D00485Original- City Clerk o 00�} S 5 Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services ���� Pubiic Works Accounting 3-, - q� Engineer Date: Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMfNiSTRATfVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENTN� 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proveci to be necessary to the Improvement described as Street LigMing System on CONWAY/GERMAIN, E. THIRD AND BIRMINGHAM, CSSP YEAR Vil known as Job No. 29159 , City Project No. 92-V-8�62. 0863 & 0864. , L.P.D. Electr�c Contractor, is composed of the following: DEDUCTS: 4 - Unitss o _t�, 2,190' of 1-1/2: PVC 2,190' of �18 Bc Gr. 7�770' of #6 wire 2 - Pult�oxes 1 - ServiCe panel u $ 360.00 2,835.00 3,46020 54750 3,496.50 46'3.00 675.00 TOTAL $11,84220 EX7RAS: Hand dig 33 four�ations ir�stali 1 -pu�ox Push 8� trench 735' of 1-1/2" PVC 1-Service Panel ir�5tali 4 - units Ir�stali 4 - foundations Insta112,355' of #4 wire irutall 1,1 � 0' of #6 wir2 Ir�aB 500� of �i8 &. Gr. Remove4foundations 1,815.00 234.b0 2,976.75 675.00 360.00 1,260.00 1,295.25 499.50 125.00 600.00 TOTAL $ 9,84050 ORDERED, That the City ot Saint Paul, through fts Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the spec'rfications in the sum of $-2,001.70 , said amouni fo be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as Job No. 29159 , and which amount is to be financed from: 1992 CSSP; Log S-6604; Page D-17 C92-2 T525-0784-29159 .�—� � g�.� 7_- �� � g �s z�" � s j.� Z 2 � g �� Administrative Assistar�t to the Mayor a�ss Muntean 266�213 � � CI Q. sr mn� OFSIGNATUHEPIIGES 1 (GAPAILLOCAnONSFORS�cNATUNq GREEN SHEET� INITIAIJDATE WRULLIDATE FARTMENf DIFECTOR - �4 CITY COUNC0. � anoaHer :ET DIPECTOfl (OR ASSISTANT) � 8 MGT. the attached Administrative Order for contract Change Agreement No. 2: Lighting on YlGERMAIN and EAST THIRD ST. & BIRMINGHAM. City Project No. 92-V-8062 Contractor: P.D. Elec[ric Co., Inc. �ewm.�enuw�urw:raP�e lwa e�e�eatnl PERSONAL SERVICE CONiFiACTS NUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _p�pNNq _CNIL SEfiVICE COMMISSpN 1. Has tlfis persoNfi NO xnrked under a conVac[ for ihis deparOnent? Y c18 COMMmEE 2 FWs ihis persavEirm ever 6een a ary employee? — — YES NO A STAFF 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally posse55ed by any current ciry — amployee? DISTR�CiCOUNCIL YES NO IUPPOR7S wHK:Fl CouNC�L oBJECTNE? �P�n all yas answers on sepente sheet and attaeh to green sheet NRIA77NG PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIT' (WHO, WHAT. WHEN. WHERE, WFI`n: Deductions and additional work, not shown in the contract, and necessary for project completion. (See attached Administrative Order). RECEevE� MAR - 2 1995 CtTY CLERK City wili pay for work actually pertormed. RECEIVE� ���� 01 i995 None ._, ^R � �wtNT OF F[IVANCE �4�'� �'�r'�A�E�ENTSERVICES 1F N07 APPROVED: Contract cannot be finalized. � ��R C 1 1995 � � �; ,. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ -2,001.70 COST/REYENUEBUDGETED(CIpCLEONE) YES FUNDINGSWflCE 1992 CSSP: Loq S-6604, Paqe D-17 ACITVITYNUMBER C92-2T525-0784-29159 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� .�.�'. u Yv O