D00496� • BUDGET REVISION Current Bud�et Chanee 4,108 (3,000) 239,964 3,000 166,693 -0- -------- -------- 410,765 -0- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 1994 budget of the Library Snecial Revenue Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Library Special Revenue Fund-349 33400-0256 Registration Fee - Local 33400-0381 Books-Periodcls-etc All others C J �_ Prepared by: '�ity Manager �.� ���,�� _ �quested by: Department Director City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No:�� Date: � �U�� Amended Budget 1,108 242,964 166,693 410,765 �„ . ;►� , � .�!. - : . . Date 3_ r,--�� �� � DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIT�ATEO � � , `�� � `^+ � � . . GREEN SHEE CpNTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAL/DATE pDEPARiMENTDIRECTOfl OCITYCOUNCIL �. ASSIGN CT'ATTORNEY O CITYCIEFiK NUNBERFOR 5T6 ONCAUNpLAGENDABY(DATE) ROUTING BU06ETDIRECTOR / OFIN.&MGT.SEflVICESDIR. ORDER � MpypR (OR ASSIST � �� TOTAL # Of SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Apprcval of Administraa=.',:. ":�d2~ a���?c�i.ng �',� i�!'� b":r.^.:°� 0� :`!nc� �-, - Library Special Rev. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has Nis personfirm ever worKetl under a contract for this departmeMl __ qB COMMITTEE __ YES NO 2. Has this personMittn ever been a cfry employee? — � AFF — YES NO _ DISTaiCT CoURr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&7ECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anG ettach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIN (Who, Whal. When, Where, Why): Adjustments are need2d t� co+rer negative balances in several major object codes. REC�iVED MAR 1 0 1995 VANTAGES IF APPROVEO' �g4 y 11( � {]U V �•r There will be sufficient funds in the major object codes in the Library Special Revenue activity. RECEIVED �iAR 161995 DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. � None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�: The Library will show negative balances in the major object levels. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ —� COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE Library Special Revenue Fund pC71VITVNUMBER 33400 FINANqAL INFOR6qATION: (EXPLAIN) ��{ �V