97-1115Council File $ �S ordinance # Green Sheet # 37915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Presented Referred To RESOLVED: That application, ID �B-0�639, £or a State C1ass B Gambling Premise Permit by church of the Incarnation at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Committee: Date Requested by Department of: • - -- - - - a� • u�-� _ ��� - � �� . �'' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date � Form Appro by City �ney By: L/,�GQ � ��,-,.c,t. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,33 Adopted by Council: Date � ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** � � � ` S DEWWTAENTIOFFlCHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J � � � � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIALIDATE O DEPAPTMENT DIRECTOA O CRY COUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEY � C17YCLEFK MUSTBEONCAUNCIIAGENDABY DATE NUYBE0.FOR ( � ROUi1NG O BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. Hearing: CJ �Q g� OfiOEN � y�qYOR (ORASSISTANn � TOTAI # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoNaEOUesreo F=. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation, ID l�B-00639, requests Gouncil approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade St. RECOMMENOqTIONS: Appmve (A) or qeiect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWfNG UUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVII SEflVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has [his person/Firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTR�CTCOURT _ 3. DOeSthis personttirm possess a skill not normatfy possessetl by any Currefrt ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWNICNCOUNCIL46JECTIVE? YES NO Expfain ail yes answers on separate sheet ana attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. Wha[, When, Whera, Why): ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. � +�,s�e:�� ��Y�6 ��i � "� 2 � i��J7 ;`;:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �� � � TO7AL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{3G SOIfBGE ACTIVfTV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORFiATIpN: (EXPLAIN) LG2t 4 n.zss,> .. � �� . 3iinnesata Lu3U�ut GambIing ._ �` � Prernises Pei=iiut Application�= Part T 2� :: Aenewal . - . - � _ - _ . . � .. _ . . Orgalization base 4'�cense number Premises permi[ num'xr � New ° l'1. �\�g FOR BOARD ll5E ONLY 9ASE � PP x FEE= - ' CHECK - INITiALS ' ' DATE � Class of premises peanit . . � - - . (check one)` . �- -- � . , � A(5400J Put!-tabs, Gpboards, paddlewheeis, ra!5es. bingo �,( H(5250) PuO=abs, Gpbcards, pad�ewheets, raf�es ❑ C (5200) 8ingo only � � u � (Siso) Ratnes mH . If appiying for a cIass A or C permit, fill in days and 5eginn{n� & ending hours of btngo occasions: \o more than seven bingo occasions may he conducted by your organtzation per week, ,: �.: :. .. - Day � Begtzurtng/Ending Hours ` _.� �_ �� .� .__ Be,gnninglEndtng Hours "' _" Day -' Beginniti8 /EadSng Hours �`.� `_ .. _ � . , i. _ to ' = ' ` ' to ' . a R ��„ } ti - - - :r ;, ^. . _ . � " tn �'to � � - � �' - to �.. .__ -...�._-' r, . - ' ,... ,� -_.,. - . , _ . . _ ,„ .,, �,,, ..:, - _ ....-. _ . ... . _ .- "- _ to Ifbingo m1I not be conducted cbeck hese � � , , n _ a ._.� .. �b.' 3F4� i� .� . -��»�. �.� . . . L $ Gambi�ng P_`rem3ses Information� � " z � � ��` z �" <`� � -� � -- ' o �-" �..:. . xo,. .,,nzaT � ,... - "�`' , �.. . . Y,, r - m� . . '� ' Name ot establ�shment wliere gamblurg will be conducted - ^- � SVegt Address {do nof use a po5t oflice bos number) �. L � 1�/�,(�l�S' .L011Ndex - /D8a- A/2Hi3,oL> - x,�. _ =r ' �.-`<<_ Is the p�emises located vnthm Gm2s� �jYes C No } If no �s townsh�p �� wgan¢ed Q unorganized , � wu�corpora ed Y �. �,� ,_- _ Minnesota Lawful Gambling � ��- Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 - . � . _ ' j - .. ,.. _ _ _ /��. �:.D: t ..xi � 9� ., � ) � [. ♦.