97-1201Council File � ��- � a _� l Green Sheet # 5aa �8 ' • 1 u i I►t� _ �:Yi �. �I�" Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves z of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Susan Schmidt to serve on the CENTRAL s RAMSEY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION. Susan 5chmidt sha11 a serve the remainder of William Tscluda's uneapired term. ,.,;.: y .:l`: ,,, :�,:,:>..;�.:,,. ,.,,........,,..,» , . , „ ;,,., <, :, e -: �.;fe�[.:s"���;' : �c�;�-�aaz� .�-`:`"°���-���u����so�;�s'-a`":ait��'': ',�1� ._, ..:........................�......,....,....,.............�:...:,.�,......._� �!;......,..,. ,... ,.. .............. ..,..3?�........,..,�,.° - -_ - '- - // .�`' � •` �)� � : ' � �1�� \ I !'� � � �r, , . ������,�,/i Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by council Secretary i� B y : � ��• � i� i �.�.�►.= BY� m . - � 3 - s �� Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc �� r ,��� ��t/ ��/,�� By: � By: i N°_ 52278 /l/f �wl�l OEPARTAEtJTIOFFICEICOUNQI �DATEINITIATED � � �� Mayor Coleman�s Office � 9-23-97 GREEN SHEE � INITIAUOATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PEFSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt15 266-8531 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEV � CITV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENpA BV (DAiE) NUMBER FQR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING OROEii O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION pEQUESTED Approval of the appointment of Susan Schmidt to seroe on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) a Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F04LOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/��rm ever worketl under a contraM for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMmEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2- Has this personttirm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO, _ DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. Does Ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwrant ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explein all yes answera on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUMTY fWho. What, NTen. Where, Why). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: "` : 4 4 "'��`c�y�,' �:��=P.$ , @' PtaPi @6b°" . _. �, � `E�r� DISADVANTAGES fF NOTAPPRWED ._---- �-"-' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINqNqAL INFORGfAT10N:1EXPLAIN) R�-laol Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: 5aint Paul City Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis � `�' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: September 23, 1497 RE: Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Schmidt's appointment to serve on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. Terms aze three years; however, Ms. Schmidt shall fi11 the remainder of Bitl Tschida's unexpired term. This term shall �pire on January 1, 1999, or until a successor is appoinYed. A copy of the resolution is attached, along with a copy of Susan SchmidYs application. Also attached is a copy of the applicant report [isting all Water Management Organization appiicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss ihis appointment. RC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Anne Weber, Public Worics gja����- °I?-� �01 Office of the Mayor 340 City Hall Saint Panl, MiaaesoYa 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-85I3 � ' I I Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Avenue West, St Paul, IvPi t 55117 �w 1 ���� S� 2 Telephone Namber. 488-8412 / Planneng District CouncH: Como Pazk, Distrid t0 City Counc�7 �Vardc 5 �•, Preferred Maiiing Address: same as above What is your occupatioa: Environmental Policy Anaiyst Place of employment: Minnesota Pollution Conttol Agency Committee Applied for. Cenhat Ramsey Watershed Management Organizauon What skilis/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? (Please see existing application that is on file in your o�ce) , !:. , (over) � Persona! Refecences: Name: SenatorEllenAnde�son Address: G27 State Capitol Phone: 296-5537 Name: Representative Tom Osthoff Address: 585 State Office Building Phone: 296-4224 Name: Councilmem6er Joe Cotlins Address: 310 Ciry Hali Phone: 266-8656 Name: Julie Hoff, Community Organizer Address: District 10 Community Council, ] 556 Como Ave Phone: 684-3889 Diamec Bill Tschida Address: 744 Cottage Ave Phone: 489-5218 Reasons for your interest ln this particular committee: (.See application on file) I would like to work toward making the Central Ramsey Watershed Manajement Organization an effective water management entity for the City of St. Pau(. Have you had previous contact with the cummittee for which you are making application? (f so, when, and circumstances? I unsuccessfutly applied for the open CRWMO appointment in 1996. I have attended several meetings of the WMO in the past year. Finally, I was recently involved as a member of the Como District 10 Environment Committee in commentin� on the CRWbiO's draft water management pian. !n an attempt to ensure that committee representaYion