97-1119Council Fi1e #� _` t � 1 ��q Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 �/ 7 ' S l..'�l��E( €�'; � l� { i �•: f°`'t Presented By 1 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA ttee: Date 3� RESOLVED: That application (ID #79938) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License by West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. (Michae] Rice, Vice President) at 1428 7th Street West be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Vehicles for sale shali be parked on the sales lot and not in the public right-of-way. 2. 3. A ma�:imum of 20 vehicles shall be displayed for sale on the lot. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot unless conducted within a completely enclosed buiiding. ii 12 Requested by Department of: 13 Yeas Navs Absent 14 B a e� 15 Bostrmn Of£ice of License. Insnections and 16 � H rrzs 17 Meaard Environmental Protection 18 orton 20 Co ens 22 gy. �J�� � V 23 Adopted by Covncil: Date O �-� 24 25 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaiy Zy Form Approved by City Attomey 27 {� / / � 28 By: c� . !� ��'�� _�: � �/ 2 9 BY � �( - U�-/ vx 30 Approved by Mayor: Date 31 � 32 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 33 By: _ Council 34 By: q'�—c1�� o�,p„��T,���N��� OATE WITIATEO 3 7° 7 5 LZEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONTIICT PERSaN & PHQNE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPAATMENT OIRECTOR O CiTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicx �cmnrroANEV �cmcr.ea�c MUST BE ON CAUNGL A6ENDA 8Y (DAT� MUYBER FOq O gUDGEf DIRECTOA � FIN. 8 MGT. SERViCES DIA. ROUTING FOY hearing: �t (O OADER OMAYOR(ORA$$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RE�UESTED; West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle I.icense located at 1428 7th Street West (ID 4179938). RECOMMENDATIONS: AOP� (A) or Reiec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N t Has this persondirm ever worked untler a contrac[ tor Mis departmant? _.CBCAMMITiEE _ YES NO _ Sia� 2. Nas this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7qICi CoURS _ 3, Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain alt yes anawers on separate sheei and aUaeh to grean sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANLIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) JUL-CB-199? 16•31 G TY OF ST PAL!L LIEP CLAS$ III LTCEX�rSE APPLICATION �S APPLiCATTOTvT IS SUBSECT ?O RF�W BY PU'3iIC PLEASE TYPE 012 PRINS LN � carr oF sa�rr Paui�'�-l11`� o�s�r��, �� ��� �� ������ s�c?w3Y�eaaoa uW: (611}1X4090 5z(64''f 146F12. ����� � f � � TyPeofliernse(s)bei�gaoplied:�: C 'CGi7:� i'?r?i?:.� ��e%�Iri"-i; �_i:'�L-cliii/� g Tl�'/.! ' f /; ;� �.? , � � � , _ .,-� <;; :- :., s s CompzucNemz: ��,�'�`^� ��' Y' �%if i'i -- 1 �'1 i �l �/_• 1� �` _LtJi coryo:�iaa/Pctna�plSolcPrapfieto�ip . Ii biui.iness is �ca^po:aird, gve dzte of iziwrporatioa: 7/i'j ��Ji.. r.�:� a��g �: a,gl�r' �� �T. Rvr`a � 1�-s s�� �: ����5 su��g Aaa�as: /�/Z °� t�!, % th 51. samc:,ddx�b � cn.y swc 2ip Bcnveea w�zE coss sseets is the basine:s Iocxted? �/Ji 7/ h�% � Ol lO �'t'4� Wfiich side ofthe stxct? .�yJ� Are thcprezreses amv oceapietl? ��„ W aai TyQe of Busincss? u_� C f7 � l% i�) � �e�S Mai1 To Adc�ss: ! t-fZ;�' I'l.�� � � � --- � �/.jt11- J��ti� � /L � so-�a naaRa� Applicarn InfoxsnBQon: 2v &xi' Title: � Fc�e i�ome Ad&�ss; 35ddla rh 4 , s city 612 2Eo 9124 P.E2 � 'firie S'mxt Ad+tren C�h` Stata Z:p ���a�s�: ��.i-��' ��s�n: �i. PA-J�. x�Px�: �3l»0�� T3acvt pau � been coavicte3 of'aQy feIam�, crimc or �dolaCo:= of eng eity onlinsace other i�an n-t�ic? 