97-1164Councii File # q*t - 1 l(, l.� t..�� � � � � � d � i €': �� i ��,.� a 1`v t"`�: '�. RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by_ Referred To Green Sheet # G O G Z*j a3 Committee Date 1 Wf�REAS, there is broad-based agreement within the scientific community that global warmiug has begun and 2 could devastate the planet, and that it is the buildup of Carbon Dio�de (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the 3 atmosphere that is causing global warnung and having a profound effect on the Earth's clunate; and 4 WF3EREAS, the buildup of CO2 is primarily due to the combusrion of fossil fuels, and it is scientific opuuon that 5 human-caused fossil fuei emissions aze at least partly to blame for this climate change; and 6 WF the United States is the largest emitter of CO2 and other D eenhouse gas emissions in the world; and 7 WI-IEREAS, cities and counties will be greatly nnpacted by the extreme weather events, such as severe storms, heat 8 waves and floods, associated with global wanning; and 9 WHEREAS, acrions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provide multiple local 10 benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money far the local 11 government, its businesses and its citizens; and 12 WF�REAS, the United States joined with over 160 countries in signing the United Nations Framework Convention 13 on Climate Change in the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, cailing on industrialized nations to reduce theix 14 greenhouse gas emissions to 19901evels by the year 2,000; and l5 WFTEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has already conducted a study of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its ' 6 jurisdiction, and is committed to adopting a green gas emissions reduction target and 'unplemenring a Local Action 7 Plan designed to meet that target; and B WHEREAS, the United States must take a leadership role in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the a Adminisiration and Con�ess are now preparing for the international negotiarions on climate change to take place ) in Kyoto, Japan, later this year; and WfIEREAS, Representatives Giichrist and Waxman have put forward House Concurrent Resolution 106, calling on the United states to take all necessary steps to protect the Earth's climate from global wanning, and to take a leadership role in negotiating an international climate change agreement at the Third Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Clunate Change in Kyoto; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui urges the Congress of the United 5tates of America to support House Concurrent Resolution 106. ��-� ��� Requested by Aepartment of: � Farm Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl BY ��n,._ _ J 3 - _ � BY: � 9pproved by Mayor: Date t t t����' 3 y: � �v �.L� Adopted by Council: Date � o�,-�, c�� `� -._}_ _ � 1 city counoil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/17{97 GREEN SHEET °c� .��,c,`� No sos27 � u �.,.,�.�,� ���— � ❑ �.,� ❑ �„� ❑�.�,Q�.�. ❑�.,�,.�a ❑�,.��,,.