97-1170council File � �7 -\17 O ordinance $ r' !° � i^.. � � r E . . . � � .. __- Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet � 37920 3G Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �8-00639, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of the Incarnation at the New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Office of License. Inspections and __ Environmental Protection By: ��,UztcQt, ��` WI',s(�t-- Form Approved y City Attorn y \ 1 ` /, By: ZY�/ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by May r for Submission to council BY� - - 2-, � -�,a_._ � + i By: Approved by Mayor: Date ��`bl4 � &y: � � Adopted by Council: Date �„� _ a�_ t��`y ** I3EED COPY INAfEDIATELY ** ���y William F. Gunther - TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a1-���� 3?�2� GREEN SHEET �NITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY C0047CIL Q CITYATfORNEY � CITV CLERK � BUDGET DIRECTOP � FIN, & MGT, SERVICES �IR O MAYOR lOR ASSiSTANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Fr. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �kB-00639, at [he New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue. Approve iA) ar Re�ec[ (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMffTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTC�URT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. DISADVAN7AGESIFNQTAPPROVEO' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TRE FOLLOWING QUESTIQNS: t. Has this personBirm ever worked under a cont2ct for this tlepartmert? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a City employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis personflirm possess a skili not normally po5sessed by any current city employea? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to graen shcet i07AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSVREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO =UNDIftlG SOURCE AC71VIiV NUMBER 9NANCIAL MFORMATION. (EXPLAIf� LG2'14 n�v Efinnesota Iau�fuZ Gamb&ng Premises Pezmit Applicatioa - Part 1 of 2 FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE � PP � FEE CHECK INtflALS DA7E r.:MS;`:�.<.�.._:..�.�x ',:a;r- � "z s ^ '`- � �- ����J' f.i'�' �` s ' T`'� . 5< ,� �.r' , ' .' 'r r - „� - -,� - e n .. Zir.�ort z ...: .: ,. . ,_ ,. ; : ,.... .. ... ..:�. . ._ , .<. . , .......... ... Clazs of premises permit � Renewal (eheck one) Organixation Case t"icense numbet � A($400) PWS-tabs, tipboards. paddfawheeis. rafRes. bingo a New Premises permit nomber � B(5250) Pu4-tabs, tipboards. paddewtiee4s, raffies ❑ C ($200) Bingo only ❑ D f5159) Rafftes onfy G� (d�nct be your phone number 7f appiying for a ciass A or C permiL Sll in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasiorLS: vo more than seven bingo occastons may be conducted by your or�nization per week. Day Be�uitngjEnding $ouzs Day 3egi:uiing/Ending Hours Day Be /Ending Hovs m � tn � � 7tbingo ai21 not bc condueted, check heze � �. F � c ya � ��un�y ..�� w wnowu.v aueer Hooress �m troc use a pest oa�ce ooz ntttnoer7 G 1 � C� ,7-fJL6 "%nf ol ��ieG� I V�` �s ihe premises Iocaied within dry fimiu? Yes u No i# no, is iovmship � orgsnixed n unorgan;zed p«-:incr,,: rzted Cry and C where gambGng premises is bcafed OR Township and CauMy where gambfing premises is bcated if outside of dry Gmits c5 ) /'f)G L !'.4m Cs%�J. � � and ad�ress of legat ovrner of premise4 g-� Ciry State 7rp ( er�,o I�/r,�s�,c,� �� �.�,,�;- �i'- P�y� rrr . � s� your organizaDOn own the building where ihe gambling will be mrducted? � yES � NO If no, attach the foqowing: • a copy of the lease (fwm LG202) with D3rms for at least one year. ' a copy of a sketh of the 9oarpian wiifi dimensions, sMwing what poroon is being leasad. A lease and skeid� are not required fa C7ass D apQficanons. .��� 7 ,di��sr�.