97-1120Council File # 1 l ^����.� Green Sheet # J . -- � � s .��'.�.:.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Vehicle License (License ID No. 89117), Cab Number 109, held by Minnesota Taxi, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota TaYi is hereby considered abandoned and thereby revoked for failure to renew vehicle license within 30 days following expiration of the license. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts which aze summarized in the July 21, 1997 Notice of Expiration of License letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The Licensee did not contest the facts. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � w.— � � - Approved by Mayor: Date �����t� $Y � � " v �—LJ RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, M�NESOTA By: ��'Y1�l.�v�.J ��'�'1R� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �, �� �eY � ���� �—�� N� 50538 OEP1RiiMENi/aFFlCE�COUNC�L DATEINRIATED � e�,{�.O c�t coun��� 8/26/97 GREEN SH EE L17NTPCT PERSON d PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVOATE Q OEPARILIENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCiL Councilmember �1llII8 266-8620 p551GN � CRYATTORNEY O CITV CLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUNBEP FOfl a BUDGET DIHECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. POUTING Pub13.c Hearin 9/10 97 OPOEN O�,�pyOR(ORASSISTnM7 � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTEO: Concerning adverse action against Taxicab vehicle license held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a Minnesota Tagi, Cab Number 109 (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejen (Rj pERSONAI SEHVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis person�rm ever worketl untler a corrtract for this departmentt _ CIB CAMMIi7EE _ YES NO __ STAFF Z. Ha. this persontfirm ever 6een a ciry emqloyee? — YES NO _ DISiRICi COOPT _ 3. Does Ihis persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny wrrent ciry employee? SUPPOATS WHICM COUPlCIL O&lECT1VE4 YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparete shaet end attech to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Whare. Why)� AOVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: � DISFDVANTACaES IF APPflOVEO DISAD�AMAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7NITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFpRRSATION. (EXPL4IN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir,k CityAtlorn�y �1 ���^� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm; Mayor Civi[ Division 400 City Hall . IS WestKelloggBlvd Sainf Paul, Mim�esom 55102 a August 22, 1997 NOTICE OF COIINCIL $EARING Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145`" Court West Apple Val�ley, Minnesota 55124 Telephone: 671266-8770 Facsimile: 61119&56T 9 �� � t'�IL:� � : i, a _ �� � � i.�d°��r ��� 2�i �:,�i RE: Taxicab Vehicle License held by Gholam Shahroki dJbja Minnesota Taxi; Cab Number: 109 License ID No.: 89117 Our Fi1e Number: G97-0369 Dear Mr. Shahroki : Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 10, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to renew your taxicab vehicle license and the subsequent abandonment of that license has not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that the license be deemed abandoned and thereby revoked. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr y yours, � Step J ristie Assistant C ty Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP ��-��ao UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Minnesota Taxi,.)nc. d/b/a Minnesota Taxi Address: 7786 Upper 145 Caurt West Council Hearing Date: September 10, 1997 Violation: Failure To Renew 1997-98 License Fees/Abandonment of Taxicab Vehicle License St. Paul Legislative Code § 375.05(d)(2) License Expiration Date: Apri! 30, 1997 Presumptive Penalty: Loss of Taxicab Vehicte License - Loss of Taxicab Licensee's Right to Renew License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Loss of Taxicab Vehicle License - Loss of Taxicab Vehicie Licensee's Right to f2enew License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation 3. License infiormation � 4. Licensing office information --, CITY OP SAINT PAUL Nomr Colemm, Mayo� July 21, 1997 OFFIC.��F THE CITY ATTORIQEY PegBir.