97-1215Presented By
Council File # "i�
�,�.�,�.a�Ca • �ol.� n
Green Sheet # � � G " [ �
� �l' OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA� ��,,�� �`� y ag
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Referred To \ \ Committee:
WF�REAS, the Shepazd Road - Davem Street azea is a pivotal azea the City. The azea
is the gateway to the City along Minuesota State Highway No. 5 from the ity of Minneapolis,
Hennepin County and the Western Suburbs; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plam�ing Commission, recogniz' g the pivotal status of the
Shepatd Road - Davern Street area, recenfly uutiated a study for possible adoption of
amendments to the City of Saint Paul's comprehensive plan an oning code regulating the
density, type and character of industriai, commercial and resi tial development within the
Shepard Road - Davern Street area beginning at a point wh e Shepard Road, Mississippi River
Boulevard and West Seventh Street intersect, northeasterl along West Seventh Street to
Edgecumbe Avenue, north on Edgecumbe Avenue to St aul Avenue, east along��,S
Avenue to West Seventh Stre northeasterly along W t Seventh Street to ����a�.''�'�'ree"�;
southeasteriy alon � eet to Shepazd Road, uthwesterly along Shepazd Road to the
point of beginning; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul understands that construction plans at
the Minneapolis - Saint Paul Internafional Ai ort will result in the displacement of rental car
parking lots, storage and service facilifies p esently located at the airport and that the Shepard
Road - Dauern Street azea presentiy unde study by the Saint Paul Planning Commission has
been identified by these car rentai comp 'es as a possibie piace for relocating and expanding
their rental caz gazking lots, service starage faciliries; and
WFIEREAS, the 5aint Pa oning Code provides that rental car parking lots, service and
storage facilities aze permitted in -1, B-5 and B-4 zoning districts subject only to site plan
approval; and
WHEREAS, within�e boundaries of the Shepazd Road - Davern Street study area are
large tracts of land which e presently zoned I-1; and
VTfIEREAS, th potenrial relocation of rental car parking lots, service and storage
facilities into the She d Road - Davern Street Area raises substantial questions relaring to
whether or not the ty's present comprehensive plan and conditions imposed by the zoning code
adequately addres , provide and plan for the nnpact of the potentially large concentrafion of such
uses on adjacent eighborhood values, institutions, community characteristics, on vehiculaz
traffic levels d noise; and
REAS, in light of the study recenfly initiated by the Saint Paul Planing Commission
to exam' e the existing land use in the Shepard Avenue - Davern Street Area for potential
redeve opment for the purpose of idenfifying an overaii vision for tius pivotal gateway into the
City and for the immediate need to preserve the status quo with respect to land use for the
1 purpose of protecting the general health, welfare and safety of the public pending the
2 of the study, the Council of the City of Saint Paul desires to temporarily prolubit dev�
3 I-1 or B-5 and B-4 zoning dislricts until such time as the aforemenrioned study has
4 completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken action on the reco e
5 contained therein; NOW, TI-�REFORE,
,n q/� -13-
BE IT RESOLVED, that under separate ordinance, the Council of e City of Saint Paul
will prohibit within the baundaries of the area described above, the is ce of building pernuts,
plat approvals and lot splits for I-1 2oning districts ��il as rezonin to B-5 and B-4 zoning
districts from this date and until the eapiration af�onths as ovided in Minn. Stat. §
462.355, Subd(4), or until such earlier time as the Council of the ity of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations contained in the study. H�
to building permits for work on existing structures which
structure and permits to work on state Highway No. 5lWe.
as approved in Councii File No. 97-322 and funded undey
Arm, $E zT I
e�f, the moratorium does not apply
not increase the azea of the
Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
' Minn. Laws, Chapter 204, Art. 1;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the opfion of an interim ordinance prohibiting
any development inconsistent with the pending s dy and any amendments to the City's zoning
code, within the boundaries of the azea describe above, no building permits, plat approvals and
lot splits in I-1 zoning districts and rezonings B-5 and -4 zoning districts may be issued or
approved from this date and un61 the expira 'on of �'� months as allowed by Mimi. Stat. §
462.355, Subd.(4), or until such eazlier ti as the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations c
to building permits for work on
structure and pernuts to work on
as approved in Councii File No. '
„ �� ���
�in the study. However, the moratorium does not apply
;structures which will notincreasethe area ofthe
ighway No. 5/West 7�' Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
and funded under 1997 Minn. Laws, Chapter 200, Art. 1;
! \�
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FINALLY RESOLVED, that the restrictions contained in this resolution and in the s d
interun ordinance may be etctended by action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul for ose
additional time periods not to exceed the time provided in Minn. Stat. § 462355, Subd 4) in the
event such study and recommendations and the deliberations of the Council requires uch
extensions of time.
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Requested by Department of:
ed by Council:
ion Certified�
Council secretary
Form Approv City Attarn
By: W (/`� �Y�'�'
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil
ed by l�ayor: Date
ct� covrrc�
Councilmember Mike Harris 6-8630
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A resoluaon preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the azea commonly known as ihe Shepard Road - Davern
Street Area pending camplerion of studies of possible amendmems to ffie City of Saim Paul's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Fies fhis persoMrm everworkea unda a coMrect fwthis departmeM?
Has mia pereonrhrtn ever been a GH �vb7�?
Ooes this Pe��� P� a s1611 fwt rwrmaOYD�sessetl bY �Y curteM citY �O�oYee?
IsMhµvsoMfirtnatargetetiventloYt ,
�iain atl vea answers an seoarate sheet arM attacn to areen sheet
t�r.P7: i i•l3i:T_�`F�[�TPF
�s, 1997� GREEN SHEET
��, la�
Whereas The Hem Corporation is seeking to purchase property on Davern Street in St. Paul, and whereas,
the community has expressed concem about the use and its impact on the community and on the Shepazd Davern
Study currently underway, The Hem Corporation hereby agrees to the followfng �vith regard to their operations at
this site:
1. That the only activities performed at the site will be caz maintenance, limited caz rentals (i.e. customers will
not come d3rectly to the site, but will orily arrive in Herfz shuttles from the airport, aiso that this is a temporary use
until space is available at the airpart); limited car sales (with the understanding that this is an a�iliary site with
Hertz presently loaking for an additional location for caz sales).
2. That The Hertz CorQoration agrees to work with HACC and by November 14, 1997 have an agreement in
place regarding rezoning the properry to B-3.
3. The only signage on the property w311 be ]) on the building itself "Hettz", in lettering no more than 3 feet
high; and Z} a monument sign no larger than 2%z feet x 5 feet and no higher than 5 feet to be located along Davern:
4. Additionai landscaping (trees, shrubbery, vines & sod) wili be installed so as to provide i 00% screening of
the lot from view along West Seventh, Davern and Stewart. The fina] ]andscaping plan is subject to approval by the
HACC. Further, The Hertz Corporafion agrees to maintain all landscaping and facilities inciuding but not limited to
mowing, weeding, pruning, trash pick-up, etc. on a daily basis.
5. Any additional lighting will be of the lantern style, to be approved by HACC.
6. The hours of operation for car rental will be: 7 am until 10 PM; hours of operafion for car sales to be 8 am
to 8 PM; the maintenance facility operates 24 hours per day (or those hours as provided by zoning or other
ordinance) however the main hours of operation will be between 7 am and 10 PM. Deliveries to be between 8 am
and 5 pm;
7. All activities of this facility, including deliveries wi11 only be done on the property itself and not on the
public streets or right of way; fiu that no delavery vehicles will be allowed to idle for more than five minutes at
a tune outside of the hours of 8 am and 5 PM.
8 The Hertz Corporation employees will use West Seventh, Shepazd or Dauern to reach the property and their
vehicles wiU be parked on the site.
9. If gasoline storage is anything other than in above ground tanks Hertz will comply with all federal, state or
locaI requirements to assure there wili be no detrimental environmental impact due to fuei storage. They further
agree to provide HACC with documentation stating that they have complied with any such requirements. The
�anopy shall be painted forest green or a neutral color so as w blend in with the screening of the lot,
0. The building will be a one story building constructed of zed brick or masonry with a design in keeping wifh
he Fort Road Plan.
1. If a structure is visible from Shepard, Davern or West Seventh, it's roof will be of a neutral color or forest
�een, so as to blend in with the screening.
. All entrances to the lot will be off of Davern, subject to approvat by the City of St. Paul's Public Works
13. AIi vendars shall be required to use West Seventh, Shepazd Road or Davem to enter the site.
I4. The Hertz Corporarion agrees to keep HACC informed in advance of any changes in use of the properry.
15. The Hertz Corporation agrees to cooperate in the Shepard Davem Study including, but not lunited to any
streeY ciosings or other changes recommended by the study.
l6. Any temporary structures such as a trailer shall be positioned in snch a way as to not be visible to tr�c on
West Seventh, Davem, Stewart or Shepard Road.
] 7. The Hertz Corporation will granf the City of St. Paui a right of first refusal when the properiy is sold.
3 8. By September 1999 (assuming the faciliries being planned by the MAC aze ready, adequate, and available
for it's use) The Hem Corparafion will move ail rental and return functions back to the airport.
I 9. It is understood that The Hertz Corporation has represented ta the community that Yheir use of this site is a
temporary use (estimated to be no more Yhan 7-10 years); Further that fhey are now Iooking for anofher locarion for
their caz sales; Further, that when space is avaiIable at the airport, they will be moving all operations from this site
back to the airport.