�,�, ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGIdATURE) Urging the Congress of ihe United States to Pass Concurrem House Resolution 106 and to actively participate in the intetnarional negouations on climate change. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMM)T�EE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS; Hea this Pe��� erer waked under a confractfor this tlepeitlnenYt YES NO Has thfs persarVflrm ever been a city emObyee? YES NO Doea this P�� P� a sitill not nmmaUYP�� bS �' curteM c"vlY �oYee� YES NO �s tlris peraoNPom a tarpetad venaoR . YES NO G€A�.��i, E���a�s ��� v�� 17 1997 IF APPROVED )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'TfON i COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES f:G] NDINC SOURCE ACTRlITY NUMBER 4NCIAL INFORMA710H (OtPWN) Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI aUG.-la'9'IFR11 13•:0 JUL-03•01 Q6sl5 lra-MROG YfAiNINGTpN FiLE No. 055 �6�29 '97 11=�2 iII� - B_�M4'S1MPH-2�a 5105404787 ratza9�aeo �ob � �� � H. �Q�. � �i�. I ato :a . � . . . ; _�. .r � P.04 P. �u� T-seo v-orn� iab-666 pAf� 1 H.L,Q. ��-��� 1 Mr. f3Lbi','�eer (!he }taeaef4, G� wCtauhai i4�t of w.apown3+l) wN�fitted clan tFJ]a�vinQ aonatu'ens mwAttSork at�iol, wu er#er+�ed te the Commttxaa aa _ CC3NCURRENT RESOLUTIQN �� the aeabe o4 th0 o�F.�b so�adi� r31e ne�gntintiaa of sa iuternatinnal �limate ahaage agraoa►ea� '�Vher� the morit3'A leadlttQ clfzanta eGieatistr, thraugh the Ints�governmentat Paae1 oa Climata C3iaage {IPCCl, . bav� conelnded "that the baleuoa nf ev3denao �u�,testa a discernil�te �.ua�ete inSnanoe aa glubsl c�ime,t,�' ; am«�.rarrct-a � fA7t TRAN�IYHSTw� •��-^_�� Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI allG.-15'4"tFRfl 13 20 /f!I-CI-ii QB:dH FronoMRDG NASHtfIGTON �'}G� No, 455 d6i27 '8T 11:� 1D: F:�lLPDti+SP8.2�! 5105404787 102280t08A P.OS P. ODS T-gpp G.Oi/II Jab-6fl4 PAGE 2 a,t�.c. � � � � � �°'� � �9TE98 th8 ��+ AIId Ot�T 407NAL1�D b0l3188 �SAS�e a7srII8t� t,{�L�+ C�tiRII6ij �fiOuBa e�iOillW6i [tf 4T9El�1G119A g0808 OCCiI� CFnaB [18i�$� tA ODY j�1iAI10 �SE91� 9COit01nY� SY1d 8lSVSl4IIII►dIIt S3ue tA (1S 9hi�8 iII Y�!'36A1f11L81 j3P�dLiB' tl'Plt}► �SLt COtllfl t}31'eiY19n �OL'HI 9�Il� l9�OII� pOOd Bil�ijl�18B� t2� 0�3 lIIYBCiIi$i� ..S`.�"au� C7�+� 1'�� ltl C8g![1A8� i�eaeaec� 'sn exti�e pze�pits�tion, IIooc'�a8, aad . draue�atac; f�l severe deciiAes in iae ui�io�imt aliver�ss� c�i oar tmtiaea, �al�ries, wi�i�, and rvatsur reso�tea clne to sl�ifts in climate: sad {4) riae in aex level svhich [�oalcl �leve�taxe aoaatel a�ees th�'ougb de�t�a�� af adnaitiva �ee�sbea, 800ding of barrier i�leade, eosstal matlezsc�a and idi?7418T�d, �sal0AA9Il clY�n�e £eoi� Bt02Y0. ttdee, �iSd B&1t- Water i=s�rtisi�oti into riverA Olid utitBr lTonhwst�r boclie.� W3ietena tha IPLCC estimatet t�at oasbon dioxlde reteaqed noR wi21 remeia ia th� et�aonphere tor a ceatn�► or sr�m�e; Wherees t6a Nataanal goedam3� of Sc.ianoea has Ycuad ttu�t the eE�iaieney af �aat�aaup aver� end use u!. ae� nsa be i�rnpraved nad t�+at ths Uniud Statss aoutd rednee its gi'@BIIbpD9R �dfi 01t)168IQD8 � lip ��� �BAE 0� 14�Q )848Ii AL I01P tlo6t OT nCt SBViD�B� �s81'6�-° 2'!8� !SLt� +��1Q1QDIIi812� }188 �8� �,0 II.