97-1139Council File # � — � � Green Sheet � 38l �5 RESOLUTION rITV (1F C�IIUT PAl ll MINNFCATA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, which was proposed by the Charter Commission on September 10, 1997, be submitted to the electorate of the City of Saint Paul at the general elecrion to be held November 4, 1997; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Clerk is hereby directed to take the necessary steps for such publication of the proposed amendment as may be required by law; and, be it FINALLY RESOLUED, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12, subd. 4�1996) the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fixes the statement of the question on the ballot for such proposed amendment, to read as follows: "Shall the Charter be amended to provide for special elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies which occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elec6ons to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical time after a vacancy occurs ?" Requested by Department of: By: ; Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY: �� �� 9- �o - 9� Approoed by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: �\�`\_ �'� _ gy; Approved by Mayor: Date �`� F! Hy; �� — 1 Adopted by Council: Date E`����f�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��-�i�q �� �.�� ��� ������� ������������ GREEN SHEET City Council 9l10/97 CANTACT PEASON & PHONE INITIAVOATE INI7IAVDA7E C011IIC1�Ill0D1b0I M11C0 HHII1S (68630) � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN �CINATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUSTBE ON COUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOfl O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. flOUTING OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: A resolution to submit to the eleetozase of the City of Saint Paul an amendment proposed by the Saint Paul Charter Commission for she Novembei 4, 1947 general election, to read: 'Shall the Charter be amended to provide for spuial elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies wlrich occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elecaoas to be held at the earliest reasonable and prac[ical time after a vacancy occurs?" RECOMMENDA710NS: npprove (A) m Rejact (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked untler a Contract for this dapartment? _ qB COMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ �� F 2. Has this person/ffrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUar _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 YES NO Expfain all yes answars on saparate aheei and attach to graen sheM INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITV (Wbo. WPat, Whe�, Where, Why): There is a deadline of Monday, September 15, set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau, to get tUis language on the November 4 general elecGon ballot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The language wIll be on the November 4 ballot and citizens wIll have a chance to vote on this issue. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: The language will not appeu on the ballot. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER F�NANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar Ms. Valerie Splichal Manager Elections and Ramsey County Voter Services 722 Ramsey County Government Center West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 11, 1997 Dear Ms. Splichal: r�o cy xQu I S W, Kellogg Boulevard SaintPanZ,Mimnuoda J5102 qn-ii39 Tei.: 612-266-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 Attached find copies of resolutions signed bq the Mayor's Office and adopted at the September 10, 1997, City Council Meeting: Council File # 97-�$3$ << 3 g Council File # 97-1139 Both resolutions have language that should appear on the ballot of the nea�t general election. Should you have any additional questions or comments please phone me at 266-8688. Sincerely, ^ / � v�°�`"" �� red Owusu CITY CLERK attachments: Council File # 97-1038 Council File # 97-1139 -'.G..