97-1093council File # R'l -1 Oq3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A 3'�i� �. _ . ,� . . . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application (ID #75562) for a Parking Lot/Ramp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA 2 Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 0 Main Street be and the same is 3 hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Ndvs AbsErit 7 B a �. 8 Bostrom � Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris 10 Meaar Environmental Protection 12 T�vne � 13 Collins ✓' 14 15 ; , ` � �-�� 16 Adopted by Council: Date � �`�°�� B �'� "�'�""�"t-' �-L--�' — 17 �-- � — 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 Fonn Approved by City Attorney 20 (� 21 By: � �==1� � - � � 22 � ��� BY� ! X � �� �i r .� �,� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date f� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: � Council 27 By: N° 50307 DEMRTAENLOFFICE�COUNQL i DATE INITIATED �� _ L LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑C�T�'COUNCIL �NITIAV�ATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 assicx � CITVATfORN£Y O CITV GLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIR 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. POUTING FOL heazing: q ��� OPDER Q MAVOR (OR ASS�STAtJn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUE5TED: Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotiRamp located at(� Main Street (ID�i75562). REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERViCE CAMMISSION �- H35 this per50nHirm evef WoAc2d Under a contraCt for fhi5 department? _ C16COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE° YES NO � Explain all yes answers on aeparate aheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (4MO. What, When. Whare. Why)' , �i,.w�x'���' i{ "_1 k.�._ _ . ♦ . . ._ i1r UV� �.J l�J� ���� �`� �'���3��� ADVpNTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� �- "��� °�d'SVd ��� � � (��'� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORMATIOM (EXPIAIN) :ru �ntnL rnRnllVb iCL•D1L JU(� VJ y( 1�•L� M1O.U1� �.UL , __� ��� ..�� �.uc.u� �'•Ce'� CLASS IiI G� � ��LICENSE APPLI�ATI0�1 2��� , � � � I�' C�, r ,�t-���� T4 �BVTHP➢ttqitr S S S � � S n 5 COTpC�' 2�L'�C S�.0 f_/�.Q /� i� c� ./� �. Itbtu�ia� is iaeoepori� p�•e �sse of ioczpw.,ucy� Daa; Buaaas,4a: Buriaw Ad'wees� . Be�+�a� uiLt uoss stroea u�e bts�eas lxctad? 11tetDeyr�sesnc�•ocrspiad9 !'�� V�� Mail To Ad2ses:; wggl�es,i �torraa�on: Name �d'Tide: �_ � � F - e� � s FiomeAdc§eu:.�] � f�a u .�ti r��f, PLFASE TYPE 4R PRINT IN I\'K q�-1093 CITY OF SAE3T PALZ a�t� dL�, n,�:.;,-.,� L'Id f.�t+9lYM.:S37 pR+:�CSio.1 txs•sr.e�vxo � 4^l}�3Y_i+�Ca 1.:C1 :t::}:66.9C% 6a(e::l:�iFJ:t 7SSGZ. >Ldl1� �� � �`D/la � /�r ra. ci so.aMaw ��, - - - - � � ' �-LL_ Zip D�u �a�.�; � z• z y-��-- x� ��o: 93 i Sso y ---�.�_, Plea edBir.h: �rar.�.Gv."i(e� wi�� c - F��ve yw a�a ban sq�y;;iLQ ais� fda�, viae a�ioieda� of a�• eit�� ordincn:r ot�a L*: aa tra�c7 ti'F S ±a4 � �att af �rat: �,�,RT -_,_._-. Chxyc Coa�i�os � Seatmcc: :,it 7B� ��d �sic�cxces ,� tLroe Pcscas af �ood casal cbcacur� liviaa witLia tbe Tn�ia Citia Metro .