� t4K�S' - AtlIOg18Y - d�IItl j}OvL•y Opt�o219 LO leflti08 $�dlOU68 gd8 emiesiouu in ell eectnrp, induding vebiole�, PpO�� P�� hnitdir�e, sad induatry, wl�ich lae�3�ng eoaaamiete tsave fanad can imprava Unftad E�totes prod,ur.tivity and enxail a net ee�x�omie hea�6tj Whereaa imsteASed ralisaoe cm advxaoed teahao]agieA aviit produo� addietoaat l+eae$ta Aor t6e Baitad 9�ates. aush cte e�q�a,nsioa ot dur ru}e as s Isadiag eRportar of reaewab2a euergp teehaalo�{e4 1wd reduetion in otsr dapeadeuiCg cm fnr�n o�i and btlanc�s af fi�dd dA�eit; ,AUg-21-97 09:16A ICLEI �UG. -15' 9"(FR(I 13:?! J17l-OD-iP 9i:66 FtOn:MRGC WASNINGTON F1LE lVo. O6fi 9627 '87 11�Q3 lD: F:\MP8�d6F8.?� 5105404787 zcueoioea P.06 P. 0a5 T-B97 P.06IlI Job-664 PpGE 3 �.L.�. �'1-�14'� a Wheroea ia 1982 the Sueh Admmietratioa oommittcal to ro•. t,n�ai:tg IInitad 8tates e��� 6� �o� W 1890 isae�s by the yyat �000 usnog non6inding, �luat�sy mAOksaaisQ►s, 9at the Fnergy Tnto�ion grlmtnis�atioa eatimates aaWal �Tnitc+d I�Ke#�ee emi�eions vvill he 15 por. oent ahave 189Q levela in t1301'e8s 2000; snd Who:eae Ciimati ct�saQe ia eat ir�te of globl�t �� ead man be addressed adnquatel;v unlp thrcu�h mnit�at�ral aa- tion: No�, LhareBr�, be !t � ! Rasrilved by tAe Ifouse qf Repttsaentafdvar (the Ssnato 2 ooaau�ring), Ti�at it ie the se:ue at t3�a Catsgresa oi tue 3 IIaited Statee that the United Btaxea should take a]2 a�ae- 4 eeeQa'9 etegx, both dorne�tieaIlF sna iDtea�neiioa�all)*, to Pm. S tect t.he Earth'A clfmate iroas dang+as�ous climat� �henge. b�he United ptates ebould take a issdar�ip ro.le ia nega 7 tiAtiug an intaraetiona! c]uuate �lutiuge a�reemsnt t�sat�-- 8 9 18 11 12 t3 14 1S (2? ountsina Ie�a9y biading ta'e8eta sad tisne- tablee begiaaiaQ s� °,006 fos sodae.iag greenhouae gaa emirtoious subataatially helow 199U 2eveL; (2) psovidsa for participstioa by developia� ns- �.,: ;�. (8) is Faer, eafo�rsable, and prnvidea �tiauo for �,ation� tn ac}iieve Lec,esteuq gi�eeduinee gss rerlue- �,. . ��• .�:_�, , Councii File # q*t - 1 l(, l.� t..�� � � � � � d � i €': �� i ��,.� a 1`v t"`�: '�. RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by_ Referred To Green Sheet # G O G Z*j a3 Committee Date 1 Wf�REAS, there is broad-based agreement within the scientific community that global warmiug has begun and 2 could devastate the planet, and that it is the buildup of Carbon Dio�de (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the 3 atmosphere that is causing global warnung and having a profound effect on the Earth's clunate; and 4 WF3EREAS, the buildup of CO2 is primarily due to the combusrion of fossil fuels, and it is scientific opuuon that 5 human-caused fossil fuei emissions aze at least partly to blame for this climate change; and 6 WF the United States is the largest emitter of CO2 and other D eenhouse gas emissions in the world; and 7 WI-IEREAS, cities and counties will be greatly nnpacted by the extreme weather events, such as severe storms, heat 8 waves and floods, associated with