97-1111S y -�-,,_-� � _ l �\ \� I � r-1 Council File # �� - \\ \� bs-� , OF Presented by Refesed To Green 6heet # 5 6q FS'� Committee Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING TF�', ESTABLISHMENT OF �� ._�,. �,.�,,��.�.� ��.s. n. '"'^�' ^' "°T' "^" ^" �-A STAFF POSITION TO `°'�s � ^'T T '^ T" ^' " °T "^^ ^° ^" PLAN�36 COORDINA'T� � AND EVALUATE � GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTIVITTIES IN SAINT PAUL 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested in Council Fi1e # 97-340 that Council Reseazch develop a study 2 exam;��ng options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertaken by other major U.S, cities; and 3 WF�.REAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Prevention: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; and 5 W�IEREAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and evaluation are key elemenu to the success of city 6 effons to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not acted to plan its crime prevention efforts involving the City's neighborhoods, 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organizations and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individual or group of individuals fulfilling the responsibility 10 of coordinating the wide array of communiry and public sector effores to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEAEAS, the City of Saint Paul does not currendy evaluate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undertaken by the community and public sector in order to better focus our limited resources on efforts that ue 13 shown to be successful; 14 WHEREAS, a groug of experts representin�the Count�Attorne�, Police De�artment. Countv Corrections. 15 neighborhoods the mayor and Cit� Council convened to discuss and come to consensus on the roles and 16 responsibilities that need to be assumed by a City staff �erson in the area of gun violence grevention: NOW 17 THEREFORE : • � '�. - ."r�'i . . .� . . � . . •.. - .. - . .. - . . 1 . .• ...•.. .• 22 y D_y_iSr• rr m mr mn n,-�1., .>.-.� that the Saint Paul Cit�Council directs that a project manager be appointed to 23 cazry out the responsibilities enumerated in the attached position description: and -' '�' '' '� '` - 24 , , , 25 �: 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator and the Office of the Police Chief 27 work with an outside av to provide an "arms length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used 28 in the CitS* of Saint Paul: and 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator regort twice annuall�m the Saint 30 P�uLCit� Council on the state_of �violence in the Citv, beQinninQ in Tune Qf �498�and_ RESOLUTtON AUL, MINNESOTA 31 32 q1 , �\�� Requested by Depariment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii Adoption Certified by Council Secretary (� \ By: BY� ���"�\rv-- Approved by Mayor: Date /?/ ZO �'� '�- By: � �. /�1�Cf.� Adopted by Council: Date � ,,_ . �o ��1°1`] � N°_ 50984 DEPAR7MENT�DFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATEO ' GREEN SHEE ��_ I �� INRIAUDA7E INiTIAUDATE CONTA PERSON b PHONE O DEPAflTMENT DIflEGTOR � CITY COUNpI ASSICaN OCITYATTORNEY �CITYQERK MUST BE N COUN L AGENDA BY (DATEI NtlMBER FOR O BODGET �IRECTOR � PIN & MGT. SEPVICES DIR. POUTING ORDER O MAYOH (OR A:�S1STqNTJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N RE�UESTED. ResoluIIon approving the biring of persannel to plan, coordinate and evaluate gun violence programs in the City of Saim Panl. RECOMMENDAnONS� Appiwe (A) or Rejen (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: _ PIANNING GOMMISSION _ dVIL SERVICE CqMMIS510N �� Has this personH"�rm e�rer xrorkeA under a contrect for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ SiacF 2� Has this personttirm ever been a ciry smployee? — YES NO � D�.S7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this personR'mm possess a skill not normalfy possessetl by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJEC(IVE� YES NO ' Expfaln a0 yes enswers on aeparete sheet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPP�RTUNITV (Who. WM1at. When, Where. W1ry). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. DfSADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPRWED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIW6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANOIAL INFOR6iATION (EXPLAIN) CouncilFile# 9R�t1�� RESOLUTION PAll,�: MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # ��� RESOLUTION DII�CTING Tf-IE ESTABLISFA�IENT OF A GUN VIOLENCE FORCE AND A STAFF POSITION TO WORK WITH THE TASK FORCE COORDII�ATING AND EVALUATiNG GUN VIOLENCE PREVEI3TION ACTP ►q TASK IN SAINT PAUL 1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City CouncIl requesced in CouncIl File # 97-340 that C cil Reseuch develop a study 2 exa**�in;na options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertak by other major U.S. cities; and 3 WHEREAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Preven on: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; d 5 WF�REAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and 6 effores to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not aaed to plan its crime prevention e: 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organiza; ue key elements to the success of ciry ; involving the City's neighborhoods, and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individ or group of individuals fulfilling