97-1173Council File # � - r( 3 ("� �': � r�. F � r ; � �r4i�° =. �`°� � '' �'ti `"i r. Presented bv Referred To Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 hereby certifies and approves the September 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Pro�ertv A�pealed 4 315 North Point Douglas Road 5 Decision: Appeal Denied A�_pellant Marvin Hill 6 1264 North Snelling Avenue Makin & Mark El Dweek 7 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Properly will be reinspected when is ready to be occupied. The owner has unfil May 8 31, 1998 to make repairs to the garage. 9 2008 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar 10 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Property will be reinspected in 30 days for window and handrail repairs. I 1 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle 12 Decision: Laid Over until October 7, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 13 1574 Sloan Occupant 14 Decision: Appeal Denied - Vacate date asnended to October 3, 1997. 15 b77 Sherburne Pao Vang 16 Decision: Appeal Denied - Six month extension given for repairs. ' 7 235 East Sixth Street 8 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Davld Brooks 9 2001 Dayton Avenue 0 1 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Green Sheet # �38Cr4'{� N 6o��E5 MINNESOTA 39 Sharon Suess (Church of St. Mark) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom � Harris f Megazd f Morton J Collins � Thune �/ `� O Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � 8 Adopted by Council: Date �� ay \\°��� Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council 9 Adoption Ce ed by Council Sec{�etary $ 10 By: '� \ c�. 1�-� „r�.a,v� y: ----- —�` 11 Approved by Mayor: Date l�s `'S E`�'� 12 By: �� °l'1-��'i 3 2 ° �'1 �1�13 Council OfEices 9J1 GREEN SHEET_ No 60725 �� 266-8620 September 24, 1997 •aawx rureen wn rtoUiixb TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ arvwnox,av ❑ arvannc ❑ nw«:uuaravcFSOOC � wuww�taeam�n ❑ WYOR(wASLSI/Mf) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving decision of the Legislative Hearing 0£ficer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the September 16, 1997 meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION GBCOMMRTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias this pe�soMfin ever woACed urder a conVact forthis tlepartmmlT YES NO Flas vxs o�eonfirm ever been a ciry emcbYe�'� YES NO Oces this persmlfirm P�%8 a sidtl rrot nomalyW�%� bY �Y curtc�nt cdY �PbY�7 YF_S NO Is Mis pereonlfimi a targetad vendo(t YES NO 8s��€'i+SE " L'����'F �� ; 1'7 1��3 . �TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S 1N0lNG SOURCE COSTRtEYQ7UE BUD6ETED (GRCLE ONE) 11C71YITY NURIBER ra ao I_�a[Nr_qR�s•l�irryti.�r��tr .�Jr�ip; � 9� a�,j Property Code Enforcement Meeting September 16, 1997 Gerry Strathman, Legislarive Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 315 North Point Aouglas Road (Laid over from September 2° Marvin Hill, owner, appeared. Mr. Hiil didn't understand why he received a nofice with respect to painting his house. He stated that he has lived there two yeazs. Don Juenemann, Public Health, presented photographs to Mr. Strathman and reported that he inspected the house on August 11 �' regarding other matters (rats in the area) and noticed the trim on the back of the house was in need of painting. The owner was given until October 1S to take care of this matter. Nfr. Hill said there was no probiem having the trim painted, however, he would like to know "who" reported this situation. Mr. Strathman indicated that under State law that information is confidential. Mr. Hill said he would not paint the trim until next spring, at which time he would paint the entire house. Mr. Strathman advised him that he feit the order directing him to paint the trim by October ls` was proper. He also stated that if Mr. Hill did not take care of this matter further action would be taken. Mr. Sirathman denied the appeal. Mr. Hill indicated he wanted to continue his appeal. Mr. Strathman advised Mr. Hill that he could do so by appearing before the City Council on Wednesday, September 24`� at 430 p.m. 1264 North 5nellin�; Avenue Makin El Dweek, owner, appeared with his son Mark. Mr. EI Dweek advised Mr. Strathman he purchased this property 7une ls` and that damages were noted in the disclosure statement at the time of the purchase. The tenant in the damaged apariment has not paid rent for three months and was asked to be out by midnight, September 16 Mr. Ei Dweek said he agrees with all of the items listed on the inspection report. He would, however, appreciate more time to correct these situa6ons - particularly the garage which is used for storage purposes only. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that the violations are essentialiy maintenance issues. Mr. El Dweek advised that the smoke detector is to be installed on September 30'� and that after the tenant moves out, all repairs, except for the garage, wi11 be made as soon as possible and that he wili call to request a reinspection before occupancy takes place. 91 i�� Mr. Prill advised this would meet with his approval, if the garage remains unoccupied and is repaized by May 31, 1998. The appeal was withdrawn. Mr. Prill granted an extension of time for repairs to be made within the unit until it is ready to be occupied, and an extension far repairs to the gazage unril May 31, 1998. 