97-1243A���►�d- �ol s� I q� Council File # 4� -1 �y'3 6reen Sheet # d �Z RESOLUTION CITY Presented Referred To MINNESOTA Committee Date � WHEREAS, the Ciiy of Saint Paul City Council supports the efforts of the public and private sector to provide employment opportimities for persons moving off Welfaze; and WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has asked members of its Worl�'orce Development Council and azea employers to prepare to address the issues of employment for persons moving off Welfare; and 5 WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council understands the need for the City of Saint Paui to be a leader in 6 the effort to create jobs and opportixniries for employment for individuals; now therefore be it 7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council requests that the Admniistrafion through its Human Resource 8 Department develop a plan by November 5, 1997 to identify current and future job opporhuuties with the city and 9 how individuals moving off Welfare may be identified and trained to fi11 these positions. RESOLVED, that the Citv of Saint Paul C to identifv current the Ci and how individuals moving off Welfare may be identiEied and trained to fill these positions. Requested by Department oE AdoptiQ1�Certified by Council Secretary By: � ��` i..� ..�� ! \ Approved by Mayor: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ,��rq� \� � � �-,a By: \ c�.s��� L�r� ��� ,.�°-'�'� s Adopted by Council: Date ��,'��� `��� GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES D'uect the adminisiration to develop a p]an to address ihe hiring of persons to city jobs that aze moving off Welfare. PLANNING CAMMISSIQN CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � �.�,,,�.�� � �,.� _ ❑ �,,,.� ❑ �� _ ❑.,��.� ❑��,,,�,a ❑w,vrt�ae�...N., ❑ (CUP ALL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) H� mis parsoNfiim everxroAced unaer a cwNactfor tliie departmeM? YES NO Has mie v��Mrm eve. ueen a city emqoyao ' YES NO Dces this P��m possase a s1a71 not rwrmallyPossessed bY any artent city empbyee? YES NO is ihis perswifimi a fargetetl ventloYT YES NO q'I -1�y3 No 60629 �7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INDING SOURCE L4NCIF1, INFORMA710N (IXPWIQ ACTNITV NUMBER . lYJ' I ;;� '! � ; �� :I �., ; �Ga 03�44PM �� 1 ; � '.;;;��. � , .; i �; ; f � � , �Z: �; F r; � i° i I j �'� i� �< �. 'j: � �, � Tia• I�{i l"nnnnr { i ` ; ra !, f ;r� 4,I �� � , �., , i �,� ; Bdb, I delie[ (.� i than � E�tio � 1: � i hasa�rr�w�s � f; ; �Tr�t�� I ' � `��►� � �, � , � �. i �; ' 1'i i � ; f � � r�de. I I � ' i'� ��� I I ; � � � �5ii1 �i �;�, d� � F�s}�qn� � II j i; ' Ii, , � ;. � � I� � �; I � ; `� � li I: � jji � . ,� ` ! j, I { � � � � � 1 i j 3 f I� 1 �i �� � i I I � �I { � I ' �: t jl FROM FlFSCME COUNCIL It14 ; TO 2668574 P.01 , , i .i= , q�t-►a� i nace: o�mt�,-s, ��7 , i : ,, ;� � � ovvmg amer�tlmerrt �s whaPS needed. 1 ihougM of just ;usirg consultatian rattter i itec� Gomrsiinee, twt recent experience on Payroif System and He�im ihsuranee ; t�o�asi,httati�n is not a viable attemative with the adminisfration. I� � I t � � sub�d youtatte�tion! � ! ,�II�A,E'�� q � _1�� � ��, i � � � il�e C�ity bf St Paul Cityi Counci! reiquesta t�at fh� , � � Irbi�� ii� iiuman Rc.soprce Dspa,rtment �� �� ; � _Cabor &la�aaement �rotiYUttee develop a pian by� �vembec ' ; Y' y clu�end and future jo� o�iportcmities with'tiie al�r n how 4 �g aff We�f'are may be iiientified and trained tb fi16 thevs� � i � ; ! � � � � � i � � . i � I ; i � j i � I i , � � � 1 I . � ; , , � � � i ; � ii 1 � � y TOTA� P.01 OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES a CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor lohn Hami[ton, Direcrar 400 Ciry Hall Annex 2S West Fourth Streez Saint Paut, MN 55102-1631 a'1-1}y� TO: Dave Thune, Gouncil President Jerry Blakey, Councilmember Daniel Bostrom, Councilmember 3oseph Collins, Councilmember Ivfichael Harris, Councilmember Roberta Megard, Councilmember Gladys Morton, Councilmember December l0, 1997 Telephone: 612-26b-6500 TD�{'Y: 612-266-6501 Jobline: 612-2b6-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RECESVED DE� 1 � �Q97 M{CHAEL HARRIS FROM: John �'.��Q'�milton, Human Resource Director � SUBJECT: Wednesday, December 10, 1997, Saint Paul City Council Agenda Item No. 24. — Request for information regarding creation of a pilot program pursuant to Council Resolution No. 60629 Pursuant to your request for additional informatian regarding the creation and implementation of a"Pilot Program" in the City of Saint Paul, please find attached an outline detailing progammatic considerations and action steps. If you have any questions or w'ssh further informafron, p}ease fee] free to contact me at 266-5470. Thank you. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Tom Fahle Tim Manc � q�-1343 City of Saint Paul Welfare to Work Project Planning Phase: The Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the Workforce Development staff of PED wilt meet and create a plan for hiring welfare recipients into the city workforce. Cunently the City is in the process of planning for managing some of the nnpacts of Weffare Reform on our communiry with Ramsey Counry. Now that most of the new welfare rules are in place the City and County will be developing an RFP for contracting with vendors to provide screening and training services to the weifare to work,}ob candidates, this will be initiated between January to 3uly of 1998. 3ob readiness training will be provided, and then the candidates will be ready for employment. The Administration would appoint a taskforce to create a viable plan for providing employment opportunities in the City's workforce for persons moving off Welfare. The time line for the completion of this planning phase would be July i, 1998, at which time a Weifare to Work Plan would be submitted to the City Council for review and necessary action to implement. Actions Needed for Hiring Welfare to Work Candidates into the City: I. City Council would need to pass a resolution allowing a waiver for minimum qualifications for persons meeting the criteria of moving off welfare. The waiver would allow job candidates who have received schooling (people from the 4 year STRIDE training program could be tapped, as well as, others who are not in such a progam) to be hired by the City, if they had the requisite know3edge and skills, but perhaps were deficient in formal training or experience required. Decisions about the appropriateness of such a waiver would be made by the Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the city department involved and the candidate's case manager, 2. City Council would need to pass a resotution approving the creation a trainee title, such as City Worker Trainee, to allow welfare recipients to be referred into the city worl�'orce. Vendor contracts allowing this referral process ta happen will be in place 7uly 1, 1998. 