20. All building and designs for any improvements or alterations to the site will be done in accordance with the
Fort Road Pian or design pazameters recommended in the SmaII Area Plan presently underway.
21. The Hertz Corporation agrees to continue to work with HACC and the community to conduct their business
in a manner thai is the least disruprive of the community as possible.
It is understood that this ab eement is made in reliance npon the representations tnade in a tetter dated
October 14, 1997 directed to HACC, as well as the document entified "Hertz AdministrationlMaintenance Canter
St. PanI Minnesota" copies of which are attached hereto.
Date: � /S �� -
Hertz Corporation
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� er than eight hours.
MAC pazking director Greg
Leean has proposed a set of
changes that would inciude rais-
ing the daily rate from $24 to $36
in the short-term ramp in front of
the terminal — in an effort to
discourage iong-term parkers
from monopolizing short-term
The proposal would increase
weekly rates from $60 to $96 in
the general long-term parking
, ramp.
Gasper has reservations about
raising rates to change paxking
habits. Fie said the MAC takes
great cue to keep costs down for
the airlines bnt does not show the
same concem for wnsumers.
"We claim to be one of the
cheapest airports in the country.
But if we are gaing to try to be an
economical airport, then we
should try for both �airline and
consumer] sides," he said.
MAC financial reports show
that the airport makes more on
pazking than on airtine landing
THi7RSDAY, AUGUST 7 y 1997
fees. Thruugh the second quartei
of this year, landing fees had
broughtin about $9 millinn,and
pazking iees had generated al-
most $16 million. The total ex-
pected for the yeaz is about $23
million &om landing fees and
ahout $32 million 8om pazking.
Commissioner John Himie of'
Bloomington favors raising rates
to reduce pazking demand.
"YJhether it's highways or
waste management issues, we
simply don't have the collective
pubiic resources to keep building,
building, building," Himle said.
"We also need to pay attention to
how we manage demand.
`If the airport took the posi-
tion that we will build infrastruc-
ture without regazd to having
tried to manage demand, that
would frankiy be an 'uresponsible
use of public resources," he said.
"And sa I view the increase in the
pazk3ng rates, which will only fall
on about one-third of the users,
as one tooi in managing parking
�� .l2-�
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19'T8 Ford Parkway, St Panl MN 55116
Buiiding a Setter Commanity Ttuough Citizen Pazticip
Iuty 7,1997
vce Pre9dent
M� Moeller
Cnid I: Kutt Schreck
Grid 2: Reede Websler
G:id 3: Scott B�m
Crrid4: VickyDimWiDi�s
Grid 5: I3�a Caopes
Gtid 6: Gseg Klem�
Grid 7: Ivfaik Mcellea
Grid 8: Ken Jeff�on
Grid 9: Sieglinde Biet
Grid lU: Sfiaan BarLsh
Cuid Il:duisBerg
Grid 12: Vaoaira KoscLak
At I azge
Rick I}dg�ais
neg Mcc3ee
ohn Crrtqbek
avid Biaiey
nmunitY oig�nizea
de summeas
4 F�d Pmkway
'�1 MN 55116
4138 F�298-5139
David McUonnell
Saint Paul Planning commission
City Hall Annex
ZS West 4�' Street
SainiPaul MN 55102
Dear Mr. McDonnell;
JUL 0 8 i997
As yaa may know, last FECember the F3'ighiand Area Community Council sent
a letter w ihe Planning Commission requestiug that a 40 Acre Studv be done
for the area surtounding Shepatd and Davern streets. This request came
following many mcetings of local residents, businesses and properry owners
concemed with the future cievelopmem in the area. We Lave not received a
reply to ow request so I am writing to renew ihe reqaest and to update you on
wl�at has been l�appeniag in this atea.
PED Involvement
Since our initial request, PED bas �ncnned that a 40 acre study done in
conjunction witL a Small Area Plan is an appsopriate method of e�mining this
area and planning the best caurse of development VJe have been working with
Ken Ford, Susan Kimberly and Jim Z�n
Boundaries of the study
Tfie boundaries of ttie study area bave been broadened The study witl
encontQass the area bounded on the south by the Mississippi River, on the west
by Edgecumbe aorth to Saint Paut Avenue,; Saint Paui Avem�e to West
Seventh; West Seve�h to Homer and Homer back to the River.
Saint Paul Gateway Project
Ear2y this year I initiated a project� to i) improve the apprarance; 2) pravide
directionaUiufr»mation sgos*► and 3j m enliance the safety of the HwySlWest
Seventh entzsnce to Saim Paul. As the main emrance to our capirai City, this
mute serves as ihe fust impression for thousands of people each year. As it
'�'the boimdaries oftheprojat aze &�the MPISI�. PauS Aitpwt exit ata�gfiwy. 5to West Sev�th,
end'mg at 35E. iheprojal reaiv� d�ipp monryfr� ihestareSegislaturew}tic3 is bemg t+sedto
prepere an applicatiov for ISTEAfimd'm� wehaveapplied forCIB mmd STAR fimdingaadwill'6e
seekmgPm'ate mmey aswdl.
"E.g the CLiidr�'s Mu.scvm, State CsPitoL Hisiory Cmta, Downtown, etc.
now exists, our "ftont �or" is inauspicious at besL Saint Paul has a wonderful opportunity to set the
tone for visitors and to let them ksiow that Saint Paul has a great deal to offer and is a great ptace to �risit
and do business. This lies in directly wiU� development along Wes[ Seventh and the surrounding area.
and is another reason this area deserves the Ci�'s attention. This project has direci ties to all of West
Seventh and specifically to downtown. It is intended to provi� economic ben�t to businesses along
West Seventh as well as increase interest in sites and activities located downtown.
TrafficlSafety Concerns
West Seventh poses special saCetg considerations lhat deserve specific atteution and shou(d be faken into
account in planning development of llie area. The area is a uansiaon zone witti a frceway that ends
abmplly in a mi�d use ace. The area has many chiidren and seniors and has had severai serious
accidenzs. Eartier this year Saint Paul PuUlic Works proposed ctosing some streets that intersect West
Seventh. Rather then be reactive to dangerous siWations, il would make sense to incorporate trafiic
nianagement into an overall plan.
This area of the City presents a wonderful opportunity to actually pian ahead and makc a real impact in
the direction dzvelopment takes. With Ute suppori of Wazd 3 Cowicil member Harris, PED, property
owncrs and residents, the Highiand Arca Conunmrity Council rcqucsts that Qu Plaiming Comnussion
apprave our request at the eartiest oFportunity-
Sincerely, �
� c . ��..�
` Shawn-B h
}'resident, District IS
Higiilu�d Area Communin' CounciJ
cc: Mike Harris
Mayor Coleman
Pam Wheelock
Susan Kimberly
SEP-30-1997 12�3A
NarerC'ols�nan. Mcyor
Shepard Davem planning/40-Acre Study
Steps Taken to Date and Recommendations
July 17, I997
Pamda tYhealadc Dime'cr
23 Wu�Fmoz65aru
SninrPoul, hlN3510I
TetspAax; 67?-?66-6655
Faabntk: Q11379.3J6J
1. Fn Navember 1495, Council member Hartis designated this area as a"targeY' in the 199?
budget and plan. After meetings with Council mttnber Harris, the community and elected
officia]s, we agreed in May that a new planningtdavelopment gpcu, is appmp�iate and
recommended a hroader efforc than the 40-acre study originally requested.
2. We've met with area residents, with property owners, a�d �� � Coznmunity Council and
have found broad support for zhe project.
3. We've agzeed with the initiation schedule preferred by ihe Community Council, that is to
begin with a kick-off community meeting in September.
4. We've expiained the interest in a second-phase planning effort to the Neighborhoods and
Land Use Committee of the Saint Pau1 Pianning Cammission, azsd they aze e�cpecting to act
on an initiating resolution at their Au�ust 18 meeting.
5. We bave determined that a well-defined and illusaated development concept is likely an
important product for this effort, az►d aze exploring, with the Community CounciI leadership,
resources that aught be tapped to secure the am.hitecturaUurban design taient that wouid be
b. We have developed some alternative ideas for the process and are lookzng at the design
chatetce model used successfuily for the precinct planning in the Saint Paul on the
Mississippi Develapment Framework process as one means to engage a number of people
and interests and ideas in a sfiart time. We wili be reviewing ideas far the schedule and
process with aosnmunity representatives and the Planning Commission.
7. We have worked with Council member Hazris and Disfrict Council President 5hawn Baitsh
and we are suggestins a pianning azea bounded by Edgecumbe, St. Paul Ave., W.1th Strcez,
Rankin Ave and Shepazd Road. A map is attached. We have had a base map prepazed for
the study area and have begun the work of gathering background information.
EP 30 '97 12�31 PAGE.12 �
ocr-sd-1997 1Z�34
8. In addirion to these pianning steps, we have begun, with Pamela Wheelock, a sezious
exploration of PEB/City implementation tools for initiating development. We would like to
be cieaz enough about resources and imple.meatation tooIs so that the planaing work can be
closely linked with action steps.
9. The Pianning Commission resolurian will idemify repzeseatation needed for the task force.
We have suggested: Communi#y CounciI co-chair, Planniug Cosamission co-chair, an
additioaal Community Couacil member, tUree residenuaI groperty owness, three
commercialf'mdustrial property owaers, a West ?th/Fort Road Business Association
represeatative, a Parks Commission representafive, a neighborhood social service agency and
e St. Paul Riverfiont Corparation Representative.