�r �,�/s. /'�7� • �`S � o � II � Mittnesota La.wful Gambiing �� ' � �� O Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 AGG�unt � I herety censant ihat bca! law enfcrcement o�cers, the baard a zgents ot tfie bcard, or the �mmissianer cf revenue or pubiic sziery, or agents of the nmmissioners. may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The bo2rd is authcrized ,o inspec[ the bank recrds of ,he gamblir,g acaunt wnanevar necessary to tu�A reauirements ct current gambiing ruies and law. Oath i dedare ihat: •i have rea� :his anpi�cation >nd ail infortna ion submitted :o the'�oard is true, a�urata and c�mplate; -a!i other required intormation fias been fufly oisdcsed; Signaiure of i :�� -i am ihe chief exscutive officer of the organ¢ation; •1 zssume fufl respcnsioility for the ;air znd 12wful opera- ;ion of ail activfties to be randuced; d wiil tamiliariza myself with .he ;�ws of Minnesata goveming iaw(ui gambling and rufes of the board ard agree, ii licensed, to abide by thcsa I�ws and rules. inciuding amendments to tfiem; •ar,y changes in zapiication inform�ion wiil be subrit;ed to tha board and bcal unit of govemment wdhin 10 c�ys oi the cnange; and •I understand thaf fai4ure to provide sequired inform>tion �r pmviding falsa or misleading informaticn may resnit in the eenia{ or revocation af the {icanse. � Date � � t. The t3y'musi sign this applicztion rf the y -arbiing prem- ises is bc2tsd within city limits. 2. The county "AND township'• musi si�n this anpiicatian'rf the gambting prsmises is located withi� a townsnio. 3. The bcai unit government (rty or caunry) must pass a resciution specificatly apQroving ar denying ihis aoplication. Ciry a Counry Name � E� Signature o person receivii ��� .��� Titie G'a-» � F°ro j» c� /.'9a� a. A cooy ei the loczl unit of ocvernnenYS resoluticr, �o- ^rovino'his aoniica+ian mu�t be aYzc^ed'o this aoc�ic2tion 5. If this appiicatian is denied by the bcal unrt of governmsnt, 4 snould nat be submitted to the Gambiing Control Saard. Tewnship: By signature betow, She fewnship sc4cnewledges :hat the organization is appiying ior a premises permit within township limits. �..J Township Name applica5an SignaNre of person receiving aapl�tion "�am Rc�eived � Tide o � a�-Y� � Date Received Refer to the insovcibns fa required aaachments. Mai{ to: Gambt{ng Controi Soard Rosewood P�aza South, 3rd Fioo� »77 W. Counry Road B Roseville, MN 55113 LG216(Part 2) (Rw7249» � � ,���.�i i j'rtan�n�s�� ��i7 P��{i°�/rAo� /��/s C',c=o /�i',i3�- �. .Si tic�'.Ct. �f �' ZE�11.iit �i/c. >�. �"�s - �ssi. G�3/yi,B- �J6.E'. council File � �7 -\17 O ordinance $ r' !° � i^.. � � r E . . . � � .. __- Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet � 37920 3G Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �8-00639, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of the Incarnation at the New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Office of License. Inspections and __ Environmental Protection By: ��,UztcQt, ��` WI',s(�t-- Form Approved y City Attorn y \ 1 ` /, By: ZY�/ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by May r for Submission to council BY� - - 2-, � -�,a_._ � + i By: Approved by Mayor: Date ��`bl4 � &y: � � Adopted by Council: Date �„� _ a�_ t��`y ** I3EED COPY INAfEDIATELY ** ���y William F. Gunther - TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a1-���� 3?�2� GREEN SHEET �NITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY C0047CIL Q CITYATfORNEY � CITV CLERK � BUDGET DIRECTOP � FIN, & MGT, SERVICES �IR O MAYOR lOR ASSiSTANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Fr. