97-1248Council File � 97— �e��� ordinance # Green Sheet � 50228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 t9 ',0 1 2 3 Presented By� )��� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �34005, for a Gambling Manager's License by Margaret 5t. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • - - - - . . • - .t By: ��t�w � � ldoption Certified by Council Secretary 1'' � .. � � t c"- pproved by Mayor: Date #al€�-l� Z , � k��= �� Form Approved by City At�ey By: Approved by yor £or Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�,'�_ g\qQ� �„'_'_�— FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 5022� l GREEN SHEE °� � -1a'�8' INITIAL/OATE INITIALIOATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CINCOUNCIL CI7Y ATTORNEY O GTY CIERK BUDGET OIRECiOH � PIN- 8 MOT SEflViCES OIR MAYOR (OR ASSYSTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} Margaret St. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests CounciZ approval of her application for a Gambling Manager`s License, ID �/34005, at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. NECOMMENDATONS; ApprWB (A) or Rejact (R) __ FIANNIN6 CqMMISSfON _ __C18CQMM1TfEE _ __ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCOVRT _ . SUGPOATS WH�CH CAUNqI O&1ECTIVE? what, PERSONAL SERVfGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQItOW�NG QUESTIONS: t Has Ynis persoMtirm ever worked untler a contract tor this tlepartment� YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy emplpyee? YES NO 3. DoeS this personRirm po5sess a skili not normally passassetl by arry current ciry empioyee� YES NO Explaln ali yes anawers on aeparafe aheet antl attach to green sheet �Y1. )VANTAGES 1F APPPqVEO Cit�}u,,�°j� n."`f?�.t'7� is�i§S'+ t� . '.�� N VS ���� �UNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGE7E0 (ClRCLE ONE) YES NO fURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �R6aAT10N� (EXPlA1N) . 9 � � 13��1fr East STATE OF MINXESOTA . FOR HOARD VSE ONLY GAMSLZHG CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANRGEX LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATION CHECK # LC212GMR PRINTED: 07f11f45 DATE LZCENSE NUMBER: f3-Q1991 001 EFFECTIVE DATE: O1(O1J95 E%PZRATION DATE: 12f31/95 NAHE OF ORGRNZZATZON: Babe Rutb League St Faul East Twius CiAMBLS126 MNIA6ER INFORMATIOH Margaret Ana St Sauver 1� , � �7�� 3i'�Y S" �* � , ` � c �'J'tA-C`Lf J' � 7 7 DAY2IME PHONE NUMBER: 612-7�6-2665 DATE OF BIRTH: 03/07/49 SEXS F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERs 475-58-9?64 MEMSER SINCE: 04/29J86 �} � J 7 � LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGER5.8EMINAR/CONTINUINQ EDUCATION CLASS: -�6f49�f-94 HOPID INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAN,E: Uaited States Fide13 BOND NUMBERs 20003011831926 ACKNOWLED(3MENT DECLIIRE TftATt I HAVE R$AD THI�S APPLZCATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO Tf3E GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE ANR COMPLETE; ALL OTHBR REqUiRED INFQRMATION HAS�BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; Z AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORGANIZATION� I HAVE 6EEN AN ACTIVE MEMSER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; L WILL FAMILIARI2E MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNiNG LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF CHE GAMSLING CONTROL BOARA AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO AHTDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, '.NCLUDING AHEN�MENTS TO THEM� NY CBANGES ZN APPLICATION IfiFORMATZON 4IILL BE SUSMZTTED 20 THE GAMSLZNG CONTROL BOARD AND pCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE CHANGE) V AFFZpAVZT FOR GAM&LING MANAGER HAS HEEN COMPLETED AND RTTACHED� AND DNDERSTAN4 THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING tFORMATION MAY RESSILT IN THE DEN2AL OR REVOCATION OF THE LZCENSE. ATURE OF ORMBLIN6 11ANA6ER DATE REFER TO THE CHECRI.SST FOR REQUIRED ATTAC MAIL TO: GRMALIN6 CONTROL BOAAD 1711 WEST COUNTY ROAD H, SUITE 3QOS FOSEVILLE� MINNESOTA 55113 )RM WILL BE MADE AVAILASLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST � � LG213 04J18t95 Minnesota Gambling Controi Board Gambling Manager Affidavit ��7„y�' Attach to the Gambling Manager Apptication, Form tG2i2 � � STATE OF �� pn� 5� ��- 1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE � S ' $ ' AND CONSENT S7ATEMENT GOUNTY OF �, � ) (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �,1� I�cn, r_ t" �f ' i � a��� r— , Under oath state that: ( ype/print name) t. I have never been convicted of a felony or a crime invoiving gambiing. 