global wanning; and 9 WHEREAS, acrions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provide multiple local 10 benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money far the local 11 government, its businesses and its citizens; and 12 WF�REAS, the United States joined with over 160 countries in signing the United Nations Framework Convention 13 on Climate Change in the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, cailing on industrialized nations to reduce theix 14 greenhouse gas emissions to 19901evels by the year 2,000; and l5 WFTEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has already conducted a study of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its ' 6 jurisdiction, and is committed to adopting a green gas emissions reduction target and 'unplemenring a Local Action 7 Plan designed to meet that target; and B WHEREAS, the United States must take a leadership role in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the a Adminisiration and Con�ess are now preparing for the international negotiarions on climate change to take place ) in Kyoto, Japan, later this year; and WfIEREAS, Representatives Giichrist and Waxman have put forward House Concurrent Resolution 106, calling on the United states to take all necessary steps to protect the Earth's climate from global wanning, and to take a leadership role in negotiating an international climate change agreement at the Third Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Clunate Change in Kyoto; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui urges the Congress of the United 5tates of America to support House Concurrent Resolution 106. ��-� ��� Requested by Aepartment of: � Farm Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl BY ��n,._ _ J 3 - _ � BY: � 9pproved by Mayor: Date t t t����' 3 y: � �v �.L� Adopted by Council: Date � o�,-�, c�� `� -._}_ _ � 1 city counoil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/17{97 GREEN SHEET °c� .��,c,`� No sos27 � u �.,.,�.�,� ���— � ❑ �.,� ❑ �„� ❑�.�,Q�.�. ❑�.,�,.�a ❑�,.��,,.�,�, ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGIdATURE) Urging the Congress of ihe United States to Pass Concurrem House Resolution 106 and to actively participate in the intetnarional negouations on climate change. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMM)T�EE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS; Hea this Pe��� erer waked under a confractfor this tlepeitlnenYt YES NO Has thfs persarVflrm ever been a city emObyee? YES NO Doea this P�� P� a sitill not nmmaUYP�� bS �' curteM c"vlY �oYee� YES NO �s tlris peraoNPom a tarpetad venaoR . YES NO G€A�.��i, E���a�s ��� v�� 17 1997 IF APPROVED )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'TfON i COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES f:G] NDINC SOURCE ACTRlITY NUMBER 4NCIAL INFORMA710H (OtPWN) Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI aUG.