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �kB-00639, at [he New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue. Approve iA) ar Re�ec[ (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMffTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTC�URT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. DISADVAN7AGESIFNQTAPPROVEO' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TRE FOLLOWING QUESTIQNS: t. Has this personBirm ever worked under a cont2ct for this tlepartmert? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a City employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis personflirm possess a skili not normally po5sessed by any current city employea? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to graen shcet i07AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSVREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO =UNDIftlG SOURCE AC71VIiV NUMBER 9NANCIAL MFORMATION. (EXPLAIf� LG2'14 n�v Efinnesota Iau�fuZ Gamb&ng Premises Pezmit Applicatioa - Part 1 of 2 FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE � PP � FEE CHECK INtflALS DA7E r.:MS;`:�.<.�.._:..�.�x ',:a;r- � "z s ^ '`- � �- ����J' f.i'�' �` s ' T`'� . 5< ,� �.r' , ' .' 'r r - „� - -,� - e n .. Zir.�ort z ...: .: ,. . ,_ ,. ; : ,.... .. ... ..:�. . ._ , .<. . , .......... ... Clazs of premises permit � Renewal (eheck one) Organixation Case t"icense numbet � A($400) PWS-tabs, tipboards. paddfawheeis. rafRes. bingo a New Premises permit nomber � B(5250) Pu4-tabs, tipboards. paddewtiee4s, raffies ❑ C ($200) Bingo only ❑ D f5159) Rafftes onfy G� (d�nct be your phone number 7f appiying for a ciass A or C permiL Sll in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasiorLS: vo more than seven bingo occastons may be conducted by your or�nization per week. Day Be�uitngjEnding $ouzs Day 3egi:uiing/Ending Hours Day Be /Ending Hovs m � tn � � 7tbingo ai21 not bc condueted, check heze � �. F � c ya � ��un�y ..�� w wnowu.v aueer Hooress �m troc use a pest oa�ce ooz ntttnoer7 G 1 � C� ,7-fJL6 "%nf ol ��ieG� I V�` �s ihe premises Iocaied within dry fimiu? Yes u No i# no, is iovmship � orgsnixed n unorgan;zed p«-:incr,,: rzted Cry and C where gambGng premises is bcafed OR Township and CauMy where gambfing premises is bcated if outside of dry Gmits c5 ) /'f)G L !'.4m Cs%�J. � � and ad�ress of legat ovrner of premise4 g-� Ciry State 7rp ( er�,o I�/r,�s�,c,� �� �.�,,�;- �i'- P�y� rrr . � s� your organizaDOn own the building where ihe gambling will be mrducted? � yES � NO If no, attach the foqowing: • a copy of the lease (fwm LG202) with D3rms for at least one year. ' a copy of a sketh of the 9oarpian wiifi dimensions, sMwing what poroon is being leasad. A lease and skeid� are not required fa C7ass D apQficanons. .��� 7 ,di��sr�.�r �,�/s. /'�7� • �`S � o � II � Mittnesota La.wful Gambiing �� ' � �� O Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 AGG�unt � I herety censant ihat bca! law enfcrcement o�cers, the baard a zgents ot tfie bcard, or the �mmissianer cf revenue or pubiic sziery, or agents of the nmmissioners. may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The bo2rd is authcrized ,o inspec[ the bank recrds of ,he gamblir,g acaunt wnanevar necessary to tu�A reauirements ct current gambiing ruies and law. Oath i dedare ihat: •i have rea� :his anpi�cation >nd ail infortna ion submitted :o the'�oard is true, a�urata and c�mplate; -a!i other required intormation fias been fufly oisdcsed; Signaiure of i :�� -i am ihe chief exscutive officer of the organ¢ation; •1 zssume fufl respcnsioility for the ;air znd 12wful opera- ;ion of ail activfties to be randuced; d wiil tamiliariza myself with .he ;�ws of Minnesata goveming iaw(ui gambling and rufes of the board ard agree, ii licensed, to abide by thcsa I�ws and rules. inciuding amendments to tfiem; •ar,y changes in zapiication inform�ion wiil be subrit;ed to tha board and bcal unit of govemment wdhin 10 c�ys oi the cnange; and •I understand thaf fai4ure to provide sequired inform>tion �r pmviding falsa or misleading informaticn may resnit in the eenia{ or revocation af the {icanse. � Date � � t. The t3y'musi sign this applicztion rf the y -arbiing prem- ises is bc2tsd within city limits. 