10. The process outline we aze discussing now wanld mean complefion of a draft plan foi
communiry review by March. That is ambitious, particularIy with the holiday season
inten+ening, but we would like to keep the process conc'sse and moving as rapidly as is
11. As faz as the scope of issues is concerned, we believe the plan should focus primarity on
development options for the ereas aear Davern 5ueet between West 7th and 3hepard Road.
But these should be considezed in the broader context of the role of this larger area as a
gateway to the city and one end of an important oonridor to downtown as well as a link with
the river valley. Direction for oiher improvements tv strengthen the azea's functioxi and
ohazactez and contr'sburion to both the city and the neighbnrhood should be part of the plan.
SEP 30 '97 12�32 PaGE.13 { X/
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. �o iyy'r 1G�35
298-5235 FAX 298.5739
Co-C6�ir `
Shawn Battsh
790 S. Ciev�land
St. Paul MN 55116
(w}699-06U1 (h)699-9743
Soard Mem6ar
Chris Betg
2385 Stewart Ave.
St. Paut MId SSt 76
(A) 698-6141
alt: Reede Webstet
2026 Highland P2rkway
St, Paut MN i5116
(f1j 690-3791
CtiPf 2Vash - _
1427 ITsvern
St. Pati1 MN 55 ] 16
(h) 648-4640
Reaidtnt eont
Laura Dwbvry
2265 Youngrtun
5t. Psul l►�V SSI16
(h) 699-3078
CY Ka�er -
2Z75 Youngmen
St. Pau! MMtJI 55l I6
(h) 698-4935
ali: Terry DanPsep
I142 3�rL�nster
St. Paul MN 551 ] 6
(h) 690-3592
Coinmooity Service Agptc�
Ycky Katz
2390 W. ?"` Street !f3
St. Paui MN SS 116
(w) 6993490 (h) 4545654
5EP 30 '97 12�32
Busines� pwatry
P.O. Box 16344
St. Paul MN 552 26
(w) 699-349U (h) 690-1590
Fort Road Federation
Gordy Johnson
1111 Morureal
St. Paul MN SSI l6
(h} 699-3 J 48
Sep 29'97
Rogcr Amundsan
Uakota Bank
2310 West 7"' Street
St. Paut MN 55216
Conveation Bnrsau
Hiedi Peper
55 East 5` Street #l02
St. Pau! MN 5510l
13�35 No.OD2 P.03
�I /� �, U� ��
97 10/O1 11:56 FA% 612 696 2229 PEARSON CANDY CO (� 002
��� +�o,
�ag ����a�S
2140 WEST SEVENTN STREET, P-O. 80X 64459 � ST. PAUI. MINNESOTA 55164 � 612-696-035 ` FAX 6'12-696-2222
October 1, 1997
Ladies and Gentlemen of the St. Pau1 Council:
We have contacted several of you or attempted to contact you
regarding the ordinance prohibiting the issuance of building
permits in the Shepard Road-Davern 5treet �re�s �ocatednwithin
is that ous business, Pearson Candy Company,
the boundries of this area and is zoned an I-1 district.
We have worked very hard since we purchased Pearson Candp
Company in 1985 to build the brand and the business. We
have always felt we have been a qood citizen of St. Paul
a qood employer for St. Paul residents.
of our warehouse and
the City of St. Paul
the passage of this
Our plans fvr
office area.
would want to
growth include expansion
We cannot understand why
prohibit our growth with
We felt it important to share our concerns with you and make you
aware of the ramifications for Pearson's should you pass
the resolution. We would welcome each of you contacting us
to discuss this matter and would appreciate communication from
the Council as to the outcome of this resolution.
. �i
Larryf . Hassler
---�_� � E�b1n�---��
,7udith E. Johnston
.-e y �ax:ni2�109391 Vo1n:61I.17db386 7o:5lPaWCltyCoundl Pay�toH W�tlnrsdry,OCtobn01,19979:51:33AM
/ r.
/ ��
760 TuscaroraAvenu¢
St Paut, MN 55102
612/L2�6386 (ojfzce)
612lL24-9397 (fac)
To: Mayor Coleman and all City Council Members
From: Lynda Barry, West End Area Susiness Owner
Re: Moratorium placed against Iv1SP Park Place 1 Rolf Middleton
�� _)a
Deaz Mayor Co]eman, Council Presidetrt Thune, and all City Council Members:
As a West End azea busu�ess owner and West End Business and Ptofessional Association Board
Member J Officer, I a�n writing to tell you how APPALLED I am at the moratorium being placed
against RolfMiddleton's properiy f business (MSP Pazk Place) -1370 Davem 5treet in St. Paul.
I deplare the idea that Govemment ca�i impose this type of action -- taking away a business/ prop-
erty ownet's legal rights -- on a wlvm! This, in my opinion is a VERY SCARY thought as a busi-
ness owner and property owner -- fliat one day someone in Govenm�ent could arbitrarily decide to
impose a moratorium against anyone for any reasoni Let's remember what county we live in!
It is especially disheartening when you consider iliat only 3 other moratoriums have evet been
imposed here -- one instance involved a pomograpt�y business, one involved a gun shop and the
fhird involved a company putting pollutants into 8�e Mississippi Rsver.
Mr. Middleton has done notl�ing wrong, or even controversiaL He is anexemplarybusiness
neighbor, wl�o has gone "above arnl beyond", serving the communiiy for many years. He recentiy
spent hundreds ofthousands of dollazs improving the appearance and value ofthe properiy in
question. He has served tl�e West End area and greater St, Paul area for many years as a leader in
issues such as economic development and commercial revihlization, to name otily a couple.
This action is a travesty and should notbe tolerated! Please take some time today, before fl�e 3:30
PM hearing, to understand whaYs really going on here. IYs a scary world we live in when a select
few individuals decide for wl�at ever reasons, that 8�ey aze jusfified in taking away a person's ]egal
rigltts ... and then aze able to convince others to agree.
Lynda Barry
L}mda Bany
Preside��t, At Your Service
Secretary, West End Business and Professiona! Association
SpeciaZizu:g ire written convriunications, �narkerueg, and crearive advenising design services
• Advertising Design • Business Literature • Marketing Plans
• Publishing • Flyers/Brochures • Mailing Lists
• Written Communications • BusinesslMarketing Plans • Bulk Mait Deployment
• Sales Materials • Newsletters • Proposals
Presented By
Council File # "i�
�,�.�,�.a�Ca • �ol.� n
Green Sheet # � � G " [ �
� �l' OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA� ��,,�� �`� y ag
. � _r/t�
\ \
Referred To \ \ Committee:
WF�REAS, the Shepazd Road - Davem Street azea is a pivotal azea the City. The azea
is the gateway to the City along Minuesota State Highway No. 5 from the ity of Minneapolis,
Hennepin County and the Western Suburbs; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plam�ing Commission, recogniz' g the pivotal status of the
Shepatd Road - Davern Street area, recenfly uutiated a study for possible adoption of
amendments to the City of Saint Paul's comprehensive plan an oning code regulating the
density, type and character of industriai, commercial and resi tial development within the
Shepard Road - Davern Street area beginning at a point wh e Shepard Road, Mississippi River
Boulevard and West Seventh Street intersect, northeasterl along West Seventh Street to
Edgecumbe Avenue, north on Edgecumbe Avenue to St aul Avenue, east along��,S
Avenue to West Seventh Stre northeasterly along W t Seventh Street to ����a�.''�'�'ree"�;
southeasteriy alon � eet to Shepazd Road, uthwesterly along Shepazd Road to the
point of beginning; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul understands that construction plans at
the Minneapolis - Saint Paul Internafional Ai ort will result in the displacement of rental car
parking lots, storage and service facilifies p esently located at the airport and that the Shepard
Road - Dauern Street azea presentiy unde study by the Saint Paul Planning Commission has
been identified by these car rentai comp 'es as a possibie piace for relocating and expanding
their rental caz gazking lots, service starage faciliries; and
WFIEREAS, the 5aint Pa oning Code provides that rental car parking lots, service and
storage facilities aze permitted in -1, B-5 and B-4 zoning districts subject only to site plan
approval; and
WHEREAS, within�e boundaries of the Shepazd Road - Davern Street study area are
large tracts of land which e presently zoned I-1; and
VTfIEREAS, th potenrial relocation of rental car parking lots, service and storage
facilities into the She d Road - Davern Street Area raises substantial questions relaring to
whether or not the ty's present comprehensive plan and conditions imposed by the zoning code
adequately addres , provide and plan for the nnpact of the potentially large concentrafion of such
uses on adjacent eighborhood values, institutions, community characteristics, on vehiculaz
traffic levels d noise; and
REAS, in light of the study recenfly initiated by the Saint Paul Planing Commission
to exam' e the existing land use in the Shepard Avenue - Davern Street Area for potential
redeve opment for the purpose of idenfifying an overaii vision for tius pivotal gateway into the
City and for the immediate need to preserve the status quo with respect to land use for the
1 purpose of protecting the general health, welfare and safety of the public pending the
2 of the study, the Council of the City of Saint Paul desires to temporarily prolubit dev�
3 I-1 or B-5 and B-4 zoning dislricts until such time as the aforemenrioned study has
4 completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken action on the reco e
5 contained therein; NOW, TI-�REFORE,
,n q/� -13-
BE IT RESOLVED, that under separate ordinance, the Council of e City of Saint Paul
will prohibit within the baundaries of the area described above, the is ce of building pernuts,
plat approvals and lot splits for I-1 2oning districts ��il as rezonin to B-5 and B-4 zoning
districts from this date and until the eapiration af�onths as ovided in Minn. Stat. §
462.355, Subd(4), or until such earlier time as the Council of the ity of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations contained in the study. H�
to building permits for work on existing structures which
structure and permits to work on state Highway No. 5lWe.
as approved in Councii File No. 97-322 and funded undey
Arm, $E zT I
e�f, the moratorium does not apply
not increase the azea of the
Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
' Minn. Laws, Chapter 204, Art. 1;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the opfion of an interim ordinance prohibiting
any development inconsistent with the pending s dy and any amendments to the City's zoning
code, within the boundaries of the azea describe above, no building permits, plat approvals and
lot splits in I-1 zoning districts and rezonings B-5 and -4 zoning districts may be issued or
approved from this date and un61 the expira 'on of �'� months as allowed by Mimi. Stat. §
462.355, Subd.(4), or until such eazlier ti as the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations c
to building permits for work on
structure and pernuts to work on
as approved in Councii File No. '
„ �� ���
�in the study. However, the moratorium does not apply
;structures which will notincreasethe area ofthe
ighway No. 5/West 7�' Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
and funded under 1997 Minn. Laws, Chapter 200, Art. 1;
! \�
� 1
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the restrictions contained in this resolution and in the s d
interun ordinance may be etctended by action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul for ose
additional time periods not to exceed the time provided in Minn. Stat. § 462355, Subd 4) in the
event such study and recommendations and the deliberations of the Council requires uch
extensions of time.
