97-124.�������5�.�'4 � � Council File #�_\ �y Green Sheet #40153 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve the 2 appointment of Guy Willits to the position of Administrative Assistant in the Office of Public Health. . Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary BY: c�3•- / Approved by Mayor• ate 2 J/� �� �— BY: � G-�.� YY� Requested by Depamnent o£ OFFICE OF IIITMAN RESOURCES By: C��r��.'�� . ;. Form Approved by City Attorney By: � � I S) `�1 a- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: r VL (i �(��� "'�-� Adopted by Council: Date '� �� _ 1�_�R �l rt � �- � � D ��� �. , � ����°� � ��-��� c1'�l -1 �� DEPAR7'MENTlOFFICElCOUNCQ.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rro.:4ois3 Human Resources Jan. 3, 1997 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � INt17A[.mATE ItvITTaLNA1'& John Shockley 266-6482 �I�N 1_DEP��rr�x�. n t _s_ crrxcouricn. N[7MBER 2 CPTY ATTORNEY i 1) 6 CTIY CLEILK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA EY (DATE) FOR _ BU1X'El DIIL _ t7N. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. ROUTING 4_MAY�R(ORASST. CIVII.SERVSCECO�IlIIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION AEQUESTED: Request approval of a resolution appointing Guy Willits to the unclassified posifion of Administrative Assistant in the Public Health Office effective January 4, •3�' ��R`( � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST AIYSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII, SERViCE COMI�-IISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a convact for this depardnent? _CIB COMIvQ1TEE _ Yes No STAFf � 2, Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? _DIS7RIC"f COURT Yes No SUPPORI'S WFIICH COiJNCIL OSJECTIVE? 3. Does this person(fum possess a ski(t not nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INI17A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Whyj: Establishment of this unclassified position was approved by the Civil Service Commission on December 27, 1996. Mr. Willits has been serving in a provisional status. ADVAN'CAGES IF APPROYED: Removes Mr. Willits from a provisional position and appoints him as the Council Liaison to the Housing Code Enforcement Unit. � �;a �a» DISADVANTAGESIFAPPI20YED: �'� ���,g,�� ��,� �' �i�c�� None. ���1 �'� ����� � "��I i � 's�° s � ��� ��6 � g Y' DISADVANI'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � °�� � s � � � � The provisional status of this incumbent cannot be continued indefinitely. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF 1'RANSACI'ION: $ None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ����`� .� , t�7'g ��. FONDINGSOURCE: � ACI'IVITYNUMBER: ' . ..-� .:.-� � r � ��n� FINANC[AL IlYFORMATION: (EXPLAIlh � , 4 (�^� F;\CLASSVOFIl�Wll.LTfS.GRN . ' ' CTIY OF. SAII�I'i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 0 t-= g`Z —\ � �a��� �� iAAAA TO: FROivf: DATE: RE: Councilperson Dino Guerin / C � i Council ���t Parxa� Human Resources December 22, 1495 �or+,� e��. �.��. 130 Ciry Ha11Am+ec � 2S Weu Founh Sara SaintPau�Mmxesora SSZ02-It3I Guy WilliPs position study determination Tdephanz 6I2-26GtL5A7 . 2DDfZIY• 6Z2-2666501 Iob7inr 622 266�6502" Faccmilc 612-292-7656 We have completed the study of the provisional Administrative Assistant position held by Guy Willits at Pubfic Health. On October 12, 1995 we detezmined the position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. We received additional information which warrants the position to remain in the Admini.strative Assistant class in an unclassified capacity. We will process the ordinance and resolution required to implement tlus determination. cc: Neat Holton Jerry SerIling ' ' � ' �i�t-\�y CIASSZFZGATION STBDY REPORT (RESTUDY} REQUESTED CIASSZFICATIO23: Open INCUMBENT: Guy Willits PRESENT CLASSZFICATION: Pxovisionally appointed to the Administrative Assistant class on 1-3-94 (formerly entitled Administrative Assistant - Community Services) DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Public Health Housing Code Enforcement DATE OF REQUEST: October 19, 1995 STUDY CONDUCTED BY: Milt Patka APPROVAL �F CLASSIFICATION 6� COI4PENSATION MANAGER: �>!/�W �r�/��i�is� DATE: %� 'Z2 - �'/S 4 BACRGR6IIND An initial study o£ this provisional position was conducted and a determination was made on October 12, 1995 that the position be allocated to the Management Assistant IT class. That detexmination was based upon information provided by the incumbent and the Supervisor of Housing Code Enforcement. On October 19, 1995 an objection to this determination was received from Councilmember Guerin's office. Mr. Guerin indicated that the initial study £indings did not adequately reflect the duties and responsibiiities of the position in relationship to the City Council. Consequently, a restudy of the position was conducted. STUDY COMP023ENTS Z� res�udying tnis position, the £ollowing components were included: Interview with Councilmember Guerin. Interview with Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director. Further review of Job Pro£iles and advisory speci£ications of positions allocated to unclassified Administrative Assistant and City Council research positions. Re-evaluation o£ the position using the QES system. _�,��.