97-1149council File # 97- //�f Green Sheet # 3�oZ3� � � � `s �.� � e�;°_ ., �. ..� Presented By _ Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLUTION �t{�VT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee �� Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its Resolution 97-779, has appropriated Cultural STAR Program funds for the reconstruction of Capital Centre Plaza, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Long Ranqe Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget as hereto£ore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 116HRA Business Loan fund 116-26420-9925 Cultural STAR Program P7-930-90310-0547-77117 SPENDING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 Design & Construction 350,000 -0- _ _0_ + 322,744 350,000 + 322,744 350,000 + 322,794 ------- ---------- 350,000 + 322,744 AMENDED BUDGET � 0 0 > 0. � ,� a 350,000 m � ��. � m »- 322,794 m > m 672,744� m N � �• � o 672, 744�' � ., m -------� o+ 672,744� � � � � � m I a� � m y m ' G =====_=====i�======ir======ir=======1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent II �� Blakey II II II �� Bostrom �� CoZlins_���{� �� �� II Harris_�� ✓ II �� �� �� Megard �� �� �� I� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune �� ���� �� �� I �====_______'—`__ �__'—`___=__'—�___�?===J Adopted by Council: Date ���� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��, e�- 1� ,- �-� Approved by Mayor: Date: �-1/2�153-- BY � ` C___-� �� CURRENT BUDGET CHANGE Requested by: vision o a s an reation $y : `/�^-'r^^--�, Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: � � /�� � (� By: `J�+�� yV'� i �A(, Form App ed by Cit Attorney BY�r . ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r By: yr-iryy DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 37236 Parks and Recreation 7�25�97 COMACTPEFSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE �NITIAWATE John Wirka 66411 � � DEPARTMEMDIFECTOR 5 crtrcouNCa ASSIGN NUMeER FO 3 CITY ATTORPlEY _CIN CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OHDER �FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. F ACCOUNTING AU(JUSt 20, 1997 4 MAVOR(ORASSISTANn 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANREI ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to amend budget for Capitaf Centre Plaza project. � BECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTIIACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IONS: � _PIANNING COMMISSION __CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a con[rac[ tor this departmen[t '-' � A CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF A CF 97-779 Z. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Does this personffirm pos5ess a skill �rot normally possessed by any cmrent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTIVE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answer3 on separate sheet antl attach [o green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE. OPPORTUNIiY (Wha. What, When, Where. Whyl: On June 25, 1997, the City Council approved Cultural STAR funding for the Capital Centre reconstruction. This resolution amends the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget to include the STAR funding. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Budget established to receive funds and implement project. '1�`4:°'=�> �za>;_,�y,; 4� ,,,,. ��. � � i��� , DISADVAPoTAGES IF APPROVE@ .__ �� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Project delayed or postponed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 322J44.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE CUltufal STAR Program ACTIVITY NUMBER C97-3R040 P7-930-90310-0547-77117 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 12 li 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 ?3 24 7j 26 ?7 ?g 29 30 31 43 q4 4� 46 47 as 49 �0 �i ;� �3 , � : JC�:^n � ru�-� S Ur� GlNAL Presented By Referred To 3 �3 WHEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council oFthe CiTy of Saint Paul established the Cuiturai Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1005; and WHEREAS, the Culturat STAR Program is Funded with ten percent of an additiona4 one-half of one percent sales tax on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and " WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to further cultural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), in the third cycle, received 10 final applications to the Cultural STAR Grant and Loan Program; and WHEREAS, PED, the Culturaf STAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the 10 applications and forwarded their recommendations for fundin� of 9 proposals as identified on Attachment A, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the applicants have six months to secure private match commitments, comply witli project stipulations and terms including those listed on Attachment A, ���ork with PED and other city departments as required and si=n a STAR a_reement; and WHEREAS, should an entity not comply �vith stipulations and other requirements, and is not under contract �i�ithin the sis month