(T�� �
, � ��
� �
� � O\
Requested by Department of:
ed by Council:
ion Certified�
Council secretary
Form Approv City Attarn
By: W (/`� �Y�'�'
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil
ed by l�ayor: Date
ct� covrrc�
Councilmember Mike Harris 6-8630
�uL�i_,:il�.��* =dL�1
❑ �.�,�.�. ❑ ��„�
❑.�,.��,�..., ❑
A resoluaon preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the azea commonly known as ihe Shepard Road - Davern
Street Area pending camplerion of studies of possible amendmems to ffie City of Saim Paul's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Fies fhis persoMrm everworkea unda a coMrect fwthis departmeM?
Has mia pereonrhrtn ever been a GH �vb7�?
Ooes this Pe��� P� a s1611 fwt rwrmaOYD�sessetl bY �Y curteM citY �O�oYee?
IsMhµvsoMfirtnatargetetiventloYt ,
�iain atl vea answers an seoarate sheet arM attacn to areen sheet
t�r.P7: i i•l3i:T_�`F�[�TPF
�s, 1997� GREEN SHEET
��, la�
Whereas The Hem Corporation is seeking to purchase property on Davern Street in St. Paul, and whereas,
the community has expressed concem about the use and its impact on the community and on the Shepazd Davern
Study currently underway, The Hem Corporation hereby agrees to the followfng �vith regard to their operations at
this site:
1. That the only activities performed at the site will be caz maintenance, limited caz rentals (i.e. customers will
not come d3rectly to the site, but will orily arrive in Herfz shuttles from the airport, aiso that this is a temporary use
until space is available at the airpart); limited car sales (with the understanding that this is an a�iliary site with
Hertz presently loaking for an additional location for caz sales).
2. That The Hertz CorQoration agrees to work with HACC and by November 14, 1997 have an agreement in
place regarding rezoning the properry to B-3.
3. The only signage on the property w311 be ]) on the building itself "Hettz", in lettering no more than 3 feet
high; and Z} a monument sign no larger than 2%z feet x 5 feet and no higher than 5 feet to be located along Davern:
4. Additionai landscaping (trees, shrubbery, vines & sod) wili be installed so as to provide i 00% screening of
the lot from view along West Seventh, Davern and Stewart. The fina] ]andscaping plan is subject to approval by the
HACC. Further, The Hertz Corporafion agrees to maintain all landscaping and facilities inciuding but not limited to
mowing, weeding, pruning, trash pick-up, etc. on a daily basis.
5. Any additional lighting will be of the lantern style, to be approved by HACC.
6. The hours of operation for car rental will be: 7 am until 10 PM; hours of operafion for car sales to be 8 am
to 8 PM; the maintenance facility operates 24 hours per day (or those hours as provided by zoning or other
ordinance) however the main hours of operation will be between 7 am and 10 PM. Deliveries to be between 8 am
and 5 pm;
7. All activities of this facility, including deliveries wi11 only be done on the property itself and not on the
public streets or right of way; fiu that no delavery vehicles will be allowed to idle for more than five minutes at
a tune outside of the hours of 8 am and 5 PM.
8 The Hertz Corporation employees will use West Seventh, Shepazd or Dauern to reach the property and their
vehicles wiU be parked on the site.
9. If gasoline storage is anything other than in above ground tanks Hertz will comply with all federal, state or
locaI requirements to assure there wili be no detrimental environmental impact due to fuei storage. They further
agree to provide HACC with documentation stating that they have complied with any such requirements. The
�anopy shall be painted forest green or a neutral color so as w blend in with the screening of the lot,
0. The building will be a one story building constructed of zed brick or masonry with a design in keeping wifh
he Fort Road Plan.
1. If a structure is visible from Shepard, Davern or West Seventh, it's roof will be of a neutral color or forest
�een, so as to blend in with the screening.
. All entrances to the lot will be off of Davern, subject to approvat by the City of St. Paul's Public Works
13. AIi vendars shall be required to use West Seventh, Shepazd Road or Davem to enter the site.
I4. The Hertz Corporarion agrees to keep HACC informed in advance of any changes in use of the properry.
15. The Hertz Corporation agrees to cooperate in the Shepard Davem Study including, but not lunited to any
streeY ciosings or other changes recommended by the study.
l6. Any temporary structures such as a trailer shall be positioned in snch a way as to not be visible to tr�c on
West Seventh, Davem, Stewart or Shepard Road.
] 7. The Hertz Corporation will granf the City of St. Paui a right of first refusal when the properiy is sold.
3 8. By September 1999 (assuming the faciliries being planned by the MAC aze ready, adequate, and available
for it's use) The Hem Corparafion will move ail rental and return functions back to the airport.
I 9. It is understood that The Hertz Corporation has represented ta the community that Yheir use of this site is a
temporary use (estimated to be no more Yhan 7-10 years); Further that fhey are now Iooking for anofher locarion for
their caz sales; Further, that when space is avaiIable at the airport, they will be moving all operations from this site
back to the airport.
20. All building and designs for any improvements or alterations to the site will be done in accordance with the
Fort Road Pian or design pazameters recommended in the SmaII Area Plan presently underway.
21. The Hertz Corporation agrees to continue to work with HACC and the community to conduct their business
in a manner thai is the least disruprive of the community as possible.
It is understood that this ab eement is made in reliance npon the representations tnade in a tetter dated
October 14, 1997 directed to HACC, as well as the document entified "Hertz AdministrationlMaintenance Canter
St. PanI Minnesota" copies of which are attached hereto.
Date: � /S �� -
Hertz Corporation
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� er than eight hours.
MAC pazking director Greg
Leean has proposed a set of
changes that would inciude rais-
ing the daily rate from $24 to $36
in the short-term ramp in front of
the terminal — in an effort to
discourage iong-term parkers
from monopolizing short-term
The proposal would increase
weekly rates from $60 to $96 in
the general long-term parking
, ramp.
Gasper has reservations about
raising rates to change paxking
habits. Fie said the MAC takes
great cue to keep costs down for
the airlines bnt does not show the
same concem for wnsumers.
"We claim to be one of the
cheapest airports in the country.
But if we are gaing to try to be an
economical airport, then we
should try for both �airline and
consumer] sides," he said.
MAC financial reports show
that the airport makes more on
pazking than on airtine landing
THi7RSDAY, AUGUST 7 y 1997
fees. Thruugh the second quartei
of this year, landing fees had
broughtin about $9 millinn,and
pazking iees had generated al-
most $16 million. The total ex-
pected for the yeaz is about $23
million &om landing fees and
ahout $32 million 8om pazking.
Commissioner John Himie of'
Bloomington favors raising rates
to reduce pazking demand.
"YJhether it's highways or
waste management issues, we
simply don't have the collective
pubiic resources to keep building,
building, building," Himle said.
"We also need to pay attention to
how we manage demand.
`If the airport took the posi-
tion that we will build infrastruc-
ture without regazd to having
tried to manage demand, that
would frankiy be an 'uresponsible
use of public resources," he said.
"And sa I view the increase in the
pazk3ng rates, which will only fall
on about one-third of the users,
as one tooi in managing parking
�� .l2-�
:i - i i , i
19'T8 Ford Parkway, St Panl MN 55116
Buiiding a Setter Commanity Ttuough Citizen Pazticip
Iuty 7,1997
vce Pre9dent
M� Moeller
Cnid I: Kutt Schreck
Grid 2: Reede Websler
G:id 3: Scott B�m
Crrid4: VickyDimWiDi�s
Grid 5: I3�a Caopes
Gtid 6: Gseg Klem�
Grid 7: Ivfaik Mcellea
Grid 8: Ken Jeff�on
Grid 9: Sieglinde Biet
Grid lU: Sfiaan BarLsh
Cuid Il:duisBerg
Grid 12: Vaoaira KoscLak
At I azge
Rick I}dg�ais
neg Mcc3ee
ohn Crrtqbek
avid Biaiey
nmunitY oig�nizea
de summeas
4 F�d Pmkway
'�1 MN 55116
4138 F�298-5139
David McUonnell
Saint Paul Planning commission
City Hall Annex
ZS West 4�' Street
SainiPaul MN 55102
Dear Mr. McDonnell;
JUL 0 8 i997
As yaa may know, last FECember the F3'ighiand Area Community Council sent
a letter w ihe Planning Commission requestiug that a 40 Acre Studv be done
for the area surtounding Shepatd and Davern streets. This request came
following many mcetings of local residents, businesses and properry owners
concemed with the future cievelopmem in the area. We Lave not received a
reply to ow request so I am writing to renew ihe reqaest and to update you on
wl�at has been l�appeniag in this atea.