mflects the makeup of tour community, ptease check the line applicable to you: This informatiun is strictly voluntary. �White (Caucasian) Black (APrican American) _American indian f Afaskan Eskimo Male _�Eemale Aispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 9l8155 Disabted: Yes_ Na 1� If special accommodations are needed, please sQecify. How did you hear about this opening? The opening was announced at a recent CRWMO meeting. q�- la�l �r Q 2 1�:J 'ry!3''4 n- August 26, 1996 Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor 390 Ciry Hal] St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr. Cuttis: 1 � 9- Z-qrI [ uaderstaad that my application for the previous opening on the �e tral Ramsey Watershed Management Organization (CRWMO} will serve as my appiication for the new CRWMO openin�. I azn still enclosing some updated application information for your consideration. Thank you for the opporcunity to submit this new appiication. Ptease call me at 488-8412 if you have questions about any of the znc(osed application material. Sincerely, ��a� ���►�.;�- su�, s�nm�ac enclosures cc: Senator Ellen Anderson Representative Tom Osthoff Councilmember Jae Cotlins Julie Hoff Bffi Tcshida Anne Weber a�- �a 4 � Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-8513 Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West St Paul MN 55117 Telephone Number: (Home} 488-84I2 (O�ce) 297-7905 Planning District Councit: Como ! District 10 City Counci! Ward: 5 = Iqq� '4Pd'L'ca H �n O� -i 'r � e Preferrred Mailing Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West SY. Paul, MN 55117 What is yeur occupation: Environmental Policy Analyst / Researcher Place of Employment: State Legislature Committee Applied For: Central Ramsey Water Management Organizarion What skills 1 trainina or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have 20 years of professional and voluntary axperience working on environmental protection and community development issues. I think you will find my skiils and experience in the foltowing areas extremely beneficial to the WMO: 1) I am knowledgeable on water quality and water quanrity laws, policies, programs, femding that have an impact on St. Paul and the water management organizarion; 2} I have worked effecrively as a member and an officer of a goveming board and advisory board in both the not-for-profit and govemment sectors; 3) I have an interest in the protection of water quality. I am actively working with the District 10 Community Council Environment Committee on Como Lake water quality issues; 4) I have professional and volunteer experience working with a number of St. Paul groups, agencies and elected officials on environmental and community development issues, including: city council, county board, St. Paul Boazd of Water Commissioners {Board Member I990-i994), St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium (Boazd Member 1997-1994), District 16 Communiry Council, District 10 Community Council, school district, and more; 5) I have experience with strategic planning for a variety of organizations; 6) I have contacts within the field of water management aad water quality; and, 7) I have experience working with the public on a variety of issues. {over) _ < PERSONAL REFERENCES Name_ Sherrie Knuth, District 10 Environment Committee Chair Address: 875 Pazkview Ave, St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (Home) 489-1159 (Work} Name: Councilmember 3anice Rettman Address: 310 City Hall, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-8b50 Name: Bemie Bullert, St. Paul Water Urility Address: 8 East 4th Street, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6274 Name: Anne Hunt, Director, St. Paul Neighhorhood Energy Consortium Address: 475 North Cleveland, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 644-5436 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I have an interest in protecting water quality in my own neighborhood and statewide. f also believe that getting involved in decisionmaking that effects water quality will be a means to leam more and share my own ideas. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticabte to you. This information is strictly voluatary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African American) American Indian / Alaskan Eslumo Male Female HisQanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No IF special accomodations are needed, please specify. NA Aow did you hear a6out this openingY District 10 Community Council Environment Committee Meeting , .. `. � q�-�ao� 09-23-97 WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REpORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003278 %assan, Mike St. Paul Public Works 1000 City Hall Annex 25 Weat Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6249 FAX 2985621 Civil Engineer/Public Works WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHI4ITTEES SERVSNG ON) Roger Puchreiter Sewer Utility Manager lODO City Hall Annex w) 266-6248 Tom Eggum City Engineer 600 City Hall Annex w} 266-6069 Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 600 City Hall Annex