�� i �j'.:]i�..t y x,".,x�.i.. K � � F,� � j � b G �^` ISiLlJLLf2Z�Q�f-TG[![]L - �la`' £ �c: ,- tiv r '- "�- .w a.-.x.y . . ..: . . � ., . .« � . -�. ..: - - 3ank Name . -.. -• - . - flank Account Numbet - , �.Cs; ��An>K� , . -173i��aa�7�/�:_.. aa�.o�s , < = -_ a � y , c��e n -; . �3n �S�„r-.� .S'-�- i�� Ir ' iy,.,. ` 35��� i//o -- � . � �.:�.-�<�_, __._ _ ..._ :.= ,.,_ . ,__ L . —�,�._-.__ � . ..,. � �PRr�T% /r�o.v��it.�.� ��i�z�._s.��r, /�r/s. ��a , f In.l.ile !� ��l�l��/'Y/i �K�� /_FAJ1%[L N/JG � �/�S. Y9S�/•(/�i�/) !•/CT < Gamh2iag Site AuthorIzstioat •t am the chiaf executive officarot ttie organ¢atiort; t heraby mnserri that bcal taw enforcemenl of;'ican, fhe •1 assume tuR respons+b+7rty fw the fair and lawful opera- , board or agecits of 2he board, or the cammissionet of tion of af1 adivrties to be conduded• revenue w pubC�c satety, or agants oi the c�mmissionars, .� wiU famitiarize myseH with the laws ot Minnesota may enter the premises to eniorce the taw. governing tawFul gambfing and rules of the bcard and Baai: Records Ixtformatioa zgree, d licensed, to a6ide by those ;aws and rutes, The board is authorized to insped the bank reprds of the 9nctuding amendments to them; ; ganbling aGrount whertever necessary to fu�U •any cfianges in appi'�cation information wii� be submitted requirements of cuneni gambiing rutes and Iaw. - — - to the board and bcal unit of govemment within 10 days Oath of the change; and 1 dectare that: ,. ::..- : �. -•t understand thzt faifure to provide required intarrrsatton d kave read this application and all informafien submitted or pmvidirtg £alse or misteading informatan r.�ay resuli in 2o She board is irue, accurate and complete; � tt�e denial or revocation af the license_ , •att otber rsqu'ved infamaiior has been tutty dsd ed. �. ,_� � -_ -�.,,.,=:� �.�� ._ �, S�gnacure `_� -a Loca1"' 3ctrt' e oH r . ' :-. . - ate - � - � - � S � �4`{ ? _... _.. .' 1. Tlie city'must sign this apptication if the gamb6ng prem<�, ; ises is bcated witbm. aty limits _-" ��-%.� 1 2. The county.•�'AND tavnship must sgn ihu appTicaLOr� d'. � ihe gamWing pram+ses s localed within a Sownsh�p: ;`°° "°` � v, z : - a -� :. .h :�..:: n '' -� y; ,>„�.: � 4. A Eopy of the � i unit ot aovernment's reso(ution ao- .-� _ � �.,,uc�r, rhie wiu�C�ion must be attached to this aooGeation. �- � � 5. lf this app�ication is denied by the bcal un3 of government, _ "� R should not be wbmiited to the GambGng Conirol Board.:. _.,�'. , .. . r �, -� _ ` ; , Townshtp: 8y sgn`afure below the fownship adcr�owledges ,, :'' Council File $ �S ordinance # Green Sheet # 37915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Presented Referred To RESOLVED: That application, ID �B-0�639, £or a State C1ass B Gambling Premise Permit by church of the Incarnation at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Committee: Date Requested by Department of: • - -- - - - a� • u�-� _ ��� - � �� . �'' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date � Form Appro by City �ney By: L/,�GQ � ��,-,.c,t. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,33 Adopted by Council: Date � ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** � � � ` S DEWWTAENTIOFFlCHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J � � � � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIALIDATE O DEPAPTMENT DIRECTOA O CRY COUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEY � C17YCLEFK MUSTBEONCAUNCIIAGENDABY DATE NUYBE0.FOR ( � ROUi1NG O BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. Hearing: CJ �Q g� OfiOEN � y�qYOR (ORASSISTANn � TOTAI # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoNaEOUesreo F=. