97-1148Council File # 97� �� `'�� Green Sheet # 3 RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - ,. Presented By Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /b Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City o£ Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant £or construction of the Hazel Park Recreation Center childxen's play area, and WHEREAS, said application was submitted as authorized under Council File 97- 268, adopted March 19, 1997, and WHEREA5, the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources has notiEied the City that it will receive a grant for said play area construction, 8 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 9 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital 10 Improvement Budget Committee, that upon receipt of said qrant and execution of 11 the sequired grant agreement, the 1997 Capital Impxovement Budget, as 12 heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby £urther amended as 13 follows: 14 15 16 FINANCING 17 Hazel Park Recreation Center 18 New Building and Sitework 19 C97-3B006 20 1995 CIB &onds - 21 1994/95 CDBG 22 1996 CIB Bonds 23 1997 CIB Bonds 24 1997 CDSG 25 Prior Year CDBG 26 State of Minnesota 27 28 29 SPENBING 30 Hazel Park Recreation Center 31 New Building and Sitework 32 C97-3B006 33 Construction 34 35 CURRENT BUDGET 462,000 1,951,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 -0- 2,714,000 2,714,000 2,714,000 CHANGE - Q - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 AMENDED BUDGET 462,Q00 1,451,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 50,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 �7— //S�� fhe 3t. Pau1 Lon4 - Range Capital Improvom�u� $udget Committee received this:equest on �date} g 1 �. _ aad :ecommesda Ja _ I� ��� --� r=====___===, - r======, - r======,7========1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent �� �� BZakey �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Bostrom �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Collins_�� / �� �� �� �� Harris_�I / I� �� �� Megard ✓ �� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune_ - ��_. _✓ _�� _ __�� _ . .�� Adopted by Council: Date � ^ q'� T "_'�`, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BZ' �� , i'��.�. Approved by Mayor: Date: S�Z`� �7 �' By: ° ` � Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By : �..dJ,+l � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: (\ By: � U[J«-dl Form Appr ed by City Attorney $y: � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil� By: `� /' // �f X �EPApTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SHEET NO. 37232 Parks and Recreation 7/�4/197 GONiACT PERSON AND PHONE II�IRIAVDATE INfT1ALIDASE John Wirka 266 p � N DEPARTMEPfrDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNCIL NUMBEH FOR 3 CITY A'fTORNEY CfTY CLERK POUTING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pqpEP Z FINANLIAL SERVICES DIR. F FINANCE ACCOUNTING AUJUSt 2O, 1997 4 MAYOR IORASSISTAN'f) 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL d OF SIGNANRE PAGES � �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNATUIIE) ACiION FEQUESTED: ' ri . Approval of Council Resolution to establish budget for construction grant Hazel Park Recreation Center qECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (AI or Reject (R) PEqSONAI. SEflVICE CONTRHCTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWIN TIO _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this pereon/f��m ever worke0 untlet a mMtact fo� tkrs tlapartm¢M? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF A 97-268 Z. Has this person/tirtn ever been a ciry employee? -- VES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3. Does this peroon/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessetl bY any cu�ren[ city employee? SUPPORB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answen on saparate shee[ and ettaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho, VJhat, When, Where, Why): The City has successfully applied for and will receive a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist in construction of a new children's play area at Hazel Park Recreation Center. Resolution needed to establish budget for grant expenditures. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Project budget amended to include grant funds. ��^y° ' �ft �►t �� , � � `'"`-�' J 1997 DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: . _"" . ' _ _ . ...._,.::+� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVED: Budget will be inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y r JO.00O.00 COST/NEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State Outdoor Recreation Grant Program ACTIVITYNUMBEFl C97-3B006 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� / r (.