3. City CouncIl would need to pass a resolution allowing trainee titles to be used for hiring Welfare to Work Candidates: ♦ Clerical Trainee (e�cisting title) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (existing title) ♦ Create a title called: City Worker Trainee Typical positions and vacancies over a three year period that could be used for R'elfare to Work Candidates to be hired in as trainees based on the past three years data: Full time positions: ♦ Clerk-Typist (58) ♦ Clerk (19) ♦ Clerical Trainee (5) Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 2 ♦ Police Park Ranger (22) ♦ Parking Enforcement Officer (17) ♦ Community Liaison Officer (5) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (2} ♦ Storeroom Assistant (2) Part time positions: ♦ Street Services WorkerlSewer Services Worker (12) ♦ Recreation Leader (82) ♦ Park Aide (57) ♦ Refectory Attendant (15) ♦ Conservatory Attendant (5) ♦ Library Aide (46) Hiring Process: °11-1��}� Candidates wil] be referted to the city for these positions through the City's Workforce Program through contract service arrangements with outside vendors. Departments will work with Human Resousces staffto define qual�cations spec�c to their opening or to agree to a trainee title, and will interview candidates refened. Departments wi11 also work with the trainee candidates to prepare them for promotion into regular city titles. On the job, the departments wi11 be responsibie for groviding training (similaz to internship training) and the Human Resources Office wilt also provide training referrals as needed. Pilot Project Guidelines: Under Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, the City may conduct recruitment, selection, experimenta] learning placements, and�or appointment pracesses for the filling of city positions. this definition. See Attachment 1. pilot projects designed to enhance the pre-entry training programs.... referral The Welfare to Work concept fits within Pilot Program Proposal: Council wou]d need to approve a Resolution, for the following Pilot Program: Part A: Trainee tities to be used: The City of Saint Paul shall hire employees refened through the City's Workforce Development Program for the following Trainee titles: Clerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee, and City Worker Trainee. Referral will be based on assessment of the candidates knowledge, skills and abilities to do the }ob and confirmation that they are working to get off welfare. Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 3 a� -�ay3 This referral will be considered to be a test under the City's Civil Service Rules. Up to iQ% (appro�mately 34 in a year) of City original entrance appointments may be made each calendar year. Employees so hired shail be wnsidered to have been hired to a certified city position and will earn all rights and benefits of a city employee. They will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit for their trainee position. Employees hired through this program shall be appointed for a three-year period. During that time they will perform assigned duties and trained for promotion to higher level positions. Candidates must receive satisfactory performance evaluations to stay in the program. At he conclusion of the three-year period, candidates who are deemed to have successfully completed their assigned duties will he reallocated to the higher leve] position wiihout further testing. Candidates who are not successful wili be temunated. Part B : The City Worker Trainee (See Attachment 2) class will be created. PBrt C: Waiver for Minimum Qualifications: The Office of Auman Resources shall have the authority to waive minimum qualifications for original entrance positions which welfare to work candidates may possess the knowledge, skills and abilities, but lack the formal education or experience requirements. Such decisions would be made in cooperation with the hiring department and the case manager for the candidate. City Department Responsibility: Identify positions for participation in the program over the next year: Police Fire Parks Public Works Water Libraries PED LIEP Financial MgmtlTech and Mgmt Services Smaller departments will be asked to consider each vacancy that occurs for inclusion as a possible position for the program. For additiona] data and visual illustration of distinctions in hiring processes see Attachments 3 and 4. Welfare To Work Pilot 12/10l97 6:03 AM ATTACHMENTI CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE RI3LES q7-�a.y' 8.P.6 The Persor.nel Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed Lo enhance recruiimeni, selection, expezimental Iearning placepents, pre-entry tzaining programs, employee career de:+elopment programs inc2usive of apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs, zeferral and/or appointaent processes for the filling of City positions. The Personnel Director, prior to Laking any employment action 3n the above referenced pilot andlor research pzojects, shall obtain the approval of ihe Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice Lo the a£fected bargaining units shall be gi�•en and at such time, the bargaining uniis have ihe right to discuss their issues as well as present zecommendations for changes in the pro3ect. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent appzoval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Personnel Director for reviev prior to approval. Documentation shall include the folloc:ing: a, Assurance that the proposal does not supplant existing ce:tified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a orobationary period, involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement reFerral service. d. Classifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as pez our present policy and procedures. e, It is recognized that any a£fect on terms and conditions of employment are sub�ect to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sough2 to be sezved by the pilot andlor research project. App;opriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council, can be sus�eaded for the purposes of these projects. This suspension is li�sited for :he time period as specified.for Lhe project. A project will .. ...__.c :. 3-vear time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the "Sa.�,r a.