� . _ _ DISCIISSZOL3 Councilmember Guerin and Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director, provided job related information £rom the City Council's perspective. It was indicated this position was created by the Council to act as their intermediary in resolving_housing code enforcement complaints. The incumbent has Prequent contact with the Councilmembers' o£fices, the Mayor's O£fice and tlie Citizen Service Office to collect the ever increasing volume of these complaints. This position ful£ills a public relations function to resolve the concerns of constituents. The position in question is responsible for housing code enforcement problem resolution and preparing the necessary reco�endations. This posiLion has been in existence less than one year and the Gouncil has assigned the inc�bent the responsibility of seriously reviewing and improving the current opezating procedu=es found in the Housing Code Enforcement Section of Public Health. This position assists the Council's Investigation and Reseazch Director in the pYeparation sequired for hearings that are regularly held to grant citizens an opportunity to appeal the City's Housing Code Enforcement decisions, This responsibility has alleviated supervisors, including the head of the Housing Code En£orcement section, the Housing Code Inspection Supervisor, from spending up to two days per week on this task. The incumbent has a role in coordinating and scheduling enforcement activities to coincide with the clean-up activities of the 17 neighborhood councils. In addition, the general role as a public relations person with all of the cvstomers served in Housing Code Enforcement is continually expanding. Most of the ahove information was included in the original study. However, that study did not adequately reveal the Council's role in assigning duties to the position or the degree of importance the Council places on the position. The original study did mention that the Management Assistant II determination was not permanent as the position was in a state of £lux. As an example, this position is to become the coordinator o£ a new project still in the development stage, the Citizen Inspection Program. The responsibility will be to coordinate 1000 City block clubs involved in teaching citizens how to conduct on-site housing inspections. COMPARISONS L.classified Administrative Assistants are appointed positions that usually parform £unctions such as public relations, personnel, policies and procedures estahlishment, liaison, research and project coordination duties. These cuties are performed under the general supervision o£ a departmenz head anpointed by the Mayor. The additional in£ormation provided revealed that the position in question is performing highly responsible duties in public rzlations, research, policy and procedures improvement, and program cevelopment and coordination that have been assigned by the City Covncil. ?'hese duties are very similar to those petformed by unclassified :dministrative Assistant positions. ?olicy Analyst and Financial Analyst positions are unclassified positions that � � °��-l�.y perform_duties assigned by the City_Council.'. However,_these positions are primarily responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing'data. They do not perform any public relations, policies and procedures or program_ coordination work. All other professional or supervisory positions performing duties assigned by the Council are in the unolassified service. QES EVALIIATION A new QES evaluation, based upon the additional infoxmation provided, supports compensating the position at grade 16 of the non-represented salary schedule. ANALYSIS AND RECOHIiENDATION Even though the position in question is located in the Housing Code Enforcement Division of Public Health, the rastudy revealed that the.position is carrying out duties assigned by the City Council. Also revealed was that the level o£ the duties and the duties per£ormed aYe very similar to those of Unclassified Administrative Assistants appointed by department heads_ In addition, all positions performing duties assigned by the City Council at the prafessional or supervisory 1eve1 are unclassified. .�rthermore,.the QES . evaluatian supports placing the position in tha same pay grade as unclassified Administrative Assistant positions. � Therefore, it is recommended that an unclassified Administrative Assistant position be created in the Division of Puhlic Health and that the appointing authozity should be the City Council. .