�����::�1•�'f14- Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAfNT PAUL, MIi3tJESOTA Council File Green Sheet . � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The State of Miruiesota Departmeut of Natural Resources, Office of 2 Planning has funding available to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities through the 3 ' Land & Water Conservation Fund, and 4 WHEILEAS, tlie City of Saint Paul is an eligible applicant and desires to subruit an S. application for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project; ; NOW THEREFORE BL IT R.LSOLVED, tliat the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor 7 for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project contained in the Outdoor e Recreation Grant Application to be submitted on March 31, 1997 and that tlte Mayor and ptoper 9 city officials are hcarUy authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding 0 of this project on belialf of the City of Saint Paul, aiid 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has the legal autiiority to 2 apply for finat�cial assistattce, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure 3 adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its 4 dcsig�t life, and 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs, 6 has not entered into any written agreements to purcltase property, and 7 BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, tl�at the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Pederal, 8 State, or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion conflict of interest or 9 other unlawful er corrupt practice, and o BE IT FUR7HER RESOLVL•D, ti�at upon appcoval of its application by the state, the 1 City of Saint Paul may enter into 1n agrecment wiUi the State of Minnesota for the above- :2 refereuced project, and that tl�e City of Saint Paul certifies tl�at it will comply with afl applicable '.3 laws and regu(ations as stated in the contract agreement and desctibed in the Compliances � 4 section of the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application, and y�-�i�� ik ��t� # \� � ?5 ? 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper city officiais of the City of 37 Saint Paul are l�e�eby authotized to execute sucl� agreements as are necessary to implement the ? 8 project on behalf of t(ie City. �'l 1��8 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �r�n..�� {� 1���f � I Adoption Certified by Council Seczetary By � Approved by Maycr: Date Division oP Parks and ReC2'eation B �. A � Form Approved by City Atkorney i� � f By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � L��,L- Hy: 97 �,�� Minnesota Department of Natural Resources OFFICE OF THE COMA7ISSIONER 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 551�5-4037 RECEIVED JUL 2 1997 July 1, 1997 Mr John Wirka Principal Designer , City of Saint Paul 300 City Hall Annex, W 4th St St. Paul MN 55102 RE: FY 1998 Local Park Grant Proqram Application Grant amount: $50,000 Hazel Park Dear Mr Wirka : DfV. OF PAftKS & RECREATION I am pleased to inform you that your appiication for the Local Park Grant Program has competed successfuliy for funding. We anticipate being able to offer you a grant for the amount shown above contingent upon the final processing of your application. Final processing of your grant requires submittal of additional information which must be completed in a timely manner. You will be contacted shortly by a staff member from the Local Grants Program regarding the fiinal processing requirements for your application. DO NOT incur any project costs. This notice does not constitute final approval of your project. Any work completed, money spent, or obligations incurred for acquisition or deve{opment o4 your project prior to final approval are ineligible and cannot be paid for with grant funds or used as the local share. The Local Grants Program staff are looking on this project. If you have any questions, (612) 296-1567. Congratulations. Yours trufy, Rodney W.Sando Commissioner forward to working with you cafl Wayne Sames at � : ��%f'� ��/��t � t� E � ' t 1-�t�i� �l C= 7�-� �j61��� DNR Information:672-296-6157, ]-800-766-6000 • TTY 612-?9G-5484, 1-R00-657-3929 • FAX: 612-296-4799 � Prin0.'tl ��n Recyclal Paper An Equai OpPormniry� Fanpin�cr ) V Com.umne IU% f�o.bC�+��umcr Wa.�e Council File # 97� �� `'�� Green Sheet # 3 RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - ,. Presented By Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /b Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City o£ Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant £or construction of the Hazel Park Recreation Center childxen's play area, and WHEREAS, said application was submitted as authorized under Council File 97- 268, adopted March 19, 1997, and WHEREA5, the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources has notiEied the City that it will receive a grant for said play area construction, 8 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 9 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital 10 Improvement Budget Committee, that upon receipt of said qrant and execution of 11 the sequired grant agreement, the 1997 Capital Impxovement Budget, as 12 heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby £urther amended as 13 follows: 14 15 16 FINANCING 17 Hazel Park Recreation Center 18 New Building and Sitework 19 C97-3B006 20 1995 CIB &onds - 21 1994/95 CDBG 22 1996 CIB Bonds 23 1997 CIB Bonds 24 1997 CDSG 25 Prior Year CDBG 26 State of Minnesota 27 28 29 SPENBING 30 Hazel Park Recreation Center 31 New Building and Sitework 32 C97-3B006 33 Construction 34 35 CURRENT BUDGET 462,000 1,951,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 -0- 2,714,000 2,714,000 2,714,000 CHANGE - Q - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 AMENDED BUDGET 462,Q00 1,451,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 50,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 �7— //S�� fhe 3t. Pau1 Lon4 - Range Capital Improvom�u� $udget Committee received this:equest on �date} g 1 �. _ aad :ecommesda Ja _ I� ��� --� r=====___===, - r======, - r======,7========1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent �� �� BZakey �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Bostrom �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Collins_�� / �� �� �� �� Harris_�I / I� �� �� Megard ✓ �� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune_ - ��_. _✓ _�� _ __�� _ . .