97-1188Return copy Yo: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall � ; �.. � � � �� , �r`.:�_ .._. _� Presented By Referred To W � � 5'��Y'�W 1�� �� ��� �� j. IVT.P'AUL. MINNESOTA S1 Council File # �J]g'�' Green S�'eet# 000ro Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Sai t Paul, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 16-1997, an easement on, der and across public 3 properties hereinafter described are hereby dedicated to E lab,Inc. for the puzpose of 4 constructing a pedestrian tunnel: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The easementto be dedicated is described as a 14.00 foot easement under and across L ts 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, City of Saint Paul (Saint Paul Proper) according to the rec rded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is de ribed as beginning at the intersection of the soutn line of the north 160.60 feet of sai lock 9, hereinafter lmown as "Line A", with the west line of the east 216.24 feet f said Block 9; tbenee northwesterly to the intersection of the south line o e north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinafter known as "Line B:, with the west li of the east 227.40 feet of said Block 9 and there terminating. The sidelines f said easement are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on said "Line " and "Line B:. Said easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 f t per the City of St. Paul datum. This vacation shall be sut�:fect to the following conditions: l. Ecolab their su cessors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint aul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character b ught as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, p sons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from y violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by e petitioner or any of their agenis or employees 1.�',��.o\r��`�:� - ����Iq�� 2. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective te of this resolution, file with the Ciry Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condit' ns of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditi of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of th effective date of this resolution, pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $36,800. 3 d sum, representing: -�rr� A. the full $35,000 value of the said easement as of August 2, 1997, as determined by professional appraisal performed by Blake Davis, M, to be deposited into the Parkland Replacement Fund 720, Activity 50087-7 06-3300 and held in reserve for purchase of Park properties as required ' Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter; and B. the $1,800 appraisal cost to be deposited in � That the budget shall be accordingly amended. 001, Activity 01300-0513. Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services : For. Adopted by Adoption G By: Approved� By: 1: Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: V�G����� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIYISION 'ontad Persqt end Phone Number: Peter White 265-8850 a. c��a �� n September 24, 1997 ►L # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 ON REQUESTED: � , :.:;,.:�ssr=:.:_:;:::� II ' ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA CLtiRR OF FINANCIAL SVCS. To dedicate a pedestriau easement on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the pwpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideratiou; 2. Map showiug location of easemetn to be dedicated; 3. Copy of Parks Board resolution authorizing easement dedication. (A) OR REJECT (R) PLANNWG COAN9SSION A SfAFF � � 26, 1997 Green Sheet Number: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 CITY COUNCII. ATTORNEY (OR RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5f ANSWER THE FOLTAWING: Has the person/firm ever worked under a coutract for fhis deperpneut? YES NO Hes this persmJFrm ever been a City employee? CIV IL SEAV ICE COMMISS/ON [�:3sa,.rr,��i� WH[CH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? COUIVCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does tlus personlfirm possess a skill uot normaRy possessed by any YFS NQ current City employee? E�lain all YES answels on a sepxrate sheet and attach. DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � 7 �"IG PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTiJ7YITY (4Vho, 4Vhat, 4Vhen, 4Vhere, 4Vhy?