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation, ID l�B-00639, requests Gouncil approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade St. RECOMMENOqTIONS: Appmve (A) or qeiect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWfNG UUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVII SEflVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has [his person/Firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTR�CTCOURT _ 3. DOeSthis personttirm possess a skill not normatfy possessetl by any Currefrt ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWNICNCOUNCIL46JECTIVE? YES NO Expfain ail yes answers on separate sheet ana attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. Wha[, When, Whera, Why): ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. � +�,s�e:�� ��Y�6 ��i � "� 2 � i��J7 ;`;:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �� � � TO7AL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{3G SOIfBGE ACTIVfTV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORFiATIpN: (EXPLAIN) LG2t 4 n.zss,> .. � �� . 3iinnesata Lu3U�ut GambIing ._ �` � Prernises Pei=iiut Application�= Part T 2� :: Aenewal . - . - � _ - _ . . � .. _ . . Orgalization base 4'�cense number Premises permi[ num'xr � New ° l'1. �\�g FOR BOARD ll5E ONLY 9ASE � PP x FEE= - ' CHECK - INITiALS ' ' DATE � Class of premises peanit . . � - - . (check one)` . �- -- � . , � A(5400J Put!-tabs, Gpboards, paddlewheeis, ra!5es. bingo �,( H(5250) PuO=abs, Gpbcards, pad�ewheets, raf�es ❑ C (5200) 8ingo only � � u � (Siso) Ratnes mH . If appiying for a cIass A or C permit, fill in days and 5eginn{n� & ending hours of btngo occasions: \o more than seven bingo occasions may he conducted by your organtzation per week, ,: �.: :. .. - Day � Begtzurtng/Ending Hours ` _.� �_ �� .� .__ Be,gnninglEndtng Hours "' _" Day -' Beginniti8 /EadSng Hours �`.� `_ .. _ � . , i. _ to ' = ' ` ' to ' . a R ��„ } ti - - - :r ;, ^. . _ . � " tn �'to � � - � �' - to �.. .__ -...�._-' r, . - ' ,... ,� -_.,. - . , _ . . _ ,„ .,, �,,, ..:, - _ ....-. _ . ... . _ .- "- _ to Ifbingo m1I not be conducted cbeck hese � � , , n _ a ._.� .. �b.' 3F4� i� .� . -��»�. �.� . . . L $ Gambi�ng P_`rem3ses Information� � " z � � ��` z �" <`� � -� � -- ' o �-" �..:. . xo,. .,,nzaT � ,... - "�`' , �.. . . Y,, r - m� . . '� ' Name ot establ�shment wliere gamblurg will be conducted - ^- � SVegt Address {do nof use a po5t oflice bos number) �. L � 1�/�,(�l�S' .L011Ndex - /D8a- A/2Hi3,oL> - x,�. _ =r ' �.-`<<_ Is the p�emises located vnthm Gm2s� �jYes C No } If no �s townsh�p �� wgan¢ed Q unorganized , � wu�corpora ed Y �. �,� ,_- _ Minnesota Lawful Gambling � ��- Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 - . � . _ ' j - .. ,.. _ _ _ /��. �:.D: t ..xi � 9� ., � ) � [. ♦.�� i �j'.:]i�..t y x,".,x�.i.. K � � F,� � j � b G �^` ISiLlJLLf2Z�Q�f-TG[![]L - �la`' £ �c: ,- tiv r '- "�- .w a.-.x.y . . ..: . . � ., . .« � . -�. ..: - - 3ank Name . -.. -• - . - flank Account Numbet - , �.Cs; ��An>K� , . -173i��aa�7�/�:_.. aa�.o�s , < = -_ a � y , c��e n -; . �3n �S�„r-.� .S'-�- i�� Ir ' iy,.,. ` 35��� i//o -- � . � �.:�.-�<�_, __._ _ ..._ :.= ,.,_ . ,__ L . —�,�._-.__ � . ..,. � �PRr�T% /r�o.v��it.�.� ��i�z�._s.��r, /�r/s. ��a , f In.l.ile !� ��l�l��/'Y/i �K�� /_FAJ1%[L N/JG � �/�S. Y9S�/•(/�i�/) !•/CT < Gamh2iag Site AuthorIzstioat •t am the chiaf executive officarot ttie organ¢atiort; t heraby mnserri that bcal taw enforcemenl of;'ican, fhe •1 assume tuR respons+b+7rty fw the fair and lawful opera- , board or agecits of 2he board, or the cammissionet of tion of af1 adivrties to be conduded• revenue w pubC�c satety, or agants oi the c�mmissionars, .� wiU famitiarize myseH with the laws ot Minnesota may enter the premises to eniorce the taw. governing tawFul gambfing and rules of the bcard and Baai: Records Ixtformatioa zgree, d licensed, to a6ide by those ;aws and rutes, The board is authorized to insped the bank reprds of the 9nctuding amendments to them; ; ganbling aGrount whertever necessary to fu�U •any cfianges in appi'�cation information wii� be submitted requirements of cuneni gambiing rutes and Iaw. - — - to the board and bcal unit of govemment within 10 days Oath of the change; and 1 dectare that: ,. ::..