PED Involvement
Since our initial request, PED bas �ncnned that a 40 acre study done in
conjunction witL a Small Area Plan is an appsopriate method of e�mining this
area and planning the best caurse of development VJe have been working with
Ken Ford, Susan Kimberly and Jim Z�n
Boundaries of the study
Tfie boundaries of ttie study area bave been broadened The study witl
encontQass the area bounded on the south by the Mississippi River, on the west
by Edgecumbe aorth to Saint Paut Avenue,; Saint Paui Avem�e to West
Seventh; West Seve�h to Homer and Homer back to the River.
Saint Paul Gateway Project
Ear2y this year I initiated a project� to i) improve the apprarance; 2) pravide
directionaUiufr»mation sgos*► and 3j m enliance the safety of the HwySlWest
Seventh entzsnce to Saim Paul. As the main emrance to our capirai City, this
mute serves as ihe fust impression for thousands of people each year. As it
'�'the boimdaries oftheprojat aze &�the MPISI�. PauS Aitpwt exit ata�gfiwy. 5to West Sev�th,
end'mg at 35E. iheprojal reaiv� d�ipp monryfr� ihestareSegislaturew}tic3 is bemg t+sedto
prepere an applicatiov for ISTEAfimd'm� wehaveapplied forCIB mmd STAR fimdingaadwill'6e
seekmgPm'ate mmey aswdl.
"E.g the CLiidr�'s Mu.scvm, State CsPitoL Hisiory Cmta, Downtown, etc.
now exists, our "ftont �or" is inauspicious at besL Saint Paul has a wonderful opportunity to set the
tone for visitors and to let them ksiow that Saint Paul has a great deal to offer and is a great ptace to �risit
and do business. This lies in directly wiU� development along Wes[ Seventh and the surrounding area.
and is another reason this area deserves the Ci�'s attention. This project has direci ties to all of West
Seventh and specifically to downtown. It is intended to provi� economic ben�t to businesses along
West Seventh as well as increase interest in sites and activities located downtown.
TrafficlSafety Concerns
West Seventh poses special saCetg considerations lhat deserve specific atteution and shou(d be faken into
account in planning development of llie area. The area is a uansiaon zone witti a frceway that ends
abmplly in a mi�d use ace. The area has many chiidren and seniors and has had severai serious
accidenzs. Eartier this year Saint Paul PuUlic Works proposed ctosing some streets that intersect West
Seventh. Rather then be reactive to dangerous siWations, il would make sense to incorporate trafiic
nianagement into an overall plan.
This area of the City presents a wonderful opportunity to actually pian ahead and makc a real impact in
the direction dzvelopment takes. With Ute suppori of Wazd 3 Cowicil member Harris, PED, property
owncrs and residents, the Highiand Arca Conunmrity Council rcqucsts that Qu Plaiming Comnussion
apprave our request at the eartiest oFportunity-
Sincerely, �
� c . ��..�
` Shawn-B h
}'resident, District IS
Higiilu�d Area Communin' CounciJ
cc: Mike Harris
Mayor Coleman
Pam Wheelock
Susan Kimberly
SEP-30-1997 12�3A
NarerC'ols�nan. Mcyor
Shepard Davem planning/40-Acre Study
Steps Taken to Date and Recommendations
July 17, I997
Pamda tYhealadc Dime'cr
23 Wu�Fmoz65aru
SninrPoul, hlN3510I
TetspAax; 67?-?66-6655
Faabntk: Q11379.3J6J
1. Fn Navember 1495, Council member Hartis designated this area as a"targeY' in the 199?
budget and plan. After meetings with Council mttnber Harris, the community and elected
officia]s, we agreed in May that a new planningtdavelopment gpcu, is appmp�iate and
recommended a hroader efforc than the 40-acre study originally requested.
2. We've met with area residents, with property owners, a�d �� � Coznmunity Council and
have found broad support for zhe project.
3. We've agzeed with the initiation schedule preferred by ihe Community Council, that is to
begin with a kick-off community meeting in September.
4. We've expiained the interest in a second-phase planning effort to the Neighborhoods and
Land Use Committee of the Saint Pau1 Pianning Cammission, azsd they aze e�cpecting to act
on an initiating resolution at their Au�ust 18 meeting.
5. We bave determined that a well-defined and illusaated development concept is likely an
important product for this effort, az►d aze exploring, with the Community CounciI leadership,
resources that aught be tapped to secure the am.hitecturaUurban design taient that wouid be
b. We have developed some alternative ideas for the process and are lookzng at the design
chatetce model used successfuily for the precinct planning in the Saint Paul on the
Mississippi Develapment Framework process as one means to engage a number of people
and interests and ideas in a sfiart time. We wili be reviewing ideas far the schedule and
process with aosnmunity representatives and the Planning Commission.
7. We have worked with Council member Hazris and Disfrict Council President 5hawn Baitsh
and we are suggestins a pianning azea bounded by Edgecumbe, St. Paul Ave., W.1th Strcez,
Rankin Ave and Shepazd Road. A map is attached. We have had a base map prepazed for
the study area and have begun the work of gathering background information.
EP 30 '97 12�31 PAGE.12 �
ocr-sd-1997 1Z�34
8. In addirion to these pianning steps, we have begun, with Pamela Wheelock, a sezious
exploration of PEB/City implementation tools for initiating development. We would like to
be cieaz enough about resources and imple.meatation tooIs so that the planaing work can be
closely linked with action steps.
9. The Pianning Commission resolurian will idemify repzeseatation needed for the task force.
We have suggested: Communi#y CounciI co-chair, Planniug Cosamission co-chair, an
additioaal Community Couacil member, tUree residenuaI groperty owness, three
commercialf'mdustrial property owaers, a West ?th/Fort Road Business Association
represeatative, a Parks Commission representafive, a neighborhood social service agency and
e St. Paul Riverfiont Corparation Representative.
10. The process outline we aze discussing now wanld mean complefion of a draft plan foi
communiry review by March. That is ambitious, particularIy with the holiday season
inten+ening, but we would like to keep the process conc'sse and moving as rapidly as is
11. As faz as the scope of issues is concerned, we believe the plan should focus primarity on
development options for the ereas aear Davern 5ueet between West 7th and 3hepard Road.
But these should be considezed in the broader context of the role of this larger area as a
gateway to the city and one end of an important oonridor to downtown as well as a link with
the river valley. Direction for oiher improvements tv strengthen the azea's functioxi and
ohazactez and contr'sburion to both the city and the neighbnrhood should be part of the plan.
SEP 30 '97 12�32 PaGE.13 { X/
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298-5235 FAX 298.5739
Co-C6�ir `
Shawn Battsh
790 S. Ciev�land
St. Paul MN 55116
(w}699-06U1 (h)699-9743
Soard Mem6ar
Chris Betg
2385 Stewart Ave.
St. Paut MId SSt 76
(A) 698-6141
alt: Reede Webstet
2026 Highland P2rkway
St, Paut MN i5116
(f1j 690-3791
CtiPf 2Vash - _
1427 ITsvern
St. Pati1 MN 55 ] 16
(h) 648-4640
Reaidtnt eont
Laura Dwbvry
2265 Youngrtun
5t. Psul l►�V SSI16
(h) 699-3078
CY Ka�er -
2Z75 Youngmen
St. Pau! MMtJI 55l I6
(h) 698-4935
ali: Terry DanPsep
I142 3�rL�nster
St. Paul MN 551 ] 6
(h) 690-3592
Coinmooity Service Agptc�
Ycky Katz
2390 W. ?"` Street !f3
St. Paui MN SS 116
(w) 6993490 (h) 4545654
5EP 30 '97 12�32
Busines� pwatry
P.O. Box 16344
St. Paul MN 552 26
(w) 699-349U (h) 690-1590
Fort Road Federation
Gordy Johnson
1111 Morureal
St. Paul MN SSI l6
(h} 699-3 J 48
Sep 29'97
Rogcr Amundsan
Uakota Bank
2310 West 7"' Street
St. Paut MN 55216
Conveation Bnrsau
Hiedi Peper
55 East 5` Street #l02
St. Pau! MN 5510l
13�35 No.OD2 P.03
�I /� �, U� ��
97 10/O1 11:56 FA% 612 696 2229 PEARSON CANDY CO (� 002
��� +�o,
�ag ����a�S
2140 WEST SEVENTN STREET, P-O. 80X 64459 � ST. PAUI. MINNESOTA 55164 � 612-696-035 ` FAX 6'12-696-2222
October 1, 1997
Ladies and Gentlemen of the St. Pau1 Council:
We have contacted several of you or attempted to contact you
regarding the ordinance prohibiting the issuance of building
permits in the Shepard Road-Davern 5treet �re�s �ocatednwithin
is that ous business, Pearson Candy Company,
the boundries of this area and is zoned an I-1 district.