�������5�.�'4 � � Council File #�_\ �y Green Sheet #40153 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve the 2 appointment of Guy Willits to the position of Administrative Assistant in the Office of Public Health. . Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary BY: c�3•- / Approved by Mayor• ate 2 J/� �� �— BY: � G-�.� YY� Requested by Depamnent o£ OFFICE OF IIITMAN RESOURCES By: C��r��.'�� . ;. Form Approved by City Attorney By: � � I S) `�1 a- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: r VL (i �(��� "'�-� Adopted by Council: Date '� �� _ 1�_�R �l rt � �- � � D ��� �. , � ����°� � ��-��� c1'�l -1 �� DEPAR7'MENTlOFFICElCOUNCQ.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rro.:4ois3 Human Resources Jan. 3, 1997 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � INt17A[.mATE ItvITTaLNA1'& John Shockley 266-6482 �I�N 1_DEP��rr�x�. n t _s_ crrxcouricn. N[7MBER 2 CPTY ATTORNEY i 1) 6 CTIY CLEILK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA EY (DATE) FOR _ BU1X'El DIIL _ t7N. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. ROUTING 4_MAY�R(ORASST. CIVII.SERVSCECO�IlIIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION AEQUESTED: Request approval of a resolution appointing Guy Willits to the unclassified posifion of Administrative Assistant in the Public Health Office effective January 4, •3�' ��R`( � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST AIYSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII, SERViCE COMI�-IISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a convact for this depardnent? _CIB COMIvQ1TEE _ Yes No STAFf � 2, Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? _DIS7RIC"f COURT Yes No SUPPORI'S WFIICH COiJNCIL OSJECTIVE? 3. Does this person(fum possess a ski(t not nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INI17A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Whyj: Establishment of this unclassified position was approved by the Civil Service Commission on December 27, 1996. Mr. Willits has been serving in a provisional status. ADVAN'CAGES IF APPROYED: Removes Mr. Willits from a provisional position and appoints him as the Council Liaison to the Housing Code Enforcement Unit. � �;a �a» DISADVANTAGESIFAPPI20YED: �'� ���,g,�� ��,� �' �i�c�� None. ���1 �'� ����� � "��I i � 's�° s � ��� ��6 � g Y' DISADVANI'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � °�� � s � � � � The provisional status of this incumbent cannot be continued indefinitely. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF 1'RANSACI'ION: $ None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ����`� .� , t�7'g ��. FONDINGSOURCE: � ACI'IVITYNUMBER: ' . ..-� .:.-� � r � ��n� FINANC[AL IlYFORMATION: (EXPLAIlh � , 4 (�^� F;\CLASSVOFIl�Wll.LTfS.GRN . ' ' CTIY OF. SAII�I'i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 0 t-= g`Z —\ � �a��� �� iAAAA TO: FROivf: DATE: RE: Councilperson Dino Guerin / C � i Council ���t Parxa� Human Resources December 22, 1495 �or+,� e��. �.��. 130 Ciry Ha11Am+ec � 2S Weu Founh Sara SaintPau�Mmxesora SSZ02-It3I Guy WilliPs position study determination Tdephanz 6I2-26GtL5A7 . 2DDfZIY• 6Z2-2666501 Iob7inr 622 266�6502" Faccmilc 612-292-7656 We have completed the study of the provisional Administrative Assistant position held by Guy Willits at Pubfic Health. On October 12, 1995 we detezmined the position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. We received additional information which warrants the position to remain in the Admini.strative Assistant class in an unclassified capacity. We will process the ordinance and resolution required to implement tlus determination. cc: Neat Holton Jerry SerIling ' ' � ' �i�t-\�y CIASSZFZGATION STBDY REPORT (RESTUDY} REQUESTED CIASSZFICATIO23: Open INCUMBENT: Guy Willits PRESENT CLASSZFICATION: Pxovisionally appointed to the Administrative Assistant class on 1-3-94 (formerly entitled Administrative Assistant - Community Services) DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Public Health Housing Code Enforcement DATE OF REQUEST: October 19, 1995 STUDY CONDUCTED BY: Milt Patka APPROVAL �F CLASSIFICATION 6� COI4PENSATION MANAGER: �>!/�W �r�/��i�is� DATE: %� 'Z2 - �'/S 4 BACRGR6IIND An initial study o£ this provisional position was conducted and a determination was made on October 12, 1995 that the position be allocated to the Management Assistant IT class. That detexmination was based upon information provided by the incumbent and the Supervisor of Housing Code Enforcement. On October 19, 1995 an objection to this determination was received from Councilmember Guerin's office. Mr. Guerin indicated that the initial study £indings did not adequately reflect the duties and responsibiiities of the position in relationship to the City Council. Consequently, a restudy of the position was conducted. STUDY COMP023ENTS Z� res�udying tnis position, the £ollowing components were included: Interview with Councilmember Guerin. Interview with Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director. Further review of Job Pro£iles and advisory speci£ications of positions allocated to unclassified Administrative Assistant and City Council research positions. Re-evaluation o£ the position using the QES system. _�,��.