97-117� ,�.����,e �, - �. j s j q .� RESOLUTION � F S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted Referred To Council File # �� ��� Green Sheet # `a n3S` sj� Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the January 7, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer: 3 4 5 6 Pro�ertv Ap en aled e ant Sherry Leck, Mary Eciwards, 719Wilson Avenne p�� t Marion and Carolyn Brown Decision: Grant extension to vacate building to �eb�-1�, 1947 ,'� �' 1i "�e , Sa,"�c�y \SS�icS �1�e,^Y,� resol.,��� Feb �ar i�' t`iR'�4. Requested by Depariment o£ ,doption Certified by Council Secretary Y� �prc � Form Approved by C3ty Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �dopted by Council: Date ^! �e, S ��q'� �� f° t ;�~: ^ ` k ^ CITY COUNCII. �r�2�s� � GREEN SHEET �Nmauoa� M GeitySffathnlan266-8575 ASSIGN �C��A �RECTOR � ��RK,` AUST BE ON COUNGL A('iENDA BY (DATE) N�LBER FOR � � ROUTING � BUDGFr DIRECTOFl � FIN, & MGT. SERVIC Dlfl. February 5, 1997 OROER ��� t � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CilON REQUESTEU Approving the decision of the I,egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement AppeaLs for the January 21, 1441 meeting. a _ PIANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMII7EE _ _ STAFF _ _ oI5TFi1CTCAUflT _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNEI MRIATING PEHSONAL SENVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQI.LDWINCa QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personhirm ever worked unaer a contract for this departmenM YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city empioyee? YES NQ 3. Daes this personttirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explain eil yes enswers on separete sheet ena attecM to groen sheet �=,-...-,.`f ' _�.. 'axssu.i _. ... . , .,, e .-.... c�F:�'s' G�,"a � dJ�.�rd R��1'd��* FEB 0� 1a3� g�P.`�tls�� �3��#�'� 4MOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 'aSOURCE .INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) COST(REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO AC7IVITY NUMBEfi q'�—t�� 4���� � � -1 �'1 Property Code Enforcement January 7, 1997 Page - 3 - 719Wilson Avenue Laura 7elinek, attomey representing Sherry Leck, a tenant in unit #3 in the building, appeared and stated that she filed an emergency petition with Housing Court after the building had been condemned. The court ordered that the owner immediately begin repairs on the unit. There was a verification hearing on December 20 and on inspection of the unit, most of the repairs had been completed excegt for the heat. According to the owner, there was a part that needed to be ordered to repair the heat to the unit. Another verification hearing was scheduled in Housing Court for 7anuary 17 if the heat was not yet repaired. She presented orders issued by Housing Court. It was her clienYs desire to remain in the building. Mary Edwards, a tenant in unit #2 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Carolyn Brown, a tenant in unit #1 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Marion Brown, a tenant in unit #5 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She stated that she had the responsibility of keeping the yard and common hallways clean and believed she did a good job. She did not want to haue to find anather place to 1ive. Gregge Johnson, property owner, appeazed and stated that he was appealing the condemnation order. He had made extensive repairs to the building and he believed that he should have been given time to make the necessary repairs rather than the inspector just condemning the building. He stated that there was not a caretaker at the building to handle the probleans and issues which arose. He expiained that there was an ice dam on the roof and that it appeared that the entire roof needed to be replaced. The ice dam caused significant damage to the ceiling in unit #k4 and he was making significant repairs to this unit. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the building was inspected in the spring of 1996 and repairs were ordered to be made at that time. When the building was inspected on December 6, the same type of repairs needed to be made again. She found the conditions in the building to be deplarable. She had suggested to the owner that he hire a caretaker to monitor the hallways and common azeas which seemed to be the most problematic areas. The owner had agreed to hire a caretaker, however, to date, he had failed to do so. She had reinspected the building on December ZO and found that most of the conditions had remained. Since the building had been condemned, a complete inspection would need to be made of the building, including the basement, in order to issue a new certificate of occupancy. Mr. Strathman reviewed the pictures of the property and stated that the conditions appeazed to be rather �im. Based on the Housing Court proceeding, he granted an extension to February 18, 1997 to vacate the building if the tepairs were not made. � ,�.����,e �, - �. j s j q .