the resgonsibiliry 10 of coordinating the wide artay of coznmunity and public sec or efforts to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul does not currently ev uate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undenaken by the community and public sector in or r to better focus our lixnited resources on efforts that are 13 shown to be successful; NOW THEREFORE 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Co cil direcu Council Research to recommend a the best approach 15 for the development of a task force wluch wo be established to plan and develop community-wide consensus on 16 the gun violence policies and strategies neede citywide and in individual neighborhoods to prevent gun violence, 17 and 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a oject manager be appointed to work with this task force to plan, 19 coordinate and evaluate crime preven ' n, and especially gun violence prevention, activities in the City of Saint 20 Pa . Requested by Depariment of: vPa� rr�., eH�e..r Biakey Bostrom Coll Harris Megazd Morton Thune Adopted 6y Adoption C By: � il: Date by Council Secretary !•.3� Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: . .-,. _��-, �.._ JERRY BLAKEY counn7member CZTY OE�' SAINT P.Ati L OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COiJr:CIL MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Council Pzesident Dave Thune Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Joe Collins FROM: � Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7erry Blakey� Item #19 on 12/10/97 Council Agenda, Resolution #97-1111 �� _�111 Attached is a substitute resolution I have drafted to create a Gun Violence Prevention position within the Police Department to be filled by a sworn police officer. The position's description has been developed by a group of experts representing the County Attorney, Police Deparhnent, Country Conections, neighborhoods, the Mayor and City Council. Please take time to review this prior to the Council meeting today. Thank you. �I:�fi7 attachments cc: Gerry 5trathman Nancy Anderson � Chief Finney cirx xaLL THIRD FLOOR SAINT pAtiL, VINNESOT:, SS102 612/266-8670 Sa�y�46 Pnn:etl on &ec}cied °aper GUN VIOLfiNCE PREVENTION COORDINATOR POSITION DESCRIPTION � � — } \l� IvIIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Sworn Police Officer with at least two years experience working with neighborhood andfor community organizations and a demonstrated ability to work with diverse communities, as well as a demonstrated understanding of gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul. RESPONSIBII,TTIES: 1. Provide leadership and accouncability in bringing appropriate parties to the table to address gun violence. 2. Devise and implement neighborhood-specific s[rategies to prevent gun violence and intervene in circumstances that aze likely to lead to gun violence in partnership with: neighborhood and community organizations, residents, the Police Depanment and other city depanments, the county, the school district, corporate citizens, the faith community, crime prevention coordinaton and other appropriate individuals and agencies. 3. Identify °gun violence hot spots° in cooperation with the Police Department's Research and Development Office and work as liaison between the Police Department and the aforementioned groups to devise and implement neighborhood-specific strategies to combat gun violence. The identified "gun violence "hot spots" should be used to determine priority projects for this position. 4. Coordinate the gun violence prevention and intervention strategies of the aforementioned groups at the neighborhood level. 5. Work with outside agencies which would provide an"arzns length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used in the City of Saint Paul. 6. Identify successful gun violence prevention strategies used throughout the nation and incorporate them into activities being undeztaken in Saint Paul. 7. Work with Council Research to periodically review this position to assess its effectiveness at meeting the policy goal of decreasing gun violence in Saint Paul. These reviews will be conducted at six month intervals, beginning after three months. 8. Provide advice to policy makers, City Departments, outside agencies, community and neighborhood organizations on gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul and effective strategies to combat gun violence. 9. Report twice a year to the Saint Paul City Council on the state of gun violence in the city, beginning afeer six months. 10. Participate on committees and in action groups, such as the Ramsey County Gun Violence Action Team and Minnesota HEALS. 