'YHS NO ,� Date af atxst: Clfarge: _ Coavictioa; . Whese? � List the aames andresidences of Yh.ree perscros af good moca? eh&-actrr, living with;n tlu Tw�in Caaes Mero Am.s, not related to the appliczzt or financiellv Sncers,KCd'm tl7e preaiises or busiaess, w�o mac be rdcr,ed tn as to the applicanYS c}caracter Nt1ME ADDRESS PHAn%F Have azry of the sbo4t nsmed Iicenses �va�beea resrokedT Y�S _�_ NO ifyes, 2ist the daus a�si reasons for mroeation: via�� Sute 2p List lic�ases whic� yoat cuareutlp hntd, fonnalr he?d, or ma�; t�ave au intetest ia: � UV 08-1°?7 1E�31 G TY OF ST FRL!L LIEF 612 2E6 9124 F.G3 Are �ou gaing to opetste this bvsiness pcsonaily? � YES �?v0 If aot, who will op�a;e is? � `���� 5i��<<-iJ C� ,�C�rr� Slj���l Firac;raae bYidd'i47aicd {�.4niCm) DYeaPBv� j��1 C'(��; vt�r.,J�e �G���o� L�✓ ss/t`7 ��uol�y xcros a�m: serc,c �me cih S.rtc �ip pEacv� A:e yc� going :aLac2 a mzaegzr or as�sr�t iu st�is business? �_ YES ?�FO If the na�zg:r is aot rhe s�ce as tae operetar, pieue comp?ece u foL'rowiag info:mz5oa: Frzst?7aae :.:'k'lcFmtd CSeidrn) I�at Det�of8i'� HmAde6ds: 57attisae City Sau Zic P6oaeN ' P1eQSe list yro� eac�lcrymeat history for the previous fivc (5) re� period: � � � � � ��� �����: o�cx rrcz�. \T.4NL � (O�.oe Heid) xo?v� ADDRESS ��i,'� HOME PY.ONE �� a BLISII IG'S5 PHO?sE �-�' r �;i.i �5 ; � LlAiE OF rc.�IG'�ei% E ..r.— L`biuiness is a}�armcship, please inelude the foLowing iafaziaaoza fvr each p�mer <vse additional psgcs if �cessary): Fec:�.mc 4Laaic rafid c�s.=aa+) i<a Dmc oraetL Home Md�as: Stxtt Namc Ci:y Stau ZiP Phrns Vumbec Pan[ ti�c .Niame iai«'a! QNaidei} Le+c Dax ef 8'sth Hax-Atldeem: S'�xt:�ame Gi.y Sta�e ?3P Phoae�h�mher MllVt3FSOTA T.4X IDENTIFICATION Iv'i7D+fBER - Pu,-suzat to the Lasv., of?vlumesota, 1484, C1�ptcr 502 Atticie 8, Secaoa 2 C270.72) (1'ax CIem�ance; iss,sance of Licenses), 3icznsing sudwiities an requizcd zo proviclz to the State of Minacsota Commissioa�r of Revenue, rhe Mianesota business ta�: identif:carion num6er �d the socisl security number of rach license applic�t Under the Mianesota Cmverament Dais Praccixs Act and the Fedaa] F: icacy A� of 1974, we ere rcqiri�ed to advise you oPthe folto�iag reguding the use o; U� e Minn�ota Tax Identifieation Number: - This infozmstion may be used to deay Yae issuance br rrnea�at of your 2'iccase in the eveni you owe tvl�,nu�ota se3es, emPIaytic's a�it�holding ot mouu veSuele excise taxes; - Upon rweiving this infonrution, the lit�uing auf3�oriry will sn�nly it mily to We Mumesota �JeParimeut of Rcvmue. Howeve , uader the Fedasl Exct�aage of Information Agts�aeat, the DeQartmast �Rerenue �isy sapply thes infocmztion to the Sntcmal Rcveuve Serviee. lvlmnesota Tax IdentificffianNiunb�s (Saks & Use Tsac a Ttnaber) ma; be obtamcd from �e Stsu of Mumesota, Bnsiuess Rer.ards Department, 10 Ri�rs Pm�k Piaza (61�-246-6! 81}. s�����:��-s�-�ss�. ���r������,�,�:a��a68s � 7f a N'annesora Tarc Identificstion Number is notrcguired for the isusiness beui8 aperated, iadicaze so by gisciag an "X" in the bnx. ,� 2'1&'4? �+UL-G;-1°9? 15�_2 CITY CF ST FPU_ LIEP 612 2E5 9124 P.P4 �E_RT4'ICAi_ON OF �T.'ORKERS' COT�PE�'SATION COV"cRAGS PURSUANI' TO MINNESOTA STATt7TE 176.1$2 �� _}�`� I h�yrrify L3ai I, or znp campffiy, �n in mmplia�ce witb rhe wo:�e:s` compensedon it�si:tsnce covaage rcq�irccnrnts of Mianesara stfn:se 176.182, subdivisioa 2. I aLso ur�dss,�d:hffipm�isic� of fa}se izfarm�.'ioa in ;his ce;li5cetian constir,ues �cic�t grou ,ds ftt advasc aceon agair.