� � a Sasadn:iy iater�ed "m tDe Pt�'s a bwiaea�, x'bo mry bt rd¢red to rr to t�e epplio�c's e5cactm: � na zelu�i to the spplicant A14T� . ADDRE53 PHONE � �� w�hich royy oiarm�ly hold foemaly' be14 n'smY I�ave m�tereat ia: . �� Ho�r mq• of[be abwe �c.me� lic�ia � �,.. NO lfya, lia tbe dna ad raaxaa far rsvocasioa v � 77t�s� JUN-03-1997 16�49 612 341 4442 9gZ p,�� 1}pe of Lic�se;s) bc_8 cpFlird far. 1PIh'tK1HL YNKK1Nb� - ItL��OlL � -- �uir va �i i.�•cr n�.vi� �. -- —'—. .+ac cva aacti r.n��Go Are you goiaQ to opar+:e this burineas persoailjy? YES ^?�o If nat, Who aili oyatak ii1 � I` �� ��, - !.L .,, . , i n_ �,�_ i ��� � x��d6� sr..���. c , a Aieyau go�tg to hne amrssger a qssistast ia tSis busiaesa7 _� YES P �P1ae the follouiag iafvrmntiaa: Q L!il � Fitt\� ALdmeLlL�! 5 e e. t'�T �,� 4. . ��: �� Plene li�c saa easploymmt histoey rar the pm�icw Hve (s) yea pn;ea: � ... .,... 0 l�.7G�Ti.�I='l�Li /� ���{(�-�Il�/riL !�' � _ ♦ . :.• • � �- .::. .,. Z ND If the mcuYer is na sbe caee u t�e ope�tor, H01� SUSUIESS DAIE OF PHOISE PHONE �� _, Ifb�� pvtyrsship. please ioclude tbe followiag infacmatioa fos uca parms (tue additiaul P+8 ��+s3')� � 1 st�. �ek.� 3o.a �:�. cr,> ssr. z; aeae. r� ian�tya. aa�Ost�c.t (.wtiee� 1.a risxa;na Fiam, Ad�s+ .A�r Nree Ciey Btu� Zip Paoa 1�6e i _' : = �. NID�I�iOTA TAX IDFNRFICATION NVT+iHF.R • pussua� m��w of 1✓.iaxaot; I 984, Cheptcr 501. Arti�]c 6. Saepw 2(270.72) t7'cr Cle�ooc, ItA� of Liomset)� liaz+m8 avthorities are tsqu.rod to providc to tbe St:te of Mi�cswa Carmaasionea of Rav�,u, t2se Miacaotr buriae:s uoc idmti8aatioa aum6a cII tbe wcial no�w�iry numba �cocb liusae Ypphcmt t�adu the M�esae Govemmena Dsu Pracaoei Aci �d �e Foderol Privrcy Act of 1974, wt ue za�used to �dvix you of t6e tollowing mS+r�in4 tbe uae o[thc IvS�eau Ta IdmtiScanom Numbrr. •?his $ffamacoa mry be wed to deay �e ixv�x a tsaew� of yovr liam�x m t6e evem you owe N'.�nnesou aaFos, �Plrrya�a witGhoiding �r motcr ve�icle axc+.x tccer, - Upoo:eodviey &�i� iai23mttcq t�e IfomainB �b �+�PP i� �Y w the 2.�aae�a Departmrr� af Rrvmue. Howwe�, �maa t5c F��i n�c�mpe of tnfa�nDOa Agae�en� � Dmuaatiu of xw�e may �Pp�Y mramacoa w the I�rna( Ae�r Saviea, b1'moeae Toc �afioeDhavbas (Sa1ea � U�e Tn� 23�}� m+y bc obt�ed Etm me Sl�k ofMi�pot4 Sucoms Reoord� Deprtmm; 10 Rivar F.rlc Plw (612•396�61&1). `r#R I D � Sod+1 soaaity 2�htmba: �� 1 Lo g'D � �" TVfmoaola Tax tdc�riscaSm Nomber: 'Z �v D.S� .� ��� _ S i M�u 7a Idaccifle�ocn N+mmba i� aot requ'ved fa tbe buri:,na bem5 ��;+,.�. ��, y y� "X' in the bmc ana�� JUN-03-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 97Y Dae n�Bleti ?. 63 1�YtK1HL rHKK11VU IC�•O1L�J41 �u i �� 7t___ t �•�o�vu.vi� r_v� CER7IFICATIO�` OF WORKERS' CO�E� SATI0� CO\ y�i,�GE Y(.'RSUA,\7 TO ?�',�TESOTA S7ATliTE ] �6.] S2 t hee3y cc.;5• yu ], or m}• wzt}�t�v, t-� i7 to�'.plitxe ��71D Lhe •�i�:1;cs' compmsctim i�su: anu cove: egC Teiui emrn's of !✓:t�r.csota Stet'�ic 176.182, s'.:��:sitat 2. I s:so t�ad�su� t`a1 pnrisoa af f3+sc °=.'xtst�as �� N:s a"�5atic� consSmtrs st:Scic-�t grou:ds fot ad� r, u�cdcn cgais: all lixsts hdd, i�ctud.rg re�•ateoa ar.d F,up�sie: ot �.ti iiccauz p� �� � O�{�J A'er.tie of 1aF.�*snee Compsey: �Cl I/''� ��/Y� ( V1 �•�, Pas�y x,�bR: � k w� �8 k ��f S2 Cecazge fro� �/ lv io �/l.� I hn•� no �la;•as eo+xrcd �.da ���o�fiari compmsevon i:r,-c�ce (L\77uJ.,5) AhY FALSIFICATTON OBAICSR'ERS GIVF1�` OR'.L�TERTALSUB311TI'ED ., R�II,L RESLZi II�l DE.