-la'9'IFR11 13•:0 JUL-03•01 Q6sl5 lra-MROG YfAiNINGTpN FiLE No. 055 �6�29 '97 11=�2 iII� - B_�M4'S1MPH-2�a 5105404787 ratza9�aeo �ob � �� � H. �Q�. � �i�. I ato :a . � . . . ; _�. .r � P.04 P. �u� T-seo v-orn� iab-666 pAf� 1 H.L,Q. ��-��� 1 Mr. f3Lbi','�eer (!he }taeaef4, G� wCtauhai i4�t of w.apown3+l) wN�fitted clan tFJ]a�vinQ aonatu'ens mwAttSork at�iol, wu er#er+�ed te the Commttxaa aa _ CC3NCURRENT RESOLUTIQN �� the aeabe o4 th0 o�F.�b so�adi� r31e ne�gntintiaa of sa iuternatinnal �limate ahaage agraoa►ea� '�Vher� the morit3'A leadlttQ clfzanta eGieatistr, thraugh the Ints�governmentat Paae1 oa Climata C3iaage {IPCCl, . bav� conelnded "that the baleuoa nf ev3denao �u�,testa a discernil�te �.ua�ete inSnanoe aa glubsl c�ime,t,�' ; am«�.rarrct-a � fA7t TRAN�IYHSTw� •��-^_�� Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI allG.-15'4"tFRfl 13 20 /f!I-CI-ii QB:dH FronoMRDG NASHtfIGTON �'}G� No, 455 d6i27 '8T 11:� 1D: F:�lLPDti+SP8.2�! 5105404787 102280t08A P.OS P. ODS T-gpp G.Oi/II Jab-6fl4 PAGE 2 a,t�.c. � � � � � �°'� � �9TE98 th8 ��+ AIId Ot�T 407NAL1�D b0l3188 �SAS�e a7srII8t� t,{�L�+ C�tiRII6ij �fiOuBa e�iOillW6i [tf 4T9El�1G119A g0808 OCCiI� CFnaB [18i�$� tA ODY j�1iAI10 �SE91� 9COit01nY� SY1d 8lSVSl4IIII►dIIt S3ue tA (1S 9hi�8 iII Y�!'36A1f11L81 j3P�dLiB' tl'Plt}► �SLt COtllfl t}31'eiY19n �OL'HI 9�Il� l9�OII� pOOd Bil�ijl�18B� t2� 0�3 lIIYBCiIi$i� ..S`.�"au� C7�+� 1'�� ltl C8g![1A8� i�eaeaec� 'sn exti�e pze�pits�tion, IIooc'�a8, aad . draue�atac; f�l severe deciiAes in iae ui�io�imt aliver�ss� c�i oar tmtiaea, �al�ries, wi�i�, and rvatsur reso�tea clne to sl�ifts in climate: sad {4) riae in aex level svhich [�oalcl �leve�taxe aoaatel a�ees th�'ougb de�t�a�� af adnaitiva �ee�sbea, 800ding of barrier i�leade, eosstal matlezsc�a and idi?7418T�d, �sal0AA9Il clY�n�e £eoi� Bt02Y0. ttdee, �iSd B&1t- Water i=s�rtisi�oti into riverA Olid utitBr lTonhwst�r boclie.� W3ietena tha IPLCC estimatet t�at oasbon dioxlde reteaqed noR wi21 remeia ia th� et�aonphere tor a ceatn�► or sr�m�e; Wherees t6a Nataanal goedam3� of Sc.ianoea has Ycuad ttu�t the eE�iaieney af �aat�aaup aver� end use u!. ae� nsa be i�rnpraved nad t�+at ths Uniud Statss aoutd rednee its gi'@BIIbpD9R �dfi 01t)168IQD8 � lip ��� �BAE 0� 14�Q )848Ii AL I01P tlo6t OT nCt SBViD�B� �s81'6�-° 2'!8� !SLt� +��1Q1QDIIi812� }188 �8� �,0 II.� t4K�S' - AtlIOg18Y - d�IItl j}OvL•y Opt�o219 LO leflti08 $�dlOU68 gd8 emiesiouu in ell eectnrp, induding vebiole�, PpO�� P�� hnitdir�e, sad induatry, wl�ich lae�3�ng eoaaamiete tsave fanad can imprava Unftad E�totes prod,ur.tivity and enxail a net ee�x�omie hea�6tj Whereaa imsteASed ralisaoe cm advxaoed teahao]agieA aviit produo� addietoaat l+eae$ta Aor t6e Baitad 9�ates. aush cte e�q�a,nsioa ot dur ru}e as s Isadiag eRportar of reaewab2a euergp teehaalo�{e4 1wd reduetion in otsr dapeadeuiCg cm fnr�n o�i and btlanc�s af fi�dd dA�eit; ,AUg-21-97 09:16A ICLEI �UG. -15' 9"(FR(I 13:?! J17l-OD-iP 9i:66 FtOn:MRGC WASNINGTON F1LE lVo. O6fi 9627 '87 11�Q3 lD: F:\MP8�d6F8.?� 5105404787 zcueoioea P.06 P. 0a5 T-B97 P.06IlI Job-664 PpGE 3 �.L.