97-1172Council File � \� ^��� e1+ ordinance # Green Sheet # 37925 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 r,���� F � L% F"t i , f�'4 i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date : RESOLVED: That applic�t�i,pp�ID #28788, for a Gambling Manager•s License by Valerie Goodman DBA Region IZ Golden Gloves, Inc. at The ManorjCasey's, 2550 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: OEf'ce of License Inspections and Environmental Proteotion By: W.LCY�a::. �3�1� - - - Form ��ed by City I f ep BY � ° !� � rn+/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � � Council $Y� ca-- , Ee�'��4 By � Approved by Mayor: Date � By: � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date � �.y \°��� —� � tizEr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ° � 1 -\\r1� GREEN SHEET 3?925 IN771AL/DATE It01TIAVDATE DEPAkTMENiDIRECTOR �CfTYCOUNCII � G1TY ATTORNEY O CIT' CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUflE) Valerie Goodman DBA Region II Golden Gloves Assoc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License,(ID �k287S8), at The ManorJCasey's, 25 50 W. 7th Street. Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) __ PUWNINGCAMMISSION _ CIVIISEflY10ECOMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DISTqICTCOUFT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCiI OBJEGi1YE? IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUS7 ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: 1. Has this personflirm ever worked under a conVaCt for this department2 YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personrf�rm possess a skill �ot normally possessetl hy a�y current ciry employea? YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet = �?�F&f;�� ; }. y �;. r._ . - �,��; � � 1��$ 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INfOR1.�ATION. (EXPLAIN) ":�.inesota Lczwful Gczmbling Gambling Manager Application �, `„�.��3 n`� � :�=� � i � .`��7 incompfete, false, or misleading app6cation information may resuit in denial of a license. Organization fnformation �,,;� ; OrganizationName ' � - � rG _ _' e� ci. ° ;; �� CEOName 1'� ' - - � (Cannot begamaling manager) DaytimePhone( ' 1 �- � �' .�Qrganaatiort6aseLicenseNo. �• .� � � .�`�� � Gambiin� Manager Information Firsf Name ' ��- Full Middle Name �` Maiden Name ' _ _ _ Date of &rth�_/�_! .�� SodatSecurityNumber ` =� �'- `---� � =� � � � �" _, _- HomeStreetAddress -' �' %� '� '` , , f:{iv � , �',•, . c,�sa DaytimePhoneNUmber( 1 �� y" � - � l became an active member of this organizatian on: /= t attended the two-day gambliag manager seminar on: !_ Disc{osure of Social Security Number You a�e mquired to provide your sociai secu- riry number on this form. Your soaaf secu- rity number will be used to determine your compliance with the tax laws of Minnesota. Aufhonzation far requinng yoor soaal secu- rity number is found at 42 U.S. C. 405(c)(i) BOtt� 111fdCCila�lOi1 A 510,OOQ fidelity bond in favor of the organizatidn has been obta+ned hy Minnesota Statutes, section 349.167, subdivision 1. _� lnsurance Gompany Name: Bond Number. (OQ NOT llSE THE AGENCY NAME) Gamb[ing Manager Change Emergency Ghange - auow up to rve days tor processing The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, affirms that the emergency application is due to the foliowing reason {check one and fill in date): � Death otgambiing manager on �!_1 ❑ pisatrility of gambiing manager on t ! !1t't erminaiion of employment of garnbling manager on _...._���� NOTE: The new gambling manager may �ot assume duties untit he/she has received the gambling manager's license from the Gambling Controi Board. its gambling manager, Uttlef Gt7at1g2 - Atlow up to ten weeks for processing The new gambiing manager's iicense shou4d become effective (check one): ❑ The day after th= current g=mb!i^g marager's licens_ expires (for example, ifthe current gambfing manager's license expires 7/31/96, the new gambling manager's license becomes effective on 8/1l96, provided that ail appGcation informatlon is compiete�. � When the application has been processed by the Gam- bling Control Board--the effective date wdl tre the first day of the monih. NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume duties until hefshe has received a gambling manager's license from the Gambling Control Board. Notary Public Information. Notary Public 8ea! must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscrib d and sworn to before me this 3��3 day of �AY�,�-� � , 19 �, � � ,., ., � r � '� ��SGOTf �;,,•;:��..,-�+ �)C'l� tft30� Board : Lic # °l'1-t�� a� LG212 8/96 Page 1 of 2 � � LastName r.;�.