� ali licenses ixlq iacluding:evxatioe e�i � of sz.d liceases. Narie of Zr.suraace Policy N�mSer Cevaag to ? have na erspdoyees :ov`red un3er workers' cccspa�sation ins��ance _�y�IV'TiAL53 ��- A1V'Y FALSIFICATTBN OF AI�SWE1tS GIVEN O& MATEZtIAL SUS1SiTTED A'ILI, RESLT,T IlV D£�3AT, OF IT�S APPLSCATLO:H I hzreby zate rhst I hzy,e answeaed r1I a` the PmcedmS questio:s. md tbat the ia°amatioa contauxd haem is ave znd co:xect to the best of my imowl�gc and belie£ S herebq �ate fimh� �zt I havz x�:ived no maney ar aher evr�dccarion, �9 '$Y a:1�v, €`,�i, contrzbutiou or maawige, oCha 3�zn a�.ady �+isck5eclin�e qplscati�wbich I'.�..-��ith s�sstte� I aLso � this�se may be inspected by police, fire, hra.�u and o;h� ciry officials �t aap znd et1 timcs when 1ie 6�siaess is m eperarion- J � � n8u We wSli eccept paymeat 6y cssh, check (made paqable to GiLy of Saiat Pau� or eredit card (NUC or Visa). 7PPAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASB COhIFLE'TE THE FOLLOWING INFOKMr,tT101ti! � MasterCsrd ❑ V�sa BATE: � � � ,i for '*Notc: If dus appIicaam is Foud/Laquor related, please wntax a Ci:y of Saint Psut HeaUfi Iaspecwr. Steve OLscm (266-9139), w:eview placs. L+' arry substential chsages ro sl�uctue are a�icipaced, Please umtact a Cig� of 5aint Pau4 Plan Examiner st 26b-9007 eo spPty for building pernits. �f'these �e aarr diangcx A the parlang Iot, fl�or space, or for new operatioas, Piease coatact a Cixp of Saint Paul Z�niag IRSpector at 266-9008. All appIications reqaire the fallowing dxuments. Pkase attach theae documeab ai:en submittlag yocr applicatf�a: 1. A detailed desCCiPrion of the desi� ?ocatian and squu+z foot2ge of tlu gremises to be iiarn.sed (ate plan). The following data should be oa the site pl� (p: eferabty an an 8 I2" x t I" or 8 1/2" x t4" paper): - Namc, zddress, �d phoae mrnber. - T6e scale should be stated such as Y' = 24'. ^N should be indicaced toward the top. - Plaecment of aJl gemneat features of the snterior of tte liaensed fscility such az seating areas, ki�cheas o�ices ceQzir area. parkiag, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expaasou afUx Iicensad {aeiliry, indicate boih the ourrent area agd the proposed expaason. . . � . � SPECxkiC LICENSE APPLXCATIOPiS REQU3RE ADDITIOIVAL �+k'4TtI�3ATION. PLEASE SEE REVk;RSE FflR bETAII,S >>>> ,�} ACCOL:�T NU?vIBF'R: � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � . 2,Q 8,'97 Council Fi1e #� _` t � 1 ��q Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 �/ 7 ' S l..'�l��E( €�'; � l� { i �•: f°`'t Presented By 1 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA ttee: Date 3� RESOLVED: That application (ID #79938) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License by West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. (Michae] Rice, Vice President) at 1428 7th Street West be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Vehicles for sale shali be parked on the sales lot and not in the public right-of-way. 2. 3. A ma�:imum of 20 vehicles shall be displayed for sale on the lot. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot unless conducted within a completely enclosed buiiding. ii 12 Requested by Department of: 13 Yeas Navs Absent 14 B a e� 15 Bostrmn Of£ice of License. Insnections and 16 � H rrzs 17 Meaard Environmental Protection 18 orton 20 Co ens 22 gy. �J�� � V 23 Adopted by Covncil: Date O �-� 24 25 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaiy Zy Form Approved by City Attomey 27 {� / / � 28 By: c� . !