97-1249Council Fi1e � q7 — t ��{,9 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50227 39 r-. m � �-, . F �% € �, i �. . � . Presented By� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 1? 18 14 20 21 >Z ?3 RESOLVED: That application, ZD #B-01991, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby agproved. ' Requested by Department of: Off'ce of License Insgections and Envizonmental Protection By: ��.a �. � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .�,� . � �,� Approved by Mayor: Date � e�,l� 15}- By: � Form Approv by City A ney By: _�/ _�,'J Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date (`� �, � �`�� Na 50227 ** NEED COPY I1 ** �NiMENT/DFFICE/COUNCIL LIEP/License TACT PEfl50N & PHONE William F. Gunther - 26b-9132 T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DASE) Hearing: /� j,Q`gij TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES FOR GREEN SHEET ��� INIilAVOATE INRfAUDATE — DEPARTMENT DIRE � pTY COUNCIL piYATiORNEY � QTY CLERK BU�GET DIRECTOR Q FlN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. MA'/OR (Ofl AS$ISSAtJn � (CLiP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "'""""""`° Michael H. Snaza on hehaZf of East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 96B-01991, at Paul`s Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. FiECOMMENOAT10N5. AFP�ove (A) or Re)ect (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ Cf8 COMMITTEE _ _ STAFG _ _D15TRICTCWR7 _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCll06JECTIVE? PERSQN0.� SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTtONS: 7. Has Ynis persoNfirm ever worke� under a coniract tor ffiis tlepartmentt YES NO Z. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirm pos5es5 a skill rrot normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO EsD�aln ati yea answers on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet When. Where. WhYI �OVANTAGES a�s��??-i:?� ���Y� �7f�!' ��;'' � 4 ;�37 OUNT OF TRANSACTION S FORffiASiON (EX7lAiN) COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED(CBCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO 'I ! "' 1 ,.� FOR BOARD USE ONLY L�2;� � xs+; %{nnesota Lawfilt GambIing Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 � ti2r,[-w'2 Or base license nomber ?;zmazs permit number N ew BASE k PP # CHECK INIT4ALS DATE Class ol premises permit (C�1CCS( O(1B} � A(St00) Puil•tabs, tipboards, paddlewhee!s, rar.'�es. 0��90 [� B{5250) Pull•tabs, Uphoards, paddla,vheeis, ranles � C ($200} &ngo onty ❑ ota7so� aae�5«,y F l.<' . ( . Oryarxization frFf'dr7nafiimz:�'�-. ,za�e ct Or.;an's2aaon ,.. . ...J � n � ./� _i l. i _ . __ _.nazs :.xress of Organizauon - Strset w P. O 8ox (Do not u3r the address ol your qarnbhn9 manag L2.��C' fa'f�{—cz.�P. ' . State Zip Gode Counry ,a-.a ;: �„e: esac�„e�ve omcer (cannot be your r . n �.�.Q� � .,,.�r..�zr ��r��E� �5r��.� � t'�esrd.er27' ' ��,a»�i����rt�s� B:ngo Occasions :_,p;;�� g for a ciass A or C permit, fill in days and 5egicuung & endLng hours of bingo occzsiors: �., -:cre Lhan seven bingo occassons may be conducted by your or�aniaUon per week. __ �ey::s�u�g/Ending Houts Day BegirviingJEnd(ng Hours Day Be�kv:Lng 1=�Zd:^3 ^:ccrs to to co ing Preizzises� In: a��snmen: where gamb6n5 ro Tlbiztgo will not b� conductcd, check here � veet�Address (do�not use a aosi oflice bm :o t'�z1..�1'S Lnr�;�cc�, /0�1� N�rcfsnn �ct. .Sf,P�itl��l n �rc�t ,:ce ,iem:sas iocatco wani ary iimits? ,�}Yes Q No 1� no, is iownship � organized 0 u�organ¢ed (_ cn:r.cr,na.ao �.. ,r•. Cc,.ry «nere 9arnbiing prem�ses �s Iocaied OR Townsbip and Gounry where gambling premises is located if oua�ce or ar� hmns •s. a.'LC a�cress ol :eqal owner t � __=s to_� o�;::�.za�.ar. cwn ihe buAding where the qambfing w��l be conducfed? Q Y"c5 � RO � !; nc. anach tne falfowinq; • a copy of the tsase (tprm LG202� with terms iot at feast one year. • a mpy et a sketch of rhe fleoc plan wih dimensions. sho�nng wha! poroon