� ciryAaorney .._ a � � �� Civil Division a00 City HaA IS West KeIIogg Bhd Saurt Pau� M'amesam 35102 � Te7ephorte: 672 266-8710 Facsimik: 67219&5619 230TIC8 OF SXPIRATION OF LICENSE Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 RE: Taxicab Vehicle License Minnesota Taxi for Vehicle #109 License # 89117 Dear Mr. Shahroki: held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended that adverse action be taken against the licenses held by you based upon the following information: Licease fees for the 1997-98 license period were dve on or before April 30, 1997. These fees have not beea paid and the licenses have not beea reaewed. Saiat Paul Legislative Code §376.05(d�(2� statea that failure to apply for renewal of any public vehiele licease within thirty days after expiratioa shall be deemed aa abaadonment of the liceasee's right to such renewal. If you do not dispute the facts listed above, please send me a letter to that effect so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate disposition of the licenses. You would have an opportunity to speak on your behalf at that hearing. It would be the recommendation of the LI�P office at that time that the licenses be considered abandoned and available for other applicants pursuant to chapter of the Code. I£ you dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to schedule such a hearing, please notify my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, of that fact so that he can schedule such a hearing. He c�n be reached at 266-8710. We would then provide notice of the date, time and place of the hearing and the name of the administrative law � �t'1-��ao judge who would be presiding. I can be reached at that same number if you have any questions about the options listed above. If we have not heard from you by Friday, August 1, 1997, we will assume that you are not contesting the fact that the fees have not been paid, and will schedule ehe matter for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council. Sincerely, ��'�t�,.c.��Y✓'� a.! -K.� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Troy Gilbertson, Taxicab license inspector � �. "1 q� -��a o STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COL7I3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 22, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Gholam Shahroki " Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN. 55124 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �\ „ Subscribed this 22nd/ to re me , 997 / PANGBORl1 IqTl�ftY PUBtlC- MtNNESOL t�rcann. a�as,�n. a�.sa Q�1-���0 Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Cab Number ............... NOTE AREA ................ Doing Business As........ Cab Serial Number........ Year of Cab .............. Model of Cab ............. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Exp Date ................. Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephon ................ 89117 AC MINNESOTA TAXI INC 109 LETTER SENT 6/8/95 REGARDINCz COLOR CHANGE ON VEAIC LE-COPY AVAILABI;E IN FILE-TG 6-12-95-RESPONSE RECIEVED-SEE FILE-TG 6-16-95-INSPECTED VEHICLE, COLOR CHANGE IS ACCEPTA BLE BUT POSTED RATES ARE INCORRECT, ORDERS GIVEN T O CORRECT BY 6-23-95-TG MII3I3ESOTA TAXI 2FACP72W5I3X196731 1992 FORD REINSUI2ANCE GROUP OF NEW YORK R2200781A OS/09/96 CONT 04j30/97 1938176 -'-�c-"-� Business Status Update Screen Date: Aug 22 �t'1- ��10 LICENSE I.D. 89117 STATUS AC Hold by State on: EFF-DATE: 031494 RS = RESTRICTIONS RV = REVOKED WD = WI'I`FIDRAWN OB = OUT OF BBSINESS TR = TRANSFERRED IN = INACTIVE TH = TEMP HOLD SU = SUSPENDED CA = CANCELLED DN = DENIED DC = DECEASED AC = ACTIVE DI = DISCONTINUED Business Tit1e : MINNESOTA TAXI Business Address : 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W " APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Suspended From : Suspended To . Mailed License : Council App Dt : Please check "NAME" & "ADDRESS" before change -BUSINESS LICENSE- PAID-DT PRINT-DT 1:051096 1:060195 2:050295 2:010595 3:122794 3: 4:031494 4: As of 060595 Fire 0 Food 0 Health 0 License 2 Zoning 0 Date: Aug 22 Business License Screen License I.D. 89117 1 � Applicant Name MINNESOTA TAXI INC First Name Addr (#� Name Type Dir Un) 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W City State Zip APPLE VALLEY - MN 55124 Building Name Billing DIame Addr (# Name 'I�tpe Dir Un) City State Zip Suilding Name D.B.A. MINNESOTA TAXI Picture Needed Lic Exp Date 043Q97 Tax ID 1938176 r Phone Number 612-8658680 Tnsp 02 TROY Dealer Number Effective Date 031494 Mail License to Bill Address? (Y/N) Enter "00000" to generate a new LICENSE ID Council File # 1 l ^����.