2. The county "AND township'• musi si�n this anpiicatian'rf the gambting prsmises is located withi� a townsnio. 3. The bcai unit government (rty or caunry) must pass a resciution specificatly apQroving ar denying ihis aoplication. Ciry a Counry Name � E� Signature o person receivii ��� .��� Titie G'a-» � F°ro j» c� /.'9a� a. A cooy ei the loczl unit of ocvernnenYS resoluticr, �o- ^rovino'his aoniica+ian mu�t be aYzc^ed'o this aoc�ic2tion 5. If this appiicatian is denied by the bcal unrt of governmsnt, 4 snould nat be submitted to the Gambiing Control Saard. Tewnship: By signature betow, She fewnship sc4cnewledges :hat the organization is appiying ior a premises permit within township limits. �..J Township Name applica5an SignaNre of person receiving aapl�tion "�am Rc�eived � Tide o � a�-Y� � Date Received Refer to the insovcibns fa required aaachments. Mai{ to: Gambt{ng Controi Soard Rosewood P�aza South, 3rd Fioo� »77 W. Counry Road B Roseville, MN 55113 LG216(Part 2) (Rw7249» � � ,���.�i i j'rtan�n�s�� ��i7 P��{i°�/rAo� /��/s C',c=o /�i',i3�- �. .Si tic�'.Ct. �f �' ZE�11.iit �i/c. >�. �"�s - �ssi. G�3/yi,B- �J6.E'. council File � �7 -\17 O ordinance $ r' !° � i^.. � � r E . . . � � .. __- Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet � 37920 3G Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �8-00639, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of the Incarnation at the New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Office of License. Inspections and __ Environmental Protection By: ��,UztcQt, ��` WI',s(�t-- Form Approved y City Attorn y \ 1 ` /, By: ZY�/ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by May r for Submission to council BY� - - 2-, � -�,a_._ � + i By: Approved by Mayor: Date ��`bl4 � &y: � � Adopted by Council: Date �„� _ a�_ t��`y ** I3EED COPY INAfEDIATELY ** ���y William F. Gunther - TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a1-���� 3?�2� GREEN SHEET �NITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY C0047CIL Q CITYATfORNEY � CITV CLERK � BUDGET DIRECTOP � FIN, & MGT, SERVICES �IR O MAYOR lOR ASSiSTANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Fr. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �kB-00639, at [he New Frontier Saloon, 230 Front Avenue. Approve iA) ar Re�ec[ (R) _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMffTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTC�URT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. DISADVAN7AGESIFNQTAPPROVEO' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TRE FOLLOWING QUESTIQNS: t. Has this personBirm ever worked under a cont2ct for this tlepartmert? YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a City employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis personflirm possess a skili not normally po5sessed by any current city employea? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to graen shcet i07AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSVREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO =UNDIftlG SOURCE AC71VIiV NUMBER 9NANCIAL MFORMATION. (EXPLAIf� LG2'14 n�v Efinnesota Iau�fuZ Gamb&ng Premises Pezmit Applicatioa - Part 1 of 2 FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE � PP � FEE CHECK INtflALS DA7E r.:MS;`:�.<.�.._:..�.�x ',:a;r- � "z s ^ '`- � �- ����J' f.i'�' �` s ' T`'� . 5< ,� �.r' , ' .' 'r r - „� - -,� - e n .. Zir.�ort z ...: .: ,. . ,_ ,. ; : ,.... .. ... ..:�. . ._ , .