is being IeaseC A lease and sketcA are rrot requi�ed Iw C�ass D appiicapons. ��ddress of storage space of �amblin� equipment . ..cc�ess Gry Staca dp code Minnesota Lcuvful Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 r� Gambling Site Autaortzauon I nereby consent that bcal law anforcemsnt ofticars, the :rvc o� agents ot ihe board, or the commissioner of �e�r>n,;a or pu'�fic salery, o� ageMS of iha cbmmissionen, -zy a^.ar the pramises to eniorce the law. Bank Records Information �na txa�c �s authorized to inspect the bank records of the ^,�,^oLr.g account whanever necessary to tuNill raGuir2mems ot current gambling ru4es and law. Oath '. cac�ase ;har. : nzva raad ;n�s application a�d all informat�ron Submitted :o tnz ward �s true, accurate and complete; �au ciner req::�red iniormation has been fu11y disdosed; S:cnature af cni L,ocat Gauernmeret Bank Account Number q'3 -1�,� °i d am the ohie( oxecutive ofticet of tho organization; •I assume SuA responsi6ifity for Ihe fair and Iavrfui opera• tion ot all adivhies to be wnducted; •I will iamiliarize myseil with the taws ol Minnesota goveming IavAul gambling and roles ol ihe boar0 ana agree, if licensad, to a'oide by those taws and rules, incfuding amendmants to them; �any changes+n applicatwn intormauon wi0 oe suom.^:ec lo the board and local uni[ oi govemmeN whhin 10 days olthe change;and •I understand ihzt tailure to provide required inlormat;on or providin9 false or misleading in}ormation may resuf, in the deniai or revocation o( the {icense, Date ,.� �- �- � 7 nemerit :'::.`".: .?r.2 cny 'rnust s�gn this application if the gambling prem• �ses �s iocaled wilhin city limits. 2 7ne covncy "AND township" must sign this application it •ra szmoli�y premises is bcated within a township. ,,. T,e �o:ai vnn govammenf (cT� cr coun�/) must pass a ieso,_:�cn spec�l�caily approwng or denying this appiication. C�' or County�� L„y cr Counry Name � �� �cz.�� � S c � ol „e'rson re iving aPFlica � .� �, � ��-�L�;�l: t _,,,� r,tiNc�- �a�-� Date Received ;aie� ;o tne mswa�ons ia requi�ed artachmenu !l.a,io GemCllnqConlrol6oard Aowwood Plazs South, 1rd Ftoor t71t W. Co�nry Ao+d B Ro�evllle, I.IN 55113 4. A coo� o( th e local vnr� o� qQyemmenl's resoiu'�c� ao� prov�no this aoohcation must be attached to �hi� aonhca+lo�_ 5. It this appllcation is denied by ihe {oca! unn of gove;nmer,�„ it shouid not be submittad to the Gambling Control Board. iownship: By sign2Nre beio�N, lhe towr,sh�p acRrc«'edoas ihat ihe organizalion is applyin4 for a prem�ses perm:; wnn;n township limits. Township Narne SiqnaNre of person receiving applicauon r�ae I Da:e Aeceiwc LG214(Part 2) (A.v)/19N ry Council Fi1e � q7 — t ��{,9 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50227 39 r-. m � �-, . F �% € �, i �. . � . Presented By� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 1? 18 14 20 21 >Z ?3 RESOLVED: That application, ZD #B-01991, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby agproved. ' Requested by Department of: Off'ce of License Insgections and Envizonmental Protection By: ��.a �. � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .�,� . � �,� Approved by Mayor: Date � e�,l� 15}- By: � Form Approv by City A ney By: _�/ _�,'J Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date (`� �, � �`�� Na 50227 ** NEED COPY I1 ** �NiMENT/DFFICE/COUNCIL LIEP/License TACT PEfl50N & PHONE William F. Gunther - 26b-9132 T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DASE) Hearing: /� j,Q`gij TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES FOR GREEN SHEET ��� INIilAVOATE INRfAUDATE — DEPARTMENT DIRE � pTY COUNCIL piYATiORNEY � QTY CLERK BU�GET DIRECTOR Q FlN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. MA'/OR (Ofl AS$ISSAtJn � (CLiP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "'""""""`° Michael H. Snaza on hehaZf of East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 96B-01991, at Paul`s Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. FiECOMMENOAT10N5. AFP�ove (A) or Re)ect (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ Cf8 COMMITTEE _ _ STAFG _ _D15TRICTCWR7 _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCll06JECTIVE? PERSQN0.� SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTtONS: 7. Has Ynis persoNfirm ever worke� under a coniract tor ffiis tlepartmentt YES NO Z. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirm pos5es5 a skill rrot normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO EsD�aln ati yea answers on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet When. Where. WhYI �OVANTAGES a�s��??-i:?� ���Y� �7f�!' ��;'' � 4 ;�37 OUNT OF TRANSACTION S FORffiASiON (EX7lAiN) COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED(CBCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO 'I ! "' 1 ,.� FOR BOARD USE ONLY L�2;� � xs+; %{nnesota Lawfilt GambIing Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 � ti2r,[-w'2 Or base license nomber ?;zmazs permit number N ew BASE k PP # CHECK INIT4ALS DATE Class ol premises permit (C�1CCS( O(1B} � A(St00) Puil•tabs, tipboards, paddlewhee!s, rar.'�es. 0��90 [� B{5250) Pull•tabs, Uphoards, paddla,vheeis, ranles � C ($200} &ngo onty ❑ ota7so� aae�5«,y F l.<' . ( . Oryarxization frFf'dr7nafiimz:�'�-. ,za�e ct Or.;an's2aaon ,.. . ...J � n � ./� _i l. i _ . __ _.nazs :.xress of Organizauon - Strset w P. O 8ox (Do not u3r the address ol your qarnbhn9 manag L2.��C' fa'f�{—cz.�P. ' . State Zip Gode Counry ,a-.a ;: �„e: esac�„e�ve omcer (cannot be your r . n �.�.Q� � .,,.�r..�zr ��r��E� �5r��.� � t'�esrd.er27' ' ��,a»�i����rt�s� B:ngo Occasions :_,p;;�� g for a ciass A or C permit, fill in days and 5egicuung & endLng hours of bingo occzsiors: �., -:cre Lhan seven bingo occassons may be conducted by your or�aniaUon per week. __ �ey::s�u�g/Ending Houts Day BegirviingJEnd(ng Hours Day Be�kv:Lng 1=�Zd:^3 ^:ccrs to to co ing Preizzises� In: a��snmen: where gamb6n5 ro Tlbiztgo will not b� conductcd, check here � veet�Address (do�not use a aosi oflice bm :o t'�z1..�1'S Lnr�;�cc�, /0�1� N�rcfsnn �ct. .Sf,P�itl��l n �rc�t ,:ce ,iem:sas iocatco wani ary iimits? ,�}Yes Q No 1� no, is iownship � organized 0 u�organ¢ed (_ cn:r.cr,na.ao �.. ,r•. Cc,.ry «nere 9arnbiing prem�ses �s Iocaied OR Townsbip and Gounry where gambling premises is located if oua�ce or ar� hmns •s. a.'LC a�cress ol :eqal owner t � __=s to_� o�;::�.za�.ar. cwn ihe buAding where the qambfing w��l be conducfed? Q Y"c5 � RO � !; nc. anach tne falfowinq; • a copy of the tsase (tprm LG202� with terms iot at feast one year. • a mpy et a sketch of rhe fleoc plan wih dimensions. sho�nng wha! poroon is being IeaseC A lease and sketcA are rrot requi�ed Iw C�ass D appiicapons. ��ddress of storage space of �amblin� equipment . ..cc�ess Gry Staca dp code Minnesota Lcuvful Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 r� Gambling Site Autaortzauon I nereby consent that bcal law anforcemsnt ofticars, the :rvc o� agents ot ihe board, or the commissioner of �e�r>n,;a or pu'�fic salery, o� ageMS of iha cbmmissionen, -zy a^.ar the pramises to eniorce the law. Bank Records Information �na txa�c �s authorized to inspect the bank records of the ^,�,^oLr.g account whanever necessary to tuNill raGuir2mems ot current gambling ru4es and law. Oath '. cac�ase ;har. : nzva raad ;n�s application a�d all informat�ron Submitted :o tnz ward �s true, accurate and complete; �au ciner req::�red iniormation has been fu11y disdosed; S:cnature af cni L,ocat Gauernmeret Bank Account Number q'3 -1�,� °i d am the ohie( oxecutive ofticet of tho organization; •I assume SuA responsi6ifity for Ihe fair and Iavrfui opera• tion ot all adivhies to be wnducted; •I will iamiliarize myseil with the taws ol Minnesota goveming IavAul gambling and roles ol ihe boar0 ana agree, if licensad, to a'oide by those taws and rules, incfuding amendmants to them; �any changes+n applicatwn intormauon wi0 oe suom.