�� ,7°�: �; Checkoneoftheboxes. � Mal> `�,Female �;�\ �' \ , l� �� Ty (continued on b ( � a ' � c y k p ) � __ 3i.��J �,�./ � 1=_!�Y! �� Gambling Manager Application (continned) Affidavit and Cansent Statement: �, I, (pnni name) � +� � _ - _ under oath state that t have never: l. been conv�cted cf a felony or a crime i�voiving gam- bfing; 2. committed a violation of law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation of a Iicense issued by the Board within five years bafore the date of the ficense application; 3. been convicted of a criminaf violation invofving fraud, theft. fax evasion, m+srepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. 5. been connected with nor engaged in an iAegal busi- ness: 6. owed 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined itt section 270.72; 7. had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com- missioner of revenue within the past two years; 8, tai4ed ta fi{e, after demand, tax retums required by the cQmmission8r of reve�ue. in addition, I understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject mat- ter of the attaehed gamb{ing manager license application, or acts oromissions arising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organization and I wili accep4 the serviee of process in any court of coropetent jurisdietimn in Mi�nesota by seroice oR the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorizzd by the faws of Minnesota. By signature af this document, the undersigned authorizes the OepaRments of Public Safety and Revenue to con- duct a criminal and iax background check or review and !o sh2re the *esults wi?h the Gambiing Control Soard. �ailure ta provide required information or providing false or misleading informatron may result in the denial or revocation of the iicense. FURTHER AFFfANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in support of the applicatlon for a gambling manager Ucense from the Gambfing Contral Board. Signature of Gambfing Manager Appticant ; {i. '�- �--,/<� / NotanzedSigna:ure Q(Applic3nt l ``../ �_� u� `" LG212 8J96 Par� "L of Z This pubiication wiff be made availabie in aiternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. If you �se a ITY, you can call us using the Minnesota Relay Service ai 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to piace a call to (612) 639-40�0. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Boardj to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and ruies governing lawfui gambling activities. All of the infor- mation that you supply on this form wili become pubfic information when received by the Boasd. The information requested on this form (including any attachments) wiU be used by the Board to determine your qualifica:ions to be invofved in iawful gambbng activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board m conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this infor- mation, the Soard may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information required, the Board wili be abiQ to process your appii- cation. Your name and address will be public information when received by the Soard. All the other information about you that you provide wilf be private data until the Soard issues your license. When the 8oard issues yQUr license, ail of the information you have provided to the Board in the prncess of appfying for your Dcense wiU become public except for your sociai secunty num- ber, which remains private. If the Board does not issue you a license, all the infor- mation you have provided in the process of appiying for a license remains private, with the except�on of your name and addres5, which wili remain publlc. Private data about you is ava'tlable on4y to the follow- ing: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assig�me�t requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Satety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minne- sota Ccmmissioners cf Administrahon, Firance, ar.� Ravenue; the Legistative Auditor, narional and inter- nat+onal gambling reguiatory agencies; anyone pur- suant to court order; other individuals and agencies that may be specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to such information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone with your written consent. Notary Public information. Notary Pub��c Sea1 must be current and correct seal may not be �e�e��+ Subscrf ed and sworn to before me this � day of �' ,� , 19 %� _ iTE r �-+'1i�et NDTARYFUi��„•;...._ i SCOTT COUiJ"i'�- ���?j '�Y ��Tn Frpims L:�i i i .y:� � �LKk4±.++. «._._... . 