�. �'1-�14'� a Wheroea ia 1982 the Sueh Admmietratioa oommittcal to ro•. t,n�ai:tg IInitad 8tates e��� 6� �o� W 1890 isae�s by the yyat �000 usnog non6inding, �luat�sy mAOksaaisQ►s, 9at the Fnergy Tnto�ion grlmtnis�atioa eatimates aaWal �Tnitc+d I�Ke#�ee emi�eions vvill he 15 por. oent ahave 189Q levela in t1301'e8s 2000; snd Who:eae Ciimati ct�saQe ia eat ir�te of globl�t �� ead man be addressed adnquatel;v unlp thrcu�h mnit�at�ral aa- tion: No�, LhareBr�, be !t � ! Rasrilved by tAe Ifouse qf Repttsaentafdvar (the Ssnato 2 ooaau�ring), Ti�at it ie the se:ue at t3�a Catsgresa oi tue 3 IIaited Statee that the United Btaxea should take a]2 a�ae- 4 eeeQa'9 etegx, both dorne�tieaIlF sna iDtea�neiioa�all)*, to Pm. S tect t.he Earth'A clfmate iroas dang+as�ous climat� �henge. b�he United ptates ebould take a issdar�ip ro.le ia nega 7 tiAtiug an intaraetiona! c]uuate �lutiuge a�reemsnt t�sat�-- 8 9 18 11 12 t3 14 1S (2? ountsina Ie�a9y biading ta'e8eta sad tisne- tablee begiaaiaQ s� °,006 fos sodae.iag greenhouae gaa emirtoious subataatially helow 199U 2eveL; (2) psovidsa for participstioa by developia� ns- �.,: ;�. (8) is Faer, eafo�rsable, and prnvidea �tiauo for �,ation� tn ac}iieve Lec,esteuq gi�eeduinee gss rerlue- �,. . ��• .�:_�, , Councii File # q*t - 1 l(, l.� t..�� � � � � � d � i €': �� i ��,.� a 1`v t"`�: '�. RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by_ Referred To Green Sheet # G O G Z*j a3 Committee Date 1 Wf�REAS, there is broad-based agreement within the scientific community that global warmiug has begun and 2 could devastate the planet, and that it is the buildup of Carbon Dio�de (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the 3 atmosphere that is causing global warnung and having a profound effect on the Earth's clunate; and 4 WF3EREAS, the buildup of CO2 is primarily due to the combusrion of fossil fuels, and it is scientific opuuon that 5 human-caused fossil fuei emissions aze at least partly to blame for this climate change; and 6 WF the United States is the largest emitter of CO2 and other D eenhouse gas emissions in the world; and 7 WI-IEREAS, cities and counties will be greatly nnpacted by the extreme weather events, such as severe storms, heat 8 waves and floods, associated with global wanning; and 9 WHEREAS, acrions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provide multiple local 10 benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money far the local 11 government, its businesses and its citizens; and 12 WF�REAS, the United States joined with over 160 countries in signing the United Nations Framework Convention 13 on Climate Change in the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, cailing on industrialized nations to reduce theix 14 greenhouse gas emissions to 19901evels by the year 2,000; and l5 WFTEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has already conducted a study of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its ' 6 jurisdiction, and is committed to adopting a green gas emissions reduction target and 'unplemenring a Local Action 7 Plan designed to meet that target; and B WHEREAS, the United States must take a leadership role in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the a Adminisiration and Con�ess are