97-1265Council File # �1 � \lL�i_5 Green Sheet # �� �.3�0 r�:���� Fl;� ;�- ����E�...�. ,� Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 s 6 RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in the Spring of 1997, passed an employment program called the )ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Supplemental Program; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and ,� 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the )TPA Supplemental Program will provide employment and training io services to unemployed Saint Paul residents facing significant barriers to becoming i i gainfuliy employed; and 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 zo zi 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 3� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on July 29, 1997 has allocated $75,981 in JTPA Supplemental funds to provide services for 25 City residents for the period of )uly 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the JTPA Supplemental Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to sedion 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for apgropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and `t'1-11G5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANClNG PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 36531 State Supplemental Program 3 45 7-6 709 7 Job Training Partnership Ad Current Amended Budget Chan�es Bud�et 0 75,981 75,981 $0 $75,981 $75,981 SPENDING PLAN 43 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 44 36531 State Supplemental Program 45 0547-67097 Payment to Subcontractors 0 65,981 65,981 46 0558-67097 Transfer to PED Operating Fund 0 10.000 10,000 47 NET CHANGE $0 $75,981 $75,981 48 49 so RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. s� 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Office of Financial Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED :�.�. � � �•- � • �� 1 BY= �,� �� �p��.vk-t__ _ sy: 1 �J4 . (�'� Approved by Mayor: Date f�� Appro d by Ma or for ubmi� to Council By: � By: i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Foxm Approved by City Attorney I GREEN SH � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR j� C�T' ATTORNEV � � �BUWETOIRECTQR�_�� � n MAYOR (OR AS515TAN'n �Q T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES OYIe (1) (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj N°_ 51836 q� -� a�s INRIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL � piY CLERK � PIN. & MGT SEPVICES OIR. � .Ta�mii Rh� Sicyiature on attached City Council Kesolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accepf �75,981 from the State of Minuesota to assist unemptoyed city residents through the JTPA Adult Supplementah � _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ __ GIB COMMITTEE ,_ . _ STAFf _ . _ DISTRICT COURT _ . suvPOr,ss wN�cH counica oa�crivea PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS kUST ANSWER THE fOILOWMG QUES710NS: 1. Has Ynis person/Firm ever worke0 under a contract for this Oepartmentt YES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sklll not norma�ry possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes anawera on separate ahaet antl attaeh to green sheet The City of Saint Paul has been awarded �75,981 of State Supplemental funding to provide Employment and 1Yaining services to Z5 city residents that face significant bamers to becoming gainfully employed at a liveable wage. The period of funding is from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. 'Pv✓enty-five (25) city residents will benefit from the opporLunity to receive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. DISA�VANTAGES IK lYone. t�cr 3 �a ; � � '�53�°,�� ,�'�1 �d'i$tP ��,' °l i��7 IF NOT APPflOVED' These city residents will no���he services necessary far successful entry into the Saint Paul labor market. � � � �� ��Y��'� t�rF1C TAL AMOUNT OP TAANSACTION S � GOSTBEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO f iDl(dG SOURCE .SI"LiYP Sl�il�]IPYY7P.T1}'AI Ci1'PIYI�'. ACTIVITY NUMBER �� �NC�0.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Workforce Preparation Branch July 29, 1997 �} y�•�acs �,�,i � �. Minnesota Department of i Economic Security �� �, i � �,Lf i L ,,. � 390 North Robert Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �` �1,�� 612-296-0928 • TTY/TDD (612) 296-2796 • FAX (612) 296-5745 n�}�L Jacqui Shoholm, Program Administrator City of St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development Workforce Development Programs 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55012 Dear Ms. Shoholm: ,T ��� ( ��� t w�RKF�RCf� � j3�� SEC��N �OP�yF�t Thank you for your recent submittal of your JTPA Supplemental Program Pian ($75,981). We are approving the plan and giving it GRANT #71101ST. The program is to be carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued on June 27, 1997. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 612-296-6073. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, , ���� �'�� Larry Eisenstadt Employment and Training Program Coordinator LE:tlg Attachment. cc: Jim Korkki Maria Costilla Steve Hine Joanne 8eaudry Jean Fast • Helping Minnesotans he/p ihemse/ves ach/eve economic security • AN EQUALOPPORTUNIN EMPLOYEP WHO VALUES DIVERSIN ES41G (ES-0Ot3�-03) Recycletl paper wr,n y mir.—_ of 10 percent postconsumer .ves�e DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT 9'3-�a�s Sn1NT PAVL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Norm Coleman, Mayor July 25, 1997 Mr. Larry Eisenstadt, JTPA Program Coordinator Minnesota Department of Economic Security VJorkforce Preparation Branch 390 North Robert 5treet Saini Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Larry: Enclosed for your review is the City of Saint PauilSDA #11's PY'97 JTPA Supptemental Program ParticipantandBudget Plans_ If you have any questions please contad Wayne Young at 266-6659. /� .,���l�l����E�' � �/ af�ui .�olm `�Program Administrator Sincerely, )LS/jkw Enc. Worl.force Development Progrmns 25 West FounH Sveet Saint Paul, MNSSIO2 7elephone: 6T2-266-6555 Faaimrle: 611-228d314 cc: Wayne Young PY 97 PARTICfPANT PLAN JfPA SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit by Jufy 25 SDA #11. C+ty of Saint Paui q �_tia�s NUMBEft PERCEiJTAGE OF TOTAL T07AL TO BE SERVED 25 �00% GENDER MALE 12 48% FEMALE 13 52% RACE/ETHNIC GROUP WFiITE 4 16% AFRO-AMERICAN 70 40% HtSPAN{C 4 16°!0 AMERICAN INDIAN 2 8% " ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER 5 20% AGE Under Age 18 0 �°fo 18-21 0 0°l0 22-39 14 56% 40-54 8 32% 55+ 3 12°/a OTHER BARRIERS TO BASIC SKILLS DEFICIENT 20 80% EMP�OYMENT (CAN BE MORE THAN ONE) SCHOOL DROPOUTS 10 40°!0 OFFENDERS/EX- 10 40% OFEENDERS 1NDIVIDUALS WI7H 8 32°l0 DISABILfT1ES HOMELESS 4 �6% OTHER (IDENTIFY) ./ ��/ 1 �� /.� � �ti� ► � *�' 4 ' � � � ( A.T.E} PY 97 BUDGET PLAN JTPA.SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit b� July 25,1997 SDA #11" City of Saint Paul THE BUDGET PLAN IS TO REFLECT CUMULATIVE EXPENDhTURES ��.�a45 Q7R 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 COST TOTAL 0701/97- 10/01/97- 01/01/98- 04/01/98- CATEGORY AVAILABLE 09/30/97 12/31/97 03/31198 06/30/98 ADMiN 15,100 1,000 7,�00 11,�100 15,100 (20% LIMI� TRAINING RELATED AIJD ZZ $81 2,500 11,400 17,700 22,881 SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECT TR.4INING 38,00a. 5,000 19,QOQ. 28,500 38,OA0 (5�°la MIN� TOTAL $75,981 $8,500 $38,000 $57,000 $75,981 . �. �z �2��-L'�z— �IRECTOR'S SIGNATURE) � � /` ! (DATE) Council File # �1 � \lL�i_5 Green Sheet # �� �.3�0 r�:���� Fl;� ;�- ����E�...�. ,� Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 s 6 RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in the Spring of 1997, passed an employment program called the )ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Supplemental Program; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and ,� 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the )TPA Supplemental Program will provide employment and training io services to unemployed Saint Paul residents facing significant barriers to becoming i i gainfuliy employed; and 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 zo zi 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 3� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on July 29, 1997 has allocated $75,981 in JTPA Supplemental funds to provide services for 25 City residents for the period of )uly 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the JTPA Supplemental Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to sedion 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for apgropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and `t'1-11G5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANClNG PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 36531 State Supplemental Program 3 45 7-6 709 7 Job Training Partnership Ad Current Amended Budget Chan�es Bud�et 0 75,981 75,981 $0 $75,981 $75,981 SPENDING PLAN 43 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 44 36531 State Supplemental Program 45 0547-67097 Payment to Subcontractors 0 65,981 65,981 46 0558-67097 Transfer to PED Operating Fund 0 10.000 10,000 47 NET CHANGE $0 $75,981 $75,981 48 49 so RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. s� 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Office of Financial Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED :�.