We have worked very hard since we purchased Pearson Candp
Company in 1985 to build the brand and the business. We
have always felt we have been a qood citizen of St. Paul
a qood employer for St. Paul residents.
of our warehouse and
the City of St. Paul
the passage of this
Our plans fvr
office area.
would want to
growth include expansion
We cannot understand why
prohibit our growth with
We felt it important to share our concerns with you and make you
aware of the ramifications for Pearson's should you pass
the resolution. We would welcome each of you contacting us
to discuss this matter and would appreciate communication from
the Council as to the outcome of this resolution.
. �i
Larryf . Hassler
---�_� � E�b1n�---��
,7udith E. Johnston
.-e y �ax:ni2�109391 Vo1n:61I.17db386 7o:5lPaWCltyCoundl Pay�toH W�tlnrsdry,OCtobn01,19979:51:33AM
/ r.
/ ��
760 TuscaroraAvenu¢
St Paut, MN 55102
612/L2�6386 (ojfzce)
612lL24-9397 (fac)
To: Mayor Coleman and all City Council Members
From: Lynda Barry, West End Area Susiness Owner
Re: Moratorium placed against Iv1SP Park Place 1 Rolf Middleton
�� _)a
Deaz Mayor Co]eman, Council Presidetrt Thune, and all City Council Members:
As a West End azea busu�ess owner and West End Business and Ptofessional Association Board
Member J Officer, I a�n writing to tell you how APPALLED I am at the moratorium being placed
against RolfMiddleton's properiy f business (MSP Pazk Place) -1370 Davem 5treet in St. Paul.
I deplare the idea that Govemment ca�i impose this type of action -- taking away a business/ prop-
erty ownet's legal rights -- on a wlvm! This, in my opinion is a VERY SCARY thought as a busi-
ness owner and property owner -- fliat one day someone in Govenm�ent could arbitrarily decide to
impose a moratorium against anyone for any reasoni Let's remember what county we live in!
It is especially disheartening when you consider iliat only 3 other moratoriums have evet been
imposed here -- one instance involved a pomograpt�y business, one involved a gun shop and the
fhird involved a company putting pollutants into 8�e Mississippi Rsver.
Mr. Middleton has done notl�ing wrong, or even controversiaL He is anexemplarybusiness
neighbor, wl�o has gone "above arnl beyond", serving the communiiy for many years. He recentiy
spent hundreds ofthousands of dollazs improving the appearance and value ofthe properiy in
question. He has served tl�e West End area and greater St, Paul area for many years as a leader in
issues such as economic development and commercial revihlization, to name otily a couple.
This action is a travesty and should notbe tolerated! Please take some time today, before fl�e 3:30
PM hearing, to understand whaYs really going on here. IYs a scary world we live in when a select
few individuals decide for wl�at ever reasons, that 8�ey aze jusfified in taking away a person's ]egal
rigltts ... and then aze able to convince others to agree.
Lynda Barry
L}mda Bany
Preside��t, At Your Service
Secretary, West End Business and Professiona! Association
SpeciaZizu:g ire written convriunications, �narkerueg, and crearive advenising design services
• Advertising Design • Business Literature • Marketing Plans
• Publishing • Flyers/Brochures • Mailing Lists
• Written Communications • BusinesslMarketing Plans • Bulk Mait Deployment
• Sales Materials • Newsletters • Proposals
Presented By
Council File # "i�
�,�.�,�.a�Ca • �ol.� n
Green Sheet # � � G " [ �
� �l' OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA� ��,,�� �`� y ag
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\ \
Referred To \ \ Committee:
WF�REAS, the Shepazd Road - Davem Street azea is a pivotal azea the City. The azea
is the gateway to the City along Minuesota State Highway No. 5 from the ity of Minneapolis,
Hennepin County and the Western Suburbs; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plam�ing Commission, recogniz' g the pivotal status of the
Shepatd Road - Davern Street area, recenfly uutiated a study for possible adoption of
amendments to the City of Saint Paul's comprehensive plan an oning code regulating the
density, type and character of industriai, commercial and resi tial development within the
Shepard Road - Davern Street area beginning at a point wh e Shepard Road, Mississippi River
Boulevard and West Seventh Street intersect, northeasterl along West Seventh Street to
Edgecumbe Avenue, north on Edgecumbe Avenue to St aul Avenue, east along��,S
Avenue to West Seventh Stre northeasterly along W t Seventh Street to ����a�.''�'�'ree"�;
southeasteriy alon � eet to Shepazd Road, uthwesterly along Shepazd Road to the
point of beginning; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul understands that construction plans at
the Minneapolis - Saint Paul Internafional Ai ort will result in the displacement of rental car
parking lots, storage and service facilifies p esently located at the airport and that the Shepard
Road - Dauern Street azea presentiy unde study by the Saint Paul Planning Commission has
been identified by these car rentai comp 'es as a possibie piace for relocating and expanding
their rental caz gazking lots, service starage faciliries; and
WFIEREAS, the 5aint Pa oning Code provides that rental car parking lots, service and
storage facilities aze permitted in -1, B-5 and B-4 zoning districts subject only to site plan
approval; and
WHEREAS, within�e boundaries of the Shepazd Road - Davern Street study area are
large tracts of land which e presently zoned I-1; and
VTfIEREAS, th potenrial relocation of rental car parking lots, service and storage
facilities into the She d Road - Davern Street Area raises substantial questions relaring to
whether or not the ty's present comprehensive plan and conditions imposed by the zoning code
adequately addres , provide and plan for the nnpact of the potentially large concentrafion of such
uses on adjacent eighborhood values, institutions, community characteristics, on vehiculaz
traffic levels d noise; and
REAS, in light of the study recenfly initiated by the Saint Paul Planing Commission
to exam' e the existing land use in the Shepard Avenue - Davern Street Area for potential
redeve opment for the purpose of idenfifying an overaii vision for tius pivotal gateway into the
City and for the immediate need to preserve the status quo with respect to land use for the
1 purpose of protecting the general health, welfare and safety of the public pending the
2 of the study, the Council of the City of Saint Paul desires to temporarily prolubit dev�
3 I-1 or B-5 and B-4 zoning dislricts until such time as the aforemenrioned study has
4 completed and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken action on the reco e
5 contained therein; NOW, TI-�REFORE,
,n q/� -13-
BE IT RESOLVED, that under separate ordinance, the Council of e City of Saint Paul
will prohibit within the baundaries of the area described above, the is ce of building pernuts,
plat approvals and lot splits for I-1 2oning districts ��il as rezonin to B-5 and B-4 zoning
districts from this date and until the eapiration af�onths as ovided in Minn. Stat. §
462.355, Subd(4), or until such earlier time as the Council of the ity of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations contained in the study. H�
to building permits for work on existing structures which
structure and permits to work on state Highway No. 5lWe.
as approved in Councii File No. 97-322 and funded undey
Arm, $E zT I
e�f, the moratorium does not apply
not increase the azea of the
Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
' Minn. Laws, Chapter 204, Art. 1;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the opfion of an interim ordinance prohibiting
any development inconsistent with the pending s dy and any amendments to the City's zoning
code, within the boundaries of the azea describe above, no building permits, plat approvals and
lot splits in I-1 zoning districts and rezonings B-5 and -4 zoning districts may be issued or
approved from this date and un61 the expira 'on of �'� months as allowed by Mimi. Stat. §
462.355, Subd.(4), or until such eazlier ti as the Council of the City of Saint Paul has taken
action on the recommendations c
to building permits for work on
structure and pernuts to work on
as approved in Councii File No. '
„ �� ���
�in the study. However, the moratorium does not apply
;structures which will notincreasethe area ofthe
ighway No. 5/West 7�' Street to I-35E "Gateway ProjecY'
and funded under 1997 Minn. Laws, Chapter 200, Art. 1;
! \�
� 1
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the restrictions contained in this resolution and in the s d
interun ordinance may be etctended by action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul for ose
additional time periods not to exceed the time provided in Minn. Stat. § 462355, Subd 4) in the
event such study and recommendations and the deliberations of the Council requires uch
extensions of time.
(T�� �
, � ��
� �
� � O\
Requested by Department of:
ed by Council:
ion Certified�
Council secretary
Form Approv City Attarn
By: W (/`� �Y�'�'
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil
ed by l�ayor: Date
ct� covrrc�
Councilmember Mike Harris 6-8630
�uL�i_,:il�.��* =dL�1
❑ �.�,�.�. ❑ ��„�
❑.�,.��,�..., ❑
A resoluaon preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the azea commonly known as ihe Shepard Road - Davern
Street Area pending camplerion of studies of possible amendmems to ffie City of Saim Paul's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Fies fhis persoMrm everworkea unda a coMrect fwthis departmeM?
Has mia pereonrhrtn ever been a GH �vb7�?
Ooes this Pe��� P� a s1611 fwt rwrmaOYD�sessetl bY �Y curteM citY �O�oYee?
IsMhµvsoMfirtnatargetetiventloYt ,
�iain atl vea answers an seoarate sheet arM attacn to areen sheet
t�r.P7: i i•l3i:T_�`F�[�TPF
�s, 1997� GREEN SHEET
��, la�
Whereas The Hem Corporation is seeking to purchase property on Davern Street in St. Paul, and whereas,
the community has expressed concem about the use and its impact on the community and on the Shepazd Davern
Study currently underway, The Hem Corporation hereby agrees to the followfng �vith regard to their operations at
this site:
1. That the only activities performed at the site will be caz maintenance, limited caz rentals (i.e. customers will
not come d3rectly to the site, but will orily arrive in Herfz shuttles from the airport, aiso that this is a temporary use
until space is available at the airpart); limited car sales (with the understanding that this is an a�iliary site with
Hertz presently loaking for an additional location for caz sales).
