97-1251Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 �.� �. , _ �; �,.; : , : _ . . . __ Presented ReferredTo __________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ib 17 18 19 ZO ?i '.2 3 4 i Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: i. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabte within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shatl be retained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel to be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, ac�ions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, negtect, or misconduet of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i Counc7 File ff °�� -+ �d�5 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9�-� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shatl within the period(s) speeified in the terms and eonditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technolo & Mana ement Services � By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �L✓I��/�i1"°n./a"S� ty: > proved��for Su�� to Council pproved b Mayor: Date !8 �/9'1—. y: �""�.. j� By: �dopted by Council: Date p,�� , g �y�j� 1do�n Certified by Council Secr�tary� �l , ti/2 `-��� POHT .:zJTHOIZITY ABLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK �� ��` DE5CRIPTIOI�I OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , Mae�S�/� 7997 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjaceni to and southeriy of Lois 13 through 20 alf inciusive, J.W. SASS GARDEN LO7S, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the OHice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now common{y known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded piat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and liss westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fife and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. ConEaining 10,020 square #eet (0.230 acres) more or Council Date: October 8, 1997 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: � 1Green Sheet Number: rzxn�rnu�scrorz! 4 r�irmvrcm n�soa�v � C �� ,�� 5 ' aawc ^onfaM Person and Phone Number: Juan Oftiz or P�er White 266885� �1��� L 39524 @ MGl. R'G'. Dfl. I90 �f SIGNA'fiSRE PAGES ALL LOCATIONS FOR -ove resolution - Petition to vacate a portion of East Ayacinth Avenue and release all easements, �t as noted in T.M.S. FIle #1997-04 N�ATTONS: APPAOVE W OHR616C! � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: rur�aoconmfl�s�oH _� srnee 1. Has die person/firm ever worked under n contrxct for tltis depnrtment? YES NO rna srnvics rn*anenox . Has this persmiltSrm e��er been a City employee? YES NO ��� . Does flus person/firn� possess a skill not nonnally possessed by any WIiICH CAUNCIL OHJECTIVE? COUNCIL WAI2D(S) S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL S 1TING PROBLFdbf, ISSOE� OPPORTUNITY (Who, W1iaC, Wlien, Where, Why?): is au unimproved street which is not mauitained by the Citp anymore - the petitioner, Id like to use this area to develop a industrial park for new business. D�P'�ilBC� NTAGES IF APPROVED: vacation will help develop a new uidustrial/business area. SEP 30 199� IF APPROVED: ��\� )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: petitioner and City would lose a much ueeded industriallbusiness AL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: �SOO.00 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED SOURCE: ,L INPORMATION: (EXPLAII� ACfIVITY NUMBER: Transaction amount is au admuiistrative fee for the vacation. / YES I�O 041-01300-2833 F�93V55SL�.� �':,'2,'?r.is..;t �.�?"z�� �.-�T ; �,,� � ..��� PORT AUTHORITY �1���'� ` ARLINGTON II�3DUSTRIAL PAAK DESCItIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , 1nay5�, �997 AI( that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lols 13 through 20 ali inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Ottice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as Easi Hyacinih Avenue, which lies easteriy of a fine drawn from the southwesteriy corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner ot Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westeriy of the westerly tine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and oi record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesofa. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or •: i , � MRY-05-1997 12�37 TRAFFIC ENG MAPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 - � - . _ N or Pafcs 1 To: Juan Orti From: Linda Dickhut Repiy to Vacation inqu,ry Co. City of St. Paul Degariment of Public 'Wor - Reat Esrate Division $p(! Cit�• Hall Ann F'ile #�04-1997 Saiut Paui, MN SS1U2 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # __ Far. # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We mr�st retain our easements within the right-of-way, We will approve this vacation, vacation subjec� to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the followiz�g reasons, we cannot agprove this vacaAOn : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � a�uC�c.e.� Rz.�x-a-cr� G���t.r�.c,��, _ �� P.01/a2 ��,��.Sl � ���C'� v - 5 - `� � 3 Date INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm cotemaa, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � �S � Stacy M. Becker, Director , a��' � ��eEit��� (i.„fo 3{W� w 4 2 � •- ! f t� .`��k� C$.T�i 1 F V{Y;C(�i(b To: Juan Ortiz Reai Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhu� Pubiic Works, Right-of-Way Division 80Q Gity Hall Annex Date: May 8, 1997 Re: File# 04-1997 Certiticate ot intended Non-Use for a portion of E. Hyacinth Ave between Jackson St. and interstate35-E A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing any utility rights retained by the Department of Pubfic Works for the vacated areas except as noted on the certificate. LD Attachments: Certificate, map ResponsiveServices • QuaZityFacilities • E'mployeePride �.� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE !� f ,��, .� THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COi3NCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation if 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated degarunent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway ad}acent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter(y of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westeriy of the westeriy line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded piat thereot on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tities in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. except as here noted: RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcei to be vacated. RECEIt/�"[� ;s � ,.:: � ? ���i 4�a.� EsrarE �ivts�a�t STA7E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Department of Public Works Its �rry �.UGi�t�EE2 �� � �� � ' �, The foregoi� inslcumrnt was ack[t�wiedged 6efore me this $% f� day of /(/J �J y , 199�, by 7��FF s f T EGGU/�( .tn� G E,c1G-�rUEE.e oe �Si f�UL �'�t/��-iG irt./o�KS ,a /Ulfl�tltc�✓'fl4 � undei the laws of t!e State of Minnesota. � . TsaF �AI.VERSON _ UNNE561A y, �rd EXPIRE5 otary Public, Ramsey aiM mnesota. �4.�j,,, 2000 � ...,...,..- v �w�----^^-� My commission exp'ves � - '� � �-00 � ** Please return this original copy to 14Q City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGT023 INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSL-D VACATED IIYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEIV'I' RIGI�TS SEH NO. A-STPPt19601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 199G o�� _las � A11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through ZO all inciusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in 8�e Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly l:nown as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the � west line of Lot 15, said J.�N. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered I.and Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Officc of the Regis[rar o( Titles in and Eor said I2amsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uNlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.0� feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or lest. � 8 ' Q ��;; � � , . „ ' "�_��--�� .. �:. y } - �,�� � - --- l 2 ---=� �°""''"_ �^ `-__' ,�_ ,,.- �.�j '. _ . �� —_.�....:— —. = : � ,— . s : � z� ; -��'„� �-. -� . �\. � . 28 ' � �9 s�b�� � .G;J,,� r.. ., �a, �,--- � , � .� 4It �� �� ,;1: ��� '„� �I' Q ; ,J; 9�� i ;t� �� %! � � � .._ / � m �// 1� `�/ i___ �+ .5 'wE s T CASi �� ,.:::: � o :::` ' � c� ��-1��-- � `J r ��= / ,\ A � �� � •. S� :; .. �. 'i� , , a`\ ,; � .��s`�� �, . . � . =�, . �� w �r. � 0 \\� � � ;. -------------�� :�. �.. � . � rn•v ,. x � ��o` >>s��D�� . �. �. �w : M1 �� I a, . � o�: 1 . r �¢�: '' '. � 10 0' � .� �i �3i ` i„ 3 a ��� �_`. .°/.;� :�� .�-rJ' I '. �'� � r ,�o..C. �y' �, ..— t M4NYL<N('� -� �--� +-. c�� ��`�a�� :�:{ , � � ; I� 1 pIt ;'. ih �� I�� \ \ � �� I .� �; � �a � , . . Departmeirt of Tech»ology and Management ,�5` s�,���� q�,� Real Estnte Divisior: 190 Ciry Hall Phar:e: (6I2) 266-883D Snint Paiil, MN 55102 Far: (612) 266-8&.i5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Colemmi, Mayor April 17 1997 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 Rc: ` ' r `' ' -" ; ;;Rclease'of Easenietits;;;;{f,04=1997 ................. ....a..,..,..n. �x :.,..c.:.,..-. .... , ....,. ,.:. .. .. .- � . . . Dcar Ms Dickhut: Port Authoritv of Saint Pauf has requestcd a waivcr of all easements in �See Attaclied Descriptiou)'x The purposc o1'this request is to Deveiop a Bus+ncss f'ark. Please execute dic enclosed certiticatc and return it to [hc Real Estate Division as addressed abovc. Sinccrcly, , _ `_ � .-�. �r�i� _., Tuan A. Ortiz Real Bstate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) � }�. S. �G-��e.�� -h,>r �Q„A Wcs� � �.z,� ���' -2 v�.{,c�r;�-t.e� �rr��. .. . JI —_------ _ - r =�� �x� tH'3�tld �Fi1Dl *� Repty to Vacation fnquiry File #04-t9S7 To: Juan Orti From: Co. Ciry of St. Paul Reat Estxte Division � ot Paga US west Commnni, 500 IQ. Carltan Manlewood. MN : � P�w� #�-sssa � rna� # � I �� �' 266-8855 F� # We have no ob}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�] We must retain aur easements withia the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Far the following reasons, we cannot approve tkzis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� RECE[VE�< a����� :i �' � � � �`:; i R�h`E ESTH7E D4t1;Si(iN g n�a �—>7-9 Date L0it0'd SS8899Z6 �1 SS£t 0£G Zt9 a9N3 1Sb3 0?J13W ?1d bS:99 G6. 0z Nflf Apr-24-97 07:32A Repty to Vacation Inqulry Fite #04-1997 To: Juan (?rt�. Ca. City of St. Paul Rea1 Estatc Division � p �t Pagcs Prom: Coutiuental Cablevisio 214 East Fourth Strec Saint Paul, MN 55101 Yhone � Fax fi P_02 �e�e �',/�� q�.11-s� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain ouc easements within the right-of-wap. We will approve this vacation, a vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . For the following reasons> we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �,�r� / �-�5,� r �� � Dacc ' i�4r'�'�"°sr'Td �iJ1Y. C.a icY.:��,l�rir � , � oe ra� 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Gille ��5� Reply to Vacation inquiry Co. Ciry of St. Paul N.S.P. - Electric Divisio a1 " Real Estate Division 825 Rice Stree File #04-1997 sa�nt rau� MN 55117 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # F� �{ 266-8855 Fazc �{ We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ . � �� Date �RY—a8-1997 16�00 FRDM CiTY OF ST PRUL �IEP To: ivan Orti: Reply to Vac�tion tnquiry Ca. Ciry of Sc. Paut Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone # 266-8$SO Fax tt 266-8$55 TD 58855 P.001 N oP Pagos 1 From: Larry Zan�.s L1EPB1dgTnspettio a/�.�\7.�i� 310 Lowry Professional BI Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 Phone �{ Fax �f We have no objections m ihis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the fallowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Dace TOTR� P.001 f � p of Pages � Reply to Vacation Inquiry rCo. ciry of st. raul { Real Estate Divisian File #04-1997 � From: David Urke Distriet Energy St. Paul, Inc District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West gellogg Boulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 297-8955 a ,,_"St Fa�c �{ 266-8855 I Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OX We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ,� DISTRICT ENERGY ST.PAUL, TNC., AfVD DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC„ HAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAUE NO OBJECTION TO TNE UACATION. —�� arrn < f L.i.Y e� � e:.. i_• . .? "` � � �.>, i: RE�.0 E� �A� � �S'ds'SiON �' � � l�/`�-o� APRIL 24 1997 DAVID L. URKE, P.E. Date PROJECT MANAGER N of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Chris Calull —l � r � S 1 � Reply to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Supr ot insPeccions Real Estate Division Department of Fire & Safe `eFIV°'^ �� Fite #Q4-1997 10(! East Eleventh Stree �� Q Saint Paul, MN 55101 ° " :z° �., Phone # 2fi6-8850 Phane � � `" "�`!-�sto Fax # 266-$$55 Fas # N We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� ��/�� Date RPR-28-199? 08:58 STP PARKS & RECRERTIDN 612 292 7A05 P.02i84 t A ar rases i [ Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �� From: Robert Aram Fife #04-1997 �o. City af St. Paul Parks & Recreatio /� �`� ` Real Estate Division 360 City Tiall Ann — f 7 Attention: John Wirka Phone # 266-885Q Phone # Fax �1 266-8855 Fa�c �l we have no objections ta this vacadon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must rerain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q ,ned �/-���s� Aate PED PLRNNI�6 DSU. TEL�9-228-3314 To: Iuan Orti From: Reply to Vacation Inqufry Co. City of St. Paut Resi Fstate Division Fite #441997 Rpr 23'97 11�27 No.OD8 P.01 iF Df Pegc9 � Mike Planning & t Gti�—! �`' t � i llth Floor City Hail Ateue Saint Faul, MN 55102 PhoneA' 266-8850 Phone � Eaic !f _ _ 2b6-8855 Fax � We have no obJections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easoments wirhin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacacion eubject to the Fol[owing condi6ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the fvltowiag reaspns, we caru�ot approve chis vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q /� � .�� :� r --�-� . Date APR 21 '97 02�11PM SPPL RDMIN To: Juan Reply to Vacation lnqulry Co. City of 3t. Paul Real Estate Division File #Od-1997 Phone # 266-8850 Fax �! 2b6-8855 !( OP pe�a8 1 From: Carole Williams Library Administratio 90 West Fow�th Strei Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 1$�'—1,17.3 P.2 We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�] Wc must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacarion, vacation subject to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] y- �i- F Date ��' �� RPR-21-1997 14:24 Repty to Vacation inquiry File #04-1997 ST PRUL PUBLIC HERLTH 512 222 2770 u of Pagcs 1 To: Juan Orti Ftom: �r� �'O� Co. City of SE. Paul Department of Public H Real Estate Division 555 Cedar Stree Caint Paul_ 117N 551fl1 # 266-8850 Phone # � � — 266-8855 Fax # �--�— t_ 7 Wehavenoob}ecrions[othisvacation ...-....•.••.•••••�••�-•-�-•••�-� We must retain our easements within the tight-of-way. We will appzove this vacation, n vacaaon snb}ect ta the fotiowing conditions: . - • • • • � � • • • - • • • - - • • � • - • • • - • For tbe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation_ . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • •❑ P.01i0i q �_ ��.51 � r �� � � Dace TOTpL P.01 APR 21 '9? 12�17PM ST PAUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT Ta: 7uan Orti: Repty to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #Q4-1997 Phone �l 266-8850 P.Z K oP Pagea 1 From: Lt. Mike Morehead ���,. S � Saint Pau1 Police Departmen 100 East Eleventh Strec Sa3nt Paul, MN 35141 Phone � We have no objecdons to this vacatian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L� We must retain our easements within ihe right of-way. We will aQprove this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ igned Date � � � To: Juan Orti; Rep{y to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone �{ 266-8850 Faic # 266-8855 x of ra 1 From: Tiw Virant iV.S.P. - Gas Distributio 825 Rice Stre� Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone # Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ i�E��1� �, .m.,� � � .� .. KEAL tS?,�2'i E �!'JI�{Oi� igned Date �/Z�F �� _ ►as1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 ff of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Bullert Co. City of St. Paul Water Utilit Real Estate Division 8 East 4th Street, Suite 20 Saint Paul. MN 55102 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fax # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections w this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � T' We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� 'gned q ���asti �!- z.7 - R'7 Date CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1-�ZS� In the Matter of Vacarion # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (5ee Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Communications STATE OF,M?NNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing 'vutwnera was ackmw)edgdl before me this 2 o t h da� of `� U n C ' 1997 by Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer , U S WEST Communications �ruc�wsof�des�oc Col orado. x �,._,:`� ' �_ � ,. . •"' ...,. My commission expin ** Pfease return this originat copy to 140 Gity Hall, S� Paul, MN 55102 ** I� Field Engineer M � CERT{FICATE OF INTENDEQ NON-USE a'�- r�s� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMSERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: RECE�!`" � `�; ��..�. Y_;;� F.�`n;= �1'l.Si�N ( r'V ��c N.S.P. - Gas Distribution STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The F�egoing instmmem was acknowledged before me this �� day of � 1997, bY �(��. ��(57��� ,the c{ hl.ac� � l'Y�S ��� .ae.ri �._� �� �p �')j�{�(� _, of NUYY^�N�..Y.r� !lX=.l!-eC `1'�e-u--e—✓" t'Af,ln'Y.4wl a �� /s 1 a....�r�r.v _ t"Co.v (D c m�der the laws of the State M Mim�esota. nnnnn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr�n.v,:�nn�r,nn x JUAN P.- CRT4Z > ��^,�`,' NOTARY -^U�'cL:C .,,,',�?A `:'. '. RP.I� OOJ_ < MyCOmm. ExA�"es 3�r. 3l, 20�� „ ryyy�nJV✓Wyy�,rpWYJWb`NY`.NV'N�J:NJV'c . � Notary Public, Ran County, ' � . M (�3/- LUan ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paut, MN 55102 ** :� CERTIFICA'TE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COL3NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL °`.�' �7'S � In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Descripdon) except as here noted: BERNARD E. GILLE N.S.P. - Electric Division Its DESIGN CQORDINATOR ������ Signature STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Tlle foregoing u�strument was acknowtedged before me this `'J � day of by of under the laws of the State of Minresda. � 1997, My couunission e�ires 17tlUti'E .�BIENI�EK NWny Public-Minnesota RsmseYCoumY **. Please return this original copy to 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��,�asi OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation 1104-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., NAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEI�'�� .-; � e �.� .. , ,;.^=:�,��,�w �=���s�a�� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Ttie foregoing instrumrn[ was aclvowledged before me this � day of �_ , 1997, bY � )`''iLLiQ.ZC�/i of �(�(L//ZL(/7 C.y[�t � � ,a u��der tffi laws of the State of Mi�mesota. c M�J�M/ W AN V�/�NJ�/v�MMMAMM/�AMn • O �. EIIEN C. THOMA ypo� �, �i�� <. �� NQTARY PUBLtC-MINN'cSOTA No[ary Public, Ramsey Cw�LLy, Minneso[a. S� RAMSEY COUNTY � My Comm. Explres Jan.31, 2000 ;/3 �/�.��� � F My wmmission expires *� Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AJ'Y/ �'�� _ 7 � r v 1 /il �� 6�� � District Energy and Cooling St. ul, Inc. � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ECEivED asl "PR 3 0 i93� RFAL ESTqtE DIViSlON In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: Saint Paul Water Utility Water Utility General Manager ,U/� J .P��f ' ( � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COIJNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) TM foregoing instrumetn was acloawledged before me this Z 5 th dyY oq Ap r i 1 by Bernie R. Bullert � General Manager 1997, M the Saint Paul Water Utility , a Municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tfie laws of lhe S[ate of Minnesota. f Al��n���n�'Y�'VIAMh'.nn,�n^N�;J.nPnP�A4nI.^"� . du-,s.; a.. �:: �_ z r �.� N4?A2Y 2t,'-iv >:; ". T " ' Notary Pub . Caurcy, Minneso[a. e��y Rnms=_r cou��n� � . � � SIY f•omm. Exokes Ss ;. ". t, ?o"o My com�itiSSi011 ¢](p'v¢s �� � � � Z� � �VV4V�!hNVA'trVV�'.:`e:'.^. ie.`, ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** r, PORT AUTHORITY , AIZLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 ����ast All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southeriy of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Off'ice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Contauung 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les� �--rnT�^ III R . � �n � • g 11; - . � r. i x �+or v�c c� O } 1j � y ^ ` . � �� . — i `� �., � � 4�O�i! Y ,.0,+„ �_ -----m fl • •a\ _ \ 14 � ��,� 27 �?. III 1 1 � / I�l m �!; Q ;: 28 ! �? 9 � O � n � �:v• � 3 Y � j l 2�- i �� •VF.:: : • , -we'sr � sr:�s r� i ; � ..._ / ��% ; c���, I -� - r'� o EAST �5 i y � r �,.u.�� � W ' / / —S1IYILL M. 6� I i �' ¢ � / � �� N1�TxoOx[� .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ��� U ��J � � ' � % TRn nvE, � cj � r ; ... � : "is.; �' � :`Y fl, ... Ll �`� _ , � ,� � , %` m N " o ' o �-` . , _ . -- - � � � / � ----------- .,�. �� - �1 . ....� .,° n t ( � l .�R, � i; ���5 ; ; ,; , ; . . _--------� �vyn . _ __-_ _ ..-.___.... Aq4 � PRoPose ' I ; � :: RREA i :+. L.. .".'�.. �', m �` °.'�',� I `� � C. � \ . ' �� \\ ' 1 ,_ ;```` '•� ' . \��`.I`-\\ . ._i y \�� TRAGT � •\'. X ��� '', ,�� �� p p N� �u,F��g : , I,:::� : I� !� � i I I I Ii I4' `` \ I F . \ I ,\ Ii � Z � (nterdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRIORITY To: All Council Members From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 Ciry Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� Subaee[�Vacate a Por£ion of Easc Hyacintti Avenue TMS File#/1997-04- I recommend a public hearing before the City Counci] be held on October 8,_1997 . The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in Ciry Council District 5, Planning District 5: cc: Fran Swanson �,`: (HyacinthPort) 9� �/,�,s/ Department of Technology and Management Services Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 ��� �� Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 ,,.- - w, , .. � ' �:::: : t�..::.. �•,. ��•� 9 �� �� Dear The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestivg this vacation and the urtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained, The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any e7cisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) ' � ��pag� � 97—i�r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 �� Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division From: �r` � Phone # 266-8850 � Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date CTI'Y OF 5AINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Maynr Apri121, 1997 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Sir: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE �,^'� 7 r Fred Owusu, CFty Clerk I70 6ry Hull Tel: 6IY266-8989 ZSW.