11. Participate in other gun violence prevention activities as appropriate. SUPERVISION: Report directly to Saint Paul Chief of Police. PAY: Commensurate with cixrrent officer's compensation. GLRV_VIOLU'OSDECA.WPD 12/10/97 m _r JERRY BLAKEY Couaalmember November 13, 1997 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEM012ANDUM �� , \ \�l TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Saint Paul Police Chief William Finney Mr. Charles Armstrong, Mayor Coleman's Office Ms. Mary K. Boyd, Principal, Area Learning Center Mr. Tom Frost, Ramsey County Attomey's Office Mr. Johnny Howazd, Thomas-Dale Block Club Ms. Sue Nipe, West Side Safe Neighborhood Council Dr. Michael McGonigal, Trnuma Services Director, Regions Hospital Mr. Paul Paulson, Safety and Security Coordinator, Saint Pau] Public Schools Ms. Shirley Pierce, Family Violence Specialist, Ramsey County Manager's Office Mr. Mike Stephens, Juvenile Detention Center, Ramsey County Corrections Mr. Jose Verjeda, Gang Intervention Specialist, Neighborhood House FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey� RE: GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION POSITION Please find attached the resolution initially discussed at the Council's October IS policy session, 'Directing the Establishment of a Gun Vioience Prevention Task Force and a StaffPosition to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul." I would like to convene this workgroup to review this resolution and consider any feedback we may want to share with the Council. In order to do this, I think we should meet to discuss the resolution and appropriate efforts in our city. I am scheduling discussions for Thursday, November 20, 1997, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.; and Thursday, December 4, I 997, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, in the conference room of Raom 310 Ciry Ha11. I will fax any specific position materials that may develop at least two days prior to our meeting. I look forwazd to meeting with all of you again! JB/tb attachments: Resolution Directing the Establishsnent of a Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and a Staff Position to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul cc: Mr. Gerry McInerney, Ward 1 Legislative Aide Marcia Moermond, Policy Analyst, City Council Investigation and Research Center C1TY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAliL, MINNESOTA 55102 612�266-8610 S�p.46 Printed on Retydetl Paper ��-,1'�'� �� D '� '(J - 11 I 131 `t � Presented by Refared To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ai �'1 -`��\ Councii File # 'to � Green Sheet # Z$OZ� Committee Date VVHEREAS, according to national and locat statistics juvenile criminal activiry is on the increase; and Vl'F�REAS, incarceration in juvenile detention centers does not get at the root causes of juvenile crime; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the success of intervention, diversion and mentoring-type programs that aze designed to help youth who exhibit "at risk" behaviors and ]ifestyles; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is fortunate to have several successful intervention, diversion and mentoring programs available to Saint Paul youth who are at risk for such things as gang involvemeni, truancy and gun violence; and WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has supported funding of these intervention, diversion and mentoring programs in the past with the hope of tuming uoubled young people's lives around for the better; now therefore, be it r�`°v� RESOLVE�, that the Saint Paui City Council � allocate an additional $400,000 dollars to the 1997 Civic Or¢anization Partnaship Progam (COPP) to fund successfu3 new and existing interverrtion, diversion and mentoring programs designed to improve the lives of Saim Paul's traubled youth_ 4 r.a tr=T }'ne- ���.: .. ;;,:. s �..-, ` b� +der'l:�.en ��.a..r. Uu�"t' y ]rcec:<� , ' , .� � • � � �'�c.,T � e-�__ � lOC bLG C ��� � �-FGC bl.C_ ..,i �i �.=. �.rc,-"`. _ - rc • — . . k — �_ ..—_ ..� �.�t � u ;�. \: - . , -- . .. , _ v ., �-. c, c �� - <c ,- `a �. \�. . ReDUCSied DV DCD8iIIileiit 0- 15\': rorm Av�roved hv Cin� Attomec �T' Adoocion.Cercified'ov Co�meil Secretan• B C: � � � .-_� .'�`_�.� Aroprwed oy hhavor io; iubm�ssion co Council � Anproved "oc ]vfayo-: Da:e ° ° / F . BC: � i�_ ._� -�� A40422Q D�' CDIIi1Cli: D3i.°. ' �•-- ^ "' t,- S y -�-,,_-� � _ l �\ \� I � r-1 Council File # �� - \\ \� bs-� , OF Presented by Refesed To Green 6heet # 5 6q FS'� Committee Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING TF�', ESTABLISHMENT OF �� ._�,. �,.�,,��.�.� ��.s. n. '"'^�' ^' "°T' "^" ^" �-A STAFF POSITION TO `°'�s � ^'T T '^ T" ^' " °T "^^ ^° ^" PLAN�36 COORDINA'T� � AND EVALUATE � GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTIVITTIES IN SAINT PAUL 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested in Council Fi1e # 97-340 that Council Reseazch develop a study 2 exam;��ng options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertaken by other major U.S, cities; and 3 WF�.REAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Prevention: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; and 5 W�IEREAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and evaluation are key elemenu to the success of city 6 effons to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not acted to plan its crime prevention efforts involving the City's neighborhoods, 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organizations and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individual or group of individuals fulfilling the responsibility 10 of coordinating the wide array of communiry and public sector effores to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEAEAS, the City of Saint Paul does not currendy evaluate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undertaken by the community and public sector in order to better focus our limited resources on efforts that ue 13 shown to be successful; 14 WHEREAS, a groug of experts representin�the Count�Attorne�, Police De�artment. Countv Corrections. 15 neighborhoods the mayor and Cit� Council convened to discuss and come to consensus on the roles and 16 responsibilities that need to be assumed by a City staff �erson in the area of gun violence grevention: NOW 17 THEREFORE : • � '�. - ."r�'i . . .