20�8 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar, owner, appeared. He indicated that most repairs have been made. However, due to the age of the house and size of the windows, a special order was needed for the replacements. The order has been placed with Menards and he is requesting more tnne with xespect to this matter. Mr. Millar questions the reason for (1) the need of handrails going downstairs due to the fact there is no longer occupancy in that part of the house, (2) the need for a deadbolt upstairs given the fact a new lock was just placed there and approved by the Ramsey Counry inspector and (3) the need to connect the handsink in the cellaz to the sewer or remove it Mr. Millar said that a plumber indicated a valve above the handsink could be turned off and felt that it should remain there in order far future owners to place a bathroom in that location. Steve Schiller, Public Health, indicated he agrees with an extension being given with respect to the windows. However, he does have a problem with handrails not being installed going downstairs. Even though there is no occupancy in that area, the laundry facilities are downstairs and theze is a danger of someone falling with laundry baskets. Also, the deadbolt he saw in the upstairs back door in the kitchen did not have a flat face, which means it could be bypassed with a knife ar credit cazd. Mr. Millar indicated that the lock Mr. Schiller is referring to is behind the kitchen door. In order to get to that door, you have to enter the building downstairs through another door which has a deadbolt. Mr. Schiller indicated that he wasn't aware that there was another outside deadbolt. Now that he understands that, he agrees there is no need for a new deadbolt on that door. Mr. Schiller also reiterated that he agrees with the plumber to shut the valve above tlie celiar sink and a11ow a 30 day extension far the window replacements. The handrails stiil need to be installed. The appeal was withdrawn. Gerry Stratlunan asked that Messrs. Schiller and Millaz work together to determine a reasonable time schedule for the handraii placement and window replacements to be compieted. 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle, owner, appeared and asked for more time to compiete the repairs, due to the fact that he ruptured his left calf on May 27�' and is doing ail the wark himsel£ Most of the work has been done. He agrees with the inspectors report and is willing to make a11 the necessary repairs. 9� ii�3 Mr. Strathman noted that the paper work he had before him was a Vacant Building Registrarion Notice indicating Mr. Doyle was being chazged a fee of $200.00 by September 18`�. Mr. Doyle agreed. Steve Magner, Public Health, reported that this property is currently condemned due to the lack of basic facilities. There aze also other problems including defects with the interior wails and ceilings. The buiiding has been condemned since May 22"�. Mr. Magner feels that a reasonable amount of time has passed for the urilities and the building to be restored and reinspected. He indicated there has been some heazsay that the building has been illegally occupied during the period of condemnation. There is also some e�terior violations that are prevalent. A Code Compliance Certificate will be required prior to occupancy. T'hirry days were allowed from the time the file was opened on August 18�`. If the owner has the items completed and the building reinspected by September 18`�, the condemnation will be lifted and occupancy will be allowed. However, if he fails to do so, a Code Compliance inspection will be required. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Doyle how close he is to being finished with the work. Mr. Doyle replied "two weeks" and added that May 27"' is when he ruptured his cal£ He stated that he was in a wheelchair for two months. He began the work about a month ago with a cane. Mr. Strathman indicated he would lay this over until October 7"', stating that if Mr. Doyle has passed an inspecfion and reoccupied the building legally, the appeal for the $200.00 fee will be granted. However, if the building is still vacant or illegally occupied, the appeal will be denied and Mr. Doyle would be required to pay the $200.00. 1579 Sloan The Occupant indicated that the building has been condemned because the owner has neglected responsibilities. The Occupant said he is a single parent/grandparent and cannot afford to move. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he had been in contact with the tenants union. The occupant replied he had not, but that he had contacted the City Housing Information Office and received a list of houses. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he is sfill paying rent at 1579 Sloan. The Occupant responded that he has not since the condemnation notice was issued. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, presented Mr. Strathman with photographs and reported that the vacate date was at the end of August. Ms. Fish indicated that the building is in disrepair - there has been a fire in the building, the general condition is very poor, trash has not been picked up, there is water damage and mold in the building. The builrling is open and compietely trashed. Anyone could enter the building. It doesn't appear this building will be salvaged. The owner is not in the process of making necessary repairs. Mr. Sirathman indicated that he syxnpathized with this situation. However, the building is not secure and gazbage is not being picked up. There is concem that chiidren are living in this building. The Occupant said his unit is clean and that he is just asking for more time. Mr. Strathman reminded the Occupant that he was supposed to have moved out by August 31 Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Fish how dangerous she feels this building is. She indicated that if the 97 i/T.3 city could get the openings boazded and the gazbage picked up it would be habitable until the end of the month. Steve Magner, Public Heaith, indicated that the Pazks department will remove garbage September 16'� or 17�' . A Housing contractor will be visiting the sight September 17"' . An abatement is up. The contractor will secure the building. Another concem is that complaints have been received from neighbors indicating that possible iliegal activities are taking place. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Magner if he had been in the building. Mr. Magner indicated he had been in the ground level, west-side unit. Mr. Strathman extended the time for the Occupant to move out of the building to October 3r 677 Sherbume Pao Vang, owner, appeared requesting more time to make repairs to this building. He indicated he purchased the building which needed many repairs in May, 1996 and has completed most of the work. He is trying to communicate with the former owners. He has applied for a home improvement loan from the City of Saint Paul. Because he is the third owner, the two previous owners must provide signatures in order for him to receive a loan. His efforts to contact the first owner have failed. The second owner has indicated he wiil sign the necessary papers. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, reported the owner is correct in stating that he did inherit a lot of problems when he purchased the building and has done most of the work required He is down to four items, all of which there is no problem extending time for. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Vang how much time he needs to complete these four items. Mr. Vang indicated he would like three to six months. With winter coming, the roof may have to be postponed until Spring. Mr. Strathman granted Mr. Vang a six-month extension to complete the work. 235 East Sixth Street Dave Brooks, owner, appeared indicating he does not have the fmanciai wherewithal at this time to conect the rainleader separation situation. He estimates the cost to be $20,000-$25,000. He and the corporation are borrowed to the ma�c. Mr. Brooks indicated that $2.3 Million was boxrowed to renovate the buiiding and pay $100,000 in back taaces. The bank will not loan anymore money for eighteen months. He indicated he has been a Saint Paul developer for twenty-five years. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, reported that Mr. Brooks has been given five years to correct this siYuation, and it doesn't seem this situation is ever going to be a priority without some pressure from the city. NIr. Brooks indicated this a 50,000 square feet warehouse-type building located in Lowertown that has been vacant fifteen years - five years under his ownership and ten years under the 9� ii�.3 previous ownership. Tenants have just begun to move in. Everything is up to code except the rainleaders. A Certificate of Occupancy has been obtained from the city. Rental dollars are needed to conect the rainleader situation. Mr. Strathman granted a one-year ea�tension. 2001 Dayton Avenue Sharon Suess, representing The Church of St. Mazk, appeared, requesting a two-year eatension in order to raise the estunated $30,000 needed to disconnect the rainleaders. Ms. Suess indicated that the church thought this situation had been conected - that the previous variance was a permanent one. It was their understanding that the $40,000 spent five yeazs ago completed the rainleader disconnect requirement. Mr. Stratl�man asked if there is a storm sewer nearby for the necessary rainleader disconnection. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, indicated that the storm sewer is on the east side of the church and the downspouts aze on the west side. Mr. Vanderhoof presented Mr. Strathman with photographs. He indicated the church was issued a variance in the late 1980's until storm sewer construcrion was complete. At that tnne they requested another variance. Ms. Suess indicated she was not aware of this situation untii August 26�'. Mr. 5trathman granted a variance of one-year to complete the disconnect. The meet3ng was adjourned at 2:43 p.m. Council File # � - r( 3 ("� �': � r�. F � r ; � �r4i�° =. �`°� � '' �'ti `"i r. Presented bv Referred To Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 hereby certifies and approves the September 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Pro�ertv A�pealed 4 315 North Point Douglas Road 5 Decision: Appeal Denied A�_pellant Marvin Hill 6 1264 North Snelling Avenue Makin & Mark El Dweek 7 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Properly will be reinspected when is ready to be occupied. The owner has unfil May 8 31, 1998 to make repairs to the garage. 9 2008 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar 10 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Property will be reinspected in 30 days for window and handrail repairs. I 1 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle 12 Decision: Laid Over until October 7, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 13 1574 Sloan Occupant 14 Decision: Appeal Denied - Vacate date asnended to October 3, 1997. 15 b77 Sherburne Pao Vang 16 Decision: Appeal Denied - Six month extension given for repairs. ' 7 235 East Sixth Street 8 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Davld Brooks 9 2001 Dayton Avenue 0 1 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Green Sheet # �38Cr4'{� N 6o��E5 MINNESOTA 39 Sharon Suess (Church of St. Mark) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom � Harris f Megazd f Morton J Collins � Thune �/ `� O Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � 8 Adopted by Council: Date �� ay \\°��� Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council 9 Adoption Ce ed by Council Sec{�etary $ 10 By: '� \ c�. 