�7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATIOAI I beKby sace L�t I hnro aaaw ad aU of be praediag quer,ic3, �ad that the ics�'a-me:icas coateina� Lereia is uve:md acrrect to tae best of :vy lz�a�)edge d1d beliei 1 haeby sate Patba 'uct I heve ; ceireE ao monry a o;ha co�idcatio� b�• w�ay oi ;oa�, giR, tx�:buaoz w o;t�uiqc, o:'xr un ehn.�}•dis:los� �:�e app5cmoa W�ich 1 crau � s:bai�el 1 r.Laa un6e; ate-d thie pres�u :n�y be ias�xtw b3 police, fur, healtD od e•.�c eip� o°�5cials a1 �,p s�d ell r'saa u•hm ::: bsaesa ia in o?re:ioa SfYouure (It�QL'IR£D for.11 'FYt hill sotspt papmeet b; cE�b, c6.ek (mad� pa�•abl� lo Ct�} of Ss{a� Paun ar cndk oard (M!C ar V6a} Bas� IFPAYINC SYCREDIT GlRD PLF.lSE COl.lPLPTE PX8 F'OLLOWING �FURMATtUN: D:�:astestira ❑ V'ua . EXl'giAT10� DA7E: ACCOL':v'T JN.'.�FR ❑oja❑ ❑aa❑ ❑aaa �oo❑ ❑Qaa ••�ot�: If th;a tppliudaa ia fwd/l�quos rcktu� plwe eo:sd • Ciry af Saiat P:u} �1a►1rh',aspnetar, Stnti 4koa (265•S t 39), to roiiew p:acs. Ifany auhsteaual cheaace to sQVCture tre mocipued Dkue amuct a Cip of Seiat Panl Pian Examiaa an 266•9807 w aPPty for �-��,' �-.:�tz lf tbae re mp e�syes �o ttw pa�:ay lot, 8oa spur, a for nea operatio�R plwx aont�a � Ciry of Sunt P�u1 Za�ing iasgectot at Z6&A'708, :B ayyL:e*.!:a Y^-q.�_".sx �x T.�".c�'my dCtnmeIIi�. Yler�s utacL t3ae duettizisnEi x�+y iu8mic"r1a; �vur appiltauoa: 1. A daaild deacriptian cd the design, lociti� �d equcslbotagv a�cb. pn�i�a to be lia�a�ed (siu plan). 1be SeDva�in� data abadd be oa tht siu pJ� (ptd�cably m tu S 12' x 11' or 8 lr!' x 14' ptpv� • N�0. �. md pbow acm+bQ. • Tbe ictie �ould b0 �tstnd i� u{' ■ 2t1'. ^N sbov7d be iadiuled lowu� She tnp. • Plu� of �II p� feal�sst dtbo iakrio�r vf ttta ttoeaaod ftcility sneh es saoag m^�t. kitcba0. afficas. nPair asm, P��6.?��3 � • Ifs request is fat m'eddi0oo or expansioa of Tbc liccssed fw�7ip�, iadate both ttie atrent aru nad ths groposod apansiaa �. A mpy dyote kaee agre�mt a peaofdaworebip of t8e prop�ry. SP�CIb3C LICElvSE AYPLICATION9 REQLTgt� ADDITIONAL 1NFORMATION. PLEASE S8� R�l'EI�SE FOR DETAILS >>>> � �-3 T 1Q9'7 JUN-63-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 98% P,64 council File # R'l -1 Oq3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A 3'�i� �. _ . ,� . . . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application (ID #75562) for a Parking Lot/Ramp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA 2 Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 0 Main Street be and the same is 3 hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Ndvs AbsErit 7 B a �. 8 Bostrom � Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris 10 Meaar Environmental Protection 12 T�vne � 13 Collins ✓' 14 15 ; , ` � �-�� 16 Adopted by Council: Date � �`�°�� B �'� "�'�""�"t-' �-L--�' — 17 �-- � — 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 Fonn Approved by City Attorney 20 (� 21 By: � �==1� � - � � 22 � ��� BY� ! X � �� �i r .