� RESOLUTION � F S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted Referred To Council File # �� ��� Green Sheet # `a n3S` sj� Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the January 7, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer: 3 4 5 6 Pro�ertv Ap en aled e ant Sherry Leck, Mary Eciwards, 719Wilson Avenne p�� t Marion and Carolyn Brown Decision: Grant extension to vacate building to �eb�-1�, 1947 ,'� �' 1i "�e , Sa,"�c�y \SS�icS �1�e,^Y,� resol.,��� Feb �ar i�' t`iR'�4. Requested by Depariment o£ ,doption Certified by Council Secretary Y� �prc � Form Approved by C3ty Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �dopted by Council: Date ^! �e, S ��q'� �� f° t ;�~: ^ ` k ^ CITY COUNCII. �r�2�s� � GREEN SHEET �Nmauoa� M GeitySffathnlan266-8575 ASSIGN �C��A �RECTOR � ��RK,` AUST BE ON COUNGL A('iENDA BY (DATE) N�LBER FOR � � ROUTING � BUDGFr DIRECTOFl � FIN, & MGT. SERVIC Dlfl. February 5, 1997 OROER ��� t � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CilON REQUESTEU Approving the decision of the I,egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement AppeaLs for the January 21, 1441 meeting. a _ PIANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMII7EE _ _ STAFF _ _ oI5TFi1CTCAUflT _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNEI MRIATING PEHSONAL SENVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQI.LDWINCa QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personhirm ever worked unaer a contract for this departmenM YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city empioyee? YES NQ 3. Daes this personttirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explain eil yes enswers on separete sheet ena attecM to groen sheet �=,-...-,.`f ' _�.. 'axssu.i _. ... . , .,, e .-.... c�F:�'s' G�,"a � dJ�.�rd R��1'd��* FEB 0� 1a3� g�P.`�tls�� �3��#�'� 4MOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 'aSOURCE .INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) COST(REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO AC7IVITY NUMBEfi q'�—t�� 4���� � � -1 �'1 Property Code Enforcement January 7, 1997 Page - 3 - 719Wilson Avenue Laura 7elinek, attomey representing Sherry Leck, a tenant in unit #3 in the building, appeared and stated that she filed an emergency petition with Housing Court after the building had been condemned. The court ordered that the owner immediately begin repairs on the unit. There was a verification hearing on December 20 and on inspection of the unit, most of the repairs had been completed excegt for the heat. According to the owner, there was a part that needed to be ordered to repair the heat to the unit. Another verification hearing was scheduled in Housing Court for 7anuary 17 if the heat was not yet repaired. She presented orders issued by Housing Court. It was her clienYs desire to remain in the building. Mary Edwards, a tenant in unit #2 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Carolyn Brown, a tenant in unit #1 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Marion Brown, a tenant in unit #5 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She stated that she had the responsibility of keeping the yard and common hallways clean and believed she did a good job. She did not want to haue to find anather place to 1ive. Gregge Johnson, property owner, appeazed and stated that he was appealing the condemnation order. He had made extensive repairs to the building and he believed that he should have been given time to make the necessary repairs rather than the inspector just condemning the building. He stated that there was not a caretaker at the building to handle the probleans and issues which arose. He expiained that there was an ice dam on the roof and that it appeared that the entire roof needed to be replaced. The ice dam caused significant damage to the ceiling in unit #k4 and he was making significant repairs to this unit. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the building was inspected in the spring of 1996 and repairs were ordered to be made at that time. When the building was inspected on December 6, the same type of repairs needed to be made again. She found the conditions in the building to be deplarable. She had suggested to the owner that he hire a caretaker to monitor the hallways and common azeas which seemed to be the most problematic areas. The owner had agreed to hire a caretaker, however, to date, he had failed to do so. She had reinspected the building on December ZO and found that most of the conditions had remained. Since the building had been condemned, a complete inspection would need to be made of the building, including the basement, in order to issue a new certificate of occupancy. Mr. Strathman reviewed the pictures of the property and stated that the conditions appeazed to be rather �im. Based on the Housing Court proceeding, he granted an extension to February 18, 1997 to vacate the building if the tepairs were not made. � ,�.����,e �, - �. j s j q .