� ��'�� _�: � �/ 2 9 BY � �( - U�-/ vx 30 Approved by Mayor: Date 31 � 32 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 33 By: _ Council 34 By: q'�—c1�� o�,p„��T,���N��� OATE WITIATEO 3 7° 7 5 LZEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONTIICT PERSaN & PHQNE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPAATMENT OIRECTOR O CiTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicx �cmnrroANEV �cmcr.ea�c MUST BE ON CAUNGL A6ENDA 8Y (DAT� MUYBER FOq O gUDGEf DIRECTOA � FIN. 8 MGT. SERViCES DIA. ROUTING FOY hearing: �t (O OADER OMAYOR(ORA$$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RE�UESTED; West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle I.icense located at 1428 7th Street West (ID 4179938). RECOMMENDATIONS: AOP� (A) or Reiec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N t Has this persondirm ever worked untler a contrac[ tor Mis departmant? _.CBCAMMITiEE _ YES NO _ Sia� 2. Nas this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7qICi CoURS _ 3, Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain alt yes anawers on separate sheei and aUaeh to grean sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANLIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) JUL-CB-199? 16•31 G TY OF ST PAL!L LIEP CLAS$ III LTCEX�rSE APPLICATION �S APPLiCATTOTvT IS SUBSECT ?O RF�W BY PU'3iIC PLEASE TYPE 012 PRINS LN � carr oF sa�rr Paui�'�-l11`� o�s�r��, �� ��� �� ������ s�c?w3Y�eaaoa uW: (611}1X4090 5z(64''f 146F12. ����� � f � � TyPeofliernse(s)bei�gaoplied:�: C 'CGi7:� i'?r?i?:.� ��e%�Iri"-i; �_i:'�L-cliii/� g Tl�'/.! ' f /; ;� �.? , � � � , _ .,-� <;; :- :., s s CompzucNemz: ��,�'�`^� ��' Y' �%if i'i -- 1 �'1 i �l �/_• 1� �` _LtJi coryo:�iaa/Pctna�plSolcPrapfieto�ip . Ii biui.iness is �ca^po:aird, gve dzte of iziwrporatioa: 7/i'j ��Ji.. r.�:� a��g �: a,gl�r' �� �T. Rvr`a � 1�-s s�� �: ����5 su��g Aaa�as: /�/Z °� t�!, % th 51. samc:,ddx�b � cn.y swc 2ip Bcnveea w�zE coss sseets is the basine:s Iocxted? �/Ji 7/ h�% � Ol lO �'t'4� Wfiich side ofthe stxct? .�yJ� Are thcprezreses amv oceapietl? ��„ W aai TyQe of Busincss? u_� C f7 � l% i�) � �e�S Mai1 To Adc�ss: ! t-fZ;�' I'l.�� � � � --- � �/.jt11- J��ti� � /L � so-�a naaRa� Applicarn InfoxsnBQon: 2v &xi' Title: � Fc�e i�ome Ad&�ss; 35ddla rh 4 , s city 612 2Eo 9124 P.E2 � 'firie S'mxt Ad+tren C�h` Stata Z:p ���a�s�: ��.i-��' ��s�n: �i. PA-J�. x�Px�: �3l»0�� T3acvt pau � been coavicte3 of'aQy feIam�, crimc or �dolaCo:= of eng eity onlinsace other i�an n-t�ic? 'YHS NO ,� Date af atxst: Clfarge: _ Coavictioa; . Whese? � List the aames andresidences of Yh.ree perscros af good moca? eh&-actrr, living with;n tlu Tw�in Caaes Mero Am.s, not related to the appliczzt or financiellv Sncers,KCd'm tl7e preaiises or busiaess, w�o mac be rdcr,ed tn as to the applicanYS c}caracter Nt1ME ADDRESS PHAn%F Have azry of the sbo4t nsmed Iicenses �va�beea resrokedT Y�S _�_ NO ifyes, 2ist the daus a�si reasons for mroeation: via�� Sute 2p List lic�ases whic� yoat cuareutlp hntd, fonnalr he?d, or ma�; t�ave au intetest ia: � UV 08-1°?7 1E�31 G TY OF ST FRL!L LIEF 612 2E6 9124 F.G3 Are �ou gaing to opetste this bvsiness pcsonaily? � YES �?v0 If aot, who will op�a;e is? � `���� 5i��<<-iJ C� ,�C�rr� Slj���l Firac;raae bYidd'i47aicd {�.4niCm) DYeaPBv� j��1 C'(��; vt�r.,J�e �G���o� L�✓ ss/t`7 ��uol�y xcros a�m: serc,c �me cih S.rtc �ip pEacv� A:e yc� going :aLac2 a mzaegzr or as�sr�t iu st�is business? �_ YES ?�FO If the na�zg:r is aot rhe s�ce as tae operetar, pieue comp?ece u foL'rowiag info:mz5oa: Frzst?7aae :.:'k'lcFmtd CSeidrn) I�at Det�of8i'� HmAde6ds: 57attisae City Sau Zic P6oaeN ' P1eQSe list yro� eac�lcrymeat history for the previous fivc (5) re� period: � � � � � ��� �����: o�cx rrcz�. \T.4NL � (O�.oe Heid) xo?v� ADDRESS ��i,'� HOME PY.ONE �� a BLISII IG'S5 PHO?sE �-�' r �;i.i �5 ; � LlAiE OF rc.