w) 266-6066 003120 Perniel, Michael Metropolitan Council Meara Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 772-7234 FAX 2916464 Assoc. Environmental Planner scott Schellhaass 2400 Childs Road, 55106 w) 772-7341 Randy Anhorn Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6449 Judy 3ventek (addreas ia same ae above £or Mr. Anhorn) w) 291-6323 9-3-97 Central Ramsey WMO -------- --- --- --' 04/08/9? W M 09/03/97 W M Scott Schellhass 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTE& : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTfiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ __� --- 2400 Childs Road, MCES w) 602-8341 Grant Hoffay 2400 childs Road, MCES w) 602-8138 Nick Drzitch 2400 Childs Road MCES St. Paul, MN w) 602-8077 003298 Savanick, Suzanne ,�23 51 South Avon St. Yaul, MN 55105 Home - 222-3491 Environmental Researcher Mary Berin 2019 Juliet Avenue h) 690-0060 Professor Ed Buchwald Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 w) (507) 663-4000 Ext. 4403 Professor poug Lober Duke University School of the Environment Box 90330 Durham, NC 27708 w) (919) 613-8029 001083 5chmidt, Susan 977 Nebraska Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 q� _� y� \ 3 � 04/23/97 W F 5 IO 65B OS/26/97 W F Home - 488-8412 &nvironmental Policy Analyst Marcia Keller Executive Director Minnesota Project 2222 Elm Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414 q'1-��01 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPL2CANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHI4ENTS WARD PLANNSNG SENATE APP DATfi ETH GEN DZS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIORj {OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON} ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Cathy Carter 2279 Commonwealth h) 644-4881 Chris Trost Summit Hill Association w} 222-1222 5-22-90 WBC Application Anne Hunt 2b So. Dale, #108, 55102 h) 292-1813 w) 644-7022 Chris Trost Diatrict 16 Planning Council 745 crand, 55105 h) 290-9988 w) 222-1222 Ki.m Austrian 459 Holly, 55102 wj 297-3604 3-27-96 Sherrie Rnuth Diatrict 10 Environment Committees Chair 875 Parkview Ave., 55117 h) 489-1759 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 wy 266-8650 Bernie Bullert St. Paul Water Utility 8 E. 4th w) 266-6274 Anne Hunt, Director St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium 475 N. Cleveland w} 644-5436 8-26-97 Central WMO Senator E21en Anderaon G-2� State Capitol wj 296-537 �t'1 -1 ao� 09-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CoMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPL2CATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS Representative Tom Osthoff 585 SOB w) 296-4224 Councilmember Joe Collins 310 City Hall w) 266-8650 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---� ------° -------- -�--°-- --- --- --- Julie Hoff District 10 Community Council, C.O. 1556 Como Avenue 644-3889 Bill Tschida 744 Cottage Avenue 489-5218 003154 Worku, Berhane Metropolitan Council Environment Servicea 1241 N. Aamline Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 772-7017 FAX 7727030 Engineer Leo Hermes, Mgr. Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 739-8803 wj 772-7001 Robert Golden, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 731-9487 w) 772-7005 Mike Pliml, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 455-2808 w) 772-7002 4 10 03/18/96 B M Council File � ��- � a _� l Green Sheet # 5aa �8 ' • 1 u i I►t� _ �:Yi �. �I�" Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves z of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Susan Schmidt to serve on the CENTRAL s RAMSEY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION. Susan 5chmidt sha11 a serve the remainder of William Tscluda's uneapired term. ,.,;.: y .:l`: ,,, :�,:,:>..;�.:,,. ,.,,........,,..,» , . , „ ;,,., <, :, e -: �.;fe�[.:s"���;' : �c�;�-�aaz� .�-`:`"°���-���u����so�;�s'-a`":ait��'': ',�1� ._, ..:........................�......,....,....,.............�:...:,.�,......._� �!;......,..,. ,... ,.. .............. ..,..3?�........,..,�,.° - -_ - '- - // .�`' � •` �)� � : ' � �1�� \ I !'� � � �r, , . ������,�,/i Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by council Secretary i� B y : � ��• � i� i �.�.�►.= BY� m . - � 3 - s �� Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc �� r ,��� ��t/ ��/,�� By: � By: i N°_ 52278 /l/f �wl�l OEPARTAEtJTIOFFICEICOUNQI �DATEINITIATED � � �� Mayor Coleman�s Office � 9-23-97 GREEN SHEE � INITIAUOATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PEFSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt15 266-8531 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEV � CITV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENpA BV (DAiE) NUMBER FQR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING OROEii O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION pEQUESTED Approval of the appointment of Susan Schmidt to seroe on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) a Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F04LOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/��rm ever worketl under a contraM for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMmEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2- Has this personttirm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO, _ DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. Does Ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwrant ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explein all yes answera on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUMTY fWho. What, NTen. Where, Why). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: "` : 4 4 "'��`c�y�,' �:��=P.$ , @' PtaPi @6b°" . _. �, � `E�r� DISADVANTAGES fF NOTAPPRWED ._---- �-"-' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINqNqAL INFORGfAT10N:1EXPLAIN) R�-laol Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: 5aint Paul City Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis � `�' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: September 23, 1497 RE: Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Schmidt's appointment to serve on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. Terms aze three years; however, Ms. Schmidt shall fi11 the remainder of Bitl Tschida's unexpired term. This term shall �pire on January 1, 1999, or until a successor is appoinYed. A copy of the resolution is attached, along with a copy of Susan SchmidYs application. Also attached is a copy of the applicant report [isting all Water Management Organization appiicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss ihis appointment. RC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Anne Weber, Public Worics gja����- °I?-� �01 Office of the Mayor 340 City Hall Saint Panl, MiaaesoYa 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-85I3 � ' I I Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Avenue West, St Paul, IvPi t 55117 �w 1 ���� S� 2 Telephone Namber. 488-8412 / Planneng District CouncH: Como Pazk, Distrid t0 City Counc�7 �Vardc 5 �•, Preferred Maiiing Address: same as above What is your occupatioa: Environmental Policy Anaiyst Place of employment: Minnesota Pollution Conttol Agency Committee Applied for. Cenhat Ramsey Watershed Management Organizauon What skilis/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? (Please see existing application that is on file in your o�ce) , !:. , (over) � Persona! Refecences: Name: SenatorEllenAnde�son Address: G27 State Capitol Phone: 296-5537 Name: Representative Tom Osthoff Address: 585 State Office Building Phone: 296-4224 Name: Councilmem6er Joe Cotlins Address: 310 Ciry Hali Phone: 266-8656 Name: Julie Hoff, Community Organizer Address: District 10 Community Council, ] 556 Como Ave Phone: 684-3889 Diamec Bill Tschida Address: 744 Cottage Ave Phone: 489-5218 Reasons for your interest ln this particular committee: (.See application on file) I would like to work toward making the Central Ramsey Watershed Manajement Organization an effective water management entity for the City of St. Pau(. Have you had previous contact with the cummittee for which you are making application? (f so, when, and circumstances? I unsuccessfutly applied for the open CRWMO appointment in 1996. I have attended several meetings of the WMO in the past year. Finally, I was recently involved as a member of the Como District 10 Environment Committee in commentin� on the CRWbiO's draft water management pian. !n an attempt to ensure that committee representaYion mflects the makeup of tour community, ptease check the line applicable to you: This informatiun is strictly voluntary. �White (Caucasian) Black (APrican American) _American indian f Afaskan Eskimo Male _�Eemale Aispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 9l8155 Disabted: Yes_ Na 1� If special accommodations are needed, please sQecify. How did you hear about this opening? The opening was announced at a recent CRWMO meeting. q�- la�l �r Q 2 1�:J 'ry!3''4 n- August 26, 1996 Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor 390 Ciry Hal] St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr. Cuttis: 1 � 9- Z-qrI [ uaderstaad that my application for the previous opening on the �e tral Ramsey Watershed Management Organization (CRWMO} will serve as my appiication for the new CRWMO openin�. I azn still enclosing some updated application information for your consideration. Thank you for the opporcunity to submit this new appiication. Ptease call me at 488-8412 if you have questions about any of the znc(osed application material. Sincerely, ��a� ���►�.;�- su�, s�nm�ac enclosures cc: Senator Ellen Anderson Representative Tom Osthoff Councilmember Jae Cotlins Julie Hoff Bffi Tcshida Anne Weber a�- �a 4 � Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-8513 Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West St Paul MN 55117 Telephone Number: (Home} 488-84I2 (O�ce) 297-7905 Planning District Councit: Como ! District 10 City Counci! Ward: 5 = Iqq� '4Pd'L'ca H �n O� -i 'r � e Preferrred Mailing Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West SY. Paul, MN 55117 What is yeur occupation: Environmental Policy Analyst / Researcher Place of Employment: State Legislature Committee Applied For: Central