1 ��ti1� Council File � \� ^��� e1+ ordinance # Green Sheet # 37925 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 r,���� F � L% F"t i , f�'4 i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date : RESOLVED: That applic�t�i,pp�ID #28788, for a Gambling Manager•s License by Valerie Goodman DBA Region IZ Golden Gloves, Inc. at The ManorjCasey's, 2550 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: OEf'ce of License Inspections and Environmental Proteotion By: W.LCY�a::. �3�1� - - - Form ��ed by City I f ep BY � ° !� � rn+/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � � Council $Y� ca-- , Ee�'��4 By � Approved by Mayor: Date � By: � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date � �.y \°��� —� � tizEr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ° � 1 -\\r1� GREEN SHEET 3?925 IN771AL/DATE It01TIAVDATE DEPAkTMENiDIRECTOR �CfTYCOUNCII � G1TY ATTORNEY O CIT' CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUflE) Valerie Goodman DBA Region II Golden Gloves Assoc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License,(ID �k287S8), at The ManorJCasey's, 25 50 W. 7th Street. Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) __ PUWNINGCAMMISSION _ CIVIISEflY10ECOMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DISTqICTCOUFT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCiI OBJEGi1YE? IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUS7 ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: 1. Has this personflirm ever worked under a conVaCt for this department2 YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personrf�rm possess a skill �ot normally possessetl hy a�y current ciry employea? YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet = �?�F&f;�� ; }. y �;. r._ . - �,��; � � 1��$ 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INfOR1.�ATION. (EXPLAIN) ":�.inesota Lczwful Gczmbling Gambling Manager Application �, `„�.��3 n`� � :�=� � i � .`��7 incompfete, false, or misleading app6cation information may resuit in denial of a license. Organization fnformation �,,;� ; OrganizationName ' � - � rG _ _' e� ci. ° ;; �� CEOName 1'� ' - - � (Cannot begamaling manager) DaytimePhone( ' 1 �- � �' .�Qrganaatiort6aseLicenseNo. �• .� � � .�`�� � Gambiin� Manager Information Firsf Name ' ��- Full Middle Name �` Maiden Name ' _ _ _ Date of &rth�_/�_! .�� SodatSecurityNumber ` =� �'- `---� � =� � � � �" _, _- HomeStreetAddress -' �' %� '� '` , , f:{iv � , �',•, . c,�sa DaytimePhoneNUmber( 1 �� y" � - � l became an active member of this organizatian on: /= t attended the two-day gambliag manager seminar on: !_ Disc{osure of Social Security Number You a�e mquired to provide your sociai secu- riry number on this form. Your soaaf secu- rity number will be used to determine your compliance with the tax laws of Minnesota. Aufhonzation far requinng yoor soaal secu- rity number is found at 42 U.S. C. 405(c)(i) BOtt� 111fdCCila�lOi1 A 510,OOQ fidelity bond in favor of the organizatidn has been obta+ned hy Minnesota Statutes, section 349.167, subdivision 1. _� lnsurance Gompany Name: Bond Number. (OQ NOT llSE THE AGENCY NAME) Gamb[ing Manager Change Emergency Ghange - auow up to rve days tor processing The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, affirms that the emergency application is due to the foliowing reason {check one and fill in date): � Death otgambiing manager on �!_1 ❑ pisatrility of gambiing manager on t ! !1t't erminaiion of employment of garnbling manager on _...._���� NOTE: The new gambling manager may �ot assume duties untit he/she has received the gambling manager's license from the Gambling Controi Board. its gambling manager, Uttlef Gt7at1g2 - Atlow up to ten weeks for processing The new gambiing manager's iicense shou4d become effective (check one): ❑ The day after th= current g=mb!i^g marager's licens_ expires (for example, ifthe current gambfing manager's license expires 7/31/96, the new gambling manager's license becomes effective on 8/1l96, provided that ail appGcation informatlon is compiete�. � When the application has been processed by the Gam- bling Control Board--the effective date wdl tre the first day of the monih. NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume duties until hefshe has received a gambling manager's license from the Gambling Control Board. Notary Public Information. Notary Public 8ea! must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscrib d and sworn to before me this 3��3 day of �AY�,�-� � , 19 �, � � ,., ., � r � '� ��SGOTf �;,,•;:��..,-�+ �)C'l� tft30� Board : Lic # °l'1-t�� a� LG212 8/96 Page 1 of 2 � � LastName r.;�.