^.d Council xithin 3-months of the end of the project. Issued July, 1990 73b ATTACHMENT 2 CITY WORKER TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: As a trainee, performs routine duties that would assist in attaining entry level proficiency in a specified area of work within the city, and performs other related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. °l�-�14� Performs routine duties in the area of parks and recreation, police and fire departments such as customer service, light maintenance, parking enforcement, community liaison work. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow oral and written directions Some ability to communicate effectively in person and over the phone Some ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public Some ability to work closely with other staff members Ability to learn Ability to perform physical activities such as lifting and moving materials Ability to follow work rules b�NIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Currently enrolled in the State Welfare Program and a vocational training program offered through the City of Saint Paul JTPA, STRIDE, RCIC or equivalent. ATTACHMENT3 s q'1-1z4� DATA ON APPOINTMENTS TU CITY JOBS Total # of City Employees: Average number of positions filled each year: ♦ Promotiona] ♦ Open to Public These ate the jobs we can target! 3300 130 330 -s- Number of Open to the Pubiic jobs by Category ♦ Board ofEd only 105 ♦ Jobs with education and experience requirements 85 ♦ Part-time(seasonai jobs 85 ♦ 7obs with no education And experience requirements 56 ♦ Jobs such as: Glerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee Cierk and Clerk Typist, Parking Enforcement and Community Liaison �fficer ATTACHMENT 4 � / �'��� W W } � �1 � Z V Z � _ O w � ,8 Q � m� � v m3y ��d ,�� m ° d � � U o� � � b"'�`` C � � �y� U w "" U �� ff � m � � � V d � ` � J �� i� d a � ,' C 0 c Q� m � U ' C 3 O C � � � 0 3 m c m o 0 � R � N � U � O = UV m c_ `o � > c c �� 7 U o ° 1 C .� ,� 4 ' V Q � 4 � '� 3 •..I � m N C7 � � H � � � C � o •� Q Q � �n a�i O � � m h- c E O > � N F� y � °� � i y � p a p. �d � •. aj � L � C N w,� C U�V� F- t O N � {� G Q 0 w f- C '� Q � H � d � w H � � F'- O � � m V 0 'C Q1 U m � S w � v _ c m U d s d v C N C� w _ m � � c m U O Y h � = L U C J '� � U � 0 H U _ .t U C J � � U � 0 W � = L C.) C J �� � U w C d m Y m � N� � c N C) c .� m Y :: o � � V C m V � c .� m y W� � c m U November 12, 1997 City Council Action Minufes q1-I��� ��; Page 5 27. Report by the Administratiott on a plan to identify current and future job opportunities with the.Ciry and how individuals moving off welfare may be identified and trained to fill these position. (Requested on October 8, C.F. 97-1243) (Laid over from November 5) City Council requested that the Administration create a pilof program plan and report back at the December 10 City Council meeting, ORDINANCES ✓g f/29. �-inal Adoption - 97-1277 - Amending Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Administrativa Code by adding a Section 27.08 reflecting change in the residency ordinance enforcement resulting from arbitration award. (Substitute introduced on October 22) Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Blakey not present for vote) Final Adoption - 97-1286 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13537, adopted January 31 1967, pertaining to truck routes. Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - Q(Blakey not present for vote) 30. Final Adoption - 97-1247 - Amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 33.02 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one-and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. Amended and laid over to November 19 for final adoption Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Collins not present For vote) V31. Second Reading - 97-1324 - An ordinance amending Chapters 116 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for regulation of private construction in the public right- of-way. Laid over to November 26 for tturd reading/public hearing PUBLIC HEAItINGS (Public hearings will begin at 4:30 Q.m.) (/32. Public hearing to consider the application of Maui Pacific, Inc. (Ramsey Hill Townhomes, 356-376 Ramsey Street) for a preluninary and fmal plat to allow each new townhome currently under construction to be subdivided and sold as separate units and recorded with Ramsey County Records. (Laid over from November 5 for continuation of public hearing) Laid over to December 10 for continuation of public hearing Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 A���►�d- �ol s� I q� Council File # 4� -1 �y'3 6reen Sheet # d �Z RESOLUTION CITY Presented Referred To MINNESOTA Committee Date � WHEREAS, the Ciiy of Saint Paul City Council supports the efforts of the public and private sector to provide employment opportimities for persons moving off Welfaze; and WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has asked members of its Worl�'orce Development Council and azea employers to prepare to address the issues of employment for persons moving off Welfare; and 5 WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council understands the need for the City of Saint Paui to be a leader in 6 the effort to create jobs and opportixniries for employment for individuals; now therefore be it 7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council requests that the Admniistrafion through its Human Resource 8 Department develop a plan by November 5, 1997 to identify current and future job opporhuuties with the city and 9 how individuals moving off Welfare may be identified and trained to fi11 these positions. RESOLVED, that the Citv of Saint Paul C to identifv current the Ci and how individuals moving off Welfare may be identiEied and trained to fill these positions. Requested by Department oE AdoptiQ1�Certified by Council Secretary By: � ��` i..� ..�� ! \ Approved by Mayor: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ,��rq� \� � � �-,a By: \ c�.s��� L�r� ��� ,.�°-'�'� s Adopted by Council: Date ��,'��� `��� GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES D'uect the adminisiration to develop a p]an to address ihe hiring of persons to city jobs that aze moving off Welfare. PLANNING CAMMISSIQN CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � �.�,,,�.�� � �,.� _ ❑ �,,,.� ❑ �� _ ❑.,��.� ❑��,,,�,a ❑w,vrt�ae�...N., ❑ (CUP ALL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) H� mis parsoNfiim everxroAced unaer a cwNactfor tliie departmeM? YES NO Has mie v��Mrm eve. ueen a city emqoyao ' YES NO Dces this P��m possase a s1a71 not rwrmallyPossessed bY any artent city empbyee? YES NO is ihis perswifimi a fargetetl ventloYT YES NO q'I -1�y3 No 60629 �7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INDING SOURCE L4NCIF1, INFORMA710N (IXPWIQ ACTNITV NUMBER . lYJ' I ;;� '! � ; �� :I �., ; �Ga 03�44PM �� 1 ; � '.;;;��. � , .; i �; ; f � � , �Z: �; F r; � i° i I j �'� i� �< �. 