1�-� „r�.a,v� y: ----- —�` 11 Approved by Mayor: Date l�s `'S E`�'� 12 By: �� °l'1-��'i 3 2 ° �'1 �1�13 Council OfEices 9J1 GREEN SHEET_ No 60725 �� 266-8620 September 24, 1997 •aawx rureen wn rtoUiixb TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ arvwnox,av ❑ arvannc ❑ nw«:uuaravcFSOOC � wuww�taeam�n ❑ WYOR(wASLSI/Mf) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving decision of the Legislative Hearing 0£ficer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the September 16, 1997 meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION GBCOMMRTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias this pe�soMfin ever woACed urder a conVact forthis tlepartmmlT YES NO Flas vxs o�eonfirm ever been a ciry emcbYe�'� YES NO Oces this persmlfirm P�%8 a sidtl rrot nomalyW�%� bY �Y curtc�nt cdY �PbY�7 YF_S NO Is Mis pereonlfimi a targetad vendo(t YES NO 8s��€'i+SE " L'����'F �� ; 1'7 1��3 . �TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S 1N0lNG SOURCE COSTRtEYQ7UE BUD6ETED (GRCLE ONE) 11C71YITY NURIBER ra ao I_�a[Nr_qR�s•l�irryti.�r��tr .�Jr�ip; � 9� a�,j Property Code Enforcement Meeting September 16, 1997 Gerry Strathman, Legislarive Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 315 North Point Aouglas Road (Laid over from September 2° Marvin Hill, owner, appeared. Mr. Hiil didn't understand why he received a nofice with respect to painting his house. He stated that he has lived there two yeazs. Don Juenemann, Public Health, presented photographs to Mr. Strathman and reported that he inspected the house on August 11 �' regarding other matters (rats in the area) and noticed the trim on the back of the house was in need of painting. The owner was given until October 1S to take care of this matter. Nfr. Hill said there was no probiem having the trim painted, however, he would like to know "who" reported this situation. Mr. Strathman indicated that under State law that information is confidential. Mr. Hill said he would not paint the trim until next spring, at which time he would paint the entire house. Mr. Strathman advised him that he feit the order directing him to paint the trim by October ls` was proper. He also stated that if Mr. Hill did not take care of this matter further action would be taken. Mr. Sirathman denied the appeal. Mr. Hill indicated he wanted to continue his appeal. Mr. Strathman advised Mr. Hill that he could do so by appearing before the City Council on Wednesday, September 24`� at 430 p.m. 1264 North 5nellin�; Avenue Makin El Dweek, owner, appeared with his son Mark. Mr. EI Dweek advised Mr. Strathman he purchased this property 7une ls` and that damages were noted in the disclosure statement at the time of the purchase. The tenant in the damaged apariment has not paid rent for three months and was asked to be out by midnight, September 16 Mr. Ei Dweek said he agrees with all of the items listed on the inspection report. He would, however, appreciate more time to correct these situa6ons - particularly the garage which is used for storage purposes only. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that the violations are essentialiy maintenance issues. Mr. El Dweek advised that the smoke detector is to be installed on September 30'� and that after the tenant moves out, all repairs, except for the garage, wi11 be made as soon as possible and that he wili call to request a reinspection before occupancy takes place. 91 i�� Mr. Prill advised this would meet with his approval, if the garage remains unoccupied and is repaized by May 31, 1998. The appeal was withdrawn. Mr. Prill granted an extension of time for repairs to be made within the unit until it is ready to be occupied, and an extension far repairs to the gazage unril May 31, 1998. 20�8 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar, owner, appeared. He indicated that most repairs have been made. However, due to the age of the house and size of the windows, a special order was needed for the replacements. The order has been placed with Menards and he is requesting more tnne with xespect to this matter. Mr. Millar questions the reason for (1) the need of handrails going downstairs due to the fact there is no longer occupancy in that part of the house, (2) the need for a deadbolt upstairs given the fact a new lock was just placed there and approved by the Ramsey Counry inspector and (3) the need to connect the handsink in the cellaz to the sewer or remove it Mr. Millar said that a plumber indicated a valve above the handsink could be turned off and felt that it should remain there in order far future owners to place a bathroom in that location. Steve Schiller, Public Health, indicated he agrees with an extension being given with respect to the windows. However, he does have a problem with handrails not being installed going downstairs. Even though there is no occupancy in that area, the laundry facilities are downstairs and theze is a danger of someone falling with laundry baskets. Also, the deadbolt he saw in the upstairs back door in the kitchen did not have a flat face, which means it could be bypassed with a knife ar credit cazd. Mr. Millar indicated that the lock Mr. Schiller is referring to is behind the kitchen door. In order to get to that door, you have to enter the building downstairs through another door which has a deadbolt. Mr. Schiller indicated that he wasn't aware that there was another outside deadbolt. Now that he understands that, he agrees there is no need for a new deadbolt on that door. Mr. Schiller also reiterated that he agrees with the plumber to shut the valve above tlie celiar sink and a11ow a 30 day extension far the window replacements. The handrails stiil need to be installed. The appeal was withdrawn. Gerry Stratlunan asked that Messrs. Schiller and Millaz work together to determine a reasonable time schedule for the handraii placement and window replacements to be compieted. 