%IlaggBoulevmd Faz: 61&266-8689 s�mr� mr:�ma ssioz w�a: rmp✓�w.�m,cgw 1DD: 266-8509 t�''GEeitS� _. q � . .. . . .� t .., - . 3_ � _ �_� � _ �, _s:���; I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey for the vacation of portions of a11 that part of East Hyacinth Avenue all that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W.Bass Garden Lots, according to the recorded plat thereof the said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the southerly ea�tension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Very truly yours, -f/Lcz.dlc.P.o -�J� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk FS dw ��i�.T���_'SiL�'i� hansmikSns � i (,�1 9? ��� � �� v. �C� �h.ecK �a. ya..i�� 21N OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, „.,...,.�ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 4ECE!��E� APR 171997 CITY CLERK Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /l,�-.�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:Vag\d-nlsn 9 � -l�3/ FAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 190� LANDMARK TOWE2S • 345 S7. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE � THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT t�ivC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL RE�E!VEC APR 17 1997 C[TY CLERK YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and alleges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: �` All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerfy extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of ?i+.lP� in 3!'.� fGi swi� Ramsey C�urty.� The proposed area to be vacated is coiored in red on ine af"ta�hEU EXhI.�',li. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fully indemnify, defend'and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages �� - lasi received or sustained by a break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Council of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respecf*uliy requests your Nonorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Its ROBERT L. BRACKEY By � its h:Uag�aj-vac q�-i�s� WHEREFORE, your Petitio�er respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1�.!-.� � ,� . ..; ROBERTL.BRACKEY By Its h:UagWj-vac c 7 - i�,.s� PORT AUTIiORITY AItLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIOI�3 OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN't RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVI5ED `.nrr nnnz All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 73 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to ihe recorded plat thereof and on fife in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westerly of the westerty Iine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and tor said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or , � ...�� � q�-ias� PORT AI3THORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK DESCRIP'TION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINI`H RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEA NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all indusive, J. W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Offiice of the Register of Deeds in and far Ramsey CounYy, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on ffie and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. Page 1 of 2 � . ( A � ` � �w ��� V�ip�3 M ���� m=�� J � ���p �Z 2 �� O < <�� � d ��m= W m 3 �T �\-�� � W W a W 2 Q � � � 2 � � U � I I N � � � ° EEI ... F w $ 4 � a � � � y, � N W � � wa a a , a r� N �Z �� a� ^ N m� �s � 2m �o �� o � O< � N „ � � w � Q OZ a � $� w � a� = Z WpZ � � ��^F LL �j ��a � W a� o w� � Q � } NC W O �' a w � � � � <ao ��� �3°-�A' 0 =�S °�� � ��� ow� p, a N Q1 _ ae � !J _ w�� ��F �=����o �� Wwm= w� WS��, �O�- � ��ZW J r ia� p + , a �O�FWOW z L � d��. ��E� Cl �, Cif � �+ 0 �, `� � � � T ZE�a� Nro ��. .� � C'O� n„�pOC Rf p; y R1 Y � .? 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A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN L015, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,Q20 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. 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N H � a� I�- � z� �� OO L� � �� �w � � U W ? �" W � Q V �J �,. "Sent'by: 7HE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09/96 4:30PM�,Jg}�,y #301;Page 115 9? -lasi DOHBRTY RUMBLE & $UTLER PROPP93fONAL AA9oCU110H z� x�a w«� r�,aoc�m so a�naonm a�.a satn t�a. asmnwo u�m�a Telep6ma (612} 29L9R1 e� <�, m�m,� wan dt�. m: MpY.. LQI T.lop6me (@7A 21tl�3335. PAX (6IZ130$8t �mrs. CR TelepAm Pa7 YR6�OC. FAX p¢A STSbap Wa�6. DC ribphms {p� 9ie+255r. RAX p6� 3D9$ISi Attorneys at Law FAX TRANSMiTTdI. SI3EET Sept�mhes 9, 1996 TO: FROM: I'ages: Rick Gierdal Saint Paul Port guthority FAX: 223-5198 Marc 7 Manderscheid Direct Daat: {612) 291-9369 5 (inciuding this cover sheet) ClieutlMatter No. 102877/11 COMII3ENT5: Transp�issioa Prohlems Cantact (61Z) 291-9416 13c iAfo(maliancoe4vbd iw thit 6cfiCU7! me»qC 1196Dri1q' PtWl�Ojtd Imd �fjA6NiW� iPkYdW Op�' Buf i�k OID 9F t�le iadiVidYd of CYtI/J' Nmad t60V0. I( �}C 1Nde[ Ofthismqsegeisnattbeida08adi'°c�R.7pyucyertypovliBedlDManyd+uem�wtroo.diMbauoarMwPS�{dl6i��v�uqwNiauiaqn°tlYl�+�kd• Iiyw4ave ttcad�ed iLi� oommcme+4oa is oner� Pleuc iwmdia�4y aM+f1'+p 67 Tde�yoae. ud roAVa dw ori�icrl mtiw`e b w N 14e abwe Baiet Panl add[sM vi� +he U.B. Pant Scrvim. ' Sent `by: THE HEIGL'S r . \\ � STATE QF MINNE5pTA Port Authority of the Cary of Saiat P'aut, A�innesota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; c� APR 15 7996 J.S. V4. 1\��yPy�� B q Dep ,�. vs. DeSoto Associate.s Limited P3rtnershiP; County of Ramseq, T��innesota; City oF Saint 1'aul, M"ssinesota, �...�-� 09/09/96 4:30PM;,j�,�fX #301;Page 2/5 �''•. 9? �fd5� DISTRICT CO'(TAT SECOND JTTAiCTAI, DISTRICT R�+pe of case: Cwtdemnatian C.ourt File No. C2-96�i3 R�CEFPT OF DEpOSIT BY piSTRICT CDURT ApMiN1S7AATOR � ��"� � . � � �...��' ;�' ' � �. IN' TT3E MATTEIi OF TEE CONDEMNATlO1V OF CERTAIN REAT, PItUl'ERTY TACATED IN THE CITY dP SAIlVT PAUL, CQLTNTY OF RAM9EY, STATS 4F MII+TNESOTA, FOR TF3� ART.1NGTaN J'ACKSON RE1lEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Z 'Thomas Boies, an afficiai in the df6ce of the District Court Administrator for Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereby couficm tl,at I rcxeived the sum af $326,900.00, in ��fynds on account for �te Pcut Authority of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a,y a ci�wsi= p�,ryuant to Minn. srac. § 117.oa2 in the above-captione� maaer in accocaance winc �he Districc courc ckder Authoriziag Payment or D�ait and Tiansfemng Title dated Pe6mary 14, 1496, which is on ' Sent°by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/� #301;Page 3(5 • - - (,'\ r� 9�—/0�..�) � file hereia. Pursuant w said Order, che titte aztd right W posses�on of the resl estate attacbed to the Petition is, withoui uatice, vested in the Peritioner. Dased this 1sZ � day of April, 1996. � ' a.--� Deputy Subsccibed and swom to before me this / � day of Agril, 2996. No f Public � . uNaa �, cax N07AflY AUH174' MfHNESOTA lRM1139296 � MPGU�iR�ae� 31� pq ''Z� � Sent �by: THE HEIGL'S ,-, � STATE OF MINNESOTA \ COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; �� Coun a^ T,tama� AUG I9 t996 J.E.3L.:+:='' ��' 6 G'y`'ry Pott Authoriry of the City of Saint PauI, Minnesota, Peutionei, vs. DeSoto Associates Limited Partnership; County of Ramsey, Minnesota; City of Saint Paul, Minnesosa, ResgQndents. 09/09/96 4:31PM;,J� #301;Page 4i5 ; . q � , 1 �S DISTRICT COURT SECOND 7iJDICIAL DISTRICT Type of case: Condemnation Court File No. C2-96-d3 ORnER AMENDIAfG lEGA� DESCRIP710N TN' THE MATTEl2 OF THE CONDEMNATION OF C�RTAIN REAL PROP£RTY LdCATED IN TFTE CZTY OF SAiI�TT FAUL, COUI�IT'Y 0� RAMSITY, STATE OF MTIVNESOTA, FOR TI�� ARLII�TGTON JACKS�N REDEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT WH�REAS, on lanuary 2, 1996, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota {the "Port Authority") filed its Pe�icion in Condemnation and Mation for Transfer of Title and Possession Under Minn. Stat. § I17.042; WHEREA$, on k'ebsuary 14, i996, the Court issued its Order Granting Petition and Appointing Commissionars; WHETi�AS, on February 15, 1996, the Court issued its Order Authorizing Payment of Degosit and Tzansfarring Title; '►X'TiET2EAS, on April 12, 199b, tha Dlstrict Court Administrator acknowledged receipt of tha deposit pursuant to Minn. Siat. § 117,042, whereby dtie and right to possession of the real estate described in che Petition was vested in the I'etitioner Post Authority; �Sent�by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/�yX #301;Page 5/5 t � . � q � , �,�..� /-"�. /". i WHEREAS, the Port Authoriry has determined that there was an error in the Iegal description for Pazcel C4, such that a one foot strip of property on two sides of Pazcel C4 was inadvertently not included within che lega! description of the property ta he taken; TI' TS �TEREBY ORA�XED that the Petition on fila in this matter, in paragraph 10, is herehy amended in that tha Iegal description for "Parcel C4" is deleted in its endrety and the foliowing legal description is subsrituted in its placc: Ait that parc of Lou 17 and 1&, 7.W. Bass' Garden Lots, lying northeastesly of the St. Paul Water Works right-of-way and sautheasterly of the Department of Natura! Resoutces trail (formerly the Soo Line Railroad and bsfore that the Wisconsin Centrat Railroad Ca, right-of-way}, all according to the plat oe file and of record in the office of the Regiscer of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. Together with a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over T_pt B Registerect Land Survey No. 267 as rccorded in Document No, 585432 of Ramsey County Ttecords. The transfer of titIe of the above-descri6eri real estate is hereby determined to have been effeczive as of Aprii 12, 1996. � Dated: August 1996 �Y THE COURT; Judge of Aiscrici Coort �� .255 Park Square Court - 4(10 Sihley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 fi12-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 Commonwealth COMMONWEALTH LAND T[TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY August 22, 1996 Mr. Tenence J. Garvey Port Authori[y� of the City of Saint °aul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1661 � Dear Mr. Garvey: R?'id7 t �^`Cit p0A>QUr�`,�pll. .. �� �� Y 96-180 Abstractor's Certificate Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as o£ August 21, 1996, a seazch of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjacentto the proposed vacauon area. (See Exhibit A attached hereto.) A1so enclosed for your convenience is our memo invoice detailing our costs. Respectfully, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ������ Robert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This report cites matters appearing in the public recozds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errors or omissions. Enclosure q7-�a� f File No. 96-180 Exhibit A Property Tax ID No. 14-29-22-43-0011 19-29-22-43-0012 19-29-22-43-0003 Fee Owner! Address Robert L. Brackey 1336 7ackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Buriington Northern Inc. 2600 Continental Plaza Building '777 Main Fort Worth, TX 76102-5330 Desota Associates P.O. Box 1�830 Sx. Panl, MN 5511'7 q � ..�o�� 1 PORT AITI'F;pRITy ARLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIdN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RTGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 Aii that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent Eo and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOT'S, according to the recarded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly knosvn as EasE Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the remrded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and Eor said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uEility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or m I (� � �f I � i�1� `. ; r.� 1v' t�-� . �"" � � ` _�-,.-. =L�_. : _"__ � �.�� ,�_ Po � �� •� �. -..._ _- = � , e f `�'a� 14 � $ N6T VAC�TEO� \ `� ���� . . �`s�� 49 ` A�c£ , ?oc ��'y�� � �ti Sw AVL.' , a w� �: � ,.._ /,)';; �� �AVE.- � �j, �Y. XYI.1 // � ° .ae�x i ' :�L-t __ - ,. .....,�/�.,/;�.. �� ;�� ��. .; M N . 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A-STPPA960I.00 �� ` ✓ C � � - REVISED SET'TEMBER 23, 199G �`� �� ���� � � a commonty known as st Hyacinth Avenue, which ties easterly of� i� - �,'�.e : , said J.W. BASS GARD£N LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fite and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tittes in and for said Itamsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING a:�d EXCLPTING therefi a perpetual casement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described��parce . ���� ��� Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. � T� -}�:e. � U y�'�� � ���� � All tltat Yart of the 33 foot wide r way adjacent to and southerly o ots 13 through 20 alI � inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN S, according to the recorded plat the of and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds ' nd for Ramsey County, Minnesota, sai 3£oot wide roadway now i 4 �� � T''=__ , .___ rJ —12 �'_'mc •_aa � >k. „ tj � y�sJU�= � ..�.. : � ., � W E's r + sr.�'a � / ' ..._ i �`:,' r ; . t�JU m `S>/�� U O' EAST � y %� -'_� �� , � ��..��.� .�^� � 6 '\ 1 Y � I� � / .. �. �p.:l '-° ... ... --'.. . .. ., ...�: " � 1! ��. — ^"9 . / . 'w r q 13`�ro � � 14_ . � �� IOT V�.C�i{D� \ : \��\.'' � � 27 : . ' I� ;': —�'—� ;— • /q ��� r. , 1 \ � �� �I� -�� ♦ �I:� i . ., , � 4�42� °o, �t' �,�, ��'',7..� `r., ., f '•' 0 m • � � 612 298 4559 P.02i02 R�-t�� L� J€i�U",��, � � � o�:: � ; , ;� � _� ^�' ��:. 10 '�� . i 1.�i ss ; � �'; L ���� r �.. `;�•• W : A �_ 3 � r� �� U � T. ... ................ .. ..: �..�,.-- _..�..-,.,., p � - - ° • �,... "---'-""'-'•-'---- �------'--' - ' ----.._....�..,, A� � 4 > i � � ��E �I � S � ������ �� `� �� I ��� � �'.. L.. s. i�o. >'E,7 0 • � �� �_' � ;, P �ao {. _. �'.. % i ' , 1 , . - ).. \ \ Q�1 ` �. � ; . .' • r . I y �: 6 \ \� 1 ` ,���/� ' I. ` T41CC� ["° • � •� 1 j �� � �.\� � �, f� .- _•...- _ ,. � � I - � �. . `� � ,` TRHR � '� �v vN I, \Ur4 �. �I� � � ,"�, `�• �.. . � , TOTRL P.02 Apr-24-97 07:32A FACSIMILE COVER SHEET CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF STa PAUL, INC. P_O1 ��� ��� To: � ��T i Z FR: l%� DT: � 1,r��i / ,� 7 , RE: ���'�IfC > �f OF PGS i�ncluding this one): 214 E. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 � ��� 't� ��-/�� 7 Office t67 2} 224-2697 x�f 2Z� Fax (612) �69� S�'�1'/� � PORT AUTHORITY , ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTIpN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 9 �'� °'t5� All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Mimiesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof ori file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les�. F " I I. -; 1 ' w � . g ll- = .4' i ...,..._ t .. � �: •. -�, __ —�ifl--� . . ±.,,�� v N' � F `� -!2""___^=r`"�_ �Q``�� _ _ � _ 4 - � , ,:� .B 1��0�4 ---- „- \' .,. , , •\ r xOT VwCdFD+ �` ;� 27 ;� e , , �� ,; �� �� �... o ' • 1 I ._I • � II' �t � ; J 28 ' , � �\-� ' f ��j a. � `�; •• � i. -'� j '�� \ � � `• y i �i I y �YO�L.S _ _ 4 _ — ' I'. 0 i � Y nfl.r . +'�w o / / 1��.�. � / m 9 / � ;. � ml % � � � �� � / �� `:" U t�; / TRA pVE� � Q i:fc.;:�� < � � m roF ° �L� � � �v ���`�'_c . ____________ pf. � ; .. ..F � ," �St� I � � I� . i �I j .___________ � _ _ _ . _ _ -i..�.�m+aA � � � _ _ _. . . _' " . � I . S � . t� ��JF,'� ' pftoPose , ; ; :. a�n � :�. �.. �. , I; �:o. ?s7 ���„ c� �� ;� . . �� I � ga `<. i , � � . ' � t � � �e ,`��\� `,1 � 1 ``\,� 1 , a����. • ��� `� .:•.. ' ...�... � .� � `: �\Q\. � TMCT .. ;� .' A 2 � `� � S N ` a..�.. � „' y l. • . � � ...... . •:� i I � ;, i ' � "�' : � �' � ,�1. � I F�. i \\�� I �I� . � II paraueu o iec o an gement rvices Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Chris Cahill Supr. of Inspections Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Deaz Mr. Cahill : Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q?-/.ti/ The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestiug tLis vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with falc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If ye�a have any q��esG�ns reg2rding this m�tter, ple?se cali Juan nrtiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, ✓�� �— l%'"�1�1-✓' °C/ ` Juan O�r 'z Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) g�- �d5� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: District Chief 2C FROM: Chris Cahill Fire Prevention FILE NO. FIN 4-1997 DATE: April 22, 1997 SUBJECT: Plan Review, Hyacinth Ave. E of Jackson Ave., see map Please review the attached plans and return your response to me by 4/28/97. Check the appropriate response listed below. If you have any questions, call me at extension 252. Is water availability sufficient? Yes _ No _ Comments: Is fire apparatus access su�cient? Yes No (minimum width 20', minimum turnaround radius inside 22', minimum radius outside 45', minimum overhead clearance 13'6", maximum grade 6%) Comments: Indicate desired fire department connection (siamese) locations on plan or space provided. (Some buildings may not actually be sprinklered) Indicate desired location of annunciator panel, other FD control switches, or Knox Box locations on pleft OI' Sp8C2 pfOVid2d. (Some or all of these devices may not be installed depending on Code requirements) Your recommendation: Approval � Denial _ What corrections could be made to change a denial recommendation: Fire Prevention Approval: Yes � No Date Fire Protection Engineer Comments: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 RECElV�� � � . .-- Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Virant: Department of Technology and Management '� servi�es q � - / � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855 '�S� �S. DIV�SION Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, C ._-- - '"" --' �� � an A. Oniz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) . , q? - �asi PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN IATS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEI'TING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 ieet of the above described parcel. Deparin►ent of Technolo� and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8$55 q? - �as� � �-� rr+� �� C!'�r, � � �;_ - _. __ _aT= i � �I`!'Si01[ � • 9°i. to•i e 1.' �i Dear Mr. Virant: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing uulity easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with far transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you wouid rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � �/ �� ��—�., / �, � -, Juan Ortiz / Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) 21TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��.,� �,,,.,,�,,,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PEfER STREEf • March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 �. ST. PAUL MI�T5a�02-1661 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTfONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: q?-r�s� FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /t.�,..�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:\regW-nlsn �,� � :,ai _� " ��� _� : �� . \', � �,:-. : �? _�o'�,$/ fAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CIN OP SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREEf • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE TO: THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT A�vC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and a0eges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the O�ce of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter�y of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tit!Ps in an� #or s�id Ramsey C�ury. The proposed area to be vacated is colored in red on ffie attache� Exhiuit. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fuily indemnify, defend�and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages q7-«.5'� received os sustained by a break in any secvice pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Councii of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of Intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable 6ody to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its ROBERTL.BRACKEY By— ldA�1� � �� Its h:lragWj-vae g? -�a�'� WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL _��i �� i `� .5�� ROBERT L. BRACKEY h:Vag�aj-vac 9 � - ��s� From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/12/97 10:03am Subject: Response/LOt SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith Juan - The Department of Public Works has no interest in purchasing this property. ------------------------------------ >Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 10:59:59 -0600 >TO: Juan Ortiz <juan.ortiz@stpaul.gov> >From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> >SUbject: Re: Vacant Lot SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith >CC: >Bcc: >X-Attachmerits: > >JUan, I doubt that Public Works has an interest in this, but just in case >I routed it to the Right-oP-Way Czar, Mr. Transportation Planner and the >Head Bridge Honcho for review and comment. As soon as I hear back from >these 3, I'll e-mail you pronto! >-------------------- »He110 Linda, Aello Mike... » »i sent a memo a couple of days ago inguiring if »any department in the City is interested in acquiring »a vacant lot located on the southeast corner of »Cherokee & Smith. » »If you have a moment, could you get back to me i£ »you think there is a chance (or no chance) that »your department may be interested in this land (if »the matter is undecided, please let me know also). » »I would like to keep track of this for citizen's group »inquiring on this matter. Thanks for you attention!!! » » » »Attachment converted: Linda:WSSNCI.WPD (.WP6/WPC2) (000077AC) > > > http://www.stpaul.gov ;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor y�- �a�1 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855 E2EGEiYED APR 21 ?��7 D.STRiCT ENERGY April 17, 1997 David i3rke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ° . . B .� .� , �.i f 1 Dear Mr. Urke: Port Authoriry of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, L , �ja ��hian A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment � � _t���r��= ..;`.. �P' � . . `'��,� �5 °z D1`,'is{O�i (E. HyacinthAv) 9�-�as� ` ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 �,.,�� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 1'7, 1997 Bernie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Street , Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Gille: � LL= ��� `� n�� � ,...�. , nEAL ES7ATE JCi�Si;N Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �� � ` Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attactunent (E. HyacinthAv) Lle�a*�ent �f TechnoIog,q � � M■•� o Real Estate Division =" �=;=° ' =� =_-• � --.. .