now preparing for the international negotiarions on climate change to take place ) in Kyoto, Japan, later this year; and WfIEREAS, Representatives Giichrist and Waxman have put forward House Concurrent Resolution 106, calling on the United states to take all necessary steps to protect the Earth's climate from global wanning, and to take a leadership role in negotiating an international climate change agreement at the Third Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Clunate Change in Kyoto; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui urges the Congress of the United 5tates of America to support House Concurrent Resolution 106. ��-� ��� Requested by Aepartment of: � Farm Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl BY ��n,._ _ J 3 - _ � BY: � 9pproved by Mayor: Date t t t����' 3 y: � �v �.L� Adopted by Council: Date � o�,-�, c�� `� -._}_ _ � 1 city counoil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/17{97 GREEN SHEET °c� .��,c,`� No sos27 � u �.,.,�.�,� ���— � ❑ �.,� ❑ �„� ❑�.�,Q�.�. ❑�.,�,.�a ❑�,.��,,.�,�, ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGIdATURE) Urging the Congress of ihe United States to Pass Concurrem House Resolution 106 and to actively participate in the intetnarional negouations on climate change. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMM)T�EE CNIL SERVICE COMMIS; Hea this Pe��� erer waked under a confractfor this tlepeitlnenYt YES NO Has thfs persarVflrm ever been a city emObyee? YES NO Doea this P�� P� a sitill not nmmaUYP�� bS �' curteM c"vlY �oYee� YES NO �s tlris peraoNPom a tarpetad venaoR . YES NO G€A�.��i, E���a�s ��� v�� 17 1997 IF APPROVED )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'TfON i COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES f:G] NDINC SOURCE ACTRlITY NUMBER 4NCIAL INFORMA710H (OtPWN) Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI aUG.-la'9'IFR11 13•:0 JUL-03•01 Q6sl5 lra-MROG YfAiNINGTpN FiLE No. 055 �6�29 '97 11=�2 iII� - B_�M4'S1MPH-2�a 5105404787 ratza9�aeo �ob � �� � H. �Q�. � �i�. I ato :a . � . . . ; _�. .r � P.04 P. �u� T-seo v-orn� iab-666 pAf� 1 H.L,Q. ��-��� 1 Mr. f3Lbi','�eer (!he }taeaef4, G� wCtauhai i4�t of w.apown3+l) wN�fitted clan tFJ]a�vinQ aonatu'ens mwAttSork at�iol, wu er#er+�ed te the Commttxaa aa _ CC3NCURRENT RESOLUTIQN �� the aeabe o4 th0 o�F.�b so�adi� r31e ne�gntintiaa of sa iuternatinnal �limate ahaage agraoa►ea� '�Vher� the morit3'A leadlttQ clfzanta eGieatistr, thraugh the Ints�governmentat Paae1 oa Climata C3iaage {IPCCl, . bav� conelnded "that the baleuoa nf ev3denao �u�,testa a discernil�te �.ua�ete inSnanoe aa glubsl c�ime,t,�' ; am«�.rarrct-a � fA7t TRAN�IYHSTw� •��-^_�� Aug-21-97 09:16A ICLEI allG.-15'4"tFRfl 13 20 /f!I-CI-ii QB:dH FronoMRDG NASHtfIGTON �'}G� No, 455 d6i27 '8T 11:� 1D: F:�lLPDti+SP8.2�! 5105404787 102280t08A P.OS P. ODS T-gpp G.Oi/II Jab-6fl4 PAGE 2 a,t�.c. � � � � � �°'� � �9TE98 th8 ��+ AIId Ot�T 407NAL1�D b0l3188 �SAS�e a7srII8t� t,{�L�+ C�tiRII6ij �fiOuBa e�iOillW6i [tf 4T9El�1G119A g0808 OCCiI� CFnaB [18i�$� tA ODY j�1iAI10 �SE91� 9COit01nY� SY1d 8lSVSl4IIII►dIIt S3ue tA (1S 9hi�8 iII Y�!'36A1f11L81 j3P�dLiB' tl'Plt}► �SLt COtllfl t}31'eiY19n �OL'HI 9�Il� l9�OII� pOOd Bil�ijl�18B� t2� 0�3 lIIYBCiIi$i� ..S`.