^:ec lo the board and local uni[ oi govemmeN whhin 10 days olthe change;and •I understand ihzt tailure to provide required inlormat;on or providin9 false or misleading in}ormation may resuf, in the deniai or revocation o( the {icense, Date ,.� �- �- � 7 nemerit :'::.`".: .?r.2 cny 'rnust s�gn this application if the gambling prem• �ses �s iocaled wilhin city limits. 2 7ne covncy "AND township" must sign this application it •ra szmoli�y premises is bcated within a township. ,,. T,e �o:ai vnn govammenf (cT� cr coun�/) must pass a ieso,_:�cn spec�l�caily approwng or denying this appiication. C�' or County�� L„y cr Counry Name � �� �cz.�� � S c � ol „e'rson re iving aPFlica � .� �, � ��-�L�;�l: t _,,,� r,tiNc�- �a�-� Date Received ;aie� ;o tne mswa�ons ia requi�ed artachmenu !l.a,io GemCllnqConlrol6oard Aowwood Plazs South, 1rd Ftoor t71t W. Co�nry Ao+d B Ro�evllle, I.IN 55113 4. A coo� o( th e local vnr� o� qQyemmenl's resoiu'�c� ao� prov�no this aoohcation must be attached to �hi� aonhca+lo�_ 5. It this appllcation is denied by ihe {oca! unn of gove;nmer,�„ it shouid not be submittad to the Gambling Control Board. iownship: By sign2Nre beio�N, lhe towr,sh�p acRrc«'edoas ihat ihe organizalion is applyin4 for a prem�ses perm:; wnn;n township limits. Township Narne SiqnaNre of person receiving applicauon r�ae I Da:e Aeceiwc LG214(Part 2) (A.v)/19N ry Council Fi1e � q7 — t ��{,9 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50227 39 r-. m � �-, . F �% € �, i �. . � . Presented By� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 1? 18 14 20 21 >Z ?3 RESOLVED: That application, ZD #B-01991, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby agproved. ' Requested by Department of: Off'ce of License Insgections and Envizonmental Protection By: ��.a �. � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .�,� . � �,� Approved by Mayor: Date � e�,l� 15}- By: � Form Approv by City A ney By: _�/ _�,'J Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date (`� �, � �`�� Na 50227 ** NEED COPY I1 ** �NiMENT/DFFICE/COUNCIL LIEP/License TACT PEfl50N & PHONE William F. Gunther - 26b-9132 T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DASE) Hearing: /� j,Q`gij TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES FOR GREEN SHEET ��� INIilAVOATE INRfAUDATE — DEPARTMENT DIRE � pTY COUNCIL piYATiORNEY � QTY CLERK BU�GET DIRECTOR Q FlN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. MA'/OR (Ofl AS$ISSAtJn � (CLiP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "'""""""`° Michael H. Snaza on hehaZf of East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 96B-01991, at Paul`s Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. FiECOMMENOAT10N5. AFP�ove (A) or Re)ect (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ Cf8 COMMITTEE _ _ STAFG _ _D15TRICTCWR7 _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCll06JECTIVE? PERSQN0.� SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTtONS: 7. Has Ynis persoNfirm ever worke� under a coniract tor ffiis tlepartmentt YES NO Z. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personNirm pos5es5 a skill rrot normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO EsD�aln ati yea answers on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet When. Where. WhYI �OVANTAGES a�s��??-i:?� ���Y� �7f�!' ��;'' � 4 ;�37 OUNT OF TRANSACTION S FORffiASiON (EX7lAiN) COSLREVENUE BUDGE7ED(CBCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO 'I ! "' 1 ,.� FOR BOARD USE ONLY L�2;� � xs+; %{nnesota Lawfilt GambIing Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 � ti2r,[-w'2 Or base license nomber ?;zmazs permit number N ew BASE k PP # CHECK INIT4ALS DATE Class ol premises permit (C�1CCS( O(1B} � A(St00) Puil•tabs, tipboards, paddlewhee!s, rar.'�es. 0��90 [� B{5250) Pull•tabs, Uphoards, paddla,vheeis, ranles � C ($200} &ngo onty ❑ ota7so� aae�5«,y F l.