� . . � . . •.. - .. - . .. - . . 1 . .• ...•.. .• 22 y D_y_iSr• rr m mr mn n,-�1., .>.-.� that the Saint Paul Cit�Council directs that a project manager be appointed to 23 cazry out the responsibilities enumerated in the attached position description: and -' '�' '' '� '` - 24 , , , 25 �: 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator and the Office of the Police Chief 27 work with an outside av to provide an "arms length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used 28 in the CitS* of Saint Paul: and 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator regort twice annuall�m the Saint 30 P�uLCit� Council on the state_of �violence in the Citv, beQinninQ in Tune Qf �498�and_ RESOLUTtON AUL, MINNESOTA 31 32 q1 , �\�� Requested by Depariment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii Adoption Certified by Council Secretary (� \ By: BY� ���"�\rv-- Approved by Mayor: Date /?/ ZO �'� '�- By: � �. /�1�Cf.� Adopted by Council: Date � ,,_ . �o ��1°1`] � N°_ 50984 DEPAR7MENT�DFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATEO ' GREEN SHEE ��_ I �� INRIAUDA7E INiTIAUDATE CONTA PERSON b PHONE O DEPAflTMENT DIflEGTOR � CITY COUNpI ASSICaN OCITYATTORNEY �CITYQERK MUST BE N COUN L AGENDA BY (DATEI NtlMBER FOR O BODGET �IRECTOR � PIN & MGT. SEPVICES DIR. POUTING ORDER O MAYOH (OR A:�S1STqNTJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N RE�UESTED. ResoluIIon approving the biring of persannel to plan, coordinate and evaluate gun violence programs in the City of Saim Panl. RECOMMENDAnONS� Appiwe (A) or Rejen (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: _ PIANNING GOMMISSION _ dVIL SERVICE CqMMIS510N �� Has this personH"�rm e�rer xrorkeA under a contrect for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ SiacF 2� Has this personttirm ever been a ciry smployee? — YES NO � D�.S7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this personR'mm possess a skill not normalfy possessetl by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJEC(IVE� YES NO ' Expfaln a0 yes enswers on aeparete sheet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPP�RTUNITV (Who. WM1at. When, Where. W1ry). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. DfSADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPRWED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIW6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANOIAL INFOR6iATION (EXPLAIN) CouncilFile# 9R�t1�� RESOLUTION PAll,�: MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # ��� RESOLUTION DII�CTING Tf-IE ESTABLISFA�IENT OF A GUN VIOLENCE FORCE AND A STAFF POSITION TO WORK WITH THE TASK FORCE COORDII�ATING AND EVALUATiNG GUN VIOLENCE PREVEI3TION ACTP ►q TASK IN SAINT PAUL 1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City CouncIl requesced in CouncIl File # 97-340 that C cil Reseuch develop a study 2 exa**�in;na options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertak by other major U.S. cities; and 3 WHEREAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Preven on: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; d 5 WF�REAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and 6 effores to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not aaed to plan its crime prevention e: 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organiza; ue key elements to the success of ciry ; involving the City's neighborhoods, and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individ or group of individuals fulfilling the resgonsibiliry 10 of coordinating the wide artay of coznmunity and public sec or efforts to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul does not currently ev uate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undenaken by the community and public sector in or r to better focus our lixnited resources on efforts that are 13 shown to be successful; NOW THEREFORE 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Co cil direcu Council Research to recommend a the best approach 15 for the development of a task force wluch wo be established to plan and develop community-wide consensus on 16 the gun violence policies and strategies neede citywide and in individual neighborhoods to prevent gun violence, 17 and 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a oject manager be appointed to work with this task force to plan, 19 coordinate and evaluate crime preven ' n, and especially gun violence prevention, activities in the City of Saint 20 Pa . Requested by Depariment of: vPa� rr�., eH�e..r Biakey Bostrom Coll Harris Megazd Morton Thune Adopted 6y Adoption C By: � il: Date by Council Secretary !•.3� Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: . .