding to ESG request - need for services is undeniable. Wilder * Asked for $10,300 Shelter * Social Services ea�tended to facility. SRO * Crisis interoention * Stabilize lifestyles of persons at risk. YWCA * Asked for $30,000 Most comprehensive Transitional Housing Program in the City. * Has steady funding stream with State ESG, United Way and HUD directly. * Largest transitional housing program Total of recommended grants Funds available for grants: 1996 reallocation 1997 cycle Sub total available for grants City Administration fee 1997 cycle Total of recommendations and admiuisiration fees $ 13,751.55 255.550.00 $269,301.55 $ 13,450.00 $282,751.55 Recommended Funaing $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $25,000 $269,301.55 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFII.ES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. W PD °t� -►�`� 1997 ESG notes Page 6 Emergency Shelter Grant Request that were not funded per the committee recommendations: Proposal Comments Casa de * Asked for $20,000 Esperanza * Operations request are not considered for these programs because of their secure funding through DOC. Face to Face * Asked for $30,000 Safe Zone * A safe waidng space for youth that are homeless or runaway. * Not funded because funding has come from other sources. Home INC. * Asked for $20,000 * To assist African American males in building a Transitional Housing Program in conjunction with Habitax for Humanity. * Not funded because program does not have sight control. Possible funding if there is any fall out money. Model Cities * Asked for $15,000 * To assist chemically dependant persons in housing, education and homeless Intervention services * Not funded but referred to another source for full funding New Beginning Center Hands Up * Asked for 11,562 * To provide a food shelf for homeless and persons affected by New welfare reform. * Not funded because shelter is not in this proposal H:\USERSV2ICE\W PFILES�ESG9TESGNOTES. WPD Council File # . � a Gree� Sheet # 60175 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: Committee: Date 1� � WHEREAS, on 7anuary 12, 1�188 Saint Paul City Council approved procedure for re-allocation of z Emergency Sheker Crrant Funds given to the City by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban a Development (HLTD) (director enfitlement funds); and 4 s P/I�EREAS, the City Council authorized use of this same procedure to determine which nonprofit s organizations to recommend for funding under the State of Minneosta's Emergency Shelter Grant � program; and e s WHEREAS, there aze funds available from HiJD in the 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant cycle as well io as unspent funds from the 1996 cycle; and ,i ,z WI-IEREAS, from July 15, 1997 through September I5, 1997 a review of funding requests was conducted �a in accordance with the approved procedure by the Emergency Shelter Grant Review Team and the ia following recommendations for funding were made: +s �s Ain Dah Yung n Catholic Chazities Family Shelter ia Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse ,s Catholic Charities Safe Waiting zo Emma Norton z� Episcopal Community Service zz Home of the Good Sheperd za Josephs Coat za Listening House ze Lutheran Social Services (Safehouse) ze SMRLS/Project Hope z7 St. Paul Foundation (Reallocation of 1996 ESG Funds) za St. Paui Foundation zs Theresa Living Center ao Twin City Community Voicemail a� West Side Health Clinic az Wilder Family Service sa Wilder - SRO aa YWCA 7,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 16,400.00 13,751.55 11,150.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 25,0�O.�Q 10,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 � as NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the CiTy of St. Paul hereby accepts a� and approves these recommendations for expenditure of Emergency Shelter Grant funds; and be it � as FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council autharizes the appropriate CiTy staff to enter into the ao contracts with the above organizations in accordance with state and federal regulations; and be it ai az FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that upon the recommendaUon of the Mayor, the City Council adopts the attached aa changes to the 1997 budget. 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENT- EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM SPENDING PLAN Agency Name Unspecfied Contingency Ramsey Co Safe Waiting Spaces Adminisfrafion: Joseph's Coat Theresa Living Center Saint Paut Housing infarmation Office Essential Services: SMRLS/Project Hope Wilder Operating & Maintenance: Ain Dah Young Catholic Charities Family Shelter Catholic Charities Safe Waiting Emma Norton Episcopal Community Services Fiome of the Good Shepered Listening House Lutheren Social Services (Safe House) TwinCity Community Voicemail Wiider (SRO) YN/CA AccountCode P6 100-39290-0547-61999 P6 100-39290-0547-61610 P6 'I 00-39290-0547-00563 PS 100-39290-0547-00564 P6100-39290-0547-00565 P6 1��-39290-0547-00566 P6 10039290-�547-00567 P6 100-39290-0547-00582 P6 10039290-0547-00569 P6 100-39290-0547-00570 P6 100-39290-0547-00571 P6 100-39290-0547-00572 P6 100-39290-0547-00573 P6 100-39290-0547-00574 P6 100-39290-0547-00575 P6 100-39290-0547-00576 PS 100-39290-0547-00577 P6 100-39290-0547-00578 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 q� -1 lG G Amended Chanae Budaet (269,000.00) 0.00 (13,751.55) 26,248.45 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 13,450.00 13,450.