� �' 3\ MICHAEL J. HARRiS Counci{member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CQUNCIL MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: September 10, 1997 City Council Members Council Member Harris�i� Council Vacancy / Specia) Election ballot question q�l-113� Attached is a copy of a resolution which T intend to introduce under suspension of the rules at today's council meeting. The resolution fixes the statement for a ballot question which would be on the ballot for the municipal general election that will be held this November. The Charter Commission is holding a special meefing today to finalize the language of the proposed amendment to the City Charter which would be decided by the ballot question. The amendment wouid ensure that all council vacancies that occur before July ls` of the second year of a council term would be filled by special election. City Council action is necessary this week in order to meet the Monday deadline that was set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau far the November 4"' ballots. If the City Council fails to meet this deadline, the issue would have to be decided in a special election. c: CITY HALL Phil Byrne Bob Butterbrodt THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6121266-8630 5�46 P�in[etl on Recyded Paper � C �Y O� St'111� 1 PAVL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State ofMinnesota State Capitol Saint Paul, MN 55155 Deaz Ms. Growe: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City C7erk 770 Cuy Hall IS W. %llogg Bouleva�d SaintPaul,Minnesota 55101 TeL: 6I2-2668989 Fax 61L2668689 Web: http://www.stpauLgov TDD: 2668509 ra ,� �n°.- � ..�. � n.L� �b �Y p� Oc�l Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-ll39 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that special elections to fill City Council terms such special elections to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical after a vacancy occurs, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: Ayes 42,267 Nays 13,908 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Ha11, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, �/"Gcr2ca� �eGr�g,�7 ��i/j� / Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk attach. C: Phil Byrne � •ri23q �i � �� 1997 ° CED -� G�"'��� �/ ��-n3g CERTI�ICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of _ �,m _ TO THE SECRE7ARY OF S'FATE OF MiNt3ESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the C��,� � F �S�-. �ia.�,�� DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 4/0• /� requiring approvai by a majority` vote of the goveming body of said ►oca4 governmenta! unit before it becomes effective, the �,�.'t� �,�f (designate overning body) at a meefing duly held on the _ day of 19 _, by resolution did approve said_Laws, 19 _, Chapier (if ofher than resolution, sneciiy} by � majority vote' or all of ih� ctisiTlbefs t'SteseOf (Ayss �; I�toes _�; Absent or not voiing _j and tne ioiiowing additiona! steos, ii any, required 'ny statute or charter w�r� :aker: ,,,; c� � "�"''"`;1 C�; .�:-+� " (�L.-� ' I� ���^�,1�< �, j �� ,•' U: /z COD}� OF ti79 (8501[lliC� IS il�f@i0 cilR°X2G 2iTa �Tic.Q° c�7c�i Oi LfIIS C2fTtiiCcL3 OY �BT°f°f1:�- � J 5igned: �-r� �<tcc-, ..��.�:�E��zxi� S�A� r r� � o �o�� 6i �..�"� �� (Ofri�a! d�tc�naiiort ofiicer) ;Tnis iorm prescribed by the niiOC(I°V �i°(l°�H� 2C7C TU'� �;Sh°� 5!' fh secre�ary o; Stci° 2S rBQ1ti?i.i t.'7 �1171[}°SOic J:a:UT°S �=��.�C��' 'l` °r;cOCQ!l72N 7TI2J0; IS r°QL'iTB� p4' ij7° S�7°Ci8113W i^Ja�i ii�CIIDIJ OT� °fCc?722Q° l3cf°. p{B2SE S2c r2V�*Slu° Sld° TD! I�15iiU� IOP.S i0' COITIDl�iti7G' iilt5 iOT. c�,as3i.',�w nsv. of93 . •, R� " �(J 1 -��, SA(�IT PAUL CHA�R�ER COMMISSION SAINT PAUL, 55102 RESOLUTION adopted by the Commission in regular session, September 10, 1997; voting aye ��'l , nay � abstaining r�` ' WHEREAS, Section 2.05 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides for filling vacancies in the o£fiee a£ councilmember which occur by reason of death, disability, resignation, etc.; and ATHEREAS, the Cha=ter Commissian has considered alternatives for filling vacancias in the office of councilmember_and.;:mayoranct beiieves that it is desirahle to f�ll such vacancs�s by eiectifln. when practicable; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that-the_St. Paul Charter Commission recommenns the attached amendment to Section 2.�� of tne Charter c� �he City of Saint Paul; and be it rVR^-'HER RESOLVED, �that tne a��ached am?n3ment be submitted tc tne elec�orate of the Cizy of Saiat ?aul at tne general elec�ion zo be held Novemaer a, Z947; and �e _.. =INAS.:,Y R_-^.SOLS7BD, tha� nu._+ to Mian_ S�a;.. Sec. 41Q.?2, sui�d. 4(1996j, �he s�atem�*it o£ the aues��on Cn �ne JC?�JL �or the a��acned -aronosed cnar_e: amenQ,�en� ;� _ecomm�*�ded t :?�C as =ollows: "Sha?1 �he Charter he amended to provide for special elec.ions to fi11 Citv Counc_1 vaczncies which occur be£ore Ju1y I of the second year o� any Counc=l ts` such saec_al e?ec�ions to be hald at the eariiAst re�sonable an3 p:ac�_ca_ �'_ne -=�er a vecancy occ::=s?" ..