97-1160,��L���� ���r.��l � . �`� �"�� :� ._f �� $ �{ P F � � `.� . . i .r i 3 �\ . .�"1 `,0 Presented by Refened To the Rate of Pay for the classification entitled An Administrative Resolution changing 2 0 7 RESOLUTION PAUL. MINNESOTA Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker Council File # �} -1 p Green Sheet # 40168 t9 Committee Date ltESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker be changed from that set forth in Grade 08U ($ 18.92 per hour) to Grade 12U ($ 19.65 per hour) of the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit O5, Equipment Maimenance, and be it F[JRTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Human Resources Eg: ��,n�.�____� _'*^.� Form Appm by Ci omey By: ������� �t ��1 �, Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary Appmv y Ma r or Submi ion to Council By: �.� �, n-�—BY� c ApprovedbyMayor: Date ��%,'�, \G,`� $ ti v�v � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date '�j�,�-_ �.y �qq� i A / �/ F3uman Resources CQNTACf PER�'+ON & PHONE: M. Fo3ey 266-6484 /�j� MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� September 17, 1997 TOTALtFOF J 2„'_ � G� 'j_ ! i �u DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET xo .: 40168 �/a51 q7 p II�II7W/DATS A1T41iAA7S ,��K i nFSatt�rt�rrr n 3 s_ crtYCOUrrcu, �gg 2 CITYATfORNEY 6_ CTCYCIERK FOR 3 B�DGETDIR� F1N.&IdGT.SERVICEDIIi. ROUTING 4�MAYOR(ORASSf.)l�Ji'_� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ncnox xn.QuasrEn: Approve the request to increase the rate of pay for Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker REIX)�NDATIONS: Appruve CA) a Be1a%C&) ^ PI.ANNWGCOMA4S320N �CIViLSERVICE COASM(33ION CIB COMA�IlTTEE ��� _ DISTRICf COURT SUPPURTS WHICH COUNCII, OBTECRVE? PF.R90NAL SERV[CE CONTAACf3 MUSf ANSWER 7'H6 FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: 1. Hasmiapasod5rmevawaticeduodvawotractforiLindryvt�? Ya No 2. HantAiapaaanM¢mevabeanacit5'emPbyae? Ya No 3. Daesl6is pasm/fvm paaeae a akiii nut normailY P� bY mY � MY moployceT Yes No Ezplata a0 ya reswea on aeparrte eheetaed aG�ch W� aLeet INTfL4TPiG PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUMTY (K7w, What, Wheo, WLere, Whyj: TI76 OpC1'BhOIl Of �18 Clty V8�11CIC 3T331t1LBR3IiCC functions is being consolidated. Supervisors must now cover a larger geographic area with several shops and several shifts instead of one. T'his will inc: ease with more consolidation. This action is the result of placing more responsibility on the Leadworker position at the worksite. Currently the Vehicle Mechanic Leadworkers make about 25 cents per hour more than Mechanics. This is an unrealistically small difference in campensation for the added resaoonsibilitv. nnvaxTncc�ss �nrrxovEn: The Leadworker will provide "hands-on" supervision, advice, and assistance on the shop floor and in separate shops; the Supervisors wiU be better able to deal with workload planning and sisnilaz issues. Tlus is a much more rational and a more cost-effective method of supervising these functions. n�sanvnx�racES � nrraovsn: There will be a slight increase in cost to the City for the salaries of these I,eadworker positions but the City will see a savings as vehicle maintenance consolidation proceeds because, with the leadworkers assuming true leadworker responsibility, the City will not have to hire as many people at the higher paying Vehicie Mechanic Supervisor titles. ntsanv,uv�racrs ta xor.�rrxovEn: The daily operations of the shogs will be less efficient than they couid be because appropriate responsibilities to I.eadworkers and additional5upervisors will have to be hired. This may create costs. f(YfAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: f 3,�IOO avnnvc souxcE: General Ledger GL Fund 250 INANC7AL INFORMAT[QN: (ERPLAIN) cosr�v�rrcJ� suncsrEU: Yes. ncriv►xY �misr.�: 12202 obj«z code: oltl �'.4i �i'di�CZ�a,'�'' j F � _ �L� � � 6d'uT _ ,�. . /� , . j , C �'1 • ���.� CLASS SPECIFICATION REVIEW CLASS SPECIFICATION: INCUNIBIIVT: Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Two incumbents throughout the City. DEPARTMENT AIVI? DIVISION: Public Works and Parks. DATE OF STLIDY: STUDY CONDUCTED BY: 3uly 18, 1997 Michael Foley / j, � APPROVAL OF CLASS. Al\D COMP. MGR.: - f�- (Signature) 5UPERVISOR'S COMIVVIBNTS: (Date) The Program Administrator who leads the garage consolidation project and manages the Public Works and Fire and safety Services garages believes that this is a key position in the consolidation af the garages. Supervisors will need °back up" due to the extensive geography of the garage complexes. They will also need backup during ahsences due to vacadon, meetings, other duties, illness, etc. Reinforcing the supervisory responsibilities already described in this position will fill this gap. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARISON5: �ehicle Mechanic Lead Worker. This class spec describes the responsibility for lead worker functions "on the line" and in the ahsence of the Supervisor. The description of these responsibilities, however, appears ta be subordinate to the technical work. Suggest that the spec be rewritten to emphasize these duties. yghicle Mechanic Sunervisor I and II. These class specs describe full supervision which is not delegated to the L.ead Worker. The class specs aze compatible and not contradictory. The levels of responsibility aze clear in the proposed revision. c�'1 � ���0 h r pad Work r Clas Snecifications. The other Lead Worker class specifications indicate the same level of supervisory responsibility as this position. This position is on the work floor, assigning new work when one project is finished, deciding who is best suited for what tasks, and advising ar getting advice on handling difficult jobs. These responsibilities are normally associated with work leaders. POSTTION COMPARlSONS: Vehicle Mechanic TPad Worker. Positions assigned to this class have not necessarily been held responsible for the supervisory aspects of a lead worker posiflon. Part of ihis is due to the fact that the class spec has not emphasized thess responsihilides and part of it comes from the leadership styles of previous managers and supervisors. Another aspect of this comes from the fact that the position was rated too low for the lead respottsibiliries. Management now wants to enforce those responsibilities. T'he position should be reevaluated. Vehicle Mechanic Sug�rvisor I and II. Positions assigned to these classes have "fuli" supervisory responsibility and are not limited to lead worker responsibilities. This means that these posiUons have respvnsibility for longer range workload planning, complering performance reviews, and more responsibility for discipline, training, etc. There should be no conflict between these positions. Other Crew L.�aders. Other crew leader positions do have responsibility for maldng new assignments and for te�hnical direction. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS: The Q.E.S. analysis supports a pay increase of seventy three (73) cents per hour. RECOM1VfENDATION: It is recommended that the ciass specificadon for this position be revised as on the draft attached and thaY the compensation be increased by seventy three (73) cents per hour. q � - �1�0 Salary Comparisons for Proposed Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Bargaining Unit OS District Lodge # 77 - Machinists Equipment Maintenance Present Rate Crrade 08U (460) Vehicle Mechanic L,ead Worker A (1) 18.92 Pro�osed Rate Grade 12U (960) Vehicle Mechnic Lead Worker A (1) 19.65 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �''� j . VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement oP Duties CODE: 960 BU: OS EFFECTIVE: q� - \\4a Performs lead work directing and paYticipating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing o£ caxs, trucks, and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general and technical guidance of a Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision and work direction directly over vehicle maintenance personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and participates in the timely and accurate determination of the nature and extent o£ malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing and diagnostic devices. Directs and participates in timely and effective road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to veri£y repair work. Directs and participates in the timely and efficient inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance of a11 types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Resolves routine workplace problems without recourse to the Supervisor. Formally reports problems that require attention o£ a Supervisor or manager. Participates in performance appraisals and selection interviews. Completes routine reports as necessary. (continued on xeverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: VEHIGLE MECNANIC LEAD WORKER Page 2 Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assumes the duties af the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of seroicing, repairing and maintaining a variety of vehicles and heavy equipment. Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories, Considerable knowledge of diagnostic and Lesting equipment and procedures related to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Working knowledge of the principles of supervision and human relations. Considerable ski11 in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direcc work. Workiag ability ta resolve routine workplace interpersonal problems and to successfully supervise the work of others Lo ensure timeliness and efficiency. Working ability to make standard reports on work, vehicles, costs, and personnel matters. Working ability to lead mechanics in problem identification and resolution. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivaZent. Must possess a valid Class "A" Comiaercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restrictions for air brakes. Must maintain all licenses and certi£ications. VEFIICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER �1�RENT SPEG TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 960 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07J01/78 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Genexal Statement o£ Duties: G��-t1Go Per£orms lead work directing and participating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of cars, trucks, and specialized equipment; and pex£orms related duties as required. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision directly over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and garticipates in the determination of the nature and extent of malfunctiori or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Directs and participates in road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. May direct and participates in the inspection o£ new vehicles and equipment £or compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance o£ all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assists in the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies. Assumes the duties of the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor as required. K13013LEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gl�R�E�T ���i� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gonsiderable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerble knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direct work. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ltuo years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions oY revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. ���I�i i177y�a1�'��[�i1C_a � � .'S�13 CODE: 961 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07/01f78 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC Q/��t�(i� t General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled mechanical work in the repair, maintenance and servicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and per£orms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a unit superivosr. Su�ervision Exercised: May occasionally direct the work of lower level vehicle maintenance workers or trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, maintains, and services City vehicles and equipment such as trucl:s, automobiles, construction equipmenC, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Determines nature and extent of malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Performs road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. Inspects new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Repairs and maintains all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Develops and modi£ies vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance work. Gonsiderahle knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing, and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Considerable skill in the use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of inechanical systems. Working ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions. Considerable ability to read and follow technical manuals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Successful completion of the Vehicle Mechanic Training Program whi2e a Vehicle Mechanzc Trainee, or completion of a four year auto mechanic apprenticeship program or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two- year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking- related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANIC CODE: 964 BU: 10 EFFEGTIVE: OS/22/96 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory work directing the repair, maintenance and seroicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the division supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Sxercises general supervision over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of inechanics and heipers in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equigment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment and related equipment and accessories, Purchases or requests the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies; participates in estimating supply and equipment needs. Coordinates the work of skilled and semi-skilled vehicle maintenance employees. Plans, directs, and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Performs skilled mechanical work when necessary to alleviate work load or to provide special expertise to a job. Directs the £abrication of parts and tools. Demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. Directs and participates in the inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Completes operating and work reports and maintains service records. Assumes the duties o£ the facility supervisor as required. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I �,�,114� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the tools, material, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, xepairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to supervise and set work priorities. Considerable ability to communicate effectively wiLh supervisors and subordinates. Considerable ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions, Lechnical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or Auto Body Repairman or equivalent; or three yeazs' experience as a Welder if that experience involved fabricating parts for vehicles or heavy equipment in a setting such as the Municipal Garage. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I CODE: 415 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/22/92 TZTLE OF CLASS: SEWER CREW LEADER �1-���.� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Supervises and acts as a leader of a sma11 crew of sewer laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of sewers, manholes, and catchbasins; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Sewer Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision £rom Sewer Supervisor II, III, or the Division Aead. Supervision Exercised: Supervises a sma11 crew of sewer laborers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Leads a sewer crew enga$ed in sewer maintenance activities and construction. Leads the constzuction and repair of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, and tunnel sewers. Leads the cleaning of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, and wet we11s. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and insures that a11 sewer laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the Department. Leads a sewer inspection crew in the inspection of pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, manholes, catchbasins, and other sewer structures. Leads the observance of working hours, starting time, quitting time, and break time. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the operation of flood control facilities. Working knowledge of procedures for the proper and safe repair, cleaning, and maintenance of sewers. (continued on reverse side) SEWER CREW LEADER Page 2 SEWER CREW LEADER Working knowledge of sewer system operation. Considerable ability to supervise and coordinate the work of sewer maintenance crews. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Working ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working ability to read at the ninth grade comprehension level. MINZMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commerciai Driver's License (CDL), with no restriction for airbrakes, with no suspensions or revocations during the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Must have one year of experience as a Sewer Services Worker. i.3�li� Z� i�Li�f��]?I�� 0 CODE: 241 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/16/66 TZTLE OF CLASS: LABOR CREW LEADER DESCRIPTIOI3 OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, is the leader and a working member of a crew of unskilled or semi-skilled laborers; and performs related work as assigned. TYPZCAL DL3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To work as a laborer and to lead a crew engaged in: Wheeling rock and sand to a concrete mixer. Wheeling wet concrete from a mixer and spreading and tamping the concrete. Excavating trenches for curbs to line and grade. Helping in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. Shoveling hot asphalt from trucks, and placing it for asphalt rakers. Cutting out old asphalt on repair work and loading it into trucks. Setting and removing forms for sewers. Driving sheathing. Laying sewer or drainage pipes. Preparing asphalt surfaces for repair work and applying tack coating material. Doing labor work in connection with grading work on streets and alleys and setting grade stakes. Operating water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. Doing labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. Doing street sweeping. Shoveling snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and re£use. Spreading sand, cindezs, and salt. (continued on reverse side) q� - �t�o LABOR CREW LEADER Page 2 LABOR CREW LEADER Removing snow and ice from streets and sidewalks. Stacking or loading pipe, lumber and other supplies. Using picks, wheelbarrows, and other tools as necessary. To see that the instructions and orders of the foreman are carried out, To see that the members of the crew work efficiently and safely. To make time and work reports and to keep record of materials used. To see that tools and equipment are accounted for. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Eighth-grade education and two years' experience as an Unskilled Laborer, or equivalent experience in the City service. LABOR CREW LEADER CODE: 066 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: 03/24J88 TITLE OF GLASS: ���z��,����� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Under supervision, to supervise and to act as a leader of a small crew o£ Sridge Laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of bxidge walks and decks, retaining walls, fencing guardrails, stairways, railings, drainage systems, and painting of railings, stairways, and bridge structural members, etc., in the Public Works Department. Also performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision of the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision from the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II or Division Manager. Suoervision Exercised: Demonstrates and supervises a crew of Bridge Laborers by performing bridge maintenance as the lead worker. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Leads a bridge crew engaged in bridge maintenance activities and construction. Leads the construction and maintenance of bridge decks, retaining walls, stairways, and 6ridge agproaches. Leads the cleaning, sandblasting, and painting o£ bridge structural memhers, stairways, and railings. Leads the repair and installation of new railings, guard rails, and fencing. Leads the cleaning of bridge walks, expansion devices, guard rails, bearings, stairways, and bridge drainage systems. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and ensures that Bridge Laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the department. Leads the bridge crew in snow plowing operations on bridge walks, etc. Leads all joint and cxack sealing operations on bridge decks, walks, and °t1-��c.o (continued on revexse side) BRIDGE CREW LEADER Page 2 BRIDGE CREW LEADER approaches. Leads in concrete removal and regair, structural steel welding and repair as designated by the engineer or the bridge maintenance supervisors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the construction, repair, and maintenance of bridges, walks, fencing, guardrails, stairways, railings, painting, etc. Woricing knowledge of procedures required for safety in the use of sma11 tools, machines, and equipment used in the maintenance of bridges and related structures. Working knowledge of bridge locations within the Bridge Division jurisdiction. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working abi2ity to read at the ninth grade comprehension Ievel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations during the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restriction for airbrakes; must have two years of experience as a Bridge Laborer. BRIAGE CREW LEADER a� -� �c�� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coltman, Mayor July 21, 1997 Gary Schmidt, Business ReQresentative District Lorige # 77 Machinists 1399 Eustis St. Saint Paul, MN 55108 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Ranikon, Directnr 400 CFry Rall Annts 25 West Fourth Svect SaintPaul,Minnesom 55702-1637 Tc4phau: 7pDf17Y.• loblinc: Facsimrk: 612-266-65Q0 672-266-6507 612-266-6302 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicie Mechanic Lead Worker It has been determined that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss these changes. ffI do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increased from $ 1892 per hour to $ 19.65 ciassificatian. I wi(1 be processing a resolution to effect that change. 'I'hank you. �����z Michael Foley �� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. � :;� -;,. ; i ,, <. /� � � ;, i i Y 3; ;'��: t t"�, ;� _ o�tcs oF xcrMnrr xESOUxcFs ���A4y �;r,- CITY' OF SAINT PAUT. Norm Caleman, Maynr TO: Ra�`,zrt Piram, Director Parks and Recreation waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this a FROM: IvTichael Foley ��> � �j��1 Date DATE: Stacy Becker, Director Department of Public Works July 21, 1997 a't - ��`o qq� �ry A� ��� Tekpkane: 672-266-65GY1 25 Wert Founh SYreet 7DD/17Y: 612-266-6507 Sci'u Pav7, Mirv�tsom 55102-2631 Joblint: 612-26�6502 Faarimile: 672-29Z-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker It has been deternuned that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wil] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increa5ed from $ 18.92 per hour to $ 19.65 classification. I will be processing a resolution to effect that change. Name cc: Bob Horrisberger Joseph Reid ,��L���� ���r.��l � . �`� �"�� :� ._f �� $ �{ P F � � `.� . . i .r i 3 �\ . .�"1 `,0 Presented by Refened To the Rate of Pay for the classification entitled An Administrative Resolution changing 2 0 7 RESOLUTION PAUL. MINNESOTA Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker Council File # �} -1 p Green Sheet # 40168 t9 Committee Date ltESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker be changed from that set forth in Grade 08U ($ 18.92 per hour) to Grade 12U ($ 19.65 per hour) of the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit O5, Equipment Maimenance, and be it F[JRTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Human Resources Eg: ��,n�.�____� _'*^.� Form Appm by Ci omey By: ������� �t ��1 �, Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary Appmv y Ma r or Submi ion to Council By: �.� �, n-�—BY� c ApprovedbyMayor: Date ��%,'�, \G,`� $ ti v�v � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date '�j�,�-_ �.y �qq� i A / �/ F3uman Resources CQNTACf PER�'+ON & PHONE: M. Fo3ey 266-6484 /�j� MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� September 17, 1997 TOTALtFOF J 2„'_ � G� 'j_ ! i �u DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET xo .: 40168 �/a51 q7 p II�II7W/DATS A1T41iAA7S ,��K i nFSatt�rt�rrr n 3 s_ crtYCOUrrcu, �gg 2 CITYATfORNEY 6_ CTCYCIERK FOR 3 B�DGETDIR� F1N.&IdGT.SERVICEDIIi. ROUTING 4�MAYOR(ORASSf.)l�Ji'_� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ncnox xn.QuasrEn: Approve the request to increase the rate of pay for Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker REIX)�NDATIONS: Appruve CA) a Be1a%C&) ^ PI.ANNWGCOMA4S320N �CIViLSERVICE COASM(33ION CIB COMA�IlTTEE ��� _ DISTRICf COURT SUPPURTS WHICH COUNCII, OBTECRVE? PF.R90NAL SERV[CE CONTAACf3 MUSf ANSWER 7'H6 FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: 1. Hasmiapasod5rmevawaticeduodvawotractforiLindryvt�? Ya No 2. HantAiapaaanM¢mevabeanacit5'emPbyae? Ya No 3. Daesl6is pasm/fvm paaeae a akiii nut normailY P� bY mY � MY moployceT Yes No Ezplata a0 ya reswea on aeparrte eheetaed aG�ch W� aLeet INTfL4TPiG PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUMTY (K7w, What, Wheo, WLere, Whyj: TI76 OpC1'BhOIl Of �18 Clty V8�11CIC 3T331t1LBR3IiCC functions is being consolidated. Supervisors must now cover a larger geographic area with several shops and several shifts instead of one. T'his will inc: ease with more consolidation. This action is the result of placing more responsibility on the Leadworker position at the worksite. Currently the Vehicle Mechanic Leadworkers make about 25 cents per hour more than Mechanics. This is an unrealistically small difference in campensation for the added resaoonsibilitv. nnvaxTncc�ss �nrrxovEn: The Leadworker will provide "hands-on" supervision, advice, and assistance on the shop floor and in separate shops; the Supervisors wiU be better able to deal with workload planning and sisnilaz issues. Tlus is a much more rational and a more cost-effective method of supervising these functions. n�sanvnx�racES � nrraovsn: There will be a slight increase in cost to the City for the salaries of these I,eadworker positions but the City will see a savings as vehicle maintenance consolidation proceeds because, with the leadworkers assuming true leadworker responsibility, the City will not have to hire as many people at the higher paying Vehicie Mechanic Supervisor titles. ntsanv,uv�racrs ta xor.