� �,� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date f� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: � Council 27 By: N° 50307 DEMRTAENLOFFICE�COUNQL i DATE INITIATED �� _ L LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑C�T�'COUNCIL �NITIAV�ATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 assicx � CITVATfORN£Y O CITV GLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIR 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. POUTING FOL heazing: q ��� OPDER Q MAVOR (OR ASS�STAtJn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUE5TED: Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotiRamp located at(� Main Street (ID�i75562). REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERViCE CAMMISSION �- H35 this per50nHirm evef WoAc2d Under a contraCt for fhi5 department? _ C16COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE° YES NO � Explain all yes answers on aeparate aheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (4MO. What, When. Whare. Why)' , �i,.w�x'���' i{ "_1 k.�._ _ . ♦ . . ._ i1r UV� �.J l�J� ���� �`� �'���3��� ADVpNTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� �- "��� °�d'SVd ��� � � (��'� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORMATIOM (EXPIAIN) :ru �ntnL rnRnllVb iCL•D1L JU(� VJ y( 1�•L� M1O.U1� �.UL , __� ��� ..�� �.uc.u� �'•Ce'� CLASS IiI G� � ��LICENSE APPLI�ATI0�1 2��� , � � � I�' C�, r ,�t-���� T4 �BVTHP➢ttqitr S S S � � S n 5 COTpC�' 2�L'�C S�.0 f_/�.Q /� i� c� ./� �. Itbtu�ia� is iaeoepori� p�•e �sse of ioczpw.,ucy� Daa; Buaaas,4a: Buriaw Ad'wees� . Be�+�a� uiLt uoss stroea u�e bts�eas lxctad? 11tetDeyr�sesnc�•ocrspiad9 !'�� V�� Mail To Ad2ses:; wggl�es,i �torraa�on: Name �d'Tide: �_ � � F - e� � s FiomeAdc§eu:.�] � f�a u .�ti r��f, PLFASE TYPE 4R PRINT IN I\'K q�-1093 CITY OF SAE3T PALZ a�t� dL�, n,�:.;,-.,� L'Id f.�t+9lYM.:S37 pR+:�CSio.1 txs•sr.e�vxo � 4^l}�3Y_i+�Ca 1.:C1 :t::}:66.9C% 6a(e::l:�iFJ:t 7SSGZ. >Ldl1� �� � �`D/la � /�r ra. ci so.aMaw ��, - - - - � � ' �-LL_ Zip D�u �a�.�; � z• z y-��-- x� ��o: 93 i Sso y ---�.�_, Plea edBir.h: �rar.�.Gv."i(e� wi�� c - F��ve yw a�a ban sq�y;;iLQ ais� fda�, viae a�ioieda� of a�• eit�� ordincn:r ot�a L*: aa tra�c7 ti'F S ±a4 � �att af �rat: �,�,RT -_,_._-. Chxyc Coa�i�os � Seatmcc: :,it 7B� ��d �sic�cxces ,� tLroe Pcscas af �ood casal cbcacur� liviaa witLia tbe Tn�ia Citia Metro .� � a Sasadn:iy iater�ed "m tDe Pt�'s a bwiaea�, x'bo mry bt rd¢red to rr to t�e epplio�c's e5cactm: � na zelu�i to the spplicant A14T� . ADDRE53 PHONE � �� w�hich royy oiarm�ly hold foemaly' be14 n'smY I�ave m�tereat ia: . �� Ho�r mq• of[be abwe �c.me� lic�ia � �,.. NO lfya, lia tbe dna ad raaxaa far rsvocasioa v � 77t�s� JUN-03-1997 16�49 612 341 4442 9gZ p,�� 1}pe of Lic�se;s) bc_8 cpFlird far. 1PIh'tK1HL YNKK1Nb� - ItL��OlL � -- �uir va �i i.�•cr n�.vi� �. -- —'—. .+ac cva aacti r.n��Go Are you goiaQ to opar+:e this burineas persoailjy? YES ^?�o If nat, Who aili oyatak ii1 � I` �� ��, - !.L .,, . , i n_ �,�_ i ��� � x��d6� sr..���. c , a Aieyau go�tg to hne amrssger a qssistast ia tSis busiaesa7 _� YES P �P1ae the follouiag iafvrmntiaa: Q L!il � Fitt\� ALdmeLlL�! 5 e e. t'�T �,� 4. . ��: �� Plene li�c saa easploymmt histoey rar the pm�icw Hve (s) yea pn;ea: � ... .,... 0 l�.7G�Ti.�I='l�Li /� ���{(�-�Il�/riL !�' � _ ♦ . :.• • � �- .::. .,. Z ND If the mcuYer is na sbe caee u t�e ope�tor, H01� SUSUIESS DAIE OF PHOISE PHONE �� _, Ifb�� pvtyrsship. please ioclude tbe followiag infacmatioa fos uca parms (tue additiaul P+8 ��+s3')� � 1 st�. �ek.