Ramsey Water Management Organizarion What skills 1 trainina or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have 20 years of professional and voluntary axperience working on environmental protection and community development issues. I think you will find my skiils and experience in the foltowing areas extremely beneficial to the WMO: 1) I am knowledgeable on water quality and water quanrity laws, policies, programs, femding that have an impact on St. Paul and the water management organizarion; 2} I have worked effecrively as a member and an officer of a goveming board and advisory board in both the not-for-profit and govemment sectors; 3) I have an interest in the protection of water quality. I am actively working with the District 10 Community Council Environment Committee on Como Lake water quality issues; 4) I have professional and volunteer experience working with a number of St. Paul groups, agencies and elected officials on environmental and community development issues, including: city council, county board, St. Paul Boazd of Water Commissioners {Board Member I990-i994), St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium (Boazd Member 1997-1994), District 16 Communiry Council, District 10 Community Council, school district, and more; 5) I have experience with strategic planning for a variety of organizations; 6) I have contacts within the field of water management aad water quality; and, 7) I have experience working with the public on a variety of issues. {over) _ < PERSONAL REFERENCES Name_ Sherrie Knuth, District 10 Environment Committee Chair Address: 875 Pazkview Ave, St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (Home) 489-1159 (Work} Name: Councilmember 3anice Rettman Address: 310 City Hall, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-8b50 Name: Bemie Bullert, St. Paul Water Urility Address: 8 East 4th Street, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6274 Name: Anne Hunt, Director, St. Paul Neighhorhood Energy Consortium Address: 475 North Cleveland, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 644-5436 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I have an interest in protecting water quality in my own neighborhood and statewide. f also believe that getting involved in decisionmaking that effects water quality will be a means to leam more and share my own ideas. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticabte to you. This information is strictly voluatary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African American) American Indian / Alaskan Eslumo Male Female HisQanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No IF special accomodations are needed, please specify. NA Aow did you hear a6out this openingY District 10 Community Council Environment Committee Meeting , .. `. � q�-�ao� 09-23-97 WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REpORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003278 %assan, Mike St. Paul Public Works 1000 City Hall Annex 25 Weat Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6249 FAX 2985621 Civil Engineer/Public Works WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHI4ITTEES SERVSNG ON) Roger Puchreiter Sewer Utility Manager lODO City Hall Annex w) 266-6248 Tom Eggum City Engineer 600 City Hall Annex w} 266-6069 Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 600 City Hall Annex w) 266-6066 003120 Perniel, Michael Metropolitan Council Meara Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 772-7234 FAX 2916464 Assoc. Environmental Planner scott Schellhaass 2400 Childs Road, 55106 w) 772-7341 Randy Anhorn Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6449 Judy 3ventek (addreas ia same ae above £or Mr. Anhorn) w) 291-6323 9-3-97 Central Ramsey WMO -------- --- --- --' 04/08/9? W M 09/03/97 W M Scott Schellhass 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTE& : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTfiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ __� --- 2400 Childs Road, MCES w) 602-8341 Grant Hoffay 2400 childs Road, MCES w) 602-8138 Nick Drzitch 2400 Childs Road MCES St. Paul, MN w) 602-8077 003298 Savanick, Suzanne ,�23 51 South Avon St. Yaul, MN 55105 Home - 222-3491 Environmental Researcher Mary Berin 2019 Juliet Avenue h) 690-0060 Professor Ed Buchwald Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 w) (507) 663-4000 Ext. 4403 Professor poug Lober Duke University School of the Environment Box 90330 Durham, NC 27708 w) (919) 613-8029 001083 5chmidt, Susan 977 Nebraska Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 q� _� y� \ 3 � 04/23/97 W F 5 IO 65B OS/26/97 W F Home - 488-8412 &nvironmental Policy Analyst Marcia Keller Executive Director Minnesota Project 2222 Elm Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414 q'1-��01 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPL2CANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHI4ENTS WARD PLANNSNG SENATE APP DATfi ETH GEN DZS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIORj {OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON} ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Cathy