'j: � �, � Tia• I�{i l"nnnnr { i ` ; ra !, f ;r� 4,I �� � , �., , i �,� ; Bdb, I delie[ (.� i than � E�tio � 1: � i hasa�rr�w�s � f; ; �Tr�t�� I ' � `��►� � �, � , � �. i �; ' 1'i i � ; f � � r�de. I I � ' i'� ��� I I ; � � � �5ii1 �i �;�, d� � F�s}�qn� � II j i; ' Ii, , � ;. � � I� � �; I � ; `� � li I: � jji � . ,� ` ! j, I { � � � � � 1 i j 3 f I� 1 �i �� � i I I � �I { � I ' �: t jl FROM FlFSCME COUNCIL It14 ; TO 2668574 P.01 , , i .i= , q�t-►a� i nace: o�mt�,-s, ��7 , i : ,, ;� � � ovvmg amer�tlmerrt �s whaPS needed. 1 ihougM of just ;usirg consultatian rattter i itec� Gomrsiinee, twt recent experience on Payroif System and He�im ihsuranee ; t�o�asi,httati�n is not a viable attemative with the adminisfration. I� � I t � � sub�d youtatte�tion! � ! ,�II�A,E'�� q � _1�� � ��, i � � � il�e C�ity bf St Paul Cityi Counci! reiquesta t�at fh� , � � Irbi�� ii� iiuman Rc.soprce Dspa,rtment �� �� ; � _Cabor &la�aaement �rotiYUttee develop a pian by� �vembec ' ; Y' y clu�end and future jo� o�iportcmities with'tiie al�r n how 4 �g aff We�f'are may be iiientified and trained tb fi16 thevs� � i � ; ! � � � � � i � � . i � I ; i � j i � I i , � � � 1 I . � ; , , � � � i ; � ii 1 � � y TOTA� P.01 OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES a CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor lohn Hami[ton, Direcrar 400 Ciry Hall Annex 2S West Fourth Streez Saint Paut, MN 55102-1631 a'1-1}y� TO: Dave Thune, Gouncil President Jerry Blakey, Councilmember Daniel Bostrom, Councilmember 3oseph Collins, Councilmember Ivfichael Harris, Councilmember Roberta Megard, Councilmember Gladys Morton, Councilmember December l0, 1997 Telephone: 612-26b-6500 TD�{'Y: 612-266-6501 Jobline: 612-2b6-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RECESVED DE� 1 � �Q97 M{CHAEL HARRIS FROM: John �'.��Q'�milton, Human Resource Director � SUBJECT: Wednesday, December 10, 1997, Saint Paul City Council Agenda Item No. 24. — Request for information regarding creation of a pilot program pursuant to Council Resolution No. 60629 Pursuant to your request for additional informatian regarding the creation and implementation of a"Pilot Program" in the City of Saint Paul, please find attached an outline detailing progammatic considerations and action steps. If you have any questions or w'ssh further informafron, p}ease fee] free to contact me at 266-5470. Thank you. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Tom Fahle Tim Manc � q�-1343 City of Saint Paul Welfare to Work Project Planning Phase: The Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the Workforce Development staff of PED wilt meet and create a plan for hiring welfare recipients into the city workforce. Cunently the City is in the process of planning for managing some of the nnpacts of Weffare Reform on our communiry with Ramsey Counry. Now that most of the new welfare rules are in place the City and County will be developing an RFP for contracting with vendors to provide screening and training services to the weifare to work,}ob candidates, this will be initiated between January to 3uly of 1998. 3ob readiness training will be provided, and then the candidates will be ready for employment. The Administration would appoint a taskforce to create a viable plan for providing employment opportunities in the City's workforce for persons moving off Welfare. The time line for the completion of this planning phase would be July i, 1998, at which time a Weifare to Work Plan would be submitted to the City Council for review and necessary action to implement. Actions Needed for Hiring Welfare to Work Candidates into the City: I. City Council would need to pass a resolution allowing a waiver for minimum qualifications for persons meeting the criteria of moving off welfare. The waiver would allow job candidates who have received schooling (people from the 4 year STRIDE training program could be tapped, as well as, others who are not in such a progam) to be hired by the City, if they had the requisite know3edge and skills, but perhaps were deficient in formal training or experience required. Decisions about the appropriateness of such a waiver would be made by the Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the city department involved and the candidate's case manager, 2. City Council would need to pass a resotution approving the creation a trainee title, such as City Worker Trainee, to allow welfare recipients to be referred into the city worl�'orce. Vendor contracts allowing this referral process ta happen will be in place 7uly 1, 1998. 3. City CouncIl would need to pass a resolution allowing trainee titles to be used for hiring Welfare to Work Candidates: ♦ Clerical Trainee (e�cisting title) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (existing title) ♦ Create a title called: City Worker Trainee Typical positions and vacancies over a three year period that could be used for R'elfare to Work Candidates to be hired in as trainees based on the past three years data: Full time positions: ♦ Clerk-Typist (58) ♦ Clerk (19) ♦ Clerical Trainee (5) Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 2 ♦ Police Park Ranger (22) ♦ Parking Enforcement Officer (17) ♦ Community Liaison Officer (5) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (2} ♦ Storeroom Assistant (2) Part time positions: ♦ Street Services WorkerlSewer Services Worker (12) ♦ Recreation Leader (82) ♦ Park Aide (57) ♦ Refectory Attendant (15) ♦ Conservatory Attendant (5) ♦ Library Aide (46) Hiring Process: °11-1��}� Candidates wil] be referted to the city for these positions through the City's Workforce Program through contract service arrangements with outside vendors. Departments will work with Human Resousces staffto define qual�cations spec�c to their opening or to agree to a trainee title, and will interview candidates refened. Departments wi11 also work with the trainee candidates to prepare them for promotion into regular city titles. On the job, the departments wi11 be responsibie for groviding training (similaz to internship training) and the Human Resources Office wilt also provide training referrals as needed. Pilot Project Guidelines: Under Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, the City may conduct recruitment, selection, experimenta] learning placements, and�or appointment pracesses for the filling of city positions. this definition. See Attachment 1. pilot projects designed to enhance the pre-entry training programs.... referral The Welfare to Work concept fits within Pilot Program Proposal: Council wou]d need to approve a Resolution, for the following Pilot Program: Part A: Trainee tities to be used: The City of Saint Paul shall hire employees refened through the City's Workforce Development Program for the following Trainee titles: Clerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee, and City Worker Trainee. Referral will be based on assessment of the candidates knowledge, skills and abilities to do the }ob and confirmation that they are working to get off welfare. Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 3 a� -�ay3 This referral will be considered to be a test under the City's Civil Service Rules. Up to iQ% (appro�mately 34 in a year) of City original entrance appointments may be made each calendar year. Employees so hired shail be wnsidered to have been hired to a certified city position and will earn all rights and benefits of a city employee. They will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit for their trainee position. Employees hired through this program shall be appointed for a three-year period. During that time they will perform assigned duties and trained for promotion to higher level positions. Candidates must receive satisfactory performance evaluations to stay in the program. At he conclusion of the three-year period, candidates who are deemed to have successfully completed their assigned duties will he reallocated to the higher leve] position wiihout further testing. Candidates who are not successful wili be temunated. Part B : The City Worker Trainee (See Attachment 2) class will be created. PBrt C: Waiver for Minimum Qualifications: The Office of Auman Resources shall have the authority to waive minimum qualifications for original entrance positions which welfare to work candidates may possess the knowledge, skills and abilities, but lack the formal education or experience requirements. Such decisions would be made in cooperation with the hiring department and the case manager for the candidate. City Department Responsibility: Identify positions for participation in the program over the next year: Police Fire Parks Public Works Water Libraries PED LIEP Financial MgmtlTech and Mgmt Services Smaller departments will be asked to consider each vacancy that occurs for inclusion as a possible position for the program. For additiona] data and visual illustration of distinctions in hiring processes see Attachments 3 and 4. Welfare To Work Pilot 12/10l97 6:03 AM ATTACHMENTI CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE RI3LES q7-�a.y' 8.P.6 The Persor.nel Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed Lo enhance recruiimeni, selection, expezimental Iearning placepents, pre-entry tzaining programs, employee career de:+elopment programs inc2usive of apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs, zeferral and/or appointaent processes for the filling of City positions. The Personnel Director, prior to Laking any employment action 3n the above referenced pilot andlor research pzojects, shall obtain the approval of ihe Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice Lo the a£fected bargaining units shall be gi�•en and at such time, the bargaining uniis have ihe right to discuss their issues as well as present zecommendations for changes in the pro3ect. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent appzoval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Personnel Director for reviev prior to approval. Documentation shall include the folloc:ing: a, Assurance that the proposal does not supplant existing ce:tified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a orobationary period, involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement reFerral service. d. Classifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as pez our present policy and procedures. e, It is recognized that any a£fect on terms and conditions of employment are sub�ect to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sough2 to be sezved by the pilot andlor research project. App;opriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council, can be sus�eaded for the purposes of these projects. This suspension is li�sited for :he time period as specified.for Lhe project. A project will .. ...__.c :. 3-vear time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the "Sa.�,r a.^.d Council xithin 3-months of the end of the project. Issued July, 1990 73b ATTACHMENT 2 CITY WORKER TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: As a trainee, performs routine duties that would assist in attaining entry level proficiency in a specified area of work within the city, and performs other related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. °l�-�14� Performs routine duties in the area of parks and recreation, police and fire departments such as customer service, light maintenance, parking enforcement, community liaison work. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow oral and written directions Some ability to communicate effectively in person and over the phone Some ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public Some ability to work closely with other staff members Ability to learn Ability to perform physical activities such as lifting and moving materials Ability to follow work rules b�NIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Currently enrolled in the State Welfare Program and a vocational training program offered through the City of Saint Paul JTPA, STRIDE, RCIC or equivalent. ATTACHMENT3 s q'1-1z4� DATA ON APPOINTMENTS TU CITY JOBS Total # of City Employees: Average number of positions filled each year: ♦ Promotiona] ♦ Open to Public These ate the jobs we can target! 3300 130 330 -s- Number of Open to the Pubiic jobs by Category ♦ Board ofEd only 105 ♦ Jobs with education and experience requirements 85 ♦ Part-time(seasonai jobs 85 ♦ 7obs with no education And experience requirements 56 ♦ Jobs such as: Glerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee Cierk and Clerk Typist, Parking Enforcement and Community Liaison �fficer ATTACHMENT 4 � / �'��� W W } � �1 � Z V Z � _ O w � ,8 Q � m� � v m3y ��d ,�� m ° d � � U o� � � b"'�`` C � � �y� U w "" U �� ff � m � � � V d � ` � J �� i� d a � ,' C 0 c Q� m � U ' C 3 O C � � � 0 3 m c m o 0 � R � N � U � O = UV m c_ `o � > c c �� 7 U o ° 1 C .� ,� 4 ' V Q � 4 � '� 3 •..I � m N C7 � � H � � � C � o •� Q Q � �n a�i O � � m h- c E O > � N F� y � °� � i y � p a p. �d � •. aj � L � C N w,� C U�V� F- t O N � {� G Q 0 w f- C '� Q � H � d � w H � � F'- O � � m V 0 'C Q1 U m � S w � v _ c m U d s d v C N C� w _ m � � c m U O Y h � = L U C J '� � U � 0 H U _ .t U C J � � U � 0 W � = L C.) C J �� � U w C d m Y m � N� � c N C) c .