�� Adopted by Council: Date � ^ q'� T "_'�`, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BZ' �� , i'��.�. Approved by Mayor: Date: S�Z`� �7 �' By: ° ` � Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By : �..dJ,+l � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: (\ By: � U[J«-dl Form Appr ed by City Attorney $y: � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil� By: `� /' // �f X �EPApTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SHEET NO. 37232 Parks and Recreation 7/�4/197 GONiACT PERSON AND PHONE II�IRIAVDATE INfT1ALIDASE John Wirka 266 p � N DEPARTMEPfrDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNCIL NUMBEH FOR 3 CITY A'fTORNEY CfTY CLERK POUTING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pqpEP Z FINANLIAL SERVICES DIR. F FINANCE ACCOUNTING AUJUSt 2O, 1997 4 MAYOR IORASSISTAN'f) 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL d OF SIGNANRE PAGES � �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNATUIIE) ACiION FEQUESTED: ' ri . Approval of Council Resolution to establish budget for construction grant Hazel Park Recreation Center qECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (AI or Reject (R) PEqSONAI. SEflVICE CONTRHCTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWIN TIO _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this pereon/f��m ever worke0 untlet a mMtact fo� tkrs tlapartm¢M? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF A 97-268 Z. Has this person/tirtn ever been a ciry employee? -- VES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3. Does this peroon/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessetl bY any cu�ren[ city employee? SUPPORB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answen on saparate shee[ and ettaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho, VJhat, When, Where, Why): The City has successfully applied for and will receive a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist in construction of a new children's play area at Hazel Park Recreation Center. Resolution needed to establish budget for grant expenditures. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Project budget amended to include grant funds. ��^y° ' �ft �►t �� , � � `'"`-�' J 1997 DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: . _"" . ' _ _ . ...._,.::+� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVED: Budget will be inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y r JO.00O.00 COST/NEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State Outdoor Recreation Grant Program ACTIVITYNUMBEFl C97-3B006 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� / r (.�����::�1•�'f14- Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAfNT PAUL, MIi3tJESOTA Council File Green Sheet . � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The State of Miruiesota Departmeut of Natural Resources, Office of 2 Planning has funding available to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities through the 3 ' Land & Water Conservation Fund, and 4 WHEILEAS, tlie City of Saint Paul is an eligible applicant and desires to subruit an S. application for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project; ; NOW THEREFORE BL IT R.LSOLVED, tliat the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor 7 for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project contained in the Outdoor e Recreation Grant Application to be submitted on March 31, 1997 and that tlte Mayor and ptoper 9 city officials are hcarUy authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding 0 of this project on belialf of the City of Saint Paul, aiid 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has the legal autiiority to 2 apply for finat�cial assistattce, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure 3 adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its 4 dcsig�t life, and 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs, 6 has not entered into any written agreements to purcltase property, and 7 BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, tl�at the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Pederal, 8 State, or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion conflict of interest or 9 other unlawful er corrupt practice, and o BE IT FUR7HER RESOLVL•D, ti�at upon appcoval of its application by the state, the 1 City of Saint Paul may enter into 1n agrecment wiUi the State of Minnesota for the above- :2 refereuced project, and that tl�e City of Saint Paul certifies tl�at it will comply with afl applicable '.3 laws and regu(ations as stated in the contract agreement and desctibed in the Compliances � 4 section of the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application, and y�-�i�� ik ��t� # \� � ?5 ? 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper city officiais of the City of 37 Saint Paul are l�e�eby authotized to execute sucl� agreements as are necessary to implement the ? 8 project on behalf of t(ie City. �'l 1��8 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �r�n..