<. . , .......... ... Clazs of premises permit � Renewal (eheck one) Organixation Case t"icense numbet � A($400) PWS-tabs, tipboards. paddfawheeis. rafRes. bingo a New Premises permit nomber � B(5250) Pu4-tabs, tipboards. paddewtiee4s, raffies ❑ C ($200) Bingo only ❑ D f5159) Rafftes onfy G� (d�nct be your phone number 7f appiying for a ciass A or C permiL Sll in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasiorLS: vo more than seven bingo occastons may be conducted by your or�nization per week. Day Be�uitngjEnding $ouzs Day 3egi:uiing/Ending Hours Day Be /Ending Hovs m � tn � � 7tbingo ai21 not bc condueted, check heze � �. F � c ya � ��un�y ..�� w wnowu.v aueer Hooress �m troc use a pest oa�ce ooz ntttnoer7 G 1 � C� ,7-fJL6 "%nf ol ��ieG� I V�` �s ihe premises Iocaied within dry fimiu? Yes u No i# no, is iovmship � orgsnixed n unorgan;zed p«-:incr,,: rzted Cry and C where gambGng premises is bcafed OR Township and CauMy where gambfing premises is bcated if outside of dry Gmits c5 ) /'f)G L !'.4m Cs%�J. � � and ad�ress of legat ovrner of premise4 g-� Ciry State 7rp ( er�,o I�/r,�s�,c,� �� �.�,,�;- �i'- P�y� rrr . � s� your organizaDOn own the building where ihe gambling will be mrducted? � yES � NO If no, attach the foqowing: • a copy of the lease (fwm LG202) with D3rms for at least one year. ' a copy of a sketh of the 9oarpian wiifi dimensions, sMwing what poroon is being leasad. A lease and skeid� are not required fa C7ass D apQficanons. .��� 7 ,di��sr�.�r �,�/s. /'�7� • �`S � o � II � Mittnesota La.wful Gambiing �� ' � �� O Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 AGG�unt � I herety censant ihat bca! law enfcrcement o�cers, the baard a zgents ot tfie bcard, or the �mmissianer cf revenue or pubiic sziery, or agents of the nmmissioners. may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The bo2rd is authcrized ,o inspec[ the bank recrds of ,he gamblir,g acaunt wnanevar necessary to tu�A reauirements ct current gambiing ruies and law. Oath i dedare ihat: •i have rea� :his anpi�cation >nd ail infortna ion submitted :o the'�oard is true, a�urata and c�mplate; -a!i other required intormation fias been fufly oisdcsed; Signaiure of i :�� -i am ihe chief exscutive officer of the organ¢ation; •1 zssume fufl respcnsioility for the ;air znd 12wful opera- ;ion of ail activfties to be randuced; d wiil tamiliariza myself with .he ;�ws of Minnesata goveming iaw(ui gambling and rufes of the board ard agree, ii licensed, to abide by thcsa I�ws and rules. inciuding amendments to tfiem; •ar,y changes in zapiication inform�ion wiil be subrit;ed to tha board and bcal unit of govemment wdhin 10 c�ys oi the cnange; and •I understand thaf fai4ure to provide sequired inform>tion �r pmviding falsa or misleading informaticn may resnit in the eenia{ or revocation af the {icanse. � Date � � t. The t3y'musi sign this applicztion rf the y -arbiing prem- ises is bc2tsd within city limits. 2. The county "AND township'• musi si�n this anpiicatian'rf the gambting prsmises is located withi� a townsnio. 3. The bcai unit government (rty or caunry) must pass a resciution specificatly apQroving ar denying ihis aoplication. Ciry a Counry Name � E� Signature o person receivii ��� .��� Titie G'a-» � F°ro j» c� /.'9a� a. A cooy ei the loczl unit of ocvernnenYS resoluticr, �o- ^rovino'his aoniica+ian mu�t be aYzc^ed'o this aoc�ic2tion 5. If this appiicatian is denied by the bcal unrt of governmsnt, 4 snould nat be submitted to the Gambiing Control Saard. Tewnship: By signature betow, She fewnship sc4cnewledges :hat the organization is appiying ior a premises permit within township limits. �..J Township Name applica5an SignaNre of person receiving aapl�tion "�am Rc�eived � Tide o � a�-Y� � Date Received Refer to the insovcibns fa required aaachments. Mai{ to: Gambt{ng Controi Soard Rosewood P�aza South, 3rd Fioo� »77 W. Counry Road B Roseville, MN 55113 LG216(Part 2) (Rw7249» � � ,���.�i i j'rtan�n�s�� ��i7 P��{i°�/rAo� /��/s C',c=o /�i',i3�- �. .Si tic�'.Ct. �f �' ZE�11.iit �i/c. >�. �"�s - �ssi. G�3/yi,B- �J6.E'.