� m Y :: o � � V C m V � c .� m y W� � c m U November 12, 1997 City Council Action Minufes q1-I��� ��; Page 5 27. Report by the Administratiott on a plan to identify current and future job opportunities with the.Ciry and how individuals moving off welfare may be identified and trained to fill these position. (Requested on October 8, C.F. 97-1243) (Laid over from November 5) City Council requested that the Administration create a pilof program plan and report back at the December 10 City Council meeting, ORDINANCES ✓g f/29. �-inal Adoption - 97-1277 - Amending Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Administrativa Code by adding a Section 27.08 reflecting change in the residency ordinance enforcement resulting from arbitration award. (Substitute introduced on October 22) Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Blakey not present for vote) Final Adoption - 97-1286 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13537, adopted January 31 1967, pertaining to truck routes. Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - Q(Blakey not present for vote) 30. Final Adoption - 97-1247 - Amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 33.02 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one-and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. Amended and laid over to November 19 for final adoption Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Collins not present For vote) V31. Second Reading - 97-1324 - An ordinance amending Chapters 116 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for regulation of private construction in the public right- of-way. Laid over to November 26 for tturd reading/public hearing PUBLIC HEAItINGS (Public hearings will begin at 4:30 Q.m.) (/32. Public hearing to consider the application of Maui Pacific, Inc. (Ramsey Hill Townhomes, 356-376 Ramsey Street) for a preluninary and fmal plat to allow each new townhome currently under construction to be subdivided and sold as separate units and recorded with Ramsey County Records. (Laid over from November 5 for continuation of public hearing) Laid over to December 10 for continuation of public hearing Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 A���►�d- �ol s� I q� Council File # 4� -1 �y'3 6reen Sheet # d �Z RESOLUTION CITY Presented Referred To MINNESOTA Committee Date � WHEREAS, the Ciiy of Saint Paul City Council supports the efforts of the public and private sector to provide employment opportimities for persons moving off Welfaze; and WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has asked members of its Worl�'orce Development Council and azea employers to prepare to address the issues of employment for persons moving off Welfare; and 5 WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council understands the need for the City of Saint Paui to be a leader in 6 the effort to create jobs and opportixniries for employment for individuals; now therefore be it 7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council requests that the Admniistrafion through its Human Resource 8 Department develop a plan by November 5, 1997 to identify current and future job opporhuuties with the city and 9 how individuals moving off Welfare may be identified and trained to fi11 these positions. RESOLVED, that the Citv of Saint Paul C to identifv current the Ci and how individuals moving off Welfare may be identiEied and trained to fill these positions. Requested by Department oE AdoptiQ1�Certified by Council Secretary By: � ��` i..� ..�� ! \ Approved by Mayor: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ,��rq� \� � � �-,a By: \ c�.s��� L�r� ��� ,.�°-'�'� s Adopted by Council: Date ��,'��� `��� GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES D'uect the adminisiration to develop a p]an to address ihe hiring of persons to city jobs that aze moving off Welfare. PLANNING CAMMISSIQN CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � �.�,,,�.�� � �,.� _ ❑ �,,,.� ❑ �� _ ❑.,��.� ❑��,,,�,a ❑w,vrt�ae�...N., ❑ (CUP ALL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) H� mis parsoNfiim everxroAced unaer a cwNactfor tliie departmeM? YES NO Has mie v��Mrm eve. ueen a city emqoyao ' YES NO Dces this P��m possase a s1a71 not rwrmallyPossessed bY any artent city empbyee? YES NO is ihis perswifimi a fargetetl ventloYT YES NO q'I -1�y3 No 60629 �7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INDING SOURCE L4NCIF1, INFORMA710N (IXPWIQ ACTNITV NUMBER . lYJ' I ;;� '! � ; �� :I �., ; �Ga 03�44PM �� 1 ; � '.;;;��. � , .; i �; ; f � � , �Z: �; F r; � i° i I j �'� i� �< �. 'j: � �, � Tia• I�{i l"nnnnr { i ` ; ra !, f ;r� 4,I �� � , �., , i �,� ; Bdb, I delie[ (.� i than � E�tio � 1: � i hasa�rr�w�s � f; ; �Tr�t�� I ' � `��►� � �, � , � �. i �; ' 1'i i � ; f � � r�de. I I � ' i'� ��� I I ; � � � �5ii1 �i �;�, d� � F�s}�qn� � II j i; ' Ii, , � ;. � � I� � �; I � ; `� � li I: � jji � . ,� ` ! j, I { � � � � � 1 i j 3 f I� 1 �i �� � i I I � �I { � I ' �: t jl FROM FlFSCME COUNCIL It14 ; TO 2668574 P.01 , , i .i= , q�t-►a� i nace: o�mt�,-s, ��7 , i : ,, ;� � � ovvmg amer�tlmerrt �s whaPS needed. 1 ihougM of just ;usirg consultatian rattter i itec� Gomrsiinee, twt recent experience on Payroif System and He�im ihsuranee ; t�o�asi,httati�n is not a viable attemative with the adminisfration. I� � I t � � sub�d youtatte�tion! � ! ,�II�A,E'�� q � _1�� � ��, i � � � il�e C�ity bf St Paul Cityi Counci! reiquesta t�at fh� , � � Irbi�� ii� iiuman Rc.soprce Dspa,rtment �� �� ; � _Cabor &la�aaement �rotiYUttee develop a pian by� �vembec ' ; Y' y clu�end and future jo� o�iportcmities with'tiie al�r n how 4 �g aff We�f'are may be iiientified and trained tb fi16 thevs� � i � ; ! � � � � � i � � . i � I ; i � j i � I i , � � � 1 I . � ; , , � � � i ; � ii 1 � � y TOTA� P.01 OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES a CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor lohn Hami[ton, Direcrar 400 Ciry Hall Annex 2S West Fourth Streez Saint Paut, MN 55102-1631 a'1-1}y� TO: Dave Thune, Gouncil President Jerry Blakey, Councilmember Daniel Bostrom, Councilmember 3oseph Collins, Councilmember Ivfichael Harris, Councilmember Roberta Megard, Councilmember Gladys Morton, Councilmember December l0, 1997 Telephone: 612-26b-6500 TD�{'Y: 612-266-6501 Jobline: 612-2b6-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RECESVED DE� 1 � �Q97 M{CHAEL HARRIS FROM: John �'.