�IG'�ei% E ..r.— L`biuiness is a}�armcship, please inelude the foLowing iafaziaaoza fvr each p�mer <vse additional psgcs if �cessary): Fec:�.mc 4Laaic rafid c�s.=aa+) i<a Dmc oraetL Home Md�as: Stxtt Namc Ci:y Stau ZiP Phrns Vumbec Pan[ ti�c .Niame iai«'a! QNaidei} Le+c Dax ef 8'sth Hax-Atldeem: S'�xt:�ame Gi.y Sta�e ?3P Phoae�h�mher MllVt3FSOTA T.4X IDENTIFICATION Iv'i7D+fBER - Pu,-suzat to the Lasv., of?vlumesota, 1484, C1�ptcr 502 Atticie 8, Secaoa 2 C270.72) (1'ax CIem�ance; iss,sance of Licenses), 3icznsing sudwiities an requizcd zo proviclz to the State of Minacsota Commissioa�r of Revenue, rhe Mianesota business ta�: identif:carion num6er �d the socisl security number of rach license applic�t Under the Mianesota Cmverament Dais Praccixs Act and the Fedaa] F: icacy A� of 1974, we ere rcqiri�ed to advise you oPthe folto�iag reguding the use o; U� e Minn�ota Tax Identifieation Number: - This infozmstion may be used to deay Yae issuance br rrnea�at of your 2'iccase in the eveni you owe tvl�,nu�ota se3es, emPIaytic's a�it�holding ot mouu veSuele excise taxes; - Upon rweiving this infonrution, the lit�uing auf3�oriry will sn�nly it mily to We Mumesota �JeParimeut of Rcvmue. Howeve , uader the Fedasl Exct�aage of Information Agts�aeat, the DeQartmast �Rerenue �isy sapply thes infocmztion to the Sntcmal Rcveuve Serviee. lvlmnesota Tax IdentificffianNiunb�s (Saks & Use Tsac a Ttnaber) ma; be obtamcd from �e Stsu of Mumesota, Bnsiuess Rer.ards Department, 10 Ri�rs Pm�k Piaza (61�-246-6! 81}. s�����:��-s�-�ss�. ���r������,�,�:a��a68s � 7f a N'annesora Tarc Identificstion Number is notrcguired for the isusiness beui8 aperated, iadicaze so by gisciag an "X" in the bnx. ,� 2'1&'4? �+UL-G;-1°9? 15�_2 CITY CF ST FPU_ LIEP 612 2E5 9124 P.P4 �E_RT4'ICAi_ON OF �T.'ORKERS' COT�PE�'SATION COV"cRAGS PURSUANI' TO MINNESOTA STATt7TE 176.1$2 �� _}�`� I h�yrrify L3ai I, or znp campffiy, �n in mmplia�ce witb rhe wo:�e:s` compensedon it�si:tsnce covaage rcq�irccnrnts of Mianesara stfn:se 176.182, subdivisioa 2. I aLso ur�dss,�d:hffipm�isic� of fa}se izfarm�.'ioa in ;his ce;li5cetian constir,ues �cic�t grou ,ds ftt advasc aceon agair.� ali licenses ixlq iacluding:evxatioe e�i � of sz.d liceases. Narie of Zr.suraace Policy N�mSer Cevaag to ? have na erspdoyees :ov`red un3er workers' cccspa�sation ins��ance _�y�IV'TiAL53 ��- A1V'Y FALSIFICATTBN OF AI�SWE1tS GIVEN O& MATEZtIAL SUS1SiTTED A'ILI, RESLT,T IlV D£�3AT, OF IT�S APPLSCATLO:H I hzreby zate rhst I hzy,e answeaed r1I a` the PmcedmS questio:s. md tbat the ia°amatioa contauxd haem is ave znd co:xect to the best of my imowl�gc and belie£ S herebq �ate fimh� �zt I havz x�:ived no maney ar aher evr�dccarion, �9 '$Y a:1�v, €`,�i, contrzbutiou or maawige, oCha 3�zn a�.ady �+isck5eclin�e qplscati�wbich I'.�..-��ith s�sstte� I aLso � this�se may be inspected by police, fire, hra.�u and o;h� ciry officials �t aap znd et1 timcs when 1ie 6�siaess is m eperarion- J � � n8u We wSli eccept paymeat 6y cssh, check (made paqable to GiLy of Saiat Pau� or eredit card (NUC or Visa). 7PPAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASB COhIFLE'TE THE FOLLOWING INFOKMr,tT101ti! � MasterCsrd ❑ V�sa BATE: � � � ,i for '*Notc: If dus appIicaam is Foud/Laquor related, please wntax a Ci:y of Saint Psut HeaUfi Iaspecwr. Steve OLscm (266-9139), w:eview placs. L+' arry substential chsages ro sl�uctue are a�icipaced, Please umtact a Cig� of 5aint Pau4 Plan Examiner st 26b-9007 eo spPty for building pernits. �f'these �e aarr diangcx A the parlang Iot, fl�or space, or for new operatioas, Piease coatact a Cixp of Saint Paul Z�niag IRSpector at 266-9008. All appIications reqaire the fallowing dxuments. Pkase attach theae documeab ai:en submittlag yocr applicatf�a: 1. A detailed desCCiPrion of the desi� ?ocatian and squu+z foot2ge of tlu gremises to be iiarn.sed (ate plan). The following data should be oa the site pl� (p: eferabty an an 8 I2" x t I" or 8 1/2" x t4" paper): - Namc, zddress, �d phoae mrnber. - T6e scale should be stated such as Y' = 24'. ^N should be indicaced toward the top. - Plaecment of aJl gemneat features of the snterior of tte liaensed fscility such az seating areas, ki�cheas o�ices ceQzir area. parkiag, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expaasou afUx Iicensad {aeiliry, indicate boih the ourrent area agd the proposed expaason. . . � . � SPECxkiC LICENSE APPLXCATIOPiS REQU3RE ADDITIOIVAL �+k'4TtI�3ATION. PLEASE SEE REVk;RSE FflR bETAII,S >>>> ,�} ACCOL:�T NU?vIBF'R: � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � . 2,Q 8,'97 Council Fi1e #� _` t � 1 ��q Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 �/ 7 ' S l..'�l��E( €�'; � l� { i �•: f°`'t Presented By 1 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA ttee: Date 3� RESOLVED: That application (ID #79938) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License by West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. (Michae] Rice, Vice President) at 1428 7th Street West be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: Vehicles for sale shali be parked on the sales lot and not in the public right-of-way. 2. 3. A ma�:imum of 20 vehicles shall be displayed for sale on the lot. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot unless conducted within a completely enclosed buiiding. ii 12 Requested by Department of: 13 Yeas Navs Absent 14 B a e� 15 Bostrmn Of£ice of License. Insnections and 16 � H rrzs 17 Meaard Environmental Protection 18 orton 20 Co ens 22 gy. �J�� � V 23 Adopted by Covncil: Date O �-� 24 25 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaiy Zy Form Approved by City Attomey 27 {� / / � 28 By: c� . !� ��'�� _�: � �/ 2 9 BY � �( - U�-/ vx 30 Approved by Mayor: Date 31 � 32 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 33 By: _ Council 34 By: q'�—c1�� o�,p„��T,���N��� OATE WITIATEO 3 7° 7 5 LZEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONTIICT PERSaN & PHQNE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPAATMENT OIRECTOR O CiTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicx �cmnrroANEV �cmcr.ea�c MUST BE ON CAUNGL A6ENDA 8Y (DAT� MUYBER FOq O gUDGEf DIRECTOA � FIN. 8 MGT. SERViCES DIA. ROUTING FOY hearing: �t (O OADER OMAYOR(ORA$$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RE�UESTED; West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. DBA West 7th Street Auto Sales Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle I.icense located at 1428 7th Street West (ID 4179938). RECOMMENDATIONS: AOP� (A) or Reiec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N t Has this persondirm ever worked untler a contrac[ tor Mis departmant? _.CBCAMMITiEE _ YES NO _ Sia� 2. Nas this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7qICi CoURS _ 3, Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain alt yes anawers on separate sheei and aUaeh to grean sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANLIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) JUL-CB-199? 