� . _ _ DISCIISSZOL3 Councilmember Guerin and Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director, provided job related information £rom the City Council's perspective. It was indicated this position was created by the Council to act as their intermediary in resolving_housing code enforcement complaints. The incumbent has Prequent contact with the Councilmembers' o£fices, the Mayor's O£fice and tlie Citizen Service Office to collect the ever increasing volume of these complaints. This position ful£ills a public relations function to resolve the concerns of constituents. The position in question is responsible for housing code enforcement problem resolution and preparing the necessary reco�endations. This posiLion has been in existence less than one year and the Gouncil has assigned the inc�bent the responsibility of seriously reviewing and improving the current opezating procedu=es found in the Housing Code Enforcement Section of Public Health. This position assists the Council's Investigation and Reseazch Director in the pYeparation sequired for hearings that are regularly held to grant citizens an opportunity to appeal the City's Housing Code Enforcement decisions, This responsibility has alleviated supervisors, including the head of the Housing Code En£orcement section, the Housing Code Inspection Supervisor, from spending up to two days per week on this task. The incumbent has a role in coordinating and scheduling enforcement activities to coincide with the clean-up activities of the 17 neighborhood councils. In addition, the general role as a public relations person with all of the cvstomers served in Housing Code Enforcement is continually expanding. Most of the ahove information was included in the original study. However, that study did not adequately reveal the Council's role in assigning duties to the position or the degree of importance the Council places on the position. The original study did mention that the Management Assistant II determination was not permanent as the position was in a state of £lux. As an example, this position is to become the coordinator o£ a new project still in the development stage, the Citizen Inspection Program. The responsibility will be to coordinate 1000 City block clubs involved in teaching citizens how to conduct on-site housing inspections. COMPARISONS L.classified Administrative Assistants are appointed positions that usually parform £unctions such as public relations, personnel, policies and procedures estahlishment, liaison, research and project coordination duties. These cuties are performed under the general supervision o£ a departmenz head anpointed by the Mayor. The additional in£ormation provided revealed that the position in question is performing highly responsible duties in public rzlations, research, policy and procedures improvement, and program cevelopment and coordination that have been assigned by the City Covncil. ?'hese duties are very similar to those petformed by unclassified :dministrative Assistant positions. ?olicy Analyst and Financial Analyst positions are unclassified positions that � � °��-l�.y perform_duties assigned by the City_Council.'. However,_these positions are primarily responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing'data. They do not perform any public relations, policies and procedures or program_ coordination work. All other professional or supervisory positions performing duties assigned by the Council are in the unolassified service. QES EVALIIATION A new QES evaluation, based upon the additional infoxmation provided, supports compensating the position at grade 16 of the non-represented salary schedule. ANALYSIS AND RECOHIiENDATION Even though the position in question is located in the Housing Code Enforcement Division of Public Health, the rastudy revealed that the.position is carrying out duties assigned by the City Council. Also revealed was that the level o£ the duties and the duties per£ormed aYe very similar to those of Unclassified Administrative Assistants appointed by department heads_ In addition, all positions performing duties assigned by the City Council at the prafessional or supervisory 1eve1 are unclassified. .�rthermore,.the QES . evaluatian supports placing the position in tha same pay grade as unclassified Administrative Assistant positions. � Therefore, it is recommended that an unclassified Administrative Assistant position be created in the Division of Puhlic Health and that the appointing authozity should be the City Council. .