__ � . , „ 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 • Far: - (B22) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 David Urke District Energy St. Paul, Inc. District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 .Vest Kel:ogg 8eulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��=-a=, , e': 'v,ii's -J °'�r:..- a�,� -SiaT= �4};;SiON. G17' la�u'rl F?ECE3VE� RPR 2 � ��9� D(S?tZiCT ENERGY �' B' i. 411 ' 1 B�• i l Dear Mr. Urke: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petiuon of Port Authorits of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestmg this vacation and the i�rtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. 1 would ]ike to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have anp questions regarding this matter, nlease call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � � c--- / ; � � , �, ���� /,� � � � � Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/5/97 11:07am Subject: File #04-1997/Hyacinth St vac. The Department o£ Public Works hae reviewed the above referenced vacation request and has no objections to the vacation including release of all easements, subject to the following. The City Surveyor has recommended the following legal description for the proposed vacated area: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner o£ Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the re�orded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcel to be vacated. A signed Certificate of intended Non-USe shall be forthcoming. http://www.stpaul.gov CC: miscunix.smtp("bill.cutting@stpaul.gov","peter.gal... Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services Real Estaxe Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ��.. April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West Communications 500 N. Cazlton Street Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q� -ra51 ' • P..�e. �ei'�t � �t i•' �.i'; Dear Mr. Wentz: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authorit.y of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ Tlus inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any eJCisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond.on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �` � � / Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) � � 'i Department oF Technology and Management s���� q�- ra�'1 Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West 500 N. Carltcn Street Saint Paul, MN 55119 o. .. , o . .•�t.� , g.� a� Dear Mr. Wentz: Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �--- // ` ____� Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) _ ,. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AATD MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL q?-�ast In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Its Signature STATE OF MINNF,SOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The foregoing insttucne[rt was acffiowledged before me Utis day of 1447, by ,the of , a uMer Il�e laws of the State of Mimiesota. Notary Pub(ic, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpires "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* � �.. :I ? � ; ; R��� V � � g S .... �'! • �,+� y � .... , ; :: � � C�' n � � T _�__N�" , () . u ; ; Q d z ' • � ° ui .' � •� , `.., ,� .i � a i � � ,� f �. V � , �� • r � \ i F��. P. � � , , n � �� ' , ¢ �� � � m , � � . � ( `� i � � � � i � i I i � N i =b 1 n � i � � , , i i � ; � -- - . Lo•iZi -• � � ;� J I '` =--- -_ -- ----. -_�_ _ --��---- --- ---- -- I ; h� ql � �I a e 1 V � I � � � n� n a v � n� � v � � .;. '1 I —_ I --- � --�_ � - � N .` ; --+ � ° � � � :� .�' N : / � � q . n h �� �" h b/�v � �/=' �•, I �� •�, 1 � � 9 zr I . ...'.;: bn'asa.. ' •L ��' ; / ; _... 3'�bi _ , ra� — - _ _ _ _,� g '_ G' .�' � .�.a'r.s- /� � ; // / , 1 ' '/� � , � ,, � ' -rl_� __.____ _.___:__..__. .. _-.--�_._. - - __ __.. 1 � � s� � / � I i I � • S.� J • • � .4y I I I �V � o � a � I �/I ���� Y � � d. ` � � � •...• � ^ ..... M I � i _/ �i N s �.... � ---- - �- �----- _-� - - - - ----"_'� •�-��- -�- -�. � i�� � ��j � � V ��� bd � � i�; � i �� ��� '�� '� ,, � i. , ° �� , � ```�� r= `��s �..,,, I � I � ``�.�azer-�_ i , I d :LWS3 NIVW � � u � v � f� � � ��� h 2. V Q, - I - - ----- - - - � -- I� � 1 � /; �� � �� / -c, ''I ��� � i �� � � �� ; ` / ��' / /- ,�°�� ;�'`��/ �� �� ��v ,�►/'� � O �1��� w l. ' �/ �' �� �— „ � � J a , / � U // �' ' > �/ � � -- i �i�ii , {- � . i oa Z ° •••• t•9s2 O 7 % �'r •.... OZ2.... ... . _ — �_.. — *9S'869 "'_�. . , ; •. .. , O �' 2 . Q . • • ����• . ..... .. . . .... � � ' /'� i ,' �,�J . / j �� �/ N�� , / u , r � a � / , . ; a� . ' � ---- — �� �. • "3 ' 7 a � o m n� Y O N / / '�b2 � — .CL-T�. O P � G �� N R 9 . � I � / - .O;' � i� 'i __" i ; 9�-ia�i PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTI2IAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PIZOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN'T RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Kegister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ; � , m , %; ` 4 , ; �� � = , % —_' : a <; >°'-=— w� I \ a` , „ J ;� E. . f � �\� ~`� ?[ n �� !Z_------=""e' � / �L✓� " �- ��a - _ %`� : / — -----= = = — � / o� 14 Q" ; j� \ ' , ,,, ti�:� \ \� z7 j: , , ` :� A2ea � � ... ;i� \•\\. �II m 9 � \ O \ e ' i� �J � l y ' . �\\ ,�� �s`, i�' . � ? I i O � ;� . -, ��� � i�i I : m 9 %� , , /��� ' '� � / . _ - ��_— i i rnni � r �:,.. % .... / m � � �'. L.. ��� � \\ TRACT � •�`, H �W : N !j� � iK i v ���� - � � A;n, ?�7 0 M, g" : �' .,... �..'.������ � • 6/ MCRY.'OOU � i M. ..102��E� `-- o `� � �� �� F( �3. _� ��s ; .�E f x s' � .`/.;� ':�. 2 r � _ �_. ,-. i'pI �� � " ;' •i� � � ��: \\IF��. � � �� \ . � \\ �� I� HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC JACKSON ST STATE OF MINNESOTA PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUI, 245 MARYLAND AVE E BURLINGTON NORTHERN RY CO UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MARYLAND AVE E RICHARD M& JEAN A PELLOW 1280 JACRSON ST SOO LINE RR CO SOO LINE RR CO/FEE UNASSIGNED RICHARD A GILBERT 1202 JACKSON ST 10 1929224300 HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED BURI,INGTON 230RTHERN INC UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RR CO JACKSON ST SOO LINE RAILROAD CO UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RAILROAD CO JACKSON ST PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED 10 1929224300 *** T H A T� S q�-�as� UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430001,10.99, XQP,192922430002,10.99, XQP,192922430003,10.99, XQP,192922430004,10.99, ** XQP,192922430005,10.99, XQP,192922430006,10.99, XQP�192922430007,10.99, ** XQP,192922430008,10.99, ** XQP,192922430009,10.99, XQP,192922430010,10.99, 000010 UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430011,10.99, XQP,192922430012,10.99, ** XQP,192922430013,10.99, XQP,192922430014,10.99� XQP,192922430015,10.99, XQP,192922430016,10.99� XQP,192922430017,10.99, 000017 A L L * * * APR 21 '97 12�16PM ST PRUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT CTfY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DBPARTMENf OF PpLICB A'!l11am K. Ftnn¢y, Chfof oJPoftea P.1 g�-�as i 100 East Elevenrh Sdeet Tefephone: 6I2-29l-IIII Saine Pau� Mim�arota 55107 Facatmlle; 612-292-3711 FAX TRANSMfTrAL Ident. # Date �. �- Please delive� to (Name) �1 l� C.N. Poiice DepartmentlAgency/Company � LT, Fax No. � �'SSJ� Phone No. � From Phone No. �� �— Transmittal of __��___ page(s) including thls sheet. Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 SainE Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colerrwn, Mayor April 17, 1497 Bemie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Mr. Gille: Phone: (612) 266-8&50 Fax: (612} 26�r8855 97- �as� The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petiuon of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Descripaon). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with farc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when repiying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �_-,— � �� Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � , PO12T AUTfiORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTItIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENI' RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 u � v Z 9 ?:�=— ^' e< . J 4 �': 6. '� l � � �. ( C \� y I tbY/ Y ?G, nOr, q7- /�.S/ All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDIN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now cornmonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Suroey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ��� R - � , , ro 1 g �� ; ; � -----� fl _ o�° 14 � -.\\ ., . \ �\ 27 �. I III �� � -� 9 � o_ _. ' o / �N�� >� � � / / Q�, /� ;, . „ z., _q � _ . ; J � ,\ ;�, . �e 1�y � �I � ��i � ' � i � �� � .. ... ....,�_— s i rwa r ..,_ � _ w..... =I: ___-w�._rva4FP-__�____ - � ' \ � s � t � �R�� ,. �'. L.. � ' 1`il�. ��1! D , P � 0 I; , g . �. . . �._ t\ � TRACT � X ♦ �\'. �.,,��Q°" �j SXE O ,, ♦ E`� `_' 10 ..: �� �a� �; � °: � ,. . as � � ��j t rI : �vc E � J � �����. i f� I °�' :::� :: I ;..... . i �_. � �� I ' � , •17�i �;i` � � _�` '\�� I `\ I \ ,, , ... �l7-/�S/ PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PKOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGH'I'S SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part ot the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or ._, A �-ia� # of Pages 1 ( Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 To: Juan Orti From: Bill Wentz Co. City of St. Paul US West Communicatioi Real Estate Division 500 N. Carlton Stre� Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacarion subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. i�9�-oa YEAR 9� Vacation of: E.Elyacinth Ave. As described in e�Sclosed resolution. Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o�' 10-08-97 ' SUFFICIENCY Map Ownership Report ok Petition Signatures VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Legal Description to Public Works: Referred Okayed Letters Utilities ✓ U.5. West ()�,...� ✓ N.S.P. (Gille) ✓ N.S.P. (Virant) MCI MeCro(Boyers) ✓ District �nergy(Urke) ✓ Continental CableVision Gillierg)> �.�_� Other () City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut} ✓ Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Morehead) ✓ Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Libraries (Williams) Public Health (Votel) ✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram) Attn: John Wirka ✓ PED (Mike Kramer) ./ r/ i . � �f . , __--__� �%� / / / / / / Neighborhood District #5 Voting District !f5 Report copies to Pelitioner ✓ Cssential Replies (proceed with resolu[ion after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secrctary notil'ied �� r7 . / Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: Petitioner's Contact: Rick Gierdal at 224-568G Architect: ok q � �'�S� Certificates Mailed/Received Mailed/Received � i� (�'��- / d'�'�— � / �YL '�L- / � �� � 6Y� �--- �- ���---�--�-- � �- (EI-Iyacinth) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: All Council Members From: Peter WhiteJ�` Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� , �a,S 1 PRIORITY �-t ��; � ` L, I � n o� �o g 6'Yl /d// C'B-n Sp�ry! y7 y„i � � I�haw� �o�l � " FR� �' =3b" '.'?, f L tsJ'� ✓h tvs P c J�� ., � . ,�.., ,�o��ti ,�k�����tasi�X�aci�f�a �,�e��e��`��i��ilell�1�97 � . �. ,�>.:a J ... t`r�; � x,F�`� I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Oeto'ber`8 The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in City Council District �, Planning District'� cc: Fran Swanson � �� ° ����-"�6, ��'�'�a" ' �;:;l� �a+ '�''�°" � =� I��� - � , - .. �. (HyacinthPort) �t`j - ��Sl r� Saint Paul, Minnesota October 9, 1997 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 97-1251, adopted by the City Council on October 8, 1997, and signed by the Mayor on October 9, 1997 /���� �,�. President CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fted Owusu, City LTerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Coleman, Mayor October 9, 1997 Port Authority City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: I70 City Ho11 IS W. %Ilogg Boulevard Saira Pau� Minnesota 55102 TeL: 6IZ2668989 F¢c 6Ib2668689 Web: htlp://www.s[pauLSm TDD: 266-8509 Enclosed is a copy of Council File 97-1251 which was adopted by City Council on October 8, 1997 which provides for the vacation of East Hyacinth Avenue a11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 as more particularly shown on the attached resolution. The Ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid within si�y (60) days after adoption of the resolution. Also enclosed is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must also be signed and filed here within said time. Very truly yours �IZc2r1G?.d Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer - Finance File No. 4'+ '�Rg'J Enc. Return cop'y to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hail r , ' , . . , V k . . � _' .-r Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vaca[ed and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attacl�ed Exhibit "A" This vacation shail be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l. 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecti�re date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shall be re[ained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel ro be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees 'rrom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any vio(ation of any law or regulacion made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. Council File # `y'� - ��15 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � q� -� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shal] within the period(s) specitied in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Deparcment of: Tec hnoloev & Manaeement Services B�. � Director Form Approved by City Attorney gY: _ 7 gy: , . proved b Mayor for Submission to Council Approved b Mayor: Date /d l�/47— �� �' By: —��� �---�' By: ���.� �G� Adopted by Council: Date Q� . R !`1`j`� Adop�n Certified by Council Secr�tar}) Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 �.� �. , _ �; �,.; : , : _ . . . __ Presented ReferredTo __________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ib 17 18 19 ZO ?i '.2 3 4 i Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: i. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabte within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shatl be retained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel to be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, ac�ions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, negtect, or misconduet of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i Counc7 File ff °�� -+ �d�5 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9�-� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shatl within the period(s) speeified in the terms and eonditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technolo & Mana ement Services � By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �L✓I��/�i1"°n./a"S� ty: > proved��for Su�� to Council pproved b Mayor: Date !8 �/9'1—. y: �""�.. j� By: �dopted by Council: Date p,�� , g �y�j� 1do�n Certified by Council Secr�tary� �l , ti/2 `-��� POHT .:zJTHOIZITY ABLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK �� ��` DE5CRIPTIOI�I OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , Mae�S�/� 7997 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjaceni to and southeriy of Lois 13 through 20 alf inciusive, J.W. SASS GARDEN LO7S, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the OHice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now common{y known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded piat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and liss westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fife and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. ConEaining 10,020 square #eet (0.230 acres) more or Council Date: October 8, 1997 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: � 1Green Sheet Number: rzxn�rnu�scrorz! 4 r�irmvrcm n�soa�v � C �� ,�� 5 ' aawc ^onfaM Person and Phone Number: Juan Oftiz or P�er White 266885� �1��� L 39524 @ MGl. R'G'. Dfl. I90 �f SIGNA'fiSRE PAGES ALL LOCATIONS FOR -ove resolution - Petition to vacate a portion of East Ayacinth Avenue and release all easements, �t as noted in T.M.S. FIle #1997-04 N�ATTONS: APPAOVE W OHR616C! � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: rur�aoconmfl�s�oH _� srnee 1. Has die person/firm ever worked under n contrxct for tltis depnrtment? YES NO rna srnvics rn*anenox . Has this persmiltSrm e��er been a City employee? YES NO ��� . Does flus person/firn� possess a skill not nonnally possessed by any WIiICH CAUNCIL OHJECTIVE? COUNCIL WAI2D(S) S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL S 1TING PROBLFdbf, ISSOE� OPPORTUNITY (Who, W1iaC, Wlien, Where, Why?): is au unimproved street which is not mauitained by the Citp anymore - the petitioner, Id like to use this area to develop a industrial park for new business. D�P'�ilBC� NTAGES IF APPROVED: vacation will help develop a new uidustrial/business area. SEP 30 199� IF APPROVED: ��\� )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: petitioner and City would lose a much ueeded industriallbusiness AL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: �SOO.00 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED SOURCE: ,L INPORMATION: (EXPLAII� ACfIVITY NUMBER: Transaction amount is au admuiistrative fee for the vacation. / YES I�O 041-01300-2833 F�93V55SL�.� �':,'2,'?r.is..;t �.�?"z�� �.-�T ; �,,� � ..��� PORT AUTHORITY �1���'� ` ARLINGTON II�3DUSTRIAL PAAK DESCItIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , 1nay5�, �997 AI( that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lols 13 through 20 ali inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Ottice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as Easi Hyacinih Avenue, which lies easteriy of a fine drawn from the southwesteriy corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner ot Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westeriy of the westerly tine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and oi record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesofa. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or •: i , � MRY-05-1997 12�37 TRAFFIC ENG MAPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 - � - . _ N or Pafcs 1 To: Juan Orti From: Linda Dickhut Repiy to Vacation inqu,ry Co. City of St. Paul Degariment of Public 'Wor - Reat Esrate Division $p(! Cit�• Hall Ann F'ile #�04-1997 Saiut Paui, MN SS1U2 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # __ Far. # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We mr�st retain our easements within the right-of-way, We will approve this vacation, vacation subjec� to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the followiz�g reasons, we cannot agprove this vacaAOn : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � a�uC�c.e.� Rz.�x-a-cr� G���t.r�.c,��, _ �� P.01/a2 ��,��.Sl � ���C'� v - 5 - `� � 3 Date INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm cotemaa, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � �S � Stacy M. Becker, Director , a��' � ��eEit��� (i.„fo 3{W� w 4 2 � •- ! f t� .`��k� C$.T�i 1 F V{Y;C(�i(b To: Juan Ortiz Reai Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhu� Pubiic Works, Right-of-Way Division 80Q Gity Hall Annex Date: May 8, 1997 Re: File# 04-1997 Certiticate ot intended Non-Use for a portion of E. Hyacinth Ave between Jackson St. and interstate35-E A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing any utility rights retained by the Department of Pubfic Works for the vacated areas except as noted on the certificate. LD Attachments: Certificate, map ResponsiveServices • QuaZityFacilities • E'mployeePride �.� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE !� f ,��, .� THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COi3NCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation if 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated degarunent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway ad}acent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter(y of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westeriy of the westeriy line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded piat thereot on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tities in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. except as here noted: RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcei to be vacated. RECEIt/�"[� ;s � ,.:: � ? ���i 4�a.� EsrarE �ivts�a�t STA7E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Department of Public Works Its �rry �.UGi�t�EE2 �� � �� � ' �, The foregoi� inslcumrnt was ack[t�wiedged 6efore me this $% f� day of /(/J �J y , 199�, by 7��FF s f T EGGU/�( .tn� G E,c1G-�rUEE.e oe �Si f�UL �'�t/��-iG irt./o�KS ,a /Ulfl�tltc�✓'fl4 � undei the laws of t!e State of Minnesota. � . TsaF �AI.VERSON _ UNNE561A y, �rd EXPIRE5 otary Public, Ramsey aiM mnesota. �4.�j,,, 2000 � ...,...,..- v �w�----^^-� My commission exp'ves � - '� � �-00 � ** Please return this original copy to 14Q City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGT023 INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSL-D VACATED IIYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEIV'I' RIGI�TS SEH NO. A-STPPt19601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 199G o�� _las � A11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through ZO all inciusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in 8�e Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly l:nown as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the � west line of Lot 15, said J.�N. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered I.and Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Officc of the Regis[rar o( Titles in and Eor said I2amsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uNlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.0� feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or lest. � 8 ' Q ��;; � � , . „ ' "�_��--�� .. �:. y } - �,�� � - --- l 2 ---=� �°""''"_ �^ `-__' ,�_ ,,.- �.�j '. _ . �� —_.�....:— —. = : � ,— . s : � z� ; -��'„� �-. -� . �\. � . 28 ' � �9 s�b�� � .G;J,,� r.. ., �a, �,--- � , � .� 4It �� �� ,;1: ��� '„� �I' Q ; ,J; 9�� i ;t� �� %! � � � .._ / � m �// 1� `�/ i___ �+ .5 'wE s T CASi �� ,.:::: � o :::` ' � c� ��-1��-- � `J r ��= / ,\ A � �� � •. S� :; .. �. 'i� , , a`\ ,; � .��s`�� �, . . � . =�, . �� w �r. � 0 \\� � � ;. -------------�� :�. �.. � . � rn•v ,. x � ��o` >>s��D�� . �. �. �w : M1 �� I a, . � o�: 1 . r �¢�: '' '. � 10 0' � .� �i �3i ` i„ 3 a ��� �_`. .°/.;� :�� .�-rJ' I '. �'� � r ,�o..C. �y' �, ..— t M4NYL<N('� -� �--� +-. c�� ��`�a�� :�:{ , � � ; I� 1 pIt ;'. ih �� I�� \ \ � �� I .� �; � �a � , . . Departmeirt of Tech»ology and Management ,�5` s�,���� q�,� Real Estnte Divisior: 190 Ciry Hall Phar:e: (6I2) 266-883D Snint Paiil, MN 55102 Far: (612) 266-8&.i5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Colemmi, Mayor April 17 1997 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 Rc: ` ' r `' ' -" ; ;;Rclease'of Easenietits;;;;{f,04=1997 ................. ....a..,..,..n. �x :.,..c.:.,..