97-1095Council File # 1 1 '- �0�.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� J�w � - �.:;�� :..� �.. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 0 3/ i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #76081) for a Pazking LotlRamp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 236 9th Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 eas Nays Absent 7 B a�ceX 8 Bostr_�om _ 9 Harris 10 Meaar il Morton 12 T un�i e - J� 13 Co� :�- �s 16 Adopted by Council: Date 3\� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 20 ,^\ ,� 21 BY: `-'' \� � `�Na_ — 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �( 5'y- 24 25 � 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: Office of License, InsDections and Environmental Protection B �,�'-a,�=�.e� A Form Approved by City Attorney sY= �l i � 6 .,, v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to COUTICI� By: N° 50306 �'1- ( oal5 DEPAR7MENT�OFFICE/COUNCIL iDATE1NITIATED ' GREEN SHEE7 " LIEP/Licensing CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRE � pTYCOUNQL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nss�ex � cinarroeNev O CITV CIERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� qQ�N� � BUDCaEi DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MGt SERVICES DIR. For hearing: (,� '] OAOER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEOVESTED. Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking Lot/Ramp located at 236 9th Street East (ID 9i76081). RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) w Reject (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- H35 this perSpnRirm ever worketl under a COnt/3Ct for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this personKrm ever been a dty emp�oyee? — YES NO , DIS7R�CiCOURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL ORIECTIVE'+ VES NO Explaln all yes answero on aeperete aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPoRTVNITY (Wha, What. When. Where. Why)� � ��"�_�� . y: , ;� � �. �_ 'F: f 3 J i__ �� Jt�L 2 �� 19Q7 ���� �� �'�9���a� AD�ANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�u�c� ������ g�' �;� ; 2 � i�97 � DISADVANTAGES �FAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORNiATION (EXPLAIN) JI_L lb�bl '..! i Y Ur 5i rH�L �ir_r' �jl G.IV �1L�1 � . �+� cT,ASS III crrY oF saarr r ut. 'D LTCENSE APPLICATION �"� � ��.�n�� simstcw.a+�� ssiox <61'qtl6.yp9C 9z(6IA�912a 7� D�l THIS APPLICA220N IS 4URTF'�^' TO RFy[FW BY P tR�C PLF/a3E TYPB OR FRItd'i' IN INK Type ofLicrose(s) being aPPlird foz: ���r � a � U�" �/l Lt �..� S � � � <7�� � �- �C�.._.�C.� ✓�'� /� - — � �� S Y: business is �co3potated. �ve dau of uicoxpozation: Doing Business As: 1-- ��/� G l 1�c r�� -�--� . Budness Phone: �`'/ /" UGCJ Business Address: � U -- S_, _ � "'^ C j +-. #' 7 � S ; i'Z/1 l? /S . {v�.v �^S"�/l � saeu Addrcw Sq4e 7iP Between what cross s�+eaLs is the business located? Whick side of the street? Are the pzemises aow ocLUpiedT .�C� What Type of Busineas4 —'` �C4ai1 To Address: � Name �d Title: Home Address: � saat ndar,,. �� C�O � /��t � } � � � � � I r Middk r� cu� (M�edm) Stm4 Addnw G��. • �c� or�n: f 2, - Z�i - L� ni�� �a�,: �i c���,�� v'( I�,� �,vv�_� Have you evc been s�av7cted of auy feloiry, csime or violaUon of aay city ordinance other then traffic, Date of emst� Charge: _ .. ... Szntectcc. Strc 2ip �P� ri-na/ I/�aKU��r I.r� � r;rk � � hSP�, iNi�t/ �� 31 � z sruo zip �,e ��o�: 9 � y— � ' °'r � � " � �S N� V Last ths naa� and residcgces of thra persons of goad morat character, kvi� uithlin thc Twin Cities Matta Area, noi taIated to the sppt�.ant o, fusanciatly itt[ereste3 iu the pruuises or b�uiness, who may be refzrted to a3 w che appli charaaer� NAME ADDRESS /, PHOi�'E —�C�v l.C� PSS�tt` % 7 J �� J D (' ��, , r,�-.c,� i— "3 'I 2 i 2;/U . _� :� � -P � ,n� u �� �i f 5� , 3 `l � Z, L'ast liaaises whieh you cwrently ho1d, fotmerly h.eld, ar :nay�hac�a an uuerest in�_, A/ _ /v V�'h l'l uu> f7C/f � � r c L C Sf� S �^ `J Have aay of she abrne nazned lioea�es ever bcen revoked? YES i.;; Where? _.