� 3o.a �:�. cr,> ssr. z; aeae. r� ian�tya. aa�Ost�c.t (.wtiee� 1.a risxa;na Fiam, Ad�s+ .A�r Nree Ciey Btu� Zip Paoa 1�6e i _' : = �. NID�I�iOTA TAX IDFNRFICATION NVT+iHF.R • pussua� m��w of 1✓.iaxaot; I 984, Cheptcr 501. Arti�]c 6. Saepw 2(270.72) t7'cr Cle�ooc, ItA� of Liomset)� liaz+m8 avthorities are tsqu.rod to providc to tbe St:te of Mi�cswa Carmaasionea of Rav�,u, t2se Miacaotr buriae:s uoc idmti8aatioa aum6a cII tbe wcial no�w�iry numba �cocb liusae Ypphcmt t�adu the M�esae Govemmena Dsu Pracaoei Aci �d �e Foderol Privrcy Act of 1974, wt ue za�used to �dvix you of t6e tollowing mS+r�in4 tbe uae o[thc IvS�eau Ta IdmtiScanom Numbrr. •?his $ffamacoa mry be wed to deay �e ixv�x a tsaew� of yovr liam�x m t6e evem you owe N'.�nnesou aaFos, �Plrrya�a witGhoiding �r motcr ve�icle axc+.x tccer, - Upoo:eodviey &�i� iai23mttcq t�e IfomainB �b �+�PP i� �Y w the 2.�aae�a Departmrr� af Rrvmue. Howwe�, �maa t5c F��i n�c�mpe of tnfa�nDOa Agae�en� � Dmuaatiu of xw�e may �Pp�Y mramacoa w the I�rna( Ae�r Saviea, b1'moeae Toc �afioeDhavbas (Sa1ea � U�e Tn� 23�}� m+y bc obt�ed Etm me Sl�k ofMi�pot4 Sucoms Reoord� Deprtmm; 10 Rivar F.rlc Plw (612•396�61&1). `r#R I D � Sod+1 soaaity 2�htmba: �� 1 Lo g'D � �" TVfmoaola Tax tdc�riscaSm Nomber: 'Z �v D.S� .� ��� _ S i M�u 7a Idaccifle�ocn N+mmba i� aot requ'ved fa tbe buri:,na bem5 ��;+,.�. ��, y y� "X' in the bmc ana�� JUN-03-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 97Y Dae n�Bleti ?. 63 1�YtK1HL rHKK11VU IC�•O1L�J41 �u i �� 7t___ t �•�o�vu.vi� r_v� CER7IFICATIO�` OF WORKERS' CO�E� SATI0� CO\ y�i,�GE Y(.'RSUA,\7 TO ?�',�TESOTA S7ATliTE ] �6.] S2 t hee3y cc.;5• yu ], or m}• wzt}�t�v, t-� i7 to�'.plitxe ��71D Lhe •�i�:1;cs' compmsctim i�su: anu cove: egC Teiui emrn's of !✓:t�r.csota Stet'�ic 176.182, s'.:��:sitat 2. I s:so t�ad�su� t`a1 pnrisoa af f3+sc °=.'xtst�as �� N:s a"�5atic� consSmtrs st:Scic-�t grou:ds fot ad� r, u�cdcn cgais: all lixsts hdd, i�ctud.rg re�•ateoa ar.d F,up�sie: ot �.ti iiccauz p� �� � O�{�J A'er.tie of 1aF.�*snee Compsey: �Cl I/''� ��/Y� ( V1 �•�, Pas�y x,�bR: � k w� �8 k ��f S2 Cecazge fro� �/ lv io �/l.� I hn•� no �la;•as eo+xrcd �.da ���o�fiari compmsevon i:r,-c�ce (L\77uJ.,5) AhY FALSIFICATTON OBAICSR'ERS GIVF1�` OR'.L�TERTALSUB311TI'ED ., R�II,L RESLZi II�l DE.�7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATIOAI I beKby sace L�t I hnro aaaw ad aU of be praediag quer,ic3, �ad that the ics�'a-me:icas coateina� Lereia is uve:md acrrect to tae best of :vy lz�a�)edge d1d beliei 1 haeby sate Patba 'uct I heve ; ceireE ao monry a o;ha co�idcatio� b�• w�ay oi ;oa�, giR, tx�:buaoz w o;t�uiqc, o:'xr un ehn.�}•dis:los� �:�e app5cmoa W�ich 1 crau � s:bai�el 1 r.Laa un6e; ate-d thie pres�u :n�y be ias�xtw b3 police, fur, healtD od e•.�c eip� o°�5cials a1 �,p s�d ell r'saa u•hm ::: bsaesa ia in o?re:ioa SfYouure (It�QL'IR£D for.11 'FYt hill sotspt papmeet b; cE�b, c6.ek (mad� pa�•abl� lo Ct�} of Ss{a� Paun ar cndk oard (M!C ar V6a} Bas� IFPAYINC SYCREDIT GlRD PLF.lSE COl.lPLPTE PX8 F'OLLOWING �FURMATtUN: D:�:astestira ❑ V'ua . EXl'giAT10� DA7E: ACCOL':v'T JN.'.�FR ❑oja❑ ❑aa❑ ❑aaa �oo❑ ❑Qaa ••�ot�: If th;a tppliudaa ia fwd/l�quos rcktu� plwe eo:sd • Ciry af Saiat P:u} �1a►1rh',aspnetar, Stnti 4koa (265•S t 39), to roiiew p:acs. Ifany auhsteaual cheaace to sQVCture tre mocipued Dkue amuct a Cip of Seiat Panl Pian Examiaa an 266•9807 w aPPty for �-��,' �-.:�tz lf tbae re mp e�syes �o ttw pa�:ay lot, 8oa spur, a for nea operatio�R plwx aont�a � Ciry of Sunt P�u1 Za�ing iasgectot at Z6&A'708, :B ayyL:e*.!:a Y^-q.