97-1152Council File # / 7 ��-� � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Gxeen Sheet # �R559 CIT F S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �y .__ � 1 Committee: Date WHEftEA5, in 1997 the assessment rate for street paving, including curb and gutter, in eonneetion with the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP) was $23.83 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS; in 1997 the assessment rate for the modified lantern style lighting was $4.21 per assessable Foot, and the alternative bent straw ]ighting was $2.64 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the assessment rate for sidewalk reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks for 1,2, and 3 family dwellings was $7.45 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by resolution, has directed that these assessment rates be adjusted yearly, based on the Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index; and WHEREAS, the most recent Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index showed an increase of 2.7% from the first half of 1996 (150.8) to the first half of 1997 (154.9); now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that in order for the assessment rate to reflect the increased constructian costs and benefit to the property owners, the assessment rate for street paving in connection with RSVP is increased 2.7% from $23.83 per assessable foot to $24.47 per assessable footfor all such RSVP projects approved by Final Qrder after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for the "modified lantern style lighting" is increased 2.7% from $421 to $4,32 per assessable foot, and the alternative "bent straw" lighting is increased 2.7% from $2.64 to $2.71 per assessable foot for sueh projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998, and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks is increased 2.7% from $7.45 to $7.65 per assessable foot for 1, 2, and 3 family properties for such projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998. Yeas Blakey Bostrom /`n77ins -H2 rr.i..� nraa�.�i Morton Thune Requested by Department of: Public Works _ _ ✓ � Il� � By : ./.Gu � Stacy Bedcer, Director � Approval Recommended by Budget Directox: S t , � 1 �f Adopted by Council: Date �"`j_ ,Za _\�{Q�"� By: � - � — T_ Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Form App ed by City Attorney: BY:� C� 1"��-.v—A� .a__ �y: ��L:1rN"ih/M/I^t+"�O � Approved By Mayor: Date jb�`����� '�� { By: � + Approv d b yor �or to Council: By: � FPAP EN /OF ICEICAUNCI �ATE INITIATED �/ ���� �bli�worxs s��si9� GREEN SHEET N0. 38559 CONTACTPERSONaPHONE �N�T� � INITIAUDATE A551GN Q OEPARTMENTDIRECTOfl ❑q CITV COUNCIL Paul St Martin Te1No. 266-6118 NUMBER FOR Q CRY ATTOflNEV � CITYCLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ROUiING � BU ET DIRECTOR � FM & MGT. SEAVICES DIA. ORDEA AYOR(ORASSISTAN � Accn'qyManzger TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURq Q2 �pr GF _ Q DEPAflTMENT � � Q+ // ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of resolution establishing the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Program assessment rates. PECAMMENDA770N51wprove (A) «Aejea i� PERSONAL SERVICE CON7fiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMlSS10N_CIVR,SERVICECOMMISSION �, }y�ihispersorVfirmeverwmkeduntleraconvactFOrthisdepartrnent? Ct8 COMMtT7EE � YES NO A STAFF Z. Has [his persoMflrm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DLSTaICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a slull not normally possessed by any curcent dry employee? SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITI0.TING PR�HtEM, ISSUE. �PPOPTUNffY (WHq WNAT, WHEN. WHERE. WHY�: In 1990, the City Council adopted a resoludon cailing for [he assessmen[s for CSSP projects to be adjusted each year according rA the previous yeus change in the Mpls-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index (9�-1459). In addition, in 1492, the Ciry Council adopted a similaz resoludon dealing with reconstrucuon of sidewalks (92-146). Tn 1995, the City Co�ncil adopted a similaz resolution for the � Residential Street Paving Program (95-1127). We aze proposing to increase the assessment rates for 1998 by 2.7% as per past practice. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Assessments will keep pace with inflation. , ^�, > .� ���y� m f,��. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessments will be 2.7% higher for residents. �� � �� � ��� ����� . �� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED: We will be able to do less paving of oiled streets and oldec paved streets. ���`'� °;� �"='�b� ;��,,� �, => _ e,.�r, ��+Y • 0. g' rtr n o-'.,sF � : l::J� TOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ {�JA COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC71V1N NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Council File # / 7 ��-� � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Gxeen Sheet # �R559 CIT F S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �y .__ � 1 Committee: Date WHEftEA5, in 1997 the assessment rate for street paving, including curb and gutter, in eonneetion with the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP) was $23.83 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS; in 1997 the assessment rate for the modified lantern style lighting was $4.21 per assessable Foot, and the alternative bent straw ]ighting was $2.64 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the assessment rate for sidewalk reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks for 1,2, and 3 family dwellings was $7.45 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by resolution, has directed that these assessment rates be adjusted yearly, based on the Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index; and WHEREAS, the most recent Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index showed an increase of 2.7% from the first half of 1996 (150.8) to the first half of 1997 (154.9); now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that in order for the assessment rate to reflect the increased constructian costs and benefit to the property owners, the assessment rate for street paving in connection with RSVP is increased 2.7% from $23.83 per assessable foot to $24.47 per assessable footfor all such RSVP projects approved by Final Qrder after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for the "modified lantern style lighting" is increased 2.7% from $421 to $4,32 per assessable foot, and the alternative "bent straw" lighting is increased 2.7% from $2.64 to $2.71 per assessable foot for sueh projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998, and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks is increased 2.7% from $7.45 to $7.65 per assessable foot for 1, 2, and 3 family properties for such projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998. Yeas Blakey Bostrom /`n77ins -H2 rr.i..� nraa�.�i Morton Thune Requested by Department of: Public Works _ _ ✓ � Il� � By : ./.Gu � Stacy Bedcer, Director � Approval Recommended by Budget Directox: S t , � 1 �f Adopted by Council: Date �"`j_ ,Za _\�{Q�"� By: � - � — T_ Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Form App ed by City Attorney: BY:� C� 1"��-.v—A� .a__ �y: ��L:1rN"ih/M/I^t+"�O � Approved By Mayor: Date jb�`����� '�� { By: � + Approv d b yor �or to Council: By: � FPAP EN /OF ICEICAUNCI �ATE INITIATED �/ ���� �bli�worxs s��si9� GREEN SHEET N0. 38559 CONTACTPERSONaPHONE �N�T� � INITIAUDATE A551GN Q OEPARTMENTDIRECTOfl ❑q CITV COUNCIL Paul St Martin Te1No. 266-6118 NUMBER FOR Q CRY ATTOflNEV � CITYCLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ROUiING � BU ET DIRECTOR � FM & MGT. SEAVICES DIA. ORDEA AYOR(ORASSISTAN � Accn'qyManzger TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURq Q2 �pr GF _ Q DEPAflTMENT � � Q+ // ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of resolution establishing the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Program assessment rates. PECAMMENDA770N51wprove (A) «Aejea i� PERSONAL SERVICE CON7fiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMlSS10N_CIVR,SERVICECOMMISSION �, }y�ihispersorVfirmeverwmkeduntleraconvactFOrthisdepartrnent? Ct8 COMMtT7EE � YES NO A STAFF Z. Has [his persoMflrm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DLSTaICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a slull not normally possessed by any curcent dry employee? SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITI0.TING PR�HtEM, ISSUE. �PPOPTUNffY (WHq WNAT, WHEN. WHERE. WHY�: In 1990, the City Council adopted a resoludon cailing for [he assessmen[s for CSSP projects to be adjusted each year according rA the previous yeus change in the Mpls-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index (9�-1459). In addition, in 1492, the Ciry Council adopted a similaz resoludon dealing with reconstrucuon of sidewalks (92-146). Tn 1995, the City Co�ncil adopted a similaz resolution for the � Residential Street Paving Program (95-1127). We aze proposing to increase the assessment rates for 1998 by 2.7% as per past practice. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Assessments will keep pace with inflation. , ^�, > .� ���y� m f,��. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessments will be 2.7% higher for residents. �� � �� � ��� ����� . �� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED: We will be able to do less paving of oiled streets and oldec paved streets. ���`'� °;� �"='�b� ;��,,� �, => _ e,.�r, ��+Y • 0. g' rtr n o-'.,sF � : l::J� TOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ {�JA COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC71V1N NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Council File # / 7 ��-� � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Gxeen Sheet # �R559 CIT F S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �y .__ � 1 Committee: Date WHEftEA5, in 1997 the assessment rate for street paving, including curb and gutter, in eonneetion with the Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP) was $23.83 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS; in 1997 the assessment rate for the modified lantern style lighting was $4.21 per assessable Foot, and the alternative bent straw ]ighting was $2.64 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the assessment rate for sidewalk reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks for 1,2, and 3 family dwellings was $7.45 per assessable foot; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by resolution, has directed that these assessment rates be adjusted yearly, based on the Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index; and WHEREAS, the most recent Minneapolis-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index showed an increase of 2.7% from the first half of 1996 (150.8) to the first half of 1997 (154.9); now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that in order for the assessment rate to reflect the increased constructian costs and benefit to the property owners, the assessment rate for street paving in connection with RSVP is increased 2.7% from $23.83 per assessable foot to $24.47 per assessable footfor all such RSVP projects approved by Final Qrder after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for the "modified lantern style lighting" is increased 2.7% from $421 to $4,32 per assessable foot, and the alternative "bent straw" lighting is increased 2.7% from $2.64 to $2.71 per assessable foot for sueh projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998, and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the assessment rate for reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks is increased 2.7% from $7.45 to $7.65 per assessable foot for 1, 2, and 3 family properties for such projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 1997 to be constructed in 1998. Yeas Blakey Bostrom /`n77ins -H2 rr.i..� nraa�.�i Morton Thune Requested by Department of: Public Works _ _ ✓ � Il� � By : ./.Gu � Stacy Bedcer, Director � Approval Recommended by Budget Directox: S t , � 1 �f Adopted by Council: Date �"`j_ ,Za _\�{Q�"� By: � - � — T_ Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Form App ed by City Attorney: BY:� C� 1"��-.v—A� .a__ �y: ��L:1rN"ih/M/I^t+"�O � Approved By Mayor: Date jb�`����� '�� { By: � + Approv d b yor �or to Council: By: � FPAP EN /OF ICEICAUNCI �ATE INITIATED �/ ���� �bli�worxs s��si9� GREEN SHEET N0. 38559 CONTACTPERSONaPHONE �N�T� � INITIAUDATE A551GN Q OEPARTMENTDIRECTOfl ❑q CITV COUNCIL Paul St Martin Te1No. 266-6118 NUMBER FOR Q CRY ATTOflNEV � CITYCLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ROUiING � BU ET DIRECTOR � FM & MGT. SEAVICES DIA. ORDEA AYOR(ORASSISTAN � Accn'qyManzger TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURq Q2 �pr GF _ Q DEPAflTMENT � � Q+ // ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of resolution establishing the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Program assessment rates. PECAMMENDA770N51wprove (A) «Aejea i� PERSONAL SERVICE CON7fiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMlSS10N_CIVR,SERVICECOMMISSION �, }y�ihispersorVfirmeverwmkeduntleraconvactFOrthisdepartrnent? Ct8 COMMtT7EE � YES NO A STAFF Z. Has [his persoMflrm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DLSTaICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a slull not normally possessed by any curcent dry employee? SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITI0.TING PR�HtEM, ISSUE. �PPOPTUNffY (WHq WNAT, WHEN. WHERE. WHY�: In 1990, the City Council adopted a resoludon cailing for [he assessmen[s for CSSP projects to be adjusted each year according rA the previous yeus change in the Mpls-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index (9�-1459). In addition, in 1492, the Ciry Council adopted a similaz resoludon dealing with reconstrucuon of sidewalks (92-146). Tn 1995, the City Co�ncil adopted a similaz resolution for the � Residential Street Paving Program (95-1127). We aze proposing to increase the assessment rates for 1998 by 2.7% as per past practice. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Assessments will keep pace with inflation. , ^�, > .� ���y� m f,��. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessments will be 2.7% higher for residents. �� � �� � ��� ����� . �� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED: We will be able to do less paving of oiled streets and oldec paved streets. ���`'� °;� �"='�b� ;��,,� �, => _ e,.�r, ��+Y • 0. g' rtr n o-'.,sF � : l::J� TOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ {�JA COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC71V1N NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)