��N 5'es, ' the dates aad reasons for revocation: � OIf u�e 9A R�Q' ��� �i'.» i�•�c �i �r � rHU� Lt�r o1G GDC 71CV r.q� Arc yow going to operate this 6usiness P��Y� YES � NO If no wlv� wil� � _?br�i> iNl�,- � ���t� °t�-I �t5 � Y 2�2-�--'f / rm �r�-P� yiease ��' iiN fo have a mmagtr ar a�suan in this b�;�ss? _G1— YES ,te the following ufformation� /iJ �n/ SYaDC j,� �6 NO• If the �aasger is not the same as thc operator, ------ ......w�.�.., cMUam) L.rt _.. __ DaeaSSitth Home Ad�eM: Strcet N�c City SLie Zip Yhoac Nam6c Plesse list your empIoyment iustory for the previous &vc (53 Y� Pa'iod: �D��� I Ad�re�S � �i1��r�A � D i.cl : 'F'V� �-�.� /,�/ � �.ISt 8u Ot(ILT OBICCI'S o�tt2C COtpOiSYlOII: OPFICEIt TITLE HO.�fE ;�iAME � (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS HOME 8tfS2NE3S DATE OF PHON,E PHOI�tE g�� z 4ii_ �!^�•-��, G. . � -� _ Zf b� is s psrmeersl�iP, Please include thc following �fannasion for each pazmcr (use additianat pages if nec.�ssary); FintNaae Mid�leIwiia! (�Imdm) � Deu ofBir�L Hame A�: Shaa N�me City Siate Zi7 81nar Yvm6v Pira A'�e MidAc LcM1 (Maiden) � Dueofai� HameAddreM: StraiN+me Ciry St+k Zip PhrneN�m�es' DrIIDR�SOTA TAX II3ENTg'iCATION I3tTMBEFt - purs�ac ta the 7,,aws of Minnesora, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secaon 2(270.72} Ctax Ciemaace: I�ace ofLicenses), ficeasing anthoritles are requised to pmvide m the State of Mumesota Com,missia�er of Revenue, the Mi�a business ta�c identification number and the sociel security number of each license applioant. Jader the Mizsnesc �,QVZmm�t �7ata Pracfisxs Act and ehe Feder�l Privacy Act of 197a, we ara required to ac.rvise y4u flf the faii�wing regarding the use afihe Mssmescata Taj€ fdenufication �;vmber: • This information may be used co deny the issuanez or rcnews! of yo�u tacense i� the ecent yov owe Mi�nasota saIes, zmployer's �'ithholdiag cu motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upoa receiviizg this information, the licensmg author.ry ai�l supnly it only to t3�e l�iiusesota Depattment of Revenue. �?owever, �nder tbe Federal Exchanga of Info:mation Agreement, the Depa•tment of Rev�nue [uay supply ttue �,�o�j to the ;Atema! Revenue Service. Muuresota T�s idearifiaation Num6as (Sa?es & Use Tax Nomber) may be o6tsiizexi ficm+Y�e State of ?�fiaacsota $�.'siness Records De��artment, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-61&i), Sociat Secutity Nivaber: � V (�T _ Minnesota Tax IdentiEcation Number: �(� O��'/ Ci_L_�/✓ _` Tf a Miane.seta Tax Identificstian A*umber is not requi:ed for the busin�ss bcinS �P�'atcd. iadicatc so by placing aa "X" in tke box. t' �/� 8,�7 JUL-01-19�? 10�62 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 N.�4 � CF.RTlFIrATION OF WORI�RS' COMPENSATiON CObERAGE PURSUANT 7Q NLt�INESOTA STAT(7TE 176.18 q"► - ro`ls I herebY �fy tt� � ar my comnffiry, ffin in oompliaaoz with thewaicers' compensation insurancc cwerage requiremen�s of Mumesota 5tannc 1 i6.182, subdivision2. i also �,d thaz provisic� �'false ir�a�a�on in this catificatio� consti�tes sufficimt gounds for adverse action against alI licenses beld, iucluding revocation and suspcwian of said licenses. Name of 7nsturmce Compmry: 71�Gf ��I�G'C-� �<�1 �.[,6�t d� C�.