�. � � �•- � • �� 1 BY= �,� �� �p��.vk-t__ _ sy: 1 �J4 . (�'� Approved by Mayor: Date f�� Appro d by Ma or for ubmi� to Council By: � By: i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Foxm Approved by City Attorney I GREEN SH � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR j� C�T' ATTORNEV � � �BUWETOIRECTQR�_�� � n MAYOR (OR AS515TAN'n �Q T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES OYIe (1) (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj N°_ 51836 q� -� a�s INRIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL � piY CLERK � PIN. & MGT SEPVICES OIR. � .Ta�mii Rh� Sicyiature on attached City Council Kesolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accepf �75,981 from the State of Minuesota to assist unemptoyed city residents through the JTPA Adult Supplementah � _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ __ GIB COMMITTEE ,_ . _ STAFf _ . _ DISTRICT COURT _ . suvPOr,ss wN�cH counica oa�crivea PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS kUST ANSWER THE fOILOWMG QUES710NS: 1. Has Ynis person/Firm ever worke0 under a contract for this Oepartmentt YES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sklll not norma�ry possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes anawera on separate ahaet antl attaeh to green sheet The City of Saint Paul has been awarded �75,981 of State Supplemental funding to provide Employment and 1Yaining services to Z5 city residents that face significant bamers to becoming gainfully employed at a liveable wage. The period of funding is from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. 'Pv✓enty-five (25) city residents will benefit from the opporLunity to receive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. DISA�VANTAGES IK lYone. t�cr 3 �a ; � � '�53�°,�� ,�'�1 �d'i$tP ��,' °l i��7 IF NOT APPflOVED' These city residents will no���he services necessary far successful entry into the Saint Paul labor market. � � � �� ��Y��'� t�rF1C TAL AMOUNT OP TAANSACTION S � GOSTBEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO f iDl(dG SOURCE .SI"LiYP Sl�il�]IPYY7P.T1}'AI Ci1'PIYI�'. ACTIVITY NUMBER �� �NC�0.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Workforce Preparation Branch July 29, 1997 �} y�•�acs �,�,i � �. Minnesota Department of i Economic Security �� �, i � �,Lf i L ,,. � 390 North Robert Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �` �1,�� 612-296-0928 • TTY/TDD (612) 296-2796 • FAX (612) 296-5745 n�}�L Jacqui Shoholm, Program Administrator City of St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development Workforce Development Programs 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55012 Dear Ms. Shoholm: ,T ��� ( ��� t w�RKF�RCf� � j3�� SEC��N �OP�yF�t Thank you for your recent submittal of your JTPA Supplemental Program Pian ($75,981). We are approving the plan and giving it GRANT #71101ST. The program is to be carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued on June 27, 1997. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 612-296-6073. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, , ���� �'�� Larry Eisenstadt Employment and Training Program Coordinator LE:tlg Attachment. cc: Jim Korkki Maria Costilla Steve Hine Joanne 8eaudry Jean Fast • Helping Minnesotans he/p ihemse/ves ach/eve economic security • AN EQUALOPPORTUNIN EMPLOYEP WHO VALUES DIVERSIN ES41G (ES-0Ot3�-03) Recycletl paper wr,n y mir.—_ of 10 percent postconsumer .ves�e DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT 9'3-�a�s Sn1NT PAVL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Norm Coleman, Mayor July 25, 1997 Mr. Larry Eisenstadt, JTPA Program Coordinator Minnesota Department of Economic Security VJorkforce Preparation Branch 390 North Robert 5treet Saini Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Larry: Enclosed for your review is the City of Saint PauilSDA #11's PY'97 JTPA Supptemental Program ParticipantandBudget Plans_ If you have any questions please contad Wayne Young at 266-6659. /� .,���l�l����E�' � �/ af�ui .