-,. _��-, �.._ JERRY BLAKEY counn7member CZTY OE�' SAINT P.Ati L OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COiJr:CIL MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Council Pzesident Dave Thune Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Joe Collins FROM: � Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7erry Blakey� Item #19 on 12/10/97 Council Agenda, Resolution #97-1111 �� _�111 Attached is a substitute resolution I have drafted to create a Gun Violence Prevention position within the Police Department to be filled by a sworn police officer. The position's description has been developed by a group of experts representing the County Attorney, Police Deparhnent, Country Conections, neighborhoods, the Mayor and City Council. Please take time to review this prior to the Council meeting today. Thank you. �I:�fi7 attachments cc: Gerry 5trathman Nancy Anderson � Chief Finney cirx xaLL THIRD FLOOR SAINT pAtiL, VINNESOT:, SS102 612/266-8670 Sa�y�46 Pnn:etl on &ec}cied °aper GUN VIOLfiNCE PREVENTION COORDINATOR POSITION DESCRIPTION � � — } \l� IvIIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Sworn Police Officer with at least two years experience working with neighborhood andfor community organizations and a demonstrated ability to work with diverse communities, as well as a demonstrated understanding of gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul. RESPONSIBII,TTIES: 1. Provide leadership and accouncability in bringing appropriate parties to the table to address gun violence. 2. Devise and implement neighborhood-specific s[rategies to prevent gun violence and intervene in circumstances that aze likely to lead to gun violence in partnership with: neighborhood and community organizations, residents, the Police Depanment and other city depanments, the county, the school district, corporate citizens, the faith community, crime prevention coordinaton and other appropriate individuals and agencies. 3. Identify °gun violence hot spots° in cooperation with the Police Department's Research and Development Office and work as liaison between the Police Department and the aforementioned groups to devise and implement neighborhood-specific strategies to combat gun violence. The identified "gun violence "hot spots" should be used to determine priority projects for this position. 4. Coordinate the gun violence prevention and intervention strategies of the aforementioned groups at the neighborhood level. 5. Work with outside agencies which would provide an"arzns length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used in the City of Saint Paul. 6. Identify successful gun violence prevention strategies used throughout the nation and incorporate them into activities being undeztaken in Saint Paul. 7. Work with Council Research to periodically review this position to assess its effectiveness at meeting the policy goal of decreasing gun violence in Saint Paul. These reviews will be conducted at six month intervals, beginning after three months. 8. Provide advice to policy makers, City Departments, outside agencies, community and neighborhood organizations on gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul and effective strategies to combat gun violence. 9. Report twice a year to the Saint Paul City Council on the state of gun violence in the city, beginning afeer six months. 10. Participate on committees and in action groups, such as the Ramsey County Gun Violence Action Team and Minnesota HEALS. 11. Participate in other gun violence prevention activities as appropriate. SUPERVISION: Report directly to Saint Paul Chief of Police. PAY: Commensurate with cixrrent officer's compensation. GLRV_VIOLU'OSDECA.WPD 12/10/97 m _r JERRY BLAKEY Couaalmember November 13, 1997 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEM012ANDUM �� , \ \�l TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Saint Paul Police Chief William Finney Mr. Charles Armstrong, Mayor Coleman's Office Ms. Mary K. Boyd, Principal, Area Learning Center Mr. Tom Frost, Ramsey County Attomey's Office Mr. Johnny Howazd, Thomas-Dale Block Club Ms. Sue Nipe, West Side Safe Neighborhood Council Dr. Michael McGonigal, Trnuma Services Director, Regions Hospital Mr. Paul Paulson, Safety and Security Coordinator, Saint Pau] Public Schools Ms. Shirley Pierce, Family Violence Specialist, Ramsey County Manager's Office Mr. Mike Stephens, Juvenile Detention Center, Ramsey County Corrections Mr. Jose Verjeda, Gang Intervention Specialist, Neighborhood House FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey� RE: GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION POSITION Please find attached the resolution initially discussed at the Council's October IS policy session, 'Directing the Establishment of a Gun Vioience Prevention Task Force and a StaffPosition to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul." I would like to convene this workgroup to review this resolution and consider any feedback we may want to share with the Council. In order to do this, I think we should meet to discuss the resolution and appropriate efforts in our city. I am scheduling discussions for Thursday, November 20, 1997, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.; and Thursday, December 4, I 997, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, in the conference room of Raom 310 Ciry Ha11. I will fax any specific position materials that may develop at least two days prior to our meeting. I look forwazd to meeting with all of you again! JB/tb attachments: Resolution Directing the Establishsnent of a Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and a Staff Position to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul cc: Mr. Gerry McInerney, Ward 1 Legislative Aide Marcia Moermond, Policy Analyst, City Council Investigation and Research Center C1TY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAliL, MINNESOTA 55102 612�266-8610 S�p.46 Printed on Retydetl Paper ��-,1'�'� �� D '� '(J - 11 I 131 `t � Presented by Refared To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ai �'1 -`��\ Councii File # 'to � Green Sheet # Z$OZ� Committee Date VVHEREAS, according to