}: Ecolab, Inc. requested the easement to construct and maintain a pedestrian�u��ne1 rum�u� �,� from Ecolab Center to Capital Centre. AGES IF APPROVED: Ecolab will construct the tuunel. IF APPROYED: None �NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Ecolab would not construct the tunnel. �.r acr TNE COUNClC HEA4tiNG ON THI$ T�Ett S SET FOR '• • AMOTJNI' OF TRANSACTION: $35 Q� CO5C(REVEV[TE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) G SOI3RCE: N/A ACENTTY NLIMBER: N/A 'IALINFORMATION:(EYPLAI� Moneys received will be reserved for purchase of park property as required by Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter. YES NO .E'AS�'�IEN1' ECOLAB (� l� �j � 4 J� 1<� J } -- T J TUNNEL EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 15.00 foot easement under ond across Lot 6, 7, and II, Block 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL (St, Paul, Proper) occording to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is described as beginning ot the intersection of the south line of the north 160.60 feet of� soid Black 9, hereinafter known os "Line A', with the west line of the east 2/6.2�feet of soid Block 9; thence northwesterly to the intersection of the south line of the north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinofter known os "Line B", with the west line of the east ,'(�27�fOfeet of soid Block 9 ond there terminoting. The sidelines of soid easement ore to be prolonged or shortened to terminate at soid "Line A' and "Line B". Soid easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 feet per the City of St. Paul Dotum. �—N LINE OF BLOCK 9, N56 ��� �.J7��E �TY OF 5T. PAUL E. L1NE OF BLOCK 9,�� qTY OF 5T. PAUL I 122.75 I r i / ` CAPITAI CENTER _ /I. . �/ '' _�y/�, I � :: � N N �5 f OI N � � 1 --'�—�--- — v SI�.�'TCH FOI UN/l/ERSITY q�_��r� _ � � � `� � �J b I � ✓ LINE 'A 36.15 � `, v�, � ���R � �.� � �,: G � � v M I p0 � �� � \� } � ✓ We hereby certify that this sketch, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision ond thot I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor �nder the laws of the Stofe of Minnesota. Dafed this 25th doy of Jvly , f 997 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING INC. B Y' -- � y-- -- — Edward H. Sunde, R.L.S. Minn. Reg. No. 8612 Revised: August 12, I997 (width of easement) 5'� 7.5 1 h I �1 � � N � I � m � i i m � � � m � 1 V � 1 I 1 7.5 } 7.5 'c�r'S7"wi= - - 52.oi ' , � � � `� `` f � '^ �I< + � a � � / � �' SCALE: 1 7NCH � 20 FEET / i � 42�.4K:1 S,a::'.��,Zs_6��1F9 � { �e�mmei� I.�n�H 5m�veylmm� ][nc I�•. I / � ' �4 ;���� .-� Q� � � I o � � � I NORWESf � 9001 E Bioemingtm iYeeway (35W) 97-077EQ T28, R.22. S.O6 DBP 97077003.DWC BioomMqtrn. Me 55t2p (612) 881-2455 FA% (612) 888-9526 HUG-26-1997 08:32 57P PRRKS 8 RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02 Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission q1' ��Yr RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Saiat Paul Pazks and Recreation Commissioa is an appointed body to advise the Mayor and City Council on lon�e,-range and city-wide matters related to parks and recreation, and WHEREAS, Ecolab, 7nc. is expanding its intemational headquazters located on Wabasha Street in downtown 5aint Paul, and WF�REAS, Ecolab's expansion plan includes leasing and remodeli.ng the Capital Centre building located across the City's Capital Center Plaza from Ecolab's existin� buildiag, aad Wf-lEREAS, Ecolab has reqnested an easement beneath Capital Center Plaza to construct a tunnel conne the two buildings, and 'WHEREAS, the City intends to redesign and rebuild Capital Center Plaza in 1997-98 and the City and Ecolab aze coordiaatiag their design and cansttuction p]ans, and WFiEREAS, Ecolab must compensate the Ciry for said easements under the grovisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1, diversion of park properry, and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreaaon Commissioa has reviewed the F.colab easement request and supporn proceeding with said tunael construction and the Ecolab remodeIing and the City's Plaza reconstruction as well, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Parks and Recreation Commission concuss with Ecolab Tnc.'s propossd easemen� subject to the provisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1. Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission: Date 3 j`� 9� Approved: Yeas: � Nays: �_ Nn� 97-4 Absent: 1 TOTRL P.02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��- 11Y�' 9 �. � 'srt1tda:s� �?4,�€r=',r; s=�.;.�� ��1� `� ( l��/ To: All Council Members From: Peter White ��� Right of Way Engmeer 140 City Hall Date: August 26, 1997 s� ��'-�)B�Ic�,�1'Cl?1�t1�:��?��G3�lOri�1�8��b�.