Carter 2279 Commonwealth h) 644-4881 Chris Trost Summit Hill Association w} 222-1222 5-22-90 WBC Application Anne Hunt 2b So. Dale, #108, 55102 h) 292-1813 w) 644-7022 Chris Trost Diatrict 16 Planning Council 745 crand, 55105 h) 290-9988 w) 222-1222 Ki.m Austrian 459 Holly, 55102 wj 297-3604 3-27-96 Sherrie Rnuth Diatrict 10 Environment Committees Chair 875 Parkview Ave., 55117 h) 489-1759 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 wy 266-8650 Bernie Bullert St. Paul Water Utility 8 E. 4th w) 266-6274 Anne Hunt, Director St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium 475 N. Cleveland w} 644-5436 8-26-97 Central WMO Senator E21en Anderaon G-2� State Capitol wj 296-537 �t'1 -1 ao� 09-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CoMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPL2CATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS Representative Tom Osthoff 585 SOB w) 296-4224 Councilmember Joe Collins 310 City Hall w) 266-8650 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---� ------° -------- -�--°-- --- --- --- Julie Hoff District 10 Community Council, C.O. 1556 Como Avenue 644-3889 Bill Tschida 744 Cottage Avenue 489-5218 003154 Worku, Berhane Metropolitan Council Environment Servicea 1241 N. Aamline Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 772-7017 FAX 7727030 Engineer Leo Hermes, Mgr. Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 739-8803 wj 772-7001 Robert Golden, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 731-9487 w) 772-7005 Mike Pliml, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 455-2808 w) 772-7002 4 10 03/18/96 B M Council File � ��- � a _� l Green Sheet # 5aa �8 ' • 1 u i I►t� _ �:Yi �. �I�" Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves z of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Susan Schmidt to serve on the CENTRAL s RAMSEY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION. Susan 5chmidt sha11 a serve the remainder of William Tscluda's uneapired term. ,.,;.: y .:l`: ,,, :�,:,:>..;�.:,,. ,.,,........,,..,» , . , „ ;,,., <, :, e -: �.;fe�[.:s"���;' : �c�;�-�aaz� .�-`:`"°���-���u����so�;�s'-a`":ait��'': ',�1� ._, ..:........................�......,....,....,.............�:...:,.�,......._� �!;......,..,. ,... ,.. .............. ..,..3?�........,..,�,.° - -_ - '- - // .�`' � •` �)� � : ' � �1�� \ I !'� � � �r, , . ������,�,/i Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by council Secretary i� B y : � ��• � i� i �.�.�►.= BY� m . - � 3 - s �� Approved by Mayor: Date �� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc �� r ,��� ��t/ ��/,�� By: � By: i N°_ 52278 /l/f �wl�l OEPARTAEtJTIOFFICEICOUNQI �DATEINITIATED � � �� Mayor Coleman�s Office � 9-23-97 GREEN SHEE � INITIAUOATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PEFSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt15 266-8531 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEV � CITV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENpA BV (DAiE) NUMBER FQR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING OROEii O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION pEQUESTED Approval of the appointment of Susan Schmidt to seroe on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) a Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F04LOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/��rm ever worketl under a contraM for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMmEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2- Has this personttirm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO, _ DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. Does Ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwrant ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explein all yes answera on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUMTY fWho. What, NTen. Where, Why). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: "` : 4 4 "'��`c�y�,' �:��=P.$ , @' PtaPi @6b°" . _. �, � `E�r� DISADVANTAGES fF NOTAPPRWED ._---- �-"-' TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINqNqAL INFORGfAT10N:1EXPLAIN) R�-laol Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: 5aint Paul City Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis � `�' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: September 23, 1497 RE: Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization Mayor Coleman has recommended Susan Schmidt's appointment to serve on the Central Ramsey Watershed Management Organization. Terms aze three years; however, Ms. Schmidt shall fi11 the remainder of Bitl Tschida's unexpired term. This term shall �pire on January 1, 1999, or until a successor is appoinYed. A copy of the resolution is attached, along with a copy of Susan SchmidYs application. Also attached is a copy of the applicant report [isting all Water Management Organization appiicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss ihis appointment. RC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Anne Weber, Public Worics gja����- °I?