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle, owner, appeared and asked for more time to compiete the repairs, due to the fact that he ruptured his left calf on May 27�' and is doing ail the wark himsel£ Most of the work has been done. He agrees with the inspectors report and is willing to make a11 the necessary repairs. 9� ii�3 Mr. Strathman noted that the paper work he had before him was a Vacant Building Registrarion Notice indicating Mr. Doyle was being chazged a fee of $200.00 by September 18`�. Mr. Doyle agreed. Steve Magner, Public Health, reported that this property is currently condemned due to the lack of basic facilities. There aze also other problems including defects with the interior wails and ceilings. The buiiding has been condemned since May 22"�. Mr. Magner feels that a reasonable amount of time has passed for the urilities and the building to be restored and reinspected. He indicated there has been some heazsay that the building has been illegally occupied during the period of condemnation. There is also some e�terior violations that are prevalent. A Code Compliance Certificate will be required prior to occupancy. T'hirry days were allowed from the time the file was opened on August 18�`. If the owner has the items completed and the building reinspected by September 18`�, the condemnation will be lifted and occupancy will be allowed. However, if he fails to do so, a Code Compliance inspection will be required. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Doyle how close he is to being finished with the work. Mr. Doyle replied "two weeks" and added that May 27"' is when he ruptured his cal£ He stated that he was in a wheelchair for two months. He began the work about a month ago with a cane. Mr. Strathman indicated he would lay this over until October 7"', stating that if Mr. Doyle has passed an inspecfion and reoccupied the building legally, the appeal for the $200.00 fee will be granted. However, if the building is still vacant or illegally occupied, the appeal will be denied and Mr. Doyle would be required to pay the $200.00. 1579 Sloan The Occupant indicated that the building has been condemned because the owner has neglected responsibilities. The Occupant said he is a single parent/grandparent and cannot afford to move. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he had been in contact with the tenants union. The occupant replied he had not, but that he had contacted the City Housing Information Office and received a list of houses. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he is sfill paying rent at 1579 Sloan. The Occupant responded that he has not since the condemnation notice was issued. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, presented Mr. Strathman with photographs and reported that the vacate date was at the end of August. Ms. Fish indicated that the building is in disrepair - there has been a fire in the building, the general condition is very poor, trash has not been picked up, there is water damage and mold in the building. The builrling is open and compietely trashed. Anyone could enter the building. It doesn't appear this building will be salvaged. The owner is not in the process of making necessary repairs. Mr. Sirathman indicated that he syxnpathized with this situation. However, the building is not secure and gazbage is not being picked up. There is concem that chiidren are living in this building. The Occupant said his unit is clean and that he is just asking for more time. Mr. Strathman reminded the Occupant that he was supposed to have moved out by August 31 Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Fish how dangerous she feels this building is. She indicated that if the 97 i/T.3 city could get the openings boazded and the gazbage picked up it would be habitable until the end of the month. Steve Magner, Public Heaith, indicated that the Pazks department will remove garbage September 16'� or 17�' . A Housing contractor will be visiting the sight September 17"' . An abatement is up. The contractor will secure the building. Another concem is that complaints have been received from neighbors indicating that possible iliegal activities are taking place. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Magner if he had been in the building. Mr. Magner indicated he had been in the ground level, west-side unit. Mr. Strathman extended the time for the Occupant to move out of the building to October 3r 677 Sherbume Pao Vang, owner, appeared requesting more time to make repairs to this building. He indicated he purchased the building which needed many repairs in May, 1996 and has completed most of the work. He is trying to communicate with the former owners. He has applied for a home improvement loan from the City of Saint Paul. Because he is the third owner, the two previous owners must provide signatures in order for him to receive a loan. His efforts to contact the first owner have failed. The second owner has indicated he wiil sign the necessary papers. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, reported the owner is correct in stating that he did inherit a lot of problems when he purchased the building and has done most of the work required He is down to four items, all of which there is no problem extending time for. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Vang how much time he needs to complete these four items. Mr. Vang indicated he would like three to six months. With winter coming, the roof may have to be postponed until Spring. Mr. Strathman granted Mr. Vang a six-month extension to complete the work. 235 East Sixth Street Dave Brooks, owner, appeared indicating he does not have the fmanciai wherewithal at this time to conect the rainleader separation situation. He estimates the cost to be $20,000-$25,000. He and the corporation are borrowed to the ma�c. Mr. Brooks indicated that $2.3 Million was boxrowed to renovate the buiiding and pay $100,000 in back taaces. The bank will not loan anymore money for eighteen months. He indicated he has been a Saint Paul developer for twenty-five years. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, reported that Mr. Brooks has been given five years to correct this siYuation, and it doesn't seem this situation is ever going to be a priority without some pressure from the city. NIr. Brooks indicated this a 50,000 square feet warehouse-type building located in Lowertown that has been vacant fifteen years - five years under his ownership and ten years under the 9� ii�.3 previous ownership. Tenants have just begun to move in. Everything is up to code except the rainleaders. A Certificate of Occupancy has been obtained from the city. Rental dollars are needed to conect the rainleader situation. Mr. Strathman granted a one-year ea�tension. 2001 Dayton Avenue Sharon Suess, representing The Church of St. Mazk, appeared, requesting a two-year eatension in order to raise the estunated $30,000 needed to disconnect the rainleaders. Ms. Suess indicated that the church thought this situation had been conected - that the previous variance was a permanent one. It was their understanding that the $40,000 spent five yeazs ago completed the rainleader disconnect requirement. Mr. Stratl�man asked if there is a storm sewer nearby for the necessary rainleader disconnection. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, indicated that the storm sewer is on the east side of the church and the downspouts aze on the west side. Mr. Vanderhoof presented Mr. Strathman with photographs. He indicated the church was issued a variance in the late 1980's until storm sewer construcrion was complete. At that tnne they requested another variance. Ms. Suess indicated she was not aware of this situation untii August 26�'. Mr. 5trathman granted a variance of one-year to complete the disconnect. The meet3ng was adjourned at 2:43 p.m. Council File # � - r( 3 ("� �': � r�. F � r ; � �r4i�° =. �`°� � '' �'ti `"i r. Presented bv Referred To Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 hereby certifies and approves the September 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Pro�ertv A�pealed 4 315 North Point Douglas Road 5 Decision: Appeal Denied A�_pellant Marvin Hill 6 1264 North Snelling Avenue Makin & Mark El Dweek 7 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Properly will be reinspected when is ready to be occupied. The owner has unfil May 8 31, 1998 to make repairs to the garage. 9 2008 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar 10 Decision: Appeal Withdrawn - Property will be reinspected in 30 days for window and handrail repairs. I 1 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle 12 Decision: Laid Over until October 7, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 13 1574 Sloan Occupant 14 Decision: Appeal Denied - Vacate date asnended to October 3, 1997. 15 b77 Sherburne Pao Vang 16 Decision: Appeal Denied - Six month extension given for repairs. ' 7 235 East Sixth Street 8 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Davld Brooks 9 2001 Dayton Avenue 0 1 Decision: One year extension given to disconnect rainleaders. Green Sheet # �38Cr4'{� N 6o��E5 MINNESOTA 39 Sharon Suess (Church of St. Mark) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom � Harris f Megazd f Morton J Collins � Thune �/ `� O Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � 8 Adopted by Council: Date �� ay \\°��� Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council 9 Adoption Ce ed by Council Sec{�etary $ 10 By: '� \ c�. 1�-� „r�.a,v� y: ----- —�` 11 Approved by Mayor: Date l�s `'S E`�'� 12 By: �� °l'1-��'i 3 2 ° �'1 �1�13 Council OfEices 9J1 GREEN SHEET_ No 60725 �� 266-8620 September 24, 1997 •aawx rureen wn rtoUiixb TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ arvwnox,av ❑ arvannc ❑ nw«:uuaravcFSOOC � wuww�taeam�n ❑ WYOR(wASLSI/Mf) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving decision of the Legislative Hearing 0£ficer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the September 16, 1997 meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION GBCOMMRTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fias this pe�soMfin ever woACed urder a conVact forthis tlepartmmlT YES NO Flas vxs o�eonfirm ever been a ciry emcbYe�'� YES NO Oces this persmlfirm P�%8 a sidtl rrot nomalyW�%� bY �Y curtc�nt cdY �PbY�7 YF_S NO Is Mis pereonlfimi a targetad vendo(t YES NO 8s��€'i+SE " L'����'F �� ; 1'7 1��3 . �TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S 1N0lNG SOURCE COSTRtEYQ7UE BUD6ETED (GRCLE ONE) 11C71YITY NURIBER ra ao I_�a[Nr_qR�s•l�irryti.�r��tr .�Jr�ip; � 9� a�,j Property Code Enforcement Meeting September 16, 1997 Gerry Strathman, Legislarive Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 315 North Point Aouglas Road (Laid over from September 2° Marvin Hill, owner, appeared. Mr. Hiil didn't understand why he received a nofice with respect to painting his house. He stated that he has lived there two yeazs. Don Juenemann, Public Health, presented photographs to Mr. Strathman and reported that he inspected the house on August 11 �' regarding other matters (rats in the area) and noticed the trim on the back of the house was in need of painting. The owner was given until October 1S to take care of this matter. Nfr. Hill said there was no probiem having the trim painted, however, he would like to know "who" reported this situation. Mr. Strathman indicated that under State law that information is confidential. Mr. Hill said he would not paint the trim until next spring, at which time he would paint the entire house. Mr. Strathman advised him that he feit the order directing him