- : �. -•t understand thzt faifure to provide required intarrrsatton d kave read this application and all informafien submitted or pmvidirtg £alse or misteading informatan r.�ay resuli in 2o She board is irue, accurate and complete; � tt�e denial or revocation af the license_ , •att otber rsqu'ved infamaiior has been tutty dsd ed. �. ,_� � -_ -�.,,.,=:� �.�� ._ �, S�gnacure `_� -a Loca1"' 3ctrt' e oH r . ' :-. . - ate - � - � - � S � �4`{ ? _... _.. .' 1. Tlie city'must sign this apptication if the gamb6ng prem<�, ; ises is bcated witbm. aty limits _-" ��-%.� 1 2. The county.•�'AND tavnship must sgn ihu appTicaLOr� d'. � ihe gamWing pram+ses s localed within a Sownsh�p: ;`°° "°` � v, z : - a -� :. .h :�..:: n '' -� y; ,>„�.: � 4. A Eopy of the � i unit ot aovernment's reso(ution ao- .-� _ � �.,,uc�r, rhie wiu�C�ion must be attached to this aooGeation. �- � � 5. lf this app�ication is denied by the bcal un3 of government, _ "� R should not be wbmiited to the GambGng Conirol Board.:. _.,�'. , .. . r �, -� _ ` ; , Townshtp: 8y sgn`afure below the fownship adcr�owledges ,, :'' Council File $ �S ordinance # Green Sheet # 37915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Presented Referred To RESOLVED: That application, ID �B-0�639, £or a State C1ass B Gambling Premise Permit by church of the Incarnation at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Committee: Date Requested by Department of: • - -- - - - a� • u�-� _ ��� - � �� . �'' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date � Form Appro by City �ney By: L/,�GQ � ��,-,.c,t. Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,33 Adopted by Council: Date � ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** � � � ` S DEWWTAENTIOFFlCHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J � � � � LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIALIDATE O DEPAPTMENT DIRECTOA O CRY COUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN O CITYATfORNEY � C17YCLEFK MUSTBEONCAUNCIIAGENDABY DATE NUYBE0.FOR ( � ROUi1NG O BUDGEf DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. Hearing: CJ �Q g� OfiOEN � y�qYOR (ORASSISTANn � TOTAI # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoNaEOUesreo F=. Robert Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation, ID l�B-00639, requests Gouncil approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Pickles Lounge, 1082 Arcade St. RECOMMENOqTIONS: Appmve (A) or qeiect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWfNG UUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVII SEflVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has [his person/Firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTR�CTCOURT _ 3. DOeSthis personttirm possess a skill not normatfy possessetl by any Currefrt ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWNICNCOUNCIL46JECTIVE? YES NO Expfain ail yes answers on separate sheet ana attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. Wha[, When, Whera, Why): ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. � +�,s�e:�� ��Y�6 ��i � "� 2 � i��J7 ;`;:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �� � � TO7AL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{3G SOIfBGE ACTIVfTV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORFiATIpN: (EXPLAIN) LG2t 4 n.zss,> .. � �� . 3iinnesata Lu3U�ut GambIing ._ �` � Prernises Pei=iiut Application�= Part T 2� :: Aenewal . - . - � _ - _ . . � .. _ . . Orgalization base 4'�cense number Premises permi[ num'xr � New ° l'1. �\�g FOR BOARD ll5E ONLY 9ASE � PP x FEE= - ' CHECK - INITiALS ' ' DATE � Class of premises peanit . . � - - . (check one)` . �- -- � . , � A(5400J Put!