�_".sx �x T.�".c�'my dCtnmeIIi�. Yler�s utacL t3ae duettizisnEi x�+y iu8mic"r1a; �vur appiltauoa: 1. A daaild deacriptian cd the design, lociti� �d equcslbotagv a�cb. pn�i�a to be lia�a�ed (siu plan). 1be SeDva�in� data abadd be oa tht siu pJ� (ptd�cably m tu S 12' x 11' or 8 lr!' x 14' ptpv� • N�0. �. md pbow acm+bQ. • Tbe ictie �ould b0 �tstnd i� u{' ■ 2t1'. ^N sbov7d be iadiuled lowu� She tnp. • Plu� of �II p� feal�sst dtbo iakrio�r vf ttta ttoeaaod ftcility sneh es saoag m^�t. kitcba0. afficas. nPair asm, P��6.?��3 � • Ifs request is fat m'eddi0oo or expansioa of Tbc liccssed fw�7ip�, iadate both ttie atrent aru nad ths groposod apansiaa �. A mpy dyote kaee agre�mt a peaofdaworebip of t8e prop�ry. SP�CIb3C LICElvSE AYPLICATION9 REQLTgt� ADDITIONAL 1NFORMATION. PLEASE S8� R�l'EI�SE FOR DETAILS >>>> � �-3 T 1Q9'7 JUN-63-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 98% P,64 council File # R'l -1 Oq3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A 3'�i� �. _ . ,� . . . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application (ID #75562) for a Parking Lot/Ramp License by Imperial Parking, Inc. DBA 2 Imperial Parking Ina (Paul Schnettler, Regional Manager) at 0 Main Street be and the same is 3 hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Ndvs AbsErit 7 B a �. 8 Bostrom � Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris 10 Meaar Environmental Protection 12 T�vne � 13 Collins ✓' 14 15 ; , ` � �-�� 16 Adopted by Council: Date � �`�°�� B �'� "�'�""�"t-' �-L--�' — 17 �-- � — 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 19 Fonn Approved by City Attorney 20 (� 21 By: � �==1� � - � � 22 � ��� BY� ! X � �� �i r .� �,� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date f� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: � Council 27 By: N° 50307 DEMRTAENLOFFICE�COUNQL i DATE INITIATED �� _ L LIEP/Licensing i GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑C�T�'COUNCIL �NITIAV�ATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 assicx � CITVATfORN£Y O CITV GLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOF ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIR 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. POUTING FOL heazing: q ��� OPDER Q MAVOR (OR ASS�STAtJn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUE5TED: Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotiRamp located at(� Main Street (ID�i75562). REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERViCE CAMMISSION �- H35 this per50nHirm evef WoAc2d Under a contraCt for fhi5 department? _ C16COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE° YES NO � Explain all yes answers on aeparate aheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (4MO. What, When. Whare. Why)' , �i,.w�x'���' i{ "_1 k.�._ _ . ♦ . . ._ i1r UV� �.J l�J� ���� �`� �'���3��� ADVpNTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� �- "��� °�d'SVd ��� � � (��'� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORMATIOM (EXPIAIN) :ru �ntnL rnRnllVb iCL•D1L JU(� VJ y( 1�•L� M1O.U1� �.UL , __� ��� ..