�� ,7°�: �; Checkoneoftheboxes. � Mal> `�,Female �;�\ �' \ , l� �� Ty (continued on b ( � a ' � c y k p ) � __ 3i.��J �,�./ � 1=_!�Y! �� Gambling Manager Application (continned) Affidavit and Cansent Statement: �, I, (pnni name) � +� � _ - _ under oath state that t have never: l. been conv�cted cf a felony or a crime i�voiving gam- bfing; 2. committed a violation of law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation of a Iicense issued by the Board within five years bafore the date of the ficense application; 3. been convicted of a criminaf violation invofving fraud, theft. fax evasion, m+srepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. 5. been connected with nor engaged in an iAegal busi- ness: 6. owed 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined itt section 270.72; 7. had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com- missioner of revenue within the past two years; 8, tai4ed ta fi{e, after demand, tax retums required by the cQmmission8r of reve�ue. in addition, I understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject mat- ter of the attaehed gamb{ing manager license application, or acts oromissions arising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organization and I wili accep4 the serviee of process in any court of coropetent jurisdietimn in Mi�nesota by seroice oR the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorizzd by the faws of Minnesota. By signature af this document, the undersigned authorizes the OepaRments of Public Safety and Revenue to con- duct a criminal and iax background check or review and !o sh2re the *esults wi?h the Gambiing Control Soard. �ailure ta provide required information or providing false or misleading informatron may result in the denial or revocation of the iicense. FURTHER AFFfANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in support of the applicatlon for a gambling manager Ucense from the Gambfing Contral Board. Signature of Gambfing Manager Appticant ; {i. '�- �--,/<� / NotanzedSigna:ure Q(Applic3nt l ``../ �_� u� `" LG212 8J96 Par� "L of Z This pubiication wiff be made availabie in aiternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. If you �se a ITY, you can call us using the Minnesota Relay Service ai 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to piace a call to (612) 639-40�0. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Boardj to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and ruies governing lawfui gambling activities. All of the infor- mation that you supply on this form wili become pubfic information when received by the Boasd. The information requested on this form (including any attachments) wiU be used by the Board to determine your qualifica:ions to be invofved in iawful gambbng activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board m conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this infor- mation, the Soard may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information required, the Board wili be abiQ to process your appii- cation. Your name and address will be public information when received by the Soard. All the other information about you that you provide wilf be private data until the Soard issues your license. When the 8oard issues yQUr license, ail of the information you have provided to the Board in the prncess of appfying for your Dcense wiU become public except for your sociai secunty num- ber, which remains private. If the Board does not issue you a license, all the infor- mation you have provided in the process of appiying for a license remains private, with the except�on of your name and addres5, which wili remain publlc. Private data about you is ava'tlable on4y to the follow- ing: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assig�me�t requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Satety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minne- sota Ccmmissioners cf Administrahon, Firance, ar.� Ravenue; the Legistative Auditor, narional and inter- nat+onal gambling reguiatory agencies; anyone pur- suant to court order; other individuals and agencies that may be specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to such information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone with your written consent. Notary Public information. Notary Pub��c Sea1 must be current and correct seal may not be �e�e��+ Subscrf ed and sworn to before me this � day of �' ,� , 19 %� _ iTE r �-+'1i�et NDTARYFUi��„•;...._ i SCOTT COUiJ"i'�- ���?j '�Y ��Tn Frpims L:�i i i .y:� � �LKk4±.++. «._._... . 