to paint the trim by October ls` was proper. He also stated that if Mr. Hill did not take care of this matter further action would be taken. Mr. Sirathman denied the appeal. Mr. Hill indicated he wanted to continue his appeal. Mr. Strathman advised Mr. Hill that he could do so by appearing before the City Council on Wednesday, September 24`� at 430 p.m. 1264 North 5nellin�; Avenue Makin El Dweek, owner, appeared with his son Mark. Mr. EI Dweek advised Mr. Strathman he purchased this property 7une ls` and that damages were noted in the disclosure statement at the time of the purchase. The tenant in the damaged apariment has not paid rent for three months and was asked to be out by midnight, September 16 Mr. Ei Dweek said he agrees with all of the items listed on the inspection report. He would, however, appreciate more time to correct these situa6ons - particularly the garage which is used for storage purposes only. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that the violations are essentialiy maintenance issues. Mr. El Dweek advised that the smoke detector is to be installed on September 30'� and that after the tenant moves out, all repairs, except for the garage, wi11 be made as soon as possible and that he wili call to request a reinspection before occupancy takes place. 91 i�� Mr. Prill advised this would meet with his approval, if the garage remains unoccupied and is repaized by May 31, 1998. The appeal was withdrawn. Mr. Prill granted an extension of time for repairs to be made within the unit until it is ready to be occupied, and an extension far repairs to the gazage unril May 31, 1998. 20�8 Saint Clair Avenue Michael Millar, owner, appeared. He indicated that most repairs have been made. However, due to the age of the house and size of the windows, a special order was needed for the replacements. The order has been placed with Menards and he is requesting more tnne with xespect to this matter. Mr. Millar questions the reason for (1) the need of handrails going downstairs due to the fact there is no longer occupancy in that part of the house, (2) the need for a deadbolt upstairs given the fact a new lock was just placed there and approved by the Ramsey Counry inspector and (3) the need to connect the handsink in the cellaz to the sewer or remove it Mr. Millar said that a plumber indicated a valve above the handsink could be turned off and felt that it should remain there in order far future owners to place a bathroom in that location. Steve Schiller, Public Health, indicated he agrees with an extension being given with respect to the windows. However, he does have a problem with handrails not being installed going downstairs. Even though there is no occupancy in that area, the laundry facilities are downstairs and theze is a danger of someone falling with laundry baskets. Also, the deadbolt he saw in the upstairs back door in the kitchen did not have a flat face, which means it could be bypassed with a knife ar credit cazd. Mr. Millar indicated that the lock Mr. Schiller is referring to is behind the kitchen door. In order to get to that door, you have to enter the building downstairs through another door which has a deadbolt. Mr. Schiller indicated that he wasn't aware that there was another outside deadbolt. Now that he understands that, he agrees there is no need for a new deadbolt on that door. Mr. Schiller also reiterated that he agrees with the plumber to shut the valve above tlie celiar sink and a11ow a 30 day extension far the window replacements. The handrails stiil need to be installed. The appeal was withdrawn. Gerry Stratlunan asked that Messrs. Schiller and Millaz work together to determine a reasonable time schedule for the handraii placement and window replacements to be compieted. 922 Westminster Daniel Doyle, owner, appeared and asked for more time to compiete the repairs, due to the fact that he ruptured his left calf on May 27�' and is doing ail the wark himsel£ Most of the work has been done. He agrees with the inspectors report and is willing to make a11 the necessary repairs. 9� ii�3 Mr. Strathman noted that the paper work he had before him was a Vacant Building Registrarion Notice indicating Mr. Doyle was being chazged a fee of $200.00 by September 18`�. Mr. Doyle agreed. Steve Magner, Public Health, reported that this property is currently condemned due to the lack of basic facilities. There aze also other problems including defects with the interior wails and ceilings. The buiiding has been condemned since May 22"�. Mr. Magner feels that a reasonable amount of time has passed for the urilities and the building to be restored and reinspected. He indicated there has been some heazsay that the building has been illegally occupied during the period of condemnation. There is also some e�terior violations that are prevalent. A Code Compliance Certificate will be required prior to occupancy. T'hirry days were allowed from the time the file was opened on August 18�`. If the owner has the items completed and the building reinspected by September 18`�, the condemnation will be lifted and occupancy will be allowed. However, if he fails to do so, a Code Compliance inspection will be required. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Doyle how close he is to being finished with the work. Mr. Doyle replied "two weeks" and added that May 27"' is when he ruptured his cal£ He stated that he was in a wheelchair for two months. He began the work about a month ago with a cane. Mr. Strathman indicated he would lay this over until October 7"', stating that if Mr. Doyle has passed an inspecfion and reoccupied the building legally, the appeal for the $200.00 fee will be granted. However, if the building is still vacant or illegally occupied, the appeal will be denied and Mr. Doyle would be required to pay the $200.00. 