-. �l vt ��y7 y Policy Niunber: �d �0 �F'11.1' K � 3�l Ty Coverage from �—i —�I �— co —/ I have m eu,ptoyaes eovecedunder worke� compensation insurance (AITTALS) ANY FALSIFICATIOPi OF ANSWEItS GIVEN OR MATERIA,L, S�BMiTTED WIIJ. RESULT IN D�NtIAL OF TYiIS APPLICATION I hereby state tkrat I have axuwered all of the Pme�mB questiaas, and that the informati� contained hereia is true aud correct to the bes� of mY Imowiedge aud be3i�' I hcreby state fwther that I have received ao money a other consideration, by way oi losn, gift, coniribution, or �haa'is�, mher thea ahsedy disrlw�ed in tne epplicafi� w3vch I he:ewith s�:bmittPd. I atso �uid�rstand this premise �ap be issspected by palice, fire, heslth and oilier city officials at any aud all rimes when the business is in operatiouL —/ (REQUA�iED for aII appiications) We MIl a�ept payment by auh� clteck (made pxyabk W City of Sain4 Pxul} or credit card (M/C or Visa�. IFPAYING$YCREDlTG1RDPLEASECOMPLE7ETHSFtJLCOWJNGINFORMAT/ON: �MastetCetd ❑Vjsa D�PIItATTON AATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: oo/aa ❑aaQ aaoo ❑ac�❑ noc�❑ for •*Note: I£ rhis application is Fooc�JLiquor relsted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Tnspector, Suve OiwA (266-9139�, W rev'sew Ptans. Tf aay substantial chauges zo structurz are a�icipatni, Please contact a City of Saint Pau1 PFan Exami:cer at 266.4007 te apply fa buiiding p«mits, if fhere are �y chang�s ta the p�tdng lot, floor space, ar for new operations, Please conuct a Ciry of S�int Paul Zc>ning Inspe�tor at 266-9p08. AD aPPlicationa require t6a folbwing documents. P�Case attac6 t6ese doca�mente wl�en sobmriting your xpplieation: 1. A detailed desaiption of the design, location aad sqvare footage of ihc premiscs to be licenscd (site plen�. The followiag 3ata shoutd be on the si�e plan (prefcrably on ea 81 /2' x 1 I" ar 8 1/2" x 14" Pap�); - A1sme, address, and phone numbes. -'Fhe scale shflv2d be stated such as 1' = 24'. ^N shou�d be indicated zowar3 the top, - Plar,ement of all pertinent festures of the incerioz of the licc�sed faciliry such as seating areas, kitch�ns, o�r.zs, repair araa, par'ang, rest sooms, etc. - If a request is for � addition or expansioc of the liceased faciiity, indicate both ;he currznt azea end the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lea4e ageement or proof of owne�hip af the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUA2E ADDI'I'IONAL 1�'F'ORMATIO�'. PLEAS� SEE REV�RSE FOIt DETAILS �>>> � on R;ar Council File # 1 1 '- �0�.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� J�w � - �.:;�� :..� �.. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 0 3/ i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #76081) for a Pazking LotlRamp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 236 9th Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 eas Nays Absent 7 B a�ceX 8 Bostr_�om _ 9 Harris 10 Meaar il Morton 12 T un�i e - J� 13 Co� :�- �s 16 Adopted by Council: Date 3\� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 20 ,^\ ,� 21 BY: `-'' \� � `�Na_ — 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �( 5'y- 24 25 � 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: Office of License, InsDections and Environmental Protection B �,�'-a,�=�.e� A Form Approved by City Attorney sY= �l i � 6 .,, v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to COUTICI� By: N° 50306 �'1- ( oal5 DEPAR7MENT�OFFICE/COUNCIL iDATE1NITIATED ' GREEN SHEE7 " LIEP/Licensing CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRE � pTYCOUNQL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nss�ex � cinarroeNev O CITV CIERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� qQ�N� � BUDCaEi DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MGt SERVICES DIR. For hearing: (,� '] OAOER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEOVESTED. Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking Lot/Ramp located at 236 9th Street East (ID 9i76081). RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) w Reject (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- H35 this perSpnRirm ever worketl under a COnt/3Ct for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this personKrm ever been a dty emp�oyee? — YES NO , DIS7R�CiCOURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL ORIECTIVE'+ VES NO Explaln all yes answero on aeperete aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPoRTVNITY (Wha, What. When. Where. Why)� � ��"�_�� . y: , ;� � �. �_ 'F: f 3 J i__ �� Jt�L 2 �� 19Q7 ���� �� �'�9���a� AD�ANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�u�c� ������ g�' �;� ; 2 � i�97 � DISADVANTAGES �FAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORNiATION (EXPLAIN) JI_L lb�bl '..! i Y Ur 5i rH�L �ir_r' �jl G.IV �1L�1 � . �+� cT,ASS III crrY oF saarr r ut. 'D LTCENSE APPLICATION �"� � ��.�n�� simstcw.a+�� ssiox <61'qtl6.yp9C 9z(6IA�912a 7� D�l THIS APPLICA220N IS 4URTF'�^' TO RFy[FW BY P tR�C PLF/a3E TYPB OR FRItd'i' IN INK Type ofLicrose(s) being aPPlird foz: ���r � a � U�" �/l Lt �..� S � � � <7�� � �- �C�.._.�C.� ✓�'� /� - — � �� S Y: business is �co3potated. �ve dau of uicoxpozation: Doing Business As: 1-- ��/� G l 1�c r�� -�--� . Budness Phone: �`'/ /" UGCJ Business Address: � U -- S_, _ � "'^ C j +-. #' 7 � S ; i'Z/1 l? /S . {v�.v �^S"�/l � saeu Addrcw Sq4e 7iP Between what cross s�+eaLs is the business located? Whick side of the street? Are the pzemises aow ocLUpiedT .�C� What Type of Busineas4 —'` �C4ai1 To Address: � Name �d Title: Home Address: � saat ndar,,. �� C�O � /��t � } � � � � � I r Middk r� cu� (M�edm) Stm4 Addnw G��. • �c� or�n: f 2, - Z�i - L� ni�� �a�,: �i c���,�� v'( I�,� �,vv�_� Have you evc been s�av7cted of auy feloiry, csime or violaUon of aay city ordinance other then traffic, Date of emst� Charge: _ .. ... Szntectcc. Strc 2ip �P� ri-na/ I/�aKU��r I.r� � r;rk � � hSP�, iNi�t/ �� 31 � z sruo zip �,e ��o�: 9 � y— � ' °'r � � " � �S N� V Last ths naa� and residcgces of thra persons of goad morat character, kvi� uithlin thc Twin Cities Matta Area, noi taIated to the sppt�.ant o, fusanciatly itt[ereste3 iu the pruuises or b�uiness, who may be refzrted to a3 w che appli charaaer� NAME ADDRESS /, PHOi�'E —�C�v l.C� PSS�tt` % 7 J �� J D (' ��, , r,�-.c,� i— "3 'I 2 i 2;/U . _� :� � -P � ,n� u �� �i f 5� , 3 `l � Z, L'ast liaaises whieh you cwrently ho1d, fotmerly h.eld, ar :nay�hac�a an uuerest in�_, A/ _ /v V�'h l'l uu> f7C/f � � r c L C Sf� S �^ `J Have aay of she abrne nazned lioea�es ever bcen revoked? YES i.;; Where? _.��N 5'es, ' the dates aad reasons for revocation: � OIf u�e 9A R�Q' ��� �i'.» i�•�c �i �r � rHU� Lt�r o1G GDC 71CV r.q� Arc yow going to operate this 6usiness P��Y� YES � NO If no wlv� wil� � _?br�i> iNl�,- � ���t� °t�-I �t5 � Y 2�2-�--'f / rm �r�-P� yiease ��' iiN fo have a mmagtr ar a�suan in this b�;�ss? _G1— YES ,te the following ufformation� /iJ �n/ SYaDC j,� �6 NO• If the �aasger is not the same as thc operator, ------ ......w�.�.., cMUam) L.rt _.. __ DaeaSSitth Home Ad�eM: Strcet N�c City SLie Zip Yhoac Nam6c Plesse list your empIoyment iustory for the previous &vc (53 Y� Pa'iod: �D��� I Ad�re�S � �i1��r�A � D i.cl : 'F'V� �-�.� /,�/ � �.ISt 8u Ot(ILT OBICCI'S o�tt2C COtpOiSYlOII: OPFICEIt TITLE HO.�fE ;�iAME � (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS HOME 8tfS2NE3S DATE OF PHON,E PHOI�tE g�� z 4ii_ �!