2. f have not, within five years before the date of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resulied in the revocation of a license issued by ihe 8oarti. 3. i have never been convicted of a criminai violation invo{ving fraud, thefl, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. I have neve� been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. . �, 5. { am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. i do noi owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27d.72. 7. i have not had a saies and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two year5: 8. I have never, after demand, failed to file tax retums required by the commissioner of revenue. In addition, I u�derstand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject marier of the attached gambling manager ficense application, or acts or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competent }�risdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State af any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resuits with the Gambling Controi Board. =ailure to provide required intormation or providing false or misleading information may resuit in the deniai or evocaiion of the license. URTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in �ppod of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambling Co�trot Board. NOTARY PUBLfC lNFORMRTION Seal must be current and correct. �al may not be altered. ubscribed and swom to before me this /.S��fday of `-�e �d fe,Uj j� e 12 19 � R, SPIELMAh / ' // ��C.i.CX Y � � d. �L7�'"'Z�_ � � {signature of applicant) ORGANIZAT/ON (NFORMAT(ON of Organization /�„ < Council File � 97— �e��� ordinance # Green Sheet � 50228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 t9 ',0 1 2 3 Presented By� )��� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �34005, for a Gambling Manager's License by Margaret 5t. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • - - - - . . • - .t By: ��t�w � � ldoption Certified by Council Secretary y. ` . t / � pproved by Mayor: Date #al€�-l� Z- , � k��= �� Form Approved by City At�ey By: Approved by yor £or Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�,'�_ g\qQ� �„'_'_�— FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 5022� l GREEN SHEE °� � -1a'�8' INITIAL/OATE INITIALIOATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CINCOUNCIL CI7Y ATTORNEY O GTY CIERK BUDGET OIRECiOH � PIN- 8 MOT SEflViCES OIR MAYOR (OR ASSYSTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} Margaret St. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests CounciZ approval of her application for a Gambling Manager`s License, ID �/34005, at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. NECOMMENDATONS; ApprWB (A) or Rejact (R) __ FIANNIN6 CqMMISSfON _ __C18CQMM1TfEE _ __ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCOVRT _ . SUGPOATS WH�CH CAUNqI O&1ECTIVE? what, PERSONAL SERVfGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQItOW�NG QUESTIONS: t Has Ynis persoMtirm ever worked untler a contract tor this tlepartment� YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy emplpyee? YES NO 3. DoeS this personRirm po5sess a skili not normally passassetl by arry current ciry empioyee� YES NO Explaln ali yes anawers on aeparafe aheet antl attach to green sheet �Y1. )VANTAGES 1F APPPqVEO Cit�}u,,�°j� n."`f?�.t'7� is�i§S'+ t� . '.�� N VS ���� �UNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGE7E0 (ClRCLE ONE) YES NO fURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �R6aAT10N� (EXPlA1N) . 9 � � 13��1fr East STATE OF MINXESOTA . FOR HOARD VSE ONLY GAMSLZHG CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANRGEX LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATION CHECK # LC212GMR PRINTED: 07f11f45 DATE LZCENSE NUMBER: f3-Q1991 001 EFFECTIVE DATE: O1(O1J95 E%PZRATION DATE: 12f31/95 NAHE OF ORGRNZZATZON: Babe Rutb League St Faul East Twius CiAMBLS126 MNIA6ER INFORMATIOH Margaret Ana St Sauver 1� , � �7�� 3i'�Y S" �* � , ` � c �'J'tA-C`Lf J' � 7 7 DAY2IME PHONE NUMBER: 612-7�6-2665 DATE OF BIRTH: 03/07/49 SEXS F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERs 475-58-9?64 MEMSER SINCE: 04/29J86 �} � J 7 � LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGER5.8EMINAR/CONTINUINQ EDUCATION CLASS: -�6f49�f-94 HOPID INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAN,E: Uaited States Fide13 BOND NUMBERs 20003011831926 ACKNOWLED(3MENT DECLIIRE TftATt I HAVE R$AD THI�S APPLZCATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO Tf3E GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE ANR COMPLETE; ALL OTHBR REqUiRED INFQRMATION HAS�BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; Z AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORGANIZATION� I