-tabs, Gpboards, paddlewheeis, ra!5es. bingo �,( H(5250) PuO=abs, Gpbcards, pad�ewheets, raf�es ❑ C (5200) 8ingo only � � u � (Siso) Ratnes mH . If appiying for a cIass A or C permit, fill in days and 5eginn{n� & ending hours of btngo occasions: \o more than seven bingo occasions may he conducted by your organtzation per week, ,: �.: :. .. - Day � Begtzurtng/Ending Hours ` _.� �_ �� .� .__ Be,gnninglEndtng Hours "' _" Day -' Beginniti8 /EadSng Hours �`.� `_ .. _ � . , i. _ to ' = ' ` ' to ' . a R ��„ } ti - - - :r ;, ^. . _ . � " tn �'to � � - � �' - to �.. .__ -...�._-' r, . - ' ,... ,� -_.,. - . , _ . . _ ,„ .,, �,,, ..:, - _ ....-. _ . ... . _ .- "- _ to Ifbingo m1I not be conducted cbeck hese � � , , n _ a ._.� .. �b.' 3F4� i� .� . -��»�. �.� . . . L $ Gambi�ng P_`rem3ses Information� � " z � � ��` z �" <`� � -� � -- ' o �-" �..:. . xo,. .,,nzaT � ,... - "�`' , �.. . . Y,, r - m� . . '� ' Name ot establ�shment wliere gamblurg will be conducted - ^- � SVegt Address {do nof use a po5t oflice bos number) �. L � 1�/�,(�l�S' .L011Ndex - /D8a- A/2Hi3,oL> - x,�. _ =r ' �.-`<<_ Is the p�emises located vnthm Gm2s� �jYes C No } If no �s townsh�p �� wgan¢ed Q unorganized , � wu�corpora ed Y �. �,� ,_- _ Minnesota Lawful Gambling � ��- Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 - . � . _ ' j - .. ,.. _ _ _ /��. �:.D: t ..xi � 9� ., � ) � [. ♦.�� i �j'.:]i�..t y x,".,x�.i.. K � � F,� � j � b G �^` ISiLlJLLf2Z�Q�f-TG[![]L - �la`' £ �c: ,- tiv r '- "�- .w a.-.x.y . . ..: . . � ., . .« � . -�. ..: - - 3ank Name . -.. -• - . - flank Account Numbet - , �.Cs; ��An>K� , . -173i��aa�7�/�:_.. aa�.o�s , < = -_ a � y , c��e n -; . �3n �S�„r-.� .S'-�- i�� Ir ' iy,.,. ` 35��� i//o -- � . � �.:�.-�<�_, __._ _ ..._ :.= ,.,_ . ,__ L . —�,�._-.__ � . ..,. � �PRr�T% /r�o.v��it.�.� ��i�z�._s.��r, /�r/s. ��a , f In.l.ile !� ��l�l��/'Y/i �K�� /_FAJ1%[L N/JG � �/�S. Y9S�/•(/�i�/) !•/CT < Gamh2iag Site AuthorIzstioat •t am the chiaf executive officarot ttie organ¢atiort; t heraby mnserri that bcal taw enforcemenl of;'ican, fhe •1 assume tuR respons+b+7rty fw the fair and lawful opera- , board or agecits of 2he board, or the cammissionet of tion of af1 adivrties to be conduded• revenue w pubC�c satety, or agants oi the c�mmissionars, .� wiU famitiarize myseH with the laws ot Minnesota may enter the premises to eniorce the taw. governing tawFul gambfing and rules of the bcard and Baai: Records Ixtformatioa zgree, d licensed, to a6ide by those ;aws and rutes, The board is authorized to insped the bank reprds of the 9nctuding amendments to them; ; ganbling aGrount whertever necessary to fu�U •any cfianges in appi'�cation information wii� be submitted requirements of cuneni gambiing rutes and Iaw. - — - to the board and bcal unit of govemment within 10 days Oath of the change; and 1 dectare that: ,. ::..- : �. -•t understand thzt faifure to provide required intarrrsatton d kave read this application and all informafien submitted or pmvidirtg £alse or misteading informatan r.�ay resuli in 2o She board is irue, accurate and complete; � tt�e denial or revocation af the license_ , •att otber rsqu'ved infamaiior has been tutty dsd ed. �. ,_� � -_ -�.,,.,=:� �.�� ._ �, S�gnacure `_� -a Loca1"' 3ctrt' e oH r . ' :-. . - ate - � - � - � S � �4`{ ? _... _.. .' 1. Tlie city'must sign this apptication if the gamb6ng prem<�, ; ises is bcated witbm. aty limits _-" ��-%.� 1 2. The county.•�'AND tavnship must sgn ihu appTicaLOr� d'. � ihe gamWing pram+ses s localed within a Sownsh�p: ;`°° "°` � v, z : - a -� :. .h :�..:: n '' -� y; ,>„�.: � 4. A Eopy of the � i unit ot aovernment's reso(ution ao- .-� _ � �.,,uc�r, rhie wiu�C�ion must be attached to this aooGeation. �- � � 5. lf this app�ication is denied by the bcal un3 of government, _ "� R should not be wbmiited to the GambGng Conirol Board.:. _.,�'. , .. . r �, -� _ ` ; , Townshtp: 8y sgn`afure below the fownship adcr�owledges ,, :''