-. .... , ....,. ,.:. .. .. .- � . . . Dcar Ms Dickhut: Port Authoritv of Saint Pauf has requestcd a waivcr of all easements in �See Attaclied Descriptiou)'x The purposc o1'this request is to Deveiop a Bus+ncss f'ark. Please execute dic enclosed certiticatc and return it to [hc Real Estate Division as addressed abovc. Sinccrcly, , _ `_ � .-�. �r�i� _., Tuan A. Ortiz Real Bstate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) � }�. S. �G-��e.�� -h,>r �Q„A Wcs� � �.z,� ���' -2 v�.{,c�r;�-t.e� �rr��. .. . JI —_------ _ - r =�� �x� tH'3�tld �Fi1Dl *� Repty to Vacation fnquiry File #04-t9S7 To: Juan Orti From: Co. Ciry of St. Paul Reat Estxte Division � ot Paga US west Commnni, 500 IQ. Carltan Manlewood. MN : � P�w� #�-sssa � rna� # � I �� �' 266-8855 F� # We have no ob}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�] We must retain aur easements withia the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Far the following reasons, we cannot approve tkzis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� RECE[VE�< a����� :i �' � � � �`:; i R�h`E ESTH7E D4t1;Si(iN g n�a �—>7-9 Date L0it0'd SS8899Z6 �1 SS£t 0£G Zt9 a9N3 1Sb3 0?J13W ?1d bS:99 G6. 0z Nflf Apr-24-97 07:32A Repty to Vacation Inqulry Fite #04-1997 To: Juan (?rt�. Ca. City of St. Paul Rea1 Estatc Division � p �t Pagcs Prom: Coutiuental Cablevisio 214 East Fourth Strec Saint Paul, MN 55101 Yhone � Fax fi P_02 �e�e �',/�� q�.11-s� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain ouc easements within the right-of-wap. We will approve this vacation, a vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . For the following reasons> we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �,�r� / �-�5,� r �� � Dacc ' i�4r'�'�"°sr'Td �iJ1Y. C.a icY.:��,l�rir � , � oe ra� 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Gille ��5� Reply to Vacation inquiry Co. Ciry of St. Paul N.S.P. - Electric Divisio a1 " Real Estate Division 825 Rice Stree File #04-1997 sa�nt rau� MN 55117 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # F� �{ 266-8855 Fazc �{ We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ . � �� Date �RY—a8-1997 16�00 FRDM CiTY OF ST PRUL �IEP To: ivan Orti: Reply to Vac�tion tnquiry Ca. Ciry of Sc. Paut Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone # 266-8$SO Fax tt 266-8$55 TD 58855 P.001 N oP Pagos 1 From: Larry Zan�.s L1EPB1dgTnspettio a/�.�\7.�i� 310 Lowry Professional BI Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 Phone �{ Fax �f We have no objections m ihis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the fallowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Dace TOTR� P.001 f � p of Pages � Reply to Vacation Inquiry rCo. ciry of st. raul { Real Estate Divisian File #04-1997 � From: David Urke Distriet Energy St. Paul, Inc District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West gellogg Boulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 297-8955 a ,,_"St Fa�c �{ 266-8855 I Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OX We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ,� DISTRICT ENERGY ST.PAUL, TNC., AfVD DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC„ HAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAUE NO OBJECTION TO TNE UACATION. —�� arrn < f L.i.Y e� � e:.. i_• . .? "` � � �.>, i: RE�.0 E� �A� � �S'ds'SiON �' � � l�/`�-o� APRIL 24 1997 DAVID L. URKE, P.E. Date PROJECT MANAGER N of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Chris Calull —l � r � S 1 � Reply to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Supr ot insPeccions Real Estate Division Department of Fire & Safe `eFIV°'^ �� Fite #Q4-1997 10(! East Eleventh Stree �� Q Saint Paul, MN 55101 ° " :z° �., Phone # 2fi6-8850 Phane � � `" "�`!-�sto Fax # 266-$$55 Fas # N We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� ��/�� Date RPR-28-199? 08:58 STP PARKS & RECRERTIDN 612 292 7A05 P.02i84 t A ar rases i [ Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �� From: Robert Aram Fife #04-1997 �o. City af St. Paul Parks & Recreatio /� �`� ` Real Estate Division 360 City Tiall Ann — f 7 Attention: John Wirka Phone # 266-885Q Phone # Fax �1 266-8855 Fa�c �l we have no objections ta this vacadon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must rerain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q ,ned �/-���s� Aate PED PLRNNI�6 DSU. TEL�9-228-3314 To: Iuan Orti From: Reply to Vacation Inqufry Co. City of St. Paut Resi Fstate Division Fite #441997 Rpr 23'97 11�27 No.OD8 P.01 iF Df Pegc9 � Mike Planning & t Gti�—! �`' t � i llth Floor City Hail Ateue Saint Faul, MN 55102 PhoneA' 266-8850 Phone � Eaic !f _ _ 2b6-8855 Fax � We have no obJections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easoments wirhin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacacion eubject to the Fol[owing condi6ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the fvltowiag reaspns, we caru�ot approve chis vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q /� � .�� :� r --�-� . Date APR 21 '97 02�11PM SPPL RDMIN To: Juan Reply to Vacation lnqulry Co. City of 3t. Paul Real Estate Division File #Od-1997 Phone # 266-8850 Fax �! 2b6-8855 !( OP pe�a8 1 From: Carole Williams Library Administratio 90 West Fow�th Strei Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 1$�'—1,17.3 P.2 We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�] Wc must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacarion, vacation subject to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] y- �i- F Date ��' �� RPR-21-1997 14:24 Repty to Vacation inquiry File #04-1997 ST PRUL PUBLIC HERLTH 512 222 2770 u of Pagcs 1 To: Juan Orti Ftom: �r� �'O� Co. City of SE. Paul Department of Public H Real Estate Division 555 Cedar Stree Caint Paul_ 117N 551fl1 # 266-8850 Phone # � � — 266-8855 Fax # �--�— t_ 7 Wehavenoob}ecrions[othisvacation ...-....•.••.•••••�••�-•-�-•••�-� We must retain our easements within the tight-of-way. We will appzove this vacation, n vacaaon snb}ect ta the fotiowing conditions: . - • • • • � � • • • - • • • - - • • � • - • • • - • For tbe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation_ . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • •❑ P.01i0i q �_ ��.51 � r �� � � Dace TOTpL P.01 APR 21 '9? 12�17PM ST PAUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT Ta: 7uan Orti: Repty to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #Q4-1997 Phone �l 266-8850 P.Z K oP Pagea 1 From: Lt. Mike Morehead ���,. S � Saint Pau1 Police Departmen 100 East Eleventh Strec Sa3nt Paul, MN 35141 Phone � We have no objecdons to this vacatian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L� We must retain our easements within ihe right of-way. We will aQprove this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ igned Date � � � To: Juan Orti; Rep{y to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone �{ 266-8850 Faic # 266-8855 x of ra 1 From: Tiw Virant iV.S.P. - Gas Distributio 825 Rice Stre� Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone # Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ i�E��1� �, .m.,� � � .� .. KEAL tS?,�2'i E �!'JI�{Oi� igned Date �/Z�F �� _ ►as1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 ff of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Bullert Co. City of St. Paul Water Utilit Real Estate Division 8 East 4th Street, Suite 20 Saint Paul. MN 55102 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fax # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections w this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � T' We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� 'gned q ���asti �!- z.7 - R'7 Date CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1-�ZS� In the Matter of Vacarion # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (5ee Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Communications STATE OF,M?NNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing 'vutwnera was ackmw)edgdl before me this 2 o t h da� of `� U n C ' 1997 by Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer , U S WEST Communications �ruc�wsof�des�oc Col orado. x �,._,:`� ' �_ � ,. . •"' ...,. My commission expin ** Pfease return this originat copy to 140 Gity Hall, S� Paul, MN 55102 ** I� Field Engineer M � CERT{FICATE OF INTENDEQ NON-USE a'�- r�s� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMSERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: RECE�!`" � `�; ��..�. Y_;;� F.�`n;= �1'l.Si�N ( r'V ��c N.S.P. - Gas Distribution STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The F�egoing instmmem was acknowledged before me this �� day of � 1997, bY �(��. ��(57��� ,the c{ hl.ac� � l'Y�S ��� .ae.ri �._� �� �p �')j�{�(� _, of NUYY^�N�..Y.r� !lX=.l!-eC `1'�e-u--e—✓" t'Af,ln'Y.4wl a �� /s 1 a....�r�r.v _ t"Co.v (D c m�der the laws of the State M Mim�esota. nnnnn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr�n.v,:�nn�r,nn x JUAN P.- CRT4Z > ��^,�`,' NOTARY -^U�'cL:C .,,,',�?A `:'. '. RP.I� OOJ_ < MyCOmm. ExA�"es 3�r. 3l, 20�� „ ryyy�nJV✓Wyy�,rpWYJWb`NY`.NV'N�J:NJV'c . � Notary Public, Ran County, ' � . M (�3/- LUan ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paut, MN 55102 ** :� CERTIFICA'TE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COL3NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL °`.�' �7'S � In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Descripdon) except as here noted: BERNARD E. GILLE N.S.P. - Electric Division Its DESIGN CQORDINATOR ������ Signature STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Tlle foregoing u�strument was acknowtedged before me this `'J � day of by of under the laws of the State of Minresda. � 1997, My couunission e�ires 17tlUti'E .�BIENI�EK NWny Public-Minnesota RsmseYCoumY **. Please return this original copy to 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��,�asi OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation 1104-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., NAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEI�'�� .-; � e �.� .. , ,;.^=:�,��,�w �=���s�a�� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Ttie foregoing instrumrn[ was aclvowledged before me this � day of �_ , 1997, bY � )`''iLLiQ.ZC�/i of �(�(L//ZL(/7 C.y[�t � � ,a u��der tffi laws of the State of Mi�mesota. c M�J�M/ W AN V�/�NJ�/v�MMMAMM/�AMn • O �. EIIEN C. THOMA ypo� �, �i�� <. �� NQTARY PUBLtC-MINN'cSOTA No[ary Public, Ramsey Cw�LLy, Minneso[a. S� RAMSEY COUNTY � My Comm. Explres Jan.31, 2000 ;/3 �/�.��� � F My wmmission expires *� Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AJ'Y/ �'�� _ 7 � r v 1 /il �� 6�� � District Energy and Cooling St. ul, Inc. � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ECEivED asl "PR 3 0 i93� RFAL ESTqtE DIViSlON In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: Saint Paul Water Utility Water Utility General Manager ,U/� J .P��f ' ( � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COIJNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) TM foregoing instrumetn was acloawledged before me this Z 5 th dyY oq Ap r i 1 by Bernie R. Bullert � General Manager 1997, M the Saint Paul Water Utility , a Municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tfie laws of lhe S[ate of Minnesota. f Al��n���n�'Y�'VIAMh'.nn,�n^N�;J.nPnP�A4nI.^"� . du-,s.; a.. �:: �_ z r �.� N4?A2Y 2t,'-iv >:; ". T " ' Notary Pub . Caurcy, Minneso[a. e��y Rnms=_r cou��n� � . � � SIY f•omm. Exokes Ss ;. ". t, ?o"o My com�itiSSi011 ¢](p'v¢s �� � � � Z� � �VV4V�!hNVA'trVV�'.:`e:'.^. ie.`, ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** r, PORT AUTHORITY , AIZLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 ����ast All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southeriy of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Off'ice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Contauung 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les� �--rnT�^ III R . � �n � • g 11; - . � r. i x �+or v�c c� O } 1j � y ^ ` . � �� . — i `� �., � � 4�O�i! Y ,.0,+„ �_ -----m fl • •a\ _ \ 14 � ��,� 27 �?. III 1 1 � / I�l m �!; Q ;: 28 ! �? 9 � O � n � �:v• � 3 Y � j l 2�- i �� •VF.:: : • , -we'sr � sr:�s r� i ; � ..._ / ��% ; c���, I -� - r'� o EAST �5 i y � r �,.u.�� � W ' / / —S1IYILL M. 6� I i �' ¢ � / � �� N1�TxoOx[� .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ��� U ��J � � ' � % TRn nvE, � cj � r ; ... � : "is.; �' � :`Y fl, ... Ll �`� _ , � ,� � , %` m N " o ' o �-` . , _ . -- - � � � / � ----------- .,�. �� - �1 . ....� .,° n t ( � l .�R, � i; ���5 ; ; ,; , ; . . _--------� �vyn . _ __-_ _ ..-.___.... Aq4 � PRoPose ' I ; � :: RREA i :+. L.. .".'�.. �', m �` °.'�',� I `� � C. � \ . ' �� \\ ' 1 ,_ ;```` '•� ' . \��`.I`-\\ . ._i y \�� TRAGT � •\'. X ��� '', ,�� �� p p N� �u,F��g : , I,:::� : I� !� � i I I I Ii I4' `` \ I F . \ I ,\ Ii � Z � (nterdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRIORITY To: All Council Members From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 Ciry Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� Subaee[�Vacate a Por£ion of Easc Hyacintti Avenue TMS File#/1997-04- I recommend a public hearing before the City Counci] be held on October 8,_1997 . The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in Ciry Council District 5, Planning District 5: cc: Fran Swanson �,`: (HyacinthPort) 9� �/,�,s/ Department of Technology and Management Services Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 ��� �� Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 ,,.- - w, , .. � ' �:::: : t�..::.. �•,. ��•� 9 �� �� Dear The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestivg this vacation and the urtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained, The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any e7cisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) ' � ��pag� � 97—i�r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 �� Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division From: �r` � Phone # 266-8850 � Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date CTI'Y OF 5AINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Maynr Apri121, 1997 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Sir: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE �,^'� 7 r Fred Owusu, CFty Clerk I70 6ry Hull Tel: 6IY266-8989 ZSW.%IlaggBoulevmd Faz: 61&266-8689 s�mr� mr:�ma ssioz w�a: rmp✓�w.�m,cgw 1DD: 266-8509 t�''GEeitS� _. q � . .. . . .� t .., - . 3_ � _ �_� � _ �, _s:���; I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey for the vacation of portions of a11 that part of East Hyacinth Avenue all that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W.Bass Garden Lots, according to the recorded plat thereof the said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the southerly ea�tension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Very truly yours, -f/Lcz.dlc.P.o -�J� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk FS dw ��i�.T���_'SiL�'i� hansmikSns � i (,�1 9? ��� � �� v. �C� �h.ecK �a. ya..i�� 21N OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, „.,...,.�ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 4ECE!��E� APR 171997 CITY CLERK Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /l,�-.�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:Vag\d-nlsn 9 � -l�3/ FAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 190� LANDMARK TOWE2S • 345 S7. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE � THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT t�ivC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL RE�E!VEC APR 17 1997 C[TY CLERK YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and alleges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: �` All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerfy extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of ?i+.lP� in 3!'.� fGi swi� Ramsey C�urty.� The proposed area to be vacated is coiored in red on ine af"ta�hEU EXhI.�',li. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fully indemnify, defend'and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages �� - lasi received or sustained by a break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Council of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respecf*uliy requests your Nonorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Its ROBERT L. BRACKEY By � its h:Uag�aj-vac q�-i�s� WHEREFORE, your Petitio�er respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1�.!-.� � ,� . ..; ROBERTL.BRACKEY By Its h:UagWj-vac c 7 - i�,.s� PORT AUTIiORITY AItLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIOI�3 OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN't RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVI5ED `.nrr nnnz All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 73 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to ihe recorded plat thereof and on fife in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westerly of the westerty Iine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and tor said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or , � ...�� � q�-ias� PORT AI3THORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK DESCRIP'TION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINI`H RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEA NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all indusive, J. W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Offiice of the Register of Deeds in and far Ramsey CounYy, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on ffie and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. Page 1 of 2 � . ( A � ` � �w ��� V�ip�3 M ���� m=�� J � ���p �Z 2 �� O < <�� � d ��m= W m 3 �T �\-�� � W W a W 2 Q � � � 2 � � U � I I N � � � ° EEI ... F w $ 4 � a � � � y, � N W � � wa a a , a r� N �Z �� a� ^ N m� �s � 2m �o �� o � O< � N „ � � w � Q OZ a � $� w � a� = Z WpZ � � ��^F LL �j ��a � W a� o w� � Q � } NC W O �' a w � � � � <ao ��� �3°-�A' 0 =�S °�� � ��� ow� p, a N Q1 _ ae � !J _ w�� ��F �=����o �� Wwm= w� WS��, �O�- � ��ZW J r ia� p + , a �O�FWOW z L � d��. ��E� Cl �, Cif � �+ 0 �, `� � � � T ZE�a� Nro ��. .� � C'O� n„�pOC Rf p; y R1 Y � .? 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A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN L015, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,Q20 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. 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N H � a� I�- � z� �� OO L� � �� �w � � U W ? �" W � Q V �J �,. "Sent'by: 7HE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09/96 4:30PM�,Jg}�,y #301;Page 115 9? -lasi DOHBRTY RUMBLE & $UTLER PROPP93fONAL AA9oCU110H z� x�a w«� r�,aoc�m so a�naonm a�.a satn t�a. asmnwo u�m�a Telep6ma (612} 29L9R1 e� <�, m�m,� wan dt�. m: MpY.. LQI T.lop6me (@7A 21tl�3335. PAX (6IZ130$8t �mrs. CR TelepAm Pa7 YR6�OC. FAX p¢A STSbap Wa�6. DC ribphms {p� 9ie+255r. RAX p6� 3D9$ISi Attorneys at Law FAX TRANSMiTTdI. SI3EET Sept�mhes 9, 1996 TO: FROM: I'ages: Rick Gierdal Saint Paul Port guthority FAX: 223-5198 Marc 7 Manderscheid Direct Daat: {612) 291-9369 5 (inciuding this cover sheet) ClieutlMatter No. 102877/11 COMII3ENT5: Transp�issioa Prohlems Cantact (61Z) 291-9416 13c iAfo(maliancoe4vbd iw thit 6cfiCU7! me»qC 1196Dri1q' PtWl�Ojtd Imd �fjA6NiW� iPkYdW Op�' Buf i�k OID 9F t�le iadiVidYd of CYtI/J' Nmad t60V0. I( �}C 1Nde[ Ofthismqsegeisnattbeida08adi'°c�R.7pyucyertypovliBedlDManyd+uem�wtroo.diMbauoarMwPS�{dl6i��v�uqwNiauiaqn°tlYl�+�kd• Iiyw4ave ttcad�ed iLi� oommcme+4oa is oner� Pleuc iwmdia�4y aM+f1'+p 67 Tde�yoae. ud roAVa dw ori�icrl mtiw`e b w N 14e abwe Baiet Panl add[sM vi� +he U.B. Pant Scrvim. ' Sent `by: THE HEIGL'S r . \\ � STATE QF MINNE5pTA Port Authority of the Cary of Saiat P'aut, A�innesota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; c� APR 15 7996 J.S. V4. 1\��yPy�� B q Dep ,�. vs. DeSoto Associate.s Limited P3rtnershiP; County of Ramseq, T��innesota; City oF Saint 1'aul, M"ssinesota, �...�-� 09/09/96 4:30PM;,j�,�fX #301;Page 2/5 �''•. 9? �fd5� DISTRICT CO'(TAT SECOND JTTAiCTAI, DISTRICT R�+pe of case: Cwtdemnatian C.ourt File No. C2-96�i3 R�CEFPT OF DEpOSIT BY piSTRICT CDURT ApMiN1S7AATOR � ��"� � . � � �...��' ;�' ' � �. IN' TT3E MATTEIi OF TEE CONDEMNATlO1V OF CERTAIN REAT, PItUl'ERTY TACATED IN THE CITY dP SAIlVT PAUL, CQLTNTY OF RAM9EY, STATS 4F MII+TNESOTA, FOR TF3� ART.1NGTaN J'ACKSON RE1lEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Z 'Thomas Boies, an afficiai in the df6ce of the District Court Administrator for Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereby couficm tl,at I rcxeived the sum af $326,900.00, in ��fynds on account for �te Pcut Authority of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a,y a ci�wsi= p�,ryuant to Minn. srac. § 117.oa2 in the above-captione� maaer in accocaance winc �he Districc courc ckder Authoriziag Payment or D�ait and Tiansfemng Title dated Pe6mary 14, 1496, which is on ' Sent°by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/� #301;Page 3(5 • - - (,'\ r� 9�—/0�..�) � file hereia. Pursuant w said Order, che titte aztd right W posses�on of the resl estate attacbed to the Petition is, withoui uatice, vested in the Peritioner. Dased this 1sZ � day of April, 1996. � ' a.--� Deputy Subsccibed and swom to before me this / � day of Agril, 2996. No f Public � . uNaa �, cax N07AflY AUH174' MfHNESOTA lRM1139296 � MPGU�iR�ae� 31� pq ''Z� � Sent �by: THE HEIGL'S ,-, � STATE OF MINNESOTA \ COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; �� Coun a^ T,tama� AUG I9 t996 J.E.3L.:+:='' ��' 6 G'y`'ry Pott Authoriry of the City of Saint PauI, Minnesota, Peutionei, vs. DeSoto Associates Limited Partnership; County of Ramsey, Minnesota; City of Saint Paul, Minnesosa, ResgQndents. 09/09/96 4:31PM;,J� #301;Page 4i5 ; . q � , 1 �S DISTRICT COURT SECOND 7iJDICIAL DISTRICT Type of case: Condemnation Court File No. C2-96-d3 ORnER AMENDIAfG lEGA� DESCRIP710N TN' THE MATTEl2 OF THE CONDEMNATION OF C�RTAIN REAL PROP£RTY LdCATED IN TFTE CZTY OF SAiI�TT FAUL, COUI�IT'Y 0� RAMSITY, STATE OF MTIVNESOTA, FOR TI�� ARLII�TGTON JACKS�N REDEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT WH�REAS, on lanuary 2, 1996, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota {the "Port Authority") filed its Pe�icion in Condemnation and Mation for Transfer of Title and Possession Under Minn. Stat. § I17.042; WHEREA$, on k'ebsuary 14, i996, the Court issued its Order Granting Petition and Appointing Commissionars; WHETi�AS, on February 15, 1996, the Court issued its Order Authorizing Payment of Degosit and Tzansfarring Title; '►X'TiET2EAS, on April 12, 199b, tha Dlstrict Court Administrator acknowledged receipt of tha deposit pursuant to Minn. Siat. § 117,042, whereby dtie and right to possession of the real estate described in che Petition was vested in the I'etitioner Post Authority; �Sent�by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/�yX #301;Page 5/5 t � . � q � , �,�..