-� �01 Office of the Mayor 340 City Hall Saint Panl, MiaaesoYa 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-85I3 � ' I I Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Avenue West, St Paul, IvPi t 55117 �w 1 ���� S� 2 Telephone Namber. 488-8412 / Planneng District CouncH: Como Pazk, Distrid t0 City Counc�7 �Vardc 5 �•, Preferred Maiiing Address: same as above What is your occupatioa: Environmental Policy Anaiyst Place of employment: Minnesota Pollution Conttol Agency Committee Applied for. Cenhat Ramsey Watershed Management Organizauon What skilis/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you seek appointment? (Please see existing application that is on file in your o�ce) , !:. , (over) � Persona! Refecences: Name: SenatorEllenAnde�son Address: G27 State Capitol Phone: 296-5537 Name: Representative Tom Osthoff Address: 585 State Office Building Phone: 296-4224 Name: Councilmem6er Joe Cotlins Address: 310 Ciry Hali Phone: 266-8656 Name: Julie Hoff, Community Organizer Address: District 10 Community Council, ] 556 Como Ave Phone: 684-3889 Diamec Bill Tschida Address: 744 Cottage Ave Phone: 489-5218 Reasons for your interest ln this particular committee: (.See application on file) I would like to work toward making the Central Ramsey Watershed Manajement Organization an effective water management entity for the City of St. Pau(. Have you had previous contact with the cummittee for which you are making application? (f so, when, and circumstances? I unsuccessfutly applied for the open CRWMO appointment in 1996. I have attended several meetings of the WMO in the past year. Finally, I was recently involved as a member of the Como District 10 Environment Committee in commentin� on the CRWbiO's draft water management pian. !n an attempt to ensure that committee representaYion mflects the makeup of tour community, ptease check the line applicable to you: This informatiun is strictly voluntary. �White (Caucasian) Black (APrican American) _American indian f Afaskan Eskimo Male _�Eemale Aispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 9l8155 Disabted: Yes_ Na 1� If special accommodations are needed, please sQecify. How did you hear about this opening? The opening was announced at a recent CRWMO meeting. q�- la�l �r Q 2 1�:J 'ry!3''4 n- August 26, 1996 Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor 390 Ciry Hal] St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr. Cuttis: 1 � 9- Z-qrI [ uaderstaad that my application for the previous opening on the �e tral Ramsey Watershed Management Organization (CRWMO} will serve as my appiication for the new CRWMO openin�. I azn still enclosing some updated application information for your consideration. Thank you for the opporcunity to submit this new appiication. Ptease call me at 488-8412 if you have questions about any of the znc(osed application material. Sincerely, ��a� ���►�.;�- su�, s�nm�ac enclosures cc: Senator Ellen Anderson Representative Tom Osthoff Councilmember Jae Cotlins Julie Hoff Bffi Tcshida Anne Weber a�- �a 4 � Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Faa: 266-8513 Name: Susan Schmidt Home Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West St Paul MN 55117 Telephone Number: (Home} 488-84I2 (O�ce) 297-7905 Planning District Councit: Como ! District 10 City Counci! Ward: 5 = Iqq� '4Pd'L'ca H �n O� -i 'r � e Preferrred Mailing Address: 977 Nebraska Ave. West SY. Paul, MN 55117 What is yeur occupation: Environmental Policy Analyst / Researcher Place of Employment: State Legislature Committee Applied For: Central Ramsey Water Management Organizarion What skills 1 trainina or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have 20 years of professional and voluntary axperience working on environmental protection and community development issues. I think you will find my skiils and experience in the foltowing areas extremely beneficial to the WMO: 1) I am knowledgeable on water quality and water quanrity laws, policies, programs, femding that have an impact on St. Paul and the water management organizarion; 2} I have worked effecrively as a member and an officer of a goveming board and advisory board in both the not-for-profit and govemment sectors; 3) I have an interest in the protection of water quality. I am actively working with the District 10 Community Council Environment Committee on Como Lake water quality issues; 4) I have professional and volunteer experience working with a number of St. Paul groups, agencies and elected officials on environmental and community development issues, including: city council, county board, St. Paul Boazd of Water Commissioners {Board Member I990-i994), St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium (Boazd Member 1997-1994), District 16 Communiry Council, District 10 Community Council, school district, and more; 5) I have experience with strategic planning for a variety of organizations; 6) I have contacts within the field of water management aad water quality; and, 7) I have experience working with the public on a variety of issues. {over) _ < PERSONAL REFERENCES Name_ Sherrie Knuth, District 10 Environment Committee Chair Address: 875 Pazkview Ave, St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (Home) 489-1159 (Work} Name: Councilmember 3anice Rettman Address: 310 City Hall, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-8b50 Name: Bemie Bullert, St. Paul Water Urility Address: 8 East 4th Street, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6274 Name: Anne Hunt, Director, St. Paul Neighhorhood Energy Consortium Address: 475 North Cleveland, St. Paul Phone: (Home) (Work) 644-5436 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I have an interest in protecting water quality in my own neighborhood and statewide. f also believe that getting involved in decisionmaking that effects water quality will be a means to leam more and share my own ideas. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appticabte to you. This information is strictly voluatary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African American) American Indian / Alaskan Eslumo Male Female HisQanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No IF special accomodations are needed, please specify. NA Aow did you hear a6out this openingY District 10 Community Council Environment Committee Meeting , .. `. � q�-�ao� 09-23-97 WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REpORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003278 %assan, Mike St. Paul Public Works 1000 City Hall Annex 25 Weat Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6249 FAX 2985621 Civil Engineer/Public Works WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHI4ITTEES SERVSNG ON) Roger Puchreiter Sewer Utility Manager lODO City Hall Annex w) 266-6248 Tom Eggum City Engineer 600 City Hall Annex w} 266-6069 Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 600 City Hall Annex w) 266-6066 003120 Perniel, Michael Metropolitan Council Meara Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Work - 772-7234 FAX 2916464 Assoc. Environmental Planner scott Schellhaass 2400 Childs Road, 55106 w) 772-7341 Randy Anhorn Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6449 Judy 3ventek (addreas ia same ae above £or Mr. Anhorn) w) 291-6323 9-3-97 Central Ramsey WMO -------- --- --- --' 04/08/9? W M 09/03/97 W M Scott Schellhass 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTE& : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTfiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ __� --- 2400 Childs Road, MCES w) 602-8341 Grant Hoffay 2400 childs Road, MCES w) 602-8138 Nick Drzitch 2400 Childs Road MCES St. Paul, MN w) 602-8077 003298 Savanick, Suzanne ,�23 51 South Avon St. Yaul, MN 55105 Home - 222-3491 Environmental Researcher Mary Berin 2019 Juliet Avenue h) 690-0060 Professor Ed Buchwald Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 w) (507) 663-4000 Ext. 4403 Professor poug Lober Duke University School of the Environment Box 90330 Durham, NC 27708 w) (919) 613-8029 001083 5chmidt, Susan 977 Nebraska Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 q� _� y� \ 3 � 04/23/97 W F 5 IO 65B OS/26/97 W F Home - 488-8412 &nvironmental Policy Analyst Marcia Keller Executive Director Minnesota Project 2222 Elm Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414 q'1-��01 09-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPL2CANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHI4ENTS WARD PLANNSNG SENATE APP DATfi ETH GEN DZS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIORj {OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON} ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Cathy Carter 2279 Commonwealth h) 644-4881 Chris Trost Summit Hill Association w} 222-1222 5-22-90 WBC Application Anne Hunt 2b So. Dale, #108, 55102 h) 292-1813 w) 644-7022 Chris Trost Diatrict 16 Planning Council 745 crand, 55105 h) 290-9988 w) 222-1222 Ki.m Austrian 459 Holly, 55102 wj 297-3604 3-27-96 Sherrie Rnuth Diatrict 10 Environment Committees Chair 875 Parkview Ave., 55117 h) 489-1759 Councilmember Janice Rettman 310 City Hall, 55102 wy 266-8650 Bernie Bullert St. Paul Water Utility 8 E. 4th w) 266-6274 Anne Hunt, Director St. Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium 475 N. Cleveland w} 644-5436 8-26-97 Central WMO Senator E21en Anderaon G-2� State Capitol wj 296-537 �t'1 -1 ao� 09-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CoMMITTEE : WMO Water Management Organizations FOR APPL2CATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS Representative Tom Osthoff 585 SOB w) 296-4224 Councilmember Joe Collins 310 City Hall w) 266-8650 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---� ------° -------- -�--°-- --- --- --- Julie Hoff District 10 Community Council, C.O. 1556 Como Avenue 644-3889 Bill Tschida 744 Cottage Avenue 489-5218 003154 Worku, Berhane Metropolitan Council Environment Servicea 1241 N. Aamline Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 772-7017 FAX 7727030 Engineer Leo Hermes, Mgr. Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 739-8803 wj 772-7001 Robert Golden, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 731-9487 w) 772-7005 Mike Pliml, Engineer Industrial Waste, MCES 455 Etna, Suite 27 St. Paul, MN 55108 h) 455-2808 w) 772-7002 4 10 03/18/96 B M