� Green Sheet # J . -- � � s .��'.�.:.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Vehicle License (License ID No. 89117), Cab Number 109, held by Minnesota Taxi, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota TaYi is hereby considered abandoned and thereby revoked for failure to renew vehicle license within 30 days following expiration of the license. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts which aze summarized in the July 21, 1997 Notice of Expiration of License letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The Licensee did not contest the facts. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � w.— � � - Approved by Mayor: Date �����t� $Y � � " v �—LJ RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, M�NESOTA By: ��'Y1�l.�v�.J ��'�'1R� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �, �� �eY � ���� �—�� N� 50538 OEP1RiiMENi/aFFlCE�COUNC�L DATEINRIATED � e�,{�.O c�t coun��� 8/26/97 GREEN SH EE L17NTPCT PERSON d PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVOATE Q OEPARILIENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCiL Councilmember �1llII8 266-8620 p551GN � CRYATTORNEY O CITV CLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUNBEP FOfl a BUDGET DIHECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. POUTING Pub13.c Hearin 9/10 97 OPOEN O�,�pyOR(ORASSISTnM7 � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTEO: Concerning adverse action against Taxicab vehicle license held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a Minnesota Tagi, Cab Number 109 (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejen (Rj pERSONAI SEHVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis person�rm ever worketl untler a corrtract for this departmentt _ CIB CAMMIi7EE _ YES NO __ STAFF Z. Ha. this persontfirm ever 6een a ciry emqloyee? — YES NO _ DISiRICi COOPT _ 3. Does Ihis persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny wrrent ciry employee? SUPPOATS WHICM COUPlCIL O&lECT1VE4 YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparete shaet end attech to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Whare. Why)� AOVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: � DISFDVANTACaES IF APPflOVEO DISAD�AMAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7NITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFpRRSATION. (EXPL4IN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir,k CityAtlorn�y �1 ���^� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm; Mayor Civi[ Division 400 City Hall . IS WestKelloggBlvd Sainf Paul, Mim�esom 55102 a August 22, 1997 NOTICE OF COIINCIL $EARING Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145`" Court West Apple Val�ley, Minnesota 55124 Telephone: 671266-8770 Facsimile: 61119&56T 9 �� � t'�IL:� � : i, a _ �� � � i.�d°��r ��� 2�i �:,�i RE: Taxicab Vehicle License held by Gholam Shahroki dJbja Minnesota Taxi; Cab Number: 109 License ID No.: 89117 Our Fi1e Number: G97-0369 Dear Mr. Shahroki : Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 10, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to renew your taxicab vehicle license and the subsequent abandonment of that license has not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that the license be deemed abandoned and thereby revoked. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr y yours, � Step J ristie Assistant C ty Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP ��-��ao UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Minnesota Taxi,.)nc. d/b/a Minnesota Taxi Address: 7786 Upper 145 Caurt West Council Hearing Date: September 10, 1997 Violation: Failure To Renew 1997-98 License Fees/Abandonment of Taxicab Vehicle License St. Paul Legislative Code § 375.05(d)(2) License Expiration Date: Apri! 30, 1997 Presumptive Penalty: Loss of Taxicab Vehicte License - Loss of Taxicab Licensee's Right to Renew License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Loss of Taxicab Vehicle License - Loss of Taxicab Vehicie Licensee's Right to f2enew License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation 3. License infiormation � 4. Licensing office information --, CITY OP SAINT PAUL Nomr Colemm, Mayo� July 21, 1997 OFFIC.��F THE CITY ATTORIQEY PegBir.