� /-"�. /". i WHEREAS, the Port Authoriry has determined that there was an error in the Iegal description for Pazcel C4, such that a one foot strip of property on two sides of Pazcel C4 was inadvertently not included within che lega! description of the property ta he taken; TI' TS �TEREBY ORA�XED that the Petition on fila in this matter, in paragraph 10, is herehy amended in that tha Iegal description for "Parcel C4" is deleted in its endrety and the foliowing legal description is subsrituted in its placc: Ait that parc of Lou 17 and 1&, 7.W. Bass' Garden Lots, lying northeastesly of the St. Paul Water Works right-of-way and sautheasterly of the Department of Natura! Resoutces trail (formerly the Soo Line Railroad and bsfore that the Wisconsin Centrat Railroad Ca, right-of-way}, all according to the plat oe file and of record in the office of the Regiscer of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. Together with a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over T_pt B Registerect Land Survey No. 267 as rccorded in Document No, 585432 of Ramsey County Ttecords. The transfer of titIe of the above-descri6eri real estate is hereby determined to have been effeczive as of Aprii 12, 1996. � Dated: August 1996 �Y THE COURT; Judge of Aiscrici Coort �� .255 Park Square Court - 4(10 Sihley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 fi12-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 Commonwealth COMMONWEALTH LAND T[TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY August 22, 1996 Mr. Tenence J. Garvey Port Authori[y� of the City of Saint °aul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1661 � Dear Mr. Garvey: R?'id7 t �^`Cit p0A>QUr�`,�pll. .. �� �� Y 96-180 Abstractor's Certificate Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as o£ August 21, 1996, a seazch of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjacentto the proposed vacauon area. (See Exhibit A attached hereto.) A1so enclosed for your convenience is our memo invoice detailing our costs. Respectfully, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ������ Robert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This report cites matters appearing in the public recozds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errors or omissions. Enclosure q7-�a� f File No. 96-180 Exhibit A Property Tax ID No. 14-29-22-43-0011 19-29-22-43-0012 19-29-22-43-0003 Fee Owner! Address Robert L. Brackey 1336 7ackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Buriington Northern Inc. 2600 Continental Plaza Building '777 Main Fort Worth, TX 76102-5330 Desota Associates P.O. Box 1�830 Sx. Panl, MN 5511'7 q � ..�o�� 1 PORT AITI'F;pRITy ARLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIdN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RTGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 Aii that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent Eo and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOT'S, according to the recarded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly knosvn as EasE Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the remrded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and Eor said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uEility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or m I (� � �f I � i�1� `. ; r.� 1v' t�-� . �"" � � ` _�-,.-. =L�_. : _"__ � �.�� ,�_ Po � �� •� �. -..._ _- = � , e f `�'a� 14 � $ N6T VAC�TEO� \ `� ���� . . �`s�� 49 ` A�c£ , ?oc ��'y�� � �ti Sw AVL.' , a w� �: � ,.._ /,)';; �� �AVE.- � �j, �Y. XYI.1 // � ° .ae�x i ' :�L-t __ - ,. .....,�/�.,/;�.. �� ;�� ��. .; M N . 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A-STPPA960I.00 �� ` ✓ C � � - REVISED SET'TEMBER 23, 199G �`� �� ���� � � a commonty known as st Hyacinth Avenue, which ties easterly of� i� - �,'�.e : , said J.W. BASS GARD£N LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fite and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tittes in and for said Itamsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING a:�d EXCLPTING therefi a perpetual casement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described��parce . ���� ��� Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. � T� -}�:e. � U y�'�� � ���� � All tltat Yart of the 33 foot wide r way adjacent to and southerly o ots 13 through 20 alI � inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN S, according to the recorded plat the of and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds ' nd for Ramsey County, Minnesota, sai 3£oot wide roadway now i 4 �� � T''=__ , .___ rJ —12 �'_'mc •_aa � >k. „ tj � y�sJU�= � ..�.. : � ., � W E's r + sr.�'a � / ' ..._ i �`:,' r ; . t�JU m `S>/�� U O' EAST � y %� -'_� �� , � ��..��.� .�^� � 6 '\ 1 Y � I� � / .. �. �p.:l '-° ... ... --'.. . .. ., ...�: " � 1! ��. — ^"9 . / . 'w r q 13`�ro � � 14_ . � �� IOT V�.C�i{D� \ : \��\.'' � � 27 : . ' I� ;': —�'—� ;— • /q ��� r. , 1 \ � �� �I� -�� ♦ �I:� i . ., , � 4�42� °o, �t' �,�, ��'',7..� `r., ., f '•' 0 m • � � 612 298 4559 P.02i02 R�-t�� L� J€i�U",��, � � � o�:: � ; , ;� � _� ^�' ��:. 10 '�� . i 1.�i ss ; � �'; L ���� r �.. `;�•• W : A �_ 3 � r� �� U � T. ... ................ .. ..: �..�,.-- _..�..-,.,., p � - - ° • �,... "---'-""'-'•-'---- �------'--' - ' ----.._....�..,, A� � 4 > i � � ��E �I � S � ������ �� `� �� I ��� � �'.. L.. s. i�o. >'E,7 0 • � �� �_' � ;, P �ao {. _. �'.. % i ' , 1 , . - ).. \ \ Q�1 ` �. � ; . .' • r . I y �: 6 \ \� 1 ` ,���/� ' I. ` T41CC� ["° • � •� 1 j �� � �.\� � �, f� .- _•...- _ ,. � � I - � �. . `� � ,` TRHR � '� �v vN I, \Ur4 �. �I� � � ,"�, `�• �.. . � , TOTRL P.02 Apr-24-97 07:32A FACSIMILE COVER SHEET CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF STa PAUL, INC. P_O1 ��� ��� To: � ��T i Z FR: l%� DT: � 1,r��i / ,� 7 , RE: ���'�IfC > �f OF PGS i�ncluding this one): 214 E. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 � ��� 't� ��-/�� 7 Office t67 2} 224-2697 x�f 2Z� Fax (612) �69� S�'�1'/� � PORT AUTHORITY , ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTIpN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 9 �'� °'t5� All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Mimiesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof ori file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les�. F " I I. -; 1 ' w � . g ll- = .4' i ...,..._ t .. � �: •. -�, __ —�ifl--� . . ±.,,�� v N' � F `� -!2""___^=r`"�_ �Q``�� _ _ � _ 4 - � , ,:� .B 1��0�4 ---- „- \' .,. , , •\ r xOT VwCdFD+ �` ;� 27 ;� e , , �� ,; �� �� �... o ' • 1 I ._I • � II' �t � ; J 28 ' , � �\-� ' f ��j a. � `�; •• � i. -'� j '�� \ � � `• y i �i I y �YO�L.S _ _ 4 _ — ' I'. 0 i � Y nfl.r . +'�w o / / 1��.�. � / m 9 / � ;. � ml % � � � �� � / �� `:" U t�; / TRA pVE� � Q i:fc.;:�� < � � m roF ° �L� � � �v ���`�'_c . ____________ pf. � ; .. ..F � ," �St� I � � I� . i �I j .___________ � _ _ _ . _ _ -i..�.�m+aA � � � _ _ _. . . _' " . � I . S � . t� ��JF,'� ' pftoPose , ; ; :. a�n � :�. �.. �. , I; �:o. ?s7 ���„ c� �� ;� . . �� I � ga `<. i , � � . ' � t � � �e ,`��\� `,1 � 1 ``\,� 1 , a����. • ��� `� .:•.. ' ...�... � .� � `: �\Q\. � TMCT .. ;� .' A 2 � `� � S N ` a..�.. � „' y l. • . � � ...... . •:� i I � ;, i ' � "�' : � �' � ,�1. � I F�. i \\�� I �I� . � II paraueu o iec o an gement rvices Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Chris Cahill Supr. of Inspections Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Deaz Mr. Cahill : Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q?-/.ti/ The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestiug tLis vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with falc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If ye�a have any q��esG�ns reg2rding this m�tter, ple?se cali Juan nrtiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, ✓�� �— l%'"�1�1-✓' °C/ ` Juan O�r 'z Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) g�- �d5� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: District Chief 2C FROM: Chris Cahill Fire Prevention FILE NO. FIN 4-1997 DATE: April 22, 1997 SUBJECT: Plan Review, Hyacinth Ave. E of Jackson Ave., see map Please review the attached plans and return your response to me by 4/28/97. Check the appropriate response listed below. If you have any questions, call me at extension 252. Is water availability sufficient? Yes _ No _ Comments: Is fire apparatus access su�cient? Yes No (minimum width 20', minimum turnaround radius inside 22', minimum radius outside 45', minimum overhead clearance 13'6", maximum grade 6%) Comments: Indicate desired fire department connection (siamese) locations on plan or space provided. (Some buildings may not actually be sprinklered) Indicate desired location of annunciator panel, other FD control switches, or Knox Box locations on pleft OI' Sp8C2 pfOVid2d. (Some or all of these devices may not be installed depending on Code requirements) Your recommendation: Approval � Denial _ What corrections could be made to change a denial recommendation: Fire Prevention Approval: Yes � No Date Fire Protection Engineer Comments: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 RECElV�� � � . .-- Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Virant: Department of Technology and Management '� servi�es q � - / � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855 '�S� �S. DIV�SION Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, C ._-- - '"" --' �� � an A. Oniz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) . , q? - �asi PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN IATS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEI'TING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 ieet of the above described parcel. Deparin►ent of Technolo� and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8$55 q? - �as� � �-� rr+� �� C!'�r, � � �;_ - _. __ _aT= i � �I`!'Si01[ � • 9°i. to•i e 1.' �i Dear Mr. Virant: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing uulity easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with far transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you wouid rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � �/ �� ��—�., / �, � -, Juan Ortiz / Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) 21TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��.,� �,,,.,,�,,,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PEfER STREEf • March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 �. ST. PAUL MI�T5a�02-1661 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTfONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: q?-r�s� FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /t.�,..�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:\regW-nlsn �,� � :,ai _� " ��� _� : �� . \', � �,:-. : �? _�o'�,$/ fAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CIN OP SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREEf • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE TO: THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT A�vC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and a0eges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the O�ce of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter�y of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tit!Ps in an� #or s�id Ramsey C�ury. The proposed area to be vacated is colored in red on ffie attache� Exhiuit. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fuily indemnify, defend�and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages q7-«.5'� received os sustained by a break in any secvice pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Councii of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of Intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable 6ody to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its ROBERTL.BRACKEY By— ldA�1� � �� Its h:lragWj-vae g? -�a�'� WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL _��i �� i `� .5�� ROBERT L. BRACKEY h:Vag�aj-vac 9 � - ��s� From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/12/97 10:03am Subject: Response/LOt SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith Juan - The Department of Public Works has no interest in purchasing this property. ------------------------------------ >Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 10:59:59 -0600 >TO: Juan Ortiz <juan.ortiz@stpaul.gov> >From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> >SUbject: Re: Vacant Lot SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith >CC: >Bcc: >X-Attachmerits: > >JUan, I doubt that Public Works has an interest in this, but just in case >I routed it to the Right-oP-Way Czar, Mr. Transportation Planner and the >Head Bridge Honcho for review and comment. As soon as I hear back from >these 3, I'll e-mail you pronto! >-------------------- »He110 Linda, Aello Mike... » »i sent a memo a couple of days ago inguiring if »any department in the City is interested in acquiring »a vacant lot located on the southeast corner of »Cherokee & Smith. » »If you have a moment, could you get back to me i£ »you think there is a chance (or no chance) that »your department may be interested in this land (if »the matter is undecided, please let me know also). » »I would like to keep track of this for citizen's group »inquiring on this matter. Thanks for you attention!!! » » » »Attachment converted: Linda:WSSNCI.WPD (.WP6/WPC2) (000077AC) > > > http://www.stpaul.gov ;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor y�- �a�1 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855 E2EGEiYED APR 21 ?��7 D.STRiCT ENERGY April 17, 1997 David i3rke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ° . . B .� .� , �.i f 1 Dear Mr. Urke: Port Authoriry of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, L , �ja ��hian A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment � � _t���r��= ..;`.. �P' � . . `'��,� �5 °z D1`,'is{O�i (E. HyacinthAv) 9�-�as� ` ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 �,.,�� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 1'7, 1997 Bernie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Street , Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Gille: � LL= ��� `� n�� � ,...�. , nEAL ES7ATE JCi�Si;N Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �� � ` Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attactunent (E. HyacinthAv) Lle�a*�ent �f TechnoIog,q � � M■•� o Real Estate Division =" �=;=° ' =� =_-• � --.. .__ � . , „ 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 • Far: - (B22) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 David Urke District Energy St. Paul, Inc. District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 .Vest Kel:ogg 8eulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��=-a=, , e': 'v,ii's -J °'�r:..- a�,� -SiaT= �4};;SiON. G17' la�u'rl F?ECE3VE� RPR 2 � ��9� D(S?tZiCT ENERGY �' B' i. 411 ' 1 B�• i l Dear Mr. Urke: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petiuon of Port Authorits of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestmg this vacation and the i�rtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. 1 would ]ike to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have anp questions regarding this matter, nlease call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � � c--- / ; � � , �, ���� /,� � � � � Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/5/97 11:07am Subject: File #04-1997/Hyacinth St vac. The Department o£ Public Works hae reviewed the above referenced vacation request and has no objections to the vacation including release of all easements, subject to the following. The City Surveyor has recommended the following legal description for the proposed vacated area: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner o£ Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the re�orded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcel to be vacated. A signed Certificate of intended Non-USe shall be forthcoming. http://www.stpaul.gov CC: miscunix.smtp("bill.cutting@stpaul.gov","peter.gal... Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services Real Estaxe Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ��.. April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West Communications 500 N. Cazlton Street Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q� -ra51 ' • P..�e. �ei'�t � �t i•' �.i'; Dear Mr. Wentz: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authorit.y of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ Tlus inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any eJCisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond.on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �` � � / Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) � � 'i Department oF Technology and Management s���� q�- ra�'1 Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West 500 N. Carltcn Street Saint Paul, MN 55119 o. .. , o . .•�t.� , g.� a� Dear Mr. Wentz: Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �--- // ` ____� Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) _ ,. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AATD MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL q?-�ast In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Its Signature STATE OF MINNF,SOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The foregoing insttucne[rt was acffiowledged before me Utis day of 1447, by ,the of , a uMer Il�e laws of the State of Mimiesota. Notary Pub(ic, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpires "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* � �.. :I ? � ; ; R��� V � � g S .... �'! • �,+� y � .... , ; :: � � C�' n � � T _�__N�" , () . u ; ; Q d z ' • � ° ui .' � •� , `.., ,� .i � a i � � ,� f �. V � , �� • r � \ i F��. P. � � , , n � �� ' , ¢ �� � � m , � � . � ( `� i � � � � i � i I i � N i =b 1 n � i � � , , i i � ; � -- - . Lo•iZi -• � � ;� J I '` =--- -_ -- ----. -_�_ _ --��---- --- ---- -- I ; h� ql � �I a e 1 V � I � � � n� n a v � n� � v � � .;. '1 I —_ I --- � --�_ � - � N .` ; --+ � ° � � � :� .�' N : / � � q . n h �� �" h b/�v � �/=' �•, I �� •�, 1 � � 9 zr I . ...'.;: bn'asa.. ' •L ��' ; / ; _... 3'�bi _ , ra� — - _ _ _ _,� g '_ G' .�' � .�.a'r.s- /� � ; // / , 1 ' '/� � , � ,, � ' -rl_� __.____ _.___:__..__. .. _-.--�_._. - - __ __.. 1 � � s� � / � I i I � • S.� J • • � .4y I I I �V � o � a � I �/I ���� Y � � d. ` � � � •...• � ^ ..... M I � i _/ �i N s �.... � ---- - �- �----- _-� - - - - ----"_'� •�-��- -�- -�. � i�� � ��j � � V ��� bd � � i�; � i �� ��� '�� '� ,, � i. , ° �� , � ```�� r= `��s �..,,, I � I � ``�.�azer-�_ i , I d :LWS3 NIVW � � u � v � f� � � ��� h 2. V Q, - I - - ----- - - - � -- I� � 1 � /; �� � �� / -c, ''I ��� � i �� � � �� ; ` / ��' / /- ,�°�� ;�'`��/ �� �� ��v ,�►/'� � O �1��� w l. ' �/ �' �� �— „ � � J a , / � U // �' ' > �/ � � -- i �i�ii , {- � . i oa Z ° •••• t•9s2 O 7 % �'r •.... OZ2.... ... . _ — �_.. — *9S'869 "'_�. . , ; •. .. , O �' 2 . Q . • • ����• . ..... .. . . .... � � ' /'� i ,' �,�J . / j �� �/ N�� , / u , r � a � / , . ; a� . ' � ---- — �� �. • "3 ' 7 a � o m n� Y O N / / '�b2 � — .CL-T�. O P � G �� N R 9 . � I � / - .O;' � i� 'i __" i ; 9�-ia�i PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTI2IAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PIZOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN'T RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Kegister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ; � , m , %; ` 4 , ; �� � = , % —_' : a <; >°'-=— w� I \ a` , „ J ;� E. . f � �\� ~`� ?[ n �� !Z_------=""e' � / �L✓� " �- ��a - _ %`� : / — -----= = = — � / o� 14 Q" ; j� \ ' , ,,, ti�:� \ \� z7 j: , , ` :� A2ea � � ... ;i� \•\\. �II m 9 � \ O \ e ' i� �J � l y ' . �\\ ,�� �s`, i�' . � ? I i O � ;� . -, ��� � i�i I : m 9 %� , , /��� ' '� � / . _ - ��_— i i rnni � r �:,.. % .... / m � � �'. L.. ��� � \\ TRACT � •�`, H �W : N !j� � iK i v ���� - � � A;n, ?�7 0 M, g" : �' .,... �..'.������ � • 6/ MCRY.'OOU � i M. ..102��E� `-- o `� � �� �� F( �3. _� ��s ; .�E f x s' � .`/.;� ':�. 2 r � _ �_. ,-. i'pI �� � " ;' •i� � � ��: \\IF��. � � �� \ . � \\ �� I� HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC JACKSON ST STATE OF MINNESOTA PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUI, 245 MARYLAND AVE E BURLINGTON NORTHERN RY CO UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MARYLAND AVE E RICHARD M& JEAN A PELLOW 1280 JACRSON ST SOO LINE RR CO SOO LINE RR CO/FEE UNASSIGNED RICHARD A GILBERT 1202 JACKSON ST 10 1929224300 HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED BURI,INGTON 230RTHERN INC UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RR CO JACKSON ST SOO LINE RAILROAD CO UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RAILROAD CO JACKSON ST PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED 10 1929224300 *** T H A T� S q�-�as� UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430001,10.99, XQP,192922430002,10.99, XQP,192922430003,10.99, XQP,192922430004,10.99, ** XQP,192922430005,10.99, XQP,192922430006,10.99, XQP�192922430007,10.99, ** XQP,192922430008,10.99, ** XQP,192922430009,10.99, XQP,192922430010,10.99, 000010 UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430011,10.99, XQP,192922430012,10.99, ** XQP,192922430013,10.99, XQP,192922430014,10.99� XQP,192922430015,10.99, XQP,192922430016,10.99� XQP,192922430017,10.99, 000017 A L L * * * APR 21 '97 12�16PM ST PRUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT CTfY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DBPARTMENf OF PpLICB A'!l11am K. Ftnn¢y, Chfof oJPoftea P.1 g�-�as i 100 East Elevenrh Sdeet Tefephone: 6I2-29l-IIII Saine Pau� Mim�arota 55107 Facatmlle; 612-292-3711 FAX TRANSMfTrAL Ident. # Date �. �- Please delive� to (Name) �1 l� C.N. Poiice DepartmentlAgency/Company � LT, Fax No. � �'SSJ� Phone No. � From Phone No. �� �— Transmittal of __��___ page(s) including thls sheet. Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 SainE Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colerrwn, Mayor April 17, 1497 Bemie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Mr. Gille: Phone: (612) 266-8&50 Fax: (612} 26�r8855 97- �as� The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petiuon of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Descripaon). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with farc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when repiying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �_-,— � �� Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � , PO12T AUTfiORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTItIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENI' RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 u � v Z 9 ?:�=— ^' e< . J 4 �': 6. '� l � � �. ( C \� y I tbY/ Y ?G, nOr, q7- /�.S/ All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDIN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now cornmonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Suroey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ��� R - � , , ro 1 g �� ; ; � -----� fl _ o�° 14 � -.\\ ., . \ �\ 27 �. I III �� � -� 9 � o_ _. ' o / �N�� >� � � / / Q�, /� ;, . „ z., _q � _ . ; J � ,\ ;�, . �e 1�y � �I � ��i � ' � i � �� � .. ... ....,�_— s i rwa r ..,_ � _ w..... =I: ___-w�._rva4FP-__�____ - � ' \ � s � t � �R�� ,. �'. L.. � ' 1`il�. ��1! D , P � 0 I; , g . �. . . �._ t\ � TRACT � X ♦ �\'. �.,,��Q°" �j SXE O ,, ♦ E`� `_' 10 ..: �� �a� �; � °: � ,. . as � � ��j t rI : �vc E � J � �����. i f� I °�' :::� :: I ;..... . i �_. � �� I ' � , •17�i �;i` � � _�` '\�� I `\ I \ ,, , ... �l7-/�S/ PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PKOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGH'I'S SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part ot the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or ._, A �-ia� # of Pages 1 ( Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 To: Juan Orti From: Bill Wentz Co. City of St. Paul US West Communicatioi Real Estate Division 500 N. Carlton Stre� Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacarion subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. i�9�-oa YEAR 9� Vacation of: E.Elyacinth Ave. As described in e�Sclosed resolution. Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o�' 10-08-97 ' SUFFICIENCY Map Ownership Report ok Petition Signatures VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Legal Description to Public Works: Referred Okayed Letters Utilities ✓ U.5. West ()�,...� ✓ N.S.P. (Gille) ✓ N.S.P. (Virant) MCI MeCro(Boyers) ✓ District �nergy(Urke) ✓ Continental CableVision Gillierg)> �.�_� Other () City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut} ✓ Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Morehead) ✓ Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Libraries (Williams) Public Health (Votel) ✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram) Attn: John Wirka ✓ PED (Mike Kramer) ./ r/ i . � �f . , __--__� �%� / / / / / / Neighborhood District #5 Voting District !f5 Report copies to Pelitioner ✓ Cssential Replies (proceed with resolu[ion after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secrctary notil'ied �� r7 . / Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: Petitioner's Contact: Rick Gierdal at 224-568G Architect: ok q � �'�S� Certificates Mailed/Received Mailed/Received � i� (�'��- / d'�'�— � / �YL '�L- / � �� � 6Y� �--- �- ���---�--�-- � �- (EI-Iyacinth) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: All Council Members From: Peter WhiteJ�` Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� , �a,S 1 PRIORITY �-t ��; � ` L, I � n o� �o g 6'Yl /d// C'B-n Sp�ry! y7 y„i � � I�haw� �o�l � " FR� �' =3b" '.'?, f L tsJ'� ✓h tvs P c J�� ., � . ,�.., ,�o��ti ,�k�����tasi�X�aci�f�a �,�e��e��`��i��ilell�1�97 � . �. ,�>.:a J ... t`r�; � x,F�`� I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Oeto'ber`8 The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in City Council District �, Planning District'� cc: Fran Swanson � �� ° ����-"�6, ��'�'�a" ' �;:;l� �a+ '�''�°" � =� I��� - � , - .. �. (HyacinthPort) �t`j - ��Sl r� Saint Paul, Minnesota October 9, 1997 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 97-1251, adopted by the City Council on October 8, 1997, and signed by the Mayor on October 9, 1997 /���� �,�. President CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fted Owusu, City LTerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Coleman, Mayor October 9, 1997 Port Authority City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: I70 City Ho11 IS W. %Ilogg Boulevard Saira Pau� Minnesota 55102 TeL: 6IZ2668989 F¢c 6Ib2668689 Web: htlp://www.s[pauLSm TDD: 266-8509 Enclosed is a copy of Council File 97-1251 which was adopted by City Council on October 8, 1997 which provides for the vacation of East Hyacinth Avenue a11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 as more particularly shown on the attached resolution. The Ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid within si�y (60) days after adoption of the resolution. Also enclosed is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must also be signed and filed here within said time. Very truly yours �IZc2r1G?.d Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer - Finance File No. 4'+ '�Rg'J Enc. Return cop'y to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hail r , ' , . . , V k . . � _' .-r Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vaca[ed and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attacl�ed Exhibit "A" This vacation shail be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l. 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecti�re date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shall be re[ained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel ro be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees 'rrom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any vio(ation of any law or regulacion made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. Council File # `y'� - ��15 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � q� -� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shal] within the period(s) specitied in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Deparcment of: Tec hnoloev & Manaeement Services B�. � Director Form Approved by City Attorney gY: _ 7 gy: , . proved b Mayor for Submission to Council Approved b Mayor: Date /d l�/47— �� �' By: —��� �---�' By: ���.� �G� Adopted by Council: Date Q� . R !`1`j`� Adop�n Certified by Council Secr�tar}) Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 �.� �. , _ �; �,.; : , : _ . . . __ Presented ReferredTo __________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ib 17 18 19 ZO ?i '.2 3 4 i Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: i. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabte within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shatl be retained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel to be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, ac�ions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, negtect, or misconduet of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i Counc7 File ff °�� -+ �d�5 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9�-� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shatl within the period(s) speeified in the terms and eonditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technolo & Mana ement Services � By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �L✓I��/�i1"°n./a"S� ty: > proved��for Su�� to Council pproved b Mayor: Date !8 �/9'1—. y: �""�.. j� By: �dopted by Council: Date p,�� , g �y�j� 1do�n Certified by Council Secr�tary� �l , ti/2 `-��� POHT .:zJTHOIZITY ABLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK �� ��` DE5CRIPTIOI�I OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , Mae�S�/� 7997 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjaceni to and southeriy of Lois 13 through 20 alf inciusive, J.W. SASS GARDEN LO7S, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the OHice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now common{y known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded piat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and liss westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fife and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. ConEaining 10,020 square #eet (0.230 acres) more or Council Date: October 8, 1997 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: � 1Green Sheet Number: rzxn�rnu�scrorz! 4 r�irmvrcm n�soa�v � C �� ,�� 5 ' aawc ^onfaM Person and Phone Number: Juan Oftiz or P�er White 266885� �1��� L 39524 @ MGl. R'G'. Dfl. I90 �f SIGNA'fiSRE PAGES ALL LOCATIONS FOR -ove resolution - Petition to vacate a portion of East Ayacinth Avenue and release all easements, �t as noted in T.M.S. FIle #1997-04 N�ATTONS: APPAOVE W OHR616C! � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: rur�aoconmfl�s�oH _� srnee 1. Has die person/firm ever worked under n contrxct for tltis depnrtment? YES NO rna srnvics rn*anenox . Has this persmiltSrm e��er been a City employee? YES NO ��� . Does flus person/firn� possess a skill not nonnally possessed by any WIiICH CAUNCIL OHJECTIVE? COUNCIL WAI2D(S) S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL S 1TING PROBLFdbf, ISSOE� OPPORTUNITY (Who, W1iaC, Wlien, Where, Why?): is au unimproved street which is not mauitained by the Citp anymore - the petitioner, Id like to use this area to develop a industrial park for new business. D�P'�ilBC� NTAGES IF APPROVED: vacation will help develop a new uidustrial/business area. SEP 30 199� IF APPROVED: ��\� )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: petitioner and City would lose a much ueeded industriallbusiness AL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: �SOO.00 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED SOURCE: ,L INPORMATION: (EXPLAII� ACfIVITY NUMBER: Transaction amount is au admuiistrative fee for the vacation. / YES I�O 041-01300-2833 F�93V55SL�.� �':,'2,'?r.is..;t �.�?"z�� �.-�T ; �,,� � ..��� PORT AUTHORITY �1���'� ` ARLINGTON II�3DUSTRIAL PAAK DESCItIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED , 1nay5�, �997 AI( that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lols 13 through 20 ali inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Ottice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as Easi Hyacinih Avenue, which lies easteriy of a fine drawn from the southwesteriy corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner ot Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westeriy of the westerly tine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and oi record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesofa. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or •: i , � MRY-05-1997 12�37 TRAFFIC ENG MAPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 - � - . _ N or Pafcs 1 To: Juan Orti From: Linda Dickhut Repiy to Vacation inqu,ry Co. City of St. Paul Degariment of Public 'Wor - Reat Esrate Division $p(! Cit�• Hall Ann F'ile #�04-1997 Saiut Paui, MN SS1U2 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # __ Far. # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We mr�st retain our easements within the right-of-way, We will approve this vacation, vacation subjec� to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the followiz�g reasons, we cannot agprove this vacaAOn : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � a�uC�c.e.� Rz.�x-a-cr� G���t.r�.c,��, _ �� P.01/a2 ��,��.Sl � ���C'� v - 5 - `� � 3 Date INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm cotemaa, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � �S � Stacy M. Becker, Director , a��' � ��eEit��� (i.„fo 3{W� w 4 2 � •- ! f t� .`��k� C$.T�i 1 F V{Y;C(�i(b To: Juan Ortiz Reai Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhu� Pubiic Works, Right-of-Way Division 80Q Gity Hall Annex Date: May 8, 1997 Re: File# 04-1997 Certiticate ot intended Non-Use for a portion of E. Hyacinth Ave between Jackson St. and interstate35-E A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing any utility rights retained by the Department of Pubfic Works for the vacated areas except as noted on the certificate. LD Attachments: Certificate, map ResponsiveServices • QuaZityFacilities • E'mployeePride �.� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE !� f ,��, .� THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COi3NCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation if 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated degarunent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway ad}acent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded piat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter(y of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westeriy of the westeriy line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded piat thereot on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tities in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. except as here noted: RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcei to be vacated. RECEIt/�"[� ;s � ,.:: � ? ���i 4�a.� EsrarE �ivts�a�t STA7E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Department of Public Works Its �rry �.UGi�t�EE2 �� � �� � ' �, The foregoi� inslcumrnt was ack[t�wiedged 6efore me this $% f� day of /(/J �J y , 199�, by 7��FF s f T EGGU/�( .tn� G E,c1G-�rUEE.e oe �Si f�UL �'�t/��-iG irt./o�KS ,a /Ulfl�tltc�✓'fl4 � undei the laws of t!e State of Minnesota. � . TsaF �AI.VERSON _ UNNE561A y, �rd EXPIRE5 otary Public, Ramsey aiM mnesota. �4.�j,,, 2000 � ...,...,..- v �w�----^^-� My commission exp'ves � - '� � �-00 � ** Please return this original copy to 14Q City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGT023 INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSL-D VACATED IIYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEIV'I' RIGI�TS SEH NO. A-STPPt19601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 199G o�� _las � A11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through ZO all inciusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in 8�e Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly l:nown as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the � west line of Lot 15, said J.�N. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered I.and Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Officc of the Regis[rar o( Titles in and Eor said I2amsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uNlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.0� feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or lest. � 8 ' Q ��;; � � , . „ ' "�_��--�� .. �:. y } - �,�� � - --- l 2 ---=� �°""''"_ �^ `-__' ,�_ ,,.- �.�j '. _ . �� —_.�....:— —. = : � ,— . s : � z� ; -��'„� �-. -� . �\. � . 28 ' � �9 s�b�� � .G;J,,� r.. ., �a, �,--- � , � .� 4It �� �� ,;1: ��� '„� �I' Q ; ,J; 9�� i ;t� �� %! � � � .._ / � m �// 1� `�/ i___ �+ .5 'wE s T CASi �� ,.:::: � o :::` ' � c� ��-1��-- � `J r ��= / ,\ A � �� � •. S� :; .. �. 'i� , , a`\ ,; � .��s`�� �, . . � . =�, . �� w �r. � 0 \\� � � ;. -------------�� :�. �.. � . � rn•v ,. x � ��o` >>s��D�� . �. �. �w : M1 �� I a, . � o�: 1 . r �¢�: '' '. � 10 0' � .� �i �3i ` i„ 3 a ��� �_`. .°/.;� :�� .�-rJ' I '. �'� � r ,�o..C. �y' �, ..— t M4NYL<N('� -� �--� +-. c�� ��`�a�� :�:{ , � � ; I� 1 pIt ;'. ih �� I�� \ \ � �� I .� �; � �a � , . . Departmeirt of Tech»ology and Management ,�5` s�,���� q�,� Real Estnte Divisior: 190 Ciry Hall Phar:e: (6I2) 266-883D Snint Paiil, MN 55102 Far: (612) 266-8&.i5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Colemmi, Mayor April 17 1997 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 Rc: ` ' r `' ' -" ; ;;Rclease'of Easenietits;;;;{f,04=1997 ................. ....a..,..,..n. �x :.,..c.:.,..-. .... , ....,. ,.:. .. .. .- � . . . Dcar Ms Dickhut: Port Authoritv of Saint Pauf has requestcd a waivcr of all easements in �See Attaclied Descriptiou)'x The purposc o1'this request is to Deveiop a Bus+ncss f'ark. Please execute dic enclosed certiticatc and return it to [hc Real Estate Division as addressed abovc. Sinccrcly, , _ `_ � .-�. �r�i� _., Tuan A. Ortiz Real Bstate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) � }�. S. �G-��e.�� -h,>r �Q„A Wcs� � �.z,� ���' -2 v�.{,c�r;�-t.e� �rr��. .. . JI —_------ _ - r =�� �x� tH'3�tld �Fi1Dl *� Repty to Vacation fnquiry File #04-t9S7 To: Juan Orti From: Co. Ciry of St. Paul Reat Estxte Division � ot Paga US west Commnni, 500 IQ. Carltan Manlewood. MN : � P�w� #�-sssa � rna� # � I �� �' 266-8855 F� # We have no ob}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�] We must retain aur easements withia the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Far the following reasons, we cannot approve tkzis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� RECE[VE�< a����� :i �' � � � �`:; i R�h`E ESTH7E D4t1;Si(iN g n�a �—>7-9 Date L0it0'd SS8899Z6 �1 SS£t 0£G Zt9 a9N3 1Sb3 0?J13W ?1d bS:99 G6. 0z Nflf Apr-24-97 07:32A Repty to Vacation Inqulry Fite #04-1997 To: Juan (?rt�. Ca. City of St. Paul Rea1 Estatc Division � p �t Pagcs Prom: Coutiuental Cablevisio 214 East Fourth Strec Saint Paul, MN 55101 Yhone � Fax fi P_02 �e�e �',/�� q�.11-s� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain ouc easements within the right-of-wap. We will approve this vacation, a vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . For the following reasons> we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �,�r� / �-�5,� r �� � Dacc ' i�4r'�'�"°sr'Td �iJ1Y. C.a icY.:��,l�rir � , � oe ra� 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Gille ��5� Reply to Vacation inquiry Co. Ciry of St. Paul N.S.P. - Electric Divisio a1 " Real Estate Division 825 Rice Stree File #04-1997 sa�nt rau� MN 55117 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # F� �{ 266-8855 Fazc �{ We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ . � �� Date �RY—a8-1997 16�00 FRDM CiTY OF ST PRUL �IEP To: ivan Orti: Reply to Vac�tion tnquiry Ca. Ciry of Sc. Paut Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone # 266-8$SO Fax tt 266-8$55 TD 58855 P.001 N oP Pagos 1 From: Larry Zan�.s L1EPB1dgTnspettio a/�.�\7.�i� 310 Lowry Professional BI Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 Phone �{ Fax �f We have no objections m ihis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the fallowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Dace TOTR� P.001 f � p of Pages � Reply to Vacation Inquiry rCo. ciry of st. raul { Real Estate Divisian File #04-1997 � From: David Urke Distriet Energy St. Paul, Inc District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West gellogg Boulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 297-8955 a ,,_"St Fa�c �{ 266-8855 I Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OX We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ,� DISTRICT ENERGY ST.PAUL, TNC., AfVD DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC„ HAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAUE NO OBJECTION TO TNE UACATION. —�� arrn < f L.i.Y e� � e:.. i_• . .? "` � � �.>, i: RE�.0 E� �A� � �S'ds'SiON �' � � l�/`�-o� APRIL 24 1997 DAVID L. URKE, P.E. Date PROJECT MANAGER N of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Chris Calull —l � r � S 1 � Reply to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Supr ot insPeccions Real Estate Division Department of Fire & Safe `eFIV°'^ �� Fite #Q4-1997 10(! East Eleventh Stree �� Q Saint Paul, MN 55101 ° " :z° �., Phone # 2fi6-8850 Phane � � `" "�`!-�sto Fax # 266-$$55 Fas # N We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� ��/�� Date RPR-28-199? 08:58 STP PARKS & RECRERTIDN 612 292 7A05 P.02i84 t A ar rases i [ Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �� From: Robert Aram Fife #04-1997 �o. City af St. Paul Parks & Recreatio /� �`� ` Real Estate Division 360 City Tiall Ann — f 7 Attention: John Wirka Phone # 266-885Q Phone # Fax �1 266-8855 Fa�c �l we have no objections ta this vacadon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must rerain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, vacatian subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q ,ned �/-���s� Aate PED PLRNNI�6 DSU. TEL�9-228-3314 To: Iuan Orti From: Reply to Vacation Inqufry Co. City of St. Paut Resi Fstate Division Fite #441997 Rpr 23'97 11�27 No.OD8 P.01 iF Df Pegc9 � Mike Planning & t Gti�—! �`' t � i llth Floor City Hail Ateue Saint Faul, MN 55102 PhoneA' 266-8850 Phone � Eaic !f _ _ 2b6-8855 Fax � We have no obJections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easoments wirhin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacacion eubject to the Fol[owing condi6ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the fvltowiag reaspns, we caru�ot approve chis vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q /� � .�� :� r --�-� . Date APR 21 '97 02�11PM SPPL RDMIN To: Juan Reply to Vacation lnqulry Co. City of 3t. Paul Real Estate Division File #Od-1997 Phone # 266-8850 Fax �! 2b6-8855 !( OP pe�a8 1 From: Carole Williams Library Administratio 90 West Fow�th Strei Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone # 1$�'—1,17.3 P.2 We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�] Wc must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacarion, vacation subject to the foltowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] y- �i- F Date ��' �� RPR-21-1997 14:24 Repty to Vacation inquiry File #04-1997 ST PRUL PUBLIC HERLTH 512 222 2770 u of Pagcs 1 To: Juan Orti Ftom: �r� �'O� Co. City of SE. Paul Department of Public H Real Estate Division 555 Cedar Stree Caint Paul_ 117N 551fl1 # 266-8850 Phone # � � — 266-8855 Fax # �--�— t_ 7 Wehavenoob}ecrions[othisvacation ...-....•.••.•••••�••�-•-�-•••�-� We must retain our easements within the tight-of-way. We will appzove this vacation, n vacaaon snb}ect ta the fotiowing conditions: . - • • • • � � • • • - • • • - - • • � • - • • • - • For tbe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation_ . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • •❑ P.01i0i q �_ ��.51 � r �� � � Dace TOTpL P.01 APR 21 '9? 12�17PM ST PAUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT Ta: 7uan Orti: Repty to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #Q4-1997 Phone �l 266-8850 P.Z K oP Pagea 1 From: Lt. Mike Morehead ���,. S � Saint Pau1 Police Departmen 100 East Eleventh Strec Sa3nt Paul, MN 35141 Phone � We have no objecdons to this vacatian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L� We must retain our easements within ihe right of-way. We will aQprove this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ igned Date � � � To: Juan Orti; Rep{y to Vacation Inquiry Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division File #04-1997 Phone �{ 266-8850 Faic # 266-8855 x of ra 1 From: Tiw Virant iV.S.P. - Gas Distributio 825 Rice Stre� Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone # Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ i�E��1� �, .m.,� � � .� .. KEAL tS?,�2'i E �!'JI�{Oi� igned Date �/Z�F �� _ ►as1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 ff of Pages 1 To: Juan Orti From: Bernie Bullert Co. City of St. Paul Water Utilit Real Estate Division 8 East 4th Street, Suite 20 Saint Paul. MN 55102 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fax # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objections w this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � T' We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � �� 'gned q ���asti �!- z.7 - R'7 Date CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1-�ZS� In the Matter of Vacarion # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (5ee Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Communications STATE OF,M?NNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing 'vutwnera was ackmw)edgdl before me this 2 o t h da� of `� U n C ' 1997 by Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer , U S WEST Communications �ruc�wsof�des�oc Col orado. x �,._,:`� ' �_ � ,. . •"' ...,. My commission expin ** Pfease return this originat copy to 140 Gity Hall, S� Paul, MN 55102 ** I� Field Engineer M � CERT{FICATE OF INTENDEQ NON-USE a'�- r�s� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMSERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: RECE�!`" � `�; ��..�. Y_;;� F.�`n;= �1'l.Si�N ( r'V ��c N.S.P. - Gas Distribution STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The F�egoing instmmem was acknowledged before me this �� day of � 1997, bY �(��. ��(57��� ,the c{ hl.ac� � l'Y�S ��� .ae.ri �._� �� �p �')j�{�(� _, of NUYY^�N�..Y.r� !lX=.l!-eC `1'�e-u--e—✓" t'Af,ln'Y.4wl a �� /s 1 a....�r�r.v _ t"Co.v (D c m�der the laws of the State M Mim�esota. nnnnn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr�n.v,:�nn�r,nn x JUAN P.