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 16,400.00 10,000.00 7,000.0� 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 7,0��.�0 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 Preventive Services Catholic Charities Furniture Warehouse P6 1�039290-0547-00579 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-3929�-0547-0�580 0.00 11,150.00 11,150.00 Saint Paul Foundation P6 100-39290-0547-61613 23,200.00 13,751.55 36,951.55 West Side Health Clinic P6 100-39290-0547-00581 0.00 25,000.0� 25,000.00 332,200.00 0.00 332,200.00 Requested by Department of: � �� Saint Paul Housina Information O�ce Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Net Increase Approved by Mayor: Date p a�Z L!4 '� B ��✓v��. BY: Steve Rice Approvai Recomme ded by Budget Director: By: dl°'` � Form Approved by Ci mey� BY: + � l �� �- Approved by Mayor r S� is on o cil: By: Current Budaet 269,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 O.OQ Adopted by Council: Date _("�___,� �� l q q� � Housing Information Office October 10, 1997 � 9/24/97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET q�-�a`G No 60175 U ucr�r ow[cra �•v - u anmu�n _ �arc�noaEr� ❑arvctauc � wYwrytamxeFa ❑ n�wo��adm�ce,o 0 � ❑ w���� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .....�..,,...,...,.. �S� CEro+u-Ger,cyS�telt�+ Approval of Grants recommended by Review Committee. � PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMflTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ESG Review HUD McKinney Funds Has this ceB�rm eves workea under a conf�act forthis decertmerit? YES NO Has tM8 P�a�rm evet been a atY emDbYce9 YES NO Does this persoMrm poasess a sldll not m�maltypossessed by a�ry wrteM city employee? YES NO Is thie persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoYt YES NO Gain all v� answe�s on senarate sheet aM altach W afeen sheet . Increased and on-going services to the homeless and near homeless. ����4 �°� a ��T � 1997 None Reduction in existing services. . AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S��- � ��) NoSOURCE NITD MoKinne� RS(: W. MFORMATION (IXPWN) �._.. COST/REVENUE BUpGETm (GRCLE ONE� � YES 1 NO `_'"/ ACTNI7YNUMBER P 100-39290-0547-XXYXX HOUSING INFORMATIOI3 OFFICE Steve Rice, Acting Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOrm CoTeman, Mayor September 26, 1997 To: Saint Paul City Council From: Steve Rice � I50 Ciry Ha[I Annex 25 Wesf Fourfh Streef SainlPaul,Minnesom 55702 Subject: Emergency Shelter Cnaut Program for 1997 �['1 -13.Gf Telephone: 612-266-6000 Facsimile: 612-29&5054 A Request for Proposal per City Council instructions established in 1985, has resulted in the submission for recommendations to allocate HUD funding for Emergency Shelters. Requests were mailed to sixty.three agencies and advertised in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. We received twenty-four proposals. Recommendations of the selection committee are listed below along with a brief summary of all grant requests submitted. Persons in attendance Margaret Demko Ron Ross Ron Elwood Mary Nelson Dick Faricy Jeanne Katz Steve Rice Darreli Spears MHFA PED Ramsey County Ramsey County Downtown Business Person, Architect United Way Housing Information Office Housing Information Office The committee used the following criteria in choosing the Grant Recipients for the 1997 funding cycle. A. Rank organizations according to importance of service 1. Single Men (Largest Population served) 2. Prevention services 3. Number of beds a. Emergency Services b. Transitional Housing Beds c. Youth beds PAGE TWO Committee Recoznmendarions �I�-1a�6 4. Transitional Housing Services 5. To reallocate unspent 1996 funds in this cycle of funding B. Money left to give considerafion of material services, i.e.,: clothing, furniture. C. Not to give more money than requested. D. To go through the list consider renewal funding from last year and evaluate if any should be rejected. E. Create a list of those unlikely to get funding for a number of reasons. 1. How the money was to be allocated? 2. Was the program up and running? 3. Track record of the organization making the request F. Allocate remaining funds according to level of request made, percentage of market served and successful operation of programs in the past. a� - � aG� 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant Program Funds And 1996 Emergency Shelter Grant Reallocation of Unspent Funds The attached resolution takes two actions. It recommends the realloca6on of unspent funds totaling 13,751.55 from the 1996 ESG cycle, and it makes recoxnmendations for the 1997 grant cycle. 