�,�,_ . �91NTE? pN Ae�e� en o<___ Council File # � — � � Green Sheet � 38l �5 RESOLUTION rITV (1F C�IIUT PAl ll MINNFCATA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, which was proposed by the Charter Commission on September 10, 1997, be submitted to the electorate of the City of Saint Paul at the general elecrion to be held November 4, 1997; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Clerk is hereby directed to take the necessary steps for such publication of the proposed amendment as may be required by law; and, be it FINALLY RESOLUED, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12, subd. 4�1996) the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fixes the statement of the question on the ballot for such proposed amendment, to read as follows: "Shall the Charter be amended to provide for special elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies which occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elec6ons to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical time after a vacancy occurs ?" Requested by Department of: By: ; Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY: �� �� 9- �o - 9� Approoed by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: �\�`\_ �'� _ gy; Approved by Mayor: Date �`� F! Hy; �� — 1 Adopted by Council: Date E`����f�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��-�i�q �� �.�� ��� ������� ������������ GREEN SHEET City Council 9l10/97 CANTACT PEASON & PHONE INITIAVOATE INI7IAVDA7E C011IIC1�Ill0D1b0I M11C0 HHII1S (68630) � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN �CINATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUSTBE ON COUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOfl O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. flOUTING OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: A resolution to submit to the eleetozase of the City of Saint Paul an amendment proposed by the Saint Paul Charter Commission for she Novembei 4, 1947 general election, to read: 'Shall the Charter be amended to provide for spuial elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies wlrich occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elecaoas to be held at the earliest reasonable and prac[ical time after a vacancy occurs?" RECOMMENDA710NS: npprove (A) m Rejact (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked untler a Contract for this dapartment? _ qB COMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ �� F 2. Has this person/ffrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUar _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 YES NO Expfain all yes answars on saparate aheei and attach to graen sheM INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITV (Wbo. WPat, Whe�, Where, Why): There is a deadline of Monday, September 15, set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau, to get tUis language on the November 4 general elecGon ballot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The language wIll be on the November 4 ballot and citizens wIll have a chance to vote on this issue. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: The language will not appeu on the ballot. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER F�NANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar Ms. Valerie Splichal Manager Elections and Ramsey County Voter Services 722 Ramsey County Government Center West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 11, 1997 Dear Ms. Splichal: r�o cy xQu I S W, Kellogg Boulevard SaintPanZ,Mimnuoda J5102 qn-ii39 Tei.: 612-266-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 Attached find copies of resolutions signed bq the Mayor's Office and adopted at the September 10, 1997, City Council Meeting: Council File # 97-�$3$ << 3 g Council File # 97-1139 Both resolutions have language that should appear on the ballot of the nea�t general election. Should you have any additional questions or comments please phone me at 266-8688. Sincerely, ^ / � v�°�`"" �� red Owusu CITY CLERK attachments: Council File # 97-1038 Council File # 97-1139 -'.G..