�'�,�i-1��7�� . . .. �-. . . :. I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Segte,t�bsr24, 1�37.. The purpose of tttis hearing is to dedicate a pedestrian tunnel on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. This properry is located in City Council District �, Planning District 1?. cc: Fran Swanson (1697hear) Return copy Yo: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall � ; �.. � � � �� , �r`.:�_ .._. _� Presented By Referred To W � � 5'��Y'�W 1�� �� ��� �� j. IVT.P'AUL. MINNESOTA S1 Council File # �J]g'�' Green S�'eet# 000ro Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Sai t Paul, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 16-1997, an easement on, der and across public 3 properties hereinafter described are hereby dedicated to E lab,Inc. for the puzpose of 4 constructing a pedestrian tunnel: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The easementto be dedicated is described as a 14.00 foot easement under and across L ts 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, City of Saint Paul (Saint Paul Proper) according to the rec rded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is de ribed as beginning at the intersection of the soutn line of the north 160.60 feet of sai lock 9, hereinafter lmown as "Line A", with the west line of the east 216.24 feet f said Block 9; tbenee northwesterly to the intersection of the south line o e north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinafter known as "Line B:, with the west li of the east 227.40 feet of said Block 9 and there terminating. The sidelines f said easement are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on said "Line " and "Line B:. Said easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 f t per the City of St. Paul datum. This vacation shall be sut�:fect to the following conditions: l. Ecolab their su cessors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint aul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character b ught as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, p sons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from y violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by e petitioner or any of their agenis or employees 1.�',��.o\r��`�:� - ����Iq�� 2. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective te of this resolution, file with the Ciry Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condit' ns of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditi of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of th effective date of this resolution, pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $36,800. 3 d sum, representing: -�rr� A. the full $35,000 value of the said easement as of August 2, 1997, as determined by professional appraisal performed by Blake Davis, M, to be deposited into the Parkland Replacement Fund 720, Activity 50087-7 06-3300 and held in reserve for purchase of Park properties as required ' Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter; and B. the $1,800 appraisal cost to be deposited in � That the budget shall be accordingly amended. 001, Activity 01300-0513. Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services : For. Adopted by Adoption G By: Approved� By: 1: Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: V�G����� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIYISION 'ontad Persqt end Phone Number: Peter White 265-8850 a. c��a �� n September 24, 1997 ►L # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 ON REQUESTED: � , :.:;,.:�ssr=:.:_:;:::� II ' ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA CLtiRR OF FINANCIAL SVCS. To dedicate a pedestriau easement on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the pwpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideratiou; 2. Map showiug location of easemetn to be dedicated; 3. Copy of Parks Board resolution authorizing easement dedication. (A) OR REJECT (R) PLANNWG COAN9SSION A SfAFF � � 26, 1997 Green Sheet Number: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 CITY COUNCII. ATTORNEY (OR RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5f ANSWER THE FOLTAWING: Has the person/firm ever worked under a coutract for fhis deperpneut? YES NO Hes this persmJFrm ever been a City employee? CIV IL SEAV ICE COMMISS/ON [�:3sa,.rr,��i� WH[CH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? COUIVCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does tlus personlfirm possess a skill uot normaRy possessed by any YFS NQ current City employee? E�lain all YES answels on a sepxrate sheet and attach. DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � 7 �"IG PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTiJ7YITY (4Vho, 4Vhat, 4Vhen, 4Vhere, 4Vhy?