�rrxovEn: The daily operations of the shogs will be less efficient than they couid be because appropriate responsibilities to I.eadworkers and additional5upervisors will have to be hired. This may create costs. f(YfAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: f 3,�IOO avnnvc souxcE: General Ledger GL Fund 250 INANC7AL INFORMAT[QN: (ERPLAIN) cosr�v�rrcJ� suncsrEU: Yes. ncriv►xY �misr.�: 12202 obj«z code: oltl �'.4i �i'di�CZ�a,'�'' j F � _ �L� � � 6d'uT _ ,�. . /� , . j , C �'1 • ���.� CLASS SPECIFICATION REVIEW CLASS SPECIFICATION: INCUNIBIIVT: Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Two incumbents throughout the City. DEPARTMENT AIVI? DIVISION: Public Works and Parks. DATE OF STLIDY: STUDY CONDUCTED BY: 3uly 18, 1997 Michael Foley / j, � APPROVAL OF CLASS. Al\D COMP. MGR.: - f�- (Signature) 5UPERVISOR'S COMIVVIBNTS: (Date) The Program Administrator who leads the garage consolidation project and manages the Public Works and Fire and safety Services garages believes that this is a key position in the consolidation af the garages. Supervisors will need °back up" due to the extensive geography of the garage complexes. They will also need backup during ahsences due to vacadon, meetings, other duties, illness, etc. Reinforcing the supervisory responsibilities already described in this position will fill this gap. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARISON5: �ehicle Mechanic Lead Worker. This class spec describes the responsibility for lead worker functions "on the line" and in the ahsence of the Supervisor. The description of these responsibilities, however, appears ta be subordinate to the technical work. Suggest that the spec be rewritten to emphasize these duties. yghicle Mechanic Sunervisor I and II. These class specs describe full supervision which is not delegated to the L.ead Worker. The class specs aze compatible and not contradictory. The levels of responsibility aze clear in the proposed revision. c�'1 � ���0 h r pad Work r Clas Snecifications. The other Lead Worker class specifications indicate the same level of supervisory responsibility as this position. This position is on the work floor, assigning new work when one project is finished, deciding who is best suited for what tasks, and advising ar getting advice on handling difficult jobs. These responsibilities are normally associated with work leaders. POSTTION COMPARlSONS: Vehicle Mechanic TPad Worker. Positions assigned to this class have not necessarily been held responsible for the supervisory aspects of a lead worker posiflon. Part of ihis is due to the fact that the class spec has not emphasized thess responsihilides and part of it comes from the leadership styles of previous managers and supervisors. Another aspect of this comes from the fact that the position was rated too low for the lead respottsibiliries. Management now wants to enforce those responsibilities. T'he position should be reevaluated. Vehicle Mechanic Sug�rvisor I and II. Positions assigned to these classes have "fuli" supervisory responsibility and are not limited to lead worker responsibilities. This means that these posiUons have respvnsibility for longer range workload planning, complering performance reviews, and more responsibility for discipline, training, etc. There should be no conflict between these positions. Other Crew L.�aders. Other crew leader positions do have responsibility for maldng new assignments and for te�hnical direction. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS: The Q.E.S. analysis supports a pay increase of seventy three (73) cents per hour. RECOM1VfENDATION: It is recommended that the ciass specificadon for this position be revised as on the draft attached and thaY the compensation be increased by seventy three (73) cents per hour. q � - �1�0 Salary Comparisons for Proposed Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Bargaining Unit OS District Lodge # 77 - Machinists Equipment Maintenance Present Rate Crrade 08U (460) Vehicle Mechanic L,ead Worker A (1) 18.92 Pro�osed Rate Grade 12U (960) Vehicle Mechnic Lead Worker A (1) 19.65 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �''� j . VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement oP Duties CODE: 960 BU: OS EFFECTIVE: q� - \\4a Performs lead work directing and paYticipating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing o£ caxs, trucks, and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general and technical guidance of a Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision and work direction directly over vehicle maintenance personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and participates in the timely and accurate determination of the nature and extent o£ malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing and diagnostic devices. Directs and participates in timely and effective road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to veri£y repair work. Directs and participates in the timely and efficient inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance of a11 types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Resolves routine workplace problems without recourse to the Supervisor. Formally reports problems that require attention o£ a Supervisor or manager. Participates in performance appraisals and selection interviews. Completes routine reports as necessary. (continued on xeverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: VEHIGLE MECNANIC LEAD WORKER Page 2 Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assumes the duties af the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of seroicing, repairing and maintaining a variety of vehicles and heavy equipment. Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories, Considerable knowledge of diagnostic and Lesting equipment and procedures related to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Working knowledge of the principles of supervision and human relations. Considerable ski11 in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direcc work. Workiag ability ta resolve routine workplace interpersonal problems and to successfully supervise the work of others Lo ensure timeliness and efficiency. Working ability to make standard reports on work, vehicles, costs, and personnel matters. Working ability to lead mechanics in problem identification and resolution. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivaZent. Must possess a valid Class "A" Comiaercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restrictions for air brakes. Must maintain all licenses and certi£ications. VEFIICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER �1�RENT SPEG TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 960 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07J01/78 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Genexal Statement o£ Duties: G��-t1Go Per£orms lead work directing and participating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of cars, trucks, and specialized equipment; and pex£orms related duties as required. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision directly over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and garticipates in the determination of the nature and extent of malfunctiori or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Directs and participates in road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. May direct and participates in the inspection o£ new vehicles and equipment £or compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance o£ all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assists in the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies. Assumes the duties of the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor as required. K13013LEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gl�R�E�T ���i� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gonsiderable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerble knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direct work. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ltuo years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions oY revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. ���I�i i177y�a1�'��[�i1C_a � � .'S�13 CODE: 961 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07/01f78 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC Q/��t�(i� t General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled mechanical work in the repair, maintenance and servicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and per£orms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a unit superivosr. Su�ervision Exercised: May occasionally direct the work of lower level vehicle maintenance workers or trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, maintains, and services City vehicles and equipment such as trucl:s, automobiles, construction equipmenC, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Determines nature and extent of malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Performs road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. Inspects new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Repairs and maintains all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Develops and modi£ies vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance work. Gonsiderahle knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing, and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Considerable skill in the use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of inechanical systems. Working ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions. Considerable ability to read and follow technical manuals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Successful completion of the Vehicle Mechanic Training Program whi2e a Vehicle Mechanzc Trainee, or completion of a four year auto mechanic apprenticeship program or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two- year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking- related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANIC CODE: 964 BU: 10 EFFEGTIVE: OS/22/96 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory work directing the repair, maintenance and seroicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the division supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Sxercises general supervision over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of inechanics and heipers in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equigment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment and related equipment and accessories, Purchases or requests the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies; participates in estimating supply and equipment needs. Coordinates the work of skilled and semi-skilled vehicle maintenance employees. Plans, directs, and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Performs skilled mechanical work when necessary to alleviate work load or to provide special expertise to a job. Directs the £abrication of parts and tools. Demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. Directs and participates in the inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Completes operating and work reports and maintains service records. Assumes the duties o£ the facility supervisor as required. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I �,�,114� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the tools, material, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, xepairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to supervise and set work priorities. Considerable ability to communicate effectively wiLh supervisors and subordinates. Considerable ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions, Lechnical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or Auto Body Repairman or equivalent; or three yeazs' experience as a Welder if that experience involved fabricating parts for vehicles or heavy equipment in a setting such as the Municipal Garage. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I CODE: 415 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/22/92 TZTLE OF CLASS: SEWER CREW LEADER �1-���.� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Supervises and acts as a leader of a sma11 crew of sewer laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of sewers, manholes, and catchbasins; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Sewer Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision £rom Sewer Supervisor II, III, or the Division Aead. Supervision Exercised: Supervises a sma11 crew of sewer laborers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Leads a sewer crew enga$ed in sewer maintenance activities and construction. Leads the constzuction and repair of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, and tunnel sewers. Leads the cleaning of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, and wet we11s. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and insures that a11 sewer laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the Department. Leads a sewer inspection crew in the inspection of pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, manholes, catchbasins, and other sewer structures. Leads the observance of working hours, starting time, quitting time, and break time. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the operation of flood control facilities. Working knowledge of procedures for the proper and safe repair, cleaning, and maintenance of sewers. (continued on reverse side) SEWER CREW LEADER Page 2 SEWER CREW LEADER Working knowledge of sewer system operation. Considerable ability to supervise and coordinate the work of sewer maintenance crews. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Working ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working ability to read at the ninth grade comprehension level. MINZMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commerciai Driver's License (CDL), with no restriction for airbrakes, with no suspensions or revocations during the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Must have one year of experience as a Sewer Services Worker. i.3�li� Z� i�Li�f��]?I�� 0 CODE: 241 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/16/66 TZTLE OF CLASS: LABOR CREW LEADER DESCRIPTIOI3 OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, is the leader and a working member of a crew of unskilled or semi-skilled laborers; and performs related work as assigned. TYPZCAL DL3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To work as a laborer and to lead a crew engaged in: Wheeling rock and sand to a concrete mixer. Wheeling wet concrete from a mixer and spreading and tamping the concrete. Excavating trenches for curbs to line and grade. Helping in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. Shoveling hot asphalt from trucks, and placing it for asphalt rakers. Cutting out old asphalt on repair work and loading it into trucks. Setting and removing forms for sewers. Driving sheathing. Laying sewer or drainage pipes. Preparing asphalt surfaces for repair work and applying tack coating material. Doing labor work in connection with grading work on streets and alleys and setting grade stakes. Operating water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. Doing labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. Doing street sweeping. Shoveling snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and re£use. Spreading sand, cindezs, and salt. (continued on reverse side) q� - �t�o LABOR CREW LEADER Page 2 LABOR CREW LEADER Removing snow and ice from streets and sidewalks. Stacking or loading pipe, lumber and other supplies. Using picks, wheelbarrows, and other tools as necessary. To see that the instructions and orders of the foreman are carried out, To see that the members of the crew work efficiently and safely. To make time and work reports and to keep record of materials used. To see that tools and equipment are accounted for. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Eighth-grade education and two years' experience as an Unskilled Laborer, or equivalent experience in the City service. LABOR CREW LEADER CODE: 066 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: 03/24J88 TITLE OF GLASS: ���z��,����� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Under supervision, to supervise and to act as a leader of a small crew o£ Sridge Laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of bxidge walks and decks, retaining walls, fencing guardrails, stairways, railings, drainage systems, and painting of railings, stairways, and bridge structural members, etc., in the Public Works Department. Also performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision of the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision from the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II or Division Manager. Suoervision Exercised: Demonstrates and supervises a crew of Bridge Laborers by performing bridge maintenance as the lead worker. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Leads a bridge crew engaged in bridge maintenance activities and construction. Leads the construction and maintenance of bridge decks, retaining walls, stairways, and 6ridge agproaches. Leads the cleaning, sandblasting, and painting o£ bridge structural memhers, stairways, and railings. Leads the repair and installation of new railings, guard rails, and fencing. Leads the cleaning of bridge walks, expansion devices, guard rails, bearings, stairways, and bridge drainage systems. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and ensures that Bridge Laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the department. Leads the bridge crew in snow plowing operations on bridge walks, etc. Leads all joint and cxack sealing operations on bridge decks, walks, and °t1-��c.o (continued on revexse side) BRIDGE CREW LEADER Page 2 BRIDGE CREW LEADER approaches. Leads in concrete removal and regair, structural steel welding and repair as designated by the engineer or the bridge maintenance supervisors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the construction, repair, and maintenance of bridges, walks, fencing, guardrails, stairways, railings, painting, etc. Woricing knowledge of procedures required for safety in the use of sma11 tools, machines, and equipment used in the maintenance of bridges and related structures. Working knowledge of bridge locations within the Bridge Division jurisdiction. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working abi2ity to read at the ninth grade comprehension Ievel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations during the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restriction for airbrakes; must have two years of experience as a Bridge Laborer. BRIAGE CREW LEADER a� -� �c�� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coltman, Mayor July 21, 1997 Gary Schmidt, Business ReQresentative District Lorige # 77 Machinists 1399 Eustis St. Saint Paul, MN 55108 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Ranikon, Directnr 400 CFry Rall Annts 25 West Fourth Svect SaintPaul,Minnesom 55702-1637 Tc4phau: 7pDf17Y.• loblinc: Facsimrk: 612-266-65Q0 672-266-6507 612-266-6302 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicie Mechanic Lead Worker It has been determined that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss these changes. ffI do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increased from $ 1892 per hour to $ 19.65 ciassificatian. I wi(1 be processing a resolution to effect that change. 'I'hank you. �����z Michael Foley �� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. � :;� -;,. ; i ,, <. /� � � ;, i i Y 3; ;'��: t t"�, ;� _ o�tcs oF xcrMnrr xESOUxcFs ���A4y �;r,- CITY' OF SAINT PAUT. Norm Caleman, Maynr TO: Ra�`,zrt Piram, Director Parks and Recreation waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this a FROM: IvTichael Foley ��> � �j��1 Date DATE: Stacy Becker, Director Department of Public Works July 21, 1997 a't - ��`o qq� �ry A� ��� Tekpkane: 672-266-65GY1 25 Wert Founh SYreet 7DD/17Y: 612-266-6507 Sci'u Pav7, Mirv�tsom 55102-2631 Joblint: 612-26�6502 Faarimile: 672-29Z-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker It has been deternuned that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wil] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increa5ed from $ 18.92 per hour to $ 19.65 classification. I will be processing a resolution to effect that change. Name cc: Bob Horrisberger Joseph Reid ,��L���� ���r.��l � . �`� �"�� :� ._f �� $ �{ P F � � `.� . . i .r i 3 �\ . .�"1 `,0 Presented by Refened To the Rate of Pay for the classification entitled An Administrative Resolution changing 2 0 7 RESOLUTION PAUL. MINNESOTA Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker Council File # �} -1 p Green Sheet # 40168 t9 Committee Date ltESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Vehicle Mechanic Leadworker be changed from that set forth in Grade 08U ($ 18.92 per hour) to Grade 12U ($ 19.65 per hour) of the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit O5, Equipment Maimenance, and be it F[JRTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Human Resources Eg: ��,n�.�____� _'*^.� Form Appm by Ci omey By: ������� �t ��1 �, Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary Appmv y Ma r or Submi ion to Council By: �.� �, n-�—BY� c ApprovedbyMayor: Date ��%,'�, \G,`� $ ti v�v � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date '�j�,�-_ �.y �qq� i A / �/ F3uman Resources CQNTACf PER�'+ON & PHONE: M. Fo3ey 266-6484 /�j� MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� September 17, 1997 TOTALtFOF J 2„'_ � G� 'j_ ! i �u DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET xo .: 40168 �/a51 q7 p II�II7W/DATS A1T41iAA7S ,��K i nFSatt�rt�rrr n 3 s_ crtYCOUrrcu, �gg 2 CITYATfORNEY 6_ CTCYCIERK FOR 3 B�DGETDIR� F1N.&IdGT.SERVICEDIIi. ROUTING 4�MAYOR(ORASSf.)l�Ji'_� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER ncnox xn.QuasrEn: Approve the request to increase the rate of pay for Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker REIX)�NDATIONS: Appruve CA) a Be1a%C&) ^ PI.ANNWGCOMA4S320N �CIViLSERVICE COASM(33ION CIB COMA�IlTTEE ��� _ DISTRICf COURT SUPPURTS WHICH COUNCII, OBTECRVE? PF.R90NAL SERV[CE CONTAACf3 MUSf ANSWER 7'H6 FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: 1. Hasmiapasod5rmevawaticeduodvawotractforiLindryvt�? Ya No 2. HantAiapaaanM¢mevabeanacit5'emPbyae? Ya No 3. Daesl6is pasm/fvm paaeae a akiii nut normailY P� bY mY � MY moployceT Yes No Ezplata a0 ya reswea on aeparrte eheetaed aG�ch W� aLeet INTfL4TPiG PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUMTY (K7w, What, Wheo, WLere, Whyj: TI76 OpC1'BhOIl Of �18 Clty V8�11CIC 3T331t1LBR3IiCC functions is being consolidated. Supervisors must now cover a larger geographic area with several shops and several shifts instead of one. T'his will inc: ease with more consolidation. This action is the result of placing more responsibility on the Leadworker position at the worksite. Currently the Vehicle Mechanic Leadworkers make about 25 cents per hour more than Mechanics. This is an unrealistically small difference in campensation for the added resaoonsibilitv. nnvaxTncc�ss �nrrxovEn: The Leadworker will provide "hands-on" supervision, advice, and assistance on the shop floor and in separate shops; the Supervisors wiU be better able to deal with workload planning and sisnilaz issues. Tlus is a much more rational and a more cost-effective method of supervising these functions. n�sanvnx�racES � nrraovsn: There will be a slight increase in cost to the City for the salaries of these I,eadworker positions but the City will see a savings as vehicle maintenance consolidation proceeds because, with the leadworkers assuming true leadworker responsibility, the City will not have to hire as many people at the higher paying Vehicie Mechanic Supervisor titles. ntsanv,uv�racrs ta xor.�rrxovEn: The daily operations of the shogs will be less efficient than they couid be because appropriate responsibilities to I.eadworkers and additional5upervisors will have to be hired. This may create costs. f(YfAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: f 3,�IOO avnnvc souxcE: General Ledger GL Fund 250 INANC7AL INFORMAT[QN: (ERPLAIN) cosr�v�rrcJ� suncsrEU: Yes. ncriv►xY �misr.�: 12202 obj«z code: oltl �'.4i �i'di�CZ�a,'�'' j F � _ �L� � � 6d'uT _ ,�. . /� , . j , C �'1 • ���.� CLASS SPECIFICATION REVIEW CLASS SPECIFICATION: INCUNIBIIVT: Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Two incumbents throughout the City. DEPARTMENT AIVI? DIVISION: Public Works and Parks. DATE OF STLIDY: STUDY CONDUCTED BY: 3uly 18, 1997 Michael Foley / j, � APPROVAL OF CLASS. Al\D COMP. MGR.: - f�- (Signature) 5UPERVISOR'S COMIVVIBNTS: (Date) The Program Administrator who leads the garage consolidation project and manages the Public Works and Fire and safety Services garages believes that this is a key position in the consolidation af the garages. Supervisors will need °back up" due to the extensive geography of the garage complexes. They will also need backup during ahsences due to vacadon, meetings, other duties, illness, etc. Reinforcing the supervisory responsibilities already described in this position will fill this gap. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARISON5: �ehicle Mechanic Lead Worker. This class spec describes the responsibility for lead worker functions "on the line" and in the ahsence of the Supervisor. The description of these responsibilities, however, appears ta be subordinate to the technical work. Suggest that the spec be rewritten to emphasize these duties. yghicle Mechanic Sunervisor I and II. These class specs describe full supervision which is not delegated to the L.ead Worker. The class specs aze compatible and not contradictory. The levels of responsibility aze clear in the proposed revision. c�'1 � ���0 h r pad Work r Clas Snecifications. The other Lead Worker class specifications indicate the same level of supervisory responsibility as this position. This position is on the work floor, assigning new work when one project is finished, deciding who is best suited for what tasks, and advising ar getting advice on handling difficult jobs. These responsibilities are normally associated with work leaders. POSTTION COMPARlSONS: Vehicle Mechanic TPad Worker. Positions assigned to this class have not necessarily been held responsible for the supervisory aspects of a lead worker posiflon. Part of ihis is due to the fact that the class spec has not emphasized thess responsihilides and part of it comes from the leadership styles of previous managers and supervisors. Another aspect of this comes from the fact that the position was rated too low for the lead respottsibiliries. Management now wants to enforce those responsibilities. T'he position should be reevaluated. Vehicle Mechanic Sug�rvisor I and II. Positions assigned to these classes have "fuli" supervisory responsibility and are not limited to lead worker responsibilities. This means that these posiUons have respvnsibility for longer range workload planning, complering performance reviews, and more responsibility for discipline, training, etc. There should be no conflict between these positions. Other Crew L.�aders. Other crew leader positions do have responsibility for maldng new assignments and for te�hnical direction. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS: The Q.E.S. analysis supports a pay increase of seventy three (73) cents per hour. RECOM1VfENDATION: It is recommended that the ciass specificadon for this position be revised as on the draft attached and thaY the compensation be increased by seventy three (73) cents per hour. q � - �1�0 Salary Comparisons for Proposed Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker Bargaining Unit OS District Lodge # 77 - Machinists Equipment Maintenance Present Rate Crrade 08U (460) Vehicle Mechanic L,ead Worker A (1) 18.92 Pro�osed Rate Grade 12U (960) Vehicle Mechnic Lead Worker A (1) 19.65 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �''� j . VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement oP Duties CODE: 960 BU: OS EFFECTIVE: q� - \\4a Performs lead work directing and paYticipating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing o£ caxs, trucks, and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general and technical guidance of a Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision and work direction directly over vehicle maintenance personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and participates in the timely and accurate determination of the nature and extent o£ malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing and diagnostic devices. Directs and participates in timely and effective road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to veri£y repair work. Directs and participates in the timely and efficient inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance of a11 types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Resolves routine workplace problems without recourse to the Supervisor. Formally reports problems that require attention o£ a Supervisor or manager. Participates in performance appraisals and selection interviews. Completes routine reports as necessary. (continued on xeverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: VEHIGLE MECNANIC LEAD WORKER Page 2 Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assumes the duties af the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I or II as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of seroicing, repairing and maintaining a variety of vehicles and heavy equipment. Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories, Considerable knowledge of diagnostic and Lesting equipment and procedures related to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Working knowledge of the principles of supervision and human relations. Considerable ski11 in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direcc work. Workiag ability ta resolve routine workplace interpersonal problems and to successfully supervise the work of others Lo ensure timeliness and efficiency. Working ability to make standard reports on work, vehicles, costs, and personnel matters. Working ability to lead mechanics in problem identification and resolution. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivaZent. Must possess a valid Class "A" Comiaercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restrictions for air brakes. Must maintain all licenses and certi£ications. VEFIICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER �1�RENT SPEG TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 960 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07J01/78 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Genexal Statement o£ Duties: G��-t1Go Per£orms lead work directing and participating in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of cars, trucks, and specialized equipment; and pex£orms related duties as required. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close supervision directly over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and participates in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Directs and garticipates in the determination of the nature and extent of malfunctiori or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Directs and participates in road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. May direct and participates in the inspection o£ new vehicles and equipment £or compliance with contract specifications. Directs and participates in the repair and maintenance o£ all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Assists in the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies. Assumes the duties of the Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor as required. K13013LEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gl�R�E�T ���i� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKER Gonsiderable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerble knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to direct work. Gonsiderable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ltuo years of experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions oY revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. ���I�i i177y�a1�'��[�i1C_a � � .'S�13 CODE: 961 BU: �5 EFFEGTIVE: 07/01f78 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC Q/��t�(i� t General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled mechanical work in the repair, maintenance and servicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and per£orms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of a unit superivosr. Su�ervision Exercised: May occasionally direct the work of lower level vehicle maintenance workers or trainees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, maintains, and services City vehicles and equipment such as trucl:s, automobiles, construction equipmenC, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment, and related equipment and accessories. Determines nature and extent of malfunction or damage; operates a variety of testing devices. Performs road and diagnostic tests to locate defects in operation or to verify repair work. Inspects new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Repairs and maintains all types of internal combustion engines and accessories. Develops and modi£ies vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the tools, materials, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance work. Gonsiderahle knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repairing, and maintaining municipal vehicles. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANIC Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC Considerable knowledge of inechanical principles and theories. Considerable skill in the use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of inechanical systems. Working ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions. Considerable ability to read and follow technical manuals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Successful completion of the Vehicle Mechanic Training Program whi2e a Vehicle Mechanzc Trainee, or completion of a four year auto mechanic apprenticeship program or equivalent. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations within the two- year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking- related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANIC CODE: 964 BU: 10 EFFEGTIVE: OS/22/96 TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory work directing the repair, maintenance and seroicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the division supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Sxercises general supervision over skilled and semi-skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of inechanics and heipers in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of City vehicles and equigment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment and related equipment and accessories, Purchases or requests the purchase of parts, tools, and supplies; participates in estimating supply and equipment needs. Coordinates the work of skilled and semi-skilled vehicle maintenance employees. Plans, directs, and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Performs skilled mechanical work when necessary to alleviate work load or to provide special expertise to a job. Directs the £abrication of parts and tools. Demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. Directs and participates in the inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Completes operating and work reports and maintains service records. Assumes the duties o£ the facility supervisor as required. (continued on reverse side) VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I �,�,114� Page 2 VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR I KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the tools, material, and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair, and maintenance. Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, xepairing and maintaining municipal vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to supervise and set work priorities. Considerable ability to communicate effectively wiLh supervisors and subordinates. Considerable ability to understand and foZlow complex oral and written instructions, Lechnical manuals, and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or Auto Body Repairman or equivalent; or three yeazs' experience as a Welder if that experience involved fabricating parts for vehicles or heavy equipment in a setting such as the Municipal Garage. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License {CDL} with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded} with no restriction for airbrakes. VEHICLE MECHANZC SUPERVISOR I CODE: 415 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/22/92 TZTLE OF CLASS: SEWER CREW LEADER �1-���.� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Supervises and acts as a leader of a sma11 crew of sewer laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of sewers, manholes, and catchbasins; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Sewer Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision £rom Sewer Supervisor II, III, or the Division Aead. Supervision Exercised: Supervises a sma11 crew of sewer laborers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Leads a sewer crew enga$ed in sewer maintenance activities and construction. Leads the constzuction and repair of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, and tunnel sewers. Leads the cleaning of manholes, catchbasins, pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, and wet we11s. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and insures that a11 sewer laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the Department. Leads a sewer inspection crew in the inspection of pipe sewers, tunnel sewers, manholes, catchbasins, and other sewer structures. Leads the observance of working hours, starting time, quitting time, and break time. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the operation of flood control facilities. Working knowledge of procedures for the proper and safe repair, cleaning, and maintenance of sewers. (continued on reverse side) SEWER CREW LEADER Page 2 SEWER CREW LEADER Working knowledge of sewer system operation. Considerable ability to supervise and coordinate the work of sewer maintenance crews. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Working ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working ability to read at the ninth grade comprehension level. MINZMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commerciai Driver's License (CDL), with no restriction for airbrakes, with no suspensions or revocations during the two year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Must have one year of experience as a Sewer Services Worker. i.3�li� Z� i�Li�f��]?I�� 0 CODE: 241 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: OS/16/66 TZTLE OF CLASS: LABOR CREW LEADER DESCRIPTIOI3 OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, is the leader and a working member of a crew of unskilled or semi-skilled laborers; and performs related work as assigned. TYPZCAL DL3TIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To work as a laborer and to lead a crew engaged in: Wheeling rock and sand to a concrete mixer. Wheeling wet concrete from a mixer and spreading and tamping the concrete. Excavating trenches for curbs to line and grade. Helping in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. Shoveling hot asphalt from trucks, and placing it for asphalt rakers. Cutting out old asphalt on repair work and loading it into trucks. Setting and removing forms for sewers. Driving sheathing. Laying sewer or drainage pipes. Preparing asphalt surfaces for repair work and applying tack coating material. Doing labor work in connection with grading work on streets and alleys and setting grade stakes. Operating water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. Doing labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. Doing street sweeping. Shoveling snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and re£use. Spreading sand, cindezs, and salt. (continued on reverse side) q� - �t�o LABOR CREW LEADER Page 2 LABOR CREW LEADER Removing snow and ice from streets and sidewalks. Stacking or loading pipe, lumber and other supplies. Using picks, wheelbarrows, and other tools as necessary. To see that the instructions and orders of the foreman are carried out, To see that the members of the crew work efficiently and safely. To make time and work reports and to keep record of materials used. To see that tools and equipment are accounted for. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Eighth-grade education and two years' experience as an Unskilled Laborer, or equivalent experience in the City service. LABOR CREW LEADER CODE: 066 BU: 71 EFFECTIVE: 03/24J88 TITLE OF GLASS: ���z��,����� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Under supervision, to supervise and to act as a leader of a small crew o£ Sridge Laborers in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of bxidge walks and decks, retaining walls, fencing guardrails, stairways, railings, drainage systems, and painting of railings, stairways, and bridge structural members, etc., in the Public Works Department. Also performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under close supervision of the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and receives administrative supervision from the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II or Division Manager. Suoervision Exercised: Demonstrates and supervises a crew of Bridge Laborers by performing bridge maintenance as the lead worker. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Leads a bridge crew engaged in bridge maintenance activities and construction. Leads the construction and maintenance of bridge decks, retaining walls, stairways, and 6ridge agproaches. Leads the cleaning, sandblasting, and painting o£ bridge structural memhers, stairways, and railings. Leads the repair and installation of new railings, guard rails, and fencing. Leads the cleaning of bridge walks, expansion devices, guard rails, bearings, stairways, and bridge drainage systems. Demonstrates safe work procedures and methods and ensures that Bridge Laborers wear the required safety equipment issued by the department. Leads the bridge crew in snow plowing operations on bridge walks, etc. Leads all joint and cxack sealing operations on bridge decks, walks, and °t1-��c.o (continued on revexse side) BRIDGE CREW LEADER Page 2 BRIDGE CREW LEADER approaches. Leads in concrete removal and regair, structural steel welding and repair as designated by the engineer or the bridge maintenance supervisors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used in the construction, repair, and maintenance of bridges, walks, fencing, guardrails, stairways, railings, painting, etc. Woricing knowledge of procedures required for safety in the use of sma11 tools, machines, and equipment used in the maintenance of bridges and related structures. Working knowledge of bridge locations within the Bridge Division jurisdiction. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Working abi2ity to read at the ninth grade comprehension Ievel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must have a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with no suspensions or revocations during the two-year period prior to the date of appointment {suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded) with no restriction for airbrakes; must have two years of experience as a Bridge Laborer. BRIAGE CREW LEADER a� -� �c�� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coltman, Mayor July 21, 1997 Gary Schmidt, Business ReQresentative District Lorige # 77 Machinists 1399 Eustis St. Saint Paul, MN 55108 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Ranikon, Directnr 400 CFry Rall Annts 25 West Fourth Svect SaintPaul,Minnesom 55702-1637 Tc4phau: 7pDf17Y.• loblinc: Facsimrk: 612-266-65Q0 672-266-6507 612-266-6302 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicie Mechanic Lead Worker It has been determined that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss these changes. ffI do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increased from $ 1892 per hour to $ 19.65 ciassificatian. I wi(1 be processing a resolution to effect that change. 'I'hank you. �����z Michael Foley �� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. � :;� -;,. ; i ,, <. /� � � ;, i i Y 3; ;'��: t t"�, ;� _ o�tcs oF xcrMnrr xESOUxcFs ���A4y �;r,- CITY' OF SAINT PAUT. Norm Caleman, Maynr TO: Ra�`,zrt Piram, Director Parks and Recreation waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this a FROM: IvTichael Foley ��> � �j��1 Date DATE: Stacy Becker, Director Department of Public Works July 21, 1997 a't - ��`o qq� �ry A� ��� Tekpkane: 672-266-65GY1 25 Wert Founh SYreet 7DD/17Y: 612-266-6507 Sci'u Pav7, Mirv�tsom 55102-2631 Joblint: 612-26�6502 Faarimile: 672-29Z-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Vehicle Mechanic Lead Worker It has been deternuned that the class specification of Vehicle Maintenance Lead Worker should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wil] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We have also deternuned that the position should have its compensation increa5ed from $ 18.92 per hour to $ 19.65 classification. I will be processing a resolution to effect that change. Name cc: Bob Horrisberger Joseph Reid