� �' 3\ MICHAEL J. HARRiS Counci{member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CQUNCIL MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: September 10, 1997 City Council Members Council Member Harris�i� Council Vacancy / Specia) Election ballot question q�l-113� Attached is a copy of a resolution which T intend to introduce under suspension of the rules at today's council meeting. The resolution fixes the statement for a ballot question which would be on the ballot for the municipal general election that will be held this November. The Charter Commission is holding a special meefing today to finalize the language of the proposed amendment to the City Charter which would be decided by the ballot question. The amendment wouid ensure that all council vacancies that occur before July ls` of the second year of a council term would be filled by special election. City Council action is necessary this week in order to meet the Monday deadline that was set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau far the November 4"' ballots. If the City Council fails to meet this deadline, the issue would have to be decided in a special election. c: CITY HALL Phil Byrne Bob Butterbrodt THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6121266-8630 5�46 P�in[etl on Recyded Paper � C �Y O� St'111� 1 PAVL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State ofMinnesota State Capitol Saint Paul, MN 55155 Deaz Ms. Growe: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City C7erk 770 Cuy Hall IS W. %llogg Bouleva�d SaintPaul,Minnesota 55101 TeL: 6I2-2668989 Fax 61L2668689 Web: http://www.stpauLgov TDD: 2668509 ra ,� �n°.- � ..�. � n.L� �b �Y p� Oc�l Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-ll39 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that special elections to fill City Council terms such special elections to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical after a vacancy occurs, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: Ayes 42,267 Nays 13,908 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Ha11, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, �/"Gcr2ca� �eGr�g,�7 ��i/j� / Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk attach. C: Phil Byrne � •ri23q �i � �� 1997 ° CED -� G�"'��� �/ ��-n3g CERTI�ICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of _ �,m _ TO THE SECRE7ARY OF S'FATE OF MiNt3ESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the C��,� � F �S�-. �ia.�,�� DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 4/0• /� requiring approvai by a majority` vote of the goveming body of said ►oca4 governmenta! unit before it becomes effective, the �,�.'t� �,�f (designate overning body) at a meefing duly held on the _ day of 19 _, by resolution did approve said_Laws, 19 _, Chapier (if ofher than resolution, sneciiy} by � majority vote' or all of ih� ctisiTlbefs t'SteseOf (Ayss �; I�toes _�; Absent or not voiing _j and tne ioiiowing additiona! steos, ii any, required 'ny statute or charter w�r� :aker: ,,,; c� � "�"''"`;1 C�; .�:-+� " (�L.-� ' I� ���^�,1�< �, j �� ,•' U: /z COD}� OF ti79 (8501[lliC� IS il�f@i0 cilR°X2G 2iTa �Tic.Q° c�7c�i Oi LfIIS C2fTtiiCcL3 OY �BT°f°f1:�- � J 5igned: �-r� �<tcc-, ..��.�:�E��zxi� S�A� r r� � o �o�� 6i �..�"� �� (Ofri�a! d�tc�naiiort ofiicer) ;Tnis iorm prescribed by the niiOC(I°V �i°(l°�H� 2C7C TU'� �;Sh°� 5!' fh secre�ary o; Stci° 2S rBQ1ti?i.i t.'7 �1171[}°SOic J:a:UT°S �=��.�C��' 'l` °r;cOCQ!l72N 7TI2J0; IS r°QL'iTB� p4' ij7° S�7°Ci8113W i^Ja�i ii�CIIDIJ OT� °fCc?722Q° l3cf°. p{B2SE S2c r2V�*Slu° Sld° TD! I�15iiU� IOP.S i0' COITIDl�iti7G' iilt5 iOT. c�,as3i.',�w nsv. of93 . •, R� " �(J 1 -��, SA(�IT PAUL CHA�R�ER COMMISSION SAINT PAUL, 55102 RESOLUTION adopted by the Commission in regular session, September 10, 1997; voting aye ��'l , nay � abstaining r�` ' WHEREAS, Section 2.05 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides for filling vacancies in the o£fiee a£ councilmember which occur by reason of death, disability, resignation, etc.; and ATHEREAS, the Cha=ter Commissian has considered alternatives for filling vacancias in the office of councilmember_and.;:mayoranct beiieves that it is desirahle to f�ll such vacancs�s by eiectifln. when practicable; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that-the_St. Paul Charter Commission recommenns the attached amendment to Section 2.�� of tne Charter c� �he City of Saint Paul; and be it rVR^-'HER RESOLVED, �that tne a��ached am?n3ment be submitted tc tne elec�orate of the Cizy of Saiat ?aul at tne general elec�ion zo be held Novemaer a, Z947; and �e _.. =INAS.:,Y R_-^.SOLS7BD, tha� nu._+ to Mian_ S�a;.. Sec. 41Q.?2, sui�d. 4(1996j, �he s�atem�*it o£ the aues��on Cn �ne JC?�JL �or the a��acned -aronosed cnar_e: amenQ,�en� ;� _ecomm�*�ded t :?�C as =ollows: "Sha?1 �he Charter he amended to provide for special elec.ions to fi11 Citv Counc_1 vaczncies which occur be£ore Ju1y I of the second year o� any Counc=l ts` such saec_al e?ec�ions to be hald at the eariiAst re�sonable an3 p:ac�_ca_ �'_ne -=�er a vecancy occ::=s?" ..