^�•-��, G. . � -� _ Zf b� is s psrmeersl�iP, Please include thc following �fannasion for each pazmcr (use additianat pages if nec.�ssary); FintNaae Mid�leIwiia! (�Imdm) � Deu ofBir�L Hame A�: Shaa N�me City Siate Zi7 81nar Yvm6v Pira A'�e MidAc LcM1 (Maiden) � Dueofai� HameAddreM: StraiN+me Ciry St+k Zip PhrneN�m�es' DrIIDR�SOTA TAX II3ENTg'iCATION I3tTMBEFt - purs�ac ta the 7,,aws of Minnesora, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secaon 2(270.72} Ctax Ciemaace: I�ace ofLicenses), ficeasing anthoritles are requised to pmvide m the State of Mumesota Com,missia�er of Revenue, the Mi�a business ta�c identification number and the sociel security number of each license applioant. Jader the Mizsnesc �,QVZmm�t �7ata Pracfisxs Act and ehe Feder�l Privacy Act of 197a, we ara required to ac.rvise y4u flf the faii�wing regarding the use afihe Mssmescata Taj€ fdenufication �;vmber: • This information may be used co deny the issuanez or rcnews! of yo�u tacense i� the ecent yov owe Mi�nasota saIes, zmployer's �'ithholdiag cu motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upoa receiviizg this information, the licensmg author.ry ai�l supnly it only to t3�e l�iiusesota Depattment of Revenue. �?owever, �nder tbe Federal Exchanga of Info:mation Agreement, the Depa•tment of Rev�nue [uay supply ttue �,�o�j to the ;Atema! Revenue Service. Muuresota T�s idearifiaation Num6as (Sa?es & Use Tax Nomber) may be o6tsiizexi ficm+Y�e State of ?�fiaacsota $�.'siness Records De��artment, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-61&i), Sociat Secutity Nivaber: � V (�T _ Minnesota Tax IdentiEcation Number: �(� O��'/ Ci_L_�/✓ _` Tf a Miane.seta Tax Identificstian A*umber is not requi:ed for the busin�ss bcinS �P�'atcd. iadicatc so by placing aa "X" in tke box. t' �/� 8,�7 JUL-01-19�? 10�62 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 N.�4 � CF.RTlFIrATION OF WORI�RS' COMPENSATiON CObERAGE PURSUANT 7Q NLt�INESOTA STAT(7TE 176.18 q"► - ro`ls I herebY �fy tt� � ar my comnffiry, ffin in oompliaaoz with thewaicers' compensation insurancc cwerage requiremen�s of Mumesota 5tannc 1 i6.182, subdivision2. i also �,d thaz provisic� �'false ir�a�a�on in this catificatio� consti�tes sufficimt gounds for adverse action against alI licenses beld, iucluding revocation and suspcwian of said licenses. Name of 7nsturmce Compmry: 71�Gf ��I�G'C-� �<�1 �.[,6�t d� C�.-. �l vt ��y7 y Policy Niunber: �d �0 �F'11.1' K � 3�l Ty Coverage from �—i —�I �— co —/ I have m eu,ptoyaes eovecedunder worke� compensation insurance (AITTALS) ANY FALSIFICATIOPi OF ANSWEItS GIVEN OR MATERIA,L, S�BMiTTED WIIJ. RESULT IN D�NtIAL OF TYiIS APPLICATION I hereby state tkrat I have axuwered all of the Pme�mB questiaas, and that the informati� contained hereia is true aud correct to the bes� of mY Imowiedge aud be3i�' I hcreby state fwther that I have received ao money a other consideration, by way oi losn, gift, coniribution, or �haa'is�, mher thea ahsedy disrlw�ed in tne epplicafi� w3vch I he:ewith s�:bmittPd. I atso �uid�rstand this premise �ap be issspected by palice, fire, heslth and oilier city officials at any aud all rimes when the business is in operatiouL —/ (REQUA�iED for aII appiications) We MIl a�ept payment by auh� clteck (made pxyabk W City of Sain4 Pxul} or credit card (M/C or Visa�. IFPAYING$YCREDlTG1RDPLEASECOMPLE7ETHSFtJLCOWJNGINFORMAT/ON: �MastetCetd ❑Vjsa D�PIItATTON AATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: oo/aa ❑aaQ aaoo ❑ac�❑ noc�❑ for •*Note: I£ rhis application is Fooc�JLiquor relsted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Tnspector, Suve OiwA (266-9139�, W rev'sew Ptans. Tf