<' . ( . Oryarxization frFf'dr7nafiimz:�'�-. ,za�e ct Or.;an's2aaon ,.. . ...J � n � ./� _i l. i _ . __ _.nazs :.xress of Organizauon - Strset w P. O 8ox (Do not u3r the address ol your qarnbhn9 manag L2.��C' fa'f�{—cz.�P. ' . State Zip Gode Counry ,a-.a ;: �„e: esac�„e�ve omcer (cannot be your r . n �.�.Q� � .,,.�r..�zr ��r��E� �5r��.� � t'�esrd.er27' ' ��,a»�i����rt�s� B:ngo Occasions :_,p;;�� g for a ciass A or C permit, fill in days and 5egicuung & endLng hours of bingo occzsiors: �., -:cre Lhan seven bingo occassons may be conducted by your or�aniaUon per week. __ �ey::s�u�g/Ending Houts Day BegirviingJEnd(ng Hours Day Be�kv:Lng 1=�Zd:^3 ^:ccrs to to co ing Preizzises� In: a��snmen: where gamb6n5 ro Tlbiztgo will not b� conductcd, check here � veet�Address (do�not use a aosi oflice bm :o t'�z1..�1'S Lnr�;�cc�, /0�1� N�rcfsnn �ct. .Sf,P�itl��l n �rc�t ,:ce ,iem:sas iocatco wani ary iimits? ,�}Yes Q No 1� no, is iownship � organized 0 u�organ¢ed (_ cn:r.cr,na.ao �.. ,r•. Cc,.ry «nere 9arnbiing prem�ses �s Iocaied OR Townsbip and Gounry where gambling premises is located if oua�ce or ar� hmns •s. a.'LC a�cress ol :eqal owner t � __=s to_� o�;::�.za�.ar. cwn ihe buAding where the qambfing w��l be conducfed? Q Y"c5 � RO � !; nc. anach tne falfowinq; • a copy of the tsase (tprm LG202� with terms iot at feast one year. • a mpy et a sketch of rhe fleoc plan wih dimensions. sho�nng wha! poroon is being IeaseC A lease and sketcA are rrot requi�ed Iw C�ass D appiicapons. ��ddress of storage space of �amblin� equipment . ..cc�ess Gry Staca dp code Minnesota Lcuvful Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 r� Gambling Site Autaortzauon I nereby consent that bcal law anforcemsnt ofticars, the :rvc o� agents ot ihe board, or the commissioner of �e�r>n,;a or pu'�fic salery, o� ageMS of iha cbmmissionen, -zy a^.ar the pramises to eniorce the law. Bank Records Information �na txa�c �s authorized to inspect the bank records of the ^,�,^oLr.g account whanever necessary to tuNill raGuir2mems ot current gambling ru4es and law. Oath '. cac�ase ;har. : nzva raad ;n�s application a�d all informat�ron Submitted :o tnz ward �s true, accurate and complete; �au ciner req::�red iniormation has been fu11y disdosed; S:cnature af cni L,ocat Gauernmeret Bank Account Number q'3 -1�,� °i d am the ohie( oxecutive ofticet of tho organization; •I assume SuA responsi6ifity for Ihe fair and Iavrfui opera• tion ot all adivhies to be wnducted; •I will iamiliarize myseil with the taws ol Minnesota goveming IavAul gambling and roles ol ihe boar0 ana agree, if licensad, to a'oide by those taws and rules, incfuding amendmants to them; �any changes+n applicatwn intormauon wi0 oe suom.^:ec lo the board and local uni[ oi govemmeN whhin 10 days olthe change;and •I understand ihzt tailure to provide required inlormat;on or providin9 false or misleading in}ormation may resuf, in the deniai or revocation o( the {icense, Date ,.� �- �- � 7 nemerit :'::.`".: .?r.2 cny 'rnust s�gn this application if the gambling prem• �ses �s iocaled wilhin city limits. 2 7ne covncy "AND township" must sign this application it •ra szmoli�y premises is bcated within a township. ,,. T,e �o:ai vnn govammenf (cT� cr coun�/) must pass a ieso,_:�cn spec�l�caily approwng or denying this appiication. C�' or County�� L„y cr Counry Name � �� �cz.�� � S c � ol „e'rson re iving aPFlica � .� �, � ��-�L�;�l: t _,,,� r,tiNc�- �a�-� Date Received ;aie� ;o tne mswa�ons ia requi�ed artachmenu !l.a,io GemCllnqConlrol6oard Aowwood Plazs South, 1rd Ftoor t71t W. Co�nry Ao+d B Ro�evllle, I.IN 55113 4. A coo� o( th e local vnr� o� qQyemmenl's resoiu'�c� ao� prov�no this aoohcation must be attached to �hi� aonhca+lo�_ 5. It this appllcation is denied by ihe {oca! unn of gove;nmer,�„ it shouid not be submittad to the Gambling Control Board. iownship: By sign2Nre beio�N, lhe towr,sh�p acRrc«'edoas ihat ihe organizalion is applyin4 for a prem�ses perm:; wnn;n township limits. Township Narne SiqnaNre of person receiving applicauon r�ae I Da:e Aeceiwc LG214(Part 2) (A.v)/19N ry