�� �.uc.u� �'•Ce'� CLASS IiI G� � ��LICENSE APPLI�ATI0�1 2��� , � � � I�' C�, r ,�t-���� T4 �BVTHP➢ttqitr S S S � � S n 5 COTpC�' 2�L'�C S�.0 f_/�.Q /� i� c� ./� �. Itbtu�ia� is iaeoepori� p�•e �sse of ioczpw.,ucy� Daa; Buaaas,4a: Buriaw Ad'wees� . Be�+�a� uiLt uoss stroea u�e bts�eas lxctad? 11tetDeyr�sesnc�•ocrspiad9 !'�� V�� Mail To Ad2ses:; wggl�es,i �torraa�on: Name �d'Tide: �_ � � F - e� � s FiomeAdc§eu:.�] � f�a u .�ti r��f, PLFASE TYPE 4R PRINT IN I\'K q�-1093 CITY OF SAE3T PALZ a�t� dL�, n,�:.;,-.,� L'Id f.�t+9lYM.:S37 pR+:�CSio.1 txs•sr.e�vxo � 4^l}�3Y_i+�Ca 1.:C1 :t::}:66.9C% 6a(e::l:�iFJ:t 7SSGZ. >Ldl1� �� � �`D/la � /�r ra. ci so.aMaw ��, - - - - � � ' �-LL_ Zip D�u �a�.�; � z• z y-��-- x� ��o: 93 i Sso y ---�.�_, Plea edBir.h: �rar.�.Gv."i(e� wi�� c - F��ve yw a�a ban sq�y;;iLQ ais� fda�, viae a�ioieda� of a�• eit�� ordincn:r ot�a L*: aa tra�c7 ti'F S ±a4 � �att af �rat: �,�,RT -_,_._-. Chxyc Coa�i�os � Seatmcc: :,it 7B� ��d �sic�cxces ,� tLroe Pcscas af �ood casal cbcacur� liviaa witLia tbe Tn�ia Citia Metro .� � a Sasadn:iy iater�ed "m tDe Pt�'s a bwiaea�, x'bo mry bt rd¢red to rr to t�e epplio�c's e5cactm: � na zelu�i to the spplicant A14T� . ADDRE53 PHONE � �� w�hich royy oiarm�ly hold foemaly' be14 n'smY I�ave m�tereat ia: . �� Ho�r mq• of[be abwe �c.me� lic�ia � �,.. NO lfya, lia tbe dna ad raaxaa far rsvocasioa v � 77t�s� JUN-03-1997 16�49 612 341 4442 9gZ p,�� 1}pe of Lic�se;s) bc_8 cpFlird far. 1PIh'tK1HL YNKK1Nb� - ItL��OlL � -- �uir va �i i.�•cr n�.vi� �. -- —'—. .+ac cva aacti r.n��Go Are you goiaQ to opar+:e this burineas persoailjy? YES ^?�o If nat, Who aili oyatak ii1 � I` �� ��, - !.L .,, . , i n_ �,�_ i ��� � x��d6� sr..���. c , a Aieyau go�tg to hne amrssger a qssistast ia tSis busiaesa7 _� YES P �P1ae the follouiag iafvrmntiaa: Q L!il � Fitt\� ALdmeLlL�! 5 e e. t'�T �,� 4. . ��: �� Plene li�c saa easploymmt histoey rar the pm�icw Hve (s) yea pn;ea: � ... .,... 0 l�.7G�Ti.�I='l�Li /� ���{(�-�Il�/riL !�' � _ ♦ . :.• • � �- .::. .,. Z ND If the mcuYer is na sbe caee u t�e ope�tor, H01� SUSUIESS DAIE OF PHOISE PHONE �� _, Ifb�� pvtyrsship. please ioclude tbe followiag infacmatioa fos uca parms (tue additiaul P+8 ��+s3')� � 1 st�. �ek.� 3o.a �:�. cr,> ssr. z; aeae. r� ian�tya. aa�Ost�c.t (.wtiee� 1.a risxa;na Fiam, Ad�s+ .A�r Nree Ciey Btu� Zip Paoa 1�6e i _' : = �. NID�I�iOTA TAX IDFNRFICATION NVT+iHF.R • pussua� m��w of 1✓.iaxaot; I 984, Cheptcr 501. Arti�]c 6. Saepw 2(270.72) t7'cr Cle�ooc, ItA� of Liomset)� liaz+m8 avthorities are tsqu.rod to providc to tbe St:te of Mi�cswa Carmaasionea of Rav�,u, t2se Miacaotr buriae:s uoc idmti8aatioa aum6a cII tbe wcial no�w�iry numba �cocb liusae Ypphcmt t�adu the M�esae Govemmena Dsu Pracaoei Aci �d �e Foderol Privrcy Act of 1974, wt ue za�used to �dvix you of t6e tollowing mS+r�in4 tbe uae o[thc IvS�eau Ta IdmtiScanom Numbrr. •?his $ffamacoa mry be wed to deay �e ixv�x a tsaew� of yovr liam�x m t6e evem you owe N'.�nnesou aaFos, �Plrrya�a witGhoiding �r motcr ve�icle axc+.x tccer, - Upoo:eodviey &�i� iai23mttcq t�e IfomainB �b �+�PP i� �Y w the 2.�aae�a Departmrr� af Rrvmue. Howwe�, �maa t5c F��i n�c�mpe of tnfa�nDOa Agae�en� � Dmuaatiu of xw�e may �Pp�Y mramacoa w the I�rna( Ae�r Saviea, b1'moeae Toc �afioeDhavbas (Sa1ea � U�e Tn� 23�}� m+y bc obt�ed Etm me Sl�k ofMi�pot4 Sucoms Reoord� Deprtmm; 10 Rivar F.rlc Plw (612•396�61&1). `r#R I D � Sod+1 soaaity 2�htmba: �� 1 Lo g'D � �" TVfmoaola Tax tdc�riscaSm Nomber: 'Z �v D.S� .