period followin� Cit}� Council approval, that entity wi11 not be funded and the funds w'ill revolve back to the Cultural STAR Program to be used in th� ne�t funding cycie; and ��'HEREAS, projects tltat are funded at less than the ori�inal request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in fundin_; and � R'HEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of thz City Charter, recommends changes to the 1997 hudget as listed below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 3T RESOLVED, the City Counci] approves the funding priorities and bud,ets for nine (9) projects at recommended fundins amounts and terms as listed on Attachment A, and described in final applications, subject to compliance �rith the program development and implementation requicements of the Cuitural STAK Pro_ram Guidelines; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council appro�es the chan�es to d7e 1997 bud�et listed belo�v; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tl�at the Nlayor and City Council wish to e�tend their appreciation to all applicants and to the members of ttte Cultural STAR Board for their time and efforts in developins proposais and recommendations during tl�e third c}�clz of the Cuttural STAR Pro�ram. � 9� �r�� Council File # / t'�� �1, $� 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6s 69 70 71 72 73 l4 %� sz s� s� ss Sb -' //5��i FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED Nei hborhood STAR Tax Revenue, transfer from HRA Debt Services Fund BUDGET BUDGET Cultural S7AR Loan Pro ram, P-7-930-90309-7304-OOODO 100,019 277,833 377,852 Cultural STAR Grant Pro ram, P-�-930-90370-7304-00000, 40,057 599,044 639,107 TOTALS '140,076 876,877 1,016,953 SPENDING PLAIS # PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BllDGET BllDGET Cultural Loan Pro ram, P7-930-90309-0547-77050 19 -19 0 Cultural Grant Pro ram, P7-930-90310-0547•77051 57 -57 0 546-97 Hillcrest Rec. Center Theater, P7-930-903t0-0547-7707Q 30,000 +2Q,000 50,000 501-97 Culiural STAR Business RLP, P7-930-90309-0547-77105 700,000 +730,138 230,138 P7-930-90310-�547-77105 10,000 13,000 23,000 502-97 Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Parlor, P7-930-90370-0547-77116 0 +10,000 10,000 505-97 Capital Centre Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-?7177 � 0 +322,744 322,744 506-97 Great Waters Outdoor Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-77718 0 +20,000 20,000 507-97 Old Cedar Capitol Facade Project, P7-930-90309-0547-77719 0 +100,000 700,000 508-97 Landmark Ctr Si nage & Facade,P7-930-90310-0547-77120 0 + 47,000 47,000 509-97 Jackson St. Roundhouse Rail Cars, P7-930-90310-0547-77727 0 +22,500 22,500 570-97 Ordway TechnologY Pro'ect, P7-930-90310-0547-77122 0 +75,000 75,000 513-97 O'Shaughnessv Piaza Sculpt.,P7-930-90310-0547-77123 0 -r5O,000 50,000 Direct Proj.Costs, P7-930-90309-0558-77000 (537,774) Cult Loan Prg Rl0 Fees P7-930-90309-0558-77000 IS10,000) 0 +47J74 47,714 Neighborhood Closing Fees P7-9 3 0-9 031 0-OSSS-77000 0 +78,857 18,857 Totais 140,076 876,877 1.0'16,953 : Budeet Director . , r„ � , � ; Fim'a� and N�anagement Director /v Recuested by Departmeat o�:.� Plannina & Fcor.omic Develo�ment Adoption Certiiied by Council Secretary F_�: �� ,�_, . 1��� � Ra�:ove3 by Mayor: Date � i �, , .tY^ ��� L���i 3y : �-' " By: For:n By: Anoroved by Mayor for Submission toCouncil � ` l.� By: ��_ council File # 97- //�f Green Sheet # 3�oZ3� � � � `s �.� � e�;°_ ., �. ..� Presented By _ Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLUTION �t{�VT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee �� Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its Resolution 97-779, has appropriated Cultural STAR Program funds for the reconstruction of Capital Centre Plaza, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Long Ranqe Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget as hereto£ore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 116HRA Business Loan fund 116-26420-9925 Cultural STAR Program P7-930-90310-0547-77117 SPENDING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 Design & Construction 350,000 -0- _ _0_ + 322,744 350,000 + 322,744 350,000 + 322,794 ------- ---------- 350,000 + 322,744 AMENDED BUDGET � 0 0 > 0. � ,� a 350,000 m � ��. � m »- 322,794 m > m 672,744� m N � �• � o 672, 744�' � ., m -------� o+ 672,744� � � � � � m I a� � m y m ' G =====_=====i�======ir======ir=======1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent II �� Blakey II II II �� Bostrom �� CoZlins_���{� �� �� II Harris_�� ✓ II �� �� �� Megard �� �� �� I� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune �� ���� �� �� I �====_______'—`__ �__'—`___=__'—�___�?===J Adopted by Council: Date ���� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��, e�- 1� ,- �-� Approved by Mayor: Date: �-1/2�153-- BY � ` C___-� �� CURRENT BUDGET CHANGE Requested by: vision o a s an reation $y : `/�^-'r^^--�, Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: � � /�� � (� By: `J�+�� yV'� i �A(, Form App ed by Cit Attorney BY�r . ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r By: yr-iryy DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 37236 Parks and Recreation 7�25�97 COMACTPEFSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE �NITIAWATE John Wirka 66411 � � DEPARTMEMDIFECTOR 5 crtrcouNCa ASSIGN NUMeER FO 3 CITY ATTORPlEY _CIN CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OHDER �FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. F ACCOUNTING AU(JUSt 20, 1997 4 MAVOR(ORASSISTANn 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANREI ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to amend budget for Capitaf Centre Plaza project. � BECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTIIACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IONS: � _PIANNING COMMISSION __CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a con[rac[ tor this departmen[t '-' � A CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF A CF 97-779 Z. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Does this personffirm pos5ess a skill �rot normally possessed by any cmrent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTIVE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answer3 on separate sheet antl attach [o green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE. OPPORTUNIiY (Wha. What, When, Where. Whyl: On June 25, 1997, the City Council approved Cultural STAR funding for the Capital Centre reconstruction. This resolution amends the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget to include the STAR funding. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Budget established to receive funds and implement project. '1�`4:°'=�> �za>;_,�y,; 4� ,,,,. ��. � � i��� , DISADVAPoTAGES IF APPROVE@ .__ �� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Project delayed or postponed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 322J44.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE CUltufal STAR Program ACTIVITY NUMBER C97-3R040 P7-930-90310-0547-77117 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 12 li 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 ?3 24 7j 26 ?7 ?g 29 30 31 43 q4 4� 46 47 as 49 �0 �i ;� �3 , � : JC�:^n � ru�-� S Ur� GlNAL Presented By Referred To 3 �3 WHEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council oFthe CiTy of Saint Paul established the Cuiturai Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1005; and WHEREAS, the Culturat STAR Program is Funded with ten percent of an additiona4 one-half of one percent sales tax on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and " WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to further cultural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), in the third cycle, received 10 final applications to the Cultural STAR Grant and Loan Program; and WHEREAS, PED, the Culturaf STAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the 10 applications and forwarded their recommendations for fundin� of 9 proposals as identified on Attachment A, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the applicants have six months to secure private match commitments, comply witli project stipulations and terms including those listed on Attachment A, ���ork with PED and other city departments as required and si=n a STAR a_reement; and WHEREAS, should an entity not comply �vith stipulations and other requirements, and is not under contract �i�ithin the sis month period followin� Cit}� Council approval, that entity wi11 not be funded and the funds w'ill revolve back to the Cultural STAR Program to be used in th� ne�t funding cycie; and ��'HEREAS, projects tltat are funded at less than the ori�inal request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in fundin_; and � R'HEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of thz City Charter, recommends changes to the 1997 hudget as listed below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 3T RESOLVED, the City Counci] approves the funding priorities and bud,ets for nine (9) projects at recommended fundins amounts and terms as listed on Attachment A, and described in final applications, subject to compliance �rith the program development and implementation requicements of the Cuitural STAK Pro_ram Guidelines; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council appro�es the chan�es to d7e 1997 bud�et listed belo�v; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tl�at the Nlayor and City Council wish to e�tend their appreciation to all applicants and to the members of ttte Cultural STAR Board for their time and efforts in developins proposais and recommendations during tl�e third c}�clz of the Cuttural STAR Pro�ram. � 9� �r�� Council File # / t'�� �1, $� 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6s 69 70 71 72 73 l4 %� sz s� s� ss Sb -' //5��i FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED Nei hborhood STAR Tax Revenue, transfer from HRA Debt Services Fund BUDGET BUDGET Cultural S7AR Loan Pro ram, P-7-930-90309-7304-OOODO 100,019 277,833 377,852 Cultural STAR Grant Pro ram, P-�-930-90370-7304-00000, 40,057 599,044 639,107 TOTALS '140,076 876,877 1,016,953 SPENDING PLAIS # PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BllDGET BllDGET Cultural Loan Pro ram, P7-930-90309-0547-77050 19 -19 0 Cultural Grant Pro ram, P7-930-90310-0547•77051 57 -57 0 546-97 Hillcrest Rec. Center Theater, P7-930-903t0-0547-7707Q 30,000 +2Q,000 50,000 501-97 Culiural STAR Business RLP, P7-930-90309-0547-77105 700,000 +730,138 230,138 P7-930-90310-�547-77105 10,000 13,000 23,000 502-97 Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Parlor, P7-930-90370-0547-77116 0 +10,000 10,000 505-97 Capital Centre Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-?7177 � 0 +322,744 322,744 506-97 Great Waters Outdoor Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-77718 0 +20,000 20,000 507-97 Old Cedar Capitol Facade Project, P7-930-90309-0547-77719 0 +100,000 700,000 508-97 Landmark Ctr Si nage & Facade,P7-930-90310-0547-77120 0 + 47,000 47,000 509-97 Jackson St. Roundhouse Rail Cars, P7-930-90310-0547-77727 0 +22,500 22,500 570-97 Ordway TechnologY Pro'ect, P7-930-90310-0547-77122 0 +75,000 75,000 513-97 O'Shaughnessv Piaza Sculpt.,P7-930-90310-0547-77123 0 -r5O,000 50,000 Direct Proj.Costs, P7-930-90309-0558-77000 (537,774) Cult Loan Prg Rl0 Fees P7-930-90309-0558-77000 IS10,000) 0 +47J74 47,714 Neighborhood Closing Fees P7-9 3 0-9 031 0-OSSS-77000 0 +78,857 18,857 Totais 140,076 876,877 1.0'16,953 : Budeet Director . , r„ � , � ; Fim'a� and N�anagement Director /v Recuested by Departmeat o�:.� Plannina & Fcor.omic Develo�ment Adoption Certiiied by Council Secretary F_�: �� ,�_, . 1��� � Ra�:ove3 by Mayor: Date � i �, , .tY^ ��� L���i 3y : �-' " By: For:n By: Anoroved by Mayor for Submission toCouncil � ` l.� By: ��_ council File # 97- //�f Green Sheet # 3�oZ3� � � � `s �.� � e�;°_ ., �. ..� Presented By _ Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLUTION �t{�VT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee �� Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its Resolution 97-779, has appropriated Cultural STAR Program funds for the reconstruction of Capital Centre Plaza, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Long Ranqe Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget as hereto£ore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 116HRA Business Loan fund 116-26420-9925 Cultural STAR Program P7-930-90310-0547-77117 SPENDING PLAN Capital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 Design & Construction 350,000 -0- _ _0_ + 322,744 350,000 + 322,744 350,000 + 322,794 ------- ---------- 350,000 + 322,744 AMENDED BUDGET � 0 0 > 0. � ,� a 350,000 m � ��. � m »- 322,794 m > m 672,744� m N � �• � o 672, 744�' � ., m -------� o+ 672,744� � � � � � m I a� � m y m ' G =====_=====i�======ir======ir=======1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent II �� Blakey II II II �� Bostrom �� CoZlins_���{� �� �� II Harris_�� ✓ II �� �� �� Megard �� �� �� I� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune �� ���� �� �� I �====_______'—`__ �__'—`___=__'—�___�?===J Adopted by Council: Date ���� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��, e�- 1� ,- �-� Approved by Mayor: Date: �-1/2�153-- BY � ` C___-� �� CURRENT BUDGET CHANGE Requested by: vision o a s an reation $y : `/�^-'r^^--�, Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: � � /�� � (� By: `J�+�� yV'� i �A(, Form App ed by Cit Attorney BY�r . ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r By: yr-iryy DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 37236 Parks and Recreation 7�25�97 COMACTPEFSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE �NITIAWATE John Wirka 66411 � � DEPARTMEMDIFECTOR 5 crtrcouNCa ASSIGN NUMeER FO 3 CITY ATTORPlEY _CIN CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OHDER �FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. F ACCOUNTING AU(JUSt 20, 1997 4 MAVOR(ORASSISTANn 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANREI ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to amend budget for Capitaf Centre Plaza project. � BECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTIIACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IONS: � _PIANNING COMMISSION __CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a con[rac[ tor this departmen[t '-' � A CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF A CF 97-779 Z. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Does this personffirm pos5ess a skill �rot normally possessed by any cmrent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 06JECTIVE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answer3 on separate sheet antl attach [o green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE. OPPORTUNIiY (Wha. What, When, Where. Whyl: On June 25, 1997, the City Council approved Cultural STAR funding for the Capital Centre reconstruction. This resolution amends the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget to include the STAR funding. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Budget established to receive funds and implement project. '1�`4:°'=�> �za>;_,�y,; 4� ,,,,. ��. � � i��� , DISADVAPoTAGES IF APPROVE@ .__ �� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Project delayed or postponed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 322J44.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE CUltufal STAR Program ACTIVITY NUMBER C97-3R040 P7-930-90310-0547-77117 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 12 li 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 ?3 24 7j 26 ?7 ?g 29 30 31 43 q4 4� 46 47 as 49 �0 �i ;� �3 , � : JC�:^n � ru�-� S Ur� GlNAL Presented By Referred To 3 �3 WHEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council oFthe CiTy of Saint Paul established the Cuiturai Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1005; and WHEREAS, the Culturat STAR Program is Funded with ten percent of an additiona4 one-half of one percent sales tax on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and " WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to further cultural and visitor service activities; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), in the third cycle, received 10 final applications to the Cultural STAR Grant and Loan Program; and WHEREAS, PED, the Culturaf STAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the 10 applications and forwarded their recommendations for fundin� of 9 proposals as identified on Attachment A, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the applicants have six months to secure private match commitments, comply witli project stipulations and terms including those listed on Attachment A, ���ork with PED and other city departments as required and si=n a STAR a_reement; and WHEREAS, should an entity not comply �vith stipulations and other requirements, and is not under contract �i�ithin the sis month period followin� Cit}� Council approval, that entity wi11 not be funded and the funds w'ill revolve back to the Cultural STAR Program to be used in th� ne�t funding cycie; and ��'HEREAS, projects tltat are funded at less than the ori�inal request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in fundin_; and � R'HEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of thz City Charter, recommends changes to the 1997 hudget as listed below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 3T RESOLVED, the City Counci] approves the funding priorities and bud,ets for nine (9) projects at recommended fundins amounts and terms as listed on Attachment A, and described in final applications, subject to compliance �rith the program development and implementation requicements of the Cuitural STAK Pro_ram Guidelines; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council appro�es the chan�es to d7e 1997 bud�et listed belo�v; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tl�at the Nlayor and City Council wish to e�tend their appreciation to all applicants and to the members of ttte Cultural STAR Board for their time and efforts in developins proposais and recommendations during tl�e third c}�clz of the Cuttural STAR Pro�ram. � 9� �r�� Council File # / t'�� �1, $� 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6s 69 70 71 72 73 l4 %� sz s� s� ss Sb -' //5��i FINANCING PLAN - CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED Nei hborhood STAR Tax Revenue, transfer from HRA Debt Services Fund BUDGET BUDGET Cultural S7AR Loan Pro ram, P-7-930-90309-7304-OOODO 100,019 277,833 377,852 Cultural STAR Grant Pro ram, P-�-930-90370-7304-00000, 40,057 599,044 639,107 TOTALS '140,076 876,877 1,016,953 SPENDING PLAIS # PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BllDGET BllDGET Cultural Loan Pro ram, P7-930-90309-0547-77050 19 -19 0 Cultural Grant Pro ram, P7-930-90310-0547•77051 57 -57 0 546-97 Hillcrest Rec. Center Theater, P7-930-903t0-0547-7707Q 30,000 +2Q,000 50,000 501-97 Culiural STAR Business RLP, P7-930-90309-0547-77105 700,000 +730,138 230,138 P7-930-90310-�547-77105 10,000 13,000 23,000 502-97 Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Parlor, P7-930-90370-0547-77116 0 +10,000 10,000 505-97 Capital Centre Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-?7177 � 0 +322,744 322,744 506-97 Great Waters Outdoor Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-77718 0 +20,000 20,000 507-97 Old Cedar Capitol Facade Project, P7-930-90309-0547-77719 0 +100,000 700,000 508-97 Landmark Ctr Si nage & Facade,P7-930-90310-0547-77120 0 + 47,000 47,000 509-97 Jackson St. Roundhouse Rail Cars, P7-930-90310-0547-77727 0 +22,500 22,500 570-97 Ordway TechnologY Pro'ect, P7-930-90310-0547-77122 0 +75,000 75,000 513-97 O'Shaughnessv Piaza Sculpt.,P7-930-90310-0547-77123 0 -r5O,000 50,000 Direct Proj.Costs, P7-930-90309-0558-77000 (537,774) Cult Loan Prg Rl0 Fees P7-930-90309-0558-77000 IS10,000) 0 +47J74 47,714 Neighborhood Closing Fees P7-9 3 0-9 031 0-OSSS-77000 0 +78,857 18,857 Totais 140,076 876,877 1.0'16,953 : Budeet Director . , r„ � , � ; Fim'a� and N�anagement Director /v Recuested by Departmeat o�:.� Plannina & Fcor.omic Develo�ment Adoption Certiiied by Council Secretary F_�: �� ,�_, . 1��� � Ra�:ove3 by Mayor: Date � i �, , .tY^ ��� L���i 3y : �-' " By: For:n By: Anoroved by Mayor for Submission toCouncil � ` l.� By: ��_