2. That The Hertz CorQoration agrees to work with HACC and by November 14, 1997 have an agreement in
place regarding rezoning the properry to B-3.
3. The only signage on the property w311 be ]) on the building itself "Hettz", in lettering no more than 3 feet
high; and Z} a monument sign no larger than 2%z feet x 5 feet and no higher than 5 feet to be located along Davern:
4. Additionai landscaping (trees, shrubbery, vines & sod) wili be installed so as to provide i 00% screening of
the lot from view along West Seventh, Davern and Stewart. The fina] ]andscaping plan is subject to approval by the
HACC. Further, The Hertz Corporafion agrees to maintain all landscaping and facilities inciuding but not limited to
mowing, weeding, pruning, trash pick-up, etc. on a daily basis.
5. Any additional lighting will be of the lantern style, to be approved by HACC.
6. The hours of operation for car rental will be: 7 am until 10 PM; hours of operafion for car sales to be 8 am
to 8 PM; the maintenance facility operates 24 hours per day (or those hours as provided by zoning or other
ordinance) however the main hours of operation will be between 7 am and 10 PM. Deliveries to be between 8 am
and 5 pm;
7. All activities of this facility, including deliveries wi11 only be done on the property itself and not on the
public streets or right of way; fiu that no delavery vehicles will be allowed to idle for more than five minutes at
a tune outside of the hours of 8 am and 5 PM.
8 The Hertz Corporation employees will use West Seventh, Shepazd or Dauern to reach the property and their
vehicles wiU be parked on the site.
9. If gasoline storage is anything other than in above ground tanks Hertz will comply with all federal, state or
locaI requirements to assure there wili be no detrimental environmental impact due to fuei storage. They further
agree to provide HACC with documentation stating that they have complied with any such requirements. The
�anopy shall be painted forest green or a neutral color so as w blend in with the screening of the lot,
0. The building will be a one story building constructed of zed brick or masonry with a design in keeping wifh
he Fort Road Plan.
1. If a structure is visible from Shepard, Davern or West Seventh, it's roof will be of a neutral color or forest
�een, so as to blend in with the screening.
. All entrances to the lot will be off of Davern, subject to approvat by the City of St. Paul's Public Works
13. AIi vendars shall be required to use West Seventh, Shepazd Road or Davem to enter the site.
I4. The Hertz Corporarion agrees to keep HACC informed in advance of any changes in use of the properry.
15. The Hertz Corporation agrees to cooperate in the Shepard Davem Study including, but not lunited to any
streeY ciosings or other changes recommended by the study.
l6. Any temporary structures such as a trailer shall be positioned in snch a way as to not be visible to tr�c on
West Seventh, Davem, Stewart or Shepard Road.
] 7. The Hertz Corporation will granf the City of St. Paui a right of first refusal when the properiy is sold.
3 8. By September 1999 (assuming the faciliries being planned by the MAC aze ready, adequate, and available
for it's use) The Hem Corparafion will move ail rental and return functions back to the airport.
I 9. It is understood that The Hertz Corporation has represented ta the community that Yheir use of this site is a
temporary use (estimated to be no more Yhan 7-10 years); Further that fhey are now Iooking for anofher locarion for
their caz sales; Further, that when space is avaiIable at the airport, they will be moving all operations from this site
back to the airport.
20. All building and designs for any improvements or alterations to the site will be done in accordance with the
Fort Road Pian or design pazameters recommended in the SmaII Area Plan presently underway.
21. The Hertz Corporation agrees to continue to work with HACC and the community to conduct their business
in a manner thai is the least disruprive of the community as possible.
It is understood that this ab eement is made in reliance npon the representations tnade in a tetter dated
October 14, 1997 directed to HACC, as well as the document entified "Hertz AdministrationlMaintenance Canter
St. PanI Minnesota" copies of which are attached hereto.
Date: � /S �� -
Hertz Corporation
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� er than eight hours.
MAC pazking director Greg
Leean has proposed a set of
changes that would inciude rais-
ing the daily rate from $24 to $36
in the short-term ramp in front of
the terminal — in an effort to
discourage iong-term parkers
from monopolizing short-term
The proposal would increase
weekly rates from $60 to $96 in
the general long-term parking
, ramp.
Gasper has reservations about
raising rates to change paxking
habits. Fie said the MAC takes
great cue to keep costs down for
the airlines bnt does not show the
same concem for wnsumers.
"We claim to be one of the
cheapest airports in the country.
But if we are gaing to try to be an
economical airport, then we
should try for both �airline and
consumer] sides," he said.
MAC financial reports show
that the airport makes more on
pazking than on airtine landing
THi7RSDAY, AUGUST 7 y 1997
fees. Thruugh the second quartei
of this year, landing fees had
broughtin about $9 millinn,and
pazking iees had generated al-
most $16 million. The total ex-
pected for the yeaz is about $23
million &om landing fees and
ahout $32 million 8om pazking.
Commissioner John Himie of'
Bloomington favors raising rates
to reduce pazking demand.
"YJhether it's highways or
waste management issues, we
simply don't have the collective
pubiic resources to keep building,
building, building," Himle said.
"We also need to pay attention to
how we manage demand.
`If the airport took the posi-
tion that we will build infrastruc-
ture without regazd to having
tried to manage demand, that
would frankiy be an 'uresponsible
use of public resources," he said.
"And sa I view the increase in the
pazk3ng rates, which will only fall
on about one-third of the users,
as one tooi in managing parking
�� .l2-�
:i - i i , i
19'T8 Ford Parkway, St Panl MN 55116
Buiiding a Setter Commanity Ttuough Citizen Pazticip
Iuty 7,1997
vce Pre9dent
M� Moeller
Cnid I: Kutt Schreck
Grid 2: Reede Websler
G:id 3: Scott B�m
Crrid4: VickyDimWiDi�s
Grid 5: I3�a Caopes
Gtid 6: Gseg Klem�
Grid 7: Ivfaik Mcellea
Grid 8: Ken Jeff�on
Grid 9: Sieglinde Biet
Grid lU: Sfiaan BarLsh
Cuid Il:duisBerg
Grid 12: Vaoaira KoscLak
At I azge
Rick I}dg�ais
neg Mcc3ee
ohn Crrtqbek
avid Biaiey
nmunitY oig�nizea
de summeas
4 F�d Pmkway
'�1 MN 55116
4138 F�298-5139
David McUonnell
Saint Paul Planning commission
City Hall Annex
ZS West 4�' Street
SainiPaul MN 55102
Dear Mr. McDonnell;
JUL 0 8 i997
As yaa may know, last FECember the F3'ighiand Area Community Council sent
a letter w ihe Planning Commission requestiug that a 40 Acre Studv be done
for the area surtounding Shepatd and Davern streets. This request came
following many mcetings of local residents, businesses and properry owners
concemed with the future cievelopmem in the area. We Lave not received a
reply to ow request so I am writing to renew ihe reqaest and to update you on
wl�at has been l�appeniag in this atea.
PED Involvement
Since our initial request, PED bas �ncnned that a 40 acre study done in
conjunction witL a Small Area Plan is an appsopriate method of e�mining this
area and planning the best caurse of development VJe have been working with
Ken Ford, Susan Kimberly and Jim Z�n
Boundaries of the study
Tfie boundaries of ttie study area bave been broadened The study witl
encontQass the area bounded on the south by the Mississippi River, on the west
by Edgecumbe aorth to Saint Paut Avenue,; Saint Paui Avem�e to West
Seventh; West Seve�h to Homer and Homer back to the River.
Saint Paul Gateway Project
Ear2y this year I initiated a project� to i) improve the apprarance; 2) pravide
directionaUiufr»mation sgos*► and 3j m enliance the safety of the HwySlWest
Seventh entzsnce to Saim Paul. As the main emrance to our capirai City, this
mute serves as ihe fust impression for thousands of people each year. As it
'�'the boimdaries oftheprojat aze &�the MPISI�. PauS Aitpwt exit ata�gfiwy. 5to West Sev�th,
end'mg at 35E. iheprojal reaiv� d�ipp monryfr� ihestareSegislaturew}tic3 is bemg t+sedto
prepere an applicatiov for ISTEAfimd'm� wehaveapplied forCIB mmd STAR fimdingaadwill'6e
seekmgPm'ate mmey aswdl.
"E.g the CLiidr�'s Mu.scvm, State CsPitoL Hisiory Cmta, Downtown, etc.
now exists, our "ftont �or" is inauspicious at besL Saint Paul has a wonderful opportunity to set the
tone for visitors and to let them ksiow that Saint Paul has a great deal to offer and is a great ptace to �risit
and do business. This lies in directly wiU� development along Wes[ Seventh and the surrounding area.
and is another reason this area deserves the Ci�'s attention. This project has direci ties to all of West
Seventh and specifically to downtown. It is intended to provi� economic ben�t to businesses along
West Seventh as well as increase interest in sites and activities located downtown.
TrafficlSafety Concerns
West Seventh poses special saCetg considerations lhat deserve specific atteution and shou(d be faken into
account in planning development of llie area. The area is a uansiaon zone witti a frceway that ends
abmplly in a mi�d use ace. The area has many chiidren and seniors and has had severai serious
accidenzs. Eartier this year Saint Paul PuUlic Works proposed ctosing some streets that intersect West
Seventh. Rather then be reactive to dangerous siWations, il would make sense to incorporate trafiic
nianagement into an overall plan.