�,�,_ . �91NTE? pN Ae�e� en o<___ Council File # � — � � Green Sheet � 38l �5 RESOLUTION rITV (1F C�IIUT PAl ll MINNFCATA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the attached amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, which was proposed by the Charter Commission on September 10, 1997, be submitted to the electorate of the City of Saint Paul at the general elecrion to be held November 4, 1997; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Clerk is hereby directed to take the necessary steps for such publication of the proposed amendment as may be required by law; and, be it FINALLY RESOLUED, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12, subd. 4�1996) the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fixes the statement of the question on the ballot for such proposed amendment, to read as follows: "Shall the Charter be amended to provide for special elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies which occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elec6ons to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical time after a vacancy occurs ?" Requested by Department of: By: ; Form Ap roved by City Attorney BY: �� �� 9- �o - 9� Approoed by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: �\�`\_ �'� _ gy; Approved by Mayor: Date �`� F! Hy; �� — 1 Adopted by Council: Date E`����f�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��-�i�q �� �.�� ��� ������� ������������ GREEN SHEET City Council 9l10/97 CANTACT PEASON & PHONE INITIAVOATE INI7IAVDA7E C011IIC1�Ill0D1b0I M11C0 HHII1S (68630) � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O pTV COUNCIL ASSIGN �CINATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUSTBE ON COUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOfl O gUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. flOUTING OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: A resolution to submit to the eleetozase of the City of Saint Paul an amendment proposed by the Saint Paul Charter Commission for she Novembei 4, 1947 general election, to read: 'Shall the Charter be amended to provide for spuial elections to fill Ciry Council vacancies wlrich occur before July 1 of the second year of any Council term, such special elecaoas to be held at the earliest reasonable and prac[ical time after a vacancy occurs?" RECOMMENDA710NS: npprove (A) m Rejact (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked untler a Contract for this dapartment? _ qB COMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ �� F 2. Has this person/ffrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUar _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 YES NO Expfain all yes answars on saparate aheei and attach to graen sheM INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITV (Wbo. WPat, Whe�, Where, Why): There is a deadline of Monday, September 15, set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau, to get tUis language on the November 4 general elecGon ballot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The language wIll be on the November 4 ballot and citizens wIll have a chance to vote on this issue. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: The language will not appeu on the ballot. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER F�NANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar Ms. Valerie Splichal Manager Elections and Ramsey County Voter Services 722 Ramsey County Government Center West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 September 11, 1997 Dear Ms. Splichal: r�o cy xQu I S W, Kellogg Boulevard SaintPanZ,Mimnuoda J5102 qn-ii39 Tei.: 612-266-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 Attached find copies of resolutions signed bq the Mayor's Office and adopted at the September 10, 1997, City Council Meeting: Council File # 97-�$3$ << 3 g Council File # 97-1139 Both resolutions have language that should appear on the ballot of the nea�t general election. Should you have any additional questions or comments please phone me at 266-8688. Sincerely, ^ / � v�°�`"" �� red Owusu CITY CLERK attachments: Council File # 97-1038 Council File # 97-1139 -'.G..