�olm `�Program Administrator Sincerely, )LS/jkw Enc. Worl.force Development Progrmns 25 West FounH Sveet Saint Paul, MNSSIO2 7elephone: 6T2-266-6555 Faaimrle: 611-228d314 cc: Wayne Young PY 97 PARTICfPANT PLAN JfPA SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit by Jufy 25 SDA #11. C+ty of Saint Paui q �_tia�s NUMBEft PERCEiJTAGE OF TOTAL T07AL TO BE SERVED 25 �00% GENDER MALE 12 48% FEMALE 13 52% RACE/ETHNIC GROUP WFiITE 4 16% AFRO-AMERICAN 70 40% HtSPAN{C 4 16°!0 AMERICAN INDIAN 2 8% " ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER 5 20% AGE Under Age 18 0 �°fo 18-21 0 0°l0 22-39 14 56% 40-54 8 32% 55+ 3 12°/a OTHER BARRIERS TO BASIC SKILLS DEFICIENT 20 80% EMP�OYMENT (CAN BE MORE THAN ONE) SCHOOL DROPOUTS 10 40°!0 OFFENDERS/EX- 10 40% OFEENDERS 1NDIVIDUALS WI7H 8 32°l0 DISABILfT1ES HOMELESS 4 �6% OTHER (IDENTIFY) ./ ��/ 1 �� /.� � �ti� ► � *�' 4 ' � � � ( A.T.E} PY 97 BUDGET PLAN JTPA.SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit b� July 25,1997 SDA #11" City of Saint Paul THE BUDGET PLAN IS TO REFLECT CUMULATIVE EXPENDhTURES ��.�a45 Q7R 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 COST TOTAL 0701/97- 10/01/97- 01/01/98- 04/01/98- CATEGORY AVAILABLE 09/30/97 12/31/97 03/31198 06/30/98 ADMiN 15,100 1,000 7,�00 11,�100 15,100 (20% LIMI� TRAINING RELATED AIJD ZZ $81 2,500 11,400 17,700 22,881 SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECT TR.4INING 38,00a. 5,000 19,QOQ. 28,500 38,OA0 (5�°la MIN� TOTAL $75,981 $8,500 $38,000 $57,000 $75,981 . �. �z �2��-L'�z— �IRECTOR'S SIGNATURE) � � /` ! (DATE) Council File # �1 � \lL�i_5 Green Sheet # �� �.3�0 r�:���� Fl;� ;�- ����E�...�. ,� Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 s 6 RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in the Spring of 1997, passed an employment program called the )ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Supplemental Program; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and ,� 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the )TPA Supplemental Program will provide employment and training io services to unemployed Saint Paul residents facing significant barriers to becoming i i gainfuliy employed; and 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 zo zi 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 3� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on July 29, 1997 has allocated $75,981 in JTPA Supplemental funds to provide services for 25 City residents for the period of )uly 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the JTPA Supplemental Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to sedion 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for apgropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and `t'1-11G5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANClNG PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 36531 State Supplemental Program 3 45 7-6 709 7 Job Training Partnership Ad Current Amended Budget Chan�es Bud�et 0 75,981 75,981 $0 $75,981 $75,981 SPENDING PLAN 43 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Program 44 36531 State Supplemental Program 45 0547-67097 Payment to Subcontractors 0 65,981 65,981 46 0558-67097 Transfer to PED Operating Fund 0 10.000 10,000 47 NET CHANGE $0 $75,981 $75,981 48 49 so RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. s� 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Office of Financial Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED :�.�. � � �•- � • �� 1 BY= �,� �� �p��.vk-t__ _ sy: 1 �J4 . (�'� Approved by Mayor: Date f�� Appro d by Ma or for ubmi� to Council By: � By: i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Foxm Approved by City Attorney I GREEN SH � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR j� C�T' ATTORNEV � � �BUWETOIRECTQR�_�� � n MAYOR (OR AS515TAN'n �Q T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES OYIe (1) (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj N°_ 51836 q� -� a�s INRIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL � piY CLERK � PIN. & MGT SEPVICES OIR. � .Ta�mii Rh� Sicyiature on attached City Council Kesolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accepf �75,981 from the State of Minuesota to assist unemptoyed city residents through the JTPA Adult Supplementah � _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ __ GIB COMMITTEE ,_ . _ STAFf _ . _ DISTRICT COURT _ . suvPOr,ss wN�cH counica oa�crivea PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS kUST ANSWER THE fOILOWMG QUES710NS: 1. Has Ynis person/Firm ever worke0 under a contract for this Oepartmentt YES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sklll not norma�ry possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes anawera on separate ahaet antl attaeh to green sheet The City of Saint Paul has been awarded �75,981 of State Supplemental funding to provide Employment and 1Yaining services to Z5 city residents that face significant bamers to becoming gainfully employed at a liveable wage. The period of funding is from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. 