��Q'�milton, Human Resource Director � SUBJECT: Wednesday, December 10, 1997, Saint Paul City Council Agenda Item No. 24. — Request for information regarding creation of a pilot program pursuant to Council Resolution No. 60629 Pursuant to your request for additional informatian regarding the creation and implementation of a"Pilot Program" in the City of Saint Paul, please find attached an outline detailing progammatic considerations and action steps. If you have any questions or w'ssh further informafron, p}ease fee] free to contact me at 266-5470. Thank you. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Tom Fahle Tim Manc � q�-1343 City of Saint Paul Welfare to Work Project Planning Phase: The Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the Workforce Development staff of PED wilt meet and create a plan for hiring welfare recipients into the city workforce. Cunently the City is in the process of planning for managing some of the nnpacts of Weffare Reform on our communiry with Ramsey Counry. Now that most of the new welfare rules are in place the City and County will be developing an RFP for contracting with vendors to provide screening and training services to the weifare to work,}ob candidates, this will be initiated between January to 3uly of 1998. 3ob readiness training will be provided, and then the candidates will be ready for employment. The Administration would appoint a taskforce to create a viable plan for providing employment opportunities in the City's workforce for persons moving off Welfare. The time line for the completion of this planning phase would be July i, 1998, at which time a Weifare to Work Plan would be submitted to the City Council for review and necessary action to implement. Actions Needed for Hiring Welfare to Work Candidates into the City: I. City Council would need to pass a resolution allowing a waiver for minimum qualifications for persons meeting the criteria of moving off welfare. The waiver would allow job candidates who have received schooling (people from the 4 year STRIDE training program could be tapped, as well as, others who are not in such a progam) to be hired by the City, if they had the requisite know3edge and skills, but perhaps were deficient in formal training or experience required. Decisions about the appropriateness of such a waiver would be made by the Office of Human Resources in cooperation with the city department involved and the candidate's case manager, 2. City Council would need to pass a resotution approving the creation a trainee title, such as City Worker Trainee, to allow welfare recipients to be referred into the city worl�'orce. Vendor contracts allowing this referral process ta happen will be in place 7uly 1, 1998. 3. City CouncIl would need to pass a resolution allowing trainee titles to be used for hiring Welfare to Work Candidates: ♦ Clerical Trainee (e�cisting title) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (existing title) ♦ Create a title called: City Worker Trainee Typical positions and vacancies over a three year period that could be used for R'elfare to Work Candidates to be hired in as trainees based on the past three years data: Full time positions: ♦ Clerk-Typist (58) ♦ Clerk (19) ♦ Clerical Trainee (5) Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 2 ♦ Police Park Ranger (22) ♦ Parking Enforcement Officer (17) ♦ Community Liaison Officer (5) ♦ Maintenance Trainee (2} ♦ Storeroom Assistant (2) Part time positions: ♦ Street Services WorkerlSewer Services Worker (12) ♦ Recreation Leader (82) ♦ Park Aide (57) ♦ Refectory Attendant (15) ♦ Conservatory Attendant (5) ♦ Library Aide (46) Hiring Process: °11-1��}� Candidates wil] be referted to the city for these positions through the City's Workforce Program through contract service arrangements with outside vendors. Departments will work with Human Resousces staffto define qual�cations spec�c to their opening or to agree to a trainee title, and will interview candidates refened. Departments wi11 also work with the trainee candidates to prepare them for promotion into regular city titles. On the job, the departments wi11 be responsibie for groviding training (similaz to internship training) and the Human Resources Office wilt also provide training referrals as needed. Pilot Project Guidelines: Under Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, the City may conduct recruitment, selection, experimenta] learning placements, and�or appointment pracesses for the filling of city positions. this definition. See Attachment 1. pilot projects designed to enhance the pre-entry training programs.... referral The Welfare to Work concept fits within Pilot Program Proposal: Council wou]d need to approve a Resolution, for the following Pilot Program: Part A: Trainee tities to be used: The City of Saint Paul shall hire employees refened through the City's Workforce Development Program for the following Trainee titles: Clerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee, and City Worker Trainee. Referral will be based on assessment of the candidates knowledge, skills and abilities to do the }ob and confirmation that they are working to get off welfare. Welfare to Work December 10, 1997 Page 3 a� -�ay3 This referral will be considered to be a test under the City's Civil Service Rules. Up to iQ% (appro�mately 34 in a year) of City original entrance appointments may be made each calendar year. Employees so hired shail be wnsidered to have been hired to a certified city position and will earn all rights and benefits of a city employee. They will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit for their trainee position. Employees hired through this program shall be appointed for a three-year period. During that time they will perform assigned duties and trained for promotion to higher level positions. Candidates must receive satisfactory performance evaluations to stay in the program. At he conclusion of the three-year period, candidates who are deemed to have successfully completed their assigned duties will he reallocated to the higher leve] position wiihout further testing. Candidates who are not successful wili be temunated. Part B : The City Worker Trainee (See Attachment 2) class will be created. PBrt C: Waiver for Minimum Qualifications: The Office of Auman Resources shall have the authority to waive minimum qualifications for original entrance positions which welfare to work candidates may possess the knowledge, skills and abilities, but lack the formal education or experience requirements. Such decisions would be made in cooperation with the hiring department and the case manager for the candidate. City Department Responsibility: Identify positions for participation in the program over the next year: Police Fire Parks Public Works Water Libraries PED LIEP Financial MgmtlTech and