}: Ecolab, Inc. requested the easement to construct and maintain a pedestrian�u��ne1 rum�u� �,� from Ecolab Center to Capital Centre. AGES IF APPROVED: Ecolab will construct the tuunel. IF APPROYED: None �NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Ecolab would not construct the tunnel. �.r acr TNE COUNClC HEA4tiNG ON THI$ T�Ett S SET FOR '• • AMOTJNI' OF TRANSACTION: $35 Q� CO5C(REVEV[TE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) G SOI3RCE: N/A ACENTTY NLIMBER: N/A 'IALINFORMATION:(EYPLAI� Moneys received will be reserved for purchase of park property as required by Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter. YES NO .E'AS�'�IEN1' ECOLAB (� l� �j � 4 J� 1<� J } -- T J TUNNEL EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 15.00 foot easement under ond across Lot 6, 7, and II, Block 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL (St, Paul, Proper) occording to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is described as beginning ot the intersection of the south line of the north 160.60 feet of� soid Black 9, hereinafter known os "Line A', with the west line of the east 2/6.2�feet of soid Block 9; thence northwesterly to the intersection of the south line of the north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinofter known os "Line B", with the west line of the east ,'(�27�fOfeet of soid Block 9 ond there terminoting. The sidelines of soid easement ore to be prolonged or shortened to terminate at soid "Line A' and "Line B". Soid easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 feet per the City of St. Paul Dotum. �—N LINE OF BLOCK 9, N56 ��� �.J7��E �TY OF 5T. PAUL E. L1NE OF BLOCK 9,�� qTY OF 5T. PAUL I 122.75 I r i / ` CAPITAI CENTER _ /I. . �/ '' _�y/�, I � :: � N N �5 f OI N � � 1 --'�—�--- — v SI�.�'TCH FOI UN/l/ERSITY q�_��r� _ � � � `� � �J b I � ✓ LINE 'A 36.15 � `, v�, � ���R � �.� � �,: G � � v M I p0 � �� � \� } � ✓ We hereby certify that this sketch, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision ond thot I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor �nder the laws of the Stofe of Minnesota. Dafed this 25th doy of Jvly , f 997 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING INC. B Y' -- � y-- -- — Edward H. Sunde, R.L.S. Minn. Reg. No. 8612 Revised: August 12, I997 (width of easement) 5'� 7.5 1 h I �1 � � N � I � m � i i m � � � m � 1 V � 1 I 1 7.5 } 7.5 'c�r'S7"wi= - - 52.oi ' , � � � `� `` f � '^ �I< + � a � � / � �' SCALE: 1 7NCH � 20 FEET / i � 42�.4K:1 S,a::'.��,Zs_6��1F9 � { �e�mmei� I.�n�H 5m�veylmm� ][nc I�•. I / � ' �4 ;���� .-� Q� � � I o � � � I NORWESf � 9001 E Bioemingtm iYeeway (35W) 97-077EQ T28, R.22. S.O6 DBP 97077003.DWC BioomMqtrn. Me 55t2p (612) 881-2455 FA% (612) 888-9526 HUG-26-1997 08:32 57P PRRKS 8 RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02 Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission q1' ��Yr RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Saiat Paul Pazks and Recreation Commissioa is an appointed body to advise the Mayor and City Council on lon�e,-range and city-wide matters related to parks and recreation, and WHEREAS, Ecolab, 7nc. is expanding its intemational headquazters located on Wabasha Street in downtown 5aint Paul, and WF�REAS, Ecolab's expansion plan includes leasing and remodeli.ng the Capital Centre building located across the City's Capital Center Plaza from Ecolab's existin� buildiag, aad Wf-lEREAS, Ecolab has reqnested an easement beneath Capital Center Plaza to construct a tunnel conne the two buildings, and 'WHEREAS, the City intends to redesign and rebuild Capital Center Plaza in 1997-98 and the City and Ecolab aze coordiaatiag their design and cansttuction p]ans, and WFiEREAS, Ecolab must compensate the Ciry for said easements under the grovisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1, diversion of park properry, and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreaaon Commissioa has reviewed the F.colab easement request and supporn proceeding with said tunael construction and the Ecolab remodeIing and the City's Plaza reconstruction as well, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Parks and Recreation Commission concuss with Ecolab Tnc.'s propossd easemen� subject to the provisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1. Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission: Date 3 j`� 9� Approved: Yeas: � Nays: �_ Nn� 97-4 Absent: 1 TOTRL P.02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��- 11Y�' 9 �. � 'srt1tda:s� �?4,�€r=',r; s=�.;.�� ��1� `� ( l��/ To: All Council Members From: Peter White ��� Right of Way Engmeer 140 City Hall Date: August 26, 1997 s� ��'-�)B�Ic�,�1'Cl?1�t1�:��?��G3�lOri�1�8��b�.