� RESOLUTION � F S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted Referred To Council File # �� ��� Green Sheet # `a n3S` sj� Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the January 7, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer: 3 4 5 6 Pro�ertv Ap en aled e ant Sherry Leck, Mary Eciwards, 719Wilson Avenne p�� t Marion and Carolyn Brown Decision: Grant extension to vacate building to �eb�-1�, 1947 ,'� �' 1i "�e , Sa,"�c�y \SS�icS �1�e,^Y,� resol.,��� Feb �ar i�' t`iR'�4. Requested by Depariment o£ ,doption Certified by Council Secretary Y� �prc � Form Approved by C3ty Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �dopted by Council: Date ^! �e, S ��q'� �� f° t ;�~: ^ ` k ^ CITY COUNCII. �r�2�s� � GREEN SHEET �Nmauoa� M GeitySffathnlan266-8575 ASSIGN �C��A �RECTOR � ��RK,` AUST BE ON COUNGL A('iENDA BY (DATE) N�LBER FOR � � ROUTING � BUDGFr DIRECTOFl � FIN, & MGT. SERVIC Dlfl. February 5, 1997 OROER ��� t � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CilON REQUESTEU Approving the decision of the I,egislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement AppeaLs for the January 21, 1441 meeting. a _ PIANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMII7EE _ _ STAFF _ _ oI5TFi1CTCAUflT _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNEI MRIATING PEHSONAL SENVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FQI.LDWINCa QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personhirm ever worked unaer a contract for this departmenM YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city empioyee? YES NQ 3. Daes this personttirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explain eil yes enswers on separete sheet ena attecM to groen sheet �=,-...-,.`f ' _�.. 'axssu.i _. ... . , .,, e .-.... c�F:�'s' G�,"a � dJ�.�rd R��1'd��* FEB 0� 1a3� g�P.`�tls�� �3��#�'� 4MOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 'aSOURCE .INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) COST(REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO AC7IVITY NUMBEfi q'�—t�� 4���� � � -1 �'1 Property Code Enforcement January 7, 1997 Page - 3 - 719Wilson Avenue Laura 7elinek, attomey representing Sherry Leck, a tenant in unit #3 in the building, appeared and stated that she filed an emergency petition with Housing Court after the building had been condemned. The court ordered that the owner immediately begin repairs on the unit. There was a verification hearing on December 20 and on inspection of the unit, most of the repairs had been completed excegt for the heat. According to the owner, there was a part that needed to be ordered to repair the heat to the unit. Another verification hearing was scheduled in Housing Court for 7anuary 17 if the heat was not yet repaired. She presented orders issued by Housing Court. It was her clienYs desire to remain in the building. Mary Edwards, a tenant in unit #2 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Carolyn Brown, a tenant in unit #1 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She did not want to have to find another place to live. Marion Brown, a tenant in unit #5 in the building, appeared and stated that she was appealing the condemnation order as there was nothing that needed repair in her unit. She stated that she had the responsibility of keeping the yard and common hallways clean and believed she did a good job. She did not want to haue to find anather place to 1ive. Gregge Johnson, property owner, appeazed and stated that he was appealing the condemnation order. He had made extensive repairs to the building and he believed that he should have been given time to make the necessary repairs rather than the inspector just condemning the building. He stated that there was not a caretaker at the building to handle the probleans and issues which arose. He expiained that there was an ice dam on the roof and that it appeared that the entire roof needed to be replaced. The ice dam caused significant damage to the ceiling in unit #k4 and he was making significant repairs to this unit. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the building was inspected in the spring of 1996 and repairs were ordered to be made at that time. When the building was inspected on December 6, the same type of repairs needed to be made again. She found the conditions in the building to be deplarable. She had suggested to the owner that he hire a caretaker to monitor the hallways and common azeas which seemed to be the most problematic areas. The owner had agreed to hire a caretaker, however, to date, he had failed to do so. She had reinspected the building on December ZO and found that most of the conditions had remained. Since the building had been condemned, a complete inspection would need to be made of the building, including the basement, in order to issue a new certificate of occupancy. Mr. Strathman reviewed the pictures of the property and stated that the conditions appeazed to be rather �im. Based on the Housing Court proceeding, he granted an extension to February 18, 1997 to vacate the building if the tepairs were not made.