�"au� C7�+� 1'�� ltl C8g![1A8� i�eaeaec� 'sn exti�e pze�pits�tion, IIooc'�a8, aad . draue�atac; f�l severe deciiAes in iae ui�io�imt aliver�ss� c�i oar tmtiaea, �al�ries, wi�i�, and rvatsur reso�tea clne to sl�ifts in climate: sad {4) riae in aex level svhich [�oalcl �leve�taxe aoaatel a�ees th�'ougb de�t�a�� af adnaitiva �ee�sbea, 800ding of barrier i�leade, eosstal matlezsc�a and idi?7418T�d, �sal0AA9Il clY�n�e £eoi� Bt02Y0. ttdee, �iSd B&1t- Water i=s�rtisi�oti into riverA Olid utitBr lTonhwst�r boclie.� W3ietena tha IPLCC estimatet t�at oasbon dioxlde reteaqed noR wi21 remeia ia th� et�aonphere tor a ceatn�► or sr�m�e; Wherees t6a Nataanal goedam3� of Sc.ianoea has Ycuad ttu�t the eE�iaieney af �aat�aaup aver� end use u!. ae� nsa be i�rnpraved nad t�+at ths Uniud Statss aoutd rednee its gi'@BIIbpD9R �dfi 01t)168IQD8 � lip ��� �BAE 0� 14�Q )848Ii AL I01P tlo6t OT nCt SBViD�B� �s81'6�-° 2'!8� !SLt� +��1Q1QDIIi812� }188 �8� �,0 II.� t4K�S' - AtlIOg18Y - d�IItl j}OvL•y Opt�o219 LO leflti08 $�dlOU68 gd8 emiesiouu in ell eectnrp, induding vebiole�, PpO�� P�� hnitdir�e, sad induatry, wl�ich lae�3�ng eoaaamiete tsave fanad can imprava Unftad E�totes prod,ur.tivity and enxail a net ee�x�omie hea�6tj Whereaa imsteASed ralisaoe cm advxaoed teahao]agieA aviit produo� addietoaat l+eae$ta Aor t6e Baitad 9�ates. aush cte e�q�a,nsioa ot dur ru}e as s Isadiag eRportar of reaewab2a euergp teehaalo�{e4 1wd reduetion in otsr dapeadeuiCg cm fnr�n o�i and btlanc�s af fi�dd dA�eit; ,AUg-21-97 09:16A ICLEI �UG. -15' 9"(FR(I 13:?! J17l-OD-iP 9i:66 FtOn:MRGC WASNINGTON F1LE lVo. O6fi 9627 '87 11�Q3 lD: F:\MP8�d6F8.?� 5105404787 zcueoioea P.06 P. 0a5 T-B97 P.06IlI Job-664 PpGE 3 �.L.�. �'1-�14'� a Wheroea ia 1982 the Sueh Admmietratioa oommittcal to ro•. t,n�ai:tg IInitad 8tates e��� 6� �o� W 1890 isae�s by the yyat �000 usnog non6inding, �luat�sy mAOksaaisQ►s, 9at the Fnergy Tnto�ion grlmtnis�atioa eatimates aaWal �Tnitc+d I�Ke#�ee emi�eions vvill he 15 por. oent ahave 189Q levela in t1301'e8s 2000; snd Who:eae Ciimati ct�saQe ia eat ir�te of globl�t �� ead man be addressed adnquatel;v unlp thrcu�h mnit�at�ral aa- tion: No�, LhareBr�, be !t � ! Rasrilved by tAe Ifouse qf Repttsaentafdvar (the Ssnato 2 ooaau�ring), Ti�at it ie the se:ue at t3�a Catsgresa oi tue 3 IIaited Statee that the United Btaxea should take a]2 a�ae- 4 eeeQa'9 etegx, both dorne�tieaIlF sna iDtea�neiioa�all)*, to Pm. S tect t.he Earth'A clfmate iroas dang+as�ous climat� �henge. b�he United ptates ebould take a issdar�ip ro.le ia nega 7 tiAtiug an intaraetiona! c]uuate �lutiuge a�reemsnt t�sat�-- 8 9 18 11 12 t3 14 1S (2? ountsina Ie�a9y biading ta'e8eta sad tisne- tablee begiaaiaQ s� °,006 fos sodae.iag greenhouae gaa emirtoious subataatially helow 199U 2eveL; (2) psovidsa for participstioa by developia� ns- �.,: ;�. (8) is Faer, eafo�rsable, and prnvidea �tiauo for �,ation� tn ac}iieve Lec,esteuq gi�eeduinee gss rerlue- �,. . ��• .�:_�, ,