HAVE 6EEN AN ACTIVE MEMSER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; L WILL FAMILIARI2E MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNiNG LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF CHE GAMSLING CONTROL BOARA AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO AHTDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, '.NCLUDING AHEN�MENTS TO THEM� NY CBANGES ZN APPLICATION IfiFORMATZON 4IILL BE SUSMZTTED 20 THE GAMSLZNG CONTROL BOARD AND pCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE CHANGE) V AFFZpAVZT FOR GAM&LING MANAGER HAS HEEN COMPLETED AND RTTACHED� AND DNDERSTAN4 THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING tFORMATION MAY RESSILT IN THE DEN2AL OR REVOCATION OF THE LZCENSE. ATURE OF ORMBLIN6 11ANA6ER DATE REFER TO THE CHECRI.SST FOR REQUIRED ATTAC MAIL TO: GRMALIN6 CONTROL BOAAD 1711 WEST COUNTY ROAD H, SUITE 3QOS FOSEVILLE� MINNESOTA 55113 )RM WILL BE MADE AVAILASLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST � � LG213 04J18t95 Minnesota Gambling Controi Board Gambling Manager Affidavit ��7„y�' Attach to the Gambling Manager Apptication, Form tG2i2 � � STATE OF �� pn� 5� ��- 1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE � S ' $ ' AND CONSENT S7ATEMENT GOUNTY OF �, � ) (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �,1� I�cn, r_ t" �f ' i � a��� r— , Under oath state that: ( ype/print name) t. I have never been convicted of a felony or a crime invoiving gambiing. 2. f have not, within five years before the date of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resulied in the revocation of a license issued by ihe 8oarti. 3. i have never been convicted of a criminai violation invo{ving fraud, thefl, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. I have neve� been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. . �, 5. { am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. i do noi owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27d.72. 7. i have not had a saies and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two year5: 8. I have never, after demand, failed to file tax retums required by the commissioner of revenue. In addition, I u�derstand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject marier of the attached gambling manager ficense application, or acts or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competent }�risdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State af any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resuits with the Gambling Controi Board. =ailure to provide required intormation or providing false or misleading information may resuit in the deniai or evocaiion of the license. URTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in �ppod of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambling Co�trot Board. NOTARY PUBLfC lNFORMRTION Seal must be current and correct. �al may not be altered. ubscribed and swom to before me this /.S��fday of `-�e �d fe,Uj j� e 12 19 � R, SPIELMAh / ' // ��C.i.CX Y � � d. �L7�'"'Z�_ � � {signature of applicant) ORGANIZAT/ON (NFORMAT(ON of Organization /�„ < Council File � 97— �e��� ordinance # Green Sheet � 50228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 t9 ',0 1 2 3 Presented By� )��� Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �34005, for a Gambling Manager's License by Margaret 5t. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • - - - - . . • - .t By: ��t�w � � ldoption Certified by Council Secretary y. ` . t / � pproved by Mayor: Date #al€�-l� Z- , � k��= �� Form Approved by City At�ey By: Approved by yor £or Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�,'�_ g\qQ� �„'_'_�— FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 5022� l GREEN SHEE °� � -1a'�8' INITIAL/OATE INITIALIOATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CINCOUNCIL CI7Y ATTORNEY O GTY CIERK BUDGET OIRECiOH � PIN- 8 MOT SEflViCES OIR MAYOR (OR ASSYSTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} Margaret St. Sauver DBA East Twins Babe Ruth League, Inc. requests CounciZ approval of her application for a Gambling Manager`s License, ID �/34005, at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. NECOMMENDATONS; ApprWB (A) or Rejact (R) __ FIANNIN6 CqMMISSfON _ __C18CQMM1TfEE _ __ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCOVRT _ . SUGPOATS WH�CH CAUNqI O&1ECTIVE? what, PERSONAL SERVfGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQItOW�NG QUESTIONS: t Has Ynis persoMtirm ever worked untler a contract tor this tlepartment� YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy emplpyee? YES NO 3. DoeS this personRirm po5sess a skili not normally passassetl by arry current ciry empioyee� YES NO Explaln ali yes anawers on aeparafe aheet antl attach to green sheet �Y1. )VANTAGES 1F APPPqVEO Cit�}u,,�°j� n."