�������5�.�'4 � � Council File #�_\ �y Green Sheet #40153 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve the 2 appointment of Guy Willits to the position of Administrative Assistant in the Office of Public Health. . Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary BY: c�3•- / Approved by Mayor• ate 2 J/� �� �— BY: � G-�.� YY� Requested by Depamnent o£ OFFICE OF IIITMAN RESOURCES By: C��r��.'�� . ;. Form Approved by City Attorney By: � � I S) `�1 a- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: r VL (i �(��� "'�-� Adopted by Council: Date '� �� _ 1�_�R �l rt � �- � � D ��� �. , � ����°� � ��-��� c1'�l -1 �� DEPAR7'MENTlOFFICElCOUNCQ.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rro.:4ois3 Human Resources Jan. 3, 1997 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � INt17A[.mATE ItvITTaLNA1'& John Shockley 266-6482 �I�N 1_DEP��rr�x�. n t _s_ crrxcouricn. N[7MBER 2 CPTY ATTORNEY i 1) 6 CTIY CLEILK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA EY (DATE) FOR _ BU1X'El DIIL _ t7N. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. ROUTING 4_MAY�R(ORASST. CIVII.SERVSCECO�IlIIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION AEQUESTED: Request approval of a resolution appointing Guy Willits to the unclassified posifion of Administrative Assistant in the Public Health Office effective January 4, •3�' ��R`( � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST AIYSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII, SERViCE COMI�-IISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a convact for this depardnent? _CIB COMIvQ1TEE _ Yes No STAFf � 2, Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? _DIS7RIC"f COURT Yes No SUPPORI'S WFIICH COiJNCIL OSJECTIVE? 3. Does this person(fum possess a ski(t not nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet INI17A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Whyj: Establishment of this unclassified position was approved by the Civil Service Commission on December 27, 1996. Mr. Willits has been serving in a provisional status. ADVAN'CAGES IF APPROYED: Removes Mr. Willits from a provisional position and appoints him as the Council Liaison to the Housing Code Enforcement Unit. � �;a �a» DISADVANTAGESIFAPPI20YED: �'� ���,g,�� ��,� �' �i�c�� None. ���1 �'� ����� � "��I i � 's�° s � ��� ��6 � g Y' DISADVANI'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � °�� � s � � � � The provisional status of this incumbent cannot be continued indefinitely. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF 1'RANSACI'ION: $ None COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ����`� .� , t�7'g ��. FONDINGSOURCE: � ACI'IVITYNUMBER: ' . ..-� .:.-� � r � ��n� FINANC[AL IlYFORMATION: (EXPLAIlh � , 4 (�^� F;\CLASSVOFIl�Wll.LTfS.GRN . ' ' CTIY OF. SAII�I'i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 0 t-= g`Z —\ � �a��� �� iAAAA TO: FROivf: DATE: RE: Councilperson Dino Guerin / C � i Council ���t Parxa� Human Resources December 22, 1495 �or+,� e��. �.��. 130 Ciry Ha11Am+ec � 2S Weu Founh Sara SaintPau�Mmxesora SSZ02-It3I Guy WilliPs position study determination Tdephanz 6I2-26GtL5A7 . 2DDfZIY• 6Z2-2666501 Iob7inr 622 266�6502" Faccmilc 612-292-7656 We have completed the study of the provisional Administrative Assistant position held by Guy Willits at Pubfic Health. On October 12, 1995 we detezmined the position should be allocated to the Management Assistant II class. We received additional information which warrants the position to remain in the Admini.strative Assistant class in an unclassified capacity. We will process the ordinance and resolution required to implement tlus determination. cc: Neat Holton Jerry SerIling ' ' � ' �i�t-\�y CIASSZFZGATION STBDY REPORT (RESTUDY} REQUESTED CIASSZFICATIO23: Open INCUMBENT: Guy Willits PRESENT CLASSZFICATION: Pxovisionally appointed to the Administrative Assistant class on 1-3-94 (formerly entitled Administrative Assistant - Community Services) DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Public Health Housing Code Enforcement DATE OF REQUEST: October 19, 1995 STUDY CONDUCTED BY: Milt Patka APPROVAL �F CLASSIFICATION 6� COI4PENSATION MANAGER: �>!/�W �r�/��i�is� DATE: %� 'Z2 - �'/S 4 BACRGR6IIND An initial study o£ this provisional position was conducted and a determination was made on October 12, 1995 that the position be allocated to the Management Assistant IT class. That detexmination was based upon information provided by the incumbent and the Supervisor of Housing Code Enforcement. On October 19, 1995 an objection to this determination was received from Councilmember Guerin's office. Mr. Guerin indicated that the initial study £indings did not adequately reflect the duties and responsibiiities of the position in relationship to the City Council. Consequently, a restudy of the position was conducted. STUDY COMP023ENTS Z� res�udying tnis position, the £ollowing components were included: Interview with Councilmember Guerin. Interview with Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director. Further review of Job Pro£iles and advisory speci£ications of positions allocated to unclassified Administrative Assistant and City Council research positions. Re-evaluation o£ the position using the QES system. _�,��.