�'�,�i-1��7�� . . .. �-. . . :. I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Segte,t�bsr24, 1�37.. The purpose of tttis hearing is to dedicate a pedestrian tunnel on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. This properry is located in City Council District �, Planning District 1?. cc: Fran Swanson (1697hear) Return copy Yo: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall � ; �.. � � � �� , �r`.:�_ .._. _� Presented By Referred To W � � 5'��Y'�W 1�� �� ��� �� j. IVT.P'AUL. MINNESOTA S1 Council File # �J]g'�' Green S�'eet# 000ro Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Sai t Paul, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 16-1997, an easement on, der and across public 3 properties hereinafter described are hereby dedicated to E lab,Inc. for the puzpose of 4 constructing a pedestrian tunnel: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The easementto be dedicated is described as a 14.00 foot easement under and across L ts 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, City of Saint Paul (Saint Paul Proper) according to the rec rded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is de ribed as beginning at the intersection of the soutn line of the north 160.60 feet of sai lock 9, hereinafter lmown as "Line A", with the west line of the east 216.24 feet f said Block 9; tbenee northwesterly to the intersection of the south line o e north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinafter known as "Line B:, with the west li of the east 227.40 feet of said Block 9 and there terminating. The sidelines f said easement are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on said "Line " and "Line B:. Said easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 f t per the City of St. Paul datum. This vacation shall be sut�:fect to the following conditions: l. Ecolab their su cessors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint aul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character b ught as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, p sons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from y violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by e petitioner or any of their agenis or employees 1.�',��.o\r��`�:� - ����Iq�� 2. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective te of this resolution, file with the Ciry Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condit' ns of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditi of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3. That Ecolab, Inc., its successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of th effective date of this resolution, pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $36,800. 3 d sum, representing: -�rr� A. the full $35,000 value of the said easement as of August 2, 1997, as determined by professional appraisal performed by Blake Davis, M, to be deposited into the Parkland Replacement Fund 720, Activity 50087-7 06-3300 and held in reserve for purchase of Park properties as required ' Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter; and B. the $1,800 appraisal cost to be deposited in � That the budget shall be accordingly amended. 001, Activity 01300-0513. Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services : For. Adopted by Adoption G By: Approved� By: 1: Date by Council Secretary Mayor: Date : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: V�G����� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIYISION 'ontad Persqt end Phone Number: Peter White 265-8850 a. c��a �� n September 24, 1997 ►L # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 ON REQUESTED: � , :.:;,.:�ssr=:.:_:;:::� II ' ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA CLtiRR OF FINANCIAL SVCS. To dedicate a pedestriau easement on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the pwpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideratiou; 2. Map showiug location of easemetn to be dedicated; 3. Copy of Parks Board resolution authorizing easement dedication. (A) OR REJECT (R) PLANNWG COAN9SSION A SfAFF � � 26, 1997 Green Sheet Number: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 CITY COUNCII. ATTORNEY (OR RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU5f ANSWER THE FOLTAWING: Has the person/firm ever worked under a coutract for fhis deperpneut? YES NO Hes this persmJFrm ever been a City employee? CIV IL SEAV ICE COMMISS/ON [�:3sa,.rr,��i� WH[CH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? COUIVCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does tlus personlfirm possess a skill uot normaRy possessed by any YFS NQ current City employee? E�lain all YES answels on a sepxrate sheet and attach. DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � 7 �"IG PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTiJ7YITY (4Vho, 4Vhat, 4Vhen, 4Vhere, 4Vhy?