1 ��ti1� Council File � \� ^��� e1+ ordinance # Green Sheet # 37925 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 r,���� F � L% F"t i , f�'4 i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date : RESOLVED: That applic�t�i,pp�ID #28788, for a Gambling Manager•s License by Valerie Goodman DBA Region IZ Golden Gloves, Inc. at The ManorjCasey's, 2550 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: OEf'ce of License Inspections and Environmental Proteotion By: W.LCY�a::. �3�1� - - - Form ��ed by City I f ep BY � ° !� � rn+/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � � Council $Y� ca-- , Ee�'��4 By � Approved by Mayor: Date � By: � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date � �.y \°��� —� � tizEr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ° � 1 -\\r1� GREEN SHEET 3?925 IN771AL/DATE It01TIAVDATE DEPAkTMENiDIRECTOR �CfTYCOUNCII � G1TY ATTORNEY O CIT' CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUflE) Valerie Goodman DBA Region II Golden Gloves Assoc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License,(ID �k287S8), at The ManorJCasey's, 25 50 W. 7th Street. Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) __ PUWNINGCAMMISSION _ CIVIISEflY10ECOMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DISTqICTCOUFT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCiI OBJEGi1YE? IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUS7 ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: 1. Has this personflirm ever worked under a conVaCt for this department2 YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personrf�rm possess a skill �ot normally possessetl hy a�y current ciry employea? YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet = �?�F&f;�� ; }. y �;. r._ . - �,��; � � 1��$ 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDIfeG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INfOR1.�ATION. (EXPLAIN) ":�.inesota Lczwful Gczmbling Gambling Manager Application �, `„�.��3 n`� � :�=� � i � .`��7 incompfete, false, or misleading app6cation information may resuit in denial of a license. Organization fnformation �,,;� ; OrganizationName ' � - � rG _ _' e� ci. ° ;; �� CEOName 1'� ' - - � (Cannot begamaling manager) DaytimePhone( ' 1 �- � �' .�Qrganaatiort6aseLicenseNo. �• .� � � .�`�� � Gambiin� Manager Information Firsf Name ' ��- Full Middle Name �` Maiden Name ' _ _ _ Date of &rth�_/�_! .�� SodatSecurityNumber ` =� �'- `---� � =� � � � �" _, _- HomeStreetAddress -' �' %� '� '` , , f:{iv � , �',•, . c,�sa DaytimePhoneNUmber( 1 �� y" � - � l became an active member of this organizatian on: /= t attended the two-day gambliag manager seminar on: !_ Disc{osure of Social Security Number You a�e mquired to provide your sociai secu- riry number on this form. Your soaaf secu- rity number will be used to determine your compliance with the tax laws of Minnesota. Aufhonzation far requinng yoor soaal secu- rity number is found at 42 U.S. C. 405(c)(i) BOtt� 111fdCCila�lOi1 A 510,OOQ fidelity bond in favor of the organizatidn has been obta+ned hy Minnesota Statutes, section 349.167, subdivision 1. _� lnsurance Gompany Name: Bond Number. (OQ NOT llSE THE AGENCY NAME) Gamb[ing Manager Change Emergency Ghange - auow up to rve days tor processing The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, affirms that the emergency application is due to the foliowing reason {check one and fill in date): � Death otgambiing manager on �!_1 ❑ pisatrility of gambiing manager on t ! !1t't erminaiion of employment of garnbling manager on _...._���� NOTE: The new gambling manager may �ot assume duties untit he/she has received the gambling manager's license from the Gambling Controi Board. its gambling manager, Uttlef Gt7at1g2 - Atlow up to ten weeks for processing The new gambiing manager's iicense shou4d become effective (check one): ❑ The day after th= current g=mb!i^g marager's licens_ expires (for example, ifthe current gambfing manager's license expires 7/31/96, the new gambling manager's license becomes effective on 8/1l96, provided that ail appGcation informatlon is compiete�. � When the application has been processed by the Gam- bling Control Board--the effective date wdl tre the first day of the monih. NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume duties until hefshe has received a gambling manager's license from the Gambling Control Board. Notary Public Information. Notary Public 8ea! must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscrib d and sworn to before me this 3��3 day of �AY�,�-� � , 19 �, � � ,., ., � r � '� ��SGOTf �;,,•;:��..,-�+ �)C'l� tft30� Board : Lic # °l'1-t�� a� LG212 8/96 Page 1 of 2 � � LastName r.;�.