- CRT4Z > ��^,�`,' NOTARY -^U�'cL:C .,,,',�?A `:'. '. RP.I� OOJ_ < MyCOmm. ExA�"es 3�r. 3l, 20�� „ ryyy�nJV✓Wyy�,rpWYJWb`NY`.NV'N�J:NJV'c . � Notary Public, Ran County, ' � . M (�3/- LUan ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paut, MN 55102 ** :� CERTIFICA'TE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COL3NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL °`.�' �7'S � In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1497 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Descripdon) except as here noted: BERNARD E. GILLE N.S.P. - Electric Division Its DESIGN CQORDINATOR ������ Signature STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Tlle foregoing u�strument was acknowtedged before me this `'J � day of by of under the laws of the State of Minresda. � 1997, My couunission e�ires 17tlUti'E .�BIENI�EK NWny Public-Minnesota RsmseYCoumY **. Please return this original copy to 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��,�asi OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation 1104-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., NAUE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEI�'�� .-; � e �.� .. , ,;.^=:�,��,�w �=���s�a�� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Ttie foregoing instrumrn[ was aclvowledged before me this � day of �_ , 1997, bY � )`''iLLiQ.ZC�/i of �(�(L//ZL(/7 C.y[�t � � ,a u��der tffi laws of the State of Mi�mesota. c M�J�M/ W AN V�/�NJ�/v�MMMAMM/�AMn • O �. EIIEN C. THOMA ypo� �, �i�� <. �� NQTARY PUBLtC-MINN'cSOTA No[ary Public, Ramsey Cw�LLy, Minneso[a. S� RAMSEY COUNTY � My Comm. Explres Jan.31, 2000 ;/3 �/�.��� � F My wmmission expires *� Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AJ'Y/ �'�� _ 7 � r v 1 /il �� 6�� � District Energy and Cooling St. ul, Inc. � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ECEivED asl "PR 3 0 i93� RFAL ESTqtE DIViSlON In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: Saint Paul Water Utility Water Utility General Manager ,U/� J .P��f ' ( � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COIJNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) TM foregoing instrumetn was acloawledged before me this Z 5 th dyY oq Ap r i 1 by Bernie R. Bullert � General Manager 1997, M the Saint Paul Water Utility , a Municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tfie laws of lhe S[ate of Minnesota. f Al��n���n�'Y�'VIAMh'.nn,�n^N�;J.nPnP�A4nI.^"� . du-,s.; a.. �:: �_ z r �.� N4?A2Y 2t,'-iv >:; ". T " ' Notary Pub . Caurcy, Minneso[a. e��y Rnms=_r cou��n� � . � � SIY f•omm. Exokes Ss ;. ". t, ?o"o My com�itiSSi011 ¢](p'v¢s �� � � � Z� � �VV4V�!hNVA'trVV�'.:`e:'.^. ie.`, ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** r, PORT AUTHORITY , AIZLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 ����ast All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southeriy of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Off'ice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Contauung 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les� �--rnT�^ III R . � �n � • g 11; - . � r. i x �+or v�c c� O } 1j � y ^ ` . � �� . — i `� �., � � 4�O�i! Y ,.0,+„ �_ -----m fl • •a\ _ \ 14 � ��,� 27 �?. III 1 1 � / I�l m �!; Q ;: 28 ! �? 9 � O � n � �:v• � 3 Y � j l 2�- i �� •VF.:: : • , -we'sr � sr:�s r� i ; � ..._ / ��% ; c���, I -� - r'� o EAST �5 i y � r �,.u.�� � W ' / / —S1IYILL M. 6� I i �' ¢ � / � �� N1�TxoOx[� .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ��� U ��J � � ' � % TRn nvE, � cj � r ; ... � : "is.; �' � :`Y fl, ... Ll �`� _ , � ,� � , %` m N " o ' o �-` . , _ . -- - � � � / � ----------- .,�. �� - �1 . ....� .,° n t ( � l .�R, � i; ���5 ; ; ,; , ; . . _--------� �vyn . _ __-_ _ ..-.___.... Aq4 � PRoPose ' I ; � :: RREA i :+. L.. .".'�.. �', m �` °.'�',� I `� � C. � \ . ' �� \\ ' 1 ,_ ;```` '•� ' . \��`.I`-\\ . ._i y \�� TRAGT � •\'. X ��� '', ,�� �� p p N� �u,F��g : , I,:::� : I� !� � i I I I Ii I4' `` \ I F . \ I ,\ Ii � Z � (nterdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRIORITY To: All Council Members From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 Ciry Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� Subaee[�Vacate a Por£ion of Easc Hyacintti Avenue TMS File#/1997-04- I recommend a public hearing before the City Counci] be held on October 8,_1997 . The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in Ciry Council District 5, Planning District 5: cc: Fran Swanson �,`: (HyacinthPort) 9� �/,�,s/ Department of Technology and Management Services Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 ��� �� Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 ,,.- - w, , .. � ' �:::: : t�..::.. �•,. ��•� 9 �� �� Dear The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestivg this vacation and the urtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained, The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any e7cisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) ' � ��pag� � 97—i�r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 �� Co. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division From: �r` � Phone # 266-8850 � Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Faac # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date CTI'Y OF 5AINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Maynr Apri121, 1997 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Sir: CTTIZEN SERVICE OFFICE �,^'� 7 r Fred Owusu, CFty Clerk I70 6ry Hull Tel: 6IY266-8989 ZSW.%IlaggBoulevmd Faz: 61&266-8689 s�mr� mr:�ma ssioz w�a: rmp✓�w.�m,cgw 1DD: 266-8509 t�''GEeitS� _. q � . .. . . .� t .., - . 3_ � _ �_� � _ �, _s:���; I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey for the vacation of portions of a11 that part of East Hyacinth Avenue all that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W.Bass Garden Lots, according to the recorded plat thereof the said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the southerly ea�tension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Very truly yours, -f/Lcz.dlc.P.o -�J� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk FS dw ��i�.T���_'SiL�'i� hansmikSns � i (,�1 9? ��� � �� v. �C� �h.ecK �a. ya..i�� 21N OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,,,, „.,...,.�ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 4ECE!��E� APR 171997 CITY CLERK Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /l,�-.�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:Vag\d-nlsn 9 � -l�3/ FAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 190� LANDMARK TOWE2S • 345 S7. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE � THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT t�ivC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL RE�E!VEC APR 17 1997 C[TY CLERK YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and alleges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: �` All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerfy extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of ?i+.lP� in 3!'.� fGi swi� Ramsey C�urty.� The proposed area to be vacated is coiored in red on ine af"ta�hEU EXhI.�',li. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fully indemnify, defend'and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages �� - lasi received or sustained by a break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Council of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respecf*uliy requests your Nonorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Its ROBERT L. BRACKEY By � its h:Uag�aj-vac q�-i�s� WHEREFORE, your Petitio�er respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �1�.!-.� � ,� . ..; ROBERTL.BRACKEY By Its h:UagWj-vac c 7 - i�,.s� PORT AUTIiORITY AItLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIOI�3 OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN't RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVI5ED `.nrr nnnz All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 73 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to ihe recorded plat thereof and on fife in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 toot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LO7S and lies westerly of the westerty Iine of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and tor said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or , � ...�� � q�-ias� PORT AI3THORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PAIZK DESCRIP'TION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINI`H RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEA NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all indusive, J. W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Offiice of the Register of Deeds in and far Ramsey CounYy, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on ffie and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. Page 1 of 2 � . 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A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN L015, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,Q20 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. 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N H � a� I�- � z� �� OO L� � �� �w � � U W ? �" W � Q V �J �,. "Sent'by: 7HE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09/96 4:30PM�,Jg}�,y #301;Page 115 9? -lasi DOHBRTY RUMBLE & $UTLER PROPP93fONAL AA9oCU110H z� x�a w«� r�,aoc�m so a�naonm a�.a satn t�a. asmnwo u�m�a Telep6ma (612} 29L9R1 e� <�, m�m,� wan dt�. m: MpY.. LQI T.lop6me (@7A 21tl�3335. PAX (6IZ130$8t �mrs. CR TelepAm Pa7 YR6�OC. FAX p¢A STSbap Wa�6. DC ribphms {p� 9ie+255r. RAX p6� 3D9$ISi Attorneys at Law FAX TRANSMiTTdI. SI3EET Sept�mhes 9, 1996 TO: FROM: I'ages: Rick Gierdal Saint Paul Port guthority FAX: 223-5198 Marc 7 Manderscheid Direct Daat: {612) 291-9369 5 (inciuding this cover sheet) ClieutlMatter No. 102877/11 COMII3ENT5: Transp�issioa Prohlems Cantact (61Z) 291-9416 13c iAfo(maliancoe4vbd iw thit 6cfiCU7! me»qC 1196Dri1q' PtWl�Ojtd Imd �fjA6NiW� iPkYdW Op�' Buf i�k OID 9F t�le iadiVidYd of CYtI/J' Nmad t60V0. I( �}C 1Nde[ Ofthismqsegeisnattbeida08adi'°c�R.7pyucyertypovliBedlDManyd+uem�wtroo.diMbauoarMwPS�{dl6i��v�uqwNiauiaqn°tlYl�+�kd• Iiyw4ave ttcad�ed iLi� oommcme+4oa is oner� Pleuc iwmdia�4y aM+f1'+p 67 Tde�yoae. ud roAVa dw ori�icrl mtiw`e b w N 14e abwe Baiet Panl add[sM vi� +he U.B. Pant Scrvim. ' Sent `by: THE HEIGL'S r . \\ � STATE QF MINNE5pTA Port Authority of the Cary of Saiat P'aut, A�innesota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; c� APR 15 7996 J.S. V4. 1\��yPy�� B q Dep ,�. vs. DeSoto Associate.s Limited P3rtnershiP; County of Ramseq, T��innesota; City oF Saint 1'aul, M"ssinesota, �...�-� 09/09/96 4:30PM;,j�,�fX #301;Page 2/5 �''•. 9? �fd5� DISTRICT CO'(TAT SECOND JTTAiCTAI, DISTRICT R�+pe of case: Cwtdemnatian C.ourt File No. C2-96�i3 R�CEFPT OF DEpOSIT BY piSTRICT CDURT ApMiN1S7AATOR � ��"� � . � � �...��' ;�' ' � �. IN' TT3E MATTEIi OF TEE CONDEMNATlO1V OF CERTAIN REAT, PItUl'ERTY TACATED IN THE CITY dP SAIlVT PAUL, CQLTNTY OF RAM9EY, STATS 4F MII+TNESOTA, FOR TF3� ART.1NGTaN J'ACKSON RE1lEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Z 'Thomas Boies, an afficiai in the df6ce of the District Court Administrator for Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereby couficm tl,at I rcxeived the sum af $326,900.00, in ��fynds on account for �te Pcut Authority of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a,y a ci�wsi= p�,ryuant to Minn. srac. § 117.oa2 in the above-captione� maaer in accocaance winc �he Districc courc ckder Authoriziag Payment or D�ait and Tiansfemng Title dated Pe6mary 14, 1496, which is on ' Sent°by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/� #301;Page 3(5 • - - (,'\ r� 9�—/0�..�) � file hereia. Pursuant w said Order, che titte aztd right W posses�on of the resl estate attacbed to the Petition is, withoui uatice, vested in the Peritioner. Dased this 1sZ � day of April, 1996. � ' a.--� Deputy Subsccibed and swom to before me this / � day of Agril, 2996. No f Public � . uNaa �, cax N07AflY AUH174' MfHNESOTA lRM1139296 � MPGU�iR�ae� 31� pq ''Z� � Sent �by: THE HEIGL'S ,-, � STATE OF MINNESOTA \ COUNTY OF RAMSEY 941 992; �� Coun a^ T,tama� AUG I9 t996 J.E.3L.:+:='' ��' 6 G'y`'ry Pott Authoriry of the City of Saint PauI, Minnesota, Peutionei, vs. DeSoto Associates Limited Partnership; County of Ramsey, Minnesota; City of Saint Paul, Minnesosa, ResgQndents. 09/09/96 4:31PM;,J� #301;Page 4i5 ; . q � , 1 �S DISTRICT COURT SECOND 7iJDICIAL DISTRICT Type of case: Condemnation Court File No. C2-96-d3 ORnER AMENDIAfG lEGA� DESCRIP710N TN' THE MATTEl2 OF THE CONDEMNATION OF C�RTAIN REAL PROP£RTY LdCATED IN TFTE CZTY OF SAiI�TT FAUL, COUI�IT'Y 0� RAMSITY, STATE OF MTIVNESOTA, FOR TI�� ARLII�TGTON JACKS�N REDEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT WH�REAS, on lanuary 2, 1996, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota {the "Port Authority") filed its Pe�icion in Condemnation and Mation for Transfer of Title and Possession Under Minn. Stat. § I17.042; WHEREA$, on k'ebsuary 14, i996, the Court issued its Order Granting Petition and Appointing Commissionars; WHETi�AS, on February 15, 1996, the Court issued its Order Authorizing Payment of Degosit and Tzansfarring Title; '►X'TiET2EAS, on April 12, 199b, tha Dlstrict Court Administrator acknowledged receipt of tha deposit pursuant to Minn. Siat. § 117,042, whereby dtie and right to possession of the real estate described in che Petition was vested in the I'etitioner Post Authority; �Sent�by: THE HEIGL'S 941 992; 09/09l96 4:31PM;,/�yX #301;Page 5/5 t � . � q � , �,�..� /-"�. /". i WHEREAS, the Port Authoriry has determined that there was an error in the Iegal description for Pazcel C4, such that a one foot strip of property on two sides of Pazcel C4 was inadvertently not included within che lega! description of the property ta he taken; TI' TS �TEREBY ORA�XED that the Petition on fila in this matter, in paragraph 10, is herehy amended in that tha Iegal description for "Parcel C4" is deleted in its endrety and the foliowing legal description is subsrituted in its placc: Ait that parc of Lou 17 and 1&, 7.W. Bass' Garden Lots, lying northeastesly of the St. Paul Water Works right-of-way and sautheasterly of the Department of Natura! Resoutces trail (formerly the Soo Line Railroad and bsfore that the Wisconsin Centrat Railroad Ca, right-of-way}, all according to the plat oe file and of record in the office of the Regiscer of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. Together with a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over T_pt B Registerect Land Survey No. 267 as rccorded in Document No, 585432 of Ramsey County Ttecords. The transfer of titIe of the above-descri6eri real estate is hereby determined to have been effeczive as of Aprii 12, 1996. � Dated: August 1996 �Y THE COURT; Judge of Aiscrici Coort �� .255 Park Square Court - 4(10 Sihley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 fi12-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 Commonwealth COMMONWEALTH LAND T[TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY August 22, 1996 Mr. Tenence J. Garvey Port Authori[y� of the City of Saint °aul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1661 � Dear Mr. Garvey: R?'id7 t �^`Cit p0A>QUr�`,�pll. .. �� �� Y 96-180 Abstractor's Certificate Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as o£ August 21, 1996, a seazch of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjacentto the proposed vacauon area. (See Exhibit A attached hereto.) A1so enclosed for your convenience is our memo invoice detailing our costs. Respectfully, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ������ Robert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This report cites matters appearing in the public recozds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errors or omissions. Enclosure q7-�a� f File No. 96-180 Exhibit A Property Tax ID No. 14-29-22-43-0011 19-29-22-43-0012 19-29-22-43-0003 Fee Owner! Address Robert L. Brackey 1336 7ackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Buriington Northern Inc. 2600 Continental Plaza Building '777 Main Fort Worth, TX 76102-5330 Desota Associates P.O. Box 1�830 Sx. Panl, MN 5511'7 q � ..�o�� 1 PORT AITI'F;pRITy ARLINGTON INDUSTIZIAL PARK DESCRIPTIdN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RTGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 Aii that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent Eo and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOT'S, according to the recarded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly knosvn as EasE Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the remrded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and Eor said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uEility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or m I (� � �f I � i�1� `. ; r.� 1v' t�-� . �"" � � ` _�-,.-. =L�_. : _"__ � �.�� ,�_ Po � �� •� �. -..._ _- = � , e f `�'a� 14 � $ N6T VAC�TEO� \ `� ���� . . �`s�� 49 ` A�c£ , ?oc ��'y�� � �ti Sw AVL.' , a w� �: � ,.._ /,)';; �� �AVE.- � �j, �Y. XYI.1 // � ° .ae�x i ' :�L-t __ - ,. .....,�/�.,/;�.. �� ;�� ��. .; M N . 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A-STPPA960I.00 �� ` ✓ C � � - REVISED SET'TEMBER 23, 199G �`� �� ���� � � a commonty known as st Hyacinth Avenue, which ties easterly of� i� - �,'�.e : , said J.W. BASS GARD£N LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on fite and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tittes in and for said Itamsc}' County, Minnesota, RESERVING a:�d EXCLPTING therefi a perpetual casement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described��parce . ���� ��� Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. � T� -}�:e. � U y�'�� � ���� � All tltat Yart of the 33 foot wide r way adjacent to and southerly o ots 13 through 20 alI � inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN S, according to the recorded plat the of and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds ' nd for Ramsey County, Minnesota, sai 3£oot wide roadway now i 4 �� � T''=__ , .___ rJ —12 �'_'mc •_aa � >k. „ tj � y�sJU�= � ..�.. : � ., � W E's r + sr.�'a � / ' ..._ i �`:,' r ; . t�JU m `S>/�� U O' EAST � y %� -'_� �� , � ��..��.� .�^� � 6 '\ 1 Y � I� � / .. �. �p.:l '-° ... ... --'.. . .. ., ...�: " � 1! ��. — ^"9 . / . 'w r q 13`�ro � � 14_ . � �� IOT V�.C�i{D� \ : \��\.'' � � 27 : . ' I� ;': —�'—� ;— • /q ��� r. , 1 \ � �� �I� -�� ♦ �I:� i . ., , � 4�42� °o, �t' �,�, ��'',7..� `r., ., f '•' 0 m • � � 612 298 4559 P.02i02 R�-t�� L� J€i�U",��, � � � o�:: � ; , ;� � _� ^�' ��:. 10 '�� . i 1.�i ss ; � �'; L ���� r �.. `;�•• W : A �_ 3 � r� �� U � T. ... ................ .. ..: �..�,.-- _..�..-,.,., p � - - ° • �,... "---'-""'-'•-'---- �------'--' - ' ----.._....�..,, A� � 4 > i � � ��E �I � S � ������ �� `� �� I ��� � �'.. L.. s. i�o. >'E,7 0 • � �� �_' � ;, P �ao {. _. �'.. % i ' , 1 , . - ).. \ \ Q�1 ` �. � ; . .' • r . I y �: 6 \ \� 1 ` ,���/� ' I. ` T41CC� ["° • � •� 1 j �� � �.\� � �, f� .- _•...- _ ,. � � I - � �. . `� � ,` TRHR � '� �v vN I, \Ur4 �. �I� � � ,"�, `�• �.. . � , TOTRL P.02 Apr-24-97 07:32A FACSIMILE COVER SHEET CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF STa PAUL, INC. P_O1 ��� ��� To: � ��T i Z FR: l%� DT: � 1,r��i / ,� 7 , RE: ���'�IfC > �f OF PGS i�ncluding this one): 214 E. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 � ��� 't� ��-/�� 7 Office t67 2} 224-2697 x�f 2Z� Fax (612) �69� S�'�1'/� � PORT AUTHORITY , ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTIpN OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 9 �'� °'t5� All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Mimiesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Iand Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof ori file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcei. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or les�. F " I I. -; 1 ' w � . g ll- = .4' i ...,..._ t .. � �: •. -�, __ —�ifl--� . . ±.,,�� v N' � F `� -!2""___^=r`"�_ �Q``�� _ _ � _ 4 - � , ,:� .B 1��0�4 ---- „- \' .,. , , •\ r xOT VwCdFD+ �` ;� 27 ;� e , , �� ,; �� �� �... o ' • 1 I ._I • � II' �t � ; J 28 ' , � �\-� ' f ��j a. � `�; •• � i. -'� j '�� \ � � `• y i �i I y �YO�L.S _ _ 4 _ — ' I'. 0 i � Y nfl.r . +'�w o / / 1��.�. � / m 9 / � ;. � ml % � � � �� � / �� `:" U t�; / TRA pVE� � Q i:fc.;:�� < � � m roF ° �L� � � �v ���`�'_c . ____________ pf. � ; .. ..F � ," �St� I � � I� . i �I j .___________ � _ _ _ . _ _ -i..�.�m+aA � � � _ _ _. . . _' " . � I . S � . t� ��JF,'� ' pftoPose , ; ; :. a�n � :�. �.. �. , I; �:o. ?s7 ���„ c� �� ;� . . �� I � ga `<. i , � � . ' � t � � �e ,`��\� `,1 � 1 ``\,� 1 , a����. • ��� `� .:•.. ' ...�... � .� � `: �\Q\. � TMCT .. ;� .' A 2 � `� � S N ` a..�.. � „' y l. • . � � ...... . •:� i I � ;, i ' � "�' : � �' � ,�1. � I F�. i \\�� I �I� . � II paraueu o iec o an gement rvices Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Chris Cahill Supr. of Inspections Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Deaz Mr. Cahill : Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q?-/.ti/ The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestiug tLis vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with falc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If ye�a have any q��esG�ns reg2rding this m�tter, ple?se cali Juan nrtiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, ✓�� �— l%'"�1�1-✓' °C/ ` Juan O�r 'z Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) g�- �d5� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: District Chief 2C FROM: Chris Cahill Fire Prevention FILE NO. FIN 4-1997 DATE: April 22, 1997 SUBJECT: Plan Review, Hyacinth Ave. E of Jackson Ave., see map Please review the attached plans and return your response to me by 4/28/97. Check the appropriate response listed below. If you have any questions, call me at extension 252. Is water availability sufficient? Yes _ No _ Comments: Is fire apparatus access su�cient? Yes No (minimum width 20', minimum turnaround radius inside 22', minimum radius outside 45', minimum overhead clearance 13'6", maximum grade 6%) Comments: Indicate desired fire department connection (siamese) locations on plan or space provided. (Some buildings may not actually be sprinklered) Indicate desired location of annunciator panel, other FD control switches, or Knox Box locations on pleft OI' Sp8C2 pfOVid2d. (Some or all of these devices may not be installed depending on Code requirements) Your recommendation: Approval � Denial _ What corrections could be made to change a denial recommendation: Fire Prevention Approval: Yes � No Date Fire Protection Engineer Comments: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 RECElV�� � � . .-- Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Virant: Department of Technology and Management '� servi�es q � - / � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855 '�S� �S. DIV�SION Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, C ._-- - '"" --' �� � an A. Oniz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) . , q? - �asi PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN IATS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEI'TING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 ieet of the above described parcel. Deparin►ent of Technolo� and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Tim Virant N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8$55 q? - �as� � �-� rr+� �� C!'