Mgmt Services Smaller departments will be asked to consider each vacancy that occurs for inclusion as a possible position for the program. For additiona] data and visual illustration of distinctions in hiring processes see Attachments 3 and 4. Welfare To Work Pilot 12/10l97 6:03 AM ATTACHMENTI CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE RI3LES q7-�a.y' 8.P.6 The Persor.nel Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed Lo enhance recruiimeni, selection, expezimental Iearning placepents, pre-entry tzaining programs, employee career de:+elopment programs inc2usive of apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs, zeferral and/or appointaent processes for the filling of City positions. The Personnel Director, prior to Laking any employment action 3n the above referenced pilot andlor research pzojects, shall obtain the approval of ihe Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice Lo the a£fected bargaining units shall be gi�•en and at such time, the bargaining uniis have ihe right to discuss their issues as well as present zecommendations for changes in the pro3ect. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent appzoval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Personnel Director for reviev prior to approval. Documentation shall include the folloc:ing: a, Assurance that the proposal does not supplant existing ce:tified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a orobationary period, involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement reFerral service. d. Classifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as pez our present policy and procedures. e, It is recognized that any a£fect on terms and conditions of employment are sub�ect to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sough2 to be sezved by the pilot andlor research project. App;opriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council, can be sus�eaded for the purposes of these projects. This suspension is li�sited for :he time period as specified.for Lhe project. A project will .. ...__.c :. 3-vear time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the "Sa.�,r a.^.d Council xithin 3-months of the end of the project. Issued July, 1990 73b ATTACHMENT 2 CITY WORKER TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: As a trainee, performs routine duties that would assist in attaining entry level proficiency in a specified area of work within the city, and performs other related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. °l�-�14� Performs routine duties in the area of parks and recreation, police and fire departments such as customer service, light maintenance, parking enforcement, community liaison work. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow oral and written directions Some ability to communicate effectively in person and over the phone Some ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public Some ability to work closely with other staff members Ability to learn Ability to perform physical activities such as lifting and moving materials Ability to follow work rules b�NIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Currently enrolled in the State Welfare Program and a vocational training program offered through the City of Saint Paul JTPA, STRIDE, RCIC or equivalent. ATTACHMENT3 s q'1-1z4� DATA ON APPOINTMENTS TU CITY JOBS Total # of City Employees: Average number of positions filled each year: ♦ Promotiona] ♦ Open to Public These ate the jobs we can target! 3300 130 330 -s- Number of Open to the Pubiic jobs by Category ♦ Board ofEd only 105 ♦ Jobs with education and experience requirements 85 ♦ Part-time(seasonai jobs 85 ♦ 7obs with no education And experience requirements 56 ♦ Jobs such as: Glerical Trainee, Maintenance Trainee Cierk and Clerk Typist, Parking Enforcement and Community Liaison �fficer ATTACHMENT 4 � / �'��� W W } � �1 � Z V Z � _ O w � ,8 Q � m� � v m3y ��d ,�� m ° d � � U o� � � b"'�`` C � � �y� U w "" U �� ff � m � � � V d � ` � J �� i� d a � ,' C 0 c Q� m � U ' C 3 O C � � � 0 3 m c m o 0 � R � N � U � O = UV m c_ `o � > c c �� 7 U o ° 1 C .� ,� 4 ' V Q � 4 � '� 3 •..I � m N C7 � � H � � � C � o •� Q Q � �n a�i O � � m h- c E O > � N F� y � °� � i y � p a p. �d � •. aj � L � C N w,� C U�V� F- t O N � {� G Q 0 w f- C '� Q � H � d � w H � � F'- O � � m V 0 'C Q1 U m � S w � v _ c m U d s d v C N C� w _ m � � c m U O Y h � = L U C J '� � U � 0 H U _ .t U C J � � U � 0 W � = L C.) C J �� � U w C d m Y m � N� � c N C) c .� m Y :: o � � V C m V � c .� m y W� � c m U November 12, 1997 City Council Action Minufes q1-I��� ��; Page 5 27. Report by the Administratiott on a plan to identify current and future job opportunities with the.Ciry and how individuals moving off welfare may be identified and trained to fill these position. (Requested on October 8, C.F. 97-1243) (Laid over from November 5) City Council requested that the Administration create a pilof program plan and report back at the December 10 City Council meeting, ORDINANCES ✓g f/29. �-inal Adoption - 97-1277 - Amending Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Administrativa Code by adding a Section 27.08 reflecting change in the residency ordinance enforcement resulting from arbitration award. (Substitute introduced on October 22) Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Blakey not present for vote) Final Adoption - 97-1286 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13537, adopted January 31 1967, pertaining to truck routes. Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - Q(Blakey not present for vote) 30. Final Adoption - 97-1247 - Amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 33.02 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one-and two-family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. Amended and laid over to November 19 for final adoption Yeas - 6 Nays - 0(Collins not present For vote) V31. Second Reading - 97-1324 - An ordinance amending Chapters 116 and 135 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for regulation of private construction in the public right- of-way. Laid over to November 26 for tturd reading/public hearing PUBLIC HEAItINGS (Public hearings will begin at 4:30 Q.m.) (/32. Public hearing to consider the application of Maui Pacific, Inc. (Ramsey Hill Townhomes, 356-376 Ramsey Street) for a preluninary and fmal plat to allow each new townhome currently under construction to be subdivided and sold as separate units and recorded with Ramsey County Records. (Laid over from November 5 for continuation of public hearing) Laid over to December 10 for continuation of public hearing Yeas - 7 Nays - 0