national and locat statistics juvenile criminal activiry is on the increase; and Vl'F�REAS, incarceration in juvenile detention centers does not get at the root causes of juvenile crime; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the success of intervention, diversion and mentoring-type programs that aze designed to help youth who exhibit "at risk" behaviors and ]ifestyles; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is fortunate to have several successful intervention, diversion and mentoring programs available to Saint Paul youth who are at risk for such things as gang involvemeni, truancy and gun violence; and WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has supported funding of these intervention, diversion and mentoring programs in the past with the hope of tuming uoubled young people's lives around for the better; now therefore, be it r�`°v� RESOLVE�, that the Saint Paui City Council � allocate an additional $400,000 dollars to the 1997 Civic Or¢anization Partnaship Progam (COPP) to fund successfu3 new and existing interverrtion, diversion and mentoring programs designed to improve the lives of Saim Paul's traubled youth_ 4 r.a tr=T }'ne- ���.: .. ;;,:. s �..-, ` b� +der'l:�.en ��.a..r. Uu�"t' y ]rcec:<� , ' , .� � • � � �'�c.,T � e-�__ � lOC bLG C ��� � �-FGC bl.C_ ..,i �i �.=. �.rc,-"`. _ - rc • — . . k — �_ ..—_ ..� �.�t � u ;�. \: - . , -- . .. , _ v ., �-. c, c �� - <c ,- `a �. \�. . ReDUCSied DV DCD8iIIileiit 0- 15\': rorm Av�roved hv Cin� Attomec �T' Adoocion.Cercified'ov Co�meil Secretan• B C: � � � .-_� .'�`_�.� Aroprwed oy hhavor io; iubm�ssion co Council � Anproved "oc ]vfayo-: Da:e ° ° / F . BC: � i�_ ._� -�� A40422Q D�' CDIIi1Cli: D3i.°. ' �•-- ^ "' t,- S y -�-,,_-� � _ l �\ \� I � r-1 Council File # �� - \\ \� bs-� , OF Presented by Refesed To Green 6heet # 5 6q FS'� Committee Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING TF�', ESTABLISHMENT OF �� ._�,. �,.�,,��.�.� ��.s. n. '"'^�' ^' "°T' "^" ^" �-A STAFF POSITION TO `°'�s � ^'T T '^ T" ^' " °T "^^ ^° ^" PLAN�36 COORDINA'T� � AND EVALUATE � GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTIVITTIES IN SAINT PAUL 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested in Council Fi1e # 97-340 that Council Reseazch develop a study 2 exam;��ng options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertaken by other major U.S, cities; and 3 WF�.REAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Prevention: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; and 5 W�IEREAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and evaluation are key elemenu to the success of city 6 effons to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not acted to plan its crime prevention efforts involving the City's neighborhoods, 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organizations and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individual or group of individuals fulfilling the responsibility 10 of coordinating the wide array of communiry and public sector effores to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEAEAS, the City of Saint Paul does not currendy evaluate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undertaken by the community and public sector in order to better focus our limited resources on efforts that ue 13 shown to be successful; 14 WHEREAS, a groug of experts representin�the Count�Attorne�, Police De�artment. Countv Corrections. 15 neighborhoods the mayor and Cit� Council convened to discuss and come to consensus on the roles and 16 responsibilities that need to be assumed by a City staff �erson in the area of gun violence grevention: NOW 17 THEREFORE : • � '�. - ."r�'i . . .� . . � . . •.. - .. - . .. - . . 1 . .• ...•.. .• 22 y D_y_iSr• rr m mr mn n,-�1., .>.-.� that the Saint Paul Cit�Council directs that a project manager be appointed to 23 cazry out the responsibilities enumerated in the attached position description: and -' '�' '' '� '` - 24 , , , 25 �: 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator and the Office of the Police Chief 27 work with an outside av to provide an "arms length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used 28 in the CitS* of Saint Paul: and 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator regort twice annuall�m the Saint 30 P�uLCit� Council on the state_of �violence in the Citv, beQinninQ in Tune Qf �498�and_ RESOLUTtON AUL, MINNESOTA 31 32 q1 , �\�� Requested by Depariment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii Adoption Certified by Council Secretary (� \ By: BY� ���"�\rv-- Approved by Mayor: Date /?/ ZO �'� '�- By: � �. /�1�Cf.� Adopted by Council: Date � ,,_ . �o ��1°1`] � N°_ 50984 DEPAR7MENT�DFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATEO ' GREEN SHEE ��_ I �� INRIAUDA7E INiTIAUDATE CONTA PERSON b PHONE O DEPAflTMENT DIflEGTOR � CITY COUNpI ASSICaN OCITYATTORNEY �CITYQERK MUST BE N COUN L AGENDA BY (DATEI NtlMBER FOR O BODGET �IRECTOR � PIN & MGT. SEPVICES DIR. POUTING ORDER O MAYOH (OR A:�S1STqNTJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N RE�UESTED. ResoluIIon approving the biring of persannel to plan, coordinate and evaluate gun violence programs in the City of Saim Panl. RECOMMENDAnONS� Appiwe (A) or Rejen (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: _ PIANNING GOMMISSION _ dVIL SERVICE CqMMIS510N �� Has this personH"�rm e�rer xrorkeA under a contrect for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ SiacF 2� Has this personttirm ever been a ciry smployee? — YES NO � D�.S7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this personR'mm possess a skill not normalfy possessetl by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJEC(IVE� YES NO ' Expfaln a0 yes enswers on aeparete sheet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPP�RTUNITV (Who. WM1at. When, Where. W1ry). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. DfSADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPRWED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIW6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANOIAL INFOR6iATION (EXPLAIN) CouncilFile# 9R�t1�� RESOLUTION PAll,�: MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # ��� RESOLUTION DII�CTING Tf-IE ESTABLISFA�IENT OF A GUN VIOLENCE FORCE AND A STAFF POSITION TO WORK WITH THE TASK FORCE COORDII�ATING AND EVALUATiNG GUN VIOLENCE PREVEI3TION ACTP ►q TASK IN SAINT PAUL 1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City CouncIl requesced in CouncIl File # 97-340 that C cil Reseuch develop a study 2 exa**�in;na options for preventing gun violence by analyzing the efforts undertak by other major U.S. cities; and 3 WHEREAS, Council Research has prepared the report "Gun Violence Preven on: A Study of Program Options 4 from Twelve U.S. Cities" for the City Council's review and consideration; d 5 WF�REAS, this report indicates that planning, coordination and 6 effores to reduce gun violence; and 7 WHEREAS, the City has not aaed to plan its crime prevention e: 8 businesses, law enforcement professionals and other key organiza; ue key elements to the success of ciry ; involving the City's neighborhoods, and individuals; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul does not have any individ or group of individuals fulfilling the resgonsibiliry 10 of coordinating the wide artay of coznmunity and public sec or efforts to reduce gun violence; and 11 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul does not currently ev uate the many gun violence prevention activities 12 undenaken by the community and public sector in or r to better focus our lixnited resources on efforts that are 13 shown to be successful; NOW THEREFORE 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Co cil direcu Council Research to recommend a the best approach 15 for the development of a task force wluch wo be established to plan and develop community-wide consensus on 16 the gun violence policies and strategies neede citywide and in individual neighborhoods to prevent gun violence, 17 and 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a oject manager be appointed to work with this task force to plan, 19 coordinate and evaluate crime preven ' n, and especially gun violence prevention, activities in the City of Saint 20 Pa . Requested by Depariment of: vPa� rr�., eH�e..r Biakey Bostrom Coll Harris Megazd Morton Thune Adopted 6y Adoption C By: � il: Date by Council Secretary !•.3� Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: . .-,. _��-, �.._ JERRY BLAKEY counn7member CZTY OE�' SAINT P.Ati L OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COiJr:CIL MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Council Pzesident Dave Thune Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Joe Collins FROM: � Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7erry Blakey� Item #19 on 12/10/97 Council Agenda, Resolution #97-1111 �� _�111 Attached is a substitute resolution I have drafted to create a Gun Violence Prevention position within the Police Department to be filled by a sworn police officer. The position's description has been developed by a group of experts representing the County Attorney, Police Deparhnent, Country Conections, neighborhoods, the Mayor and City Council. Please take time to review this prior to the Council meeting today. Thank you. �I:�fi7 attachments cc: Gerry 5trathman Nancy Anderson � Chief Finney cirx xaLL THIRD FLOOR SAINT pAtiL, VINNESOT:, SS102 612/266-8670 Sa�y�46 Pnn:etl on &ec}cied °aper GUN VIOLfiNCE PREVENTION COORDINATOR POSITION DESCRIPTION � � — } \l� IvIIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Sworn Police Officer with at least two years experience working with neighborhood andfor community organizations and a demonstrated ability to work with diverse communities, as well as a demonstrated understanding of gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul. RESPONSIBII,TTIES: 1. Provide leadership and accouncability in bringing appropriate parties to the table to address gun violence. 2. Devise and implement neighborhood-specific s[rategies to prevent gun violence and intervene in circumstances that aze likely to lead to gun violence in partnership with: neighborhood and community organizations, residents, the Police Depanment and other city depanments, the county, the school district, corporate citizens, the faith community, crime prevention coordinaton and other appropriate individuals and agencies. 3. Identify °gun violence hot spots° in cooperation with the Police Department's Research and Development Office and work as liaison between the Police Department and the aforementioned groups to devise and implement neighborhood-specific strategies to combat gun violence. The identified "gun violence "hot spots" should be used to determine priority projects for this position. 4. Coordinate the gun violence prevention and intervention strategies of the aforementioned groups at the neighborhood level. 