1579 Sloan The Occupant indicated that the building has been condemned because the owner has neglected responsibilities. The Occupant said he is a single parent/grandparent and cannot afford to move. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he had been in contact with the tenants union. The occupant replied he had not, but that he had contacted the City Housing Information Office and received a list of houses. Mr. Strathman asked the Occupant if he is sfill paying rent at 1579 Sloan. The Occupant responded that he has not since the condemnation notice was issued. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, presented Mr. Strathman with photographs and reported that the vacate date was at the end of August. Ms. Fish indicated that the building is in disrepair - there has been a fire in the building, the general condition is very poor, trash has not been picked up, there is water damage and mold in the building. The builrling is open and compietely trashed. Anyone could enter the building. It doesn't appear this building will be salvaged. The owner is not in the process of making necessary repairs. Mr. Sirathman indicated that he syxnpathized with this situation. However, the building is not secure and gazbage is not being picked up. There is concem that chiidren are living in this building. The Occupant said his unit is clean and that he is just asking for more time. Mr. Strathman reminded the Occupant that he was supposed to have moved out by August 31 Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Fish how dangerous she feels this building is. She indicated that if the 97 i/T.3 city could get the openings boazded and the gazbage picked up it would be habitable until the end of the month. Steve Magner, Public Heaith, indicated that the Pazks department will remove garbage September 16'� or 17�' . A Housing contractor will be visiting the sight September 17"' . An abatement is up. The contractor will secure the building. Another concem is that complaints have been received from neighbors indicating that possible iliegal activities are taking place. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Magner if he had been in the building. Mr. Magner indicated he had been in the ground level, west-side unit. Mr. Strathman extended the time for the Occupant to move out of the building to October 3r 677 Sherbume Pao Vang, owner, appeared requesting more time to make repairs to this building. He indicated he purchased the building which needed many repairs in May, 1996 and has completed most of the work. He is trying to communicate with the former owners. He has applied for a home improvement loan from the City of Saint Paul. Because he is the third owner, the two previous owners must provide signatures in order for him to receive a loan. His efforts to contact the first owner have failed. The second owner has indicated he wiil sign the necessary papers. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, reported the owner is correct in stating that he did inherit a lot of problems when he purchased the building and has done most of the work required He is down to four items, all of which there is no problem extending time for. Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Vang how much time he needs to complete these four items. Mr. Vang indicated he would like three to six months. With winter coming, the roof may have to be postponed until Spring. Mr. Strathman granted Mr. Vang a six-month extension to complete the work. 235 East Sixth Street Dave Brooks, owner, appeared indicating he does not have the fmanciai wherewithal at this time to conect the rainleader separation situation. He estimates the cost to be $20,000-$25,000. He and the corporation are borrowed to the ma�c. Mr. Brooks indicated that $2.3 Million was boxrowed to renovate the buiiding and pay $100,000 in back taaces. The bank will not loan anymore money for eighteen months. He indicated he has been a Saint Paul developer for twenty-five years. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, reported that Mr. Brooks has been given five years to correct this siYuation, and it doesn't seem this situation is ever going to be a priority without some pressure from the city. NIr. Brooks indicated this a 50,000 square feet warehouse-type building located in Lowertown that has been vacant fifteen years - five years under his ownership and ten years under the 9� ii�.3 previous ownership. Tenants have just begun to move in. Everything is up to code except the rainleaders. A Certificate of Occupancy has been obtained from the city. Rental dollars are needed to conect the rainleader situation. Mr. Strathman granted a one-year ea�tension. 2001 Dayton Avenue Sharon Suess, representing The Church of St. Mazk, appeared, requesting a two-year eatension in order to raise the estunated $30,000 needed to disconnect the rainleaders. Ms. Suess indicated that the church thought this situation had been conected - that the previous variance was a permanent one. It was their understanding that the $40,000 spent five yeazs ago completed the rainleader disconnect requirement. Mr. Stratl�man asked if there is a storm sewer nearby for the necessary rainleader disconnection. Jim Vanderhoof, Public Works, indicated that the storm sewer is on the east side of the church and the downspouts aze on the west side. Mr. Vanderhoof presented Mr. Strathman with photographs. He indicated the church was issued a variance in the late 1980's until storm sewer construcrion was complete. At that tnne they requested another variance. Ms. Suess indicated she was not aware of this situation untii August 26�'. Mr. 5trathman granted a variance of one-year to complete the disconnect. The meet3ng was adjourned at 2:43 p.m.