aay substantial chauges zo structurz are a�icipatni, Please contact a City of Saint Pau1 PFan Exami:cer at 266.4007 te apply fa buiiding p«mits, if fhere are �y chang�s ta the p�tdng lot, floor space, ar for new operations, Please conuct a Ciry of S�int Paul Zc>ning Inspe�tor at 266-9p08. AD aPPlicationa require t6a folbwing documents. P�Case attac6 t6ese doca�mente wl�en sobmriting your xpplieation: 1. A detailed desaiption of the design, location aad sqvare footage of ihc premiscs to be licenscd (site plen�. The followiag 3ata shoutd be on the si�e plan (prefcrably on ea 81 /2' x 1 I" ar 8 1/2" x 14" Pap�); - A1sme, address, and phone numbes. -'Fhe scale shflv2d be stated such as 1' = 24'. ^N shou�d be indicated zowar3 the top, - Plar,ement of all pertinent festures of the incerioz of the licc�sed faciliry such as seating areas, kitch�ns, o�r.zs, repair araa, par'ang, rest sooms, etc. - If a request is for � addition or expansioc of the liceased faciiity, indicate both ;he currznt azea end the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lea4e ageement or proof of owne�hip af the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUA2E ADDI'I'IONAL 1�'F'ORMATIO�'. PLEAS� SEE REV�RSE FOIt DETAILS �>>> � on R;ar Council File # 1 1 '- �0�.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� J�w � - �.:;�� :..� �.. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 0 3/ i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #76081) for a Pazking LotlRamp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 236 9th Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 eas Nays Absent 7 B a�ceX 8 Bostr_�om _ 9 Harris 10 Meaar il Morton 12 T un�i e - J� 13 Co� :�- �s 16 Adopted by Council: Date 3\� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 20 ,^\ ,� 21 BY: `-'' \� � `�Na_ — 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �( 5'y- 24 25 � 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: Office of License, InsDections and Environmental Protection B �,�'-a,�=�.e� A Form Approved by City Attorney sY= �l i � 6 .,, v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to COUTICI� By: N° 50306 �'1- ( oal5 DEPAR7MENT�OFFICE/COUNCIL iDATE1NITIATED ' GREEN SHEE7 " LIEP/Licensing CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRE � pTYCOUNQL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nss�ex � cinarroeNev O CITV CIERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� qQ�N� � BUDCaEi DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MGt SERVICES DIR. For hearing: (,� '] OAOER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEOVESTED. Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking Lot/Ramp located at 236 9th Street East (ID 9i76081). RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) w Reject (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- H35 this perSpnRirm ever worketl under a COnt/3Ct for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this personKrm ever been a dty emp�oyee? — YES NO , DIS7R�CiCOURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL ORIECTIVE'+ VES NO Explaln all yes answero on aeperete aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPoRTVNITY (Wha, What. When. Where. Why)� � ��"�_�� . y: , ;� � �. �_ 'F: f 3 J i__ �� Jt�L 2 �� 19Q7 ���� �� �'�9���a� AD�ANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�u�c� ������ g�' �;� ; 2 � i�97 � DISADVANTAGES �FAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORNiATION (EXPLAIN) JI_L lb�bl '..! i Y Ur 5i rH�L �ir_r' �jl G.IV �1L�1 � . �+� cT,ASS III crrY oF saarr r ut. 'D LTCENSE APPLICATION �"� � ��.