16•31 G TY OF ST PAL!L LIEP CLAS$ III LTCEX�rSE APPLICATION �S APPLiCATTOTvT IS SUBSECT ?O RF�W BY PU'3iIC PLEASE TYPE 012 PRINS LN � carr oF sa�rr Paui�'�-l11`� o�s�r��, �� ��� �� ������ s�c?w3Y�eaaoa uW: (611}1X4090 5z(64''f 146F12. ����� � f � � TyPeofliernse(s)bei�gaoplied:�: C 'CGi7:� i'?r?i?:.� ��e%�Iri"-i; �_i:'�L-cliii/� g Tl�'/.! ' f /; ;� �.? , � � � , _ .,-� <;; :- :., s s CompzucNemz: ��,�'�`^� ��' Y' �%if i'i -- 1 �'1 i �l �/_• 1� �` _LtJi coryo:�iaa/Pctna�plSolcPrapfieto�ip . Ii biui.iness is �ca^po:aird, gve dzte of iziwrporatioa: 7/i'j ��Ji.. r.�:� a��g �: a,gl�r' �� �T. Rvr`a � 1�-s s�� �: ����5 su��g Aaa�as: /�/Z °� t�!, % th 51. samc:,ddx�b � cn.y swc 2ip Bcnveea w�zE coss sseets is the basine:s Iocxted? �/Ji 7/ h�% � Ol lO �'t'4� Wfiich side ofthe stxct? .�yJ� Are thcprezreses amv oceapietl? ��„ W aai TyQe of Busincss? u_� C f7 � l% i�) � �e�S Mai1 To Adc�ss: ! t-fZ;�' I'l.�� � � � --- � �/.jt11- J��ti� � /L � so-�a naaRa� Applicarn InfoxsnBQon: 2v &xi' Title: � Fc�e i�ome Ad&�ss; 35ddla rh 4 , s city 612 2Eo 9124 P.E2 � 'firie S'mxt Ad+tren C�h` Stata Z:p ���a�s�: ��.i-��' ��s�n: �i. PA-J�. x�Px�: �3l»0�� T3acvt pau � been coavicte3 of'aQy feIam�, crimc or �dolaCo:= of eng eity onlinsace other i�an n-t�ic? 'YHS NO ,� Date af atxst: Clfarge: _ Coavictioa; . Whese? � List the aames andresidences of Yh.ree perscros af good moca? eh&-actrr, living with;n tlu Tw�in Caaes Mero Am.s, not related to the appliczzt or financiellv Sncers,KCd'm tl7e preaiises or busiaess, w�o mac be rdcr,ed tn as to the applicanYS c}caracter Nt1ME ADDRESS PHAn%F Have azry of the sbo4t nsmed Iicenses �va�beea resrokedT Y�S _�_ NO ifyes, 2ist the daus a�si reasons for mroeation: via�� Sute 2p List lic�ases whic� yoat cuareutlp hntd, fonnalr he?d, or ma�; t�ave au intetest ia: � UV 08-1°?7 1E�31 G TY OF ST FRL!L LIEF 612 2E6 9124 F.G3 Are �ou gaing to opetste this bvsiness pcsonaily? � YES �?v0 If aot, who will op�a;e is? � `���� 5i��<<-iJ C� ,�C�rr� Slj���l Firac;raae bYidd'i47aicd {�.4niCm) DYeaPBv� j��1 C'(��; vt�r.,J�e �G���o� L�✓ ss/t`7 ��uol�y xcros a�m: serc,c �me cih S.rtc �ip pEacv� A:e yc� going :aLac2 a mzaegzr or as�sr�t iu st�is business? �_ YES ?�FO If the na�zg:r is aot rhe s�ce as tae operetar, pieue comp?ece u foL'rowiag info:mz5oa: Frzst?7aae :.:'k'lcFmtd CSeidrn) I�at Det�of8i'� HmAde6ds: 57attisae City Sau Zic P6oaeN ' P1eQSe list yro� eac�lcrymeat history for the previous fivc (5) re� period: � � � � � ��� �����: o�cx rrcz�. \T.4NL � (O�.oe Heid) xo?v� ADDRESS ��i,'� HOME PY.ONE �� a BLISII IG'S5 PHO?sE �-�' r �;i.i �5 ; � LlAiE OF rc.�IG'�ei% E ..r.— L`biuiness is a}�armcship, please inelude the foLowing iafaziaaoza fvr each p�mer <vse additional psgcs if �cessary): Fec:�.mc 4Laaic rafid c�s.=aa+) i<a Dmc oraetL Home Md�as: Stxtt Namc Ci:y Stau ZiP Phrns Vumbec Pan[ ti�c .Niame iai«'a! QNaidei} Le+c Dax ef 8'sth Hax-Atldeem: S'�xt:�ame Gi.y Sta�e ?3P Phoae�h�mher MllVt3FSOTA T.4X IDENTIFICATION Iv'i7D+fBER - Pu,-suzat to the Lasv., of?vlumesota, 1484, C1�ptcr 502 Atticie 8, Secaoa 2 C270.72) (1'ax CIem�ance; iss,sance of Licenses), 3icznsing sudwiities an requizcd zo proviclz to the State of Minacsota Commissioa�r of Revenue, rhe Mianesota business ta�: identif:carion num6er �d the socisl security number of rach license applic�t Under the Mianesota Cmverament Dais Praccixs Act and the Fedaa] F: icacy A� of 1974, we ere rcqiri�ed to advise you oPthe folto�iag reguding the use o; U� e Minn�ota Tax Identifieation Number: - This infozmstion may be used to deay Yae issuance br rrnea�at of your 2'iccase in the eveni you owe tvl�,nu�ota se3es, emPIaytic's a�it�holding ot mouu veSuele excise taxes; - Upon rweiving this infonrution, the lit�uing auf3�oriry will sn�nly it mily to We Mumesota �JeParimeut of Rcvmue. Howeve , uader the Fedasl Exct�aage of Information Agts�aeat, the DeQartmast �Rerenue �isy sapply thes infocmztion to the Sntcmal Rcveuve Serviee. lvlmnesota Tax IdentificffianNiunb�s (Saks & Use Tsac a Ttnaber) ma; be obtamcd from �e Stsu of Mumesota, Bnsiuess Rer.ards Department, 10 Ri�rs Pm�k Piaza (61�-246-6! 