�r, � � �;_ - _. __ _aT= i � �I`!'Si01[ � • 9°i. to•i e 1.' �i Dear Mr. Virant: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing uulity easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with far transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you wouid rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � �/ �� ��—�., / �, � -, Juan Ortiz / Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) 21TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��.,� �,,,.,,�,,,ARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PEfER STREEf • March 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Nelson City of Saint Paul Real Estate Department Room 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 �. ST. PAUL MI�T5a�02-1661 RE: PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF PORTfONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE Dear Dave: q?-r�s� FAX (612) 223-5198 TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 Enclosed herewith please find the following items for the vacation of portions of East Hyacinth Avenue: 1. Vacation Petition 2. Ownership Report 3. Copy of the District Court Administrator of the Port Authority vs. Desota Associates giving us title to that piece of property 4. Ownership Report by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 5. Port Authority's check #42178 in the amount of $100.00 for the filing fee for the petition. If you have any questions regarding this, please call me. Yours truly, /t.�,..�- Richard A. Gierdal Property Manager RAG:jmo Encl. h:\regW-nlsn �,� � :,ai _� " ��� _� : �� . \', � �,:-. : �? _�o'�,$/ fAX (612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CIN OP SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREEf • ST. PAUL MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF EAST HYACINTH AVENUE TO: THE HONORABLE COUNCIL PRESIDENT A�vC MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YOUR PETITIONER, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and Robert L. Brackey respectfully states and a0eges that we are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting East Hyacinth Avenue further described as follows: All that part of East Hyacinth Avenue that is described as follows: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the O�ce of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easter�y of the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 15, and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Tit!Ps in an� #or s�id Ramsey C�ury. The proposed area to be vacated is colored in red on ffie attache� Exhiuit. The proposed vacation is required for the development of Arlington/Jackson Business Park. Your Petitioner herein requests that there be no assessment of compensation to Petitioner on account of the value of the accrual; and that in lieu of a bond, and by acceptance of the terms of the vacation, the Port Authority agrees to fuily indemnify, defend�and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which may arise from any injuries or damages q7-«.5'� received os sustained by a break in any secvice pipe, water main, or connection in said vacated areas, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the Petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. Your Petitioner herein further requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul legislative Code, Chapter 130, pertaining to the reservation of easements be waived upon presentation to and approval by the City Councii of Saint Paul. We request Certificates of Intended Non-Use over the vacated area for electrical, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, U. S. West, Cable television, and any other parties interest. The City will retain an easement for drainage and sewer over the portion of the vacated street described as follows: The west 30 feet thereof. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable 6ody to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its ROBERTL.BRACKEY By— ldA�1� � �� Its h:lragWj-vae g? -�a�'� WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the portions of East Hyacinth Avenue for the purposes above-stated. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL _��i �� i `� .5�� ROBERT L. BRACKEY h:Vag�aj-vac 9 � - ��s� From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/12/97 10:03am Subject: Response/LOt SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith Juan - The Department of Public Works has no interest in purchasing this property. ------------------------------------ >Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 10:59:59 -0600 >TO: Juan Ortiz <juan.ortiz@stpaul.gov> >From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> >SUbject: Re: Vacant Lot SE Corner of Cherokee & Smith >CC: >Bcc: >X-Attachmerits: > >JUan, I doubt that Public Works has an interest in this, but just in case >I routed it to the Right-oP-Way Czar, Mr. Transportation Planner and the >Head Bridge Honcho for review and comment. As soon as I hear back from >these 3, I'll e-mail you pronto! >-------------------- »He110 Linda, Aello Mike... » »i sent a memo a couple of days ago inguiring if »any department in the City is interested in acquiring »a vacant lot located on the southeast corner of »Cherokee & Smith. » »If you have a moment, could you get back to me i£ »you think there is a chance (or no chance) that »your department may be interested in this land (if »the matter is undecided, please let me know also). » »I would like to keep track of this for citizen's group »inquiring on this matter. Thanks for you attention!!! » » » »Attachment converted: Linda:WSSNCI.WPD (.WP6/WPC2) (000077AC) > > > http://www.stpaul.gov ;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor y�- �a�1 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855 E2EGEiYED APR 21 ?��7 D.STRiCT ENERGY April 17, 1997 David i3rke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ° . . B .� .� , �.i f 1 Dear Mr. Urke: Port Authoriry of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, L , �ja ��hian A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment � � _t���r��= ..;`.. �P' � . . `'��,� �5 °z D1`,'is{O�i (E. HyacinthAv) 9�-�as� ` ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (6l2) 266-8850 �,.,�� Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor April 1'7, 1997 Bernie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Street , Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Gille: � LL= ��� `� n�� � ,...�. , nEAL ES7ATE JCi�Si;N Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Park. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �� � ` Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attactunent (E. HyacinthAv) Lle�a*�ent �f TechnoIog,q � � M■•� o Real Estate Division =" �=;=° ' =� =_-• � --.. .__ � . , „ 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 • Far: - (B22) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 David Urke District Energy St. Paul, Inc. District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. 76 .Vest Kel:ogg 8eulevar� Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��=-a=, , e': 'v,ii's -J °'�r:..- a�,� -SiaT= �4};;SiON. G17' la�u'rl F?ECE3VE� RPR 2 � ��9� D(S?tZiCT ENERGY �' B' i. 411 ' 1 B�• i l Dear Mr. Urke: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petiuon of Port Authorits of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ This inquiry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requestmg this vacation and the i�rtended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. 1 would ]ike to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have anp questions regarding this matter, nlease call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, � � c--- / ; � � , �, ���� /,� � � � � Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@drpepper.stpaul.gov> To: Finance.Real(ortiz) Date: 5/5/97 11:07am Subject: File #04-1997/Hyacinth St vac. The Department o£ Public Works hae reviewed the above referenced vacation request and has no objections to the vacation including release of all easements, subject to the following. The City Surveyor has recommended the following legal description for the proposed vacated area: All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner o£ Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the re�orded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the aboved described parcel to be vacated. A signed Certificate of intended Non-USe shall be forthcoming. http://www.stpaul.gov CC: miscunix.smtp("bill.cutting@stpaul.gov","peter.gal... Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services Real Estaxe Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ��.. April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West Communications 500 N. Cazlton Street Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 q� -ra51 ' • P..�e. �ei'�t � �t i•' �.i'; Dear Mr. Wentz: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Port Authorit.y of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Description)_ Tlus inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any eJCisting utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond.on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �` � � / Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E. HyacinthAv) � � 'i Department oF Technology and Management s���� q�- ra�'1 Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 17, 1997 Bill Wentz US West 500 N. Carltcn Street Saint Paul, MN 55119 o. .. , o . .•�t.� , g.� a� Dear Mr. Wentz: Port Authority of Saint Paul has requested a waiver of all easements in (See Attached Description). The purpose of this request is to Develop a Business Pazk. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, �--- // ` ____� Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Attachment (E. HyacinthAv) _ ,. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AATD MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL q?-�ast In the Matter of Vacation # 04-1997 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it dces not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: (See Attached Description) except as here noted: US West Its Signature STATE OF MINNF,SOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) The foregoing insttucne[rt was acffiowledged before me Utis day of 1447, by ,the of , a uMer Il�e laws of the State of Mimiesota. Notary Pub(ic, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpires "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* � �.. :I ? � ; ; R��� V � � g S .... �'! • �,+� y � .... , ; :: � � C�' n � � T _�__N�" , () . u ; ; Q d z ' • � ° ui .' � •� , `.., ,� .i � a i � � ,� f �. V � , �� • r � \ i F��. P. � � , , n � �� ' , ¢ �� � � m , � � . � ( `� i � � � � i � i I i � N i =b 1 n � i � � , , i i � ; � -- - . Lo•iZi -• � � ;� J I '` =--- -_ -- ----. -_�_ _ --��---- --- ---- -- I ; h� ql � �I a e 1 V � I � � � n� n a v � n� � v � � .;. '1 I —_ I --- � --�_ � - � N .` ; --+ � ° � � � :� .�' N : / � � q . n h �� �" h b/�v � �/=' �•, I �� •�, 1 � � 9 zr I . ...'.;: bn'asa.. ' •L ��' ; / ; _... 3'�bi _ , ra� — - _ _ _ _,� g '_ G' .�' � .�.a'r.s- /� � ; // / , 1 ' '/� � , � ,, � ' -rl_� __.____ _.___:__..__. .. _-.--�_._. - - __ __.. 1 � � s� � / � I i I � • S.� J • • � .4y I I I �V � o � a � I �/I ���� Y � � d. ` � � � •...• � ^ ..... M I � i _/ �i N s �.... � ---- - �- �----- _-� - - - - ----"_'� •�-��- -�- -�. � i�� � ��j � � V ��� bd � � i�; � i �� ��� '�� '� ,, � i. , ° �� , � ```�� r= `��s �..,,, I � I � ``�.�azer-�_ i , I d :LWS3 NIVW � � u � v � f� � � ��� h 2. V Q, - I - - ----- - - - � -- I� � 1 � /; �� � �� / -c, ''I ��� � i �� � � �� ; ` / ��' / /- ,�°�� ;�'`��/ �� �� ��v ,�►/'� � O �1��� w l. ' �/ �' �� �— „ � � J a , / � U // �' ' > �/ � � -- i �i�ii , {- � . i oa Z ° •••• t•9s2 O 7 % �'r •.... OZ2.... ... . _ — �_.. — *9S'869 "'_�. . , ; •. .. , O �' 2 . Q . • • ����• . ..... .. . . .... � � ' /'� i ,' �,�J . / j �� �/ N�� , / u , r � a � / , . ; a� . ' � ---- — �� �. • "3 ' 7 a � o m n� Y O N / / '�b2 � — .CL-T�. O P � G �� N R 9 . � I � / - .O;' � i� 'i __" i ; 9�-ia�i PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTI2IAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PIZOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMEN'T RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Kegister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and uHlity purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ; � , m , %; ` 4 , ; �� � = , % —_' : a <; >°'-=— w� I \ a` , „ J ;� E. . f � �\� ~`� ?[ n �� !Z_------=""e' � / �L✓� " �- ��a - _ %`� : / — -----= = = — � / o� 14 Q" ; j� \ ' , ,,, ti�:� \ \� z7 j: , , ` :� A2ea � � ... ;i� \•\\. �II m 9 � \ O \ e ' i� �J � l y ' . �\\ ,�� �s`, i�' . � ? I i O � ;� . -, ��� � i�i I : m 9 %� , , /��� ' '� � / . _ - ��_— i i rnni � r �:,.. % .... / m � � �'. L.. ��� � \\ TRACT � •�`, H �W : N !j� � iK i v ���� - � � A;n, ?�7 0 M, g" : �' .,... �..'.������ � • 6/ MCRY.'OOU � i M. ..102��E� `-- o `� � �� �� F( �3. _� ��s ; .�E f x s' � .`/.;� ':�. 2 r � _ �_. ,-. i'pI �� � " ;' •i� � � ��: \\IF��. � � �� \ . � \\ �� I� HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC JACKSON ST STATE OF MINNESOTA PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUI, 245 MARYLAND AVE E BURLINGTON NORTHERN RY CO UNASSIGNED PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MARYLAND AVE E RICHARD M& JEAN A PELLOW 1280 JACRSON ST SOO LINE RR CO SOO LINE RR CO/FEE UNASSIGNED RICHARD A GILBERT 1202 JACKSON ST 10 1929224300 HOMESTEADER/ OR FEE /PROPERTY ADDRESS ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED BURI,INGTON 230RTHERN INC UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RR CO JACKSON ST SOO LINE RAILROAD CO UNASSIGNED SOO LINE RAILROAD CO JACKSON ST PORT AUTHORITY OF ST PAUL UNASSIGNED ROBERT L BRACKEY UNASSIGNED 10 1929224300 *** T H A T� S q�-�as� UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430001,10.99, XQP,192922430002,10.99, XQP,192922430003,10.99, XQP,192922430004,10.99, ** XQP,192922430005,10.99, XQP,192922430006,10.99, XQP�192922430007,10.99, ** XQP,192922430008,10.99, ** XQP,192922430009,10.99, XQP,192922430010,10.99, 000010 UNIT MUN (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 (FEE) O1 ** XQP,192922430011,10.99, XQP,192922430012,10.99, ** XQP,192922430013,10.99, XQP,192922430014,10.99� XQP,192922430015,10.99, XQP,192922430016,10.99� XQP,192922430017,10.99, 000017 A L L * * * APR 21 '97 12�16PM ST PRUL POLICE DEPRRTMENT CTfY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DBPARTMENf OF PpLICB A'!l11am K. Ftnn¢y, Chfof oJPoftea P.1 g�-�as i 100 East Elevenrh Sdeet Tefephone: 6I2-29l-IIII Saine Pau� Mim�arota 55107 Facatmlle; 612-292-3711 FAX TRANSMfTrAL Ident. # Date �. �- Please delive� to (Name) �1 l� C.N. Poiice DepartmentlAgency/Company � LT, Fax No. � �'SSJ� Phone No. � From Phone No. �� �— Transmittal of __��___ page(s) including thls sheet. Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 SainE Paul, MN SSIO2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colerrwn, Mayor April 17, 1497 Bemie Gille N.S.P. - Electric Division 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul, MN 55117 Deaz Mr. Gille: Phone: (612) 266-8&50 Fax: (612} 26�r8855 97- �as� The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petiuon of Port Authority of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (See Attached Descripaon). This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to: Develop a Business Park. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before May 1, 1997 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with farc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when repiying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, �_-,— � �� Juan Ortiz Real Estate Technician (E.HyacinthAv) � , PO12T AUTfiORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTItIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENI' RIGHTS SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 u � v Z 9 ?:�=— ^' e< . J 4 �': 6. '� l � � �. ( C \� y I tbY/ Y ?G, nOr, q7- /�.S/ All that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDIN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now cornmonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 15, said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Suroey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota, RESERVING and EXCEPTING therefrom a perpetual easement for drainage and urility purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel. Containing 10,020 squaze feet (0.230 acres) more or less. ��� R - � , , ro 1 g �� ; ; � -----� fl _ o�° 14 � -.\\ ., . \ �\ 27 �. I III �� � -� 9 � o_ _. ' o / �N�� >� � � / / Q�, /� ;, . „ z., _q � _ . ; J � ,\ ;�, . �e 1�y � �I � ��i � ' � i � �� � .. ... ....,�_— s i rwa r ..,_ � _ w..... =I: ___-w�._rva4FP-__�____ - � ' \ � s � t � �R�� ,. �'. L.. � ' 1`il�. ��1! D , P � 0 I; , g . �. . . �._ t\ � TRACT � X ♦ �\'. �.,,��Q°" �j SXE O ,, ♦ E`� `_' 10 ..: �� �a� �; � °: � ,. . as � � ��j t rI : �vc E � J � �����. i f� I °�' :::� :: I ;..... . i �_. � �� I ' � , •17�i �;i` � � _�` '\�� I `\ I \ ,, , ... �l7-/�S/ PORT AUTHORITY ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL PARK DESCRIPTION OF PKOPOSED VACATED HYACINTH RESERVING EASEMENT RIGH'I'S SEH NO. A-STPPA9601.00 REVISED SEPTEMBER 23,1996 All that part ot the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 all inclusive, J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS, according to the recorded plat thereof and on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota, said 33 foot wide roadway now commonly known as East Hyacinth Avenue, which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 of said recorded plat, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 27 of said J.W. BASS GARDEN LOTS and lies westerly of the westerly line of Registered Land Survey No. 353 according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County, Minnesota. Containing 10,020 square feet (0.230 acres) more or ._, A �-ia� # of Pages 1 ( Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #04-1997 To: Juan Orti From: Bill Wentz Co. City of St. Paul US West Communicatioi Real Estate Division 500 N. Carlton Stre� Maplewood, MN 55119 Phone # 266-8850 Phone # Fas # 266-8855 Fax # We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacarion subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. i�9�-oa YEAR 9� Vacation of: E.Elyacinth Ave. As described in e�Sclosed resolution. Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o�' 10-08-97 ' SUFFICIENCY Map Ownership Report ok Petition Signatures VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Legal Description to Public Works: Referred Okayed Letters Utilities ✓ U.5. West ()�,...� ✓ N.S.P. (Gille) ✓ N.S.P. (Virant) MCI MeCro(Boyers) ✓ District �nergy(Urke) ✓ Continental CableVision Gillierg)> �.�_� Other () City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut} ✓ Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Morehead) ✓ Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Libraries (Williams) Public Health (Votel) ✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram) Attn: John Wirka ✓ PED (Mike Kramer) ./ r/ i . � �f . , __--__� �%� / / / / / / Neighborhood District #5 Voting District !f5 Report copies to Pelitioner ✓ Cssential Replies (proceed with resolu[ion after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secrctary notil'ied �� r7 . / Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: Petitioner's Contact: Rick Gierdal at 224-568G Architect: ok q � �'�S� Certificates Mailed/Received Mailed/Received � i� (�'��- / d'�'�— � / �YL '�L- / � �� � 6Y� �--- �- ���---�--�-- � �- (EI-Iyacinth) Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: All Council Members From: Peter WhiteJ�` Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall Date: September 24, 1997 �� , �a,S 1 PRIORITY �-t ��; � ` L, I � n o� �o g 6'Yl /d// C'B-n Sp�ry! y7 y„i � � I�haw� �o�l � " FR� �' =3b" '.'?, f L tsJ'� ✓h tvs P c J�� ., � . ,�.., ,�o��ti ,�k�����tasi�X�aci�f�a �,�e��e��`��i��ilell�1�97 � . �. ,�>.:a J ... t`r�; � x,F�`� I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Oeto'ber`8 The purpose of this easement conveyance is for the development of the Arlington/Jackson Business Park. This property is located in City Council District �, Planning District'� cc: Fran Swanson � �� ° ����-"�6, ��'�'�a" ' �;:;l� �a+ '�''�°" � =� I��� - � , - .. �. (HyacinthPort) �t`j - ��Sl r� Saint Paul, Minnesota October 9, 1997 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 97-1251, adopted by the City Council on October 8, 1997, and signed by the Mayor on October 9, 1997 /���� �,�. President CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fted Owusu, City LTerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Coleman, Mayor October 9, 1997 Port Authority City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: I70 City Ho11 IS W. %Ilogg Boulevard Saira Pau� Minnesota 55102 TeL: 6IZ2668989 F¢c 6Ib2668689 Web: htlp://www.s[pauLSm TDD: 266-8509 Enclosed is a copy of Council File 97-1251 which was adopted by City Council on October 8, 1997 which provides for the vacation of East Hyacinth Avenue a11 that part of the 33 foot wide roadway adjacent to and southerly of Lots 13 through 20 as more particularly shown on the attached resolution. The Ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid within si�y (60) days after adoption of the resolution. Also enclosed is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must also be signed and filed here within said time. Very truly yours �IZc2r1G?.d Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer - Finance File No. 4'+ '�Rg'J Enc. Return cop'y to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hail r , ' , . . , V k . . � _' .-r Presented Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Saint Paul Port Authoriry, as documented in Finance Department File Number 1997-04, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vaca[ed and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attacl�ed Exhibit "A" This vacation shail be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March l. 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecti�re date of this resolution. 2. That a perpetual drainage easement shall be re[ained by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works for drainage and utiliry purposes over, under and across the west 30.00 feet of the above described parcel ro be vacated. 3. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees 'rrom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a c(aim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any vio(ation of any law or regulacion made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. Council File # `y'� - ��15 � Green Sheet # 39524 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � q� -� as 1 That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shal] within the period(s) specitied in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Deparcment of: Tec hnoloev & Manaeement Services B�. � Director Form Approved by City Attorney gY: _ 7 gy: , . proved b Mayor for Submission to Council Approved b Mayor: Date /d l�/47— �� �' By: —��� �---�' By: ���.� �G� Adopted by Council: Date Q� . R !`1`j`� Adop�n Certified by Council Secr�tar})