This area of the City presents a wonderful opportunity to actually pian ahead and makc a real impact in
the direction dzvelopment takes. With Ute suppori of Wazd 3 Cowicil member Harris, PED, property
owncrs and residents, the Highiand Arca Conunmrity Council rcqucsts that Qu Plaiming Comnussion
apprave our request at the eartiest oFportunity-
Sincerely, �
� c . ��..�
` Shawn-B h
}'resident, District IS
Higiilu�d Area Communin' CounciJ
cc: Mike Harris
Mayor Coleman
Pam Wheelock
Susan Kimberly
SEP-30-1997 12�3A
NarerC'ols�nan. Mcyor
Shepard Davem planning/40-Acre Study
Steps Taken to Date and Recommendations
July 17, I997
Pamda tYhealadc Dime'cr
23 Wu�Fmoz65aru
SninrPoul, hlN3510I
TetspAax; 67?-?66-6655
Faabntk: Q11379.3J6J
1. Fn Navember 1495, Council member Hartis designated this area as a"targeY' in the 199?
budget and plan. After meetings with Council mttnber Harris, the community and elected
officia]s, we agreed in May that a new planningtdavelopment gpcu, is appmp�iate and
recommended a hroader efforc than the 40-acre study originally requested.
2. We've met with area residents, with property owners, a�d �� � Coznmunity Council and
have found broad support for zhe project.
3. We've agzeed with the initiation schedule preferred by ihe Community Council, that is to
begin with a kick-off community meeting in September.
4. We've expiained the interest in a second-phase planning effort to the Neighborhoods and
Land Use Committee of the Saint Pau1 Pianning Cammission, azsd they aze e�cpecting to act
on an initiating resolution at their Au�ust 18 meeting.
5. We bave determined that a well-defined and illusaated development concept is likely an
important product for this effort, az►d aze exploring, with the Community CounciI leadership,
resources that aught be tapped to secure the am.hitecturaUurban design taient that wouid be
b. We have developed some alternative ideas for the process and are lookzng at the design
chatetce model used successfuily for the precinct planning in the Saint Paul on the
Mississippi Develapment Framework process as one means to engage a number of people
and interests and ideas in a sfiart time. We wili be reviewing ideas far the schedule and
process with aosnmunity representatives and the Planning Commission.
7. We have worked with Council member Hazris and Disfrict Council President 5hawn Baitsh
and we are suggestins a pianning azea bounded by Edgecumbe, St. Paul Ave., W.1th Strcez,
Rankin Ave and Shepazd Road. A map is attached. We have had a base map prepazed for
the study area and have begun the work of gathering background information.
EP 30 '97 12�31 PAGE.12 �
ocr-sd-1997 1Z�34
8. In addirion to these pianning steps, we have begun, with Pamela Wheelock, a sezious
exploration of PEB/City implementation tools for initiating development. We would like to
be cieaz enough about resources and imple.meatation tooIs so that the planaing work can be
closely linked with action steps.
9. The Pianning Commission resolurian will idemify repzeseatation needed for the task force.
We have suggested: Communi#y CounciI co-chair, Planniug Cosamission co-chair, an
additioaal Community Couacil member, tUree residenuaI groperty owness, three
commercialf'mdustrial property owaers, a West ?th/Fort Road Business Association
represeatative, a Parks Commission representafive, a neighborhood social service agency and
e St. Paul Riverfiont Corparation Representative.
10. The process outline we aze discussing now wanld mean complefion of a draft plan foi
communiry review by March. That is ambitious, particularIy with the holiday season
inten+ening, but we would like to keep the process conc'sse and moving as rapidly as is
11. As faz as the scope of issues is concerned, we believe the plan should focus primarity on
development options for the ereas aear Davern 5ueet between West 7th and 3hepard Road.
But these should be considezed in the broader context of the role of this larger area as a
gateway to the city and one end of an important oonridor to downtown as well as a link with
the river valley. Direction for oiher improvements tv strengthen the azea's functioxi and
ohazactez and contr'sburion to both the city and the neighbnrhood should be part of the plan.
SEP 30 '97 12�32 PaGE.13 { X/
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/' J �
. �o iyy'r 1G�35
298-5235 FAX 298.5739
Co-C6�ir `
Shawn Battsh
790 S. Ciev�land
St. Paul MN 55116
(w}699-06U1 (h)699-9743
Soard Mem6ar
Chris Betg
2385 Stewart Ave.
St. Paut MId SSt 76
(A) 698-6141
alt: Reede Webstet
2026 Highland P2rkway
St, Paut MN i5116
(f1j 690-3791
CtiPf 2Vash - _
1427 ITsvern
St. Pati1 MN 55 ] 16
(h) 648-4640
Reaidtnt eont
Laura Dwbvry
2265 Youngrtun
5t. Psul l►�V SSI16
(h) 699-3078
CY Ka�er -
2Z75 Youngmen
St. Pau! MMtJI 55l I6
(h) 698-4935
ali: Terry DanPsep
I142 3�rL�nster
St. Paul MN 551 ] 6
(h) 690-3592
Coinmooity Service Agptc�
Ycky Katz
2390 W. ?"` Street !f3
St. Paui MN SS 116
(w) 6993490 (h) 4545654
5EP 30 '97 12�32
Busines� pwatry
P.O. Box 16344
St. Paul MN 552 26
(w) 699-349U (h) 690-1590
Fort Road Federation
Gordy Johnson
1111 Morureal
St. Paul MN SSI l6
(h} 699-3 J 48
Sep 29'97
Rogcr Amundsan
Uakota Bank
2310 West 7"' Street
St. Paut MN 55216
Conveation Bnrsau
Hiedi Peper
55 East 5` Street #l02
St. Pau! MN 5510l
13�35 No.OD2 P.03
�I /� �, U� ��
97 10/O1 11:56 FA% 612 696 2229 PEARSON CANDY CO (� 002
��� +�o,
�ag ����a�S
2140 WEST SEVENTN STREET, P-O. 80X 64459 � ST. PAUI. MINNESOTA 55164 � 612-696-035 ` FAX 6'12-696-2222
October 1, 1997
Ladies and Gentlemen of the St. Pau1 Council:
We have contacted several of you or attempted to contact you
regarding the ordinance prohibiting the issuance of building
permits in the Shepard Road-Davern 5treet �re�s �ocatednwithin
is that ous business, Pearson Candy Company,
the boundries of this area and is zoned an I-1 district.
We have worked very hard since we purchased Pearson Candp
Company in 1985 to build the brand and the business. We
have always felt we have been a qood citizen of St. Paul
a qood employer for St. Paul residents.
of our warehouse and
the City of St. Paul
the passage of this
Our plans fvr
office area.
would want to
growth include expansion
We cannot understand why
prohibit our growth with
We felt it important to share our concerns with you and make you
aware of the ramifications for Pearson's should you pass
the resolution. We would welcome each of you contacting us
to discuss this matter and would appreciate communication from
the Council as to the outcome of this resolution.
. �i
Larryf . Hassler
---�_� � E�b1n�---��
,7udith E. Johnston
.-e y �ax:ni2�109391 Vo1n:61I.17db386 7o:5lPaWCltyCoundl Pay�toH W�tlnrsdry,OCtobn01,19979:51:33AM
/ r.
/ ��
760 TuscaroraAvenu¢
St Paut, MN 55102
612/L2�6386 (ojfzce)
612lL24-9397 (fac)
To: Mayor Coleman and all City Council Members
From: Lynda Barry, West End Area Susiness Owner
Re: Moratorium placed against Iv1SP Park Place 1 Rolf Middleton
�� _)a
Deaz Mayor Co]eman, Council Presidetrt Thune, and all City Council Members:
As a West End azea busu�ess owner and West End Business and Ptofessional Association Board
Member J Officer, I a�n writing to tell you how APPALLED I am at the moratorium being placed
against RolfMiddleton's properiy f business (MSP Pazk Place) -1370 Davem 5treet in St. Paul.
I deplare the idea that Govemment ca�i impose this type of action -- taking away a business/ prop-
erty ownet's legal rights -- on a wlvm! This, in my opinion is a VERY SCARY thought as a busi-
ness owner and property owner -- fliat one day someone in Govenm�ent could arbitrarily decide to
impose a moratorium against anyone for any reasoni Let's remember what county we live in!
It is especially disheartening when you consider iliat only 3 other moratoriums have evet been
imposed here -- one instance involved a pomograpt�y business, one involved a gun shop and the
fhird involved a company putting pollutants into 8�e Mississippi Rsver.
Mr. Middleton has done notl�ing wrong, or even controversiaL He is anexemplarybusiness
neighbor, wl�o has gone "above arnl beyond", serving the communiiy for many years. He recentiy
spent hundreds ofthousands of dollazs improving the appearance and value ofthe properiy in
question. He has served tl�e West End area and greater St, Paul area for many years as a leader in
issues such as economic development and commercial revihlization, to name otily a couple.
This action is a travesty and should notbe tolerated! Please take some time today, before fl�e 3:30
PM hearing, to understand whaYs really going on here. IYs a scary world we live in when a select
few individuals decide for wl�at ever reasons, that 8�ey aze jusfified in taking away a person's ]egal
rigltts ... and then aze able to convince others to agree.
Lynda Barry
L}mda Bany
Preside��t, At Your Service
Secretary, West End Business and Professiona! Association
SpeciaZizu:g ire written convriunications, �narkerueg, and crearive advenising design services
• Advertising Design • Business Literature • Marketing Plans
• Publishing • Flyers/Brochures • Mailing Lists
• Written Communications • BusinesslMarketing Plans • Bulk Mait Deployment
• Sales Materials • Newsletters • Proposals