�� {� 1���f � I Adoption Certified by Council Seczetary By � Approved by Maycr: Date Division oP Parks and ReC2'eation B �. A � Form Approved by City Atkorney i� � f By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � L��,L- Hy: 97 �,�� Minnesota Department of Natural Resources OFFICE OF THE COMA7ISSIONER 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 551�5-4037 RECEIVED JUL 2 1997 July 1, 1997 Mr John Wirka Principal Designer , City of Saint Paul 300 City Hall Annex, W 4th St St. Paul MN 55102 RE: FY 1998 Local Park Grant Proqram Application Grant amount: $50,000 Hazel Park Dear Mr Wirka : DfV. OF PAftKS & RECREATION I am pleased to inform you that your appiication for the Local Park Grant Program has competed successfuliy for funding. We anticipate being able to offer you a grant for the amount shown above contingent upon the final processing of your application. Final processing of your grant requires submittal of additional information which must be completed in a timely manner. You will be contacted shortly by a staff member from the Local Grants Program regarding the fiinal processing requirements for your application. DO NOT incur any project costs. This notice does not constitute final approval of your project. Any work completed, money spent, or obligations incurred for acquisition or deve{opment o4 your project prior to final approval are ineligible and cannot be paid for with grant funds or used as the local share. The Local Grants Program staff are looking on this project. If you have any questions, (612) 296-1567. Congratulations. Yours trufy, Rodney W.Sando Commissioner forward to working with you cafl Wayne Sames at � : ��%f'� ��/��t � t� E � ' t 1-�t�i� �l C= 7�-� �j61��� DNR Information:672-296-6157, ]-800-766-6000 • TTY 612-?9G-5484, 1-R00-657-3929 • FAX: 612-296-4799 � Prin0.'tl ��n Recyclal Paper An Equai OpPormniry� Fanpin�cr ) V Com.umne IU% f�o.bC�+��umcr Wa.�e Council File # 97� �� `'�� Green Sheet # 3 RESOLUTION �NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - ,. Presented By Referred to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /b Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City o£ Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant £or construction of the Hazel Park Recreation Center childxen's play area, and WHEREAS, said application was submitted as authorized under Council File 97- 268, adopted March 19, 1997, and WHEREA5, the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources has notiEied the City that it will receive a grant for said play area construction, 8 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 9 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital 10 Improvement Budget Committee, that upon receipt of said qrant and execution of 11 the sequired grant agreement, the 1997 Capital Impxovement Budget, as 12 heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby £urther amended as 13 follows: 14 15 16 FINANCING 17 Hazel Park Recreation Center 18 New Building and Sitework 19 C97-3B006 20 1995 CIB &onds - 21 1994/95 CDBG 22 1996 CIB Bonds 23 1997 CIB Bonds 24 1997 CDSG 25 Prior Year CDBG 26 State of Minnesota 27 28 29 SPENBING 30 Hazel Park Recreation Center 31 New Building and Sitework 32 C97-3B006 33 Construction 34 35 CURRENT BUDGET 462,000 1,951,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 -0- 2,714,000 2,714,000 2,714,000 CHANGE - Q - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 AMENDED BUDGET 462,Q00 1,451,000 35,000 166,000 100,000 500,000 50,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 2,764,000 �7— //S�� fhe 3t. Pau1 Lon4 - Range Capital Improvom�u� $udget Committee received this:equest on �date} g 1 �. _ aad :ecommesda Ja _ I� ��� --� r=====___===, - r======, - r======,7========1 �� �� Yeas �� Nays �� Absent �� �� BZakey �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Bostrom �� ✓ �� �� �� �� Collins_�� / �� �� �� �� Harris_�I / I� �� �� Megard ✓ �� Morton _�� ✓ �� �� �� �� Thune_ - ��_. _✓ _�� _ __�� _ . .�� Adopted by Council: Date � ^ q'� T "_'�`, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BZ' �� , i'��.�. Approved by Mayor: Date: S�Z`� �7 �' By: ° ` � Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By : �..dJ,+l � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: (\ By: � U[J«-dl Form Appr ed by City Attorney $y: � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil� By: `� /' // �f X �EPApTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SHEET NO. 37232 Parks and Recreation 7/�4/197 GONiACT PERSON AND PHONE II�IRIAVDATE INfT1ALIDASE John Wirka 266 p � N DEPARTMEPfrDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNCIL NUMBEH FOR 3 CITY A'fTORNEY CfTY CLERK POUTING MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pqpEP Z FINANLIAL SERVICES DIR. F FINANCE ACCOUNTING AUJUSt 2O, 1997 4 MAYOR IORASSISTAN'f) 7 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL d OF SIGNANRE PAGES � �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNATUIIE) ACiION FEQUESTED: ' ri . Approval of Council Resolution to establish budget for construction grant Hazel Park Recreation Center qECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (AI or Reject (R) PEqSONAI. SEflVICE CONTRHCTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWIN TIO _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this pereon/f��m ever worke0 untlet a mMtact fo� tkrs tlapartm¢M? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF A 97-268 Z. Has this person/tirtn ever been a ciry employee? -- VES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3. Does this peroon/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessetl bY any cu�ren[ city employee? SUPPORB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answen on saparate shee[ and ettaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho, VJhat, When, Where, Why): The City has successfully applied for and will receive a State of Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist in construction of a new children's play area at Hazel Park Recreation Center. Resolution needed to establish budget for grant expenditures. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Project budget amended to include grant funds. ��^y° ' �ft �►t �� , � � `'"`-�' J 1997 DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: . _"" . ' _ _ . ...._,.::+� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVED: Budget will be inaccurate. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y r JO.00O.00 COST/NEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State Outdoor Recreation Grant Program ACTIVITYNUMBEFl C97-3B006 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� / r (.�����::�1•�'f14- Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAfNT PAUL, MIi3tJESOTA Council File Green Sheet . � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The State of Miruiesota Departmeut of Natural Resources, Office of 2 Planning has funding available to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities through the 3 ' Land & Water Conservation Fund, and 4 WHEILEAS, tlie City of Saint Paul is an eligible applicant and desires to subruit an S. application for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project; ; NOW THEREFORE BL IT R.LSOLVED, tliat the City of Saint Paul act as legal sponsor 7 for the Hazel Park Recreation Center Play Area renovation project contained in the Outdoor e Recreation Grant Application to be submitted on March 31, 1997 and that tlte Mayor and ptoper 9 city officials are hcarUy authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding 0 of this project on belialf of the City of Saint Paul, aiid 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has the legal autiiority to 2 apply for finat�cial assistattce, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure 3 adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its 4 dcsig�t life, and 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs, 6 has not entered into any written agreements to purcltase property, and 7 BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, tl�at the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Pederal, 8 State, or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion conflict of interest or 9 other unlawful er corrupt practice, and o BE IT FUR7HER RESOLVL•D, ti�at upon appcoval of its application by the state, the 1 City of Saint Paul may enter into 1n agrecment wiUi the State of Minnesota for the above- :2 refereuced project, and that tl�e City of Saint Paul certifies tl�at it will comply with afl applicable '.3 laws and regu(ations as stated in the contract agreement and desctibed in the Compliances � 4 section of the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application, and y�-�i�� ik ��t� # \� � ?5 ? 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper city officiais of the City of 37 Saint Paul are l�e�eby authotized to execute sucl� agreements as are necessary to implement the ? 8 project on behalf of t(ie City. �'l 1��8 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �r�n..�� {� 1���f � I Adoption Certified by Council Seczetary By � Approved by Maycr: Date Division oP Parks and ReC2'eation B �. A � Form Approved by City Atkorney i� � f By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � L��,L- Hy: 97 �,�� Minnesota Department of Natural Resources OFFICE OF THE COMA7ISSIONER 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 551�5-4037 RECEIVED JUL 2 1997 July 1, 1997 Mr John Wirka Principal Designer , City of Saint Paul 300 City Hall Annex, W 4th St St. Paul MN 55102 RE: FY 1998 Local Park Grant Proqram Application Grant amount: $50,000 Hazel Park Dear Mr Wirka : DfV. OF PAftKS & RECREATION I am pleased to inform you that your appiication for the Local Park Grant Program has competed successfuliy for funding. We anticipate being able to offer you a grant for the amount shown above contingent upon the final processing of your application. Final processing of your grant requires submittal of additional information which must be completed in a timely manner. You will be contacted shortly by a staff member from the Local Grants Program regarding the fiinal processing requirements for your application. DO NOT incur any project costs. This notice does not constitute final approval of your project. Any work completed, money spent, or obligations incurred for acquisition or deve{opment o4 your project prior to final approval are ineligible and cannot be paid for with grant funds or used as the local share. The Local Grants Program staff are looking on this project. If you have any questions, (612) 296-1567. Congratulations. Yours trufy, Rodney W.Sando Commissioner forward to working with you cafl Wayne Sames at � : ��%f'� ��/��t � t� E � ' t 1-�t�i� �l C= 7�-� �j61��� DNR Information:672-296-6157, ]-800-766-6000 • TTY 612-?9G-5484, 1-R00-657-3929 • FAX: 612-296-4799 � Prin0.'tl ��n Recyclal Paper An Equai OpPormniry� Fanpin�cr ) V Com.umne IU% f�o.bC�+��umcr Wa.�e