�n�� simstcw.a+�� ssiox <61'qtl6.yp9C 9z(6IA�912a 7� D�l THIS APPLICA220N IS 4URTF'�^' TO RFy[FW BY P tR�C PLF/a3E TYPB OR FRItd'i' IN INK Type ofLicrose(s) being aPPlird foz: ���r � a � U�" �/l Lt �..� S � � � <7�� � �- �C�.._.�C.� ✓�'� /� - — � �� S Y: business is �co3potated. �ve dau of uicoxpozation: Doing Business As: 1-- ��/� G l 1�c r�� -�--� . Budness Phone: �`'/ /" UGCJ Business Address: � U -- S_, _ � "'^ C j +-. #' 7 � S ; i'Z/1 l? /S . {v�.v �^S"�/l � saeu Addrcw Sq4e 7iP Between what cross s�+eaLs is the business located? Whick side of the street? Are the pzemises aow ocLUpiedT .�C� What Type of Busineas4 —'` �C4ai1 To Address: � Name �d Title: Home Address: � saat ndar,,. �� C�O � /��t � } � � � � � I r Middk r� cu� (M�edm) Stm4 Addnw G��. • �c� or�n: f 2, - Z�i - L� ni�� �a�,: �i c���,�� v'( I�,� �,vv�_� Have you evc been s�av7cted of auy feloiry, csime or violaUon of aay city ordinance other then traffic, Date of emst� Charge: _ .. ... Szntectcc. Strc 2ip �P� ri-na/ I/�aKU��r I.r� � r;rk � � hSP�, iNi�t/ �� 31 � z sruo zip �,e ��o�: 9 � y— � ' °'r � � " � �S N� V Last ths naa� and residcgces of thra persons of goad morat character, kvi� uithlin thc Twin Cities Matta Area, noi taIated to the sppt�.ant o, fusanciatly itt[ereste3 iu the pruuises or b�uiness, who may be refzrted to a3 w che appli charaaer� NAME ADDRESS /, PHOi�'E —�C�v l.C� PSS�tt` % 7 J �� J D (' ��, , r,�-.c,� i— "3 'I 2 i 2;/U . _� :� � -P � ,n� u �� �i f 5� , 3 `l � Z, L'ast liaaises whieh you cwrently ho1d, fotmerly h.eld, ar :nay�hac�a an uuerest in�_, A/ _ /v V�'h l'l uu> f7C/f � � r c L C Sf� S �^ `J Have aay of she abrne nazned lioea�es ever bcen revoked? YES i.;; Where? _.��N 5'es, ' the dates aad reasons for revocation: � OIf u�e 9A R�Q' ��� �i'.» i�•�c �i �r � rHU� Lt�r o1G GDC 71CV r.q� Arc yow going to operate this 6usiness P��Y� YES � NO If no wlv� wil� � _?br�i> iNl�,- � ���t� °t�-I �t5 � Y 2�2-�--'f / rm �r�-P� yiease ��' iiN fo have a mmagtr ar a�suan in this b�;�ss? _G1— YES ,te the following ufformation� /iJ �n/ SYaDC j,� �6 NO• If the �aasger is not the same as thc operator, ------ ......w�.�.., cMUam) L.rt _.. __ DaeaSSitth Home Ad�eM: Strcet N�c City SLie Zip Yhoac Nam6c Plesse list your empIoyment iustory for the previous &vc (53 Y� Pa'iod: �D��� I Ad�re�S � �i1��r�A � D i.cl : 'F'V� �-�.� /,�/ � �.ISt 8u Ot(ILT OBICCI'S o�tt2C COtpOiSYlOII: OPFICEIt TITLE HO.�fE ;�iAME � (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS HOME 8tfS2NE3S DATE OF PHON,E PHOI�tE g�� z 4ii_ �!^�•-��, G. . � -� _ Zf b� is s psrmeersl�iP, Please include thc following �fannasion for each pazmcr (use additianat pages if nec.�ssary); FintNaae Mid�leIwiia! (�Imdm) � Deu ofBir�L Hame A�: Shaa N�me City Siate Zi7 81nar Yvm6v Pira A'�e MidAc LcM1 (Maiden) � Dueofai� HameAddreM: StraiN+me Ciry St+k Zip PhrneN�m�es' DrIIDR�SOTA TAX II3ENTg'iCATION I3tTMBEFt - purs�ac ta the 7,,aws of Minnesora, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secaon 2(270.72} Ctax Ciemaace: I�ace ofLicenses), ficeasing anthoritles are requised to pmvide m the State of Mumesota Com,missia�er of Revenue, the Mi�a business ta�c identification number and the sociel security number of each license applioant. Jader the Mizsnesc �,QVZmm�t �7ata Pracfisxs Act and ehe Feder�l Privacy Act of 197a, we ara required to ac.rvise y4u flf the faii�wing regarding the use afihe Mssmescata Taj€ fdenufication �;vmber: • This information may be used co deny the issuanez or rcnews! of yo�u tacense i� the ecent yov owe Mi�nasota saIes, zmployer's �'ithholdiag cu motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upoa receiviizg this information, the licensmg author.ry ai�l supnly it only to t3�e l�iiusesota Depattment of Revenue. �?owever, �nder tbe Federal Exchanga of Info:mation Agreement, the Depa•tment of Rev�nue [uay supply ttue �,�o�j to the ;Atema! Revenue Service. Muuresota T�s idearifiaation Num6as (Sa?es & Use Tax Nomber) may be o6tsiizexi ficm+Y�e State of ?