� ��� _ S i M�u 7a Idaccifle�ocn N+mmba i� aot requ'ved fa tbe buri:,na bem5 ��;+,.�. ��, y y� "X' in the bmc ana�� JUN-03-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 97Y Dae n�Bleti ?. 63 1�YtK1HL rHKK11VU IC�•O1L�J41 �u i �� 7t___ t �•�o�vu.vi� r_v� CER7IFICATIO�` OF WORKERS' CO�E� SATI0� CO\ y�i,�GE Y(.'RSUA,\7 TO ?�',�TESOTA S7ATliTE ] �6.] S2 t hee3y cc.;5• yu ], or m}• wzt}�t�v, t-� i7 to�'.plitxe ��71D Lhe •�i�:1;cs' compmsctim i�su: anu cove: egC Teiui emrn's of !✓:t�r.csota Stet'�ic 176.182, s'.:��:sitat 2. I s:so t�ad�su� t`a1 pnrisoa af f3+sc °=.'xtst�as �� N:s a"�5atic� consSmtrs st:Scic-�t grou:ds fot ad� r, u�cdcn cgais: all lixsts hdd, i�ctud.rg re�•ateoa ar.d F,up�sie: ot �.ti iiccauz p� �� � O�{�J A'er.tie of 1aF.�*snee Compsey: �Cl I/''� ��/Y� ( V1 �•�, Pas�y x,�bR: � k w� �8 k ��f S2 Cecazge fro� �/ lv io �/l.� I hn•� no �la;•as eo+xrcd �.da ���o�fiari compmsevon i:r,-c�ce (L\77uJ.,5) AhY FALSIFICATTON OBAICSR'ERS GIVF1�` OR'.L�TERTALSUB311TI'ED ., R�II,L RESLZi II�l DE.�7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATIOAI I beKby sace L�t I hnro aaaw ad aU of be praediag quer,ic3, �ad that the ics�'a-me:icas coateina� Lereia is uve:md acrrect to tae best of :vy lz�a�)edge d1d beliei 1 haeby sate Patba 'uct I heve ; ceireE ao monry a o;ha co�idcatio� b�• w�ay oi ;oa�, giR, tx�:buaoz w o;t�uiqc, o:'xr un ehn.�}•dis:los� �:�e app5cmoa W�ich 1 crau � s:bai�el 1 r.Laa un6e; ate-d thie pres�u :n�y be ias�xtw b3 police, fur, healtD od e•.�c eip� o°�5cials a1 �,p s�d ell r'saa u•hm ::: bsaesa ia in o?re:ioa SfYouure (It�QL'IR£D for.11 'FYt hill sotspt papmeet b; cE�b, c6.ek (mad� pa�•abl� lo Ct�} of Ss{a� Paun ar cndk oard (M!C ar V6a} Bas� IFPAYINC SYCREDIT GlRD PLF.lSE COl.lPLPTE PX8 F'OLLOWING �FURMATtUN: D:�:astestira ❑ V'ua . EXl'giAT10� DA7E: ACCOL':v'T JN.'.�FR ❑oja❑ ❑aa❑ ❑aaa �oo❑ ❑Qaa ••�ot�: If th;a tppliudaa ia fwd/l�quos rcktu� plwe eo:sd • Ciry af Saiat P:u} �1a►1rh',aspnetar, Stnti 4koa (265•S t 39), to roiiew p:acs. Ifany auhsteaual cheaace to sQVCture tre mocipued Dkue amuct a Cip of Seiat Panl Pian Examiaa an 266•9807 w aPPty for �-��,' �-.:�tz lf tbae re mp e�syes �o ttw pa�:ay lot, 8oa spur, a for nea operatio�R plwx aont�a � Ciry of Sunt P�u1 Za�ing iasgectot at Z6&A'708, :B ayyL:e*.!:a Y^-q.�_".sx �x T.�".c�'my dCtnmeIIi�. Yler�s utacL t3ae duettizisnEi x�+y iu8mic"r1a; �vur appiltauoa: 1. A daaild deacriptian cd the design, lociti� �d equcslbotagv a�cb. pn�i�a to be lia�a�ed (siu plan). 1be SeDva�in� data abadd be oa tht siu pJ� (ptd�cably m tu S 12' x 11' or 8 lr!' x 14' ptpv� • N�0. �. md pbow acm+bQ. • Tbe ictie �ould b0 �tstnd i� u{' ■ 2t1'. ^N sbov7d be iadiuled lowu� She tnp. • Plu� of �II p� feal�sst dtbo iakrio�r vf ttta ttoeaaod ftcility sneh es saoag m^�t. kitcba0. afficas. nPair asm, P��6.?��3 � • Ifs request is fat m'eddi0oo or expansioa of Tbc liccssed fw�7ip�, iadate both ttie atrent aru nad ths groposod apansiaa �. A mpy dyote kaee agre�mt a peaofdaworebip of t8e prop�ry. SP�CIb3C LICElvSE AYPLICATION9 REQLTgt� ADDITIONAL 1NFORMATION. PLEASE S8� R�l'EI�SE FOR DETAILS >>>> � �-3 T 1Q9'7 JUN-63-1997 16�50 612 341 4442 98% P,64