� ciryAaorney .._ a � � �� Civil Division a00 City HaA IS West KeIIogg Bhd Saurt Pau� M'amesam 35102 � Te7ephorte: 672 266-8710 Facsimik: 67219&5619 230TIC8 OF SXPIRATION OF LICENSE Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 RE: Taxicab Vehicle License Minnesota Taxi for Vehicle #109 License # 89117 Dear Mr. Shahroki: held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended that adverse action be taken against the licenses held by you based upon the following information: Licease fees for the 1997-98 license period were dve on or before April 30, 1997. These fees have not beea paid and the licenses have not beea reaewed. Saiat Paul Legislative Code §376.05(d�(2� statea that failure to apply for renewal of any public vehiele licease within thirty days after expiratioa shall be deemed aa abaadonment of the liceasee's right to such renewal. If you do not dispute the facts listed above, please send me a letter to that effect so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate disposition of the licenses. You would have an opportunity to speak on your behalf at that hearing. It would be the recommendation of the LI�P office at that time that the licenses be considered abandoned and available for other applicants pursuant to chapter of the Code. I£ you dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to schedule such a hearing, please notify my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, of that fact so that he can schedule such a hearing. He c�n be reached at 266-8710. We would then provide notice of the date, time and place of the hearing and the name of the administrative law � �t'1-��ao judge who would be presiding. I can be reached at that same number if you have any questions about the options listed above. If we have not heard from you by Friday, August 1, 1997, we will assume that you are not contesting the fact that the fees have not been paid, and will schedule ehe matter for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council. Sincerely, ��'�t�,.c.��Y✓'� a.! -K.� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Troy Gilbertson, Taxicab license inspector � �. "1 q� -��a o STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COL7I3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 22, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Gholam Shahroki " Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN. 55124 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �\ „ Subscribed this 22nd/ to re me , 997 / PANGBORl1 IqTl�ftY PUBtlC- MtNNESOL t�rcann. a�as,�n. a�.sa Q�1-���0 Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Cab Number ............... NOTE AREA ................ Doing Business As........ Cab Serial Number........ Year of Cab .............. Model of Cab ............. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Exp Date ................. Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephon ................ 89117 AC MINNESOTA TAXI INC 109 LETTER SENT 6/8/95 REGARDINCz COLOR CHANGE ON VEAIC LE-COPY AVAILABI;E IN FILE-TG 6-12-95-RESPONSE RECIEVED-SEE FILE-TG 6-16-95-INSPECTED VEHICLE, COLOR CHANGE IS ACCEPTA BLE BUT POSTED RATES ARE INCORRECT, ORDERS GIVEN T O CORRECT BY 6-23-95-TG MII3I3ESOTA TAXI 2FACP72W5I3X196731 1992 FORD REINSUI2ANCE GROUP OF NEW YORK R2200781A OS/09/96 CONT 04j30/97 1938176 -'-�c-"-� Business Status Update Screen Date: Aug 22 �t'1- ��10 LICENSE I.D. 89117 STATUS AC Hold by State on: EFF-DATE: 031494 RS = RESTRICTIONS RV = REVOKED WD = WI'I`FIDRAWN OB = OUT OF BBSINESS TR = TRANSFERRED IN = INACTIVE TH = TEMP HOLD SU = SUSPENDED CA = CANCELLED DN = DENIED DC = DECEASED AC = ACTIVE DI = DISCONTINUED Business Tit1e : MINNESOTA TAXI Business Address : 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W " APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Suspended From : Suspended To . Mailed License : Council App Dt : Please check "NAME" & "ADDRESS" before change -BUSINESS LICENSE- PAID-DT PRINT-DT 1:051096 1:060195 2:050295 2:010595 3:122794 3: 4:031494 4: As of 060595 Fire 0 Food 0 Health 0 License 2 Zoning 0 Date: Aug 22 Business License Screen License I.D. 89117 1 � Applicant Name MINNESOTA TAXI INC First Name Addr (#� Name Type Dir Un) 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W City State Zip APPLE VALLEY - MN 55124 Building Name Billing DIame Addr (# Name 'I�tpe Dir Un) City State Zip Suilding Name D.B.A. MINNESOTA TAXI Picture Needed Lic Exp Date 043Q97 Tax ID 1938176 r Phone Number 612-8658680 Tnsp 02 TROY Dealer Number Effective Date 031494 Mail License to Bill Address? (Y/N) Enter "00000" to generate a new LICENSE ID Council File # 1 l ^����.