� �' 3\ MICHAEL J. HARRiS Counci{member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CQUNCIL MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: September 10, 1997 City Council Members Council Member Harris�i� Council Vacancy / Specia) Election ballot question q�l-113� Attached is a copy of a resolution which T intend to introduce under suspension of the rules at today's council meeting. The resolution fixes the statement for a ballot question which would be on the ballot for the municipal general election that will be held this November. The Charter Commission is holding a special meefing today to finalize the language of the proposed amendment to the City Charter which would be decided by the ballot question. The amendment wouid ensure that all council vacancies that occur before July ls` of the second year of a council term would be filled by special election. City Council action is necessary this week in order to meet the Monday deadline that was set by the Ramsey County Elections Bureau far the November 4"' ballots. If the City Council fails to meet this deadline, the issue would have to be decided in a special election. c: CITY HALL Phil Byrne Bob Butterbrodt THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6121266-8630 5�46 P�in[etl on Recyded Paper � C �Y O� St'111� 1 PAVL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1997 Ms. Joan Growe Secretary Of State State ofMinnesota State Capitol Saint Paul, MN 55155 Deaz Ms. Growe: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusq City C7erk 770 Cuy Hall IS W. %llogg Bouleva�d SaintPaul,Minnesota 55101 TeL: 6I2-2668989 Fax 61L2668689 Web: http://www.stpauLgov TDD: 2668509 ra ,� �n°.- � ..�. � n.L� �b �Y p� Oc�l Attached for filing in your office is a certified copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, Council File No. 97-ll39 and attached amendment to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul providing that special elections to fill City Council terms such special elections to be held at the earliest reasonable and practical after a vacancy occurs, which amendment was adopted by the electorate at the time of the General Election held on November 4, 1997 by a vote of: Ayes 42,267 Nays 13,908 Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Ha11, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, �/"Gcr2ca� �eGr�g,�7 ��i/j� / Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk attach. C: Phil Byrne � •ri23q �i � �� 1997 ° CED -� G�"'��� �/ ��-n3g CERTI�ICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of _ �,m _ TO THE SECRE7ARY OF S'FATE OF MiNt3ESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the C��,� � F �S�-. �ia.�,�� DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 4/0• /� requiring approvai by a majority` vote of the goveming body of said ►oca4 governmenta! unit before it becomes effective, the �,�.'t� �,�f (designate overning body) at a meefing duly held on the _ day of 19 _, by resolution did approve said_Laws, 19 _, Chapier (if ofher than resolution, sneciiy} by � majority vote' or all of ih� ctisiTlbefs t'SteseOf (Ayss �; I�toes _�; Absent or not voiing _j and tne ioiiowing additiona! steos, ii any, required 'ny statute or charter w�r� :aker: ,,,; c� � "�"''"`;1 C�; .�:-+� " (�L.-� ' I� ���^�,1�< �, j �� ,•' U: /z COD}� OF ti79 (8501[lliC� IS il�f@i0 cilR°X2G 2iTa �Tic.Q° c�7c�i Oi LfIIS C2fTtiiCcL3 OY �BT°f°f1:�- � J 5igned: �-r� �<tcc-, ..��.�:�E��zxi� S�A� r r� � o �o�� 6i �..�"� �� (Ofri�a! d�tc�naiiort ofiicer) ;Tnis iorm prescribed by the niiOC(I°V �i°(l°�H� 2C7C TU'� �;Sh°� 5!' fh secre�ary o; Stci° 2S rBQ1ti?i.i t.'7 �1171[}°SOic J:a:UT°S �=��.�C��' 'l` °r;cOCQ!l72N 7TI2J0; IS r°QL'iTB� p4' ij7° S�7°Ci8113W i^Ja�i ii�CIIDIJ OT� °fCc?722Q° l3cf°. p{B2SE S2c r2V�*Slu° Sld° TD! I�15iiU� IOP.S i0' COITIDl�iti7G' iilt5 iOT. c�,as3i.',�w nsv. of93 . •, R� " �(J 1 -��, SA(�IT PAUL CHA�R�ER COMMISSION SAINT PAUL, 55102 RESOLUTION adopted by the Commission in regular session, September 10, 1997; voting aye ��'l , nay � abstaining r�` ' WHEREAS, Section 2.05 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides for filling vacancies in the o£fiee a£ councilmember which occur by reason of death, disability, resignation, etc.; and ATHEREAS, the Cha=ter Commissian has considered alternatives for filling vacancias in the office of councilmember_and.;:mayoranct beiieves that it is desirahle to f�ll such vacancs�s by eiectifln. when practicable; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that-the_St. Paul Charter Commission recommenns the attached amendment to Section 2.�� of tne Charter c� �he City of Saint Paul; and be it rVR^-'HER RESOLVED, �that tne a��ached am?n3ment be submitted tc tne elec�orate of the Cizy of Saiat ?aul at tne general elec�ion zo be held Novemaer a, Z947; and �e _.. =INAS.:,Y R_-^.SOLS7BD, tha� nu._+ to Mian_ S�a;.. Sec. 41Q.?2, sui�d. 4(1996j, �he s�atem�*it o£ the aues��on Cn �ne JC?�JL �or the a��acned -aronosed cnar_e: amenQ,�en� ;� _ecomm�*�ded t :?�C as =ollows: "Sha?1 �he Charter he amended to provide for special elec.ions to fi11 Citv Counc_1 vaczncies which occur be£ore Ju1y I of the second year o� any Counc=l ts` such saec_al e?ec�ions to be hald at the eariiAst re�sonable an3 p:ac�_ca_ �'_ne -=�er a vecancy occ::=s?" ..�,�,_ . �91NTE? pN Ae�e� en o<___