5. Work with outside agencies which would provide an"arzns length" evaluation of the gun violence prevention strategies used in the City of Saint Paul. 6. Identify successful gun violence prevention strategies used throughout the nation and incorporate them into activities being undeztaken in Saint Paul. 7. Work with Council Research to periodically review this position to assess its effectiveness at meeting the policy goal of decreasing gun violence in Saint Paul. These reviews will be conducted at six month intervals, beginning after three months. 8. Provide advice to policy makers, City Departments, outside agencies, community and neighborhood organizations on gun violence issues in the City of Saint Paul and effective strategies to combat gun violence. 9. Report twice a year to the Saint Paul City Council on the state of gun violence in the city, beginning afeer six months. 10. Participate on committees and in action groups, such as the Ramsey County Gun Violence Action Team and Minnesota HEALS. 11. Participate in other gun violence prevention activities as appropriate. SUPERVISION: Report directly to Saint Paul Chief of Police. PAY: Commensurate with cixrrent officer's compensation. GLRV_VIOLU'OSDECA.WPD 12/10/97 m _r JERRY BLAKEY Couaalmember November 13, 1997 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEM012ANDUM �� , \ \�l TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Saint Paul Police Chief William Finney Mr. Charles Armstrong, Mayor Coleman's Office Ms. Mary K. Boyd, Principal, Area Learning Center Mr. Tom Frost, Ramsey County Attomey's Office Mr. Johnny Howazd, Thomas-Dale Block Club Ms. Sue Nipe, West Side Safe Neighborhood Council Dr. Michael McGonigal, Trnuma Services Director, Regions Hospital Mr. Paul Paulson, Safety and Security Coordinator, Saint Pau] Public Schools Ms. Shirley Pierce, Family Violence Specialist, Ramsey County Manager's Office Mr. Mike Stephens, Juvenile Detention Center, Ramsey County Corrections Mr. Jose Verjeda, Gang Intervention Specialist, Neighborhood House FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey� RE: GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION POSITION Please find attached the resolution initially discussed at the Council's October IS policy session, 'Directing the Establishment of a Gun Vioience Prevention Task Force and a StaffPosition to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul." I would like to convene this workgroup to review this resolution and consider any feedback we may want to share with the Council. In order to do this, I think we should meet to discuss the resolution and appropriate efforts in our city. I am scheduling discussions for Thursday, November 20, 1997, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.; and Thursday, December 4, I 997, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, in the conference room of Raom 310 Ciry Ha11. I will fax any specific position materials that may develop at least two days prior to our meeting. I look forwazd to meeting with all of you again! JB/tb attachments: Resolution Directing the Establishsnent of a Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and a Staff Position to Work with the Task Force in Planning, Coordinating and Evaluating Gun Violence Prevention Activities in Saint Paul cc: Mr. Gerry McInerney, Ward 1 Legislative Aide Marcia Moermond, Policy Analyst, City Council Investigation and Research Center C1TY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAliL, MINNESOTA 55102 612�266-8610 S�p.46 Printed on Retydetl Paper ��-,1'�'� �� D '� '(J - 11 I 131 `t � Presented by Refared To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ai �'1 -`��\ Councii File # 'to � Green Sheet # Z$OZ� Committee Date VVHEREAS, according to national and locat statistics juvenile criminal activiry is on the increase; and Vl'F�REAS, incarceration in juvenile detention centers does not get at the root causes of juvenile crime; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the success of intervention, diversion and mentoring-type programs that aze designed to help youth who exhibit "at risk" behaviors and ]ifestyles; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is fortunate to have several successful intervention, diversion and mentoring programs available to Saint Paul youth who are at risk for such things as gang involvemeni, truancy and gun violence; and WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has supported funding of these intervention, diversion and mentoring programs in the past with the hope of tuming uoubled young people's lives around for the better; now therefore, be it r�`°v� RESOLVE�, that the Saint Paui City Council � allocate an additional $400,000 dollars to the 1997 Civic Or¢anization Partnaship Progam (COPP) to fund successfu3 new and existing interverrtion, diversion and mentoring programs designed to improve the lives of Saim Paul's traubled youth_ 4 r.a tr=T }'ne- ���.: .. ;;,:. s �..-, ` b� +der'l:�.en ��.a..r. Uu�"t' y ]rcec:<� , ' , .� � • � � �'�c.,T � e-�__ � lOC bLG C ��� � �-FGC bl.C_ ..,i �i �.=. �.rc,-"`. _ - rc • — . . k — �_ ..—_ ..� �.�t � u ;�. \: - . , -- . .. , _ v ., �-. c, c �� - <c ,- `a �. \�. . ReDUCSied DV DCD8iIIileiit 0- 15\': rorm Av�roved hv Cin� Attomec �T' Adoocion.Cercified'ov Co�meil Secretan• B C: � � � .-_� .'�`_�.� Aroprwed oy hhavor io; iubm�ssion co Council � Anproved "oc ]vfayo-: Da:e ° ° / F . BC: � i�_ ._� -�� A40422Q D�' CDIIi1Cli: D3i.°. ' �•-- ^ "' t,-