�fiaacsota $�.'siness Records De��artment, 10 RiverPark Plaza (612-296-61&i), Sociat Secutity Nivaber: � V (�T _ Minnesota Tax IdentiEcation Number: �(� O��'/ Ci_L_�/✓ _` Tf a Miane.seta Tax Identificstian A*umber is not requi:ed for the busin�ss bcinS �P�'atcd. iadicatc so by placing aa "X" in tke box. t' �/� 8,�7 JUL-01-19�? 10�62 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 N.�4 � CF.RTlFIrATION OF WORI�RS' COMPENSATiON CObERAGE PURSUANT 7Q NLt�INESOTA STAT(7TE 176.18 q"► - ro`ls I herebY �fy tt� � ar my comnffiry, ffin in oompliaaoz with thewaicers' compensation insurancc cwerage requiremen�s of Mumesota 5tannc 1 i6.182, subdivision2. i also �,d thaz provisic� �'false ir�a�a�on in this catificatio� consti�tes sufficimt gounds for adverse action against alI licenses beld, iucluding revocation and suspcwian of said licenses. Name of 7nsturmce Compmry: 71�Gf ��I�G'C-� �<�1 �.[,6�t d� C�.-. �l vt ��y7 y Policy Niunber: �d �0 �F'11.1' K � 3�l Ty Coverage from �—i —�I �— co —/ I have m eu,ptoyaes eovecedunder worke� compensation insurance (AITTALS) ANY FALSIFICATIOPi OF ANSWEItS GIVEN OR MATERIA,L, S�BMiTTED WIIJ. RESULT IN D�NtIAL OF TYiIS APPLICATION I hereby state tkrat I have axuwered all of the Pme�mB questiaas, and that the informati� contained hereia is true aud correct to the bes� of mY Imowiedge aud be3i�' I hcreby state fwther that I have received ao money a other consideration, by way oi losn, gift, coniribution, or �haa'is�, mher thea ahsedy disrlw�ed in tne epplicafi� w3vch I he:ewith s�:bmittPd. I atso �uid�rstand this premise �ap be issspected by palice, fire, heslth and oilier city officials at any aud all rimes when the business is in operatiouL —/ (REQUA�iED for aII appiications) We MIl a�ept payment by auh� clteck (made pxyabk W City of Sain4 Pxul} or credit card (M/C or Visa�. IFPAYING$YCREDlTG1RDPLEASECOMPLE7ETHSFtJLCOWJNGINFORMAT/ON: �MastetCetd ❑Vjsa D�PIItATTON AATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: oo/aa ❑aaQ aaoo ❑ac�❑ noc�❑ for •*Note: I£ rhis application is Fooc�JLiquor relsted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Tnspector, Suve OiwA (266-9139�, W rev'sew Ptans. Tf aay substantial chauges zo structurz are a�icipatni, Please contact a City of Saint Pau1 PFan Exami:cer at 266.4007 te apply fa buiiding p«mits, if fhere are �y chang�s ta the p�tdng lot, floor space, ar for new operations, Please conuct a Ciry of S�int Paul Zc>ning Inspe�tor at 266-9p08. AD aPPlicationa require t6a folbwing documents. P�Case attac6 t6ese doca�mente wl�en sobmriting your xpplieation: 1. A detailed desaiption of the design, location aad sqvare footage of ihc premiscs to be licenscd (site plen�. The followiag 3ata shoutd be on the si�e plan (prefcrably on ea 81 /2' x 1 I" ar 8 1/2" x 14" Pap�); - A1sme, address, and phone numbes. -'Fhe scale shflv2d be stated such as 1' = 24'. ^N shou�d be indicated zowar3 the top, - Plar,ement of all pertinent festures of the incerioz of the licc�sed faciliry such as seating areas, kitch�ns, o�r.zs, repair araa, par'ang, rest sooms, etc. - If a request is for � addition or expansioc of the liceased faciiity, indicate both ;he currznt azea end the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lea4e ageement or proof of owne�hip af the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUA2E ADDI'I'IONAL 1�'F'ORMATIO�'. PLEAS� SEE REV�RSE FOIt DETAILS �>>> � on R;ar