� Green Sheet # J . -- � � s .��'.�.:.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Vehicle License (License ID No. 89117), Cab Number 109, held by Minnesota Taxi, Inc. d/b/a Minnesota TaYi is hereby considered abandoned and thereby revoked for failure to renew vehicle license within 30 days following expiration of the license. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts which aze summarized in the July 21, 1997 Notice of Expiration of License letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The Licensee did not contest the facts. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � w.— � � - Approved by Mayor: Date �����t� $Y � � " v �—LJ RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, M�NESOTA By: ��'Y1�l.�v�.J ��'�'1R� Form Approved by City Attorney By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �, �� �eY � ���� �—�� N� 50538 OEP1RiiMENi/aFFlCE�COUNC�L DATEINRIATED � e�,{�.O c�t coun��� 8/26/97 GREEN SH EE L17NTPCT PERSON d PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVOATE Q OEPARILIENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCiL Councilmember �1llII8 266-8620 p551GN � CRYATTORNEY O CITV CLEFK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUNBEP FOfl a BUDGET DIHECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. POUTING Pub13.c Hearin 9/10 97 OPOEN O�,�pyOR(ORASSISTnM7 � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTEO: Concerning adverse action against Taxicab vehicle license held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a Minnesota Tagi, Cab Number 109 (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejen (Rj pERSONAI SEHVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis person�rm ever worketl untler a corrtract for this departmentt _ CIB CAMMIi7EE _ YES NO __ STAFF Z. Ha. this persontfirm ever 6een a ciry emqloyee? — YES NO _ DISiRICi COOPT _ 3. Does Ihis persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny wrrent ciry employee? SUPPOATS WHICM COUPlCIL O&lECT1VE4 YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparete shaet end attech to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Whare. Why)� AOVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: � DISFDVANTACaES IF APPflOVEO DISAD�AMAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7NITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFpRRSATION. (EXPL4IN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir,k CityAtlorn�y �1 ���^� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm; Mayor Civi[ Division 400 City Hall . IS WestKelloggBlvd Sainf Paul, Mim�esom 55102 a August 22, 1997 NOTICE OF COIINCIL $EARING Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145`" Court West Apple Val�ley, Minnesota 55124 Telephone: 671266-8770 Facsimile: 61119&56T 9 �� � t'�IL:� � : i, a _ �� � � i.�d°��r ��� 2�i �:,�i RE: Taxicab Vehicle License held by Gholam Shahroki dJbja Minnesota Taxi; Cab Number: 109 License ID No.: 89117 Our Fi1e Number: G97-0369 Dear Mr. Shahroki : Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 10, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to renew your taxicab vehicle license and the subsequent abandonment of that license has not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that the license be deemed abandoned and thereby revoked. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr y yours, � Step J ristie Assistant C ty Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP ��-��ao UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Minnesota Taxi,.)nc. d/b/a Minnesota Taxi Address: 7786 Upper 145 Caurt West Council Hearing Date: September 10, 1997 Violation: Failure To Renew 1997-98 License Fees/Abandonment of Taxicab Vehicle License St. Paul Legislative Code § 375.05(d)(2) License Expiration Date: Apri! 30, 1997 Presumptive Penalty: Loss of Taxicab Vehicte License - Loss of Taxicab Licensee's Right to Renew License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Loss of Taxicab Vehicle License - Loss of Taxicab Vehicie Licensee's Right to f2enew License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation 3. License infiormation � 4. Licensing office information --, CITY OP SAINT PAUL Nomr Colemm, Mayo� July 21, 1997 OFFIC.��F THE CITY ATTORIQEY PegBir.