}: Ecolab, Inc. requested the easement to construct and maintain a pedestrian�u��ne1 rum�u� �,� from Ecolab Center to Capital Centre. AGES IF APPROVED: Ecolab will construct the tuunel. IF APPROYED: None �NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Ecolab would not construct the tunnel. �.r acr TNE COUNClC HEA4tiNG ON THI$ T�Ett S SET FOR '• • AMOTJNI' OF TRANSACTION: $35 Q� CO5C(REVEV[TE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) G SOI3RCE: N/A ACENTTY NLIMBER: N/A 'IALINFORMATION:(EYPLAI� Moneys received will be reserved for purchase of park property as required by Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter. YES NO .E'AS�'�IEN1' ECOLAB (� l� �j � 4 J� 1<� J } -- T J TUNNEL EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 15.00 foot easement under ond across Lot 6, 7, and II, Block 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL (St, Paul, Proper) occording to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is described as beginning ot the intersection of the south line of the north 160.60 feet of� soid Black 9, hereinafter known os "Line A', with the west line of the east 2/6.2�feet of soid Block 9; thence northwesterly to the intersection of the south line of the north 77.00 feet of said Block 9, hereinofter known os "Line B", with the west line of the east ,'(�27�fOfeet of soid Block 9 ond there terminoting. The sidelines of soid easement ore to be prolonged or shortened to terminate at soid "Line A' and "Line B". Soid easement lies between the elevations of 75.00 feet and 95.00 feet per the City of St. Paul Dotum. �—N LINE OF BLOCK 9, N56 ��� �.J7��E �TY OF 5T. PAUL E. L1NE OF BLOCK 9,�� qTY OF 5T. PAUL I 122.75 I r i / ` CAPITAI CENTER _ /I. . �/ '' _�y/�, I � :: � N N �5 f OI N � � 1 --'�—�--- — v SI�.�'TCH FOI UN/l/ERSITY q�_��r� _ � � � `� � �J b I � ✓ LINE 'A 36.15 � `, v�, � ���R � �.� � �,: G � � v M I p0 � �� � \� } � ✓ We hereby certify that this sketch, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision ond thot I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor �nder the laws of the Stofe of Minnesota. Dafed this 25th doy of Jvly , f 997 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING INC. B Y' -- � y-- -- — Edward H. Sunde, R.L.S. Minn. Reg. No. 8612 Revised: August 12, I997 (width of easement) 5'� 7.5 1 h I �1 � � N � I � m � i i m � � � m � 1 V � 1 I 1 7.5 } 7.5 'c�r'S7"wi= - - 52.oi ' , � � � `� `` f � '^ �I< + � a � � / � �' SCALE: 1 7NCH � 20 FEET / i � 42�.4K:1 S,a::'.��,Zs_6��1F9 � { �e�mmei� I.�n�H 5m�veylmm� ][nc I�•. I / � ' �4 ;���� .-� Q� � � I o � � � I NORWESf � 9001 E Bioemingtm iYeeway (35W) 97-077EQ T28, R.22. S.O6 DBP 97077003.DWC BioomMqtrn. Me 55t2p (612) 881-2455 FA% (612) 888-9526 HUG-26-1997 08:32 57P PRRKS 8 RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02 Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission q1' ��Yr RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Saiat Paul Pazks and Recreation Commissioa is an appointed body to advise the Mayor and City Council on lon�e,-range and city-wide matters related to parks and recreation, and WHEREAS, Ecolab, 7nc. is expanding its intemational headquazters located on Wabasha Street in downtown 5aint Paul, and WF�REAS, Ecolab's expansion plan includes leasing and remodeli.ng the Capital Centre building located across the City's Capital Center Plaza from Ecolab's existin� buildiag, aad Wf-lEREAS, Ecolab has reqnested an easement beneath Capital Center Plaza to construct a tunnel conne the two buildings, and 'WHEREAS, the City intends to redesign and rebuild Capital Center Plaza in 1997-98 and the City and Ecolab aze coordiaatiag their design and cansttuction p]ans, and WFiEREAS, Ecolab must compensate the Ciry for said easements under the grovisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1, diversion of park properry, and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreaaon Commissioa has reviewed the F.colab easement request and supporn proceeding with said tunael construction and the Ecolab remodeIing and the City's Plaza reconstruction as well, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Parks and Recreation Commission concuss with Ecolab Tnc.'s propossd easemen� subject to the provisions of the City Charter Section 13.01.1. Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission: Date 3 j`� 9� Approved: Yeas: � Nays: �_ Nn� 97-4 Absent: 1 TOTRL P.02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��- 11Y�' 9 �. � 'srt1tda:s� �?4,�€r=',r; s=�.;.�� ��1� `� ( l��/ To: All Council Members From: Peter White ��� Right of Way Engmeer 140 City Hall Date: August 26, 1997 s� ��'-�)B�Ic�,�1'Cl?1�t1�:��?��G3�lOri�1�8��b�.�'�,�i-1��7�� . . .. �-. . . :. I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on Segte,t�bsr24, 1�37.. The purpose of tttis hearing is to dedicate a pedestrian tunnel on, under and across Lots 6, 7 and 11, Block 9, St. Paul Proper to Ecolab, Inc. for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian tunnel. This properry is located in City Council District �, Planning District 1?. cc: Fran Swanson (1697hear)