� . _ _ DISCIISSZOL3 Councilmember Guerin and Gerry Strathman, Council Investigation and Research Director, provided job related information £rom the City Council's perspective. It was indicated this position was created by the Council to act as their intermediary in resolving_housing code enforcement complaints. The incumbent has Prequent contact with the Councilmembers' o£fices, the Mayor's O£fice and tlie Citizen Service Office to collect the ever increasing volume of these complaints. This position ful£ills a public relations function to resolve the concerns of constituents. The position in question is responsible for housing code enforcement problem resolution and preparing the necessary reco�endations. This posiLion has been in existence less than one year and the Gouncil has assigned the inc�bent the responsibility of seriously reviewing and improving the current opezating procedu=es found in the Housing Code Enforcement Section of Public Health. This position assists the Council's Investigation and Reseazch Director in the pYeparation sequired for hearings that are regularly held to grant citizens an opportunity to appeal the City's Housing Code Enforcement decisions, This responsibility has alleviated supervisors, including the head of the Housing Code En£orcement section, the Housing Code Inspection Supervisor, from spending up to two days per week on this task. The incumbent has a role in coordinating and scheduling enforcement activities to coincide with the clean-up activities of the 17 neighborhood councils. In addition, the general role as a public relations person with all of the cvstomers served in Housing Code Enforcement is continually expanding. Most of the ahove information was included in the original study. However, that study did not adequately reveal the Council's role in assigning duties to the position or the degree of importance the Council places on the position. The original study did mention that the Management Assistant II determination was not permanent as the position was in a state of £lux. As an example, this position is to become the coordinator o£ a new project still in the development stage, the Citizen Inspection Program. The responsibility will be to coordinate 1000 City block clubs involved in teaching citizens how to conduct on-site housing inspections. COMPARISONS L.classified Administrative Assistants are appointed positions that usually parform £unctions such as public relations, personnel, policies and procedures estahlishment, liaison, research and project coordination duties. These cuties are performed under the general supervision o£ a departmenz head anpointed by the Mayor. The additional in£ormation provided revealed that the position in question is performing highly responsible duties in public rzlations, research, policy and procedures improvement, and program cevelopment and coordination that have been assigned by the City Covncil. ?'hese duties are very similar to those petformed by unclassified :dministrative Assistant positions. ?olicy Analyst and Financial Analyst positions are unclassified positions that � � °��-l�.y perform_duties assigned by the City_Council.'. However,_these positions are primarily responsible for collecting, compiling and analyzing'data. They do not perform any public relations, policies and procedures or program_ coordination work. All other professional or supervisory positions performing duties assigned by the Council are in the unolassified service. QES EVALIIATION A new QES evaluation, based upon the additional infoxmation provided, supports compensating the position at grade 16 of the non-represented salary schedule. ANALYSIS AND RECOHIiENDATION Even though the position in question is located in the Housing Code Enforcement Division of Public Health, the rastudy revealed that the.position is carrying out duties assigned by the City Council. Also revealed was that the level o£ the duties and the duties per£ormed aYe very similar to those of Unclassified Administrative Assistants appointed by department heads_ In addition, all positions performing duties assigned by the City Council at the prafessional or supervisory 1eve1 are unclassified. .�rthermore,.the QES . evaluatian supports placing the position in tha same pay grade as unclassified Administrative Assistant positions. � Therefore, it is recommended that an unclassified Administrative Assistant position be created in the Division of Puhlic Health and that the appointing authozity should be the City Council.