�� ,7°�: �; Checkoneoftheboxes. � Mal> `�,Female �;�\ �' \ , l� �� Ty (continued on b ( � a ' � c y k p ) � __ 3i.��J �,�./ � 1=_!�Y! �� Gambling Manager Application (continned) Affidavit and Cansent Statement: �, I, (pnni name) � +� � _ - _ under oath state that t have never: l. been conv�cted cf a felony or a crime i�voiving gam- bfing; 2. committed a violation of law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation of a Iicense issued by the Board within five years bafore the date of the ficense application; 3. been convicted of a criminaf violation invofving fraud, theft. fax evasion, m+srepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. 5. been connected with nor engaged in an iAegal busi- ness: 6. owed 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined itt section 270.72; 7. had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com- missioner of revenue within the past two years; 8, tai4ed ta fi{e, after demand, tax retums required by the cQmmission8r of reve�ue. in addition, I understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to the subject mat- ter of the attaehed gamb{ing manager license application, or acts oromissions arising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organization and I wili accep4 the serviee of process in any court of coropetent jurisdietimn in Mi�nesota by seroice oR the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorizzd by the faws of Minnesota. By signature af this document, the undersigned authorizes the OepaRments of Public Safety and Revenue to con- duct a criminal and iax background check or review and !o sh2re the *esults wi?h the Gambiing Control Soard. �ailure ta provide required information or providing false or misleading informatron may result in the denial or revocation of the iicense. FURTHER AFFfANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submitted in support of the applicatlon for a gambling manager Ucense from the Gambfing Contral Board. Signature of Gambfing Manager Appticant ; {i. '�- �--,/<� / NotanzedSigna:ure Q(Applic3nt l ``../ �_� u� `" LG212 8J96 Par� "L of Z This pubiication wiff be made availabie in aiternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. If you �se a ITY, you can call us using the Minnesota Relay Service ai 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to piace a call to (612) 639-40�0. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Boardj to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and ruies governing lawfui gambling activities. All of the infor- mation that you supply on this form wili become pubfic information when received by the Boasd. The information requested on this form (including any attachments) wiU be used by the Board to determine your qualifica:ions to be invofved in iawful gambbng activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board m conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this infor- mation, the Soard may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information required, the Board wili be abiQ to process your appii- cation. Your name and address will be public information when received by the Soard. All the other information about you that you provide wilf be private data until the Soard issues your license. When the 8oard issues yQUr license, ail of the information you have provided to the Board in the prncess of appfying for your Dcense wiU become public except for your sociai secunty num- ber, which remains private. If the Board does not issue you a license, all the infor- mation you have provided in the process of appiying for a license remains private, with the except�on of your name and addres5, which wili remain publlc. Private data about you is ava'tlable on4y to the follow- ing: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assig�me�t requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Satety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minne- sota Ccmmissioners cf Administrahon, Firance, ar.� Ravenue; the Legistative Auditor, narional and inter- nat+onal gambling reguiatory agencies; anyone pur- suant to court order; other individuals and agencies that may be specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to such information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone with your written consent. Notary Public information. Notary Pub��c Sea1 must be current and correct seal may not be �e�e��+ Subscrf ed and sworn to before me this � day of �' ,� , 19 %� _ iTE r �-+'1i�et NDTARYFUi��„•;...._ i SCOTT COUiJ"i'�- ���?j '�Y ��Tn Frpims L:�i i i .y:� � �LKk4±.++. «._._... . 1 ��ti1