'Pv✓enty-five (25) city residents will benefit from the opporLunity to receive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. DISA�VANTAGES IK lYone. t�cr 3 �a ; � � '�53�°,�� ,�'�1 �d'i$tP ��,' °l i��7 IF NOT APPflOVED' These city residents will no���he services necessary far successful entry into the Saint Paul labor market. � � � �� ��Y��'� t�rF1C TAL AMOUNT OP TAANSACTION S � GOSTBEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO f iDl(dG SOURCE .SI"LiYP Sl�il�]IPYY7P.T1}'AI Ci1'PIYI�'. ACTIVITY NUMBER �� �NC�0.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Workforce Preparation Branch July 29, 1997 �} y�•�acs �,�,i � �. Minnesota Department of i Economic Security �� �, i � �,Lf i L ,,. � 390 North Robert Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �` �1,�� 612-296-0928 • TTY/TDD (612) 296-2796 • FAX (612) 296-5745 n�}�L Jacqui Shoholm, Program Administrator City of St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development Workforce Development Programs 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55012 Dear Ms. Shoholm: ,T ��� ( ��� t w�RKF�RCf� � j3�� SEC��N �OP�yF�t Thank you for your recent submittal of your JTPA Supplemental Program Pian ($75,981). We are approving the plan and giving it GRANT #71101ST. The program is to be carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued on June 27, 1997. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 612-296-6073. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, , ���� �'�� Larry Eisenstadt Employment and Training Program Coordinator LE:tlg Attachment. cc: Jim Korkki Maria Costilla Steve Hine Joanne 8eaudry Jean Fast • Helping Minnesotans he/p ihemse/ves ach/eve economic security • AN EQUALOPPORTUNIN EMPLOYEP WHO VALUES DIVERSIN ES41G (ES-0Ot3�-03) Recycletl paper wr,n y mir.—_ of 10 percent postconsumer .ves�e DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT 9'3-�a�s Sn1NT PAVL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Norm Coleman, Mayor July 25, 1997 Mr. Larry Eisenstadt, JTPA Program Coordinator Minnesota Department of Economic Security VJorkforce Preparation Branch 390 North Robert 5treet Saini Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Larry: Enclosed for your review is the City of Saint PauilSDA #11's PY'97 JTPA Supptemental Program ParticipantandBudget Plans_ If you have any questions please contad Wayne Young at 266-6659. /� .,���l�l����E�' � �/ af�ui .�olm `�Program Administrator Sincerely, )LS/jkw Enc. Worl.force Development Progrmns 25 West FounH Sveet Saint Paul, MNSSIO2 7elephone: 6T2-266-6555 Faaimrle: 611-228d314 cc: Wayne Young PY 97 PARTICfPANT PLAN JfPA SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit by Jufy 25 SDA #11. C+ty of Saint Paui q �_tia�s NUMBEft PERCEiJTAGE OF TOTAL T07AL TO BE SERVED 25 �00% GENDER MALE 12 48% FEMALE 13 52% RACE/ETHNIC GROUP WFiITE 4 16% AFRO-AMERICAN 70 40% HtSPAN{C 4 16°!0 AMERICAN INDIAN 2 8% " ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER 5 20% AGE Under Age 18 0 �°fo 18-21 0 0°l0 22-39 14 56% 40-54 8 32% 55+ 3 12°/a OTHER BARRIERS TO BASIC SKILLS DEFICIENT 20 80% EMP�OYMENT (CAN BE MORE THAN ONE) SCHOOL DROPOUTS 10 40°!0 OFFENDERS/EX- 10 40% OFEENDERS 1NDIVIDUALS WI7H 8 32°l0 DISABILfT1ES HOMELESS 4 �6% OTHER (IDENTIFY) ./ ��/ 1 �� /.� � �ti� ► � *�' 4 ' � � � ( A.T.E} PY 97 BUDGET PLAN JTPA.SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM Please submit b� July 25,1997 SDA #11" City of Saint Paul THE BUDGET PLAN IS TO REFLECT CUMULATIVE EXPENDhTURES ��.�a45 Q7R 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 COST TOTAL 0701/97- 10/01/97- 01/01/98- 04/01/98- CATEGORY AVAILABLE 09/30/97 12/31/97 03/31198 06/30/98 ADMiN 15,100 1,000 7,�00 11,�100 15,100 (20% LIMI� TRAINING RELATED AIJD ZZ $81 2,500 11,400 17,700 22,881 SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECT TR.4INING 38,00a. 5,000 19,QOQ. 28,500 38,OA0 (5�°la MIN� TOTAL $75,981 $8,500 $38,000 $57,000 $75,981 . �. �z �2��-L'�z— �IRECTOR'S SIGNATURE) � � /` ! (DATE)