� ciryAaorney .._ a � � �� Civil Division a00 City HaA IS West KeIIogg Bhd Saurt Pau� M'amesam 35102 � Te7ephorte: 672 266-8710 Facsimik: 67219&5619 230TIC8 OF SXPIRATION OF LICENSE Gholam Shahroki Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 RE: Taxicab Vehicle License Minnesota Taxi for Vehicle #109 License # 89117 Dear Mr. Shahroki: held by Gholam Shahroki d/b/a The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended that adverse action be taken against the licenses held by you based upon the following information: Licease fees for the 1997-98 license period were dve on or before April 30, 1997. These fees have not beea paid and the licenses have not beea reaewed. Saiat Paul Legislative Code §376.05(d�(2� statea that failure to apply for renewal of any public vehiele licease within thirty days after expiratioa shall be deemed aa abaadonment of the liceasee's right to such renewal. If you do not dispute the facts listed above, please send me a letter to that effect so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate disposition of the licenses. You would have an opportunity to speak on your behalf at that hearing. It would be the recommendation of the LI�P office at that time that the licenses be considered abandoned and available for other applicants pursuant to chapter of the Code. I£ you dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to schedule such a hearing, please notify my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, of that fact so that he can schedule such a hearing. He c�n be reached at 266-8710. We would then provide notice of the date, time and place of the hearing and the name of the administrative law � �t'1-��ao judge who would be presiding. I can be reached at that same number if you have any questions about the options listed above. If we have not heard from you by Friday, August 1, 1997, we will assume that you are not contesting the fact that the fees have not been paid, and will schedule ehe matter for hearing before the Saint Paul City Council. Sincerely, ��'�t�,.c.��Y✓'� a.! -K.� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Troy Gilbertson, Taxicab license inspector � �. "1 q� -��a o STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COL7I3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 22, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Gholam Shahroki " Minnesota Taxi 7786 Upper 145th Street Apple Valley, MN. 55124 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �\ „ Subscribed this 22nd/ to re me , 997 / PANGBORl1 IqTl�ftY PUBtlC- MtNNESOL t�rcann. a�as,�n. a�.sa Q�1-���0 Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Cab Number ............... NOTE AREA ................ Doing Business As........ Cab Serial Number........ Year of Cab .............. Model of Cab ............. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Exp Date ................. Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephon ................ 89117 AC MINNESOTA TAXI INC 109 LETTER SENT 6/8/95 REGARDINCz COLOR CHANGE ON VEAIC LE-COPY AVAILABI;E IN FILE-TG 6-12-95-RESPONSE RECIEVED-SEE FILE-TG 6-16-95-INSPECTED VEHICLE, COLOR CHANGE IS ACCEPTA BLE BUT POSTED RATES ARE INCORRECT, ORDERS GIVEN T O CORRECT BY 6-23-95-TG MII3I3ESOTA TAXI 2FACP72W5I3X196731 1992 FORD REINSUI2ANCE GROUP OF NEW YORK R2200781A OS/09/96 CONT 04j30/97 1938176 -'-�c-"-� Business Status Update Screen Date: Aug 22 �t'1- ��10 LICENSE I.D. 89117 STATUS AC Hold by State on: EFF-DATE: 031494 RS = RESTRICTIONS RV = REVOKED WD = WI'I`FIDRAWN OB = OUT OF BBSINESS TR = TRANSFERRED IN = INACTIVE TH = TEMP HOLD SU = SUSPENDED CA = CANCELLED DN = DENIED DC = DECEASED AC = ACTIVE DI = DISCONTINUED Business Tit1e : MINNESOTA TAXI Business Address : 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W " APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Suspended From : Suspended To . Mailed License : Council App Dt : Please check "NAME" & "ADDRESS" before change -BUSINESS LICENSE- PAID-DT PRINT-DT 1:051096 1:060195 2:050295 2:010595 3:122794 3: 4:031494 4: As of 060595 Fire 0 Food 0 Health 0 License 2 Zoning 0 Date: Aug 22 Business License Screen License I.D. 89117 1 � Applicant Name MINNESOTA TAXI INC First Name Addr (#� Name Type Dir Un) 7786 UPPER 145TH COURT W City State Zip APPLE VALLEY - MN 55124 Building Name Billing DIame Addr (# Name 'I�tpe Dir Un) City State Zip Suilding Name D.B.A. MINNESOTA TAXI Picture Needed Lic Exp Date 043Q97 Tax ID 1938176 r Phone Number 612-8658680 Tnsp 02 TROY Dealer Number Effective Date 031494 Mail License to Bill Address? (Y/N) Enter "00000" to generate a new LICENSE ID