81}. s�����:��-s�-�ss�. ���r������,�,�:a��a68s � 7f a N'annesora Tarc Identificstion Number is notrcguired for the isusiness beui8 aperated, iadicaze so by gisciag an "X" in the bnx. ,� 2'1&'4? �+UL-G;-1°9? 15�_2 CITY CF ST FPU_ LIEP 612 2E5 9124 P.P4 �E_RT4'ICAi_ON OF �T.'ORKERS' COT�PE�'SATION COV"cRAGS PURSUANI' TO MINNESOTA STATt7TE 176.1$2 �� _}�`� I h�yrrify L3ai I, or znp campffiy, �n in mmplia�ce witb rhe wo:�e:s` compensedon it�si:tsnce covaage rcq�irccnrnts of Mianesara stfn:se 176.182, subdivisioa 2. I aLso ur�dss,�d:hffipm�isic� of fa}se izfarm�.'ioa in ;his ce;li5cetian constir,ues �cic�t grou ,ds ftt advasc aceon agair.� ali licenses ixlq iacluding:evxatioe e�i � of sz.d liceases. Narie of Zr.suraace Policy N�mSer Cevaag to ? have na erspdoyees :ov`red un3er workers' cccspa�sation ins��ance _�y�IV'TiAL53 ��- A1V'Y FALSIFICATTBN OF AI�SWE1tS GIVEN O& MATEZtIAL SUS1SiTTED A'ILI, RESLT,T IlV D£�3AT, OF IT�S APPLSCATLO:H I hzreby zate rhst I hzy,e answeaed r1I a` the PmcedmS questio:s. md tbat the ia°amatioa contauxd haem is ave znd co:xect to the best of my imowl�gc and belie£ S herebq �ate fimh� �zt I havz x�:ived no maney ar aher evr�dccarion, �9 '$Y a:1�v, €`,�i, contrzbutiou or maawige, oCha 3�zn a�.ady �+isck5eclin�e qplscati�wbich I'.�..-��ith s�sstte� I aLso � this�se may be inspected by police, fire, hra.�u and o;h� ciry officials �t aap znd et1 timcs when 1ie 6�siaess is m eperarion- J � � n8u We wSli eccept paymeat 6y cssh, check (made paqable to GiLy of Saiat Pau� or eredit card (NUC or Visa). 7PPAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASB COhIFLE'TE THE FOLLOWING INFOKMr,tT101ti! � MasterCsrd ❑ V�sa BATE: � � � ,i for '*Notc: If dus appIicaam is Foud/Laquor related, please wntax a Ci:y of Saint Psut HeaUfi Iaspecwr. Steve OLscm (266-9139), w:eview placs. L+' arry substential chsages ro sl�uctue are a�icipaced, Please umtact a Cig� of 5aint Pau4 Plan Examiner st 26b-9007 eo spPty for building pernits. �f'these �e aarr diangcx A the parlang Iot, fl�or space, or for new operatioas, Piease coatact a Cixp of Saint Paul Z�niag IRSpector at 266-9008. All appIications reqaire the fallowing dxuments. Pkase attach theae documeab ai:en submittlag yocr applicatf�a: 1. A detailed desCCiPrion of the desi� ?ocatian and squu+z foot2ge of tlu gremises to be iiarn.sed (ate plan). The following data should be oa the site pl� (p: eferabty an an 8 I2" x t I" or 8 1/2" x t4" paper): - Namc, zddress, �d phoae mrnber. - T6e scale should be stated such as Y' = 24'. ^N should be indicaced toward the top. - Plaecment of aJl gemneat features of the snterior of tte liaensed fscility such az seating areas, ki�cheas o�ices ceQzir area. parkiag, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expaasou afUx Iicensad {aeiliry, indicate boih the ourrent area agd the proposed expaason. . . � . � SPECxkiC LICENSE APPLXCATIOPiS REQU3RE ADDITIOIVAL �+k'4TtI�3ATION. PLEASE SEE REVk;RSE FflR bETAII,S >>>> ,�} ACCOL:�T NU?vIBF'R: � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � . 2,Q 8,'97