`f?�.t'7� is�i§S'+ t� . '.�� N VS ���� �UNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGE7E0 (ClRCLE ONE) YES NO fURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �R6aAT10N� (EXPlA1N) . 9 � � 13��1fr East STATE OF MINXESOTA . FOR HOARD VSE ONLY GAMSLZHG CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANRGEX LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATION CHECK # LC212GMR PRINTED: 07f11f45 DATE LZCENSE NUMBER: f3-Q1991 001 EFFECTIVE DATE: O1(O1J95 E%PZRATION DATE: 12f31/95 NAHE OF ORGRNZZATZON: Babe Rutb League St Faul East Twius CiAMBLS126 MNIA6ER INFORMATIOH Margaret Ana St Sauver 1� , � �7�� 3i'�Y S" �* � , ` � c �'J'tA-C`Lf J' � 7 7 DAY2IME PHONE NUMBER: 612-7�6-2665 DATE OF BIRTH: 03/07/49 SEXS F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERs 475-58-9?64 MEMSER SINCE: 04/29J86 �} � J 7 � LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGER5.8EMINAR/CONTINUINQ EDUCATION CLASS: -�6f49�f-94 HOPID INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAN,E: Uaited States Fide13 BOND NUMBERs 20003011831926 ACKNOWLED(3MENT DECLIIRE TftATt I HAVE R$AD THI�S APPLZCATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO Tf3E GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE ANR COMPLETE; ALL OTHBR REqUiRED INFQRMATION HAS�BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; Z AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORGANIZATION� I HAVE 6EEN AN ACTIVE MEMSER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; L WILL FAMILIARI2E MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNiNG LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF CHE GAMSLING CONTROL BOARA AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO AHTDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, '.NCLUDING AHEN�MENTS TO THEM� NY CBANGES ZN APPLICATION IfiFORMATZON 4IILL BE SUSMZTTED 20 THE GAMSLZNG CONTROL BOARD AND pCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE CHANGE) V AFFZpAVZT FOR GAM&LING MANAGER HAS HEEN COMPLETED AND RTTACHED� AND DNDERSTAN4 THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING tFORMATION MAY RESSILT IN THE DEN2AL OR REVOCATION OF THE LZCENSE. ATURE OF ORMBLIN6 11ANA6ER DATE REFER TO THE CHECRI.SST FOR REQUIRED ATTAC MAIL TO: GRMALIN6 CONTROL BOAAD 1711 WEST COUNTY ROAD H, SUITE 3QOS FOSEVILLE� MINNESOTA 55113 )RM WILL BE MADE AVAILASLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST � � LG213 04J18t95 Minnesota Gambling Controi Board Gambling Manager Affidavit ��7„y�' Attach to the Gambling Manager Apptication, Form tG2i2 � � STATE OF �� pn� 5� ��- 1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE � S ' $ ' AND CONSENT S7ATEMENT GOUNTY OF �, � ) (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �,1� I�cn, r_ t" �f ' i � a��� r— , Under oath state that: ( ype/print name) t. I have never been convicted of a felony or a crime invoiving gambiing. 2. f have not, within five years before the date of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resulied in the revocation of a license issued by ihe 8oarti. 3. i have never been convicted of a criminai violation invo{ving fraud, thefl, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. I have neve� been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. . �, 5. { am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. i do noi owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27d.72. 7. i have not had a saies and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two year5: 8. I have never, after demand, failed to file tax retums required by the commissioner of revenue. In addition, I u�derstand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject marier of the attached gambling manager ficense application, or acts or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competent }�risdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State af any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resuits with the Gambling Controi Board. =ailure to provide required intormation or providing false or misleading information may resuit in the deniai or evocaiion of the license. URTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in �ppod of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambling Co�trot Board. NOTARY PUBLfC lNFORMRTION Seal must be current and correct. �al may not be altered. ubscribed and swom to before me this /.S��fday of `-�e �d fe,Uj j� e 12 19 � R, SPIELMAh / ' // ��C.i.CX Y � � d. �L7�'"'Z�_ � � {signature of applicant) ORGANIZAT/ON (NFORMAT(ON of Organization /�„ <