1996 Grant funds to be reallocated 1997 Crrants funds to be allocated City aduiiuistration fee (1997) $ 13,751.55 $ 255,550.00 $ 13,450.00 Total funds afFected by the resolution $ 282, 751.55 Proposal Comments Ain Dah Yung * Asked for $10,000 * Funded last year good pxogram for youth * Strong other funding sources Catholic Chazities Family Shelter Catholic Chazities: Furnihue Catholic Charities: Safe Waiting * Asked for $42,000 * Already funded by County on per diem contract. * Largest request * Lazgest provider - 55 beds * Asked for $15,000 to operate a furniture warehouse and free moving service - moving service partially operating at present. * Demand exceeds ability to help. * Flexible in category of request - e.g. Operations vs Essential Service. Fundine Recommended $7,000 $30,000 $ 5,000 * Asked for $30,000 $30,000 * Shelter space of last resort for homeless men. * Provides flexible response to winter needs * No other funding availabie. H:\USERS�RICE�W PFILES�fiSG9TESGNOTES. W PD q� - 1z66 1997 ESG notes Page 2 Proposal Comments Emma Norton * Asked for $15,000 �` Now Functioning as overflow shelter for small families. * Operates half of overall program as transitional housing. * Is not seen as a high budget Program - Funding request is supplementary. * Medium size program serves 30 people Episcopal * Asked for $15,000 Community * To assist families facing eviction Services * Ail other sources haue been exhausted * Funds may be used for deposit or first months rent * Families given a loan and stresses Home of the Good Shepard (Rose Center) the importance to repay the loan which is valuable in establishing credit. * Asked for $22,052 * Transitional Housing * Target population, young women ages, 18-23 yrs old. To assist them in finding a stable, self-reliant lifestyle. * Small program serves 8 women Fundine Recommended $10,000 $15,000 $ 5,000 FI:\USERS�RICE\W PFILES�ESCflTESGNOTES. W PD a'1-�1� ]997 ESG notes Page 3 Proposal Comments Joseph's Coat * Asked for $6,000 * A consensus unportant service to the City's poor. Well run on shoe string budget with high level of volunteer help. * Coats and other winter items given to low income individuals and families Listening House * Asked for $20,000 * An important 1 on 1 interaction atmosphere for many of the alienated homeless. * Bilinguai services. * Only downtown mu•furing ahnosphere. Safe House Lutheran Social Service Saint Paul Foundation Community Sharing Fund * Asked for $22,000 * Only self referral teen shelter * Limited number of youth = 6 * Asked for $30,000 * Last resort emergency funding. Fundin¢ Recommended $ 5,000 $ 14,000 $22,000 $24,902 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. WPD °l'1 -I1�G 1997 ESG notes Page a Pro os 1 SMRLS/Project Hope Comments * Asked for $16,400 * Assist homeless persons with mental illness or chemically Dependent issues. * To provide legal assistance to families for the successful return of security deposits. * Assistance in legal services on housing and public assistance issues. Theresa Living * Asked for $15,000 Center * Serves single women and women with young children. * Individualized program. * Very low budget. * Heavy use of volunteers. Twin Cities * Asked for $6,250 Community Voice * To provide homeless clients Mail and individuals in battered women's shelters needing phone answering services to access apartments and safe communications. * Reduces shelter stays West Side Health Clinic/ House Calls * Asked for $25,000 * To conduct home visits and provide prevention assistance in utility shut-offs to keep families housed in their current homes. Recommended Fundin� $ 16,400 $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFILES�ESG97�ESGNOTES. WPD °►� -► a�� I997 ESG notes Page 5 Proposal Comments VJilder * Asked for $10,400 Shelter * Social Services e�ended to facility. Projecd * Run by Union Gospel Mission for women Naomi and women with young families. * 2.5 : 1 ratio of matching. * Funding to ESG request - need for services is undeniable. Wilder * Asked for $10,300 Shelter * Social Services ea�tended to facility. SRO * Crisis interoention * Stabilize lifestyles of persons at risk. YWCA * Asked for $30,000 Most comprehensive Transitional Housing Program in the City. * Has steady funding stream with State ESG, United Way and HUD directly. * Largest transitional housing program Total of recommended grants Funds available for grants: 1996 reallocation 1997 cycle Sub total available for grants City Administration fee 1997 cycle Total of recommendations and admiuisiration fees $ 13,751.55 255.550.00 $269,301.55 $ 13,450.00 $282,751.55 Recommended Funaing $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $25,000 $269,301.55 H:\USERS�RICE\WPFII.ES�ESCfl7�ESGNOTES. W PD °t� -►�`� 1997 ESG notes Page 6 Emergency Shelter Grant Request that were not funded per the committee recommendations: Proposal Comments Casa de * Asked for $20,000 Esperanza * Operations request are not considered for these programs because of their secure funding through DOC. Face to Face * Asked for $30,000 Safe Zone * A safe waidng space for youth that are homeless or runaway. * Not funded because funding has come from other sources. Home INC. * Asked for $20,000 * To assist African American males in building a Transitional Housing Program in conjunction with Habitax for Humanity. * Not funded because program does not have sight control. Possible funding if there is any fall out money. Model Cities * Asked for $15,000 * To assist chemically dependant persons in housing, education and homeless Intervention services * Not funded but referred to another source for full funding New Beginning Center Hands Up * Asked for 11,562 * To provide a food shelf for homeless and persons affected by New welfare reform. * Not funded because shelter is not in this proposal H:\USERSV2ICE\W PFILES�ESG9TESGNOTES. WPD